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BM GOC, London WC1N 3XX

Email: [email protected] Affiliated to The Ramblers, The British Caving
Web: Association, Cycling UK, and the Youth Hostels

Contents  4 Who’s Who

 5 Newsdesk
 6 AGM 2023
 10 Candidate Profiles
 12 Events at AOG 2023
 27 Regular Events
 28 Recent Events
 30 Out and About
 72 Associated Clubs
Cover Design: Peter van der Walt

Please send your copy for the

September 2023 issue to Peter
Blackburn; email [email protected] , by
Monday 7th August 2023, and please
have your events online by then so that
they will appear in that issue’s Out &
About diary.

‘Gay Outdoor Club’ and ‘GOC’ refer to Gay Outdoor Club Ltd, a
© GOC June 2023 company registered by guarantee in England & Wales number
08020133, Registered Charity number 1,158,873.
Printed by Newman Thomson, 1 Jubilee Road,
Victoria Industrial Estate, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TL

Alex Barr
email: [email protected]
For all general enquiries

Jim Cornwell Roger Sheldon
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
For all questions about club policy, For expense claims and questions about the
publicity, insurance and safety. club’s finances.

Group Liaison Web Manager

To be appointed Martin Gilbraith
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
Contact for GOC group coordinators and Manages the website and the club’s IT
associated clubs. resources.

Marketing Women’s Representative

Edward Voelcker Al Evans, email: [email protected]
email: [email protected] Promotes and encourages the participation
Contact for strategic planning, of women in the activities of the club.
marketing and publicity.

Membership Secretary Member Engagement

Kevin German, 38 Sunnyhurst Park, To be appointed
Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2HR. Works to improve the way that the club
email: [email protected] communicates with its members.
For changes of address and newsletter
delivery problems. Diversity and Inclusion
Gabby Giuffre;
Magazine Editor email: [email protected]
Peter Blackburn Works to promote diversity and inclusion
email: [email protected] within GOC.
For 'Outdoors' articles, reports & diary.
* Not a trustee; all others are trustees of
Cover Design & Advertising GOC.
* Peter van der Walt
email: [email protected]
Graphic design for ‘Outdoors’ covers and
other GOC publications and ‘Outdoors’
advertising sales.

* SimonBalll
email: [email protected]

Comments from the Chair GOC welcomes everyone who shares
Congratulations to David Millar for our aims and values. Our thanks go to
starting the club’s History and Culture Gabby for promoting diversity and
Group. I am delighted that this inclusion on behalf of the Club
alternative to walking in the Are You Proud? Over the next few
countryside is now available to our months, Pride events will be taking
members to enjoy. As a former National place across the country. I have already
Trust Guide, I have always been attended Swansea and in June will be in
fascinated by our rich historical Cardiff. In my diary, I have London in
background and industrial heritage. I'm August and Reading in early
sure Group Co-Ordinators can find September. If you are involved in your
amongst their members local historians local 'Pride Day' event, our marketing
and those with specialist knowledge committee is there to help and support
capable of undertaking this task, which you. They have display material
will make a welcome alternative to the available including some amazing beer
usual walks on offer, perhaps with a mats, a great excuse for you to visit
social gathering afterwards. In addition, your local pub! Contact Ned -https://
I recently joined our Online Group, a
friendly, chatty and welcoming marketing-events/ for further
addition to our specialist groups, ably information and support.
run by Martin Gilbraith. I thoroughly
Annual Outdoor Gathering: By the
recommend it to you. Contact Martin
time you read this message, I shall be
for more details: [email protected]
packing my bag ready to travel to this
Inclusivity and Diversity: We have year's Annual Outdoor Gathering,
come a long way since the dark days of which I understand is now fully
the 1950's. The Wolfenden Report to booked. Our thanks are due to Aaron
Parliament in 1957 to decriminalise Speed and his team for organising this
homosexual acts was not implemented event. I hope to meet as many of you as
until 1967. GOC was formed in 1974. possible over the weekend, and look
However, we still live in a world where forward to seeing you there!
misogyny, racism and homophobia still
Jim Cornwell, GOC Chair
exist today. I am pleased to say that

The club's Trustees are elected in full at the AGM each year. Any club member is
entitled to stand for election. An invitation to become a Trustee was published in
the May edition of ‘Outdoors’ and subsequently on the Website. By the deadline
of 30th May 2023, the following nine nominations had been received:

Candidate Proposer Seconder

Alexander Barr Malcolm Connolly Howard Dews
Allyson Evans Jim Cornwell Russ Harris
Edward Voelcker Martin Gilbraith Roger Sheldon
Gabriella Giuffre Zoe Smith Sam Turton
James (Jim) Cornwell Allyson Evans Russ Harris
Kevin German Roger Sheldon Martin Gilbraith
Martin Gilbraith Paul Conway David Wilde
Peter Blackburn Gordon Pullenger Neil Robson
Roger Sheldon Malcolm Connolly Gary Quick
Our Articles of Association requires there to be a minimum of six Trustees, with a
maximum of twelve. The nominations above include four members who have
been co-opted onto the Board but have not previously been elected as Trustees
(Gabriella Giuffre, Jim Cornwell, Kevin German and Martin Gilbraith).
As the number of nominations is below the maximum number allowed, there will
not be a formal vote between alternative candidates. However, to increase the
democratic legitimacy of individual Trustees, the GOC Board wish to subject each
candidate to a positive endorsement. In order for a candidate to be approved as a
Trustee, more than 50% of the Members who vote need to approve the
nomination. Short profiles of each candidate are available on Pages 8 and 9.
Members unable to attend the AGM, or who wish to vote before the meeting, can
fill in their details on page 6 and complete the ballot paper on page 7. Then they
can either post both pages, or send them by email. Please follow the instructions
on the ballot paper. The deadline for receipt of postal and email votes is
Members who attend the AGM on 29th July will be able to vote at the meeting, so
long as they have not already voted by post or email.
After the AGM, the Trustees will appoint a Chair from among themselves. They
will also be able to co-opt up to three further members as Trustees. There are
current vacancies for members to take responsibility for group liaison and
membership engagement, and other roles are being considered.

The two resolutions below were unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees
on 1st April 2023 and are submitted for approval by Members at this year's AGM.
No resolutions were submitted by members.
Resolution 1 (Appointment of Accountant)
The Board proposes that Patricia Jane Ward of Crest Accounting Ltd be appointed
as the independent accountant.
Resolution 2 (Proposed amendment to GOC Articles of Association)
The Board proposes that the GOC Articles of Association are amended as outlined
below. These changes are needed to fully reflect that GOC welcomes people from
any section of the LGBTQI+ community to our events. The change acknowledges
the evolution of terminology in the LGBTQI+ community and our desire to be a
beacon of support and solidarity for every section of the LGBTQI+ community.

Extract from Articles of Association and proposed changes

Article 1.1
The Objects are to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the
interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of
any individuals who have need of such facilities especially, but not
exclusively, gay men and women, with the object of improving their
conditions of life.
The Objects are to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the
interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of
any individuals who have need of such facilities especially, but not
exclusively, everyone in the LGBTQI+ community, with the object of
improving their conditions of life.
Article 14.2
'Gay' refers to anyone who identifies as a gay man, lesbian, bisexual or
That this Article be deleted, as changes to Article 1.1 clarify this term


You can use this form to positively endorse each of the nine nominations to
become a Trustee of GOC and to vote on the two resolutions below if:
1. You are unable to attend the AGM on 29th July 2023, or
2. You are attending but wish to vote in advance of the meeting.
The deadline for voting is Saturday 22nd July 2023:

You may vote by either email or post. In either case:

Your details need to be completed for your vote to count.
State whether you are attending the AGM.
Place an X in the ‘Positively Endorse’ box of each Nomination you support (up
to nine) or leave blank if you do not endorse.
Vote For or Against each Resolution.
1) Email Print this form, complete it, scan it and send it as an attachment in an
email to:
Graeme Brown, Returning Officer ([email protected])
2) Post Complete the form and return it to:
Graeme Brown
9 The Terrace


Name (please print) __________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

Postcode: ______________ Signature: _________________________

I will be attending the AGM Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)

Nine nominations to become Trustees of GOC have been received. This is be-
tween the minimum number of six and the maximum number of twelve. The
Board wish that before a Nominee can become a Trustee that all Members have
the opportunity to positively endorse each nominee’s candidacy. The Board en-
courages you to take this opportunity by showing your support for each of the
nominees shown below.

