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JUN 1 1 1903

j^arbarli College liliracs










1 902

Principal Facts Relating to the Earth's Magnetism


Chief of Division o/'Terreslrial Ulagnctisi



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Preface 7

Definitions 9

Principal Facts Relating to the Earth's Magnetism.

Early History of the Compass.

Discovery of the Lodestone ii

Discovery of Polarity of Lodestone 12

Introduction of the Compass 15

Improvement of the Compass by Petrius Peregrinus 16

Improvement of the Compass by Flavio Gioja 20

Derivation of the word Compass 21

Voyages of Discovery 21

Compass Charts 21

Birth of the Science of Terrestrial Magnetism.

Discovery of the Magnetic Declination at Sea 22

Discovery of the Magnetic Declination on Land 2;

Early Methods for Determining the Magnetic Declination and the Earliest Values on

Land 2i

Discovery of the Magnetic Inclination


The Earth, a Great Magnet.

Gilbert's **
De Magnete" 34

The Variations of the Earth's Magnetism.

Discovery of Secular Change of Magnetic Declination 38

Characteristics of the Secular Change 40

Diurnal Variation

Annual Variation

Minor Periodic Fluctuations


Magnetic Storms

Magnetic Observatories 56

Magnetic Charts.

Isogonic Lines 62

Magnetic Meridians 63

Magnetic Surveys.

General Remarks 65
Historical Summary 67

Magnetic Survey of the United States


The Earth's Magnetic Poles and Magnetic Moment.

Magnetic Poles

Magnetic Moment 76

Determination of the True Meridian and the Magnetic Declination.

Determination of the True Meridian.

By Observations on Polaris

By Observations on the Sun


Determination of the Magnetic Declination.

With an Ordinary Compass or


With a Magnetometer 94



The Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories.

General Characteristics of the Secular Change in the United States


Secular Change Tables.

Explanatory Remarks 100

Tables .'

The Magnetic Declination in the United States and Outlying Territories for

January i, 1902.


Explanatory^ Remarks to Declination Tables


Chart of the Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination in the United States for

Previous Isogonic Charts by the Coast and Geodetic Surv'^ey 118

Isogonic Chart of the United States for

1902 119

Secular Motion of the Agonic Line in the United States 122

Isogonic Chart of Alaska for

1902 122

Local Disturbances of Compass in Alaska 1 23

Isogonic Charts of the Other Outlying Territories 1 23

Table op the Most Recent Magnetic Declinations Observed in the United States

AND Outlying Territories, Reduced to January i, 1902 124

Descriptions of Magnetic Stations Occupied by the Coast and Geodetic Survey

Between 1881 and June 267

30, 1902



I. A Japanese South-pointing Cart (seventh century A. D. ) 13

2. Floating Compass used by Peregrinus ( 1269) ; 19


Double Pivoted Compass invented by Peregrinus ( 1269) 19


Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination for (van Bemmelen)

4. 1500 23

Compass Sun-dial showing Earliest Magnetic Declination at Paris ( )

5. 1541 25

6. First Dip Circle (Norman's, 1576) 32

Norman's Experiment showing Action of the Earth Magnetic Needle

7. on a 33

8. Comparison of the Secular Change Curves of the Magnetic Declination at various Stations

in the Northern Hemisphere 44

Curves showing Secular Change in Magnetic Declination and Dip at London, Boston, and

Baltimore 45

10. Comparison of Curve showing Change in Magnetic Declination and Dip along Parallel of

Latitude 40" North in 1885, with Curve showing Secular Change at Rome 46

Diagram showing Diurnal Variation of the Magnetic Declination at Baldwin, Kansas., 48

II. 1901 . .

12. Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Observatory at Cheltenham, Maryland 57

Eschenhagen Magnetograph at Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Observatory, Baldwin,



Magnetograms showing Guatemala Earthquake Disturbance at Cheltenham Magnetic


Observatory, April 18, 1902 60

15. Magnetic Disturbance at Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory, April lo-ii, 1902 61

16. Magnetic Disturbance at Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory at time of Martinique canic


Eruption, May 8, 61

Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination for 1600 (Hansteen) 62


18. (( ti "*
i70o(Halley) 62

(i ((
1800 (Hansteen) 62

i( "( "
1858 (British Admiralty) 62

"( ti " " " **
1905 ( '" '"
) 64

(( (I
Dip "
1905 ( ** ""
) 64

Magnetic Meridians for 1836 ( Duperrey ) 64


24. Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination in the Polar Regions for 1885 (Neumayer) 64

Mean Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination, 1890-1900 (Neumayer) 66


26. Map of Region around North Magnetic Pole (Schott, 1890) 75

Diagram of principal Stars in the Constellations Cassiopeia and Great Bear 84


28. Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetometer 95

Map showing Positions of the Agonic Line between and (Schott) 123
29. 1700 1900


Frontispiece. "
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Office.

I. Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination and of Equal Annual Change in the United States for

II. Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination in Alaska for



The "United States Magnetic Declination Tables for 1902" is a

continuation of

the series of begun in 1855, treating of the magnetic declination in the United

States; and published, with the authority of law, by the Coast and Geodetic Survey.

The previous contained the magnetic declination tables and accompanying


charts of lines of equal magnetic declination (isogonic charts) for the following epochs,

successively: 1850 (first edition), 1850 (second edition), i860, 1870, 1875, 1885, 1890,

and the last published in 1897. The accumulation of much additional material

since the date of the last publication and the constantly increasing demand for magnetic

data have made it imperative to bring the tables to date.


Owing to the large number of stations that it has been possible to occupy annually

since July 1899, w^hen the facilities and means

for magnetic work were enlarged, the

present can,
if be followed by another in a
few bringing the
paper necessary, years

results to Thereafter it is proposed to issue the publication at suitable vals.

up 1905.

In addition it is the intention to publish the results obtained by the magnetic

parties of the Coast and Geodetic Survey during each in the **

Annual Report of

the Superintendent.*'

In order to meet the demand for general information regarding the Earth's

phenomena, the present tables have been prefaced by a

historical and descriptive

accompanied by numerous' and pertinent illustrations, of the principal facts


of the Earth's magnetism. It is believed that this will be a

welcome addition, cially

at this time, when such marked attention is being paid, at home and abroad, to the

study of the remarkable facts concerning the physical history of our planet, as revealed

by the magnetic needle. One of the greatest students of magnetism of all times, Clerk

Maxwell, says:

The field of investigation into which we are
introduced by the study of terrestial

magnetism is as profound as
it is extensive. We know that the Sun and the Moon act

the Earth's magnetism. It has been that this action not be explained
on proven can

by supposing these bodies to be magnets. The action is therefore indirect. In the

of the Sun, part of it
be thermal action, but in the case of the Moon, we can

attribute it this * * * What whether exterior

not to cause. cause, to the Earth or

in its inner depths, produces such enormous changes in the Earth's magnetism that its

magnetic poles move slowly from one part of the globe to another? When consider

that the intensity of the magnetization of the great globe of the Earth is quite able

with that which we produce with much difficulty in

our. steel magnets, these

immense changes in so large a body force us to conclude that we are not yet acquainted

with one
of the most powerful agents in nature, the scene
of whose activity lies in those

inner depths of the Earth, to the knowledge of which we

have so
few of access."


A chapter has been added giving briefly methods for determining meridian lines

and the magnetic declination, and in another set forth the facts concerning the

secular change of the magnetic declination in the United States and outlying tories,

accompanied by the tables of the amount of change for various periods.


The accompanying Chart of the * '

Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination in the

United States ' '

contains, in addition, the ' *
Lines of Equal Annual Change," thus adding

greatl)' to the convenience in the practical utilization of the Chart. With their aid the

corrections to the ' *

Lines of Equal Magnetic Declination ' '
subsequent year prior

to the next edition readily be made. The Chart, stated in its legend, is based
can as on

all known obser\^ations to date, and refers to January The base

up i, 1902. map tains

sufficient physical features and names

of towns to render it possible to locate

readily the desired place.

on map any

The "Magnetic Declination Tables," forming the main body of the publication,

contain about 8000 entries, and are

the most complete tabular presentation of tion

values in the United States.

* '
Descriptions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Stations occupied

betw^een 1881 and June 1902," conclude the publication. The descriptions of the

stations previous to 1881 are

contained in Appendix Report for 1881.

An has thus been made give in publication all the data and tables
attempt to one

required by those who will have occasion to make of it.


In conclusion, I take pleasure in acknowledging the able assistance rendered by

Mr. D. L. Hazard, Computer of the Division of Terrestrial Magnetism, to whom was

intrusted the preparation of the ** Tables" (Secular Change and Magnetic tion)

and the "Descriptions of Stations," various assigned temporarily to the


Division rendering him less aid. He has thoroughly re\ased and systematized
more or

the secular change tables, a piece of work requiring great nice discrimination, and

good judgment.

To avoid the confusion arising from the misuse of the * * variation of

use or

the the following instead this

cx)mpass/* terms
used throughout publication:

Magnetic declination: The angle by which the needle points the

to east

of north.
west true

Secular change of the magnetic declination: The change in the magnetic declination

with the of



Discovery of the Lodestone.

Many centuries before the Christian era

writers referred to a mysterious * *
* *

possessing remarkable properties, chief of which was

its to
' '
draw to it the all-

conquering iron." Its earliest names to be Hercules stone (heraclein stone),


magnet-stone, Lydian stone, siderit (iron stone), and also briefly **

stone." Later the

stone" and **
Hercules stone*' to the name
gave way

The precise derivation of the term

magnet," which has now
become the most

is difficult to ascertain. Lucretius (99-55 B. C.) it called
one, says was

"magnet" from the place from which it was

obtained "
''in the native hills of the

Magnesians." However, Pliny (23-79 A. D.) relates a prettier legend, as copied from

the Nicander (second century B. C), that the shepherd, **Magnes" by

poet name,

while guarding his flock on

the slopes of Mount Ida, suddenly found the iron ferrule

of his staff and the nails of his shoes clinging to a

stone," which became known

after him as
the Magnes stone" or magnet.

The fundamental property of the lodestone of attracHfig iron was certainly known to

the Greeks toward the close of the seventh century B, C^ 2"

it is mentioned by Thales,

who lived between 640-546 B. C.

Magnetic mountains which caused ships to fall to pieces by drawing from their

sides the iron nails, or, by disturbing the

caused to be dashed to pieces on

rocks the vessel that was unlucky enough to come

within too close proximity to their

influence, remained in the category of sea terrors until but a comparatively short


In writings of the middle find used for the term **adames," which
ages we magnet

also meant diamond; in the oriental history of the Cardinal Jaques de Vitry, of
e. g.,

about the 1218. The Italian term was "calamita;" the Dutch, **mag^etsteen;"

and *'zehl-steen" (sailing stone) ;

the Icelandic, '*leider-steen" (lead stone), from which

the English term of lodestone^ is derived; the Hungarian, **magnet-ko" (magnet

stone); the Polish, "magnes" and **

magnet;" the Croatian, "zelezoolek" (which

attracts iron); theDalmatian, '*zoosdotegh" (which draws nails); the French, "aimant"

(loving stone); the Spanish, **piedramant;" and the German, *'magness," "siegel-

stein," and **magnetstein." The lodestone was

also called by early English writers

adamant stone."

" Also spelled loadstone^ the spelling used in this publication being the preferable one, however,

as more clearly showing the derivation.


back than 800 before Legge fixes the beginning of worthy

dating more years our era.

826 B.C., and Plath at 841 B. C. It is apparent, therefore, that

chronology at

and traditions which form the basis for the assertion of

in dealing with the legends

the Chinese ancient epochs, the doubt whether

knowledge of the magnet by at very

mythology history is im3\oidable. "

they properly belong to or to

known in the second half of the seventh

In Japan these south -pointing carts were

of picture contained in Vol. XXIII of the

century A. D. Figure i
is a reproduction a

and taken from Urbanitzky's book Electricitiit im

large Japanese encyclopedia
which the writer is indebted for various reference.s.
Alterthunie, to

other references to the have been cited as appearing in earh- nese

Several compass

first direct their knowledge of the propertj- of

records. The statement as to

is said have occurred in Chinese dictionary completed about 121 A. D., a

polarity to a

when least the attractive properties of the

period at

lodestone had been known to European nations for six

centuries and According to Benjamin, ' ' this


consists of but six Chinese characters iu the


Choue-Wen, where the character 'Tseu' is


defined '
the name
of a stone with which the needle

is directed,' Even this is known only by citations in

later works."

Whatever doubt be raised regarding these


early Chinese references, the fact is that the lodestone,

magnetite, is known to have existed Ju the iron


deposits extensively worked in Shensi in 220 B. C, so

that the Chinese had ample opportunities for becoming

familiar with the properties of the lodestone.

The first reference to the use

of the for

navigational is found in the Chinese

purposes clopedia,

Poei-wen-yun-fou. It is said that under the

Tsin dynasty, between 265 and A. D., "there

or 419

were ships indicating the south."

The most remarkable passage, however, occurring


17'h"emury a, o

in the early Chinese literature is one

toward the end of

the eleventh century of the Christian era

in a
work entitled "
Mung-Khi-pi-than," vizi"

"The soothsayers rub a

needle with a magnet stone, so that it mark the

south; however it declines constantly a

little to the east. It does not indicate the south

exactly. When this needle floats on

the water it is much agitated. If the finger-nails

touch the edge of the basin in which it floats they agitate it strongly; only it

continues to slide, and falls easily. It is better in order to show its virtues in the best

to suspend it as
follows: Take a single filament from a piece of new cotton and

attach it exactly to the middle of the needle by a bit of wax as large as a mustard seed.

Hang it in a place where there is no wind. Then the needle constantly shows the

south; but such needles there are some which, being rubbed, indicate the north.

Our soothsayers have some which show south and some which show north. Of this

" Ed. Biot; Coinpies reiiiius. t. XIX, S35. The is quoted from Beiijamiii's VkwU.
p. passage

property of the magnet to indicate the south, like that of the to show the

west, no one can tell the origin."

According to Klaproth, the same fact is related in a natural history compiled by
Kew-tsung-schy, in the 1111-1117, under the title of Pen-thsao-yan-i, and it is

stated that the **south end of the needle always shows, a deviation toward the point
'ping,' /. e,, E. f S.," hence \ of 90" or 15" east of south, so that the north end

pointed 15** west of north.

Benjamin "that the tendency of the magnetic needle to depart from the true

north appears to have been observed by the Chinese in the used

geomancers compasses

by them long before marine use of the instrument made. A so-called lite of
any was

Yi-hing, a Buddhist priest and imperial astronomer, undertakes to show that the

'variation' in the eighth century was nearly 3" west of south. Later we find the

adding special circles of symbols to the card, such circle of nine

geomancers compass as a

fictitious stars, a circle of sixty dragons, and so on, and, these, circles of points

especially constructed to allow for '

variation'. This was done in the
year 900 by Yang
Yi when the variation was 5" 15' east of south, and again three centuries later when it

had increased to 7" 30'" in the same direction."

The Chinese apparently would have to be credited by these with far

passages a

superior knowledge of the properties of the magnet than possessed at that period by the

European nations. They not only seemed to know of the magnetic declination of the

needle, by reason of which the needle did not point true north and south, but also pated

Europeans by several centuries in the most delicate method of suspension of a

needle by means of a fiber. The Jesuit Lana, according to Hansteen, is said to have

introduced the fiber suspension in Europe about 1686. According to Prof. Sylvanus
P. Thompson, however, the suspending of a magnetic needle by a thread occurs in the

Speculum Lapidum of Camillus Leonardus, published at Venice in


Klaproth, who made a special study of the early history of the found **
compass, no

indubitable use
' *
of the by the Chinese in navigation until toward the end of

the thirteenth century, at which time it had been on European ships for a century or

more. All efforts to satisfactorily account for the spread of the knowledge of the

properties of the lodestone from Eastern to Western nations, or vice versa, have thus

far failed.

Summing up all the evidence, it would seem that the prime properties of the lode-

stone "
attraction, polarity, directivity "
were doubtless discovered independently by the

Chinese and by the occidental peoples and that the preponderance of evidence of priority
at present would seem to be on the Chinese side.

The Chinese undoubtedly were the first to use the compass

in land jotuneys and in

the orientation of buildings and sites. It is related that, in the early part of the four-

o According to Klaproth, as cited above, this was 15".

ft The number of points of the compass, according to the Chinese, is twenty-four, which are

reckoned from the south pole; the form also of the instrument they employ is different from that

familiar to Europeans. The needle is peculiarly poised, with its point of suspension a little below

its center of gravity, and is exceedingly sensitive; it is seldom more than an inch in length and is

less than a line in thickness. It thus sufficiently evident that the Chinese are not indebted

to Western nations for their knowledge of the use of the compass. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th
ed.,art. Compass.)

teenth century (1314-1320A. D.), the temple of Yao-mu-ngan was oriented in this

It is an interesting fact that they were guided by the south end of the needle,

their name for compass being * *

ting-nan-ching, ' *
or needle pointing to the south. This

probably because in China the south is considered the honorable quarter,


the Emperor taking his position facing south, and prominent buildings being placed
facing south. To distinguish the south end of the needle from the north end it was

painted red.

Introduction of the Compass.

The earliest definite mention as yet known of the use of the in the Middle

Ages occurs in a treatise entitled **De Utensilibus," written toward the end of the

twelfth century by an English monk, Alexander Neckam. He says :

The sailors, moreover, as they sail over the sea, when in cloudy weather they can

not longer profit by the light of the sun, or when the world is wrapped in the darkness

of the shades of night, and they ignorant to what part of the horizon the is
are prow

directed, place the needle over the magnet, which is whirled round in a circle, until,

when the motion ceases, the point of it (the needle) looks to the north."

Soon after the introduction of the laws were framed against the f alsif3dng

of the One of the most common beliefs which prevailed for centuries
compass. many

was known as the **garlic myth" and mariners were charged not to eat onions or garlic
lest the odor "deprive the stone of its virtue by weakening it and prevent them from

perceiving their correct course." **

In the following extract from a poem entitled *

'Love's Complaint," found by

M. Paulin Paris, distinguished antiquarian, in a MS. of which he attributed to

a 1329

William the Clerk, a vassal of Sire Rauf or Raul, who fought in the wars of Frederick I

in Italy (11 to 1177) the following description of the used at that

59 appears compass

Who would of his course be sure.

When the clouds the sky obscure,

He an iron needle must

In the cork wood firmly thrust.

L/et the iron virtue lack

Rub it with the lodestone black,

In a cup with flowing brim,

Let the cork on water swim,

When at length the tremor ends.

Note the the needle tends :

Though its place no eye can see "

There the polar star will be.

Furthermore, in the preceding verse he to assign the cause for the north

and south pointing of the needle to the attractive influence of the polar star, a belief

current until Gilbert's time (1600).

"t One of these laws was as follows: *'

Whoever, being moved by sedition, shall menace the master

pilot of ship with the sword, shall to interfere with the nautical
or a or presume gnomon or compass,

and especially, shall falsify the part of the lodestone upon which the guidance of all may depend, or

shall commit like abominable crimes in the ship or elsewhere, shall, if his life be spared, be punished

by having the hand which he most uses fastened, by a dagger or knife thrust through it, to the mast

or principal timber of the ship, to be withdrawn only by tearing it free." (Benjamin's Intellectual

Rise in Electricity. )

Allusions to the the early writers began to multiply,

compass among now e. g.,

Guyot de Provins, in a poem written 1208, Cardinal de Vitry (12 18), and others.

In a poem by Guido Guinicelli, an Italian priest who died in 1276, the following
suggestive lines occur:

In what strange regions 'neath the polar star

May the great hills of lodestone rise,

Virtue imparting to the ambient air

To draw the stubborn iron; while afar

From that same stone the hidden virtue flies

To turn the quivering needle to the Bear,

In splendor blazing in the Northern skies.

Matthew Paris, in relating the sending of the first papal legate to Scotland in 1247,

says he ' *
drew the money out of the Scots to himself as strongly as the adamant does


In the middle of the thirteenth century the compass was in regular use the

Bacon appears to have had his attention directed to the lodestone, which he calls

"the miracle of nature," by Glanvil's encyclopedic work, written about 1250. He

* *
that the iron which is touched by the lodestone follows the part of the latter

which excites it, and flies from the other part, and that it turns to the part of the

heavens to which the part of the magnet wherewith it was rubbed conforms. ' '

"that it is not the polar star which influences the magnet, for if such were the

case the iron would always be attracted toward the star; on the contrary, the rubbed

portion of the iron will follow the rubbed part of the magnet in any direction, ward

or forward, or to the right or left," etc."

Improvement of the Compass by Petrius Peregrinus.

We now turn to one of the most famous of the writings of the Middle Ages. Bacon

in his * *
Opus tertium ' '

* *
there are but two perfect mathematicians, Master John

of London and Master Petrius de Maharn, curia, a Picard." Peter stands especially

high in his estimation. He was the author of the famous letter known as
Petri Peregrini de Maricourt ad Sygerum de Foucaucourt militem de Magnete."
This letter **on the magnet," written by the nobleman Pierre de Maricourt on

August 1269, to his friend and neighbor Syger de Foucaucourt, is probably the est

European treatise on the magnet. The author's surname **de Maricourt" is

derived from a little village in Picardy, France, from whence he came. He is, however,

more generally referred to as "Petrius Peregrinus," the appellation of Peregrinus or

Pilgrim indicating that he had taken part in the Crusades. He was a partisan of

Charles of Anjou, who had been crowned King of the two Sicilies by Pope Urban IV,

and who was laying siege for a second time to the town o" Lucera, situated in the ince

of Apulia in southern Italy. Under the walls of this town Peregrinus wrote his

memorable * '
' *
which became known to of the learned men of his time

and succeeding centuries and had considerable influence on early writers on magnetism.
It reproduced in 1558 with an introduction and comments by Achilles Gasser, a

"If this quotation be correct as taken from Benjamin, then the latter part of Bacon's statement,

"that the iron turns to the part of the heavens to which the part of the magnet wherewith it was

rubbed conforms," is incorrect. The contrary, as we shall see later, is the case.

physician of Lindau, Germany, and again by subsequent authors, and more recently
by Hellmann in his excellent series of Berlin reprints, "
Neudrucke" "
Rara Magnetica
No. 10.

Peregrinus was a man of learning, had the academic title of "

magister,'* and, as

stated, was regarded very highly by his contemporary, Roger Bacon. The deductions

in his letter reveal in general a clear insight and sound reasoning They
powers. are

based usually on actual experiment, which doubtless accounts for the influence his tle

treatise exerted.

Some of the facts which Peregrinus cites in his letter had been previously known.

However, he appears to have had the faculty of putting them in precise language. A

of the contents of the letter will be found in Benjamin's book, from which

the quotations below have been taken.

Peregrinus, in direct contradiction to the earlier "^Titers, who invariably preferred

the lodestone from India, gives preference to the one from northern Europe, which was

used principally by sailors in the northern seas.

He explains how the poles of a magnet may be found, thus:

* *
The stone is to be made in globular form and polished in the same as
way are

crystals and other stones. Thus it is caused to conform in shape to the celestial sphere.
Now place upon it a needle or elongated piece of iron, and draw a line in the direction

of the length of the needle, dividing the stone in two. Then put the needle in another

place on the stone, and draw another line in the same way. This be repeated w^ith

the needle in other positions. All of the lines thus drawn will run together in two

points, just as all the meridian circles of the world run together in two opposite poles
of the world. ' *

Peregrinus probably first found the poles in the that is above described.

Then, afterwards, he remarked that at the points so determined the needle was more

strongly attracted than elsewhere. Consequently, he sees that the poles can be detected

without marking the meridians by simply noting the places on the stones where the

needle is most frequently and powerfully drawn. ''If, however," he continues, "you
wish to be precise, break the needle so as to get a short piece about two nails in length.
Place this on the supposed polar point. If the needle stands perpendicularly to the

surface of the stone such point is the true pole; if not, then move the needle about

until the place is found where it does thus stand erect. If these points are accurately
ascertained and the stone -is homogeneous and well chosen," he adds, "they will be

drawn diametrically opposite one another, like the poles of the sphere. * '

If the Earth's magnetism were uniformly distributed, Peregrinus's method of

"converging magnetic meridians "

could be applied to determine with greater accuracy,
and certainly with more comfort, the position of the Earth's magnetic poles than by

specially equipped expeditions to the arctic and antarctic regions. It would suffice

to select a few well-chosen stations in easily accessible and climatically comfortable

regions, to determine accurately the magnetic declination of the needle at these points,
and to determine by an easy computation the points of intersection of the great circles

passing through the directions at the selected stations. It will be

compass seen,

"i Sparing as Gilbert is in conceding the excellence of work on magnetism prior to his
any own,

the **De Magnete" of 1600, he characterizes Peregrinus's work "as erudite book, considering
a gretty
the time."

27478 " 02 2

however, that owing to the great irregularity in the distribution of the Earth's

magnetism this method is not admissible, and would give positions for the magnetic
poles diflFering considerably from the actual positions.
Peregrinus next explains how to designate the two poles and to distinguish them

from each other.

"Take," says Peregrinus, **a wooden vessel, round, like a dish or platter, and

put the stone in it so that the two points of the stone be equidistant from the

edge; then put this in a larger vessel containing water, so that the stone float like

a sailor in a boat. The stone so placed will turn in its little vessel until the north pole
of the stone will stand in the direction of the north pole of the heavens, and the south

pole in that of the south pole of the heavens; and if it be removed from this position,
it will return thereto by the will of God. Since the north and south parts of the

heavens are known, so will they be known in the stone, because each part of the stone

will turn itself to its corresponding part of the heavens.*'

Then, '*If the north part of the stone, which hold, be brought to the south

part of the stone floating in the vessel, the floating stone will follow the stone hold,

as if wishing to adhere to it; and, if the south part of the held stone be brought to the

north part of the floating stone, the same thing wnll happen. Know it, therefore, as a

law," he "that the north part of one stone attracts the south part of another stone
says, ^

and the south the yiorthy

We thus have a recognition of the well-known fact that unlike magnetic poles
attract each other and while Peregrinus does not explicitly state the additional fact

that like poles repel each other, it stands to reason that in the course of his ments
the fact of repulsion of like poles must likewise have manifested itself to him,

especially, as it was known to his master, Bacon. However, it was customary for the

early writers to speak simply of the *

"^attractive virtue of the magnet.
' '

It will be noticed that Peregrinus designated that part of the lodestone which

points to the north a^ the north end or pole, and that part which is directed to the south,
the south pole. He * '
You will infer what part of the iron is attracted to each part

of the heavens from knowing that the part of the iron which has touched the southern

part of the magnet is turned to the northern part of the sky. The contrary will happen
with respect to that end of the iron which has touched the north part of the stone,

namely, it will direct itself towards the south."

This is the first clear and accurate statement regarding the character of the poles
induced in the * *
iron "
by its "
touch ' '
with the * *
' '
or lodestone, and the quarter
of the heavens to which each pole will point, if the iron be freely suspended." It will

be noted that Bacon's statement (p. 16) is just the reverse of that of Peregrinus.
According to the laws of magnetism, the part of the iron touched by the magnet

or lodestone will have induced in it a magnetic pole of an opposite kind to that in the

end of the magnet used. Furthermore, since like poles repel and unlike ones attract

each other, it is manifest that if the north end of a is called the north pole, the

magnetism in the northern regions of the earth must be of the south pole kind, wise

we should have repulsion instead of attraction. Or, if in the north end of the

there resides magnetism of the south pole kind, then the earth's north magnetic

A Benjamin, thinking that Peregrinus had committed an error in his statement, offers various

cpologies for him.



pole has magnetism of the north pole kind. To avoid this confusion the north end of

the compass is frequently referred to as "the north-seeking or north-pointing end,"

and the south end as the "south-seeking or south-pointing end." The part of the
iron," then, which touches the north-seeking end of the magnet will have magnetism
of the south-seeking kind induced in it, and will point or be attracted to the south

when the iron is delicately supported, and the part which is rubbed by the south-seeking
end of the magnet has induced in it a pole of the north-seeking kind and hence will

point to the north.

The chief achievement of Peregrinus was his improvement of the mariner's compass ^

which at that time was a very crude contrivance indeed, the magnet being supported by
a reed floating in a vessel of water, and provided neither with an index to reckon from

nor with a compass card. He combined the compass with the nautical astrolabe for

measuring the sun's altitude, provided a fiducial line, or the so-called "lubber's point,"
and a graduated scale, thus enabling the mariner not only to steer his ship more truly,
but likewise to determine the azimuth of a heavenly body. At first he floated his

compass, but later introduced for the first time the pivoted or, rather, socketed

compass, the description of which, as given by Benjamin, is as


"The floatingbowl and the large vessel of water are ished,


and in place of them there is the ordinary circular com-

Pio. 2. " Floating compass used

by Peregrinus (1269). Fio. 3." Double-pivoted compass invented by Peregrinus (1269).

box of to-day. Its edges are marked as those of the bowl were with the degree
pass "

of the circle. It is covered with a plate of glass. In the center of the instrument, and

stepped in the glass and in the bottom of the box, is a pivot, throtigh which
cover passes
the compass needle, now no longer an ovoid lodestone, but a true needle of steel or iron.

Then at right angles to this needle is another needle, which, curiously enough, he says is

to be made of silver Pivoted above the glass cover is an azimuth bar, as before,
or copper.
with sight pins at the ends. Now, he says, you are to magnetize the needle by means of

the lodestone in the usual way, so that it will point north and south, and then the muth

bar is to be turned on its center so as to be directed toward the sun or heavenly

bodies, and in this of course, the azimuth is easily measured. In fact, the device
is the azimuth of the present time. *By means of this instrument,' says

direct your course toward cities and islands and all other parts
you may

of the world, either on land or at sea, provided you are acquainted with the longitudes
and latitudes of those places.'
Figure 2 represents the floating compass used by Peregrinus, and figure 3 his

double-pivoted Both figures have been directly reproduced from the memoirs

on Peregrinus by Bertelli, who made the subject a special study.


The character of the compass used in Mediterranean waters in the fourteenth

century is seen from a statement of Da Buti's in 1380: '*The navigators have a

in the middle of which is pivoted wheel of light which turns on its

compass, a paper

I"vot, and that on this wheel the needle is fixed and the star (Rose of the Winds)

painted.** The adoption of this by the English did not apparently take place

for some time, as Chaucer does not mention until the division of the circle
1391 compass

into points instead of points.

32 24

" " ""


The following quotation is from Prof. J. A. Fleming's lecture on

' '
The Earth a

Great Magnet,'* delivered at Bristol, England, in 1898:

**The word compass is an old English word, signifying a circle. *
My green bed

embroidered with a compass

is mentioned in the will of Edward, Duke of York, who

died in 1415.
' *
The well-known instrument for describing a circle is called a compass or pair of

compasses. To encompass means to surround as by a circle, and most of

you at some

time or another have seen a public house with the sign of the '
Goat and the compasses,*
which antiquarians tell us is only a corruption of the old pious house motto, *God

encompasses us.* Hence the magnetic instrument takes its familiar name from the

circle of degrees or points which Peregrinus or Gioja added to enable it to indicate the

angular distance of an object from the meridian. ' '


Under the initiative of Prince Henry of Portugal " Henry the Navigator "

founded a naval college, corrected charts, improved and made other advances

in navigation, the played an important part in the great of discovery

compass voyages

of the fifteenth century. No important discovery relating to the resulted,


however, until the memorable of Columbus in Before passing to this

voyage 1492.

mention should be made of the former charts toward the close of the fourteenth

century and the first half of the fifteenth.

Compass Charts.

The earl}' charts of the Mediterranean coasts of the fourteenth and fifteenth

centuries oriented by the and all bearings from to another

were compass one port were

compass directions; hence these charts are known as


compass charts. * *
It will be

recalled that at their date the magnetic declination of the compass had not become

known; it was believed that the

compass pointed **true to the north pole,'* and that,

hence, directions were also true directions. If showed marked

compass a compass any

departure from the true north this was accredited to mechanical imperfection in its


The earliest of these charts were by Marino Sanuto, between 1306 and 1324.

The best, however, are those in the atlas of Andrea Bianco of the 1436 and this atlas

has been subjected to a critical examination by Oscar Peschel.^ He found that in spite

^Der Atlas des Andrea Bianco' vom Jahre 1436, in zehn Tafeln. Photographische Facsimile in

der Grosse des Originals, vollstandig heraiisgegeben von Max Miinster und mit einem Vorworte

versehen von Oscar Peschel. Venedig, H. F. M. Miinster, 1869.


of the crude appliances in use at that date the distances from place to place harmonized

with later, more accurate determinations in a most remarkable manner, but the places
not always in their parallels of latitude, their departure therefrom varying
were proper

in a perfectly systematic manner. Thus two places on the west Mediterranean coast

in the same parallel of latitude as places on the east Mediterranean coast, which

as a matter of fact are situated in lower latitudes. In other words, the places had been

plotted according to magnetic meridians and parallels. By measuring the angle for

Rome, through which the chart ^ had to be turned in an ENW. direction, in order

that the various places would fall in their geographic parallels, the writer found

that the magnetic declination at Rome was about 5" East in 14.^6 {or mx"re likely
before since the charts were undoubtedly constructed from data obtained during
m^ny years

prior to date of publication, //j"5). This is the earliest information at preseyit obtainable

regarding the amount of the magnetic declinatio?i in Europe.


Discovery of the Magnetic Declination at Sea.

That the needle pointed * *

true to the pole ' *
of the heavens or to the pole star had

been, have the general belief to the close of the fifteenth century. It
as we seen, up

remained for the terrorized sailors on Columbus's first to the New World to

be made aware of the next great fact of the Earth's magnetism, viz, that the needle

changes its direction from place to place and points exactly north and south over but

limited region of the Earth.

a ver"^

It will be recalled that after leaving Palos Columbus set sail for Gomera, of

the Canary Islands, from whence he laid his course due west. Not days out

from Gomera, on September to the great consternation of the sailors, it

13, 1492, was

noticed that ' *

at the first of the evening of this day the needles varied to the N W. and

about much in the direction. * * *

the next morning as same September 17 the

pilot took the sun's amplitude and found that the needle varied to the NW. a whole

point of the compass.

The seamen were terrified and dismayed, w^ithout saying w^hy.
The admiral discovered the cause and directed them to take the amplitude again next

morning, when they found that the needles were true. The cause was that the star

while the needles remained *

moved from its place, stationary."

Before this time, as will be seen from Fig. which gives the lines of equal magnetic

declination for as recently drawn by van Bemmelen, the had pointed

1500, compass a

few degrees east of north, but the amount, about 3" at Palos and at Gomera, was too

small to attract special attention, and if it had it would have been attributed to an

imperfection in the construction of the compass. The compasses used were doubtless

divided into points (ti3^") and half points, allowing quarter points (about 3") to be

estimated. (In Fig. the minus sign means east declination.)


After leaving Gomera the easterly declination of the it will be

compass, seen,

steadily diminished, until about September when it observed in the evening to

13, was

"Bianco's chart in E. Mayer's *'

Die Entwickelung der Seekarten, Wien, 1877" was used.

" Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus to America, translated by Sanmel Kettell.

Published by Thomas B. Wail " Son, Boston; G. C. Carvill, New York, and Carey " I^ea, phia,


from east to west. According to Schott*s computation,^ the flagship of Columbus


was at noon on September in north latitude 28" 21', and in longitude 29" 16'
13, 1492,

west of Greenwich. This position is probably not far from the place through which

the Hne of no magnetic declination "

the so-called agonic line "
along which the needle

did stand * *
true to the pole,
' '
passed at that date. This line, as is seen from Fig. laj'

a little to the west of Fayal Island of the Azores.

It will be noticed from the above extracts that on September 17 Columbus had

far enough west of this line to have had the bear a whole point ( "
J4^ )
gone compass 1 1

to the west. That the next morning "the needles were true again" is inexplicable,
except that in order to allay the fears of his sailors he practiced some pardonable tion
on them, and possibly have changed the points of the as he had done,
may compass,

according to his own confession, once

before on another in order to force the

inclination of a possibly mutinous crew to his will.


Pig. 4. " I,ines of equal magnetic declination tor 1500 (van Bexnmelen).

The explanation which Columbus for the departure of the needles observed
between September and that the North Star moved in its while the needles
13 17, place,
remained stationary, of fiction the of his
was, course, a mere to quiet apprehensions
crew. Columbus, according to the history written by his son, believed, as did Pere-

grinus and Bacon, that the needle was attracted or directed not by the Pole Star, but

by all points of the heavens.

According to Schott's investigations, it would seem that toward the end of tember,
when about in midocean, the needle had reached its maximum westerly pointing; continued to diminish, until at the first landing place of Columbus, which,

according to the researches of Lieut. J. B. Murdock,^ of the United States Navy, appears

unquestionably to have occurred at Watlings Island, the needle bore but a

trifle west.

"See Appendix No. 19, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1880, p. 5, and

Appendix No. 7, report for 1888, p. 305.

ft "The Cruise of Columbus in the Bahamas, Proceedings of the
1492." U. S. Naval Institute

No. 30, Annapolis, April, 1884.


Columbus himself does not mention the declination of the after

compass tember
17, nor does he say anything about the behavior of the his
compass on

return nor does he record anything regarding the his second

voyage, compass on voj^age

(1493-1496), nor on the fourth (1502-1504). However, on the third (from


1498 to 1500), he writes as follows:

"I remarked that from north to south in traversing these hundred leagues (300
geographical miles) from the said islands (Azores) the needle of the which

hitherto had turned toward the NE., turned a full quarter of the wind to the NW.,
and this took place from the time we reached that line.""

Continuing, he '*For in sailing thence (fr6m the Azores) westward the ship

went on rising smoothly toward the sky and then the weather was felt to be milder. On

account of which mildness the needle shifted one point of the the further
compass; we

went the more the needle went to the NW., this elevation producing the variation of

the circle which the North Star describes with its satellites.***

A second point in the line of no magnetic declination, situated farther north than

the one of Columbus, was found by Sebastian Cabot and dates from 1497 or 1498. He

found, when on the meridian no miles west of the island of Flores, one of the Azores,
and in latitude approximately 46" or 47", that he was in a position where the needle

had ' '

no variation. ' *

This line along which the needle pointed exactly to the north, one point of which

had been discovered by Columbus and another by Sebastian Cabot, was believed to be

a convenient line, given by nature herself,'* from which to reckon longitude, especially
as it almost passed through the place from which longitude was then reckoned, and it

figured prominently for in political geography as the line of demarcation

many years

between the rival kingdoms of Portugal and Castile. It can be seen, however, by

referring to Fig. that this line does not coincide with a true meridian and that it is

" Select letters of Columbus, 2d edition, translated and edited by H. Major, London, 1870; printed
for the Hakluyt Society, 131, 135.
'^ this and Geodetic for
Regarding passage Schott (App. 19, U.S. Coast Survey Report 1880, p. 414)
It is evident that the extract from the third is but an amplification of his first account,
says: voyage

and his conviction that west of the Azores, where the declination was a little easterly, it

changed to the westward, being nearly zero at Corvo, and gradually increasing to one point or 11" W.

at a distance of nautical miles west of the longitude of Corvo. The position of Rosario, on the

southeast part of the island of Corvo, is, according to the Carta Esf erica de las Islas Azores, Madrid, 1855,

in latitude 39" 41^ and longitude 24" 53^ west of San Fernando, or in 31" 07^ west of Green^nch

(according to the Conn, des Temps); 100 leagues or nautical miles west of this long^itude would

correspond (in latitude 28") to 5" 40^ and would bring the Columbus line in longitude 36" 47' W.'*

"^In App. 7, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1888, p. 305, second footnote, Schott

"Soon after the discovery by Columbus of a point of no

variation in the Atlantic, Sebastian

Cabot discovered a second one farther north and evidently belonging to the same agonic curve. Livio

Sanuto states in his Geographica Distincta (Venice, 1588) that he procured the information from

Sebastian Cabot and made use of his (probably that composed in 1544), on which the position of

the meridian intersecting the point of no variation was seen to be no miles to the west of the island

of Flores, one of the Azores; see Narrative and Critical History of America, by Justin Winsor, Vol. Ill,

Boston and New York, 1884, This discovery probably made on the second of the
p. 41. was voyage

Cabots, in 1498, although it may have been noted in the first, 1497, by the elder Cabot. The latitude

of the point is uncertain, but be approximated from the fact that in the first voyage land was

apparently sighted at Cape Breton, and in the second the coast of New Foundland (Baccalaos), which

is said to have been made from the north."


moreover a
devious and variable line, ever changing its course and form with the

lapse of time.

Thus by Ike end of the fifteenth century the two new facts that the compass needle does

not, in general, point true north or south, but a certain amount east or west, and that the

amount varies with locality, had become known western natiofis; Columbus must be

credited with their discovery." The necessity for measuring the angle of pointing of the

needle thus became apparent in and hence this must be regarded Ike of birth
1492, as year

of the science of terrestrial magnetism, which has for its special object the measurement of
ike earth's magnetic elements.

Discovery of the Magnetic Decunation on Land.

According to Hellmann,* "It was

the construction of sundials that first brought
those on
land to a true perception of the declination of the magnetic needle from the

astronomical meridian ' '

and ' '
not the discovery of Columbus, of which nothing appeared
in print." In the early part of the sixteenth century the quaint old German town of

Nuremburg quite center for the manufacture of sundial^ provided with magnetic
was a

needles, which found ready market not only in Germany but in other countries
a many

and were widely used.

One of the most famous of these "compass makers," as

the makers of these pass

sundials were called, was Georg Hartmann, who lived in Nuremburg from the

"" Columbus is generally credited merely with the discovery of the second fact, viz, the change of

the magnetic declination from place to place. However, no satisfactory evidence has thus far come

light, has been shown, that the first fact known before his time, apparently
to as was except among

the Chinese.

'""The Beginnings of Magnetic Observations," by G. Hellmann, Journal Terrestrial Magnetism,

Vol. IV, 73-86.


1518 until his death, serving as vicar of the famous church of St. Sebaldus.

Hartmann lived in Rome about 15 10 and appears to have made there the first tion

of the magnetic declination on land, finding that the magnetic needle pointed at

Rome 6" east of north. Apparently he did not make known this discovery until in a

letter written March to Count Albert of Prussia. In his letter he also

4, 1544, says

that at Nuremburg the needle points 10" and "at other places more or less."

Big. is reproduction of an ivory sundial found by Le Monnier " in the tion

5 a

of Prince de Conti and constructed by Hieronymus Bellarmartus. It shows that

the needle at Paris pointed in about 7" east this being the oldest known value at
1541 "


Early Methods for Determining the Magnetic Declination and the

Earliest Values on Land.

The earliest method was that used by Columbus of noting the magnetic bearing of

the Pole Star. A Sevillian apothecary, Felipe Guillen, devised an instrument which

he presented to the King of Portugal, Joao III, in and which he tenned ''

de variacidn,'' By means of this instrument the declination was determined by noting

with the aid of the shadow thrown by a stylus, the magnetic bearing of the Sun at

equal altitudes before and after noon; the half difference of the bearings was the nation.

The first one who published useful methods for determining the magnetic tion

to have been Francisco Falero in In Hellmann's * *
Rara Magnetica ' *

appears 1535.
is reproduced the special chapter on this subject entitled '
Del Nordestear de la

Agujas.*' According to Hellmann, in Falero* s book is found the first reference i?t print

to the magnetic declination.

He gives the following three methods for its determination: (i) Magnetic bearing
of Sun at apparent noon when the shadow of the stylus falls to the north: (2) Guillen's

method, and (3) magnetic bearing of Sun at sunrise and sunset.

In Pedro Nunes improved Guillen's instrument, adding the means for uring

the Sun's altitude and inventing a new method for the determination of latitude

at time' of day.

The first fairly extensive series of carefully made declinations at sea is due to Joao

de Castro, who in 1538 commanded one of eleven ships sent to the East Indies by the

Infanta Dom Luiz and who later became the fourth vice king of India. He diligently
made magnetic, meteorological, and hydrographic observations on the entire voyage.**

The first treatise published on the subject in England was that of W. Borough:

*'A Discours of the Variation," London, 1581, annexed to Norman's '*Newe ive,"

and republished with it three times (1585, 1596, and 1614). The methods

Falero's. Borough gives in this book his obsen^ations for mining

in principle are

the magnetic declination at London (Limehouse), on October 16, 1580, being

Le Monnier: '*Histoire de T Academic Royale de Sciences," Ann^e, The cut is

a 1771, p. 29.

reproduced from Hellman's article cited above.

'^Tratado del Esphera y

del arte del marear, Sevilla, 1535.

"*The collection and utilization of the values will be found in Bemnielen's '*
most recent van

Abweichung der Magnetnadel," Batavia, 1899.


doubtless the first observations printed in detail. He deduced from these a value of

11" 15' E."

The first collection of values (42) of the magnetic declination of the sixteenth

century, which, however, was far from being complete, was contained in Simon Stevin's

'*De Havenvinding,*' published in Dutch, at Leyden, in 1599.* This was translated

into Latin by Hugo de Groot (Grotius) under the title of ''/iijA"VTp"TtK?j sive portuum

investigandorum ratio,'* and likewise published in It was translated by


Edward Wright into English and published separately, and also appended to the third

edition of his Errors in Navigation; the table of declinations had appeared already

in the second edition of his work. The following definition of the magnetic declination

taken from Grotius' s translation is of interest: *'Declinatio magneticae ^ Septentrione

ad Orientem, avarXKr^os vocatur, Occidentem versus dvffiajjLo^^ et nomine universali

XaXi/36KXi(Tig:x^Xvfio'^^i(^t5^ ante et opdo/SopsodetStg generaU ^aA.t"y5ode/^"a?^

' '
nomine appellantur.
It will be seen that he used the tenn
magnetic declination" to denote what

Norman, Borough, and, later, Gilbert termed as "variation of the compass.^ The

same writers used the word **

declination "
to denote what is now known as dip or

* '
inclination. ' '
Because of this confusion of terms, careful scrutiny of the early ences


regarding ' *
declination '
is necessary. Instead of Grotius' s terms,
' *
anatolismos' '

for east declination and "dusismos" for west declination, the Dutch original has

**Ostering" and "Westering," respectively, whereas Wright uses "variation west"

and * '
variation east.
' '
The terminology of Grotius was extensivelv used by the teenth

century authors of works on magnetism in the Latin language. Ste\an's esting


little work owed its origin to the patronage of Count Moritz of Nassau, admiral

of the Dutch fleet, who saw the great importance in navigation of accurate knowledge
of the magnetic declination.

Table I represents an attempt to collect the values of the magnetic declination


to the year 1600, inclusive, for places on land or in its \'icinity, for which the year of

observation is known or for which it is possible to assign an approximate date. '


the fact of the secular change of th" magnetic declination did not become known until

the next century, it was not customary to affix a date to an observation.' The sign
it in the table means that the date is approximate. The values obtained with sea

compasses require careful scrutiny, as these compasses were frequently shifted to allow

for the supposed variation or "error" of the needle. Thus, Robert Norman, instru-

" Actual mean was 11" ly or nearly 11 3^", the quantity given by Gilbert in the "
De Magnete."
Both Norman and Borough persistently give 11** 15''. Gellibrand later recalculated Borough's vations,

making allowance for atmospheric refraction, and deduced a mean value of 11" 16''. (See
Walker's Terrestrial and Cosmical Magnetism,'* 1866. )
ft The table of values obtained Stevin from
was by the cartographer P. Plancius, who is said to

have entered them on a globe or a chart completed in 1592. Hence they refer to dates prior to 1592.
"^From x^^Xviff (genitive, x^^Xvfioi)^ steel, and tcXtyetVy to decline, hence, declination of the

"^The term "variation*' may have been derived from Guillen, who termed his instrument for

determining it "briijula de variaci6n." (See p. 26.)

" "And although this variation of the needle be found in Trauell to be divers and changeable, at

any land or fixed place assigned it remaineth always one, still permanent and abyding." R. Norman,
"The Newe Attractive," 1581.

Table I. "
Earliest values of the magnetic declination up to 1600 for places on land or in

its vicinity "


27 579 Bermejo Port

28 579 (?) Cape Mendocino


29 580, Apr. 17

30 580, June 1 1-16 Bildih

Oct. Derbent
31 580. 4

32 580, Oct. 16 .

33 580 I Paris
34 581 (before) I Vaigatch Island

35 587, Apr. '


36 587, May 25. Puna

37 587, Aug. Mauranilla

I Cape Corientes
38 587

39 587 Cape San Lucas (near)

40 587. June 30 G reenland, K. coast

41 587. July 23 Cumberland Bay,

NW. end

42 589, Aug. 14 Santa Cruz (Flores)

Fayal, in the town

43 589, Sept. 13

44 589, Sept. 22 do.

45 589, Sept. 23 do.

46 589, Nov. 12
NE.of CapeFinisterre

Off Cape St. Vincent

47 594

48 Off Cape Barbas

595, Jan.

49 595. Jan. Off Cape Roxo

Aug. Bay Aguada de Sam-

50 595, 4
bras (Mossel Bay?)

51 595, Sept. 3 Off Cape San Roman

52 596, June 22 Entrance Sunda Sts.

53 j 596. June 9 Bear Island (Cherry)

54 596, June 23 Hinlopen Strait

55 596, July 21 No\'a Zembla, Cross I.

596. July 31 do.

57 596 Nova Zembla, I"an-


58 596 Vaigatch Island

59 596 Williams Island

60 596 Yshoek

61 596 Nova Zembla

62 596-99 Graz

63 597. Feb. Bali Strait,eastendof

"4 597. Apr. 24 Africa (SB. coast)

65 597, May 4 Off Cape of Good


66 597, Aug. 11 Off Egmont

67 598. June 28 Off Martin Vaz I.

68 598, Sept. 38 Off Mauritius Island

69 598, Dec.
31 Off Bantam

a This value is given on a map by R. Dudley in the "Arcano del Mare,'* and preserved by Petrus Koerius. dated 16461
showing the coast of New Albion, discovered by Sir P. Drake in 1579. Narrative and critical hisfory of America, Justin
Winaor, vol. 2, Boston and New York, 1886.

^These observation.s according to Hansteen, were made by Wright with W. Boroughs' compass described in B.'s book

oThis value is given by Hansteen in one place as 7^^ 40'. in another as 7^ 04'; Van Bemmelen apparently rounds off

the value to 7".

d Not quite 2^.

Table I. "
Earliest values of the magnetic declination up to r 600 for places on land or in

its vicinity "


Glancing over these values, it will be seen that in the sixteenth century the

needle pointed east of north over the greater part of Europe, whereas now it as sistently

points west, except in the eastern part. Cf, the charts of lines of equal
magnetic declination for 1500 (Fig. 4) and 1600 (Fig. 17).

Discovery of the Magnetic Inclination.

The 1 581 is memorable as having produced the first two works treating tinctively

of the earth's magnetism. The first, that of Robert Norman, entitled **The

Newe Attractive,"^ heralded to the world an entirely new fact about the magnetic
needle '*a discovered secret and subtill propertie the Declinyng of
newe concemyng

the Needle, touched therewith under the plaine of the Horizon.'* This discovery of the

the needle below the horizon made in 1576 by Norman^ practical

dip of was a seamun, or

* *
hydrographer^^^ as he styles himself, and an instrumefit maker. Thus the second element

the earth's magnetismr to light and another incentive for magnetic

of came gave ments.

In Chapter III of his quaint and exceedingly rare book he relates '*by what

meanes the rare and strange declining of the Needle, from the plaine of the horizon

' '

first found.

**Hauing made and diuers compaffes, and ufing alwaies to finifh and end

them before I touched the needle, I found continually, that after I had touched the

with the Stone, that prefently the north point thereof would bend or Decline

downwards under the Horizon in fome quantitie: infomuch that to the Flie of the

which before madeequall, I ftill conf trained to fome fmall

compaffe, was was put peece

of in the South thereof, to couuterpoife this Declining, and to make it equall

waxe part

againe. x

' '
Which efiFect having times paffed my hands without great regard unto,
many any

of fuch propertie in the Stone, and not before hauing heard

as ignorant any nor

" Principal parts reproduced in facsimile in Hellmann's reprints, **Rara Magnetica," Berlin, 1898.
3 1

read of fuch matter: It chaunced at length that there came to hands an

any my

Inftrument to bee made, with a Needle of fixe inches long, which needle after I had

pollifhed, cut ofiF at Juft length, and made it to ftand levell upon the pinne, fo that

nothing refted but onely the touching of it with the stone: when I had touched the

fame, prefently the north thereof Declined downe in fuch fort, that beeing conftrayned
to cut fome of that part, to make it equall againe, in the end I cut it too fhort,

and fo fpoyled the needle wherein I had taken fo much paynes.

* '
Hereby beeing f troken in fome choUer, I applyed self to feeke further into this

eflFect, and making certayne learned and expert men (my friends) acquainted in this

matter, they advifed me to frame fome Inftrument, to make fome exact tryal, how

much the needle touched with the Stone would Dedifie, or what greatef t Angle it would

make with thee plaine of the Horizon. Whereupon I made diligent proofes: the

manner whereof is fhewed in the Chapter following.''

' *
Chapter IV next tells how to finde the greatest Declining of the Needle, under

the Horizon ' '


' *
Take a f mall Needle of Steele wier, of five or fixe inches long, the f mailer and

the finer mettall the betfer, and in the middle thereof (croffe the fame) by the beft

means fixe as it were a fmall Axeltree of or braffe, of an inch long, or

you can, yron

thereabout, and make the ends thereof fharpe, whereupon the Needle hang
very may

levell, and play at his pleafure.

* *
Then provide a round plaine Inftrument like an Af trolobe, to be divided exactly
into 360 partes, whofe diameter muft be the length of the Needle, or thereabout, and

the fame inftrument to bee placed a foot of convenient height, with a plumme

line to fette it perpendicular.

' *
Then in the Center of the fame Instrument place a peece
of Glaffe hollowed, and

againft the fame Center fome place of Braffe that be fixed the foot of
uppon may upon

the Inftrument, fit another of Glaffe, in fuch forte that the fharpe eudes of the

Axeltree beeing borne in thefe two Glaffes, the Needle may play freely at his pleafure,
according to the ftanding of the Inftrument.

And the Needle muft be fo perfected, that it hang his Axeltree both
may upon

ends levell with the Horizon, or being turned, ftand and remaine at place that
may any

it fhall be fette: which being done, touch the faide Needle with the Magnes ftone, and

fet the Inftrument perpendicular by the plumme line, and turne the edge of the ment

South and North, fo as the Needle ftand duley according to the Variation of

the place: which Variation the Needle of his owne propertie would fhew, were it not

that he is conftrained to the contrarie by the Axletree.

''Then fhall
fee thit Declination of the North point of the touched Needle,
which for this Citie of London, I finde by exact obfervation to be about degrees
71 50

minutes. This forme of the inftrument heere .defcribed with the manner of the nation,

I have heere placed that it be the eafier conceived."


He next by experiment and weighings that it is not want of balance of


needle nor the rubbing of it with the loadstone that makes this ''declining of the


One can not but admire the painstaking and conscientious labors of Norman and

the precision with which he set out to determine the amount of "declining." It will
32 1902.

be noted that he explicitly states that the angle must be determined with the ment

standing "duley according to the Variation of the place '*

that is, in the magnetic
meridian. It is curious, however, that he should call this the *'

greatest declining,"
whereas in the plane of the magnetic meridian the declining is really the least the angle

increasing as the instrument is turned from the magnetic meridian and reaching

its maximum amount of 90" in a magnetic east and west plane. How exact his vation

of 71" 50' is can not be judged in the absence of further details.

From the letter, cited on 26, which the famous \dcar of Nuremburg, Georg

Hartmann, WTOte March 4, 1544, to

Count Albert of Prussia, it is apparent

that he had already become aware of the

dipping of the north end of the needle.

He says:
Besides, I find this also in the

magnet, that it not only turns from the

north and deflects to the east about 9"

more or less, as I have reported, but it

points downw'ard. This may

be proved
as follows: I make a needle a finger long,
which stands horizontally on a pointed
pivot, so that it nowhere inclines toward

the earth but stands horizontal on both

sides. But as soon as I stroke one of

the ends (with the lodestone), it matters

not which end it be, then the needle

no longer stands horizontal, but points

downward some 9" more or less. The

reason why this happens I was not able

to indicate to His Royal Majesty.**

Hartmann 's letter was not published
until it was rescued from oblivion in the

third decade of the nineteenth century,

and its contents do not to have


been ksowni to Norman or to of the


writers of that period. It was recently

Fig. 6," First Dip Circle (Noniiaii's 1576).
republished in facsimile by Hellmann in

Hartmann did his needle in such to

his "Rara Magnetica." not mount a manner as

of dip, did Norman, but simply obser\'ed the dip of the

show the precise amount as

north end of needle, mounted ordinarily, pivot, that instead of

a compass as on a so

he ought have done, he only found 9". As is well known the

getting about 65", as to

of the north end of is nowadays usually in the northern magnetic

dip a compass overcome

hemisphere by a sliding brass weight or ring on the south end. Accordingly, the principal

the of the magnetic dip must undoubtedly be assigned to Norman J^

credit for discovery
Norman's book, which popular that it
It is a keen pleasure to peruse was so was

alt has also been claimed that reference to the dip of the needle is made in Fortunius Affaytatus's

astronomicae," published in but this does not to be the

book, **Physicae et 1549, appear case.

republished four times (1585, 1596, 1614, and again in 1720, bound with Whiston's

treatise), and note the admirable and modest manner in which he relates his ments
and discoveries, differing greatly in this respect from Gilbert, who, in his great

work (1600), vehemently abuses almost writer on magnetism and rarely credits

with the facts previously discovered.


Norman must clearly be given credit for being the first to divine that the point or

source of which the needle respects is in the earth and not in the heavens, as had

been generally supposed before his time. He says:

"And by the Declining of the Needle, is alfo proved, that the point Refpectivey is

rather in the earth than in the Heavens, as fome have imagined; and the greateft
reafon why they fo thought (as I judge) was becaufe they never were acquaynted with

this Declining in the Needle, which doubtleffe if Martin Curtes had known, he weuld

not have judged the Attractive point to have been in th^ Heavens, or without them, but

rather in the earth. '

Note also this remarkable sentence: "And surely I am of opinion, that if this

Vertue could by means be made vifible to the E^'^e of

any man,

it would be found in in a sphericall forme, extending rounde

about the Stone in great Compaffe, and the dead bodie of the

Stone in the middle thereof. Whose center is the center of

his aforefaid Vertue. And this I have partly prooved and

made Vifible to be scene in some manner, and God sparing

mee life, I will herein make further Experience and that not

curioufly, but in the Feare of God, as neare as he shall give

mee and meane to annex the same unto a Booke of

Navigation, which I have had long in hand."

This is undoubtedly the source from which Gilbert got

his idea of the "orbs virtutis "

the circular orb of virtue

surrounding the globular lodestone. In fact, Gilbert in no way

improves on Norman' s idea but adopts it bodily. Some writers

have extravagantly asserted that Gilbert anticipated Faraday's

Fig. 7.

conception of the field of force surrounding a magnet.

Norman also proves experimentally that the attraction exerted on the magnet does

not produce motion of translation but simply that of rotation (of the needle

and of the dip needle).^ His figure illustrating the experiment is herewith (Fig. 7)

reproduced (half size).

" In experiments with the terrella the needle is attracted obliquely or directly toward the globe
with a very perceptible force. This is because the length of the needle is so considerable in

to the diameter of the globe that the magnetic forces on the two ends are not equal and parallel.
But the length of the longest of mariner's needles is not more than about and
-i-^-^-i^-^jus the

length of the largest bar magnet that has ever been suspended so as to show by its movements any
motive tendency it may experience from the force of terrestrial magnetism is not more than ^^-^-^^ -^j^js

of the Earth's diameter, and therefore magnetic needles bar magnets experimented on in part
or any
of the world experience no sensible attraction toward or repulsion from the Earth and show only a

directional tendency according to which a certain line of the magnet, called its magnetic axis, takes

the direction of the curved lines of force. ('* Terrestrial magnetism and the mariner's compass," by
SirW. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) in Popular Lectures and Addresses, Vol. Ill, Navigation, 228-337).

27478 " 02-

34 1902.


Gilbert's De Magnete.'*

The 1600 is generally regarded as a memorable one in the histor"' of the


sciences of magnetism and electricity, for in this appeared Dr. William Gilbert's

famous work "

De Magnete,'* published at London, dedicated in his prefatory remarks

to the ' *
True philosophers, ingenuous minds who not only in books but in things selves

look for knowledge,'* and treating in five books or sections of the properties of

magnetic bodies and of the **

great magnet, the Earth.*' It was republished in Latin

at Stettin (Sedini) in 1628 and 1633 by Wolfgang Lochmann, reprinted in 1892 in

facsimile ( photozincograph reproduction of 1600 edition) by Mayer and Miiller, of

Berlin, and translated into English for the first time by P. Fleury Mottelay," and

more recently under the auspices of the Gilbert Club.*

William Gilberd, or more usually written Gilbert, was born in the in

as year 1540

Holy Trinity Parish at Colchester, England, being the eldest of five sons of Jerome

Gilbert, at one time recorder. Matriculating at the age of 18 at St. John's College,
Cambridge, he in due course took the degree of B. A. he also became a Symson Fellow

in 1561, an M. A. in 1564, and during the two years following was mathematical iner

of his college. He next studied medicine, reaching his doctorate and a senior

fellowship in 1569, when he terminated his eleven years' connection with the university,

after which he spent four on the Continent.


Upon his return to London he practiced as a physician for thirty with * *


success and renown," and was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, later

then treasurer, next consilarius, and finally, in 1600, president of the college.

In the same Queen Elizabeth appointed him one of her body physicians and settled

him a pension to enable him to prosecute his scientific researches. After her

death Grlbert was continued in his office by James I. He died in November, 1603,
and buried in Trinity Church, Colchester. His books, and collections,
was papers,

bequeathed to the Royal College of Physicians, were unfortunately destroyed in the

"great fire."

It is not known how Gilbert, a successful physician, was led to devote himself so

zealously and so unremittingly to the study of magnetism. He **

There is naught

in these books (De Magnete) that has not been investigated and again and again done

and repeated under our eyes." Herein consists the chief value of the work "

nearly conclusion drawn rests on experiment made over and over again under

slightly varying conditions, for, as he says, stronger reasons are obtained from sure

experiments and demonstrated arguments than probable conjectures, and the opinions

" Published in 1893 by Quaritch, of London, and Wiley " Sons, of New York.

ft President of the Club, Lord Kelvin. The translation was prepared from the original edition of

1600 by Committee of the Club formed for this purpose in 1889, which finished its labors in The
a 1900.

printing was undertaken in 1901 at the Chiswick Press by Messrs. C. Whittingham " Co., the edition

being unfortunately limited to 250 copies. Prof. Sylvanus P. Thompson, one of the secretaries of the

Club who took most active part in the translation, has issued at his own his most valuable
a expense

and useful commentaries, entitled: "

Notes on the De Magnete of Dr. William Gilbert," privately

printed, London, As the Gilbert Club's translation is not yet at hand, the quotations given

above are according to Mottelay.


of philosophical speculators of the common sort." It is said that he spent ^5,000 on

his experiments,
examining many matters taken out of the lofty mountains, of,

the depths of the seas, or deepest caverns, or hidden mines," in order to discover the

true substance of the Earth and of magnetic forces.

The De Magnete the most complete of the properties of magnetic

was summary

bodies to 1600. One reading this work alone, however, must by no means infer

that all the properties and laws set forth were discovered by Gilbert, for he very rarely

gives credit to previous discoverer. He frequently exhibits intolerance and lack


of appreciation of the work of his predecessors, and like his experiments,, repeats his

vituperations and assertions over and over again, so that one is unconsciously led to

believe that all previous work had resulted in very little of real value.

Doubtless the fact that he thoroughly tested anew everything he had heard ing

magnetic substances, and accepted nothing on faith led him to regard all as his own

and thus prevented him from giving credit where credit was rightfully due. The weak

points of others, however, he never fails to expose

and ridicule.

Gilbert terms the end of the lodestone or needle which points to the north, the

south pole, and the opposite end, the north pole, for similar reasons to those already

set forth. And by reiterating over and over Gilbert would apparently desire to

the impression that he was the first to recognize the fact that the magnetism

residing in the north-pointing end of a magnetic needle is of an opposite kind to that

at the Earth's north magnetic pole, although this fact was clearly recognized by many

writers previously, beginning with Peregrinus in 1269. Gilbert must be simply credited

with proposing to designate, because of the fact stated, the north-seeking end of the

needle, the south pole "

a proposal which, by the way, has not been accepted by modem


One can not fail, however, to recognize that Gilbert did a most useful piece of

work in so carefully scrutinizing, weighing, and summarizing in suggestive and

descriptive language all knowledge of magnetic properties. As a work on magnetism

and electricity, GilberVs De Magnete is still a standard one; as a work mi terrestrial

however, it was iveak even for its time^ its conchisions ayid deductions having all

been discredited with the exception of one, the truth of which he got right more by chance

than by philosophical reasoning, viz, that the ''Earth itself is a great magnet J*'

As said, Gilbert's work as a treatise on terrestrial magnetism was by no means

equal to his work on the general properties of magnetic bodies. When he came to

theorize on the Earth as a magnet" he forgot his own injunction to philosophers
who but dream and speculate from books, saying that they ''must be aroused and

taught the uses of things, the dealing with things; they must be made to quit the sort

of learning that comes only from books,^* and that rests only vain from
on arguments

probability and conjectures. ' '


A.lthough he is credited as having determined a dip of 72" at London, and by

Kircher found *
as having the declination to be 6*^ at London, his work contains nothing
to lead one to suppose that he obtained the declination and dip himself. He repeatedly
points out the errors of observations by others, but makes no attempt whatsoever to

"Gilbert might have added: "and mere laboratory experiments."

^In 1580 the declination at Limehouse, Loudon, was \\%^ E., and in 1600 about 10" p:.

around the Earth in the regions in the contrary direction, viz, from west
upper to

east. Therefore with the aid of the needle alone it could not be determined

whether the currents are inside or outside the Earth.

The dip needle will determine this. The fact that the same end of the compass
which points north likewise dips downward in the northern magnetic hemisphere
requires, as can be easily shown by appljdng Ampere's rule, that the electric currents

circulate from east to west, and hence, in accordance with the evidence furnished by
the and the dip needle, the currents must be in the interior of the Earth.

Now, while Gilbert had at his command a general knowledge of the pointing of

the compass needle over the regions then traversed, he only had one dip observation to

work with "

that made by Norman at I/)ndon in 1576, and doubtless verified by himself.

He does not to appreciate that it is the salient feature of the dip needle which

reveals the fact that the *'

Earth itself is a great magnet.'* The citation from

Norman's book, shows that by the discovery of the dip Norman had already
page "

inferred that the point respective" which the needle heeds "is rather in the Earth

than in the Heavens," and Gilbert in no wise improves adds anything to

upon or

Norman's reasoning.
To Gilbert the Earth was but a great round lodestone. It had poles and an tor,

just as the terrella had its magnetic poles and a natural line or magnetic equator way

between; it took a definite position in just as the terrella did with reference

to the Earth; it had its diurnal motion^ and revolution, just as the terrella had when

floated in a bowl of water and brought under the action of the Earth's force; it tained

in abundance the lodestone substance which possessed this remarkable


"magnetical virtue;" it magnetized substances just as did the lodestone; it, like the

lodestone, attracted bodies to itself (Gilbert regarded gravity and magnetism as cal)

therefore, like the lodestone, it was a magnet. All of this reasoning would equally

apply for the magnetic effects due to an outside electric field, but in Gilbert's time,

though he could distinguish between them, the mutual relationship between electric

and magnetic phenomena had not been discovered. He only knew of permanent

magnets such as are exhibited in lodestones and artificially made magnets.

According to Gilbert's theory, the Earth's magnetic poles were coincident with the

rotation poles; in fact, he regarded the cause of the Earth's rotation as due to magnetic
action. The therefore, if it had not been * '
perverted ' '
in its direction by the

attracting influence of the continents, as he thought, would accordingly point true

north and south. He persistently regarded the magnetic declination, or, as he termed

it, the '*

variation, "
as a *'sort of perturbation and depravation of the true direction."

The Germans, in their term of missweisung,'' misdirection, similar idea. It
convey a


never entered Gilbert's mind to consider the variation "

as due, in whole or in part, to

noncoincidence of magnetic poles and rotation poles, for, were that true, his theory of

the Earth as a great lodestone would have fallen to the ground.

He accordingly seeks another explanation, viz, that the ''variation" is due to the

fact that the elevated and massive parts of the Earth (continents) are more strongly
magnetic, and the waters of the globe less so ;
hence the needle is drawn toward

a Gilbert has the credit of being one of the earliest and most ardent advocates in England of

Copernicus's theory of the diurnal rotation of the Earth. His magnetic theory of the Earth was in

fact largely, if not entirely, advanced in order to furnish a cause for this diurnal rotation.

the continents. He ignorainiously fails, however, in this explanation, and apparently

ignores facts, undoubtedly known to him, which would have contradicted his theory.
He lays himself hdre to the same kind of criticism which he unsparingly
open so

heaped others.

Apparently aware of the fact that the dip of the needle at London did not spond

to what it ought to have been on the theory that the magnetic poles are at the

geographical poles, he speaks of a ''variation of the dip," and ascribes this to the same

cause as the "variation of the compass." Aware that in the dip the same kind of ations,

though not of the same degree as in the magnetic declination might be expected,

he nevertheless a method for determining latitude by of the dip needle.

proposes means

And yet he ridicules those who had proposed to determine the longitude by means of

the magnetic declination.'*

To conclude, "while it inust be conceded that Gilbert made the first serious attempt

to correlate the magnetic phenomena of the Earth and to construct a theory, his actual

and real contributions to the subject of the Earth* s magnetism are by no means of that

brilliancy and luster which is generally supposed, and which mark his other works,
his failures being due in a large degree to his not following his own advice to ophers,
"to leave their books and out and deal with things." In the writer's mation,

Norman's little work should be given a higher rank as a real and valuable

contribution to our advancement of the knowledge of the Earth's magnetism than that

part of Gilbert's book dealing with terrestrial magnetism.



Discovery of the Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination.

The 07ily cofitribution of great value to the science of terrestrial magnetism in the enteenth

century was the discovery of the seailar change of the magnetic decAjiation by
Gellibrafid in 1634.} Hitherto it had been supposed that the magnetic declination,

though varying from place to place, fixed and invariable at one place, except
was any

that "by the break up

of a continent," as Gilbert put it, it might suffer a change. But

now an entirely new and most important fact came to light, showing indisputably that

"The suggestion of determining the longitude at sea by means of the magnetic declination

started with Columbus and served to stimulate the making of magnetic observations until the close of

the eighteenth In William Whiston, the translator of Josephus, revived Gilbert's idea
century. 1720

of using the dip and accordingly supplied certain mariners with dip circles. Thus some notable tributions

to terrestrial magnetism were obtained. The earliest dip obser\"ation in the United States is

that made at Boston in with dip circle supplied to Capt. Othniel Beal by Whiston.
1722 a

ft Some of the principal writers on magnetism and terrestrial magnetism of the seventeenth century

besides Gellibrand were: Barlowe, in whose book, Magnetical Advertisements, 1616, the word '*

according to Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, for the first time; Mark Ridley,
as a noun, appears

Galileo, Nicolaus Cabaeus, whose Philosophia Magnetica, Ferrara, 1629, the first Italian treatise
the contains improvement of Gilbert's picture of the lines of force around magnet;
on magnet, an a

Athanasius Kircher (Jesuit and opponent of the Copsrnican tlieory), who in his works lected
Kepler, an

all values of the magnetic declination known to him; Descartes, Porta, von Guericke, Hooke,
and Bond, who made a special study of the subject of the secular change in the dip, using the word

''inclination" to denote the dip in place of the word "

declination", which, as will be recalled, man

had employed.

the earth*s magnetism suffers mighty changes in the course of time. Hence it now

became to note not only the place but also the time when an obser\'ation of

the magnetic declination was made. The had by this time come into general

not only as an instrument, as Gilbert said, "beneficial, salutar\', and fortunate for

showing the to safety and to port," but also for the of running
seamen, way purpose

out lines on the earth's surface (land surveys) and in mines, and for the orientation of

buildings. To retrace these lines anew at some subsequent period required a eration

of the newly discovered fact. No wonder this truth was fought, disputed, and

doubted for some time.

Henry Gellibrand was a professor of mathematics at Gresham College. He made a

careful determination of the pointing of the compass on June 12, 1634, at Diepford,
Deptford, about miles southeast of London Bridge, and found 4" 6' east. Now,
or 3

Edmund Gunter, another mathematician of Gresham College, had found on June 13,

1622, 5" s6}i' east, and, as will be recalled, Borough and Norman had found in 1580,
11" 15' east. Clearly, therefore, the magnetic declination had suffered considerable

change since 1580. Gellibrand repeated his observations, next examined carefully the

obser\'ations which Borough had published, and although he found that Borough had

neglected to take into account atmospheric refraction i"!! his calculations, nevertheless

he got practically the same amount as Borough had given.

He announced his discovery in a book," now exceedingly scarce, entitled "A course

Mathematical on the Variation of the Magneticall Needle, together with its

admirable Diminution lately discovered.** Jx)ndon, 1635. He says:

"Thus (hitherto

according to the Tenents of all our Magneticall Philosophers) we have supposed the ation

of all particular places to continue one and the same; so that when a seaman shall

happily return to a place where formerly he found the same variation, he hence

conclude '
he is in the same former longitude. '
For it is the Assertion of Mr. Dr. Gilbert:

Variatio uniuscujusq Loci constans est, that is to say

the same place doth alwayes retaine

the same
variation. Neither hath this Assertion (for aught I ever heard) been

b}'' any man. But most diligent magneticall obsrvations have plainely offered

violence to the same, and proved the contrary, namely that the variation is accompanied
with a variation. *

He republishes the observations of 1580 and 1622, along with his own, in order to

furnish all evidence, and says:

' *
If any affected wnth magneticall Philosophy shall yet desire to see an experiment
made for their owne particular satisfaction, where I may prevaile, I would advise them

to pitch a faire stone parallel to the Horizon there to rest immoveably, and having a

Needle of a convenient length strongly touch* t by a vigorous Magnet to draw a neticall

Meridian thereby, and yearly to examine by the application of the same (well

preserved from the and rust, its greatest enemies) whether time will produce the

like alterations.**

Most commendably and remarkably for his times, Gellibrand refrains from *'

into a dispute [speculation] concerning the source of this sensible diminution,

whether it be imputed to the magnet or the Earth, both," but "
must be all
may or

" Reprinted in facsimile by Hellmann; Asher " Co. Berlin. Hellmann used loaned him by
a copy
the late Latimer Clar!^, whose excesdingly valuable libran* has come into the possession of the ican

Institute of Electrical Engineers, headquarters. New York. '


left to future times to discover, this Invention being but newly presented to the world

in its infancy.'*

The following sentence, taken from the article on the

in such an tative

work as the Encyclopaedia Britannica, ninth edition, illustrates the great sion

caused by the misuse of the word "variation:**

* *
The discovery of the variation of declination was made by Stephen Burrows when

voyaging between the north of Finmark and Vaigatch (Vay gates), and ward
cape was

determined by Gellibrand, professor of geometry at Gresham College.**

In the first case the author means simply the change in the magnetic declination

with geographical position, i. e. the geographical variation of the magnetic declination,


whereas when referring to the discover^' of Gellibrand, the slow variation taking place
with the lapse of time, viz, the secular change, is meant. The author has thus used

the word * '

variation ' '
in the same sentence with two totally different meanings, venting

one thereby from getting a idea as to the precise facts involved.


Besides, the geographical variation of the declination had been discovered in the

century previous to that of Burrows' s time, as already stated, by Columbus.

Nearly three centuries have passed since Gellibrand's discovery was made known,
and although observations have been multiplied and some of the best minds have given
their undivided attention to this most striking fact of the Earth's magnetism, the riddle

is still unsolved. Innumerable theories have been advanced, the difficulty not being in

finding but to tell which one the assignable ones is the one.
a cause, among many

While observations of declination for three centuries are at hand, those of dip are npt

so numerous and those of the intensity of the magnetic force are still more scarce,

beginning only since the third decade of the last century. Boik tJie dip and intensity
undergo secular change in the same manner as the declination. The definite solution of

this great and important problem of the Earth's physics requires a full and accurate

knowledge of the changes in the three magnetic elements named. The prospects at

present are fair that the secular change of the Earth's magnetism is to be referred,

primarily, to the effect of secondary electric currents generated within the Earth by its

rotation around an axis not coincident with its magnetic axis.

The Characteristics of the Secular Change.

The secular change has received the closest attention in the United States, largely
for practical reasons, as in all of the older States the original land surveys were referred

* * ' *

to lines. The retracing of the metes and bounds at subsequent periods


called for a knowledge of the amount of change in the compass bearing during the

elapsed interval. To meet the demand for knowledge of this kind, C. A. Schott, who

directed the magnetic work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for nearly a half century,

undertook a thorough and systematic collection of all known values of the magnetic
declination in the United States and vicinity, resulting in a collection as yet unequaled
in any
other country.

It is a lamentable fact that such collections have not been undertaken for European
countries, where in instances the records back to the sixteenth century.
many go

Knowledge of the manner and rate of progression of a particular phase of the secular

change from place to place would be materially increased thereby.


The following table ^ exhibits how the declination has changed at various places:

Table II. " Showiiig the secular change in the magnetic declination at various places.

This table shows that at London, for example, the pointing of the needle was east

of north in the middle of the sixteenth century, reaching a maximum of ii"or.iiJ^"

about 1580. After that it began to diminish until about 1658, the year of Cromwell's

death, when the needle stood truly north and south. The needle next began to point
westward by an ever-increasing amount until about 18 12* when it appeared to almost

stand still for several years at a value of somewhat over 24". Thereafter the westerly

declination began to diminish until it is now about 16". Consequently between 1580

and 18 in interval of the direction at London changed from

12, an 232 years, compass

11" east to 24" west, in all 35". The direction of a street a mile long, laid out in London

in 1580 in the direction pointed out by the compass would be seven-tenths of a mile too far
to the east at the north terminus according to the compass direction of 181 2!

For Paris and Rome similar changes to those at London are found. At Paris the

maximum easterly declination of 9" 36' was reached near the 1580, and the imum

westerly declination of 22" 36' in about 1809, the needle pointing due north in

1664. At Rome the declination of the needle reached its maximum amount east, 11*^

36', in 1570, approximately, and its maximum amount west, 17" 06', in about 18 10,

coinciding with the true meridian in 1660. At Manila, Philippine Islands, the needle

changed from 05' east in 1800 to 53' east in and at San Francisco, Cal., from

12" 36' east in 1780 to 16*^ 48' east at the present time. At Baltimore, between 1640

and the present time the needle bore west all the time and did not at any
time point due

"This table and the accompanying subsequent remarks are extracted from the writer's "First

report on magnetic work in Maryland," Maryland Geological Survey Report, Vol. I, 1897.
42 1902.

north or east of north as surveyors frequently assumed to be the case for this part of

Maryland. The figures show that at Baltimore the needle pointed about 6" 06'

west in 1670 and that in about 1802 it pointed the least amount west, namely, 39';

hence, in an interval of 132 the needle changed its direction by 5" 27'. A street

a mile long laid out in Baltimore in i6jo so as to ru7i iji the eompass direction would have

its north terminus "04. feet, or about one-tenth of a mile, too far to the west i?i 1802, This

is a fact especially interesting, because in some of the old towns of the thirteen original
States, as for example in Maryland, the streets were laid out bj- the or
compass, inent

public buildings, such as court-houses, were erected so that the front face would

run parallel to a cardinal direction as given by the compass. Thus, w^hile establishing
a meridian line for the use of surveyors at Chestertown, the county seat of Kent

County, Md., it was found that High street, the main street, ran nearly
ver}' netically

northwest and southeast. Assuming that the street was originally laid

out with the so as to run northwest and southeast, and knowing from the data

at Baltimore and some other stations that the needle bore the same amount west in the

early part of the eighteenth century that it does at present, the conclusion to be drawn

was that the town of Chestertown was laid out in the early part of the eighteenth
century. Upon looking the records, the assumptions made and the conclusions

drawn verified. The town laid out in and the streets with
were was 1702 were run

the northwest and southeast, and at right angles thereto. So, also, by mining

the astronomical directions of the streets in the old town of Oxford, Md., which

had been laid out by the in the first decade of the eighteenth century,
compass an

approximate knowledge of the magnetic declination at that time was ascertained.

The table likewise gives the change in the compass direction at some stations in the

Southern Hemisphere. One fact at once noticeable from this table is, that during a

given ijiter-oal of time the compass direction changes not only by different amounts in

differait parts of the Earth, buty likewise the changes ocair in some parts in opposite

directions. For example, the changes which have occurred between 1800 and

1890 at the various stations.

The needle, accordingly, while swinging to the eastward ^X. London between

and the time swinging in the opposite direction, westward, at Baltimore

1800 present was

during the same inter\'al of time, the amount of swing not being the same at the two


Another striking fact disclosed by looking over the figures for one station, for

Baltimore, is that at the station the change is not constant

example, same per year a

frequejitly assumed by the The annual '^li-Tge for this particular station
as stirveyor.

all the from zero to four minutes. At the times of maximum or minimum
may vary way

values of the declination the annual change is practically zero for about five years on

either side of these epochs. The annual change then begins to increase until about

midway between the epochs of maximum and minimum values, for example, about 1730

or about 1870, when it reaches its maximum value of about four minutes; it then ishes

The secular motion of the needle be likened to the swinging of, a
compass may

pendulum. At the extreme positions of the pendulum, on either side of the position it

would if at rest, the velocity with which the bob moves in its orbital path ishes.

As the pendulum moves toward its mean position from the right, it does so at a

constantly accelerating until it reaches the mean position midway between the two

extreme positions. Here the velocity' is a maximum, and as the pendulum swings past

the mean position it begins to slacken its

until reaching the extreme position on

the left, when the velocity of motion again vanishes.

At no station has as yet a complete swing "

for example, from right to left and back

again from left to right "

l^een observed. At some stations, however, a little over half a

swing has been obtained. A comparison of the time interval between the two extreme

positions, i. e., half a swing, at various stations shows another remarkable fact, that the

time intervals between the extreme positions of the needle are of differerit lengths in ent
parts of the Earth, To illustrate: At London, Paris, and Rome the time interval

between dates of extreme positions of the needle is about two hundred and thirty to

two hundred and fort)* years, while for stations in the Eastern States of this country is

on the average about one hundred and fifty years.

Taking into consideration all the facts at present known with regard to the secular

change, it is found that it is not possible to explain all those facts on the assumption
that there is a secular change period common to all parts of the Earth of about three

hundred to five hundred in length. The indications are that for common secular
years a

change period a much longer period is required. But if this is so, it means that the

secular change is a far more complicated matter than generally supposed. Besides

the main swing as described above, there are a number of minor swings whose periods
are not as yet definitely known. These minor swings have the effect of slightly altering
the annual change due to the main secular change.

Fig. 8 illustrates graphically the change in the magnetic declination for various

points in the Northern Hemisphere, such stations having been selected as would

be typical of the regions represented by them. It will be seen that the stations encircle

the globe. This one diagram exhibits at a glance all the characteristic features

of the secular change of the magnetic declination in the Northern Hemisphere as

at present known. With the aid of Table 11 the meaning of the curves will be readily

understood. Thus, for example, selecting the date 1800 and running the eye along
the horizontal line marked 1800 until it intersects the London curve, and casting the

upward from this point of intersection along the vertical line, it is found that

the declination of the needle was a trifle over 24" west. For Paris the observations

known up to the present time have been indicated by dots. It will be seen that the

cur\'e, which is due to Schott, represents the existing data satisfactorily. In the case

of Fayal Island it will be noticed that prior to 1600 two curves, one in full and the

other broken, are given; the broken curve represents a repetition of the same law which

governed the secular change at this station between 1600 and present date, while the

hope to make progress only by studying the phenomenon in its entirety; that is to if

a magnetized needle is taken and suspended at its center of gravity in such a that

it is free to turn in direction whatsoever, to the left or to the right, down,

any up or

then under the influence of the Earth's magnetism the north end of the needle, while

still pointing approximately toward the north, also points downward and the south end

upward. The actual direction assumed by the needle lies somewhere between a true

vertical line and a true horizontal line, nearer to the former than to the latter in the

latitudes under consideration. This is the direction in which the Earth's magnetic force

acts. On the compass needle only the horizontal component of the force has an effect, as

the vertical component is counteracted by adding an additional weight to the south arm

of the needle, generally a bit of brass wire. The changes that are taking place in the

Fig. 9. " Curves showing secular change in magnetic declination and dip at London Boston, and Baltimore.

true direction of the Earth's magnetic force and in its magnitude constitute the real facts

to be studied.

It is an interesting problem to inquire: How does the north end of the freely

suspended magnetic needle move with the lapse of time, if the motion is observed from

the point of suspension of the needle? Does it move clockwise or anticlockwise?

Would needles similarly suspended in all parts of the Earth move in the same direction?

What is the nature of the curve described in by the north end ? These are some

of the fascinating questions which can be asked from this point of view.

It has been found by the writer that over the greater portion of the Earth the north

end of a freely suspended magnetic needle during the past two or three centuries has been

moving in a clockwise direction. In the Pacific Ocean and along the western coast of the

United States evidence exists of small irregularities in the general law of motion as

explained above. Some of the stations in this region exhibit small anticlockwise motions.

A'o station has thus far been found where the rez'erse
motion has prevailed for such length

of time, as
has been the case tvith the direct motion.

Fig. exhibits the curves resulting in the manner described above for London,

Boston, and Baltimore.

Fig. 10
has been constructed in a
similar manner.
The outside curve exhibits the

changes in magnetic declination and dip encountered were one to make a complete


Fin. la " Comparison of curve showing change in magillUc declinalLon and dip along pirallcl of latlludf 41^ N. in iSBs

circuit of the Earth in an eastwardly direction along the parallel of latitude 40" north.

The data have been scaled from Neumayer's isogonic and isoclinic charts for 1S85, tained

in his excellent atlas. Thus in zero longitude, counting from Greenwich, a

freely suspended magnetic needle pointed in 1885 15^" west and its dip was 58"; in

20" east longitude, these quantities were respectively 8" west and 54". 7, etc. It will'

be noticed that the curve throughout even

for the loop described when crossing
goes "

Asia "
in the same
direction as that of the hands of a watch, just as in the case
of the

secular motion cnr\'es

shown in fig. and the one
of Rome given in the present figure.

Rome is situated not far from latitude 40" north, its latitude being 41". north. The

general character of the two curves

is seen to be similar. It has been shown in

other besides this one

that many
of the laws underlying the momentary tion

of the Earth's magnetism and the secular change are


The circuit of the Earth in the above case was

made to the eastward because the

secular variation curves to develop themselves more and more as we go around the

Earth east ward ly."

n See Physical Review. Vol. II, 4S5-465. and Vol. Ill, 34-48.
pp. pp.

Diurnal Variation.

In the year 1682, in the city of Louveau, Siam, it is related that Pater Guy Tachart,

in the of the King, found that the magnetic declination on one day was 0" 16'

west; on the following day, 0" 31'; on the third day, 0" 35'; on the fourth, 0" 38', and

repeating the observations after the lapse of a few days the values found on three cessive

days were
0" 28', 0" 33', and 0" 21'. The observations were doubtless made on

these various days at diflFerent times of the day, so that part of the differences in the

results obtained are possibly to be ascribed to the next remarkable fact regarding the

constant inconstancies" of the Earth's magnetism, the so-called diurnal variation, by

which the needle is made to change its direction, from hour to hour, throughout the day.

The credit of the discover"' of the diurnal variation must properly be given to

Graham, a London mechanician and clock maker, who from many hundred observations

of the declination of the magnetic needle at various times of the day made in 1722 a

definite announcement of the existence of this variation." Graham's discovery was

later verified and amplified by Prof. Andr. Celsius in Upsala, who had a made

expressly for this by the instrument maker, Sisson, of London, under Graham's

supervision, and by a host of other investigators.

Table III. "

The diurnal variatioji of the magnetic declination at Baldwin, Ka7is.,for
each month of the
year igoi.

"See **
Philosophical Transactions," London, 1724.

Table III shows how the compass needle

changed its direction from hour to hour (local

mean time) for each month of the year at

Baldwin, Kans.
where the Coast and Geodetic

Survey has a magnetic obsen'atory in which are

mounted delicate instruments registering tinuously,


day and night, automatically, by

photographic means, the minutest variations in

the Earth's magnetism.

At that place the magnetic needle points
about 8". east of north. A plus sign in the
a table a deflection of the needle toward

the east of the average direction for the entire

day (twenty-four hours), and a minus sign a

deflection toward the west. Thus in August,

for example, at 8 a. m. the average easterly

pointing of the needle was increased by 4'. 4; it

then began to diminish until the value
was reached a little after 10 a. m., indicated by
the change of sign of the tabular quantities;
after passing this point it still continued to

diminish until reaching its lowest value at about

'i p. m., when the easterly declination had its
least value, being 4'. 3 less than its value,

or about 9' less than its maximum value in the


morning. Next it increased until again ing

its value about m. after which

average 5 p. ,

" it remained nearly stationary, except for minute

fluctuations throughout the night, until about

"o sunrise, when it rapidly began to ris^ to its

c maximum value.
o Examining the figiu"es for a winter month,

e. December, it will be seen that the tions

g g. ,

be are not so large as during the summer;

*5 where before the difference between maximum

and minimum was about 9', it is now one-third

of this amount, viz, 3'. On the diagram, Fig. 1 1


the diurnal variation of the magnetic tion


for the two months, August and December,

has been graphically- represented.

Two lines, each a mile long, one run in the

direction indicated by the compass early in the

morning and the other early in the afternoon,

both starting at the same point, diverge at their

extremities in midsummer bj' 10-15 ^^^^' ^^^

morning line being to the east of the afternoon

in midwinter the divergence w^ould be about


one-third of this amount. It will thus be seen


that the diurnal variation is of sufEicient importance to be taken into account in

accurate land surveys.

In Germany mine survejnng has become such an art that some of the principal mines

maintain small magnetic observatories, where the declination is recorded continuously

throughout the day by photographic means. The mine then the value
surveyor uses

of the declination to the nearest minute prevailing at the time of day when he is running
his line.

Where the needle points west of north, the times of maximum and minimum value

of the magnetic declination will be reversed from what they are at Baldwin, the minimum

occurring in the morning and the maximum in the afternoon. Of the two lines a mile

long, considered above, the morning line will, however, again be east of the afternoon


The times when the declination reaches its extreme values, or when it reaches its

value, as is evident from Table III, are subject to fluctuations in the course of

the being retarded during the months when the sun is south of the equator.

These changes, which undergo a complete cycle in the course of one likewise

manifest themselves in the magnitude of the diurnal approximately shown by the


figures given in the bottom line of the table.

The approximate local mean time when the declination is reached, in the

United States is, on the for the at about a. and again about
average year, 10:30 m.,

about 6 p. m. (See next table.)

The following comparative table, No. IV, of the diurnal variation was prepared by
Schott" in order "to exhibit the changes which the total solar-diurnal variation goes

with a change of geographical position within the region of North America. * '

The series of observations which he admitted * '

extend over one or more and in

no instance have
so-called disturbances been excluded. " "
The year or years of

each series is added to admit of a correction for position in the sun-spot period. * *

The particulars for each station are as follows:

Name Bztcnt of series
W. of Gr.

Key West, Fla. 8r 48.5 Mar., i860, to Mar., 1866, exclusive

Los Angt:les, Cal. 118 15.4 Oct., 1882, to Oct., 1889, exclusive

Washington, D. C. 77 00.6 July, 1840, to June, 1842, inclusive

Philadelphia, Pa. 75 10.2 Jan., 1840, to June, 1845, inclusive

Madison, Wis. 89 24. 2 Mar., 1877, to Mar., 1878, exclusive

Toronto, Canada 79 23.5 July, 1842, to June, 1848, inclusive

Sitka, Alaska 135 19- 7 Irregular series, 1848 to 1862

Uglaamie, Point Barrow 156 39- 8 Sept. 1882, to Aug. 1883, inclusive
, ,

Plover Point, Point Barrow 156 16. 1 17 months, 1852-1854

Fort Rae, Great Slave Lake 115 13.8 Oct., 1882, to Sept., 1883, inclusive

Kingua Fjord, Cumberland 67 19.2 Do.


Fort Conger, Grinnell Land 64 43.8 Sept., 1881, to Aug., 1882, inclusive

o See Appendix No. Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1890, 261-264.
9, pp.

27478 " 02
50 1902.

Table IV. "

Total solar-diurnal variation of the magnetic dedination, on the yearly
average, at prominent places in North America.

[A + sign indicates a deflection of the north-seeking end of the magnet toward the east^ a " sign the contrary direction.]

Schott's deductions from this table are:

A perusal of the tabular values for the localities marked i to 6, and which sent

all that part of the United States and Canada which lies south of the forty-ninth

parallel, shows a close accord of the diurnal variation, having an maximum

very average

easterly deflection of 3'. 2 at about 7*^.9 in the morning and an average

maximum erly

deflection of 3' .6 at about i*'.4 in the afternoon, although the dip varies 20^"
between these geographical limits. At Sitka the range reaches already 10'. 6 and

beyond, with a dip of 80" and more, the diurnal rapidly rises, attaining i*' 40'

nearly at Fort Conger. At the higher (magnetic) latitude stations there is a tendency
to shift the morning extreme to an earlier hour and the afternoon opposite extreme to

a later hour than the corresponding times just cited. A remarkable feature in the

diurnal variation (yearly average) is' the close correspondence in the local times when

the needle the average magnetic meridian (tabular values passing from + to
passes "

sign); these times are:

For Key West

Los Angeles


Average 10 32

**This time is subject to an annual inequality which at Los Angeles in the summer

months displaces it to about 10^ 00", and in the winter months to about ii"* 30""."

The diurnal of the magnetic declination as is seen in Table IV, increases


with an approach to the magnetic pole and decreases toward the magnetic equator.

If "/ represents the diurnal

range, /, the dip and ^, the **
magnetic*' latitude as found

from the formula tan ffi=% tan /, then the following formula:

"/=2'.58 sec' ^

will give fair representation of the law according to which the diurnal varies
a range

with magnetic latitude or dip.

The diurnal increases with an approach toward the magnetic pole because

the horizontal component of the magnetic force, which holds the needle in place,

diminishes with a movement in this direction, whereas the deflecting forces which cause

the diurnal variation increase, and thus their effect increases with increase of magnitude
latitude. The only force acting on the
needle at the magnetic pole is that due

to the diurnal variation, and to magnetic perturbations, so that, if the needle were pended

with sufficient delicacy it might back and forth through all points of the

in the course of the day.


The value, for the of the diurnal is subject to mysterious

average year, range a

fluctuation, being greater in of maximum frequency of and less in

years sun spots,
times of minimum frequency or minimum solar activity as exhibited by sun spots. The

next table, V, shows this. The numbers in column -^, due to Wolf, represent the ation

for the given in the sun-spot frequency. Thus in the

year 1843, a minimum
years it is found that the of declination at Philadelphia reached its

year, range

smallest value. The period 1883-1884 was a maximum sun-spot year, and it is seen

that the at Los Angeles reached its maximum value during this time.

Table V. " Showing how the diurnal

range of the magnetic declination varies during the

su7i'Spoi period "

{about 11 yeafs).

Philadelphia Los Angeles

Year Diurnal range

! R^JV*''*' *""" Year
-rki...-"ai ..a""-^
Relative sun-

declination ^uSS^^ (Oct. to Oct.)

1840 91 61.8 1882-83 6.5 60. 7

1841 8.1 38.5 1883-84 7.1 68.2

1842 7.8 23.0 1884-85 6.9 53.7

1843 7.5 18.1 1885-86 5.8 32.4
1844 7.5 19-3 1886-87 5.4 14.3
1845 8.5 38.3 1887-88 5-4 7-3
1888-89 5.1 7.4

Table VI. "

Annual variation of the magnetic declination at several places in the northern

magnetic hemisphere,^

[A sig^ denotes deflection of the north end of the magnet to the eastward^ sign, the direction.]
+ a a "

; Key
| ^^^
West, ton, D. C.
phia, Canada Dublin, Kew,
Month Pa. 1845-1S51, Ireland England
1840- 1845 1856-1864. 1841-1850 1855-1862

January -0.5 0.0

February -0.4 -fO. 2

March i-o. I 4-0. I

April -ro. I 0.0

May "0.2 -1-0.3

June -fo.6 -r-0.5
July -l-i.o -^0.4
August -i-o. 9 0.0

September 0.0 "0.4

October -[-0.2 "0.6

November "0.9 "0.4

December -0.7 " O. I

It is seen that the total of the annual variation is a small quantity,

range very

about i' for the North American stations. The character of the variation
appears to

be different for each station. This may possibly be because the tabular results do not

refer in each case to the same interval of time, and because they were not deduced by

one common method.

According to the recent investigations of Dr. Schwalbe, the forces which bring
about this variation are situated outside the earth.

Minor Periodic Fluctuations.

Chief among these may be mentioned the variation depending upon the position of

the Moon with reference to the Sun and the Earth. The range, or difference between

the extreme values, of this variation is so minute that it has required many years

of continuous and carefully made observations to detect it.

Magnetic Storms.

Generally speaking these may occur at any time and are frequently accompanied
by auroral displays. Such storms may at times have a w4de circle of action and

occur practically simultaneously over the whole area. Thus on December 1896,

while the writer was on his way to Salisbury, Md., to make magnetic observations, he

saw a most brilliant aurora, and the next day while making magnetic obser\'ations the

behavior of the needle indicated that a magnetic storm was prevailing. This storm it

was afterwards ascertained occurred at foreign observatories practically simultaneously

with its occurrence in Maryland.
The fluctuations caused by these spasmodic variations in the Earth's magnetism
in the United States occasionally amount to as much as 10-20' and
may even more.

"From Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1890, 249. The matter contained in Tables IV
and V was taken from the same source.
54 1902.

Thus, on October 12, 1896, the writer made observations at Oakland, Md., at various

times during the day. The diurnal variation on that day was completely reversed, the

maximum value of west declination occurring in the morning instead of in the noon,

and the minimum value in the afternoon instead of the morning. The tion

in the morning required a correction of "16'.

Small, spasmodic fluctuations occur frequently; in fact, scarcely a day out



It is due largely to these irregular disturbances, the coming of which can not be

predicted, that it is not possible to give by a general system of rules accurate reductions

of an observed declination to the mean value for the day.

The duration of the irregular fluctuations may be but an instant, a few hours, or

several days. They generally reveal their

presence by a sudden and marked departure
of the needle from, its true normal position. While these fluctuations make their

apparently at random, nevertheless when they are treated statistically it is


found that they exhibit well-marked periodicities in tteir occurrences. They are more

frequent and more violent in the years of maximum solar activity, as indicated by sun

spots, and less frequent and less violent in years of minimum activity. In November,

1882, near the period of maximum sun spots, a magnetic storm occurred which caused

the magnetic needle at Los Angeles, Cal., to move over iyi" out of its normal

position. There was at the time a brilliant auroral display. This storm occurred over

the entire Earth, at Los Angeles, Toronto, London, St. Petersburg, Bombay, kong,
and Melbourne, and began at practically the same instant of absolute time. Then

again they appear subject to short, spasmodic variations, such as the daily and the

annual. They apparently occur more frequently toward evening and less frequently
toward noon; also more frequently in equinoctial months and less frequently in solstitial

months. Perhaps a good idea of the frequency and magnitude of the irregular turbances

is obtained from Schott's table,^ based on the observations made two


hours at Philadelphia, under Bache, between the six years 1840 to 1845.

Deviatious from normal Number of dis-

direction. turbances.

3. 6 to 10. 8 2189

10. 8 to 18. I 147

18. I to 25.3 18

25. 3 to 32. 6 3

Beyond, o

It should be recalled that the period of minimum sun-spot activity occurred in the

midst of this series; otherwise the disturbances would have been more frequent and

greater. Schott cites the following maximum deflections:

At Key West, between i860 and 1866 21.

o 4

At Madison, Wis., on May 28, 1877 o 24

At Madison, Wis., on October 12, 1877 o 48

At Lady Franklin Bay, during great storm in November, 1882, Greeiy

noted a deflection of 20 28

a Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1888, App. 7.


G. R, Putnam, of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, cites a change of over 3" in

twenty minutes at Niantilik on September 18, 1896. *'At y*" 35" a. m. local mean

time, the needle pointed 60" 35' west of north, while at 7**55", it pointed 63" 50' west

of north, and the total for the day was over 4^^". On this date there was an

unusual magnetic disturbance, the extreme in declination at Washington being


38' for the entire day, and 19' for the portion of the day corresponding to the interval

during which observations made at Niantilik. It will be noted that the in

were range

declination was nearly fifteen times as great as at Washington during the same inten^al. ' '

The geographical position of Niantilik is 64** 53/5 north and 66" '5 west of wich,

and the dip on September 18, 1896, was 83" 54- '8.

Some other interesting cases of magnetic storms will be given in the section on

Magnetic Observatories."

The cause of these remarkable phenomena of the Earth's magnetism whereby the

whole magnetic system of the Earth is deranged at a moment's notice is shrouded in

mystery. There are clearly three kinds of magnetic storms: (i) Cosmic ones, due to

changes occurring in the regions above; (2) telluric ones, resulting from changes

within the interior of the Earth, and (3) regional or local ones, resulting from changes
within or external to the Earth's crust, whose field of action is limited to a restricted

region of the Earth and the center or focus of which, while sometimes stationary,

generally travels from place to place.

The principal phases of a storm of the first kind occur simultaneously over the

Earth, within one or two minutes of time. Doubtless if arrangements could be made

to time these principal phases at places over the entire Earth with greater than

the ordinary photo-magnetic records will admit of, the correspondence in time would be

only a matter of seconds. During the prevalence of these magnetic storms strongly
marked variations in the electric currents within the Earth's crust manifest themselves

along with the variations of the magnetic needle. Lord Kelvin has calculated the

amount of energy required to produce the magnetic storm of June 25, 1885, if it were

to be referred to direct action of the sun. Quoting from Gray's Magnetism and

**The horizontal force at the following eleven places: St. Petersburg, Stonyhurst,
Wilhelmshaven, Utrecht, Kew, Vienna, Lisbon, San Fernando, Colaba, Batavia, and

Melbourne, increased considerably from 2 to 2.10 m., and fell from to

p. 2:10 3 p. m.,

with irregular changes in the interval.

'*The mean value at all these places was above at and below
.0005 par 2:10 .005

at The changes shown by the photographic records simultaneous

par 3 p. m. as were

at the different places. Assuming these electrical oscillations of the Sun, Lord Kelvin

estimates that the electrical activity of the Sun during the storm, which lasted about

eight hours, must have been about i6oXio*^ horsepower, or about i2Xio^Vergs

per second; that is, about 364 times the activity of the total solar radiation, which is

estimated at about 3X 10^ second. The electrical thus given out bj'
ergs per energy

the Sun in such a storm would supply, if transformed to the electrical vibrations of

shorter period concerned in its ordinary radiation, the whole light and heat radiated

during a period of four months. This, as Lord Kehnn remarks, is conclusive against
the hypothesis that these violent magnetic disturbances are due to direct action of the


The probability is that a solar ray endowed with greater or less than narily
and of the necessary kind acted as the trigger to the gun'* to set oE mighty
electric forces whose presence in the upper regions is becoming more and more manifest

every day.
A magnetic storm of the second category is associated with changes within the

Earth, cataclysms, earthquakes, volcanic outbreaks, etc. The phases occur


simultaneously over very large portions of the Earth, or progress from place to place
according to a certain rate. Remarkable coincident effects observed during the Ma}^

eruption in Martinique will be found further on. Hansteen declared *

that the

variations of the magnetic needle are a mute language revealing to us the changes
perpetually going on in the interior of the Earth." Another great student of nature,

Clerk Maxwell sarys: ''The never-resting heart of the Earth traces in telegraphic
symbols the record of its pulsations, and also the slow but mighty working of the

changes which us not to that the inner history of our planet is ended."
warn suppose

Magnetic disturbances of the third kind, as stated, take place over a limited area,

and are associated with phenomena occurring within the Earth, as enumerated in the

previous paragraph, or with phenomena in the upper regions. In the case of these

storms the passing of the principal phases from place to place take a measurable

amount of time. Storms of the first and second kind bring about storms of the

third kind as secondary phenomena.

Dr. Schmidt made a mathematical analysis of various magnetic storms, and in

particular of the one which occurred on February 28, 1896, and whose course was

followed one hour, from 6 to 7 p. m. Greenwich time, at the suggestion of Professor

;" ,

Eschenhagen, simultaneously by observatories distributed over the Earth. His


investigations clearly showed that the disturbance vectors at times converged to a

point, at other times radiated from a point, and in times of magnetic calms tively
speaking) the vectors at the various stations were almost parallel to each other,

as though pointing to a distant force center; furthermore, that the points of vergence

in general moved progressively forward with a velocity of about i kilometer

in a second, and also that they were at times nearly stationary. In view of the fact

that the cause of the diurnal variation of the Earth's magnetism must apparently be

referred to elettric currents in the regions of the atmosphere. Dr. Schmidt


believes that the immediate cause of the magnetic storms is to be referred to electric

whirls or vortices which separate themselves from the general electric field in the

atmosphere just as do the cyclones and anticyclones known to meteorologists. Taking

also into consideration the vertical disturbing components and applying Ampere's rule

to the current systems revealed by the disturbing forces, it follows that for the greater

part of our obserx^ed magnetic storms the causes come from the outside of the

Earth's crust.


These institutions are designed especially to secure a record of the changes ever going

on in the magnetic condition of the Earth. It was recognized at an early date that the

problems of terrestrial magnetism, like those of meteorology, have a world-wide interest

and bearing, and so require for their successful and complete solution the united and

harmonious efforts of all nations.


Under the powerful initiative of von Humboldt, Gauss, Herschell, KupflFer, and

Sabine, a number of institutions were accordingly established in the fourth decade of

the last century in different parts of the Earth, whose special pUf*pose it was to record

the ever-occurring magnetic variations. To cooperate with these foreign observatories

a magnetic observatory "

due to the enthusiasm of Professor Bache "
was founded in this

country at Girard College, Philadelphia. The results from these observatories amply
showed the wisdom of international cooperation.. At the present time a special effort

at a systematic study of the magnetic variations, according to a uniform plan, has again
been originated, this time in cooperation with the various Arctic and Antarctic expeditions.
The Coast and Geodetic Survey has at present four magnetic observatories taking
part in this international work, viz, at Cheltenham, Maryland, miles southeast of

Washington; at Baldwin, Kansas, 17 miles south of Lawrence; at Sitka, Alaska, and

in the Hawaiian Islands, at a site about miles west of Honolulu. The first named,

the Cheltenham Observatory, is one of the most complete and elaborately constructed

magnetic observatories in existence, and its of work will include, besides the

observation of magnetic phenomena, also seismic ones, and such as are related to

atmospheric and to telluric electricity.

The next illustration, Fig. gives view of the Cheltenham Magnetic tory,
12, a

the larger building being the so-called "Variation Observatory,*' in which

mounted the self -registering photo-magnetic instalments, and the smaller building
containing the oflSce in the middle, flanked by two wings in which the absolute magnetic
observations are made. The Variation Observatory consists of two rooms, each 16 by

feet; in the north room is mounted a magnetograph of the Eschenhagen pattern, and

in the south room has been installed the Adie magnetograph, adapted for photographic
registration and for eye readings, formerly at Los Angeles (1882-1889) and at San

Antonio (1890- 1895).

As the variations in the intensity of the magnetic force recorded on magnetic
instruments are partly due to the changes in the magnetic moment of the suspended
magnets due to temperature changes, it is necessary to either provide some means for

determining these artificial changes and make corrections, or to institute the necessary

arrangements for preserving a constant temperature in the observing room.

In the case of the Cheltenham Observatory, the attempt has been made to secure in

an above-ground structure freedom from moisture and a uniformity of temperature

within certain practical limits without employing other means than that derived

from the insulation of the specially constructed walls of the variation observatory

building. In addition, thermographs register continuously any remaining temperature

fluctuations inside the magnetograph rooms, with the aid of which

any necessary

reductions of the magnetic intensity variations to a selected standard temperature can

be made. The drawing of the plans and the erection of the observatory were intrusted

to J. A. Fleming, of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the results obtained thus far

show that his method of construction was a successful one.

The wall insulation of the variation observatory is as follows: Beginning at

outside of building, pine weatherboarding, 8-ply building i-inch pine sheathing,


8-inch air shaft, i-inch pine sheathing, 8-ply paper, feet pine sawdust, 8-ply
3 paper,

^-inch pine ceiling, 3 feet 2 inches air

passageway, ^-inch pine ceiling, 8-ply

paper, i foot pine sawdust, 8-ply paper, ^-inch pine ceiling; slat ventilators or louvre

been converted into a gradual progressive change, for which allowance can easily be

made, and amounting to between one-half and one-third of what it would be outside.

Fig- which shows the magnetograph of the Eschenhagen pattern in place at


the Baldwin Observatory, will exhibit the precise arrangement of the instruments.

The two instruments on the left are the declination variometer, by means of which

the variations in magnetic declination dre obtained, and the horizontal intensfty
variometer (one in the middle of view) giving the changes in horizontal component of

the Earth* s magnetic force. The magnets in both instruments are laminar pieces of

well-hardened watch-spring steel, about an inch long (25"") and about one-fourth of an

inch wide and about one-sixty-fourth of an inch thick " quite a difference from the

meter-long magnets used in Gauss's time. The magnets are suspended by fine quartz

fibers passing through the glass suspension tubes, and swing in damping boxes.

The in the declination instrument hangs in the magnetic meridian, whereas in

the horizontal intensity instrument the magnet is turned at right angles to the magnetic
meridian by means
of torsion of the quartz fiber. A third instrument for registering
the variation in vertical intensity completes the set.

On the right of the view are shown the lamp and the recording apparatus. A spot

of light supplied by the lamp falls on the mirrors attached to the magnets, and is

reflected onto the drum or cylinder inside the recording apparatus, a sensitized sheet of

(platinum bromide) by 52"" being wrapped around the drum and the drum
paper 15

revolving either once

in twenty-four hours or once in two hours, according to stances.

As the magnet swings to and fro, the spot of light back and forth
passes on

the sensitized sheet, producing a curved or devious line full of peaks and hollows ing

time of magnetic disturbance. To provide a base line from which to count the

changes, a second spot of light coming from a fixed mirror attached to each instrument

traces its record on the revolving cylinder as a straight line.

