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‫ االستثـنائيّة‬6102 ‫دورة العـام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬

6102 ‫ تمـوز‬01 ‫السبت‬ ‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬

‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في علوم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫الرقم‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise 1 (5 points)

The gene responsible for the color of squash is

located on an autosome. To study the transmission of
this gene, two crosses are performed whose results
are shown in the adjacent document.

1- Describe the first cross using the given legends.

2- Is it a case of dominance or codominance? Justify
the answer.
3- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
4- Make the necessary factorial analysis to verify
the results in the second cross.

Exercise 2 (5 points)
The germ cells in the testes and ovaries Father Mother
Germ Chromosome
undergo meiosis which leads to the
formation of gametes. Each of these
gametes possesses one chromosome of the 21 21 21 21
two homologous chromosomes present in
a germ cell. The adjacent document shows
the behavior of the pair of chromosomes
№ 21 during meiosis in two parents.

1- a- Determine the parent who produces

the abnormal gametes.
b- Formulate a hypothesis which
explains the production of these
abnormal gametes. 21 21 21 21
2- a- Draw the chromosome(s) 21 of
each zygote resulting from the
gametes, each gamete gamete
union of male and female gametes having a having 2 having no
in each of the two cases: chromosome 21 chromosomes 21 chromosomes 21
Case 1: gamete A with gamete C
Case 2: gamete A with gamete D
b- Does the zygote in case 1 show any
anomaly? If yes, name this
Exercise 3 (5 points)

To study the gas exchange during cellular respiration, the following experiment is performed. Alive
muscle tissues are placed in a well-sealed closed flask at a temperature of 37oC. The levels of O2 gas and
CO2 are measured during 5 minutes. The results are shown in the table below.

Time( min) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of gas
O2 gas 21 19 18 17.5 17 16.5
CO2 0.03 0.8 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.5

1- Pose the problem studied in this experiment.

2- Draw a curve showing the variation of O2 gas as a function of time.
3- a- Analyze the results presented in the above table.
b- What do you conclude concerning the gas exchange during cellular respiration?

Exercise 4 (5 points)

Cellulose is a carbohydrate composed of glucose molecules. It is found in food of plant origin; however,
it is not digested in the human digestive tract due to the absence of cellulase enzyme. Cellulose facilitates
the movement of food through the large intestine.
Document 1
1- Pick out from document 1:
a. The name of the molecule that constitutes cellulose.
b. The reason why cellulose is not digested in humans.

In order to verify the effect of cellulose on the activity of the large intestine, a study is performed on a
group of healthy individuals of the same age, mass and sex. A suitable technique is used to measure the
peristaltic movements of the intestine in each individual of this group in three situations:

Situation 1: They are fed food devoid of cellulose.

Situation 2: They are fed food poor in cellulose.
Situation 3: They are fed food rich in cellulose.

The obtained results are shown in document 2.

2- Deduce, based on the performed study whose

results are shown in document 2, the effect of
cellulose on the intestinal activity.

Sami suffers from constipation. The doctor advises

him to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Document 2
3- Justify, based on all what precedes, the doctor’s advice.
‫الدورة اإلستثنائية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
6102 ‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات‬
‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫مشروع معيار التصحيح‬
‫المدة ساعة‬
Answer the four following exercises:
Exercise 1 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The cross of a green squash of pure race with a yellow squash of pure
race, gives in the first generation 100% striped squash plants (green and
yellow). 1
2 This is the case of codominance (0.5 pt), because we obtained in F1 a new
phenotype (0.25) squash striped (green and yellow) where the alleles
green and yellow are that are responsible for color are expressed.(0.25 pt) 1
3 Symbols of alleles: G : green ( 0.25 pt Y : yellow ( 0.25 pt)
4 Factorial analysis :
P: ♂GY  ♀YY ( 0.25 pt each)

γP : G Y Y ( 0.25 pt each )

50% 50% 100% ( 0.25 pt )

Table of cross :(0.5 pt)

♀ 50% 50%

Y 100% GY 50% YY 50%

After analyzing the table we obtain two phenotypes :

50% squash striped green and yellow
50% yellow squash
Thus, the experimental results are confirmed. ( 0.5 pt) 2.5
Exercise 2 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a Certain maternal gametes contain two chromosomes 21and other gametes
don’t contain any chromosomes 21 (0.5 pt).On the contrary the normal
gamete should contain one chromosome 21( 0.5 pt). Thus the abnormal
gametes are produced by the mother. (0.5 pt) 1.5
1-b Hypothesis: During anaphase I the two homologous chromosomes 21
migrated to the same pole instead of migrating to opposite poles.
Hypothesis: During anaphase II, sister chromatids of chromosomes 21
migrated to the same pole instead of migrating to opposite poles. 1
Case 1 Case 2

21 21 21 21

Zygote having Zygote having

3 chromosomes 21 one chromosome 21
2-b Yes . (0.25 pt), Trisomy 21 (0.75 pt)
Exercise 3 (5 points)
Answer Mark
1 The posed problem: Is oxygen gas consumed and carbon dioxide released during
cellular respiration?
What gas exchange takes place during cellular respiration? 1

The variation in the percentage of oxygen gas a s a function of time
3a The level of O2 gas in the closed jar where the alive muscle tissues are placed
decreases from 21% to 16.5% during 5 minutes( 0.75 pt). On the contrary, the level of 1.5
CO2 increases from 0.03% to 2.5% during the same duration( 0.75 pt).
3b During cellular respiration, oxygen gas is consumed while CO2 is released by the cells. 0.5

Exercise 4 (5 points)
Part of the
Answer Mark
1-a Glucose 0.75
1-b Cellulose is not digested in the human digestive tract due to the absence
of cellulase enzyme
2 The peristaltic movements of the intestines are the least( 10 a.u) in the
group of healthy individuals which are fed food devoid of cellulose; these
peristaltic movements increase to a much higher value (20 a.u to 45 a.u)
as the diet becomes richer in cellulose (1.5 pt). Therefore,
cellulose enhances the peristaltic movements of the intestine. ( 0.5 pt) 2
3 Since fruits and vegetables are of plant origin, thus they contain cellulose
which facilitates the movement of non-digested food through the large
intestine and enhances its peristaltic movements which can solve Sami’s
problem. 1.5

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