Nominee Positively Endorse

Alexander Barr
Allyson Evans
Edward Voelcker
Gabriella Giuffre
James (Jim) Cornwell
Kevin German
Martin Gilbraith
Peter Blackburn
Roger Sheldon

Resolution 1 (Appointment of Accountant)
The Board proposes that Patricia Jane Ward of Crest Accounting Ltd be appointed
as the independent accountant.


Resolution 2 (Proposed amendment to GOC Articles of Association)

The Board proposes that the GOC Articles of Association shall be amended as set
out on page 5.


Candidate Profiles
Alexander Barr
I have been a GOC Transpennine member since 1999. After seeing an appeal from
the Chair for volunteers, I was co-opted on to the board as a Trustee at the
beginning of 2022 and received a positive endorsement from members at the AGM
in Stirling. My first task was proof-reading the monthly magazine for the editor.
Then this year, at very short-notice, I took on the duties of company secretary. I
am on a fairly steep learning curve! While I have some transferable skills from my
part-time post as an NHS consultant, some aspects of the role are completely new
to me, so I am learning from my mistakes!
Allyson Evans
I have been a trustee since 2013, when I was asked to take over as Women’s
Representative. I support our women members and am active in trying to get
more women involved in the club. I started a “women only” weekend in 2016,
which is well supported by women from all over the UK. This is a highly
anticipated weekend, particularly by the women that have no/few women, who
walk in their local groups, forging friendships and links for future get togethers/
weekends away. I wish to continue to promote and encourage the participation of
women in the activities of the club.
Edward (Ned) Voelcker
I have been a GOC member for around 12 years and live in Central London. I
don’t really have a “home group” and tend to arrive at walks on my motorbike if
within about 50 miles of London. I served on the Board from 2017 to 2019 as
Treasurer before moving overseas for work. On returning prematurely due to the
pandemic I rejoined the Board and have been leading the Marketing Committee
that has focused on Inclusivity and Diversity and a variety of efforts to increase
the membership numbers and diversity of the GOC.
Gabriella Giuffre
I love the outdoors and walking and joining GOC was just the right thing for me. I
have been a GOC member since 2015 and over the years I have walked with
several GOC groups mostly in the Midlands and made many friends. In 2021, I
volunteered to support the GOC Marketing Committee and then in 2022 I agreed
to join the board as Inclusion and Diversity Officer. I agreed to become a board
member because I want to contribute and actively support the LGBTQI+
community, and to help GOC to thrive, grow and be a central point for our
community for the next 50 years!

James (Jim) Cornwell
Although officially James, I'm called Jim. Born in East London just after the war, I
have lived most of my life in the home counties. I'm a former Chair of the
Ramblers’ Association – Aylesbury and District Group – but also do volunteering
work for the Youth Hostel Association. I love walking and the great outdoors. I
joined GOC in 2015 with the Milton Keynes Group. I am now retired and living in
West Wales and am an active member of our West Wales Group. As the current
Chair of GOC, I am walking with as many Groups as possible around the country
and supporting their Pride events.
Kevin German
I joined the GOC many years ago with an aim to increase my fitness and meeting
likeminded people on walks around the Northwest. I became the membership
secretary and Trustee in 2022 and enjoy supporting the operational function of the
group. I took early retirement from my role as Clinical Manager of a Diabetic
Retinopathy Screening Service in the NHS. I live with my long-term partner on
the sunny Fylde Coast.
Martin Gilbraith
I have lived with my husband in London since 2010 and walked with the GOC
London group more or less regularly during that time. Before that we lived in
Manchester and I walked with the GOC associated club Out on Sunday for many
years. Since Sep 2020 I have been doing social media for GOC (twitter & facebook)
and since Dec 2021 co-ordinating the new Online group. In Oct 2022 I joined the
GOC Board as Website & IT manager. In my day job, I design and lead meetings
and events for clients as a freelance professional facilitator.
Peter Blackburn
Having joined GOC in the spring of 2011, I became club secretary later that year, a
post which I held until October 2018. In addition, I was the AOG organiser from
2015 to 2018, and Chairman from October 2018 until July 2022. Since stepping
down as chairman, I have focused mainly on my role as magazine editor.
Roger Sheldon
I have been a member of GOC for many years, and was a board member and was
membership secretary for a time. Just over three years ago, I rejoined the board as
Treasurer. Having run various businesses of my own over the years, I often said
that I wondered what I would do when I settled down to a “proper job”. Now I’m
retired, I live on my own in the beautiful Roman city of Chester. My other
interests include motorbikes. To me, the perfect day is a bike trip to join a GOC
group, a walk in the countryside chatting with likeminded people, followed by a
bike trip back, arriving home tired but refreshed. What could be better?

Outdoor Events at AOG 2023
Bookings for the individual events park is on the right, just before the
taking place at AOG 2023 are now church. We have permission from the
open. Details of what is on offer are church staff to park at the church car
given below. The trip on the Romney, park. It is free, but it would be
Hythe and Dymchurch Railway costs appreciated if you could leave a
£40 per head. All other events are free donation at the church for the use of
of charge. their facilities. There are no buses or
When you have chosen the events that trains nearby, so please arrange to
you would like to attend, please go to share car transport from the University of Kent, as per AOG options. We will
-outdoor-gathering/ where all these give further details nearer the time.
events are listed, and make a booking Please bring a packed lunch and plenty
in the usual way. If you unable to do to drink. On our return journey, we
this, please ask another GOC member plan to stop at the Timber Batts
to make the booking for you. Please Alehouse in Bodsham for a refreshment
ensure that you do not book to attend break. The event contact is Gary Taylor
more than one event on each day. on 07376 780 137, on the day of the
walk only please. Grid ref: TR 101 444
Sat 29 July
Annual Outdoor Gathering The
Annual Outdoor Gathering The University to the Sea. This is an easy 7-
Beautiful North Downs. This is a mile linear walk from the AOG campus
pleasant 8-mile stroll through the Kent to the sea, in part along a disused
Downs Area of Outstanding Natural railway line. At the end you can go for
Beauty. The landscape has various a swim in the sea and either walk back
undulations, which is why it has been along the same route, or get a bus back
graded as moderate. There are lots of to the start. If you wish to spend time
lovely views passing through fields and enjoying the sea air, there is plenty to
woodland. Please meet for a prompt do and enjoy at the walk’s end in
10:30 start in the car park of the Church Whitstable. Starting from the AOG
of St Mary the Virgin, Hastingleigh. dispersal point at the University, for
This is actually in the hamlet of Court part of the time we will be walking
Lodge, TN25 5HN, which is to the along the old Crab and Winkle rail line.
south east of Hastingleigh. From Parking will be available at the
Hastingleigh, drive down Tamley Lane University. If you are driving to the
and turn left where the road sign says start, please register your vehicle with
Hastingleigh Church, Elmstead. The car the AOG organisers in advance, in