A shutter operating automatically cuts off the light from the fixed mirror at

intervals of one hour and thus the base line is interrupted, the distance between hourly
breaks being about 20""", so that i*""" of the base line represents minutes of time,
3 or

o.i"" (the limit of reading), 18 seconds. If the drum revolves once in 2 hours, as it

does during special work, then i'"" of abscissa represents seconds. One millimeter

of ordinate, or j^^ ^^ ^^ inch, corresponds to a change of i minute in the magnetic nation,


and about s. units in the horizontal intensity, or about go^oo part

.000025 c. g.

of the absolute value of the horizontal intensity. As it is possible to estimate ^^0 of a

millimeter, the magnetograms will ordinarially be read to o.i of a minute and to

c. s. units (sdJoo H).

.0000025 g.

Figs. and 16 exhibit some of the interesting records already obtained.

14, 15,

They are reproductions on half scale of the magnetograms obtained at the Cheltenham

Magnetic Observatory with the Adie magnetograph. In this instrument each magnetic
element (declination, horizontal and vertical intensity) is recorded on a separate

photographic sheet, two days' record being obtained on each sheet. Each figure is

composed of three sheets.

Fig. is designed to show the character of the magnetic curves during a paratively

undisturbed period, and especially to exhibit the slight effect due to the

Guatemalan earthquake. Beginning on top there are two curves "

the declination

curves "
marked respectively April 18 to 19 and April 17 to 18, next two straight lines

similarly dated, which serve as the base lines for the curves. From the explanation
given in the preceding paragraphs it will be evident that the curves result from the

spot of light coming from the mirror attached to the magnet, whereas the straight lines

are due to the spot of light from the fixed mirror. Considering simply the curve and

base line, each dated April 18-19, and measuring the perpendicular distances or

ordinates between the base line and the curve at the hourly intervals marked, beginning
with m., April 18, passing through midnight and continuing until m. of the
5 p. 4 p.

following day, then the difference of these ordinates wnll give the changes in the

magnetic declination from hour to hour for the period of time, i"" (one twenty-fifth of

an inch) of ordinate on the original sheet being i'.i3, and in the figures twice this

amount, viz, 2'. 26. If the entire ordinate be converted into minutes of arc and added

to the base-line value, the actual magnetic declination for each hour from April 18,

to April m., can be obtained. As the arrows on the side indicate,

5 p. m., 19, 4 p. a

rise in the curve means an increase of the declination (average value is about 5".i west),
whereas a fall in the curve means a decrease. The hours as marked are for local mean

time; to get seventy -fifth Meridian or Eastern standard time addf,j.

Thus at about 8 a. m. local mean time, the lowest value is reached, and between

noon and i p. m. the highest one results, the total change amounting to 4"'", or 9'. 5.
The same explanation will suffice for the next two curves (in the middle), the

changes in the ordinates measured from the corresponding base lines giving the changes
in the intensity of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic force or the force

acting the needle. The bottom curve and base line records the changes in
on compass

the vertical intensity, the vertical intensity curve for April to 18 having been omitted

purposely to avoid confusion.

One millimeter of ordinate for either the horizontal or vertical intensity curve

corresponds practically to s. unit, and on the original sheets to half of

0.00005 c. g.

this amount. It will be noticed that the principal minimum of the horizontal intensity

occurs at about 9 a. m. local mean time and the principal minimum of the vertical

intensity curve occurs a little after 10 a. m.

Comparing the three separate sets of curves,

it will be seen that the middle one "

horizontal intensity "

shows a number of small fluctuations not occurring in the other

and in fact this curve is rarely without disturbances of some kind.


Special attention is directed to the peculiar of the curves (declination,


horizontal intensity, and vertical intensity) between 9 and 10 m. on April 18, the

curves being almost entirely obliterated for part of the way. This peculiar occurrence

can be traced to the Guatemalan earthquake, the maximum effect of which was recorded

at 9** 40" (seventy-fifth Meridian or Eastern time) on the Milne seismograph which

Dr. H. F. Reid has had mounted at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

The late Professor Eschenhagen, who examined a number of such cases of quake

effects registered on magnetic instruments, came to the conclusion that the effect

was probably entirely a mechanical due to the vibration of the piers on which the

instruments were mounted, and not a magnetic effect.

Other breaks in the about 8 and are the time
curves, e. g., 5 p. m., a. m., 4 p. m.,

breaks ' *
and are purposely made in order to obtain the data for dividing the base

line into hourly intervals. (On the Eschenhagen magnetograph, as explained, this is

done automatically.)
^s^AV ^sTsa. $u("6dJ6UI

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Fig. shows the curves on disturbed day. Looking at the second curve from
15 a

the it is that the declination along smoothly until somewhat after

top, seen cur\'e runs

a. local mean time, April 10 (see second base line marked April 9-10), when it is
4 m.,

suddenly interrupted. Thereafter it exhibits a number of fluctuations until the end of

the cur\'e. Continuing now on the upper curve marked April 10, still more marked

fluctuations are exhibited until a little before 6 p. m., April ii (first base line) the

highest point is reached, the curve dropping thereafter. The change in declination

between this point and the lowest one which occurred about four hours before is

nearly 33'.
Passing on to the two middle curves "
^the horizontal intensity "
it is found that the

fluctuations are even more marked than for the declination curves, the beginning taking
place abruptly. The vertical intensity' curve likewise exhibits large fluctuations.

This magnetic storm lasted about two days, and began practically simultaneously

at the four magnetic observatories of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, \4z, Cheltenham,

Md. Baldwin, Kans. Sitka, Alaska, and Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. At Sitka the
; ;

disturbance in declination was 2^ and over, part of the record being lost, having gone

beyond the edge of the paper.

Fig. 16 reproduces a magnetic disturbance, which, as in the previous case, began

abruptly (see especially fourth curve). Now, the remarkable thing is this, that

the time of beginning of this storm was coincident, as far as can at present be tained,

with the' time of the eruption of Mont Pel^e (Martinique) on May 8. The

magnetic disturbance began simultaneously at the Cheltenham and at the Baldwin

observatories at 7^ 55" St. Pierre local mean time. According to the newspaper reports,

the catastrophe befell St. Pierre about 8 a. m. of May 8, and it was stated that the town

clock was found stopped at 7''50*"; how accurately this clock kept local mean time is, of

not known. This disturbance purely magnetic and not seismic one,
course, was a one a

as that shown in Fig. 14, and was not recorded on seismographs. The Cheltenham

magnetograms exhibit fluctuations amounting at times from to .0006 c. unit

.0005 g. s.

(about ^^^ of the value of the horizontal intensity), and from 10' to 15' in declination.

On the morning of May 20, from 4^ 07"" to 4" 16'" Eastern time, or 5**03" to 5^ 12""

St. Pierre local mean time, there again occurred a slight disturbance of the magnetic
needles at the Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory, beginning abruptly and reaching its

maximum effect at 5*" 07". From 11'' 57" m.. May 20, to o^ 09", May 21, Eastern

time, or from o*' 53"* to i** 05" a. m.. May 21, St. Pierre local mean time, a similar but

somewhat larger disturbance occurred.

According to the cable dispatch from Governor L'Huerre, of the Island of tinique

(mentioned in the Associated Press dispatches), sent from Fort de France and

dated Tuesday, May 20, the second eruption of Mont Pel^e apparently began about

5^ 15" a. m. " closely coincident with the time of the first magnetic disturbance given

Respecting the second magnetic disturbance, about midnight of the 20th, it is of

interest to note that almost continuous earthquake shocks were felt at St. Augustine,
Fla., from
9 to midnight, May 20.

The Coast and Geodetic Survey has undertaken a special study of the interesting
occurrences above described, and has sent request for information to magnetic
a every

observatory in foreign countries.



IsoGONic Lines.

The most convenient form in which to represent magnetic data for practical use,

namely, by drawing lines through the places having the same magnetic declination,

the same magnetic dip, or the same magnetic intensity, is generally supposed to have

been employed for the first time by Dr. Edmund Halley, the noted astronomer, who,

at the beginning of the eighteenth century, published two charts of the * *

lines of equal

magnetic variation (declination)," which are here called, respectively, the "Atlantic

Chart*' and the "World Chart." According to Hellmann, however, Christoforo Borri,

of Milan, to have made the first attempt to construct lines of equal magnetic

declination, but did not publish them.

The "Atlantic Chart," doubtless published in the lines of "equal

1701, gave

magnetic variation" chiefly over the Atlantic Ocean, based Halley' tions,
upon s

made between 1698 and on the shi^ Paramour Pink, the of the
1700 expenses

expedition having been borne by the English Government, this fruitful expedition
representing the first systematic effort made at a magnetic of the globe. In
survey no

case were the lines on this chart drawn over land areas.*

The "World Chart," frequently referred to under the title of "Tabula Nautica,"

published later than the preceding one (probably in 1702), besides containing the

"lines of equal variation "

for the Atlantic Ocean, also them for the Indian Ocean

and the extreme western part of the Pacific Ocean. (See Fig. ) In a few instances

the lines were drawn across the continents. This was reproduced by Airy in the

Greenwich Observations for 1869, and again by Hellmann* in 1895.

Revisions of Halley's chart, made by the progressive change in these lines

of equal magnetic declination with the lapse of time, were made after Halley's death

by Messrs. Mountaine and Dodson in 1744 and 1756. The most complete collection of

early charts of the lines of equal magnetic declination (isogonic charts) and of equal
magnetic dip (isoclinic lines) will be found in Hansteen's Atlas, belonging to his

famous work "

Magnetismus der Erde," Christiania, 1819, and in Hellmann's facsimile

reprints,* to which latter "work the reader is referred for a detailed historical account.

The following series of isogonic charts from 1600 to 1858 (Figs. 17-20) have been

reproduced on a reduced scale from Neumayer's excellent Atlas des Erdmagnetismus,

published by Justus Perthes, Gotha, 1891, those of 1600 and 1800 being due to Hansteen,
and published in 1819, that of 1700 to Halley, and theone of 1858 to the British Admiralty.
Van Bemmelen has recently constructed isogonic charts for
1500 (see Fig. 4), 1550, 1600,

1650, and based on an exhaustive collection of early declination values.^ A

1700, ful

scrutiny of them is earnestly recommended to the reader. Let him pick out, for

" A of this chart, whose existence had escaped attention, was found by the writer in 1895

in the British Museum, and reproduced by him with commentary notes in the journal "Terrestrial

Magnetism," Vol. I, No. i, 1896.

"** Die altesten Karten der Isogonen, Isoklinen, Isodynamen," Berlin, A. Asher " Co., 1895. (At
the time of this publication Hellmann was not aware of the "Atlantic Chart," and so erroneously
believed that the "World Chart" was the original Halley Chart of 1701. )
"?"Die Abweichung der Magnet Nadel," Batavia, 1899.

example, an agonic line (line of no magnetic declination) and follow its various formations

from period to period. Or let him the chart of 1600 with that of

1905, given later, and notice what a complete reversal there has been in the distribution

of the Earth's magnetism, as represented by the lines of equal magnetic declination.

Thus in 1600 the declination over the western and southern parts of the Atlantic Ocean

and over western Europe and western Africa was east^ whereas to-day, over the same

portions of the Earth, the declination is west.

The chart (Fig. 21) of reproduced from the British Admiralty Manual of
1905 was

Deviations of the Compass, The isoclinic chart, giving the lines of equal
1901. netic

dip for (Fig. 22), has been taken from the same source.

" In looking over the series of isogonic charts, two main lines of zero or no magnetic
declination (agonic lines) intersecting the equator, a western one and an eastern one,

can be recognized. If the longitudes of the intersections were determined from time to

time and represented graphically, the ordinate being the longitude and the abscissa the

corresponding it would be seen that for nearly three hundred there has been
year, years

a progressive and almost uniform motion of these two agonic lines to the westward, the

western agonic at an annual rate of nearly minutes in longitude and the

average 14

eastern agonic at an
annual rate of about 8 minutes in longitude. Were

the western agonic to make a complete revolution of the Earth at the rate given, it

would take it nearly one thousand six hundred years, whereas the eastern agonic would

require about two thousand six hundred

years. These results show how fruitless it is

to endeavor to determine the secular change period from the supposed motion of the

agonic lines around the Earth. The result reached will depend not only upon the

agonic selected, but also the parallel of latitude along which the sliding around

the Earth is supposed to take place. ^

Magnetic Meridians.

The lines of equal magnetic declination, while representing magnetic declination

data in a convenient and practical form, do not actually exist in nature; they are

merely an artificial set of lines devised to serve a useful which they admirably

fulfill. The so-called **

magnetic meridians,'* with which the isogonic lines are of ten

confounded, give a better representation of the actual magnetic condition of the Earth.

They are the lines along which one would travel were he to set out at any place on

the Earth and always follow the direction of the needle, and hence they

exhibit at point the actual direction of the needle, not by numbers, but
every compass

by angles. The magnetic declination at any point will be the angle between the

magnetic and the true meridian passing through the point.

Fig. gives the magnetic meridians for 1836 as drawn by Captain Duperrey. It

will be noticed that they all pass through two points " one in the Northern Hemisphere,
the North Magnetic Pole, and the other in the Southern Hemisphere, the South netic
Pole. The lines cutting across the magnetic meridians at right angles, which in

the present instance are the lines of equal "potential,*' Duperrey termed the "magnetic

"In this Lord Kelvin deduced his much-quoted period of nine hundred and sixty
way years.

Fio, 93." Magneltc mcTidiani for 1836 (Duperrey),

Fio. 14." Linn of equal magnetic


parallels.'* It is more usual, however, to call the lines of equal dip the magnetic
* '
The isogonic lines, on the other hand, pass through four points " two in each sphere,

the magnetic pole and the geographical pole. (See Fig. 24, which gives these

lines for 1885, as reproduced from Neumayer's

'Atlas.") In other words, at both

points in each hemisphere it is possible to have all values of the magnetic declination;

at the magnetic pole because there all magnetic meridians and at the
converge, geo-

gpraphical pole because there all true meridians meet, and since the magnetic declination

is the angle between the magnetic meridian and the true meridian, it is therefore ble
to have every value of the magnetic declination at each of the two points. There

is this distinction between them, however: At the magnetic pole the has no

definite direction, all the force acting at this point being vertically downward, so that

there is force in the horizontal plane pulling the into fixed direction;
no compass any

the true north and south direction is, however, a fixed one. At the geographical pole,
however, the true direction is anything please, while the direction is a
you compass

perfectly definite one.


General Remarks.

The present time is witnessing a remarkable revival of interest in magnetic work.

Magnetic either already under or contemplated for the near future in

surveys are way

nearly every civilized country. From the Antarctic expeditions valuable results

be expected in a region almost destitute of data, a,nd where in fact nothing has been

obtained since the observations of Ross and Crozier in the ships Erebus and Terror and

of Moore and Clerk in the Pagoda, sixty years ago.

Unfortunately, however, in the regions of the Earth where information regarding

the magnetic needle is of the highest practical importance to the seaman in these days,
when effort is bent to increase the speed of a vessel by a knot over the great ocean

basins continually traversed "

the Atlantic, the Pacific, etc. "
there almost no magnetic
data are at present being obtained. But little data regarding the magnetic tion

of the needle, nothing of the dip and intensity, have been obtained in the ocean

areas since the advent of iron ships, except from occasional eipeditions. The present
lines of equal magnetic declination, or, as the mariner terms them, **
lines of equal netic

variation,** over these waters depend almost entirely upon results acquired in

wooden ships 50 to 100 years and more It is therefore impossible to state just how

accurate they be. When it is remembered that in times of fog and darkness, with

no celestial object visible, sole reliance must be placed on the log, and the

variation charts, the importance of systematic magnetic of ocean areas needs

a survey

no further argument. Fortunately all evidence to show that over the deep waters

of the ocean most frequently traversed, the Atlantic, the present lines of equal magnetic
declination are doubtless correct within 1". In shallow waters, however, and near

coast lines, where danger of shipwreck is most imminent, greater errors in the lines can

be confidently expected. Respecting the Pacific Ocean, it is impossible to form an

accurate opinion as to the correctness of the mariner's variation charts.*' Unfortu-

27478"02 5

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Historical Summary. "

The first complete magnetic in which the three magnetic elements nation,
survey "

dip, and intensity "

were determined, and which was executed as a

piece of work and was coextensive with the limits of the countrj^ surveyed, was that of

the British Islands, corresponding to January i, 1837. This survey was imdertaken in

1836 at the request of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and was

completed in 1838, The example set by Great Britain was speedily followed by the

execution of similar in various portions of the globe in Austria, Bavaria,

surveys "

Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Canada, etc. At the present time nearly every

civilized country has been surv^eyed magnetically to a greater or less extent.

But such must be repeated after the lapse of a number of account

surveys years on

of the slow, yet appreciable, change forever going on in the Earth's magnetic state,

which change, as one of the most noted physicists has truly said, is a warning
''that we must not that the inner histor"^ of planet is ended." Thus
suppose our

after the lapse of twenty Great Britain again at the instance of the British
years "

Association for the Advancement of Science* " repeated its original magnetic survey.^

The obser\'^ations were taken between 185 7- 1862. In the Philosophical Transactions

of the Royal Society for 1870 will be found a full account of this and likewise

of the earlier In this Sir Edward Sabine combined the observations of the
one. paper

two and drew the isomagnetic lines for the mean period of 1842- 1845.

Recently Great Britain has completed a ihird magnetic far elaborate than
survey, more

of the preceding This one of the most carefully executed to

any surveys. survey, up

date, was conducted by two most eminent physicists. Professors Riicker and Thorpe.^
It is a most fruitful piece of work. Observations of the three elements were made at

first by the two distinguished professors themselves between the 1 884-1888 at


205 places.* The government grant committee of the Royal Society then made a

liberal grant so that the survey might be carried out on a larger scale than hitherto

attempted. Two assistant observers were then employed, and with their aid, in the

four 1889-1892, the grand total of the number of stations was brought to 882,
years up

making on the average i station to every 1 39 square

miles of land area.-^ The netic
lines corresponding to the epoch 1 886-1 890, and based on the observations

made between the 1884-1888, were drawn, and likewise those as based on the 677

stations observed in 1889- 1892, were constructed for the epoch 1891, and finally the

Quoted largely from the writer's First Report on Magnetic Work in Maryland.
" Doubtless no national organization has done so much for the advancement of the subject of

terrestrial magnetism as this most distinguished body of scientific men. Money grants have been

freely made; committees on terrestrial magnetism composed of the most eminent physicists have been

formed from time to time, and cooperation has been extended and encouragement given to magnetic
enterprises in many ways.

Report on the Repetition of the Magnetic Survey of England, by Maj. Gen. Edward Sabine.

Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1861.

"'Dr. Thorpe has made a number of determinations of the magnetic elements in the .United


"'The results were published in the Phil. Trans, of the R. S., 1890, A, 53, the memoir tuting

the Bakerian lecture of that year.

/The results of this last work have just been published, Phil. Trans. R. S., vol. 188, A, 1896.

lines as resulting from all the stations were obtained. A splendid opportunity was thus

afforded for testing the accuracy with which the positions of the isomagnetic lines, e. g. ,

the lines of equal magnetic declination or variation, can be inferred from observations

in greater or less number. For further details the reader is referred to Professor

Riicker's Interesting account" pubhshed in Terrestrial Magnetism for July, 1896.

Professor Riicker's* results regarding the relation of magnetic disturbances and

geological formations are of such universal interest that they are quoted in toto:

It has long been known that just as the secular variation of the magnet is accompanied by minor

diurnal changes, so the large alterations in the direction of the compass and dipping needle, which

are observed when we move from place to place on the surface of the earth, are affected by ities
which are due to purely local causes. Thus the declination is greater in Ireland than in England;
but the increase is not uniform as we from one country to the other. In fact in districts
pass some

an abnormaUy large increase is followed by a decrease.

"These curious inequalities must be due to local disturbing forces, and the large number of vations

which have been made in this country [Great Britain] have enabled us to determine with

than ustial the magnitude and direction which the magnetic forces would if
more accturacy assume

they undisturbed by local cause, and from the difference between things they then would
were any as

be and things as they actually are, we can calculate the magnitude and direction of the disturbing
forces themselves. When these are represented on a it is found that there are large districts of

the country in which the disturbing horizontal forces act in the same direction; in one region the

north pole of the needle will be deflected to the east, in another to the west, and, as we from

one of these districts to the other, we always find that at the boundary the downward vertical force

the north pole of the needle reaches a maximum value. We are thus able to draw the
on upon map

lines toward which the north pole of the needle is attracted. It is found that the exact position of

these can be determined with considerable accuracy, and that the lines can be traced without

possible doubt through distances amounting, in some instances, to a couple of hundred miles. The

key to this curious fact is probably furnished by observations in the neighborhood of great masses of

basalt or other magnetic rocks. If these were magnetized by the induction of the earth's magnetic
field, the portions of them would, in this hemisphere, attract the north pole of the needle;

and it is found that where large masses of basalt exist, as in Antrim, in the Scotch coal fields, in

North Wales, and elsewhere, the north pole of the needle is, as a matter of fact, attracted toward them

from distances which may amount to 50 miles. The thickness of the sheets of basalt is in most cases

too small to furnish a complete explanation of the observed facts, but it is quite possible that these

surface layers of magnetic matter are merely indications of underground protuberances of similar

rocks from which the surface sheets have been extruded. At all events, there is no possible doubt of

the fact that where large masses of basalt occur, the north pole of the needle tends to move toward


"There are other regions where the attractions are manifest, but where, nevertheless, no magnetic
rocks occur the surface; but it is most probable that the cause is the same, and that it is due to

the mere accident of denudation that in one case we can, and in the other we can not, point to the

magnetic rocks to which the anomalous behavior of the compass is due. Iftkts be so, it is certainly
interesting thai magnetic observations should enable us to penetrate to depths which the geologist can

not otherwise reach, and that the lines which we draw upon the surface of the map, as those to which

the north pole is attracted, may, infant, roughly represent the ridge lines of concealed masses of netic
rocks, which are the foundations upon which the deposits stttdied by the geologist have been laid.

0 A. W. Riicker: A Summary of the Results of the Recent Magnetic Survey of Great Britain and

Ireland conducted by Professors Riicker and Thorpe:

I. On the Accuracy of the Delineation of the Terrestrial Isomagnetic Lines.

II. On the Accuracy of the Determination of the lyocal Disturbing Magnetic Forces.

III. On the Relation between the Magnetic and the Geological Constitution of Great Britain and


* Extracted from Terrestrial Mdgnetism, Vol. Ill, 42-43.


"There is some ground for thinking that if these great underground wrinkles exist, thtey have

affected the rocks which are superposed them, especially those which are of a comparatively

early date. As general rule, if older rocks in the midst of newer ones, the pole of the
a appear

magnet will be attracted toward the protruding mass; but this rule holds good only of the rocks of

Carboniferous or Pre-Carboniferous age, and does not apply to later deposits. As a striking example, I

state that the Pennine Range which is sometimes called the "backbone of England"" is a
may "

of millstone grit rising amid rocks. Down this a well-marked magnetic ridge line
mass younger

runs. Similarly, in the neighborhood of Birmingham, the Dudley and Nuneaton coal fields are rounded

by more modem deposits. A curious horseshoe-shaped ridge line connects these two, and

then runs south to Reading, which is, magnetically speaking, one of the most important towns in the

Kingdom. East and west from Dover to Milford Haven, and then across the English Channel to

Wexford, runs a ridge of the older rocks, called by geologists the Paleozoic ridge, concealed in

places by newer deposits. Hollowed out in this are the South Wales and Forest of Dean coal fields,
and in another hollow within it lies the coal which has recently been discovered at Dover. Closely
following this protruding mass of the older r"x:ks is a magnetic ridge line which
passes through
Reading, and thus we have a magnetic connection between the anticlinals of Warwickshire and the

Paleozoic ridge. From the neighborhood of Reading also another magnetic ridge line runs ward,

entering the channel near Chichester. M. Moureaux, who, with most untiring has for

been investigating, single handed, the magnetic constitution of France, has discovered
many years

the continuation of this line on the French coast near Dieppe, and has traced it through the north of

France to miles south of Paris. The which is being displayed by magnetic

some 50 energy now veyors

in countries will, no doubt before long, prove that the network of these magnetic ridge

lines is universal, and the relations between them and the geological conformation of the countries

in which they lie will be so studied that our inductions will be based an adequate knowledge

of facts."

To give an intelligent and fair account of all work done in recent in this

special field of human activity would require far more and time than is available.

On the European continent, in nearly every country, elaborate magnetic either

surveys are

at present in or have ju3t been finished or are in contemplation. One of the


most detailed in recent years

is that of Holland, by Dr. Van Rijckevorsel, for the epoch
1891.0, embracing 278 stations over an area about equal to that of Maryland, or ing

about one
station to every 40 square
miles. This survey of Holland is especially
interesting from the fact that though it was made over an area superficially destitute of

striking geological features, it nevertheless revealed marked disturbances. The author

his conclusions thus: "Little even as we know about the geology of the
sums up

Netherlands, the magnetic maps must bring every one to the conviction that in some

in perhaps, there must be a direct relation between geologj' and terrestrial

cases, many

magnetism, and that many

of the magnetic features must be in some determined by

the geological structure of the underground. What these geological features might be

we are at present unable to tell. What kinds of rock may be hidden at a depth of

meters or more under the peat bogs and heaths of the Netherlands, and the clay, sand,
and pebbles immediately underlying these, we do not know "
rocks which, although
under ground, are yet perhaps in some places so near the surface as to be an effective

barrier against the inroads of the sea, which has fair play in other districts. * '

" So, likewise, important and interesting results were obtained by Professor Liznar,
who conducted the magnetic survey
of Austria. The magnetic survey of most of the

German States (for a second time, and on a more elaborate scale than during Lamont's

time) is now in
The Russian Government has been planning a magnetic
of its extensive domains, and it is hoped that the funds will soon be forthcoming.
70 1902.

Magnetic surveys of India and of Egypt are being undertaken under the auspices of

the English Government. Instances could be multiplied in which good and important
work has been accomplished by magnetic for example, in France, Italy,
surveys, as,

Belgium, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, etc.

Extremely interesting investigations in the greatly disturbed areas in Russia

between Kursk and Odessa have been made by Leyst, Moureaux, and Passalskij.^
Enough has been given, however, to show that by undertaking similar work the

United States is simply keeping in touch with a general movement that is manifesting
itself most actively in the civilized world to-day. It is recognized that in the and

impatient endeavor to unravel the mysteries of the celestial regions the terrestrial

mysteries, manifesting themselves

every moment, have been woefully neglected. The

science of our Earth is still in its infancy, and the astronomer has been made painfully

aware of the fact that more attention must be given to the study of the physical history
of the planet. There is
evidence that a reaction in scientific thought in this

regard has set in that is bqund to and it is most desirable that the United States

should keep in line with this onward movement.

Magnetic Survey of the United States.

In concluding, brief reference to the history of terrestrial magnetism in the United

States is made, that form some opinion as to the place to be ascribed to this
so one may

country in the development of magnetic surveys.

The earliest attempt at detailed State magnetic survey to have been made
a appears

by Prof. Alexander Dallas Bache in 1840-1843, just before he was called to the Superin-
' '
tendency of the Coast Survey. He called his a Magnetic of vania
survey survey

and parts of adjacent States." Obser\'ations were made at 22 points within

Pennsylvania; they did not in case embrace the three elements. Professor Bache

made these obsen^ations during his summer vacations from 1840-1843 and at private


When Bache became Superintendent of the Coast Survey magnetic work was porated

in the work of the Survey. Since then magnetic observations have been made

in State of the Union by the Coast Survey, and the drawing of isomagnetic
every maps

and the furnishing of the data for allowance for the secular change have become regular

authorized functions of the Survey. The extension of the observations in such manner

would fulfill the modern requirements of a magnetic survey could not be undertaken

until when the United States Congress, acting the recommendation of Dr.
1899, upon

Henry S. Pritchett, then Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, largely
increased the appropriation which had been made for magnetic observations before that


An oflBcer of the Survey was placed in immediate charge of the details of the work

in the field as Inspector of Magnetic Work, a division of Terrestrial Magnetism was

created in the OflSce of the Survey, and operations were extended to the limit fixed by
the amount of available.

Magnetic observations, more or less complete, and magnetic tours, more or less

extensive, had' been made previous to Bache's work, referred to above, e. g., by Long

a See Terrestrial Magnetism, Vol. IV, 235, and Vol. VII, No. 2.

(1819), Nicollet (1832-36), Locke (1838-43) and Loomis (1838-41). The last made

the first general collection of magnetic observations for this country and has the honor

of having drawn the first magnetic To be these covering the eastern

maps. sure, maps,

of the United States, owing to the scantiness of the material, only rough
part were

approximations; nevertheless, when, sixteen years later, a more complete was


made by the Coast Survey, Professor Bache declared that between his own and

that of Loomis, when allowance was made for the secular change, the **
proper ment

was remarkable.'* This epoch of about 1840 is remarkable for the number of

zealous and devoted students of terrestrial magnetism the famous scientists in


the United States. It is hoped that before long some of the physicists of this country

can again be counted in the list of eminent magneticians.

From 1 878-1 883 Prof. Francis E. Nipher, professor of physics at Washington
University, St. Louis, undertook a detailed magnetic of Missouri. Professor

Nipher must be duly credited with the spirit and enterprise he exhibited in the uration
of this survey. He was dependent entirely upon private aid for the defraying
of the of the work. The instruments were loaned by the Coast and Geodetic

Survey. Professor Nipher has published thus far five reports of this work^. He has,

however, not been able to complete the survey, and so no final report and no have

been published. He had observed, with the aid of assistants, at stations, the
149 or on

at station to 438 miles.

average one square

At the same time some preliminary observations to have been made by


Prof. Gustav Hinrichs, in Iowa, but the does not to have progressed far
survey seem

beyond a beginning.
Next comes the declination survey carried out "
this time under State auspices "

under the direction of Prof. George H. Cook, then State geologist of New Jersey, now

deceased. The period of the survey was 1887-1890, all the observations to the extent of

158 stations having been made within a few

of this date. There was thus on the

one declination station to about 52 square

miles. The observations \^ere not

made with special magnetic instruments, but good surveying transits were used. The

observers to have executed the work as carefully as the methods and ments

would permit.
It was a commendable piece of work, as far as it went, but it was not complete.
In order to derive the full benefit from magnetic it is absolutely essential to

determine not declination alone, but also dip and intensity. Experience has repeatedly
shown that with instruments a skilled observer can determine the three
proper netic

elements at practically the same cost in and time as when declination results

alone are
determined. The principal expense
and labor occurs in getting to a station

and determining the true meridian. After this, the magnetic work, with

instruments and modem methods, can be expeditiously and economically performed.

In 1896 the State Geologist of Maryland, Prof. W. B. Clark, inaugurated a netic

of Maryland, and intrusted it to the writer. The work was done pally

in the months of 1896 and 1897 ^^'^ i^ ^^ spring of 1899, the

summer expense

being borne by the State of Maryland, except in 1899, when the expenses were divided

between the State and the Coast and Geodetic Survey. In all of the
1900 expenses

a Transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, 1878-1886.



Magnetic Poles.

The definition for the magnetic poles of the Earth commonl)^ accepted, is that they

are the points on the Earth's surface where the dipping needle stands precisely vertical,
i. e., where the dip is 90", at the north magnetic pole, the north end of the dipping
needle pointing vertically downwards, and at the south magnetic pole, the south end

' *
of the same needle pointing vertically downwards. Excluding local magnetic poles, '

caused by extraordinary local deposits of attracting masses, there are but two such

points, one in the Northern Hemisphere and the other in the Southern Hemisphere;
their approximate positions will be presently given, and it will be seen that they are

not diametrically opposite each other. At these points, as all of the Earth's magnetic
force acts vertically downwards, there is no horizontal component to act on the pass

needle and hold it in fixed direction, hence the needle at the

any compass netic

poles, except for extraneous disturbing influences, remains in

any position it

be placed.
The points of greatest intensity of the total magnetic force, because of the lar
in which the Earth is magnetized, are not coincident with the magnetic poles

as above defined; barring out local manifestations there will be found to be four such

points, two in each hemisphere, termed the **foci of greatest magnetic intensity."
The stronger of the two intensity foci in the Northern Hemisphere, was, according to

Lefroy's observations in 1843-44, in latitude 52" 10' north and in longitude 99*^ 59'
west of Greenwich, hence somewhat south of Hudsons Bay and considerably south of

the north magnetic pole.

It can not too clearly be pointed out that the points on the Earth's surface termed

''magnetic poles," are by no means to be compared to the poles of a

bar magnet. If

they were similar in their action, then, manifestly, the weight of iron particles ought to

increase enormously with approach to the magnetic poles. This, however, is known

not to be the ca"e. The increase in the weight of iron as the pole is approached, on

account of the increase of the vertical force of the Earth's magnetism, would only be

about one-eighth of that due to the well-known increase of gravitational force d^o)
because of the flattening of the Earth at its rotation poles. The Earth is a spherical
magnet, and not at all to be likened to a bar magnet. A bar magnet at the center of

the Earth which would produce the magnetic facts observed on our globe would have its

magnetic poles practically coincident with each other. Two well-known investigators,
Kraft and Biot, found that the nearer to each other they assumed the poles of a fictitious

bar magnet placed at the center of the Earth to be, the closer the correspondence
between their computed results on this hypothesis and the observed facts; so that the

''equivalent magnetic poles of a spherical magnet

are practically the same distance

from all points on the Earth's surface, and this accounts for the slight increase in

the weight of iron which might be expected if it were

carried from the ' '
' ' ' '

equator to the magnetic pole. ' '

a A "local magnetic pole *'

was found by Messrs. Leyst and Moureaux in Russia, between Kursk

and Odessa; the writer in the fall of found Juneau, Alaska, viz, Douglass Island,
1900 one near on

opposite Sheep Creek. There are a number of such **

local ''
74 1902.

Hence there are no paints on or near the EartKs surface equivalent in their action to

the poles of a bar magnet; the points which are termed the "
magnetic poles of the Earth

are simply the points of intersection of the direction of vertical dip with the Earth^s surface.
If the Earth were uniformly magnetized throughout instead of being heterogene-

ously magnetized, the Une joining the **

equivalent magnetic poles,'* if prolonged, would

through the points on the Earth's surface where the dip is equal to 90", and this

line would be the * *

magnetic axis ' '
of the Earth. Only about seven-tenths of the total

force of the Earth's magnetism can be referred to a homogeneous magnetization, the

remainder being due to irregular magnetizations. Hence we must expect neither that

the points of vertical dip lie diametrically opposite to each other nor that the magnetic
axis of the uniform magnetization should coincide with the straight line connecting
them. The said magnetic axis passes through the Earth's center and connects the points

on the surface, lying respectively in latitude 78^.3 north, longitude 67^.3 west, and in

latitude 78". south, longitude 112". east, while the straight line connecting the
3 7

magnetic poles does not pass through the center of the Earth but off to one side.

In consequence
of the heterogeneous magnetization of the Earth a magnetic
meridian line is not a straight line leading to the magnetic poles, but a very devious line

indeed. And thus a great circle passed through the direction pointed out by a compass

needle at given place will not through the magnetic poles, and the opposite
any pass

intersections of two of such circles will not coincide with the magnetic poles.
It is desirable to advert to one more matter before proceeding to give the tion
of the ''magnetic poles." Gauss defined these points as the places of minimum

and of maximum potential, the former being the north magnetic pole. The points so

defined would coincide with those of vertical dip, if no part of the Earth's magnetism

be due to electric currents which from the air into the earth and vice It
pass versa.

would seem as though we have some

indication that a small part (about 2 or cent)
3 per

of the Earth's magnetic force is to be ascribed to such currents.

Capt. James Clark Ross, in June, 1831, found that the dip of the peedle at a place
whose latitude was 70" 05' 17" north and whose longitude was 96? 45' 48" west of

Greenwich was 89" 59'. 5. The compass

needle had lost its directive force at this

point entirely; when suspended by a fiber it would remain in

any position in which it

had been placed. This point, reached for the first time by Ross and designated the

North Magnetic Pole," is situated on Boothia Felix "
named in honor of Felix Booth,

who had fitted out the expedition. Owing to the method of determination which Ross

had to employ and the inaccuracy of his instruments, the position found for the

magnetic pole must be regarded as only approximate. To fix the point precisely would

require the magnetic of a considerable area, and hence the expenditure of

survey more

time than Ross could afford.

A Norwegian, Mr. Roald Amundsen, is at present planning a north magnetic pole

expedition, which is to set out in the spring of and is to be equipped for stay of
1903, a

four in the region of the magnetic pole. His magnetic instruments being
years are

constructed especially for this expedition under the able superintendence of Professor

Neumayer, director of the German Naval Observatory at Hamburg, and Dr. Chree,

superintendent of Kew Observatory, England.


The change in the magnetic inclination "

the element principally involved in the

location of the magnetic pole "

along a magnetic meridian is in this region about o'.S

to 2' kilometer, or i' to 3' mile. It is furthermore probable that the magnetic
per per

pole is at moving, because of the secular change in the Karth's magnetism in

present a

northwesterly direction at the rate of about 5-8 kilometers, or 8-13 miles, per year.

It would accordingly seem that with modem instrumental means and methods the

t Jb 1. "
)" ^

Fio. J6,-M8po( region around North Magnelfc Pole "Schott, 1890).

location of the magnetic pole, defined as the focus of vertical dip, and its secular motion,

ought to be determinable with sufficient within the period of the expedition.


Observations of the diurnal variation of the magnetic elements, if possible, of


perturbations, polar lights, and atmospheric electricity will be extremely ing


and valuable in this region.

The south magnetic pole has not as yet been reached. From Ross's observations,

made in the antarctic regions while in command of the ship Erebus, Dupertey has deduced

the position of 75" south and 138" east of Greenwich. The nearest approach to the

south magnetic pole was made by Ross, February 16, 1841, in latitude 76** 20' south

and longitude 165" 32' east, the dip at this place being 88" 35'. Unsurmountable ical
difficulties prevented his getting any nearer.

Duperrey determined the position of the magnetic poles with the aid of his charts

of the magnetic meridians for 1836. (See Fig. ) These meridians do not quite meet

in the same point because of the irregularity in the Earth's magnetization, already

pointed out; however, the "successive intersection of each pair of contiguous meridians

form a closed the central points of which be denominated magnetic poles.**

curve, may

The poles so defined were found to be in 70** north, 98** west, and 75" south and 138"
east. Gauss, in 1838, calculated that the north magnetic pole would be in 73" 35'
north and 93" 39' west, and the south magnetic pole in 72" 35' south and 152" 30'
east. Commander Borchgrevink, who has penetrated the farthest south thus far, claims
that the position of the south magnetic pole, computed (he did not reach the pole) from

his magnetic observations, gives a position agreeing more closely with that of Gauss than

that of Ross. Enough has been given to show, however, that the positions of the netic

poles are not as yet accurately known, and that, furthermore, position mined

applies only to a particular time.

Magnetic Moment.

The following figures are given to furnish some slight conception of the magnetic
moment of the Earth. Suppose as the unit, a bar magnet of the hardest steel, magnetized

as strongly possible, which shall be inches long, i inch wide, i % inches thick. Such
as 14

a bar magnet would weigh i pound. According to Gauss, it would take the following
number of these bar magnets placed at the Earth's center to produce the same external

effect as the Earth:

8 464 000 000 000 000 000 000.

Or, if we assume that the Earth's magnetism is uniformly distributed throughout the

Earth, then will the magnetic intensity of each cubic yard be equal to six of the

I -pound steel magnets.

To the fact in still another form. The radius of soft iron sphere
put same a netized

to saturation and concentric with the Earth, which shall have the same magnetic
effect as that of the Earth, is, according to Overbeck, 243.2 kilometers, or 132.4

geographical mites, or 151 statute miles, or one-twenty-sixth of the Earth's radius.

According to Gray ("Treatise on Magnetism and Electricity," 1898): **


long bars of steel of comparatively high magnetizability have been found by the author

to take magnetic moment of about 780 cubic centimeter (that is, an induction in
a per

the steel of over 10 000, about four and one-half times that taken by Gauss's bar).

Consequently, the magnetic moment of a cubic centimeter of such steel is about ten

times as great as that of a cubic decimeter of the Earth "

that is, the mean magnetization
intensity of the Earth's substance is about trluv of that of highly magnetized hard
f very

steel. ' '

Fleming says ('* Terrestrial Magnetism," VoL II, p. 58):

Taken as a whole, the Earth is a feeble magnet. If our globe were wholly made

of steel and magnetized as highly as an ordinary steel-bar magnet, the magnetic forces

at its surface would be at least a hundred times as great as they are now. That might
be an advantage or a very great disadvantage."

In conclusion, it be well to point out that the actual distribution and location

of the magnetic masses or systems of electric currents within the Earth's crust which

the observed magnetic facts the globe not be definitely determined until
cause on can

observations in sufficient number and of the required have been made not only

the surface, but also at various altitudes and depths in the regions and in the
on "

depths. The facts measured and observed simply on

the surface
be explained

in infinite number of
an ways.

All modem investigations would to lead to the conclusion that there exists

both deep-seated magnetic field and confined to comparatively thin layer,

a very one a

and that the Earth's total magnetism results from systems of electric currents well
as as

from permanent and induced magnetizations.





Such methods as can be employed with the means usually at a surveyor's disposal

are described first, and then the method generally used by the magnetic observers of the

Coast and Geodetic Survey is given.

SiMPi^E Methods for Determining the True Meridian by Observations on


i. "
to determine the true meridian by observation on polaris at TION

WITH A surveyor's TRANSIT.

1. Set a stone, or drive a

wooden plug, firmly in the ground and the top thereof

make a
small distinct mark.

About thirty minutes before the time of the eastern or western elongation of

Polaris, as given by the tables of elongation, No. VII, set up

the transit firmly, with its

vertical axis exactly over

the mark, and carefully level the instrument.

Illuminate the cross hairs by the light from bull's-eye lantern other
3. a or source,

the being directed into the object end of the telescope by an

assistant. Great care

should be taken to see

that the line of collimation describes a truly vertical plane.
Place the vertical hair the star, which, if it has not reached its elongation,
4. upon

will move to the right for eastern and to the left for western elongation.
As the star moves toward elongation, keep it continually covered by the vertical

hair by means
of the tangent screw
of the vernier plate, until a point is reached where

it will to remain on the hair for some

time and then leave it in a
direction contrary

to its former motion, thus indicating the point of elongation.

6. At the instant the star to thread the vertical hair, depress the telescope

to a
horizontal position; about 100 yards north of the place of observation drive a wooden

plug, which by a strongly illuminated pencil other slender object, exactly cident
upon or

with the vertical hair, mark a point in the line of sight thus determined; then

quickly revolve the vernier plate 180", again place the vertical hair
the star, and,

as before, mark a point in the new direction; then the middle point between the two

marks, with the point under the instrument, will define on the ground the trace of the

vertical plane through Polaris at its eastern or western elongation, as

the case

By daylight lay off to the east west, the require, the muth
7. or as case may proper

taken from the Table No. VIII; the instrument will then define the true meridian^

which be permanently marked by monuments for future reference.


a In the preparation of this article use has been made of the United States Land Office Manual of

Instructions, Washington, 1896.


B. To refer to calendar day other than the first and fifteenth of each months

SUBTRACT the qtutntities below from the tabular quantity for the PRECEDING DATE.

C. To refer the table to Standard time and to the civil or common

method of reckoning:

(") Add to the tabular quantities four minutes for degree of longitude the

place is west of the Standard meridian and subtract when the place is east of

the Standard meridian.

(*) The astronomical day begins twelve hours after the civil day, i. e. begins at

the civil day of the date, and is reckoned from to hours. quently
noon on same o 24

astronomical time less than twelve hours refers to the same
civil day,

whereas astronomical time than twelve hours refers to the morning of the
an greater

next civil day.

It will be noticed that for the tabular

year two eastern elongations occur on

January 12 and two western elongations on July 12.

There are
also two upper

on April 12 and two lower culminations on

October 12. The lower culmination

either follows precedes the culmination by 11** 58".!.

or upper

D. To refer to other than the tabular latitude between the limits of ^5" and 50"

North: Add to the time of west elongation o'^.is for degree south of 40" and

from the time of west elongation o".i8 for degree north of 40".
subtract every

Reverse these operations for correcting times of east elongation.

E. To refer to
other than the tabular longitude: Add o". 16 for each 15" east of

the ninetieth meridian and o". 16 for each 15*^ west of the ninetieth meridian.

27478 " 02 6

Table VIII. "

Azimuth cf Polaris when at ehngation for any year
between 1^2 andipio.

1903.0 1904.0 19P5.0 1906.0 X907.0 190S.0 19^ "^ 1910.0

S 1 18.7 18.4 iS. 1 17.7

20. 1 19. 19.4 19.
2rj.8 20. 1 19.8 19.4 19. 1 18. 18.4

21.5 21.2 20.8 20.5 20. I 19.8 19- 4 19. 1

22.2 21.9 21.6 21.3 20.9 20.5 20. I 19.8

23.0 22.7 22.4 22. 1 21.7 21.3 20. 20.5

23 9 23-5 23.1 22.8 22.4 22. 1 21.7 21.3

24.7 24.4 24.0 23.6 23.2 22.9 22.5 22.2

25.6 25.3 24.9 24.5 24.1 23.8 23.4 23- 1

26.6 26.2 25.9 25-5 25.1 24.7 24.3 24.0

27.6 27.2 26.9 26.5 26.1 25-7 25- 3 25.0

28.7 28.3 27.9 27.5 27.1 26.8 26.4 26.0

29,8 29.4 29.0 28.6 28.2 27.9 27.5 27. 1

3^-5 30.1 29.7 29.3 29.0 28.6 28.2

32-2 31-8 31.4 31.0 30.6 30.2 29.8 29.4

33-5 33.1 32.7 32.3 31.8 31.4 31.0 30.6

35.2 34.8 34.4 34.0 33.6 33.2 32.8 32.4 32.0

41 3"^.7 36.2 35.8 35.4 35- o 34.6 34.2 33-8 33-4

42 3".2 37.7 37.3 36.9 36.5 36.0 35.6 35.2 I 34.8

43 39.8 39.3 38.9 38.5 38.1 37.6 37-2 36-8 ,
40. 1 39.7 38.8 38.4
44 41.4 41.0 40.5 39-2
j 37.9

45 43.2 42.7 42.3 41.8 41.4 40.9 40.5 40. 1 I 39-6

46 45. f^ 44.6 44.2 43.7 43-2 42.7 42.3 41.9 41.4

47 46.9 46.5 46.0 45.6 45-1 44^6 44.2 43.7 ;

48 49- o 48.6 48.1 47.7 47.2 46.7 46.3 45.8 45-3

49 51.2 ^"'7 5t".2 49.8 49.3 48.8 48.4 47.9 47.4

5^* I 53-5 I 53." I 52.5 I 52.0 I 51.5 I

I 51.0 I 50.6 1 50- 1 I 49.6

The above table was computed with mean declination of Polaris for each A

more accurate result will be had by applying to the tabular values the following rection,

which depends the difference of the and the place of the

on mean apparent

star. The deduced azimuth will in general be correct within o'.3.

II. "


I Attach the plumb line to a support situated as far above the ground as cable,

such as the limb of a tree, a piece of board nailed or otherwise fastened to a

telegraph pole, a house, bam, or other building affording a clear view in a north and

south direction.

The plumb bob may consist of any weighty material, such as a brick, a piece of

iron stone, weighing to pounds, which will hold the plumb line straight and
or 4 5

vertical fully as well as one of turned and finished metal.

Strongly illuminate the plumb line jiist below its support by a lamp or candle, care

being taken to obscure the source of light from the \'iew of the obser\'er by an opaque


For a sight, cut a slot about one-sixteenth of an inch wide in a thin piece of

board, or nail two strips of tin, with straight edges, to a block of wood, so

arranged that they will stand vertical when the block is placed flat on its base upon a

smooth horizontal rest, which will be placed at a convenient height south of the plumb
line and firmly secured in an east and west direction, in such a position that when

viewed through the sight Polaris will about a foot below the support of
peep appear

the plumb line.

The position may

be determined by trial the night preceding that set for the


About thirty minutes before the time of elongation, as given in the tables of gation,

bring the sight into the same line of sight with the plumb line and Polaris.

To reach elongation the star will move

off the plumb line to the east for eastern

elongation, or to the west for western elongation; therefore by moving the sight

in the proper direction, east or west, as the case may be, keep the star on the plumb
line until it to remain stationary, thus indicating that it has reached its point

of elongation.
The sight will now be soured in place by a clamp or weight, and all further

operations will be deferred until the next morning.

By daylight place a slender rod at a distance of 200 or feet from the
4. 300 peep

sight and exactly in

with it and the plumb line; carefully measure this distance.

Take from the Table VIII the azimuth of Polaris corresponding to the latitude of

the station and of observation; find the natural tangent of said azimuth and

multiply it by the distance from the sight to the rod; the product will the
peep express

distance to be laid off from the rod exactly at right angles to the direction already

determined (to the west for eastern elongation or to the east for western elongation) to

point which with the sight will define the direction of the true meridian with a
a peep

fair degree of



This simple method for tracing out on the ground a true north and south line, one

demanding only a slender instrumental outfit, was given in Lalande's Astronomy,


published more than a century It was used by Andrew Ellicott in 1785 in his

boundar"^ survey work of Pennsylvania, and was again brought to notice in the present

century by Dr. Charles Davies. It consists in watching for the time when Polaris and

a given bright star come to the same vertical, and then after a short lapse of time, given
in a table, Polaris will be found exactly on the meridian, and hence can be referred to

the horizon and to any

meridian mark placed there.

The verticality may be ascertained by a plumb line

or by the vertical thread of a transit instrument; the

method demands neither a graduated circle, nor a

chronometer, nor any exact knowledge of the local

Great Bear
time, an ordinary watch being sufficient to measure

the short tabular interval.

Early in the present centur"' the star Alioth {e Ursae

^ii Majoris) was favorably situated for the use of the
method; however, in 1850 the interval between times

H of verticality and of culmination already amounted to

\a. minutes, and at the present time has become large

17 so

that this star is no longer suitable. Zeta (C) Ursae

Majoris or Delta (tf) Cassiopeiae should now be tuted


for it, both these stars being now in


favorable positions. Zeta (C) Ursae Majoris, or Mizar,

as it was called by the ancient Arabians, is the middle

one of the three stars in the tail of the Great Bear; the

small star near it is Alcor. Delta {d) Cassiopeiae is at

MPoU the bottom of the less perfectly formed V of the letter

W, as frequently imagined to unite roughly the five

brightest stars of this constellation.

The diagram (Fig. 27), drawn to scale, exhibits

the principal stars of the constellations Cassiopeia and

Great Bear, with Delta {6) Cassiopeia, Zeta (C) of

the Great Bear, and Polaris on the meridian, represented

by the straight line, Polaris being at Imver tion.

In employing this method the following instructions
be followed:
1. Select that one of the two stars which at the

time of the when the observation is made

year passes
CouB^t }petCL meridian below Polaris. When the the
the star passes

meridian above the pole it is too near the zenith to be

of service. Delta {S) Cassiopeiae is on the meridian

below Polaris and the pole at midnight about April 10,

and is, therefore, the proper star to use at that date and
FlO. 27." The diagram held pcrpendic.
ular to the line of sight directed to the for three months before and after. Six
some two or

pole, with the right-hand side of the


uppermost, will represent the tion

months later the star Zeta (C) Ursae Majoris will supply
of the constellations with Polaris its place.
near eastern elongation at midnight about
2. Using the apparatus just described under II, place
July II. Inverted, it will show Zeta H) of

the Great Bear and Polaris the meridian * ' ' '
in the line with the line
on the peep sight plumb and
(the former below and the latter above the

Polaris, and move it to the west as Polaris moves east,

pole) at midnight about October 10; and

held with left-hand side uppermost, the

until Polaris and S for
Cassiopeia, example, appear upon
diagram will indicate the relative uations

the plumb line togethef and carefully note the time by
for midnight January 8, ,

with Polaris tuestern elongation. The

clock then
a or watch; by moving the peep sight,
arrows indicate the direction of apparent
the alignment with Polaris and Xh^ plumb line
motion. preserve

(paying no
further attention to the other star) at the expiration of the small interval

of time given below the peep sight and plumb line will define the true meridian, which

be permanently marked for future use.




For Zeta (C) Ursae Majoris in

1900 -f-2.6 minutes

For Delta (5) Cassiopeise in

1900 -^3.4


The method given in this article for finding the true meridian can not be used with

advantage at places below about 38" north latitude, on account of the haziness of the

atmosphere near the horizon.

The foregoing methods for the determination of the true meridian are

and when available they answer

the requirements of the and give results

with all desirable precision. They do not require an accurate knowledge of the time,

which is their principal advantage. The relative motion of the stars employed in the

third method and the change in direction of motion of Polaris at elongation indicate

with sufficient exactness the moment when the observation should be made. Stormy

weather, hazy atmosphere, or the of clouds interfere or entirely prevent

a presence may

observation when the star is either at elongation or on the meridian, and both events

sometimes occur
in broad daylight or at an
inconvenient hour of the night. Under

such circumstances a simple method applicable at time (Polaris being visible) is


desirable and often be used by the when other methods fail.

can surveyor

IV. "



This method requires a knowledge of the local mean

time within one or tw^o

minutes, as
in the extreme case
when Polaris is at culmination, its azimuth changes

i' (arc) in 2"^ minutes (time). The Standard time can usually be obtained at a

telegraph office from the signals which are sent out from observatories. From this

the local mean

time be derived by subtracting four minutes of time for
may every

degree of longitude west of the Standard meridian or adding four minutes for

degree east of the Standard meridian. The local mean

time be obtained also by

observations of the one

method being explained later.

The following table, IX, is intended to be used in connection with the American

Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. The should read carefully the chapter in

that publication in which the formation and use

of the Ephemeris are explained,

especially the portion defining the different kinds of time.

"(/. Appendix No. 10, Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1895.

The following example explains the of the table and the derivation of the hour

angle of Polaris:

Position, latitude 36" 20^ N., longitude 80" orj^ 5** 20" W. of Greenwich.
5 or 30*

Time of observation, July standard (75th mer.) time

10, 1902, mean

Reduction to local time

Local time

Reduction to sidereal time (Table III, Amer. Ephem. )

Sidereal time mean noon,

Greenwich, July 10, 1902

Correction for longitude 5** 20" 30" (Table III, Amer. Ephem.)

Local sidereal time

right ascension of Polaris, July

Apparent 10, 1902

Hour angle before culmination


Declination for which Table IX applies

Apparent declination, July 10, 1902

Increase in declination

Azimuth from Table IX (interpolated).

Correction for ot, increase in declination


Computed azimuth 28 East of north.

o 51

It is to be remembered that Polaris is east of the meridian for twelve hours before,

and west of the meridian for twelve hours after, culmination.


Without the American Ephemeris the table be conveniently used for obtaining

the true meridian, in connection with Table VII giving the approximate times of

culminations of Polaris, and the additional knowledge of the fact that the nation

of Polaris 88" 46'. in and is increasing at the rate of about o'.

was 5 1900 3 per

Without the use
of the Ephemeris the computation would be

Time of observation, July standard (75th mer.) time

10, 1902 mean

Reduction to local time


Ivocal time
mean v

Local time of culmination of Polaris (Table VII)

mean upper

Mean time of observation before culmination


Reduction to sidereal time

Hour angle before culmination


Declination for which Table IX applies

Mean declination

Increase in declination

Azimuth from Table IX

Correction for i\ increase in declination


Computed -azimuth East of north.

o 51 33

Tables generally given in books surveying for reducing mean

solar to sidereal
are on

time, but for this computation it is enough to consider the correction lo* hour,
near an

the stars gain nearly four minutes on

the Sun each day.
as very

Table IX. Azimuth 0/ Polaris at hour a;2^/^- "Concluded.



Determination of the True Meridian and L,ocal Mean Time by Means of

Observations on the Sun.

The following method is the one usually employed to determine the true meridian

in connection with the magnetic obser\^ations of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. It

involves more computing than those already described, but is more convenient in that

it is available for during daylight when the magnetic observations are in

use progress.

In connection with the time signals sent out by telegraph from observatories it

furnishes the means also of determining approximately the longitude of the place of

observation. It requires a theodolite with graduated vertical circle and a prismatic

eyepiece for observing the Sun, and a well-regulated timepiece. The observations at

a place usually coi^ist of four independent sets of observations, two in the morning
and two in the afternoon, each set consisting of four pointings on the Sun and two

pointings on a reference mark symmetrically arranged as in the following example.

For each pointing on the Sun the time is noted, and both horizontal and vertical circles

are read. Observations are made from two to four hours from noon, and at nearly the

same altitudes morning and afternoon. The reference mark should be a well-defined

object nearly in the horizon and at least 100 yards distant.

The instrument (see Figure 28) used in the following observations has a glass

diaphragm on which is ruled one horizontal and one vertical line. The symbols in the

first column indicate the limbs of the Sun which were brought tangent to the lines of

the diaphragm at the recorded time. The vertical circle is so graduated that it gives
altitudes in one position and zenith distances in the other. The readings in the latter

case have been subtracted from 90" when filling in the last column. The verniers allow

readings on the horizontal and on the vertical circle to be made to minutes, half minutes

being estimated.

A. M, observations of Sun for azimuth and time.

Station, Paducah, Ky. Date, Tuesday, July 2, 1901.

Theodolite of Mag'r No. 19. Observer, W. W.

Chronometer, Bond No. L75. Temperature, 32". 2.


/*. M, observations of Sun for azimuth and time.

Station, Paducah, Ky. Date, Tuesday, July 2, 1901.

Theodolite of Mag'r No. 19. Observer, W. W.

Chronometer, Bond No. 175. Temperature, 36. "8.

For cx)mputing these observ^ations one requires a five-place table of logarithms of

trigonometric functions and .the American Ephemeris, or U. S. Hydrographic Office

Publication No. 118, which gives the Sun's declination and the equation of
time. For correcting the observed altitude of the Sun for parallax and refraction, the

following convenient table has been prepared, giving the combined correction for ent

altitudes and temperatures, to be subtracted from the observed altitude:

Tabi,e X. "
Correction to observed altitude of the Sun for refraction and parallax.
92 1902.

Table X. "
Correction to observed altitude of the Sun for refraction and parallax "

The formulae used in computing the azimuth and local mean time from observations

of the Sun made in the manner just described are the following:

sin (^s"(p) sin (^s"K)

ctn" J^ ^ = -

cos s cos {s"p)

=sec s sec (s"p) sin (s"h) sin (s""p)

sin (s"k) sec (s"p)

tan V-i t=
ctn yi A

^= azimuth of Sun, east of south in the morning, west of south in the afternoon.

"p= latitude of the place.

A = altitude of the Sun corrected for refraction and parallax in altitude.

/= Polar distance of the Sun, at the time of observation, taken from the American

Ephemeris, or H. O. Publication No. 118.

s^y2 {h+"p+p),
/=The hour angle of the Sun or apparent time of observation expressed in arc.

By combining the azimuth of the Sun with the angle between the Sun and mark,
the azimuth of the mark may be obtained. This is counted from 0" to 360" from south

around by west. When the azimuth of the mark is known the true meridian be

laid off at time by turning off the angle.

any proper

The apparent time of observation must be corrected for equation of time (taken
from the Ephemeris), in order to obtain the local mean time. The following is a

convenient form of computation:

Specimen computation of azimuth and longitude.

94 1902.


A. "
With an Ordinary Compass or Surveyor's Transit.

When the determines the value of the magnetic declination himself it


would be well for him to make the observations on several days, if possible, and ably
the best time of the day would be toward evening, about or 6 o'clock. At this

time the declination reaches, approximately, its mean value for the day and is almost

stationary. (See Tables III and IV.) Between 10 and n a. m. the declination also

reaches its mean value, but it changes more rapidly than at 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening.
The observations on any one day should extend at least over one-half of an hour,

preferably hour, and the readings should be taken ten minutes. Before each
an every

reading of the needle it would be well to tap** the glass lightly with the finger or a

pencil, as to slightly disturb the needle from the position of rest it have
so may

assumed. The accurate time should be noted opposite each reading and a note entered

in the record book as to date, the weather, and the kind of time the observer's watch

was keeping. A brief description of station and of method employed in determining the

meridian line and declination should be added to the record.

Of course the instrument should be put in good adjustment and in first-class dition

in respect beforehand, and the readings should be made in such a manner


as to eliminate any outstanding error of eccentricity, whether due to pivot of needle not

being exactly over center of graduated circle, or to the needle being bent or the line of

sight not passing through the zero points of the circle. In addition, it is desirable

that the surveyor should have some knowledge as to any constant error his instrument

be subject to, due to whatever cause, imperfect elimination of of

may e. g., errors

adjustment or to the fact that the metal of the various parts not be entirely free of

traces of iron, or that the magnetic axis of the needle not coincide with its
may metric

axis, etc. He can determine his constant error by making observations at one of

the magnetic stations, better still, compare his instrument with standard
survey or, a

magnetometer or transit when opportunity affords. It wotdd not be amiss to determine

the compass correction before and after the determination of the magnetic declination.*

If these precautions are taken it is possible to determine the magnetic declination

with a good transit with all needful With special results that will
accuracy. care pare

favorably with those obtained by elaborate instruments can be reached.

very more

B. "
With a Magnetometer.^

Special instruments, termed magnetometers, have been devised for determining

accurately and expeditiously the magnetic declination and the intensity of the netic

force. The essential feature of all is a cylindrical (or octagonal) bar magnet,

" Great care must be taken not to produce static electric charges by rubbing the glass plate in

manner. Remarkable deflections of the needle can thus be produced.

" have been found differ times much |^" 1" from the readings
Surveyor's compasses to at as as to

with the Coast and Geodetic Survey magnetometers.

^ For a further description of methods and instruments, the reader is referred to the special paper

giving directions for measurements in terrestrial magnetism, Appendix 8, Coast and Geodetic Survey
Rep"ort for 1881 a new edition is in preparation. The present is simply to give a specimen
; now purpose
of the general method employed without going into great detail.

suspended by two or three silk fibers and capable of being inverted in its stirrup,
the magnet taking the place of the magnetic needle in the ordinary surveyor's compass.

The fiber suspension avoids the friction incident to the use of a pivot, and by

making part of the observations with magnet erect and part with magnet inverted it is

possible to eliminate the error arising from lack of coincidence of the magnetic and

geometric axes.

The form of magnetometer which has been in general use by the Coast and Geodetic

Survey is shown in Fig. 28. It is really a combination of magnetometer and theodolite.

The latter, shown at the right of the figure, can be quickly mounted in place of the

magnetometer and is used for determining the true meridian, as explained in the ceding

and the longitude and latitude. The magnetometer is shown in position
for observing declination, except that one side of the magnet box has been removed to

show the manner of suspending the magpniet. The magnet used in this instrument is an

octagonal hollow steel bar about

3 inches long and half an inch in diameter. The

south end is closed by a plane glass on which has been etched a graduated scale divided

into two minute (o. i of a division being estimated), while in the north end is
spaces a

collimating lens so arranged that when the small reading telescope is focused on a tant

object the graduated scale will be in focus also. The magnet is supported in a

brass stirrup consisting of three rings joined to a shank about an inch long. In the

end of this shank is an eye to which one end of the silk fibers is fastened.

The other end of the fibers is fastened to a suitable arrangement at the top of the glass
suspension tube, by means of which the magnet be raised to the level of the

obsendng telescope. Light to illuminate the scale of the magnet is admitted through
a hole in the south end of the magnet house, with the aid of an adjustable mirror, if

The north end of the magnet box is connected with the object end of the

reading telescope by means of a hood of dark cloth, so that no glass comes between the

objective and the magnet and air currents are excluded by the hood. The wooden

sides of the magnet box may be removed to permit the necessary manipulation of the

magnet. The long shank of the stirrup obviates the necessity of having a weight on

the south end of the magnet to counterbalance the dip of the north end. When not in

use the magnet is kept in a wooden case with its north end down, so that the effect of

the Earth's magnetism may

be rather to increase than decrease the strength of the

magnet and thus assist in overcoming the gradual loss of the magnetic strength with

time; the stirrup is fastened to a hook in the top of the magnet box to prevent the

fibers from becoming twisted or broken.

The determination of the magnetic declination consists of two parts; first, the

determination of the true meridian as described in the preceding and second, the

determination of the magnetic meridian. The method of performing the second tion

with the above-described instrument is as follows: Mount the magnetometer,

which is supposed to have been put in good adjustment, and level carefully by means of

the striding level. Place the magnetometer so that sides of box will be parallel approxi-
to the magnetic meridian. Suspend the torsion weight (a sohd brass cyHnder of

the same weight as the magnet) and replace, if need be, the wooden sides of the magnet
box with others of glass. Watch the vdbration of this weight and turn the torsion head

at the top of the suspension tube until the torsion weight hangs parallel to the sides of

the magnet box. The suspension fibers are then free from twist. Remove the torsion

weight, the glass window at the south end of the magnet box, and point the
open upon

object selected as a reference mark in the observations to determine the true meridian.

Read the two verniers of the horizontal circle and enter readings in the record. Then

close the window again, turn the instrument until the telescope points approximately
south (magnetic), suspend the magnet with its scale erect, raise it to the level of the

reading telescope, and put back the wooden sides of the magnet box. Next turn the

instrument until the division of the scale nearest to the reading of the magnetic axis

coincides approximately with the vertical line in the diaphragm of the reading scope,

clamp the horizontal circle, and read both verniers. Check the \4brations of the

magnet by means of a bit of steel or

iron until the magnet swings over 1-2 divisions of

the scale, and take the extreme readings of the scale of the swinging magnet several

times at minute intervals, recording also the time. The magnet is now turned upside
down in the stirrup so that the scale inverted. It is here that the great
appears venience

of an octagonal magnet becomes apparent, as

it is possible at once to place the

magnet in the stirrup in either the erect or inverted position, whereas with round

magnet in the older forms of instruments several trials are usually necessary." out

changing the reading of the horizontal circle take several more readings of the scale

of the magnet at minute intervals. Then return the magnet to the erect position and

make several more scale readings. Read the horizontal circle to see that no change has

taken place, remove the magnet, and conclude the set of observations by pointing the

reference mark. In general it will be found that the erect and inverted scale readings
differ by several scale divisions owing to the noncoincidence of the magnetic and

axes of the magnet. The mean of the two gives the division of the scale sponding

to the magnetic axis, and we can then reduce the reading of the horizontal

circle when pointing on the recorded scale division to what it would have been had we

pointed parallel to the magnetic axis. Increasing scale readings, '*

magnet erect,'*

correspond to decreasing circle readings.

The value in arc of one division of the scale is easily found b}' pointing on successive

or 10 division marks and noting the corresponding readings of the horizontal circle.

In this particular instrument one division equals 2'.

The following example shows the form of record and computation. The azimuth

of the mark and the reduction to local mean were obtained from the azimuth tions

reproduced on 90 to 93.
The diurnal variation correction to reduce to
pages or

of day obtained from results of continuous observ^ations the

mean was at magnetic

observatory Baldwin, Kans. In the absence of such results,

at an approximate tion

would be obtained from table similar to that given (Table

a on page 47 III), but

in either case allowing for the fact that the diurnal variation increases toward
as we go

the magnetic pole.

" In instruments of foreign make, recently imported by the Survey, made

some arrangements are

whereby the round magnet be inverted readily 180" from the outside without being
can obliged to

the magnetometer box and to take hold of the magnet.

Magnetic observatunis. Declination,

Station, Paducah, Ky. Date, Tuesday, July 2, 1901.

Instmment, Mag'r No. 19. Observer, W. W.

Mark, Church spire.

Magnet, 19 La. Line of detorsion, 310".

a Counted from South around by Weat from "fi to 360^.

27478 " 02 7




The greatest change in the magnetic declination, and therefore the one of most

importance to the is the so-called secular change, which requires several dred

for its complete development and amounts in the compact part of the United

States to 5-8". This change appears to be of a periodic character, like the motion of a

pendulum; that is, the needle, after moving continuously in one direction for

a long term of years, gradually comes to a standstill and then begins a

motion in the

opposite direction. For example, at Portland, Me., the declination to have


been about 12" west in From that time it decreased steadily until about 1780,

when the needle reached its extreme easterly position, the declination being a
little more

than 8" west. Since 1780 the declination has been increasing steadily, and now amounts

to about
14 J^ west. At San Francisco, on the other hand, the needle has moved uously

to the eastward since the declination changing from about 13** east in
1790, 1790

to nearly 17" east at the present time, when the extreme easterly position has been just
about reached, apparently. Thus it is found that while the needle was swinging toward

the west in Maine it was moving in the opposite direction in California. A study of

observations at intervening stations shows that the extreme easterly position of the

needle, which wa^ reached in eastern Maine about 1765, occurred later and later going
westward, about 1805 in the District of Columbia, for example, and about 1840 in Iowa,

and in general passing across the coimtry at the rate of one degree of longitude in two

years, approximately. There is

every reason to suppose that the extreme westerly tion
of the needle, which has been nearly reached in Maine at the present time, will

across the country in a

similar manner, though possibly at different rate.
progress a

Like the motion of the pendulum, the secular change of the direction of the

needle is most rapid at the middle point of the swing and becomes slower and slower as

the extremes are approached. Thus in the District of Columbia the annual change
increased from zero
in 1800 to about 4' in 1870, and has since been decreasing, being
about 3' in Consequently a large error is introduced by assuming a constant rate

of change for a long period of


For further information on the subject, the reader is referred to Appendix No. i,

Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1895, ^^

^^^ **
Secular Variation of the Earth's

Magnetic Force in the United States, etc.*' In that publication will be found collected

the secular change data at more

than 100 stations, an explanation of the methods used

to derive suitable formulae to represent the observed quantities, and the discussion of the

observations according to those methods.

For information regarding the general laws and characteristics of the secular

change for the entire globe, the reader should consult 38 to 46 of this publication.



Explanatory Remarks.

On the following are given for each State and Territory tables,
pages one or more

arranged alphabetically, showing the change in declination from the date of the earliest

observations to the present time. The figures on

line refer to the ist of January

of the given in the first column. Each table is based on an value of

year average

declination for the area to which it refers. On the bottom line is given the annual

change for
For practically all of the United States the present effect of secular

change of declination is to increase west declination and decrease east declination. For

Sitka, Honolulu, and Manila, where the effect is the opposite of this, namely, east

declination increasing, the fact is indicated by a minus sign before the value of annual

change in the table.

In using these tables, the must bear in mind the uncertainties incident to

the of the and not be surprised if, for example, the change in declination
use compass

for the last hundred as given by the tables differs by half degree more
years a or

the value indicated by his own

determinations. Even at the present time

in error by as
much as a quarter of a degree, owing to imperfect struction

lack of
proper care,
and one
years ago
the state of affairs was

that error
of half a degree was not unusual. These tables give
worse, so an imately

the actual change in the magnetic declination and do not take into account the

of particular
error any compass.

Whenever the is called to redetermine the boundary line of a tract

surveyor upon

of land out at previous period with and find in the vicinity a

run some a compass, can

well-defined line known to have been established with the same

and at about

the time the of the tract under consideration, he can not do better than
same as survey

determine the amount of change in the bearing of this well-defined line and

it to obtain the present bearings of the boundary lines to be reestablished. In this

he will take into account and eliminate the errors

of the
used in the

original and in the present Only in the absence of such definite information is

the use
of the following tables recommended.

Table XI. Months and days expressed as a fraction 0/ a


Jan. o 0.00 Apr. I o. 25 July 2 a 50 Oct. 1 o. 75

Jan. 18 0.05 Apr. 20 o. 30 July 20 a 55 Oct. 19 0.80

Feb. 6 o. 10 May 8 0.35 Aug. 7 o. 60 Nov. 7 o. 85

Feb. 24 o. 15 May 26 0.40 Aug. 25 0.65 Nov. 25 o. 90

Mar. 14 o. 20 June 13 0.45 Sept. 13 0.70 Dec.

13 0.95

The of these tables best be explained by few examples:

use may a

(i) What the change ip declination at Montgomery, Ala., between July

was i,

i8t2, and September 1892?


In the table for Alabama the values 6" 49' east for 18 and 6" 57' east for 1820

are given, showing an average

annual change of o'.8 for the interval. Hence the value

for 1812, July would be 6" 49' +(o'.8X2.5) 6" 51' Similarly for
I, = east. September

1892, the value 4*^ 35' "(3'. 5X2.75) =4" 25' east is obtained. Hence the needle

pointed 2" 26' farther in than in

west 1892 1812.

(2) The magnetic declination Allegheny, Pa., 2" 56' west in August,
at was 1885.

What it in January, 1800?


From the table for Pennsylvania the values 0" 29' for
western west January i, 1800,

and 4" 04' for August, derived. Hence the needle changed its direction
west 1885, are

3" 35' in the interval. The declination at Allegheny for the earlier date

2" 56' west minus 3" 35', 0" 39' east.


(3) A rectangular piece of land at Houston, Tex., surveyed by in

was compass

April, 1834, and the bearings recorded follows: north 41" 45' north 48** 30'
as west,

east, south
30' east, and south 48^ 15' west. What bearings should be used in

order to retrace the lines in December, 1902?

From the table for eastern Texas the values 9" 39' east for 1834, April, and 7" 50'

for December, derived, showing change of 1" 49' the westward in

east 1892, are a to

the interval. The desired bearings therefore north 39" 56' north 50" 19'
are west, east,

south 39" 41' east, and south 50*^ 04' west.

(4) Prepare a
table showing the secular change of declination at Sacramento, Cal.

where the declination in October, 16" 06'

1897, was east.

The value for that date derived from the table for middle California is 16" 27' east;

consequently all the tabular values must

be diminished by 21' in order to adapt the

table to Sacramento.

Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.

I04 1902.

Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


Table giving Secular Ckaitge of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Terfitories

Table giving Secular Change "of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


Table Secular Change of the Magnetic Declifiatiofi in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories ^Qontinntidi,


Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


27478 " 02 8
114 1902.

Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and

Outlying Territories Continued.


Table giving Secular Change of the Magnetic Decluiation in the United States and

Outlying Territories Concluded.




Since the last publication by the Survey of a by Schott showing for the date

January the distribution of the magnetic declination within the of the

i, 1900, area

United States, nearly six have elapsed, during which time, especially since July
years i,

1899, a large amount of additional material has been obtained. A discussion of


the material hand exhibiting the results for epoch to the time
on an nearer present was

therefore undertaken.

The improvements in the present treating of the geographical distribution of


the declination for January, consist of:


( 1 ) The introduction of observations made by the Coast and Geodetic Survey since

the publication of 1896 and additions to the collection of data from other sources.

(2) The extension and increase of the knowledge of the secular change and

especially the systematizing of the secular change tables, thus giving increased precision

to the **
reduction to epoch;" that is, to the sign and amount of correction to be applied

to the observed value to reduce it to January i, 1902.



The primary arrangement of the tables is alphabetically by States. For each

State, Territory, or
other geographical subdivision the collected declinations
are next

divided into two the first containing results obtained by the Coast and Geodetic

Survey observers, the second the results from other sources. Where the same

has been occupied several times only the latest result is given, when that result

is in the second in this the latest result by the Coast and Geodetic Survey
group; case

is given also. The results in each

group are arranged in order of latitude, beginning

at the south, this arrangement having been found the most ser\aceable for the various

of the tables. The collection of all values at one place is reserved for the

publication dealing exclusively with the determination of the secular change of the

magnetic elements.

The seven
columns contain in order the of the station or place where tions

made, the latitude, the longitude, the date of observation, expressed in

were year

and decimal fraction, the observed declination, the reduced to January and
same i, 1902,

the name
of the observer or authority. The latitudes and longitudes are
taken from

the best available authorities. Those in Group I are usually the result of observation

and are
in general correct within one
minute of latitude and two minutes of longitude.


in part to 1879, as well as about 200 observations made from 1871 to 1876^ under the auspices of the

National Academy of Sciences and at the expense of the Bache fund. In this chart the isogonic
curves cover the whole of the United States, excepting Alaska, and distinct notice is taken of certain

large irregularities in the distribution of magnetism which made themselves manifest in certain

regions in the eastern and central parts of the country. The curves over the western part remain

smooth and regular, the observations there not yet being sufficiently numerous for the safe tion

of irregularities.
* *
Distribution of the Magnetic Declination for 1885. * '
This publication brought out in the Annual

Report for 1885, Appendix No. 13, by Assistant C. A. Schott, is designated by him as the "
first tion,'*

on account of its completeness, a special chart for Alaska and adjacent regions being included.

The arrangement of the table of results is alphabetic by States, with two subdivisions in each, one for

Coast and Geodetic Survey results, the other containing the results from all remaining available

sources, as compiled by the author; the table contains in all 2 359 stations. The results were reduced

to the epoch 1885, ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ Schott's extensive sectdar variation discussions. The curves for the

United States were determined by the graphical and were published on a chart of scale

i"7oi while those for Alaska and adjacent waters, on account of the scarcity of data, were made

to depend an interpolation formula established by the application of the method of least

upon squares;
these last curves were published on a chart, to the scale of Trrv^Trvv- ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ accumulated

material would permit, special notice was taken of all locally disturbed regions, and the extent and

the amount of the local deflections were shown on the chart.

Distribution of the Magnetic Declination for 1890." This is Schott's *'
second edition,** and is

contained in the Annual Report for 1889, Appendix 11. The table of declination comprises 237

stations; in all cases where a station has been repeatedly occupied, only that observation nearest to the

epoch 1890 is given. The curves for the United States are again obtained by the graphical method,
and those for Alaska by a newly established interpolation formula.

Distribution of the Magnetic Declination for 1900.** (Third edition; Appendix i, Annual

Report for 1896. ) The charts for the epoch 1900 are based on 3 591 tabulated declinations. They
are a great improvement upon the former charts, the reductions to the epoch being based
1900 on a

new and exhaustive discussion of the secular variation of the magnetic declination at 118 stations,

embracing i 435 annual observations.

The steady improvement in the isogonic charts is made readily apparent by a comparison of the

earlier ones with those of recent date. In the latter the curves are no longer beautifully curved lines,
but exhibit many sinuosities, showing that the magnetic distribution, as it actually occurs in nature,
is being more and more truly represented. For Alaska, on account of the paucity of the data, the

distribution, as shown by the charts, must still be more or less conventional.

Isogonic Chart of the United States for 1902.

(Plate I.)

The secular change tables employed for reducing the tabulated declination results to

January with the necessary explanations, will be found in the previous chapter.
i, 1902,

The following tabular summary exhibits the number of declination entries given in

the **
Magnetic Declination Tables*' appended, upon which the present isogonic chart

was based. The first column gives the State or Territory in alphabetical order, the next

headed I, tabulates the number of declination values recently observed by the Coast and

Geodetic Survey as contained in Group I of the tables; the third column, Ila, gives the

number of declination entries collected from outside sources by the Coast and Geodetic

Survey and contained in Group II; the fourth column, lib, gives the number of nation

entries in Group II, extracted from Gannett's publication, being based almost

entirely upon the United States Land Office data, and the final column, lie, shows the

number of individual stations upon which Gannett's entries or mean values of lib were

based. Nearly one-half of the number of values given in column I have been observed

by the Coast and Geodetic Survey since July i, 1899.


Number 0/ entries 0/ magnetic declination results for each Stale and Territory.

lib lie lie

G. val- G. sta- G.
C."G.S. Other ues tions C."G.S.

Alabama 19 9 47 332
^ New Hampshire 8 I

Alaska 137 41 New Jersey 20 o

Arizona 2 49 34 742 New Mexico 32 794

Arkansas 16 35 78 693 New York 48 8
California 103 48 61 303 North Carolina 116 3

Colorado 31 53 70 392 North Dakota 6 193

Connecticut 23 13 I I Ohio 19 266

Delaware II I o o Oklahoma 5 507

District of bia
Colum- Oregon 39 87
2 29 o o Pennsylvania 53 12

Florida 43 15 38 170
Philippine Islands 15
Porto Rico 17
Georgia 32 45 20 20
Rhode Island 8 o
Hawaiian tory
South Carolina 20 2
South Dakota 9 357
Idaho 3 72 44 363
Illinois 13 49 63 523
I Tennessee 18 24
Indiana 18 15 98 793
Texas no 50
Utah 26 326
Indian Territory 3 5 7 165 Vermont 4 2

Iowa 42 47 63 609 Virginia 114 14

Kansas 34 26 162 I 274
Kentucky 30 13 20 25 Washin^on 45 297
Louisiana 26 27 48 668 West Virginia 57 5
Wisconsin II 431
Wyoming 15 816
Maine 42 38 4 4
West Indies, etc. 22
Maryland 140 10 o o

Massachusetts 36 26 3 3
Mexico, West 33
Michigan 10 264 86 I 248
British America,
Minnesota 30 40 100 I 021
East of 75" 13
British America,

Mississippi 18 22 74 I 007 75*^-90" 18

Missouri 14 158 27 27 British America,

Montana 15 68 42 197 West of 90" 17
Nebraska 43 86 102 I 122

Nevada 47 77 42 711 I 921 19 608

The chart for 1902 was based principally on the data enumerated in columns I and

Ila. principal weight being given, in general, to Group I, except when the data in

Group II were obtained with instruments and methods comparable with those of the

Coast and Geodetic Survey. In the regions where the data from I and Ila were

sparsely distributed, recourse was had to the data, lib. It was found, however, that

although the mean values of lib based on nearly 20000 observations, their
19 15 were

inaccuracy was of such a nature and the uncertainty of precise geographical position to

which they applied was of such an extent at times that practically little use could be

made of them for the determination of the actual distribution. A local disturbance

amounting to a half degree, and even a degree, could not with certainty be made out

Tvith their aid. These data some decades

ago would have had value, but now with so

observations the of which can be precisely gauged, their value is of
accuracy a

subordinate character.

It should also be pointed out that the values in Group I in many


have been repeatedly verified by previous observations at the same station by the Coast

and Geodetic Survey, only the most recent values, as above stated, being given, ever.

In this actual local disturbances have been repeatedly determined.


The following statement might be made: the present isogonic chart for the United

States is based results plotted at about points, embodying all the declination
on 5000

data of known value up to date. To give the actual number of single observations ized,

without further information, conveys to the reader an entirely erroneous sion,


as he instinctively concludes that that number of values was actually plotted, thus

confusing number of observations with number of points or stations plotted. The vaUie

of an
declination result based on many single observations, depends entirely

the character of the observations combined and the of the combination,

upon purpose

that it easily happen that an result, no matter on how tions

so may average many

of indiflFerent uncertain value it depend, is no better often not as good

or may " "

single result, the of which is precisely known. When a result departs

as a accuracy

from the normal or uniform distribution, one should have the facts to enable him to tell

whether the departure is an actual fact of nature, or error of observation, or due to the

particular combinatory process.

By thus carefully distinguishing between the relative value of the results in Groups
I and II, the attempt was made to draw the lines of equal magnetic declination to

conform as nearly as possible with Xh^/acis of nature. No curvature in the lines nor

isolated oval, such as occurs,

for example, in Iowa, Texas, etc., has been shown unless

borne out by a critical examination of the material. Quite likely the next edition of

the Chart with the aid of new material will exhibit still more irregularities in the lines,
and in certain localities it will be found that no system of lines can give a tion

of the actual distribution of the Earth's magnetism in these regions. It has been

the general experience thus far that the greater the number of points at which tions

have been obtained the more irregularities do the isogonic lines present. To

eliminate the facts of nature by numerical combinatory or by system of

processes a

smooth mathematical curves based on empirical formulae serves no practical purpose.

As stated, the present is to draw isogonic lines representing the observed


facts as
well as possible. An attempt to draw the system of 'lines which would exist if

the United States were uniformly or regularly magnetized and no local or regional turbances

of the needle existed may be made at some future time. By comparing these

mathematical lines, representing the normal or undisturbed distribution of magnetism,

with the actually observed facts, it be possible to localize the centers of magnetic

disturbances and to ascertain their origin. This is the only method by which deductions

of permanent value can be made.

No additional explanations of the Chart, to be found at the end of the book, other

than that given in the legend will be required. It was published separately in ary,

in order to satisfy immediate demands, and is now given along with the

publication which furnishes the accompanying text.

The chief new features are:

(i) The return to the base used for the isogonic charts of 1875, and
map 1885,

1890, revised to date and having sufficient physical features and towns to render it

possible to readily identify any

desired locality, to interpret irregularities in the isogonic
lines, and to estimate their value in the region crossed by them.

(2) The lines of equal annual change of the magnetic declination for the present

period, with the aid of which the isogonic Hues can readily be referred to any year

within five prior or subsequent to 1902.


By examining the isogonic chart it will be seen that the magnetic declination

in the United States varies at present from 21" east, in the extreme northern part of

Maine, to 23" west, in the extreme northern part of the State of Washington, hence

44" from one end of the country to the other. Over the greater portion of the United

States the needle points east of north.

The only former attempt to draw the lines of equal annual change was made by

Schott in Appendix Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1865. By ing

the secular change tables it was possible to renew the attempt. The present lines

were constructed in a manner similar to that used for the lines of equal magnetic
declination. While the lines are to some extent conventional, it has been found that

they represent the observed annual changes generally within i', hence they will suffice

for all practical With their aid it is possible to tell at once the and rate
purposes. way

according to which the magnetic declination is at present changing in the United States.

Secular Motion of the Agonic Line in the United States.

Fig. gives the positions of the agonic line, or line of no magnetic declination,

along which the needle points to the north, from 1700 to It will be seen that in

1800 the agonic line had reached its most northerly position, passing through western

Pennsylvania, central Maryland, and skirting the coast of Virginia. The agonic line of

through Ohio, little west of Columbus, and nearly through Columbia, S. C.

1902 passes a


(Plate II.)

In the case of Alaska, owing to the paucity of the observations and the great extent

of territory involved, the'graphical method followed in drawing the isogonic lines for

the United States could not be safely employed. Schott accordingly made use of a

mathematical interpolation formula for the of drawing the isogonic lines for

this region, for details regarding which see Appendix Coast and Geodetic Survey

Report for 1894, ^^^ Appendix i, Report for 1896, 148 and
pages 149.

Upon examining Schott's chart with the aid of the material obtained since the date

of its construction, it was found that the isogonic lines required a slight shifting to the

left to apply for 1900. To refer the lines to January i, requires shifting of
1902, a

about the same amount to the right on account of secular change. Accordingly the

chart of uncorrected, applies closely to the material at hand

1900, as 1902 as now

would enable one to safely judge. The present chart should therefore be regarded as

merely a preliminary one. By the time of the next issue sufficient new data will have

been obtained to render it worth while to attempt the construction of an entirely new

chart, which is not the case at present.


Local Disturbances of the Compass in Alaska.

Attention must be called to the large and frequent disturbances of the which

mariners in Alaskan waters encounter. The Survey is making a special study of these,
and will pubHsh a separate monograph on the subject. In the meanwhile reference

90' 10-



Fig. 29." Map showing: the position of the agonic line between 1700 and 1900 (Schott).

is made to United States Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast, Alaska, Part I, published by the

Survey in


Isogonic charts for the other outlying territories of the United States have been

at present deferred, awaiting the accumulation of material. The declination values

at hand will be found in the tables, in their places.

124 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinatunis observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, ipd2,

[Group I, results from United States Coast and Geodetic Survey; Group II, results from all other sources.]



Group I

Fort Morgan



Lower Peachtree

Mount Cannel

Union Springs

Indian Mountain





Group II

Baldwin County
Mobile County
Mount Vernon
Escambia County


Conecuh County
St. Stephens
Monroe County

Barbour County
Wilcox County
Bullock County

Lowndes County
Montgomery County
Russell County
Marengo County

Dallas County

Macon County
Autauga County
Sumter County
Elmore County
Lee County

Perry County

Hale County

TabU of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, r^02 "

ALABAMA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude lyongi-
tionob- tionin Observer or

served authority

East East
Group //"Continued.
o / o /

Greene County 1838 7 06 4 10 Mean, 5 stations

Tallapoosa County 1832 6 28 Mean, 20 stations

30 3
Chilton County 1842 6 3 39 Mean, 3 stations
Coosa County 1832 6 28 Mean, 17 stations
30 3
Chambers County 1833 6 22 21 Mean, 18 stations
Goodwater 33 04 86 04 1895 2 30 2 07 D. B. Brown

Blocton 33 06 87 07 1895 3 30 3 07 County surveyor

Talladega 33 09 86 30 X900 3 45 3 40 B. E. Ogletree
Tuscaloosa 33 12 87 33 1895 5 00 4 37 County surveyor
Pickens County 1832. 8 00 4 58 I station

Clay County 1832 5 25 2 23 Mean, 18 stations

Randolph County 1834 5 28 2 28 Mean, 23 stations

West 1895 2 30 2 07 County surveyor

Talladega County 1832 5 26 2 24 Mean, 6 stations

Birmingham 1901 3 II 3 08 P. S. Milner

Jacksonville 1901 2 25 2 22 W. T. Morton

Blount County 1839 5 40 2 44 Mean, 3 stations

Etowah County 1839 5 40 2 44 I station

Cullman County 1839 5 40 2 44 Do.

Marshall County 1839 5 40 2 44 Mean, 10 stations

Dekalb County 1839 5 40 2 44 Mean, stations

Morgan County 1853 5 17 2 45 Do.
Moulton 1895 2 30 2 07 County surveyor
Madison 1875. 4 5-11.6 3 40 F. E. Hilgard
Tuscumbia 1896 4 43 4 23 County surveyor


Group I
o / o / o /

Amchitka Island, Constan- 51 24 E179 12 1873. 58 7 17. 1

tine Harbor

Adak I., Bay of Islands 32 1873.61 52.1

Kiska Island, Kiska Harbor 30 1873. 55 06.4
Atka Island, Nazan Bay 15 1873. 65 57.3
Attn Island, Chichagof Hbr. 12 1873. 48 43.0
Unalaska I., Cove Point 1880. 75
30 15-3
Round 23 1901.52 20 51
Strait 18 1901.52 7 32
Biorka 13 1901. 53 8 48
Egg 03 1901. 53 8 22

Food 19 1901.51 i 6 09
Shelf 14 1901.51 '

Unalaska I., Dutch Harbor 32 1900. 80 "

Eider 35 1901. 50 I

Aektok (Rootok) Pass 31 1901.65

Basalt 23 1901. 60

Tigalda 08
Tigalda Bay 00 1901.59
Ugamak 47 1901. 62

Peterson 38 1901.68
Acherk 49 1901. 62

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, jgo2 "

ALASKA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority


Group /"Continued
o /

Icy Strait, Gus 35 55 901.50 30 19

Point Lena, Lynn Canal 34 46 890.42 30 24
Taku River, Astronom. Sta. 33 59 893.56 30 16.3
Taku River, Island 33 54 893- 42 30 49
Taku River, Duck 33 52 893.43 30 52
Taku River, Terrace 33 46 893.44 30 57
Taku River, Islet 33 44 893. 44 30 12

Taku River, Fishery 33 41 893.47 32 06

Taku River, Wood 33 40 893.47 32 25
Taku River, Lean 33 40 893.47 3t 28
Taku River, Nob 33 40 893.48 31 58
Taku River, Shoal 3338 893. 52 32 34
Taku River, Fast 33 35 893-51 31 38
Lituya Bay 37 40 874. 37 30 02. 8

La Perouse, Lituya Bay 37 41 894.62 30 10. 1

Hagemeister Island 60 40 874.60 22 52.8

Camp Mnir, Glacier Bay 36 05 890.69 30 26

Anchorage Pt. Chilkat Inlet 35 28 894.53 30 29. o


Chilkat 35 27 890.55 30 39
Chilkoot 35 21 890.59 19 39
Dalton, Chilkat River 35 48 894.52 31 56.9
Open, Chilkat River 35 48 894.52 31 54.5
Sight, Chilkat River 35 53 894.50 29 54.9
Koh-klux, Chilkat River 35 53 894.49 24 08.3
Dangerous Cape 51 53 880.51 24 32.5
Upper, Chilkat River 35 54 900.47 32 23.7
Porcupine Creek 36 16
900.50 31 25.3
Limber, Taiya River 35 20 894.60 32 09.0
Octon Cape, Yakutat Bay 39 52 892.66 30 24
Yakutat Bay, Port Mulgrave 39 47 892.67 29 55.8
Coal Point, Ogolnoi 51 24 880.50 25 48.5
Malaspina, Southwest Base 40 12 894.5 30 43
Malaspina, Northeast Base 40 06 892.58 30 42
Mount Hoorts, Yakutat Bay 39 32 892.63 30 51
Yahtse, East Base 41 08 894.6 30 29.6
Kokinhenic Island 898.47
45 03 29 25. 9
Port Etches 46 38 874. 41 29 09.8
Nunivak Island, Cape Etolin 66 08 874. 58 21 33.8
Mag 46 26 900.58 28 40.0
Reef 45 59 900.56 28 57- 7
Orca 45 41 900.55 29 27. 2

Kun 65 899.55 8
34 19 44.
Bright 63 58 899.69 20 37.9
Black (Kripniyuk) 65 898.68 19 42. 5
Kwiklokchun 64 898.62 48. 8
51 19
Head of Apoon 64 01 899.59 20 35.8
Okweah 64 37 899. 62 20 38
Quit, near Kotlik 63 899. 70 21
33 15
Pastoliak 63 898.64 21
13 01

St. Michael 62 oi 898.55 22 17.3

Do, 62 01 900.50 22 54.0
Camp Davidson, Yukon R. 40 55 891.4 35 43.0
Current 65 19 71 20 53-3
Port Clarence 66 46 900.74 55. 4
Shamansville 06 891.51
49 33 u

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, ipo2 "

ALASKA" Continued

Declina- Declina-
tude ^ -P^' obser\'a-
tionob- tionin Obsen'er or

served authority

East East
Group I "
o / o /

ChamissoHbr. KotzebueSd. 66 13 161 49 1880.66 26 49 25 00 Dall " Baker


Fort Yukon, Yukon River 66 34 145 18 1891. 48 35 05- o 34 17 J. E. McGrath

Camp Colonna, Porcupine R. 67 25 140 59 1890.46 38 06.8 3658 H.M.W.Edmonds

Valley of Three Rivers 6837 141 00 1890.3 40 33 39 00 J. H. Turner

Near Cape Lisburne 6853 166 06 1880.64 25 42.8 22 41 Dall " Baker
Near Icy Cape 70 13 162 15 1880. 65 30 05. 7 26 43 Do.

Uglaamie, near Pt. Barrow 71 18 156 40 1883. 16 35 37- 2 31 51 P..H. Ray

Group II

Peak of Iron Island 51 58 E 78 23 1849.5 14 00 M. D. Tebenkof

Chichagof Harbor, Attu I. 52 56 E 73 13 1894.5 10 9 38 A. F. Fechteler

Straits between Unalaska 53 46 66 12 1789. 5 19 30 J. H. Cox
and Sedaghur
Croyalgu Island 54 17 64 47 1826. 5 20 50 F. W. Beechey
Belkofski Bay, Bailey Hbr. 55 09 62 07 1879. 5 21 08 G. W. Bailey
Amak Island 55 27 63 08 1827. 5 21 15 F. P. Liitke
Portage Bay 55 35 60 38 1893. 7 20 20 19 51 Z. L. Tanner
Red Fish Bay 56 23 34 55 1847 28 15 Russian chart

North Cape 56 40 35 10 1847 28 50 Do.

Red Fish Bay 56 42 35 00 1847 27 45 Do.
Sitka Sound 5656 35 35 1809 27 30 Do.

Wrangell Harbor 56 59 56 33 1827. 5 24 00 F. P. Liitke

Kodiak, near Cape Chiniak 57 20 52 51 1839- 5 26 44 E. Belcher

Salisbury Sound 57 20 35 45 1833 30 00 Russian chart

Cape Suworof 5842 57 00 1827. 5 26 15 F. P. Liitke

Cape Black 58 43 62 05 1827. 5 25 10 Do.

Clark Point 58 49 5832 1890.6 23 40 23 00 U. S. S. Albatross

Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet 59 30 51 45 1892. 3 25 24 27 Z. L. Tanner

Do. 59 46 51 09 1895.8 24 35 24 13 F. N. Curtiss

Disenchantment Bay ( Puer-
to 59 51 39 50 1791.5 32 24 D. A. Malaspina
del Desengaiio-)
Do. 60 00 39 50 1791. 5 32 49 Do.

Kulitnak River 61 41 57 01 1844.4 26 Lieut. Zagoskiue

Norton Sound 63 28 61 42 1827. 5 30 30 F. P. Lutke

St. Laivrence Island 63 43 71 23 1879. 6 19 05 A. Wykander

Yukon River 64 56 58 19 1843. 5 31 46 Lieut. Zagoskine
Cape Good Hope 66 03 64 30 1826. 5 29 28 F. W. Beechey
Cape Deceit 66 06 62 36 1826. 5 30 18 Do.

Cape Krusenstern 67 II 63 37 1826. 5 30 12 Do.

Point Hope, near end of Spit 68 19 66 46 1889.7 23 10 I 32 C. H. Stockton

Point Demarcation 69 41 41 00 1837. 5 48 23 Th. Simpson
Point Anxiety 70 10 47 30 1837. 6 45 00 Do.

Foggy Island 47 38 1825. 5 43 ^5 J. Franklin

Icy Cape, near Indian V. 61 52 1889. 7 28
51 26
54 C. H. Stockton

Cross Island 47 52 1889.6 38 40 36 II Do.

On Ice, N W. of Anxiety Pt. 48 34 1850. 5 44 37 R. J Le M. Maclure


Wainwright Inlet 60 36 1880. 6 38 27 C. L. Hooper

Do. 60 03 1849- 5 36 41 H. Kellett

Point Comfort' 52 14 1837. 6 43 08 Th. Simpson

Boat Extreme 54 23 1837. 6 42 36 Do.

Cape Smyth, signal station 56 39 1889.6 33 40 31 II C. H. Stockton

near Point Barrow

Plover Point, Point Barrow 156 16 1853. 7 40 21 R. Maguire


Table of ike most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, ipoz "

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i, 1^02 "

ARIZONA" Continued


Table of the most recent magnetic dedinatums observed in the United States and outlying
territories rediued to Jantiary I I goz "

ARKANSAS" Continued

of ! Declina- Declina-
Lati- ; tude
tionob- tionin Observer or
Station observa-
' tude
served authority

East East
Group /"Continued

Evening Shade 1901- 45 6 18.7 6 17 W. W'einrich

Walnut Ridge 1901. 39 5 34.0 5 32 Do.

Para^ould 1901. 41 5 51-6 5 49 Do.

Corning 1901. 40 5 52.4 5 50 Do.

Group II

Union County 1854 7 45 6 15 Mean, 4 stations

Ashley County 1842 8 13 6 45 Mean, 21 stations

Columbia County 1857 7 37 6 09 Mean, 2 stations

Lafayette County 1842 7 10 5 42 Mean, 4 stations

Miller County 1842 7 47 6 19 Mean, 18 stations

Chicot County 1898 5 12.6 5 00 J. B. Daniels

Texarkana 24 94 00 1898.8 6 54 6 43 G. T. Hawkins

Bradley County 1842 8 30 7 02 I station

Ouachtta County 1853 7 00 5 30 Mean, 2 stations

Drew County 1844 7 50 6 20 Mean, 4 stations

Little River County 1837 8 10 6 45 Mean, 3 stations

Hempstead County 1838 8 00 6 35 Mean, 5 stations

Desha County 1843 7 05 5 36 Mean, 4 stations

Prescott 33 48 93 19 1898.8 6 II 6 00 G. T. Hawkins

Cleveland County 1844 8 12 6 42 Mean, stations
Lincoln County 1840 8 40 7 12 Mean, 7 stations

Washita or Saline River 34 92 1804.5 8 20 6 26 W. Dunbar

Dallas County 1853 7 20 5 50 I station

Sevier County 1856 9 05 7 36 Mean, 4 stations

Do. 1877 825 7 01 Boundary survey

Clark County 1850 7 40 6 08 Mean, 8 stations

Howard County 1843 8 15 6 46 I station

Pike County 1842 7 56 6 28 Mean, 11 stations

Arkadelphia 34 06
92 59 1898.8 6 55 6
44 G. T. Hawkins

Grant County 1848 6 08 Mean, 6 stations

7 40
Jefferson County 1850 8 40 7 08 Mean, 4 stations

Arkansas County 1849 7 24 5 52 Mean, 12 stations

Hot Spring County 1850 7 30 5 58 Mean, 9 stations

Malvern 34 21 92 45 1898.8 5 23 5 12 G. T. Hawkins

Phillips County 1844 8 05 6 35 Mean, 5 stations

Polk County 1844 8 17 6 47 Mean, 25 stations

Do. 1877 835 7 II Boundary survey

Montgomery County 1845 8 00 6 30 Mean, 20 stations
Hot Springs 34 30 93 03 1895 7 26 7 03 County surveyor
Garland County 1845 8 20 6 50 Mean, 10 stations

Benton 34 33 92 35 1898.8 7 01 6 50 G. T. Hawkins

Saline County 1845 7 55 6 25 Mean, 6 stations
Mena 34 35 94 14 1898.9 7 39 7 28 G. T. Hawkins

Monroe County 34 37 91 15 1898.7 5 00 4 48 R. S. Watkins

Do. 1845 7 18 5 48 Mean, stations

" " " " " " " "
Clarendon 34 43 91 20 1888.9 6 58 6 II C. E. Taft

Lee County 1855 7 30 6 00 Mean, 2 stations

" " " " "
" " "

Marianna 34 47 45 1888.9 6 18 5 C. E. Taft

; 90 31
Lonoke County 1854 7 10 5 40 Mean, 16 stations
" "
" " " " " "

Lonoke 34 49 91 54 1888.9 6 58 6 II C. E. Taft

Pulaski County 1853 7 45 6 15 Mean, 12 stations
" " " " " " " "

Williams Landing 34 50 92 1870. 7 16 5 S. T. Abert

30 3 31

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed ifi the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
Igo^ "

ARKANSAS" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, ipo2 "

ARKANSAS" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
/, ipo2 "


Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority


Group /"Continued

Blue Canyon 39 15 1881. 27

Nevada City 39 17 1897. 74
Snow Mountain, vsrest 39 22 1892.41
Oroville 39 30 1897. 82
Willows 39 31 1897.98
Red Bluff 40 12 1897.84
Mount Lassie 40 20 123 33 1892. 73
Cape Mendocino 40 26 124 24 1886.27
Reddin? 40 36 122 24 1897. 96
Humboldt, Red Bluff 40 45 124 13 1854. 33
Bucksport 40 47 124 12 1853. 55
Eureka 40 48 124 10 1871. 58

Group II

Camp Riley 32 36 "7 05 849.5

San Diego County, east
" " "
San Diego County, west 868
San Isabel 33 116 38 852.5
Orange County 880
" "
" " " "

Riverside County 33 47 116 56 900.5

Riverside 33 58 117 22 S96
Los Angeles County " "
" "
Santa Barbara 34 25 119 42 901.3
Ventura County 876
San Bernardino Co., SB. 882

San Bernardino Co., SW. 865

Santa Barbara County 884
Old Fort Tejon 34 52 "8 55 875.5
Soda Lake 35 03 115 59 854.2
Pai-ute Creek 35 06 114 54 854.2
Tchachipai Valley 35 07 118 28 875- 5
Los Angeles and Calientes 35 08 118 875.5

Near Marl Springs 35 II 115 33 854.2

Kern County, east 880
Kern County, west 882
Desert Sprin^^s 35 18 117 57 871.5
San Bernardino Co. NE. 865

San Bernardino Co. NW. 859


San Luis Obispo County 879

Indian Well 35 40 117 53 875.5
Saratoga Springs 35 41 116 26 871.5
Penammt Valley 36 05 117 14 875.5
Tulare County, east 873
" " " "

Inyo County, south 877

" " " "

Wild Rose Spring 36 16 117 11 875.5

Passniore Post-Omce 36 17 118 00 875.5
Hanford 36 887
20 119 39
Monterey County " " " " " " "
" "
Furnace Creek 36 26 116 51 875.5
Cerro Gordo Landing 36 28 875.5
"7 51
Fresno County, west 868
" " " " " " " " "

Lone Pine Camp 36 36 118 875.5

Camp Indepenc"nce 36 50 118 13 871.5

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
/, igoz "

C ALIFORN I A" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude ol)serva-
tionob- tion Observer or

served in authority

East East
Group //"Continued
o / o /

Inyo County, north 880 6 09 6 29 Mean, 5 stations

Off Santa Cruz 3656 121 57 891.8 6 15 6 27 Z.L. Tanner
Fresno County, east 878 5 34 5 56 Mean, 4 stations
Santa Clara County 880 6 6 stations
20 40 Mean, 20
San Mateo County 865 6 station
45 24 I
Stanislaus County 866 20 5 57 Do.
Mariposa County 875 40 6 06 Mean, 2 stations
Alameda County 864 07 7 47 Mean, 3 stations
Mono Lake 118 58
37 51 900 00 7 02 J. G. Thompson
Mono County 885 02 7 19 Mean, 10 stations
Contra Costa County 869 Mean,
40 7 13 7 stations
New York 38 850.0 41.8 6 48 Chart, C.
03 121 49 Ringold
Marin County 863 52 6 34 Mean, 3 stations -

Tuolumne Countj' 874 00 6 27 Mean, 7 stations

Opposite Mare I. Navy- Yd. 3806 122 16 888.8 7 14 7 29 G. F. F. Wilde
Suisun City 38 II 122 02 850.0 5 40.5 6 46 Chart, C. Ringold
Solano County 38 II 122 15 894. 2 7 30 7 39 E. N. Eager
Do. 875 26 stations
" " " "
7 00 7 Mean, 12
Calaveras County 872 6 6
" "
" " "
20 49 Mean, 5 stations
Solano County 38 18 56
121 889.9 7 30 7 44 E. N. Eager
Barbers 38 850.0 6 26
19 121 30 20.0 7 Chart, C. Ringold
Railroad Flat 38 884 6
21 120 30 36 6 53 County surveyor
Solano County 38 24 122 01 883.7 7 30 7 48 E. N. Eager
Amador County 6
" "
" "
873 15 6 43 Mean, 3 stations
Napa County " " "
" "
879 6 54 7 15 Mean, 5 stations
St. Helena 38 28 6 6 56 Graham
29 122 901.3 55 J. M.
Sonoma County 860 6 08
22 7 Mean, 2 stations
Sacramento County 880 6 6
00 20 Mean, 4 stations
Alpine County 877 6 45 7 08 I station
Eldorado County 870 6 18 6 8 stations
50 Mean,
Yolo County 872 6 00 6 station
29 I

Armstrong Ranch 38 50 6
119 47 877.0 45 6 52 Engineer officer
Yanks Landg. Lake Tahoe 3856
120 03 876.5 5 51 5 59 Do.
Rowland 3857 119 59 876.5 5 51 5 59 Do.
Rubicon Point 06 876.5
39 00 120 5 37 5 46 Do.
Lusks 876.5 46
39 02 120 07 5 37 5 Do.
Placer County 871 6 06 6 stations
" " " "
20 Mean, 16
Sutter County 874 stations
5 25 5 42 Mean, 3
Lake County 880 stations
7 15 7 25 Mean, 2
39 09 121 39 894 5 15 5 16 C. W. Guptill
Colusa County 884 6 6 stations
" " " " "
43 49 Mean, 3
Mendocino County, south 874 06 stations
" "
" " "
7 7 23 Mean, 8
Boundary monument, north
39 n 120 00 876.5 5 51 5 59 Engineer officer
shore, Lake Tahoe

Hot Springs 39 14 120 01 ; 876. 5 8 01 8 10 Do.

39 19 120 33 877.5 7 II 7 20 J. N. Macomb
Yuba County 879 06 stations
" " " "
7 7 17 Mean, 4
Nevada County 868 stations
" " " " 7 07 7 25 Mean, 5
Willows 8 8 F.
39 31 901 05 05 J. Weston
Glenn County 8 8 Do.
39 31 901 05 05
Do. 39 31 Do.
901 7 30 7 30
Sierra County 867 stations
" " "
7 05 7 25 Mean, 10
Butte County 868 26 8 stations
7 00 7 Mean,
Mendocino Co., north 892 8 8 stations
03 04 Mean, 2
Orland 892
39 45 7 40 7 41 County surveyor

TcMe of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January z, igoz "


Table of the rnost recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January I IQ02 "

COLORADO" Continued

Declina- Declina-
tionob- tionin Observer or

served autliority

East East
o / o /

4 26 3 32 C. J. Moore
I 04.2 o 16 Engineer officer

3 14 2 58 County surveyor
4 3 18 Mean, 5 stations

4 22.8 3 24 W. L. Marshall

3 25 2 25 Mean, 4 stations

3 34 2 32 Mean, 7 stations

3 45 2 47 Mean, 3 stations

4 32 3 50 Mean, 8 stations

4 20 3 39 Mean, 3 stations

3 22 3 07 County surveyor
4 58.4 4 12 W. L. Marshall

4 II 3
16 Mean, 7 stations

4 07. 1 3 15 W. L. Marshall

5 01 4 15 Do.

2 30 I 22 J. J. Major
4 00.6 3 03 W. L. Marshall

4 00
3 14 A. W. Whipple
4 07.3 3 09 W. L. Marshall

4 16 3 30 Mean, 9 stations

4 27 3 30 Mean, 6 stations

4 53 4 00 W. L. Marshall

3 59 3 43 Countv surveyor
4 30 3 44 W. L. Marshall

4 32 3 46 Do.

4 50 4 04 Do.

4 05 3 19 Mean, 2 stations

4 20 46 Mean, 4 stations

3 00 I 52 J. J. Major
4 09.6 3 24 A. W. Whipple
4 38.6 3 52 W. L. Marshall

4 26 3 46 Mean, 4 stations

2 15 Mean, 3 stations

3 40 2 40 Mean, 5 stations

4 20 3 40 Mean, 4 stations

2 45 2 41 F. F. Lewis
4 20 3
28 W. L.MarshaU

4 34.7 3 42 Do.