order to avoid potential parking 10:37, after the train arrives in Wye
charges. From Whitstable, bus route 4 from Canterbury West. Alternatively,
will get you back close to the you may wish to organise car-share
University. Please check the Stagecoach transport from the University. Please
website for timetables. Please bring a bring a packed lunch and plenty to
packed lunch and plenty to drink, or drink. There will be a pub or café stop
you can purchase food in any of the in Wye after the walk. Before the walk,
many cafes, pubs and restaurants in provisions can be bought at the Wye
Whitstable. The event contact is Andy Co-op supermarket. The event contact
Fisher on 07984 306 213. Grid ref: TR is Chris Weller 07783 500 679 Grid ref:
141 598 TR 137 595
Annual Outdoor Gathering Natural Annual Outdoor Gathering Faversham
Drama in the Wye area of the North and Graveney. This circular 10-mile
Downs. This is an 8-mile walk taking in walk heads out from the town of
the dramatic Devils Kneading Faversham through orchards. We will
Trough and the impressive Wye walk west to Luddenham village, up to
Crown, all within the North Downs Oare Creek with views of Sheppey and
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. the Swale estuary, and back along the
We shall also include a loop to the creek into Faversham, looking at some
village of Hastingleigh before our of its splendid architectural heritage as
return to Wye. The walk offers we return. This is a gentle, flat walk.
beautiful views, sheep, wild flowers Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at
and downland scenery. We will be Faversham Train Station, ME13 8EB.
walking on good paths, but there will There is plenty of parking in
be some steep stretches. We will depart Faversham, both paid and unpaid.
from the University at 09:30. The Please leave enough time to find
specific meeting point will be somewhere, and then to walk to the
announced nearer the time. The group meeting point. Please consult both bus
will walk down to Canterbury West and train time tables and also
train station and then get a train to Wye determine whether or not there will be
where the walk begins. The postcode any disruptions to services, such as
for Wye Railway Station is TN25 5EB. engineering works. Trains run from
There is a free public car park and Canterbury East Station (two stops) or
toilets behind the Co-Op supermarket please arrange a lift from the
near the train station, as well as free University. Please bring a packed lunch
on-street parking. The train journey and plenty to drink. The event contact
from Canterbury West takes about 20 is David Wright on 07856 849 703, on
minutes. Subject to changes in the train the day only. Grid ref: TR 015 609
times, the walk is scheduled to start at

Annual Outdoor Gathering Tour of Downs, and returning via the village of
Canterbury This easy 4-mile circuit will Westwell, will take in the rich wildlife
be an opportunity to discover the city of of Longbeech Wood and Charing Beech
Canterbury. It will feature many Hangers, with a number of superb
architectural, historical, parkland and views across the surrounding
other such interesting aspects of what countryside. Starting from the
the city has to offer. The walk leader historically important former palace,
has lived in the city since 1969 so has a we soon begin a gentle ascent out of
wealth of knowledge. It will be done at Charing and on to the North Downs
a gentle pace. The plan is to show Way (National Trail) for a short
participants around the city, stop for a distance. After a short climb, we leave
leisurely lunch, then continue. If you the North Downs Way and pass around
wish to break off and visit the cathedral the Kent Gliding Club (Challock) where
or do your own exploration, please let we are likely to see gliders silently
the leader know at the time. Please taking off to catch the thermal currents
meet for a prompt 10:00 start at the of the escarpment. After passing
AOG Dispersal point on the University through woodland, we will reach the
campus. From there, we will get a bus open space on the top of the North
to the northern edge of the old town, Downs where, on a clear day, there
before walking into Canterbury and may be extensive views across Kent. We
being shown around at a leisurely pace. will stop in the rural village of Westwell
If you are travelling to the starting with its population of just 740. This is
point at the university by car, please where travellers once stopped on The
register your vehicle with the AOG Pilgrims Way while heading to
organiser in order to avoid potential Canterbury. The village is a
parking charges. The tour will end in conservation area in an Area of
the city. For those who wish to get a Outstanding Natural Beauty and the
bus back to the campus, there are about parish church of St Mary the Virgin
four buses an hour. Alternatively, you dates back to at least 13th century. The
may choose to walk back to the Wheel Inn in the centre of the village
campus. You can either bring a packed may be open, but do check if you want
lunch, or purchase a meal in the city food as they may be very busy! We
where there are lots of cafes, pubs and advise you to bring a packed lunch and
restaurants. The event contact is John plenty to drink. After lunch, we will
Ellaby who will meet you at the climb back onto the North Downs Way
campus. Grid ref: TR 142 598 which we follow most of the way back
Annual Outdoor Gathering Top of The to Charing. For those with an interest in
Downs – Charing. This 8-mile walk to archaeology, along the way we will
one of the highest points on the North pass evidence of Kent's more recent

industrial past including the remains of and onto the shoreline with views
the old lime kilns of Stubyer's Wood across to the Isle of Sheppey, where we
and Burnt House Farm. Various can have a picnic lunch. We then head
archaeological finds on or near the inland to walk through fields, orchards
Pilgrims Way include a Romano-British and will see where many English
cremation urn found in 1818 (Westwell strawberries are grown. We eventually
Downs), a crouched Bronze Age burial come to the Church of St Bartholomew
and a late Bronze Age pot found in 1935 in Goodnestone, before heading back
(Dencher Wood), just two of the into Faversham. Some of this walk is
significant finds in the surrounding exposed with very little cover should
area. This is a moderate walk with a there be hot sunshine, wind or rain.
couple of climbs. Please meet for a There is very little elevation. Paths are
prompt 10:30 start at the Archbishop's generally good. Please meet for a
Palace, Charing. Parking is available in prompt 10:15 start on the town side of
the nearby streets of Charing, TN27 Faversham train station, ME13 8EB. You
0JG, and also at the train station, TN27 may park in the station car park which
0JB, where you may have to pay. You is pay-and-display. It should be
may also be able to arrange a lift from approached via The Mall, ME13 8JL.
the University. Trains from Canterbury Alternatively, there is usually plenty of
West to Charing are hourly at the time on-street car parking nearby. For this
of writing with a change at Ashford, walk we will use cars to get to the
Journey time is about 40 minutes by starting point. It is about 10 miles from
train, but please check for possible the campus, so allow about 20 minutes
engineering works. Please bring a to drive to the start. Please meet at 09:45
packed lunch and plenty to drink. At at the AOG dispersal point at the
the end of the walk, those who wish to university. We aim to start the walk at
linger, a tea shop is likely to be open, or 10:15. There are trains from Canterbury
you can patronise the Bookmakers East, London Victoria and London St
Arms Pub in the High Street, Charing. Pancras. You can also get a number 3
The event contact is Neil Anthony on bus from Canterbury bus station, but
07587 122 798. Grid ref: TQ 954 494 please check the timetable on the
Annual Outdoor Gathering A Stagecoach website. Please bring a
Medieval brewing town and coastal packed lunch and plenty to drink.
countryside. This 11-mile walk starts in There is a Co-op near the station. The
the mediaeval town of Faversham, event contact is Richard Auckland on
home to one of the oldest breweries in 07803 903 362. Grid ref: TR 015 609
England. We shall walk along the creek
passing historic Tudor warehouses,
before heading out to the marshland

Annual Outdoor Gathering Midway along the walk, we will see the
Whickambreaux and Stodmarsh. This historic remains of Reculver Church.
level 9.5-mile walk near the River Stour On our pre-walk, these were fenced off
just downstream of Canterbury will for renovations but you can still get
take us through a number of beautiful close for observing and taking photos.
villages. Once out of Sturry, we pass This is where we plan to stop for our
through woodland which opens out lunch break. Please meet for a prompt
into views over the Stour Valley and 10:30 start outside St Nicholas Church
leads us to a series of charming and in the village of St Nicholas at Wade,
historic villages. Lunch will be on a CT7 0NP. Free parking is available in
village green with a pub before re- the streets near the church, but please
entering woodland on the return leg. park considerately. Lifts from the
This is a flat walk with no significant Campus will be provided for those that
ascents or obstacles. It mostly uses well need them, so please gather at the AOG
maintained public footpaths but the Dispersal Point at 09:30 so that we can
area is low-lying, and so it may be organise that. Please bring a packed
muddy after rain. Please meet for a lunch and plenty to drink. The King
prompt 10:30 start in front of Sturry Ethelbert Inn at Reculver may allow
Railway Station, CT2 0AQ. The station you to eat your lunch in their garden if
does not have a car park, but parking is you buy a drink, but please check first.
available in nearby residential streets. The event contacts are Julian Smith on
There is a regular bus service to the 07484 609 302 and Andrew Bateman on
start location from Canterbury main 07928 928 167. Grid ref: TR 265 666
bus station. Sturry is about four miles Annual Outdoor Gathering
from the University of Kent. Please Cycling Cycle ride to the west of
allow 15 minutes to drive there, plus Canterbury. This 35-mile ride will be
time to park. Lunch will be taken on the predominantly on country lanes.
village green at Wickhambreaux, there However, at the start of the ride, we
is a pub for drinks but please bring a will need to cross Canterbury, which is
packed lunch. The event contact is always busy. We will take advantage of
David White on 07710 124 300. Grid ref: about three miles of good quality cycle
TR 177604 path which take us out of Canterbury.
Annual Outdoor Gathering Reculver The coastal stretch around Whitstable
and the Wantsum walk. This is an easy, will also be busy as it is a magnet for
flat 9.5-mile walk along inland paths day trippers. Whilst not flat, there are
and tracks across marshland, plus a no challenging hills. On our route we
section along the sea wall offering will ride along the attractive riverside
extensive views of the beautiful Kent cycle path along Great Stour, pass
countryside. through the charming village of

Chilham, often used for period costume be our only chance to have a look
TV dramas, view the valleys and rolling around over the weekend. We shall
hills of the North Downs, ride through return to the university via
the market town of Faversham with its Harbledown, a small village to the
creek and former trading Thames north west of Canterbury. Its High
Barges and ride along the coast road to Street is a conservation area. The Parish
Whitstable, which is famous for its Church of St Michael and All Angels
oysters and fishing harbour. If time, and The Hospital of St Nicholas are
weather, and sea temperatures permit, located here, the latter now an
we can take a dip in the sea at Almshouse with cottages for elderly
Whitstable. So, will anyone bring their people. Later, we will cross the River
skimpy speedos? Please meet for a Stour and head into Thanington, with
prompt 10:00 departure at the AOG its parish church dedicated to St
dispersal point at the University. If Nicholas, which lies about a mile west
you’re bringing your bike in by car, of Canterbury. Please meet for a
please register your vehicle with the prompt 10:00 departure at the AOG
AOG organisers to avoid parking dispersal point on the university
charges. There is the option of catching campus. If travelling by car, please
the train from Faversham back to register your vehicle with the AOG
Canterbury. Please bring a packed organisers in order to avoid any
lunch and plenty to drink, or buy it parking charges. As we will be walking
enroute. We aim to stop for a morning from the university, there are no travel
coffee. The event contact is Graeme arrangements as such. However, if you
Brown on 07947 515 177. Grid ref: TR prefer to return from the city by bus,
142 598 please let the walk leader know at the
Annual Outdoor Gathering, Women A time. You may either bring a packed
women-only circular walk from the lunch and plenty to drink, or purchase
University campus. This moderate food in the many cafes, pubs or
8-mile walk will feature various urban restaurants in Canterbury. The event
and rural landscapes as we travel south contact is Al Evans on 07791 408 184.
west from the University into the Grid ref: TR 142 598
countryside for a while. We will walk Sun 30 July
past fruit orchards from where we will Annual Outdoor Gathering The
have views of the city of Canterbury Bourne Walk. Following the course of
and its cathedral. We will then head the Nailbourne, this easy 9-mile walk
south through more rural settings starts at Patrixbourne near Canterbury,
before returning along the city and passes through villages including
streets. We can stop here awhile and Littlebourne, Bekesbourne,
split up as we enjoy Canterbury. It may Wickhambreaux and Ickham.
It includes five churches and some of area is very interesting. This is an easy
the picturesque former watermills. It walk. Please meet for a prompt 09:30
also features orchards and the departure from the AOG dispersal
watercourses which become the Little point at the University. For part of the
Stour River. Please meet for a prompt route, we will be walking along the old
10:30 start close to St Mary's church, Crab and Winkle rail line. Parking is
Patrixbourne, CT4 5BP. As the road is available at the University, but if you
narrow, the meeting point will be at the are driving to the start, please register
small crossroads with Keeper's Hill. As your vehicle with the AOG organisers
Patrixbourne is a small village, it may before the AOG weekend commences,
be possible to park safely in other parts in order to avoid potential parking
of the village. However, there is a charges. Bus route 4 will get you back
fee-paying car park at Bekesbourne from Whitstable to the vicinity of the
station, CT4 5EP, which is a good 12 University. Please check the timetable
minutes’ walk away from our starting on the Stagecoach website. Please bring
point. If required, lifts can be arranged a packed lunch and plenty to drink, or
from Bekesbourne Station. Please bring purchase food in any of the many cafés,
a packed lunch and plenty to drink. pubs or restaurants in Whitstable. The
There may be a pub stop in one of the event contact is Chris Weller on 07783
villages. However, if it's too busy, we 500 679 on the day of the walk only.
may choose to stop somewhere more Grid ref: TR139 597
remote. The event contact is Neil Annual Outdoor Gathering Bredgar
Anthony on 07587 122 798. Grid ref: TR Ramble. An interesting 10-mile walk
190 551 through woodlands and farmland,
Annual Outdoor Gathering Crab and starting and ending in the picturesque
Winkle Walk. This is a pleasant 7-mile village of Bredgar. The walk starts with
linear walk from the University to the the possibility of coffee and home-made
sea, partially along a disused railway cakes at the Tea Room, then a picnic
line. It is similar to a walk planned for lunch on a fine picnic table that should
the Saturday of the AOG weekend, but seat us all. At the end of the walk, we
will finish at Whitstable Tea Garden will have options for afternoon tea and
where you can take in the sea air. You a miniature railway ride, finishing at
can either walk back along the same the Sun Inn for reviving drinks. The
route, or get a regular bus back to the terrain is moderate, but includes three
start. There is a lot to do and enjoy at steep but short hill climbs. We will be
the walk’s end. You may even wish to walking mainly off-road, but there is a
bring swimming trunks and a towel for short section on a busy minor road.
the warmest sea in Britain. The town is Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at
famous for its oysters and the harbour Bredgar Farm Shop and Tea Room,