3 55 3 40 County surv^eyor

30 3 28 Carl Wulsten

21 3 26 Mean, 4 stations

58 2 27 F. F. Lewis
56 2 56 Mean, 12 stations

10 3 25 Mean, 14 stations

05 I 57 J. J. Major
30 3 26 J. Prince
37 3 35 Mean, 12 stations

46 4 06 Mean, 3 stations

50 4 04 W. L. Marshall

10 2 02 J. J. Major
05.5 3 14 W. L. Marshall

24 3 55 Mean, 8 stations

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Jannary /, Continued.
igo2 "

COLORADO" Continued

Date of
Lati- tude
Station observa-

I tude tion

Group II "
o /

Kiowa County 871

Fremont County 877
East Boundary 872.8
Arkansas River 873-5
Montrose County, east 884
Gunnison County 882
Currant Creek 873.5
High Creek 873.5
Lincoln County, south 870
Chaffee County 876
Buffalo Slough 38 48 ! 42 873.
105 5
Cheyenne County 870
El Paso County 869
Paonia 38 52 107 36 900
Delta County, average '
" " " " " " " " "
20 miles north of Delta 00 108
, 39 00
East Boundary 01 102 872.8
39 03
Grand Junction 04 108 34 895
Mesa County, east 892
Lake County 875
Pitkin County 891
Aspen 39 " 106 50 895
Park County 872
" " " " " " " "

Fairplay 39 14 106 00 879.5

Alma 106 02 895
39 15
Lincoln County, north 870
Kit Carson County 870
" " " "
" ,

Douglas County 866

Elbert County 866
" " " "

East Boundary 39 26 102 03 872.8

Breckinridge 39 28 106 02 900

Jefferson County 865

Garfield County, west 894
Garfield County, east 890
Eagle County 890
Summit County 891
" "

Golden 45 105 7
39 13 900.
Clear Creek Count v 867
* "

Arapahoe County, east 871

Arapahoe County, middle 862

Ara]"ahoe County, west 860

Gilpin County 867

East Boundary 39 52 102 03 872.8
Do. 39 54 102 03 1 872.8
Do. 872.8
Do. 872.8
Rio Blanco County, east 883
Boulder 901. 2

Boulder County 866

Toponas 895
Grand County 879
Yuma, Meridian Line 901. o

TabU of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, 1^2 "

COLORADO" Continued

Lati- Longi-
Station tude tude

Group //"Continued
o / o /

Yuma, Weld Avenue 40 08 102 41

Yuma County " " " " " "

" " "

Washington County " " * " "

Weld County, southwest

" " " " "

Morgan County " " " " "

Fort Morgan 40 15 103 47

Loveland 40 23 105 04
Greeley 40 26 104 41
Phillips County
Routt County, east

Routt County, west

Larimer County, east

Larimer County, west

Logan County
Weld County, northeast

Weld County, northwest

Sedgwick County
Northern Boundary 41 00 105 00


West West
Group I
o / o /

Stamford 41 04 73 32 1844. 70 6 36.0 9 57 J. Renwick

Round Hill 41 06 73 40 1833. 52 5 43 9 48 F. R. Hassler

Norwalk 41 07 73 25 1844. 70 6 49.4 10 10 J. Renwick

Black Rock 41 09 73 13 1845. 72 6 53.5 10 10 Do.

Bridgeport 41 10 73 II 1845.71 6 19.3 9 36 Do.

Millford 41 14 73 04 1845.72 6 38.3 9 55 Do.

Saybrook 41 16 72 21 1845.63 6 49.9 10 06 Do.

Tashua 41 16 73 15 1863.69 8 02.5 10 04 Dean " Lyman

Sachem's Head 41 17 72 44 1845.64 6 15.2 9 32 J. Renwick-
Fort Wooster 41 17 72 54 1848. 64 7 25.5 10 30 J. S. Ruth

Oyster Point 41 17 72 56 1855.63 7 02.7 938 C. A. Schott

New Haven 41 18 72 55 1895.65 9 36.3 9 51 J. B. Baylor

Groton Point 41 18 72 05 1845.62 7 29.5 10 46 J. Renwick

Stonington 41 20 71 54 1845. 60 7 38.1 10 55 Do.

Wooster 41 21 73 29 1864. 59 7 37.6 9 36 R. E. Halter

Sandford 41 28 72 57 1862.77 7 01.7 9 07 E. Goodfellow

Westfield 41 34 72 43 1891.73 9 46 10 10 W. C. Hodgkins

Schoolhouse Hill 41 40 72 41 1891.73 9 49 10 13 Do.

Taylor 41 40 72 35 1891.79 28 9 52 Do.

Hartford a
41 46 72 40 1890.78 01.5 9 28 J. B. Baylor
Box Hill 41 48 72 27 1861.79 8 30.4 10 40 Dean " Halter

Ivy 41 52 73 14 1863. 58 8 25.7 10 28 Dean " Lyman

Bald Hill 41 58 72 12 1861.71 8 50.4 11 00 Dean " Halter

Group II

Toilsome Hill 41 12 73 13 1880.5 8 54 9 51 J. P. Bogart

Double Beach 41 14 72 51 1884.55 9 25.8 10 II O. T. Sherman

a Local disturbance.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i,
1^02 "



West West
Group I
o / o /

Dagsboro 75 16 1899.49 5 29.8 5 36 J. A. Fleming

Cape Henlopen 75 05 1885. 58 4 59.6 5 50 J. B. Baylor
Pilot Town 75 10 1846. 50 2 42.7 6 07 J. Locke
Lewes Landing 75 12 1846. 50 2 45.0 6 09 Do.

Harrington 75 35 1899.48 6 05.6 6 12 J. A. Fleming

Dover 75 31 1897.35 6 18.8 6 32 O. B. French

Bombay Hook 75 31 1899.48 6 31.8 6 38 J. A. Fleming

Fort Delaware 75 34 1846. 45 16.8 6 41 J. Locke
Newark 75 44 1899.48 19.6 26 J. A. Fleming
5 5
Sawyer 75 34 1846. 42 2 48.3 6 13 J. Locke
Wilmington 75 32 1875. 55 3 44.4 5 13 J. M. Poole

Group II

Delaware City 75 36 1842. 50 3 30 7 09 Barnett


Group I

Washington C. " G. S. I90I.5

Office station

Causten, Georgetown Hts. 1855- 77

Group II

Washington Naval vatory,

Obser- 1892. 50
old site

Washington Naval vatory,

Obser- 1894.50
new site

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States ajid outlying
territories reduced to January /, igoz "

FLORIDA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority

1902 "

East East
Group /"Continued

Cape San Bias 29 40 85 22 854.08 6 06. 5 3 24 J. G. Oltmanns

Apalachicola 29 43 84 59 860.09 6 12. o 3 45 G. W. Dean

Dog Island Light ^9 47 84 40 853. 25 5 51.2 3 02 J. G. Oltmanns

St Augustine 29 54 81 19 900.32 I 22. 2 I 17 D. L. Hazard

St. Marks Light 30 04 84 II 852. 25 5 29.2 2 37 J. E. Hilgard

Hurricane Island 30 04 85 39 854-10 6 12. 2 3 30 J. G. Oltmanns

Perry 30 06 83 35 900.36 2 19-7 2 14 D. L. Hazard

Lake City 30 II 82 38 900.30 I 31.5 I 26 Do.

Baldwin 30 18 81 58 900.30 2 04. 1 I 58 Do.

Jacksonville 20 81 39 900.31 I 15.6 I 10 Do.

Pensacola, Navy-Yard 30 21 87 16 900.39 4 25.7 4 20 Do.
Pensacola 87 12 861.02 6 42. 2 4 18 G. W. Dean
30 25
Tallahassee 30 26 84 18 900.37 2 19.8 2 14 D. L. Hazard

Sand String 30 27 87 06 894.29 4 50.7 4 24 H. L. Stidham

Pond 30 27 86 56 894.24 4 22.0 3 54 Do.

Mill Point 30 28 86 56 894.23 4 26.5 3 59 Do.
Madison 30 29 83 25 900.29 2 27.4 2 22 D. L. Hazard

Devil Point 87 09 894.31 4 56.0 4 28 H. L. Stidham

30 30
Lindsay 30 30 87 03 894.27 4 43-6 4 16 Do.
Shield Point 30 35 87 01 893- 14 4 37-2 4 06 P. A. Welker

Femandina 30 40 81 27 900.32 I 19.6 I 14 D. L. Hazard

De Funiak Springs 30 43 86 07 900.38 3 36.4 3 31 Do.

Marianna 30 47 85 13 900.37 3 41.3 3 36 Do.

Group II

Florida, reef off west end 24 82 40 1818.5 6 33 2 25 Livingston

Florida, reef off Bahia Honda 24 81
15 1833 6
07 2 29 British Admiralty
Monroe County 1885 3 20 2 30 Mean, 6 stations

Dade County 1870 3 20 I 39 Mean, 5 stations

Gasparilla Island Light 26 43 82 16 1891. o 3 07 2 35 J. L. Brownlee

De Soto County 1850 4 18 28 Mean, 3 stations

Manatee County 1843 4 45 33 I station

Braidentown 27 30 82 35 1901.4 I 57 55 E. B. Camp

Eiarmont Key, Tampa Bay 27 36 82 46 1843. 5 5 25 13 L. M. Powell
Hillsboro County 1845 4 35 Mean, 10 stations
Do. 1901. 2 2 20 17 T. J. Beaty, jr.
Bartow 27 54 81 50 1901.0 I 38 35 H. T. Battaile

Polk County 1850 4 40 37 Mean, 9 stations

Brevard County 1870 3 00 05 Mean, 12 stations

Osceola County 1858 3 45 07 Mean, 4 stations

Kissinmiee 28 18 81 24 1891 2 30 53 County surveyor
Pasco County 1846 4 22 04 Mean, 6 stations

Hernando County 1843 4 50 29 Mean, stations

Brooksville 28 32 82 22 1901.0 I 57 54 John F. Hall
Orlando 28 32 81 22 1893 2 27 57 J. O. Fries

Orange County 1865 3 43 30 Mean, 9 stations

" " " "

Titusville 2836 80 48 1879. 7 2 05 44 J. F. Le Baron

Sumter County " "

1845 4 30 14 Mean, 17 stations
" "

Lake County 1843 4 "20 59 Mean, 5 stations

" "
" "

Citrus County 1855 4 06

19 Mean, 4 stations
" " " "

Inverness 28 50 82 19 1894 2 35 09 G. T. Hampton

Volusia County 1850 4 10 07 Mean, 8 stations
" " "
" " * " "

Daytona 29 08 80 58 1876. 2 3 14.5 40 D. D. Rogers

Ocala 29 II 82 08 1890 2 26 46 County surveyor
144 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igoz "

FLORIDA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority


East East
Group //"Continued
o / o / o /

Marion County 1842 438 I 14 Mean, 14 stations

Levy County 1863 4 08 I 48 Mean, 4 stations

Orange Springs 29 30 81 57 1835. 5 5 25 I 45 P. J. Latham

Putman County 1834 5 28 I 46 Mean, 2 stations
" " "

Alachua County 1835 5 18 1 38 Mean, 8 stations

Lafayette County 1831 6 10 2 22 I station

St. Joseph Bay Light 29 52 85 23 1843.5 6 24 3 17 L. M. Powell

Starke 29 56 82 06 1901.2 2 18 2 15 H. E. Lager^en

Bradford County " "
" " " " " "
1850 5 30 2 27 Mean, 5 stations

St. Marks 30 08 84 II 1875.4 4 30.3 2 54 J. M. Poole

Wakulla County 1881 4 05 2 50 Mean, 2 stations

Calhoun County 1881 4 55 3 40 Do.

Columbia County 1881 00 I 45 I station

Suwanee County 1863 4 15 I 55 Mean, 2 stations

Liveoak 30 17 82 59 1895 2 30 2 07 County surveyor

Liberty County 1895 3 30 3 07 I station

Baker County 1837 5 52 2 17 Mean, 4 stations

Duval County 1881 2 20 I 05 Mean, 3 stations

Jefferson County 1825 6 10 2 30 I station

Washington County 1881 4 50 3 35 Do.

Madison County 1866 4 05 I 55 Mean, 3 stations

Hamilton County 1891 3 10 2 33 Mean, 2 stations

Jasper 30 30 82 57 1895 2 38 2 15 County surveyor

Amelia Island Light 30 40 81 26 1889.5 I 57 I 13 W. P. Paret


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

GEORGIA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tionob- tion Observer or


served in authority

Group /"Continued

Sawnee 34 M 84 10 1873. 83 C. O. Boutelle

Rome 34 15 85 08 1896.27 J. B. Baylor
Pine Log 34 19 8438 1874. 61 F. P. Webber
Lavender 34 19 85 X7 1874. 95 Do.

Grassy 34 29 84 20 1874. 56 C. O. Boutelle

Skitt 34 30 8343 1874. 63 Do.
Currahee 34 32 83 23 1874,80 Do.

Johns 34 37 85 06 1875. 47 F. P. Webber

Group II

Folkston 30 48 82 01 900 J. R. Cooper

Bainbridge 30 55 8436 839.5 State Geol. Surv.
Owens Ferry 30 56 81 51 895 J. H. King, jr.
Dupont 31 00 82 53 901 J. B. Coon
Colquitt County " " " "
" " " "
895 County surveyor
Mimsville* 31 15 84 34 895 Do.
Darien 31 26 81 26 838.5 State Geol. Surv.
Fort Gaines 31 38 85 09 839.5 Do.

Hinesville 48 81 37 838.5 Do.

Cuthbert 31 49 84 48 839.5 Do.
Lumber City 57 82 45 875.5 J. M. Poole
Clyde 32 02 81 24 838.5 State Geol. Surv.
Lnmpkin 32 02 84 48 839.5 Do.

Sumter County 901 D. P. Holt

Dooly County 895 County surveyor

Beards Creek 838 State Geol. Surv.

Cottage Green 837 Do.

Ashville 837 Do.
Oak Level 837 Do.
Springfield 32 18 81 19 837.5 Do.

Perry 32 27 83 44 901 G. W. Killen

Columbus 32 27 84 59 895 County surveyor
Black Creek 32 8j 28 837.5 State Geol. Surv.
Swainsboro 32 82 838.5 Do.
39 30
Talbot County 895 County surveyor
Johnson County 895 Do.
Knozville 32 43 84 00 895 Do.
Birdsville 32 48 82 837.5 State Geol. Surv.
Jacksonboro 32 49 81 43 837.5 Do.

Millen 32 46 81 875.5 J. M. Poole

Mill Haven 32 56 81 47 837.5 State Geol. Surv.
Sandersville 82 838.5 Do.
32 57 50
Jones County 901 S. L. Chiles
" " " "

Monroe County 895 County surveyor

" " "

Lagrange 33 oi 85 01 895 Roy Dallas

Waynesboro 33 03 82 00 837.5 State Geol. Surv.

Butts County J. C. Maddux
" " " " " m % %
Griffin 33 15 84 16 895 M. F. Tutuilla
Eatonton 33 21 83 23 838.5 State Geol. Surv.

Fayetteville 33 26 84 27 901 R. H. Bennett

Claj-ton County " " " " " "

893 W. J. Lee
A' "

Appling 33 32 82 19 I
837.5 State Geol. Surv.
Madison 33 34 83 40 ; 838.5 Do.
Campbell County " " " " 1
895 County surveyor
Washington 33 44 82 42 ! 900.4 Professor Bartlett
Walton County C. M. Boot

27478 " 02 10

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, 1^2 "

GEORGIA" Continued


East East
Group I
o / o /

Kilauea, Hawaii 155 16 1900.87 9 00. 7 9 02 L. A. Bauer

Hawaii 1892. 63 08. E. D. Preston

Napoopoo, 155 59 9 1 9 23
Kalaieha, Hawaii 155 26 1892. 53 9 52.6 10 07 Do.

Hilo, Hawaii 155 04 1900.04 8 43.8 8 47 E. R. Frisby

Waiau, Hawaii 155 27 I 1892.56 10 22.7 10 37 E. D. Preston

Waimea, Hawaii 155 38 I 1892.52 9 05.7 9 20 Do.

Kawaihae, Hawaii 48 1892.50 20.6 Do.

155 ! 9 9 35
Lahaina, Maui 156 41 '
1900. 10 9 24.8 9 28 E. R. Frisby
Kahului, Maui 156 28 1899.96 857.3 9 00 Do.

Waikiki, Oahu 157 1891.61 10 05. 2 10 21 E. D. Preston

50 I

Honolulu, Oahu 157 52 1900.88 10 23.9 10 26 L. A. Bauer

158 1900.87 18.5 Do.

Sisal A, Oahu 21 19 04 9 9 20

Sisal B, Oahu 21 158 04 1900.88 9 16.6 9 18 Do.

Honolulu Mag. Obs'y,Oahu 21 19 158 04 1902.00 9 17.5 9 18 J. A. Fleming
Puuloa Point, Oahu 58 1900.89 06 L. A. Bauer
21 19 157 10 04. 2 10

1900.89 Do.
Puuloa R. R. station, Oahu 21 20 157 56 10 09.7 10 II

HonouliuH Ranch, Oahu 21 20 158 02 I9"x). 86 10 25.9 10 28 Do.

Oahu 1900.83 Do.

Kahuku, 21 43 157 59 10 25.0 10 27
Niihau 160 1892.69 10 01.4 10 16 E. D. Preston
Nonopapa, "1
21 55 13
Waimea Bay, Kauai 21 57 159 42 1892.68 9 46.3 10 00 Do.


East East
o / o /
Group I

Lewiston 46 28 117 05 1881. 71 21 26. 2 21 16 J. S. Lawson

Pend d' Oreille 58 116 1881. 21 Do.
Lake 47 30 70 22 05. 4 55
48 116 1881. 67 28.5 22 18 Do.
Siniaquoteen 10 45 22

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

IDAHO" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i, IQ02 "

IDAHO" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January igp2 Continued.
/, "

IDAHO" Continued


East East
Group I
o / / o /

Cairo j 37 01 89 10 877. 91 6 00.4 4 24 A. Braid

Mound City 37 05 89 04 865.01 7 32 5 10 A. T. Mosman

McLeansboro 38 06 88 32 4 06.8 4 W. F. Wallis

900.93 03
Nashville 38 20 89 22 900. 92 4 24. 2 4 20 Do.
Sandoval 38 37 89 09 896.34 4 48.8 4 26 R. L. Paris

Springfield 39 50 89 39 89X. 75 4 46.7 4 05 J. B. Baylor

Danville 40 07 87 35 900.83 2 38.8 2 34 O. B. French

Bloomington 40 31 8859 891.74 4 00. 4 3 19 J. B. Baylor

Ottawa 41 20 88 50 891.73 5 02.5 4 21 Do.

Chicago, old university site 41 50 87 37 888.63 4 07.4 07 Do.

Chicago, near water tower 41 54 87 37 891.55 3 2 45 G. R. Putnam

Chicago, Lincoln Park 41 56 87 37 900.86 3 57.8 3 53 W. G. Cady

Rockford '
42 17 89 06 891.71 3 59-9 3 14 J. B. Baylor

Group II

America 37 10 89 08 4 22 J. P. Mathis

Golconda 37 23 88 25 4 09 T. C. Hilgard
Vienna 37 25 88 54 33 County
3 surveyor
Hardin County 3 44 W. H. Scroggins
. . . " " " "

Gallatin County 37 44 88 19 34 Victor Pearce


Murphy sboro 37 47 89 21 5 17 W. F. Hughes

Chester 37 55 8951 4 22 County surveyor
Kaskaskia 37 57 8955 4 21 Public surveys
New Athens 38 19 8955 4 23 F. E. Nipher
Waterloo 38 20 90 II 4 39 County .surveyor
Jefferson County . . . . 3 34 W^ F. W^illiams

Wayne County . .
. .
4 38 Mean, 5 stations
Edwards County 4 36 Mean, 2 stations
. . .

Belleville 38 90 00 4 54 County
31 surveyor
Cahokia 38 36 90 09 5 24 J. Mansfield
Marion County 4 A. Hamilton
. . . . " " " " 09
Collinsville 38 39 90 04 F. E. Nipher
5 03
Olney 38 45 88 07 G. W. Arnisey
3 34
Richland County 4 24 Mean, 10 stations
. . . .

Lawrence County 3 20 Mean, 5 stations


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States ajid outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

ILLINOIS" Continued

152 1902.

Table of the most recejit magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Janiuiry /, igo2 "

INDIANA" Continued

of Declina- Declina-
tude Longi-
tionob- tionin Observer or
Station observa-
tion served authority

East East
Group /"Continued
o / o /

Indianapolis 86 12 1900.69 I 21. 1 I 16 W. C. Dibrell

Richmond 8453 1900.68 I 39-2 I 34 Do.

Crawfordsville 8652 1900. 75 2 22. 1 2 17 Do.

Hartford City 85 23 1900.76 I 56.6 I 5r Do.

Kokomo 86 05 1900. 76 I 48.8 I 44 Do.

Fort Wayne 85 08 1900. 77 O 12.8 o 07 Do.

Warsaw 85 52 1900. 78 I 00.4 o 55 Do.

South Bend 86 14 1900. 79 I 25-4 I 20 Do.

Michigan Pity 86 58 1900.88 I 45-6 I 41 W. G. Cady

Group II

Rockport 37 54 87 04 895 3 50 3 24 County surveyor

Perry County 86 46 2 55 2 49 George Minto

37 57 900
Mount Vernon 37 57 87 55 895 3 38 3 12 County surveyor
Mouth of Wabash Ri^er 38 00 88 00 810.5 7 10 3 16 J. Mansfield
County 805 6 Mean, stations
Spencer 30 2 43 12

Posey County 806 657 08 Mean, 13 stations


Perry County 805 6 2 43 Mean, 4 stations

30 .

Warrick County 806 6 2 48 Mean, stations

37 9
Canal 38 06 87 24 895 3 38 3 12 County surveyor
Ohio River 38 10 86 30 810.5 6 30 2 36 J. Mansfield
New Albany 38 16 85 54 898.7 I 54 I 41 WMllis L. Barnes

Floyd County 806 27 I 38 Mean, 3 stations

Gibson County 806 6 2 Mean, 13 stations
44 55
Falls of the Ohio River 38 85 40 810. 5 I 56 J. Mansfield
20 5 50

Dubois 805 6 Mean, stations

County 37 2 50 13
Pike County 805 6 37 2 50 Mean, 7 stations

Charleston 38 26 85 899.8 48 I Willis L. Barnes

39 I 39
Clark County 807 I 10 I station
5 00

County 805 6 Mean, stations

Orange 00 2 13 7

Washington 807 6 16 26 Mean, 6 stations

County 2

Knox County 808 6 36 2 44 Mean, 10 stations

Scott 810 6 16 Mean, stations

County 10 2 3
Martin County 806 6 2 44 Mean, 6 stations
Daviess County 806 6 50 01 Mean, 9 stations
Jefferson County 807 6 10 2 20 I station

South Hanover 3845 85 837.5 Dunn

23 4 35 o 52
Madison 38 46 85 24 898.7 I I 17 Willis L. Barnes
Switzerland County 800 10 I 31 Mean, 4 stations
Lawrence County 812 08 Mean, 5 stations
7 03 3
County 814 6 Mean, stations
Jackson 35 2 39 3
Ohio County 800 10 I 31 Mean, 4 stations
Jennings County 809 34 I 41 Mean, 7 stations
Vernon 39 00 85 37 S95 I 46 I 20 County surveyor
Bloonifield 86 54 899.1 2 40 2 28 Willis L. Barnes
39 03
Greene County 814 07 Mean, 6 stations
7 03 3
Sullivan County 814 6 2 37 Mean, 11 stations
County S17 Mean, stations
Ripley 5 55 I 57 2

Dearborn 800 Mean, stations

County 5 10 I 31 11

Monroe County 820 6 34 2 35 Mean, 4 stations

Brown County 820 6 45 2 46 Mean, 5 stations

Bartholomew County 820 6 08 2 Mean, 7 stations

Owen County 814 6 40 2 44 Do.

820 6 Mean, stations

Decatur County 40 2 41 9

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, jgo2 "

INDIANA" Continued


Group //"Continued

Clay County
Franklin County
Vigo County
Morgan County
Johnson County
Terre Haute

Shelby County
Rush County

Union County
Fayette County
Putnam County

Parke County
Hendricks County
Marion County
Hancock County
Wayne County
Vermilion County
Henry County
Montgomery County
Boone County
Hamilton County
Madison County *

Randolph County
Fountain County
Delaware County
Clinton County
Tipton County
Warren County
Tippecanoe County
Jay County
Blackford County
Howard County
Grant County
Carroll County
Benton County
Wells County
Adams County
Miami County
Cass County
Wiiite County
Monti cello

Wabash County
Huntington County
Newton County
Jasper County
Pulaski County
Fulton County
Allen County
154 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States a7id outlying
territories reduced to January I, I po2 "

INDIANA" Continued


Group I

Atoka 34 24 96 05 J. B. Baylor
Eufaula 35 16 95 33 Do.
Vinita 3638 95 08 Do.

Group II

Chickasaw Nation, SE. Mean, stations

Chickasaw Nation, SW. Do.
Choctaw Nation, W. Mean, 28 stations
Chickasaw Nation, NE. Mean, 25 stations
Chickasaw Nation, NW. Mean, stations
Wilson Rock 35 19 94 37 S. T. Albert

Jack Browns 35 20 94 45 Do.

Canadian 35 25 95 00 Do.
Webber Falls 35 30 95 07 Do.
Creek Nation Mean, 5 stations
" " " " " " "

Fort Gibson 48 20 S. T. Albert

35 95
Northeastern reservations Mean, 12 stations


Group I

Keokuk 91 23
Corydon 93 19
Burlington 91 08
91 59
Red Oak 95 II

Osceola 93 45
Ottumwa 92 25
Creston 94 19

Table the magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlyiyig
of most recent

territories reduced to January 7, 1^2 "


IOWA" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and otitlying
territories reduced to J Continued.
actuary 7, 1^2 "

IOWA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Lonm-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tude tion served authority


East East
Group //"Continued
O f o /

Albia 41 01 92 47 875.9 9 05 7 21 C. Paine

Lucas 41 03 93 28 7 40 37 S. B. Roddy
Afton 41 03 94 10 8 40 8 12 M. V. Aahby
Glenwood 41 04 95 42 900.5 9 32 25 S. Dean

Wapello 91 II 901.0 5 40 536 W. S. Kremer

Louisa County " " " "
839 8 20 5 18 Mean, 14 stations
Marion County 93 05 898.8 8 03 7 49 Jasper Nye
Adair County 94 26 875.9 10 28 844 A. R. Dew

Washington County 839 9 28 6 38 Mean, 19 stations

Keokuk County 843 9 32 6 44 Mean, 12 stations

Sigoumey 92 II I 895 7 20 6 52 County surveyor

Pottawattamie County (

9 21 Mean, 2 stations
" " " "
I " " " "

Missouri River Bottom, near 95 44 885.8 10 15 9 05 S. Dean


Long's Engr. ment,


Muscatine County 838 7 57 4 54 Mean, 15 stations

Do. 41 3^ 90 54 900 4 55 4 48 R.H.McCampbell

Near Atalissa 41 38 91 15 882.6 7 20.5 6 00 F. E. Nipher
Lost Grove 41 39 839.7 8 10 5 08 J. Locke
Shelby County 41 39 95 16 ; 875.9 II 44 10 00 W. Wyland
Iowa City 41 40 91 32 897.6 6 54 635 L. A. Parsons

Near Iowa City 41 40 91 36 880.5 8 49.8 7 21 F. E. Nipher

Johnson County 840 00 6 10 Mean, 18 stations
Iowa County 843 9
08 6 20 Mean, 11 stations

Guthrie County 895 7 45 7 17 County surveyor

Aikins, Cedar County 882.7 7 48.4 6 28 F. E. Nipher
Wapsipinicon River 839.7 8 25 5 23 J. Locke
Cedar County 838 9 03 6 01 Mean, 17 stations

Tipton 895 6 45 6 17 John Zuck

Dewitt 878 6 30 4 54 R. G. Brown

Clinton County 899.3 4 22 4 10 A. Schnell

Do. 838 8 28 5 26 Mean, 24 stations

Iron Ore 41 55 90 40 839.7 7 42.5 4 40 J. Locke and other


Elwood 42 00 90 52 839.7 9 15 6 13 J. I/"cke

Toledo 42 00 92 34 901.0 738 7 34 W. Holstead

Denison 42 00 95 18 875.9 10 46 9 02 M. McHenry

Crawford County 854 10 36 8 00 Mean, 10 stations

Monona County 855 11 08 8

32 Mean, 4 stations
" " "

Carroll County 853 II 851 Mean, 30 stations

Greene County 8 16 Mean, 4 stations
" " " " " " "

Do. 42 01 94 20 875.9 1037 853 N. P. " L. Stillson

Story County 631 Mean, 2 stations

Ames 6 27 6 20 College students

Story County 7 44 7 37 Hodson " Deering
Marshalltown 895 8 00 7 32 County surveyor
Small Mill 839.8 9 04 6 02 J. Locke
Benton County 843 9 35 6 47 Mean, 10 stations

Linn County 842 9 32 6 44 Mean, 8 stations

Jones County 838 9 22 633 Mean, 7 stations

Bridge 839.8 9 20 6 18 J. Locke

Mill 839. 8 9 15 6 13 Do.
Vinton 875.9 8 38 6 54 J. A. Brown

Jackson County 839 8 19 5 29 Mean, 28 stations

Cheney's 42 12 90 21 S39.8 9 t)5 6 03 J. Locke


Table of the most recent magnetic dedinatimis observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "



Group I



Dodge City


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

KANSAS" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority


East East
Group //"Continued
o /

Wilson County 867 14 38 Mean, 12 stations

Kingman County 869 30 10 02 Mean, 24 stations

Kiowa County 869 05 10 42 Mean, 30 stations

Haskell County 873 22 11 07 Mean/ 13 stations

" " " "

Grant County 873 27 II 12 Mean, 8 stations

" "
" "

Stanton County 873 36 II 21 Mean, 15 stations

" " " "

Pratt 37 39 98 44 895 24 10 02 County surveyor

Sedgwick County " " "
" "
" " "
859 50 10 10 Mean, 12 stations

Wichita 37 41 97 20 898.0 30 10 16 R. H. Brown

Ford County 872 48 lo Mean, 7 stations
" " " "
" " " " 31
Dodge City 37 45 100 01 895 0 30 10 J. G. Fonda
Gray County 872 25 11 08 Mean, 5 stations
" "
" "

Butler County 862 23 46 Mean, 23 stations

" " " " 9
Eldorado 37 49 96 50 895 35 T. H. Austin
9 9 14
Eureka 37 49 96 17 895 9 32 9 II H. E. Robb

Greenwood County 867 1 Mean, 21 stations

" " " " " " "
30 9 54
Cimarron 37 50 100 21 895 o 43 10 21 County surveyor
Yates Center 37 53 95 44 895 9 20 859 Do.
Woodson County 867 48 10 12 Mean, 7 stations

Allen County 867 Mean, 6 stations

30 9 54
Bourbon County 867 10 9 34 Do.

Reno County 859 25 10 45 Mean, 9 stations

Edwards County 871 2 46 Mean, 12 stations

05 10

Kinsley 37 55 99 24 895 o 46 10 25 C3nais Roberts

Finney County 870 2 35 11 Mean, 15 stations

Kearney County 871 48 II Mean, 8 stations
Hamilton County 872 45 II 28 Mean,** 14 stations

St. John 38 00 9845 896 30 10 12 W. F. Noble.

Stafford County 866 I 31 10 00 Mean, 4 stations

" " " "
" * m

Hutchinson 3S 03 97 55 895 9 50 28 County surveyor

Newton 3803 97 19 895 0 05 9 43 James Dawson

Harvey County 857 47 10 06 Mean, 5 stations

Hodgeman County 870 06 10 45 Mean, 19 stations

Jetmore 3805 99 53 895 10 10 49 A. L. Hull

Mound City 38 09 94 49 895 8 26 8 County surveyor

Linn County 856 1 20 9 30 Mean, 6 stations

Garfield County 870 2 40 11 19 Mean, 8 stations

Pawnee County 867 2 30 II Mean, 12 stations

Larned 38 II 99 06 893 0 56 10 County
29 surveyor
Anderson County 856 1 37 9 47 Mean, 4 stations

Coffey County 856 2 26 10 36 Mean, 5 stations

McPherson County 38 16 97 38 901 9 53 9 50 H. A. Rowland

Lyons 38 20 98 12 895 o 03 9 41 County surveyor

Rice County 866 I 55 10 24 Mean, stations
Chase County 856 I 40 9 50 Do.
Marion County 857 I 53 10 12 Mean, 12 stations
Marion 38 21 97 00 893 9 57 9^8 County surveyor
McPherson 38 22 97 40 901.0 9 47 9 44 H. A. Rowland

McPherson County " " " " "

" " "
858 2 26 10 45 Mean, 12 stations

Ness City 38 27 99 54 895 I 22 11 01 County surveyor

Ness County 869 2 40 II 18 Mean, stations
" " " " " "
" " 19
Alexander 38 28 99 33 879.7 2 10 II J. B. Kaufman
Barton County 866 I 50 10 Mean, stations
19 10

Greeley County " " " t

872 2 53 11 36 Mean, 13 stations

Table of the inost recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "

KANSAS" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude obsreva-
tionob- tionin Observer or

served authority

East East
Group //"'Continued
o / o / o / o /

Wichita County 870 56 Mean, 8 stations

17 II

Scott County 870 05 II 44 Mean, 15 stations

" " "

Lane County 870 11 29 Mean, 12 stations

Lyon County 856 Mean, 8 stations
25 10 35
McPherson County 3831 97 22 900.7 12 10 07 H. A. Rowland

Lacrosse 3832 99 20 895 22 10 00 County surveyor

Miami County 856 48 958 Mean, 4 stations
" " " "

Franklin County 856 28 938 Do.

Osage County 856 48 58 Mean, stations

10 3
Morris County 856 45 Mean, 8 stations
9 55
Ellsworth County 859 38 10 Mean, 7 stations
Ellsworth 38 44 98 14 895 17 County
9 55 surveyor
Saline County 858 15 10 34 Mean, 9 stations
" " " " "
" " "

Salina 3851 97 36 10 28 O. P. Hamilton

" " " "

Johnson County 856 8 40 Mean, 9 stations

" "
" " " " " "
Hays 38 52 99 19 895 20 10 59 County surveyor
Ellis County 868 10 10 46 Mean, 18 stations
" " " " "
" "

Wallace 3855 loi 35 872.8 17.9 12 01 T. C. Hilgard

Wallace County 872 00 Mean, 15 stations
11 44
Logan County 870 10 11 Mean, stations
49 9
Gove County 869 Mean, 12 stations
25 12 03
Trego County 868 55 II Mean, 15 stations
Russell County 866 00 10 29 Do.
Dickinson County 856 50 10 Mean, 10 stations
Abilene 3856 97 II 895 00 938 County surveyor
Ellis 3856 99 34 872.8 24.9 11 08 T. C. Hilgard
New Fort Hays 38 59 99 20 867.5 48 II M.R.Brown
Four miles north of Detroit 00 97 08 879.7 45 J. B. Kaufman
39 9 35
Geary County 857 10 10 20 Mean, 2 stations

Wabaunsee County 856 44 Mean, stations

9 54 9
Alma 39 01 96 16 892 0 04 9 County surveyor
Shawnee County 856 45 10 55 I station

Lincoln County 859 Mean, stations

30 10 50 9
Ottawa County 858 00 10 19 Do.

Wyandotte County 855 Mean, 7 stations

13 9 22

Manhattan 10 96 34 897.5 40 9 24 Noble " Paul

39 9
Riley County 856 1 50 10 00 Mean, 8 stations

Jefferson County " " " "

855 0 53 9 03 Mean, 4 stations

Leavenworth County 855 20 Mean, stations

1 9 30 13
Leavenworth 18 94 56 8 40 833 E. Diefendorf
39 900.0
Goodland 19 loi 42 888.5 2 24 11 42 D. A. Long
Sherman County 871 56 Mean, stations
" " " " " " " " 3 15 II 13
Riley County 39 20 96 52 899.5 28 9 19 O. E. Noble
Osborne County 39 20 98 54 899.5 o 58 10 49 A. P. Duryea
Do. 864 2 10 35 Mean, 12 stations
" " " "
Thomas County 870 17 11 56 Mean, 23 stations
" * " "
Sheridan County 869 22 12 00 Mean, 10 stations
Rooks County 865 2 50 II 23 Mean, 15 stations

Fort Leavenworth 39 21 94 54 I 858.5 o 59 9 10 J. H. Simpson

Graham County 21 100
i 898.5 II J. W. Rawson
39 05 55 43
Do. 867 50 II 25 Mean, 15 stations
" " " " " " "

Osborne County 39 22 98 47 9C0. 6 56 10 51 A. P. Duryea

Clay County 857 30 10 49 Mean, 16 stations
a " "
" " " " "

Clay Center 39 22 97 06 895 9 59 9 37 County surveyor


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

KANSAS" Continued


EorW EorW
Group I
o /

Hickman 89 12 1881. 73 5 47-3 E 4 30E J. B. Baylor
Williamsburg 84 09 1900.47 o 50.4 E o 45 H D. L. Hazard

Mayiield 88 41 1881.74 5 12.9 E 3 55E J. B. Baylor

Russellville 8653 1901.56 E 17E W. Weinrich
3 19.2 3
Twenty-seven Mile Island 88 1865. E 07E A. T. Mosman
14 15 7 22 5
Oakland 86 1871.85 6 14.2 E 4 23E Mosman " Smith
Patterson Landing 88 25 1865. 18 6 44 E 4 29 E A. T. Mosman
Point of Rocks 88 1865. E loE Do.
Upper 17 13 7 25 5
Paaucah 8837 1901-50 4 25.6 E 4 24E W. Weinrich
Princeton 87 53 46. 6 E 45E Do.
1901.51 3 3
Greenville 87 II 47. E 345E Do.
1901.55 3 o

Madisonville 87 1881. 76 06. 2 E 49E J. B. Baylor

33 5 3
Livingston 84 14 1900.47 o 29. 9 E o 25 E D. L. Hazard
Leitchfield 86 22 1881.77 3 19-3 E 2 04E J. B. Baylor
Stanford 84 44 1881.79 4 15.8 E 3 01 E Do.

27478 " 02- II


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i,
igo2 "

LOUISIANA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude tion tion Observer or
Station observa- ob- in
tion served authoritv

East East
Group II "
o / o / o /

Ascension Parish 896 6 00 5 41 Parish

" " " "
Lake Charles 13 93 12 901 6 20 6 18 G. O. Elms
Calcasieu Parish 867 8 20 6 32 Mean, 35 stations
" " " "

West Baton Rouge Parish 896 6 40 6 21 Parish surveyor

" " "

Covington 30 28 06 901.0 5 19 5 16 G. D. Harris

St. Tammany Parish 848 7 52 5 31 Mean, 32 stations

East Baton Rouge Parish 896 6 00 5 41 R. Swart

Opelousas 32 92 04 897 6 27 6 12 G. O. Elms

Cnappeau 20 895 6 00 5 38 Thomas Garahy
30 33 90
Tangipahoa Parish 840 7 57 5 29 Mean, 13 stations

St. Landry Parish 854 8 34 6 21 Mean, 52 stations

Pointe Coupee Parish 852 835 6 19 Mean, 16 stations

" " "

St. Francisville 48 91 23 901 6 05 6 03 W. B. Smith

West Feliciana Parish 852 8 04 5 48 Mean, 12 stations

East Feliciana Parish 853 8 00 45 Mean, stations

5 7
Washington Parish 845 7 55 5 31 Mean, 20 stations

Avoyelles Parish 850 833 6 14 Mean, 18 stations

Vernon Parish 877 7 40 6 19 Mean, 4 stations "

Leesville 901 6 30 6 28 Elzie Stokes

Alexandria 872.3 7 43-9 6 08 T. C. Hilgard

Parish 873 8 6 Mean, 6 stations
Rapides 19 47
Gaines Ferry 840.4 8 40.5 6 13 J. D. Graham

Concordia Parish 837 8 6 04 Mean, 8 stations


Many 901. 2 6 56 6 53 D. Vandegaer

Sabine Parish 895 6 30 6 08 I station

Catahoula Parish 844 838 6 15 Mean, 20 stations

" " "

Public Survey Station 40 92 32 835.5 8 40 6 12 Public

31 surveyor
Natchitoches 44 05 895 7 05 6 43 Parish
31 93 surveyor
Public Survey Station 45 92 22 834.5 8 30 6 02 Public
31 surveyor
Grand Ecore 48 93 07 872.3 7 52.4 6 17 T. C. Hilgard
Public Survey Station 834.5 8.30 6 02 Public
31 50 92 32 surveyor
Tensas Parish 839 8 20 5 52 Mean, 16 stations
" " " " " "
" "

Kelly 31 58 92 10 899.0 6 32 6 22 A.J. McDaniel

Caldwell Parish 842 8 40 6 14 Mean, stations

" " " " " " " "
Winnsboro 32 09 91 42 900.5 6 00 5 55 B. W. Leigh
Franklin Parish 838 8 28 6 00 Mean, 1 2 stations
" " " " " "
" "

Bossier Parish 16 93 28 901 7 12 7 10 G. D. Alexander

Madison Parish 838 825 5 57 Mean, 15 stations
" " a " "
" " "

Public Survey Station 836.5 8 6 02 Public

32 25 92 32 30 surveyor
Richland Parish 841 8 23 5 56 Mean, 17 stations
" " " "
" " " "

Monroe 32 29 92 08 872.3 7 35-5 6 00 T. C. Hilgard

Ouachita Parish 848 8 30 6 09 Mean, 5 stations
" " "

Ruston 37 6 30. 6 25 H. T. Riser

32 30 92 900
Lincoln Parish
" " " " " "
895 7 00 6 38 I station
" "

Minden 17 895 8
30 8 08 Parish
32 35 93 surveyor

Aycock 42 54- 6 6 28 B. R. Coleman

32 92 901 30
Lake Providence 894 6 6 04 Parish
32 47 91 09 30 surveyor
East Carroll Parish 846 8 10 5 47 Mean, 7 stations
" " "

West Carroll Parish 855 8 22 6 10 Mean, ii stations

" " " "

Morehouse Parish 854 8 25 6 12 Mean, 23 stations

t " " "

Public Survey Station 22 835-5 8 40 6 12 Public

32 50 92 surveyor

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i Continued.
1^02 "


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

MARYLAND" Continued

Table of ike most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
1^02 "

MARYLAND" Continued


Group I

Nantucket Cliff

Sampson Hill


Vineyard Haven

Tarpaulin Cove




172 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
igo2 "

MICHIGAN" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-



! tion ob-
tionin Observer or

tion served
I 1902

Eor W
Group //"Continued
o /

Pontiac 83 895 28 W County

42 37 19 o surveyor
Algonac 42 37 82 32 867.0 o 04 E O. N. Chaffee
Barry County " " " " " " " "
829 5 03 E Mean, 16 stations
Hastings 42 38 85 18 901 0 00 L. S. Cobb
Oakland County 819 E Mean, stations
" " " "
4 37 21

Macomb County 817 4 E Mean, stations

" " "
50 15
Sau^atuck 42 40 86 12 871.6 2 22 E H. Custer
Agricultiu-al College 42 45 84 31 901.3 o 29 W H. K. Vedder
Black Leg Harbor 42 46 86 12 871.6 2 23. E Farauhar " Foote
Public Survey Station 42 84 22 826.5 4 E Public
50 55 surveyor
Stag Island 42 53 82 27 866.5 o 22 E F. M. Towar
Grand River 42 86 10 837.5 4 E
55 30
Ottawa County 835 5 32 E Mean, 18 stations
Ionia County 895 o 30 E County surveyor
Clinton County 831 50 E Mean, stations
3 14
Shiawassee County 824 3 21 E Mean, stations
St. Clair County 821 4 41 E Mean, 18 stations
Fort Gratiot 43 00 82 873.5 o 37 W A. N. Lee
Public Survey Station 43 00 84 22 831.5 27 E Public
3 surveyor
Genesee County 823 3 41 E Mean, 7 stations
Kent County 837 4 23 E Mean, 24 stations
2 m. south of Lakeport 859.8 o 15
W W. H. Hearding
Elsie 901.2 o 35 W Charles ISAAy
Lapeer County 826 4 39 E Mean, stations
4 m. south of Lexington 859.8 o 36 W W. H. Hearding
Muskegon 871.5 4 02 E L. Foote

I m. south of Lexington 859.6 I 00 W W. H. Hearding

I m. north of Lexington 859.7 1 21 W Do.

Muskegon County 838 4 19 E Mean, 20 stations

Montcalm County 839 3 33 E Mean, stations
Gratiot County 831 08 E Mean, stations
3 13
Public Survey Station 43 19 85 837.5 6 E Public
59 15 surveyor
3 m. S. of New London Pt. 43 20 82 31 858.8 I 14 W W. H. Hearding
Public Survey Station 43 20 84 22 832.5 3 00 E Public
Saginaw County " " " a "
" * "
827 3 12 E Mean, 17 stations

Wahley 43 22 82 32 860.4 I 05. W W. P. Smith

Whitehall 43 22 86 25 871.5 4 02. E Farquhar " Foote
New London Point 43 23 82 31 858.8 o 43 W W. H. Hearding
St. Louis 43 24 84 36 876.8 o 58. E D. W. Lockwood
Sanilac County 833 3 07 E Mean, stations
" " " "
" " " " 31
Port Sanilac 43 25 82 32 858.7 o 30
W W. H. Hearding
Saginaw 43 25 8358 876.7 o 23. E D. W. Lockwood
Tuscola County 835 3 50 E Mean, 22 stations
Fremont 872 I 45 E W. S. Merrill
Miller Creek 858.7 o 43 W W. H. Hearding
Cherry Creek 858.6 o 42 W Do.

Little Point aux Sables 837.5 6 00 E

Newaygo County 830 3 35 E Mean, 24 stations

Benona 43 34 86 30 870.6 4 56 E J. W. Cuyler
Mount Pleasant 43 36 84 47 895 o W Countv
30 surveyor
Elk Creek 43 37 82 35 858. 6 o 35 W W.H. Hearding
m. W. of Quamakissee R. 43 37 83 43 857.7 I E Do.
3 32
Oceana County 839 4 48 E Mean, 18 stations
Mecosta County 841 4 08 E Mean, 15 stations
Isabella County 839 3 21 E Do.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlyijig
territories reduced to January 7, igo2 "

MICHIGAN" Continued

Observer or


Mean, 11 stations
W. H. Hearding
A. N. Lee
W. H. Hearding
L. W. June
W. H. Hearding
Mean, 16 stations

W. H. Hearding
H. A. Grant

\V. H. Hearding
T. Russell


Mean, 31 stations
W. H. Hearding
W. P. Smith

W. H. Hearding
F. U. Farquhar
County surveyor
Mean, 15 stations

Mean, 12 stations

Mean, 15 stations

Mean, 16 stations

Mean, 15 stations

Mean, 17 stations

W. H. Hearding
G. W. Lamson
A. F. Chaffee

W\ H. Hearding
G. W. Lamson

W. H. Hearding
G. W. Lamson
W. H. Hearding
G. W. Lamson
Countv surveyor
S. H. Baker

Mean, 18 stations

G. W. Lamson

Mean, 17 stations

Mean, 16 stations


Mean, 21 stations
T. Russell

W. H. Hearding
O. N. Chaffee

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
/, 1^2 "

MICHIGAN- -Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

served authority

EorW EorW
Group //"Continued
o / O f

Drummond I. near Harbor I. 859.5 4 28 W W. H. Hearding

Seul Choix Point 855.7 E Do.
0 04
Goose Island 896.7 1 36 W T. Russell
Drummond I. S. side 859.6 4 04 W W. H. Hearding

Drummond I., SW. point 859.6 3 25W Do.

Drummond I., E. side 859.5 3 12 \V Do.
Scott Point 855.5 o 47 W Do.
Manistique River 864.5 o 09 W W. T. Casgrain
Point au Barque 864.5 o 13E Do.

Manistique 897.8 0 05 W T. Russell

Point Brulee 849.7 2 50 \V E. P. Scammon
Do. 849.7 3 04 W Do.
Isle St. Martin 849. 6 3 42 W Do.
Grosse Point 849.6 2 14 W Do.
Point Patterson 854.5 1 05 w G. W. Lamson
Search Bay, Pt. St. Martin 849.7 3 26W E. P. Scammon
Point St. Martin 849.6 3 15W Do.

Point Brulee 849.7 2 59 W Do.

Drummond Island 897.7 4 09 W T. Russell

Search Bay 849.7 3 34,W E. P. Scammon

Detour 897.7 4 II W T. Russell

Point Brulee 849.7 2 59 W E. P. Scammon
Mackinac County 845 1 27 W Mean, 23 stations

East of Boiling Spring Pt. 849.6 2 42 W E. P. Scammon

Sault Island 854.5 5 19 W Do.

Boiling Spring Point 849.6 2 15 W Do.

Pointe Epoufette 854.7 I 26 W Chart

Robinson 896.6 I 59 W T. Russell

Linie Island 897.7 4 II W Do.

Naubinway 897.8 0 24 W Do.

Maple Hill 896.6 1 22 W Do.

Schoolcraft County 845 o 13 W Mean, 2 stations

Twin Island, Mud Lake 854.5 6 30

W E. P. Scammon

W. Neebish Rapids 854.5 5 59 W Do.

Neebish Island, N. end 897.6 350W T. Russell

Chippewa County 845 2 52 \V Mean, 17 stations

County 845 W Mean, 8 stations

Alger 0 07
Round Island 896.6 2 33 W G. E. Balch

Salt Point 896.5 2 38W Do.

Grand Island, S. end 859.7 035E G. W. Lamson

Laughing Fish River 867.5 1 58 E H. Gillman

Sugar Island Rapids 854.5 3 39 W E. P. Scammon

Soo A 895.4 2 W C. S. Rich^

Point Iroquois 896.5 2 02 W G. E. Balch

Sault Ste. Marie 895.3 2 50 W C. S. Rich^

Sugar Island, NE. side 853.5 3 20 w E. P. Scammon

Chocolate River 867.6 2 24E H. Gillman

Shot Point 867.6 2 18E Do.

Small River 824.5 2 28E H. W. Bayfield
Grand Island, near L. H. 867.7 0 05 E O. B. Wheeler

Sec. 14, T. 48 N., R. 38 W. 883.1 1 39 E C. S. Woodard

Little Girl Point 868.6 5 04E H. Gillman

Granite Point 866.5 o 02 W A. Molitor

Black River 868.5 453E H. Gillman

Grand Marais 867.7 o 59 W Chart

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
ipo2 "

MICHIGAN" Continued

Date of Declina-Declina-
Lati- tude
tionin Observer or

tude tion served authority


E or IV E or jr
Group II "
o /

Pine Cliff 46 42 85 53 1867.7 1 00 w O. B. Wheeler

Crisp ^^ near 46 44 85 15 1895.5 0 56W T. Russell
Whitefish Point 46 46 8457 1895. 8 2 20 w Do.
Lone Rock, n'rPorcupineMt 46 48 89 49 1868. 5 8 41 E J. E. Griffith
Point on shore 46 48 01 1824. 6 E H. W. Bayfield
90 5 00

Little Iron River 46 49 87 1866.6 E A. Molitor

35 1 15
Iron River 46 50 89 34 1868.4 E J. E. Griffith
4 00

Ontonagon 46 51 89 20 1895 2 25E County surveyor

Keweenaw Bay- 46 52 88 28 1864.7 I 51 E H. Gillnian
Huron River 46 55 88 07 1824,5 3 41 E H. W. Bayfield
Portage Entry 46 59 88 25 1863.5 1 29 E J. U. Mueller
Misery River 47 8859 1865.6 E H. Gillnian
00 4 43
Torch Bay 47 88 26 1863.5 33E J. U. Mueller
05 o

Point above Elm River 47 05 8855 1865.6 41 E H. Gillman

Dollar Bay 47 07 88 29 1863.5 o 55E J. U. Mueller
Salmon Trout River 47 8845 1865.6 4 41 E H. Gillman
2 m. N. of Traverse Point 47 II 88 15 1865.6 0 55E A. Molitor
Torch Lake 47 12 88 24 1864.6 2 07 E H. Gillman

Portage Lake, N. end 47 88 36 1863.5 1 E J. U. Mueller

13 25
Isabella Point 47 21 87 56 1865.4 1 E A. Molitor
Gratiot River 47 21 88 1865.5 37E H. Gillman
27 4
West of Eagle River 47 88 1855.5 36E W. F. Raynolds
23 21 2

Eagle River 47 88 17 1855. 5 E Do.

25 3 10

Copper Harbor 47 28 87 1873. 6 E A. N. Lee

51 I 37
Agate Harbor 47 28 88 03 1855. 5 1 44 E W. F. Raynolds
Eagle Harbor 47 28 88 08 1855. 5 0 56 W J. U. Mueller
Isle Royale, S. shore 47 50 89 06 1868.5 E B. D. Greene
2 07
Isle Royale, Washin^on H. 47 53 89 1868.5 47E A. C. Lamson
13 3
Isle Royale, Siskawit Point 47 54 88 54 1868.5 E B. D. Greene
1 41
Isle Royale, Wright Island 47 58 88 49 1868.5 1 27 E Do.
Isle Royale, Todd Harbor 48 88 45 1868.5 E J. C. Mallery
05 3 41
Isle Royale, Fish Island 48 09 8837 1867.5 2 16 E A. C. Lamson
Isle Rovale, Scoville Point 48 10 88 26 1867.5 336E B. D. Greene


East East
o / o /

1900.79 8 58.2 853 J. W. Miller

1900.81 6 23.1 6 18 Do.

1900.80 8 59.5 8
54 Do.

1893.6 7 14. 1 6 36 W. R. Hoag

1900.79 9 15.9 9 10 J. W. Miller

1893. 66 7 02.2 6 25 W. R. Hoag

1893. 47 8 17.2 7 Do.
1893.47 8 33.7 7 56 Do.
1900.78 8 56.2 851 J. W. Miller
1880. 74 10 13.7 8 37 J. B. Baylor
1893.48 10 II. o 9 33 W. R. Hoag
1893. 47 8 30.4 7 52 Do.
1893. 45 8 12.3 7 34 Do.

1891.63 9 21.4 835 J. B. Baylor

27478 " 02 1 2

Tfible of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i, Continued.
igo2 "

MINNESOTA" Continued


Group /"Continued

Prospect Park

Minneapolis, Univ. grounds
St. Paul, Snellingave. N. B.

Mound View

St. Cloud




Detroit City


Group II

Rock County
Nobles County
Jackson County
Martin County
Faribault County
Freeborn County
Mower County
Houston County
Fillmore County

Cottonwood County
St. James
Watonwan County
Pipestone County
Murray County
Blue Earth County
Waseca County
Steele County
Dodge County
Olmsted County
Winona County
Watonwan County

Wabasha County
Brown County
New Ulni
Nicollet County
Lesueur County
Rice County
Goodhue County
Redwood County
Lyon County
Lincoln County

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
igo2 "


Date of Declina- Declina-

Lati- '
tionob- tionin Observer or
tude tion served authority

East East
Group //"Continued
o / o / o /

Henderson 44 32 56 855.5 II 849 J. S. Allanson

93 30
Sibley County "
" " "
" " " "
853 10 37 7 53 Mean, 11 stations
Red Wing 44 34 92 32 895 6 15 5 46 County surveyor
Scott County 854 11 08 825 Mean, 6 stations
Renville County 858 II 19 843 Mean, stations
Yellow Medicine County 866 Mean, 8 stations
II 32 9 15
Dakota County 853 29 6 45 Mean, 6 stations
Mcl/eod County 856 II 33 853 Do.

Carver County, average 899 9 33 9 19 County surveyors

Kandiyohi County 44 53 94 49 894.8 8 38 8 06 B. F. Jenness
Washington County 847 9 03 6 II I station

Ramsey County 847 I 00 8 08 Mean, 4 stations

Hennepin County 854 I 04 8 21 Mean, 7 stations

Chippewa County 862 1 33 9 05 Mean, 5 stations

Kandiyohi County 45 04 95 06 900. I 8 44 835 B. F. Jenness

Lac qui Parle County * " " "
868 2 08 9 56 Mean, 6 stations

Bellingham 45 08 96 15 901. 1 9 45 9 41 George Michel

Meeker County 856 I 21 8 41 Mean, 8 stations

Kandiyohi County 857 0 16 7 38 Mean, 6 stations

Do. 45 10 94 59 900.
6 8 06 8 00 B. F. Jenness
Do. 45 15 95 10 894.8 08 8 36 Do.
Wright County 856 1 29 849 Mean, 7 stations
Anoka County 852 I 37 851 Mean, 1 1 stations
Swift County 865 I 34 9 14 Mean, 7 stations
Ortonville 45 18 96 895 County
24 o 50 10 21 surveyor
Bigstone County 869 3 00 10 51 Mean, 7 stations
Bherburne County 854 08 Mean, 6 stations
o 7 25
Chisago County 851 2 03 9 15 Do.
Isanti County 856 I 40 00 Mean, 14 stations
Stearns County 857 o 57 8 19 Do.
Princeton 45 858.6 O. E. Garrison
33 93 33 o 13 7 37
Pope County 860 I 05 8 32 Mean, 4 stations
" "
" "

Stevens County 867 I 26 9 II Do.

Morris 45 36 54 885 46 County

95 o 9 34 surveyor
Collegeville 45 36 94 19 901. 2 7 58 7 54 A. prtman
Foley 45 39 93 53 895 9 10 8 41 County surveyor
Benton County " " " " " " " "
853 o 46 8 02 Mean, 12 stations
Glenwood 45 40 95 21 890 I 58 II 06 County surveyor
Traverse County 870 2 14 10 08 Mean, 6 stations
Millelacs County 857 Mean, stations
o 31 17
Barrett 45 55 95 52 900.9 o 10 C. G. Gustafzan
Grant County 866 2 36 iVfean, 5 stations

Douglas County 861 2 50 Mean, 7 stations

Kanabec County 855 Mean, stations
I 27 15
Morrison County 855 Mean, 24 stations
O 53
Todd County 859 Mean, stations
I 14 9
Pine County 859 2 06 Mean, 21 stations
Wilkin County 867 Mean, 6 stations
3 09
Cass County, south 868 Mean, stations
o 30 15
Henning 46 19 95 23 896 0 05 County surveyor
Ottertail County 868 1 58 Mean, stations
Wadena County 867 1 12 Mean, 6 stations
Carlton County 868 9 54 Mean, 16 stations
Aitkin County 869 Mean, stations
o 05 42
Crow W^ing County 861 2 16 Mean, 18 stations

Table of the most rece7it mag7ietic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
terfitories reduced to January /,
IQ02 "

MINNESOTA" Continued

Date of Declina-
tude Longi-
tude tion Observer or
Station obser\'a- in

Group II "
o /

Fond du Lac 46 92 15 861.7 W. H. Hearding

39 7 03
Spirit Lake 46 41 92 II 861.6 7 Do.
Minnesota Point, nearS.Base 46 43 92 02 861.5 7 32 Do.

St. Louis Bay 46 43 92 10 861.6 Do.

9 OS
Minnesota Point, S. Base 46 44 92 03 870.8 7 33 K. S. Wheeler

Sabin 46 48 9638 901. 1 10 26 C. P. Jones, jr.

Clay County 869 i" 33 Mean, 8 stations

Lester River 46 50 92 00 861.5 H. C. Pennv

I 5 00
Becker County 872 9 56 Mean, 11 stations

Knife River 46 57 91 46 861.6 10 05 H. C. Penny

Hubbard County " " "
875 9 35 Mean, 6 stations

St. Louis County, southeast 871 6

54 Mean, 24 stations

St. Louis County, southwest 876 7 21 Mean, 30 stations

Ada 47 19 96 30 898.7 10 52 G. T. Hawkins,

Norman County 874 10 49 Mean, 14 stations

Itasca County, southeast 875 7 44 Mean, 43 stations

Cass County, north 872 8 33 Mean, 11 stations

Point on shore 47 33 90 50 824.5 6 58 H. W. Bayfield

Itasca County, southwest 875 8 49 Mean, 3 stations

Lake County 882 Mean, stations

7 03 27
Beltrami County, south 889 9 46 Mean, 48 stations

Terrace Point 47 43 26 868.6 46 H. Giliman

90 5
Brul" River 47 48 868.6 W. E. Rogers
90 03 9 30 7 04
Cook County 881 7 6 15 Mean, stations
50 24
Polk County 877 12 II 10 22 Mean, 31 stations

Grand Portage Island 47 57 89 868.6 5 24 W. E. Rogers

39 50 3
North shore Lake Superior 47 58 90 00 823.5 6 21 3 00 S. H. Long
Pigeon Point 48 00 89 30 868.5 9 30 7 04 W. E. Rogers
St. Louis County, northeast 884 8 6 48 Mean, 18 stations
" " " "
St. Louis County, northwest 886 8 26 7 14 Mean, stations
Warren 48 12 I 96 47 898.7 II 26 II 10 G. T. Hawkins

Marshall County 900 II 30 II 23 J. K. Wood

Itasca County, northeast 887 8 47 7 39 Mean, 18 stations

Itasca County, northwest 887 41 833 Mean, 14 stations

Marshall County, east 881 12 09 10 Mean, 4 stations
Marshall County, west 872 13 50 11 43 Mean, 7 stations

Island in Rainy Lake 823.5 8 S. H. Long

15 5 10

Hallock 898.7 II 37 II 21 G. T. Hawkins

Kittson County 874 16 II 20 Mean, stations

13 11

Roseau County 886 II 43 10 31 Mean, 19 stations

Beltrami County, north 892 9 47 9 02 Mean, 23 stations

Lake of the Woods 823.5 II oi 8 II S. H. Long

Northwest Boundarj' 874. 10 55 8 54 W.J. Twining
Do. 874. 11 05 9 04 Do.

Do. 874. 11 12 9 II Do.

Lake of the Woods,Buf 'lo Pt. 874 n 30 9 29 Do.

Northwest Boundary' 874 12 00 9 59 Do.

Do. 874 12 25 10 24 Do.

Do. 874 i; 10 11 09 Do.


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed i7i the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued
z, igo2 "



Group I


East Pascagoula
Mississippi City
Poplar ville



Yazoo City


West Point


Holly Springs

Group II

Ship Island

Cat Island

Long Beach

Hancock County
Harrison County
Jackson County
Pearl River County
Amite County
Wilkinson County
Greene County
Perr^" County
Manon County
Pike County
Franklin County

Lincoln County
Adams County

Lawrence County
Covington County
Jones County
Wayne County
Jefferson County
Simpson County
ClaiDorne County

Smith County
Jasper County
Clarke County
Kings Point

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlyhig
territories reduced to January /, igoz "


Lati- Longi-
Station tude tude

o /

88 14

89 05

" " " "

" " " "



Group I

Cape Girardeau 37 18

Ironton 37 37
Wittenberg 37 39
Potosi 37 56
Versailles, North Base 38 30
St. Louis 3838
Harrisonville 38 39
Sedalia 3843
Hermann 3843
Kansas City 39 06

Macon 39 45
Chillicothe 39 47
Palmyra 39 48
Lancaster 40 31

Group II

Pemiscot County
Gatewood 36 32
Cedar Creek 36 37
Doniphan 3638
McDonald County " "
" "

Public Survey Station 36 40

Barry County
Poplar Bluffs 36 44

Cape Pair 36 45
Stone County 36 49
Mississippi County 36 50
Public Survey Station 36 50
Stoddard County
Newton County
Charleston 3656

Howell County 3656

Public Survey Station 37 00

Do. 37 00

Piedmont 37 08

Shannon County

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i, Continued.
1^02 "


Table of the magnetic declinations observed in the United States and

most recent outlying
territories redttced to January 7, ipo2 " Continued.

MISSOURI -Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

Lati- tude
tionob- tionin Observer or
i tude tion served authority

Efist East
Group //"Continued o / 5 /

Jefferson City 38 881.6 8 27.2 7 10 F. E. Nipher

35 92 09
22 M west 01 Jefferson City 38 35 92 30 868. 6 847 6 47 G. B. Nicholson

Newport 3836 91 06 882.5 6 59.0 5 45 F. E. Nipher

Ktrkwood 3836 24 882.5 6 24.5 5 10 Do.
Fred Bruhn's 38 37 29 882.5 6 52.4 5 38 Do.
Ten-Mile House 3838 23 881.5 6 47.5 5 30 Do.
Centertown 3838 92 25 881.6 7 37.9 6 20 Do.

California 38 39 92 34 881.6 7 44.0 6 27 Do.

Cass County " "

" " " " " "
823 10 00 7 54 Boundary survey
Near Cla3rton 3841 90 19 881.5 6 03.7 4 46 F. E. Nipher
St. Charles rock road 3841 90 21 882.6 6 08.3 4 54 Do.

E. Ruck's 38 41 91 20 882.5 7 51. 1 6 37 Do.

G. Zimmerman's 3841 93 34 881.6 9 15.2 7 58 Do.

Marion 3842 92 22 881.6 7 39.3 6 22 Do.
Pattonsville 3842 90 29 881.7 5 53-9 4 37 Do.
Holden 3843 94 03 879.6 8 56.0 7 36 Do.
Dardenne 3843 90 42 881.7 6 32.6 5 16 Do.
Healds 3843 90 40 882.6 6 46.4 5 33 Do.
Little Auxvasse Creek 3843 92 01 882.5 7 55.4 6 41 Do.

Opposite St. Charles 38 44 90 31 881.7 7 19.4 6 02 Do.

Warrenton, west of town 38 46 882.6 6 33.8 20 Do.

91 09 5
Florissant 3847 17 881.7 6 35.0 5 18 Do.
O' Fallon 3847 880.8 6 45.4 Do.
90 43 5 25
Wright City 38 47 91 00 878.5 8 13.6 6 46 Do.
St. Charles 38 48 90 30 895 4 57 4 31 County surveyor
Prairie Home 38 48 92 39 881.6 7 37.7 6 20 F. E. Nipher
Providence 38 49 92 25 881.7 7 38.8 6 22 Do.

Johnson's Farm 38 51 92 40 881.6 7 28.9 6 12 Do.

Swope's 38 52 93 35 881.6 8 37.2 7 22 Do.

Danville 38 55 91 32 881.7 7 47.7 6
31 Do.

Sweet Springs 38 55 93 29 881.6 9 24.0 8 09 Do.

Columbia 3856 92 19 880.1 7 33.8 6 II Do.

Loomis Farm 38 57 91 47 881.7 7 46.4 6 29 Do.

Franklin 38 57 92 45 819.5 11 42 9 05 S.H.Long
McCredie 3858 91 55 881.7 7 50.6 6 34 F. E. Nipher

Stephen's Store 3858 92 05 882.5 7 36.7 6 23 Do.

Troy 3858 91 00 895 5 00 4 34 County surveyor

Montgomery 39 00 91 30 882.6 7 07. 1 5 53 F. E. Nipher
Hemdon 00 16 881.6 855.2 Do.
39 93 7 40
Clark's Farm 39 02 92 55 881.6 7 54.1 6 39 Do.

Arrow Rock 39 06 93 00 881.6 7 54.0 6 Do.

Independence 39 06 94 25 894.6 7 52 7 25 F. A. Jones
Marshal] 39 08 93 II 881.6 8 32.4 7 17 F. E. Nipher
Lafayette County 09 54 900.7 5 28 B. D. Weedin
39 93 5 23
39 II 91 52 878.5 7 38.6 6 II F. E. Nipher
Lexington 39 12 93 53 896 7 35 7 14 County surv'eyor
Parkville 39 12 94 41 901.3 8 43 8 40 A. M. Matloon
Centralia 13 92 08 882.5 7 57.1 6 43 F. E. Nipher
Glasgow 39 13 92 50 879.6 8 21.3 657 Do.
Carroll County 898 8 20 8 06 S. A. Ballard
" " "

Carroll ton 39 21 93 30 879.6 8 30.0 7 06 F. E. Nipher

Long Branch of Salt River 22 882.6 7 59.8 6 46 Do.
39 91 59
Do. 39 24 92 10 882.5 8 06.5 6 52 Do.
Cow Island 25 1 94 00 819.6 II 32.6 8 S. H. Long
39 50

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i, ipo2 "

M ISSOURI" Continued


East East
Group I
o / o /

Fort Ellis 1882.66 19 35.0 18 58 B. A. Colonna

Bozeman 1896.46 18 39.6 18 28 R. L. Fans

Billings 1896.45 17 29.0 17 12 Do.


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlyiiig
territories reduced to January Continued.
i, 1^02 "

MONTANA" Continued

Table of. the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
1^2 "

MONTANA" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and otdlyijig
territories reduced to January I Continued.

MONTANA" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic decliiiations observed in the United States afid otitlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

NEBRASKA" Continued

of Declina- Declina-
tionob- tionin Observer or
tion served authority

Group //"Continued o /

Hastings 40 34 98 24 895 o 15 County surveyor

Fort Kearney 40 38 99 03 858.7 3 38 J. H. Simpson
Colorado Boundary 869.8 4 00 O. N. Chaffee
40 39 102 03
Camp No. 20 40 40 99 54 858.7 3 17 J. H. Simpson
Frontier County 898.9 2 10 W. F. Beery
40 41 100 04
Do. 40 100 36 900.7 2 10 Do.
Otoe 856 Mean, stations
County " " " " " "
o 17 9
Nebraska City 40 880.5 o 13 C. R. Suter
42 95 52
Lancaster County 857 o 08 Mean, 14 stations
" " " " "
" " "

Colorado Boundary 102 869.8 4 07 O. N. Chaffee

40 47 03
Perkins County 870 3 13 Mean, 10 stations
" " "
" "
" " "

Dawson County 869 3 39 Mean, iS stations

" " "

Buffalo 860 Mean, 16 stations

County 4 04
Seward County 857 I Mean, 12 stations
York County 858 2 33 Do.

Hamilton 858 Mean, stations

County 2 42 10

Hall County 862 20 Mean, 12 stations

Grand Island 40 55 98 20 900. 2 I 30 A. C. Koenig
Colorado Boundary 869.8 O. N. Chaffee
40 56 102 03 4 12

Platte River 40 58 100 35 858.9 3 32 J. H. Simpson

Cass County 856 Mean, 3 stations
" " " " " " "
o 45
Plattsmoutn 41 00 95 53 895 9 30 County surveyor
Colorado Boundary 869.7 16 O. N. Chaffee
41 00 102 09 4
Do. 41 00 102 20 i 869.6 4 34 Do.

Do. 41 102 869.6 4 48 Do.

00 32
Do. 869.6 4 30 Do.
41 00 102 43
Do. 102 869.6 4 15 Do.
41 00 55
Do. 06 869.6 4 55 Do.
41 00 103
Do. 18 869.6 4 50 Do.
41 00 103
Do. 29 869.6 4 Do.
41 00 103 31
Do. 869.6 4 Do.
41 00 103 41 34
Do. 869.6 4 22 Do.
41 00 103 51
Do. 41 00 104 00 869.6 4 34 Do.

Lincoln County 869 Mean, 35 stations

" " " " " " " "
3 41
Camp No. 25 41 03 loi 50 858.7 3 21 J. H. Simpson
Camp No. 22 41 05 100 858. 7 I 05 Do.
Wyoming Boundary 869.6 O. N. Chaffee
41 05 104 03 5 09
Polk County 901.2 o 52 O. W. Barnes
41 05 97 40
Do. 41 07 901.2 o 15 Do.
97 33
County 856 Mean, stations
Sarpy " " " " " " "
o 53 5
Papillion 41 10 96 01 895 9 48 County surveyor
Merrick County 858 Mean, 5 stations
" " " "
3 15
North Platte 41 II io" 45 872.8 3 07.5 T. C. Hilgard
Polk County 858 2 Mean, 8 stations
" " " " "
" " "
Polk County, 6th P. M 41 II 97 20 881.6 I 00 O. W. Barnes

Butler County 857 2 02 Mean, 12 stations

" " "

Howard County 862 56 Mean, 8 stations

Sherman County 868 44 Mean, 12 stations
Keith County 869 4 20 Mean, 13 stations

Kimball County 870 Mean, 12 stations

5 29
Saunders County 857 I 36 Mean, 13 stations

Wyoming Boundary 41 14 104 03 869.6 5 05 O. N. Chaffee

Polk County, 6th P. M 41 14 97 20 899.5 9 30 O. W. Barnes

Do. 41 17 97 20 889.8 I 00 Do.

Douglas County 856 Mean, 5 stations

o 53
192 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and otitlying
territories reduced to January /, Tgo2 "

NEBRASKA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or
tion sen-ed

East East
o / o /

28 4 13 O. N. Chaffee

26 3 52 J. H.Simpson
05 o 00 O. W. Barnes

22 I Mean, 41 stations
12 I 12 Mean, 7 stations

58. 8 o 59 S. H. Long
o 32 o 08 County surveyor
58 4 43 O.N.Chaffee

35 3 II Mean, 12 stations

00 3 36 Mean, 16 stations

34 8
24 Mean, 4 stations

47 23 Mean, 6 stations

21 57 Mean, 5 stations

36 II Mean, 4 stations

18 o 42 Mean, 12 stations

38 o 45 Mean, 8 stations

55 o 54 Mean, 13 stations

20 o 19 Mean, 3 stations

48 43 Mean, 9 stations
47 4 33 Mean, 4 stations

30 4 08 County surveyor

30 3 II Do.

44 4 34 O. N. Chaffee

42 o 42 Mean, 5 stations
4 45 O. N. Chaffee
05 9 55 Mean, 8 stations

25 4 16 Mean, 18 stations

55 43 Mean, 16 stations

45 31 Do.

42 20 Mean, 20 stations

24 I 57 Mean, 4 stations

25 I 58 Mean, 8 stations

20 Mean, 12 stations
I 50
40 I 00 Do.

47 o 47 Do.
16 Mean, 10 stations
o 15
2 21 o 20 Mean, 7 stations

6 06 4 56 O. N. Chaffee

536 4 22 J. H. Simpson
6 08 58 O. N. Chaffee
o 10 o 05 R. H. Jones
2 16 Mean, 8 stations
17 o

I Mean, 14 stations
3 05 05
2 06 o 00 Mean, 9 stations

4 Mean, 16 stations
35 3 30
6 4 O. N. Chaffee
02 52
2 36 o 36 Mean, 12 stations

8 43 8 19 County surveyor
56 46 O. N. Chaffee

Mean, 5 stations
19 14
06 Mean, 7 stations
2 12 Mean, 28 stations
2 00 Mean, 3: stations
36 o 26 Mean, 3 stations

20 4 26 Mean, 34 stations

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, 1^02 "

NEBRASKA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion sen'ed


East East
Group I
o / o / o /

T149, T,4i, Von Schmidt 35" 114 40 1899.13 14 12 14 10 F. W. Edmonds

E. Lat Pier i

Tl|9" Ti38, T,3s, T135 ^*34 114 49 1899. 14 14 42 14 40 Do.

Ti33" A
xjo 115 05 1899- 15 14 37 14 35 Do.

is4i A Z9S* *" lat "5 30 1899.18 14 56 14 54 Do.
1191 *" ti7"
1 116 115 42 1899.18 15 03 15 01 Do.

T1X5, ' ti^t '"wii

-^iiat liii 115 54 1899.19 15 t)6 15 04 Do.

1 io8t "! 116 05 1899. 19 15 13 15 II Do.
109* 107

Tio6" *
n"4" *
116 19 1899.20 15 10 15 08 Do.
116 33 1899.21 15 23 15 21 Do.

27478 02 13
194 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
i, ipo2 "

NEVADA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Obser\'er or

tion served authority


East East
Group /"Continued
o / o /

^^ ^^ ^T^ ^^ ^^
^98* ^96" 36 40 116 45 895.77 5 40 5 36 A. W. Cuddeback
*97" ""^95" *-9^

T99J I911 T90 36 55 117 06 895.70 6 10 6 06 Do.

T89, TsB, T85, T84 37 06 117 20 895.73 6 08 6 04 Do.

T^f^ ^^ ^f^ T^
83" l8"i J-8o" "I-79J I78 37 19 117 38 895.63 6 20 6 16 Do.
^w% 'T^ ^^
T^T^ 37 117 895.60 [6 6 Do.
"^-T** -^75' "*'74" """73 29 51 19 15
T^#^ ^rt ^I^ ^1^
-^68 37 35 118 00 895.59 [6 29 6 25 Do.
7a" *7i" -l^TOj-LdO)
T67i, Tey, Tee, Tej, T64 37 42 118 09 895.54 6 13 6 09 Do.
^T^ ^^ ^^
T^rt 37 49 118 19 895.50 6 43 6 Do.
63) -Lte* i6i? -Ltet -l-sg 39
T58, Nev.-Cal. Boundary 37 56 118 29 894.86 3 42 3 38 Sinclair " Mather
Pioche 37 59 114 03 883.74 7 10.9 6 49 Eimbeck " Bird
T^ ^T^
46, i-48, J- I50,
I53 3805 118 41 894.86 6 24 6 20 Sinclair " Mather
^T^ '^^ ^^
TM^ 38 15 118 56 894.84 57 Do.
39" """4ot I43, I44, I45 5 5 53
White Pine 38 19 115 30 881.88 :6 04.1 48 Eimbeck " Man-
^T^ ^^ '^^
38 25 119 894.82 6 6 26 Sinclair " Mather
33" ^34" ^35" -^^a*'"^37" ""^38 09 30
T^^\ -189,
3834 119 22 894.78 6 33 6 29 Do.
a8" 30, 31, Ija
^T^ T^ '^^
Trtrt 3842 119 33 894.76 7 15 7 II Do.
asi -^33, "Ls4i last la^
'J^ ^"^ ^T^
T'w^ A I18)
lao 38 48 119 42 894.71 6 20 6 16 Do.
15* 16, *X7" li9"
T^i^ ^[^ ^T^ 'W^ 'l^
3851 47 894.68 653 6 49 Do.
8, A9, A
10, All, * 19,
14 119
Initial 1894. T" T" T4, T5, 3856 119 55 894.65 6 28 6 24 Do.

Te, and %
Wheeler Peak 38 59 114 19 8S2.89 6 30.4 6 08 Eimbeck " Marr
Tres Pinos 39 00 114 14 8S2. 92 6 22.7 6 01 Do.

Genoa 39 00 119 50 8S9. 59 6 44.3 6 42 R. A. Marr

Lehman's ranch 01 114 08 882. 94 6 16.5 5 54 Eimbeck " Marr
Carson City 10 119 46 895.85 6 36.9 6 36 C. H Sinclair
39 .

Austin 39 29 117 04 881.41 6

57.0 6 48 Eimbeck " Man-

Reno 39 30 119 49 881.28 7 48.7 7 49 Do.

Verdi 39 31 119 59 889.53 7 26.7 7 25 R. A. Marr

Eureka, town 39 31 115 58. 881.38 6 36.6 6 21 Eimbeck " Mair

Diamond Peak 39 35 115 49 881.70 6 49-7 6 34 Do.
Mount Callahan 39 43 116 57 881.53 7 04.0 6 55 Do.

Hot Springs 39 47 118 56 881.29 7 26.6 7 24 Do.

Mineral Hill 40 10 116 12 881.39 7 03.2 6 54 Do.

Rye Patch 40 26 118 18 881.30 7 49.7 7 47 Do.

Battle Mountain 40 40 116 50 881.31 7 34.8 7 26 Do.

Elko 40 47 115 46 881.32 7 30.8 7 15 Do.

Winnemucca 40 59 117 44 881.30 7 38.8 7 30 Do.
Wells vStation 41 07 114 56 881.32 7 21.8 7 06 Do.

Tecoma 41 20 114 06 881.33 7 28.2 7 12 Do.

Group IT

Lincoln County, S. point 1878 22 10 Mean, 4 stations

15 15
Vegas Wash 36 114 1869.5 16 1 15 50 Wheeler, Lock-
07 40 01.


Stone Ferry 36 08 H4 25 1875.6 14 58. I 14 46 E. Bergland

Rio Virgin, mouth 36 114 1869.5 47. 2 15 36 Wheeler, Lock-
09 22 15

Las Vegas Range 36 II 115 03 1869.5 15 08. 2 14 57 Do.

Eastern Boundary 36 20 114 03 187 1. 1 14 05 13 54 J. E. James

Lincoln County, southeast 1877 15 22 Mean, 15 stations
15 34
Lincoln County, southwest 1878 46 34 Mean, 17 stations
15 15
St. Thomas 36 27 114 1869.5 15 47.5 15 36 Wheeler, Lock-

Indian Spring 36 34 1869.5 15 41.5 15 28 G. W. Wheeler

115 35

Table of the most recent magnetic declmatiom^ observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, 1^2 "

NEVADA" Continued

Table of the most receyit magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Jantiary i, ipo2 "

NEVADA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude tionob- tion Observer or
Station observa-
tion served in authority

Group //^Continued

Murray Creek 1869.5

Near Hamilton 869.5

Center Station 876.5
West*n Bndry; mean, 14 sta. 872.8
Carson Lake 859.6
WTiite Pine County, SW. 872
Storey County 86 1

Antelope Springs 39 26 869.5

Piermont 39 29 872.5
Patterson Ranch 39 31 876.5
West'n Bndry; mean, 13 sta. 39 31 872.8
Churchill County, east 872
Churchill County, west 875
Lander County, south " " " " " "
" "
Eureka County, south 879
Eastern Boundary 36 ! 114 03 870.9
Washoe County, south "
" "

West'n Bndry; mean, 15 sta. 39 43 20 00 872.8

Kobah Valley 39 44 16 10 858.9
White Pine County, NE. 868
" " " "

Antelope Valley 39 47 14 12 859.5

Slough, Long Valley 39 50 15 24 869.5

Eagan Canyon 39 52 14 58 859-5

White Pine County, NW. 868
" " " " " "
" "

Cho-keep Pass 39 54 15 45 858.9

West'n Bndry; mean, 15 sta. 39 57 20 00 872.8
Eastern Boundary 3958 14 03 870.9
Huntingdon Springs 40 01 15 19 859.5

Camp Ruby 40 04 15 31 869.5

Cold Spring 40 04 15 42 869.5
West'n Bndry; mean, 15 sta. 40 12 20 00 872.8
Pearl Creek 40 17 15 44 869.5

Eastern Boundarj' 40 20 14 03 870.9

W^est'n Bndry; mean, 15 sta. 40 25 20 00 872.8
Willow Creek 40 31 15 44 869.5

Lander County, north 870

Eureka County, north 873
Humboldt County, SE. 874
Humboldt SW. 880
middle 882
Washoe County,
Elko County, southeast 881

Elko southwest 880

West'n Bndry ; mean, 15 sta. 40 38 120 00 872.8

Eastern Boundary 40 42 114 03 870.8

Crescent Station 40 45 115 40 869.5

Halleck '

40 49 115 20 869.5
Camp ;
Elko County, mid. S. 880
" " " "

West'n Bndry; mean, 15 sta. 40 51 120 00 872.8


Eastern Boundary' 41 03 114 03 870.8

West' n Bndry ; mean 1 5 sta. 41 04 120 00 872.8


Elko County, mid. N, 887


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igoz "

NEVADA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

Station observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority


past East
Grotip //"Continued
o / o /

West'nBndry; mean,i5sta. 41 17 120 00 1872. 8 17 37 7 47 A. W. Von Schmidt

Eastern Boundary 41 25 114 03 1870.8 17 12 [6 52 J. E. James

Washoe County, N. 1878 18 26 [8 30 Mean, 6 stations

Elko County, NE. 1881 17 53 37 Mean, 8 stations

Elko County, N\V. 1883 17 44 30 Mean, 3 stations

Humboldt County, NE. 1878 17 45 45 Mean, 60 stations

Humboldt County, NW. 1874. 17 40 44 Mean, 22 stations

West*n Bndry ; mean, 15 sta. 41 120 00 1872.8 18 19 8

29 A. W. Von Schmidt
Do. 41 43 120 00 1872. 8 18 46 8 56 Do.

Eastern Boundary 41 48 114 03 1870. 8 17 28 7 08 J. E. James

West'nBndry; mean, 15 sta. 41 55 120 00 1872.8 18 44 fS 54 A.W.Von Schmidt



Table of the most recetit magnetic declinations observed in the United States ajid outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

NEW JERSEY" Continued

of Declina- Declina-
tude Longi-

tionob- tion Observer or
tion served in authority

West West
Group II "
Continued o / o /

Freehold 40 16
j 74 16 887.9 15 8 01 j
N. J. Geol. Sur\'ev

Hightstown 40 16 74 32 887. S 18 8 Do.

Redbank 40 20 74 04 887.9 23 8 Do.
Lambertville, SE. of town 40 21 74 56 8S7.9 "7 II Do.
7 57
Jamesburg 40 21 27 8S7.5 7 25 8
H. M. Thomas
74 12

Goat Hill 56 S83? 7 Phila. Water Dept.

40 21 74 8 03
Princeton 40 2T 74 40 887.9 7 09 N.J. Geol. Survey
/ 55
Princeton, NNW. of town 40 22 74 40 887. 9 "7 21 8 Do.
Seabright 40 22 73 59 884. 7 /
12 8 G. H. Hlakeley
Lambertville 40 23 74-57 887.9 6 55 N. J. Geol. Survev
7 41
Morganville 40 23 74 14 887.9 7 35 8 Do.

Blawenburg 887.9 7 36 Do.

40 25 74 43 8 22

Perth Amboy 16 885. G. H. Hlakelev

40 30 74 5 43 8 38
Middlebush 40 30 74 88 13 8 Do.
32 1. 9 10

Flemington 40 31 74 51. 887. 9 14 8 00

N. J. Geol. Survey
Frenchtown 40 32 75 04 887. 10 56
9 7
Plainfield 40 36 26 887.9 40 8 26 Do.
Cushetunk 40 36 74 49 883. 8 29 8 Do.
Somerville, N. of town 40 36 887.8 19 8 Do.
74 37 05
Somerville, foot of ist mt. 40 36 74 37 887.9 15 8 01
Somerville, crest of ist nit. 40 36 36 887.9 "6 42 28 Do.
74 7
Martinsville, i m. W. 40 36 74 35 887. 9 "8 32 18 Do.
Second Mt., crest 40 34 887.9 "7 05 Do.
37 74 51

North of Mt. Horeb Church 40 37 887.9 "7 35 8 Do.

74 34 21

Plainfield, crest of ist mt. 40 37 74 27 887.9 a8 18 Do.

9 04
Pattenburg 40 38 75 01 887.8 6 53 7
Plainfield, crest of 2d mt. 40 39 74 27 887.9 7 42 8 28 Do.

Lebanon 40 887. 8 7 48.5 8 Do.

39 74 49 35
Musconetcong Mt., foot 40 40 75 02 887. 8 "6 28 Do.
7 14
Musconetcong Mt., crest 40 40 887.8 a 6 42 Do.
75 01
7 28
Valley Station 40 41 887.8 7 04 Do.
75 02
7 50
Gillette 40 41 28 887.9 7 53. 8 Do.
74 5 39
Highbridge 40 41 74 55 887.8 8 iS
9 04

Glen Gardner 40 42 74 56 887. 8 "6 59

7 45
Phillipsburg 40 42 75 10 887.8 6 10 6 56 Do.

Jersey City 40 43 74 04 871.4 7 55 9 47

D. E. Culver
Morris and Somerset ties,
coun- 40 894.0 8 8 E. A. Howser
43 74 44 00
boundary line
Newark 40 878 P. Witzel
45 74 10
Harrison 40 887.8 N. J. Geol. Survey
45 74 09 7 42

Orange 40 46 74 15 887.9 8
03.3 Do.
W. Hoboken, top of ridge 40 46 74 02 887.8 ^9 22 Do.
W. Hoboken, base of sades
Pali- 40 47 74 01 887.8 "8 Do.

Secaucus 40 47 74 887.8 8 Do.

03 45
Chester 40 47 74 887.8 56 Do.
42 7
Morristown, on mt., west 40 47 74 30 887.9 8 12 Do.
Morristown, S. of Horse hill 40 47 74 29 887. 9 Do.
Morristown, on drift, east 40 48 74 28 887.9 Do.
9 00

Cooks Bridge and Hanover 40 48 ^4 22 887.9 8 02 Do.

Livingston 40 48 74 19 8S7. 9
8 10 Do.

Hartley, Schooley Mt
slope 40 49 74 44 887.8 "4 08 Do.
Hartley, west side of valley 40 887.8 48 Do.
49 74 43 9
Hartley, east side of valley 887.8 Do.
40 49 74 42 9 03
Hartley, top of ridge 887. 8 8 Do.
40 49 74 41 29

ai"ocally disturbed area.


Table of the most recent magnetic declijiations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Jafiuary 7, Continued.
ipo2 "

NEW JERSEY" Continued

a Locally d sturbed area.


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Jajitiary /, Continued.
jgo2 "

NEW JERSEY" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

Lati- tude
tionob- tionin Observer or

; tude tion served authority


West West
Group II "
o / o /

Layton 41 13 74 50 1887.8 7 18 8 04 Do.

Mount Salem 41 19 74 37 1887.8 7 825 Do.
High Point 41 19 74 40 1887.8 8 36 Do.
7 50
Montague 41 19 74 48 1887.8 7 13.5 8 00 Do.
New York Boundary 41 20 74 38 1882.5 852 958 G.H.Blakeley
Tri-State Rock 1887.8 836 N. J. Geol.
41 21 74 42 7 50 Surv'ey


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "

NEW MEXICO -Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-
tude tionob- Observer or
Station observa-
tion servedtion in ,


East East
Group II "
O / o /

Initial Point 106 28 855-1 55 II 12 W. H. Emory

Mexican Boundary 107 22 892.3 16.7 9 57 J. F. Havford

Do. 107 44 892.3 56.3 36 Do.'

Do. 108 12 892.4 00. 7 I 41 Do.

Grant Count}', southwest 883 21 I 47 Mean, 34 stations

Carrizalillo 31 51 107 56 855.2 02 I 20 W. H. Emory
Grant County, southeast 886 21 I 51 Mean, 22 stations

Eddy County 104 901.0 I 31 B. A. Nymever

32 05 30 33
Do. 10 20 899.6 45
32 103 0 t" 39
Eddy County, southeast 884 1 32 0 53 Mean, 10 stations

Eddy County, southwest 883 2 00 1 19 Mean, 36 stations

Donna Ana County, SE. 880 2 27 I 49 Mean, 40 stations

Donna Ana County, \V. 883 2 25 I 51 Mean, 57 stations

Donna Ana 32 22 106 45 851.5 2 07 I 27 W. H. Emory

Fort Cumniings 32 27 107 40 873.5 2 29.8 I 46 S. E.Tillman

Fort Selden 32 29 106 55 870. 4 2 39 I 52 Map of reservation

Hudson Hot Springs 32 33 loS 00 878. 5 2 30 50 Engineer officer

Lliicohi County, southeast 8S4 2 43 04 Mean, 5 stations

" "

Lincoln County, southwest 884 2 06 Mean, stations

27 1 1

Apache Tejo 32 38 108 08 878.5 2 42 02 Engineer officer

895.6 08 B. A. Nymeyer
Eddy County 32 40 103 30 I 0 52
Do. 32 41 104 44 !
895.4 I 35 1 19 Do.

Eddy County, northwest 882 I 54 I 21 Mean, 32 stations

Grant County, northwest 883 2 33 1 59 Mean, 43 stations

Grant County, northeast 883 2 37 2 03 I Mean, 16 stations

Copper Mines 32 48 108 04 851.5 I 22 o 42 W. H. Emory

48 108 878. 56 16 Engineer officer
Fort Bayard 32 09 5 2

Sierra County, south 885 2 48 16 Mean, 15 stations

" "
" "

Donna Ana County, NE. 882 2 28 52 Mean, 36 stations

" "
" "

Sierra County, north 882 2 50 14 Mean, 49 stations

" " " "

San Francisco River 33 12 108

52 873.5 3 31.4 47 R. L. Hoxie

Water Hole 33 13 108 46 873.5 3 30 46 Do.

San Francisco River 33 15 108 52 873.5 2 51.7 08 Do.

Chaves southeast 882 28 Mean, stations

County, I u 45 24

Chaves County, southwest 880 2 16

30 Mean, 42 stations

Lincoln County, mid. east 880 2 22 36 Mean, 30 stations

Lincoln County, mid. west 873 2 40 50 Mean, 7 stations

southeast 881 18 Mean, stations
Socorro County, 2 41 50
San Francisco River 33 26 108 55 873.5 3 49.3 05 R. L. Hoxie

Fort Stanton 33 30 105 32 878. 5 2 24 40 Engineer officer

Socorro County, southwest 884 2 58 25 Mean, 56 stations

a " " "

Socorro County, mid. south 882 2 43 07 Mean, 48 stations

Fort Tulerosa 108 873.5 34 R. L. Hoxie

33 53 30 3 17.7
Chaves County, northeast 882 2 13 30 Mean, 65 stations

Chaves Count v,
northwest 88r 2 30 I 46 Mean, 49 stations

Lincoln County, northeast 882 2 34 1 5J Mean, 40 stations

Lincoln County, northwest 881 2 42 2 00 Mean, 21 stations

Oak Spring 34 108 55 873. 5 2 34.7 I 51 R. L. Hoxie

Socorro 34 05 106 53 901. 2 2 28 26 F. A. Jones
Socorro County, northeast 869 2 53 06 Mean, 21 stations

northwest 882 18 Mean, stations

Socorro County, 3 42 71
Socorro mid. north 881 36 Mean, 85 stations
County, 3 13
Initial Point, N. Mex. mer. 34 17 106 50 855-3 2 45 02

Fort Sumner 34 T04 OvS \'-C^. I 3 45 45 Shinn

Guadaloupe County, SE. 1S.S2 2 18 35 Mean, 45 stations

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlyijig
territories redtcced to January 7, igo2 "

NEW MEXICO" Continued

204 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "

NEW MEXICO" Continued


EorW West,
Group I
o / o /

Cole 846. 35 5 37. W

9 04 J.Locke
Far Rockaway 875.59 7 12 W 837 J. M. Poole

Fire Island, West Base 860.66 7 45. w 10 00 C. A. Schott

Howard 840. 49 5 01 w 851 S. C. Rowan

Mount Prospect 860.73 6 44. w

9 II C. A. Schott

Babylon 875.62 7 35 w 8 50 J. M. Poole

Patchogue 875. 58 8 00. w

9 16 Do.

W"st Hills 865. 62 7 01. w 00 E. Goodfellow


Legget 847.80 5 41. w 9 02 R. H. Fauntleroy

Riverside Park 885.79 8 59. w 48 J. B. Baylor
Manhattanville, B. Asylum 846.33 5 09. w 37 J.Locke
West Hampton 875.64 8 40 w
9 55 J. M. Poole

Ruland 865.40 7 8W 27 E. Goodfellow

30. 9
Oyster Bay 844.71 6 50. 5 W 10 17 J. Renwick
Sands Point 847. 77 6 09. 9
9 31 R. H. Fauntleroy
New Rochelle 844.69 5 29. 5 w 9 02 J. Renw^ick
Drowned Meadow 845.70 6 03. 6 w 9 21 Do.

Lloyd Harbor 844.71 6 II. 6 w

9 38 Do.

East 875.64 6 w J. M. Poole

Hampton 05. 10 21

Harbor 860.68 7 w C. A. Schott

Sag 27. 10 42
Port Chester 844. 70 5 58. o w 9 31 J. Renwick
Duer 873.62 7 37 w
9 10 J. H. Cook

Montauk Point 875.66 45 w 11 00 J. M. Poole


Greenport 845.63 7 14. 4W J. Renwick

Buttermilk 833. 47 3 56 w F. R. Hassler

Bald Hill 833. 56 5 34 w Do.

Carpenters R., Port Jervis 873. 47 7 04. 8W^ E. Smith

Cold Spring 855.66 5 34. oW C. A. Schott

Binghamton 888.50 7 49. 2 W J. B. Baylor

Bath 862.61 4 47. 9 w C. A. Schott

Oxford 885. 43. w J.B.Baylor

73 7 3
Ithaca 890.82 6 w Do.
3X. 5

Albany 896.69 10 40. 8 w R. L. Faris

Sherburne 875. 67 7 49. 5

9 30 J. M. Poole

Otsego 882. 63 8 46. 2 w 9 56

Buffalo 885.71 5 04. 3 w 6 07 J. B. Baylor
Fenner 882. 76 7 15. 4 w 8 28 Do.

Hewlett 883.66 7 47. I w 8 56 Do.


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories redticed to January Continued.
/, igo2 "

NEW YORK" Continued

Date of Declina-

tionob- Observer or
tion ser\'ed

Group I "
o /

Clinton 43 03 75 24 874.82 8 05. 5 W T. C. Hilgard

Clyde 43 03 76 52 883.72 7 04. 4 W J. B. Bavlor
Loomis 43 21 76 17 882.86 8 10. oW Do?
Pen Mount 43 23 75 16 882.64 8 32. 2 W Do.

Prospect 43 26 73 882.60 8 W Do.

45 10 50.
Mannsville 43 43 76 884.44 6 50. 9 W J. B, Boutelle
Pierrepont Manor 43 44 76 03 874.80 6 II. 9 W T. C. Hilgard
Potsdam 44 37 75 00 874. 79 25. 1 W Do.
Rouse Point. 45 00 73 21 879.75 I W J. B. Baylor
13 39

Group II

Jamaica 40 41 73 48 835.5 4 00
W Regents* Report
Cold Spring, L. I. 40 52 73 28 897.2 26. 4 W E. Jones
East Hampton 41 00 72 12 834.8 6 08 W
Regents' Report
Palisades, top of ridge 887.8 W N. J. Geol.
41 Q\ 73 55 9 02 Sur\'ey
Tappan 41 02 73 57 887.8 7 57 W Do.

Ramapo, top of High Tom 41 08 74 883.6 20 w A. A. Titsworth

09 9
SloatsDurg 41 09 74 II 874.6 7 42 w E. A. Bowser
Liberty Corner 41 17 74 31 874.6 6 45 w Do.
Unionville 41 18 74 34 874.6 6 w Do.
North Salem 41 20 34 843-5 6 w
73 00

Monroe 41 21 74 II 859.5 6 38 w T. B. Brooks

Goshen 41 23 74 19 900.4 8 20 w V. K. Mills
West Point 4T 56 835.7 6 w C. DaWs
25 73 32
Kingston 41 54 74 00 893 9 40 w E. B. Codwise
Travis, near Initial Point 42 00 21 882.6 w H. W. Clarke
75 7 30
Finn, near milestone 20 42 46 877.8 w Do.
00 75 7 22

Waverly, near milestone 60 42 00 76 877.6 w Do.

32 5 31
New Pr. Line, milestone 82 42 76 58 w B. Ellicott
00 795.5 2 07
Pa. Line. 109 "i m. w. of Del. 42 00 77 28 787. 5 w De Witt " others
I 52
Pa. Line, i36"^m.W. of Del. 42 00 78 05 787.5 o 45 w Do.
Pa. Line, 195^ m.W. of Del. 42 00 79 09 787.5 w Do.
o 55
Madalin 42 878.0 8 46 w G. Cooke
03 73 54
Downsville 890.5 w E.
42 03 74 59 7 42 W. Lindsley
Binghamton 42 05 75 56 895 7 50 w County survevor

New Pr. Line, 6 m. 42 05 76 58 795.5 I w B. Ellicott

Ancram 06
42 73 37 853.5 7 39
w J.T. Hogeboom
Owego 42 06 76 16 895 7 15 w Asa Stanton
New Pr. Line, Chemung R. 42 07 76 58 795.5 2 05 w B. Ellicott
Elmira 08 76 899 w A. McConnel
42 49 7 45
Livingston 42 10 73 47 888.5 9 31 w R.Hood
Holland Land Co. 42 10 78 15 798.5 I w A. Parter
Do. 42 10 78 23 798.5 I 01 w J. Smedley
New Pr. Line, 14 m. 42 12 7658 795-5 2 w B. Ellicott
Holland Land Co. 78 W
42 13 09 799.0 0 51.5 Atwater " Benton
Belmont 42 7805 6 W L.
13 900.0 00 Gorton
Hudson 42 48 888.5 W R.Hood
15 73 o 31
Holland Land Co. 78
42 15 22 798.5 1 12 W J. Smedley
Delhi 884.0 W
42 15 74 57 7 30. 5 E. W. Lindsley
Mayville 42 16 79 31 874.6 2 15. o W F. E. Hilgard
Ellicottville 42 18 78 44 841.6 2 W A. D. Bacne
35. 7
Holland Land Co. 42 19 79 08 798.5 E A. Atwater
o 45
Lampman 42 20 73 48 880.7 9 22 W J. T. Gardner
New Pr. Line, 23 5" m. 42 20 7658 )95.5 I 55.5 w B. Ellicott

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
1^2 "

NEW YORK" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority


EorW West
Group //"Continued
o / o /

Tassel 42 56 75 19 879.6 8 09 W 9 32 J. T. Gardner

New Pr. Line, 65 m. 42 56 7658 795-5 2 05 W
7 28 B. Ellicott
Hoxsie 42 56 76 23 878.6 6 50 W 8 21 J. T. Gardner
Ostrander 42 57 74 48 880.7 9 06 W 10 24 Do.

Strawberry Island 42 57 7855 875.5 3 59 W 5 48 F. Terry

Yule 42 57 74 54 879.6 857 w 10 20 J. T. Gardner

Clapp 42 58 76 02 878.6 7 12 w 843 Do.

Wiflett 58 42 880.7 8 43 w 10 01 Do.
42 74
Nellis 42 59 74 37 880.8 9 26 w 10 44 Do.

Seeley 42 59 76 22 878.6 5 50 w 7 21 Do.

Green 42 59 76 02 878.6 6 59 w 8 30 Do.

Getman 42 59 75 02 879.6 825 w 9 48 Do.

Shoemaker 43 00 74 54 879.6 8 08 w
9 31 Do.

Johnstown 43 00 74 23 818.9 6 02 w II 27 Regents' Report

Cossitt 43 00 76 12 878.6 6 46 w 8 17 J. T. Gardner
Grand Island 43 00 79 01 875.6 2 58 w 4 46 A. C. Lamson
Vedder 43 01 74 39 880.7 9 08 w 10 26 J. T. Gardner

Eagle 43 01 75 55 878.6 7 17 w 8 48 Do.

Tanner 43 01 76 34 878.5 3 49 w 5 20 Do.
Cranston 43 01 75 46 879.5 7 16 w 8 42 Do.
Herkimer 02 74 879.6 8 28 w
51 Do.
43 57 9
Prospect 43 02 75 27 879.5 835 w 10 00 Do.
Eaton 43 02 75 33 879.5 7 56 w 9 21 Do.
Little Falls 43 03 74 52 880.7 7 21 w 839 Do.
Merrv 43 03 75 10 879.6 8 38 w 10 01 Do.
Kirkville 43 04 75 56 879.5 7 03 w 8 29 Do.

Bulger 43 04 75 40 879.5 7 16 w 8 42 Do.

Utica 43 04 75 12 900.6 10 07 w 10 II E. D. Rich

Tonawanda Reservation 43 04 78 22 799- I I 30 w J. Thompson

Tonawanda 04 7856 875.6 50 w A. C. Lamson
43 3
Niagara Palls 43 04 79 04 874.6 3 37. 1 w F. E. Hilgard
Conastota 43 04 75 44 879.5 7 24 w J. T. Gardner
Allis 43 05 75 48 879.5 7 39 w Do.

Jackson 43 t^ 75 02 879.6 8 25 w Do.

Collamer 43 t)6 76 04 879- 5 7 20 \v Do.
Davison 43 06 76 878.6 6 34 w Do.
Suspension Bridge 43 07 79 875.5 2 24 w F. M. Towar
43 08 74 53 879.6 9 31 w J. T. Gardner

Rochester 43 08 77 893 6
42 w J. Y. McClintock
Gorham Purchase 43 08 78 01 798.5 I 02 w G. Burgess
Orleans County 43 78 16 888.9 6 04 w D. D. Waldo
Schuyler 43 io 75 07 879.6 8 56 w J.T.Gardner
Williams 43 10 75 13 879.6 8 58 w Do.
New Pr. Line, L. Ontario 43 10 7658 795.5 2 10 w B. Ellicott

Lockport 10 78 44 895 4 w County

43 05 surveyor
Lockport to Olcott 43 14 78 45 900. o 5 30 w R. R. engineers
Rome 14 75 28 879.5 7 52 w J. T. Gardner
High Dune 43 ^5 75 04 883.6 9 27 w V. Colvm
Vienna 43 15 75 41 879.5 8 24 w J.T.Gardner
Jerseyfield Lake 43 16 74 44 883.5 8 50. 5W V. Colvin
Charlotte 43 '6
77 36 894.5 6 48 w Wm. P. Judson
Great Sodus Bay 43 16 7658 894.4 II 30 w Do.

Pultneyville 43 16 77 II 875.4 5 23 w Do.

Lyon Point 43 16 77 26 875-4 6 04 w F. TeiTy

Holland Land Company 43 16 78 43 799.5 o 30 w S. Benton, jr.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States a^id outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
7, jgo2 "

NEW YORK" Continued


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the Uyiited States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, IQ02 "

NEW YORK" Continued


Group //^"Continued

East Moriah

Cedar Point
Mount Dix
Bald Peak

Litchfield Park
Mount Marcy
Jefferson County
Keene Valley
Clear Pond

Mount Hurricane

Moosehead Mountain


Upper Saranac Lake

Alexandria Bay
Dial Mountain

Wellesley Island
Whiteface Mountain

Picnic Island

Bog Mountain

St. Regis Lake

St. Regis Mountain

Raquette River

Mount Azure

Chippewa Point

Colton Village
Oak Point, 2 miles NE.

Norway Mountain

Ogdensburg, 4 miles SW.

Lyon Mountain

Ragged Lake
Rand Hill

La Motte

West Chazy
Goose Neck Island

St. Regis, Indian Village

Massena Point


E or W Eor W
Group I
o /

Southport 1898. 59 I 50. 4 W 59 W J. B. Baylor

Wilmington 1898. 58 I 50. 2 W
W Do.

Lake Waccamaw 1891.36 o 41.2 w 12 W Do.

Whiteville 1899. 90 I 43. 8 W 50 W Do.
Fair Bluff 1891.36 o 36. 5 W 07 W Do.

27478 " 02 14

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and ouUyhig
territories reduced to January Continued.
7, jgo2 "


Obser\''er or


J. B. Baylor

C. C. Yates

J. B. Baylor
G. R. Putnam

J. B. Baylor
A. T. Mosman









Tabu of the most recent tnagtietic declinaiions observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igoz "


Date of Declina- Declina-

tude observa-
I tionob- tionin Observer or

served authority

EorW EorW
Group /"Continued o "/

Marshall 82 40 898 69 0 14.6 E o 04 E J. B. Baylor

Bodies Island 75 32 846 99 1 13. 4 25W C. O. Boutelle
Jamesville 76 52 891 44 2 09 2 40W J. B. Baylor
Raleigh 7836 899 44 2 27 2 34W Do.
Sand Island 75 40 876 08 4 23 W E. Smith
Williamston 77 02 899 93 3 05 II W J. B. Baylor
Lexington 80 16 900 83 o 04 0 08 W Do.

Plymouth 76 44 898 36 3 26 3 37 W Do.

Mocksville 80 34 900 81 I 18 1 22 W Do.
Tarboro 77 37 899 34 3 33 3 40 W Do.
Chapelhill 79 03 898 23 I 28 1 39 W Do.
Lenoir 81 32 900 66 o 36 o 41 W Do.
Bumsville 82 17 900- 73 o 01 W Do.
o 03
Manteo 75 40 898 44 4 22 4 32W Do. "

Columbia 76 15 899 26 4 01 4 08 W Do.

Ta^lorsville 81 10 80 o 36 0 41 W Do.
Windsor 76 898 37 4 4 40 W Do.
59 29
Rockyinount 77 48 900 41 2 30 2 35 W J. A. Fleming
Nashville 77 58 899 36 I 49 W J. B. Baylor
42 1

Bakers ville 82 09 900 74 o 40 0 45 W Do.

Louisburg 78 19 899 95 2 24 2 30
W Do.
Durham 78 55 898 27 I 18 1 30 W Do.
Poore 81 09 895 68 o
25 o 46 W A. H. Buchanan
Shellbank 75 44 847 44 456W Boutelle, Davidson
24 I

Edenton 76 36 898 38 W J. B. Baylor

3 29 3 39
Hillsboro 898 28 W Do.
Ifi 05 2 03 2 15
Graham 79 24 899 97 2 02 2 08 W Do.
Greensboro 79 899 73 56 W Do.
49 o 50 0

Stevenson Point 76 II 847 10 I 451W C. O. Boutelle

Winston-Salem 80 899 69 W J. B. Baylor
15 I 42 1 50
Roan Hi^h Bluff 82 894 81 E A. H. Buchanan
09 o 33 0 II

Yadkinville 80 61 02 W J. B. Baylor
39 900 I 1 07
Wilkesboro 81 899 71 W Do.
09 o 29 o 37
Hertford 76 28 899 W Do.
25 3 15 3 22

Boone 81 65 W Do.
41 900 o 39 o 44
Elizabeth City 76 898 40 W Do.
13 4 14 4 24
Oxford 7838 898 W Do.
32 2 00 2 II

Camden 76 12 88 21 W Do.
900 4 4 25
Halifax 38 899 W Do.
77 33 2 00 2 07
Henderson 78 22 899 W Do.
94 2 32 2 37
Gatesville 76 48 899 28 W Do.
3 45 3 52
Jackson 77 29 899 31 3 II 3 18 W Do.
Roxboro 7859 898 W Do.
30 2 II 2 22

Winton 76 899 W Do.

59 29 3 15 3 23
Warrenton 78 09 898 34 2 W Do.
25 2 35
Yanceyville 79 22 900 58 2 00 2 04 W Do.
Wentworth 899 W Do.
79 47 74 I 57 2 04
Jefferson 81 28 900 64 o 43 0 47 W Do.
Danburv 80 12 60 I 2 W Do.
900 23 2 27
Currituck 76 01 898 46 456W Do.
41 4
W^eldon 7738 887 15W Do.
24 2 30 3
Mountairy 80 37 899 70 ; I 13 1 19
W Do.
Sparta 81 09 900 62 I o 39 o 44 W Do.
Nottaway R., Riddicksville 76 56 887 17 2 30 3 15W C. H. Sinclair
N. C. and Va. B. Knott Id. 56 887 06 18 W Do.
75 3 33 4
N. C. and Va. bound"y NW. 76 12 886 W Do.
, 99 2 54 3 40

Table of the most recent magnetic decimations observed in the United States and outlving
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "


Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude obseri'a-
tionob- tionin Observer or
served authority

E or W E or W
i I roup II
o / 0 /

Red Springs 34 51 79 12 1901 I 20 W 1 22 \V J. E. Purcell

Sladesville 35 26 76 28
1901.5 3 28 \V
3 29 W J. H. Wahab

Wimble Shoals 35 34 75 24 173S.5 4 00 \v

Rolesville 78 1895 1 w w Countv

35 54 29 30 I 49 sur\-evor

Ellendale 35 54 81 16 1896 o 45 E o 30 E Do.

Coinjock 36 18 76 00 1874 2 45 w 4 15 W Do.


East East
Group I o
o / /

Bismarck, C. H. Grounds 46 48 100 47 1890 58 15 14.9 4 33 R. A. Marr

.Jamestown 46 54 98 43 1896 43 12 27.5 2 03 R. L. Faris

Dickinson 46 44 1896 44 16 II. 7 Do.

54 102 5 53
Williston 48 103 38 1896 52 16 57-7 6 39 Do.
Rugby 48 22 99 56 1896 53 13 43. 8 3 22 Do.

Pembina 48 58 97 14 1896 54 II 20.0 o 55 Do.

Group II

Sargent County 882 2 47 1 34 Mean, 24 stations

Dickey County 883 27 2 17 Mean, 32 stations

Mcintosh County 884 4 ID 3 03 Mean, 28 stations

Emmons County 884 5 16 4 14 Mean, 45 stations

Richland County 873 3 21 36 Mean, 37 stations

Hettinger County 891 6 08 32 Mean, 13 stations

Lisbon 46 26 97 40 892 30 53 County surveyor

Ransom County 878 19 53 Mean, 28 stations

Lamoure County 881 41 24 Mean, 32 stations

County 883 Mean, 28 stations

Logan 32 22

Morton County 884 6 01 05 Mean, 52 stations

Billings County 885 655 6 01 Mean, 3 stations

Stark County 883 53 5 52 Mean, 26 stations

Fargo 46 53 96 47 898.7 03 0 50 G. T. Hawkins

Cass County 874 30 1 46 Mean, 45 stations

Barnes County 875 37 I 59 Mean, 42 stations

Stutsman County 875 38 3 00 Mean, 63 stations

Kidder County 878 57 3 38 Mean, 40 stations

Burleigh County 88r II 4 00 Mean, 47 stations

Oliver County 882 56 4 50 Mean, 21 stations

Williams County 887 04 5 16 Mean, 15 stations

Dunn County 884 45 5 49 Mean, 2 stations

Mercer County 885 50 4 56 Mean, 13 stations

Carrington 47 27 99 07 898.6 00 2 47 G. T. Hawkins

Foster County 883 16 3 06 Mean, 18 stations

Near Fort Berthold 47 28 lOI 50 860.5 58 7 20 W. F. Raynolds

McLean County 883 15 5 II Mean, 21 stations

Griggs County 881

30 2 13 Mean, 20 stations

Steele County 878 25 I 59 Do.

Traill County 874 34 I 52 Do.
Sheridan County 886 32 4 37 Mean, 6 stations

Wells County 885 32 Mean, stations

3 32 31
New Rockford 47 41 99 08 898.6 22 3 G. T. Hawkins

labU of the most recent magnetic declinatiofis observed in the United States arid outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "


Table the magnetic declinations observed in the United States and oiitlying
of most recent

territories reduced to January /, /po^ "



of Declina- Declina-
Lati- i Longi-
tionob- tionin Observer or
tude tion served authority

EorW E or W
Group II "
Continued o
o / /

81 06 895 W County
Carrollton 40 36 2 39 surveyor

Sandyville 40 37 81 22 810.5 2 06 W E. Buckingham


Kenton 83 ^
838. I 28 E J. H. Ross
40 39 37 5
Hardin 820 E Mean, stations
County o 47 10

Allen 832 06 W Mean, stations

County 0 5
Mansfield 40 47 82 31 894 1 55 W County surveyor
Lisbon 80 48 895 2 W Do.
40 47 54
Wooster 81 58 840. 1 58 W C. W. Christmas
40 49 5
New Lisbon 80 880.5 2 ^V J. B. Strawn
40 50 49 53
Forest 40 50 83 28 874.6 o 30E F. E. Hilgard
Ashland 807 W Mean, 8 stations
County o 40
Crawford 822 W Mean, stations
County o 45 1 1

Wyandot 824 E Mean, 6 stations

County " "
" "
o 09
Van West County 820 0 39E Mean, 5 stations
" "
" "

Pa, line, 75 m. S. of L. Erie 40 53 880.4 3 19W J. B. Strawn

Chippewa 40 55 810. 5 1 40 W J. Mansfield

Kalida 40 838.5 0 49 W E. B. Fitch
Poland 4 00 810.5 2 55 W J. Mansfield
Canfield 4 00 810.5 2 39 W Do.

Berlin 4 00 810.5 2 28 W Do.

Atwater 4 00 810.5 2 12 W Do.

Portaee 4 838. 2 34 W Mallison

00 5
Suffield 4 00 810. 5 1 54 W J. Mansfield
Coventry 810. I 57 W Do.
4 00 5
Norton 4 00 810. 5 1 46 W Do.

Putnam County 825 o 09 E Mean, 7 stations

Ottawa 02 895 o 24 W J. D. Huddle

Hancock County 821 o 15E Mean, 17 stations

" "

Akron 2 18 W J. A. Gehres
4 05 901
Tallmadge 4 06 806.5 3 13 W S. S. Ensign
Youngstown 4 07 796.6 2 32 W A. SpofFord
Tiffin 08 895 W County
4 o 19 surveyor
Paulding County " " "
822 o 34E Mean, 10 stations

"Seneca 4 83 II 810.5 0 19 W J. Mansfield

miles north of Akron 81 1 59 W^ M. Warren
4 4 10 33 .
Medina 4 12 81 53 900.1 1 52 W L. B. Ganyard
Brookfield 14 80 37 837.5 II W G. Boyse
4 ; 3

Braceville 4 14 80 58 838.5 2 59W F. E. Stowe

Hudson 4 15 81 26 I 840.5 2 53 W E. Loomis

Defiance 4 15 84 23 810.5 o 14 E J. Mansfield

Streetsboro 4 17 81 22 821.4 2 loW R. Cowles


Flat Rock 4 18 84 12 838.5 o 35 W W. C. Brownell

Lorain County 876 2 16 W I station

Henry County 822 o 03 E Mean, 9 stations

Defiance County 822 o 16 E Do.

Erie County 0 41 W Mean, 8 stations

Low^r Sandusky 21 83 838.5 1 01 W De Reeves

41 09
Sandusky County 821 1 15 w Mean, 19 stations

Aurora 796.7 2 37 W S. Pease

Huron 877.4 I 08 W F. Terry

Vermilion 876.8 I II W F.M.Towar

Sandusky 872.4 I 02 w A. C. Lamson

Kinsman 796.6 2 29 W^ S. Pease

Black River 876.8 1 22 W F.Terry

Pa. Line, 34 miles north 796.6 2 22 W M. Hallery

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, ipo2 " Continued.

OHIO" Continued

Date of Declina-
tude Longi-
tude observa- tion tion Observer or
tion served1902 in

Eor W EorW
Group //"Continued
o / o /

Mesopotamia 4 29 796.6 2 22 E I 37 W S. Pease

South Newbury 4 29 796.6 I 20 E 2 39 W Do.
Rocky River 4 29 : 876.8 O II W I 50 W F. M. Towar
Sandusky, Sand Point 4 30 i 877.4 o 37 E I ooW A. C. Lamson
Rapids of Maumee 4 30 I 810.5 2 48 E I 28 W J. Mansfield
Avon Point 4 31 876.8 O 36 W 2 15 w F.M. Towar
Port Clinton 4 31 877.5 o 47 E O 50 W F.Terry
Majrfield 4 32 796.7 I 03 E 2 56 W S. Pease
Euclid 4 34 876.7 I 10 W 2 49 W F.Terry
Williams County 822 4 36 E O 22 E Mean, 11 stations
Ottawa County 821 3 50 E O 25 W Mean, 19 stations
Catawba Island 4 35 877.5 o 40 E o 56 W A. C Lamson
Chardon 4 35 901 3 15 W 3 18 W E. L. F. Phelps
Kelleys Island 4 36 877-5 o 39 E o 57 W A. C. Lamson
Locust Point 4 36 877.6 o 40 E o 56 W F. M. Towar
Fulton County " "
823 4 20 E o 07 E Mean, 13 stations
Bass Islands 4 39 82 44 846.3 2 23 E I 06W Chart
Green Island 4 39 82 52 845.6 2 34 E o 57 W J.C.Woodruff
Willoughby 4 40 81 26 876.7 I 51 W 3 31 w F.M. Towar
Toledo 83 34 895 I 08 W I 32 W County
4 40 surveyor
Kirtland 4 41 81 21 796.7 I 00 E 3 ooW S. Pease
Toledo 4 42 83 28 901.7 I 08. I W I 09W T. Russell
North Bass Island 4 42 82 48 877.4 I 13 E o 24W F. M. Towar
Maumee R.
E. side of mouth 4 42 83 26 862.6 I 35 E
I ooW W.H.Hearding
Bloomfield 4 43 81 00 796.6 2 00 E 2 ooW S. Pease
Mentor 4 43 81 22 796.7 I 50 E 2 10 W M. Halley
Maumee Bay, Cedar Point 4 43 83 20 877.6 o 10 W I 46 W A. C. Lamson
West Sister Island .
4 44 83 06 ; 847.5 2 20 E I 06 W Chart
Fairport 4 45 81 16 876.7 2 00 W
3 40 W A. C. Lamson
Pa, Line, 14 m. S. of L. Erie 4 47 80 31 796.5 o 53 E 306W A. Porter
Denmark 4 47 80 45 796.7 I 30 E 2 30 w M. Halley
Madison 4 47 81 02 876.5 I 59 W 339W F. M. Towar
Pa. Line, 60 miles north 4 52 80 31 796.6 I 53 E 2 07 W M. Halley
Red Creek 4 53 80 51 876.6 2 00 W 3 40W A. C. Lamson
Ashtabula 4 55 80 48 876.5 I 46 W 3 26W Do.
North Kingsville 4 56 80 41 876.5 I 16 W 2 56 W F. M. Towar


East East
Group I o / o /

Mangum 1900.93 10 14.6 10 II W. C. Dibrell

Cheyenne 1900.92 10 34.9 10 31 Do.
Perrv 1901.63 9 12.9 9 12 J. M. Kuehne
Woodward 1900.91 10 52.5 10 49 W. C. Dibrell
Beaver 1900.90 lo 58.6 10 55 Do.

Group II

K., C, and A. Res'n, SE. 1874 II 00 9 45 Mean, 24 stations

K., C, and A. Res'n, SW. 1875 II 14 10 01 Mean, 23 stations
K., C, and A. Res'n, NE. 1874 10 45 9 30 Mean, 10 stations
K., C, and A. Res'n,. NW. 1874 10 58 9 43 Mean, 12 stations


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

OKLAHOMA" Continued

Date of Declina- Declina-

Lati- tude
tionob- tionin Observer or
tude tion served authority

East East
Group //"Continued o /

Greer County 1874 II 18 10 03 Mean, stations

Pottawatomie County 1873 10 00 8 43 Mean, stations
Cleveland County 1872 11 10 9 51 Do.

Washita County 1874 II 06 9 51 Mean, 8 stations

I County 1873 10 32 9 15 Mean, 13 stations

Oklahoma 35 28 97 30 1895 9 25 9 04 County sur\'eyor

Oklahoma County 1872 10 35 9 16 Mean, 14 stations

Canadian County 1872 10 45 9 26 Mean, 10 stations

Roger Mills County 1S74 11 40 10 25 Mean, 11 stations

G County 1874 10 52 9 37 Mean, 7 stations

Lincoln County 1877 11 06 9 57 Mean, 13 stations

Ind. Mer.,T's 16 and 17 N. 35 54 97 14 1901.5 9 12 9 10 B. S. Reeves

Lo^n County 1871 10 38 9 17 Mean, 8 stations

Blaine County 1874 10 50 9 35 Mean, 9 stations

Day County 1874 11 27 10 12 Mean, 13 stations

Grand 35 58 ' 99 48 1901.2 9 48 9 45 F. M. Sandford

Kingfisher County 1872 10 47 9 28 Mean, 10 stations

D County 1874 11 16 10 01 Do.

Payne County 1872 Mean, 7 stations

Stillwater 36 06 97 03 1896 County surveyor

Payne Co. 5th Par. and P. M. 36 14 1900.7 T. P. German
15 97
Pa^^^lee County 1872 Mean, 6 stations
" " "
" " " " "

Noble County 36 18 18 A. I. Thompson

97 1900.0
Do. 1872 Mean, 9 stations

Garfield County 1872 Mean, 12 stations

Woods County 1873 Mean, 25 stations

Woodward County 1873 Mean, 30 stations

Osage Nation 1872 Mean, 23 stations

Beaver County, west 1891 Mean, 12 stations

Beaver County, middle 1891 Mean, 54 stations

Beaver County, east 1890 Mean, 60 stations

Grant County 1872 Mean, 13 stations

Kay County 1872 Mean, stations



Table of the most recent magnetic decimations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
1^02 "

OREGON" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, igo2 "


of Declina- Declina-
tude Longi-
tionob- tionin Observer or
Station obserN'a-
served authority

East East
Group //"Continued
o / o / o /

Eugene 44 02 123 06 901 21 20 21 20 C. M. Collier

Lane County, west 901 21 00 21 00 Do.

" " " " " " " " "

Crooked River Canyon 120 859.5 18 40 19 20 J. Dixon

44 03 00

Birch Creek 44 16 117 26 859.7 18 18 32 Do.

Prineville 44 17 120 52 895 20 00 20 00 County surveyor
Waldport 44 23 124 05 893 21 00 21 02 Do.

Linn County 891 20 20 33 Mean, 5 stations

" " " " " " " "
WiHow Creek 44 27 120 53 859.5 18 55 19 39 J. Dixon
Grant County " " "
B "
895 20 00 20 00 County sur\'eyor
Benton County 901 20 20 20 20 G. H. Waggoner
" S " B "

Corvallis 44 33 123 17 895 20 00 20 02 George Mercer

Albany 44 123 06 895 20 42 20 44 E. T. T. Fisher

Lincoln County ! " " " " " " " " "
893 19 53 19 56 Mean, 6 stations

Cape Foulweather, near I 44 42 124 07 792.3 18 00 G. Vancouver

" " % m

Des Chutes River Crossing 1 44 47 121 06 859.4 19 15 20 00 J. Dixon

Polk County 892 20 20 33 I station
Marion County 890 20 22 20 26 Mean, 3 stations

Oak Grove Creek 45 06 121 15 859.4 19 20 20 05 J. Dixon

Clackamas County 892 21 17 21 20 Mean, 4 stations

Gilliam County 888 21 07 21 07 Mean, 3 stations

" "
" "

McMinnville 45 13 123 10 901 21 00 21 00 C E. Branson

| .

Wasco County | " " " "

j " " "
895 20 00 20 02 County surveyor
Grande Roqde Valley 45 16 117 43 859.8 18 20 18 48 J. Dixon

Grande Ronde River "

45 20 117 57 859.8 19 00 19 28 Do.

Near Cape Lookout | 45 20 124 00 789.5 16 05 J. Meares

" "
" "

Tillamook County 892 20 20 20 23 Mean, 5 stations

" "
" as

Tillamook 45 25 123 895 21 54 21 56 A. M. Austin

Hillsboro 45 122 895 21 21 32 L. E. Wilkes
30 59 30
Multnomah County 887 22 22 22 29 Mean, 2 stations

Wallowa County 893 20 00 19 56 I station

Lees Camp, Blue M't*ns 45 33 118 21 859.8 19 20 19 50 J. Dixon

Three Mile Creek 45 34 121 06 859.4 19 45 20 30 Do.

The Dalles, i mile east 900.6 21 29 21 29 W. Cuthbert
Umatilla County 866 20 20 20 36 Mean, 3 stations

Umatilla River 859.8 20 02.5 20 32 J. Dixon

Vernonia 895 22 30 22 32 County surveyor
Columbia County 893 21 20 21 22 Mean, 3 stations

Washington Boundary 864.4 20 20 20 40 D. G. Major

Rainier 895 21 40 21 42 County surveyor
Clatskanie 895 21 45 21 47 Do.


EorW EorW
Group I

Mason and Dixon Line 1897. 79

Gettysburg, S. M. 1901.80
Gettysburg, N. M. 1901. 80

Wajnesburg 1901.88
Uniontown, S. M. 1901.89
Union town, N. M. 1901 89

Westchester 1901.76

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations obset'ved in the United States and outlying^
terf'itories reduced to January Continued.
i, ipo2 "


Date of Declina- Declina-

! Lati-
tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or
tion served authority

EorW EorW
Group I "
o / o /

Chambersburg 39 56 77 39 900.44 4 42. 9 W 4 48W Fleming "Dibrell

Philadelphia, Hospital 39 57 75 12 895.70 7 10. 5 W 7 30 W J. B. Baylor

Philadelphia, Girard Col. 3958 75 10 890.84 6 31.4 W
7 08 W Do.

Yard 3958 IS 23 854.82 6 42. 3 W 10 04 W J. E. Hilgard

York, S. M. 59 76 45 901.79 6 17. W 6 18 W J. W. MiUer
39 9
York,N.M. 901.80 6 00. 2 W 6 01 W Do.
" " " "
" " " "

Johnson Tavern 40 00 79 48 862.58 1 13. 6 W 3 52 W C. A. Schott

Somerset 40 01 79 07 901.89 4 39- 2 W 4 40 W J. W. Miller

Bedford 40 01 7831 902.56 4 31.5 W 4 30 W Do.

Lancaster, S. M. 40 03 76 18 901.76 6 16. 2 W 6 17 W Do.


Lancaster, N. M. I
901.77 6 07.8 W 6 08W Do.
" " ..
" "

Fannettsburg 40 03 77 48 900.45 4 59. 7 W 5 04W Fleming "Dibrell

Bristol, Vanuxem 40 07 74 53 846. 52 4 27. 8 W 8 27 W J. Locke

Hatboro 40 II 75 05 I 900.50 7 26. 2 W 7 30
w W. C. Dibrell

Washington, S. M. 40 II 80 16 901.87 3 22. 8 W

.3 23 w J. W. Miller

Washington, N. M. 901.87 3 44. 4 W 3 45W Do.

Carlisle, S. M. 40 13 77 12 901.81 5 19. 7 W 5 20 W Do.

Carlisle, N.M. 901.81 5 20. 7 W 21 W Do.

" " " " " " " "
Harrisburg, N. M. 40 16 76 53 901.78 6
25.0 W 6 26 w Do.

Harrisburg, S. M.
" "
" " " " " "
901.78 6 19. 8 W 6 20W Do.

Greensburg, S. M. 40 17 79 35 901.86 4 06. 4 W 4 w Do.

Greensburg, N. M. 901.86 4 09. W 4 10 w Do.
" " " " " " " "
Reading 40 18 75 56 900.49 5 26. o W 5 30 w W. C. Dibrell

Andersonburg 40 21 77 27 900.45 4 36. oW 4 40 w Fleming " Dibrell

Lebanon, S. M. 40 21 76 25 901.77 6 34. 7 W 6 35 W J. W. Miller

Lebanon, N. M.
" " " "
901. 78 6
30. 2 W 6 31 w Do.
" " " "

Newport 40 27 77 07 900.45 6 02.8 W 6 07 W Fleming " Dibrell

Allegheny 40 28 80 01 885.65 2 55.7 w 3 58 W J. B. Baylor

Huntingdon 40 29 78 01 900.46 5 29. oW 5 33 W Fleming " Dibrell

Ebensburg 40 29 78 44 901.85 4 27. 3 W 4 28 W J. W. Miller

Altoona 40 78 900.47 5 06.4 W 5 W W. C. Dibrell
31 23 11

Lewistown 40 36 900.46 W W Fleming " Dibrell

77 34 5 19. 7 5 24
South Bethlehem 40 874. W w T. C. Hilgard
37 75 23 47 5 19. 5 7 07
Indiana, S. M. 40 39 79 12 901.85 4 02. o W 4 02 w J. W. Miller

Indiana, N. M.
" "
" " " "
901.86 3 59. 6 W 4 00 w Do.
" "

Pottsville 40 76 6 48. W 6 w W. C. Dibrell

41 12 900.49 o 52
Middleburg 40 48 77 00 901.81 6 05.8 W 6 06W J. W. Miller

Ingleby 40 49 77 26
900. 48 6 10. o W 6 14 w W. C. Dibrell
Bellefonte 40 901.83 8 W W J. W. Miller
55 77 47 5 53- 5 54
Lewisburg 40 56 76 52 900.48 6 15. I W^ 6 19 W W. C. Dibrell
Clearfield, S. M. 41 03 78 26 901.84 4 54. 7 W 4 55 W J. W. Miller
Clearfield, N. M. 901.84 5 40. 4 W 5 W Do.
" " " " 41
Lockhaven 41 77 26 901.83 6 W 6 W Do.
09 24. o 24
Willianisport, S. M. 41 14 77 02 901.82 6 48.4 W 6 49 W Do.
Williamsport, N. M.
" " " " " " mm
901.82 6 50. 9 W 6 51 w Do.
Erie 42 80 885. 08.2 W W J. B. Baylor
09 05 70 3 4 10

Group II

Warren Point 43 78 02 899.1 W W A. S. Winger

39 4 30 4 39
West B. Yz N. of S. W.cor. 80 883.5 W w F. L.
m. 39 44 31 o 40 I 51 Hoge
Irwin Mill nr. Mercersburg 56 840.6 W W A. D. Bache
39 47 77 o 54. 4 5 04
W^est Bounda^}^ 5 m. north 39 48 80 31 785.4 2 03 E 2 08 W A. Ellicott
Two of Rock Lick 80 883.
ni. s. 39 52 31 5 o 36 W I 47 W F. L. Hoge
West Boundary, 12 m. north 39 54 80 31 883.4 o 36 W I 47 W Do.

McConnelsburg 39 55 77 59 898.4 5 01 W 5 13 w A. S. Winger


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States afid outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
ipo2 "


JMa of Declina- Declina-

^"": I

tionob- tionin Observer or

served authority

East East East

Group /"Continued
o / o / o /
Sua], Luzon 16 04 120 06 1901.08 o 54.2 O 55 F. W. Edmonds
San Fernando del Union, L'n 16 37 120 18 38 H. C. Mitchell
1901.27 o 37.4 O

Candon, Luzon 17 12 120 26 I90I.3I o 23.6 o 24 Do.

Vigan, Luzon 17 34 120 23 I90I. II o 20.8 o 21 H. W. Rhodes
Currimao, Luzon 18 01 120 29 1901.24 o II. 6 o 12 H.C.Mitchell

Aparri, Luzon 18 22 121 37 I90I. 18 o 10.3 o II Do.

Group II

Jolo 6 04 1888.31 I 10.9 18 Martin Juan

Santa Cruz, Mindanao 6 50 1888.38 I 28.7 Do.
Zamboanga, Mindanao 6 54 1888.30 I Do.
57-7 05
Mati, Mindanao 6 56 1888.41 I 08.3 15 Do.
San Jose, Samal 6 57 1888.39 I Do.
25.9 34
Davao, Mindanao 7 01 1888.34 I 34.8 Do.
Caraga, Mindanao 7 15 1888.44 22. 28 Do.
I 7
Tagc^oan, Mindanao 833 1892. 40 I 32.3 38 Ricardo Cirera

Dapitan, Mindanao 8 40 1892. 43 I 17.8 21 Do.

Tandag, Mindanao 9 02 1888.48 I 02.8 08 Martin Juan

M'imbajao 16 1892. 39 o 50-0 54 Ricardo Cirera
Duniaguete, Nepros 19 1892. 50 I 24.5 27 Do.
Cantilan, Mindanao 20 1888. 49 I 10.5 16 ^[artin Juan
Pto. Princesa, Palawan 44 1888. 27 I 30-9 39 Do.

Surigao, Mindanao 48 1888.50 2 Do.

00.4 09
Cebu (Zebu) 18 1892. Ricardo Cirera
37 I 19.0 24
Iloilo, Panay 42 1892. 50 I 16.3 22 Do.
Tacloban, Leyte 14 1892. 38 ao 04.8 52 Do.

Catbalogan, Samar 47 1892.38 I 06.6 12 Do.

Romblon 35 1892. 37 o 57.6 02 Do.

Tabaco, Luzon 22 1890. "47 o 38.9 o 44 T. Joveilanos

Na. Caceres, Luzon 37 1890.54 o 52.2 o 58 Do.

Atimonan, Luzon 01 1890.56 o 49.0 o 55 Do.

Tayabas, Luzon 02 1890.57 o 36.6 o 40 Do.

Daet, Luzon 04 1890.50 o 34.4 o 39 Do,

Manila, Luzon 35 1896.5 o Si.o o 54 Observatory
San Isidro, Luzon 23 1890. 62 o 53.6 o 59 T. Joveilanos
Co. Bolinao, Luzon 21 1890.76 o 52.7 o 59 .

Bayombong, Luzon 30 1890.64 o 34.0 o 40 Do.

Vigan, Luzon 34 1890.73 o 30- 2 o 37 Do.

Tuguegaras. Luzon 35 1890.69 o 09.6 o 16 Do.

Laoag, Luzon 8 13 1890.71 o 17.5 o 23 Do.

Aparri, Luzon 8 22 1890.70 o 05.6 o 12 Do.


Eor JV EorW
Group I
o / o /

Point Viento (2) 58 65 06 W 08 W J. E. McGrath

17 59 1901.24 I I

Corazon 18 CXD 66 05 1901.23 o 48 W o 50 W Do.

Ponce 18 01 66 36 8 W o 52 W W. C. Dibrell
1901.44 o 50.
Santa Helena 18 02 65 12 E o II E' J. E. McGrath
52 1901. 32 o

n This is probably a misprint in "El Mas^netismo Terrcstre en Filipinos.


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed iii the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "

PORTO RICO" Continued


West West
Group I
o /

Watch Hill 41 19 71 51 1847. 72 7 33-4 10 36 R. H. Fauntlerov

Point Judith 41 22 71 29 1847. 68 8
59-7 12 02 Do.
Boston Neck 41 27 71 26 1899.60 II 38.4 II 42 D. L. Hazard

McSparran 41 30 71 27 1899.65 II 51-6 11 55 Do.

Newport 41 30 71 20 1896.47 II 27.9 11 39 G. R. Putnam

Spencer 41 41 71 30 1844. 62 9 05.9 12 22 T.J.Lee

Providence 41 50 71 24 1895. 63 II 35.2 11 48 J. B. Bavlor

Beaconpole 42 00 71 27 1844.86 9 27.0 12 41 T.J.Lee

Group II

Sakonnet River 41 27 71 12 1775- 5 6 00 II 42

Newport 41 28 71 20 1832. 5 8 12 12 16 A. S. Wadsworth


Eor W E or W
Group I
o /

Graham, Hilton Head I. 1870. 20 I 55. E

Port Royal 1859.09 3 04. E

Woods 1902. 27 o 26. E
Beaufort 1875. 37 I 58. E

Bay Point 1902. 25 I 38. W

Edisto Island, East Base 1850. 26 2 53- E

Sullivan I., Breach Inlet 1902. 35 o 32- W

Live Oak 1902.34 o 30. W

Allston 1853-98 2 06. E

Aiken 1885.97 I 27- E
Columbia 1900.22 o 12. E

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "


of Declina- Declina-
tude Longi-
tionob- tion Observer or
Station observa-
tion served in authority

EorW EorW
Group /"Continued
o /

Florence 34 09 79 43 1891.34 o 00. W o 36 W J. B. Baylor

Marion 34 09 79 24 1891.35 o 22. W 057W Do.

Green 34 49 82 14 1896.94 o 15- E o 00 W. C. Hodgkins

Baker 34 51 82 13 1896.94 o 09. E o 06 W Do.

Pelbam 34 52 82 13 1896.90 o 17. E o 02 E Do.

Greers 82 1896.90 o 06. E o 10 W Do.

34 57 13 .

Spartanburg 3458 81 56 1896.90 i o 04. E o 12 W Do.

Flint Rock 34 59 82 13 1896.91 I

o 03. E o 13 W Do.

Gold Mine 35 02 82 13 1896.92 " o 25. E o 10 E Do.

Gowensville 35 07 82 13 1896.89 o 33. E o 17 E Do.

Talent 09
82 1896.93 o 05. E o 11 W Do.
35 13
Block House 35 12 82 13 1896.88 o 16. E o 01 E Do.

Group II

Beaufort 32 26 80 40 1901.3 o 30 E o 28E George Gage
Robertsville 36 81 1843. E o 01 E W. T. Feay
32 12 5 3 25
Yemassee 40 80 48 ; 1901.3 o o. E o 01 W E. W. Screven

Mc Pherson ville 80 o 01 E o 01 W Do.

32 45 50 1901-3
Charleston, miles NW, 80 W W Do.
5 32 50 CO 1901.3 o 39 o 41
Blackville 81 E 12 E Do.
33 2 15 1901.3 o 14 o

North Augusta 81 58 1901.3 o 42 E o 40 E Do.

33 3
Edgefield 50 81 1901-3 o 18 E o 16 E Do.
33 55
Florence 34 09 79 43 1894.6 o 14 W o 38 W J. W. Brunson
Lang Place, Kershaw Co. 34 20 80 40 I 1901.4 o
W o 21 VV E. W. Screven

Marlboro 1895 W w County

County "
" " "
I 2 30 2 51 surveyor
Clemson College 82 50 ! 1901 o 00 o 02 W Students

Chester 81 14 1894 30 W o 54 W County surveyor

Union 81 36 1901.5 o 20 E o 18 E E. W. Screven

Pacolet 81 45 1886.4 I 15 E o 23 E G. E. Ladshaw


97 25 1896.38 R. L. Paris

96 44 IQ00.66 J. W. Miller

98 01 i"9b.39 R. L. Paris

98 14 1900.67 J. W. Miller

100 22 1896.40 R. L. Paris

9831 1900.67 J. W. Miller

97 06 X900. 68 Do.

99 58 1900.68 Do.

98 1896.41 R. L. Paris

1864 Mean, 8 stations

1862 Mean, 11 stations

97 25 1896 County surveyor

1864 Mean, 8 stations

1868 Mean, 3 stations

1889 Mean, 5 stations

27478"02 15

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, igo2 "


of Declina- Declina-
tude Longi-
tionob- tionin Observer or
Station observa-
tion served authority

East East
Group //"Continued
o / o / o /

Lugenbeel County 893 3 55 27 Mean, 7 stations

Gregory County 892 2 55 19 Mean, 10 stations

Tripp County 893 3 00 30 Do.

Lincoln County 863 2 50 44 Mean, 14 stations

Turner 867 Mean, 18 stations

County 2 34 40
Fall River County 887 5 19 35 Mean, 35 stations

South Cheyenne River 43 18 103 50 877.8 5 30.3 25 W. S. Stanton

Charles Mix County 872 3 47 08 Mean, 17 stations

Meyer County 892 06 32 Mean, 6 stations

Hutchinson County 866 2 30 38 Mean, 9 stations

Douglas County 869 4 33 46 Mean, 3 stations

Washabaugh County 892 4 14 42 I station

Washington County 890 4 44 06 Mean, to stations

Sioux Falls 96 40 900.8 o 10 05 S. B. Howe

43 33
Minnehaha County 865 2 06 o 05 Mean, 23 stations

McCook County 870 2 25 0 35 Mean, 16 stations

Hanson County 870 2 56 1 10 Mean, 6 stations

Davison County 872 3 31 I 52 Mean, 2 stations

Custer County 883 5 21 4 27 Mean, 16 stations

Custer 43 45 103 34 896 5 30 5 12 County surveyor

White River 43 45 99 45 860.5 4 50 3 00 W. F. Raynolds
French Creek 43 46 34 877.8 5 21.5 4 15 W. S. Stanton
County 889 18 Mean, stations
Lyman 3 2 33 24
Aurora County 873 4 14 2 37 Mean, 5 stations

Brule County 881 4 05 2 52 Mean, 12 stations

Chamberlain 43 48 99 20 896 2 43 2 23 County surveyor

Presho County 1886 3 25 2 32 Mean, 30 stations

Jackson County 890 4 00 3 20 Mean, 14 stations

Pratt County 890 3 47 3 06 Mean, 30 stations

Hill 43 56 103 33 895 5 15 4 55 County surveyor

Spring Creek 43 57 12 877.8 6 21.5 5 12 W. S. Stanton
Pennington County 883 5 19 4 23 Mean, 25 stations

Moody County 867 2 37 o 40 Mean, 20 stations

Lake County 872 2 18 o 35 Mean, 11 stations

Miner County 877 2 37 I 10 Do.

Sanborn County 873 3 43 05 Mean, 3 stations

Ziebach County 890 4 13 Mean, 18 stations

Buffalo County 872 3 41 2 03 Mean, 10 stations

Jerauld County 875 3 24 I 53 Do.

Wessington 44 06 98 32 895 2 45 2 20 County silrveyor

Cold Springs 44 09 104 02 877.6 5 41.3 4 40 W. S. Stanton

Nowlin County 890 4 10 3 32 Mean, 32 stations

" "

Meade County 884 5 38 3 48 Do.

" "
" "

Brookings 44 18 96 45 901.2 o 55 o 52 A.B.Crane

Brookings County 871 2 34 0 45 Mean, 20 stations

Kingsbury County 874 2 44 1 06 Mean, 15 stations

" "

Beadle County 877 14 35 Mean, 19 stations

Hughes County 882 4 44 38 Mean, 27 stations

Stanley County 890 12 31 Mean, 40 stations

Fort Pierre 44 25 100 24 860.0 4 45 55 W. F. Raynolds
Lawrence County 881 6 10 12 Mean, 5 stations
" " " " " "
" "

Oak Grove 44 27 103 36 877.8 6 03.7 00 W. S. Stanton

Spe'arfish 44 30 103 50 885 6 oo 13 County surveyor

Hyde County 881 3 28 19 Mean, 22 stations
" " " "

Hand County 882 28 20 Mean, 40 stations


Table of the most recent magnetic declinatums observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
7, ipo2 "



EorW EorlV
Group I
o / o /

Chattanooga 85 18 1900.44 I 26. 3 E I 21 E D. L. Hazard

Grand Junction 89 13 1881.69 5 58.9 E 4 45 E J. B. Baylor

Memphis 04 1901.15 5 26. 7 E 5 24 E W. Weinrich
Pulaski 87 03 1881.65 5 01.5 E 3 47 E J. B. Baylor
Tullahoma 86 13 1881.59 3 30.9 E 2 17 E Do.

Clifton 88 01 1865. 18 5 48 E 3 40E A. T. Mosman

Athens 8437 1881.55 I 44-2 E o 30 E J. B. Baylor

Columbia 87 04 1881.63 4 35.5 E 3 21 E Do.

88 1881.71 49.8 E 4 36 E Do.

Jackson 51 5
Murfreesboro 86 25 1881.61 4 53.5 E 3 40 E Do.

Knoxville 8356 1900.45 o 00. 2 W o 06 W D. L. Hazard

Johnsonville 88 00 1865. 19 5 50 E 3 42 E A. T. Mosman

Big Butt 82 38 1893.8 o 39. o E o 12 E A. H. Buchanan


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, 1^02 "

TENNESSEE" Continued

of Declina- Declina-
Lati- Longi-
tionob- tionin Observer
Station tude observa-
tion served


EorW EorW
Group I "
o / o /

Rutherford 36 09 89 CI 1881.72 5 59.6 E 4 46 E J. B. Baylor

Nashville 36 86 48 1888.60 4 31.0 E 3 43 E Do.
Lebanon, North Base 36 86 18 1898.23 3 56.5 E 3 43 E A. H. Buchanan
Careyville 36 18 84 1900.46 II. 2 E o 06E D. L. Hazard
13 o

Fort 36 88 1865. 6 E 16 E A. T. Mosman

Henry 30 04 19 24 4

Group II

Polk County, Ga., Line 2 00 E 1 57 E J. L. Williams

35 00 901.2
Lincoln County 895 3 56 E 3 33E County surveyor
Bradley County 895 2 35 E 2 12 E Do.

Cleveland 10 84 875.5 3 6E 1 54 E F. E. Hilgard

35 52 30
Sewanee 12 85 54 900.7 2 55 E 2 50 E S. M. Barton
Mouth of Okoee River 84 899.8 I 41 E I 33 E G. W. Metcalfe
35 13 39
Lone Savannah 35 14 84 59 895 2 00 E I 37 E County surveyor
Candy Creek, mouth 20 84 899.9 I 10 E 1 03 E G. W. Metcalfe
35 50
Montezuma 35 22 88 42 895 3 45 E 3 22 E County surveyor
Coffee County 901 2 32 E 2 29 E Logan Darnell

Lewis County 895 3 48 E 3 25E County survevor

Madisonville 84 21 895 o 15 E o 08 W Do.

35 31
Haywood County " " " " " "
895 4 55 E 4 32E Do.
" *

Brownsville 34 89 16 901. 2 4 15 E 4 12 E J.D. Anthonv

Ninemile Creek, Lit.Tenn.R. 35 36 84 12 899.8 o 45 E o 37E G. W. Metcalfe

Perrysville 35 38 8803 895 4 24 E 4 01 E County surveyor

Coytee Landing 35 43 84 15 899.8 o 15 E o 07 E G. W. Metcalfe

Loudon 84 E W J. CM. Bogle

35 45 20 900 o 00 0 05

Cope 35 48 85 45 900? 1 50 E 1 45 E C. C. Benefield

Sevierville 83 899.6 0 30 E 0 22 E H. S. Bosler

35 52 32
Clinch R., White Oak Crk. 899.5 2 04 E 1 55 E Do.
" " " "

Clinch River, Knox-Roane 54 84 16 899.5 1 30 E I 21 E Do.

county line

Pigeon River, mouth 35 56 83 35 899.6 o 25 E o 17 E Do.

83 W C. B. McNabb
Newport 35 57 13 901.2 o 00 o 03
Caswell Station 35 57 8350 901.2 o 15 E o 12 E R. A. J. Ai mstrong
Knox County 895 o 45 E o 22 E Countv surveyor
" " "
" " " "

Holston River, mouth 35 58 83 51 899.6 o 16 E o 08E H.S. Bosler

Catletts Ferry 35 58 83 31 899.6 o 23 E o 15E Do.

Clinch River, son

Knox-Ander- 84 899.5 W Do.
35 59 10 o 00 o 09

county line

Dandridge Ferry 36 01 83 25 899.6 o 14 E o 06 E Do.

Sehorn Creek, mouth 36 02 83 20 899.6 o 26 E o 18 E Do.

French Br'd R.,So.R7.brdg. 36 83 899.5 o 20 E o II E Do.

05 15
Clinch R. So. Ry bridge 3608 84 08 899.5 o 24 E o 15 E Do.

New^market 36 8336 900. 1 o 45 E o 38E G. W. Metcalfe

Hinds Creek, mouth 36 12 84 899.5 o 35 E o 26 E H.S. Bosler
Gleason 36 12 88 38 895 4 20 E 3 57E County surveyor
Edgefield 36 86 46 871.9 5 02 E 3 14E T. C. Hilgard
Cane Creek, mouth 36 15 84 06 899.5 o 40 E 0 31 E H. S. Bosler

Lake County 901.2 3 45 E 3 42E Walter Smith

" " " "

Reelfoot 36 17 89 28 895 3 30 E 3 07 E County surveyor

Powell River, mouth 36 18 84 01 899.5 I 56 E 1 47 E H.S. Bosler

Hitches Ferry, Clinch R. 899.5 I 04 E o 55 E Do.

" " " "
" " " "

Dodson Creek, mouth 36 20 83 45 899.4 o 30 E o 21 E Do.

Clinch River, "^ miles low

be- 36 22 83 41 899.4 o 00 o 09 W Do.

Black Fox Creek


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United Stales and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "

TENNESSEE -Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories redtued to January Continued.
i, ipo2 "

TEXAS" Continued
232 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories redtued to Jayiuary /, igoz "

TEXAS" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United Statec and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
1^2 "


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories redticed to January 7, 1^2 "

UTAH" Continued

of Declina- Declina-
T ^"^ 1
tionob- tionin Observer or

served authority

East East
Group //"Continued
o / O f

Mill Spring Station 38 17 872.5 7 20 6 53 R. L. Hoxie

113 30
Rabbit Valley 38 19 III 25 873.5 6 20 5 45 Do.

Hay Spring 38 19 113 00 872.5 6 15.6 5 46 Do.

Grass Spring 38 20 III 54 872.5 7 45.2 7 10 W. L. Marshall

Wayne County 882 6 00 5 30 Mean, 8 stations

" " "
" " "

Piute County 871 6 05 5 30 Mean, 2 stations

" " " "

Beaver County, east 882 5 50 5 25 Mean, 10 stations

" " " "

Beaver County, west 871 6 34 6 05 Mean, 4 stations

" " "
" I

San Francisco Spring 38 27 113 17 872.5 6 58 6 30 R. L. Hoxie

Hawahwah Spring 38 113 30 869.5 6 39.9 6 10 Wheeler " Lock-


Grass Valley 3834 111 50 872.5 7 45 7 10 W. L. Marshall

Black RocV Spring 38 43 112 57 872.5 6 02 5 32 R. L. Hoxie

Emery County, southwest 874 6 16 5 42 Mean, 4 stations

Sevier County 885 6 30 6 03 Mean, 19 stations

Gunnison Trail 38 48 III 873.5 6 00 5 25 R. L. Hoxie

Camp, near Sevier Lake 38 50 113 15 872.5 7 28 7 00 Do.
Millard County, southwest 875 6 30 6 04 Mean, 6 stations

Millard County, southeast 870 6 25 5 57 Mean, 5 stations

Meadow Creek 3851 112 26 872.5 6 II 5 40 R. L. Hoxie

Fillmore 3857 112 17 872.5 6 22.5 5 52 Hoxie, Wheeler,


Muddy Creek 3859 III 873.5 6 00 5 25 R. L. Hoxie

Ferron Creek 39 05 III 07 873.5 6 16 5 41 Do.
Cedar Springs j 39 08 113 00 872.5 7 09 6 40 Marie

Cottonwood Creek 14 III 873.5 '50 6 15 R. L. Hoxie

1 39 03
Sanpete County, south 891 6 25 6 06 Mean, 3 stations

Emery County, northwest 891 6 12 53 Mean, 12 stations

Millard County, northeast 881 6 20 50 Mean, 9 stations

Joe Valley 25 III 12 873.5 7 00 25 R. L. Hoxie

Mount Pleasant 111 873.5 7 10 35 Do.
39 32 29
Sevier Pass 112 872.5 25 W. L. Marshall
39 33 17 00

Sanpete County, north 872 6 55 Mean, 7 stations

Carbon County 894 6 15 00 County sm^eyor
Sulphur 39 41 113 46 859.5 556 5 35 J. H. Simpson
Juab County, east 875 6 45 6 II Mean, 14 stations

Juab County, west 883 7 00 ^635 Mean, 2 stations

Fish Springs 872.5 04.8 638 R. L. Hoxie
39 52 113 21 7
Eureka City 58 112 872.5 6 35 W. L. Marshall
39 07 7 09
Santaquin 39 59 111 48 872.5 7 26 651 Do.

Simpson Spring 40 02 112 47 859.4 6 42 6 15 J. H. Simpson

Utah County, east 884 6 6 22 Mean, 6 stations
Utah County, west 889 :6 6 Mean, 24 stations
30 07
Faust Station 872.5 [6 6 R. L. Hoxie
40 12 112 27 51.7 20

Tooele County, southeast 873 t6 6 20 Mean, stations

50 15
Tooele County, southwest 877 :6 58 6 32 Mean, 2 stations
Fairfield 16 872.5 6 6 R. L. Hoxie
40 ;
112 05 59- 5 25
Wasatch County, west 880 6 42 6 10 Mean, 7 stations
Uinta County, north 893 6 6 Do.
22 04
Salt Lake Base 891.8 6 49. 631 N. P. Anderson
40 35 1 III 10 7
Salt Lake County 880 :6 558 Mean, 17 stations
Tooele County, northeast 889 6 6 Mean, 2 stations
25 05
Fort Douglas 40 46 III 50 872.5 7 01 6 26 G.M.\^Tieeler
vSalt Lake 46 III 895 6 6 18 County surveyor
40 54 30
Summit County, west 881 657 6 26 Mean, 17 stations

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlyirig
territories reduced to January Continued.
7, 1^2 "



Table of the most recent magnetic declinatioyis observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, ipo2 "


Date of Declina-
tude Longi-
tude observa-
tion served

Group I

Dismal Swamp, B. stone 36 33 76 23 1886. 95 3 15. 9W

Hines, N. C. boundary 36 33 76 34 1887. 1 1 3 04. 7 W
Knott Island, north end 36 34 75 55 1873. 30 2 54. 8 W
Bristol 3636 82 10 i89".35 o 21. W

Stuart 36 39 80 16 1901.78 I 53. W

Stuart, S. M. " " " " *

1901. 79 I 47. W
" " "

Emporia 36 40 77 32 1897. 40 3 29. W

White Rock 36 40 83 27 1893. 54 o 18. E

Big Knob 36 40 82 30 1893-7 o 19. W

Rogers 36 40 81 33 1894.6 o 13. E

OldTown 36 40 8057 1902. 48 o 36. W

Abingdon 36 42 81 58 1897. 58 o 12. W

Martinsville, school grounds 36 42 79 52 1901.77 I W

Martinsville, 300 feet south 1901.77 2 W
" " " " " "
" " 32.
Martinsville, N. M. 36 42 79 53 1901.80 2 28. 8 W
Martinsville, S. M. 1901. 80 2 II. o W

Houston 1897.57 2 W
23. 9
Hillsville 1902. 47 O 54. 3W
Buffalo 1895. 08. 9W
73 o

Chatham 1901.81 2 15 W
Chatham, S. M. 1901.81 2 31. 2 W
Chatham, N. M. 1901.81 2 13- 4W
Marion 1898.36 I 02. o W
Norfolk W
1897. 39 4 17. 8
Cape Henry 1895.45 3 56. 5 W
Wytheville 1898.37 0 49. 4 W

Rocky Mount 1901.76 1 52. 4 w

Old Point Comfort 02 20 w

1902. 4
Smithville, N, M. 1901.87 2 42. 6 w
Smithville, S. M. 1901.87 2 42. 4 w
Pulaski City 1902. 46 I 12. 6 w

Dinwiddie, N. M. 1901.90 3 12. 5 w

Dinwiddie, S. M. 1901.90 3 17. 3 w

Cape Charles 1856. 68 I 2 w

Tazewell 1898.38 I 40. 6 w
Christiansburg 1897. 59 o 58. 7 w
Nottoway, S. M. 1901.88 3 12. o W

Nottoway, N. M. 1901.88 17. 8W

Petersburg, S. M. 1901.89 3 36. 4 W

Petersburg, N. M. 1901.89 3 44- 3 W

York River 26 w
1902.02 4
Williamsburg 1887. 28 3 02. 9

Cape Charles City 41 w

1900. 4 17. I

Rustburg 1901. 74 3 29. 3 w

Farmville, S. M. 1901. 83 3 09. 4 w

Farmville, N. M. 1901. 83 3 10. I w

1856. 68 I 37. 5 w

Salem 1900.41 I 24. 7 w

Bedford City 1902. 43 3 35. 7 w
Pearisburg 1902. 46 2 02. 5 w

Charles City, S. M. 1901.66 w

4 41. 7
Charles City, N. M. 1901.66 38. 8 W
Amelia, N. M. 1901.86 54. 4 W
Amelia, S. M. 1901.86 6 W
3 53.
West Appomattox 81 W
1901. 2 17. 0

West Appomattox, S. M. 82 W
1901. I 25. 1

Table of the most recent magnetic declinaiio7is observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "

VIRGINIA" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
1^2 "


Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or

tion served authority


East East
Group I
/ I o / o / o /

Vancouver, near Fort couver

Van- 45 38 122 40 1895. 17 21 32.4 21 34 J. J. Gilbert

Lower Cascades 45 39 22 00 881.80 19 29. 3 40 J. S. Lawson

Walla Walla 46 04 18 21 887.71 21 10.3 21 06 E. Smith
Wallula 46 07 18 55 881.75 19 55. 7 19 53 J. S. Lawson
Ainsworth 46 14 19 03 881.64 21 24.5 21 22 Do.

Cape Disappointment 46 17 24 03 895.15 21 55.8 22 03 J. J. Gilbert

Pomeroy 46 31 17 40 881.72 21 33.5 21 28 J. S. Lawson

Sixty Mile Well 46 49 18 50 881.65 22 46.9 22 44 Do.

Olympia 47 02 22 54 881.84 21 34.6 21 46 Do.

Howard, near Olympia 47 03 22 53 894.96 22 43. 5 22 44 J. J. Gilbert

Tacoma 47 16 22 27 894.42 22 30.8 22 32 G. Davidson

47 19 00 881.65 22 55. 4 22 52
^ S.Weinrich

Seattle, old grounds 47 36 22 20 900.86 22 56. 7 22 57 .

Seattle, new Univ. grounds 47 40 22 18 900. 90 22 47. 5 22 48 Do.

Spokane Falls 47 40 17 26 881.67 21 39.4 21 34 J. S. Lawson

Everett 47 58 22 13 90a 88 23 15.3 23 15 W. Weinrich

Port Towqsend 48 07 22 45 894.88 22 50.9 22 52 J. J. Gilbert

Striped Peak 48 10 23 41 893.51 23 12.3 23 14 Do.

Dungeness 48 II 23 07 892.68 23 26. 1 23 28 Do.

Slip 48 16 24 14 893.56 23 30.6 23 39 Do.

Cape Flattery " Neah Bay 48 22 2438 881.78 22 44.2 22 55 H. E. Nichols

Waadah 48 23 24 36 893.64 23 26.3 23 35 J. J. Gilbert

Mount Vernon 48 24 22 21 900.88 23 08 23 08 W. Weinrich

Classet 48 24 24 40 893- 71 23 06.4 23 15 J. J. Gilbert

Tatoosh 48 24 24 44 893.72 23 45. 1 23 53 Do.

San Juan Island 48 28 22 58 897.61 23 31- 4 23 33 Do.

Bellevue 48 32 23 10 894.42 26 48 26 50 Do.

Mat 48 33 22 57 894.57 23 18 23 20 Do.

Slope 48 33 23 00 894.57 23 22 23 24 Do.

Bamboo 48 34 23 01 894.56 23 42 23 44 Do.

Windlass 48 35 23 10 894.46 23 20 23 22 Do.

Shaw Island 48 36 22 58 895.64 23 43- 6 23 45 F. A. Young

Goose 4836 23 02 894.53 23 33 23 35 J. J. Gilbert
Clover 48 36 23 10 894.47 22 50 22 52 Do.

Root 48 37 22 57 894.54 23 II 23 13 Do.

Fairview 48 38 894-52 Do.

j 23 02 23 55 23 57
Morse Island 48 38 23 II 894.43 23 30 23 32 Do.

Spieden 48 38 23 06 894.52 23 29 23 31 Do.

Limestone ;
48 39 23 00 894.51 23 36 23 38 Do.
Middleton 48 42 23 04 894.47 22 36 22 38 Do.

Doughty 48 43 22 57 894.51 23 27 23 29 Do.

Dry 48 43 23 02 894.49 25 II 25 13 Do.

New Whatcom 48 44 22 87 23 20.6 23 21 W. Weinrich

29 900.
Patos 48 47 22 58 894.50 23 04 23 06 J. J. Gilbert

Russell 49 18 901.59 23 II. 7 23 12 C. H. Sinclair

00 13

Group II

Skamania Co. T. i N. R. 5 E. 45 35 122 12 1901.3 20 22 20 22 H. Bueche

, ,

SkamaniaCo.,T.3N.,R. 8 E. 45 43 121 50 1901.4 21 50 21 50 Do.

SkamaniaCo..T.3N.,R. ioE.| 45 44 121 33 1901.4 21 26 21 26 Do.

Klickitat County 1874 20 54 21 06 Mean, 8 stations

" " " "
" " " " "

Small I., Columbia River 45 "9 39 1860.5 18 00 18 28 S. Garfielde

Chequees 45 56 121 23 1854,0 16 05 17 10 J.Pope


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January z, ipo2 "



Group //"Continued

Skamania County
Columbia River, Township 6

Near Wallula

Cowlitz County

Dry Creek

Near Mount Adams

Wallawalla County
Asotin County
Wahkiakum Qo., average
Snake R., Col. Guide Mer.

Strong River, mouth

Magnetic station

Grays Bay, Columbia River

Columbia County
Garfield County
Pataha Creek crossing
Evans Landing
Franklin County
Yakima County
Fort Simcoe

Tukannon River

W^illapa Bay, east side

Snake River crossing

Columbia River crossing
Lewis County
Pacific County
Leadbetter Point

Willapa Bay Light-House

Cow Creek

Thurston County
Whitman County
Grays Harbor, 4th St. Par.
Chehalis Point

Chikeeles Point

Adams County
Grays Harbor, North Head

Pierce County
Lu^enbeel Creek

Chehalis County
Fifth St. Par. at Hoods Canal

Fifth St. Par. at ocean

Magnetic station

Puget Sd., Narrows at entr.

Case Inlet

Carr Inlet

Mason County
Kittitas County
Douglas County
King County
Hoods Canal, head

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
IQ02 "

242 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories redticed to January j, i^z "



J. D. Thompson





E. Smith

J. D. Thompson

E. Smith

J. D. Thompson
W. M. Brown
E. Smith

J. D. Thompson

W. B. Fairfield


E. Smith

J. D. Thompson
W. M. Brown


J. D. Thompson
W. M. Brown


E. Smith


W. M. Brown

E. Smith

J. D. Thompson
A. T. Mosman

W. M. Brown
E. Smith

W. M. Brown

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, ipo2 "


'T For other values in the disputed territory along the boundary line see Maryland, Group I

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "


of Declina- Declina-
Lati- tude
tionob- tionin Observer or
Station I
tude tion served authority

E. or W. West
Group //"Continued
o / o /

Cumberland Gap 39 38 78 44 1824 4 35(?)E Boye

New Martinsville 39 40 8053 189S 9 0 59 W I 09 E. L. Faison

2 miles W. of SW. cor. of Pa. 43 8033 1785 4 2 15 E I 45 A. Ellicott

Moundsville 39 55 80 46 1898 9 1 07 W I 17 E. L. Faison

Wheeling, Echo Point Park 40 03 80 42 1886 7 0 12 W I 07 F. L. Hoge

Wellsburg 40 16 80 38 1898 9 1 34 W I 44 E. L. Faison

New Cumberland 40 31 80 37 1898 9 I 38 W I 48 Do.


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i, igo2 "

WISCONSIN" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igo2 "


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, igoz "

WYOMING" Continued

Table of the most recent magnetic declinatiofis observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
/, igo2 "

WYOMING" Continued





Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
1^2 "



100* WEST OF GREENWICH" Continued


Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
erritories reduced to January i, Continued.
igo2 "



ioo"" WEST OF GREENWICH" Continued

of Declina- Declina-

Lati- tude
tionob- tionin Observer or

tude tion served authority


{Ear W) {EorW)
Group //"Continued
o / o /

Baracoa 1831. 17 E o 20 E Austin " Foster

5 3
San Domingo Key 1837. 5 4 02 E I 20 E Milne

Crooked (?) Island 1835. 5 5 13 E 2 25 E Foster

Crooked Island 1837. 5 2 34 E o 10 W Milne

Habana 1901. 1 3 07. 8 E 3 05 E L. Gangoiti

Watlin^ Island 1831. 5 2 31 B o 26 W Smith
Bermuda, Challenger tion
Sta- 1898.0 8 10. o W 8 14W H. M. S. Rambler


East East
Group I
o o / o /

Isla Grande 17 40 loi 41 880.9 7 26.4 6 20 H. E. Nichols

Clarion Island 18 20 114 42 880.8 8 23 7 55 Do.

Socorro Island 18 43 no 54 880.8 8 49.6 8 20 Do.

Manzanilla 104 20 880.9 8 05.0 7 05 Do.
19 03
^n Bias 21 32 105 18 880.9 9 18. 1 8 18 Do.

Cape San Lucas 22 54 109 55 881. 1 9 26.2 8 50 Do.

San Jos^ del Cabo 23 04 109 41 881. 1 9 43-8 9 07 Do.
Mazatlan 23 12 106 27 881. 1 9 39.4 8 40 Do.

La Paz 24 10 no 21 881. 1 10 09.2 9 30 Do.

Pichilingue Bay 24 16 no 20 881. 1 9 45.1 9 06 Do.

Magdalena Bay 2438 112 09 881.2 10 29. 1 9 55 Do.

Isle San Josef 24 55 MO 37 881. 1 9 47.6 9 14 Do.

Point San Ignacio 25 36 109 17 881.0 10 15.3 9 40 Do.

Loreto 26 01 111 20 881. 1 10 16.3 9 43 Do.

Pequena Bay 26 16 112 28 881.2 10 31. 1 9 55 Do.

Santa Barbara Bay 26 42 109 38 881.0 10 48.4 10 12 Do.

Point Abreojos 26 47 113 31 881.2 11 15.5 10 46 Do.

Muleje 26 54 111 58 881. 1 II 13.4 10 40 Do.

Ascension Island 27 06 114 18 88r.2 II 23.0 10 58 Do.

Santa Maria Cove 27 25 112 20 881. 1 II 06.3 10 33 Do.

Guaymas 27 55 no 53 881.0 II 48.0 11 14 Do.

Cerros Island 28 03 115 Ti 881.2 II 58.6 II 12 Do.

Lagoon Head 28 14 114 06 873.1 II 50.8 II 24 W. Eimbeck

Santa Teresa Bay 28 112 52 881.0 11 42.0 11 12 H. E. Nichols
Guadaloupe Island 2855 118 15 881.2 12 54.8 12 30 Do.
Tiburon Island 29 12 112 27 881.0 11 59.3 11 34 Do.

San Geronimo 29 47 115 48 881.2 12 42.2 12 17 Do.

San Luis Gonzales 29 51 "4 25 881.0 12 27.3 12 02 Do.

San Martin Island 29 116 07 881.2 12 55.7 12 31 Do.

Point San Felipe 31 02 114 50 881.0 12 57.2 12 32 Do.

Rocky Point 31 17 "3 33 881.0 13 27.0 13 00 Do.

Philippe Pt., mouth of river 31 46 114 43 881.0 13 05- 7 12 40 Do.

Todos Santos 31 51 116 38 881.3 12 00.8 n 40 Do.

Group II

Near Roca Partida 19 06 112 00 874.2 8 20.9 7 40 Se3anour " Young

Near Benedicte Island 19 15 no 49 874.2 9 05.8 8 25 Do.
Tabo Bay 20 24 105 40 874.2 8 54.2 7 36 Do.

Penas Anchorage 20 36 105 16 874.2 8 49.7 7 30 Do.

252 1902.

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, 1^2 "



Table of the most, recent magnetic declinations obsen^ed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Jayiuary /, igo2 "


Date of Declina-
tude longi-
tude observa-
tion served

Group //"Continued

San Lnis Island 2958

Sepoca Bay 30 16
San Quentin 30 22

San Firmin 30 25
San Martin Island 30 29
Cape Colnet 3058
George's Island 31 01

Espia 31 21

Adair Bay 31 30
Santo Tomas Anchorage 31 33
El Paso del Norte, Initial Ft. 31 47
Mouth of Rio Colorado 31 51
Bnsinado Anchorage, Bay 31 51
of Todos Santos
Los Coronados Islands 32 25



Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January Continued.
z, igo2 "



Group //"Continued


Shippigan Harbor

Bryon Island
Caraquette Island
Riviere du Loup, en bas

Rividre du Loup
Hearts Content

Codroy Island
Brandy Pot Island

Cape Anguille
Northeast boundary claimed

before 1842
Hants Harbor
Miscou Harbor

Dalhousie Island

Old Perlican

Carleton Point


Point Maquereau
Rasade Inlet
Bic Island

St. Georges Bay, Sand Pt.

King's Cove

Bona vista

Port au Port
Baie de Gasp^
Bersimis Point

Birchy Cove

Petitpas Cove

Anticosti, Heath Pt.

Cape Chat

Mont Louis River

Pointe des Monts

Port St. Nicholas

Neddy Harbor

Egg Inlet
White Bay, Sops Arm

Cape Henry, Anticosti

White Bay, Jacksons Arm

Cliffy Point
Baie des Sept lies

Port Saunders

Port au Choix

Baie du Gouffre
Point Rich
Bonnie Baie de St. Jean
Baie du Cap Rouge
Baie de Sainte Marguerite
Havre du Croc
Baie aux Outardes

Baie du Sacre

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Jayiuary /, Continued.
igo2 "



Table of the most recent inagjietic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
igo2 "



Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
i^z "


Continued "

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.
i^oz "



Table of the most recent tnagnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to Jartuary /, 1^02 "



Date of Declina-Declina-

^X i oWrva-
tion tionin Observer or
Station ob-

served authority

East East
Group I
o / o /

Beechey Head 48 20 123 39 1892.80 24 37.0 24 55 J.J.Gilbert

Sherringham 48 23 123 55 1893-55 22 43.0 23 00 Do.

Esquimau 48 25 123 26 1881.75 22 55.6 23 36 H. E. Nichols

Discovery Island 48 26 123 14 1892.71 23 II. o

23 30 J.J.Gilbert
Arch Rock 48 28 124 12 1893. 60 25 37.8 Do.
25 55
Vancouver Island 48 34 124 38 1893. 63 23 51.3 24 08 Do.
Columbia River, east side 49 ^ 117 37 1901.80 23 18.2 23 18 O. B. French

Carson 49 00 118 29 1901.56 23 47.5 47 C. H. Sinclair

Midway 49 00 118 44 1901-54 23 01.4 01 Do.
Silicia Creek 49 01 121 36 1901.43 26 45.8 26 46 H. F. Flvnn

Departure Bay 49 13 123 57 1881.77 23 55.6 24 36 H. E. Nichols

Friendly Cove 49 36 126 38 1881.74 23 36. 2 24 17 Do.

Union Spit 49 40 124 55 1900.7 25 57.5 26 00 W. Weinrich

Coniox 49 40 124 55 1900.8 25 53-6 25 56 Do.

North Harbor 50 29 128 04 1881.73 24 53. 7 25 34 H. E. Nichols

Anchorage Cove 50 53 126 12 1881.59 25 42.7 26 24 Do.

Waddington Harbor 50 54 124 50 1881.58 25 22.0 26 03 Do.

Group II

Second Portage 48 15 92 27 843.5 10 15 J. H. Lefroy

Whiffen Spit 48 22 123 44 864.5 20 20 "


Off Cape Beale 48 22 125 30 788.5 18 30 Meares

lie ^ la Crosse Lake 48 24 92 10 843-5 7 53 J. H. Lefrov

Esquimau 48 26 123 28 898.3 23 42. 9 23 50 H. M. S. Egeria
Halting Place 48 27 92 30 857.5 9 53 J. Palliser
Port San Juan 48 31 124 30 841.5 22 30 C. Wilkes

Rainy Lake 48 32 92 56 843.5 11 28 J. H. Lefroy

Pickerel Lake 48 35 91 12 857-5 8 14 J. Palliser

Deux Rividres Portage 48 35 91 27 843.5 II 00 J. H. Lefroy

Fort Frances 48 37 93 29 857-5 9 31 J. Palliser
En., Juan de Fuca Strait 48 37 124 54 788.6 19 14 C. Duncan

Rainy River 48 48 94 31 843.5 13 07 J. H. Lefroy

Halting Lake 48 50 93 58 857-5 II 20 J. Palliser
Savanne Portage 48 53 90 08 857-5 653 Do.

Osoyoos Station 49 00 119 24 860.5 22 14 22 36 R. W. Haig

Ashtnolou Station 49 00 120 00 860.5 22 44 23 06 Do.
Onchucklin Harbor 49 00 125 00 861.5 24 13 25 18 "

Akamina Station 49 01 114 04 861.5 23 12 23 06 R. W. Haig

Magnetic Station 49 01 121 45 860.0 22 55 23 42 J. S. Harris

Sumass Prairie 49 01 122 12 858.5 21 30 22 18 R. W. Haig

Semi-ah-moo 49 01 122 47 857.8 22 54. 5 23 48 J .
S. Harris

Schweltza Lake 49 02 122 00 859.5 21 37 22 30 R. W. Haig

Magnetic Station 49 03 120 55 860. o 24 19 25 00 J. S. Harris
Do. 49 05 121 07 860.0 22 23 23 06 Do.

Northwest Territory Station 49 06 113 50 879,2 23 22 J. C. Nelson

23 03
Garry Point, Fraser River 49 07 123 II 864.5 22 58 23 40 "

On Ashtnolou River 49 08 120 00 860.5 22 00 22 R. W. Haig

Nanaimo 49 10 124 00 862.5 22 57 24 00 "

Ahomet(?) 49 12 126 12? 788.5 19 40 C, Duncan

" " "

New Westminster 49 13 122 53 862.5 22 40 23 36 "


Barclay Sound 49 14 124 50 861.5 24 37 25 42 Do.

Port Cox or Clayoquot 49 14 125 50 787.5 19 30 " " " "
" Buckley
Hecate Bay 49 15 125 56 861.5 22 39 23 48 "

Table of the most recent magnetic eteclinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, Continued.
igo2 "



Date of Declina- Declina-

tude Longi-
tude observa-
tionob- tionin Observer or
tion served authority

East East
Group II "
o / o /

Jericho 49 16 123 12 891.6 23 42 24 03 W. J. Stewart

Port Moody 49 17 122 51 891.5 23 00 23 21 Do.
Seymour Creek 49 18 123 01 891.6 24 04 Do.
24 25
Vancouver 49 18 07 898.4 H. M. S.
123 24 30 24 37 Egeria
Northwest Territory Station 49 20 113 40 879.2 22 J. C. Nelson
Do. 49 25 113 40 879.2 22 58 Do.
Halting Place 49 26 94 48 857.5 10 17 J. Palliser
Lake of the Woods 28 843.5 J. H.
49 94 42 12 53 Lefroy
Maple Spit 49 28 124 45 898.4 24 25.7 H. M. S. Egeria
Northwest Territory Station 49 113 22 879.2 22 36 J. C. Nelson
Magnetic Station 49 32 115 35 860.0 J. S. Harris
23 34
Town of Yale 49 34 121 25 871.5 24,00 J. Trutch
Beak Point 898.6
49 37 124 51 24 14. 1 H. M. S. Egeria
Station S, the Gap 49 38 109 51 880.6 21 43-7 W. F. King
Station U 49 39 112 18 880.6 22 22.7 Do.
Station T 49 40 III 38 880.6 21 51.8 Do.
Comox, Goose Spit 49 40 124 56 898.3 26 14.7 H. M.S. Egeria
Head of Howe Sound 873.5 C.
49 42 123 09 23 54 H. Gamsby
Northwest Territory Station 879.1 28
49 43 112 50 22 J.C.Nelson
Station V, at Willow Creek 880.6 38. F.
49 45 113 24 22 I 22 12 W. King
Upper Fort Garry 49 53 97 02 843.5 16 00 J. H. Lefroy
" " " "

Northwest Territory Station 879.1 46

49 53 112 30 22 22 24 J.C.Nelson
Do. 49 55 III 40 879.1 Do.
22 24 21 54
Station R, at Maple Creek 50 03 108 51 880.6 22 00.0 21 20 W. F. King
Duncan Bay 896.8
50 04 125 19 24 57.0 25 07 H.M.S.Imperieuse
Menzies Bay 08 895.6 H. M. S.
50 125 24 24 02.0 24 15 Nymphe
Squirrel Cove 50 08 124 57 864.5 23 56 24 42 "
Winnipeg River 844.0
50 10 95 09 11 55 J.H. Lefroy
Pinawa Portage 50 12 96 03 843.5 12 48 Do.

Northwest Territory Station 878.7

50 12 no 30 21 55 21 24 J.C.Nelson
Mouth of Thompson River 50 13 121 36 871.5 00 36 J. Trutch
25 25
Port Brooks 50.18 128 13 787.5 22 J. Johnstone
Station W 880.6
50 22 "3 49 22 03.0 21 40 W.F.King
Station Q, Reed Lake 50 27 107 22 880.6 21 Do.
35.0 20 50
Thompson River, mouth of 871.5 26 06
50 27 121 22 25 30 J. Trutch

Lake Winnipeg 50 28 96 35 857.5 14 25 J. Palliser

Station P 50 29 106 47 880.6 21 18.7 20 W. F. King
Northwest Territory Station 878.7
50 30 no 20 23 14 (?) 22 42 J. C. Nelson
Fort Alexander 96 844.0
50 37 21 14 14 "
" " "
J. H. Lefroy
Thompson River 871.5
50 41 120 12 24 00 24 30 J. Trutch
Station A 880.4 18
50 42 102 00 50. 7 17 45 W. F. King
Thompson River, near Kam- 50 42 120 30 877.5 24 15 24 35 C. E. Perry
Beaver Harbor 50 43 127 25 866.5 24 Pender
30 25 24 "

Station M 50 44 105 14 880.5 20 W. F. King

21.3 19 30
Station B 50 45 101 31 880.4 10.8 16 Do.
17 05
Station K, near Fort Qu'Ap- 50 46 103 48 880.5 1 18 Do.
19 35. 40
Thompson River 50 46 121 05 871.5 J. Trutch
23 30 24 00

Station N 880.5 36. 3 F.

50 47 105 51 20 19 45 W. Kin^
Mouth of Hat Creek 50 47 121 873.5 E. W.Jarvis
33 27 00 27 30
Northwest Territory Station 48 18 879.9 C. Nelson
50 113 23 00 22 40 J.
Station L 50 49 104 16 880.53 18 16 W. F. King
19 10.7

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January i, Continued.
1^02 "




Group //"Continued

Carlton House
Head of Dean Inlet
Tete Janne Cache
Station a, Pipestone Creek
Grand Rapids, wan

Saskatchewan River, a

Grand Rapids, e

Grand Rapids, j
Calamity Harbor
Anchor Cove
Hudson Bay Co., Post

Near Fort ^ la Corn?

Forks of Saskatchewan R.
Head of Gardner Inlet

Saskatchewan River, b

Jasper House

Saskatchewan, Chemaha-

Saskatchewan, Y

North Saskatchewan River

Port Stepteen
Saskatchewan River, L
Station b, in valley near monton

Station d, on 14th base line

Saskatchewan River, a

Saskatchewan River, h
Nelson R., Warren Landing
Saskatchewan River, N.
Mouth of Chilacco River

Saskatchewan River, \
Alpha Bay
Cumberland House

Norway House
Saskatchewan River, j
Land Survey Station

Nelson River, i

Port Essington
Nelson River, x

Nelson River, j
Head of Work Inlet

20 miles up Skeena River

Fort Assiniboine

Nelson River, p
Nelson River, %

31 miles Skeena River

Nelson River, p
50 miles Skeena River
Nelson River, k
Nelson River, d
Nelson River, o

Nelson River, 8

Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January 7, igoz "



Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying
territories reduced to January /, Continued.



Table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and outlying

territories reduced to January Concluded.

7, igo2 "


Date of Declina- Declina-

Lati- tude
Longi- , tion tion Observer
Station observa- ob- in

j served authority

East East
Group //"Continued
o /

Koliuchin Island, Siberia 67 1823. 26 E F. Wrangell

27 175 35 5 23 V.

Wankarem River, Siberia 67 176 1823. E Do.

43 27 5 23 00

At Sea, off Koliuchin Bay 67 18 1881.6 E C. L. Hooper

52 175 19 49

Do. 67 58 175 14 1881.4 23 30

E Do.

At Sea, off Cape Lisbume 68 165 10

1881. 6 E Do.
50 32 04

Irkaipi 68 t8o 1878. E A. Wykander

50 go 7 17 54

North Cape, Siberia 6855 E179 56 1823. E F. Wrangell

5 21 40 V.

East of Cape Jakan 69 36 El 76 58 1823. 21

E Do.
5 30

Werkon River, Siberia 69 E173 1823. 18 E Do.

53 32 5 57

At Sea, Arctic Ocean 6958 162 38 1881.6 E C. L. Hooper

31 55

Kosmin Rock E171 1823. 18 E F. Wrangell

70 01 55 5 00 V.

Cape Schelagskoi 70 03
E171 03 1823. 5
E Do.

At Sea, off Icy Cape 162 06 1881.6 E C. L. Hooper

70 05 32 14

Do. 70 161 1881.6 12 E Do.

15 55 32

Magnetic Station, Siberia E174 1823. 21 E F. Wrangell

70 20 13 5 30 V.

At Sea, off Herald Island 1881. 6 E ! C. L. Hooper

70 49 174 32 24 47

Do. 1881.6 26 E Do.

70 51 175 40 23

Wrangell I., south coast 178 1881.6 E Berry " Putnam

70 57 10 19 55

Wrangell Island, east coast 71 04 40

1881.6 26 E C. L. Hooper
177 23

Off Point Barrow 156 1881.6 18 E E Do.

71 20 15 37 32 30

On Ice, Arctic Ocean 162 1849.6 E H. Kellet

71 34 00 37 00

Do. 72 164 40 1849.6 E Do.

50 42 09


The order in which the descriptions are given is, first, alphabetically by States,

and, secondly, under each State alphabetically by counties. In the case

of the outlying

Territories, Alaska, etc., the most convenient order appeared to be that given in the

declination tables, viz. according to increasing latitude of station.


Because of the large number of the stations and the need of keeping the publication

within convenient size, the descriptions had to be made as

brief as possible without ting

essential detail. Additional information can be obtained by application to the


Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Sun'ey, whp will also be glad to receive mation

from those visiting stations regarding corrections in the descriptions


owing to changes that have occurred since the station was


For collection of results and for descriptions of stations prior to 1881, Appendix

Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 188 1.



Barbour County Eufaula^ i8g2. Station is the first street west of railroad ( Livingston
" on street).
Station marked by a
stub of yellow pine sunk 2 feet in the ground flush with surface, in the middle of

the street in front of a building owned by Mr. Vaughn.

Bullock County Union Springs Station is in the inclosure of the Allegheny

y ^
igoo. " Observatory

^lipse Expedition. It is in the large pasture to the east of the town and south of Conecuh street,

feet southerly from Conecuh street, and feet easterly from large the
203 171 a sweet-gum tree, only
tree marked by pine It is about feet nearly east of the pier which zenith
near; peg. 100 on telescope
mounted. Mark, southeast of brick building (old mill) railroad, bears 39"
was comer near 13^.0 west

of true south.

Butler County, Greenville, i8g6. Station is in northwestern suburb of city, in the

" edge of the

pine south of the cemetery. Station marked by yellow-pine sunk feet in

grove was a post 2 ground
flush with surface. It is feet from north fence around cemetery and feet from the northeastern
33 215

corner of the cemetery. Center of brick chimney of cedar factory bears 25" 2$\^ east of true south.

Center of city water-works tank bears 71" 36^.1 east of true north.

Conecuh County, Evergreen, igoo,

Observations were made over a point in the field north


of the cemetery and about feet east of the railroad track. This station is distant 265, and 66
1,000 57,

feet, respectively, from the cemetery fence, from the fence line prolonged along the street north of

station, and from the row

of trees in the street. The northwest of the foundation of the
corner mon-

imient to Aubrey Williamson is due south of this station, which is feet from the
345 street running
east of the cemetery. The mark or used the cupola of the tower of the agricultural school.
range was

This mark or
bears 76" 48'. 6 east of true south.

Crenshaw County, Mount Cartnel, i8g2, Station is in NE. V of N\V. % R.

sec. 15, 13 E.,

T. N., property of W. E. Davis, about miles from Mount Camiel post-office. It is marked
17 on 3 by
hole in large irregular-shaped lime rock measuring about foot 6 inches feet inches
a i by 2 6 by 3

feet, buried \% inches below surface. Point is probably the most prominent in this of the State.


ALABAMA" Continued.

Cullman County, Cullman, Observations made oak driven in the ground

igoo, "
were over an peg on

a slight elevation in a vacant lot in the northeastern section of the town. This lot is at the tion

of the fourth street east and the fourth street north of the L. " N. R. R. station. The is
about 25 feet east and 50 feet south of the street lines. The mark or used was the spire of
range a

chiu-ch. This mark or bears 12" 10^.4 east of true*south.

Dallas County, Ethridge, /"9p^." Station is on the highest point of land of a ridge of thickly
wooded hills, about 2 miles southwest of Carlowville. Mr. J. C. Yates and his son both know locality.
A three-fourths inch hole is in a large irregular-shaped limestone rock, measuring approximately i

foot 2 inches by i foot 8 inches by 2 feet, marks the exact point. Rock buried 9^ inches.
Dallas County, Selma, i8g6. "
Station was established on the bluff next to the river, at the front

of the street which runs in front of the court-house, and just one from the court-house. This

large is just in front of Judge Craig's house. Station is in the lot adjoining the **old arsenal
lot.'* It was marked by a pine post 24 feet from tlie edge of the bluff of the Alabama River and 250
feet from the outer edge of the street. Rod of cupola on Judge Craig's house bears 73" 15^.6 east of

north. Rod on chimney on court-house bears 58" 26^.7 east of south. Rod on cupola of the house of

Sarah Woodruff bears 48" 20^.9 east of south.

Jefferson County, Birmingham, "

Observations were made over an oak peg driven in the grounds
of the State fair association about a mile southwest of the court-house. This is east of the race
track and of an open water course, from which it is distant about feet. If Ninth street
70 were

prolonged through the fair grounds its east line would run very close to this peg. It is distant 194
and 297 feet, respectively, from the east fence and from the west comer of the westerly ticket ofEce at

the Fifth avenue gate, northwest of this The mark used was the east of cotton
peg. or range corner a

mill about feet distant. This mark bears 0" ''.2 west of true south.
500 or range 21

Lauderdale County, Florence, /8go, "

Observations were made over a locust post, sunk Hush with

siu^ace of ground, in the south corner of thc^ grounds of the Synodical Female College. It is 9 feet

8 inches from the west fence and 22 feet 1 1 inches from the south fence. Fences have since been

rebuilt and moved into the street 1% feet (about). The mark "
rod on court-house "
bears r6" 57^.1
west of south. Rod on first Presbyterian Church bears 84" 28''.9 east of south.

Lee County, Opelika, i8go, "

The station is on Tallapoosa street, on a lot adjoining the Presbyterian
Church. The station is 30 paces from the church, on a line with the front, parallel to the street. The

mark or range used was the spire of Mr. Dyer's house. This mark or bears o" 41^ east of true
south. The central rod on the new spire of the Presbyterian Church bears 24" 03^ east of true south.

Madison County, Huntsville, Observations made wooden located in the

igoo. "
were over a peg

pasture field of the Ewing estate, i mile south of the city. It is near the intersection of two roads

which cross at the half-section corner, marked by a stone in the road. This is 39)^ feet west of
the road running north and south and 168^ feet south of the road running east and west. In the

fence line north of this peg an iron rod was driven, and this with another iron rod about 200 feet south

of the marks the true meridian. Mr. T. M. Hooper knows the exact location of this The
peg peg.
old station in Spring Park is no longer available for magnetic observations. The mark or used

was the trunk of a large, dead tree. This mark or bears 10" 27^.8 west of true south.
sycamore range
Mobile County, Citronelle, i8g6."\n the orchard of the Hygeia Hotel, just south of the garden, 84

feet from the east fence and 54 feet from the north fence. Station was marked by a yellow-pine stub

2 feet long sunk flush with the surface of the ground. First rod on Judge Scott's house bears 32" 5i'.o
west of south. Second rod on Judge Scott's house bears 32" 47^.5 west of south. Central chimney,
Mr. Curvin's house, bears 50" 42^.5 east of north.

Mobile County, Mobile, i8g6. The station is in the large in the southeast of

open space corner

the grounds of tlie Catholic Male Orphan Asylum, in the lot joining St. Mary's Church. The

exact spot is marked by a yellow-pine post sunk 2 feet in the ground, flush with the surface. It is

J 80 feet from the southern plank inclosure and 165 feet from the western plank inclosure. Rod on

Catholic Orphan Asylum bears 67" 56^.5 east of north. Cross on St. Mary's New Catholic Church

bears 44" 40^.7 east of north.

Montgomery County, Montgomery, igoo. Observations were made over an oak driven in the


ground at Cloverdale, about 500 feet east of the street running south from the State capitol. It is

distant 252 feet nearly due south of the center of the more southerly of two pine trees standing close

ALABAMA" Continued.

together in large field. It is also distant 104^ and 69 ^ feet, respectively, from two other
a open

pines, northeast and the other east of the The terminus of the electric railway is about 750
one peg.

feet north of this Obser\'ations were made once before in this immediate vicinity. The mark or

used was the pole on the piazza of Mr. Barnes's house. This mark or range bears 28" 50^.4 west
of true south.

Morgan County, Decatur Observations were made over a yellow pine peg driven in the
igoo. "

ground in the vacant lot the street from the Hobart Hotel, and south of it. This is distant
across peg

60 and 80 feet, respectively, from the street and curbstone west of the It is distant 50 and 71

feet, respectively, from the street and curbstone north of the It is distant about 106 and 70 feet,

respectively, from the fences east and south of this Observations were made once before in this

lot, about fee^ southeast of this point. The mark or used was the pinnacle on the building
50 range

adjoining the house. This mark or bears 2" 51^.6 east of true south.
opera range


Unalaska I standi Dutch Harbor^ ^The station is 30 meters south of the azimuth mark on
/goo. "

Amaknak Island. The azimuth mark is on the west slope of the hill immediately southeast of the

town of Dutch Harbor, about 100 feet from the summit. It is marked by a pole 14 feet long, firmly

Roundy The magnetic station is 25 feet south from the triangulation station. The latter is
igoj. "

on the highest point of a small round island in the entrance of Fourth of July Bay, and is marked by

a drill hole in a rock sunk fiush with the surface of the ground.
Strait The magnetic station is about 50 feet north of the triangulation station. The latter
jgoi. "

is on the outer summit of the first point to the eastward of the Beaver Bay entrance to Idagak Strait,
Biorka Island, and is tnarked by a pile of stones over a drill hole in a rock sunk fiush with the surface

of the ground.
Biorka, ^The magnetic station is 15 feet northwest from the triangulation station. The
igor. "

latter is near to and to the westward of tlie small bay where the old Biorka Indian village is situated.

It is about feet above sea level, but not on the highest summit of the point. From t.he station the

two crosses of the Greek church in the Indian village show nearly on range. The station is marked

by a cairn of rocks covering a drill hole in a stone set fiush with the surface of the ground.

Eggy ^The magnetic station is 60 feet south of the triangulation station. The latter is on
igoi, "

the highest point of the western and highest summit of Egg Island, and is marked by a drill hole in

a stone set fiush with the surface of the ground.

Foody The magnetic station is 75 feet east of the triangulation station. The latter is
igoi. " on

the northeastern side of Agamgik (Food) Bay, Unalaska Island, on a point near to a large pinnacle
rock at water's edge, and is marked b}' a cairn of stones surmounting a drill hole in a stone buried

flush with the surface of the ground.

Shelf /go/." The magnetic station is 50 feet south of the triangulation station. The latter is on

a bluff point between Deep Bay and Agamgik ( Food ) Bay, Unalaska Island, and is marked by a

drill hole in a large stone surmounted by a pile of rocks.

Eider Pointy The station is near the end of Eider Point, Unalaska Island, just outside of

the graveyard. It is marked by a pile of rocks surmounting a drill hole in a stone partly buried in

the ground.
Aektok {Roolok) PasSy On Aektok (Rootok) Island.
/goi. "

Basalty /goi. "

The station is on the summit of Basalt Island, a small rock island in Pathfinder

Channel. It is marked by a drill hole in the bed rock and a cairn.

Tigalday ^The magnetic station is 100 feet northeast from the triangulation station, near
/go/, "

the edge of a cliff. The triangulation station is on the summit of the ridge of the point forming the

northeast side of what has been called Kelp Bay, Tigalda Island. It is marked by a cairn of rocks

surrounding a 2 by 4 stub.

Tigalda Bayy /go/." On Tigalda Island.

Ugamaky ^The station is on the summit of the second peak from tlie northeastern end of
/go/. "

Ugamak Island. This peak is about feet high and rounded at the top. The station is marked by

a cairn of rocks covering a drill hole in a stone sunk fiush with the ground.
27 1

ALASKA" Continued.

Shakan Island^ 1886. "

The station is on the east side of the small outside island, at the south

side of the entrance to Shakan Harbor. It is at the head of a sand and broken shell beach and is

marked by a framework of scantling filled with stones, which was used as an observing pier.
Red Bayy Sumner Strait, 1886. "
The station is on the west end of East Island, on a small rocky
knoll. It is marked by a framework made of scantling and filled with stones, which was used as an

observing pier.
Wrangett North Base^ 1886. "
The station is on an outlying slate ledge about 200 meters west

of Graveyard Point and is marked by a pier built of flat stones cemented together with plaster
of paris.
Wrangelly 1893. "
^The station is the center of the post in the southwest portion of the Catholic

church inclosure. It is 53.82 meters north and 187.48 meters east of the center of the brick nomical

pier (1893).
Duncan Canal i88j, "
The station is on the western shore of Duncan Canal, opposite the mouth

of Beecher Pass, on the western end of a small high-water island.

St. George Island 71^97." The station is in the meridian of the astronomical station (1897)

feet south of it. It is 56.9 feet from the southwest comer of the company's barn and 64 feet from the

southwest comer of the Sailors' Home (a small cottage). It is marked by a drill hole in an irregular
lava bowlder about 12 by 6 inches, set in the sod on a slight ridge.
Point Agassiz, Frederick. Sound, 1887, "
The station is near high- water mark on a sand spit about

100 yards south of the mouth of the first stream south of Point Agassiz. It is the south end of the

base line and is marked by a pile of stones. It is 14 feet 5 inches southeast of the pier marking the

astronomical station.

Portage Bay, Frederick Sound, 1887.^^0 description.

Sitka Magnetic Observatory, igoi. "
The station is the magnetometer pier in the absolute atory.

St. Paul Island^ ^897. "

^The station is at the edge of the flat east of St. Paul village 46 and 55.4

feet respectively from the northwest and northeast corners of the billiard house. It is marked by a

three-fourths-inch drill hole in a rough rock about i foot in diameter, whose surface rises slightly
above the surrounding sod. Village Hill geodetic station bears 44" 53^.8 west of true north.

fVoewodski Harbor, i88g. "

No description.
Cape Fanshaw, 1887. "
^The astronomical station is marked by a stone pier. The magnetic station

is farther from the shore, near the woods.

Cleveland Passage, i88g. "

The station is at high- water mark on the low gravel beach in Fanshaw

Bay and is marked by a cross chipped in a granite bowlder. It is the south end of the base line. A

tree was blazed as a witness mark.

Poke, Point Gambier, 1889. "

The station is on the rocky point of a small high-water island and

is marked by a cross chipped in the rock. A tree was blazed as a witness mark.

Killisnoo, The station is in the path about 12 north of a partly demolished ing
igoo. "

pier which stood a dilapidated signal. To reach the place, follow the trail through the
over yard

to the south side of the island.

Clot, Sandford Cove, i88g. "

The station is at high-water mark at the end of a long, narrow point

extending northward and separating Sandford Cove from Endicott Arm, Holkham Bay.
Kodiak Island, i8g6. "
The station is the astronomical station of 1867 ^^ Shahafka (Chagafka
Cove. )
Icy Strait, First, igoi. "The magnetic station is about 5 meters from the triangulation station, on

the line to Peach, which bears 21" 22^.2 east of north. It is on the first point to the westward of

Spasskaia Bay, at the edge of the tree line just above the driftwood. The triangulation station is

marked by a drill hole in a small pyramid-shaped granite bowlder about 2^ by i"^ feet, projecting 8

inches above ground. A small cairn was built over this bowlder.

Icy Strait, Peach, /go/." The station is on the highest part of the rocky islet to the southward of

Point Couverden. It is marked by a shaft of rock about 2)^ feet long and projecting about 8 inches

above the surface. The face is about 12 by 6 inches and has a drill hole in it to mark the exact


ALASKA" Continued.

Auke Pointy /8go." The station is on the beach about 75 meters from the end of the point and

52.8 meters southwest of the astronomical station.

//a/, Taku River^ ^^93- The station is on Bishop Point, 10.3 meters from a large tree,


blazed in several places, and is marked by a drill hole in an irregular stone about 14 by 18 by 8 inches.

Cross Sound ySpence^ The magnetic station is about 25 meters from the triangulation station
Igor. "

in line to Eve, which bears 62" 34^.6 east of true north. The triangulation station is on the highest

part of the high grass-covered rock of Cape Spencer. The and earth were dug for
grass away a space

about feet and a hole drilled in the solid rock to mark the station. Some loose stones
4 square,

"were carried to stay the tripod legs, and will serve as witness marks.
Cross Sounds Jog igoi. "
The station is near the edge of a low, rocky ledge, on the south shore of

Cross Sound. The lower part of the ledge is of white g^nite at about high-water mark and dark

to a height of about 10 feet above high-water mark. The station is on the edge of the timber

line, and is marked by a drill hole in the top of a pyramidal-shaped granite bowlder, which
gray crops

through the surface about 1 foot high and by 5 feet across the top.

Cross Sound, Lack, igor. "

The magnetic station is on a stony beach 10 meters from the

triangulation station in the line to Yak, which bears 5" 36^.5 east of north. The triangulation station

is on a low, shelving point on the south shore of Cross Sound, about 5 yards above high- water

mark. It is marked by a drill hole in a flat rock 2.3 by 1.8 feet, which was set flush with the surface

of the ground. Another fiat rock was set 14.9 feet to the southwest as a witness mark.

Funter Bay, iSgo. "

The station is on a flat shelf on Station Island and is marked by the

observing pier.
Juneau, The station is on the side of the hill east of the town, in the center of a large
igoo. "

stump about 6 feet in diameter. The mark or range used was the flagstaff on Captain
spruce "

Campbell's house and bears 8" 44''. o west of true south.

Dundas Bay, Obser\'ations were made on the beach about 50 south of the Indian
igoo. "


huts in the first sheltered cove south of the cannery. To reach the place through the
pass cannery

and follow the trail leading the hill and through the woods on the left.

Icy Strait, Gus, The magnetic station is about 10 meters from the triangulation station in
/gar. "

the line to Boss, which bears 67" 38^.7 east of south. The triangulation station is on the high land of

Point Gustavus about meters from the beach. It is marked by lo-inch stump projecting
300 a

about inches above ground with a spike in its center.


Point Lena, Lynn Canal, iSgo. "

^The magnetic station is about 40 meters south of 4ie astronomical

station, which is on a rock shelf on the west side of Point Lena.

Taku River, Astronomical Station, iSgj, "

^The station is on a small island in Taku Inlet about

200 feet north ot the astronomical station, slightly east of the meridian of the astronomical station.

Taku River, Island, /8gj. "

The station is on a small island near the south bank of the river. It

is between two rocks 22.7 feet apart. The distance from the upper rock, which was marked by a

drill hole, to the station is 11.8 feet. The lower rock has a cross cut on it.

Taku River, Duck, /8gj. "

^The station is on the first small projection below an old abandoned

Indian village. It bears north 22" 30^ east from island.

Taku River, Terrace, /8gj." The station is on the south bank of the river, just where the river

makes a
bend toward the north. It is on a small projection. Just below the river breaks into

channels which wind their through the islands.

numerous way many

Taku River, Islet, /8gj. "

^The station is in the center of a small rocky island w^hich bears due

west from the first large glacier on the east bank of the river.

Taku River, Fishery, /8gj. "

The station is on the west side of a large island in midstream. An

old Indian village is on this island. The station bears south 50" west from the southwest comer of

the first house, and is 26 "^ meters from it.

Taku River, Wood, /8gj. "

^The station is on the west side of the first large island north of Fishery

Taku River, Lean, /8gj. "

^The station is located on a little knoll on the west bank of the river.

A small bayou empties into the river below this point. The south bank of the bayou at its mouth is

Tery rocky.

ALASKA" Continued.

Taku River, Nohy /8gj."The station is on the north side of the river on a prominent projection.
Taku River, Shoal, /8gj. "
The station was located on a sand bar and can not be recovered.

Taku River, Fast, /8gj."The station is on a small sand knoll on an island which is partially
wooded. The south end of the island is very sandy.
La Perouse, Lituya Bay, i8g4. "
The station is about 350 meters west of the astronomical station

of 1874, on a little hillock at the west end of the spit separating the waters of Lituya Bay from the


Camp Muir, Glacier Bay, iSgo. "

No description.
Anchorage Point, Chilkat Inlet, 18^4. "
The station is in the edge of the woods on Anchorage
Point, a few meters west of "Camp" geodetic station, and in the prolongation of the line from

"Cur" geodetic station.

Chilkat^ i8go. "

The magnetic station is on the southwest extremity of Pyramid Island, near

high-water mark.

Chilkoot, i8go. "

^The astronomical station is on a flat ledge 5 feet above high water and 3 meters

from the edge. It is on a point about a quarter of a mile above a deep bay on the west side of the

inlet. The magnetic station is about 40 meters west of the astronomical station.

DcUton, 18^4. "

The station is the triangulation station on the sand bar just clear of the timber at

the north end of the narrows in the Chilkat River.

Open, Chilkat River, 18^4. "

^The station is on a small sand dune on the west side of the Indian

Channel (used in going up) and just after leaving the narrows. It is marked by a Cottonwood post.

Sight, i8g4. "

The station is in a gravel desert south of Koh-Klux geodetic station.

Koh'Klux, i8g4. The station is meters from Koh-Klu-K geodetic station in the line to "Sight"


geodetic station. It is about 25 yards northwest of a row of Indian graves.

Upper, Chilkat River, ^The station is near the mouth of the Salmon River and on the west
igoo, "

bank of Chilkat River, about 100 feet from the high bank of the latter and 400 feet north of the high
bank (brush line) of the former and 4 feet north of the largest cotton wood tree in the vicinity. It is

marked by a small cairn of stones.

Porcupine, Boundary Camp, The station is on the south bank of Klehini River, 2 miles
igoo. "

west of the town, and about i 200 meters west of the point where the provisional boundary line leaves

the river just west of Porcupine Creek. It is about meters from the river bank brush line and 50

meters east of a small eroded bluff, which is the first on the south side of the river above Porcupine
Creek, and and 8 feet, respectively, from two cottonwood trees, 14 inches in diameter, to the south.

It is marked by a small cairn of stones.

Limber, Taiya River, i8g4. "

No description.
Ocean Cape, Vakutat Bay, /8g2.- -The station is reached by of the Aukon River, turning to

the right after passing the first island above its mouth and landing at a point where some small rapids
will be noticed at low tide, and where the lagoon seems to turn back toward Cape Carrew. From

this point a blazed trail leads to the station hill.

Vakutat Bay, i8g2. "

The station is on Khantaak Island in Yakutat Bay, 56.96 meters from the

center of the astronomical pier (1892). The magnetic station bears 11" 55^.7 west of true north from

the astronomical pier.

Malaspina, Siouthwest Base, i8g4. "
The station is on a sand levee which intervenes between the

waters of Yakutat Bay and the thick forest extending along the edge of the glacier toward the

Osar River. It is marked by granite block about 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. S. B.
a square

Malaspina, Northeast Base, i8g2. "

The station is on a small sand knoll, about 15 feet in diameter

at the top, which rises about 3 feet above the surrounding plain. It is almost at the mouth of the

Forney River, and is marked by a granite post about 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. N. B.

Mount Hoorts, Yakutat Bay, i8g2, "

The station is on top of a mountain whose front slope ends

in a small rocky bluff which forms the edge of a small bay abreast of the edge of Knight
upper upper

Island. A tripod signal was left standing.

Yahtse, East Base, i8g4. "
The station is on the highest part of the sandy plateau abreast of the

western end of a narrow clump of trees, the first encountered on the right bank of the Yana (Yahna)
River. A large tripod signal was left standing to mark the spot.

27478 " 02 18
274 1902.

ALASKA" Continued.

Kokinhenic Island {Copper River Delia)^ i8g8, The station is feet north of the Kokinhenic

astronomical station, which is about meters south of the bunk house belonging to the abandoned
of the Pacific Steam Whaling Company. The astronomical station is on the summit of the

sand ridge near the center of the island. It is marked by a pier of sand and stone with a copper bolt.

Mag^ "The station is outlying rock of an islet at the entrance of the lagoon in the
igoo. on an

north shore of Hinchinbrook Island, about 4 miles from its northeast tip. The rock is fiat and moss

covered and has a few small spruce on it. The station is near the northern tip of the rock, about feet
from the north and west edges.
Reefy I The station is located on the largest rock off the north shore of Hawkins Island,
goo. "

about a quarter of a mile west of the mouth of Windy Bay. It is marked by a copper bolt leaded into

the rock.

Orca^ The astronomical station is on the beach near the Pacific Steam Whaling Company's
igoo. "

at Orca Station, Cordova Bay. It is behind a natural dike of shingle and is awash at extreme

high water. It is marked by a concrete pier, 18 by 24 inches on top, and extending about 2% feet

above the surface of the ground. The magnetic station is nearly due west 89.5 feet.

KuHy i8gg. "

The station is on marshy land on the south bank of the Kun River, about i mile

above its mouth. It is 35.5 meters from Kun astronomical station, in prolongation of the line from

Cairn Peak. Kun astronomical station is 3.55 meters north of the center of a wooden transit tripod.
Bright^ i8gg, "The station is on the west bank of the Yukon River in the Great Bend.

Black {Kripniyuk), i8g8. "

The station is in the Eskimo village called Kipniak ( Kripnijoikamut),

at the junction of Kripniyagok and Black (Kripniyuk) rivers. It is 72 meters due south of Black

( Kripniyuk) astronomical station and 75 meters due south of '*Tent *'

geodetic station. It is marked

by a wooden stub. "Tent" geodetic station is 16 meters from the bank of Black (Kripniyuk) River

and 23 meters from an octagonal Eskimo log house.

Kjviklokchun, i8g8. "

The station is on the east bank of Kwiklokchun channel of the Yukon

River, a little below where it leaves the Kusiloak channel, near the mouth of the latter. It is 295.5

meters due south of Kwiklokchun astronomical station and 265.5 meters due south of "Camp"
geodetic station. It is marked by a wooden stub.

Head of Apooriy i8gg, "

The station is on the east bank of the Apoon Pass of the Yukon River,
where it leaves the Kwikpak Pass, in the line of the geodetic stations "Camp" and "Both," 14.26

meters from the former. It is marked by a wooden stub.

Okweahy i8gg, "

The station is at the mouth of the Kawanak River in the Yukon Delta, on the

south bank, in the line between the geodetic stations "

Okweah "
and "
Skull," about 8 meters from

the former and 2 meters from the edge of the bank, which is 2 feet above the water line. It is

marked by a wooden peg.

Quily i8gg. "

The station is on the east bank of the Apoon Pass of the Yukon River, near Kotlik,
about 6 feet above the water line and 5 feet from the edge.
Pasioliak, i8gS. "
The station is on the north point of land at the mouth of the Pastoliak River.

It is marked by stone i foot and 2% inches thick, with hole drilled in center.
a square

Si. Michael /8g8. "

The station is 232.3 and 214.7 meters, respectively, north and west of the

astronomical station (1891) and 72.3 and 123.2 meters, respectively, from the northwest comer of the

sheet-iron powder house and the southwest comer of the A. C. Company's eating house. It is marked

by a wooden stub, on each side of which is placed a stone. The mark or used the pipe
range was on

the A. C. Company's general store, and bears 28" 11'. i east of true south.

SI. Michael, The station is on the level ground at the bottom of the gentle slope due
/goo. "

south of the astronomical station, and was marked by a wooden stake.

Camp Davidson, Yukon River, /8g/." The station is on the Yukon River, near the international

boundary. Observations were made in a small log house.

Current, /goo. "

The station is the Hydrographic Signal on the east end of the Imuruk, Port


Porl Clarence, The station is near the extreme end of the long sand spit the south side
/goo. "

of the entrance to Port Clarence from Bering Sea, close to the astronomical and geodetic stations. It

was marked by a wooden stub about 5 inches in diameter, sunk flush with the surface of the ground,
and post 4 inches and 6 feet long erected over it.
a square

AI^ASKA" Continued.

Shamansville^ i8gi, "

No description.
Fort Yukon /8go. "
^The station is on the river bank near old Fort Yukon.

Camp ColonnOy Porcupine River^ i8go. "

The station is at the base of Mag Hill, Camp Colonna,

near the international boundary, about 600 feet from the Porcupine River. A log house 7 feet

was built and used as an observatory.


Valley of Three Rivers, i8go."^o description.

Uglaamie, near Point Barrow, /88j. "
The station is the magnetic and meteorological station of

the United States Polar Expedition at Uglaamie. It is about lo^ miles to the southward and westward

of Point Barrow and 150 meters from shore.


Pima County, Novates, i8g2, "

The station is in the southern part of the public-school grounds
on the bench on the west side of the valley in which the town is situated. It is nearly south of the

center of the schoolhouse, being about 72 feet from the southwest comer and 71 feet from the

southeast comer, and is in the line from the southeast comer of the schoolhouse to the extreme west

point of the ridge of the church just northeast of the schoolhouse.

Yuma County Yuma, 18^2. "

The station is in the middle of a large adobe corral south of the

longitude station, which is on the north side of the corral. The station is set in the meridian of the

transit, 32.84 meters south of it. It is marked by a 3 by 4 by 24 inch pine stub, set so as to leave

about 2 inches projecting above the surface of the ground.


Clay County, Coming, i^i. The station is northeast of the town in the cemetery, feet


north of the south fence. A meridian line was established, the station being the north end of the

line. This line is marked by stone posts, and is 723.6 feet long. The south stone is in a field ing
to Mr. Polk, and is at the fence along the road. The mark or range used was the eastern edge of

Mr. Johnson's ho\ise, and bears 41" 04^.4 west of true south.

Craighead County, Jonesboro, igoi, "

^The station is just south of the town, at the end of Main

street, on land of Mr. Warner. A meridian line was established; the north end is just at the fence,

the south end is on the hill. The line is marked by stone posts 8 inches projecting 4 inches

above the surface of the ground. The south "tone was used as the magnetic station. The mark or

used was the eastern edge of a large iron stand pipe, and bears o^ 11^.2 east of true north.
Drew County, Monticello, The station is on the south side of Bowling the
i^r, "
avenue, on

grounds of Mrs. Bowling, about i mile from the court-house and one-quarter mile from Main

street. It is 220 feet from the fence to the east, and about 250 feet from the road to the north. It is

marked by an oak post 4 inches in diameter. The mark or range used was the edge of a small house,
distant about i mile, and bears 49** 54^.7 east of true north.

Green County, Paragould, igoi. "

The station is about 2 miles from town on the county road. A

meridian line was established, the north end being the magnetic station. This line is marked by
stone posts 8 inches The north stone is 83.0 feet ast of a fence, and is 755.7 feet north of the

south stone, which is near the fence along the public road. The mark or range
used was the gable
end of Mr. J. M. Agee's house, and bears o" 13'. 8 west of true north.

Hot Spring County, Malvern, ipo/." The station is about i mile south of the town in the

grounds of Mr. MacHenry, on Main street. It is marked by a stone post 8 inches square, set so as to

leave 2 inches projecting above the surface of the ground. The mark or was the peak of the

roof of a house, and bears 16" 12^.4 east of true north.

Independence County, Batesville, igoi. "

The station is on the grounds of the Arkansas terian
College. A meridian line was established, the south end being used as the magnetic station.

This line is marked by stone posts 8 inches square, projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground.
The south stone is west of College Hall, 60 feet north of Boswell street, and 53.8 feet east of the west

fence. The distance between the stones is 286.8 feet. The mark or range used was the support

for the vane on a house, and bears 1" 28^.7 east of true north.

Jackson County, Newport, igoi. "

The station is about i}^ miles from town, on the United States

ARKANSAS" Continued.

Experimental Station grounds. A meridian line was established, the south end being used as the

magnetic station. The line is marked with stone posts 8 inches and is 859.65 feet long. The

south stone is northeast of Mr. Irby's house, 109.4 feet from the corner. The north stone is in the

race track, about 18 inches from the fence on the north side. The mark or used the eastern
range was

edge of the molding, just under the roof of the house of Mrs. G. K. Stevens, and bears

23" 5 2''.4 west of true north.

Jefferson County^ Pine Bluffs The station is on a large piece of land the north side
igoi. "
open on

of the road running out to the western part of the town, about 2 miles from the town, on land owned

by Mrs. Smart. It is marked by stone post 7 inches set so as to leave inches projecting
a square, 3

above the surface of the ground. The mark or used was the edge of a telegraph pole, and

bears 20" 25''.8 west of true south.

Laivrence County^ Walnutridgey igoi. "

The station is in the court-house grounds. A meridian

line was established, the south stone being used as a magnetic station. This line is marked by a stone

post 3^ feet by 7 by V inches, set so as to leave 3 inches projecting above the surface of the ground.
The south stone is west of the court-house, 83.4 feet from the comer. The distance between tlie stones

is 443.75 feet. The mark used was the peak of the roof of the Presbyterian church, and bears
or range

70" 32''. 2 east of true nortli.

Ouachita County^ Camden igoi, "

^The station is about i mile west of the town on land owned by

Mr. H. G. Smith. It is about 200 feet south of the road to town, the main street, and 71.5 feet west of

the east fence of tlie field. It is marked by a stone sunk so as to leave 3

inches projecting above the

surface of the ground. The mark or used was the peak of the roof of a house, and bears 3" 45^.1

east of true south.

Phillips County y
iSgo. "
Observations were made over the north stone of the county dian,

in the northeast corner of the court-house square. This stone is 32 feet from the east fence,

43.4 feet from the north fence, and 166 feet from the center of the Transit Pier. The mark or range

used was the central rod on cupola of high school, and bears 15" 56^.2 east of true south. The terian
church spire bears 81" 53^.2 east of true south.

Pike County, Murfreesboro, The station is about one-half mile due north of the house,
i^i. "

in the center of a large, field belonging to Mr. C. A. Kelly. It is marked by a stone post

8 inches set so as to leave inches' projecting above the surface of the ground. The mark or
square, 3

used was the western edge of the middle window of the second floor of the court-house, and

bears 3" 10''. 9 east of true south.

Pulaski Connty, Little Rock, i8g6. "

^The station is in the southeast corner of city park, marked

by an oak stub 67.7 meters from east fence (McAlniont street) and 65.3 meters from south fence

(Thirteenth street). Mark, a church steeple, bears 70" 26^.6 west of true north.

Pulaski County, Little Rock, The station is on the parade grounds of Fort Logan H. Roots,

about miles northwest of Little Rock. It is about 700 feet southwest of the west end of the barracks

and about feet due east of the drive. It is marked by a limestone post 3 feet by 7 by 7
125 gray

inches, lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S., sunk 3 feet in the ground. A meridian line was established

at the time of these observations. The above-described stone marks the north end. The south end

is marked by a similar stone set 444.5 feet distant. .The mark or range used was the tip of the tower

on the Maddox Female Adademy, and bears 4" 29-^.5 east of true south.

Sharp County, Evening Shade, igoi. "

The station is on the hill just north of the post-office in the

gprounds of the Baptist church. A meridian line was established. It is marked by stone posts 8 inches

projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground. The south stone of this line is the
square netic

station. The distance between the stones is 6^9.25 feet. The mark or range used was the gable
end of Mr. C. A. Evans's house, and bears 21" 45^2 east of true south.

Whitf County, Searcy, The station is on the east campus of the Spear Langford Military
igoi, "

Academy. It is the north stone of the meridian line established at the time of the magnetic tions.

The line is marked by stone posts ^iYx feet by 7 by 7 inches set 3 feet 3 inches in the groimd.
The north stone is about feet from the fence on the north and 77 feet from the fence on the east.

The distance betw^een the stones is 460 feet. The mark used was the tip of the court-house
or range

spire, and bears 83" 34'.o east of true south.



Alameda County^ AHamont^ ^^97- Observations were made within a few feet of a sandstone

rock, 6 feet broad and 9 feet long, projecting 5 feet out of the ground. This rock is lettered on its

vertical face U. S. C. " G. S., 1897, with a cross marking the center. It is located about one-fourth

of a mile east of the Southern Pacific Railroad station on a place occupied by N. A. Nickerson.

It is approximately in the northeast comer of the SW. % of sec. 21, T. 2 S., R. E. (M. D. M.).

The azimuth station is on the line joining the center of this rock with the base of the flag pole on the

school-house cupola, and is distant 4.5 feet from the center of this rock. The magnetometer station is

on the same line, distant 16.8 feet from the center of the rock. The dip station is 50 feet from the

magnetometer station, and about east of it. The mark or range used was the base of the flag pole on

the school-house cupola. This mark or from the azimuth station bears 40" 20^. i west of true


Butte County Oroznlley iSgj. Azimuth observations were made over a blue sandstone post, feet

long, set 2 feet in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top with a small hole marking the center. This south

meridian stone is lettered on its south vertical face Mag. Sta. on its west face U. S. C. " G. S. and
, ,

its east face 1897. It is located on the south bank of the Feather River, near the north end of

Second avenue and the west end of Safford street, and is distant 40.5 a^d 58.3 feet, respectively,
from the northeast corner of the lot southwest of it and from the northwest corner of the lot southeast

of it. A post similar to the south meridian stone was located 2,000 feet true north of it, on the site

side of the river near the edge of the bluff. This north meridian stone is lettered on its south

vertical face 1897, its north face U. S. C. " G. S., and its west face Merd. Mark. The
on on ometer
station is on the line joining the center of the south meridian stone with the flag pole on the

tower of the Odd Fellows' Home when this line is extended 29.5 feet from the center of this stone.

The dip station is on the line joining the center of the two meridian stones when this line is extended

feet south of the south stone. The mark or range used was the flag pole on the tower of the Odd

Fellows' Home. This mark or from the south meridian stone bears 83" 46^.5 west of true south.

The spire of the Congregational church bears 76" 00''. 5 east of true south. The weather-vane rod on

the public schoolhouse bears 45" 28^. 7 east of true south.

Calaveras County Milton^ 1^97- Observations made near stone rock 10 by 8 by inches,
were a 24

projecting 6 inches out of the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S., with a cross marking
the center. It was
located on the eastern fence line of the Masonic cemetery, 24.7 feet distant from

the nortlieast corner of this cemetery. It is about i 500 feet east of the Masonic Hall at Milton, in

T. 2 N., R. 10 E. (M. D. M.). The azimuth station is on a line joining the center of this
sec. 14,

stone with the base of the flag pole on the west gable of the Masonic Hall when this line is extended

4.8 feet outside of the cemetery. Magnetometer station is on the same line when it is extended 12.6

feet outside of the cemetery. The dip station is distant 50 feet from the azimuth station and about

south of it. The mark or used was the base of the flag pole on the west gable of the Masonic

Hall. This mark from the azinmth station bears 67" 35^.7 west of true north. The base of
or range

the flag pole on the schoolhouse building bears 70" 32''.2 west of true north.

Colusa County Colusa i8gS." Azimuth, observations were made over a blue sandstone post 4^
^ ,

feet long, projecting 2 feet out of the ground, 10 by 10 inches on top, with a cross marking the center.