ME9 8EU. The tea room opens at 09:30, cathedral or do your own exploration,
so get there early for a cuppa if you please let the leader know at the time.
wish. Please park on the street, or Please meet for a prompt 10:00 start at
preferably in the village hall car park, the dipersal point on the University
ME9 8HB. If you park at the village campus. From there, we will get a bus
hall, please use the back of the car park to the northern edge of the old town,
away from the street, so that the locals before walking into Canterbury and
are not inconvenienced. From the car being shown around at a leisurely pace.
park, turn right past the school and If you are travelling to the starting
church, turn right again and the Tea point at the university by car, please
Room is a short distance on the right. register your vehicle with the AOG
As travel by car is the only option for organiser in order to avoid potential
this walk, lifts will be organised from parking charges. The tour will end in
and to the University. The approximate the city. For those who wish to get a
distance from Canterbury is 20 miles. bus back to the campus, there are about
Please bring a packed lunch and plenty four buses an hour. Alternatively, you
to drink. There will be an afternoon may choose to walk back to the
stop at the Bredgar and Wormshill campus. You can either bring a packed
Light Railway, where a cup of tea and a lunch or purchase a meal in the city
snack can be purchased. The event where there are lots of cafes, pubs and
contact is Nick Stanley on 07833 433 restaurants. The event contact is John
810. Grid ref: TQ 879 603 Ellaby, who will meet you at the
Annual Outdoor Gathering Tour of campus. Grid ref: TR 142 598
Canterbury This easy 4-mile circuit is Annual Outdoor Gathering Circular
largely a repeat of the walk offered on walk from the University campus This
Saturday 28th July, except that after moderate 8-mile walk will feature
lunch, Dr David Wright will take over various urban and rural landscapes as
the leading duties. It will be an we travel south west from the
opportunity to discover the city of University into the countryside for a
Canterbury, and will feature many while. We will travel by fruit orchards,
architectural, historical, parkland and from where will have views of the city
other such interesting aspects of what of Canterbury and its cathedral. We
the city has to offer. The first walk will then head south through more
leader has lived in the city since 1969 so rural settings before returning along the
has a wealth of knowledge. It will be city streets. We can stop here awhile
done at a gentle pace. The plan is to and split up as we enjoy Canterbury. It
show participants around the city, stop may be our only chance to have a look
for a leisurely lunch, then continue. If around over the weekend. Then we
you wish to break off and visit the shall return to the university via

Harbledown, a small village to the St Mary’s Church with its medieval
north west of Canterbury. Its High towers and the ruins of the Roman fort
Street is a conservation area. The Parish at Regulbium before returning to Herne
Church of St Michael’s and All Angels Bay. The terrain is relatively flat
and The Hospital of St Nicholas are although there are some steps and
located here, the latter now an slopes for us to navigate. Please meet
Almshouse with cottages for elderly for a prompt 11:30 start at the clock
people. Later, we will cross the River tower on the seafront, opposite
Stour and head into Thanington, with Wetherspoons pub, 72 Central Parade,
its parish church dedicated to St Herne Bay CT6 5JQ. Parking in Herne
Nicholas, which lies about a mile west Bay will be difficult at this time of year,
of Canterbury. Please meet for a so if travelling by car, please share lifts
prompt 10:00 departure at the AOG from the AOG site at the University.
dispersal point at the University. If Alternatively, the Triangle bus service
travelling by car, please register your operates between Canterbury,
vehicle with the AOG organisers in Whitstable and Herne Bay. Some buses
order to avoid any parking charges. As for Herne Bay do go via the university.
we will be walking from the university, To be certain though, from the
there are no travel arrangements as university walk along University Road
such. However, if you prefer to return or Giles Lane, west towards St Thomas
from the city by bus, please let the walk Hill, which is the road to Whitstable
leader know at the time. You may either and turn right up the hill. Find an
bring a packed lunch and plenty to available bus stop on the other side of
drink, or purchase food in the many the road and wait for a bus. There are
cafes, pubs or restaurants in usually four an hour. Then get a day
Canterbury. The event contact is Gary pass or return bus ticket to Herne Bay.
Taylor on 07376 780 137. Grid ref: TR Alight the bus in Herne Bay High Street
142 598 near the Texaco petrol station. The clock
Annual Outdoor Gathering Herne Bay tower is on the seafront parallel to the
coastal walk. This is an easy to High Street. The coast road in Herne
moderate 8-mile walk along the Bay is Central Parade and your leader
beautiful coastline between Herne Bay will be at the clock tower. If you intend
and the village of Reculver. We will to use this route, please leave the
walk through Bishopstone Glen and university on foot by 09:30 as it will
across the cliffs of the Reculver Country take about an hour and twenty minutes
Park, where we expect splendid sea to reach the clock tower. Please bring a
views and a variety of wildlife. There packed lunch and plenty to drink, or
will be a stop for lunch, coffee and cake purchase food in Herne Bay. There is a
and a chance to explore the abandoned café and a pub at the far end of the

walk. The event contact is Michael From there we will walk across open
Youngs on 07909 928 716 Grid ref: TR fields and along paths, including a
176 683 section of the North Downs Way, to the
Annual Outdoor Gathering Linear ancient village of Bafrestone, where
walk back to Canterbury. This 8.5-mile there is the exquisite Norman church of
easy to moderate walk takes in the St Nicholas, with some very fine
gatehouse of an old Archbishop's Palace Norman carving. We shall stop here for
and nearby ford(s), the valley of the lunch, and hopefully a nearby
Little Stour, the attractive village of microbrewery where I hope we can get
Littlebourne and the tiny ancient a pint. From here we head into
former town/port of Fordwich, and Fredville Park and a visit to another
enters the city through woodland ancient object, a Pedunculate Oak called
avoiding most of the suburbs. It is a Majesty. Next is the village of
varied and interesting landscape. The Nonington where an inscription on a
plan is to get a bus into Canterbury, gravestone will remind us of the errors
walk the short distance to Canterbury of our ways. After a short walk across
East station, take a short train journey open fields, we will return to Aylesham.
to our starting point at Bekesbourne, Most of this walk is along paths,
which takes four minutes, and then through fields and parkland and
walk back to the city. (If you prefer, you includes a few steady inclines. We shall
can drive to Bekesbourne train station start at Aysham Railway Station, CT3
where there is a parking charge, wait 3AS where parking is free. If it is full,
for the other members of the group, there is on-street parking nearby. We
and on completion of the walk get a bus will need to use cars to get from the
and a train to Bekesbourne to collect University to the start point. Aylsham is
your vehicle. However, we do not about ten miles from the campus, and
recommend this!) Please meet for a will take us around 25 mins to drive.
prompt 10:00 departure at the AOG Please meet at 09:45 at the AOG
Dispersal Point at the University. Please Dispersal Point, aiming to leave soon
bring a packed lunch and plenty to afterwards and start walking by 10:30.
drink. The event contact is Nick Newell On that basis, we would expect to finish
on 07388 105 849. Grid ref: TR 142 598 between 15:30 and 16:00. Alternatively,
there are trains to Aylsham from
Annual Outdoor Gathering Mining, a Canterbury East, London Victoria and
Norman Church and a very old lady! London St Pancras. In addition, bus
This 9-mile walk is an opportunity to route 89 goes from Canterbury bus
visit a little-known part of Kent. We station to Aylesham, but please check
shall start in the mining village of the timetable on the Stagecoach
Aylesham and briefly look at the website. Please bring a packed lunch
disused mine buildings at Snowdown.
and plenty to drink. There are limited entrance to the town museum.
shops in the village of Aylesham. There Guildhall Car Park is nearby and does
may be an opportunity to have a drink not charge on Sundays. Sandwich can
at lunchtime at the chalet style pub. The be popular, but there should be space in
event contact is Richard Auckland on this or other nearby car parks.
07803 903 362. Grid ref: TR 242 525 However, be aware that the Quayside
Annual Outdoor Gathering A car park does charge on a Sunday.
Sandwich at each end! This flat, 9-mile Sandwich train station is nearby, and
walk with no significant ascents or buses stop right outside the Guildhall.
obstacles explores the area around Sandwich is about 15 miles from our
Sandwich. We will combine a level base at the University, so please meet
walk in lovely open countryside with for a prompt 09:45 departure from the
Roman history, and a tour around one AOG dispersal point. We will have
of the best-preserved medieval towns in lunch overlooking the Roman fort at
the UK. After a walk through farmland Richborough, where there are no
with views across the winding route of facilities, so please bring a packed lunch
the River Stour to the sea, we make our and plenty to drink. The Co-Op and
way to the remains of a Roman other shops near our starting point sell
amphitheatre overlooking the Roman sandwiches, and there will be lots of
fort of Rutupiae, which is now called options to eat and drink after the walk.
Richborough. For a while, it was the The event contact is David White on
most important port in Roman Britain. 07710 124 300. Grid ref: TR 329 581.
After lunch, we will circle around the Annual Outdoor Gathering,
fort, walk back to Sandwich along the Cycling Cycle ride to the east of
banks of the river and tour the historic Canterbury. Once we are out of
town. The walk leader is a volunteer Canterbury, this ride will be
with English Heritage and an predominantly on quiet country
experienced guide to the lanes. It will be a longer but flatter ride
area. Members wishing to visit the than Saturday’s. Along the way, we will
remains of the Roman fort (English see the marshes which used to be the
Heritage) can opt out of the last section sea that separated the ‘Isle of Thanet’
of the walk and make their own way from the Kent mainland, the attractive
back to Sandwich. In the morning, we and ancient Cinque Port of Sandwich,
will be using well maintained public the privately owned Sandwich Bay
footpaths, and when we are back in Estate, Deal, a small town with many
Sandwich during the afternoon we will gay residents, the famous ‘Ham
be walking on pavements. Please meet Sandwich’ road sign, and the now
for a prompt 10:30 start outside disused East Kent Coalfields. If time,
Sandwich Guildhall, CT13 9AH, by the weather and sea temperatures permit,

we can swim in the sea at either 09:30 – 09:45 Gather at the AOG
Sandwich or Deal, perfect for anyone Dispersal Point at the university, ready
inclined bring their skimpy speedos! for a prompt 09:45 departure by coach.
Please meet for a prompt 10:00 10:30 Arrive at St Leonard’s Church in
departure from the AOG Dispersal Hythe, allowing an hour to visit the
Point. If you are travelling to the ossuary as we will not all be able to go
university by car, please register your in together.
vehicle with AOG organisers in order to 11:30 Walk to Hythe RHDR station
avoid parking charges. There will also (around 15 to 20 minutes)
be the option of catching the train from 12:00 Board RHDR train to Dungeness
Aylesham back to Canterbury. Please 13:05 Arrive at Dungeness station.
bring a packed lunch and plenty to 16:00 Board RHDR train to Hythe
drink, or buy it along the way! We aim 17:10 Arrive at Hythe station.
to stop for a morning coffee. The event 17:15 Board coach to Canterbury
contact is Graeme Brown on 07947 515 18.00 Arrive back at the University
177 Grid ref: TR142 598 Please note that there is a gentle ascent
Annual Outdoor Gathering, History & from Hythe Station to St Leonard's
Culture Coach and rail day trip to Church. Please bring a packed lunch
Dungeness. As part of this year’s and plenty to drink, or purchase what
Annual Outdoor Gathering, we are you need in Dungeness. The event
pleased to offer a trip from the campus contacts are Peter Blackburn on 07804
to Dungeness at a cost of £40 per 329 532 and Charles Byford on 07760
person. This will involve a coach trip to 168 765. Grid ref: TR 137 598
Hythe, where we will visit the ossuary Annual Outdoor Gathering Walk on
in the crypt of St Leonard's church, the White Cliffs of Dover. This is a
followed by a trip on the famous moderate 10-mile linear walk from
Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Dover to Deal across the white cliffs.
railway, from Hythe to Dungeness. This We leave from Dover Priory station and
iconic service has been running since start with a short walk through the
1927 and is greatly appreciated by all streets of Dover, passing the bus
who use it! The steam and diesel terminus for anyone using the bus to
locomotives are one-third of the size of access the walk. From there, we climb
normal trains. It is an enjoyable up to Langdon Cliffs (a stiff climb with
journey and on reaching Dungeness, some steps) which affords panoramic
there is a nature reserve, shingle beach, views of the port of Dover. We will then
the power station and various cafes and proceed across the white cliffs to South
a pub to make use of. Foreland lighthouse and St Margaret's
The itinerary is scheduled to be as Bay. Most of this is across National
follows: Trust lands giving great views across
the English Channel, the world's Canterbury bus station to Dover, but at
busiest international shipping lanes the time of writing, there is no
and, if it's a clear day, views of the convenient return bus from Deal to
French coast. Lunch will be on the Canterbury. Please note that this
beach at St Margaret's Bay where information is provisional. Once
there's a kiosk for snacks, hot and cold summer bus timetables and rail
drinks and ice creams. After lunch, a engineering works details are available
stiff climb back up the cliffs, including a these details may be updated. Please
few steep steps, takes us to the Dover bring a packed lunch and plenty to
Patrol memorial from where we cross drink. There is a small refreshment
more of the white cliffs to Kingsdown, kiosk at St Margaret Bay. The event
and then follow the flat beach side path contact is: Martin Brandon on 07525 252
past Walmer and Deal Castles to the 118. Grid ref: TR 314 415
walks end. On arrival at Deal,
Mon 31 July
participants can either return to
Canterbury or enjoy the town of Deal Annual Outdoor Gathering Walk on
before heading back to Dover. We the White Cliffs of Dover. This is a
should be in Deal by about 16:00. Please moderate 10-mile linear walk from
meet for a prompt 09:45 start on Dover Dover to Deal across the white cliffs.
Priory Station forecourt, or at 10:00 at We leave from Dover Priory station and
Dover Bus Terminus, Pencester start with a short walk through the
Gardens. Please note that these times streets of Dover, passing the bus
might be tweaked nearer the date once terminus for anyone using the bus to
public transport timetables are access the walk. From there, we climb
finalised. If you wish to drive to the up to Langdon Cliffs (a stiff climb with
walk, there are two options. You can some steps) which affords panoramic
either drive to Dover Priory station and views of the port of Dover. We will then
park there (£1 for the day at time of proceed across the white cliffs to South
writing) or free in a few surrounding Foreland lighthouse and St Margaret's
streets. Alternatively, you can park at Bay. Most of this is across National
Deal station car park (same charge) or Trust lands giving great views across
in local streets, and take the train/bus to the English Channel, the world's
Dover to the start of the walk. busiest international shipping lanes
Alternatively, take the train from and, if it's a clear day, views of the
Canterbury East to Dover Priory, return French coast. Lunch will be on the
from Deal to Canterbury East/West. beach at St Margaret's Bay where
You can buy a return ticket 'Canterbury there's a kiosk for snacks, hot and cold
Stations to Deal' to cover this journey. drinks and ice creams. After lunch, a
There is also bus number 15 from stiff climb back up the cliffs, including a
few steep steps, takes us to the Dover
Patrol memorial from where we cross bring a packed lunch and plenty to
more of the white cliffs to Kingsdown, drink. There is a small refreshment
and then follow the flat beach side path kiosk at St Margaret Bay. The event
past Walmer and Deal Castles to the contact is: Martin Brandon on 07525 252
walk’s end. On arrival at Deal, 118. Grid ref: TR 314 415
participants can either return to Annual Outdoor Gathering Historic
Canterbury or enjoy the town of Deal Walmer and Deal. This gentle 4.5-mile
before heading back to Dover. We stroll by the sea will take us through
should be in Deal by about 16:00. Please 2,000 years of history. Deal Castle is one
meet for a prompt 10:20 start on Dover of the finest Tudor artillery castles in
Priory Station forecourt, or at 10:30 at England, built on the orders of King
Dover Bus Terminus, Pencester Henry VIII in 1540. We can explore the
Gardens. Please note that these times castle from the tunnels below to the
might be tweaked nearer the time once battlements above, and visit the
public transport timetables are exhibition to find out how Henry's
finalised. If you wish to drive to the turbulent reign shaped England's
walk, there are two options. You can defences. We will then stroll along the
either drive to Dover Priory station and seafront to Walmer Castle and explore
park there (£6.00 for the day at time of over eight acres of award-winning
writing) or in one of the local council gardens in the grounds of a Tudor
car parks, which typically charge £9.60 fortress turned country house. It is the
per day. Alternatively, you can park at official residence of the Lords Warden
Deal station car park (£4.80 per day at of the Cinque Ports who have included
time of writing) and take the train/bus the Duke of Wellington and the Queen
to Dover to the start of the walk. Mother. Inside the castle are stories
Alternatively, take the train from from the castle's past and some
Canterbury East to Dover Priory, return remarkable objects, including a pair of
from Deal to Canterbury East/West. original Wellington Boots. We will
You can buy a return ticket 'Canterbury return to the quirky town of Deal which
Stations to Deal' to cover this journey. reached the peak of its importance as a
There is also bus number 15 from maritime settlement during the
Canterbury bus station to Dover, but at Georgian era. Much of the architecture
the time of writing, there is no from that time remains in its
convenient return bus from Deal to conservation areas which we will stroll
Canterbury. Please note that this around to tales of a rough town rife
information is provisional. Once with smuggling and other illicit
summer bus timetables and rail activities. We can finish the day with
engineering works details are available fish and chips by the sea or go to one of
these details may be updated. Please the many local pubs. The walk leader is