This south meridian stone is lettered on its north vertical face Mag. Sta. on its south face U. S. C. "

G. S., and on its east face 1898. It was located on the county road which leads to Williams, and is

about I % miles southwest of the county court-house at Colusa. It is also about 6 miles west of the

Mount Diablo meridian and about three-fourths of a mile north of the third standard parallel north.

It is distant feet north and 4 feet west of the southeast right-angle in the road. A
19 corner county
similar to this south meridian stone located about 440 feet true north of it, 33 feet from
post was 1 a

northwest corner in the county road. This north meridian post is lettered on its north vertical face

Mer. Mark, on its south face U. S. C. " G. S., and on its east face 1898. The magnetometer .station

was in the line joining the cross on the Catholic church spire with the center of tlie south meridian

.stone when this line is extended 40 feet from the center of the post. The dip station was on the

line extended 90 feet from the post and south of it. The mark or used the
same range was cross on

the spire of the Catholic church. This mark or from the south meridian stone bears 43" 4o''.3

east of true north. The base of the flag pole on the grammar school bears 46" 12''. 6 east of true

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

Fresno County^ Madera^ ^^97- "

Observations were made near a slab of slaty sandstone, 40 by 8 by
inches, projecting 20 inches above the surface of the ground, with a cross in its center marking the

point. It is lettered on one of its vertical faces U. S. 1897 Mag. Sta. This stone is located in the

northeastern part of the cemetery in the northwestern part of the town and about i 200 feet west of

the Southern Pacific Railroad. It is on the edge of the cemetery fence, 250.6 feet from the northeast

comer of the cemetery. The azimuth station is in the line joining the center of this stone with the

Christian church spire when it is extended 10.7 feet in the cemetery. The magnetometer station is on

the same line when extended 30.3 feet in the cemetery. The dip station is 50 feet about south of the

azimuth station. The mark or used was the spire of the Christian church. This mark or range

from the azimuth station bears 80^ 48^.4 east of south. The base of the flag pole on the high-school
cupola bears 13" 38^.4 east of true south. The northeast comer of the cemetery bears 2" 17^.6 east of

tme north.

Fresno County, Mendoia, iSgy. "

Observations were made within a few feet of a reddish bowlder, i

by 6 by 6 inches, buried 4 inches below the surface of the ground, with its top lettered U. S. with a cross

marking the center. This bowlder is located about i 000 feet southeast of the Southern Pacific road

station. It is also about 500 feet northeast of the center of the SW. }( of sec.31, T. S., R. 15 E.

(M. D. M. ). It is outside and near the eastern comer of the fence around the schoolhouse grounds,
and is also near P street. The azimuth station is on the line joining the center of this bowlder with

the southeast gable of the railroad station when this line is extended 12.0 feet from the

bowlder. The magnetometer station is on this same line extended 33.2 feet from this bowlder. The

dip station is about 40 feet west of the magnetometer station and near the schoolhouse building. The

mark or used was the northeast gable of the passenger station. This mark or from the
range range

azimuth station bears 37" 23^.0 east of north. The ball on the top of the water tank near the railroad

roundhouse bears 67" 40^.5 east of true south.

Glenn County^ Willows^ 7^97." Azimuth observations were made over a granite post feet long,

projecting i foot out of the ground, 8 by 7 inches on top, with a cross marking the center. This south

meridian stone is lettered on its west vertical face 1897, on its south face U. S. C. " G. S., and on its

north face Mag. Sta. It was located in the town of Willows 10 feet west of the intersection of the

south line of Ash street and the east line of I,assen street. A post similar to this south meridian post

was located about 903 feet true north of it, 10 feet north and 4 feet west of the intersection of the

.south line of Oak street and the east line of Lassen street. This north meridian stone is lettered on

its south vertical face U. S. C. " G. S., and on its north face Mer. Mark, and on its west face 1897.
T'he magnetometer station was on the line joining the center of the south meridian stone with the

^Ided ball on the county court-house dome when this line is extended feet from the center of the

stone. The dip station is on the same line 50 feet north of the stone. The mark or used was

the gilded ball on the county court-house dome. This mark or bears 10" 02^.3 west of true

north. The flag pole on the belfry of the public school bears 6" 27''.5 west of true north. The flag
pole on the Masonic Hall bears 39^ 20^.7 east of tme north.

Humboldt County Cape Mendocino^ 1886, "

The station is south 30" so''. 6 east of the Cape Mendo-

-cino light-house, about 50 feet outside the fence inclosing it and the keeper's dwelling, and is close

to and above the road leading from Singley's flat to the light-house. It is marked by a brick sunk

in the ground, surrounded by a pile of stones. The mark or used was the triangulation station
South of Cape,'* and bears 32" 14^.8 east of true south.

Humboldt County, Mount Lassie i8g2. "

The station is on the line Mount Lassie geodetic station "

Taylor's Peak geodetic station, distant 23 feet 10 inches from the former. The geodetic station is on

the most western and least prominent of the three buttes which rise in sharp conical outlines about

feet above the general surface of the mountain. It is marked by bolt in the of
200 a copper top a

"concrete pier.
ICem County, Asphalto, 1897. "
The azimuth observations were made over the center of a stone

monument projecting 8 inches out of the ground. On its north perpendicular face a faint cross was

cut. This sandstone monument is located about one-half mile north of the Standard Asphalt
Works and is at the comer of the NE. i of sec. 27, T. S., R. 22 E., Mount Diablo meridian. It is

jiear a creek. The magnetometer observations were made between the monument and this creek, on

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

the line joining the center of the monument with the flag pole on the end of the east gable of the

superintendent's house and office. It is distant 7 feet from the center of the monument. The dip
station is on a line at right angles to this line, 60 feet from the center of the monument and

westward of it. The mark or used was the base of the flag pole on the house and office of the

superintendent of the asphalt works, on the end of the east gable. This mark or from the

monument bears 52" 49^.8 west of true south. The center of the door and the east edge of the ventilator

on the cook-house cellar bear 28" 08'. 6 west of true south.

Kern County Caliente^ /i^p/." The azimuth observations were made over a granite bowlder 8 by

12 by 18 inches, projecting about 6 inches above the surface of the ground. The top of the stone is

lettered U. S., with a cross marking the center. This bowlder was located about i 000 feet east of

the Southern Pacific Railroad station, east of the county road and 189.2 feet south and east of the

southwest corner of a field north and west of this bowlder. A line joining the center of this bowlder

and the bottom of the flag pole on the schoolhouse, when this line is extended 90 feet, through

the northern end of a bridge crossing a creek near the station. The magnetometer station was in this

same line 83 feet from tlie northern end of this bridge, or 81 feet from the stone. The dip station is in

the line to the northeast gable of the Southern Pacific Railroad station when it is extended feet

eastward from this bowlder. The mark or used was the base of the flag pole the
range on

schoolhouse. This mark or from the azimuth station bears 36" 41^.4 east of true north. The

northeast gable of the Soutliem Pacific Railroad station bears 68** 00^.6 west of true north. The top
of the roof of the railway water tank bears 52" 18^.4 west of true north.

Kern County^ Delano^ i8gy. "The azimuth observations were made redwood post by
over a 4 4

inches ^)i feet long, set 2 feet in the ground. On one of its perpendicular faces is cut U. S. C.
" G. S.. on another 1897, and on a third Mag. Sta. This post was located in the northwestern part of

the town, about i 000 feet west of the Southern Pacific Railroad, in the western comer of the inclosure

around the brick schoolhouse. It is 35.4 feet southeast of the western corner, measured along the

fence line of the schoolhouse grounds, and 3.2 feet from the southwestern fence line in the line joining
the center of this post with the Methodist church spire. The magnetometer station was in this same

line feet from the post in the direction of the Methodist church spire. The dip station was also in

this line distant 50 feet from the post in the same direction. The mark or range used was the cross on

the Methodist church belfry. This mark or from the center of the post bears 74" 09^.5 east of

true north. The base of the flag pole on the Central Hotel bears 52" 34^.5 east of true south.

Kern County^ Mojave, iSgj. "

The azimuth obser\'ations were made over the center of a post 4 feet

long, set I yi feet in the ground. The letters U. S. are cut in this post. It was located on the desert

one-half mile northeast of the Southern Pacific Railroad station, outside of the cemetery, in line

with the west fence of the cemetery, and is distant 15 feet from its southwest corner. The dip
station is also in line with the west fence of the cemetery, and is distant 70 feet from its southwest

comer. The magnetometer station is in the line joining the center of this post with the cupola of

the railroad station when this line is extended 12 feet. The mark or range used was the tip of the

cupola on the Southern Pacific Railroad passenger station. This mark or range from the center of the

post bears 52" 40^.4 west of true south. The northwest gable of the Southern Pacific Railroad ger

station bears 54" 11^.4 west of true south. The north gable of the schoolhouse bears 62" 48^.4

west of true south. The direction of the west fence of the cemetery bears 9" 45^.4 west of true north.

Los Angeles County^ Los Angeles^ Magnetic Observatory^ i88g. "

The station is in the grounds of

the Branch Normal School, at the foot of the slope, almost due west, about 200 feet from the nearest

wall of the school building. It is identical wuth that used for absolute measures in connection with

the magnetic observatory.

Los Angeles County Los Angeles, 1892. "The station is in the Elysian Park, north of the city.

It is marked by the drill hole in the center of ihe southern corner stone of the park, a stone 7 inches

and broken off a few inches above the ground. It is on the top of the ridge north of

Reservoir road and nearly in line with the west side of Douglas street (extended). The Normal

School flagstaff bears 6" 54''. 3 west of true south.

Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, Northwest Base, i8go, "

The station is on the line Northwest

Base-Southeast Base. The Northwest Base is on the rising ground, about i % miles from the little

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

village of Norwalk, the Southern Pacific Railroad. It is in the midst of a of eucalyptus

on grove

trees about 200 yards east of the Southern California Railroad on land belonging to Mr. J. B. Nichols.

The mark or used was Southeast Base and bears 37" 26^.8 east of true south.
Los Angeles County^ Los Angeles^ Southeast Base, /8go." The station is nearly in line Southeast

Base-Northwest Base, distant 101.95 feet from Southeast Base. Southeast Base is about 100 yards west

of the main road from Anaheim to Gardengrove, about miles from the former and 1 mile from the

latter place. It is on land belonging to Mr. R. K. Sherman, about halfway between his house and

barn. Southeast Base bears 33" $". i east of true south.

Los Angeles County, North Pofnona, iSgy, "

Observations were made over a bowlder set 20 inches

below the surface of the ground, with a small hole in its top marking the center. Immediately over

this bowlder was set another bowlder about 18 inches long and 6 or 7 inches in diameter, projecting
about inches above the ground, and lettered on its top U. S., with a small hole marking the center.

These bowlders were located about one-fourth of a mile northeast from the railway station, and 100

meters north of the east gable of the most eastern large packing house north of the railway. A large
tree, nearly a mile east of this bowlder, is in line with the left summit of the high ridge on the right
of the highest summit of the mountains to the east, known as San Bernardino Mountains. The

high peak on the left is known as Gray Back, and the right summit on the ridge as San Bernardino

Peak. There two rows of apricot trees just north of this magnetic station in the orchard.
are orange

The magnetic station is in line witli the eastern row of trees. The mark or range used was the flag
pole the cupola of the Claremont schoolhouse. This mark or bears 75" 03^.2 east of true
on range

north. The central rod of a windmill at the foot of a mountain, near a white house, bears 36" 05^.4 east

of true north. Gray Back Peak bears 87" 31 ''.4 east of true north.

Los Angeles County, Palmdale, iSgj. Observations were made over a stone post 10 by 10 by

inches, buried i"^ feet below the surface of the ground, with its top lettered U. S., and with a cross

marking the center. This stone was located about 850 feet northeast of the Southern Pacific Railroad

station. It is distant 18 feet south and 25 feet east of the northwest corner of Center street

and Almond avenue. The dip station is 50 feet north of this street corner, on the western edge of

Almond avenue. The mark or used was the northwest gable of the station of the
range passenger

Southern Pacific Railroad. This mark bears from the stone 68" 03''." west of true south. The
or range

perpendicular face of the southeast corner of Sherer's brick store bears 59" 58''.o west of true north.

The windmill rod bears 46" 50^.0 west of true north.

Los Angeles County, San Pedro, 1897. "

Observations were made over a stone about 2 feet long,
with its upper surface projecting 2 inches out of the ground. It has a rounded top 14 by 8 inches,

roughly lettered U. S., with a small hole marking the center. This stone was located on the west side

of the park, which is on the bluff fronting the harbor. It was placed in the line of trees bordering the

west side of the park, and midway between two trees opposite the center of Ninth street, which is

perpendicular to Beacon street, the street bordering the park on the west. This stone is about 50

meters on a line 14" 3c/ east of south of the small pavilion in the center of this park. The mark or

used was the hydrographic signal on Deadmans Island. This mark or bears 39" 33^.6
range range

east of true south. The Catholic Church spire bears 88" 06^.9 west of true south. The flag pole on

the schoolhouse bears 42" 58^.6 west of true north. The bell tower on the Methodist Church spire
bears 29" 46'. 6 west of true north. The smokestack on the sawmill bears 39" 27''.4 east of true north.

Los Angeles County, Santa Monica, /c^p/.^Observations were made over a concrete post 2 feet

long, set even with the surface of the ground, 10 by 10 inches on top, and lettered U. S. with a small

hole marking the center. This post was located in the park along the ocean front, called Ocean Park

Linda Vista. It is in the northeast side of the park, about feet inside of the southwest curb line
or 5

along Ocean avenue,

and about 5 feet northwest of the line of the northwest curb on Washington

avenue when it is extended. Ocean avenue extends northwest and southeast, and Washington avenue

is at right angles to it. This concrete post is 2 feet inside of the line of palmettoes which border

Ocean avenue. About 100 feet southwest of this magnetic station is a bluff nearly 100 feet high. At

the foot of this bluff is the ocean beach and the Southern Pacific Railroad to Los Angeles. The mark

or used was the left-hand flag pole on the bath house on the beach to the .southeast. This mark

or bears 38" 38''. 7 east of true south. The extreme point of the mainland to the south bears

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

14" 33^.2 east of true south. The extreme point of the mainland to the west bears 85" 43^.5 west of

true south. The highest peak to the northwest, on the ridge to the right of apparently the highest

peak, bears 61" 00^.7 west of true north. The highest peak to the north, over the center of a house

one-half block bears 23" 46^.2 west of true north. The peak in the northeast, the first to the

left of highest one visible, bears 55" 32^.5 east of true north. The flag pole on a house halfway
between California and Washington avenues, on Third street, bears 68" 09''.8 east of true north.

Los Angeles County Saugus^ ^^97- Observations were made over irregular bowlder by by
an 5 9

inches, projecting inches above the ground, lettered on top with a U. S., and with ing
17 5 a cross

the center. This stone was located in an open field at the foot of a steep hill, about 800 feet in a

northeasterly direction from the station of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The azimuth

station was in the center of this bowlder. The magnetometer station was in the line joining the

center of the bowlder with the point of the cupola on the passenger station, when this line is extended

8 feet. The dip station was on a line at right angles to this line through the azimuth station and 50

feet toward the west. The mark or range

used was the tip of the cupola of the passenger station of

the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. This mark or ringe from the bowlder bears 50" 33'. 8 west

of true south. The center of the trunk of a double oak tree, distant 211 feet from the azimuth station,
"bears 57" 26^.2 east of true south. The center of the trunk of an oak tree, distant 98 feet from this

double oak, bears 66" 47^.2 east of true south.

Marin County San Rafael /^p/." Observations were made over marble post feet long, set
^ ^
a 4 2

feet in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top, with the center of a cross marking the point. This post is

lettered U. S. C. " G. S. on its west vertical face, MAG. STA. on its south face, and 1897 on its east face.

This post was located 1. 1 miles northwestward from the county court-house. It is near the top of a hill

(on the eastern slope) on which is located one of the water company's reservoirs, and it is distant about

feet eastward from this reservoir. The azimuth station was over the center of this post. The

magnetometer station was in the line joining the center of this post with the flag pole on the county

court-house, when this line is extended about 10 feet from the post. The dip station is about feet from

the post and east of it. A similar marble post was set about 700 meters true south of the north stone.

The north vertical face of the south stone is lettered MER. MARK., the east face U. S. C. " G. S., and

the west face 1897. The mark used was the flag pole the court-house building. This
or range on

mark or from the center of the north stone bears 70" 13^.8 east of true south. The tripod signal

on the Point San Quentin bears 54" 55^.8 east of true south. The flag pole on the east peak of Mount

Tamalpais bears 61" 21^.6 east of true south. The tripod signal on Red Rock Island bears 26" 54^.9
yifest of true south.

Mendocino County Cold Springs i8gi, "

^The station is situated on a large rock or bowlder, about

20 feet in diameter at the base and about 15 feet higher than the siirrounding ridge. It is locally
Icnown as
Signal Ridge." It is marked by a concrete pier 26 inches
square, in the top of which is

inserted bolt. This pier is about 4 feet high.

a copper

Mendocino County Point Arena /88g." The station is almost due east 98.6 feet from the transit
^ ^

pier. This pier is about 200 meters east of the main street of the town, the hill where the two

large water tanks stand. It is 26 feet east of the single tank and 49 feet south of a bam. The cross on

the Catholic church steeple bears 50** 01 '.8 west of true north.

Mendocino County Ukiahy 1897. "

Azimuth observations were made over the center of a smooth

white marble post 4 feet long, set 2 feet in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top, with a cross marking the

center. The south perpendicular face of this post is lettered U. S. C. " G. S., the east face MAG. STA.,

"and the north face 1897. This marble post is located on the western side of the level Russian River

Valley, one-half mile east of the base of the mountains and three-fourths of a mile west of the San

Francisco and Pacific Coast Railroad. It is 116 meters true west and 1786 meters true south of the

county court-house, as scaled from a road-sun-ey map. It is one west from the county road,

in the southeast corner of 49 and feet, respectively, from the southern and eastern street
a square, 50

lines of this and near a creek which is dry in the summer. A similar marble post located
square, was

on the eastern edge of the street, 250 paces true north of this south meridian stone. This north stone

is lettered on its west perpendicular face MER., on its south face 1897, and its north face U. S. C. " G. S.

The magnetometer station is in the line joining the center of the south meridian stone and the flag

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

pole on the county court-house, when this line is extended feet from the stone. The dip station is

about 50 feet west of the south meridian stone. The mark or used was the flag pole the
range on

court-house. This mark from the center of the south stone bears 3^ 48^.8 east of true north.
or range

Merced County^ Merced^ J^97- "

Observations were made near a cross on the northeast comer of

the brick wall surrounditlg the Catholic Cemetery, where it is lettered U. S., 1897. This cemetery is

about \% miles south of the county court-house. The azimuth station is 15.3 feet east of the east

comer of this cemeterj", in line with the northern edge of the wall extended. The magnetometer
station was on the line joining the center of the azimuth station with the top of the head of the statue

on the court-house when this line is extended 14 feet from the azimuth station. The dip station was

feet east of the azimuth station in the line of the northern wall of the cemetery. The mark or

used was the top of the head of the statue on the coiirt-house. This mark or from the
range range

azimuth station bears 4" 25^.2 east of true north. The Methodist church spire bears 6" 52^.2 east of

true north. The direction of the northern wall of the cemetery bears 89" 24^.8 west of true north.

Merced County yVolta^ ^Sgy. "

Observations were made within a few feet of the center of a wood

by inches projecting feet above the ground. of

post 5 feet long, 4 6 on top, 3 One the dicular

faces of the post is lettered U. S. another 1897, and another MAG. STA. This post was located

about one-fourth of mile northeast of the Southern Pacific Railroad station, about feet south and
a 31

K feet east of the northwest comer of T. lo S., R. 10 E. (M. D. M. ) It is on the fence line, 27.
57 5

feet from the northwest comer of the field in which it is located. The azimuth station is on the line

joining the center of this post with the cross on the Catholic church, and distant 24.5 feet from the

of the The magnetometer station is the line and distant from the center of
center post. on same 17.7

the post. The dip station is 50 feet southeast of the magnetometer station. The mark or used

was the cross on t}ie Catholic church spire. This mark or range from the azimuth station bears

31" 19^.0 west of true south. The flag pole on the cupola of the Volta Hotel bears 34" 03^.5 west of true

south. The northwest fence comer of the field bears 34" 49^.0 west of true north.

Monterey County, Bradley, /^p^." Observations made the center of by inch pine
were over a 7 7

feet long, set 2"^ feet in the ground. This post is lettered its face U. S. and 1896. It
p09t 5 on was

located on the west line of the main street of the town, near the edge of the bluff overlooking the

valley of Salinas River. It is distant about one-fourth of a mile from the station of the

Southern Pacific Railroad, in a southwesterly direction. This post is distant 187.5 ^^^t from the

northwest corner of the streets north and east of it. The street north of it is 60 feet wide, and the

street immediately east of it (the main street of the town) is 82 feet wide. The azimuth observations

made over
this post; the dip and magnetic observations in the line joining the center of this

with the belfry the schoolhouse, distant and 26 feet, respectively, from it. The mark
post on 50 or

used was the belfry on the schoolhouse tower. This mark or range bears from the azimuth

station 66" 00^.0 west of true north. The south gable of the high part of the station bears

44" 28^.5 east of true north. The west line of the main street bears 18" i5''.o east of true north.

Monterey County, Monterey, i8g6, "

The station is on the hill on which is situated the old fort, of

which but little remains, southwest of the ruins. It is marked underground only by a bottle. The

mark used was the flagstaff on the west gable end of the Del Monte bath house, and bears
or range

64" 25^.5 east of true south.

Monterey County, Mount Toro, /8Sj. "

^The station is in the line Mount Toro geodetic station-

Santa Lucia geodetic station, distant from the former 34 meters. The geodetic station is located upon

the smooth hill about yards south of Mr. A. B. Parson's house, not far from Salinas City.
grassy 500

It is marked by a bolt in a concrete pier.


Monterey County, Salinas, 18^. "Azimuth observations were made over a hewn granite stone 16

inches long, set 14 inches in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top, with a small hole marking the center,

and this stone is lettered U. S. This stone was located in the northern part of the town, at what is

the head of Natividad street. It is distant about 3,450 feet from the flag pole on the cupola of

the county court-house, almost in front of Mr. McCormick's house, and in about the center of this

street. The magnetometer station was on the line joining the center of this stone with the flag pole

the courthouse, about feet south of the center of the stone. The dip station is in the
on county 10

line, about 60 feet south of the center of the stone. The mark or used was the flag pol6 on
same range

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

the cupola of the county court-house. This mark or bears from the center of the stone 20" 22^.0

west of tru-? south. A tall slender spire bears 23" 15''.o west of true south.

Monterey County ^
San Lucas, /Sg6. "
Observations were made over the center of a 4 by 4 inch wood

post 5 feet long, set 2}^ feet in the ground. This post is lettered on one face U. S. MAG. ST A.

and on the other 1896. It was located on the bluff back of the town, about one-fourth of a mile distant

from the Southern Pacific Railroad station, and in northwesterly direction. This bluff is
passenger a

about 35 feet above the railway tracks. This post is distant 37 feet from the fence line just across the

street north of this post. It is also distant from the same fence line 48.5 and feet, respectively,

when measured in the direction of the lines joining the center of this post with the Baptist and

Methodist church spires when these lines are extended. This post is distant 253.3 ^^^^ from the east

corner of Griswold's barn, at the far corner of the streets north and west of it. The azimuth and

dip observations were made over this post. The magnetometer observations 4.2 feet from it, in the

direction of the line joining the center of this post with the flag pole on the cupola of the schoolhouse

when this line is extended. The flag pole on the cup"ola of the schoolhouse was used as the mark or

This mark or range from the post bears 65" 46''.o east of true south. The spire of the Baptist

church bears 56" lo' west of true south. The vane on the Methodist church spire bears 26" 30^.0 east

of true south. The northeast comer

ot Griswold's barn and the line of the street bears 105" 46^.5 west

of true south.

Monterey County, Soledad, jSg6. "

Observations were made over a small irregular limestone

bowlder, 8 inches on top, buried flush with the ground, and wnth a small hole marking the

center. This bowlder is located about 400 feet in a southeastern direction from the station

of the Southern Pacific Railway, i foot in front of the fence which forms the southern boundary of the

railway station yard. It is distant 136.7 feet from the line of the cattle measured along this

boundary fence. The magnetometer, azimuth, and dip circle stations were in the line joining the

center of this bowlder with the steeple of the Catholic church, which is about one-fourth of a mile

distant. The magnetometer, azimuth, and dip circle stations are distant 6, 29.7, and 56 feet, tively,

from the center of this bowlder. The mark or range used was the steeple of the Catholic church.

This mark or from the azimuth station bears 15" 10''. 3 east of true north. The east gable of the

railroad grain warehouse bears 37" 24^.0 west of true north. The town flag pole bears 4" 03^.5 east of

true north.

Napa County, Napa, fSg^. Observations were made over a stone monument 10 inches

with a cross in its center marking the point. This stone monument is 5 feet long, projecting 2% ^^^t

above the ground It is lettered on its east vertical face MAG. STA. and on its west face U. S. C. " G. S.

1897. This monument was located in the eastern part of the Napa Insane Asylum grounds and on

the dam just west of the reservoir called "

Lake Camille." The azimuth was over the center of this

stone. The magnetometer station was in the line joining the center of this monument and the vane

the central tower of the Napa Insane Asylum, when this line is extended 8 feet beyond the center

of the monument. The dip station is about feet from the center of this monument, about north of

it. The mark or used was the weather vane on the central tower of the Napa Insane Asylum.

This mark or from the center of the monument bears 88" 08''. 5 west of true north. The weather

vane on the Napa County court-house bears 50" 21 ''.7 west of true north.

Napa County, Napa, i8gS. "

observations were made over the same points occupied for magnetic

observations, in the grounds of the Napa Insane Asylum, in 1897, and already described. The azimuth

observations were made over the center of the stone monument located on the reservoir dam of Lake

Camille. A north meridian monument was also located 750 feet true north of this .south meridian

stone, on the north side of the road and 2 feet north of the fence marking the present northern

boundar"' of the asylum grounds.

Nevada County, Nevada City, iSgj, "
Azimuth observations were made over a hewn granite post

feet long and projecting lYz feet above the surface of the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, with a cross

marking the point. It is lettered on its west perpendicular face MAG. STA. on its south face 1897, and

its north face U. S. C. " G. S. This post is located about 2 500 feet westward of the county house,

just south of large excavation made in hydraulic placer mining. It is also about south of

where West Broad street crosses the north line of the city limits. It is on a knoll north of a road. A


post similar to this south meridian post was located about i 000 feet true north of it, on the southern

edge of West Broad street. The south perpendicular face of this north stone is lettered 1897, its west

face MER. MARK., and its north face U. S. C. " G. S. The magnetometer station is in tlie line joining
the center of the south meridian stone with the flag pole on the county court-house when this line is

extended 12 feet from the center of the stone. The dip station is in the line joining the center of

the south stone with the' vane on the cupola of the Methodist church, and distant 60 feet from the

center of the stone. The mark or range used was the flagstaff on the cpunty court-house. This mark

or from the south meridian stone bears 81" 45^.0 east of true south. The vane the cupola of
range on

the Methodist church bears 71" 24-^.3 east of true south. The south gable of a red-roof house

just north of West Broad street bears 1" 33''. 5 east of true north.

Orange County^ Capistravo, iSgy. "

Observations were made over a rough fossiliferous rock about

feet long, projecting 6 inches above the ground, 18 by 6 inches on top, with a small hole marking
the center. On the south face of the rock the letters ^^. S. were roughly cut. This rock was located

on the first bench of the ridge north of the town and east of the railwav. This bench is only
about 40 or 50 feel above the surrounding lowlands, and it is the end of the ridge of which it forms

a part. This stone was placed about 100 feet north from the first decided change in the slope after

starting up the ridge. It is about halfway from the foot of the ridge to the first summit. The mark

or used was the pole on the center of the top of the water tank. This mark bears
range or range

12" 06^.5 east of true south. The northeast corner railing on the top of Judge Egan's house bears

4" 2o''.8 east of true south. The old meridian post on the hill to the southwest bears 2" 1 9'. 5 east of

true south. The flag pole in front of a store, the lowest visible point, bears 3" 35^.0 east of true south.

The iron on top of the cupola of the S. C. Railway station bears 9" 02''. o west of true south. The

center of the cupola of a white house bears 77" 58^.2 east of true north. The highest point of the

ridge in the far east, just above where the bare rock shows, bears 76" 48''. 8 east of true north.

Orange County^ Newport Beach ^^97- "

Obser\-ations were made over the center of a redwood

railway tie feet long, projecting feet above the ground. This post used tripod. Its north
5 3 was as a

face is lettered U. S. C. S. MAG. 1897, and its south face U. S. It is located in the sand flat north of

all the buildings of the town, about midway between the railroad and the ocean beach, and on a line

with the south face of the large railway warehouse, the largest building in this region. This house

is east of the railway, and is only a short distance from the railway station, at the beginning
of the wharf. It is the first building as enter the town. The mark or used was the east
you range

comer post of the railing on the roof of Sharp's Hotel. This mark or bears 32" 25^^.9 east

of true south. The base of the flag pole on the front of the large hotel bears 25" 50^.4 east of true

south. The base of the flag pole in the center of the roof of the pavilion bears 37" 37''.9 east of true


Placer County^ Auburn^ ^^97- "

Azimuth observations were made over a hewn granite post 4 feet

long, set 2 feet in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top, with a cross marking the center. It is lettered on

its perpendicular south face MAG. STA., on its west face U. S. C. " G. S., and on its east face 1897.

This stone was located tw^o-fifths of a

mile east of the county court-house, near the northwest corner

of Olive street and Finley lane. The magnetometer station is in the line joining the center of this

post with the vane rod on the dome of the county court-house when this line is extended 53 feet from

the center of the post. The dip station is on the same line when it is extended 113 feet from the

center of the p)ost. A similar post to this north meridian stone was located true south of it.
130 paces
This south meridian stone is lettered on its west perpendicular face MER. MARK, on its north

face, U. S. C. " G. S., and on its east face, 1897. The mark or range used was the perpendicular rod of

the vane on top of the county court-house. This mark or from the north meridian stone bears

89" 19^ west of true north. The flag pole on the schoolhouse bears 78" 38-^ west of true north. The

slender golden cross on the Catholic church bears 62^ 18^.3 west of true north. The short p"ole on the

west gable of Eurer's Hotel bears 32" 1 9*^.8 east of true north.

Riverside County Elsinore^ ^^97* Observations were made over an irregular granite bowlder

feet long, 15 to 20 inches in diameter, with a small hole in the center marking the point, and lettered

U. S. This bowlder is located on the ridge just south of the small knoll which is east of the Hot

Springs Hotel. It is near the northeast corner of the block bounded by Washington street on the

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

cross on the cupola of the Catholic convent bears 40" 08'. i west of true south. The northwest comer

of the reservoir fence bears 65" 24^.9 east of true south. The southwest corner of the reservoir fence

bears 5" 33^.9 east of trufe south.

San Bernardino County^ Bagdad iSgj. "

Observations were made over the center of a redwood

railroad tie feet long, set i"^ feet in the ground, 7 by 7 inches, with U. S. C. " G. S. MAG. STA. cut*

on its east vertical face. This redwood post was located about 130 meters south of the railway, and a

little east of the meridian line of the railw^ay station, which is the most eastern substantially built

house in the town. The mark or used was a small projecting rock just below the summit of
range "

apparently, the highest ridge in the west, and just north of the railway. This is a short ridge,
with a conical-shaped peak a little south of it which appears slightly higher than this ridge. This

small projecting rock was on the slope opposite to this conical peak. Back of these mountains an

iron-colored ridge projects farther to the south. This mark or range bears 59" 12^.8 west of true


San Bernardino County^ BarstoWy /(Jp/." Observations were made over the center of a painted

post feet long, set 2 feet in the ground, i by 4 inches in cross section, with M. G. cut on its western

vertical face. This post was located in the sand flat north of the town and distant about 150 meters

from the railway, directly in front of the north gable of the hotel. The point of this gable is in line

with the top of the hill, which is just south of the hotel, when standing 20 feet west of this post. The

railway disappears around the points of the ridges to the west and to the east of this post. A line

drawn through these two points, where the railway disappears, within a few feet of the post.

The position of the magnetic station can be fixed by these directions. The mark used
or range was

the prominent rock near the eastern end of the highest short ridge nearly north of the station. This

mark or bears o" 20^.6 west of true north.

San Bernardino County Blake ^^97* "
Observations were made over the center of a redwood
^ ^

railroad tie, 5 feet long, projecting 2 feet above the ground, with U. S. C. " G. S. MAG. 1897 cut in

its west vertical face. This railway tie was located about 100 meters north of the railway station.

The mark or range used was a small projecting rock just south of the highest peak of the mountain

almost southwest of the station, and the first mountains north of the railway when looking west.

This mark bears 57" 27^.8 west of true south.

or range

San Bernardino County Calif omia and Nevada Boundary ^^^ fbst^ iSpj. "
The station is in the

permanently marked meridian about 30 meters south of the east post set in 1873 by Van Schmidt on

the west bank of the Colorado River, 12 miles north of the town of Needles Station. It is marked by
a pile of stones.

San Bernardino County^ Kramer^ 1897. "

Observations were made over the center of a rough '

quartz rock, 18 inches long, set even with the surface of the ground. This rock was located north of

the railway and distant meters from the north rail of the main track. It is north of the only

saloon in the place, and in line with the west face of this building. A line joining the center of this

rock with the highest point of the hills to the southwest of it just clears the northwest comer of a

corral built of old logs, which is distant or 400 feet from the center of the rock. A small
300 3rucca

tree, the only tree in this vicinity, is directly in line to the south of the mountains west of the

station. The mark or used was the highest point of the hills to the southwest. This mark
range or

range bears 57" 06^.0 west of true south.

San Bernardino County Manvel, iSgj. "

Observations were made over the center of a stone sunk

below the surface of the ground with a small rock cairn built over the top of this stone. This cairn

was located about 50 feet west of the summit of the first small knoll northeast of the railway station

and northwest of the railway grade beyond the railway station. It is about i 000 or i 200 feet from

the railway station, on a small level plateau. The mark or range used was a telegraph pole north of

the railway station and nearly in line to the lowest in the mountains, which is a little south
very gap
of ivest of this magnetic station. This mark or bears 76" 17^.2 east of true south.
San Bernardino County^ Needles^ i8g^. "
The station is about 100 feet south of the longitude
station which is in the northwest comer of the yard around the Catholic church, 38 feet from the

northwest comer of the church. It is about meters from the main track of the Santa Fe Pacific

Railroad, and bears southwest from the depot hotel and office of the railroad. It is marked by a pier.

CALIFORNIA -Continued.

San Bernardino County, Oro Grande iSgj. Observations made the center of
were over a quartz
rock, set about 2 feet in the ground, and projecting i inch above the surface. The letters U. S. were

cut in the southeast corner of the top of this stone witli a cross in its center marking the point. The

top of this stone is 8 by inches. It located 200 meters from the railway station, in line 20"
15 was a

east of north of it. The mark or used was the highest summit of the hills nearly east of this

rock. The point observed upon was the small notch in the smoothest part of the summit. There are

also two summits in these hills, and to the right of the one on which the mark was selected. A narrow

ridge extends to the left a short distance to a which connects these hills with higher hills north
of them. This mark or range bears 70" 48''.9 east of true south. The flag pole on the cupola of a new

schoolhouse bears 22" 36^.4 east of true south.

San Bernardino County^ San Bernardino^ ^Sgy. "

Observations were made over the center of a

granite post, 3 feet long, set with its end just above the surface of the ground. This stone is lettered

U. S. with a small hole marking the center, and its top is about 4 inches in diameter. This stone

was located near the middle of the wxst half of the city park, between E and F streets and south of

Sixth street. It is about 16 meters from the fence line F street, and about meters from the
on 50

fence line on Sixth .street, in line with the north face of the pavilion, which is located in the center

of this park. It is 4 feet from the border of the nearest walkway through the park. The mark or

range used was a long, dead tree near the low in the mountains north of this granite post. This

mark or range bears 13" 59^.2 west of true north. The foot of a flag pole on a red-roof house, distant

2 blocks, bears 6" 59^.4 west of true north. The northwest point of the tower of the high-school
building, distant 2 blocks, bears 16" 49'. 2 east of true north. The highest mountain peak in the east,

and 5" or 10" w^est of the pavilion, bears 87" 31^.2 east of true north. The cross on the Catholic church

spire, distant i block, bears 15" 44^.2 east of true south. The top of the flag pole on the schoolhouse

across F street, bears 64" 15^.8 west of true south.

San Diego County, Foster, ^^97' Observations were made over a granite stone inches long,


14 by 5 inches on top, with a small hole marking the center. This stone is set firmly in the ground,
and U. S. is lettered on its south vertical face. This granite stone was located across the valley
nearly southwest from the railway station, 500 feet from the railway in a westerly direction. It is

about 20 feet from the beginning of the steep slope of the mountain. It is just south of and around

the spur
of the mountain or small hill which projects into the valley directly across from the railway
station, and west of it. It is also about the middle of the slight wash from the angular ridge between

the above-mentioned and the mountain side, and south of it. The mark or used was a
spur range

bush. This mark or bears 9" 45''.3 west of true south. The largest bowlder, the only one

near the highest summit in the southwest, bears 33" 08^.3 west of true south.

San Diego County, Occanside, iSgj. "

Observations were made over a granite post 2 feet long,
projecting 2 inches above the ground, 4 by inches top, with small hole marking the center.
4 on a

The letters U. S. were cut on the southeast side of the top of this stone. It was placed on the top of

the bluff northwest of the center of the town, and bordering the ocean beach. It is distant 50 feet

from the edge of the bluff, and is feet west of the line of Washington street, the main street of

town, and the first street parallel to the ocean. This stone is approximately on the south line of the

first street north of the flour mill, extending at right angles to the ocean front. There is one house

distant from this stone about feet just across this street and near the railway track, which is

distant feet from the magnetic station. There two houses the edge of the bluff south of
400 are on

this granite post, the nearest of which is distant feet. The mark or used was the foot of
250 range

the flag pole on the cupola of the schoolhouse, the most prominent building on the top of the ridge
to the southeast. This mark or bears 81 ^^
16^.2 east of true south. The flag pole on the cupola

of a large business block bears 68" oi''.2 east of true south. The flag pole on the opera house bears

41" 45^.0 east of true south. The highest point of the most distant mountains in the north bears

13" 32^.4 west of true north. The base of a flag pole on a yellow house bears 57" 37^.8 east of

true north.

San Diego County, San Diego, i8g2. "

^The station is located in the southwest portion of the city

park, 34.33 meters south and 15.44 meters west of the center of the brick longitude transit pier ( 1892).
It is about feet southwest of the point where Seventh and Fir streets w^ould intersect if extended

CALIFORN lA" Continued.

into the park. It is 508.7 meters north and 32.9 meters west of Davidson's astronomical station of

1 87 1. It is marked by an Oregon pine stub.

San Diego County^ San Diego ^

La Playa, /8g/. "
Observations were made over the center of a

redwood post feet long, projecting about i foot out of the ground. The top of this post is 4 by 4

inches, and it is lettered U. S. MAG. on its north face and 1897 on its west vertical face. This post

was located about 4 feet west of a small stub over which Assistant Putnam made observations in 1892
and described elsewhere. Assistant Davidson's station is 18.5 feet north and 11 feet west of this wood

post. An excellent for finding this magnetic station is to get the small, slender stack

on the small building at the end of the wharf at the quarantine station exactly in line with the

north or smaller tower of the Coronado Hotel. Another is to get the red bouy on the west side
of the entrance to San Diego Bay in line with the extreme point of the neck of land upon which the

highest house at the entrance is located. This bouy is about midway between the quarantine station

and the light-house. The mark or used was the flag pole on the center of the cupola of the

Rose well schoolhouse. This mark or range bears 19^ 13^ east of true north. The standpipe above

old town bears 41" 20^.8 east of true north. The center of cupola of San Diego court-house bears

79" 40^.5 east of true north. The large brick stack of the house, San Diego, bears 80" i6''.o east

of true north. The south and largest cupola of the Coronado Hotel bears 65" 08^.5 east of true south.

Loma light-house bears i" 15''.5 west of true south.

San Francisco County^ Presidio iSgS, "

Observations were made over the same post and point

over which magnetic observations were made by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1896,
1894, 1893, 1892, 1891, and previous The dip station was northeast of this station post.
years. 31 paces

The mark or range used was Table Mountain Peak (Mount Tamalpais, eastern peak). This mark or

from the center of the station post bears 35" 48^.7 west of true north, from observations by
Assistant Fremont Morse. The mark or range tised by Mr. Morse in 1889 from the center of the

station bears 40" 24^.6 west of true north. For information as to precise location of this station apply
to U. S. C. " G. S. Sub-Office at San Francisco.

[A hundred-meter comparator was laid out in Golden Gate Park in May, 1889, by the party of

Assistant G. Davidson. The ends and subdivisions are marked by granite blocks 10 inches on

top and projecting about an inch above the ground. The line is on a level lawn, from the

carriage drives, and is crossed by a foot path near the south end. The north end is protected by a

small grove of trees. From the north stone the south stone bears o" 33'' 04'' west of true south.]
San Joaquin County Stockton ^Sgj. "
Observations were made near a smooth, white marble post
^ ^

4 by 4 inches on top, 4 feet long, and projecting 18 inches above the ground, with a small hole in the

center marking the point. The north vertical face of this marble post is lettered 1897, the east face

MAG. STA., and the west face U. S. C. " G. S. This stone was located in the northwestern corner of

the Rural Cemetery, about 2% miles north of the county court-house. It was placed on a dike 16 feet

from the north fence of the cemetery and 30.5 feet east of its northwest comer, as measured along the

fence line. The azinmth station was over the center of this marble post. The magnetometer station

was in line joining the center of the marble post with the top of the statue on the court-house dome,
and distant 10 feet from the center of this post. The dip station is 50 feet about east of the ometer
station. The mark or range used was the top of the statue on the (bounty court-house dome.

This mark or range from the stone bears 5" 34''.6 east of true south. The spire of the central dist

Episcopal church bears 6" 22^. i east of true south. The cross on the Episcopal church bears

6" 04^.6 east of true south. The top of the roof of tank house bears 64" 05^.9 east of true
a square


San Luis Obispo County Port Harford /8p6. "Observations were made over the center of a block
^ ^

of stone 8 by 10 by 17 inches with its top projecting 2 inches above the ground. This stone was

located on the hillside about 420 meters north of the Marr^ Hotel. It is distant 112 feet from the

water tank, which is in the line from this stone to the hotel. The azimuth observations were made

over this stone, the magnetometer observations in the line joining the center of this stone with the

flag pole on the northwest gable of the railway warehouse on the end of the pier when this line is

extended 22.3 feet. The dip observations were made on a line at right angles to this line and 50 feet

nearer the bay than the magnetometer station through which the line The mark or
passes. range

27478 "
02 19
290 1902.


used was the flag pole on the railway warehouse, as already described. This mark or bears, from
the azimuth station, 7" 04^.5 east of true south. The flag pole on the Hotel Marr6 bears 21" 26^.7 west

of true south.

San Luis Obispo County Santa Margarita^ /8^. "

Observations were made over the center of a 6

by 6 inch redwood post 4 feet long set 2)^ feet in the ground. This post is lettered on one of its faces,
U. S. on a second face, MAG. ST A. and on a third face, 1896. It was located knoll about feet
, ,
on a 500

south of the station of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. It is on the east edge of
the street line distant 112.6 feet from the near street corner north of it, as measured along this eastern

street line. It is also distant 57 feet from a white-oak tree almost north of it. The azimuth tions

were made over this post, the dip observations in a line joining the center of this post with the

flag pole on the cupola of the schoolhouse and distant 32 feet from it. The magnetometer tions

were made on the same line 18 feet from the post, extended in the opposite direction. The

mark or used was the base of the flag pole on the cupola of the schoolhouse. This mark
range or

bears from the azimuth station 50" 21^.3 east of true north. The north line of the street line

bears 33" 35^.7 west of true north. The flag pole on the circular dance house bears 3" 49^.3 east of true


San Mateo County, Sierra Morena, 1884. "

The station is distant 28.5 meters from the geodetic tion

in line with Mount Diablo. The^ geodetic station is reached from Redwood City via county road

through Woodside to the "

Mountain Brow House,'* kept by Prank King, who knows the location of

the station. It is about 2% miles south, on the highest knoll in that vicinity. It is marked by a solid

concrete pier extending about 4 feet above the surface of the ground.
Santa Barbara Los Otivos, 1897. "
Observations were made over a white limstone bowlder lyi feet

long, 8 inches thick, projecting 6 inches above the surface of the ground. The top of this stone is lettered

U. S., with a small hole in its center marking the point. This bowlder was located about 800 feet

northeast of the Pacific Coast Railway station, the present terminus of this railway at Los Olivos. It is

near the center of a circular cultivated field, about 850 feet above the sea level, in line between two white

oak trees east and west of it, and distant, respectively, 8 and 28 feet from them. There is a meadow below

the circular hill west and south of this cultivated field. The azimuth observations were made over

this bowlder, and the magnetometer observations on the line joining the center of the bowlder with

the vane on the schoolhouse tower, when this line is extended 39 feet. The dip observations were

made a point about 50 feet southwest of this bowlder. The mark or used was the
over rang^ vane

of the schoolhouse tower. This mark or range from the bowlder bears 32" i7^-4 east of true south.

The belfry on the Christian church, distant about one-half mile, bears 50" 13^.4 west of true south.

Santa Barbara County, Santa Barbara, i8gj. "

Observations were made over a point near the

magnetic station of 1881, near the beach a little west of the end of the long wharf on Burton Mound,
and near the north end of the Burton House. It is distant 28. 7 feet from the signal pole at Burton, which

is south and west of it. This signal pole is distant 22.5 feet from the northeast corner of the Burton

House. The azimuth observations were made over this point. The magnetometer observations were

made on a line joining this point with the East End Methodist Church spire when this line is

extended feet. The dip observations were made on a line at right angles to this line,- passing

through the azimuth station and 34 feet about west of it. The mark or used was the steeple

of the East End Methodist Church. This mark or bears from the azimuth station 37*^ 36^.5

east of true north. The Burton signal pole bears 60" 36^.5 west of true south. The south one of the

two mission towers bears 32" 44^-5 west of true north. The middle one of the electric power-house
smokestacks bears 35" 43'-o east of true north.

Santa Barbara County, Santa Maria, i8g6, "

Observations were made over a stone 2% feet long,
set about one-half foot below the surface of the ground. This stone is 5 by 7 inches on top, with a

small hole marking the center. It was located at the NE. corner of the SE. % of sec. T. 10 N.,

R. W. (S. B. M. ) It is in the center of a much-traveled road almost opposite a lane entering this

road at right angles, and in line with the southern fence of this lane. It is distant 30 feet from the

western fence line of the road. It is also distant 54 feet from this fence line when measured on the

line passing through the center of the stone and the flag pole on the grammar-school building when

this line is extended. The observations with the magnetometer were made at a point on this
29 1

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

extended line distant feet from the stone. The dip observations were made over a point about

60 feet west and 10 feet north of the stone. The azimuth observations were made over the stone.

The mark the base of the flag pole the grammar-school building. This mark or
or range was on range

from the azimuth station bears 52" 04^.0 east of true south. The flag pole on Masonic Hall bears i^ 58^.5
west of true south. The Methodist church spire bears 10" 42^. 2 west of true south. The one-half

section division line in the fence direction bears 89" oy.o east of true south.

Santa Clara County^ Lotna PrUta or Mount Bache^ 1884. "

The station is distant 14.63 meters

from the geodetic station, nearly in the direction of Mocho geodetic station. The geodetic station is

situated on the highest peak of the range

of mountains forming the boundary line between the

counties of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz. It is locally known as Loma Prieta. It is marked by a

concrete pier 3^ feet high.

Santa Cfura County Mount Hamilton^ Lick Observaiory^ igoi. "
^The station is 78 feet, 29^" west

of magnetic south of the south comer of the Coast and Geodetic Survey astronomical house. It is

marked by a stake, but Professor Campbell, the director, has promised to mark it in a more permanent


Santa Clara County, Mount Mocho, 1887. "

The station is 159 feet 7 inches north of the geodetic
station *'
Mocho." It is marked by a wooden post. The mark or range used was the center of the

large dome of the Lick Ob8ervator^' on Mount Hamilton, and bears 26" 57^.6 west of true south.

Santa Clara County, San Jose, /8p6. "

Observations for declination and intensity were made over

a small angular bowlder buried a few inches below the surface of the ground. There is a small hole

in the center of a cross in the top of this stone marking the point. The observations for dip and

azimuth were made over a point 50.4 feet distant from this bowlder, in the line joining the center of

the bowlder with the flag pole on the court-house where this line is extended. This bowlder is situated

in Oak Hill Cemetery, about miles south and i mile east of the county court-house. The point
3 over

which the dip and azimuth observations were made is 52 feet westward from the small reservoir (in
the extreme western part of the cemetery), measiured on the central line of this reservoir when this

line is extended. It is also distant 68.6 feet littie east of north from the of the
a comer cemetery
boundary fence. The mark or used was the flag pole on the court-house. This mark
range or range
bears from the azimuth and dip station 27" 37^.5 west of true north. The flag pole on the Normal

School Building bears 20" 40^.3 west of true north. The center of the reservoir bears 91** 15^.0 east of

true north. The center of the large dome of the Lick Observatory bears 75" 44^.3 east of true north.

Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz, 7^96." Observations were made over a honeycombed limestone

bowlder buried a few inches below the surface of the ground. The top of this bowlder is cut away,

leaving small bench about i yi inches A small hole in the center of this bench marks the
a square.

point. This bowlder was located on the United States Light-House Reservation, in the line with the

center of the light-house and the flag pole of the reservation when this line is extended. It is distant

108.2 feet from the flagpole, and 42.2 feet from a brick wall near the circular roadway southeast of

this bowlder. Observations for dip were made over a point feet distant from this bowlder in the

line to the Baptist church spire. The mark or used was the spire of the Twin Lakes Baptist

church. This mark or range bears 60" 35^.1 east of true north. The center of the light-house and

flag pole bears 12" 06^.7 west of true north. The center of the brick wall bears 36^ 26^.4 east of true


Shasta County, Redding, 18^7, Azimuth observations made hewn granite feet
were over a post 4

long, projecting i"^ feet above the surface of the ground, 11 by 7 inches on top, with a cross marking
the center. This north meridian stone is lettered on its west perpendicular face, U. S. C. " G. S. on

its east face, MAG. STA., and on its south face, 1897. It was located about three-fourths of mile

northwestward from the county court-house, and about 800 feet east of the western end of the long curve

which begins at the railway station of the Oregon Division of the Central Pacific Railroad. It is

about 250 feet south of the railway track, and is near the northern edge of the plateau-like bench

between the south bank of the Sacramento River and the hill south of it. Another granite post was

located 700 feet true south of this north meridian stone, with a cross marking its center. This south

meridian stone is lettered its west vertical face, U. S. C. " G. S., its north face, and its
on on 1897, on

east face, MER. MARX. The magnetometer station is on the line joining the center of the north stone
292 1902.

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

with the center of the head of the statue of Justice on the cupola of the court-house when this line is

extended 15 feet from the center of the stone. The dip station is on the line joining the centers of

the north and south meridian stones, 60 feet south of the center of the north stone. The mark or

used the center of the head of the statue of Justice on the cupola of the court-house. This
range was

mark or range from the north meridian stone bears 38" 10^.5 east of true south.

Solano County^ Fairfield iSgy. Observations were made near smooth white marble post
a 4

feet long set 2 feet in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top, with a cross marking the center. The east

perpendicular face of this post is lettered MAG. STA., and its north face 1897, and its south face

U. S. C. " G. S. This marble post was located i 120 feet west and 2 100 feet south of the county house.

It is near the comer of a block, as the town is laid out, 310 feet west of the comer fence of

a field, and 10.7 feet north of the south fence of this field. A similar post to this south meridian

stone was located about i 170 feet true north of it, 12 feet west of the northwest comer of a block

of this town, as laid out. This nortli meridian stone is lettered on its perpendicular south face MER.

MARK, on its west face U. S. C. " G. S., and on its east face 1897. The azimuth station is on the

line joining the center of these two meridian stones, when this line is extended 15 feet south of the

south meridian stone. The magnetometer station is on the line joining the center of the azimuth

station with the flag pole on the court-house, when this line is extended 22.5 feet from the azimuth

station. The dip station is about 50 feet true east of the magnetometer station. The mark or range
used was the flag pole on the county court-house building. This mark or range from azimuth station

bears 27" 53^.4 east of true north. The flag pole on the high school building bears 34" 28^.2 east of

true north. The flag pole on the Masonic House at Suisun bears 30" 36^.6 east of true south. The

tall flag pole at Suisun bears 27^ 55^.6 east of true south. The mark or range from the center of the

south meridian stone bears 28" 03''.8 east of true north. The flag pole on the high school building
bears 34" 42^.3 east of true north. The flag pole on the Masonic House at Suisun bears 30** 24^.0
east of true south. The tall flag pole at Suisun bears 27" 45^.9 east of true south.

Solano County Mare Island Navy-Yard^ iSSj. "

Surface stones gone.

Sonoma County^ Santa Rosa^ ^^97- "
Observations were made over a granite post 5 feet long set

3"f^ feet in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top, with a small hole in the center marking the point. The

east vertical face of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S., 1897, and the west face MAG. STA. The

located in the grounds of the Pacific Methodist College, and feet from the south fence of
post was 3 grounds. A similar granite post was set 5S6 feet true north of this post near the north fence

of the grounds. This north stone is lettered on

its perpendicular west face MERID. MARK, and

on the east face U. S. C. " G. S., 1897. The azimuth station is over the center of the south ment.

The magnetometer station is on the line joining these two monuments 36 feet from the south

monument. The dip station is 60 feet true east of the magnetometer station. The mark or range

used the tip of the in the hand of the statue on the court-house dome. This mark
was spear or

from the south stone bears i" 21^.0 west of true south. The base of the flag pole on the round

tower of the college residence building bears 38" 23^.0 west of true north. The top of the short pole

on the square tower of the main college building bears 32" 57^.0 east of true north.

Stanislaus County^ Modesto^ ^^97- "

Observations were made within a few feet of a granite block

by by 28 inches, lettered on its top U. S. 1897, Mag. Sta., with a small hole in its center marking
12 17

the point. This granite block is firmly set and projects about 10 inches out of the ground. It was

located in the rear part of the Odd Fellows* Cemetery, about three-fourths of a mile northeast of the

county court-house. It is on the line of the northern boundary fence, 52 feet west of the nearest edge
of the brick receiving vault. The azimuth station is on the line joining the center of this stone with

the bottom of the flag pole next to the statue on the court-house, distant 43.4 feet from the center of

the granite block. The magnetometer station is in the same line, distant 9.4 feet from the center

of the granite block. The dip station is 55 feet south of the magnetometer station. The mark or

used was the bottom of the flag pole next to the statue on the court-house building. This mark

or from the azimuth station bears 51*' ii''.3 west of true south. The rod on the vane of the

North Methodist Church spire bears 49" 53^.3 west of true south.

Tehama County, Red Bluffy /"?97. "Azimuth observations were made over a hewn granite post
feet long, projecting 1% feet above the ground, 6"^ by 7 inches on top, with a cross marking the

CALIFORNIA" Continued.

center. This north meridian stone is lettered on its north vertical face 1897, on its east face MAG.

STA., and on its west face U. S. C. " G. S. It was located about i}4 miles northwestward from the

county court-house, and is on the line forming the northeastern boundary of Johnson street, and is

about 648 feet from the northwestern boundary line of Breckenridge street. A similar post to this

north meridian stone was located 970 feet true south of it, on the southern edge of the county road.

This south meridian stone is lettered on its west vertical face MER. MARK, and on its south face

1897, and on its north face U. S. C. " G. S. The magnetometer station is on the line joining the

center of the north meridian stone with the flag pole on the belfry of the Red Bluff public school,

when this line is extended 15 feet from the center of the stone. The dip station is on the same line

feet from the center of the stone in the direction of the schoolhouse. The mark or range used

the flag pole the belfry of the Red Bluff schoolhouse. This mark or from the north
was on range

meridian stone bears 40" 27^.0 east of true south. The spire of the Presb3^erian church bears 67"

19^.7 east of true south. The rod on the town hall belfry bears 66" 08^.3 east of true south. Mount

Lassen Peak bears 61" 32^.0 east of true north. Mount Shasta Peak bears 1" 54^.7 east of true north.

Tulare County^ Visaliay iSgj. "

^There was planted here a hard bluish-looking stone, 10 by 5 by 18

inches, projecting 2 inches above the ground. The top of the stone is lettered U. S. with a cross

marking the center. This stone was located on the southeast comer of the Visalia cemetery, on the

eastern fence line, 29.6 feet north of the southeast comer of the cemqtery. The azimuth station is in

the line joining the center of this stone with the flag pole on the Visalia public school when this line

is extended feet in the cemetery. The magnetometer station is on the same line, 21.7 feet from

the center of the stone, when this line is extended in the cemetery. The dip station is 55 feet north

of the magnetometer station. The mark or range used was the base of the flag pole on the Visalia

public school tower. This mark or from the azimuth station bears 61" 5c/. 7 east of true south.

The base of the flag pole on the high school building bears 85" 52^.8 east of true north.

Tuolumne County, Mount Conness, /8go. "

The station is 20.7 feet west and 57.7 feet north .of the

transit pier (which is 5.07 feet west of the lat. pier) and 28.6 feet east and 81.4 feet north of the vertical

circle pier. The mark or range used was azimuth mark on Mount Hoffman, about "^ miles distant,

and bears 50" 50^.5 west of true south.

Ventura County Ventura iSgy. "

Observations were made over a point located about one-half a
, ,

mile from the seashore on the slope of the hill just back of the mission. The azimuth station is in

the street outside of the **

Hill "
Brick **
schoolhouse grounds, 14 feet in front of the retaining
wall forming the division between the grounds and the street, and distant i feet from the southeast

comer of these grounds, measured along this wall. There is a U.-r S. cut into the perpendicular face

of this wall 13. 1 feet from this southeast comer, i^ feet below the top of the wall. A vertical plane
joins the azimuth station with the Methodist church steeple, and through this the wall
passes cross on

when this plane is extended 14 feet from the station. The magnetometer station was in this same

plane between the azimuth station and this wall, distant 5 feet from the wall. The dip station is also

in this plane in the school grounds, distant about feet from the wall. The mark used
30 or range was

the Methodist church spire. This mark or range from the azimuth station bears 37" 01^.2 east of true

south. The cross on the mission tower bears 19" 23^.0 east of true south. The high .school tower

bears 70** 19^.2 east of true south.

Yolo County Woodland i8g8. "

Azimuth observations were made over a hewn granite post 4^
y ,

feet long, projecting i %, feet above the ground, by 6 inches top, with marking the center.
13 on a cross

This south meridian stone is lettered on its east vertical face U. S. C. " G. S., on its west face MAG.

STA., and on its south face 1898. It was located in the southwestern part of Woodland, 6yi feet east

of the west line of Lola street and about feet south of the south line of Pendegast street. A
similar post to this south meridian stone was located i 659 feet true north of it, 6"^ feet south of the

north line of Oak street and 2^% feet west of the east line of Lola street. This north meridian post is

lettered on its north vertical face MER. MARK, on its south face U. S. C. " G. S., and on its west

face 1898. The magnetometer station is the line joining the center of the south meridian
on post
with the rod on the weather vane of the high school tower when this line is extended 26.5 feet from

the center of the post. The dip station is the line feet from the and south of it. The
on same 50 post
mark or used was the rod on the weather of the high school tower. This mark
range vane or range.

COLORADO" Continued,

T. R. W. It is about 7 miles southeast of Arapahoe station, on the Union Pacific Railroad, on

15, 42

the highest hill in the neighborhood. It is marked by a tack in the end of a white oak post.

Cheyenne County^ Cheyenne Wells i8g2. "

The station is in the northern part of T. 13 S., R. 45 W.,

about miles northwest of the town on the Union Pacific Railroad. It is marked by a block of stone

II inches square on top, with two intersecting grooves.

Cheyenne County^ Cheyenne Wells, -Observations were made over a tack in cedar
/900. copper a

post by inches top and 3^ feet long, set about 38 inches in the ground. This post is located
5 5 on

about yards northwest of the court-house, just north of the church and the city water tank. It is

distant 184,7, ^.nd 197.8 feet, respectively, from the water tank, from the northwest corner

of the church and from the northwest comer of a bam southeast of the station. The mark or range

used was the lightning rod on a house. This mark or range bears 16" 46^.3 west of true south. The

base of the flagstaff on the schoolhouse bears 47" 37^.6 east of true south. The cupola of church near

railway station bears 14" 51^.2 east of true south.

Cheyenne County, First View, 1892," The station is in the NE. % NE. X NW. % NE. X NW. V
T. S., R. 46 W. It is 221.2 meters south 82" 42^.8 west from the half -section corner at
sec. 34, 14

the center of section line 27 and 34. It is on a hill i ^ miles south by west of First View, a station

the Union Pacific Railroad. It is marked by a block of soft cream-colored limestone inches thick,
on 9

and inches by 12 inches across, with cross marks to mark the exact point.

Cheyenne County, Landsman, 1892. ^The station is in the NW. corner T. S., R. 46 W. It is

about miles north-northwest from the station First View, on the Union Pacific Railroad. It is

marked by an irregular block of yellowish white sandstone about 5 inches by 10 inches in cross section,

with cross marks.

Cheyenne County, Monotony, 1892." The station is in the SE. comer NW. X SW. X NW. }^ NE. }4
8, T. S. R. W. It is the highest point of the divide between the north fork of Smoky
sec. 12
43 on

Hill River on the north and Sand Creek on tiie south. Mr. A. Eichels knows the location. It is

marked by a piece of white oak fence post.

Conejos County, Coftefos, i8gp. "

Observations were made over a copper tack in a stub driven flush

witii the ground. This stub was located in the court-house grounds, in the line between the house

tower and the bell tower of the schbol building. It is distant and feet, respectively,
153.5 299.2

from the southwest and the northwest comers of the court-house building. It is also distant 109.8

feet from the northwest comer of the fence inclosing the court-house grounds. The railway and

station for Conejos is Antonito, and about i }i miles south of it. The mark or used
express range was

the intersection of the eastern dormer window roof and the roof of the residence of Mr. Sampson
about five-eighths of a mile distant. This mark or range bears 6" 10^.8 east of true south.

"1 Paso County, Colorado Springs, 1886, "

The station is about 100 feet east and 161 feet north of

the astronomical station, which is located in the Experimental Garden about 200 feet west of the east

gate and north of the main walk. The Experimental Garden is just east of the passenger depot of the

Denver and Rio Grande Railroad.

El Paso County, Pikes Peah, i8gs- "

^The station is 69.7 feet from the geodetic station 41" 06^.6

east of true south. The geodetic station is on the summit of the peak and is marked by a hollow

stone and cement pier 12.8 feet high.

Garfield County, Tavaputs, i8gi, "

^The station is in the line Tavaputs geodetic station Treasury
Peak, feet inches from the former. The geodetic station is on the southern edge of Book tains
35 9

about miles from the boundary line between Utah and Colorado. It is about three-fourths

mile east of Bitter Creek which has its .source in a spring \% miles north of the station.

Gunnison Couuty, Gunnison, 1886. "

The station is in the court-house yard in the rear of the

court-house 100 feet south and 2 feet west of the astronomical station which is marked by a stone pier.
Gunnison County, Mount Treasury, i8gj. "
The station is located on the summit of Treasury
Mountain, prominent peak in the Elk Mountain It is about 500 feet east and feet above
a range. 150

the entrance of the Eureka silver mine. It is 30.73 meters from West Base station to southwest and

626.85 meters from Mount Treasury triangulation station to northwest. The mark or used
range was

Snow Mass Peak and bears 11" 08^.1 east of true north.

COLORADO" Continued.

Hinsdale County, Uncotnpahgre, /8g^." The station is 26.63 meters almost due south of the

geodetic station. The geodetic station is on the north side of the summit of Uncompahgre Peak

within lo feet of the edge of the perpendicular cliff.

Kiowa County^ Sheridan Lake^ Observations were made cedar stake inches in
/900." over a 5

diameter and 32 inches long, set about 31 inches in the ground. This station is located between Main

street and the church, approximately in line with the south or front wall of this church. It is distant

1 18. 1 and 100 feet, respectively, from the corner of the church and from the approximate center of

Main street. The mark or range used was the east lightning rod on the first stone building to the

south of the stake. This mark or bears 2" 52^.5 west of true south. The west lightning rod
range on

Citizen's Bank bears 20" 12^.3 west of true south. The spire on the cupola of the schoolhouse bears

61" 29^.5 west of true north.

Kit Carson County^ Burlington^ igoo. Observations were made over a tack in a white

cedar post 5 inches in diameter and 42 inches long, set 38 inches in the ground. This post is located

on the vacant lot in the second block north of the court-house. It is distant 279.8, 255.5, "nd 237 8

feet, respectively, from the southwest and northwest corners of the inclosure east of this post and from

the northeast comer of the inclosure west of the post. The mark or used was the flagstaff on the

court-house. This mark or bears 1" 25^.6 west of true south. The line, center *'
C '*
post to the
railway, bears 5 1 04^.0 west of true north. The bottom of the flag pole on schoolhouse bears 90** 48^. i

east of true north.

Lake County^ Mount Elbert^ i8g4, "

The station is 10 feet almost due west of the geodetic station.

The geodetic station is on the summit of Mount Elbert, about 7 miles by trail from the Post-Office

Twinlakes (Dayton).
Las Animas County, Trinidad 1888. "
^The station is almost opposite the Methodist church on

Maple street. It is in the yard of the public high school, 59 feet i inch from the northeast comer of

the school building, 65 feet 2 inches from the inner edge of the sidewalk on Maple street, and 16 feet 9

inches from the inner edge of the plank fence marking the northern boundary of the school grounds.
It is marked by a cedar post.

Logan County Sterling igoo, "

Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches on top,
y ,

feet long, set inches in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U.'S. C. " G. S., with a
3 33

small hole in the center of it. This hole marks the point. This post is located in Mr. G. C. Brown's

pasture, about i"^ to 2 miles west of Sterling. It is placed on the brow of the hill about 500 feet south

of the Sterling and Greeley road. This pasture land is school land, and is leased by Mr. Brown.

The mark or used was a telegraph pole showing through the draw. This mark or bears
range range

II" 04^.8 east of true south. The spire of the Presbyterian church bears 86" 25^.4 east of true north.

The spire of the Baptist church bears 85" 15^.6 east of true north.

Mesa County, Chiquita, f8g^. "

The station is on the northern rim or brow of Pinon Mesa, about

12 miles southwest of Grand Junction.

Mesa County, Grand Junction, i8gs. "
^The .station is the longitude station of 1886, located in

Cottonwood Park, near the northeast corner. It is marked by three stones, two 6 feet long, 8 inches

sunk feet in the ground, and the third placed between them. The third stone is smaller
square, 3

and is marked on top with two intersecting grooves.

Prowers County, Lamar, Observations made over a t^ck in a cedar post 5

/goo. " were copper

inches in diameter and feet long, set feet in the ground. This post is located in the vacant block
3 3

adjoining the school building, It is distant 325 feet from the southwest corner of the school building.
It is also distant 163.5, 200, and 233.3 ^^^t, respectively, from the centers of the streets south, west, and

north of this vacant lot. The mark or used was the center post in the city water tank. This

mark bears 28" 23^.9 east of true south. The church spire just below the hill bears 24" 22^.1
or range

east of true north. The tip of the belfry of the schoolhouse bears 85" 25^.7 east of true north.

Pueblo County, Plateau, i8g4. "

The station is 70.7 meters from the geodetic station on the line to

Little Pisgah Peak. The geodetic station is on a high plateau about miles north-northeast of

Pueblo, Colo., and 3^^ miles northeast of Overton. (It is on land owned by Mr. Steel. ) It is on the

highest ground at the north end of the plateau. It is feet from the north gatepost of the fence

along the east boundary from Mr. Steel's property and 168 feet from the second solid fence post from

COLORADO" Continued.

the north post of the gate. It is marked with a granite post 6 inches square, on top lettered U. S. C. S.

with two intersecting grooves.

Pueblo County, Pueblo, fS^. Observations were made over a tack in a stub i foot long


and i}^ by I ^ inches on top, driven about flush with the ground. This stub was located in the

southwest comer of the Mountain View Cemetery, 61.2 feet from the western fence line, 126.3 feet

from the southern fence line of this cemetery, and near Lawrence and Willow avenues. This point is

about 2"^ to miles south of the station where magnetic observations were made in 1888, which is no

longer available. The mark u-sed was the southern ridge of Mr. Mahoney's house. This
or range

mark bears 31" 19^.9 east of true south.

or range

Saguache County, Mount Ouray, 1894, "

^The station is 50.4 feet almost due north of the geodetic
station. The geodetic station is located on the summit of Mount Ouray on tlie **
Great Continental

Divide.*' It is about meters in northeasterly direction from Marshall Pass railroad station.
4,000 a

Washington County, Akron, Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches
1^00. " oi

top and feet long, set 34 inches in the ground. The top of this post is lettered U. S. C. " G. S.

with a cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on

the vacant lot west of the brick school building, and in line with the north side of this school

building. It is distant feet from the northwest comer of the school building and 204 feet from

the center of the principal street of the town, which is west of this vacant lot. The mark or range

used was the tip of the cupola on the Methodist chiuxh. This mark or range bears 15^ 35''.8 west of

true south. The tip of the center post on the water tank bears 20" 04^.5 west of true south. The tip
of the belfry on the schoolhouse bears 83" 04^.2 east of true south.

Yunui County, Yuma, Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches on top and
igoo. "

inches in the ground. The of this is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. with

3 feet long, set 34 top post ,
a cross

in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on a vacant lot

about one-half mile south of the Burlington Railway, southeast of the Presb3rterian church, and

northwest of the city water tank. It is distant 270 and 155.9 feet, respectively, from two fire hydrants

near the western edge of Main street. It is distant 287.1 feet from the southeast corner of the

Catholic chmch, which is across the street west of this post. The mark or range used was the tip of

the post on the center of the railway water tank. This mark or range bears 31" 13^.2 east of true

north. The lower part of the spire of the Presbjrterian chiu-ch bears 22" o8'.8 west of true north.


Hartford County, Hartford, 18^, "

The station is located in the large open space in the capitol

grounds northeast of the State capitol, at the foot of the hill and in what was
the new park." The

point is about halfway between the stone bridge and the bridge leading directly to the railroad depot
and about 100 yards from the river. It is marked by a dressed stone post sunk 2 feet in the ground,
with its top flush with the surface. The top of this post measures 4 inches by 4 inches, and is lettered

U. S. C. S. This stone is distant 41 yards from the inner edge of asphalt connecting the two bridges,
and also distant yards from the road leading to the railroad station. The spire of the South Baptist

church bears 49" 57^ east of true south.

Hartford County, Schoolhouse Hill, i8gi. "

In the western part of Rocky Hill Township, about 8

miles south of Hartford on the property of Mr. G. W. Codair. It is 222 feet from the northeast corner

of the brick schoolhouse and about 85 feet east of a fence.

Hartford County, Taylor, i8gi. "

On Chestnut Hill in South Glastonbury, on the property of

Noel H. Moses. The station is just west of a single row of apple trees running north and south across

the top of the hill and about 89 feet from the west fence, 472.5 feet from north fence, and 294.3 feet

from the south fence of the field.

Middlesex County, Westfield, i8gi. "

About a mile and a half south of Westfield in the western

part of Middletown Township, on land. of Ebenezer Bacon. The station is in a field with

numerous apple trees, 13^ feet from the east fence and 191 feet from the south fence.

New Haven County, New Haven, i8gs- "

The station is located in the grounds of the Yale nomical

Observatory, feet 9*^ inches due north of the center of the transit of the observatory.

The exact point is marked by tack in the end of a solid red cedar post 2% feet long, sunk
a copper

flush with the surface of the ground.



Kent County, Bombay Hook, 7^99. "The station is in a field on the beach in the line joining Duck

Creek Light and Woodland Beach Hotel. It is about feet south of stunted tree the tide
500 a near

line and about five-eighths mile from the hotel.

Kent County, Dover, 1S97. "

Station is in the east half of the public park near the center of the

town. The exact point is marked by a pine stake driven flush witli the surface of ground. The stake

is about I meter north of the line of the south fence of the capitol building and about meters west of

its west fence. It is also about 5 meters southwest of the large elm tree which stands at the eastern

edge of the park, a little south of the front entrance to the capitol.
Kent County, Harrington, i8gg. "
^The station is located in the northwest comer of the white lic
school, the exact point being marked by a tent peg.
is 19.6 feet south of the north fence,

28.6 feet from the comer, and 14.2 feet from the west fence.

Newcastle County, Newark, iS^, "

^The station is on the farm of the Lewis heirs, three-fourths

mile from depot, south of Delaware avenue about 350 feet, and about 400 feet east of South lege

A stake paces south of the north fence, and 8 paces east of the back from ware
avenue. 9 comer

avenue, marks the exact point.

Sussex County, Cape Henlopen, 188^. "
^The station is located among the sand hills west of United

States Signal Service tower and Cape Henlopen Light-House; 336 feet from the former and feet

from the latter.

Sussex County^ Dagsboro, i8gg. "

^The station is 500 yards north of Pepper Creek Ditch bridge,

no yards back from the road on a line at right angles to the road, between the second and third

houses from Lingo and Lingo's.


Washington, igoi. "

^The small magnetic observatory in the yard adjoiniug the Coast and Geodetic

Survey Office.


Ataehua County, Gainesville, igoo. "Observations were made over a point on the campus of the

seminary, across University street. This point is directly in front of the center of the dormitory,
the south side of the 32 feet from East Church street, loi }i feet from University street,
near campus,

and 97^ feet from the street on the east side of the campus. It is also about 1200 feet north and 500

feet east of the court-house building. The mark or used was the spire of the Baptist church.

This mark or bears 5" ii^6 west of true south.


Brevard County, Bell, 1883. "

^The station is on the west shore of Indian River, 4 meters west of

Jie shore line, 70 meters south of the mouth of Taylor Creek, and 570 feet east of Mr. Alexander

Bell's house. It is marked by a block of coquina.

Columbia County, Lake City, igoo, Observations were made over a point in the lot two

west of the court-house. This point is distant 141, 80, and no feet, respectively, from the

north side of the street north, from the west side of the street west, and from the Catholic church

southeast of this point. A stub was driven close against the fence on the south side of the second

street south of station to mark the true meridian. The mark or used was the belfry of the

Episcopal church. This mark or range bears i^ 57^.6 west of true south.

Dade County, House of Refuge No, 2, 1883. The station is the side of Hutchinson
upon ocean

Island, about meters from the sea wall and 18 meters north of the northeast corner of the house of

refuge. It is marked by coquina stone 6 inches projecting about 6 inches above the ground.
a square,

Dade County^ Hills, 1884. "

The station is on the north side of Hillsboro Inlet, on the bluff that

runs down to the inlet, about 25 meters from the end and some 25 meters from the high water line

the outside beach. Mr. Steve Andrews, keeper of the House of Refuge No. knows the locality.
on 3,

It is marked by a coquina stone 6 inches square, projecting about 4 inches above the ground.
Dade County, Spencer, 1884, "
The station is on the northern one of the three shell mounds, known

as "Spencer Hill,'* on the east shore of Lake Worth. It is about 75 meters back from the ocean bluff

and meters north of the 20-mile post from House of Refuge No. 3. It is on land owned by Mr.

FLORIDA" Continued.

Spencer, and the location of the station is well known to him. It is marked by a coquina stone 6

inches projecting about 4 inches above the surface of the ground.


Duval County, Baldwin, igoo. "

Observations were made pver an oak peg located nearly in line

with the west side of Center street. It is distant 48 feet from the fence at the east side of Center

street and feet north of the north side of Moody street. Baldwin Triangulation Station is on the

edge of the railroad track, just west of the railway eating house at Baldwin. The latitude and longitude
of this as reduced from this triangulation point of the transpeninsula triangulation, are: Latitude,

30" iy.2 north; longitude, 81" 58^.4 west of Greenwich. The mark or range used was the lightning
rod the chimney of the two-story house on the west side of Center street. This mark or
on range

bears 5" 29^.4 west of true south.

Duval County, Jacksonville, Observations were made over an oak located inside the
igoo. "

race track of the Jacksonville Driving Club, which is at the northwest comer of the intersection of

street and Eighth street, known the shell road. This is little east of the center of the
Hogan as peg a

inclosure, in line with the west end of the grand stand, and 202 feet north of the fence inside the race

track. It is about feet north of Eighth street and 425 feet west of Hogan street. The mark or

used was the pinnacle of the water tower showing just east of the grand stand. This mark

or bears 10" 52'' east of true south.

Escamhia County, Devils Point, 1894. "
^The station is about 100 yards from the end of Devils

Point, on land owned by Dr. Brosenham. It is near the comer of a picket fence. It is marked by a

drain tile filled with cement.

Escambia County Pensacola Navy-Yard, Observations were made over a pine stub, 200

feet east of the east face of the chapel at the Pensacola Navy-Yard, 116 feet from the fence west of this

and I76"^ feet from the fence north of it. Two thumb tacks were driven to mark the true meridian

line, the rail of the fence to the north, and the other in the sill of the east window of the
one on top
dynamo to the south of this The stub is distant 19 feet from a live oak tree, a little west
room, peg.

of south of it. The mark or used was the northwest corner of a small two-story building,

No. at the of South and Center avenues. This mark or bears 27** 31^.2 west of true
14, comer range

south. The center of the navy-yajrd chimney bears 8** 15^.2 west of true south. The navy-yard

flag pole bears 34" 25^.7 west of tme south.

HiUshoro County, Tampa, /88/." The station is in the southeast comer of the court-house

It is marked by a wooden stub 11 feet from the Lafayette street fence and 15.5 feet from the

Monroe street fence.

Jackson County, Matianna, igoo, "

Observations were made over an oak peg located in the large
lot in the of the house of Mr. Pinlayson and northwest of the railroad station. The is about
rear peg

the middle of this Ic^,'at the foot of the steepest slope of the hill. It is distant 186 feet from the

fence of the orchard to the east, feet from the property of Mr. Merritt to the west, 166 feet
pear 230

from the of Mr. Finlayson's shed, and about 5o":" feet from the railroad. The mark
comer or range

used the east gable of the house on the hill beyx"nd the rail^'ay. This mark or bears
was range

4" 23^.6 west of true south.

Leon County, Tallahassee, Observations were made over an oak located in the grounds
/poo." peg

of the West Florida Seminary. It is on the north side of the seminary grounds, 50 feet from McCarty
street and feet west of the street west of this The mark or used the northeast
277 peg. range was

corner of the seminary building, the stone top of the foundation, about 225 feet distant. This mark

bears 46" 39^ east of true south. The center of the tower of the court-house bears 79" 49^
or range

east of true south.

Levy County, Cedar Keys, Observations were made over the same point used for

observations in 1887, east of the Suwanee House and 34 meters due south of the Transit of Venus pier.
The point is marked by a hard-pine The mark or range used was the southeast comer of the

fish house on the wharf. This mark or range bears 7^ 24^.9 east of true south.

Madison County, Madison, Observations were made over an oak driven flush with
1900. "

the ground, located in the park north of the court-house, just east of the band stand. It is distan

feet from the east fence 98.2 feet from the south fence, and feet from the band stand.
62.5 29.5

Another set about feet true south from the south line of the court-house grounds and
peg was 5
300 1902.

FLORIDA" Continued.

about 15 feet from the standpipe. The mark or used was the northwest comer of the house.

This mark or range bears 14" 22^.5 west of true south. The tangent to the east side of the

standpipe bears 5" 08^.5 east of true south.

Monroe County^ Key West^ i8g6. "

The station is in the grounds of the Key West barracks, at the

extreme northeast of the town, on the shore. It is in line with the 'east side of the hospital building.
It is distant 24.12 and 30 meters, respectively, from brick posts at the northeast and northwest comers

of the porch of the hospital, also 20.9 meters from the north fence of barracks.

Nassau County Femandina, igoo. "

Observations were made over a hard-pine stub, on a hill

about I 200 feet north of Main street and three-fourths of a mile west of Amelia Island light-house.
This is 55 feet south of the remains of a hedge, feet north of the second street north of the
peg 300

main street, and about the same distance east of the street running north, by the water works. The

mark used was the west edge of the standpipe. This mark or bears 20" 41^.6 east of
or range range

true south. The court-house bears 63" 22^ west of true south.

Putnam Countyy Palatkay Observations were made over an oak situated vacant
igoo, "

peg on a

lot overlooking the river, at the comer of Hotel and River streets. This is 180 feet northwest of

the fence line of River street and i33"^ feet southwest of Hotel street. The mark or used
range was

the outer edge of outer pile on the end of a lumber wharf. This mark or bears 11" 59^.3 east

of true south.

St, Johns County St. Augustine igoo, Observations were made over hard"pine located in
y y
a peg

the grounds of Fort Marion, about 350 feet nearly north of the city gates. The is distant 169 feet

and feet, respectively, from a fence west and from a fence north of il. The mark or used
130 range

the southwest corner of the fort. This mark or bears 41" 01^.9 west of true south. The
was range

ball on the western gate bears 10" v/. i west of true south.

Santa Rosa Countyy Lindsay 18^4, "

The station is on the west shore of Blackwater Bay and 20

feet outside of the fence line of Mr. Lindsay's land. It is marked by a 4-inch screw pile 6 feet long,

projecting 4 inches above the surface of the ground.

Santa Rosa Countyy Mill Pointy 18^4. "
The station is on the northern one of the two points at

the entrance of East River into East Bay, called Millers Mill Point. It is 150 feet from the two cedar

trees at the end of the point and 50 feet inside of high-water line.

Santa Rosa County Pondy i8gs. "

The station is on the south one of the two points at the entrance

of East River into the bay. It is on the beach, 10 feet from high-water mark and 20 feet from the

bayou running back of the point. It is marked by a 4-inch drain tile filled with cement and set so as

to leave about inches projecting above the surface of the ground.


Santa Rosa Countyy Sand Stringy 18^4, "

The station is located on the east side of Escambia Bay

on a string of hard sand which separates the bay from a laige salt marsh. Marked by a drain tile

filled with cement.

Santa Rosa Countyy Shield Pointy i8gs. The station is on the west shore of Blackwater


Bay, on the point of the same name. It is about 15 feet inside of the high water line and about the

same distance from a bluif which rises just back of the shore. It is marked by a 4-inch drain pipe
filled with cement and set in the ground so as to leave about 6 inches project.
Taylor Countyy Perry igoo. Observations were made over a hard-pine located in lot
peg an open

short distance northeast of the court-house. This is approximately 7 feet north and feet east
a peg 52

of the street lines. This lot is i square east of the court-house square, and the street south of it runs

along the northern edge of the comt-house square. The mark or used the east gable of
range was a

small shed. This mark or bears 1" 24^.2 east of true south. The pole on the court-house bears

69" 14^.2 west of true south.

Walton Countyy De Funiak Springs Observations were made over a pine stub located in
igoo. "

the grounds of the Chautauqua Association. It is placed nearly in line with the east end of the tauqua

Hotel, about feet from the lake and 227 feet from the street. It is distant feet south of
50 23

the nearest oak tree and about 350 feet from the railroad station. A stake was set on the opposite side

of the lake to mark the true meridian line. Mr. Stevens, a local knows the exact location of

these stakes. The mark or range used was the cross on the church belfry. This mark or bears

30" 25^ west of true south.



Baldwin County Milledgeville^ Observations were made over a driven flash with the
igoo, "

ground located in the old capitol grounds, which are now the grounds of the Middle Georgia Military

and Agricultural College. This is distant 81 feet 4 inches and 124 feet, respectively, from the

fence east and from the street south of the point It is also distant 26 feet 5 inches and about 275

feet, respectively, from a tree northwest of the peg and from a comer of the old capitol building.

The mark used the center of the dome of the State asylum. This mark or bears
or range was range

5" 02^.8 east of true south. The spire of Trinity church bears 68" 13^.7 west of true south. The

northwest corner of the capitol building bears 5" 25^.8 west of true north.

Bibb County Macon Observations were made over a point in Central City Park. This
y ^
igoo, "

is inside of the track, about feet from the track and directly in line between the middle
point race 175

door of the main exhibition hall and the east flag pole on the stand west of the track. The point is

nearly in line with the prolongation of Walnut street. The mark or used was the east flag pole

the stand west of the race track. This mark or bears 0" 59^.6 east of true south.
on range

Chatham County Sdzfannah, 7^95." The station is on Hutchinson*s Island, opposite Savannah,

in of the steeples of the Exchange and the Presbyterian church. It is in a cluster of large

pine trees just south of the second embankment parallel to the river.

Dougherty County Albany Observations were made over an oak tent driven flush
y ^
jgoo. "

with the ground, located in the court-house grounds, near its north end. It is distant 15.6, 41.6, 58,

and feet, respectively, from the footpath east, from the fence north, from the fence west, and

from the northwest corner of the foundation of the court-house building, south of this The

mark or used was the base of the flagstaff on the Mayer " Grine building. This mark or

bears 28" 40^.7 east of true south. The northwest comer of the court-house building bears

I" 55^.3 west of true south. The base of the flagstaff on the New Albany Hotel bears 34" 38^.8 west

of true south.

Floyd County Romey i8g6. "

^The station is in the southwestern suburbs of the city, in the center

of a knoll near the intersection of Pennington avenue and Cemetery street. It is marked by a yellow

pine post sunk two feet in the ground, flush with the surface of the ground. The post is distant 75

feet from a line of breastworks built around the knoll. It is also distant 60 feet from a blazed pine
tree and about 250 yards from the intersecting streets.

Fulton County y
Atlantay i8g6. "
The station is located in the southeast part of the city, in the

southwest comer of the L. P. Grant park. It is marked by a hard pine stub driven flush with the

surface of the ground. It is in a level oval lawn, graded ground, with hills east and west. It is

distant 15 meters from the center of a double gum tree and almost due north 23.4 meters from a

poplar tree at the south side of the park.

Glynn County Brunsivicky 1887. ^The station is in the large at the comer of
open square

Gloucester and Newcastle streets, west of the corner. It is distant 50 meters and meters,
30 tively,
from the outer edge of the curbstones along Gloucester and Newcastle streets.

Mcintosh County Cedar Pointy ^The station is the property of Capt. W. H. Atwood,
igo2. "

known as Cedar Point Plantation. It is about 20 meters north of a small gully just north of the

residence of Captain Atwood, about 10 meters back from the creek bank, on the edge of a clump of

small cedars.

Macon County y
OglethofpCy igoo. "
Observations were made over a tent pin, driven flush with the

ground, located on the square bounded by Sumter, Cuyler, Anderson, and Macon streets, in the
in the rear of the Baptist church. The point is about i 000 feet northwest of the court-house

building. It is distant 55, 87, 103, and 160 feet, respectively, from the line of the south side of the

church, from the line of Anderson street, from the line of Macon street, and from the east comer of

the church. The mark or range used was the center of the cupola of the schoolhouse building.
This mark or bears 25" 34^.4 west of true south. The center of the court-house cupola bears

28" 43^.6. east of true south. The east comer of the foundation of the church bears 70" 06^.4 west of

true south.

Mitchell County Pelhanty igoo. Observations were made over an oak tent located in an


open field belonging to G. P. Hand, three squares west of the railroad. It is distant 88 feet south of

the street line and 165 feet west of the street line and 400 feet north of the Baptist Church. The mark


occupied by Assistant E. D. Preston in July and August, 1892. and by several previous observers. The

entire island and coast in this vicinity is magnetic lava rock, making the exact location of an old

station essential.

Hawaii Island Waiau^ i8g2. "

On the banks of Lake Waiau (on the summit plateau of Mauna

Kea), feet west of Mr. Preston's latitude station and about 20 feet from the water's edge; elevation

about feet. See Appendix 12, Report for 1893.

13 000

Hawaii Island Waintea, iSgs, "

One station was at the west end of the base line of the ment

at this place, and the other was identical with the station occupied in 1872 by Mr. C. J.

Lyons, near his homestead.

Hazvaii Island, Kawaihae^ /^Jp^." Situated on the property of the Hon. Samuel Parker, between

the boat landing and the Heiau of Kamehameha Island, and about one-third the distance from Heiau.

The magnetic station was about 20 yards southeast of the latitude station. For precise situation, see

Appendix 12, Report for 1893.

Maui Island^ Lahaina^ The station of 1900 is the same as that of 1892, occupied by
igoo, "

Mr. Preston, viz, on the lawn in the rear of the court-house, 92 feet from the north comer of the house

and no feet from the east corner of the bam with stucco walls. The dip circle was shifted a

few feet from its old position in 1892 in order to secure the shade of a large banyan tree and some

mangoes, so that it was distant from the magnetometer station 58.5 feet, and bears 130^ 19^ east of true


Maui Island, Kahului, i8gg. The magnetometer was on the first prominent sand dune (at)out 6

feet high) east of Kahului, and about 200 feet back from the beach, in with the north end
or 7 range

of the ridge of a dwelling used by company employees, and lowest angle visible in lao Valley. The

dip circle in a small hollow on southeast side of same mound and on with south end of ridge
was range

of same dwelling and lowest angle in sky line of lao Valley. The magnetometer station was marked

by a subsurface mark of a bottle in cement and a similar surface mark. The soil is a coral sand,

covered with and vines, sufficient to prevent drifting. The station is well above the
sparse grass

highest seas, and apparently free from all disturbing influences. The position of the dip circle was

marked by a wooden stub. It is 3 feet east of line from magnetometer to two chimneys of pumping
station across the lake.

Oahu Island, JVaikiki, i8gi. "

^The station was situated near the astronomical observatory for

latitude observations and on the property of Mr. J. F. Bi^own, the precise point being feet south of

center of observatory and 18 feet west of it.

Oahu Island, Honolulu, igoo. "

In the public yard near the Government survey building. The

precise point is marked by a wooden stake with a nail in the top of it and can be pointed out by
members of the Hawaiian survey office. The azimuth mark is the triangulation mark on Pimch

Bowl, the geodetic azimuth of which, according to Prof. Curtis J. Lyons, is 55" I9''.5 east of true north.

Oahu Island, Sisal, igoo. "

Sisal is the first railroad station on the Oahu Railroad west of Eva

Mill station. The immense coral plain, on the south side of Oahu Island, between Pearl Harbor and

Barbers Point (Kalaeloa Point), extends at this point to the railroad and somewhat beyond.
The first station (A) was situated near the highest point, about a half mile south of the railroad

track, the place being known as "Jim's Hill." The station was marked by a stake with stones piled
around it. Nothing but coral rocks on all sides, with practically no stratum of soil.

The second station was in the back yard of Mr. Turner, of the Sisal plantation, and is

marked by a hole drilled in a large coral rock projecting a few inches above the ground.
Oahu Island, Sisal, Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Observatory, igoi. "
^The observatory is

situated about three-fourths of a mile south of the house at Sisal Railroad station, occupied by Mr.

Turner, of the Sisal plantation. Mr. J. A. Fleming made magnetic observations at number
manager a

of points in this vicinity, in addition to those of Dr. L. A. Bauer, in order to determine the most suitable

site of the magnetic observatory. The principal station at Sisal is of com-se the magnetic observatory,
Oahu Island, Puuloa Point, entrance of Pearl Harbor, ^The station is in the yard back of
igoo. "

the abandoned salt works at the entrance oi Pearl Harbor. The precise point is marked by a stake

1 14.7 feet, 47" west of true north, from center of triangulation pier, 37.5 feet from northeast comer of

lot as marked by wooden fence, 23 feet from east fence, and 29.4 feet from north fence.
304 1902.


The brick pier is the same as used by Mr. Preston for his latitude obser\'ations in 1887. The

geological formation consists of sand covering coral rocks.

Oahu Island, Puuloa Railroad Station, In the field south of waiting station and about
igoo, "

yards from the track. The observations were made at this point on the to Puuloa Point (entrance
of Pearl Harbor). Soil not adapted for plantation and at present with prickly
purposes overgrown
bushes and stunted algoroba trees.

Oahu Island, HonouHuli Ranch, The location of this station best be by reference
igoo. " can seen

to the map of the Eva Mill plantation. The ranch can be reached either from railroad station Hon-

ouliuli, and directions given at the ranch house, or from Eva Mill station, and the necessary

obtained from the office of the Eva Mill plantation. On the the field in which the observations

were made is bounded on the west by section C, on the north by sections A and B, and on the south

by sections A and C. An avenue leads from the pump house south across the railroad track, thence

between the cane plantations, and the ranch field on the west side of the field at somewhat less

than one-half mile from the railroad track. This field is stony and has but a thin stratum of red
soil on it, is covered at present by algoroba trees and bushes, and used only for grazing. Station B

was placed in line with Station A and a distant peak, the two stations being about 200 yards distant

from each other, and occupied by Dr. L. A. Bauer mainly for the of determining the
were purpose

most suitable magnetic observatory site.

Oahu Island, Kahuku Ranch, /900. "Situated in the yard on the north side (i. e., toward the road

track ) of the dwelling house occupied by the of the Kahuku Ranch, about half
manager way

between novtheast edge of house and northwest comer of stone wall of yard, 4 west of algoroba

tree and 23 east of west stone wall.


The precise spot has been marked by a stone set fiush with the ground with a hole drilled in the

middle, the center of the hole being 73.82 feet from northeast edge of the spring house, 112.48 feet

from northwest edge of small extension to dwelling house, and 145.32 feet from northeast edge of


Kahuku Ranch is about 4 miles this side of present terminus of Oahu Railroad, which is called

Kahuku station. The geological fonnation to consist almost entirely of coral layers. This
station is doubtless within a few feet of that of Mr. E. D. Preston as occupied by him in November,

Niihau Island, Nonapapa^ 1892. "
^The station was 350 feet distant from the large crane at the

steamer landing, the direction from the crane to the magnetic station being 18^ east of south.

Kauai Island, IVaimea Bay, /^pp." The first station, A, was made near the old Transit of Venus

station, occupied by the English party in 1874, and reoccupied by Mr. Preston, in 1887, while mining

astronomical latitudes for the Hawaiian Government. As it was feared that local attraction

might have influenced the work at the preceding station, a second station was made at Thomycroft.
This station was designated as Waimea '*
B,'' and is situated nearer the sea, on a level piece of land,
with rocks in the immediate neighborhood. It is on what is known as the Rowell property, and

is about one-eighth of a mile west of the house. The station is i 015 feet north and 2 828 feet west

of the Transit of Venus pier. This is taken from large scale made by Mr. William Rowell, and
a map

is correct within a few feet.


Cook County Chicago, Old University, 1888. "The station is in the grounds of the old Chicago

University, yards from the fence along the College Place street, and 31.8 yards east of the fence

along Rhodes avenue. It is marked by a stub sunk flush with the surface of the ground.
Cook County, Chicago, near water tower, /8g/."The station is in the vacant grounds north of the

foot of Chicago It is about 625 feet north and feet east of the
waterworks grounds at the avenue. 230

stone water tower.

Cook County, Chicago, Lincoln Park, The station is near the south end of Lincoln Park,

between the athletic field and the lake. It is 123 feet from the southeast end of the lagoon (measured

from the topmost stone of the embankment) and i23"^ feet southwest from the lake-shore driveway.

is marked of Bedford 6 inches lettered top U. S. C. " G. S., and sunk

It by a post stone, square, on

ILLINOIS" Continued.

6 inches below the surface of the ground. The mark or was a church spire, and bears 87" 35^.3

west of true south.

Hamilton County, McLeansboro, ^The station is in the town cemetery, about 300 feet
1900. "

southeast of the northwest comer. It is in the middle of a drive running north and south. It is 12.7

feet south and feet east of the southeast comer of the Morris lot. It is marked by a white limestone

of cross-section, inches by 8 inches, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. This stone is sunk 2 inches
post 4

below the surface of the ground. The mark or used was the spire on the Catholic church, and

bears of north. The tip of the town water tank bears 59" 45^.4 west of true north.
39" 54-^ west true

Lasalle County, Ottawa, /Sg/."The station is in the southwestern quarter of the city in the

Ottawa It is the bluff just the river in what would be the center of the road which
cemetery. on over

through the Catholic section of the cemetery if the road were extended to the edge of the bluff.

It is between the "Matthews section" on the east and the "Simon section" on the west. It is

marked drill hole in dressed limestone post sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The
by a a

cupola of the Ottawa flour mill bears 63" 22''. i east of trae north.

McLean County, Blootnington, i8gi. "

^The station is in the northwest comer of the grounds of

the Illinois State Normal University, 60 feet south of the north fence and 14 1.2 feet east of the west

fence. It is marked by a drill hole in the top of a limestone post projecting 4 inches above the

ground, and lettered on top U. S. The spire on the main btiilding of the university bears 44" 30^.5
east of true south.

Manon County, Sandoval^ i8g6. "

^The station is located in St. Lawrence Catholic churchyard,
feet northeast of the northeast of St. Lawrence Catholic church, and feet west of the
35.8 corner 17

plank fence on the east side of the churchyard. It is marked by a pine stub.

Sangamon County, Springfield, iSgi. "

Observations were made over the intersection of the

in the top of limestone post T% inches lettered on top U. S. C. S., and sunk
grooves a square,

flush with the surface of the ground. This stone is in the southeast corner of the grounds of the

Lincoln monument, quite near to the eastern one of the line of evergreen trees planted at right angles

to the road leading to the monument. The tree nearest the station is a Norway spruce. It is next to

the road leading to the cemetery The tip of the ear of horse on the cavalry group on ment

(only one ear shows) bears 27" 34^^.5 west of true north.

Vermilion County, Danville, ^The station is near the southwest corner of the grounds of the
igoo. "

National Soldiers* Home, about two miles east of the center of the town, over the south stone of

the meridian line. This is a limestone post ^}i feet long by 8 inches square, lettered on top

U. S. C. " G. S. It is 30 meters north of the center of the public road, which runs by the south

side of the grounds, and is also meters east of the west line of this property. The north meridian

stone is similar and similarly lettered, 429.7 meters distant. The mark or range used was the staff

on the center of the roof of the headquarters building, and bears 3" i8''.9 west of true north.

Washington County, Nashville, ^The station is located in the Masonic cemetery, in the
igoo. "

drive north of block 6. It is on the south side of the drive, 55 feet west of the northeast comer of the

block. It is marked by a white limestone post, 6 by 8 inches, and lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S.

The mark used was the flagstaff on the schoolhouse, and bears 21" 36^ west of true north.
or range

The German Presbjlerian church spire bears 13" 30''.8 east of true north.

Winnebago County, Rockford, /8g/." The station is in the large in Cedar Bluff tery,
open space

23.6 feet from the northern fence, and would be 4 feet east of the eastern edge of the central

road which runs through the cemetery if it was extended to the northern boundary of the cemetery.

It is marked by a dressed limestone rock, lettered U. S. on top, and sunk flush with the surface of

the ground. The center of the Hughston tombstone bears 17" 03''.5 east of true south.


Allen County, Fort Wayne, Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches on top
igoo. "

and feet long, set inches in the groiind. The top of this post is lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a
3 31

cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This stone post is located in a

pasture field owned by Mr. Christian F. Pfeiffer, about i}^ miles north of the court-house. It is

reached by going out the Goshen road past the Catholic Orphans* Home. It is distant 405 feet from

27478 " 02 20

INDIANA" Continued.

the ,north fence of this pasture field, in line with two trees west of the post, and in line with the

Catholic Orphans* Home east of the station. It is distant 205 feet from the first of the two trees west

of the station, and 33.6 feet from a large stump southwest of this stone. Archer avenue is south of

this pasture field. The mark or used was the cross on a tall church spire, St. John's Lutheran

Church. This mark or bears o" 05^.4 east of true south. The spire of the Indiana State

Institute for the Feeble Minded bears 81'' 37^.8 east of true north.

Blackford County^ Hartford City^ igoo. "

Observations were made over a stone post 8 by 8 inches

on top and 3 feet long, set 26 inches in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S.,

with a cross in its center. The center of this cross marks the point. It is located on the farm of Mr.

Charles A. Clouser, about i % miles northwest of the court-house. This post is in a small pasture west

of Mr. Clouser* s house. It is distant 30^, 180, and 234 feet, respectively, from the east, the west, and

the north fences around this pasture field. It is 16.7 feet south of a small tree. The mark or range
used was the tip of the court-house tower. This mark or range bears 34** 3"/'3 east of true south. The

tip of the cupola on a small bam near the stone post bears o^ 30^.4 west of true south.

Decatur County^ Greensburgy Observations were made a stone post 7 by 7 inches

igoo. " over on

top and 3 feet long, set about 2 feet in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S.,

with a small cross in its center. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on the

county farm, about 6 miles north of Greensburg and one-half mile southwest of Sandusky,
poor a

small railway station. It was placed on a small knoll in a small field east of south of the main

building. It is north of a tree and fence. The mark or range used was a small ventilator on the

north (right hand) end of Mr. Mieler's bam, near the post. This mark or bears 66^ S7'-S west

of true south. The church spire at Sandusky railway station bears 33** 37'.o east of true north.

Greene County ^
Bloonifieldy igoo. "
Observations were made over the center of a stone post 6 by 8

inches on top and 3 feet long, set about 28 inches in the ground. This post is located on the county
farm, about three-quarters of mile east of the court-house at Bloomfield. It set in the
poor a was

northwest comer of the farm, near the top of a small hill. It was placed on the highest ground
available. It is near a rail fence, and is north of the orchard and the Bloomfield road. The mark or

used was the back gallery post of the house on the hill nearly south of this post. This mark or

bears 35" 06^.9 west of true south. A prominent red granite monument on the highest part of

Cemetery hill bears 83" 22^. i west of true north.

Howard County^ Kokomo^ Observations made stone post 6 by inches top

igoo, "
were over a 7 on

and feet long, set 2 feet in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a

small cross in the center. The center of the cross marks the point. This post is located on the county

farm, which is about i "^ to 2 miles west of the court-house at Kokomo. It is located in what is known

as the ''blue-grass pasture," a little east of north of the poor-house building and about three-eighths of

a mile from it. This post is 18 feet north of a large black stump about feet in diameter, and

approximately in line with the center of this sttmip and the main building of the farm. The
court-house can be seen through a narrow gap in the timber to the eastward. Th6 mark or range

was the lightning rod on the east end of the poorhouse bam. This mark or bears 14" 15^.6 west

of true south. The flagstaff on the court-house bears 62^ 42^.7 east of true south.

fefferson County, Madison, igoo. "

Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches on top
and 3 feet long, set about 2 feet in the ground. The top of this post is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. with

a small cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on

the campus of Hanover College, about 6 miles from Madison in a westerly direction. This post is set

about 100 feet from the College Observatory, between it and the main building, west of the athletic

field and tennis court. The mark or used was a small post on the right-hand side of the dome

of the main college building. This mark or range bears 76" 09^.6 east of true south. The center of

a small cross on the nearest college building bears 78^^ 56^.5 east of true south.

Knox County, Vincennes, /8g6." The station is in the large on the west side of the
open space

Catholic cemetery west of the city. It is 126 feet from the plank fence on the southeast side and 72

feet from the fence on the southwest side of the cemetery. It is marked by an oak stub.

Kosciusko County, Warsaw, /goo. "

Observations were made over a stone post 7 by 7 inches on top
and feet long, set feet in the ground. The top of this post is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. with a
3 3 ,

INDIANA" Continued.

cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on the county

farm, about 2 miles south of Warsaw. It is on the lawn in front and west of the main building,
and a little south of the main entrance. It is distant 166.2, 184.5, and 246 feet, respectively, from the

south side of the entrance arch of the main building, from the south fence, and from the west fence of

the inclosure in front of the main building. The mark or used was the lightning rod on the

central cupola of Jim Russ's bam. This mark bears 11" 34^.3 east of true south. The tip of
or range

the cupola on the East Ward School building bears 4" 09^.5 west of true north.

Laporte County^ Michigan City^ ^The station is in the park to the south of the Maish
/goo. "

schoolhouse, to the south of the town. It is marked by a limestone post 7 inches lettered

U. S. C. " G. S., and set with its top a few inches below the surface of the ground It is 102.5 ^^^t

to the nearest edge of the sidewalk on the south side of Baker avenue (to the south) and 74 feet to

the line of east wall of the schoolhouse (to the west). The northeast edge of the schoolhouse

bears 9" oi^8 west of true north.

Marion County Indianapolis Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches
y ^
igoo. "

top and feet long, set 2 feet in the ground. The top of this post is lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with

a cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located in Riverside

Park, about 5 miles northwest of the court-house. It is near the break of the hill in the western part
of the park, about 200 yards north of Thirtieth street. It is distant, respectively, 45, 42, and 18 feet

from three trees, and is northwest of the bear cage. The mark or range used was the center of the

head of the figure on the soldiers' monument. This mark or range bears 37" 06^.5 east of true south.

The steeple of a small church bears 73" 51^.6 west of true south.

Montgomery County. Crawfordsville^ igoo. "

Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6

inches on top and 3 feet long, set in the ground about 26 inches. The top of this post is lettered U. S.

C. " G. S., with a cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is

located on the county farm about i mile north of town. It is placed in a small field in front and

southwest of the poorhouse on the west side of the road from Crawfordsville. It is distant 144 and 60

feet, respectively, from the east and north fences inclosing this small field, and is just south of the

orchard. The mark or used was the weather a small white bam just south of tliis stone
range vane on

post. This mark or range bears o** 30^.2 west of true south. The tip of the cupola on the Piskville

schoolhouse bears 5" 58^.2 east of true south.

Morgan County Martinsville Observations were made stone post 8 by 8 inches

^ ^
igoo. " over a

on top and 3 feet long, set about 26 inches in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S.

with a cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on the

county farm, about i }^ miles east of the court-house at Martinsville. It is placed in field
poor a

across the road from the main building, about 200 3*ards northwest of it. It is located on a small

knoll near the south bank of a small stream, 10 feet distant from the edge of this bank. It is also

distant 35, 45. and 75 feet, respectively, from three trees ne"u- an old bam. The mark or used

was the underside of the north gable of a red house just south of the stone post. This mark or range
bears 8" 41^.8 west of true south. The northeast comer of the farm building bears 23" 35^.9 east
of true south.

Orange County^ Baoli^ igoo. "

Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches and 3 feet

long, set 2 feet in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a cross in the

center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on a bald hill northeast

of the public-school building, and about yards distant from it. This hill is about three-
300 or 400

fourths of a mile east of the court-house at Paoli, and is the property of the Thomas Hunt estate.

The mark or used was the tip of the post the cupola of the brick schoolhouse. This mark
range on

or bears 45" 01^. i west of true south. The spire of the court-house bears 82" 40^.9 west of true


St. Josephs County South Bendy Observations made stone post 6 by 6 inches
igoo. " were over a on

the top and feet long, set about 34 inches in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. "

G. S., with a cross in the center of it. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located

on the county farm, about 2 miles east of the court-house at South Bend. It is placed in a field

northeast of the main building, and it was so located that the standpipe at South Bend could just be


seen on the soath side of the large tree west of this post. It is distant 121 feet from the nearest edge
of this tree, and almost in line to second tree the opposite side of the field. The mark or
a on range

used was the flag pole on the building almost south of this stone. This mark or range bears 10" 47^.3
east of true south. The tall church spire at South Bend, with fancy work on spire, bears 85" 4i''.3
west of true south.

Vanderburg County^ Evansville, The station is on the grounds of the Southern Indiana
igoo. "

Hospital for the Insane, about miles east of the town. It is about 600 feet south of west of the

main building, the roadside. It is marked by white limestone post 6 inches lettered on
on a square,

top U. S. o C. " G. S. and projecting about 4 inches above the surface of the ground. The mark or

used was the middle of the foot of the flagstaff on the main building, and bears 23" 52^.5 east of

true north.

Vigo County^ Terre Haute Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches on top
igoo. "

and inches in the ground. This is located the of Mr. McKeen,

3 feet long, set about 26 post on property

dairyman. It is about miles northeast of the court-house, in a small pasture just east of Mr. ^Ic-
a 3

Keen's residence. This pasture is at the corner of Maple avenue and Twenty -fifth street. The stone

is about feet south of the edge of Maple and it is distant about 156 and 204 feet,
393 avenue, tively,

from the south and the west fences inclosing this pasture field. The mark or range used was

the spire of the orphans' home. This mark bears 9" 07^.8 east of true south. The steeple on
or range

the Eighteenth District School building bears 14" 06^.9 west of true south.

Wayne County, Richtnond, Obser\^ations were l^de over a stone post 6 by 6 inches on top,
igoo. "

and feet long, set about 2 feet in the ground. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with

cross in its center. The center of this cross marks the point. This post is located on the campus

of about ^ miles of the city. It is placed in the in the and

Earlham College, i west open space rear

south of the college buildings, and southwest of the dormitory, in line with the last row of shade

trees between the and the adjoining field. It is distant about 63, 45, and feet,
campus proper 51

respectively, from three adjacent trees. The mark or used was the right-hand edge of the

chimney of Mr. Martin's house the field south of this post. This mark bears 13" 12^.8
across or range

east of true south. The tip of a large monument on the southern section of cemetery bears 62" 3i''.2

west of true south. The spire of the Irish church in Richmond bears 87" 38^.2 east of true north.


Cherokee Reservation^ Vinita, /888. "

The station is in a lot owned by Mr. Henry Eiffert, just

south of the Congregational church, in the southwestern part of the town. It is marked by a locust

feet inches from the northeast of Mr. Eiffert's house. It is also 13 feet 1 inch and 15
post 32 2 comer

feet 4 inches distant, respectively, from the north and east fences around Mr. Eiffert's property.


Black Hawk County^ Waterloo^ Observations were made over a marble post sunk almost
igoo. "

level with the ground and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of hole marks point. This post is located

in triangular field in front of Elmwood Cemetery, on the west side of Cedar River. It is 59.8 feet

from the edge of Elmwood Cemetery road and 67.4 feet from the edge of Locust street. The mark or

used was the middle of a small round chimney on a Mr. Sign's house. *

Mark or range bears


east of true south 28" 32^.9.

Boone County Boone Observations made over a white limestone post feet long and
^ ^
igoo. " were 3

6 6 inches the and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the hole marks the point. This post
by at top,
is located in the new city cemetery, in the middle of the 6-foot walk, just west of lot No. 70. The top

of this is inch below the surface of the ground. The center of the post is 10.2 feet and feet,
post I 3.2

respectively, from the northwest and southwest corners of lot No. 70. The mark or range used was

the Swedish church spire. The mark or bears east of true north 4" 26^.3.