a volunteer with English Heritage and Annual Outdoor Gathering West of
an experienced guide to Deal. The walk Canterbury walk. This moderate 7-mile
will occupy most of the day but it is route will be along part of the Crab and
perfectly possible for members to opt Winkle Way to Harbledown, before
out of any part of it. Those not wanting passing through St Nicholas’s Hospital
to walk between the castles may drive. and on to a section of the North Downs
Both castles are managed by English Way, which will take us through part of
Heritage and there are admission fees Blean Woods, past Bigbury Camp and
for non-members. We will be walking through No Man’s Orchard to
on pavements and other well-made Chartham Hatch. We will then cut
paths with no significant ascents. down to the River Stour and follow the
Visiting the castles will involve river back to Canterbury, finishing at
climbing some stairs although the the Westgate Towers. From there, you
gardens at Walmer Castle are fully can walk back to the University or take
accessible. Please meet for a prompt a short bus journey of about a mile. Our
10:30 start at the entrance of Deal walk out to Chartham Hatch will be
Castle, CT14 7BA. Parking: There is a over undulating terrain. The walk back
car park at Deal Castle (charges apply along the river will be almost flat.
to non-members of English Heritage), Please meet for a prompt 10:30 start
but parking is limited to three hours so outside The Student Union Building at
if you are taking part in the walk to the University of Kent. Please bring a
Walmer Castle, you should park in packed lunch and plenty to drink, as
nearby residential roads. Deal train there’s nowhere to stop to buy
station and the bus terminus in South refreshments. The event contact is Iain
Street are close to the castle. Deal is Peebles on 07981 414 588, on the day of
about 25 miles from the University of the walk only. Grid ref: TR 141 599
Kent, please allow 45 minutes to drive
there, plus time to park. We will stop
for lunch at Walmer Castle where there
are catering facilities, or you may eat
your own picnic in the gardens. There
will be lots of options for food and
drink on our return to Deal. The event
contact is David White on 07710 124
300. Grid ref: TR 377 521

Regular Events
South Wales Gay Badminton, a friendly, non-competitive group, meets each
Monday evening at the Sport Wales Centre in Sophia Gardens, Cardiff. New
members are welcome! You can find further details at the club’s website, , or you can contact them by email to [email protected] .

Sheffield and Leeds
Through the colder months, members meet at indoor climbing walls, on Tuesdays
or Wednesdays in Sheffield and on Wednesdays in Leeds, where there is a choice
of lead and bouldering walls. In the summer, weather permitting, we meet at
outdoor crags. The venue is decided week by week. Please contact Jill on 07952
796 755 for further details, and to find out where the next meet will be.

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or new to the sport, come and join the North
East/Transpennine running group. We meet each Saturday at 09:00 outside the
Lakeside Café in Roundhay Park, LS8 2ER. As the location does vary occasionally,
before your visit please call Andrew Frazer on 07801 812 928.

Goslings Swimmers
Goslings Swimmers meet at the Oasis outdoor lido, Covent Garden
facilities) on Thursday evenings between 19:15 and 20:30. Goslings lost its private
hire during the pandemic, so we swim in the public session - you have to book
individually via the Better App. We socialise afterwards at the nearby Bloomsbury
Tavern. Full details are on Goslings’ webpage, or you can contact the group
coordinator, Jeremy Palmer, at [email protected] .

Recent Events
Wroxton Heath and the North We emerged from the trees just once, to
Oxfordshire Villages; South Midlands
Group, Sunday 11th June admire the Castle pub in Edgehill, a
In blazing sunshine, thirteen GOC well-known local landmark. After the
members, including soon-to-retire woodland, a well-deserved lunch-stop
South Midlands coordinator Mark and in the open at Sun Rising offered
future coordinator John, spent an stunning views westwards over
enjoyable 10-mile walk exploring the Warwickshire.
landscape and villages of north Afterwards, we moved onto the pretty
Oxfordshire. Leaving our cars behind, villages of Shenington and nearby
we were soon away from the main Alketon, where on the advice of one
road, heading along footpaths and over member, we stopped to admire the
hills and fields to our first stop, the carving on the local church. A final
charming village of Hornton. walk along some rather overgrown
Continuing onwards over more paths nearly ended in disaster and the
attractive fields and hills, we arrived in loss of a walker, but quickly re-united,
the village of Ratley for a rest break, we returned to our starting point,
and took the chance to look around the where Mark kindly provided tea and
listed church. Suitably refreshed, we cake, eagerly accepted by all.
made our way towards Edgehill, a long Jonathan Raeburn
area of woodland offering us some
valuable protection from the sun.