Carroll County Carroll, Observations were made over a white marble post 3 feet long and
igoo, "

6 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The center of the central hole marks the point.
by square,

The top of this post is i inch below the surface of the ground. It is located in the town cemetery, in

the ornamental circle in the center of which stands the G. A. R. monument, and 43.6 feet and 43.3

IOWA" Continued.

feet, respectively, from the southwest and southeast comers of the base of this monument. The mark

the center of the foot of the cross on St. Joseph's Catholic church. The mark or range
or range v/as

bears west of true north 52" 59^.0.

Cass County AtlantiCy Observations were made over a white limestone post feet long,
igoo, "

6 by 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The center of the central hole marks the point.

The top of this post is i inch below the surface of the ground. This post is located in the city tery,

in the middle of the walk between lots No. 65 and No. 66, and on the border of the drive east of

these lots, midway between the southeast corner of lot No. 65 and the northeast comer of lot No. 66.

The mark used the tip of the court-house tower. Mark or bears west of true
or range was range

south 93" 45^.4.

Cherokee County Cherokee^ Observations were made over a white limestone post 3 feet
igoo. "

long and 6 by 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central hole marks the

point. This post is sunk with its top even with the surface of the ground. It is located in Oak Hill

Cemetery, east of lot No. 54, block 5, and 7.8 feet and feet, respectively, from the northeast and

southeast corners of this lot. The mark or used was the tip of the main tower on the State

insane asylum. The mark or bears 21" 06^.4 east of true north. The tip of the tower on house

bears 87" 17^.0 east of true north.

Clarke County Osceola igoo, "

Observations were made over a white limestone post 3 feet long
y ^

and 6 by 6 inches square,

and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The center of the central hole mcu-ks the point.
This post is sunk with its top i inch below the surface of the ground. It is located in the town

cemetery, at the eastern end of the cemetery, i foot north of intersection of the middle of the two

walks. This intersection is bounded by lots numbered 49, and 56. The mark or used
50, 55, range

the tip of the court-house tower. The mark or bears 38" 39^.5 east of true north. The tip
was range

of schoolhouse tower be"Lrs 62" 41^.0 east of true north.

Delaware County Manchester Observations made over white marble post feet
^ ^
igoo. " were a 3

long and 6 by 6 inches on top and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the cross marks the point.

This post is sunk level with the ground. It is located in the grounds of the Manchester High School,

150 feet back of the schoolhouse. The mark or range used is the spire of the Presbyterian church.

The mark or bears 24" 4i''.9 west of true south. The northeast comer of the base brickwork of

the school building bears 83" 18''. 7 west of true north.

Des Moines County Burlington Observations were made over a station in a vacant lot
^ ^
igoo. "

near the corner of Jefferson street and Garfield avenue. It is distant 137.7 feet from the center of

Garfield avenue, 14.7 feet from a. fence, and 100.6 feet and 82.5 feet, respectively, from the comers

of the house in proximity of the station. The mark or used was the tip of the steeple of

the Swedish Lutheran church. The mark or bears 26" 59^.4 west of true south.

Dubuque County, Dubuque Obser\'ations were made marble post lettered U. S. The
igoo. "
over a

center of the central hole marks the point. This post is sunk with its top even with the surface of

the ground. It is in the grounds of Mr. J. V. Rider on Seminary Hill, in the southwest corner

of the yard, near the limestone bluff. The mark or range was the spire of the Presbyterian church.

This mark or has been used before for magnetic observations; it bears 6" 04''. 8 east of true

south. The south spire of Catholic Sisters* school bears 87" 01^.3 west of true north.

Fayette County, IVest Union, Observations made over marble post 2 feet long,
igoo. "
were a gray

2 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. The center of the central hole marks the point. This post is

sunk with its top even with the surface of the .ground. It is located in the city cemetery, on the

north side of the main road from the entrance, at a point where a road branches to the north, in the

northwest corner of the junction of the two roads. It is feet from the McClintock monument.

The mark or is the tip of Sarah Beichtol's monument, located near the south fence of the

cemetery. The mark or bears 4" 14^.6 west of true south. The Methodist church spire bears

87** I9''.8 east of true south.

Floyd County, Charles City, Observations made white limestone post 3 feet
igoo. "
were over a

long and 7 by inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central hole marks the

point. The post is sunk with its top even with the surface of the ground. It is located in the grounds
of Charles City College, 200 feet east by north of the college building, and
feet' from the center of

IOWA" Continued.

Jasper County^ Newton igoo, "

Observations were made over a marble post 2"^ feet long, 7

inches and lettered U. S.C. S. The center of the cross marks the point. This post is sunk
with its top flush with the ground. It is located in the grounds of the State Normal College, 216

feet northeast of the building and 151 feet from the corner of the president's house. The marks or

used were the crystal sphere on the middle lightning rod of the house belonging to Mr.
Charles Kapple (almost due south from the station), and the middle of the base of the flag pole on the

colle^ie building. Mark or range bears 10" 22^.2 west of true south. Flag pole on college building
bears 16" 37^.3 west of true south.

Jefferson County y
Fairfield^ igoo.
"Observations were made over the top of a stake driven in the

ground and projecting i inch out of the ground. The center of a copper tack in this stake marks the

exact point. It is located in a field at the comer of Burlington and Ninth streets, 91.6 feet in the rear

of a stable, 121.4 feet from the fence which runs parallel to Ninth street, and 130.7 feet from the

corner of the fences around the lot at the corner of the two streets. The mark or range was the center

of the spire of the Presbyterian church east of south of the station. The mark or bears

78" I9''.8 east of true south.

Jones County, Anamosa, igoo. Observations were made over a limestone post 2^ feet long, by 6

inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the cross marks the point. This post is sunk

2 feet in the ground. It is located in the Anamosa Cemetery at the bend of the road on the top of

the hill in the northwest comer of the cemetery. The mark or range used was the spire of the Baptist
church. Mark or range bears 58" 37^.8 east of true north. Tip of penitentiary water tank bears

35" 32^.9 east of true north.

Lee County, Keokuk, igoo, "

Observations were made over a copper tack in a wooden stub driven

flush with the ground. Observations were made over this point in July and October, and also

in 1877 and 1888. This stub is located in the grounds of Mr. H. H. Clark, distant 72.8 feet from the

north corner of Mr. Clark's house, and 69 feet from the west comer of this house. It is also distant

67.5 feet and 33.8 feet, respectively, from the north and west comers of Mr. Clark's yard. Mr. Clark's

residence is at the comer of Second and Bloundeau streets. The mark or range used was the comer

of a projecting cornice about 75 yards away, the only mark visible. This mark or bears

14" 46''.2 west of true south.

Mahaska County, Oskaloosa, igoo. "

Observations were made in two localities in this town

Observations were first made over a copper tack in a stub which projects 2 inches from the ground.
This stub is located in a field on the west side of South Second avenue immediately to the south of

the house owned and occupied by Mr. Kuntz. It is distant 136 feet from the center of South Second

avenue and 115.8 feet from the southwest corner of Mr. Kuntz's house. The mark or used
range was

the corner of gable roof belonging to Mr. Cowan, about three-fourths mile distant. The mark or

bears 34" 24^.4 east of true south. The comer of the gable of another house bears 70" 41^.7 east
of true south.

Observations were made at a second locality in Oskaloosa. This second point is marked with a

limestone post 2 feet long, and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the cross marks the point. The

top of this post is flush with the ground. It is located in the campus of Penn College, yards south

by west from the comer of the college building. The mark or range used was the tip of the weather

vane on the water tank of the Iowa Central Railroad. Mark or range bears 58** 24^.6 west of true

south. The foot of flag pole on college building bears 28** 02-^.7 east of true north.

Monona County, Onawa, igoo, "

Observations were made over a limestone post 3 feet long, 6 by 6

inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The center of the central hole marks the point. This

post is sunk with its top i inch below the surface of the ground. It is located in the town cemetery,

on the south side of the road running east and west near the north fence of the cemetery, and about

200 feet from the entrance to the cemetery. The point is on a

line with the middle of the walk

between the Belknap and Oliver lots, and is 22. i feet north of L. H. Belknap's monument. The mark

or used was the tip of the court-house tower. The mark or range -bears 15" 14^.9 west of true

north. The tip of railroad water tank northwest of station bears 65" 55^.3 west of true north.

Montgomery County, Red Oak, igoo. Observations were made over a white limestone post feet

long, 6 by 8 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The center of the central hole marks the

point. This post is sunk with its top even with the surface of the ground. It is located in the new

IOWA" Continued.

City Cemetery, in the eastern part of the ornamental circle in the center of the cemetery, 59.6 feet

and 64. 1 feet, respectively, from the northeast and northwest corners of the Moates lot. The mark or

range used was the tip of the court-house tower. The mark or range bears 30" 13^.8 west of true

south. The tip of a tower on the North Ward school building bears 39" 38^.2 west of true south.

O'Brien County^ Hartley^ 1^00, Observations were made over a white limestone post feet long,

6 by 6 inches square, and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central hole marks the point. This

post is sunk with its top even with the surface of the ground. It is located in the town cemetery,
in the walk immediately north of the Bouton lot. No. 7, section D, feet and 20.3 feet, respectively,
from the northeast and northwest comers of this lot. The mark or used was the tip of the town

water tank. The mark or range bears 16** 01^.3 west of true north. The Methodist church spire
bears 6" 58^. i east of true north.

Osceola County^ Sibley^ i8gi. "

The station is just southeast of the Sibley Hotel, 12 1.4 feet south

of the fence along the main street of the town and 14.2 feet west of the fence along the road leading
to the prairie. It is marked by a drill hole in the top of a dressed marble post 4 inches sunk
flush with the surface of the ground. The point of the cupola on the rear of the Sibley Hotel bears

64" 47^.5 west of true north.

Palo Alto County, Emmetsburg, Observations made white limestone

igoo. "
were over a post 3 feet

long, 6 by 8 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central hole marks the point.
This post is sunk with its top level with the ground. It is located in the town cemetery, immediately
north of the Hoffman lot and 7.6 feet and 15.4 feet, respectively, from the northwest and northeast

comers of this lot, and 30.5 feet from Peter Brown's monument. The mark or ased was the
Catholic church spire. The mark or range bears o" 30^.8 west of true north. The tip of the Adaline

C. Harrison monument, near cemetery gate, bears 64** 44^.8 east of true south.

Plymouth County Lemars, /900." Observations were made over a blue marble post feet long,

6 by 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central hole marks the point. This

post is sunk with its top i inch below the surface of the ground. It is located on the of the

Western Union College, east by north of the college building, and 175.6 feet and 201.0 feet, tively,
from the northeast and soutlieast corners of the foundations of this building. The mark or

was the spire of the Presbyterian church. Mark or bears 10" 32^.3 west of true north.
range range

The German Methodist church spire bears 15" 54^.7 west of true north.

Pocahontas County Fonda, igoo. "

Observations were made over a blue marble post 2 feet 8 inches

long, 6 by 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central hole marks the point.

This post is sunk with its top even with the surface of the ground. It is located in the tow^n cemetery,
in the walk, near the Reentsma lot No. 26, 2, block 4, 3.2 feet and 17.8 feet, respectively, from

the southwest and southeast comers of this lot. The mark or range used was the Methodist church

spire. The mark or bears 75" 52^.5 west of true north. The Presb3rterian church spire bears

68" 39^.4 west of true north.

Polk County, Des Moines, 1888. "

The station is just across Ninth street, in the northeast comer

of the capitol grounds, 70 feet 8"^ inches from the outer edge of the curbstone on Grand avenue and

89 feet 8 inches from the outer edge of the curbstone on east Ninth street. It is marked by a tack in

the center of a wooden stub sunk flush with the surface of the ground.
Pottawattamie County, Council Bluffs, igoo. "
Observations were made over a white limestone post
feet long, 6 by 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The center of the central hole marks
3 square,

the point. This post is sunk with its top even with the surface of the ground. It is located in th**

grounds of the Iowa State Institute for the Deaf. It is north of the main building, on the athletic

grounds, between the apple orchard and the maple This post is 107.0 feet south of the center

of the adjacent road and 135.0 feet, 1 13.8 feet, and i ii.o fe^t, respectively, from the first, third, and fifth

of the first row of trees in the adjacent maple grove. The mark or range used was the northwest corner

of the boys' workshop. The mark or bears 54" 23^.5 east of true south. The base of flagstaff on

main building bears 23" 25^. i east of true south.

Scott County, Davenport, /888." The station is in a lot on the north side of Seventh street, just
west of where Scott street runs into it. It is due north of Mr. Herman Block's house, and is 14.0 yards
from the fence along Seventh street and 29.5 yards from the fence along the east side of this lot. It

is marked by a tack in the end of a post sunk flush with the surface of the ground.

IOWA" Continued.

Sioux County^ Perkins^ Observations were made over a block of red sandstone 2 feet long,
igoo. "

by inches top, and lettered U. S. The center of the central hole marks the point. This
7 12 on

sandstone block is sunk 2 inches below the surface of the ground. It is located in the grounds of the

public school, 96.7 feet and 109.3 feet, respectively, from southeast and southwest comers of this

school building, and 11 8. 6 feet from the center of the road which runs near this school building. The

mark or used was the tip of the tower of the Congregational church. The mark or bears
range range

45** 20^.8 east of true north. The flag pole on Dykstra's store bears 55" 23^.8 east of true north.

Union County Creslon^ 1^00. "

Observations were made over a white limestone post 3^ feet lohg,

6 by 8 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. This post is sunk with its top i inch below the

surface of the ground. It is located in the park in the center of Graceland Cemetery, south of lot No.

section A, and 32 feet and 30.5 feet, respectively, from the southwest and southeast of this
572, corners

lot The mark or range used was the Catholic church spire. This mark or range bears 23" 30^.8 west

of true north. The German Lutheran church bears 21" 30^.0 west of true north.

Wapello County^ Ottumwa^ /888." The station is in the grounds of the Adams High School, 119

feet 2 inches from the southeast corner of the foundation of the school building and 63.0 feet from the

eastern fence. It is marked by a tack in a cedar post.

Washington County^ Washington y

igoo. "
Observations were made over a copper tack in a stub

which projects i inch above the ground. It is located in a field a little to the north of the eastern end

of East Madison street. This field borders on the eastern corporation limit, and lies in front of a

house belonging to D. P. Johnson and occupied by S. S. Paul. Winfield Somouse owns this

property. The stub is distant 151 feet from the corporation town limit, 80 from the center of the road

which runs between the house and this field. It is also distant 128.6 feet and 56 feet, respectively,
from the boundaries of this property. The mark or range used was the spire of the First Baptist
church. This mark or bears 86" 59^ west of true south.

Wayne County^ Corydon^ igoo. Observations were made over a limestone post feet long, 6 by 6

inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The center of the central hole marks the point. This

post is sunk with its top 6 inches above the ground. It is located in the northwest corner of the

town cemetery west of W. H. AbeVs lot, and 10 feet northwest of this monument. The mark or

used was the Baptist church spire. This mark or bears 25" 20^.2 east of true north. The
range range

tip of the court-house spire bears 40" 28^.2 east of true north.

Webster County Fort Dodger igoo. "

Observations were made over a white limestone post 3 feet

long, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central hole marks the point.
This post is sunk with its top projecting i inch above the ground. It is located in the
open space
in the rear of the Corpus Christi Catholic Church, near the comer of Seventh street and Fourth avenue,

formerly called Sixth and Jeannette streets. This post is 35 feet from Seventh street, 156 feet from

Fourth avenue, and 1 16 feet from the northwest corner of this church. This point is supposed to be

identical with the point over which observations were made in 1891 The mark or used the
range was

flag pole on Tobin College tower. The mark or bears 3" 33''.9 east of true south. The center of

the cross on Corpus Christi Church bears 65" 58^.3 east of true south.

Winneshiek County^ Decorah^ igoo. Observations were made over a limestone post feet

gray 3

long, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. S. The center of the central cross marks the point.
This post is sunk with its top projecting 6 inches above the ground. It is located in the campus of

the Luther College, 123 feet south of the road running east from the college building and 81 feet east

of the road leading to the gate on the south side of the campus. The mark or used the
range was

north comer of the brickyard chimney. The mark or range bears 20" 08^.5 east of true south. The

tip of the college tower bears 75" 49''.4 west of true north.

Woodbury County, Sioux City, iSgi. "

The station is in the grounds of the Morning Side versity,

in the eastern suburbs of the city. It is in the center of the large just in front of
open space

the center of the new school of art. It is 162 feet from the small projection in the front of this ing

and 1 1 1.5 feet from the fence along the front of the grounds. It is marked by a small drill hole in

a dressed marble post, 4 inches on top, sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The
square range

or mark used was the spire on the Methodist chvu*ch and bears 27" 32^^.4 west of true south.
314 190a.


Worth County Northwood^ igoo, Observations were mpde over a marble post 2 feet long,

2 by inches top, and lettered U. S. The center of the central hole marks the point. This
5 on post
is sunk with its top even with the ground. It is located in the City Cemetery, on the north side of the

road leading from the entrance. It is immediately south of the Christensen lot, No. section
231, 4,

and is distant 6 feet and 22.8 feet, respectively, from the southwest and southeast comers of this lot, and

19.8 feet distant from the center of the road. The mark or used was the tip of the tower of the

water tank. The mark bears 65^ 32^.7 east of true south. The spire of the Norwegian church
or range

(2' miles distant) bears 69" 13^.9 west of true north.


Anderson County Gametty igoo, "

^The station is located on a slight rise in a large open field,

known as Chapman Addition, to the south of town, being on the opposite side of the Western Pacific

track and north of the Sante Fe track. The station was marked by a wooden peg.

Barton County^ Fairmounty 18^2, ^The station is in the NE. % 8, T. 16, R. W. of the sixth
sec. 5

principal meridian, near the northeast comer of Fairmount schoolhouse lot It is 29 feet from the

north boundary and feet from the east boundary of this lot and is feet 8 inches from the
29 127

northeast corner of the schoolhouse. It is marked by a marble post 6 inches lettered top
square, on

U. S. C. S., with two iutersecting grooves.

Brown County Hiawatha^ The station is on the of the academy, southeast of

igoo, "

Hoover Hall about 80 feet. It is marked by a block of native stone 6 inches and lettered
square, on

top U. S. C. " G. S. The mark or used was the northeast comer of the post-office building

and bears 71" 37^.2 west of true north.

Coffey County Buriingtofi, The station is in the southwest portion of lot at the north
igoo. "

end of Third street, owned by Mr. J. B. Young. It is 150 feet from the center of the street to the

south and 250 feet from the center of Fourth street to the west. It is marked by a hedgewood peg.

Douglas County Baldwin igoi. "

^The station is the post on which magnetometer is mounted, at
y y

the temporary magnetic observatory. It is on the farm of J. C. Brockway, about tliree-fourths of a

mile east of the town. The mark or range used is the ball on the flag pole of Science Hall, Baker

University, and bears 48" 20^.6 west of true north.

Ellis County Blue Hilly i8g2. "

^The station is situated on a prominent ridge forming a part of

the Blue Hills. It is in the S. "^ sec. 21, T. 12, R. 16 W. of the sixth principal meridian. It is

marked by a marble post lettered on top U. S. C. S., with two intersecting grooves.

Ellis County Hays, i8g2, "

^The station is near the N. center sec. 24, T. 13, R. 18 W. of the sixth

principal meridian, 29 feet south of the center of the road separating sections 24 and It is about

miles northeast of Hays City. It is marked by a marble post 6 inches lettered top
4 square, on

U. S. C. S., with two intersecting grooves..

Ellis County Smoky Hilly i8gj, ^The station is in the south central portion of 21, T.
sec. 15,

R. 20 W. of the sixth principal meridian, on a prominent hill overlooking the Smoky Hill River. It

is in the southern part of a large cattle range operated by Frank Meserve, esq.,
and is i 000 feet north

of the southern fence of the It is marked by a marble post 6 inches lettered on top
range. square,

U. S. C. S., with two intersecting grooves.

Ford County Dodge Cityy 1888. "

^The station is between Military avenue and Chestnut street, in

the of Mr. B. Foreman's house, near the south end of avenue A. It is feet from the northeast
rear 91

corner and 91.6 feet from the northwest comer of the fence around Mr. Foreman's yard. It is

marked by a solid oak post.

Franklin County Ottaway /^oo.^" The station is in the center of the tract inclosed by the race

track in Forest Park, just west of the Santa Fe Railroad depot. It is feet from the northwest

of the tabernacle and 410 feet from the northeast comer of the grand stand. It is also 47 feet

from an elm tree, feet in diameter, to the northwest. It is marked by a wooden The location
3 peg.

of the station is known to Tom Ashby, the keeper of the park. The mark used was the lightning-
rod on the cupola of a stone house in North Ottawa, owned by Mr. Durmont, and bears 33" 47^"8
east of true north.

KANSAS" Continued.

Geary County^ Junction Cityy r888. "

^The station is north of Ninth street and west of Washington

street, 38 feet inch south of Mr. J. J. Tallman*s bam and 38 feet inches east of the fence around
i 5

Mr. Tallman*s yard. It is also 80 feet north of the inner edge of the plank walk along Ninth street.

It is marked by tack in post sunk flush with the surface of the ground.
a copper a

Jackson County, Holton, ^The station is the south side of the court-house grounds, near
igoo, " on

Fourth street. It is 169 feet 11 inches from the southwest comer of the court-house and 150 feet 7

inches from the southeast comer. It is marked by a limestone post lettered on top U. S. -\- C. S.

The mark used was the most eastern edge of brick chimney on Frank Knopff's house, on
or range a

the comer of Fourth and Wisconsin streets, and bears 77^ 16^.2 west of true south.

Johnson County Olathe, ^The station is near the northeast comer of the grounds of the
igoi. "

State Deaf and Dumb Institute, feet from the east fence and feet from the north fence. It is
50 79

marked by stone about inches on top, projecting about 4 inches above ground and lettered
a 7 square

U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. A similar stone, but lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., set feet due
was 390

south to mark the true meridian, the line being defined by a small drill hole in the top of each.

From the north stone the central flag pole of the Institute building bears 51" 54^.6 west of true south.

Lyon County Emporia /888," The station is in the lot west of the Bethel Welsh tional
y ,

Church on Merchant street. It is 51 feet 4 inches from the southwest comer and 49 feet 3"^
inches from the northwest comer of the foundation of this church. It is marked by a cedar post sunk

flush with the surface of the ground.

Marshail County MarysvUle^ igoo. "
^The station is in the northwest comer of the court-house

3rard, 6 feet 2% inches from the comer and 121 feet from the northwest comer of the court-house ing.

It is marked by hard limestone post inches top, lettered U. S. + C. S., and sunk
a 7 square on

even with the surface of the ground. The mark used was the center of the base of the flag-
or range

stajBf of the cupola on the Arand " Son building at the northeast comer of Broadway and Ninth streets

and bears 84" 39^.3 west of true north.

Morton County ,
RichJUldy igoo, "
Observations were made over a stone post 3^ by 8 inches on

top, and about 31 inches long, set 31 inches in the ground, with a cross on its top. The center of this

cross marks the point. This post is located in the vacant south of the ''brick church" and

southwest of Mr. Stoner's residence. It is approximately in line with the eastern wall of this church and

is distant feet from the southeast comer of the church. It is also distant 146.2 and i feet,
309.9 133.

respectively, from the southwest comer of the inclosure around Mr. Stoner*s residence, and from the

estimated center of the street just south of this vacant The mark or was the comer post
space. range

of fence around a lot south of this stone post. This mark or bears i^ 15^.8 west of true south.
a range

The spire of the church bears 6" 16^.8 west of true north. The lower part of the flagstaff on hotel

bears 79^ 19''.8 east of true south.

Ness County, Schmtdt, /8gj, "The station is on land of Mr. Schmidt, a prominent blacksmith of

Wa Keeney, and is just north of his deserted stone house. It is in the NB. corner NW. }( sec. 2,

T. 16, R. W. of the sixth principal meridian. It is feet from the one-half-mile stone, and
25 125.2

154.3 feet from the northeast comer of Schmidt's house. It is marked by marble post inches
a 5

lettered on top U. S. C. S., with two intersecting

square, grooves.

Ness County, Skaggs, /8gj. "

The station is in the SE. comer sec. 16, T. 16, R. 22 W. of the sixth

principal meridian, on the farm of Mr. G" W. Skaggs, about i^ miles north and one-fourth mile west

of the town of Brownell. It is in an offset of Mr. Skaggs's pasture, being 83.1 feet, 106.6 feet,.and 105

feet, respectively, from the southeast, southwest, and northwest comer fence posts of said offset. It is

marked by a marble post 6 inches lettered on top U. S. C. S., with two intersecting
square, g^rooves.

Oscige County, Lyndon, igoo, "

^The station is in the schoolhouse yard, west of the school building,
on Ottawa avenue, just east of Fox street. It is 120 feet from the northwest corner and 100 feet from

the southwest comer of the school building. It is marked by a hedge-wood peg.

Osborne County, Waldo, i8g2, "

^The station is gn the highest ground in the SE. % sec. 24, T. 10,

R. 14 W. of the sixth principal meridian. It is about 4)^ miles northwest of Waldo, some 20 yards
west of the road. It is marked by a dark-grained marble post 6 inches
lettered on top U. S. C. S.

with two intersecting grooves.


KANSAS" Continued.

Rush County^ La Crosse, /8g2."The station is in the NW. X T. R. 18 W. of the

sec. 12, 17,

sixth principal meridian on the highest point of a prominent hill, in a pasture belonging to Mr. George
Schwab. It is about 5^ miles northeast of La Crosse. It is marked by a marble post 6 inches
lettered on top U. S. C. S. with two intersecting grooves,

Russell County, Allen, i8g2. The station is in the NW. X T. R. W. of the sixth
" sec. 22, 14, 14

principal meridian and about i mile west and 4 miles south of Russell. It is 446.8 feet southeast of

the stone at the northwest comer of section 22 and 237 feet from the north line of this section and also

90 feet from the southeast comer of an old frame house. It is marked by a marble post 6 inches

lettered on top U. S. C. S., with two intersecting

square, grooves.
Russell County, Northwest Base, 1892. The station is in the NE. X s^c* T. R. W. of
25, 13, 14

the sixth principal meridian, in a pasture belonging to Mr. Laing, of Russell. It is about 2 miles due

east from the center of the town. It is 950 feet from the post at the railroad crossing to the west and

feet from the wire fence to the south in the line to Southeast Base. It is marked by block of
302 a

stone 6 inches with two intersecting

square, grooves.

Russell County, Southeast Base, f8gj. "

The station is about midway between the towns of Russell

and Bunker Hill, on the Union Pacific Railroad, and 350 yards south of the track at a point one-fourth

mile east of a siding called Homer. It is in the northeastern part of sec. 8, T. 14, R. W. of the

sixth principal meridian. It is 140 feet south of the section line and 480 yards west of the northeast

comer of the section. It is marked by a rough block of magnesia stone dressed to 6 inches

at top, with two deep intersecting grooves.

SedgTvicfc County, Wichita, 1888. "The station is on the in front of the central building

of the Garfield University. It is 136 feet north of the center of the stone steps at the northeast corner

of the main building and 165.5 f^^t east of the center of the plank walk leading from the main building
to the students' quarters. It is marked by a dressed stone post 4 inches square at the top, with two

intersecting The north rod on the cupola of the Garfield University bears 57" 45^.2 west of

true south.

Seward County, Liberal, Observations made stone post 6 by 6 inches

/^oo." were over a on top
and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. with a hole in the center of it. The center of this hole marks the point.

It is located in the vacant block northeast of the court-house square. This lot is the property of

the town company.

The is distant 178.5, and feet, respectively, from the northwest of the
stone post 150.2, 195 corner

fence around the yard of the house south of the station, and from the northeast corner of the house

building, and from the northeast comer of the inclosure around the court-house The

mark used was the tip of the center post on the railroad water tank. This mark or
or range range

bears 8" 39^.8 west of true south. The steeple of the Christian Church bears 86" 28^.1 west of true

north. The steeple of the Presbyterian Church bears 73" 10^.2 west of true north.

Trego County, Big Creek, /8gj." The station is in the extreme SW. comer NE. X NE. X NW.

X NW. X of T. R. W. of the sixth principal meridian. It is 104.8 feet from the west
sec. 17, 13, 23

corner stone of the section and 296 feet south of the center of the well-used trail which runs

along the section line. It is marked by a stone post 5 inches square, lettered on top U. S. C. S., with

two intersecting grooves.

Trego County, Trego, /8g8." The station is in the northeast part of sec. 27, T. 13, R. 21 W. of the

sixth meridian. It is about yards from the northeast of the section and about
pjrincipal 500 comer 120

yards south of the wire fence along the northern boundary of the section. It is about 60 feet west of

the well-traveled road to Ellis. It is marked by a dark-grained marble post, 6 inches square, lettered

on top U. S. C. S. with two intersecting grooves.


Wallace County, Curlew, 1892." The station is in the NE. comer SW.X SW. X NE. X NE. X

T. S., R. W., miles south and lyi miles west of the Sharon Springs. It is near the
sec. 17, 14 40 4

northern edge of the plateau. It is marked by a ^yhite oak stub painted red.

Wallace County, McLane, 1892." The station is located in the SE. X SE. X SW. X SE. X SE. X

T. S., R. W. It is about 14 miles northwest of Sharon Springs. It is some 200 meters

sec. 3, 12 42

north of the road leading from McLane' s ranch to Sharon Springs. It is marked by a tack in the end

of a white oak stub.



Breathitt County^ Jackson, igoo. "

Observations were made over the north meridian stone located

in the college institute grounds, A south meridian stone was also located in these grounds 206 feet

true south of the north stone, 26 feet from the east corner of the school building, and 14 feet from the

comer by the entrance to the building. These meridian stones are 2 feet long and 6 inches on

top, with a cross in the center of each stone marking the true meridian. The mark or range used was

the east corner of the school building. This mark or range bears 0" 2c/.2 east of true south.

Caldwell County Princeton, i^i."TtA station is on the campus of the Princeton College, at the

comer of Fredonia road and Plumb street. A meridian line was established, the south end being the

magnetic station. This line is 359.75 feet long and is marked by stone posts. The south stone is 103.9

feet from south fence and 76.35 feet from east fence. The mark or used was the peak of the

roof of Mr. Lamb*s house and bears 0" 11^.5 west of true south.

Carter County Grayson, Observations were made over a poplar tent pin located in the
igoo. "

court-house yard, just inside the gate in the east fence. It is distant 31.1 feet from this fence and

103.8 feet from the south fence of the court-house yard. The mark or range used was the east edge of

a tree on edge of the opposite hill. This mark or range bears 19" 44^.3 east of true south.

Daviess County, Owenshoro, igoi, "

^The station is about 2 miles from the court-house and on the

south side of the Leitchfield road in a field of Mr. J. H. Nave's farm. It is in front of the house, 163.7
feet from the fence along the Leitchfield road and 99 4 feet from the fence on the south. The mark

or used was the most northern edge of the roof of the bam in the Jewish Cemetery and bears

44** 12^.8 west of true north.

Fayette County, Lexington, i8g6. "

^The station is located in an orchard belonging to James Lay-
ton, 41 west of Limestone street turnpike road, and 144 paces south of the first tollgate on the

turnpike road. It is a little west of south from the tollgate and about i}( miles north of Lexington
court-honse. It is marked by a pine stub.

Hancock County, Hawesville, igoo. "

Observations were made over a limestone post 3 feet long, 6

by 8 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. A small hole in the center of this post marks

the point. It is located in the town cemetery, in a portion that has recently been added. This post is

sunk with its top i inch below the surface of the ground, at the center of the crossing of two walks

bounded by lots numbered 70, 71, 85, and 86. The mark the northwest of the
or range was comer

schoolhouse in the valley south of the station. This mark bears 35" 45^.5 east of true south.
or range

Jefferson County, Louisville, i8g6. "

^The station is in the northeast corner of Cherokee Park in the

rear of Alexander house and 135 feet from the center of the east porch of the house. It is north of

the house and is marked by an oak stub.

Logan County, Russellville, igoi. "

^The station is on the campus of Bethel College, about

one-fourth mile west of the court-house grounds. A meridian line was established, the north stone of

which is the magnetic station. This line is marked by stone posts, and is 381 feet long. The north

stone is 64.0 feet west of the east fence. The south stone is about 10 feet north of the walk leading to

college hall. The mark or range used was the dome of Colonel Caldwell's house, and bears 48" 14^.6

east of true north.

McCracker County, Paducah, igoi. "

The station is about 2 miles from the town out the Mayfield
road and in a large, open field belonging to Jake Biederman. It is not marked in manner,

but is about 150 feet from the fence on the south and 250 feet from the fence on the west.

Madison County, Richmond, igoo. "

Obser\'ations were made over a Bedford limestone post 30

inches long, set 27 inches in. the ground, 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S.,

with running north and south. It is located in the grounds of the Central University, not
a groove

far from the chancellor's house on Fourth avenue, distant 133 feet from Fourth avenue and 251 feet

from the gate leading to the chancellor's house. A south meridian stone similar to the north meridian

stone, except for the lettering, was located 374 feet from it, near the trees in front of the main

building. The mark or range used was the east corner of the wooden building showing by the east

comer of the main building. This mark or bears 7^ 46^.7 east of true south.

Montgomery County, Mount Sterling, /poo." Observations were made over a poplar stub located

on the property of Mr. Oliver, the county about three-fourths of a mile west of the town
surveyor, on

the Blue Lick turnpike. The station is near the northwest comer of the front lot, not far from an old

LOUISIANA" Continued.

Caddo Parish^ Shreveport^ 1888. "

Station is in the east corner of court-house yard, near the comer

of Marshall and Milan streets. Station is marked by tack in post 2 feet long. This post is

distant 86 feet 8"^ inches, 65 feet 4"^ inches, and feet 8 inches, respectively, from east of
94 comer

parish court-house, edge of outside of the curbstone on Marshall street, and edge of the outside of the

curbstone on Milan street. The mark or is the spire on cupola of distant house belonging to Mr.

Johnson, and bears 16^ 49^-6 west of true south. Spire on Y. M. C. A. bears 69" 04^.6 east of true north.

Central rod on post-office building bears 18" 48^.4 west of true north.

Calcasieu Parish^ Lake Charles^ /^po." Station is in adjoining the court-house, in

open square

rear of jail and between jail and lake. It is marked by a pine post 2 feet long sunk flush with surface

of the ground. This post is distant 54.2 feet from the inner edge of North street, 38.9 feet from the

inner edge of South street, and 120 feet from the inner edge of the shore line of Lake Charles. Spire

on Baptist church bears 52" 22^.4 east of true south. South pinnacle of the roof of jail bears 73" 19^.4
east of true south. North pinnacle of the roof of jail bears 88" 28^.6 east of true north.

Caldwell Parishy Columbia^ ^The station is southwest of town of hills that runs
i^i. " on a range

north and south. It is in the cemetery on the hill opposite the one on which the located.
graves are

It is marked by stone post 6 inches set so^as to leave 3 inches projecting above the surface
a square,

of the ground. The exact location can be had from the authorities at the court-house. The mark or

used was the jflagstaff on the public schoolhouse on Boatner street and bears 45" 11^.2 east of

true north.

Easl Balan Rou^e Parish^ Baton Rouge /8g6. "

Station is located in the grounds of the new

Louisiana State University, in the just in the rear of the treasurer's office, near the cultural
open space

garden. Station is marked by a pine post 2 feet long sunk flush with surface of ground.
This post is 75 feet from the northeast comer of the treasurer's office and feet from the hedge around

the horticultural garden. The mark or spire of Catholic church, bears o" 05^ west of true

south. Center of student's society hall bears 11" 34^.0 west of true south, and the foot of a rod on

treasurer's office bears 65" 08^.3 west of true south.

Lafayetle Parish, Lafayette i8go, Station is in large at the intersection of Main

open square

street and Lincoln owned by Judge James Parkerson. Station is marked by post
avenue, a cypress

sunk 2 feet in the ground and flush with the surface. This post is distant 106 feet, 57 feet, and

64 feet, respectively, from edge of Main street, edge of Lincoln avenue, and corner of plank inclosure

between Judge Parkerson's grounds and garden. Rod on Judge Parkerson's house bears 35" 29^.7
west of true south. Center of cupola on the Judge's stable 53" 28^.7 west of true south. The flag

pole on depot hotel 71" 54^.7 east of true north.

Iberia Parish, Marsh Island light-house 1886. "

Observations were
made at the triangulation

station on the west end of Marsh Island at the entrance to Vermilion Bay, near where the light-honse

formerly stood. Station was marked with a drain tile filled with cement.

Orleans Parish, New Orleans, 18%, Station is near center of mile race track and 81 feet

east of fence running north and south and dividing inclosed into two fields. Station is due east

of gateway in this fence and bridge across draining ditch on slightly elevated roadway. The mark-

west door of large brick building south of track, line joining double doors "
^bears 3" 45^.2 west of true

south. In 1 observations were made at Audubon place.


Orleans Parish, East Base, Lake Pontchartrain, /8^6."'BeLSt Base magnetic station is located on

the prolongation of the line from West Base to East Base triangulation stations about 15 meters east

of East Base. The mark or used was West Base. Azimuth from East Base to West Base is

86" 37^.2 west of true south. East Base at **

West End," New Orleans, is the center of cross marked

head of nail in stump about feet high. This stump is on the east bank of the
on copp"er cypress 3

drainage canal due east from the schoolhouse the road on the opposite bank. Stump is
upper upon

54.8 feet east from tree on east bank of canal and 52.6 feet from southwest comer of picnic house of

William Smith. Station is also about meters above mouth of canal.


Rapides Parish, Alexandria, The station is in the national cemetery at Pineville, the
igoi. " on

west side of the Red River. It is marked by a marble post 6 inches set so as to leave inches
square, 3

projecting above the ground. This post is feet from the brick fence the southeast side of the
135 on
320 1902.

LOUISIANA" Continued.

cemetery and 223.8 feet from the brick fence on the northeast side. The mark or used was the

top of a well house on the southern part of the grounds, and bears 46" 27^.0 west of true south.

Rapides Parish, Cheneyinlle, /8g6. "

Station is located in large open lot adjoining the Catholic

church and about 500 yards northeast of railroad station. It is marked by a pine post sunk 2 feet in

ground and flush with surface. This post is distant 160 feet from the northwest corner of the Catholic

church. The cross on the Catholic church bears 36" 43''.! east of true south. Spire on Colored

Methodist Church bears 16" 02^.4 west of true north.

St. John the Baptist Parish, Northivest Point, 18^6. " Magnetic station No. i is located on the shore

of the lake about meters south-southwest of Northwest Point triangulation station. Mark or

used was Northwest Point, and bears 67" 37^ east of true north. Station No. 2 is located on

shore of lake about 400 meters northeast of Northwest Point triangulation station. Triangulation
station bears from magnetic station 42" 52^.8 west of true south. Northwest Point station is the

center of hole, cut for the signal pole, in the block the side of the top of a
a square cap upon C5rpress

tree, .sawed off about feet above the ground on the northwest shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Three

trees blazed and reference marks, with 3 nails in each blaze. From base of
were serve as copper

cypress to north-northwest tree (dead cypress), 14.95 meters; to west tree (live oak), 15.08 meters;

to north-northeast tree (cypress), 21.22 meters.

St, John the Baptist Parish, Kirsch, i8g6. Magnetic station is located about meters south of

triangulation station, which is about 20 meters from the lake shore on the property of Mr. Kirsch, near

the Illinois Central Railroad. Triangulation station is marked by a drain tile 2^ feet long filled with

cement and projecting 10 inches above the ground. It is distant 39.31 meters and 50.01 meters,

respectively, from the north and south comers of dwelling house.

St. John the Baptist Parish, Frenier, /8^. "

Station is located on the prolongation of the line from

magnetic "
to Frenier triangulation station, at a distance of about 10 meters to the south of

this last station. Frenier triangulation station is on shore of lake opposite the post-office and railroad

station. Station is marked by head of nail sunk in the cement filling of a drain pipe which

projects above the ground about i foot.

St. Mary Parish, Morgan City, i8g6. "

Station is in the center of a grass plot in front of a

wooden house occupied by a Mr. Frank Williams, on the north bank of the Bayou Tigre, just east

of Morgan City. It is 35 feet north of edge of Bayou Tigre. The mark "
^the rod in the center of Mr.

Bateman*s house on south side of Bayou Tigre "

^bears 45" 11^. i west of true south. Spire of Catholic

Church bears 46** 49^-9 west of true north. Station is 98)^ feet east of one red haw tree and 21 feet

southwest of another.

Tangipahoa Parish, Amite, i8g6, "

Station is located in eastern part of court-house grounds, just
in the rear of the Episcopal church. It is marked by a pine post sunk 2 feet in the ground and Hush

with surface. This post is feet from the plank fence around the Episcopal church and 185 feet from

the northeast corner of the court-house. The flag pole on the court-house bears 62^ 05^.9 west of true

south. The rod on the court-house 67" 52^.1 west of true south. Cross on Episcopal church 2" 28^.9

west of true south.


Aroostook County, Houltoft, 1887. "The station is located in the parade grounds of old Hancock

Barracks, about i mile east of town. The exact point is over the center of the central granite pier of

the three piers which mark the county meridian. The point of the southern pier was used as the mark

and found to bear 0" 03^ east of true south.

or range

Aroostook County, F^esque Isle, i88j. ^The station is in the large park in front of the Phair

Hotel, on Main street. It is 74 feet from the body of the third elm tree from Main street on north side

of park and 83.5 feet from the third elm tree on south side of park.
Cumberland County, Portland, /8gj. "
Station is located in the grounds of Mrs. J. B.Brown, on

Bramhall hill. It is 164 feet from the brick wall along the north side of Mrs. Brown's property and

feet from the picket fence along the west side of her property. The center of the sur\'eyor's

central stone is distant 362.5 feet and bears 28" 05''. 7 west of true north. The center of the cupola of

the Maine General Hospital bears 23" 44^.3 east of true north.

MAINE" Continued.

Franklin County Farmington, 1S87, "

The station is located in the flats of Sand River south of the

town and in the rear of Prescott's factory. It is on land owned by B3rron Farrar. It is distant 56.5

yards from the south comer of Prescott's factory and 55 yards from the fence at the end of Cross

street. The mark used was the court-house spire, which bears 9" 26' west of true north. The
or range

center of the State normal school cupola bears 26^ 05^ east of true north.

Lincoln County, Datnariscotta, 1887. "

Station is in the open triangular lot in front of the Methodist

church, at the intersection of Main and Church streets. The station is equidistant from the comers of

the brick foundation of this church, being 27 meters from each. The mark or range used was the spire
of the Baptist church, and bears 52" 11^.8 west of tme south.

Penobscot County Bangor, /^P5. "

Station is on Thomas hill and is marked by a marble post 6 by

2 by 18 inches, sunk flush with surface of ground. This post is 93 feet from the fence around Governor

Davis's yard, which marks the southern boundary of Highland street. It is also distant 95 feet from

the fence of the Prentis property, which is in line with the northern boundary of Thomas street (now
known as Highland avenue), when extended across Highland street. The central rod on Carrier's

tannery bears 51' 42' east of true south. The East Bangor Meetinghouse spire bears 20" 15'' east of

true south.

Penobscot County, Mattawamkeag, 1887. "

^The station is due south of the residence of G. W.

Smith, in the large lot between Mr. Smith's house and Mr. Joseph Laing's house. Exact point
is marked by a solid locust post driven flush with surface of ground. This post is 42 feet from the

fence next to Mr. Smith's bam, and 167.5 ^^^ from the fence along the road.

Piscataquis County, Greenville, 1887, "

The station is in the large open lot north of the Lake

House and due east of the South Cove of Moosehead Lake. It is distant 178.5 feet from the north

side of the Lake House bam and 94 feet west of the fence along the road to the east of Lake House.

Somerset County, Pittsfield^ 1887." The station is located on the grounds of the Central Maine

Institute, opposite the entrance to Pleasant street. It is 62 yards from the northwest comer of the

main building and yards distant from the comer of Mr. John Millet's picket fence.

Washington County, Calais, i8gs. "

Station is 421 meters due south of the transit pier, in a

pasture belonging to Mr. Murchie. It is 61 ^ meters to the fence to the northwest and 85 meters

to the fence to the southwest. The transit pier is on the top of the ledge back of the high school.

Washington County, Dan/orth, /AJ/." Danforth Is tiie nearest railroad station to the town

of Bancroft, and is about miles distant. The magnetic station is in the north edge of the village

on the summit of the hill just in front of the district school, No. 5, distant 35 yards from the south

fence and 57 yards from the east fence. Exchange Hotel is east of south of magnetic station.

Washington County, Eastport, i8gj. " Magnetic hut on parade grounds of Fort Sullivan.

Washington County, Machiasport, 1887. "

Station is on United States property just in rear of Fort

O'Brien. It is 135 feet a little north of west from the center of the old earthen magazine.
Washington County, Mill Bridge, 1887. "
Station is on the summit of the hill due north of the

Christian Church on Bridge street. It is 158 feet from the north comer of the brick foundation

of this church and 190.5 feet from the east corner.

Washington County y
Vanceboro, 1887." The station is in the open lot adjoining the Catholic

church. It is distant 79 feet and 98 feet, respectively, from the northwest and northeast comers of this

church. Catholic church is about due south of Maine Central Railroad station and hotel.

Vorh County, Kittery Point, i8g8. "

Station is located on the lawn in front of the old "Sparhawk
House." It is 75 feet almost due south from the door of this house, and distant 42 feet, 48 feet, and

feet, respectively, from three trees, the first to the east of north, second west of north, and third
south of west.


Allegany County, Cumberland, i8g7. "

In the large open area on Camp Hill, north of Rose Hill

Cemetery and south of Willis Creek. To find station, 75 along the north iron fence of
go paces

cemetery, starting from northeast corner, then 75 at right angles toward Willis Creek. ing

to town map this area is subdivided into lots and streets, but no sig^ of the latter on the ground
at present. Station may have been between Sedgewick and Niagara streets. According to the map
it is about 4 667 feet due west of middle point of Decatur street, on which Mosman's astronomical and

2 7478 "
02 2 1
322 1902.

MARYLANEK" Continued.

magnetic stations of 1864 were located. Station is also about 2 744 feet west of court-house and about

I 280 feet north, and possibly be over a cement mine. Site was selected in the absence of the

county by Thomas L. Patterson.


Allegany County ^
Lonaconing, i8g8, "
In the south part of baseball field south of Maryland Coal

Company's office. The precise point is marked by a locust stake, and can be indicated by Mr. F. E.

Brackett, superintendent of the coal company.

Allegany County Westemport^ ^^97' "

The station is on north side of hill along road leading

down the river from West Virginia Railroad station and about 100 yards east of last house.

Anne Arundel County Annapolis^ iSgj. On the Naval Academy grounds, in the area

open near

the observatory, 45 west-northwest of observatory and 62 northeast of Hemdon monument.

paces paces

Site was chosen by Professor Terry, in charge of the physical department of the academy.
Anne Arundel County, Annapolis, igoo. "
Observations were made over both ends of the meridian

line located the Naval Academy grounds, in the large south of the naval cemetery.
on open space

The north stone is 93 feet from cemetery road, 190 feet from Severn county road, and about feet

from the south stone.

Anne Arundel County, Fairhaven, i8gy, "

On the hill not far from the steamboat landing.
Anne Arundel County, Webb, 1899. "
Near the 1897 scaffold of the triangulation station, about

"^ feet southeast from granite post marking the station. This is near the site of fioutelle*s magnetic

station of 1868.

Baltimore County, Bradshaw, i8g/. "

On the grounds of Colonel Taylor, east of the Baltimore and

Ohio station, 25 paces south-southeast of locust tree.

Baltimore County, Cockeysville, 1896. "

On Mr. Cockeyes property, a large open lot on right of

road, near stone bridge. The station is about 500 feet west of road and 25 feet east of a clump of three

willow trees.

Baltimore County, Hydes, 1897. "

On Mr. Hyde's tract, l"ck of garden behind the store "md railroad

office, about 125 west of railroad track.

Baltimore County, Birkton, i8g^. "
On top of the hill west of the railroad station and over the

first boundary stone marking the property of the railroad company. This boundary stone is on the

hill, about 20 yards north of wooden fence leading up the hill.

Baltimore County, Reistertoivn, i8gg. "

In the large open field west of the Franklin School.

Baltimore County, Towson, 1897. "

In the ample grounds on the west side of the court-house. A

meridian line was established at the time and marked by substantial granite posts. The observations

were made over these posts.

Baltimore City County, Baltimore, J8p^. "
^The station is in the extreme eastern part of Fort

McHenry, between a locust tree and the sea wall. It is marked by a locust post 13 yards from the tree

and 16.5 yards from the sea wall. Lazaretto Point light-house bears 80" 30^ east of true north. Fort

Carroll light-house bears 44" 20^ east of true south.

Calvert County, Prince Fredericktown, i8g6. "

In the grounds of the court-house, between its

southwest and small frame building occupied at the time by a shoemaker; 15 north of
com^ paces

latter building and 25 due east of wooden structure used as a jail. The roadbed of proposed

Drum Point Railroad is about 200 feet to the west.

Calvert County, Prince Fredericktoxvn, igoo, "

Observations were made over both ends of the idian

line located in the court-house square. The south stone is 13.8 feet from the south fence, 33.3
feet from the east fence, and about 200 feet from the north stone.

Caroline County, Denton, Observations were made over both ends of the meridian line,

which is located in the court-house yard. The north stone is 55 feet east of the fence of the jail yard.
The south stone is 260 feet from the north stone and 2 feet north of the edge of the walk along the

south side of the square.

Caroline County, Ridgely, i8g6. "

On the grounds in the rear of frame schoolhouse, comer of

First street and First avenue west; 53 feet west of southwest comer of rear extension of schoolhouse

and 31^ feet east of maple tree.

Carroll County, Manchester, i8gg, "
In the lot back of the schoolhouse and Methodist church, 37

feet east of large cherry tree and 104.3 feet from northwest comer of schoolhotise. Marked by a tent


MARYLAND" Continued.

Carroll County, Sykesmlle, iSgg. The station is in the large field, about feet back of
open 300

the new brick school.

Carroll County, Taneytozvn, i8gg. In the yard back of Prof. Henry Meier's Academy, feet

from west fence, feet from east fence, and 62.8 feet from north comer of small frame house.

Professor Meier to mark the station permanently.


Carroll County, Westminster, i8g6, In the grounds back of court-house, about 22 west of

back entrance, near edge of pavement. Site not a good one.

Carroll County, Westminster, Observations were made over both ends of the meridian line
j^oo, "

located in the grounds of the Western Maryland College, about i mile north of the court-house. The

south stone is in the athletic grounds, 60 feet from a garden fence and 65 feet from a small w^ooden

stable. The north stone is near the northern boimdary of the college property. From the south stone

the spire of the German Reformed church bears 12" 35' west of true north.

Cecil County, Calvert, i8gg, "

Station is near southeast comer of school lot, about in line with

east edge of school and 16 north of large oak.


Cecil County, Elkton, i8g6, "

^The station was within a few feet of the south stone of the meridian

line in the high-school grounds, established in 1900.

Cecil County, Elkton, ^The station is the south stone of the meridian line in the high-school
igoo, "

grounds. It is 36 feet from the west fence, 34.5 feet from the south fence, and about 270 feet from the

north stone.

Cecil County, Rising Sun, i8gg. "

Station is in Mr. H. J. Briscoe's field, near the north comer of

fence and east of railroad station. Precise point is marked by tent

a peg.

Charles County, La Plata, i8gT. "

^When establishing the meridian line in the west grounds of the

court-house yard, observations were made at various points and no appreciable local attraction found.

The adopted station is the south monument. The 1896 station is now covered by a wooden fence

surrounding the grounds.

Dorchester County, Cambridge, 18^7, "
In the grounds on the south side of the court-house, over

the southeast monument of the true northwest-southeast line established in 1897. This monument,*

owing to the nature of the soil and of the surroundings, had to be placed on the grounds adjacent to

the court-house lot, owned by Mr. James Wallace. Water was struck about 3 feet below the surface.

This monument is a granite post, seven inches square and ^%, feet long, projecting about 8 inches

above the ground and having in its center a brass bolt with a cross cut in to mark the northwest-

southeast line. The northwest monument is a similar pillar and is fully 350 feet There
away. may
be a slight local disturbance near the latter, owing to vicinity of court-house.. The southeast ment

is doubtless free of local attraction; near the jail, however, a decided disturbing influence makes

itself felt.

Dorchester County, Hurlock, i8g6. " Directly in front of frame schoolhouse, on the right-hand side

of road to East Newmarket, near the road.

Dorchester County, Hooper Island, igo2. "

Observations were made at Rip triangulation station,
at the southern end of Hooper Island.

Frederick County, Frederick, i8g6. "

First station: In the southeast part of the grounds back of the

State Deaf and Dtmib Asylum. Marked by two stakes, one i^ by iX l"y 8 inches, and another 4 feet

west ^ by 2 by 8 inches; the former marks the station and was driven flush with the ground; the

station is 26 paces north of the south hedge fence and 34 paces from southeast comer of hedge.
Second station: North meridian stone in the grounds on the east side of the court-house. (The first

station is the preferable one. )

Frederick County, Libertytown, i8gg, "
In the large lot back of schoolhouse, opposite Liberty
Hotel. The precise point is marked by a solid stub 167.9 ^^^^ from north front of schoolhouse, 46.35
feet from northwest comer of small house, 33.35 feet from east fence, and 25.5 feet from hue of locust

trees on west side.

Garrett County, Accident, i8gp, "

In south comer of school lot, opposite Bellevue Hotel. Marked

by a stake, which is 62.9 feet from east comer of frame schoolhouse and 93.7 feet from west corner.

Garrett County, Backbone Mountain, 18^7. "

On the summit of Backbone or Big Savage Mountain,
near the Michler monument, a monument built of dressed stones and about 4 feet high. The precise

MARYLAND" Continued.

point was about 11 feet south of the monument, which is about feet north of the Fairfax stone
15 000

and about feet above sea level.

3 323

Garrett County, Camp Fairfax /^p/." Near the bam on Pat Fljrnn's farm, situated east of the

Michler line and between the Fairfax and Backbone monuments.

Garrett County Corunna^ 1900. "

On W. McCulloh Brown's estate, south of Oakland. Precise

point was over the north monument of the meridian line established by L. A. Bauer in 1897.
Garrett County, Fairfax stone, /8g/. ^This stone was the initial point of the Michler of

the western boundary line, and is situated at one of the head springs of the North Branch of the

Potomac River. The original Fairfax stone, planted in 1745, has disappeared since the Michler

( 1859), ^^^ instead is a monument about to feet high, which Lieutenant Michler stated he placed
3 4

directly behind the Fairfax stone, and used as a pier for his instrument. The magnetic observations

are made some few feet north of the stone, but mainly, however, at a point 463 feet nortli.

Garrett County, Fike Hill East, 1897. The magnetic station feet little west of north
was 30 a

from the Michler monument.

Garrett County, Fike Hill West, 1897. "

North of a large flat rock at north end of clearing for the

mendian line.

Garrett County, Grantsville, i8gg. "

Near the west comer of schoolhouse lot, opposite Farmer's

Hotel, marked by a cherry stake 2 by 2 inches with brass screw in top, and having pine stake
square, a

driven alongside wedge. This stake is 69.25 feet from of schoolhouse, and feet
as a east comer 32. S
from second locust tree east of gate of entrance to school.

Garrett County, Lower Hill, 1897. "

A few feet north of stone projecting about a foot above the

ground, with a bolt in it, which L. A. Bauer planted in 1897 to mark his meridian line. A few

feet east is a pile of stones placed by Lieutenant Michler in 1859.

Garrett County, McHenry, 18^. "
Over red sandstone rock in lot south of frame schoolhouse,
directly north of Brison Welsh's house. The point is marked by a one-half inch hol^ drilled in the

rock 57.7 feet from the southwest comer of schoolhouse and 66.8 feet from southeast comer.

Garrett County, New Germany, i8gg. On Mr. J. C. Otto's farm. In the meadow about feet


east of house and about 25 yards east of garden. Precise point is marked by a one-half inch hole

drilled in a large flat sandstone sticking out of the ground. There is another stone about 10 feet west.

Garrett County, Oakland, i8gg. "

In the court-house yard over the south monument of the meridian

line established by L. A. Bauer in 1897.

Garrett County, Snaggy Mountain, 1897, "
^The magnetic station is marked by a hole drilled in a

rock 75.85 feet nearly north of Michler monument.

Garrett County, Swanton, i8gg. "In the southeast comer of garden in front of W. H. Lohr's frame

dwelling, used as a boarding house. Precise point is marked by a nail in a stake driven in an old

stump about one-fourth foot above the ground.

Garrett County, Taylors Hill, 1897." The magnetic station is 51.3 feet north-northwest of meridian


Harford County, Belair, 1897. "

When establishing a meridian line observations were made at

various points in vicinity of the court-house. The 1896 station back of the hotel was reoccupied and

station was established in the Dallam lot, back of the jail. Belair is in the midst of great
a new

regional disturbances, and a small change in the position of the station will produce large changes in

the magnetic elements.

Harford County, Belair, 1897." In the garden back of Rouse House, a hotel, no back of

the house, north of south barbed wire fence, and 34 paces west of east fence at point where
41 paces a

stands a small willow tree. The above hotel is now known as Eagle Hotel.

Harford County, Bclcamp, i8g6. "

On the farm belonging to Mr. James Walsh and occupied at

by Mr. E. J. Cottle, about feet back of railroad station, west of first locust tree,
present 400 34 paces 25

south of wild cherrj' tree, and west of hay crib blown down by storm.
paces 29 paces

Harford County, Cardiff, 1897, " Region of serpentine quarries. In 1897 eleven additional

stations in vicinity occupied for the of mapping out the disturbed area. At most of the
were purpose

additional stations simply the dip was observed.

Harford County, Cardiff Railroad, /8p6. "

In open lot about 100 yards southeast of railroad

MARYLAND" Continued.

station, from the white wooden fence, and 8 from fence near road. (In 1897 additional
32 paces paces

stations were obtained in Cardiff and vicinity. Marked local disturbances were encountered. )
Harford County, Peerless quarry, 18^7. "
On the property of the Peerless slate
about i

mile east of Cardiff.

Harford County, Schoolhouse, 1897. "

Cardiff schoolhouse lot. The station is in the back lot and

is marked by a hole cut in the largest gray stone sticking out of the ground.
Harford County, Boundary, 18^7. "
On mine hill (serpentine rocks) about 27 feet west of State

boundary stone (date, 1774).

Harford County, Churchville, 18^7, "

In the orchard back of Church ville hotel, owned by Lawrence

Forwood, and between the first two apple trees.

Harford County, Dublin, 1897, "

^The station was in the field back of the hotel and was purposely

placed on the largest gabbro rock jutting out of the ground. The desire was to ascertain the effect

from these rocks. It will be seen that the elements are disturbed, the declination, for example, being
about 4^ too high. The surveyor should make no use of the values given for this place.
Harford County, Forest Hill, i8g6. In the large lot of E. Tucker " Co., west of railroad


depot, 200 from fence comer nearest the depot and 46 paces east-northeast of cherry tree.

Harford County, Havre de Grace, 18^. "

Station is on the grounds between Havre de Grace

light and the light-keeper's house, about in line with light and porch of house and 26 of

house. Precise point is a one-half inch hole drilled in a solid stone, flush with the ground, which at

time formed the northwest pier of a small dwelling. There is a similar stone 7 south,
one paces

another 8 east, and still another 13 east.

paces paces

Hatford County, Highland, 18^7." In the field south of the Presbyterian church.

Harford County, Minefield, 1897." 'Sear Rigdon*s abandoned iron-ore mines. The of

making observations at this disturbed place was to ascertain the amount of disturbance.

Harford County, Thomas Run, 18^7." On the farm of Major Caldwell, of Baltimore City, leased at

by John Lochary, from the fence along main road and opposite the blacksmith shop.
present 30 paces

Howard County, Ellicott City, i8g6."ln the grounds back of public school the hill
upon near

the court-house and west of old Patapsco Institute, 40 paces back of frame school building near oak

tree and 7 paces north of south wooden fence.

Ellicott City, Observations were made on both ends of the meridian line on the grounds
igoo. "

of the Patapsco Institute on the hill, a short distance from the court-house. The north stone is 22 feet

from the north fence and 89 feet from the west fence.

Hoivard County, Lisbon, i8gg. "

Near the southwest corner of schoolhouse lot. A graveyard
adjoins the lot. The precise point is 19.3 feet from the west fence (wood), 23.6 feet from the south

fence (wood), and feet from the southwest corner of schoolhouse, a frame one-story building.

Kent County, Betterton, i8gg. "

Station is on the hill west of Betterton Hotel, owned by Mr. John
Henry Crew. Precise spot is in line with chestnut tree, northeast side hill, and northeast corner of

Mr. Crew's house, about one-third of the from said tree. Point is marked by a wooden
way peg.

Kent County, Chestertown, i8g7. "A true northeast and southwest line was marked permanently
in 1897 in the grounds of the court-house. As there exists at this place a small artificial local tion

another station in the grounds of Washington College was occupied in order to obtain the tions

for the court-house station.

Kent County, Massey, i8g6. "

On the north side of road to Clayton, near small schoolhouse, about

I mile from railroad station, 121 feet northwest of northwest comer of schoolhouse.

Kent County, Tolchester, i8g7. "

In the race-track field back of the picnic grounds.

Montgomery County, Cross Roads I, i8gg. "

^The station is iji a field belonging to Mr. Trundle and

occupied by Mr. E. L. Heim. It is 84 from nearest comer of tobacco house and 48 from
paces paces

road. It is northwest of the tobacco house.

Montgomery County, Cross Roads II, i8gg, The station is situated on a large field belonging

to Mr. B. R. Cod wise. It is from the road and 195 from a tree near the center of the
39 paces paces

fields The station is northwest of the cross roads.

Montgomery County, Damascus, i8g6. "

On Dr. Lansdale's lot, 18 paces from west comer and 42

from small house at east corner.


MARYLAND" Continued.

Prince George County^ Cheltenham. "

^At the Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Observatory, on

the grounds of the State Reform School.

Prince George County Upper Marlboro i8g6. "

In the southeast comer of the court-house grounds,
, ^

down in the hollow; feet west of maple tree and 88 feet from southeast corner of court-house,

marked by a round i^-inch pine stub with a brass tack.

Prince George County^ Upper Marlboro^ The south meridian stone is in the academy
igoo, "

grounds, feet from the front door of the academy building and 58 feet from the fence on the street.

The north meridian stone is also in the grounds of the academy, on the edge of the bluff. Prom the

south stone the cupola of the Southern Maryland Bank bears 42" 58'' east of true south.

Queen Anne County CentervUle^ ^^97' "

iJi the grounds of the Centerville. Academy for Boys, about

one-eighth of a mile east of court-house, 62 feet south of south corner of academy, and 44 feet west of

sycamore tree.

Queen Anne County, Kent Island South Base, ^^97- "

Near the so-called South Base station of 1895.
The 1897 station is in the field west of old dwelling house on the old Price farm. The farm is now

owned by the National Bank of Centerville, and the present tenant is Mr. Palmer. The precise point
is 100 paces southwest of present entrance to dwelling house, 39 paces from southwest corner of garden
fence, and north of of three trees. The site of the monument marking the South
45 paces row pear

Base station in 1845 is now about one half or three-fourths mile in the Chesapeake Bay.
St. Mary County, Leonardtown, 18^. "
In the southwest comer of the cotirt-house lot, 92 feet

from southwest comer of court-house and 23 X feet from southwest corner post of wooden fence.

Leonardtown, ^The station is the south end of the meridian line in the court-house square.
igoo. "

It is feet from the wooden fence on south side and feet from the west wooden fence. The north
9 9

stone is about feet distant.


St. Mary County, Mechanicsville, 1896. "

In the garden of Hotel Mattingly, 18 feet northeast of

mulberry tree and 9"^ feet west of wooden fence. Dip station ^}i feet north of mulberry tree.

Somerset County, Crisfield, 1896. In the large lot west of the academy on Twelfth and

street; 60 from southwest comer of academy (a frame building) in a line with rear side of

Somerset County, Princess Anne, i8g6, "
In the southeast part of the spacious grounds around the

school building; 62 southeast of entrance to school, 40 north of large oak tree in

new paces paces

southeast comer of lot, 10 west of east fence. These grounds have been the site of a school-

house for about one hundred years.

Princess Anne, Observations made over both ends of the meridian line, which is
1900. "

located in the high-school grounds. The south stone is 55 feet from the south fence, 95 feet from the

east fence, and about 350 feet from the north stone.

Talbot County, Easton, 1897. "

^When establishing the meridian line in 1897 magnetic observations

were made at various points. The station which is located in the fair grounds outside of the city is

the one adopted in the magnetic survey.

Talbot County, Oxford, 1897, "
Is near Mr. Schott's station of 1856. The station was on the beach

in front of Sinclair's hotel.

Talbot County, Tilghmans Island, 18^7. " In B. B. Sinclair's field back of Mi:s. Lee's hotel, about

I mile nearly north of the landing of the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway steamers; about

20 east of Mrs. Lee's back fence and same distance south of road on the north side of Mrs. Lee's

grounds. The island is about one-half mile wide at this point and the station is just about midway.
The steamboat landing is on the east side of the island.

Washington County, Hagerstown, i8g6. "

In the grounds on the east side of the Hagerstown
Academy, down on the slope near the second maple tree on the right-hand side of path to railroad

station. The tracks of the Western Maryland Railroad are about feet to the west and those of

the Cumberland Railroad about 500 feet to the east. Site was chosen by the county surveyor, Mr.

Piper. Marked by an ash stave which broke off when driven. Limestone rocks out of the

Washington County, Hagerstozvn, ^The station is the north stone of the United States logical
igoo. "

Survey meridian line on the almshouse farm, about 1^ miles north of the city. The stone

MARYLAND" Continued.

is 296.5 feet east of the schoolhouse and feet south of the fence line. The mark used
4 or range was

the lightning rod on the tower of the almshouse, and bears 20" 26^.2 east of true south.

Washington County, Hancock, i8gj. "

In the large open field belonging to Mr. Brosius, north of

railroad depot.
Washington County, Maryland Heights, 1897, "
At extreme southern end of fort, in a small open

space at end of path leading south from highest point of fort. ( It was not to find the old Coast
and Geodetic Siu-vey station of 1870. ) According to present indications it would seem to fall in a

thicket of trees. I therefore chose the best site at present available. (L. A. B., July 1897. )
Wicomico County, Parsonsburg, i8g6, In lot, south of Baltimore, Chesapeake

open 170 paces

and Atlantic Railroad station. Lot owned by proprietor of sawmill opposite station.

Wicomico County, Salisbury, /8p6. "

First station: On the grounds in front of the court-house,

on the right-hand side of walk to entrance of court-house, about 14 feet south of south edge of this

walk and 20 feet east of east edge of pavement. Brick buildings rather close. The second station

should be given preference.

Second station: On the grounds of Mr. Thomas Humphreys, attorney at law, about 175 yards
southeast of the court-house on the opposite side of Lake Humphreys. This is the site of the

county meridian line established in 1896. Observations were made over the south monument and

likewise 16 feet east of north monument, and is the preferable station. Site was chosen by Mr. Peter

Shockley, county surveyor.

Worcester County, Berlin, i8g6. "

In the northwest corner of Buckingham High School grounds;
61.2 feet from the northwest corner of the frame building and 21.8 feet (at right angles) from the

fence in the rear of grounds.

Worcester County, Ocean City, i8g6. Near life-saving station, 200 north and 200 west,
paces paces
in large, sandy north of Bruce Cottage, northwest of schoolhouse, between Baltimore and
open, area

Philadelphia avenues.

Worcester County, Pocamoke City, i8p6. "

In the northeast part of the grounds about the academy;

36 paces east of academy, 1 1 west of east hedge fence, and 25 south of north hedge fence.
paces paces

Worcester County, Snow Hill, i8g6." In the southwest corner of the court-house lot: 61.8 feet

from southwest comer of court-house, ("% feet west of large tree. No fence around the lot,

simply a stone ciu-b. Station is 21.2 feet north of south curb and 15.2 feet east of west curb. Station

too near to buildings.

Snow Hill, I Observations were made over both the meridian stones of the meridian line
goo. "

which is located in the circular race track just east of the town and the railway station. The south

stone is 155 feet north of the south fence and feet east of the west fence of the race-track property.

The north stone is about 200 feet from the south stone.


Barnstable County, Provincetown, 18^^- "

Station is in the town park, on the hill in the rear of the

Pilgrim House. Station is marked by a granite post 4 by 4 inches and 2 feet long, sunk flush with

surface of ground. This stone is 60 feet a little east of north from the signal flag pole, and is also 60

feet from inner edge of fence along east side of park. The central rod on Wood End light-house bears

7" 10' west of true south. The central rod on Highland light-house bears 82" 2y east of true south,

and the new town-hall spire bears 18" 43^ east of true south.

Berkshire County, Williamstown, i8g8. "

Station is in the grounds of what is known as the

Williams College Field Observatory," and is feet west and feet south of the transit circle.
150 450

Station is marked by a bolt in a limestone post firmly set in ground and projecting about

6 inches above ground.

Essex County, Newburyport, i8p8. "
Station is 450 feet northwest of the Plum Island Hotel bam.

It is just west of the road, some sand hills.

Essex County, Salem {Fort Lee), i8g7. Station is the covered in center of old Fort Lee.
" on way

The remains of the fort are to the right of the road to Hospital Point.

Middlesex County, Cambridge, /8gj. The station is located in the large space in the east


side of the observatory yard, just north of the road that enters the yard on the east "
the main entrance.

Point is marked by a solid cedar post, with a copper screw.

Nantucket County^ Nantucket Cliffy ^^95- "

Station is marked by a white-oak post distant 160 feet

from the northwest comer of the porch of Charles H. Dauchy's house and 13.6 feet from the western

boundary of the Dauchy property. Allen property on the west

Plymouth County^ Cromeset^ 1887. "

Geodetic and magnetic station is located on the first point to

the northward of the extreme end of Cromeset Neck.

Suffolk County Boston 1890. "

Station is the north meridian stone of the meridian line on Boston
y y


Suffolk County South Boston Castle Island i8g6, "

Station is marked by a short gi:anite block,
y y y

sunk flush with surface. This block is about 13 centimeters and has a ridge running north

and south. This stone is 31.5 meters from the sea wall on the southeast side of island, and is also

133 meters from the extreme southeast point of Port Independence and 107.7 meters from the east

of brick hospital building. The mark used Head House flag pole, Marine
comer or range was

Park, City Point, and bears 68" 43^ west of true south.

Worcester County Worcester yi8g8. "

Station is located on the larger of the two small islands in the

lake of the institute park, just north of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Point marked with a

granite post 4^ feet long, projecting 8 inches. South of this stone, in the grounds of the institute, a

similar granite post was set, thus marking the true meridian. The mark or range used was the rod on

the band stand, which bears 18" 02^.0 east of true south.


Chippetva County Sault Ste, Marie i8gi. "

^The station is northwest of the military post cemetery,
y y

46.5 feet from the west fence of same and lOi feet from the fence forming the south boundary of the

cemetery when prolonged. It is marked by a terra-cotta pipe sunk flush with the surface of the

Kalamazoo County Kalamazoo /poo." The station is located on the grounds of the Michigan
y y

Seminary building, to the northeast of the town. It is on the slope of the hill to the west of the main

building, feet north of the north edge of the road which is an extension of Bridge street. It is

about yards west of Seminary street, and is marked by a stone post 6 inches lettered
200 square, on

top U. S. C. " G. S. sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The southeast edge of the seminary

building bears 41" 20^ east of true north.

Observations were also made at the old station in the park near the jail.
Marquette County Marquettey i8pi. "
^The station is on the United States reservation and near its

western boundary and about 800 feet northwest of the light-house. It is on the summit of a knoll

just north of the life-saving station. It is marked by a small terra-cotta pipe sunk so that its top is

even with the surface of the ground. This pipe is 248.5 feet from the northwest corner of the life-

saving station and 104.5 ^^^^ from the western boundary of the reservation.

Ottawa County Grand Haven, i8gr. "

The station is on the south side of the court-house grounds,

21.10 meters from Franklin street and 44. 10 meters from Fourth street. It is marked by a small cotta

drainpipe sunk flush with the surface of the ground.

St. Joseph County Sturg^iSy igoo, "
The station is located on the county farm, about 4 miles east

of town. It is on a small knoll north of the poorhouse, 112.1 feet east of the west fence and 19 1.4 feet

south of the north fence of the field. It is marked by a marble post 6 inches square, lettered on top

U. S. C. " G. S., and sunk so as to leave inches projecting above the surface of the ground. The

mark used was the vertex of the cone on the top of the ventilator on the center of the poor-
or range

house (the one between two chimneys) and bears o** 56^ west of true south.

Wayne County Detroit ^The station is on the southeastern shore of Belle Isle, in the
y y
igoo. "

Detroit River, about 200 yards west of the light-house. It is marked by a blue limestone post, 8 inches

lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S. and sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This stone

is 83.5 feet east of flower bed, feet from the river shore, and 64.5 feet from the edge of a way.
a 75

The center of the pole on the light-house tower bears 77" 25''.9 east of true north.


Becker County^ Detroit City^ igoo, "

The station is located on the county grounds to the south of

the town. It is 30.5 feet south of the inner edge of the old race track, 408.5 feet from the first tree

west of the road at the southeast corner,

and 424 feet from the southeast comer of the infirmary
building. It is marked by a rough granite stone about 4 by 6 inches at the top, with intersecting

grooves. The mark or used was the southeast edge of the infirmary building and bears 85" 33^

west of true south.

Blue Earth County Mankato^ igoo." The station is on the Normal School grounds, feet from
25. 15

the inner edge of the board walk along West Fifth street and 38.75 feet from the nearest comer of the

top step of the stone steps at the west side of the grounds. It is marked by a limestone post 8 inches

square and lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S., sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The south

edge of the Normal School building bears 73" 16^.5 west of true south, and the south edge of the house

bears 25" 14^.5 west of true south.

Cass County, Walker, ^The station is east of the Pameda Hotel, on the south side of the road,
igoo. "

about 1 27 feet from the northeast comer of the wooden walk in front of it, and i foot south of the

line of the outer edge of the walk. It is marked by a bowlder protruding through the sand, with

intersecting at the top. The mark or range used was the southeast edge of the chimney
grooves on

the southwest comer of a flat-roofed house across the railroad track and bears 53^ 58^.2 east of true


Oay County, Glyndon, The station is the old one in the city park, 40 feet and 106.5 ^eet
igoo, "

from the north and east fences, respectively. It is marked by a terra-cotta pipe sunk flush with the

surface of the ground. The spire of Union church bears 38** 00^.4 east of true south.

Crow Wing County, Brainerd, The station is at the intersection of Jumber street and

Bluff three north of the railroad station and five squares west of Sixth street, on the
avenue, squares

edge of the town, overlooking the Mississippi River. It is 40 feet from the northeast comer, 27.6 feet

from the line of trees on the north side of the street, and 44.4 feet from the center of the largest pine

tree, about 30** east of south.

Dakota County, Buck Hill, iSgj."'SeBX the triangulation station, on line to a windmill tower

about I }^ miles distant.

Dakota County^ Marcotta, i8gs- "

^^^ triangulation station, on line to a white church spire about

2 miles distant.

Dakota County, Wallace, i8gj. "

Near triangulation station, on line to a church spire in west St.


Dodge County, Mantorville, igoo, "

The station is in the northeast comer of the court-house yard,
feet and 116.9 feet, respectively, from the inner edge of the board walk along the streets to the

north and west of it. It is marked by a limestone post 7.7 inches square at the top, lettered U. S. C. "

G. S., resting solid rock. The mark or used was the southwest edge of the wooden school
on range

building and bears 55" 53^.7 west of trae north.

Douglas County, Alexandria, igoo. "

^The station is in the schoolhouse yard just east of the

court-house, 86.65 ^^et east of the schoolhouse and 120.5 ^eet from the inner edge of the pavement

the to the north. It is marked by marble post 6 inches lettered top U. S.

along street a square, on

C. " G. S. sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was an ornament on

the east end of Mr. Brundage's house and bears 26" 32^.2 west of true south. The center of the staff

the Letson House bears 20" 27^.4 east of true north.


Hennepin County, Hopkins, iSgj, "

About 40 feet from the triangulation station, on line to the

Minneapolis Machine Company's works at West Hopkins.

Hennepin County, Minneapolis, iSgi, "

^The station is on the grounds of the University of

Minnesota, about 200 feet from the south comer of the main university building and about 50 feet

north and feet west of the longitude pier ( 1890, 1891) back of the library building. It is no longer

suitable for magnetic work.

Jackson County, Heron Lake, The station is in the race track grounds, 84.2 feet from the
igoo. "

southeast of the judge's stand, 96.3 feet and feet from the nth post south and north of
comer 139.25

and 4"^ feet from the south side of the grand stand. It is marked by tent
it, respectively, a peg.

Lincoln County^ Lake Benton, The station is in the schoolhouse yard, 42.30 feet from the
igoo, "
33 1

MINNESOTA" Continued.

inner edge of the board walk on the street to the west of the building and ^^^^ from the south

edge of the board walk leading from the front of the building. It is marked by a hickory peg sunk

even with the surface of the ground.

Polk County^ Oookstotiy The station is on the south side of West Fifth street, just west of
igoo. "

Front street, 36.8 feet from the board walk on West Fifth street and 55.7 feet from the southeast corner

of the yard surrounding the Riverside Hospital. It is marked by a granite post 6.2 inches at

the top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., projecting i inch above the ground. The mark or range used was

the lightning rod on top of the schoolhouse and bears 41" o^\6 east of true south.

Ramsey County Mound View, /8gj. "

Near the triangulation station, online to a tall water tower

at the stock yards.

Ramsey County Prospect Parky 1893. "
About 60 feet from the triangulation station, on line to the

dome in the fair grounds.

Ramsey County Ramsey i8gs, "
About 25 feet from the triangulation station, on line to the center
y y

of 3 tall chimneys.
Ramsey County St. Pauly i8gi, ^The station is in Oakland Cemetery, in the large just

open space

west of the center of the "

Lake," 186.5 *""i 44^ ^^^t, respectively, from the inner edge of the wall of

the cemetery along Sycamore and Sylvan streets. It is marked by a dressed marble post 4 inches

with intersecting grooves at the top, lettered U. S. 1891 C. S. and sunk flush with the surface

of the ground. The center of the cross on the Lutheran church bears 77" 24^.7 east of true south.

The spire of the chapel on the cemetery grounds bears 8" 20^.3 east of true north.

Ramsey County St. Ptiuly 1900. "

^The station is **
north base "
of the base line on Snelling avenue,

about halfway between Minneapolis and St. Paul. The mark or used the flagstaff the
range was on

cupola of the main building in the fair grounds, distant about i mile, and it bears 7" 15^.3 west of

true south.

Steams County y
St. Cloudy igoo. "
The station is on the edge of the Mississippi River, four
north of St. Germain street, near Fifth avenue. It is 87 feet from the southeast corner of the tool

house on the north comer of Fourth street and Fifth avenue, 28 feet from the middle of the latter

and feet from the edge of the river bank. It is marked by red granite post 8.4 inches
15 a square,
lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S. The mark or range used was the east edge of the iron smokestack

in Sauk Rapids, about 2 miles distant, and bears 11" 54"" west of true north.

St. Louis County Duluthy 189/." The station is on United States land just in the rear of the light

keeper's house, 133.6 feet from its foundation and 34 feet from the shore of the lake. It is marked

by granite inches with lead bolt and intersecting the

a post 4 square, a grooves at top, projecting 2

inches above the ground. The spire of the Masonic Temple bears 15" 27^.7 west of true north. The

center of the chimney of the light keeper's house bears 67" 04''. 8 west of true south.

Szvi/l County, Benson igoo. "

^The station is located in the northwestern comer of the schoolhouse

lot, 30.2 feet from the north fence, 41.8 feet from the line of trees to the west, and 106.2 feet from the

northwest corner of the schoolhouse. It is marked by a wooden post sunk even with the surface of

the ground.
Wabasha County Lake Cityy 1893. Near the triangulation station of that which is the

name, on

farm of Mr. Welp, between the crib and the pigpen.

Wabasha County Watopay 1893." The station is feet south and 75.8 feet west of the center

of section 17.

Wadefia County Wadena, The station is in the schoolhouse yard, and 89.2 feet from
/poo." 14.3

the south and east fences and 24.5 and 108.8 feet from the lines of the east and south sides of the

schoolhouse, respectively. It is marked by a brown sandstone post 6.6 inches lettered

square, on top
U. S. C. " G. S. and sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The mark used the
or range was tip
of the ironwork on top of the cupola of the Methodist church and bears 57" 42''.! east of true south.

Washington County, Woodbury, y^pj." About 7.3 meters east of the triangulation station.

Wilkin County, Breckenridge The station is located in the court-house yard the
igoo. "


south fence between the fifth and sixth trees from the west and 6.4 and feet from the center of
the trees to the east and west, respectively, and 4. i feet from the fence. It is marked by wooden
a post
sunk even with the surface of the ground.

MINNESOTA" Continued.

Yellow Medicine County, Granite FallSy igoo, ^The station is located the franite rocks


one west of the principal street, on the north side of the side street on which the truck and
ladder house and the Merchant's Hotel are located. Just north of the highest point of the rocks is a

small level place and the station is near the center of it. It is 6.8 feet from a well-worn path to the

north and 37.6 feet west of the fence around the last house on the north side of the street, nearly
opposite the truck and ladder house. It is marked by a wooden


Adams County^ Natchez, i8go. "

Station is located on the bluff north of the city and just opposite
the Jewish burying grounds, on land owned by Mr. Charles Schlect. Station is marked by a locust

post 2 feet long sunk flush with surface. This post is 20.8 feet south of the north fence of Mr.

Schlect' s property and 68 feet from the northwest comer. The mark or range used was the center of

the cross on the Cathedral and bears 11" 51^.3 west of true south. Center of stand pipe of city works

bears 5" 23^.8 west of true south.

Clay County West Point i^i. "

The station is in the western psurt of the town, on the grounds of
y ,

the Mary Holmes Seminary. It is marked by a stone post 6 inches

square projecting 4 inches above

the surface of the ground. This stone is 156.4 feet from the southeast comer and 203.1 feet from the

southwest corner of the main building. The mark or used was the apparent west edge of the

chimney on a cotton mill, distant about 3 miles, and bears 2" 13^.4 east of true south.

Hancock County ShieldsborOy i8g6. Station is in the southwest comer of the court-house
and is marked by a yellow-pine post 2 feet long, sunk flush with surface of ground. This post is 120

feet from the southern fence and 14 feet from the western fence around the court-house The

mark used was the spire of the Catholic church and bears 13" 08^.9 east of true south. Spire
or range

of Methodist church bears 39" 00^.4 west of true north. Spire of court-house bears 55" 17^.3 east of

true north.

Harrison County Mississippi City, i8g6. "

Station is in the park in front of the Gulf View Hotel,

on the hill overlooking Mississippi Sound, and about 2 squares from the court-house. It is marked by
a yellow-pine post 2 feet long, sunk flush with surface of the ground. This post is 80 feet from the

southern fence and 75 feet from the western fence of the park. The mark or range used was the flag
pole on head of Gulf View Hotel pier and bears 6** 31^.2 east of true south. End of White's pier head

bears 48" 17^.6 west of true south. End of Faye's pier head bears 89" 32^.8 east of true north.

Hinds County Jackson^ i^i, "

^The station is about 2 miles from the town, on the grounds of the

Millsaps College, on the south side of Otatervatory Hill, about 300 feet from the proposed site for the

observatory and 224.5 ^^^^ from the fence on the west. It is marked by a stone post 6 inches

projecting inches above the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was the spire on the

main college building and bears 8" 10^.4 east of true south.

Jones County Ellisville, /go/."Th^ station is about one-half mile from the center of the town, on

the grounds of Mr. Bynum. It is about in the center of a large field back of his house, 222 feet from the

east fence and 290 feet from the north fence. It is marked by a stone post 6 inches square, projecting
several inches above the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was the spire of the dist

church and bears 68" 49'. 9 west of true north.

Lafayette County Oxford^ Station is located on the summit of the flat hill used by students
igoi, "

of the University of Mississippi as their baseball grounds. The spot is marked by a stone post 6 inches

sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The post is distant 186.7 feet from the fence along

the road to the east and 206.6 feet from the fence at the north. The mark or range used was the top
of the water tower and bears 31" 21^ west of true north.

Lauderdale County Meridian^ igoi, "

The station is about 2 miles from the town, on the grounds

of the State Asylum for the Insane. It is about 150 feet south of the walk leading to the front of the

main building and 260 feet from the southeast comer of this building. It is marked by a stone post 6

inches projecting 3 inches above the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was the

staff on the Central school building and bears 76" 03^.3 east of true south.

Lee County y
Tupelo y
igoi. "
^The station is in the northwestern part of the town, on Jefferson street,

in the grounds of the public school. It is 86 feet from the east feace, and 218.4 feet and 241 feet, tively,

from the southeast and southwest corners of the schoolhouse. It is marked by a stone post 6


inches sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The mark or used the spire of
square, range was

the First Baptist church, on the comer of Jefferson and Church streets, and bears 87" 04-'. 2 east of

true south.

Lincoln County, Brookkaveny ^The station is on the campus of the Whitworth Female lege.
i^i. "

It is east of the main building and about in the center of the It is 95.7 feet east of the

main building and 89. i feet north of the south fence. It is marked by a stone post 6 inches square,

projecting inches above the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was the spire on the
4 -

Presbyterian church, at the junction of the iron vane and the main spire, and bears 2" 21' east of true


Marshall County, Holly Springs, The station is about 2 miles from town, on the grounds

of Rust University. It is 236.5 ffcet and 212.7 feet, respectively, from the southeast and southwest

comers of the University building. It is marked by a stone post 6 inches square, projecting 3 inches

above the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was the top of the water tower and bears

3" 09^.4 east of true south.

Montgomery County, Winona, i^i. "

The station is in the public school grounds on College

avenue. It is 188.4 ^^^t and 201 feet, respectively, from the northwest and northeast corners of the

schoolhouse and feet from the fence on the east. It is marked by a stone post 6 inches
152.3 square,

sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was the spire on the Methodist

church, and bears 43" 10^.7 east of true south.

Pearl River County, Poplarville, i8g6. "

Station is in the southwest corner of the court-house

and marked by a yellow-pine post 2 feet long, sunk flush with surface of ground. This post
is 36 feet from the west fence and 50 feet from the south fence around court-house The mark

or used was the spire of the Methodist church, and bears 15^ 34^.6 east of true south. Spire of

Baptist church bears 80" 34^.6 east of true north. Cupola of court-house bears 22" 06^.9 east of

true north.

Scott County, Forest, i^i. "

Th^ station is about one-fourth mile from the court-house, on the

grounds of Mr. A. B. Carroll. It is in a large open field, 276.3 feet from the fence on the west. It is

marked by a stone post 6 inches square, projecting 3 inches above the surface of the ground. The

mark or range used was the cupola of the court-house, and bears 37" 54"^. 7 west of true south.

Warren County, Vicksdurg, /Sgo. "

Station is about the center of the last level plateau, at the

extreme southeastern extremity of Castle Hill ( near waterworks tower). It is marked by a locust

post sunk 2 feet in the ground and flush with surface. This post is 107.5 feet from the south comer of

the wooden inclosure of the house, which belongs to the Bowmar estate. From the east corner of

same it is distant 123 feet. Spire of Trinity Episcopal church bears 10" 55^.9 east of true north. Spire
on Baptist church bears 0" 52^.1 west of true north. Spire on the Catholic cathedral bears 4" 34^.1
west of true north.

Washington County, Greenville, i8go. "

Station is in large open square, at the intersection of

Main and Poplar streets, and near the center of the town. It was marked by a red-cedar post sunk

2 feet in the ground and flush with the surface. Station is distant 57 feet, 78.4 feet, and 100 feet,
respectively, from the southeast fence of lot, southwest fence of lot, and eastern edge of Poplar street.

It is also atx"ut 300 feet from Main street. Flag pole on Wilczinski building bears 41^ 30^.9 east of

true north. Center of cupola on ice factory bears 56" 11^. i west of true north. Center of central

chimney of Mr. J. Wall's house bears 52" 53''.9 west of true south.

Yazoo County Yazoo City, ^The station is about i mile from the town, inLintonia Park. It
igoi. "

is 149.8 feet from the north fence and 102. i feet from the west fence, along Jackson avenue. It is

marked by a stone post projecting 2 inches above the surface of the ground. The mark or used
was the cupola of Mr. Stubfield's house, and bears 36" 05^.4 east of true south.


Cass County, Harrisonville, /goo." The station is in the southwest comer of the high -school

groimds, 7 feet from the south side and 43 feet from the west side of the grounds. It is marked by a

white limestone post 6 inches on top and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., extending inches above
square 2

the ground. The mark or used was the southeast of Mr. William Crosswhite's house,
range comer

and bears 47" 30^.3 west of true south.


MISSOURI" Continued.

of the building and southwest of the jail. This pier rises 3 feet above the ground and is capped by a

stone, a drill hole in which serves to mark the south end of a meridian line. A north meridian stone,
with center similarly marked, was set in the curb line near the northwest comer of Church and Mine

streets at the southeast comer of the yard of Mr. James Long. A drill hole was also placed in the

coping of the court-house feet 2 inches from the northwest corner, in the meridian.


Cascade County Cascade^ 18^. "

Observations were made over a pine stub. This pine stub was

located in the on the west side of the town, 1,086 feet west of the Great Northern, or the
open space

Montana Central Railway track, and 303 feet north of the Cascade public school building.
Choteau County Fort Benton /"yp6." Observations were made over the center of a pine stub.
^ ^

This pine stub located in the northeast of the town and down the river. It is between
was open space

Main street and the Missouri River, 577 feet from the river, 80 feet southeast of Main street, 641.6 feet

north of the site of the old fort.


Choteau County Havre i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of an oak post. This
^ ^

oak post located in the space in the southeast corner of the block bounded on the east side
was open

by First avenue and on the south side by Third street. It is 38.5 feet west of First avenue, 28.5 feet

north of Third street, about 220 feet northeast of the Havre public school brick building, and 240 feet

east of the Methodist wooden church building.

Custer County Forsyth^ i8g6. Observations were made over point in a large the
a open space on

south side of the railway track southeast of the station and about 300 feet from the foot of

the bluffs. It is distant 1,131 feet almost south from the comer of sees. 22 and 23, T. 6 N., R. 40 E.

It is also distant 1,516 feet from the nearest point of the railway roundhouse.

Custer County Miles City^ i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of an ash stub. This

ash stub was located in the City Park. It is distant 173 and 232 feet, respectively, from the inner edge
of Park street and from] the nearest bank of Tongue River. It is also distant about 425 feet from

the center of the main building of the Macqueen Hotel, which is near Park street, and the railway

Dawson County y
GUndive^ 18^. "
Observations were made over the center of a pine stub. This

pine stub was located on the south side of the town, on a large vacant lot belonging to the Northern

Pacific Railway Company, bounded on the northeast by Power street and on the southeast by Nowlan

avenue. It is 232.5 feet west of center of front projection of dwelling of superintendent of Northern

Pacific Railroad and 104.5 feet southwest of the inner edge of Power street.

Flathead County ^
Kootenai River at Canadian boundary, igoi. "
Observations were made on the

second bench east of the river about 100 feet south of the line joining Boundary monuments Nos. and

10. The precise point is 324 meters west and about 30.5 meters south of Monument No. 9. The ment

was mounted on a stump.

Flathead County Tobacco /fci"5,/^/." This station is about a quarter mile south of Phillipps,

British Columbia, and is 180 feet east and 26.4 feet south of Boundary Monument No. 8 American, No.

154 British. The station is 37 feet due south of an iron post having on top a brass cap lettered U. S.

Survey. 1901, Az: Sta. This post is the south end of a meridian line.

Flathead County Wigwam igoi. "

^The station was located near the center of the little valley
, ,

through which Wigwam Creek flows. At this September, 1901, no water is in the bed of the

stream. Observations were made in the vista which was cut for the forty-ninth parallel. The precise

point was 251 meters west of Boundary Monument No. 6 and 416 meters east of Monument No. 7.

Gallatin County, Bozeman, i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of a pine stub. This

pine stub was located about one-half mile south of the city, 70 feet east of Central avenue, 190 feet

south of Jesse Stiff's house, about 200 feet northeast of F. T. Osborne's house, about 500 feet north of

H. W. Rice's house, and about 400 feet northwest of Bozeman Creek at its nearest point. The center

of the cupola of the high school bears 13" 36'. 3 west of true north. The cupola of the Episcopal church

bears 5" 58^.7 east of true north. The cupola of the Bozeman Hotel bears 23" 25^.7 east of true north.

Gallatin County, Fort Ellis^ 1882, "

^The station is about in the center of the parade grounds.

MONTANA" Continued.

Lewis and Clarke County^ Helena^ i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of a pine stub.

This pine stub was located near St. Joseph Catholic Orphan Asylum, about i mile north of the city
limits. It is 453 feet east of the inner edge of Montana avenue extended, 78 feet north of the plank
fence around the, asylum grounds, about 250 feet northeast of the northeast comer of the asylum
building. The mark or range used was the north side of the public school dome, and bears 32" 04'

west of true north.

Meagher County ^
Townsetid, iSg6. "
Observations were made over a pine stub. This pine stub was

located in the large the north side of the town, land claimed by the Northern Pacific
open space on on

Railway. It is 106 feet east of the inner edge of Pine street extended, 165 feet northeast of J. E.

Kanouse's residence, about 250 feet southwest of J. R. Marks's house, and about 650 feet northeast of

the main irrigation ditch where it crosses Pine street.

The spire of the Methodist church bears

21" 19^.7 east of true south. The spire of the public schoolhouse bears 11" 24^.3 west of true south.

Valley County, Glasgow, i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of a pine post. This

pine post located in the large field on the south side of the town. It is 412 feet due south
was open

of the county court-house and 580 feet east of the east side of the race track. The mark or range

used the Glasgow public school flagstaff. This mark or bears 23" 12^.8 east of true north.
was range

Yellowstone County, Billings, i8p6. "

Observations were made over a point located on the west

side of the town of Billings, 112 feet northwest of the northwest side of Third avenue north and

84.5 feet southwest of the southwest side of Thirty-second street. It is i 000 feet south and i 200 feet

west of section comer 32 and 33, T. i N., R. 26 E. This comer is on the base line of the original
land survey.


Antelope County, Neligh, Observations were made over a sandstone post 26 inches long,
igoo. "

set 26 inches in the ground, 5 by 7 inches on top, and lettered U. S., with a small hole in the center

marking the point. This stone is located in the court-house and distant no and 120.6 feet,

respectively, from the northeast and the northwest comers of the court-house building. The mark

used was the cupola of the tower of the water standpipe on a hill about one-half mile distant.
or range

This mark bears 7^ 1 1^.6 west of true north. The spire of the Methodist church bears 56^
or range

48^.4 east of true south. The cross on the Episcopal church bears 34" 46^.8 east of true south.

Banner County, Harrisburg, igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post about

long, set inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole

marking the center. This btone was placed on a small hill immediately west of the town, and a little

north of the spot where a well has been dug for the water supply of the town. This town is located

in T. 18, R. 56. The mark or used was the cupola of the frame court-house about
sec. 2, range

one-fourth of mile distant. This mark or bears 81" 15^.8 east of true north. The bold
a range

perpendicular face of the bluff 2 miles distant and known as "Lover's Leap" bears i^ 24^.2 west oif

true south. The cupola of the frame schoolhouse bears 84" 17^.2 east of true north.

Blaine County, Brewster, igoo, Observations were made over a sandstone post feet long,
gray 3

set inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole in

the center marking the point. This sandstone post was placed in the northwest comer of the house

grounds, and one-fourth of a mile south of the town of Brewster. An iron rod i inch in

diameter was driven in the ground 137.4 feet from the stone post. The mark or range used was the

rod of windmill about one-fourth of a mile distant. This mark or bears 3" 06^.8 east of
a pump range

true north. The iron rod bears 3" 08^ east of true south. The center of a chimney of a white frame

house bears 73" 54^.8 east of true north. The south gable of the frame schoolhouse bears 68^ 18^ west

of true north.

Boone County, Albion, igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone rock 36 inches long, set

36 inches in the ground, 8 by 8 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. with a small hole in

the center of it marking the point. It was placed in the northeast corner of the court-house square,

about 88.3 feet from the west side of Fourth street and about 34 feet from the south side of Church

street. This stone is distant 65.5 feet from the top of the stone foundation of the court-house at its

northeast corner. It is nearly due north of the center of the first step leading into the court-house

NEBRASKA" Continued.

building, and 102. 2 feet from it. The mark or used the base of the cross on the tower of
range was

the Baptist church. This mark or range bears 28" 04-^.5 east of true south. The spire of the terian
church bears 51" 58^.4 west of true south.

Boxbutte County^ Alliance^ /goo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post 3 feet long, set

33 inches in the ground, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole marking the center. This stone

post was placed in the circle of the new race track west of the town, on the south side of Montana

avenue when extended to the west, and about 100 feet north of the judges' box. The mark or range

used was the rod of a windmill pump. This mark or bears 4" 37'. 4 west of true south. The

top of the water standpipe bears 56" 38^.5 east of true north. The cupola of a large brick schoolhouse

bears 61** 41^.7 east of true north. The cross upon the tower of the Catholic church bears 81" 17''.!

east of true north. The center of the brick chimney of the railroad shops bears 52" 17^ east of true


Brown County^ Ainsworthy igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone rock 2"% feet long,
set inches in the ground, 5 by 5 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole

which marks the center. This stone post was placed in the court-house grounds 79.3 feet directly
east of the northeast comer of the brick court-house building. The mark or range used was the base

of the iron rod supporting the gilt ball upon the tower of the MethoSist church about 300 yards
distant. This mark or range bears i" 56^.8 west of true south. An iron pipe was driven in the

ground in line to the iron rod on the Methodist church tower and distant 209.75 feet. The tip of the

cupola the northwest corner of the brick bank building bears 6" 17' east of true south. The tip

of the spire of the German Lutheran church bears 39" 34'. 2 west of true north.

Cherry County^ Kennedy igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post 3 feet long, set

inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole which

marks the center. This stone was placed near the store of David Steadman in Kennedy. It is south-

of the store and 100 feet southeast of a new set of scales. The mark or range used was an

"iron rod 4 feet long and 2 inches in diameter, driven about 3"^ feet in the ground. It was located

about feet from the station, on a hill north of a barn in a direct line with the scale box of the

scales. This mark or bears 17" 01^.9 west of true north. The rod of a windmill
wagon range pump

at the bam bears 32" 12^.5 west of true north. The white cross on the church 2 miles bears 76**

28^.7 west of true south. The south comer of the brick chimney on the store bears 28" 57^.1 east of

true north.

Cherry County, Merriman, Observations were made over a copper nail driven in a red-
igoo, "

cedar post 3 feet long, set 32 inches in the ground. This cedar post was placed on Government land

in the SW. comer sec. 17, T. 34, R. 37. It is located on a sand knoll about 200 yards south of the

railroad, and not more than 200 feet from the supposed section corner. The mark or range used was

the cupola of the schoolhouse. This mark or range bears 13" 27^.9 west of true north. The center of

the brick chimney of the Fremont, Elkhom and Missouri Valley Railroad station bears 12" 32^-3 west

of true north. The rod of the railroad windmill pump bears i" 56^.7 east of true north.

Cherry and Sheridan counties. Spring Lake Ranch, igoo. "

Observations were made over a copper

nail in cedar post %% feet long, set 3 feet in the ground. This cedar post was placed upon an earth

mound on the seventh standard parallel, and near the fifth guide meridian at a jog in the line between

Cherry and Sheridan counties, and north of the line of township No. 28. It is about 4 feet west of the

triangular cedar stake set some thirty when the original townships were laid off. This
years ago

stake is one of the corners of Spring Lake Ranch. It is on the face of a ridge sloping west, near the

top and in a small hollow west of one of the higher knobs of the hill. It is directly east of the Spring
Lake meadow known as Billy's Lake. Another cedar stake was driven on a sand hill 222.1 feet west

of station. This cedar post bears 42" 37''.$ west of true north. The south gable of a small house

on the north side of the valley bears 83" 24''.6 west of true north.

Cherry County, Valentine, igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post 3 feet long, set

33 inches in the ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G.S., with a small hole which marks the center. This

sandstone post was placed in the block on which stands the new brick schoolhouse, district No. i.

It is located on the eastern edge of the town within about 100 yards of the western boundary of the

United States military reservation, north of the northwest corner of the school building. The mark

27478 "
02 22

NEBRASKA" Continued.

or used was the spire of the Methodist Episcopal church. This mark bears 59*^ 39^.3
range or range

west of true south. The cross on the Episcopal church bears 82" 43^.7 west of true north. The spire
of the Presbyterian church bears 79" 06^.7 west of true north. The northwest comer of the stone

foundation of the school building bears i** 25^.5 east of true south.

Cheyenne County^ Bridgeport y

igoo. "
Observations were made over a stone post in the SE. %
SE. % sec. 31, T. 20, R. 50. It was located on the level land west of the town and north of the

Bm-lington and Missouri River Railroad tracks, and 100 feet north of the stock yards. The mark or

used was the center of a house. This mark bears 76" 35^.5 west of true north. The
range or range

tip of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad water tank bears 33" 08^.3 east of true south. The

tip of Chimney Rock, 6 miles distant and known as such since 1849, bears 78" 41^.1 west of true north.

The eastern face of "Jail Rock," 4 miles distant and east of a larger one known as "TheCourt-

House," bears 5" 26^.7 west of true south.

Cheyenne County^ Sidney, igoo. "

Observations were made over a gray sandstone post 3 feet long"
set on a solid rock, about 28 inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S.,

with a small hole which marks the center. This stone post was placed on the top of the blufiF about

one-fourth of a mile north of the Union Pacific Railroad station and the town of Sidney. This bluff

is elevated about 100 feet above the town, and the land is the property of Robert S. Oberf elder. The

post is about 20 feet from the point where the hill begins to slope toward the bluff, and the point of

the cupola of the Union Pacific Railroad station is directly in line with the center of the arc formed by
the gilt letters '*
Chowins" upon a new stone building one block south of the railroad station. The

mark or range used was the point of the cupola of the railroad station. This mark or range bears

2" 06^.9 east of true south. The spire of the Lutheran church bears 6" 04^.4 east of true south. The

Presbyterian church spire bears 4" 32^.8 west of true south. The spire of the Catholic church bears

18" 52^. I west of true south.

Colfax County Schuyler^ igoo. "

Observations were made over a marble post 3 feet long, set

inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S., with a small hole which marks the

center. It was placed in the court-house grounds about 35 feet south of the street running east and

west in front of the building. It is distant 99 feet from the bottom brick of the northwest comer

of the court-house building. A reference marble post, 18 inches long, set flush with the ground, and

by 6 inches on top, with a small hole which marks the center, was placed 168.4 feet from the first

stone in a southerly direction from it, and 16.05 ^^^^ west of the southwest corner of the stone

foundation of the court-house building, directly in line with the back walls of this building. The

mark or used was the gable of a shed roof about 200 feet from the station. This mark or range

bears i** 14^.2 west of true south. The reference stone bears 3" 33^.3 west of true south.

Custer County Broken Bow, Observations were made over a stone post feet long, set
igoo. "

inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, with a small hole in the center marking the point.

This stone post was placed in the northwest comer of the grounds of the South Side High School

building, about feet from the street south and the same distance from the street west of these

grounds. It is 102 feet southwest of the southwest comer of the brick school building. The mark

or used was the cupola on the largest tower of the new brick court-house, about one-fourth
of a mile distant. This mark or range bears 8" 03''.5 east of true north. The spire of the United

Brethren Church bears 79" 51^.5 east of true north. The spire of the Baptist church bears 20" 2i''.9
east of true north. The cupola of the North Side schoolhouse bears 13" 08''. i east of true north.

Dawes County, Chadron, i8g6, "

Observations were made over the center of a pine stub. This pine
stub was located in the court-house yard. It is distant 158.6 feet north of the north entrance to the

court-house, 31.8 feet south of the south side of Fourth street, and feet west of the west
county 145

side of Main street. The point used mark bears 89^ 09^.8 east of true south.
as a or range

Dawes County, Keystone ^afiM.ypoo." Observations were made over a point on a knoll about

100 yards north of the ranch house, and between it and the irrigation ditch. The Keystone Ranch

is owned by David Taylor, of Hay Springs, Nebr. It is in the northeast comer of sec. 23, T. 29, R. 48.
The mark or used was the rod of the windmill pump. This mark or range bears 14^ 46^.3 west
of true south.

Dawes County, Marsland, igoo. "

Observations were made over a stone post placed on the high

ground west of the town, about feet south of the Presbyterian church, and nearly in line with the

NEBRASKA" Continued.

Baptist church, which is 800 feet south of this stone post. This town is said to be located the

northwest comer of sec. 34, T. 39, R. 51. The mark or used was the Baptist church spire.
This mark or bears 0" 42^.4 east of true south. The tip of the water tank of the Burlington and
Missouri River Railroad bears 87" 07^.6 east of true north. The center of the west chimney of the

Burlington and Missouri River Railroad station bears 84^ 56^.8 east of true south. The cupola of the

schoolhouse bears 2** 25^.4 west of true north. The spire of the Presbyterian church bears 4" 13^.6
east of true north.

Deuel County y
Chappelly igoo. "
Observations were made over a sandstone post 3 feet long, set 33
inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches'on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole marking
the center. This stone post was placed on the land of Fred Sudman, county treasurer, the NW.

X NW. X ^^' 22, T. R. 45. It is about 100 yards a little west of south of the Union Pacific
Railroad station, and about the same distance east of south of the stock yards. The mark or range
used was the rod of a windmill pump. This mark or range bears 7^ 38^.6 west of true south. The

rod on the spire of the Methodist chm-ch bears 39" 19''.3 east of true north. The cupola of a frame

schoolhouse one-half a mile distant bears 24" 20^.4 east of true north. The rod of the Union Pacific

Railroad windmill bears 21" 12^.3 east of true north.


Deuel County Hartman^ 1^00. "

Observations were made over a copper nail in hexagonal red cedar

post 3 feet long, set 32 inches in the grotmd, and 6 inches in diameter. This cedar post was placed in

the NW. comer sec. 35, T. 18, R. 44, and 149.8 feet from the stone marking this corner. It is about

one-half a mile northeast of Sebastian R. Hartman's dwelling, and east of Lost Creek. This cedar

post is about 130 feet east and 50 feet south, respectively, of the section roads. The mark or range
used was the rod of Frederick Teppert*s windmill pump, about one-half mile distant. This mark or

range bears 9" 01^.3 east of true north. The comer stone of section 35 bears 51" 48^.2 west of true


Douglas County Omaha /poo." Observations were made over a sandstone post 28 inches long, set
y ^

just below the surface of the ground. This stone is pointed at the top and its center marks the point.
It is located in Prospect Hill Cemetery, in the northwestern part of Omaha. This stone was placed
in the open adjoining the brick stone-capped wall, which runs along Parker street, and is distant

42.65 feet from this stone wall. It is also distant 122.4 and 122 feet, respectively, from the nearest

corners of the Drexel and Enos Lowe monuments. The mark or used was the spire of the
United Presbyterian church. This mark or bears 29" 11^.4 east of true south. The spire of the
United States post-office bears 45** 08^. i east of true south. The spire of the high school bears 36** 45^.2
east of true south.

Garfield County Burwell, igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post 3.2 feet long, set

about 3 feet in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole which

marks the center. The stone post was placed the lot occupied by the public school building, in
the western section of the town. It is distant 54.8, 42.6, and 24.0 feet, respectively, north of the frame

school building, west of the street which runs north and south in front of this building, and south

of the north side of the school lot. The mark or used was a telegraph pole on the Burlington
and Missouri River Railroad, one-half mile distant. This mark or bears 22^ 27^.3 east of true
a range
south. The spire of the Congregational church bears 77" 55'. i east of true north. The cross on the

Catholic church bears 83** 58^.3 east of true south.

Grant County Hyannis^ Observations were made over a sandstone post 3 feet long, set 33
igoo. "

inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole marking
til D center. This stone post was placed on land belonging to the Lincoln Land Company, about one-half

a mile east of the comer stone marking townships and 24 and 38 and 39, and about 100 feet
23 ranges
north of the south line of township No. 24. It is located the top of a sand hill, 75 feet above
the town. It is north of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad, and is 500 feet northwest of the

railroad station. The mark or used was the cross on the Catholic church spire. This mark or

range bears 28" 04''. 8 west of true south. The stone marking the southwest comer of township No. 24

and the northwest corner of No. 23 and the line between Nos. 38 and 39, bears 92** 06^.5 west
of true south. The Presbyterian diurch spire bears 27" 48^.2 west of true south. The tip of the bell

tower on the schoolhouse bears 71" 52^.5 west of true south.

Holt County^ O'Neilly Observations made white limestone post 32 inches long,
/goo, "
were over a


340 1902.

NEBRASKA" Continued.

set inches in the ground, 4 by 4 inches top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with small hole marking
29 on a

the center. This stone was placed in the court-house square in line with the west face of the house

building, and 69. i feet south of the southwest corner of the brick foundation of this building.
The mark or used was the flag pole of a store one-fourth of mile distant. This mark
range grocery a

or bears 3" 15''.o west of true south. The ball on the Methodist church spire bears 71" 42^.8 east
of true south. The cross on the Catholic church spire bears 35" 10^.8 west of true north.

Hooker County Mullen Observations made sandstone post feet long, set
^ ^
igoo. "
were over a 3 30

inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole marking
the center. This stone post was placed on a hill north of the town and railroad station, in the center

of lot owned by C. L. Inmann. It is about yards north of the railroad station and about 250
a 300

yards east of the frame schoolhouse. An iron rod 1%. f^ct long driven in the ground feet north
was 30

of the northwest corner of the frame court-house building and about one-fourth of a mile distant from

this stone post. The mark or used this iron rod. This mark or bears 32" 31 '.9 west
range was range

of true south. The flag pole on the cupola of the schoohouse bears 62" 06^.5 west of true south. The

center of the chimney of the court-house bears 30" 58^.7 west of true south. The center of the chimney
on the new hotel bears 11" 58' west of true south.

Howard County St. Pauly /goo. "

The station is in the southeast comer of the court-house yard,

32.6 feet from the south fence and 66 feet 11 inches from the east fence. It is marked by a limestone

post sunk inches below the surface of the ground. The mark used was the flag pole on the
4 or range

schoolhouse, and bears 48" 07^.5 west of south.

/iTeiih County Og^allala, Observations were made a stone post 3 feet long, set about
/goo. "

33 inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole marking
the center. This stone post was placed about one-fourth of a mile from the court-house, near a road

on the south slope of a hill, and in line with the center of the street which runs north on the east side

of the court-house grounds. The mark or used was the iron rod the cupola of the brick
range upon

court-house building. This mark or bears 2" 07''.4 east of true south. The spire of the Catholic

church bears 25" 13^.7 east of true south. The spire of the Presbyterian church bears 18" 34^.7 west

of true south. The northwest comer of the brick schoolhouse bears 28" 29^.5 west of true south.

Keyapaha County^ Springview^ Observations made over a brass spike driven in a

/goo. "

inches in and 6 inches in diameter located in the

3 feet
cedar post long, set 34 the ground, on top. It was

court-house on the east side of the town 65.1, 90.6, and 161 feet, respectively, from the east

fence, from the north fence of this and from the northeast comer of the stone vault near the

court-house building. The mark used was the rod of the windmill pump one-fourth of a
or range

mile distant. This mark or bears 15** 23^.7 east of true south. The center of the north chimney

of the schoolhouse bears 71" west of true north. The Methodist church spire at the base of vane

bears 44" 4i''.2 west of true north. The northwest comer of the stone vault 161 feet distant bears

55" 06^.6 west of true south.

Kimball County, Kimball Observations were made over a stone post 3 feet long, set 33
/goo. "

inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole marking the

This stone placed in the southeast of the schoolhouse grounds, about feet
center. post was corner 35

from the south fence, 20 feet from the east fence of these grounds, and 200 feet from the new frame

school building. The mark or used was the tip of the water tank of the Union Pacific road.
This mark bears 9** oi''.6 east of true north. The southeast edge of John Biggs's
or range

stone store building on line with the window sills bears 27" 56^.6 east of true north. The point of the

wooden bracket the north gable of the frame court-house bears 63" 36^. i east of true south.

The northeast edge of the schoolhouse building, corner just above the water table, bears 43" 53'. i

west of true north.

Lancaster County, Lincoln, The station is on the south end of the athletic field of the State
/goo. "

of Nebraska, feet of the walk end of the main building and 69.8
University 100.9 west stone at west

feet north of the fence at south end of athletic field. It is about 6 inches south of the line of sight
the north side of the hallway of the main building and inches west of the west face of the
along 4

library building. It is marked by sandstone 6 inches lettered top U. S. C. " G. S.,

a post square, on

with surface of the The mark used the east edge of tall
and sunk even thfe ground. or range was a

iron smokestack and bears 16" 32^.8 west of true north.

34 1


Logan County^ Gandy^ igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post 3 feet long, set 32
inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with small hole marking
on top, a

the center. This stone was placed on the hill about i 200 feet south of the court-house, in line between

the Presbyterian church and the schoolhouse, 172 feet from the former and about feet from the
latter. The mark or range used was the cupola on the court-house. This mark bears
or range
6** 59^.3 west of true north. The cupola on the schoolhouse bears 77" 35^.9 east of true north. The

rod of the windmill of B. Smith bears 89" 28'. i west of true north.
McPherson County^ Township 79, Range 37. "
Observations were made over a brass tack in a red

cedar post 4 inches in diameter and 3)^ feet long, set in the ground. This cedar post is located

on a ranch owned by B. Aufdenburger, in a meadow south of his house. The mark or used was
the rod of a windmill about 350 feet distant from the cedar post. This mark bears
pump or range

14" 25^.6 west of true north. The southeast comer of the northeast quarter of section No. 10, distant

250 feet, bears 48" 49^.2 of true south.

McPherson County Tryon^ igoo. Observations were made over a nail in a cedar post ^%,
inches in diameter and 4 feet long, set 3"^ feet in the ground. This cedar post was located in a small

valley at the foot of a hill, about one-fourth of a mile north of the frame court-house building. This

small one-story court-house building, with one sod house, at the present time constitutes the town of

Tryon. The county clerk, L. C. Renean, knows the exact location of this cedar post. The mark or

used was the rod on a windmill pump. This mark or range bears 16" 34^.3 east of true south.

The center of the south or the main chimney of the court-house building bears 14" 53^*2 east of true


Madison County Norfolk i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of a pine stub. This
y ^

stub was located in the Lincoln public school grounds, 192.3 feet .west of the west side of the school

building, 45.3 feet from the plank fence on the west side of the school grounds, and 88.3 feet from the

south side of the school grounds. The point used as a mark or range bears 75^ 57^.5 east of true south.

Nuckolls County Superior igoo, "

The station is in the southwestern comer of the city park, in
y ^

the northeastern part of the town, 50 feet from the west fence and 118.5 feet from the south fence.

It is marked by a hedge-wood stake.

Rock County Newport, 7900." Observations were made over a sandstone post 27 inches long, set

about 2 feet in the ground, 4 by 4 inches on top, with a small hole in the center, which marks the

point. This post is located in the schoolhouse grounds. It is distant 106. i feet due south of the

combined porch and bell tower of the schoolhouse, in line with the center of the building, and 40.2
feet from the north side of the road in front of the schoolhouse. This schoolhouse and lot is in the

northwestern edge of the town. The mark or range used was the base of the iron rod on the

Methodist church spire. This mark or bears 80" 35^.0 east of true south. Observations were

made in this same lot in 1896, about 190 feet north of this stone post.
Rock County School Section No. j"5, Observations were made point about the center
igoo. "
over a

of school section No. 36, in Rock County, on land now under lease to William Martin. It was located

in the meadow west of the Martin house, and is one-half mile north of the parallel marking the

northern boundary of Ivoup County, and it- is also 6% miles west of the meridian line marking the

eastern limit of Rock County. This valley is known as the Gracia Creek Valley, and is southeast of

Butka post-office.
Scoits Bluff County Gering, 790?." Observations were made over a stone post located the

plain west of the town and between it and Scotts Bl^ff. It was placed 235.9 ^eet southwest of

the southwest comer of the court-house and in the line of a street which, if opened, would pass south

of the court-house building. This town is one-half mile south of the North Platte River and i}i
miles south of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad station at Scotts Bluff. The mark or range

used was the spire of the Methodist church. This mark or range bears 72" 39''.7 east of true north.

The southwest comer of the brick court-house, distant 235.9 ^""^i hears 44" 12^.1 east of true north.

The cross the spire of the Baptist church bears 57" 54^. i east of true north. The smallest circular

rock on
Dome Rock," the south part of Scotts Bluff, bears 74" 39^.6 west of true south.

Sheridan County, Rushville, igoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post 3 feet long, set

inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a small hole which

marks the center. This stone post was located west of the town, upon the level ground 100 yards west

NEVADA" Continued.

Douglas County, Initial^ 1894, "

Initial, T, T3, etc., are transit points in the preliminary line run

in defining the California-Nevada boundary.

Esmetalda County 7^, i8g4, "
T33, T34, etc., are transit points in the preliminary line run in

defining the California-Nevada boundary.

Lincoln County T",,,, iSgg, " ^T,xx,Tx", etc., are transit points in the preliminary line run in

defining the California-Nevada boundary.

Lincoln County PiochCy /88j. "
^The station is 18.5 meters from the geodetic station in the line to

Wheeler Peak, which bears 11** 33-'.5 west of true north.

Nye County, T^, ^8pj;. " Tgoi Tj,, etc., are transit points in the preliminary line run in defining
the California-Nevada boundary.
Onnsby County, Carson City, i8g^, "
^The station is the north stone of a meridian line in the

Pavilion yard, the property of Ormsby County, 6.45 meters south of the north fence and 1.8 meters

west of the east fence. The south stone is near the southeast comer, 44.88 meters from the north

stone. Both stones granite, 8 inches with intersecting grooves on top. The south stone
are square,

is too far east by o" 01^.2.

Washoe County, Verdi, i88g. "

^The station is 36 meters north of the longitude pier, approximately
in the meridian. The pier is about ne-third of a mile east of the town, on the slight elevation back

of Mr. O. Lonkey's residence, about 40 meters north of the stone fence directly opposite the water

faucet in the garden. The part of the pier above ground has now been taken down.

White Pine County, Wheeler Peak, 1882. "

^This is the most prominent peak of the Snake Range
and is locally most generally known as Jeff Davis Peak. The easiest ascent is made from Snake

Valley, starting from Lehman's ranch, about 3^ miles east of the mouth of the canyon. The station

is on the highest and western prong of the double peak.

White Pine County^ Lehman's ranch, 1882, "
The station is on the open flat, near the house and

stable of B. S. Lehman, in Snake Valley. It is 33.4 meters from the southwest comer of the house,
40.5 meters from the northwest corner of the corral, and 50 meters from the northeast comer of the

stable. It is marked by a rough stone about 10 inches in diameter, projecting a few inches above

the ground. The southwest comer of Lehman's house bears 3" I7''.6 west of true north, and the

":himney on Baker's house bears 2" 55^.4 west of true south.

White Pine County^ Tres Pinos, 1882. "

No description.


Cheshire County, Chesterfield, i8go, "

Station is located on the summit of a small knoll on the Wilde

place, of almanac fame. It is i mile east of Factoryville and a little north of the public road to

Keene, N. H. Exact point is marked by the center of a lead bolt set in a solid bowlder which stands

a few inches above the ground. Station is distant 4 feet 8 inches from a maple tree with a triangular
cut in it and feet 6 inches a little south of east of another maple tree with a similar cut in it. The

center of the white spire. Park Hill, Westmoreland, bears 35" 34''.8 west of true north.

Grafton County, Hanover, i8p8. "

Station can be found by setting the theodolite over the north

base mark of the college base on Main street, near Elm street, and laying off an angle of 129" 04^ west

from the base and measuring 512.4 feet (in a northwesterly direction). The mark or range used was

a stone tower in college park near the observatory, and bears 80" 09"^.9 east of true south.


Cape May County, Cape May, i8gr, "

^The station is located in a vacant lot northwest of the section

of Broadway and Beach avenue. It is 100 feet north of Beach avenue and 75 feet west of

Cape May County, Sea Isle City, 1884. "
^The station is on a little sand hill in the rear of the village,
near the edge of the marsh.

Middlesex County, New Brunszuicfc, i8g^, "

^The station is located in the athletic field of Rutgers
College. It is 32.4 feet from the western fence and 26 feet from the southern fence of this field, and

is marked solid red cedar sunk feet in the its flush with
by a post 2^ ground, top being the surface.

The center of the southern chimney of William Metlar's house bears 14^ 15^ east of true north.

NEW JERSEY" Continued.

Monmouth County Sandy Hook^ iSgs- "

The station is southwest of Sandy Hook light-house and

about 100 feet from mean low-water mark on the inner shore of Sandy Hook. It is marked by a red

cedar post projecting 4 inches above the sand. The flagstaff on the life-saving station bears 13^ 50^
west of true north. The central rod on Sandy Hook light-house bears 51^ 40^ east of true north.


Bernalillo County Fort Wingate^ i8g^. "

Observations were made over a tack in a stake projecting

about 4 inches above the ground, surrounded by a pile of stones.

This stake is located on the top of a knoll almqst south of the hospital building of the fort, in line

with the school building to the west of south, an oak tree, and the second mountain table from the

east to the east of north. It is distant in the direction of the schoolhouse 123.8 feet from the above-

described oak tree and about 200 feet from the northeast corner of this school building. This stake

is also in the prolonged line of the formation known as

Navaho's church "
to the west of north and

the northeast comer of the central and the higher part of the hospital building. The mark or range
used was the northeast comer edge of the * '
Santa Pe Route ' '
depot. This mark or bears 3" 25^. i

west of true north.

Bernalillo County^ Albuquerque, i8gg, "

Observations were made over a copper tack in a stub

driven flush with the ground. This stub was located in the southern playgrounds of school No. 3,
ward distant 69.4 feet from the southeast corner and 74. i feet from the southwest corner of the
school building. This stub is about one-half mile northwest of the point where observations were

made in 1888, which is no longer suitable for magnetic observations. The mark or used
range was

the intersection of the eastern side of the chimney and the roof of the house about three-fourths of a

mile distant. This mark bears 12^ 27^.4 west of true south.
or range

Chaves County, Campbell ,

igo2. "
Station is located southwest of the railroad section house. It is

96.4 and 82.2 feet, respectively, from the northwest and southwest corners of the section house, and is

marked by a wooden stub. A windmill about i 000 feet distant bears 80" 08^ east of true north. The

mark used was the first milepost south of the station, and bears 71^ 56^.4 west of true south.
or range

Chaves County, Hagerman, igo2, "

Station is located in the yard of Dr. F. B. Crutcher, one block

east of the railroad station. It is 59.5, 55.3, and 83.5 feet, respectively, from the street to the west, the

northwest corner of his house and the southwest comer of the yard. Exact point is marked by a

wooden stub sunk in the ground. The chimney on the station house of the Pecos Valley Railroad

bears 71" 06^ west of true south, and pole on public school bears 45^ 57^ east of true north.

Chaves County, Kenna, 1^2. "

Station is located in the yard of ranch T7, of the Littlefield Cattle

about mile northeast of the railroad station at Kenna. It is 68.6, 58.5, and 46.5 feet,
Company, i

respectively, from the southwest comer of the yard and southwest and southeast comers of the house

and is marked by a
wooden stub. The north chimney on railroad station bears 20" 17' west of true

south. The mark or range used was the railroad water-tower spire, and bears 10" 55^.9 west of true south.

Chaves County, Lower Penasco, /go2. "

Station is located in the yard of the C. A. Bar ranch, about

I mile east of the post-office. It is 88.5, 68.5, and 21.5 feet, respectively, from the northwest and west

comers of the house and northwest corner of the storeroom, and is marked by a wooden stub.

The southeast corner of the boys* sleeping house, about one-fourth of a mile distant, bears 57*^ 36^ west

of true south.

Chaves County, Portales, jgoi. Observations were made over a cedar stub located in the


ground in front of Wise's Hotel and near Charles Woodcock's store. It is 136 and 115 feet, fespec-

tively, from the southeast and southwest comers of Woodcock's store. A tack driven in the top of the

stub denotes the exact spot. The mark or range used was the spire on Seymour's house. This mark

bears 22" 19^.8 west of true south. The spire on the schoolhouse bears o^ 42^.8 west of true
or range


Chaves County, Roswell, igoi, "

Observations were made at the south stone of the meridian line

established in the court-house This stone is 119.5, 82.4, and 123.1 feet, respectively, from the

southeast, southwest, and northwest comers of the court-house. The north stone is 14 feet from the

north fence. These stones project about 18 inches above ground.

Colfax County, Springer, i8gg. Observations made over tack in a stake projecting
were a copper

cbout I inch above the ground. This stake was located in the grounds of the old court-house, the

NEW MEXICO" Continued.

county seat having been changed. It is distant 96.3 feet from the northeast comer of the stone wall

surrounding the jail yard, and is 161. 4 feet from the northwest comer of the court-house. It is distant

feet from the northern fence line of these old court-house grounds/ It is also distant 30 feet

south and 7 feet west from a tree which is in the prolonged line of the eastern wall of the jail yard.
The mark or used was the northern ridge of the adobe house. This mark or range bears

8" 59^.7 east of true south.

Eddy County Carlsbad Observations were made at the south stone of a meridian line
y y
i^i, "

276.8 feet long established in the court-house This stone is 79.1, 104. i and 56 feet,
square. tively,

from the southwest and southeast comers of the court house and the south fence of the grounds.
The north stone is 12 feet from the north fence. Prom the south stone the Baptist Church spire bears

65" 02'' west of true south.

Eddy County Hope^ Station is located in the yard of J. A. Beckett, southwest of the post-
1902. "

office. It is 90.6, 61.4 and 79 feet, respectively, from the southwest, northwest, and northeast comers

of his house, and is marked by a wooden stub. The mark or range used was the northeast corner of

the schoolhouse, and bears 33^ 16^.4 west of true north. The south gable of Cox's farm house bears

35" 35' east of true north.

Eddy County McMillan^ Station is located west of the railroad track between the lan

Mercantile Company's storeand railrocul station house. It is 31.5, 21.5, and 1 13.8 feet, respectively,
from a comer of the fence, the nearest point of the fence, and southwest comer of the station house,

and is marked by a wooden stub. The mark or range used was a telegraph pole about 500 feet distant,

and bears 13^ 22^.6 east of true south. The Hogg " Wilcox windmill, about i mile distant, bears

66" 03^ east of true north.

Eddy County Stegtnan, Station is located northwest of the post-office, the house of
IQ02. " near

Mrs. Stegman. It is 77.8, 60.3, and 50.3 feet, respectively, from the southwest comer of the house, the

southwest corner of the yard, and a Cottonwood tree to the south, and is marked by a wooden stub.

The mark or used was the chimney on post-office, and bears 42*^ 37^.5 east of true south. The

north chimney on railroad station bears 32" 35' east of true south.

Grant County Deming, /888,- -The station is in the field, south of Wells, Fargo " Co.'s

office and the Southern Pacific Railroad. It is 40.5 yards from the southwest corner of station

agent's yard, and yards from the center of the Southern Pacific Railroad track. It is marked by
55 a

redwood post sunk flush with the ground.

Lincoin County Capitan^ The station is about a quarter of a mile southwest of the railroad
1^2. "

station. It is 1.2 feet north of the building line on the north side of Fourth street, 29.6 feet from Hotel

Meers, and feet from Red Men's Hall. The mark or range used was the spire on the public

school, and bears 52" 15^^.3 east of tme south. Tucson Mountain peak, about 5 miles distant, bears

17** 05' west of true north.

Lincoln County Carrizozo Ranch igo2. "

Station is located at the Carrizozo Ranch, about 2 miles
y y

north of the railroad station. It is 24.6, 56.8, and 55.1 feet, respectively, from the northeast comer of

the storehouse and northwest and southwest comers of the mansion house of W. C. McDonald, and is

marked by a wooden stub. The wall of an old house bears 72" 04^ east of true south.

Lincoln County Lincoln Station is located in the court-hpuse yard. It is 21. and
y y
igo2. " i 30.5

feet, respectively, from the east and south corners of the court-house, and is marked by a wooden post.
A south meridian post placed about feet distant. A nail in a tree 22 from the magnetic
was 300 paces

station is directly in line between the two posts. The Catholic church spire, about one-third mile

distant, bears 69" 47^ east of true south.

Lincoln County PicachOy 1^2. "

Station is located near the post-office and store of R. P. Hopkins.

It is 77.1 and feet, respectively, from the southeast corner of the store and southwest corner of the

stock building, and is marked by a wooden stub. The mark or range used was the chimney on August
Cline's house, and bears 23" 09^.5 east of true south.

Lincoln County White OakSy Station is located in the yard adjoining the Hotel Baxter. It
igo2. "

is and 9.6 feet, respectively, from the southwest comer of the yard, the southwest comer of
13.5, 19.3,

the hotel, and the street to the south, and is marked by a wooden stub. The mark or used
range was

the middle sash line of the gable window of L. W. Stewart's house, about one-half mile distant and

bears 55" 05^.7 east of true south.


NEW MEXICO" Continued.

Mora County^ Fort Union /888." The station is in the grounds Union, feet and inches
at Fort 87 4
from the center of Captain Wheeler's astronomical pier of 1874, and 96 ieet from the center of the

gratftte pier with the sundial

upon it. It is marked by a stone post 2 inches by 3 inches on top, sunk

flush with the surface of the ground. The center of Captain Wheeler's astronomical pier bears 66" 31^. 7

west of true north.

Otero County, AlamogordOy Station is located in the northeast of the court-house

igo2. " comer

square. It is 133.3, 95- ii and 150.4 feet, respectively, from the southeast, northeast, and northwest ners

of the court-house. Exact point is marked on a stone set in the ground for a north meridian

mark. A south meridian stone was established on the south side of the court-house The
mark or range used was the west spire of livery stable, and bears 22" 13^.5 east of true south. The spire
of the Baptist Church bears 55" 23^^.5 east of true north.

Otero County Mescalero, igo2, Station is located at the Indian between the assembly

building and superintendent's office. It is 71.2, and feet, respectively, from the southeast
111.3, 93

comer of the former and northeast and northwest comers of the latter. Exact point is marked on a

stone set in the ground for a north meridian mark. A south meridian stone was established beyond
the superintendent's office.

Otero County y
Tularosa, /902." Station is located on the lot adjoining Sanders Hotel, near the ner

of Main and D streets. It is 3.1, 33.5, and 89.3 feet, respectively, from the southeast comer of the

hotel, Main street, and D street, and is marked by a wooden stub. The mark or used was the
northwest comer of the house of Jose Gomez, and bears 69" 40^.7 east of true south. The comer of

Knight's store bears 60" 48^ east of true north.

Otero County, Upper Penasco, Station is located in the lot adjoining the store of J. E. C.
igo2, "
Bell. It is 61.4, 1 18.9, and 132.6 feet, respectively, from northwest comer of Al Cole's house and

southwest and southeast comers of the store, and is marked by a wooden stub. The mark or range
used was the schoolhouse chimney, and bears 45" 03^^ west of true south. The southwest comer of May-
hill's house bears 56" 04^ east of true north.

Rio Arriba County, Lumberton, /8pp. Observations were made over a tack in small

copper a

stake projecting 3 inches out of the grotmd. This stake was placed in the east of the
open space
inclosed field of Antonio Lovato. It is in line with the house of Petro Flores west of south of this

station, and the house of Gulio Deharra east of north of this station. This stake is distant 96.1 feet

from the east and the near fence line of the Lovato property. It is feet to the northeast
170.9 comer

of this property, measured along this fence from the point nearest the station, and it is 196. i feet from

this northeast comer to the station in a direct line. The station is distant and 344.2 feet,
300 tively,
from the nearest comers of Mr. Gulio Deharra's and from Mrs. Frassisco^s houses. The mark or

used was the northern ridge of the residence of Gavino Pacheco. This mark bears
range or range

47" 50^*4 ^^st of true south.

Santa Fe County, Santa Fe, i8gg, Observations were made over tack in stub driven
" a copper a

flush with the ground. This stub was located in the parade grounds of old Fort Marcy, distant 74.2
feet from the center of the astronomical pier, at the flag pole of the fort, and is also distant ^^^t
from the astronomical longitude pier, whicli is located in these parade grounds. This stub was placed
in line with the flagstafif on the land-office building and the lamp-post on these grounds. This point
is about 150 or 160 feet east of the point where magnetic observations were made in 1895. The mark

or range used was the tip of the dome of the new capitol building. This mark or bears 22^

16^.2 west of true south.

San Miguel County, East Las Vegas, i8gp. Observations were made over a tack in a stake
driven flush with the ground. This stake was located in Lincoln Park, in East Las Vegas, and east

of the river. It is distant 46 feet southeast of the center of one of the diagonal pathways through this

park, and is 48.1 feet southwest of the center of the other diagonal pathway. Lincoln Park is bounded

by Lincoln street, Jackson street. Seventh street, and Eighth street. This stake is in the line of the

eastern wall of Mr. Buck's stone house to the south (the third house from Eighth street) and the flag
pole on Lincoln avenue to the north, and also in line with the chimney of an old mill on Seventh

street to the east and Mr. McMurphy's residence to the west (the second house from Jackson street).
There is a tree between this stake and the eastern wall of Mr. Buck's house, which is in line with the

NEW MEXICO" Continued,

flag pole on Lincoln avenue. The mark or used was the gable of a house. This mark or
range range

hears 25" 06''. 2 east of true south.

Socorro County^ Fort Craig /^pp." Observations were made over a tack in stake driven
copper a

flush with the ground. This stake was located in the old drill ground at Port Craig. It is distant

25.7 feet east and 17.8 feet south of the center of the stone pier over which magnetic observations were

made in 1888. It is also distant 29.6 feet in a straight line from the center of this stone pier. The

mark used was a distant mountain peak. This mark or bears 20" 04'^. 2 west of true
or range range


Socorro County Socorro i8gg. Observations were made over a tack in stake driven flush
^ ^

copper a

with the ground. This stake was located in the court-house grounds, distant 15. i feet from the inner

side of the stone-wall fence to the south and 71.3 feet from the inner side of the stone-wall fence to

the west of it. It is also distant 108.7 ^^^t from the southwest corner of the court-house building.
The mark or was the western intersection of the roof and chimney of a mill. This mark
range or

bears 34" 26^.9 east of true south.

Taos County Tres Piedras^ i8gg. "
Observations were made over a copper tack in a small stake

projecting 2 inches out of the ground. This stake was placed in the open space east of the railway
station of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, in line with the northern side of this railway station,
and is distant 302.3 feet from its northeast comer. It is approximately in the line of a small, stunted

feet north of the station and the western edge of the summit of range between
evergreen 300 tains

in the distance and ' *

Las Tres Orejas. ' '
The mark or used was the middle one of these three

peaks, known collectively as "Las Tres Orejas,*' or "the three ears." This mark or range bears

28" I4''.4 east of true south.

Union County Clayton 18^. "

Observations were made over a copper tack in a stake driven flush
y ^

with the ground. This stake was located in the boys' playgrotmd of the public school, distant

67.2 feet from the southeast comer of the school building, 96.6 feet from the southwest comer of the

school building, and 47.7 feet from the northeast corner of a brick outhouse on the boys' side. It

is also distant about 40 feet north of the prolongation of the fence line, and is about 85 feet east of the

fence line dividing the school grounds. This stake is about in line with the tower on the school

building and the adobe house on the claim of Thomas Solomon to the east of south, and is also about

in line with the easternmost part to the north and the beginning of the curve of the Colorado Southern

Railway to the south. The mark or range used was the southwest comer of the adobe building on the

claim of Thomas Solomon. This mark or range bears 45" 11^.5 east of true south.

Valencia County Grants ^8gg. Observations were made over a tack in stake projecting

copper a

about inches above the ground. This stake was located on ground north of the railroad track,

between the railway section house and the Santa Fe Pacific Railway station. It is distant 126.6 feet

from the northwest comer of the section house, feet from the northwest comer of the freight

house, and about 235 feet north of the center of the track. The mark or range used was the edge of a

mountain. This mark or range bears 19" o8''.9 east of true south.


Albany County ^
Albany ^
i8g6. "
Station is marked by a cross cut in the top of a marble post, 24
inches by 4 inches by 4 inches. This post is sunk flush with the surface of the ground, and is located

on the hill north of the city, near the old Dudley Observatory, about 200 feet southwest of the

main observatory building.

Broom County ^
Binghatnton^ 1888, "
A meridian line was established on the hill south of the

city, and marked by two stone posts about 350 feet apart, one at the comer of McKinney aiid Gertrude

streets, the other at the comer of McKinney and Hotchkiss streets. Magnetic observations were

made over the south stone. The mark or range used was the spire of the Congregational church,
which bears 4" 30^ east of true north.

Chenango County, Oxford, 188^. "

Observations were made over the lead bolt in a stone sunk

flush with the level of the ground, on the crest of the small hill back of Oscar Dodge's house and bam,
on Scott street, at the end of Taylor street. The mark or range used was the pinnacle of the Academy
building, and bears 25" 50^.3 east of true south. The Universalist church bears 83" 27-^.3 east of true


NEW YORK" Continued.

Erie Couniyy Buffalo^ 1883. "

The station Is located in the rear of the quartermaster's department
of Fort Porter. It is 179 feet from the Lake Survey Geodetic station (marked by pier), and distant

68 feet 6 inches and 70 feet 2 inches, respectively, from the west and north comers of the stone house

used for stores.

Jeffersoft County^ Mannsville^ /8S^." The magnetic station was located on the line of geodetic
station, Mannsville-Loomis, about 50 meters distant from the former. The geodetic station is about

one-half mile northeast of the village, on land owned by Mr. W. G. Marsh, lot 117, Ellisburg ship,

on the highest land in the immediate vicinity. It is marked by a marble post set 18 inches

below the surface of the ground. Two reference stones are set close to a stone wall east of the station,

distant, respectively, 91.79 meters, and 107.84 meters.

Madison County Fenner, 1882. "

^The station is located in the line from Fenner geodetic station

to Tassel geodetic station, distant 160 feet from the former. Fenner geodetic station was established

by the New York State and is marked by a granite post lettered on top U. S. C. S. Four

other (marble) set distant meters from this post, at the four cardinal points. It is in
posts are 1.5

Fenner Township, on land of Orville E. Wormuth.

New York County Riverside Park^ 188^. "

^The station is located just north of the Claremount

Hotel, at One hundred and twenty-sixth street and Riverside drive, New York City. It is distant

74 feet 3 inches almost due north from the center of the stone marking the extension of One hundred

and twenty-sixth street.

Oneida County Pen Mounts 1882, " Magnetic station is 18.8 meters from geodetic station in line

to "*
Star Hill." Pen Mount is the highest of the *'
Steuben Hills,'* in the northwestern part of the

county. The geodetic station is on the top of this hill in a cleared field belonging to Mr. O. D. Jones,

and marked by 5 limestone posts each 3 feet long. The center post, lettered U. S. "-;. S., is the station.

Onondaga County Howletiy 1883. ^The station is located in the large lot north of the


geodetic station and due west of the astronomical station. The geodetic station is in the township of

Marcellus, close to the road running north and south, which forms the boundary between the

townships of Marcellus and Onondaga. "

It is at the southern edge of Mr. O. W. Fyler's barnyard,

just opposite Mr. J. H. Secor's property. It is marked by a stone post with 4 other posts i^ meters

north, south, east and west, respectively, from it. It is lettered on top U. S. C. S., and on its side

N. Y. S. S. 109.

Oswego County LoomiSy 1882. "

The station is located approximately in line joining Loomis

geodetic station to Florence geodetic station, and is distant 25 feet from the former. The geodetic
station is near the village of Palermo, about 1.3 kilometers south-southwest from Palermo Center.

It is on land owned by Mr. Loomis, who lives at the corner of the road leading to Fulton from

Palermo Center. It is marked by a marble post 30 inches long, sunk flush with the surface of the

ground and lettered on top U. S. C. S., with two grooves cut in the diagonals. Four other posts ^re

set distant meters from the central one, one in each cardinal direction.

Otsego County OtsegOy 1882. " Magnetic station is 29 feet from Otsego geodetic station and in line

" Summit." The geodetic station is located "
East Hill," about 3 miles east of Cherry Valley

and about miles from Sharon Springs railroad station. The station is on land owned by Mr. Albert

Stiles, and is marked by a central post with four others true north, south, east, and west of it.

Tompkins County
/8go,"TYie station is located on the knoll just in the rear of Professor

Fuerte's and Professor Thurston's houses. The point is marked by a marble post 2^ feet by 4 inches

inches, buried to be flush with the surface of the ground. This post is lettered
by 4 so as on top
U. S. C. S. The spire on the University Chapel bears 78" 27' west of true north.

Warrefi County Prospect {near Caldwell) 1882. "

The station is 849 feet below the geodetic
y y

station on a hill in the rear of a red bam. The geodetic station is about 3 miles west of Lake George
post-ofiice and about i Yz miles west of the Mountain House, on the summit of the mountain, and is

marked by bolt placed in the solid rock feet below the surface of the ground.
a copper 2.3

Wayne Countyy ClydCy 188$. The station is located in the field south and west of the


geodetic station, distant 176.5 feet. The geodetic station is situated in lot 73, Galen Township, about

2 miles south of the village of Clyde, on a high narrow ridge running approximately north and south.

It is marked by a stone post set 2"^ feet below the surface of the ground, and is 5.43 meters south of a

large basswood tree, the only tree on the hill.



Alamance County^ Graham ^^99- "

Observations were made over the monument in the west

corner of the court-house square. The other monument is true north of this monument, near

the northwestern boundary of the court-house propert}'.

Alexander County^ Taylorsville^ Observations were made over the monument marking the
igoo. "

south end of tlie meridian line established in the court-house It is southeast of the house.

The other monument is in the northeast corner of the court-house square.

Alleghany County^ Sparta, "

A meridian line was established on the court-house property. vations

made the north monument in the northeast corner of the court-house in the
were over square,

rear of the court-house. The south monument is near the southern boundary of the court-house

Anson County^ WadesborOy In the field occupied by the Smithsonian eclipse expedition in
igoo. "

May, meridian line established and permanently marked by two marble blocks, by
1900, a was 9 9

inches and 2 feet long. The magnetic observations were made by G. R. Putnam at a point 91

yards east of the line, the meridian line having been established later.

Ashe County Jefferson Observations were made over the north monument of the meridian
^ y
igoo. "

line, in front of the court-house. The south monument is in front of the jail.

Beaufort County, Washington, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the city

cemetery, near its southern inclosure. The other monument is true north of this monument, near

the western entrance of the cemetery.

Bertie County, Windsor, i8g8. "
Observations were made over the north monument at the "
Home,'* 2 miles southeast of Windsor, near the superintendent's house. The other monument is true

south of this monument and near the fence.

Bladen County, Elizahethtown, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the east

corner of the court-house The other monument is true north of this monument, near the

court-house building.
BrunsTvick County, Southport, i8g8. "
Observations were made over the monument in the east

corner of the ground of Fort Johnson. The other monument is true south of this monument,

near the river bank.

Buncombe County, Asheville, i8g8, "

Observations were made over the monument in the "

ville Cemetery" in front of the WiHiam J. Johnson section. The other monument is true north of

this monument, near the entrance of the cemetery.

Burke County, Morganton^ igoo. "
Observations were made over the south monument of the

meridian line, in the southwest comer of the court-house The north monument is near the

northern edge of the square.

Cabarrus County, Concord, i8gg, Observations made the monument in the

were over open square

in the rear of the court-house. The other monument is true south of this monument, in the house

Caldwell County, Lenoir, Observations made over the north monument of the ian
igoo. " were

line the grounds of "the Davenport College," in the near the entrance gate. The
on open space

south monument is also in the college grounds, in the grove on the side of the hill.

Camden County, Camden, Ob^rvations were made over the south monument of meridian
igoo. "

line, near the southern limit of the court-house The north monument is near the northern
limit of the square.

Carteret County, Beaufort, i8g8. "

A true north and south line, marked with two monuments, was

established in the court-house A should mount his compass over the south
square. surveyor


Caswell County, Yanceyville, Observations were made over the south monimient of the
igoo, "

meridian line, on the court-house property, just in front of the Corbett Hotel. The north monument

is also on the court-house property, on the hill.

Catawba County, Newton, Observations made over the south monument of the
/900." were

meridian line, east of the court-house. The north monument is also on the covut-house property,

northeast of the court-house.

Chatham County, Pittsboro, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the southeast
35 1


Duplin County ^
Kenansville^ ^^99- "
Observations were made over the monument in the large open

(the property of Duplin County) west of the court-house. The other monument is true north

of this monument, and also in this square.

Duplin County Warsaw i8gi. The station is in the lot adjoining the Methodist church in
y y

the southeastern suburbs of the village. It is marked by a tack in a yellow-pine post. The

point is distant meters from the southwest comer of the Methodist church and 15.13 meters from

the southwest comer of the. ditch, in the rear of the church.

Durham County Durham i8g8. "

^At the County Home, 3 miles from the city of Durham, vations
^ ^

were made over the montmient just in front of the superintendent's house. The other ment

is true south of this monument, near the public road.

Edgecxmtbe County Rocky Mounts igoo, "

^The station is about one-half or three-fourths of a mile

west of the town, on

Tem" Short's farm. It is 14.55 ^^^ from the northwest comer and 17.80 feet

from the southwest comer of his new tobacco bam.

Edgecombe County ^
Tarboro^ ^^99- "
Observations were made over the monument in "the city
common" in front of the high school. The other monument is true north of this monument in

"the common."

Forsyth County IVinstonSaletn^ 18^. "

Observations were made over the monument near the

southern boundary fence of the Moravian cemetery. The other monument is also in the cemetery,

true north of this monument. The monuments at this place are rough granite posts, with a small hole

marking the center.

Franklin County Louisburg^ i8pp. "

Observations were made over the monimient in the county

lot in the rear of the jail. The other monument is true south of this monument, in the same county

lot, near the river.

Gaston County Dallas^ /goo. "

Observations were made over the south monument of the meridian

line in the southeast comer of the court-house The north monument is in the northeast comer

of the square.

Gates County^ GatesvillCy i8gg, "

Observations were made over the monument in the southwest

comer of the court-house lot. The other monument is true north of this monument, in the court-

house lot.

Graham County ^
Robbinsville^ igoo. "
Observations were made over the north monument of the

meridian line on the court-house property, in front of the court-house.

Granville County Oxford i8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the grounds of
^ ^

the Orphan Asylum. The other meridian stone is also in the Orphan Asylum grounds, and true north

of this monument.

Green County Snow Hilly i8gg. "

Observations were made over the bluff on the side of the road

which runs in front of the court-house. The other monument is true south of this monument, near

the court-house building.

Guilford County y
GreensborOy i8gg, "
Observations were made over the monument in the park in

front of the Greensboro Female College. The other monument is true north of this monument, near

the street.

Halifax County y
Halifax y
i8gg. "
Observations were made over the monument in the court-house

lot, northeast of the building. The other monument is true south of this monument, near the eastern

fence of the court-house square.

Halifax County y
IVeldony /88^." The station is in the lot west of the Methodist church. It is 15

paces from Mrs. Allen's fence, and northwest of it.

Harnett County Lillingiony i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the southeast

comer of the court-house The other monument is true north of this monument, in the house


Haywood County WaynesvillCy igoo. "

Observations were made over the north monument of

the meridian line in the rear of the court-house.

Henderson County HendersonvilUy Observations made the north monument of

igoo. "
were over

the meridian line, in the in the yard in the rear of the court-house. The south monument
open space
is in the same yard.
352 1902.


Hertford County, Riddicksville, 1887. "

The station is i mile south of the Nottaway River, on the

lawn in front of the house of Mr. James D. Riddick. "

Hertford County, Winton, 7599." Observations were made over the monument near the southern

edge of the court-house lot. The other monument is true north of this monument, in the court-house

lot, near the fence.

Hyde County, Swanquarter, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in southwest

corner of the court-house The other monument is true north of this monument, near the house

Iredell County, Statesinlle, i8gg. "
Observations were made over the monument in the grounds of

the Statesville graded :"chool. The other monument is true north of this monument, near the street.

The monuments at this place are of marble instead of granite.

fackson County, Webster, iSgS. "
Observations were made over the monument on the edge of the

public road which runs in front of the court-house. The other monument is true north of this ment,

near the court-house building.

fohnston County, Smithfield, i8gg. "
Observations were made over the monument in the southeast

comer of the court-house square. The other monument is true north of this monument, near the edge
of the street.

fones County, Trenton, igoo. "

Observations were made over the south monument of the meridian

line in the court-house square.

Lenoir County, Kinston, i8gg. "
Observations were made over the monument in the northeast

comer of the court-house lot. The other monument is true south of this monument, near the street.

Lincoln County, Lincolnton, i8gg. Observations were made over the monument in the


court-house The other monument is true south of this monument, near the court-house

McDowell County, Marion, /5p*J." Observations were made over the monument in the northeast

comer of the court-house The other monument is true south of this monument, the edge
square. near

of the court-house square.

Macon County, Franklin, /8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the northeast

comer of the court-house square. The other monument is true south of this monument, in the open

space near the jail.

Madison County, Marshall, i8g8. "
Observations were made over the monument on the south side

of the hill above the court-house. The other monument is true south of this monument, near the jail

Martin County, Jamesville, i8gi. ^The station is in the lot adjoining the **
White Methodist

church," in the southeastern suburbs of the town. The station is marked with a yellow-pine post and

tack. The station is distant 38.3 meters from the northeast corner of the Methodist church and

meters from the southeast comer of this church.


Martin County, Willianiston, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the rear of

the court-house. The other monument is true north of this monument, near the boundary fence of the

court-house yard.
Mecklenburg County, Charlotte ^^99- "
Observations were made over the monument in the large

lot in the rear of the "Charlotte graded school." This lot is the property of the school. The

other monument is on this same lot true north of this monument.

Mitchell County, Baker smile, Observations were made over the north monument of the
igoo. "

meridian line in the open space on the court-house property northwest of the court-house. The south

monument is across the street, near the sidewalk.

Mitchell County, Roan High Bluff, /8gs. "

^The station is at Roan High Bluff triangulation station.

It is on a high bluff three-fourths mile from "Cloudland Hotel," near the State line in Mitchell

County. It is on a large rock on the edge of High Bluff. Roan High Knob is the highest point

in the vicinity.
Montgomery County, Troy, i8gg, "
Observations were made over the monument in the northeast

comer of the court-house lot. The other monument is true south of this monument near the southern

boundary of the court-house lot.



Moore County^ Carthage^ iSgg, "

Observations were made over the monument southwest of the

court-house building. The other monument is true north of this monument, on the court-house property.
Nash County Nashville^ i8gg, "
Observations were made over the monument in the court-house

lot near its northern boundary. The other monument is true south of this monument, in the house


New Hanover County^ Wilmington^ /8p8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the

grounds of * '
the city hospital. ' '
The other monument is true north of this monument, near the northern

inclosure of the grounds.

Northampton County Jackson iSgg, "
Observations were made over the monument in the house
y ^

lot, northwest of the building. The other monument is true south of this monument, in the house

lot, near the fence.

Onslow County Jacksonville i8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the southeast
y y

of the court-house The other monument is near the jail and is true north of this
corner square.


Orange County Chapel Hilly i8g8. "

On "he campus of the University of North Carolina; tions

were made over the monument just east of the building used by the State geological survey.

The other monument is also on the campus, near the Episcopal church, and is true north of this


Orange County HillsborOy i8g8. "

Observations were made over monument on edge of the public

road east of the town. The other monument is also on the edge of the public road and is true north

of this monument.

Pamlico County BayborOy i8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the northeast

corner of the court-house square. The other monument is true north of this monument, near the

northern edge of the court-house square.

Pasquotank County Elizabeth Cityy /8p8. "

Observations were made over the monument at the

"county home," west of the building. The other monument is near the fence and is true south of

this monument.

Pender County BurgaWy i8gg, "

Observations were made over the monument southeast of the

court-house building. The other monument is also, in the court-house lot, true north of thb


Perquimans County Hertfordy i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the broad

avenue of "the city cemetery." The other monument is true north of this monument, near the

gate of the cemetery.

Person County RoxborOy i8g8. "
Observations were made over the monument in the city cemetery

lyi miles from the town. The other monument is also in the city cemetery and true north of this


Pitt Countyy GreenvilUy i8g8, Observations were made over the monument in the

open space

just north of the Methodist cemetery. The other monument is true north of this monument, in edge
of the city cemetery.
Polk Countyy Columbus igoo. "
Observations were made over the north monument of the meridian

line east of the court-house. The south monument is also on court-house property south of the


Randolph Countyy AshborOy J8gg, "

Observations were made over the monument in the southwest

corner of the court-house square. The other monument is true north of this monument, near the

northern boundary of the court-house square.

Richmond Countyy Rocktnghamy i8gg, "

Observations were made over the monument in the

grounds of "
the graded school. "
The other monument is true north of this monument, in the grounds
of the school near the street.

Robeson Countyy Lumbertony i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the northeast

of the court-house The other monument is true south of this monument, the
comer square. near

southern boundary of the court-house square.

Rockingham Countyy IVentworthy i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the

27478 " 02 23
354 1902.


southeast comer of the court-house square. The other monument is true north of this monument,

near the jail fence.

Rowan County^ Saiisbutyy /8gS. "

Observations were made over the monument near the center of

the city cemetery. The other monument is true south of this monument, near the southern gate.

Rutherford County Ruther/ordton, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the

lot in the of the court-house, the southern boundary of the court-house The
open rear near property.
other monument is true south of this monument, on the court-house property.

Sampson County, Clinton i8g^. Observations were made over the monument in the

open space

in front of the city cemetery. The other monument is true north of this monument, on the edge of

the road.

Scotland County Laurinburgy i8gg, "

Observations were made over the monument in the northern

edge of the ground of the Presbyterian church. The other monument is true south of this ment,

near the public road.

Stanly County, Albemarle Observations were made over the south monument of the
igoo. "

meridian line, near the southern boundary of the grounds of the graded school in the northeast tion

of the city. The north monument is east of the schoolhouse.

Stokes County, Danbury, Observations were made over the north monument of the ian
igoo. "

line, in the court-house and east of the court-house. The south monument is also
square on

court-house property, just across the public road.

Surry County, Mount Airy, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the front yard
of the residence of Thomas Woodroffe, of the Mount Airy granite The other monument is

true south of this monument, in the same yard.

Swain County, Bryson City, i8g8, "
Observations were made over the monument on top of the hill

in the city cemetery, near the Collins section. The other monument is true north of this monument,

near crest of the hill.

Transylvania County, Brevard, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the south

east of the court-house The other monument is true north of this monument, in the
corner square.

court-house square.

Tyrrell County, Colufnbia, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in '*
the academy '*

grounds east of the town. The other monument is true south of this monument, near the southeast

of the academy grounds.
Union County, Monroe, /8gg. "
Obser\'ations were made over the monument in the northeast

of the court-house The other monument is true south of this monument, also in the
corner square.

court-house lot.

Vance County, Henderson, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the northern

of the court-house The other monument is true south of this monument, the
corner square. near

boundary fence of the court-house property.

Wake County, Raleigh, i8gg. Observations were made over the monument in the park in


front of the *'

A. M. College.*' The other monument is also in this park true north of this monument,

near a small summer house.

Warren County, Warrenton, 78g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the new city

cemetery. The other monument is also in the city cemetery true north of this monument.

Washington County, Plymouth, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the monument in the dock

adjoining the house of W. H. Stubbs, on the edge of the road. The other monument is also on

the edge of the road true south of this monument.

Watauga County, Boone, Observations made over the north monument of the meridian
igoo. " were

line, east of the court-house. The south monument is also on county property across the road near

the sidewalk.

Wayne County, Goldsboro, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the southeast

of the court-house The other monument is true north of this monument, near the
comer square. ister's



Wilkes County^ Poore, i8g^. "

The station is at Poore triangulation station, which is on the summit

of Poors Knob, Brushy Mountain, near the county line of Alexander County, N. C.

Wilkes County, WilkesborOy i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the northwest

corner of the court-house property. The other monument is true south of this monument at the corner

of the street.

Wilson County^ Wilson, i8gg. "

Observations were made over the monument in the grounds of

the graded school, in the eastern section of the city. TJie other monument is true south of this

moument in the school lot, near the edge of the street.

Yadkin County, Yadkinville, Observations made the north monument of the

igoo. " were over

meridian line in the northeast comer of the court-house The south monument is in the east

comer of the square.

Yancey County, Bumsville^ Observations were made over the south monument of the
igoo. "

meridian line, in the southwest comer of the court-house square. The north monument is in the

northwest comer of the square.


Burleigh County, Bismarck, i8go. "

^The station is in the court-house grounds and is identical

with the latitude station, 120.5 ^^et south of the longitude pier.
Pierce County, Rugby, i8g6. "
Observations were made over the center of an oak post. This oak

post located about i 000 feet south of the railway station, in a large field, and about feet
was open 30

west of the main street extended. It is also distant 501 feet southeast of the Rugby 2-story wooden

school building. The point used as a mark or bears 25" 06^.2 east of true south.

Pembina County, Pembina, /8g6, "

Observations were made over the center of a cotton wod post.

This post was located 700 feet south of the junction of the Pembina River and the Red River of the

North. It is distant feet from the bank of the Red River of the North, 575 feet east of the county

road, and about 800 feet southeast of the wooden bridge across the Pembina River. Fort Pembina is

about three-fourths of a mile south of this magnetic station. The mark or used was the flag

pole at Fort Pembina. This mark or bears 8" I2'.i east of true south. The bridge across the

Pembina River bears 37" 07^.9 west of true south. The central point on the Winchester Hotel bears

50" 22''. west of true south. The central point of the St. Vincent water tank of the Great Northern

Railway bears 64" 47^.9 east of true north.

Stark County, Dickinson, i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of a pine stub. This

pine stub located in the large south of the Dickinson High School building of 1891,
was open space

128.5 ^^^t distant from the south face of this building. It is also distant feet west of the north

and south street running in front of this school building. The mark or used the Catholic
range was

church spire. This mark or bears 87** 04''.6 east of true north. The central point on the house

bears 85" 15^.4 east of true south. The central point on the high school bears 2" 31^.4 west of

true north.

Stutsman County, Jamestown, i8g6. "

Observations were made over a point located in the large

on the west side of the North Side public school, 117.8 feet northwest of the northwest
open space

of the plank fence which surrounds this school building, ^^^^ from the school building,
comer 233.3

349.3 feet north of Fifth street, and 82 feet east of Third avenue extended. The North Side public
school building is in the north side of the town, between Second and Third avenues, and on the north

side of Fifth street. It is a 2-story brick building. The point used as a mark or bears

Ti" 03^.8 east of true south. The flag pole on the court-house bears i" 40^.2 west of true south. The

flag pole on the South Side schoolhouse bears 6" 13^.2 west of true south.

Williams County, Williston,i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of an ash post. This

post was located in the northwest comer of the Williston public school grounds, in the north side of

the town and east side of the main street. It is distant feet east of the plank fence the west
57 on

side of the school grounds, 56.9 feet south of the plank fence on the north side of the school grounds,
and 148.2 feet northwest of the public school building. The point used as a mark or bears
82" 43^. I east of true south.



Ashland County, Ashland, igoo. Observations were made over a small marble block feet 2 inches

long, 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. ". G. S. A cross in the center of this stone marks the

point. This marble block is located in the grounds of the county infirmary, about miles south of
Ashland. It is placed in the pasture immediately west of the infirmary building and in the southwest

corner of it. It is distant 126 feet from the west fence and 71.5 feet from the south fence of this pasture
field. The mark or used was the western edge of the west chimney the house nearly south
range on

of the station. This mark or bears 7" 59^.1 east of true south. The south edge of the south

chimney on the infirmary bears 79" 04^.8 east of true north.

Ashtabula County ^
Jefferson, igoo. "
Observations were made over a block of sandstone

2 inches long, 6.2 by 6.6 inches on top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S. A cross in the center of this stone

marks the point. It is located in the southwest comer of the high-school grounds, 96 feet north of

the board walk at the south edge of the grounds and 46.5 feet from the edge of the road west of the

grounds. A similar block of sandstone was placed 403.8 feet true north of this stone, feet from

the edge of the road west of the grounds, and 167.8 feet from the edge of the board walk at the north

side of the grounds. The mark or used was the west edge of a chimney. This mark or
range range

bears 29" 48^.4 east of true south.

Athens County, Athens, /8gS,"A new meridian line 316 feet long was established in the grounds
of the Ohio University. It marked by two sandstone posts with station marks. The south
was copper

stone is near the southwest corner of the grounds. A magnetic station was marked by a similar post
feet from the south stone, 183.3 feet from the south stone of a former meridian line, and 93.6 feet

from Mulberry street. The mark or used the flag pole on the insane asylum, and bears
range was

54* 53^.3 west of true south.

Cuyahoga County Cleveland, Obser\'ations were made over the north meridian stone of the
igoo. "

meridian line in the marine-hospital grounds at a point 180.98 feet north of the astronomical station.

This meridian stone is composed of a block of sandstone 14 by 14 inches with bolt

square, a copper

marking the center. It is 56.96 feet south and 237.94 feet west of the center of the dome of the marine

hospital. Observations were made over this same point in 1880, 1888, and in 1893. The mark or range

used was the south meridian stone in the marine-hospital grounds.

Fayette County, Washington, Observations were made over the south meridian stone of the
igoo. "

county official meridian established by Mr. Wm. M. Davis in 1869. It is located in the grounds of

the county infirmary, about 2^ miles east of the court-house. This stone is 8 by 8 inches on top and

extends 14 inches above the surface of the ground. The north meridian mark is a large stone, also

located in the grounds of the county infirmary. The mark or used was the north meridian stone

of the county meridian. This mark or range bears o" 01^.9 west of true north.

Franklin County, Columbus, igoo. "

Observations were made over the station established in the

of the Ohio State University and marked with a stone post in 1 891. Its exact location is well

known to the university authorities. The mark or used was the tip of a house east of south of

this stone post. This mark bears 25" 25^.2 east of true south.
or range

Hamilton County, Cincinnati, i8gg. "Th^ station is at Mount Lookout, somewhat northeast of the

observatory, on land owned by Mr. J. Kilgore. It is in the field 247 feet from the east fence and

feet from the south fence.


Licking County, Newark, Observations were made over a copper tack in a wooden stub
igoo. "

flush with the ground, located on the property of Mr. E. Everetts, owner of the glass works. This

property has been subdivided into lots. This stub is distant 62, 117.6, and 6 feet, respectively,

from the northwest comer of Henry Rolf's property, from the northwest comer of his house, and from

the northeast comer of his property at the edge of Beech street. It is also distant 138. 7 and

164 feet from the western edge of Beech street and from the center of it, and is about feet east

of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Erie division. The mark or range used was the spire of the

Second Presbyterian church. This mark or bears ii" 16''. 9 west of true south.

Logan County, Belief ontaine Observations were made over a block of Georgia marble
igoo. "

feet long, 8^ by 8^ inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a cross which marks the

point. This block rests on another block of Georgia marble and extends 8 inches above the surface

of the ground. It is located on the crest of the small knob, said to be the highest point in the State

OHIO" Continued.

of Ohio, about i Ij miles east of the court-house. It is distant I22"^ feet from the larger of two trees

on this hill and 124 feet from the fence east of it. The county Mr. \V. A. Grim, set another

stone marking the true meridian line on the crest of the opposite hill to the north and nearer the

road. The mark or used was the flagstaff on the court-house. This mark bears
range or range

72" 25^.9 west of true south.

Marion County, Marion, y Observations were made over a block of sandstone feet long,
900." 3

6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with a cross in the center of it which marks

the point. This block is placed in the grounds of the county infirmary, about 2 miles east of the

court-house, in a small pasture immediately south of the infirmary. It is distant 53.8 feet from the

south fence and 59.8 feet from the east fence of this field. The mark or used the northwest
range was

edge of a house about a mile to the southeast. This mark or bears 50" 29^.6 east of true south.
The southwest edge of a bam to the southwest bears 21" 03^.2 west of true south. The southeast edge
of the southeast chimney on the infirmary bears i" 56^.9 east of true north.

Montgoinery County ,
Dayton, igoo. "
Observations were made over a copper tack in a stub

I by i"^ inches square, driven flush with the ground. It is located in the grounds of the Soldiers*

Home, about miles northeast of the union depot. It is distant and feet, respectively, from
3 322. i 150

the corners of an inclosure east of this It is 62 feet from the center of West Virginia
peg. avenue

and south of it in line vdth the center of the road leading from West Virginia avenue to the "
It is also 1 13.8 feet southwest of the southwest corner of the band practice shed. The mark or range
used was the tip of the Memorial Hall tower. This mark or bears 91" 32''. 5 east of true


Ross County, Chillicothe, /poo." Observations were made over the north stone of the meridian line

established in the city park by a number of local The south stone of this meridian line is

located in a clump of trees and can be easily found. The north stone extends i)i feet out of the

ground and is about i foot in diameter. It is about 100 feet west of the front of the waterworks and

is 38.6 feet from the post at the junction of the walk and the road to the west of it. The mark or

used was the south meridian stone of this meridian line.


Scioto County, Portsmouth, /poo." Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian

line established in 1885 by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. It is located in the west

corner of the grounds of the Children's Home. It can be easily found on account of its size.

The mark or range used was the north meridian stone, also located in the grounds of the Children's


Summit County, Akron, Observations made block of marble feet inch

igoo, "
were over a 3 i long,
set 31 inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., with in the
a cross

center of it which marks the point. It placed in the grounds of the county infirmary, about
was \%,
miles west of the town, on West Exchange street. It is located in the front lawn, 18 feet from the

private drive leading to the infirmary and feet from the line of trees along the road leading
123 by the

infirmary. The mark used the east edge of the tree, at its base, just visible
or range was to the right
of a wooden lamp-post. This mark or bears 24" 45-'. 2 west of true south. The north of
range corner

the main building bears 59" 20^.4 west of true north.

Trumbult County, Warren, Observations made the north stone of the meridian
/900." were over

line, located in the court-house grounds. The south stone of this meridian line is the street-car

track and should not be used for magnetic observations. The mark or used the south
range was

meridian stone of this meridian line.

Tuscarawas County, Tuscarawas, Observations made point in field

igoo. "
were over a an open
about I mile northeast of town, on the property of E. S. Russell, of Alliance, Ohio. This field

formerly belonged to Mr. J. Beickensderfer. It is on the bank of the Tuscarawas River near the

bridge and just south of the road leading to Tuscarawas. Mr. J. J. Affolter, who lives in the farmhouse

across the road, knows the exact location of this It is distant 86.2 and 110.8 feet, respectively,
from the center of the road to Tuscarawas and from a fir tree in front of the farmhouse. It is also

distant and 85.3 feet, respectively, from two chestnut each side of the
54.2 trees on gate leading from

the road into this field. The mark or used the tip of the schoolhouse tower. This mark
range was

or range bears 70" 42^.0 west of true south.


OREGON" Continued.

from the geodetic station. It is marked by a cedar post about 10 inches in diameter and projecting
about inches above the ground. The mark used was the azimuth mark over Riuearson triangula-

tion station and it bears 60" 26^.8 west of true north.

Coos County Coos Bay, i88g. " Compass bearings were taken at the following triaugulation

stations, but the results are only approximate: Loggie, Ross, Fossil 2, North Spit, Pigeon 2, Coos

River Hill, White Point 2, Marshfield Hill, Crawford 2, Pierce Cemetery, Empire 2, Pest, Simpson,
North Bend 2, Pony, Hutchinson 2, North Slough, Mabry.
Douglas County Tenmile Knoll, 1887. "
The station is situated on a small knoll, on the north

side of Tenmile Creek, between the Umpquah and.Siuslaw rivers. It is about 600 yards east of the

ocean beach.

Lane County, Cannery Hill, 1887. "

The station is located upon the summit of a chaparral
covered sand hill on the north side of the Siuslaw River, just inside the entrance.

Lincoln County, Yaquina Point Light, /88j. "

The station is south of the barn belonging to the

light-house. It is marked by an oak tent pin driven over a bottle set underground. The east gable
of the keeper's house bears 42" 01'' west of true north and Cape Foulweather light-house bears 60" 04''

west of true north.

Multnomah County, Portland, The station is on the hill near the northwest corner of City
igoo. "

Park, on the highest ground, within the loop which terminates the driveway. It is marked by a

sandstone post 6 inches square on top, the pyramidal top projecting above the surface. The mark or

used was the flagstaff on the Marquham Hotel and bears 77" ii'' east of true south. The house

flagstaff bears 68" 31^ east of true south.


Adams County, Gettysburg, Observations were made at the south stone of meridian line
igoi. "

about 700 feet long, located on the county farm at the northeast edge of the town. The line is

marked by dark-grained marble posts 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. (or N. M.-).

The south stone is in the large field northwest of the barn. It is immediately north of the small

orchard and 25 feet from the wooden rail fence. The mark or range used was the tip of the tower on

the main college building. This mark or range bears 40" 40^.6 west of true south.

Allegheny County, Allegheny, /88j. "

The station *is 171 feet 7 inches due north of the center of

the transit instrument at Allegheny Observatory.

Bedford County, Bedford, The meridian line established by the county in 1877
1^2. "


back of the court-house was tested and it was found that the south stone bore from the north stone

0" 03^.4 west of true south. As this station is not suitable for magnetic observations the magnetic
station was located on the grounds of the Arandale Hotel south of town. It is in the large field back

of the hotel, across the brook about 200 feet. It is about 150 feet east of the line joining the first two

apple trees and about 10 feet southeast of a stump projecting about 6 inches out of the ground. It is

152.0 feet, 173.6 feet and 181. 8 feet, respectively, from the nearest three apple trees. It is marked by
a marble stone feet long and ^% inches set flush with the ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S.
3 square,

The half -inch hole drilled in the center marks the point. The mark used the spire of the
1902. was

Methodist church (the one with a cross), bearing 17" 51.^12 west of true north.

Berks County, Reading, Observations were made a point located the farm of
igoo. "
over on

Mr. William Irwin, which is about 2 miles from Reading in a southerly direction, and is about i

mile east of the "

Kicks House." This point is located in the field west of Mr. Irwin's house and

orchard. It is near the public road in the northwest corner of his field, and is distant 14.5 and 84.8 feet,

respectively, from its north and west fences. It is also distant 86.5 and 46 feet, respectively,
from the central trees of two clumps of cherry trees across the road from this station. The mark or

used the ridge of an old barn over the ridge vO the southward. This mark bears
range was or range

9" 39^. t) west of true south.

Blair County, Altoona, igoo. Observations were made over a tack in a stub driven almost


flush with the ground. It was located on land owned by Mr. Scott Gwines, a of Altoona.

It is about I ^ or 2 miles in a northerly direction from the Pennsylvania Railroad station on the

Juniata Gap road. This stub was located 304.6 feet in the rear of Mr. James Young's house, and is


distant 196.6 feet from the fence just south of the station. The mark or used was the point of

the cupola of the Fairfield schoolhouse. This mark bears 26" 47^.2 east of true south. The
or range

chimney of Mr. James Young's house bears 64" 22^.2 east of true south.

Cambria County^ Ebensburgy Observations were made over a marble post located in the

southeast of the court-house yard. This post is 6"^ inches square on top, projects about
corner 3

inches above ground, and is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. A church spire bears 26" 01^.3 east of true north.

The steeple on the third house south of the southwest comer of the court-house yard bears 47" 28^.9

west of true south.

Center County^ Bellefonte^ Observations were made over a sandstone post located in a field
igoi. "

owned by Mr. T. A. Shoemaker, of Bellefonte, and known as "Half Moon Hill." This post is 7 by 8

inches at the projects about inches above ground, and is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. It is about
top, 4

one-quarter of a mile west of the Pennsylvania Railroad station, and is between the houses of George
and Mrs. It is 113.8 feet from the west of George Meese's yard and feet
Meese Rapp. comer 113. 2

from the south fence of the field next to the road. The tallest church spire visible bears 63" 13^.4 east

of true north. The church spire with the cross on it bears 36" 50^.9 east of true north.

Center County^ Ingleby^ Observations were made over a large rock, a comer of which
1^00. "

above the ground. This rock is marked by crosis with small hole marking the center. It
projects a a

is located in a clump of trees about three-eighths of a mile north of the railway station and about

one-fourth of mile east of the Barker stock farm. It is distant 65.5, 60.5, 73.5, and 59 feet, respectively,

from small cherry tree, from a chestnut tree, from a J)ine tree, and from an oak bush. The mark or

used pine tree the mountain. This mark or bears 7" 42^.3 west of true south.
range was a on range

Chester County^ West Chester, /po/."The station is on the athletic grounds of the West Chester

Normal School. It is 57 west of the starting posts for the loo-yard dash, and 13.5 feet north of

the straight cinder track, and is marked by a block of marble 12 inches square, projecting several

inches above the ground. The Episcopal church tower bears 5" 09^.4 west of true north. The base of

the public schoolhouse bears 1" 16'. east of true north.

the flag pole on 2

Clearfield County^ Clearfield Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian
igoi. "

line established in 1895 by the county the county home. This stone is about feet
surveyor near 50

the dnve leading from the road into the home. It is of brown sandstone by feet top
beyond 0.9 1.5 on

about foot above ground. A similar about one-fourth mile distant marks the
and projects a stone

north end of the line. The instrument was centered over the middle of the west edge of south stone.

The west edge of the north stone bears 0" 00^.7 east of true north. The west comer of the county home

bears 29" 18^.1 west of true south. The south comer of the same bears 44" 32^.2 west of trae south.

Clinton County Lock Haven ^Observations were made over a white marble post 6^ inches
^ ^
igoi. "

3X inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. This post is piece of

square, projecting on a

land along the river front, east of the wooden bridge. It is 16 feet from the river bank and 62
feet east of the canal. The southeast edge of a house with four pillars, across the river, bears 23" 00^.4

east of true north.

Cumberland County Carlisle, Observations were made at the south stone of the meridian
igoi. "

line located the fair grounds north of the town. TJie line is about 700 feet long and is marked by

marble 6 inches and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. (or N. M. ) The south stone is 85 feet
2 posts square

from the south post of the gate leading into the grounds at the southeast comer of the track, and also

164.6 feet from the southeast comer of the stand within the race track.

Dauphin County, Harrisburg, igoi. "

Observations were made at the north stone of the meridian

line located on Hargests (or Forsters) Island. The line is marked by 2 marble posts scinches square

and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. (or S. M. ) The north stone is 77.5 feet from the south comer of the

stable and feet from the north of the grand stand. The mark or used was the east
77.7 comer range

of tall brick chimney the river. This mark bears 8" 15^.0 east of tme south. The
edge a across or range

the house bears 54" 08^.4 east of true north.

flagstaff on opera

Efie County, Erie, 1885, "

The station is located in the grounds of the marine hospital, 138 feet

I inch east-southeast of the southeast comer of the hospital building.

County, Mason and Dixon line, 1897. ^The observations made at point in the
Fayette " were a

field feet north of the Michler monument, which marks the intersection of the Michler meridian

line with the Pennsylvania or Mason and Dixon line.



FayetU County^ Uniantoumy igoi. "

Observations were made at the south stone of the meridian

line located on the fair grounds, north of the town. This line was established by the county in 1851 It

is about I 200 feet long and is marked by drill holes in two rough stone posts 4 by 7 inches and ing
6 inches above ground. The north stone is 2"^ feet from the wooden fence opposite the north

end of the race track. The south stone is witliin the track and is 3 feet from the south end of the

track. The tip of the" court-house tower bears 8" 43^.3 east of true south.

Franklin County Chafubersburg igoo. "

Observations were made over the center of a granite post
^ ^

about midway between the north and south meridian stones of the meridian line which had been lished

at the almshouse farm. It is 206. r feet north of the south meridian stone and about 130 feet east

of a large tree. Its position is well known. The almshouse is about i %, miles east of Chambersburg,
and is adjacent to a small village called StoufFerstown. The mark or used was the western ridge

of a frame building, and it bears 8^ 12^.5 east of true south.

Franklin County Fannettsburg, Observations were made over a point located in the pasture
igoo. "

field of the Rev. Mr. Gordon, about 300 or 350 yards from the hotel. It is distant 133.4 and 44.3 feet,
respectively, from the northwest corner of this pasture field, and from its north fence line. It is

distant 79.2, 63.5, and 46.9 feet, respectively, from three cherry trees north of the station, and north of

the fence line. It is also distant 48.6 feet from an apple tree east of the station. The mark or range
used 'was the ridge of a bam. This mark or range bears 24^ 48^.4 east of true south.

Greene County Waynesburg^ igoi. "

Observations were made over the north stone of the meridian

line. This is stone set in a larger stone about 2 feet It is about feet north of the public
a square. 300

school and Waynesburg College. The south stone is in the sidewalk near the northwest comer of the

court-house This line was established by the county in the year 1850. This station was reoccupied
in July, for the purpose of testing the meridian line established by the county in 1850.
1902, surveyor

It was found that the south stone instead 0/ bearing due south from the north stone bears o^ 3^,8 west

of true south,

Huntingdon County ^
Huntingdon ^
igoo, "
Observations were made over a tack in a stub located on

the farm of Mr. J. Murran Africa, C. E., situated on the Lower Rock Creek road, east of don.
Mr. Africa established a meridian line on his farm in 1880 and marked it with meridian stones

about 2 by 5 inches on top. The center is marked with a cross in a lead bolt. On account of the

nature of the ground these stones could not be occupied. The stub is distant 21.46 feet south of the

north meridian stone and 244.5 ^^^^ north of the south meridian stone. It is also distant 21.6 feet

from a fence near the north stone and 81.3 feet from a fir tree southeast of the station. The mark or

used was the cupola of the court-house tower. This mark or range bears 48" 47^.2 west of true


Indiana County Indiana^ /po/." Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian

line established in 1899 by the United States Geological Survey on the campus of the Indiana State*

Normal School This stone is in front of the south front of the main building and about feet

nearly south of the fowitain. The stones are 6 inches on top and have disks sunk into
square copper

them. They project several inches above ground. The mark or used was the spire of the United

Presbyterian church. This mark or range bears 41" 52^.7 east of true north.

Lancaster County Lancaster^ igoi. "

Observations were made at a point 32^^ feet east and 2 feet

north of the south stone of a meridian line on the grounds of the Children's Home in the southeast

quarter of the city. This line is about 400 feet long and is marked by two limestone posts 8 inches

projecting 3 inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. (or S. M.). The centers
of the drill holes in the stones designate the meridian line.

Lebanon County Lebanon Observations were made at the south stone of meridian line
^ ^
igoi. "

500 feet long located in the first field west of the county almshouse. The line is marked by marble

posts 6X inches square, projecting 4 inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. (or S. M. ).
The south stone is on the south side of the creek and 9 feet from the fence along the road. The north

stone is on the other side of the creek and 10 feet from the fence. I'he mark or used the
range was

church spire, which bears 1" 1 7-^.8 west of true north.

Lycoming County IVilliamsport, "Observations made the south stone of the

/po/. were over

meridian line established in Brandon Park by the United States Geological Survey. The line is

about 500 feet long and is marked by stone posts 0.40 by 0.65 foot cross section. These posts project


about 4 inches above ground and have copper disks inserted in their tops with cross marks cut in the

to mark the exact points. The south stone is about 100 feet east, slightly north, of a large

granite drinking fountain.

Mifflin County^ Lewislown^ Observations were made over the south stone of the county
igoo. "

meridian line established on the almshouse farm, about three-fourths of a mile northeast of town.

These stones five inches and they can be easily found. One is d private road and the
are square, near

other is near a public road. The mark or used was the tip of the court-house dome. This

mark bears 72" 24^.6 west of true south.

or range

Montgomery County ^
HatborOy igoo, "
Obseri-ations were made over a copper tack in a small stake

located on the farm of Mr. Harry Woodfall, about a mile east of the town. This stake is driven in

the ground about the center of a pasture field south of Mr. Woodfairs house. It is distant 89.5, 186.8,
216.2, and 230.1 feet, respectively, from the west, from the south, from the east fencs of this pasture

field, and from its northwest comer next to the road. It is also distant 30X.2 feet from a cherry tree

the southwest corner of Mr. Woodfall's house. The mark or used the lightning rod
near range was

the cupola of Mr. John Lloyd's bam. This mark or bears 21** 54^.8 west of true south.
on range

Perry County^ Andersonburg ,

igoo. "
Observations were made over a point Ideated in the pasture
field of the Loys, about 800 feet east of the post-office. This pasture is second field from Judge
Garber's property and across the road from the Loys' bam. The point is distant 161 and 119 feet,

respectively, from the northwest comer of the Loys' bam, southeast of the station, and from a large

apple tree north of the station. It is also distant 109, 28, and 109.7 feet, respectively, from the fences

south and west of the station and the southwest comer of this pasture field, next to the road. The

mark used was the eastern ridge of Mr. McKee's bam. This mark or bears 88^ 39^-4
or range range

west of true south.

Perry County Newport^ jgoo. "

Observations were made over a point located on the property of

Mr. Gibson Fickes, about tliree-eighths of a mile north of the town, about 350 feet east of the sylvania

Railway, and northwest of the ball grounds. This point is in line with the Fickes''s house

and the chimney of a brick factory. It is also in line with Mr. Fickes' s barn and the residence

of Mr. Myers. It is distant 252.8, 291.2, and 134 feet, respectively, from the southeast comer of the

foundation of the large bam northwest of the station, from the southeast comer of a farmhouse west

of the station, and from the center of North Fourth street, east of the station. It is also distant

1 and 108.5 feet, respectively, from the fences north, south, and east of the station. It
27.5, 13.3,

is distant 78.4 and 64.8 feet, respectively, from two large cherry trees northeast of the. station. The

mark used was the spire of the Presbyterian church. This mark or range bears 44" 35^.6
or range

east of true south.

Philadelphia County, Philadelphia, iSg^, "

Observations were made over a dressed-marble post

4 inches by 4 inches by 30 inches, with intersecting grooves, sunk flush with surface of the ground.
This post is located in the grounds of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, near Forty-first and

West Market streets, distant yards from the center of the Doric Summer House. The mark
50 or

used was the spire of the Reformed Episcopal church and bears 14" 55^.3 east of true south.

Rod on the chimney of the *'

Fisher Ward North "
bears 79" 47^.0 west of true north.

Philadelphia County, Philadelphia, Girard College, i8go. "The station is marked by a dressed-

marble post 18 inches long and 4 by 4 inches on top and lettered U. S. C. S. It is sunk flush with

surface of the groimd, and is distant feet from the outer edge of the curbstone of the paved road

running through the college grounds, just south of the mechanical school building. It is also distant

feet from the inner edge of the western stone wall around these grounds. No longer suitable for

magnetic observations.

Schuylkill County, Pottsville, /goo. "

Observations were made over a point located on the farm of

Mrs. Gemiy, about one-half a mile northwest of the court-house. This point is on the south slope of

a hill southwest of Mrs. Germy's house, distant 51.4 feet from a lone tree which is in line between

this point and the court-house tower. The mark or used the cross on St. John's church,
range was

which is seen over Mrs. Germy's house. This mark or range bears 27" 28^.1 east of true south.

Snyder County, Middleburg, Observations were made wooden stub driven all but 2
igoi. " over a

inches into the ground. This stub is located in a small orchard back of the house and stable of


Mr. J. F. Stetler. It is 43.3 feet from the corner of the stable, 17.2 feet from the line of the stable

produced on the west side, and 28 feet from a small apple tree (the one closest to the stable). The

center of the ball on the church tower bears 32" 53^.3 west of true north.

Somerset County Somerset igoi. "

Observations were made over the wooden post midway
y ^

between the ends of the meridian line established in the court-house yard. The ends are marked by
cast-iron bars about 4 feet long, firmly set in stones. This line was established by the county
in 1875.
Union County Leivisburg, Observations were made over a point located in the college
1^00. "

about feet south of the college building, on the right-hand side of the road leading to the
campus, 300

main building, and near the fork in the roads. It is in line with a row of shade trees and is distant

and 65 feet, respectively, from the first tree east and from the first west of the station. The mark

or used was the central lightning rod on Mr. Frank Miller's barn. This mark or bears
range range

48" C4''.2 west of true south.

Washington County Washington Observations were made over the south stone of the
^ ^

meridian line located on the front campus of Washington and Jefferson College. This stone is near

the southwest comer of the campus, and the north stone is about 500 feet distant. The line was

established by the United States Geological Survey in 1900.

Westmoreland County Greensburg^ igoi. "

Observations were made at the south stone of the

meridian line located in the field back of the east wing of the county home. This line is marked by
two marble posts 6 inches square and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. (or N. M.) The south stone is

about feet from the hedge fence and about 200 feet from the wooden fence along the road at the

back of the home. The north stone is about 350 feet distant from the south stone. The mark or

used was the right edge of a school building about a mile distant. This mark or bears
range range

69** 03''.3 east of true north.

York County York^ igoi, Observations were made at the south stone of a meridian line feet


long, located in a field owned by Mr. Small. The line is marked by two granite posts 6 inches
and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. (or N. M.). The south stone is south, a little east, of the only
tree in the interior of the field, feet from the tree, 510 feet from the wooden fence along the road,

and 452 feet from the creek bank. The mark or used the flagstaff the foundry
range was on across

the top of an iron bridge. This mark or range bears 12" 29^.3 west of true south.


Dutnagueie^ NegroSy /^/."Magnetic observations were made at a point on the beach 30 meters

north of the astronomical station on the line to the azimuth mark which bears 0" 00^.5 east of true


Maasin, Leyte^ igoi, " Megnetic observations were made at a point 20.6 meters south of the nomical

station on the line passing through it from the azimuth mark which bears 0" 01 '^.3 east of

true north. It is marked by a small bamboo stake.

OrmoCy LeytCy igoi. " Magnetic observations were made at a point 82.31 meters due north of the

astronomical station which is on the north side of the public It is marked by wooden
square. a peg.
Taclobany Leytey /po/." Megnetic observations were made at a point on the beach meters

north of the astronomical station on the line to the azimuth mark on Samar Island which bears

o" 01^.5 west of true north. It is marked by a wooden stake.

BatangaSy Luzoiiy igoi. " Magnetic observations were made at the astronomical station, which is

about 4 meters south of the road leading from Batangas to the beach, about half a mile west of Batan-

Plaza and three-fifths of a

mile east of the beach. It is just inside the low dikes of rice field,
gas a

and is marked by a stone 8"^ by 12 inches on top and projecting 8 inches above ground, with a drill

hole and- the letters U. S. cut on its top surface. The stone is surrounded by three posts. The cross

on the dome of the Batangas church bears 76" 06'', 6 east of south.

BalayaUy Luzoriy /go/." The station is in Calle de la Fe, 211.43 meters from the astronomical tion,

and is marked by a cross cut on a bowlder, flush with the surface of the street and about midway
between the center and north side of the street. The mark or used was the center of the church


dome, and bears 56** 12^.7 west of true south. The astronomical station is in the north end of the

Plaza Rizal, 84.3, 16.0, and 40.1 meters, respectively, from the southeast comer of the chiu-chyard
wall, the southeast corner of the stone guardhouse, and the southwest corner of military headquarters.
It is marked by a granite stone 12 by 4 inches on top, projecting 12 inches above ground, having a

drill hole on top and lettered U. S. on its south face.

Subig, Luzon, Magnetic observations were made at two points near the astronomical station
igoi. "

in Subig, 20 feet due south and the other feet distant in line to Point, a little south of west.
one 15

The astronomical station is in a of cocoanut palms at the south end of the principal north and

south street of the town, about the center of the street and 50 feet from mean high-water mark. It is

marked by a stone 6 by 8 by 21 inches, projecting about 3 inches above ground and having a drill

hole in its center. It is ii.8 meters from the southwest comer of the house on the east side of the

street and 12 meters from the southeast comer of the house on the west side of the street.

Iba^ Luzon Magnetic obser\'ations made at a point 60 feet due north of the nomical
igoi. "

station. The astronomical station is about i mile due west of the town of Iba, on a broad,

smooth plateau which is about 8 feet above mean high water. It is on a point, about 100 meters from

high-water mark and north of the quartermaster's freight .house, being 73 meters from the center of

tlie north end of it. It is marked by granite stone 20 by 20 by inches, set on edge, with the broad
a 3

faces north and south, and projecting about inches above ground. There is a drill hole on top, and

the letters U. S. are cut on the south face.

Santa Cruz, Luzon, Magnetic observations were made at a point 40 feet due south of the
igoi. "

astronomical station. This astronomical station is at the west end of the town plaza, about 50 meters

from high-water mark of the bay. It is 89.8 meters, 68.2 meters, and 44.1 meters, respectively, from

the northeast and northwest corners of the convent (barracks) and the northwest comer of the

adjoining courtyard. It is marked by an irregular-shaped sandstone about 18 by 14 inches, projecting

6 inches above ground, having a drill hole on top and lettered U. S. on the north face.

SuaJy Luzon Magnetic observations were made at the astronomical station on the shore

north of the military hospital. It is about 100 feet from the hospital and 30 feet from high-water

mark, and is marked by a pier of granite 1.6 by 2.1 feet, standing 2.4 feet above ground, having a

drill hole and the letters U. S. cut in its surface.


San Fernando de Union, Luzon, Magnetic observations were made at a point on the beach
igoi, "

meters due north of the astronomical station. This astronomical station is at the north side of the

foot of Main street, 26.7 meters west of the Port's large flagstaff. It is marked by a stone 6 by 8 by 18

inches above ground, with drill hole in its top. A line from the southwest
inches projecting about 4 a

of the United States commissary warehouse to the flag pole would about 2 meters north of
corner pass

the astronomical station.

Candon, Luzon, Magnetic observations were made at a point 50 meters due south of the
/goi. "

astronomical station, which is just outside of Candon on the south side of the road to beach, near a

double-arched brick culvert. This astronomical station is 18.6 meters from the center of the middle

of the culvert and 27.6 meters from the pier at the eastern end of the brick wall on the south
side of the road. It is marked by stone 3"^ by inches on top, projecting about 4 inches above
a 5

ground and having a three-fourths inch drill hole on top. Due south 700 meters a similar stone was

set for azimuth mark. It is meters south of the south edge of a ditch between two rice fields,
an 15.5

and 160 meters west of a culvert in the main road leading from Candon to the south.

Luzo7i, Magnetic observations made at the astronomical station situated in

Vigan, jgoi, " were

the inclosure of the race track, about one-half mile west of south of the center of the town, and about

one-third mile due south of the chapel in the town cemetery, the true north line from the station

the of the chapel its center. The station is marked by stone by 3^ inches
cutting tower near a 13 on

projecting about inches above ground, having a drill hole on top and lettered U. S. C. G. S. on
top, 5

its north face. It is southwest of two prominent piers, 182 feet from one and 274.6 feet from

the other. About feet south of the south wall of the Vigan cemetery a stone was set to mark the

meridian. This stone is 12 by inches, with a drill hole in its top surface, and projects about 5
tme 3

inches above ground.

Currimao, Luzon, Observations were made at two points near the astronomical station.
igoi. "

This station is near the eastern end of a building the lower story of which is of stone, the first one west


of the warehouse of the General Tobacco Company. It is 9.96, 8.35, and 51.19 meters, respectively,
from the northeast and southeast corners of the former and southwest comer of the latter. The

astronomical station is marked by a stone about 6 by 18 by 30 inches, projecting about 6 inches above

ground and having a drill hole in its center. The first magnetic station was 7 meters from this stone

and in line with it and the west side of a small building on the lower point of Currimao Harbor. The

mark or used was a point on the old Spanish blockhouse and bears 25" 37''.2 east of true south.

The second magnetic station was 20 meters from the stone and in line with "
Rocky Bluff." The

mark or used was

Rocky Bluff" and bears 16" 27''.4 west of true south.

Aparri, Luzon Observations were made in the open street, about 200 meters south of a
igoi. "

stone set in the northeast comer of the main plaza or parade ground. This stone is about 5 by 10 by 20

inches, planted with 3 or 4 inches projecting above ground. In the top of the stone a hole is drilled

i}i inches deep.


Punta Viento No. ^, /90/. "

The station is located on a shingle beach at Punta Viento about 60

feet from the high-water mark on line between Punta P^igura light-house and Punta Viento No. 2

triangulation station. The latter is located at the southeast comer of Punta Viento, about 50 meters

from the southwest comer of the bay at the high-water mark, and is marked by a heavy braced pitch-
pine pole over a 2-inch iron pipe filled with cement and pebbles and set in cement even with the

surface of the shingle. The mark or range used was Punta Figura light-house and bears 79" 14''.7

west of tme south.

Corazon, /(^/."The station is north from the road between Arroyo and Guayama, at the lane

leading to the house of Carlos McCormick, on a grass-covered foothill of Cerro de San Bernaldo.

About one-fourth mile of the road in front of the Arroyo cemetery, if continued, would 500 600
pass or

feet east of the station. It is marked by a braced pole over an iron pipe set in cement in"a hole in the

ground. The mark or range used was Punta Figura light-house and bears 33" 30^ east of true south.

Poncfy The station is located on high hill about i mile north of the Plaza of Ponce. It
/90/." a

is in a pasture on the highest part of the eastern end of the hill almost in line with the street running
north and south on the west side of the Plaza Principal. The exact point is marked by a coast survey
brass station mark set in a grouting of cement and stone, its top even with the surface of the ground.
The mark used was Cardona light-house and bears 13" 19^.0 west of true south.
or range
Santa Helena^ igoi. "
The station is located on Santa Helena Mountain, on the line between Punta

Tuna light-house and Santa Helena triangulation station. The latter is located on the highest summit

between the Maunabo and Yabucoa road through the Pandura Pass and the coast. It is on a clear and

and hilltop, southwest of a bowlder about feet high and 6 feet long, and 38.18 and feet
grassy 3 33.55
measured on slope, respectively, from a blazed wild-orange tree and nearest corner of a barbed-wire

fence. The triangulation station is marked by a 2-inch iron pipe, inches long, set in cement almost

even with the surface of the ground, under a 20-foot braced pole. The mark or used Punta
range was

Tuna light-house and bears 21" 25^ west of true south.

Aiboniiay igoi, "

^The station is located on a prominent hill about i mile south of the town of

Aibonita, which is on the military road between Ponce and San Juan. It is about 61 feet northwest

from the Aibonita triangulation station and about 108 feet northwest of an old house. The exact

point is marked by a small cross cut on a hemispherical bowlder about feet in diameter. The
mark or range used was the flagstaff on a schoolhouse and bears 52" 29^.6 west of true south.

Muertos light-house bears 46" 38'." west of true south.

Vieques Island, Isabella Segunda, ^The station is the hill just south of the village of
jgoi. "

Isabella Segunda, 26.4 feet east of the most southerly and feet south of the most easterly of clump
49.2 a

of trees. It is marked by a brass station mark, secured with cement in the top of a 4-inch tile drain

pipe, which was set in cement with its tbp even with the ground. The mark or used was the

signal at Middle triangulation station, on the highest part of the ridge to the southward, and
bears 7" 01 ''.o east of true south.

Linta^ igoi. "

^This station is the triangulation station on Lima point, southwest of Bahia Honda.

It is on a rounded promontory mostly covered with trees, in a little glade little east of the
grassy a

highest point of the hill, and in line with the top of the bluff at Point Algodou and the point of South

PORTO RICO" Continued.

inches in diameter at the top, which is even with the surface of the ground. The mark or range used was

South Base triangulation station, distant i meters, and bears 6" 56^.8 west of true south. The center

of the top of the brick smokestack of refinery bears 43" 59^.8 west of true south.
a sugar

FraiUy ^The station is about three-fourths mile west of Rio Platte, on Savaha Hill, on the
igoi, "

coast. It is rocky point, the highest but of a and the second from the west. It is about
on a one group

600 feet northeast from a cabin. The exact point is marked by a 2-inch galvanized-iron pipe set in

cement in a hole drilled in the rock and projecting 5 inches above the ground.
Amador^ ^The station is the coast, about one-half mile northwest of Camuy. It is a
igoi. " on on

high sandhill called "Cerra la Playa," about meters south of the ocean shore and 650 meters from

the main north and south street through Camuy, and is marked by a 2-inch iron pipe set in cement.

Point Caracoles, The station is located on the coast, about 1% miles east of the Arecibo
igo/. "

light-house. It is on a rocky point, and marked by a stub about 18 inches long and signal pole and

flag. The mark or used was Arecibo light-house, and bears 73

30^.6 west of true south.


Newport County Coasters Harbor Island, Newport, 1896. "

Station is at a point about midway

between the Naval War College building and the reservoir. Station is mark^ by a pine stub, about

in line with the northwest corners of the reservoir and War College.
Providence County, Providence, /8gj. "
Station is in the center of the athletic grounds of Brown


Washington County, Boston Neck, /8gg, "

Station is on the farm of T. G. Hazard, about 2 miles

northeast of Narragansett Pier. It is near the center of the large field east of the farm buildings. It

is about 200 feet from the west wall, in line between a point 2 feet south of the barnyard gateway and

Beavertail light-house. It is inches east of a drill hole in a rock in the same line. The mark
9 or

used was the Beavertail light-house, and bears 87" 52^.4 east of true south. Whale Rock house

bears 63" 31^.3 east of true south.

Washington County, McSparran Hill, /(Jpp." Station is 20.8 feet to the northeast of the angulation

drill in outcropping
station McSparran 3, which is marked by a hole the ledge. The angle
at magnetic station between McSparran and Beavertail Light-House is 22" 25^. From the magnetic

station Narrangansett Baptist church spire bears 80" 16^.2 east of true south. Beavertail light-house
bears 42" 13^.8 east of true south.


Barnwell County, Aiken, 1885. "

The station is located in the open lot southeast of the house.

The point is almost due south of the German Transit of Venus station of 1882. The

station is marked by a granite post sunk flush with the surface of the ground. Another Stone

set due north in the center of Railroad avenue marks the true meridian. The stone is distant 28

yards from the southeast corner of the court-house.

Beaufort County, Woods, ^The station is in the strip of woods about mile south of the
igoz. "

Baldwin phosphate works, on the west bank of Beaufort River. It is about 200 meters from the ^ver
bank, in line between Baldwin tall chimney and Paris Island rear beacon, about meters north of

the first small house on the south side of the woods. It is just east of the first bend in the old road

which enters the woods near this house. The mark or range used was the Paris Island rear beacon,

which bears 0" 01 '.6 west of true south.

Charleston County, Bay Point, igo2, "

^The station is on the east bank of the South Edisto River,
about 100 meters south of the first large creek that empties into the river above its mouth and about a

mile from the extremity of Bay Point. It is on the grass just back of the first sand ridge.
Charleston County, Live Oak, The station is on the southeast point of a rounded hummock,
igo2. "

thickly wooded and surrounded by marsh, about 200 meters east of the woods on the mainland of

Christ Church parish. The mark or used was Cape Romain light-house, which bears 73^ 39^.1

east of true south.



Charleston Caunly, Charleston, /90-?. "

The station is about 60 yards northeast of the Truesdale

house on Sullivan's Island.

Florence County, Florence, /8^i. "

The station is in the northwest corner of the grounds of the

national cemetery. It is marked by a pine post 2 feet long, sunk 2 feet in the ground. This post is

15 feet south of the brick wall at north side of cemetery and 25.3 feet east of the west brick wall.

Marion County, Marion, iSgr. The station is in the northwest suburbs of the town, in the

lot just in front of the livery stable of the Planters' Hotel, and just south of and adjoining the property
of Mr. W. H. Cross. The station is marked by a yellow-pine post which is 45.1 feet from the southern

fence of the Cross property, and also 104 feet east of the southwest comer of this same property.
Richland County, Columbia, ^The station is in the southwest of the capitol grounds,
igoo. "

40 feet from Senate street and about 225 feet from the southwest corner of the statehouse.

Spartanburg County, Baker, i8g6, "

The station is on the land of Mr. Baker, about a mile south

of Pelham. It is about 100 meters east of the old Indian boundary line, on the top of a small knoll

east of the road and about 150 meters southeast of Sam Hitching's old store.

Spartanburg County, Block House, i8g6, "

The station is 100 feet northeast of the road leading
from Landrum, S. C, to Tyron, N. C, and about 700 feet northeast of the Spartanburg and Asheville

Railroad. It is on the North Carolina and South Carolina boundary line, and is marked by a large
stone marked N. C. on tiie north side and S. C. on the south side. This stone also marks the boundary
between the counties of Spartanburg and GreenWlle.

Spartanburg County, Flint Rock, i8g6. "

The station is on the crest of the ridge'immediately south

of the Gap Creek road. It is about 50 yards to the eastward of a small blacksmith shop belonging to

Mr. "
Bill "
Farmer, whose house is west of the shop. This small shop is directly on the line marked

the county boundary in 1896 by the Greenville The locality called "Gap Creek Stone"
as surveyor.

Old Flint Rock" is on the north side of the road.

Spartanburg County, Gold Mine, /8g6. "

The station is between Gowensville and Greers, and

nearly on the line between Spartanburg and Greenville counties. South Carolina, being 8 meters west

of stake left by the Greenville in March, 1896. This land belongs to the McBee family,
a surveyor

whose agent, Mr. Steele, lives in the house a little east of station. The gold mine from which the

name is derived is a short distance south of the station.

Spartanburg County, Gowensville, i8g6. "

The station is on the south side of the road leading from

the village of Gowensville, S. C, to Campbell and Spartanburg, and is about 750 meters east of

Gowensville. It is marked by a stone post placed there to mark the county boundary, and it

is 36 meters west of the so-called "

old boundary," at the forks of the road, where there is an old stone.

Spartanburg Couuty, Green, i8g6. "

The station is about 2 miles south of Pelham bridge and near

the old Indian boundary line, being a little west of that line and a
little east of the road, and on land

belonging to Luce Green.

Spartanburg County, Greers, i8g6. "

^The station is in the eastern part of Greers, S. C, and just
on the Spartanbiirg side of the "old county line," which is here marked by a lane, said to have been

laid out equally on each side of the boundary. The line marked by the Greenville purveyor in 1896
lies a little farther west. The station is in the yard of Mr. Wyatt, who keeps an inn here. It is west

of the house and between it and the lane, near the fence.

Spartanburg County, Pelham, i8g6. "

^The station is on the west side of the road leading from

Greers to Pelham, and is on the outskirts of the latter village. It is about a quarter of a mile north

of Pelham bridge, on the summit of the ridge overlooking the factory and surroundings. The station

is marked by stone post, placed there by the Greenville to mark the boundary line.
a square surveyor

Spartanburg County, Spartanburg, i8g6. "

The station is on the campus of the Wofford College,
in front of the main building. It is 67.25 meters nearly south from the Coast and Geodetic Survey
primary triangulation station "Wofford," on the roof of the college building. The magnetic station

is marked by a stone post about 6 inches square, with its upper surface just above the ground. On

this surface are cut the letters U. S. C. S., also M. S.

Spartanburg County, Talent, i8g6. "

The station is on the farm of Mr. B. S. Talent, about i mile

north of Earle's mill, on the road from Gowensville to Landrum, S. C. It is west of the road and just
south of a clump of woods opposite M^. Talent's house, and on the county line as marked at the time.


Beadle CountVy Huron^ igoo. "

^The station is the south stone of the meridian line in the house

grounds, near the south fence.

Brown County^ Aberdeen i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of a pine stub located

in the Brown County court-house grounds. It is distant 195.2 feet northeast of the northeast comer

of the court-house building, 198. i feet east of the east side of North Main street, 47.1 feet south of

the east and west plank walk. The court-house building is a wooden structure, and is on the east

side of North Main street, three blocks north of the C, M. " St. P.
passenger station. The point
used as a mark or bears 73" 32^.9 east of true north.

Codington County, Watertoivn, The station is in the southeast comer of the court-house
1^00. "

yard, 5 feet from the south wooden fence and 6"^ feet from the east wooden fence. It is marked

by a post of pipe stone of cross section ^% by 33^ inches, lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S. The mark

or used was the southeast corner of the Goss Opera House, and bears 30" i6'.8 east of true

Davison County^ Mitchell, i8g6. "

Observations were made over the center of a pine post located

in the grounds of the Dakota Methodist University. It is distant 206 feet west of the west side of the

university building, and 12 feet north of the edge of the road which runs in front of the university
building. The Dakota University is on a high ridge about one-half mile south of the Mitchell High
School on the south side of the town about one-half mile south of the C. M. " St. Paul passenger station.
, ,

The central point of the Mitchell High School was used as a mark or This mark
range. or range
bears 6" 02^^.2 east of true south. The central point of the court-house bears 11" 05^.8 west of true


Hughes County, Pierre, i8g6. "

Observations were made over a point in the northwest comer of

the Hughes County court-house yard at Pierre. It is distant 100.7 feet north of the northwest comer

of the court-house building, 23.4 feet from the wooden fence on the northwest side of the yard, and

166 feet north of the permanent bench mark No. "

of the Missouri River Commission. The house

is on the hills overlooking the main portion of the city.

Minnehaha County, Sioux Falls, /poo." The station is the astronomical pier on the grounds of

the post-office building. The mark or used was the northeast comer of the house and
range opera

bears 24" 10^.8 west of true north.

Jitter County, Gettysburg, igoo, "

^The station is in the court-house yard, 4 feet south of the south

side of the court-house extended and 108.5 ^^^^ ^^^^ of the east side of the court-house extended. It

is marked by a stub.

Spink County, Redfield, igoo. "

The station is in the court-house yard just east of the building.
It is about 82 feet east of the court-house and about 150 feet south of the front fence. The exact spot

is over a small drill hole in a bowlder which crops out of the ground at this ppint. The mark or range
used was the southeast comer of the first story of the Kemer House, just visible to the right of the

church across the road and bears 6" 54^.5 east of true north.

Yankton County, Yankton, /8p6. "

Observations were made over the center of a lynn wood post.
This post was located in the grounds of the Yankton Congregational College of 1881. It is distant

254.9 ^^^^ north of the north entrance to the main college building and 45 feet east of the nearest edge
of the walk of the Capital street entrance to the college grounds. The mark or used the
range was

tank pinnacle of the city water storage tank. This mark or range bears 57" 45^.7 west of true south.


Campbell County, Careyville, igoo. "

Observations were made over an oak peg in the lot in the

northwest comer of the first crossroads east of the railroad station, about 500 feet from the railroad.

This peg is distant 48 feet north and 44 feet west of the fence surrounding this lot, in which observations

were also made in 1881. The mark or used was the west gable of a small house at the foot of the
hill near the turn in the road. This mark or bears 97" 32^.4 east of true south.
Davidson County, Nashville, 1888. "
The station is in the southwest section of land formed by the

two intersecting gravel roads in front of the central building of the Vanderbilt University. It is 11.5

yards from the edge of the road leading to the central building and 21.5 yards from the road crossing
this road. It is marked by a locust post sunk flush with the surface of the ground.

27478 "
02 24

TENNESSEE -Continued.

Hamilton County^ Chattanooga^ 1900. "

Observations were made over the center of the limestone

post located in the grounds of the Stanton House, 17 feet from the south fence and 30^ feet from the

east fence of these grounds. The same point has been used before for secular variation observations.

The mark or used was the rear of a brick building showing between two frame houses. This

mark or bears 14" 41^.1 east of true south.

Knox County Knoxznlle^ igoo. "
Observations were made over the center of a stone post located

in the grounds of the University of Tennessee, west of the agricultural building and greenhouse, very

nearly in line between the west end of the greenhouse and a wild cherry tree, about 50 feet from the

cherry tree and feet from the edge of the terrace. Observations also made this post in
15 were over

1890. The mark or used was the northwest comer of a one-story hip-roof house on the far side

of the river. This mark or range bears 12" 39^.4 east of true south.

Shelby County Memphis The station is located in the southwestern of the United
^ y
igoi, "

States Marine Hospital grounds, feet from the edge of the terrace, which marks the southern
33 upper

boundary of the grounds, and 52.3 feet from the west fence. It is marked by a sandstone post, 6 by
6 inches on the top, sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The mark or used was the staff

on the Marine Hospital building, and bears 87" 33^*9 east of true south.

Unicoi County Bug Butty /8gj. "

^The station is on the Tennessee-North Carolina line, about 20

miles southeast of Greeneville, and is 15 miles south of Pullen" It is marked by a large heavy rock set

flush with the surface of the ground, with drill hole, intersecting and letters U. S. C. S.

cut on it.

Wilson County Lebanon 1898. The station is 1524 meters northwest from the at Lebanon,
y y


on a small elevation, 393 meters north of the Nashville pike, on the property of W. H. Brown. It is

the north end of a measured base, and is marked by a stone monument 2 feet 9 inches high, and i

foot 6 inches resting on a base, 2 feet 9 inches square.



Bandera County Bandera 190 r, "

The station is near the north comer of the public school yard
y y

and is marked by white limestone post 6 inches lettered U. S. C. " G. S., projecting about
a square,

2 inches above the surface of the ground. A drill hole in this post marks the north end of a meridian

line 363 feet long, the south end of which is marked by a limestone post 6 by 8 inches, buried i inch

below the siuface of the ground. This stone is near the south comer of the schoolhouse yard. The

mark or used was a church spire, and bears 6" 33^.6 east of true south.

Baylor County Seymour Observations were made over a stone post 6 by 6 inches on the
y y
igoo. "

top and feet long, set inches in the ground. The top of this post is lettered U. S. C. " G. S.,
3 32

with a hole in the center of it. The center of this hole marks the point. It is located on the vacant

lot west of the C. C. Milling Company's plant, and south of the Baptist church. It is placed imately

in line with the extreme west wall of this church. It is distant 305.8, 291^.5, and 233 feet,

respectively, from the southwest comer of this church, from the northeast comer of a picket fence

west of this stone post, and from the northwest corner of the plank fence around the southeast

of the occupied by the stone post. The mark or used was the north ridge of a small,
square range

distant house, nearly magnetic south of the post. This mark or range bears 5" 31 ''.8 west of true

south. The north steeple of the Baptist church bears 6" 34^.8 east of true north. The spire on the

stone hotel bears 39" 19^.7 east of true north. In

1901 a meridian line 382.1 feet long was established,

the south end of which is a few feet from the southwest comer of the square east from magnetic
station, and the north end near the southwest comer of the east from Baptist church. Each

end is marked by a limestone rock {about 12 inches

lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. (or N. M.)

on top.
Bee County BeevilUy i8go. "
^The station is in the northeast comer of the court-house groimds

and is marked by a mesquite post sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This post is distant 68

feet from the north fence and 49 feet from the east fence. The south rod on the Ellis Hotel bears

87" 40^.0 west of true north.

Bell County Beltony The station is the of Baylor College, near the south fence
igoi, "
on campus

and in front of President Wilson's cottage. It is marked by white limestone post 6 inches at
a square

TEXAS" Continued.

the top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., projecting 2 inches above the surface of the ground. A drill hole

in this stone marks the station and the south end of a meridian line 580 feet long. The north end of

this line is in the northwest corner of the and is marked in a similar manner. The mark or
used was the middle of a chimney at the west end of a house on a ridge distant about 2 miles,

and bears 22" 37^.0 west of true south.

Bexar County^ San Antonio, i88g-i8g^. "

The magnetic observatory established at San Antonio

in 1889 was on the military reservation, about 300 feet northwest of the hospital. Two small ings

provided for absolute observations. In 1892 it became to change the location and
were necessary

a new site was chosen, on Hillside Ranch, about 5 miles northwest of the old site, the absolute

declination pier being 136 meters southwest of the center chimney of the house of J. M. Vance. The

mark was a cross painted on the southwest chimney of Vance* s house, and bore 73" 38^.2 east
or range

of north.

Bowie County Texarkana, The station is about 1 mile from the town, in the grounds of
igoi. "

Major Allen, on State Line avenue. It is in a large field north of Major Allen's house, and

about 600 feet from the State line and about 700 feet from the fence around the house and barn. It is

marked by a stone post 8 inches set so as to leave about 2 inches project above the surface of

the ground. The mark or used was the cross on the Catholic church, and bears 3" 30^.6 west of

true south.

Brazoria County^ Coiumbia, i8go, "

The station is in the open lot in the rear of the Presbyterian
church, on Main street, adjoining Harris Hotel. It is marked by a live-oak post 2 feet long, sunk *

flush with the surface of the ground. The post is distant 47.9 feet from the rear of the church, 23.3

feet from the north fence of the lot, and 31 feet from the west fence of the lot (running parallel
to Main street).

Brewster County, Alpine, Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian
i^i, "

line established on the court-house grounds. This stone is 73.3 feet from the southeast corner and

feet from the northeast corner of the court-house. The mark or used was the spire of the
99.3 range

water tower of the Southern Pacific Railroad. This mark or range bears 28" 02^.6 east of true south.

The Baptist church spire bears 52" 26''. 4 east of true north.

Bucket County^ Marathon^ 1902. Observations were made in the public near the public

schoolhouse. The precise point is the southwest comer of the and is 9.6 feet from the North
near square,

Second street fence line and 12.8 feet from the avenue D fence line. The mark or used was the

west of the roof of the railroad station. This mark or bears 28" o6''.o west of true south.
corner range

The northwest corner of the schoolhouse bears 46" 52^.0 east of true north. The southeast corner of the

schoolhouse bears 58" 08^.0 east of true north.

Calhoun County, Port Lavaca, i8go. ^The station is in the north corner of the court-house

It is marked by a red-cedar post sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This post is 12.5 feet

from the northeast fence around court-house yard, 46.7 feet from the north corner of the small

wooden building between the court-house and the jail, and 77 feet from the corner of the jail.
Clay County, Henrietta, igoo. "
Observations were made over a tack in a stake driven flush with

the ground. This stake was located in the southwest corner of the grounds of the brick public-school
building, distant 153.5, 73"9" ^^^ S9.8 feet, respectively, from the eastern, from the southern, and

from the western fence lines of this school property. It is also distant 268.6 feet from the southwest

corner of the school building, a little west of the extreme western side of the school building
prolonged. The mark or used was the tip of the western ridge of the brick house of Mr.

Gowan, and bears 14" 13^.7 east of true south.

Coke County, Robert Lee, The station is near the northwest corner of the court-house
igo/. "

square, 12 feet fn^m the north fence and 20.3 feet from the north end of a meridian line 305.3 feet

long. This north end is marked by a sandstone, 7 by inches, lettered U. S. C. " G. S. on the
gray 9

top. The south end is marked by a similar stone, 7 by 10 inches, on top. Each projects about 4
inches above the surface of the ground.
Coletnan County, Coleman, The station is near the northwest comer of the public school
igoi. "

grounds, and is marked by a limestone, 6 by 9 inches, buried flush with the ground and lettered

U. S. C. " G. S. on top. Due north of this stone and 281.66 feet distant another stone similarly
marked was set to mark the true meridian.
372 1902.

TEXAS -Continued.

Cooke County Gainesville Observations were made tack, in stake driven

y ^
7900." over a copper a

flush with the ground. This stake was located on the girls' side of the grounds of the South Side

Public School, between Denton street on the west side, Lindsay street on the east side, Gordon street

on the south side, and an unnamed street on the north side of the public-school grounds. It is distant

1 12. 2 and 135.6 feet, respectively, from the northwest and the northeast corners of the South Side

brick school building, in the line of the schoolhouse tower, east of south, and the house of the

waterworks, west of north of this stake. The mark or used was the northeast of the
range corner

tower of the residence belonging to Dr. A. S. Scott. This mark or range bears 1" 22^.9 east of true


Concho County, Paint Rock, The station is near the southwest comer of the public-school
i^i, "

lot, 160.87 feet from the northwest comer and 139.48 feet from the southwest comer of the school

building. It is marked by a blue limestone post, 5 by 8 inches on top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., sunk

flush with the surface of the ground. A drill hole in the stone marks the exact point, and also the

south end of meridian line feet long, the north end of which is marked by similar stone,
a 417.5 a 4

by inches on top, and similarly lettered.


Crocket County, Ozona, The station is in the town park, near the east side, 17.2 feet from
i^i. "

the north fence. It is marked by hard limestone post, 9"^ inches projecting inches above
a square, 3

the surface of the ground, and lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S. A drill hole in this stone marks the

exact point, and the north end of a meridian line 378 feet long. The south end of this line is marked

in similar manner. The mark or used was the center pole of the town reservoir, and bears
a range

83" 33^.7 east of true north.

Dezvitt County, Cuero, ^The station is near the northwest comer of the high-school grounds,
igoi, "

37.8 feet from the north fence and 75.5 feet from the west fence. It is marked by a limestone post, 8

inches on top, projecting inches above ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S., N. M. A
square 3

similar stone, feet due south, marks the south end of the meridian line. The mark
253.1 or range

was the spire of the German Lutheran church, and bears 81" 14^.2 west of true north.

Dewitt County, Lindenau, ^The station is about a quarter of a mile east of the post-office
igoi. "

in the prairie southeast of the house of Charles Wild, and a little west of a clump of live oak

trees. It is marked by a limestone post, 4 by 12 inches, on top, lettered U. S. C. S., 1901, and projecting
inches above ground. The mark or range used was the spire of the court-house at Cuero, miles
3 5.9

distant, and bears 61" 06^.7 east of true south. The south rod on Mr. Wild's residence bears 81" 48^.6.

west of true north.

Dickens County, Dickens, /90/." The station is near the middle of what is expected to be the

sidewalk on the south side of the first street south and the east side of the first street west of the

court-house. A meridian line, 289.6 feet long, was marked by two granite posts near the northeast

and southeast corners of the court-house These stones are 7 inches top, project 3^
square. square on

inches above ground, and are lettered U. S. C. " G. S., S. M. (or N. M. ).

Dimmit County, Carrizo Springs, Observations were made the south stone of the
/$"/." over

meridian line established on the court-house grounds. This stone is 17.5 feet from the southwest

and feet from the southeast corner of the court-house. The north stone is the*
corner 49.3 near

northwest corner of the grounds, 4 feet from the north fence. From the south stone the Baptist
church spire bears 58" 43^.0 west of true north.

Duval County, PeHa, i8go. The station is in the plain due north of the western edge of the


railroad station. It is marked by heavy mesquite post, projecting 6 inches above ground. The
a post
is feet from the northwest comer of the railroad station and 95 feet west of the northwest comer of

the fence around a garden. The south rod on the Pena Hotel bears 65" o8''.o east of true south.

Duval County, San Diego, i8go. "

The station is in the northwest corner of the court-house

grounds, and is marked by a mesquite post sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This post is

feet from the north fence and feet from the west fence around the court-house It is also
10 9 square.

distant '6 1. 8 feet from the northwest corner of the wooden court-house building. The cross on the

Catholic church bears 31" 40^.0 west of true south. The spire of the Methodist church bears 41" 07^.0

west of true south.


TEXAS" Continued.

Eastland County Cisco, 1888. ^The station is in the lot west of the Wilson Hotel, on Sixth

street, where avenue F, if extended, would intersect it. It is marked by the center of a flint rock, 4

inches sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This stone is feet from the intersection
square, 32

of the northern edge of Sixth street and the western edge of avenue F. It is 113 feet from the

foundation of the Wilson Hotel. The mark or range used was the rod on the Presbjrterian church,

and bears 7" 40^.9 east of true south. The Baptist church spire bears 48" 22^.0 east of true south.

Edwards County, Rock Springs, The station is in the public school lot, 23.8 feet from the
igoi, "

northeast corner and 42.7 feet from the southeast comer of the northern part of the building. It was

temporarily marked by small wooden and is 1 i feet from the south end of meridian line
a peg, 19. a

passing through the station, and 387.2 feet long. Both ends of this line are marked by white limestone

posts, by inches, buried nearly flush with the surface of the ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S.,
7 9

with drill holes marking the exact points.

El Paso County, Boundary, i8g2. "
The station is one used by the boundary commission and is

on the east side of the Rio Grande, on the hill between the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and

Southern Pacific railroads, and also in the prolongation of the boundary line. It is about miles from

El Paso.

El Paso County, El Paso, i8g^. "

^The station is located in the city park, 100 feet west of the

longitude pier. It is about in the center of the bounded by Missouri, Santa Fe, Franklin, and

El Paso streets.

El Paso County, Sierra Blanca, 1888. "

The station is in the open plain north of the depot hotel

and railway station. It is between the Texas and Pacific Railroad track and the wooden corral north

of the hotel. It is marked by a red wood post sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This post

is "^ feet from the north edge of the north wall of the hotel and 32^ feet from the south fence of

the corral. The central cupola of the hotel bears 21" 25^.0 west of true south.

El Paso County, Kent, 1^2, "

The magnetic station is in the rear of the Texas and Pacific road

station, i4 feet from the fence, 18 feet from the west side of a gateway in the fence, and 133.8 feet

from the southwest comer of the station. It is marked by a post projecting 3 inches above ground.
The southwest comer of the railroad station bears 25" 4i''.o west of true north.

Erath County, Stephenville, /90/." The station is in the southwest corner of the public school

grounds, about 20 feet from the south fence. It is marked by a white limestone post 6 inches

lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S. projecting 5 inches above the surface of the ground. A drill hole

* in this post marks the exact point, and also the south end of a meridian line 500 feet long. The north

end of this line is marked in a similar manner. The mark or used was the tip of the house

tower, and bears 50" 55^.4 east of true north.

Fayette County, Lagrange, i8go, "

The station is in the southwest corner of the court-house

It is marked by a drill hole in the top of a sandstone post, sunk flush with the surface of the

ground. Due north of this post, and near the edge of the court-house building, another stone was set,
thus forming a true north and south line. The south stone of this meridian line is distant feet

from the fence along Main street and 36.5 feet from the fence along Travis street. The rod on the

cupola of the Masonic Lodge bears 76" 01^ west of true south.

Fisher County, Roby, igoi. "

The station is 74.6 feet nearly east from the southeast comer of the

court-house and 104.23 feet north from the south end of a meridian line 278.9 feet long. Two mes-

quite posts about 5 inches square on top were set flush with the surface of the ground, with a nail in

the top to mark the true meridian.

Frio County, Pearsall, Observations were made at the north stone of the meridian line
i^i, "

established on the court-house grounds. The stone is in line with the north face of the court-house

and feet from the northeast corner. The south stone is at the south edge of the court-house

grounds. From the north stone the windmill of Magus Smith bears 19" 49"^ west of true south.

Galveston County, Galveston, i8gs. "

The station is located at the southeast corner of Seventeenth

and One-half streets.

Gillespie County, Fredericksburg, The station is located in the public school grounds,
/go/.-" 47.55

feet from the southeast comer and 60.46 feet from the northeast corner of the school building, and is

TEXAS" Continued.

County^ Beaumont i8go. The station is in the southeast of the court-house

Jefferson y

distant feet and 61.3 feet, respectively, from the fences along Pearl and Franklin streets.
square, 105

It is marked by a yellow-pine post 2 feet long, sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The spire

the cupola of Mr. Carroll's large brick house bears 32" 32-^ east of true south.

County, Anson ^The station is east of the public school building, 61 feet from the
Jones ,
igoi. "

southeast and feet from the northeast comer, and 144. i feet from the south end of a
comer, 41.4

meridian line 278.6 feet long. The south end of the meridian line is marked by a limestone 8 by 9

inches set flush with the surface of the ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. The north
on top,
end is marked similarly by a stone 10 by 12 inches on top.

Karnes County Karnes* City, ^The station is near the northeast corner of the court-house
1901. "

feet from the north fence, 25.6 feet from the east fence, and about 123 feet from the coiut-
square, 35

house. It is marked by a limestone post 8 inches square on top, projecting 3 or 4 inches above ground,
and lettered U. S. C. " G. M. S. M. The south stone of the meridian line is 215.9 ^^et distant in the

southeast of the The mark used was the flag pole on the brick schoolhouse,
comer square. or range

about blocks and bears 64" 33^.4 east of true north.

4 away,

Kaufman County, Kaufman, ^The station is at the north end of the public school grounds,
jgoi, "

feet from the north fence and 116.1 feet from the west fence. It is marked by a gray sandstone

post 6 inches lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S. sunk flush with the surface of the ground. A
square, ,

drill hole in the post marks the exact point and the north end of a meridian line 401. i feet long. The

south end is marked in similar manner. The mark or used was the center of the ball on the
a range

Baptist church spire, and bears 20" 00^.6 west of true north.

Kent County, Clairemont, ^The station is 148.95 feet from the southeast comer and 15 1.9
jgoi. "

feet from the northeast comer of the court-house. A meridian line 317.6 feet long was established

and marked by two limestone posts 5 by 6 inches on top, lettered U. S. C% " G. S., and set flush

with the ground. The south stone is 128.45 feet from the magnetic station. The north stone is on

the north side of the street north of the court-house and near the building line.

Kerr County, Kerrville, igoi. "

^The station is in the court-house grounds, about 60 feet from the

northeast of the building. It is marked by white limestone post about 8 inches

comer a square,

lettered U. S. C. " G. S., and sunk nearly flush with the surface of the ground. A drill hole in this

post marks the south end of a meridian line 430 feet long, the north end of which is similarly marked.

Kimble County, Junction City, ^The station is on the north side of the court-house
1901, "


about 20 feet west of the north entrance to the grounds and about 15 feet from the fence. It is

marked by a white limestone post 5"^ by 9 inches, lettered on top U. S. C. " G. S. A drill hole in

this post marks the north end of a meridian line 240.9 feet long. The south end of this line is marked

by similar stone 6 inches similarly lettered.

a square,

King County, Guthrie, ^The station is near the southwest comer of the court-house
igoi, "


feet from the south end of a meridian line 800.3 feet long. The meridian line is marked by two

limestone posts 6 by 8 inches on top and letter^ U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. (or N. M. ).

Kinney County, Spofford, 18^, "
^The station is in the open lot in the rear of the building used as

a post-office, which is situated on the street facing the railroad. It is marked by a redwood post sunk

flush with the surface of the ground. The post is 64.4 feet from the north side of the post-office
building and 40 feet from the east fence around the yard of the stage office.

Kinney County, Brackettville, i^i. "

^The magnetic station is just inside the Government vation

and feet east of the board walk leading from Ann street to the parade ground. It is marked

by a stone post which forms the north end of a meridian line established at the time of these

observations. The mark or range used was the west comer of the west chimney of the master's

storehouse, and bears 6" 21^.5 east of true south.

Knox County, Benjamin, jgoi, "

The station is near the northeast comer of the court-house

114. 2 feet from the north end of a meridian line 401.15 feet long. The north end of the
meridian line is marked by a sandstone post 7 by inches on top and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M.

The south end is marked by a sandstone 8 by 10 inches on top and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M, This

stone is 5.93 feet from an iron pipe driven in the ground to mark the original comer of the house

Due north of this pipe and 6. 27 feet from the north meridian stone is an iron pin in
square. a

cement stone, planted some years ago by a local surveyor.


TEXAS" Continued.

Lampasas County^ Laftipasas^ The station is the triangulation station, Lampasas west
igoi. "

Base, located on the brow of a prominent hill about 4 miles south of Lampasas. It is about a

mile west of the Lampasas and Austin road, in what is known the Craft The point
as pasture. exact

is the center of the brass plate in the capstone. The mark or was the Baptist church spire at

Lampasas, and bears 10" 46^.2 west of true north.

Lasalle County^ Cotulla, The station of 1890 reoccupied. It is marked by marble

i^i, " was a

post projecting few inches above ground. The stone is 146.8, and feet, respectively,
a 92.5, 113.3

from the west, south, and east corners of the court-house. The spire of the Presbyterian church bears

64" 55' east of true south.

Lavaca County^ Hallettsville, igoi. "

^The station is in a small pasture belonging to John
Buchanan, county clerk, about 50 yards south of his residence and 74 feet east of a lane leading
from it toward town. A true meridian line 284.9 ^^et long is marked by two limestones, 8 inches

top, projecting inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. M. N. M. The north stone
square on 3

also marks the magnetic station. The mark or used was the central spire of the court-house,

and bears i
19^.0 west of true south. The spire of the Catholic church bears 10" 35^.0 east of true south.

Liberty County^ Liberty i8go. The station is in the northeast comer of the court-house


It is marked by post sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This post is 37.8 feet from
a C3rpress

the north fence and 65.4 feet from the east fence around the court-house The mark
square. or range

used was the pole on the railway station, and bears 6" 25^ east of true south. The spire of the

Catholic church bears 71" 26^ west of true south.

Limestone County^ Groesbeck^ The station is in the grounds of the public school feet
i^r. " 100

and feet, respectively, from the northwest and the northeast comers of the school building. It is

marked by an oak post sunk 2 inches below the surface of the ground. The mark or used

was the tip of the court-house tower, and bears 23" 35^.0 east of true south.

Llano County, Llano, The station is in the southwest of the public-school lot,
J901. " corner 13.2

feet from the south fence and 18. i feet from the west fence. It is marked by a dark sandstone post,

6 by inches, lettered U, S. C. " G. S., projecting about 3 inches above the ground. A drill hole in

this stone marks the exact point and also the south end of a meridian line 248 feet long, the north

end of which is similarly marked. The range or mark used was the spire of the Christian church, and

bears 3" 56^.0 west of true north.

Mason County, Mason, The station is in the court-house about 14 feet west and 60
igoi. "

feet north of the northwest corner of the court-house. It is marked by a sandstone post yyi inches

projecting about 4 inches above the ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. A drill hole in this

stone marks the exact point and also the north end of a meridian line 371.7 feet long, the south end

of which is on the west side of the north entrance to the jail and is similarly marked. The mark or

used was a telegraph pole on a hill, and bears 4" 02^.0 west of true south.

Maverick County, Eagle Pass, Observations were made at the north stone of meridian
i^i. "

line about feet long established in the south of the executive building of Old Fort
500 open space

Duncan. This station previously occupied in 1890. The mark used the west edge
was or range was

of the west chimney on officer's quarters No. 4. This mark or range bears 0" 10^ east of true south.

Medina County, Hondo, A meridian line was established the east side of the court-house
igoi. " on

The south stone is feet from the east fence and 25.8 feet from the south fence. The north
square. 23

stone is 15.5 feet from the north fence and 9.5 feet from the east fence. Observations were made at

the south stone. The mark or range used was the spire on the Baptist church, and bears 4" 41^ east

of true south.

Menard County, Menardville, igoi."T)a" station is 27.75 ^eet from the northwest corner and

43.75 feet from the southwest corner of the court-house. It is 23 inches west of the north end of a

meridian line 318.5 feet long. The meridian line is marked by two white limestones ^% inches

on top, projecting 2 inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S.


McCuUoch County, Brady "A meridian line feet long established on the west side
i^i. 555.5 was

of the second street west of the court-house. The south end of this line is in front of Mr. W. P. Doyt's

house, and is marked by a limestone post 10 by 11 inches, projecting 4 inches above the ground, and

TEXAS" Continued.

lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The north end of the line is marked by a similar stone 10 by 10 inches

sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The magnetic station is 8 feet east and 14. i feet south of

the drill hole in the south meridian stone, and is at the south end of a section line.

Mitchell County Colorado Observations made tack in cedar

^ y
igoo, " were over a copper a post
SK t)y inches top and feet long, set 31 inches in the ground. It is located in the court-house
7 on 3

yard in the rear of the jail. It is distant 17 1.2 feet from the southwest corner of the brick court-house

building. It is also distant 87.5, 66.1, and feet, respectively, from the south and west plank

fences around the court-house and from the south tall board fence around the county jail.

The mark used was the top part of a distant post in a fence. This mark or bears
or range range

9" 07^.6 west of true south. The south cupola of the court-house bears 69" 37-^.5 east of true north.

The spire of the Methodist church bears 88" 44''. 8 east of true north.

Mitchell County^ Colorado^ The station is on the south side of the court-house
igoi. "

the middle, feet from the fence. It is 0.45 foot from the south end of meridian line
near 13 a 257.2

feet long. The ends of this meridian line are marked by two cement stones 7 inches on top

with a
drill hole near the center. The north stone is 10.65 ^^^^ from the north fence.

Nueces County Corpus Cktisti, i8go, ^The station is located in the at the foot of rence
open space

street, near the intersection of I^awrence and Water streets. It is marked by a wooden post sunk

flush with the surface of the ground. This post is 29 feet from the north line of Lawrence street and

22 feet from the east line of Water street. The flag pole on the custom-house bears 63** 41^ west of

true north.

Orange County, Orange, 18^. The station is in the in front of the Curry Hotel, at the
open space

intersection of Fifth and Elm streets. It is marked by a yellow pine post 2 feet long, sunk flush with

the surface of the ground. This post is distant feet from the of the fence the northeast
31.9 corner on

comer of Fifth and Elm streets, and 21.5 feet from the corner of the fence on the northwest comer of

Fifth and Elm streets. The cross on the Episcopal church bears 25" 53^ east of true south.

Palo Pinto County, Mineral Wells, ^The station is the east side of the public school
1901. " on

grounds, nearly in line with the south end of the new school building. It is marked by an oak tent

The station is 12 feet from an oak tree nearly north, 42.4 feet from an oak tree nearly northwest,

and 21.8 feet from oak tree about south 25" west. The mark or used was the cupola on Mr.
an range

H. C. Hemdon's house, and bears 5" 49''.! west of true south. The north spire on the Baptist church

bears 42" 02'' east of true south.

Palo Pinto County, Palo Pinto, The station is on the grounds of the public school, southeast
igoi. "

of the school building, and 156.2 feet from the south end of meridian line feet long. The
a 400.15

south end of the meridian line is near the southeast corner of the school lot, and is marked by a stone

8 by II inches on top, set flush with the surface of the ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M.

The north end of the meridian line is marked by a limestone 6 by 8 inches on top, and lettered

U. S. C. " G. S. N. M.

Pecos County, Sanderson, i8go. "

The station is on the open plain north of the eastern end of the

Southern Pacific Railway station. It is marked by a redwood post sunk flush with the surface of

the ground. This pK)st is 124.2 feet from the northwest corner of the restaurant northeast of the

railroad station.

Potter County, Amarillo, i8gg, Observations were made over a tack in a stake driven flush


with the ground. This stake was located in the southwest corner of the schoolhouse grounds, distant

48.1 and 78.8 feet, respectively, from the southern and western fence lines of these schoolhouse

grounds. It is also distant io8.8 and 112.3 feet, respectively, from the extreme southwest corner of

the school building and from the southwest corner of the eastern wing of this building. This stake is

in the line joining the schoolhouse tower and the residence of Mr. Pen, west of south of it. It is also in

the line joining the Methodist church west of north and the college building east of south of the stake.

The mark or used was the southwest edge of the chimney the residence of Mr. Woflin. This
range on

mark or bears 27" io''.4 west of true south.


Presidio County, Mar/a, Observations were made cedar post located the house
igo2. "
over a on

grounds near the southwest comer and 66.5 and 65.5 feet, respectively, from the west fence

TEXAS" Continued.

and south fence. Beneath this post is a bottle feet below the surface of the ground. Prom this

point the Christian church spire bears 52" 23^ west of true south. The cross on the Episcopal
church bears 12" 14' east of true south.

Presidio County, Valentine^ 1^2. "

Observations were made over a mesquite stub located in the

yard of Dr. D..T. Finley. It is 18.8 feet from the east fence, 41.6 feet from the south fence, and 16.3
feet from the nearest corner of the house. The precise point is marked by a nail driven in the

top of the stub. Beneath this stub and 2}i feet below the surface of the ground is a bottle. The

mark or used was the post on the north gable of a tool house belonging to the Southern

Pacific Railroad. This mark or bears bears 17" 16' west of true south. The cupola the
range on

railroad station bears 87" 02^ west of true north.

Reeves County Pecos City, igoi. Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian

line established in the court-house yard. This stone is 78.7 feet from the southwest corner and

52.5 feet from the southeast comer of the court-house. The north stone is 238.3 feet distant, in

the northeast comer of the square.

Reeves County ,
Guadalupe, igo2. "
^The magnetic station is 102.4 feet from the southwest comer

of the section foreman's house, 68.5 feet from the southwest corner of the station house, and 46.6 feet

from the northwest comer of the workmen's quarters. The mark or used was the first mile-

post to the west of the station and bears 54" 36' west of true north.

Runnels County Ballinger, igoi. "

The station is near the north comer of the public-school lot,

and is marked by a white limestone rock 12 by 10 by 10 inches, set about 8 inches in the ground

on solid rock with Portland cement. The top of this stone is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. A drill hole

marks the exact point and also the north end of a meridian line 310 feet long. The south end of this

line is 85.4 feet from the east comer and 93.4 feet from the south comer of the school building, and

is marked by a drill hole 2 inches deep, with letters U. S. on east and west sides cut into the bed rock

inches below the surface of the ground. The mark or used was the spire of the Christian
3 range

church, and bears 48* 30^.1 west of true south.

San Saba County, San Saba, /po/." The station is near the northeast comer of the school lot, and

is tharked by a hard sandstone post 7 by 10 inches, projecting 4 inches above the ground, and lettered

U. S. C. " G. S. A drill hole in this stone marks the exact point, and also the north end of a

meridian line 491.6 feet long, the south end of which is marked by a similar stone. The mark or range

used was the north gable of Mrs. W. H. Anderson's house, and bears 3" 33^.0 west of true south.

Schleicher County, Eldorado, ^The station is near the southwest corner of what will probably
igoi, "

be the court-house It is marked by a white limestone post 7 by 10 by 20 inches, lettered


U. S. C. " G. S. buried 19 inches. A drill hole in this post marks the exact point, and also the south

end of a meridian line about 700 feet long. The north end of this line is marked by a 2^foot piece
of "^-inch galvanized-irou pipe driven inches into the ground. The mark used the
I 23 or range was

south gable of Mr. R. L. Brook's house, and bears 6" 47^.8 west of true north.

Scurry County, Snyder, igoi, "

^The station is on the south side of the court-house
square, 15.28
feet from the fence, and is marked by a sandstone 4^ by 10 inches on top, and lettered

U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. This is the south end of a meridian line 230.8 feet long. The north end

is marked by a sandstone 6 by 8 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. Both stones are

set nearly flush with the ground. The mark or range used was the south lightning rod on S. Wasson's

house, and bears 72** 18^.5 east of true north. The Christian church cupola bears 73" 23^ west of true


Shackleford County, Albany, igoi. ^The station is on the court-house 13.73 feet from the


south fence and 59.66 feet from the west fence, and is the south end of meridian line feet long.
a 352.3

The north end of the line is 15.33 ^^^^ from the north fence. Both north and south ends are marked

by limestone posts 6 inches square on top and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M.,

respectively. The mark or used was the belfry of the public schoolhouse, and bears 21" 17^.9

east of true north. The spire of the Christian church bears 89" 21' east of true south.

Stephens County, Breckenridge, ^The station is in the northwest part of the court-house
igoi, "

square, 125.05 feet from the northwest corner of the court-house. It is marked by a spoke with

a small nail in the top. The mark or used was the spire of the Old School Presbyterian church,

TEXAS" Continued.

and bears 23" 27^. i west of true south. The north gable of A. J. Power's law office bears 2" 32^.1 west

of true south.

Sterling County Sterling City^ igoi. "

The station is near the northeast comer of the court-house

38.5 feet from the east fence and f^t from the north end of a meridian line 265.8 feet long.
square, 23

The north end of the meridian line is marked by a white limestone 7K t)y 9"^ inches on top, ing
about 2 inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. The south end is marked by a stone 7

inches similarly marked.

Stonewall County, Aspermonty /j?a?." Observations were made over a stone post 3"^ by 7 inches

top and 2.6 feet long, set inches in the ground, with a cross in the center of it. The center of
on 30

this cross marks the point. It is located in the court-house ground, approximately in line with the

eastern wall of the court-house building, and nearly in line with the northern wall of a small frame

building northwest of the court-house building.

This stone post is distant 94.6, 102.9, 126.7, **id 231.4 feet, respectively, from the northeast comer

and the northwest comer of the court-house building, from the northeast comer of the county clerk's

office, and from the northeast corner of the small frame building. The mark or used was the

lightning rod on the residence of Mrs. Jane K. Anderson. This mark or bears 46" ii'.S east of

true south. The top of the belfry on the schoolhouse bears 79" 42^.4 east of true south. *
The east

gable of the Masonic hall bears 88" 38^.2 west of true south.

Stonewall County Aspermont, igoi. "

^The station is on a park on the south side of court-house

22.26 feet due south of the south stone of a meridian line 476.4 feet long. The stone is
square, 7

inches on top, lettered U. S. C. " G. S., and set flush with the ground. The north stone is
square on

strip of ground also designated as parking, and is 7 by inches on top and similarly lettered.
a 9

Sutton County, Sonora, i^i, The station is in the southwest corner of the court-house


10.16 feet from the south fence and 21.88 feet from the south end of a meridian line 381.5 feet long,
which is marked by white limestone posts 6 inches at the top, inches long, buried inches
square 30 27
in the ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. Drill holes in these stones mark the exact points. The

north stone is near the northeast corner of the court-house square.

Tarrant County, Fort Worth, 1888, Observations made the center of stone
were over a post
about inches sunk iji feet in the ground. This post is between East First street and
4 square,

Weatherford street and just east of Harding street. It is 118 feet from the fence around the yard of

the old Mabu house and 74 feet inches almost south of the of the fence around the
7 comer property

on Weatherford street. The mark or used was the center of the spire the Fort Worth
range on

Gazette office, and bears 36" I4''.5 west of true south. The center of the cupola on the First Ward

schoolhouse bears 41" 25^.5 west of true south.

Throckmorton County, Throckmorton, igoi. ^The station is on the public-school grounds,


the south side and southwest from the school building. A meridian line feet
322.75 long was

established and marked by limestone posts inches top, set flush with the and
7 square on ground
lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. (or S. M. ). The magnetic station is 26.27 feet north of the south stone.

Tom Green County, San Angelo, ^The station is in the court-house feet from
igoi, "

square, 41.52

the east fence and 68.99 feet from the south fence. A meridian line 242.87 feet long was established

and marked by sandstone posts lettered U. S. C. " G. S. top, set flush with the The
on ground.
south stone is in the line of shade trees the east side of the walk from the south the
on gate to

court-house, 61.61 feet from the magnetic station.

Travis County, Austin, 7^95." The station is in the grounds of the State University, southeast

of the main towers. It is marked with a large piece of limestone. The mark or used the
range was

star in the hand of the statue of Liberty on the dome of the capitol, and bears 7" 54''.o west of true south.

Trams County, Austin i^t, "The station is in the northwest part of the grounds of the State

Deaf and Dumb School. It is marked by a white limestone post, 8 inches lettered
square, on top
U. S. C. " G. S. with a drill hole. This post projects inches above the surface of the ground and is

the north end of a meridian line 570 feet long. The south end of this line is about 6 feet from the

northwest corner of the laundry building and is similarly marked. The mark or range used was the

middle tower on the main building of the University of Texas and bears 17" 49^.8 east of true south.

Uvalde County, Uvalde, i^i. "

The magnetic station is in the southeast comer of the court-house

TEXAS" Continued.

44.8 feet from the south fence and 29.6 feet from the east fence. It is marked by stone post
square, a

which is the south end of a meridian line. The north stone is 286 feet distant, in the southwest corner

of the jail 7.5 feet from the west fence and 54 feet from the south fence. The mark
square, or range

used was the west comer of the city hall and bears 3" 52' west of true south.

Valverde County^ Langiry^ /8^."The station is on the bluff north of the Rio Grande River, and

just south of the inclosure around Camp Langtry, a United States Army sub cavalry post It is about

yards southeast of the railway station of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The station is marked by

limestone rock sunk flush with the surface of the ground. This stone is feet from the
a cross on a 90

southwest comer of the inclosure of Camp Langtry, and 96 feet from the southeast comer. The center

of the cupola on the railroad eating house bears 43" 20^ west of true north.

Valverde County, Del Rio. igoi. "

A meridian line was established on the west side of the house

and marked by stone posts. The south stone is 24 feet from the west fence and 16.5 feet

from the south fence. The north stone is 45 feet from the west fence, 20.8 feet from the north fence,

and 277.7 feet from the south stone. Observations were made at the south stone. The mark or range
used was the southeast comer of Regan's house and bears 17" 03^ east of true north.

Victoria County Victoria The station is near the south side of Memorial Square, feet
y ,
igoi. "


from the south fence and 63 feet from the east fence. It is marked by a limestone post 8 inches square,

projecting 4 inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., being the south end of a meridian

line 246.25 feet long. The north stone is near the the north fence of the and is lettered

U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. The mark used was the spire of the Baptist church and bears
or range negro

8" 09^.5 west of true south

Webb County, Laredo, 18^. The station is located in the large northeast of the parade
open space

grounds, at Port Mcintosh. It is near the intersection of the road in front of the officers' quarters
with the road leading to Laredo. It is marked by a mesquite post sunk flush with the surface of the

ground. This post is 66 feet from the road leading to Laredo and 53.5 feet from the other road. It

is northeast of the intersection of these roads. The mark or range used was the central post of the

flagstaff, and bears 14" 24^ west of true south.

Webb County, Laredo, fSpS' "

The station is located 89. i feet north and 10 feet west of the tude
station of 1895. The longitude station is located in a triangular in Fort Mcintosh,
space near

the hospital, and near the northeast entrance. It is marked by a brick pier. From the magnetic
station the court-house flagstaff bears 79" 49^.3 east of true south.

Wharton County, Wharton, iSgo, "

The station is located in the northeast comer of the house

It is marked by a small hole drilled in a marble post 4 inches and sunk with
square. square

its with the surface of the ground. This post is 33 feet from the fence along Rusk street,
top even

and 38.3 feet from the fence along Milan street. The mark or range used was the west rod on Ford's

Hotel, and bears 37*=*05^ west of troe south.

Wilbarger County, Vernon^ igoo. "

Observations were made over the center of a stake set in the

the Cumberland Presbyterian church. This stake is distant and 126.7 feet,
lot adjoining 124.2,

from the southwest and northwest of this Presbyterian church. It is also distant
respectively, corners

and feet, respectively, from the southwest and northwest comers of the fence
97.9, 122.7, 92.9

inclosing the church lot, and from the northern fence inclosing the lot in which this stake is located.

The mark was the lightning rod on the large house nearly south of the station. This mark
or range

bears 1" 45''. 8 east of true south. The Methodist church spire bears 57" 50^.7 east of true
or range

north. The Christian church spire bears 66" 26^.2 east of true south.

Wood County, Mineola, 1888. The station is in the lot southeast of the depot hotel, which
open new

is south of the International and Great Northern Railroac tracks. It is marked by a cedar post sunk

flush with the surface of the ground. It is 74 feet from the southeast fence around the hotel and 39

feet from the fence across the alley. The Methodist church spire bears 89" 52^ west of true south.

The central rod on the large railroad water tank bears 73" 42'' east of true north.

Young County, Graham, igo/."T)i^ station is in the southeast part of the court-house 1.8

feet west and feet north of the south end of a meridian line 444-8 feet long. Both ends of the

meridian line marked by sandstone posts 8 inches square, projecting about 4 inches above ground,

and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. (or S. M. )."



Lciiz'tr Coitfity^ Beaver^ ^^95- "

The station is within the inclosure around the Mormon house,

34.15 meters from the southeast corner of the meetinghouse, 13.95 meters from the Wheeler

longitude station to the northwest, and 10 meters from the street fence to the east.

Beaver County^ Milford^ 1S85. "

^The station is slightly southeast of the office of the justice of the

meters from the southeast corner. It is also 100 meters from the southeast corner of Mr.
peace, 25

J. P. Williams's house and 18 meters almost due south of a well.

Boxelder County Promontory^ /8g2." The station is 47.2 feet from the geodetic station, 39" 09^.2

west of north. The geodetic station is located on the southeasternmost summit of the promontory

peninsula, a peninsula extending into Great Salt Lake from the north.

Davis County, Antelope, i8g2. The station is on Church Island, Great Salt Lake, feet from

the geodetic station on the line to promontory geodetic station, 24" 34^.7 west of north. The geodetic
station is the highest point of this island, which is the largest in Salt Lake.

Dams County, Waddoup, i8g2. "

The station is 88 feet north and 288 feet west of the southeast

comer of the northwest quarter of sec. 18, T. 2 N., R. i E. It is on land of T. Waddoup, and is marked

by a brick pier.
Emery County, Patfnos Head, /8go." The station is 22.05 meters from the geodetic station, 7" 52^.6

west of north. The geodetic station is in a of mountains known as the W. Tavaputs plateau; it

is about 12.5 miles N. 72*^.5 E. from the post-office at Sunnyside, Emery County, on the highest point
in that vicinity.
Garfield County, Mount Ellen, i8gi. "
The station is 12.67 meters from the geodetic station a little

east of the line to Patmos Head geodetic station, i. e., about 30" east of north. Mount Ellen is the

northern summit of the Henry Mountains. It is a rounded, conical-shaped peak, covered with broken

granite rocks. There are several lesser peaks to the north.

Grand County, Mount Waas, i8g8. "

The station is 43.6 feet from the geodetic station, 14" ic/.8

west of south. The geodetic station is on the highest point of the third principal proniinent peak from

the north end of the La Sal Mountains.

Grand County, Warner Ranch, 1893." The. station on Warner's ranch near Moab was west of his

dwelling house, and about 100 feet south of an irrigation ditch near the edge of the woods.

Juab County, Mount Nebo, 1 88 j." The station is 51.6 meters from the geodetic station in the line

to Sanpete geodetic station. The geodetic station is situated the southernmost summit of the


Juab County, Nephi, i88j. The station is in the lot across the street and northwest from

the court-house. It is 236 feet 7 inches from the northeast corner of the court-house. The northeast

comers of the schoolhouse and court-house are in line with the station. It is marked by an irregular

stone, with a drill hole, sunk flush with the surface of the ground.
Millard County, Deseret, 1884. "
^The station is about 150 meters north of the railroad depot at

Deseret station on the Utah Central Railroad.

Millard County, Scipio, 1884. "

The station is 22.5 meters from the geodetic station, 39" 7^.5 "vest

of north. The geodetic station is located the dome-like king summit of the Oak Creek of
upon range


Piute or Beaver County, Tamarac, 188$. "

No description.
Piute County, Tushar, 188^, "
The station is on the line Tushar geodetic station "
Mount Nebo

geodetic station, 19.8 meters from the former. The geodetic station is on the northernmost of the

three highest peaks in the Tushar Range, the backf)one of which forms the boundary between

Piute and Beaver counties. The peak is locally known as Mount Belknap.
Sanpete County, IVasatch, i8go, "
The station is 62 feet i"^ inches from the geodetic station on the

line to Mount Ellen geodetic station. The geodetic station is 18 miles east of the town of Mayfield,
in the of mountains known locally as Wasatch Range. It is on a small table in the southern

part of the range, there being nothing as high to the south of it, although there are one or two peaks
nearly so. On the north of this table is a canyon in which a small stream runs which flows into

Ferron Creek ; this branch is called the south fork of Ferron Creek. On the south side of the table is

Muddy Creek Station is about 4 miles due east of Baldy Peak.



Accomac County^ Accomac^ ^Sgj, ^The station is located in the large lot just west of the house

It is the southern edge of the lot and the road. The point is marked by
square. near near a

heavy granite post, sunk 4 feet in the ground. It is lettered on the top U. S. C. S., with a small hole

and bolt marking the exact point. At the north side of this lot, near the fence, another granite post

was sunk marking the true meridian. The tops of these stones "u-e dressed 4 inches square and project
about 4 inches above the surface of the ground.
Albemarle County Charlottesville Observations were made over a point 27 meters from the
^ ^
igoo. "

north stone of the meridian line established in the athletic grounds of the University of Virginia in

1897, in the direct line joining this stone and the first chimney visible to the right of the university
and just appearing above the surface of the ground under the trees. The mark used
museum, or range

was the edge of the gatepost seen almost in the same direction as the chimney described above. This

mark or bears 0" 34^.8 west of true south. The northeast vane on the tower of the museum bears

6" 49^.2 east of true south. The center of the south stone of the meridian line bears 0" 12''. 2 east of

true south.

Albemarle County^ Charlottesville^ The station is 27 meters south of the north stone of the
igoi. "

meridian line on the athletic grounds of the University of Virginia, as near the station of could
1900 as

be determined. The mark or used was the northeast vane on the tower of the university
range museum

and bears 7^ 44^.9 east of true south.

Albemarle County Greenwood^ Observations were made over a brass nail in locust post
igoo. "

2% feet long, 4"^ inches in diameter, and set about flush with the ground. It was located on the estate

of the late Dr. G. Roy Baylor, about miles south of Greenwood station, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.

It is 1 1 feet west of the residence and is 66 feet north of the underground ice house. It is about
1.5 150

yards east and about 50 yards south of the old magnetic station on these grounds. The mark or range

used was the rod on the central gable of a house about 2% miles distant. This mark or bears 39^

05^.3 east of true north.

Alexandria County, Cherrydale, igoo. "

Observations were made over the magnetic station lished

in the grounds of the residence of Mr. E. D. Preston at Cherrydale, and over the same point
where observations were made in 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1899. It is 142 feet \% inches from a tack in

the porch of Mr. Preston*s house, and east of it. The angle at the tack on the porch, between the netic

station and Fairfax Seminary spire equals 73" 55'. The angle at the magnetic station between

the Washington Monument and the Fairfax Seminary spire equals 72" 14' 42^^.5, and between Fairfax

Seminary spire and the tack on the porch equals 105^ 48^. The mark or range used was the Fairfax

Seminary spire. This mark or range bears 11" 48^.4 east of true south.

Alleghany County, Covington, igoo. "

Observations were made over a stub driven in the ground

near the center of a block of land bounded by Prospect avenue, Munro, McCurdy, and Highland streets.

It is behind the Intermont Hotel, in a field which belongs to Mr. G. D. Kline, estate agent. This

stub is approximately "in line with the center of the east wing of this hotel, about 73 and 135 feet,
respectively, from the south and east fences of the field in which it is situated. It is about yards

east of the point in the garden of the old McCurdy Hotel, where observations were made in 1873 and

in 1881, which is no longer suitable for magnetic observations. The McCurdy Hotel has been burned.

The mark or used was the spire of the colored Baptist church. This mark or bears
range range

18" 29^.3 west of true south. The point on the tower of the public school bears 68" 28^.4 west of true

north. The point of the tower of the court-house bears 54" 07^.1 west of true north. The point on

the tower of the Catholic church bears 38" 48^.9 east of true south.'

Amelia County, Amelia, ^A meridian line 360.4 feet long established onthe court-house
igoi, "

grounds. It is marked by two limestone posts 6 by 8 inches, projecting about inches above ground

and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations were made at

the north stone. The mark or range used was the tip of the roof on a small white house which bears

0" 32^^ east of true south.

Amherst County, Amherst, A meridian line 233 feet long was established in the public
igoi. "

school grounds. It is marked by two limestone posts 6 inches square, projecting about 6 inches above

ground, andiettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations were

made over the south stone. The southeast corner of the Baptist church bears 1" 51'' west of true north.

VIRGINIA" Continued.

Appomattox County^ Appomattox igoi. "

Observations were made in what was formerly the

court-house yard over the north stone of a meridian line established about twenty before by a
local surveyor. The post is of granite i foot projecting about feet above ground. The mark
square, 3

or used was the south stone about three-quarters of a mile which bears 3" 04^.6 east of true
range away,

south, showing that the line is in error by that amount.

Appomattox County^ IVest Appomattox^ A meridian line established the house

jgoi. "
was on

grounds, and marked by two limestone posts, 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 8 inches above

ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. "


were made at a point about 12 feet due north of the north stone and also over the south stone. From

the south stone the Presbyterian church spire bears 79" 20'' east of true south.

Augusta County^ Staunton, igoo. "

Observ^ations were made over the heavy limestone pillar planted
here by the U. S. C. " G. S. This pillar is set firmly in the ground, with its top projecting i foot

above the grass. It is i foot square, with a small hole marking the center. This stone pillar is

the highest point of the hill, south of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway and the water tank. This

hill is about 100 feet above the railway. The pillar is about 400 feet from the railway track, between

a large tree, the only one in the field, and the fence bounding the oak west of it. There is
grove, a

ledge of limestone rock projecting above the grass, feet north of this stone pillar. The mark
300 or

used was the spire of the Presbyterian church. This mark or bears 4" 45^.2 east of true
range range


Augusta County^ Burketown^ igoo. "

Observations were made over a point three-fourths of a mile

south of Burketown, on the Valley pike, in the field of Mr. Butler Burke, on one side of which is the

Valley pike and on the other the county road. It is about 13 miles north of Staunton, Va., and it is

feet distant from the 13-mile post and 79.15 and 47 feet, respectively, from the centers of the

county road and the Valley pike. It is also distant 83.65 and 36.15 feet, respectively, from a small

locust tree on the west side of the pike and from a black walnut tree. The mark or range used was

the rod on a bam, across the county road. This mark or range bears 49** 10. "'i -west of true south.

Bath County Watyn Springs igoo, "

Observations were made over a limestone rock, already
y ^

planted the south stone of a meridian line, established some twenty by a local surveyor,
as years ago

Mr. Michael Mustoe. This stone is in the court-house lot, 54 feet from the southwest corner of the

court-house building. It is distant 42.1, 25.35, and 51.2 feet, respectively, from three small maple trees

standing near the plank fence west of the court-house. The north stone of this meridian line is about

800 yards north of the south stone, in the grounds of the Warm Springs Hotel Company. It is cut off

by trees. The mark or range used was the edge of a house near the stable of the Warm Springs
Hotel. This mark or bears 3" 24-^.8 east of true north. The point of the monument to Col.

W. D. Erwin bears 17" 36^.9 west of true south. The point of the monument to Thomas B. McCallister

bears 22" 35^.9 west of true south. The point of the monument to G. H. Fry bears 25" 20''. 7 west of

true south. The Presbyterian church spire l)ears 84" 48 '.9 west of true south.

Bedford County^ Bedford City, igot."K meridian line was established on the grounds of

Randolph Macon Academy. It is marked by two limestone posts, 6 by 8 inches, prpjecting about 6

inches above ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively.
The south stone is at the foot of the walk leading to the main entrance of the school building and the

north stone is about 600 feet distant, near the baseball grounds. Observations were made over the

south stone. The mark or range used was the north spire of the Episcopal church steeple, and bears

71" 23''.5 east of true south.

Botetourt County^ Fincastle, jgo2. "

The station is in the schoolhouse grounds 37.6, 31.0 and 155

feet, respectively, from the west fence, the north fence, and the southwest comer of the schoolhouse.

The station is marked by stone 6 by 7 inches projecting inches above ground. The Episcopal
a 3

church spire bears 30" 42^ west of true north, the Presbyterian church spire 16" 04' east of true

north, and the Methodist church spire 66" 31^ east of true north.

Buckingham^ County Buckingham, A meridian line 198 feet long established in

igoi. " was a

pasture belonging to Mr. Garnett, who lives about one-third of a mile southeast of the court-house. It

is west of his dwelling and about feet west of the pasture fence. It is marked by two limestone

pofits, 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches above ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and

VIRGINIA" Continued.

U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations were made over the south stone. The mark or

used was the east edge of chimney on Mr. Grigg*s house, and bears 39" 10^.5 west of true


Campbell County Lynchburg i^i. "

The station is located on the bluff just across James River
y ^

and opposite the city of Lynchburg. It is in line with the eastern edge of Twelfth street when

extended across the river. The point is marked by the center of a small hole in a sandstone rock,

which rock is sunk 2 feet in the ground, and stands 3 inches above the ground. This stone is 21.5

feet from the corner of Jacob Myers's garden and 36.7 feet from the comer of John Acres* garden.
The spire of the large brick Baptist church bears 61" ^"f west of true south. The Catholic church spire
bears 86" 25'' west of true south.

Campbell County Rustburg^ igoi, "

^A meridian line 230 feet long was established in the public

school grounds. It is marked by two limestone posts, 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches above

ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations

were made at a point 14 feet from the south stone in the direction of the south end of the roof of a

small house, which bears 82" 20^ east of true south.

Carroll County Hillsvilley The station is in front of the court-house near the middle of
igo2. "

the main street 84.5, 49.0, 95.5, and 109.8 feet, respectively, from the southeast and northeast corners

of the Tipton Building and the northwest and southwest comers of the court-house. The station is

marked by an irregular stone i foot in diameter, set with its top about 2 inches below the surface.

Another stone was placed due south, just in front of the steps to Johnson " Early's store, projecting
about inches above ground. The mark or range used was the Presbyterian church spire and bears

18" 58''.7 east of true south.

Charles City County ^

Charles City^ igoi. "
A meridian line 168 feet long was established in the

court-house yard. It is marked by two Bedford limestone posts 6 by 8 inches, projecting 7 inches

above grotmd, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and XJ. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. vations

were made over the south stone, which is 108 feet from the nearest comer of the court-house

and 84.7 feet from the side of the jail. The mark or range used was the south side of the window in

blacksmith's shop, and bears 75" 21^.7 west of true south.

Charlotte County Smithville^ i^i. "

A meridian line 197.8 feet long was estabhshed in the public

school grounds. It is marked by two limestone posts 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 9 inches above

ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. respectively. Observations were


made at the north stone. The mark or range used was the south edge of the north chimney at the

northeast end of a brick house, and bears 85" 1 1^.6 west of true north.

Clarke County Winchester^ igoo, "

Observations were made over a point in the Mount Hebron

cemetery in the pathway, directly in front of and west pf the Rouss monument. The point is distant

feet from the east edge and 7 feet from the west edge of this path and 126.48 feet from the base of

this C. B. Rouss monimient. It is also distant 104.9 ^^'^ 127.8 feet, respectively, from the edge of the

sill of the gate and from the acorn of the tablet of this monument. The mark or used the
range was

rod to the spire to the court-house above the gilt ball. This mark or range bears 52" 34''.3 east of true

south. The center of the cross on the Catholic church bears 71" 47^.5 east of true north. The center

of the cross on the Presb3rterian church bears 81" 38^.6 east of true north. The spire above wing on

the German Reform church beeirs 81" 44''.6 east of true south. The cross on the Lutheran church

bears 63" 22^.5 east of true south.

Craig County New Castle 1^2. The station is in the south corner of the court-house yard,
y ^


and feet, respectively, from the southeast fence, the southwest fence and the east of
13.9, 95.0 corner

the coiurt-house. Th^ station is marked by a granite post, 6 by 9 inches, projecting about 6 inches

above ground. The mark or range used was the flag pole on the Bel Air Hotel, and bears 18" 33^.6
west of true south. The flag pole on the Craig City Inn bears 5" 55^.4 east of true north.

Culpeper County Culpeper^ igoo. "

Observations were made over a point 17 meters east of the south

stone of the meridian line established in the Southern Railway stockyards in 1897 in a line joining
the center of this stone and the cupola of the court-house. These stockyards are about one-half a mile

east of the town of Culpeper and north of the Southern Railway track. This south meridian stone

stands near the corner of the lot and near the summit of the ridge. It is a granite post feet long,

27478"02 25

VIRGINIA" Continued.

set 34 inches in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. S., with a small hole marking
the center. There is a nortli meridian stone set 170 meters true north of this stone, but not lettered.

The mark or used was the central rod on the cupola of the court-house. This mark
range or range
bears 72'' 55^.2 west of true south.

Cumberland County Cumberland^ A new meridian line was established and marked by-
igoi. "

two limestone posts 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches above g^und. The south stone is in the

court-house yard near the south fence and is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. The north stone is about

700 feet distant and is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. Observations were made over the nortli stone,

from which the northwest comer of the court-house bears 6" 49^.7 west of true south.

A meridian line previously established by a local was tested by setting the north
surveyor up over

and pointing the approximate centers of the other two stones. The bearing of the south stone

was found to be 0" 02^^ west of true south and of the middle stone ,0" 04^ west of true south.

Dinwiddie County^ Dinwiddle^ igot. "

A meridian line was established and marked by two granite

posts 7 inches square at the top and projecting about 7 inches above ground. The north stone is near

the northwest comer of the court-house yard. The south stone is 357.2 feet distant on the south line

of the court-house property. Observations were made at the north stone. The mark or used

was the lightning rod near the south end of Mr. Stem's house, and bears 64" 42^.7 east of true north.

Dinwiddie County^ Petersburg A meridian line about i 000 feet long established at
i^i. "

the city waterworks, to the southeast of the city. It is marked by two granite posts 8"^ inches square

at the top and projecting about 4 inches above ground. They are on the north and south banks of

the lake northwest of the house. Observations were made at the south stone. The mark or

used was the middle of a chimney on the tobacco stemmery, and bears 2" 18^.2 west of true


Elizabeth City County^ Old Point Comfort, ^The station is on the point west of the house.
/go2. "

Fair/ax County, Fairfax Observations were made over a granite post feet long, 6 by 6
igoo. "

inches on top, and lettered U. S. C. S., with a small hole marking the center. This granite post was

located in the southwest corner of the court-house grounds at Fairfax. A similar granite post was

placed due north of this post in the court-house square, between the county jail and the court-house.

This is not lettered, but it has small hole in its top marking the center. The meridian line
post a

established by the county is in error 0" 44^. 1 west of true north or o" 44^. i east of true south.

The mark or used was the tall slender monument in the graveyard northwest of the station.

This mark or bears 64" 39^.9 west of true north. Observations were also made over this point

in 1897.
Fauquier County, Alwington, Observations were made at a series of points in this vicinity
igoo. "

in order to test the availability of this region for a magnetic observatory. The main station was at

Alwington, in the front garden of Mr. Scott Nesbit. A traverse line was run out with a compass

declinometer. Observations were also made at Calverton, 8 miles east of Alwington. The tions

indicated that Alwington is a greatly disturbed magnetic region.

Fauquier County, Calverton, About 8 miles east of Alwington.

igoo, "

Fauquier County, Rectortown, Observations were made over a point in the old town about
igoo. "

one-half a mile from the railway, back of a brick building and store now occupied by Mr. Lewis, on

land which is the property of Mr. Price. It is on level ground and in line with the west wall of this

store building, feet north of the northwest corner of the store. It is also east of a ledge of

rocks and in line with an inch iron bolt set in one of these rocks and the tower of the school building,
which is west of the station. The mark or used was the spire of a church. This mark or

bears 41" 04^.6 east of true south.


Floyd County, Buffalo, /8gj. "

At the geodetic station on the summit of Buffalo Mountain.

Fluvanna County, Palmyra, A meridian line was established and marked by two limestone
igoi. "

6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches above ground. The south stone is in the northwest

comer of the court-house grounds and is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. The north stone is on the

edge of field belonging to Judge Sheppard, 653 feet from the south stone, and is lettered U. S. C. "

G. S. N. M. Ol"servations were made over both stones and at a point 65 feet southwest of the north

VIRGINIA" Continued.

stone and 15 feet west of the meridian line. The latter place proved to be locally disturbed. From

the north stone the northwest corner of the Methodist church bears 6" 21^ east of true south.

Franklin County Rockymouni^ igoi. "

A meridian line was established and marked by two

limestone posts 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches above ground. The south stone is near the

northwest corner of the public school grounds, about 20 feet from the north fence and 12 feet from

the road on the west, and is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. The north stone is about 600 feet distant

on Mr. Thomas Webb's lawn near the north fence and is lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. tions

were made over the south stone. The southwest comer of Mr. Webb's house bears i** 31'' east

of true north.

Giles County^ Pearisburgy igo2. The station is in the public school grounds, 43 feet 10 inches,

feet, and 76 feet 11 inches, respectively, from the northwest, southwest, and south comers of the school

building. It is marked by a cedar post 8 inches in diameter, set flush with the surface of the ground.
The Presbyterian church spire bears 35" I3''.4 west of true north. The court-house spire bears 33" 5i''.9

west of true north.

Gloucester County, York River, 1^2. "

^The station is on a small island at the mouth of the York

River, opposite Tue Marshes Light-House.

Goochland County, Goochland, igoi, "
A meridian line 178 feet long was established on the house

grounds. It is marked by two limestone posts 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches above

ground, and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations

made the north stone. The mark or used was a windmill miles distant and bears
were over range 3

56" 25^.6 west of true south.

Grayson County, Oldtown, The station is on the lot of W. R. Warrick the Methodist
igo2. "

Episcopal church, feet south of the building line and 31.5 and feet, respectively, from the
9.5 53.0

southeast and southwest comers of the lot. It is marked by a soapstone monument about i foot in

diameter, projecting 2 inches above the ground. The mark or range used was the spire on J. B.

Waugh's house, about one-fourth mile distant, and bears 14" 49^. i west of true south. The gable of

house of J. C. Reavis bears 31" 41^.4 west of true south.

Grayson County, Rogers, i8g4, ^The station is miles by trail from Elk Garden, which is 18

miles by road southeast of Chilhowie. It is marked by a drill hole, intersecting and the

letters U. S. C. S. cut on a large rock on the summit of the mountain.

Greene County, Stanardsville, igoo, Observations were made over a sandstone rock inches


long, set inches in the ground, 7 by 10 inches on top, with a small hole marking the center. This

stone was placed upon lands of Mrs. A. B. Monday, one-fourth of a mile west of the town, a slight

rise north of the pike. It is 79.9 feet north of a small cedar tree in a fence row, in line with two

prominent bowlders in this pasture field, between it, the cedar tree and the pike. It is distant 20.5,

and feet, respectively, from the first bowlder, the second bowlder, and the center of the pike
43.4, 90

public road. The mark or used was the center rod the court-house spire. This mark
or range on or

bears 77" 38^.0 east of true south. The Methodist church spire bears 82** 24^.7 east of true south.

The Episcopal church spire bears 85" 42^.9 east of true north.

Greenville County, Emporia, iSgy. The station is located in a large lot in the northwestern


section of the town. This lot belongs to the county. The station is near the southern edge of the

lot, in front of the high school building. It is marked by a heavy granite post sunk 4 feet in the

ground. This post is dressed 4 inches at its top and is lettered U. S. C. S. with small hole
square a

and bolt marking the exact point. It extends about 4 inches above the earth's surface. North of the

post, in the northern section of the lot, another heavy granite post was sunk marking the true


Halifax County, Houston^ ^^97' "

The station is located in a vacant lot just southwest of the house.

It is on the west side of the lot which is owned by Mrs. Boldru. A granite post set
was 25

meters north of the magnetic station. This stone is 4 feet long and 6 inches is set 3"^ feet in

the ground, and is lettered on top U. S. C. S. It is 15 meters from the fence along the north and south

road, about 100 meters from the southwest corner of the court-house grounds, and 38 meters from the

fence in prolongation of the south line of the court-house grounds.

Hennco County, Richmond, ipo/." The station of 1897 in the New Reservoir Park in the open

VIRGINIA" Continued.

just south of the lake reoccupied could be determined. Since that time erable
space was as near as

grading has been done, and in the stones marking the meridian line have been

covered, the south stone now being buried 4 or 5 feet and the north stone a few inches.

Henry County^ Martinsville^ igoi. "

Magnetic observations were made at four places in ville,

indicating considerable local disturbance. The first station* was in an west of the
open space

public school, about 75 feet from the school building. A second station was feet due south of the

first, at the edge of the public sidewalk. These proving unsuitable for the ends of a meridian line, a

place was selected about a quarter of a mile farther west, beyond the Norfolk and Western Railroad

track, on the property of Benjamin Lavinder. The north stone was placed on top of the hill nearest

to the public school bearing south 21" west from the schoolhouse. The south stone is feet distant

in an orchard. These stones are of limestone, 6 by 8 inches, projecting about inches above ground
and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations were made

over both stones.

Highland County y
Monterey y
/$"oo. "Observations were made over a sandstone post 2% feet long,
set 27 inches in the ground, 4 by 6 inches on top, with a small hole marking the center. This stone

was placed on a hill called Academy Hill, northwest of the town and east of the graveyard, on land

which is the property of V. B. Bishop. It is in a direct line between the cupola of the court-house, tant

yards southwest of this rock, and a small apple tree, and nearly in the line of Spruce street if

it were prolonged to the northwest. It is distant 115.8 and 168.5 ^^^" respectively, from the northeast

of the recent addition to the graveyard, and from the marble stone marking the of
corner grave

Josephine M. Golaw. The mcu'k used was the central rod on the cupola of the court-house.
or range

This mark bears 21" 58^ west of true south. The spire of the Methodist church bears 18" 52'
or range

east of true south. The center of the cupola on the Presbyterian church bears 27" 57^.6 west of true


James City County Williafnslmrgy 1887. "

^The station is about 380 feet northwest of the spire of

the William and Mary College and is marked by a stone post. The mark or range used was the base

of the iron rod on the college building and bears 28** 50'' east of true south.

Lancaster County, Rappahannock River^ ^The station is a short distance back from mill
H)02, "

Point, on the north side of the mouth of the Rappahannock River.

Lee County While Rocky iSgs, "

At geodetic station. The station is on the line between Virginia

and Kentucky and about miles by direct road and trail from Ewing, a station on the Louisville and

Nashville Railroad. It is marked by a drill hole, intersecting grooves, and the letters U. S. C. S. cut

on a large rock whose surface is nearly level with the ground.

Loudoun County Leesburgy Observations were made over the center of the north meridian
igoo, "

stone of the meridian line established by the U. S. C. " G. S. in 1897 in the playground on the west

side of the Leesburg Academy. The mark or used was the south meridian stone of this meridian


Loudoun County Round Hilly igoo. "

Observations were made over the same point occupied in

1897 in the pasture field of Mr. Lodge, who owns the store nearest the railway station. The field is

on the north side of the railway, and the point is in the north side of the field about 33 feet south of

the stone fence. It is 24 and 61.7 feet from the nearest side of a cherry tree and a locust tree, one

northeast and the other northwest of this point. The latitude, longitude, and true meridian were

determined at a point south and a little west of this spot with a zenith telescope in 1897. The mark

used was the cupola of a barn across the railway. This mark or range bears 1" 31^.4 west of
or range

true south.

Louisa County Louisay A meridian line 376 feet long was established in Senator Bibb's
igoi. "

orchard, about one-fourth mile northwest of the court-house. It is marked by two limestone posts, 6

by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches above ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C.

" G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations were made at the south stone, which is about 30 feet from

the south fence of the orchard and feet from the east fence. The mark or used was the
150 range

south edge of the chimney on Haley's schoolhouse and bears 34" 30^.6 east of true south.

Madison County Madison, Observations were made over a red sandstone rock, set level
jgoo. "

with the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, with a small hole marking the center. This stone was placed in

VIRGINIA" Continued.

the grounds of Congressman James Hay, in an apple orchard, and of his house. It is dis-

28.5 feet from a picket fence and is 35.45 feet southwest of a large cherry tree. The cupola of the

court-house is seen directly over the center of the new brick county jail, and it was used as the mark

This mark bears 88" 08'. 6 west of true north.

or range. or range

Montgomety County^ Chrisiiansburg 7^97." Two granite posts about 6 inches square were set to

mark a true north and south line. The north stone is nearly on the south line of Mill street and

about meters west of the west side of a lane extending the ridge from a point about 100 meters
3 up

east of the railroad station. It is on the west side of the summit of the ridge nearly 2uo meters east of

the colored school. The south stone is on Main street about i meter from the east fence, about 200

meters from the north stone, and about feet north of the deepest gully. The magnetic station
50 was

about 20 meters from the north stone, exactly in line to the Presbyterian church spire. This spire was

used as mark and bears 30" I4^*3 west of true south.

or range

Nansemond County Mines 1887. "

The station is about 150 feet north of the boundary station.
^ ,

The boundary station is on the road to Jones^nlle, near Dr. Hines's office. It is marked by a granite

post set in the stump of an oak tree at the crossroads. Dr. Hines's house is about one-half mile west

of Dismal Swamp.
Nelson County^ Loving sion^ igoi, "
A meridian line was established and marked by two limestone

posts, 7 by 10 inches, projecting about 6 inches above ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. and

U. S. C. " G. S. N. M., respectively. Obser\'ations were made over the south stone, which is in a field

belonging to Mr. Edward Kidd, county clerk. The north stone is about 600 feet distant, in the house

yard. The mark or used was the southeast comer of the colored church and bears 62" 43^.0

west of true north.

New Kent County New Kenty igoi,^^ meridian line 202 feet long was established in the house

yard. It was marked by two Bedford limestone posts, 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches

above ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. N. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. S. M., respectively. Observations

were made over the south stone. The mark or used was the southeast comer of the chimney
range on

Mr. Vaiden*s house and bears 78" 29^.6 west of true north.

Norfolk County Dismal Swamp Canal 1886, "

^The station is about 100 feet north of the boundary
y y

stone. This stone is on the Dismal Swamp Canal, about 4 miles south of Wallaceton. It is on the east

edge of the road that runs along the eastern side of the canal and not more than 20 feet from the canal.

Norfolk County Norfolky 18^7. "

^The station is located in the northeastern suburbs of the city, in

The New City Park. It is in the just south of the road leading to the pavilion.
open space new

It is marked by a heavy granite post sunk 4 feet in the ground. The top of this post is dressed 4
inches and is lettered U. S. C. S. with small hole and bolt marking the exact point. It extends
square a

about 4 inches above the surface of the ground. The true meridian is marked by this stone and

another heavy granite post north of this one, near the woods.

Nottoway County Nottoway A meridian line feet long was established the
y y
igoi. "
199.4 on

court-house grounds. It is marked by two limestone posts, 6 by 8 inches, projecting about 6 inches

above ground and lettered U. S. C. " G. S. S. M. and U. S. C. " G. S. N. M., respectively.

Observations were made at the south stone, from which the northwest comer of Deans's store bears

83" 55^ east of true south. A merdian line established some by a local tested
years ago surveyor was

by means of azimuth observations made over the approximate center of the middle stone. These

observations show that the line bears 0" 12^ west of true north.

Northampton County Cape Charles Cityy "The station is located small sand hill the
igoo. on a on

bay shore. It is at the foot of the main street extended, and in line with the northern row of

Cottonwood trees which are on the edge of this street. It is 17 feet from a pine tree and feet from

the shore end of the stone breakwater. It is marked with a solid oak post sunk 2% feet in the ground.
The mark or range used was the central rod of the light-house on the end of the breakwater
and bears 77" 13^.7 west of true south.

Orange County, Orange, igoo. "

Observations were made over a soft sandstone rock, with a small

cross marking the center. This undressed sandstone rock is upon the land of William C. Williams,

superintendent of the public school, one-fourth of a mile southeast of the Southern Railway station.

It is in the center of a small horse lot north of Mr. Williams's barn and southeast of his brick house.

VIRGINIA" Continued.

the lodge, and from an adjacent white pine tree. The mark or used was the center of the rod

on the Baptist church. This mark or range bears 18" 50^.5 east of true north. The cross on the

Episcopal church bears 55" 31 ''.9east of true north. The spire of the Southern Methodist church bears

9" 54^.9 east of true north. The cross on the Catholic church bears 3" 05^.5 west of true north.

Pulaski County Pulaski Cityy The station is in the court-house yard 37.6 feet from the east
igo2. "

fence and 55.0 feet from the north fence. It is marked by a cubical block of stone, each dimension

I foot, set flush with tlie ground. The Baptist church spire bears 74" 19^.0 west of true north. The

Lutheran church spire bears 17" 50^.0 east of true north.

Rappahannock County^ Washington rgoo. "

Observations were made over a sandstone post 30

inches long set 27 inches in the ground, 5 by 5 inches on top, with a small hole marking the center.

It was placed on the land of Mrs. B. E. Hackly, about one-fourth of a mile southwest of the town.

This stone is the top of a slope west of the road, and 98.5 feet from the nearest of Mrs.
upon comer

Hackly's brick house. A meridian stone has already been set in the gutter of the county road in

front of Mrs. Hackly *s house as the south meridian stone of a meridian line, but this meridian line

could not be tested and used. The mark or used was the spire of the Baptist church. This

mark or range bears 68" 18^.5 east of true north. The west comer of the cupola of the court-house

bears 58** 18' east of true north. The Methodist church spire bears 49" 55^.1 east of true north.

Roanoke County ^
Saletn^ igoo, "
The station is situated in a large vacant lot about three-fourths

mile north of Main street, at the foot of the ridge on which the Baptist orphanage stands. The lot is

across the road from a single dwelling house belonging to Judge Moffat, and occupied by his sister.

The station is almost in line with the south end of this house. It is feet from the center of the
a 70.5

most westerly of the three locust trees on the lot, and 72 feet from the center of the roadway bounding
the lot on the west side.

Rockbridge County Goshen igoo. "

Observations were made in the grounds of the Alleghany
y ^

Hotel, on the hill, about 75 feet above the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, and south of the station.

It is upon the point of a hill on level ground, between some white oaks, and north of the road leading
to the hotel. It is distant 82.3 and 72 feet, respectively, from this road and from the edge of a bank.

It is distant 57.8, 49.6, 51, and 30.95 feet, respectively, from four white oaks. The mark or range
used was the spire of the Methodist church. This mark or bears 4" $(/ west of true north.

The cupola of the hotel bears 70** 47^.0 west of true north. The Presbyterian church spire bears 6" 09^.5
west of true north.

Rockbridge County, Lexington ^

18^7, "
^The station is located on the grounds of Washington and

Lee University, and is on the first hill south of the railroad and east of the railroad station. A granite
post 4 feet by 6 inches by 6 inches on top was set at the north end of the summit of this hill about

feet from the railroad. It set feet in the ground, and has the letters U. S. C. S. cut in its
200 was 3

top. It marks the south end of a meridian line. The magnetic station was located east of this stone

on the line to the azimuth mark, distant about 18 meters. A similar stone, excepting that it is not

lettered, marks the north end of the meridian .line. This stone extends about 10 inches above the

surface of the ground, and is about 10 meters south of the north fence of the property belonging to

the Washington and Lee University. The mark or used was the end of the brick wall the
range on

north end of the Virginia Military Institute Building, and bears 68" 16^.9 east of true north.

Rockbridge County Natural Bridge Observations made stub driven in the

y y
igoo. "
were over a

grounds of the present hotel at the Natural Bridge, the old hotel having been destroyed by fire. It is

distant 69.3, 61.5, 103.3, and 77.0 feet, respectively, from four cedars which stand between it and the

hotel. It is distant 50.85 feet from the corner of a frame summerhouse. The mark or used
the small white at the left-hand of the trellis border of the north end of the
was cross comer porch
of the studio of the Jefferson cottage. This mark or bears 31" 4i''.9 west of true south. The

right-hand edge of the chimney of the dining room to hotel bears 17" 00^.7 east of true south. The

west edge of the west chimney of * *

Witch wood ' '
bears 63" 10^.9 east of true north. The of
top a sugar-
loaf mountain over the southwest corner of the slate roof dining room bears 4" 01^. i east of true south.

The southwest edge of the church bears 57" 14''.4 east of true south.

Rockbridge County North Mountain 1884." The station is located near the summit of the
y y

mountain, a. few
hundred yards from the comer of Rockbridge, Alleghany, and Botetourt counties.
392 1902.

VIRGINIA" Continued.

Rockingham County^ Elk ton /goo. "

Observations were made over a point about 150 yards east

of the Norfolk and Western Railway station, on the north side of the county road and the south

point of hill which stand two churches. It is about 3 feet from the property line of the lots
a upon
laid off in the "boom town" of It is distant 166.3 f^^^ from a clump of four silver maples

standing the north side of the county road. The mark or used was the spire of the terian
on range

church. This mark or range bears 35" 04^.8 east of true north. The spire of the Methodist

church bears 32" 46^.6 west of true north. The flagstaff on the north cupola of a summer-resort hotel

bears 53" 47''.9 west of true south.

Rockingham County^ Harrisonburg, Observations were made over a point on the United
igoo. "

States property in the lawn east of the new brick building in which are the post-office and the United

States circuit court rooms. It is distant 82.57, io8.6, and 80.5 feet, respectively, from the granite

posts at the northeast and the southeast corners of tliis lawn and from the northwest comer of the

United States building. The mark or used was the rod on the cupola of Mrs. Rohr's house.

This mark or bears 9" 00^.2 east of true south. The Baptist church spire bears 15" 58^.7 east of

true south. The colored church spire bears 61" 59^.3 east of true north. The colored United

Brethren church spire bears 35" ii^.o west of true south. The spire of the Jewish bears

13" 52^.4 east of true south. The spire of the Lutheran church bears 41" 46^.0 east of true south. The

flag pole on the United States building bears 88" 06^.4 east of true south.

Scott County, Big Knob, /8gj. "

At the geodetic station on Big Knob.

Shenandoah County, Strasburg, 0bser\'ation8 made over a limestone post by 5

igoo. "
were 3

inches on top, set i foot in the ground and extending 2 inches above the surface of the ground. This

limestone post was located in tlie southeast comer of the old fort erected by General Banks, which is

on the top of the hill north of the town. It was placed on a slight rise about 15 feet from the

embankment of this fort. The stations formerly occupied at Strasburg can not now be used, as

streets have been opened since they were established. The mark or range used was the rod just
below the brass ball of the Presb3^erian church spire. This mark or range bears 17" 43^.5 west of

true south.

Shenandoah County, Woodstock, iSgj, "

The station is located near the north end of the lot within

the race track at the fair grounds about a mile west of towm. A granite post 4 feet by 6 inches by 6

inches was set with its top about 8 inches above the ground to mark the north end of a meridian line.

It is about 72 meters northwest of the judge^s stand and 13 meters southeast of the inner fence of the

race track. It is lettered on top U. S. C. S., with a half -inch drill hole. A similar stone, excepting
that it is not lettered, marks the south end of the meridian. This stone is set about 5 meters from the

inner fence of the race track and about 8 meters east of the quarter-mile post, which is directly opposite
the judge's stand. The distance between the stones is about 160 meters. The magnetic station was

meters from the north stone in line with the left edge of the chimney of a house about one-half mile
distant used as a mark or This mark or bears 51" 43' west of true south.
range. range

Smyth County, Marion, i8g8. "

The station is located in the grounds of the Marion Female College

on the southwest comer of the middle terrace, and is marked by a marble post, the top of which is

about 2 inches above the surface of the ground. It is lettered on top U. S. C. G. S. 1898. Across

the street in a field and near the south fence a similar stone is set marking the meridian. The mark

used was the tower of the insane asylum, which bears 79" 21^.3 east of true north.
or range

Spottsylvania County, Fredericksburg, Observations were made over a granite stone, 3 feet
igoo. "

long, set feet in the ground, 6 by 6 inches on top, and marked The center of the cross marks
3 -;- .

the center. This granite stone was placed on the terraced lawn of the Chatham House, on the hill

opposite the town, and across the Rappahannock River near the iron bridge. This house was built

by the Fitzhughs in 1729, and is well-known in this vicinity. The granite stone is distant 193.7 feet

from the foundation of the southeast wing of this house, 10.8 feet from the southeast edge of the upper

terrace southeast of the house, and 127.5 feet from the southwest edge of the terrace. This point is

distant about 1,000 feet from the magnetic station of 1856 on Browns Island, in the Rappahannock
River, which is longer suitable for magnetic observations. The mark or used was the iron
no range

shaft on the court-house tower just below the gold ball. This mark or range bears 30" 24^.6 west of

VIRGINIA" Continued.

true south. The Baptist church spire bears 51" 01^.2 west of true south. The spire of the Episcopal
church bears 35" 38^.2 west of true south.

Stafford County Stafford^ Obser\'ations were made over a post, the south end of
igoo. "


meridian line, set in the ground on the opposite side of the road from the court-Louse building. There

is a disk lettered U. S. C. ". G. S. set in the top of this granite post. The center of this disk
marks the point. A similar granite post was set 265.7 feet true north of this post, marking a true

meridian line. It is located in the northeast corner of the court-house square. The mark or range

used was the east edge of door frame of the house on the hill just west of north. This mark or range

bears 4" 47^.6 west of true north.

Tazewell County^ Tazewell iSgS. "

The station is located 41.8 feet almost south of the southeast

corner of the Tazewell College building. It is marked by a cylinder of blue limestone about i foot in

diameter, in which is set a disk lettered U. S. C. " G. S. True south, in the yard surrounding

Mr. J. G. Huston's house, a similar stone is set, thus marking the meridian. The mark or range used

was the spire of the Presbyterian church, and bears 3" 04^.2 east of true south.

IVarren County^ Front Royal /goo. Observations were made over a sandstone rock, feet long,

set inches in the ground, 4}4 by 6 inches on top, with a small hole marking the center. The letters

U. S. are cut on the north face of this stone. It was located in the grounds of the Randolph-Macon
Academy, which is on a hill northwest of the town a little over a fourth of a mile from the house.

This stone is set level ground 93.5 feet south of the academy building and south of the

driveway. The mark or used was the spire of the Catholic church. This mark or bears
range range

29" 48^.6 east of true south. The cupola of the engine house bears 34" 26 '.4 east of true south. The

Methodist church spire bears 44" 46^.5 east of true south. The Episcopal church spire bears 61" 12''. 3

east of true south.

Washington County Abingdon ^Sgj. Two granite posts, 6 inches were set to mark
^ ^

square, a

true meridian line. The north stone is in the road which, if extended to the north, would

between the reservoir and a private cemetery on top of Reservoir Hill. It is at the top of the first

ridge south of the railroad and 2 meters west of the east fence. The south stone is between and

200 meters distant, just below the summit of the hill and about 10 meters northeast of a small locust

tree. The magnetic station is on the land of Gen. Arthur C. Cummings, directly in the prolongation
of the line from the rod on the court-house cup"ola to the north meridian stone and 31 meters from

the stone, in the eastern edge of a large The mark or used was the rod the house
grove. range on

" of
cupola, and bears 41 46^.6 east true north.

Washington County, Bristol, i8g8. "

The station is in the grounds of the Southwestern Virginia
Institute, feet from the front line of the grounds and 60 feet to the right of the center of the walk

leading to the main entrance of the building. It is marked by a Kentucky limestone projecting or
inches above the surrounding ground and marked on top U. S. C. G. S. O 1898. A stone similar to

the one marking the station, but with no lettering, was placed in the meridian 120% feet south. One

hundred and twenty-six feet north a hole was drilled in the granite steps of the institute building and

filled with lead. The mark or range used was the tower of Kings College and bears 8" 20^.9 west of

true south.

Wythe County, Wytheville, i8g8. "

The station is located on a hill back of Boyd's Hotel, and is

marked by a white limestone marked on top U. S. C. G. S. 0 1898. Due north, the railroad,

opposite the Mountain View Hotel, a blue limestone was set, thus marking the meridian. The mark

used was the lightning rod on Mr. J. C. Allison's house, and bears 33" 02^ east of true north.
or range
The flag pole on Boyd's Hotel bears 22" 43^ west of true north.


Clallam County, Classet, /8gj. "

A short distance to the east of the triang^lation station near

Classet village. It is on the second point west from Neah Bay, and is marked by a concrete pier 12

by 12 by 50 inches.

Clallam County, Dungeness, i8g2. "

About 20 feet east of the triangulation station, which is

marked by a concrete pier rising about 7 feet above the surface of the sand. It is about feet west

of Dungeness light-house.
394 I9("2.

WASHINGTON" Continued.

Clallam County^ Slip^ i8g$, A short distance southeast of the triangulation station of that

which is marked by a concrete pier. It is about a mile east of Slip Point, Clallam Bay.
Clallam County Striped Peak, iSgj."Neair the triangulation station of that name, which is

marked by concrete pier 12 by 12 by inches. It is about a mile east of Crescent Bay.

a 50

Clallam Court ty^ Tatoosh, i8gj. "

Near triangulation station on Tatoosh Island, which is marked

by a brick pier, 1 14 meters east of the light-house.

Clallam County, Waadah, /Sgj. "
About 30 meters south of the triangulation station of that name

on the northwest end of Waadah Island, on the northeasterly one of the two narrow points, marked

by a concrete pier 50 inches high.

Clark County, Vancouver, i8g^. "
The station is on the military reservation, 124 meters from the

quartermaster's depot, a little to the right of the line of the major's house. It is marked by a granite

post having pyramid-shaped top, projecting above ground. The mark or used was the cross
a range

on the Episcopal church, and bears 4" 38^ east of true north.

Jefferson County, Port Townsend, 1894. "

In the block immediately back of the one on w^hich the

United States Marine Hospital formerly stood, about 15 from Franklin street and from
paces 30 paces

Madison street. This block had been selected as the site for the new marine hospital.

King County, Seattle, On the grounds of the University of Washington, about 6 miles from
igoo. "

the city. Station was marked by a stone lettered U. S. C. " G. S. This stone is 121^ feet from the

southeast edge of observatory, and i8"^ feet from the eastern edge of board walk, about 600 feet north

of the administration building.

King County, Seattle, The station is in the old university grounds, 64 feet from the east
igoo. "

of the university building and 72 feet inches from the northwest corner of the same
corner 9

Pacific County, Cape Disappointment, i8g^. "
The station is in the northwest corner of the yard

surrounding the light-house keeper's dwelling, 21.2 feet from the comer of the house, 15.5 feet from

the north fence (inner edge of top stringer), and 15.3 feet from the east fence.

Pierce County, Tacofna, i8g4. "

In Wright Park, 498^ feet due south of the astronomic station.

It is marked by granite block 4 inches top, projecting about 3 inches above the west walk,
a square on

beside which it was planted. A second block was set 435^ feet farther south to mark a true meridian.

San Juan County, Bamboo, i8g4. Twenty-five meters southwest of the triangulation station
" or 30

on Point Caution, a low rocky point on the east side of San Juan Island.

San Juan County, Bellevue, i8g4. "

25 or 30 meters northeast of the triangulation station of the

same name on the west side of San Juan Island.

San Juan County, Clover, i8g4. " ^Tw^enty-five or 30 meters west of north of the triangulation tion

on the east side of Henry Island at the north end of Mosquito Pass on a low gravelly point.
San Juan County, Doughty, i8g4. Twenty-five meters southeast of the triangulation station
" or 30

on the southwest point of Orcas Island.

San Juan County, Dry, i8g4. Twenty-five or meters to the east of the triangulation station on


the northwest point of Waldron Island.

San Juan County, Fairview, i8g4. Twenty-five or meters north of the triangulation station

in the southwest part of Orcas Island, on the southeast extremity of a low rocky point nearly abreast

of- the north end of Jones Island.

San Juan County, Goose, i8g4. Twenty-five meters east of north of the triangulation station
" or 30

on the highest part of Yellow Island near the southwest end.

San Juan County, Limestone, i8g4. Twenty-five or meters to the east of the triangulation

station on the west side of Orcas Island, nearly abreast of the south end of Waldron Island and about

80 meters north of Wheeler Brother's limekiln.

San Juan County, Mat, i8g4, Twenty-five or meters northeast of the triangulation station on


the southeast point of Shew Island.

San Juan County, Middleton, i8g4. Is meters southeast of the triangulation station on
25 or 30

Sandy Point, Waldron Island.

San Juan County, Morse Island, /8g4." Is meters to the north of triangulation station on
25 or 30

top of the rocky knob at the east end of Morse Island.


WASHINGTON" Continued.

San Juan County^ Patos^ 1894, " Twenty-five or 30 meters west of north of the triangulation station

on Patos Island.

San Juan County Rooty 1894. " ^Twenty-five or 30 meters east of north of the triangulation station

on the east side of West Sound, Orcas Island, about i mile north of Oak Island.

San Juan County San Juan Island, ^897. "

At the south end of San Juan Island at the south side

of the entrance to Fish Creek. Station is marked by a fir tree cul off ^ feet above ground.

San Juan County Spiedon^ 1894. ^Twenty-five or meters west of the triangulation station on


the highest point of the bare hill at the east end of Spieden Island.

San Juan County^ Shaw Island, i^95' "

On a low spit on the north end of Shaw Island, about 5

meters from the east side of the spit. Station is marked by a fir post 4 feet high and i foot in


San Juan County, Slope, 1894, "Twenty-five or 30 meters northwest of the triangulation station

on the point outside the west entrance to Friday Harbor, San Juan Island.

San Juan County, Windlass, 1894. " ^Twenty-five or 30 meters to the south of the triangulation
station on the east side of Henry Island, opposite the entrance to Garrison Bay. It is on a sand and

gravel spit about 200 meters south of the wood wharf.

Skagit County, Mount Vernon, On the grounds of Mount Vernon graded school the
igoo. "

east side of the town. Station was marked by a cedar post 6 inches in diameter 60 "^ feet from the

southwest corner of the school building and 86 feet from the southeast corner. The mark or range

used was the western edge of the slanting roof of the house of Mr. Northcutt, just opposite the

school building. Its true bearing is 39" 11^.2 west of north. The true bearing of the flag pole on

the court-house is 63** 55^.2 west of north.

Snohomish County, Everett, igoo, "

In the court-house grounds. Station was marked by a pine

post inches square, driven flush with the ground, 64.7 feet from the southwest corner of court-house,

feet from the northwest comer, and 32.5 feet south of flagstaff. The mark or used was
123.5 range

the flagstaff of the Jefferson School, of which the true bearing is 61" ss'' west of south.

Stevens County, Russell, Russell is the name of projected town just south of the
igoi. "

international boundary and 2 miles south of Cascade, British Columbia. It lies on the south and

west sides of Kettle River, in the bend made by the river to tlie south toward the Columbia.

Observations were made at a point 97.9 feet east and 26.5 feet south of boundary monument No. 43,

which is the second monument west of Kettle River. This monument is a pyramidal pile of stones

6 by 6 feet base and 6 feet high.

Thurston County, Olympia, 18^4, " ^Triangulation station Howard on land of Mr. Gilmore, marked

by a cedar block 12 by 12 by 60 inches, projecting about feet above ground. A small observing hut

was left standing. The mark or range used was the flagstaff on the Washington School, of which the

true bearing is 9" 58'. i east of south.

Wallawalla County, Walla Walla, 1887. " In the vacant lot at the southeast corner of Fifth and

Poplar streets, opposite the front of St. Mary*s Hospital.

Whatcom County, New Whatcom, j In the northwest corner of the grounds of the State

Normal School, on a hill about i mile from the center of the town. Station is marked by a stone

post lettered U. S. C. " G. S., set 24.8 feet from the north fence and 93.8 feet from the west fence.

The mark or used was the southwest of the stone coping around the first floor of the
range corner

school building. Its true bearing is 67" 31^.8 east of south. The true bearing of the northeast corner

of the same coping is 89" 48^.9 east of south.


Barbour County, Philippi, /^p^. "Observations were made over the north monument of the

meridian line at Philippi. It is located in the southern end of the town on a street running east and

west. This monument is on the land owned by C. A. W. Smith, the third lot west from Main street.

When the cross street is it will be on the curb of the sidewalk on the north side of the street.

The south monument is about 2 000 feet south of the northwest corner of the lot owned by Hon.

G. A. Dayton, M. C. It is located on the south side of a road running nearly east and west. These

monuments are heavy sandstone posts sunk several feet in the ground, with their tops extending


several inches out of the ground. The centers of disks set in the centers of the tops of these

monuments mark the ends of the true meridian line. The county surveyor, Mr. S. L. 0*Neal, knows

the location of these meridian monuments.

Berkeley County^ Martinsburg^ igoo. "

Observ-ations were made over the south stone of the meridian

line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. This stone is at the head of the

principal drive of Green Hill Cemetery, feet west of the walk. It is a column of marble by
13 40

8 by 6 inches, set inches in the ground, with a plate in the center of the top. The mark
32 copper or

the north meridian stone, 575 feet distant, 30 feet east of the entrance gate and feet from
range was 4

the fence. It is a similar marble column having an aluminum bolt to mark its center.

Boone County^ Madison^ Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian line
/goo. "

established by the United States Geological Survey in 189S. This stone is feet little north of
315 a

east from the northeast comer of the Methodist Episcopal church, on land owned by Mr. Thompson.
It is sandstone column by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, with plate in the
a 42 a copper

center of the top. The north meridian stone is 237.8 feet distant, i foot south of south fence of St.

Clair Hotel. It is similar to the south stone, but has an aluminum bolt to mark its center. The

mark or was the point of the gable of tower of the Methodist Episcopal church. Tliis mark or

bears 84" 37''.5 east of true north.


Braxton County Sutton /8g8. "

Observations were made over the south monument of the meridian
^ ^

line at Sutton. This meridian line is marked with heavy sandstone posts, with disks in the

centers of the of these posts. The centers of these disks mark the two ends of the meridian line.
These meridian stones are sunk several feet in the ground, with their tops extending a few inches out

of the ground. Messrs. J. B. Dunlop and G. A. Johnson, surveyors, residing in Sutton, know the tion

of these meridian stones. The south meridian stone is located on the east side of Main street, at

the northeast corner of Main street and the first street north of the bluff in Upper Sutton. Main street

north and south. The north meridian stone is distant 843.2 feet from the
runs approximately south

meridian stone, the same side of Main street, and is on the north side of the second cross street

north of the south meridian stone.

Cabell County, Huntington, /8g8. "

Observations were made over the north monument of the

meridian line at Huntington. This meridian line is marked with heavy freestone posts, with

disks in the centers of the tops of these posts. The centers of these disks mark the two ends of the

meridian line. These meridian stones are sunk several feet in the ground, "with their tops extending a

few inches out of the ground. The north meridian monument is located near the southwest comer of

school building at the southeast corner of Fifth avenue and Sixth street. The south meridian
a new

stone is about 000 feet distant from the north meridian monument, in what is at present a field, with

orchard just beyond the field. The county surveyor, Mr. J. H. Sanborn, knows the location of

these meridian stones.

Clay County, Clay, Observations were made over the north stone of the meridian line
/goo. "

established the United States Geological Survey in 1898. This stone is in the front garden of the
house occupied by Mr. Davenport, just west of the Baptist church. It is a sandstone column 36 by 8

8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, with its center marked by aluminum bolt. It is feet
by an 73

from the southwest corner of the church and 83.5 feet from the northwest corner. The south meridian

is feet distant, at the of Main street and third alley. It is column of sandstone
stone 365.2 corner a

8 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, with plate in the center of the top. The
42 by by a copper

mark the point of the north gable on the west side of Hotel Stephenson, between two
or range was

This mark bears 14" 19^0 east of true south.

chimneys. or range

Doddridge County, West Union, Observations were made in the grounds south of the public
igoo. "

school 60.6 feet from the fence and 65.4 feet slightly to the west of south of the south stone of the

meridian line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. This stone is a sandstone

8 by 8 inches, inches in the ground, with plate in the center of the top.
column 45 by set 39 a copper

It is 160 feet from the southwest comer of the school building and 169 feet from the southeast corner.

The mark or range was the point of the tower of a white wooden church just across the ravine which

the hill which the school stands from the main part of town. This mark or range bears
separates on

of north from the stub marking the magnetic station.

550 37''.8 west true


Fayette County^ Fayetteville^ Observations were made over a point east of the south stone
igoo. "

of the meridian line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. This south stone of

the Geological Survey is set in the ditch on the south side of Maple avenue,
which runs in a northeast

direction on the southeast side of the court-house. It is between the Journal printing office and the

church, and 206 feet from the northeast comer of the former. The Coast and Geodetic Survey station

of is in the vacant field almost feet due east of this south stone of the Geological Survey. The
1900 75

distances from the fences on the northwest and southwest boundaries of this vacant field were 45 and

84 feet, respectively. The mark was the northwest edge of the northwest chimney of a
or range

white house seen immediately to the right of the Altamont Hotel. This mark or range bears 4" 06^.5
east of true south. The ball on the court-house bears 77*^ 21^.3 west of true south. North stone of

Geological Survey bears 9" 53^.3 west of true north.

Grant County Glebe Observations were made over a small cross in a limestone rock,
^ y
igoo. "

planted about 20 inches in the ground and projecting 3 inches above the surface of the ground. This

rock is in the yard of the county poorhouse, being 66.8 feet from the southwest corner of the tion

of the main building. This county poorhouse is about 6 miles west of Petersburg and miles

east of Hopeville. The mark or was the northwest edge of the main building at the poorhouse.

The mark or bears 6" 17^.5 east of true north.


Grant County Falls Observations were made over point on a bank about 4 feet above
y ^
1900, "

the county road, in a small cleared spot near a fork in the road, one branch going to the ford b^ow

the falls at the east end of the and the other one a small iron bridge en route to the Palls

post-office, which is in sight. The brick church, in an oak is 302 feet distant. The center

of the road is distant 42 feet. A large sycamore, locust, double white oak, and a small sycamore are

distant, respectively, 24.1, 54.2, and feet. The mark the southwest corner of
31.3, 31.5 or range was

the brick church. This mark or range bears 58" 11^.8 east of true south.

Greenbrier County, Lewisburg, Observations were made the south stone of the
1900. "

meridian line of the United States Geological Siu*vey established in 1898 in the grounds of the

boys* school building, formerly Major Lee's Military' Academy. This south stone is 12 feet from a

large oak tree and 76 feet from the northeast comer of the school building, and is a column of

sandstone 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground. The center of a copper plate set in its

top marks the point. The north stone is also a column of sandstone, distant 323 feet from the south

stone, in the northeast comer of the school yard. An aliuninum bolt set in the top of this stone

marks the point, and it was used as the mark or range.

Hampshire County Rotnneyy igoo. "

Observations were made over the north stone of the meridian

line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. This north stone is a column of

limestone by 10 by 6 inches, set 28 inches in the ground, with an aluminum bolt in the center of

the top of the stone which marks the point. It is located in the grounds of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind

Institute, on the line of the fence, 21 feet east of the fence running north, and 645 feet north of the

south stone of this meridian line. This south stone is a column of marble, also set in the groimds of

this institute, north of the main building, in the southeast comer of the baseball grounds. The centet

of a copper plate set in the top of tliis stone marks the point, which used mark
was as a or range.

Hardy County Moorefieldy Observations made the south meridian stone lished
igoo. " were over

by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. It is located on land owned by Gilkeson, on a

level plateau north of the county road, "and near the line of a rail fence, about one-half mile east of

the town. This post consists of column of marble 44 by 7 by 7 inches, set inches in the ground.
a 37

The center of a plate set in the top of this stone marks the point. The north meridian stone is
distant 826 feet from the south stone and is located feet south of the south fence of the cemetery.

It is also a column of marble with an aluminum bolt set in the top of this post, which was used as a

mark or range.

Harrison County Clarksburg, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the south monument of the

meridian line at Clarksburg. This meridian line is marked witH heavy sandstone posts, nicely dressed,
with copper disks in the centers of the tops of these posts. The centers of these disks mark the two

ends of the line. These monuments are sunk several feet in the ground, with their tops extending a

few inches out of the ground. The south monument is in the grounds of the public-school building.

WEST \^RGINIA" Continued.

of their The centers of these disks mark the two ends of the meridian line, which is about 302
feet long.
Lincoln County^ tJamlin^ igoo. "
Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian

line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. It consists of a column of sandstone

8 8 inches, 36 inches in the ground. The of plate set in the top of this
43 by by set center a copper

marks the point. This stone is located Main street few north of Hamlin Hotel,
post on a paces

between the sidewalk and the road. The mark or was the center of an iron cross on the north

wall of the post-ofi"ce, a brick building on Main street, farther to the south. This mark or range bears

8" 22''. 7 west of true south.

Logan County^ LogaUy The south stone of the meridian line established by the United
igoo. "

States Geological Survey in 1898 could not be used on account of its proximity to a brick building.

Observations made wooden stub the top of a behind the Hotel Logan and
were over a on spur

approached through the yard of that hotel. This is about 70 or 80 feet above the general level

of the town, and it is the property of Mr. Peck. This wooden stub is the only spot on this spur from

which the north stone of the Geological Survey meridian can be seen. This north stone is set on a

steep slope just outside of the cemeter"% feet east of the east fence of this cemetery. It is
5 very

inaccessible. The mark or used was the point of the spire of the church, almost exactly west of

the magnetic station on the street behind the Buskirk House. This mark or range bears 72" 31^.2

wjest of true south.

McDowell County^ Welch The meridian stones established by the United States Geological
igoo. "

Survey in 189S could not be used. Observations were made over a wooden stub set in the open space

in the court-house lot on the west side of this meridian line, 89.6 feet from the south stone of this

meridian line, 64.1 feet from the northwest corner of the court-house tower, and 42.3 feet from the

center of an apple tree close to tlie meridian line. The mark or range used was the edge of the

chimney of the most distant white frame house seen from the station, up the valley, when looking
southward. This mark or bears 20" 52''. 7 west of true south. The north meridian stone bears

11" 06^.8 east of true north.

Mercer County Princeton^ igoo. "

The meridian line established by the United States Geological

Survey in 1898 could not be used on account of its proximity to wire fences, etc. Observations were

made over an oaken stub located at a point between the ^outh stone of the Geological Surx'ey
meridian and the path leading from the main road to the high school. This stub is distant 48.2, 32.1,

and feet, respectively, from three trees on the south side of the walk leading from the gate to the

school, and from the east fence of the grounds it is distant 58.4 feet. The mark or used
range was

the ball on the spire of the church which is seen from this stub in front of the court-house. This

mark bears 16" oi''.4 west of true south. The south stone of the Geological Survey bears
or range

24" 07''. 2 west of true south. The north stone of the Geological Survey bears 7" 19^.0 west of true


Mineral County^ Keyser^ i8g8. "

Observations were made over a large Cumberland sandstone

monument which is located in the grounds of Mr. W. E. Crooks' residence, and near the circle in

front of his house. This monument is sunk several feet in the ground, with its top extending a few

inches out of the ground. The center of a copper disk set in the center of the top of this stone

marks the point. No other meridian monument was set at this place. The United States

Geological Survey had already established a meridian line in this town, but it was not used on

account of its proximity to fences, which are now near the meridian monuments. The or mark

at this station was the trunk of a tree on a distant hill. This or mark bears west of true

south 0" 10/8.

Mingo County Williamson The meridian stones established here by the United States
^ ^
igoo. "

Geological Survey in 1898 could not be used. Observations were made over a wooden stub located at

a point between these two stones a few yards to the west of the meridian line, on a low ridge on the

hillside running from the north Geological Sm^vey stone down in the ravine which separates these two

stones. It is 56 from the north stone almost in the direction of the court-house. The mark
paces or

used was the spire of the Presbyterian church. This mark or bears 9" 56^.6 west of true
range range

400 1902.


Monongalia County^ Morgantown^ i^oo."The meridian stones established by the United States

Geological Survey in 1898 in the university could not be used. Observations made
campus were over

a tack in wooden stub 109.6 feet from the south stone of this meridian line, 107.6 feet from the western

fence line of the and 74.5 feet north of the south fence of the The marks
campus, campus. or ranges
used were the tip of the court-house tower and the steeple on the Methodist church. The tip of the

court-house tow";r bears 4" 54'. 2 west of true south. The steeple of the Methodist church bears 11" 14^.5
west of true south. This point was occupied twice during the for magnetic obser\''ations.

Monroe County, Alderson, i8gS, "

Observations were made over a monument located in the grounds
of the Alleghany Collegiate Institute, on the south side of High street, between Church and Monroe

streets, and not many feet distant from the point where obser\'ations were made in 188 1. It is near the

stone w^all 011 High street. This monument consists of a large sandstone post sunk several feet in the

ground, with its top extending a few inches out of the ground. The center of a disk in the

center of the top of this stone marks the point. No other meridian stone was set at this place and

the mark or used is not described. Mark 12" 29''.9 east of north.

Morgan County Pawpaw 18^. ^The station is in the large field south of the railroad station,
, ,

the frame dwelling house on the hill. It is 37 feet from the northwest comer of the fen":e, 67 feet from

the northeast comer, and feet in front of the gate.

29 ".

Nicholas County, Summersvilley igoo. "

Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian

line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. It is situated in the public school

grounds 10 feet north of the south fence. This meridian stone consists of a column of sandstone by

8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground. The center of a plate set in the top of this stone

marks the point. The mark or used was the ball on the tower of the court-house. This mark

or bears 61" 43^.9 west of true south.


Ohio County, Wheeling, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the north mommient of the meridian

line on Zane*s Island, near Wheeling. This north monument is inside the race course on Zane's

Island its northwest side. The south monument is also inside this course, about
near race 450 or 500

feet due south of the north monument. These meridian monuments are heavy sandstone posts, sunk

several feet in the ground, with their tops extending several inches out of the ground. The centers of

disks set in the centers of the tops of these stones mark the ends of this meridian line.

Pendletoft County, Brushyrun, igoo.. "

Observations were made over a point in a pasture field 261.3
feet southwest of the stone chimney on Charles Mallon's house, on the top of a slight rise. It was

feet southeast of the Franklin road, 190 feet south of a double cherry tree, and 142 feet east of
153 a

walnut tree, both of the above trees being near the side of the road and a worm fence. The location

is about 14 miles south of Petersburg and about 2}i miles north of the iron bridge crossing the South

Fork, and on the north side of the ridge or watershed between Brushyrun and the South Fork. The

mark or range
used was the southwest edge of this stone chimney, just below the edge of the capstone.

This mark or bears 48" 56^.8 east of true north.


Pendleton County, Cave, Observations were made in a pasture field owned by Peter J.
igoo. "

The point is 64.4 feet north of the county road leading from Franklin to Monterey. This point
is distant 244.6 feet from the northwest edge of Moyers' s house, which was used as a mark or for

the magnetometer. It is distant 71.5 feet from a large oak tree, and 52 feet from small rivulet,
very a

and 200 feet from a large stream which crosses the road. This pasture is 9^^ miles south and west of

Franklin, at Cave post-ofi"ce. The cave is one-half mile farther south, and north of the road

about feet. The angle between the northwest corner of the Moyers house and a bold point of rock

of the mountain southeast of the station found to be 122" 36^.1. The mark used
on top was or range

the northwest of the Moyers house. This mark bears 25** 32^.0 east of true north.
was corner or range

Pendleton County, Franklin, Observations were made over a point 26.77 feet north of the
igoo. "

south meridian stone established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898, in the meadow

owned by Mr. W. H. Boggs, east of the town. This meridian stone consists of a column of limestone

by by inches, set 38 inches into the ground. The center of a plate set in the top of this
44 7 7 copper

stone marks the point. The mark or used was the cupola of the schoolhouse. This mark or

bears 4" 58'. 6 west of true north.



Pocahontas County, Marlinton^ 1^00." The meridian stones erected by the United States Geological
in 1898 could be used. Observations made point in the court-house yard, in
Survey not were over a

the southeast end of the town. It is distant 62.9 feet from the south meridian stone of the meridian

line established by the United States Geological Survey, and is distant 50 feet from the north comer

of the brick court-house. It is also distant 53.8 and feet, respectively, from the iron fences

northeast and northwest of this point of observation. The mark used was the spire of the
or range

Methodist church. This mark or bears 46" 56^.7 west of true north.

Pocahontas County, Travelers Repose, Observations were made over an undressed sandstone
igoo, "

set old breastwork of 1862 the west point of hill north of the Staunton and Parkers-
post on an on a

pike and about 800 feet of the ford branch of the Greenbrier River. It is east of
burg east over a

P. D. house. The lightning rod the north chimney of P. D. Yeager*s house used
Yeager's near was

mark This mark bears 77" 51^.4 west of true north. The center of a brick
as a or range. or range

chimney of a church in the valley bears 62" 37^.1 west of true south.

Prestofi County, Foley Mountain, /c^p/."Near Brookside, W. Va. The station is on the top of the

mountain in the clearing for the meridian line feet, 35** oi''.2 west of north from L. A, Bauer*s

meridian station.

Preston County, Kingwood, Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian
jgoo. "

line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. This stone is located south of the

livery stable Mr. McRae's land, and is feet north of the south fence. It consists of a column
on 3

of granite by 8 by 8 inches, set inches in the ground. The center of a copper plate set in the
44 39

of this stone marks the point. The mark used the intersection of the west
top or range was

of the chimney and roof of house to the east of south. This mark bears
edge western a or range

of south, determined by observations north meridian stone of the meridian line

3" 43''.6 east as on

of the United States Geological Survey, which is in the grounds of the Hotel Gordon.

Putnam County, Winfield, Observations were made over a point 137 feet true north of the
igoo. "

south stone of the meridian line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. This

south meridian stone is located in the court-hoxisc grounds, opposite the jail. It consists of a column

of sandstone by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground. The center of a copper plate set in the

of this stone marks the point. The mark used the north stone of this meridian line
top or range was

of the United States Geological Survey, located on the north side of the main street near the back of

" Craighill's This stone consists of column of sandstone 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36

Hanly store. a

inches in the ground. An aluminum bolt set in tjie top of this stone marks the point.

Raleigh County, Beckley, Observations were made over a point 78.5 feet due north of the
igoo. "

south stone of the meridian line established here by the United States Geological Survey in 1898.
This stone is located on the north side of the walk and the south side of Main street, on the west side

of the opposite the residence of Mr. Anderson. It consists of a column of sandstone 42 by 8


8 inches, 36 inches in the ground. The center of plate set in the top of this stone
by set a copper

marks the point. The mark or used was the center of the north meridian stone. It is located

hillside, a small ravine 1,249.1 feet north of the south stone of this meridian line. It sists
on a across

of sandstone column, 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground. An aluminum bolt set

in the center of this stone marks the point.

Randolph Comity, Beverly, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the south meridian monument

of the meridian line at Beverly. It is located in the yard of Dr. G. W. Yokum, in the south end of

the the west side of Main street. The north meridian monument is on the east side of Main
town, on

feet distant from the south meridian monument. These monuments are heavy sandstone
street, 350

sunk several feet in the ground, with their tops extending several inches out of the ground.
The centers of the disks set in the centers of the tops of these stones mark the ends of this

meridian line.

Randolph County, Mingo, Observations were made over a point located in a lot owned by

S. H. Wood, east of his house, and south of his store and of the county road. This station was upon

of little rise about feet from the edge of this lot, between two little rivulets. It is distant
the point a 3

of this rise feet, and feet distant from the southwest of stone spring
from the point 13 50.7 corner a

27478 "
02 26
402 1902.


house. It is distant, respectively, 41.65, 69.20, and 73.0 feet from a small apple tree to the east at the

foot of a steep bank, from an apple tree to the west near a picket fence, and from an apple tree to the

southwest near a subterranean cellar. The mark or range used was the point of the chiu^ch tower of

the Presbyterian church. This mark or range bears 0" 35^.4 east of true south.

Randolph County^ Pickens^ i8g8. "

Observations were made over the center of a copper disk set in

a triangular rock. This rock is east of the railway, about one-fourth of a mile distant from it, and

about 100 feet north of the road running east from the railway station. It is located on land ing
to Mr. James Pickens, and in the rear of a house owned by Mr. W. R. Thomas. No meridian

monuments were set up at this place. There are no prominent or permanent objects which could be

used as or marks.
Ritchie County HafHsville^ i8g8. "
Observations were made over the south monument of the

meridian line at Harrisville. It is located on the farm of Mr. John Hulderman, about three-fourths

of a mile from the court-house, and nearly south of it. This monument is on a ridge just above the

farmhouse, and about 800 feet from it. The north montmient is about i mile northof the sou th ment,

near the boundary fence between the lands of Dr. W. E. Tolbott and Mr. E. C. Fox. These

monuments are heavy sandstone posts sunk several feet in the ground, with their tops extending
several inches out of the ground. The centers of the copper disks set in the tops of these stones mark

the ends of this meridian line.

Summers County, HintoUy igoo. "

Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian

line established by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. It is located in the grounds of the

court-house, by the side of the path near the southeast comer of the It consists of column
square. a

of sandstone 42 by 8 by 7 inches, set 36 inches in the ground. The center of a copper plate set in the

top of this stone marks the point. The mark or range used was the center of the north stone of this

meridian line. It is located opposite the front door of Graham's store, on the south side of the walk,

10 feet east of Second avenue and 307.3 feet north of the south stone of this meridian line.

The center of an aluminum bolt set in the top of this stone marks the point.
Taylor County, Grafton, i8g8. " No meridian monuments were erected here to mark the true

meridian line, on account of the improvements to be made in the locality where the observations were

made. The point over which the observations were made is unmarked. It is located on a hill near a

large rock, which is a prominent object. This hill is south of the railway station, and Pike street

runs near this rock. The United States Geological 'Survey has established and marked a true meridian

line in this vicinity. The meridian posts coidd not be used on account of their proximity to fences,
but they can be extended. Mr. John E. Stone, who lives in this xacinity, is familiar with these


Tucker County, Hendricks, i8g8. "

Observations were made over a cross on a natural rock located

on the lands of the United States Leather Company. The rock is reached by crossing the bridge over

Little Black Fork River, at the north end of the town. It is about i 000 feet beyond the bridge, on the

north side of the road, fully i 200 feet southwest of the West Virginia Railroad, and about the same

distance north of the Dry Fork Railroad. The mark or range used bears east of true north 17" 29^.8.
The southwest comer of bridge bears east of south 68" 16^.2. The southeast comer of bridge bears

east of south 69" 20^.2.

Upshur County, Buckhannon, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the north monument of the

meridian line at Buckhannon. This monument is located in the grounds of the West Virginia
Conference Seminary. It is located in the space in front of the main building of the seminary

and in the northwest comer of this lot. The south monument of this meridian line is about 450 feet

south of the north monument, between two brick buildings and near a brick walk. Mr. W. G. L.

Lathen and Mr. L. A. Wallins know the location of these stones. These monuments are heavy
sandstone posts, sunk several feet in the ground, with their tops extending several inches out of the

ground. The centers of disks set in the centers of the tops of the monuments mark the ends

of the meridian line.

Wayne County, Dunlow, i8g8. "

Observations were made over the north monument of the

meridian line at Dunlow. This north meridian monument is located in the pasture lot adjoining
the residence of Mr. Thomas Linsley, the superintendent of the Guyandot Coal Land Association.

It is about feet from the railway and about 150 feet from the bank of Twelve Pole Creek. The


south meridian monument is on the slope of a hill across the railway. These monuments are heavy
sandstone posts sunk several feet in the ground, and with their tops about even with the surface of

the ground. The centers of the disks set in the centers of the tops of these monuments mark

the two ends of this meridian line. Mr. Thomas Linsley knows the location of these monuments,

and he furnished them.

Wayne County^ Wayfte^ i8g8. "

Observations were made over the north monument of the meridian

line at Wayne. This north meridian monument is on the hill east of the town, on property belonging to

Prof. T. B. McClure, in the lot just east of and above his school building. The south meridian

monument is due south of the north monument, and about a mile distant from it, on land belonging
to Mr. Boswell Ferguson. Mr. Joe Plymale and Mr. H. Atkins, surveyors, are familiar with the

location of this monument. These monuments are heavy sandstone posts sunk several feet in the

ground, with their tops extending few inches out of the ground. The centers of the disks set
a copper

in the centers of the tops of these stones mark the two ends of this meridian line.

Webster County, Addison, igoo. "

Observations were made over a point 33.71 feet north of the

south stone of the meridian line established here by the United States Geological Survey in 1898. It

is located on the grounds of the Webster Springs Hotel, 6 feet north of the south fence. It consists of

a column of sandstone 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground. The center of a copper plate
set in the center of this stone marks the point. The mark or range used was the ball on the couit-

house. This mark or range bears 7" 46^.0 west of true north.

Wood County, Parkersburg, /^p^." .Observations were made over the north monument of the

meridian line at Parkersburg. This north meridian monument is in the city park, formerly the old

county fair grounds. It is located in a clump of trees northeast of the old **

grand stand.'* The south

meridian 697 feet due south of the nortli monument, and is also in the city park, near

the superintendent's house. These monuments are very heavy Cleveland sandstone posts, sunk with

their tops extending a few inches out of the ground. The centers of disks* set in the centers
of the tops of these monuments mark the two ends of this meridian line. Mr. J. S. A. Farrar, city
engineer, knows the exact location of these monuments.

Wyoming County, Baileysville, igoo. "

Observations were made over a wooden stub located in a

field behind the little white church, and on the north side of this church. It is distant 193 feet from

the northwest corner of this church, and 70 feet from the center of the lumber tramway which crosses

the field between the church and this stub. The mark or used was the point of the west gable
of Bailey's Hotel. This mark or range bears 78" 40^.6 east of true south.

Wyotning County, Oceana, igoo. "

The meridian line established here by the United States logical

Survey in 1898 could not be used. Observations were made over a wooden stub located on the

low ridge between the south stone of the Geological Survey and the river. It is distant, respectively,
148, 116, and 128 "^ feet from the consecutive trees on the water's edge nearest the station; one is an

oak, one a water birch, and one a beech tree. It is 60 or 70 yards west of this meridian line of the

Geological Survey. The south stone is south of the town, on land owned by Mrs. M. A. Conley. The

mark or range used was the point of the Methodist church tower. This mark or bears 28" 01^.9
west of true north.


Brown County, Green Bay, /8g/."The station is in the fair grounds, east of the city, in the open

space just east of the race track, south of "

White Pine Grove" and north of the exposition building.
It is 63.1 feet from the outer edge of the track, and is also feet, feet, and feet,
race 74.5 59 57

respectively, from the trunks of the three south pine trees of the just north of the station.
It is marked by a small terra cotta pipe sunk even with the surface of the ground.
Buffalo County, Alfna, /8gj. "
The station is 516 feet east and 50 feet north of the west quarter-
section post in section 26.

Buffalo County, Maxville,'i8g3.^1ih" station is 439 feet east and 618 feet north of the south

quarter-section post in section 21.

Crawford County^ Prairie du Chien, The station is in the southwest of the house
igoo. "

grounds, 22 feet 5 inches from the inner edge of the sidewalk to the south and feet inches
24 9
from the diagonal brick walk the grounds. It is marked by limestone inches
on a post 7 square,


404 1902.

WISCONSIN" Continued.

lettered on top U. S. C. S. and sunk flush with the surface of the ground. The mark or range used

was the southwest edge of the chimney on the third house from the corner on the east side of the

street bounding the court-house on the east, and bears 57" 40^.8 east of true south.

Dane County, Madison, /poo. "

^The station is in the second meadow north of the main barn, and

is west of the lane of the university farm. It is 185.5 feet north of the wire fence between the two

meadows. The line joining the northeast comer of the main bam and the magnetic station intersects

this wire fence at a point 205.5 ^^^t west of the lane. It is marked by a Bedford limestone post 8

inches square, with its top 6 inches below the surface of the ground. The dome of the main asylum
building bears 14" 14^.2 east of true north.

La Crosse County, La Crosse, i^oo. "

The station is inside the race course of the fair grounds,
about I mile east of the town. It is marked by a Bedford stone post 8 inches square lettered on top
U. S. C. " G. S., and sunk flush with the ground. This stone is 81 feet 8 inches to the east from the

race-track fence and 134 feet i inch to the northeast from the northeast corner of the judge's stand.

The mark or range used was the southeast corner of the main exhibition building, and bears 24" 55^.1
west of true south

Milwaukee County, Milwaukee, 1888, "

The station is just west of the North Point light-house,
III feet 3 inches from the granite post marking the southwest comer and 57 feet 6 inches from the

granite post marking the northwest comer of the boundary of the light-house grounds. It is marked

by a wooden stub.

Pierce County, Ellsworth, 18^3. "

The station is on land Qwned by Mr. Leonard, 129 meters west

of the farm division fence and 133.3 meters south of the quarter-section line.

Pierce County, Maiden Roci, /8gj. "

^The station is on the farm of Col. C. O. Rask, 560 feet north

and 41 feet west of the center of section 21 (T. 24 R. 16 \V). It is nearly in front of his house, just
west of the wagon road.

Price County, *Prentice, 1891. "

The station is on the bluff on the bank of Jump River, at the foot

of Park street. It is almost in line with the northern edge of this street, being 8.42 meters from the

stub marking the comer of the foot of the street on the north side and 20.50 meters from the stub

which marks the comer on the south side. It is marked by an elm post sunk even with the surface

of the gi-ound.

Crook County, Mileposts 283, 284, 1882. "

The station is on the line between these posts.
Crook County, Little Missouri River, 1882. "
The station is 576.3 feet west of milepost No. 329,
of the north boundary.
Crook County, northeast comer of Wyoming, 1882, "
The station is the northeast comer of the

State, and is marked by a stone post completely covered with earth, thus forming a small mound.

Sheridan County, Milepost 185, 1882. "

This post is near the Fort Custer wagon road, just east

of it.

Yellowstone National Park, Milepost 42, 18S2, "

The milepost is on the west side of the summit

of a hill in the valley of Slough Creek.

Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Lake, i8g2. "

The station is 69.14 meters north and 0.025

meters west of the longitude pier in the edge of the pine woods, about 10 meters west of the road from

Lake Hotel to Canyon Hotel, and about one-half mile northeast from Lake Hotel. Observations

were also made at a point 334. 2 meters south of the pier, showing a strong local disturbance.


Carson, igoi. "

Observations were made at a point about i 450 feet west of Kettle River, and almost

in line*with the south side of a 200-foot bridge crossing the stream. It is 12.7 feet west of boundary
monument No. and is marked by an iron post placed there to mark the azimuth station and the
south end of a meridian line.

Columbia River at Canadian Boundary, Observations were made at a point east of the
river and about 400 feet due north of Boundary post-office,Washington. The mark or range used was

the azimuth station at the Boundary, and bears 62" \V .^ west of true south.


Comox'^ I goo. "

Observations for declination and dip were
hastily made at Union Spit, near Comox,

while steamer stopped for coal. The observations repeated in front of the hotel at Union Bay.

Lion Point i8gj, Observations made the head of Portland Canal, prominent
were near on a

rocky knoll covered with brush, and of the extreme end of the point, about
moss, stumps trees, near

meters back of high-water mark and meters above high water. The instrument
20 7 mean was

mounted on a
wooden post 10
inches in diameter and firmly set into the ground 20. i meters east of

north from brick pier capped with granite block with the letters U. S. C. " G. S., 1895, cut into the
a a


Midway^ igoi, "

^The station
was on
the west side of Boundary Creek exactly in line between two

stone piles monuments. No. 66 the high mountain mile west, and No. 63 the hill
or on a on green

three-fifths of mile east. This spot used also azimuth station, and such has been
a was as an as

marked with iron 3^^ inches in diameter and feet long, with brass inscribed S.
an post 4 a cap


Port Simpson^ ^^95- "

^This station is located on
the west side of the hill, just east of the town, and

is little north of east of the Hudson Bay Company's store, and distant about meters therefrom.
a 300

A brick pier about feet high marks the astronomical station. This is capped by granite block,
3 a

lettered top U. S. C. " G. S., 1895. Magnetic observations made at point meters due
on were a 23.30

north of the center of this pier

Silicia Creeky The station is the left bank of Silicia Creek, tributary of the Chilliwack
igor. "
on a

River. It is miles from Chilliwack, British Columbia, reached by road and trail. The
32 wagon

road extends to McGuire's ranch, 9
miles from Chilliwack, and the remaining distance is by

trail. The trail follows the right bank of the Chilliwack River, crossing that stream about hundred

yards above the mouth of Silicia Creek. Six miles farther on

it crosses
that creek and follows the

left bank to the station. About yards above the station it to the right bank of Silicia
up 50 crosses

Creek. Glacier Creek empties into Silicia Creek about half mile below the station. The station is

bench about 60 feet above the creek, and the mountain slopes steeply from it to the south and
on a up

west. The whole region is densely wooded with cedar, fir, and hemlock. Magnetic observations

made at point about meters due north of iron pipe set upright in the ground and
were a 50 an rounded

by rock cairn, which marks the U. S. C. " G. S. latitude station of This pipe is 3^
a 1901.

feet long and 3"^ inches in diameter and is covered by brass

a cap.

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