South Midlands Group, Rambling in North Oxfordshire

Women-only Weekend Away; Friday Afterwards we walked through some
12th – Sunday 14th May 2023
colourful fields of rape seed and
This year, our annual women-only climbed Hope Hill. By the time we
weekend away was held in the lovely made it to the top, the sun was shining
town of Ludlow, as suggested by some very brightly indeed!
of our women members last year. We
have been running this event since Our route back to Ludlow took us
2016. Initially it was held in April but at across some more fields, including one
the request of the campers, it is now with alpacas, and another where cows
held in mid-May to make sure that the were grazing. Fortunately for us, the
ground has warmed up sufficiently. latter were in the far corner of the field!
That evening, we met at The Blue Boar
We usually choose a place with a in Ludlow for our evening meal. With
railway station (or one nearby) and also tasty food and the upstairs room all to
with a range of visitor attractions, so ourselves, the conversation flowed.
that members who do not want to join
all of the walks will still find plenty On Sunday, we met again in Ludlow,
nearby for them to see and do. this time for a circular walk, which took
Unfortunately, five women had to pull us through a beautiful woodland and
out at the last minute, two of them due over to Bromfield with its wonderful
to train strikes, but 24 women came and farm shop where we met Zoe and Erin,
took part, which was excellent! who joined us for the latter part of the
walk. On leaving the farm shop, we
On the Friday, we assembled in the walked through what used to be a large
centre of Ludlow for a short afternoon estate, but is now Oakley Park. After
stroll, which included a bit of history our lunch stop, we headed through
with a walk by the River Teme and onto more fields full of buttercups and were
the Breadwalk – aptly named as the soon back in Ludlow, in a delightful
men who built it were paid in bread. café by the river, where we partook of
On our return, we went to St Laurence's some well-earned refreshments.
church, where we were joined by a few
women who had been running late. Many thanks to all the women who
There was plenty for us to see, and we came on this weekend and made it such
took advantage of the on-site café. an enjoyable event. Good walking,
good company and good conversation,
On Saturday, after meeting in Ludlow, ensured it was a fantastic weekend for
we headed through fields, beside the everyone. Please let me have your
River Corve and over to Stanton Lacy suggestions for next year’s event, which
where we basked in the warm sunshine is planned for 10th – 12th May 2024.
as we sat in the churchyard to eat our
lunch. Al Evans
For pictures, please see the inside cover!
Thu 29 June - Sun 02 July
Pride & Other Marketing Events,
South Wales, West Wales,
Women Neath Port Talbot Pride. We
have received notification of the Neath
Port Talbot Pride event taking place
from Thursday 29th June until Sunday
2nd July. Click on the event’s page on
our website for their Facebook page,
where events for Pride are being added
all the time. The Parade will take place
on Friday 30th June, starting at 10:00.
The meeting point will be the Scarlet
Avenue Car Park, SA12 7PH. The
July – August 2023
parade will follow the seafront. On
Saturday there will be a day market
Advance booking for GOC events is from 10:00 until 15:00. Please see the
only required for events for which poster on our webpage. On Saturday at
numbers are limited, or events which 18:00, the film Everybody's talking
have to be paid for. However, if you about Jamie will be shown at Neath
plan to attend an event, it will help the YMCA. We will post further details on
event organiser considerably if you
the website as we receive them. The
indicate your intention by using the
‘Join’ button on the website. event contact is Al on 07791 408 184.
Fri 30 June - Sun 02 July
For many events, lifts to/from the
Adventure Out, Camping and
event, or collection from train stations
can be organised via the comments at Caravanning, Transpennine Summer
the bottom of the event listing on the Camp in Swaledale. This summer we
website, or by using the ‘Contact Event will make a return visit to Usha Gap
Organiser’ form, which you will also Campsite, Long Close House, Muker,
find on the website. Richmond, North Yorkshire DL11 6DW,
one of our favourite campsites in
Swaledale. The camp will run from
More details of these events may be on Friday to Sunday, with a long walk on
the website now. There you can also
contact the event organiser, view the Saturday and a shorter walk on
meeting point and indicate your Sunday. Further details will be posted
intention to attend. on the website. If the weather is fine, we
See will have the option to extend our camp
to the Sunday night for those who are

able to stay. The walks will be You will need to book your own
moderate to difficult, with some steep accommodation. For those who want to
climbs. Please book directly with the camp, Dunstan Hill Campsite is just a
Usha Gap camp site. Either call 01748 mile from Craster and is recommended
886110 or send an email to by a GOC member who stayed there for
[email protected]. When making our coastal walk in 2022. It’s popular, so
your booking, please mention you are don’t leave it too late to book! There are
part of the GOC group, as site owner a few B&Bs near Craster. Alnwick,
Louise Metcalfe has accepted our where there are more places to stay
group on this basis. Lifts to or from the including a youth Hostel, is about a
event, or collection from train stations 15-minute drive. If you want to stay
can be organised via the comments at longer, there are plenty of self-catering
the bottom of the event listing, or by cottages, and lots to do in the area.
using the contact event organiser form. Please use the comments to let people
Should we wish, there will be options know where you will be staying. The
to eat out, including The Farmers Arms event contact is Sue on 07939 239 801.
at Muker, but we do hope to eat Grid ref: NU 258 199
together on the campsite on the
Sat 01 July
Saturday night. Grid ref: SD 901 980
Berkshire and Mid Thames,
Sat 01 July - Sun 02 July Oxford The Hermitage Loop. A gentle
North East, Women Northumberland 5-mile walk around the woods near
Coastal Weekend. Two days of walks Hermitage in West Berkshire. For those
centred on Craster, a small fishing who like photography, there are some
village on the Northumberland coast. It beautiful woodland scenes. Please meet
is home to Dunstanburgh Castle which for a prompt 17:00 start at The Fox Inn
sits dramatically on the cliffs, and offers at Hermitage
free entry to both National Trust and RG18 9RB. Please park at the
English Heritage members. The area Fox Inn or on nearby local roads. Food
features varied scenery, including will be available at the pub after the
Embleton Bay with its large sweeping walk. If you want to eat, please let
sandy beach, while to the South there’s David Balman know by 22 June. The
a rockier coastline. We will aim to find event contact is David Balman on 07886
somewhere suitable to meet for a meal 473 725. Grid ref: SU 509 731
on the Saturday evening. We are
North East, Women Craster to Low
planning fairly easy walks of between
Newton. This 9-mile coastal walk with
eight and ten miles on both Saturday
castle is part of the Northumberland
and Sunday, with the option to join part
Coastal Weekend, but you are welcome
of a walk for those who want
to join us just for this walk. Starting
something more leisurely.
from the car park just outside Craster, car park and charges £7.00 for a day. If
we will head through fields alongside this car park is full, there is an
the Great Whin Sill, formed millions of alternative car park a little before you
years ago by volcanic activity. We will reach Craster. Bus services 418 from
then move onto the top of the Whin Sill Alnwick to Bedford and X18 from
from where we can look down to the Newcastle to Berwick both pass
sea. We cut down towards the castle through Craster. There are toilets and
and then follow either the beach or the refreshments at the start point and at
coastal path (depending on the tides) to Low Newton, and there is a pub near
Low Newton where we will break for our lunch stop which does food.
lunch. Our return journey will follow However, we recommend that you
the same route as far as the castle. bring a packed lunch and plenty to
Those who wish to visit Dunstanburgh drink, as there are lots of places
castle can do so (free to English overlooking the sea that we can use.
Heritage and National Trust members; The event contact is Sue on 07939 239
£7.70 for non-members.) After the 801. Please note that mobile reception in
castle, we will continue along the this area is not strong. A text is more
coastal path to Craster fishing village likely to get through than a call. Grid
with its smoke house, pub and café. ref: NU 255 198
From there, it is a short walk back to the
Sun 02 July
car park. Please note that there are often
sheep grazing along the route, so dogs Cambridgeshire Ely, Cambridgeshire.
will need to be on leads for part of the We will be doing an easy 7-mile circular
time. Dogs are allowed on the beach. If walk from Ely via Little Thetford.
you would prefer a shorter walk, you Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at
will be welcome to join us at Low the Forehill Car Park, Fore Hill, Ely CB7
Newton at lunchtime for a one way 4AF, where free parking is available.
walk, either using a bus to High Please bring a packed lunch and
Newton or car sharing. The car park at something to drink. The event contact is
Low Newton is £7 for the day. There is Ken Harris on 07866 327 823. Grid ref:
a free one in High Newton. Please note TL 543 802
in the comments if you plan to do this Cornwall, Devon Tamar Valley. The
so that we are not waiting for you in Tamar Valley is designated an area of
the morning! We will be walking on outstanding natural beauty and is a
reasonable paths and some sections of part of the Cornwall and West Devon
beach. Please meet for a prompt 10:30 mining landscape world heritage site.
start at Craster Quarry car park, near This 5-mile walk will be on graded
the entrance by the visitor centre, NE66 paths and includes one steep descent.
3TW. This is a Northumberland council Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at

the Tamar Trails Centre car park, PL19 North East, Women Howdimont Sands
8JE, where the charge is £2.60 for all to Craster. This 6-mile walk is part of
day. From Tavistock, proceed on the the Northumberland Coastal Weekend,
A390 towards Gunnislake. The centre is but you are welcome to join us just for
signposted on the right as you go down this walk. At this point, the coast is
the hill towards the River Tamar. Please rockier, and does not have the sandy
bring a packed lunch and plenty to beach we walked on yesterday.
drink. The café in the car park will be However, the Whin Sill is very much in
available for refreshments. This area evidence. We pass the bathing house
has ground nesting birds, so please (now a holiday let with amazing sea
keep dogs on leads throughout. The views), and Cullernose Point. We
event contact is John on 07400 852 880. follow the coastal path towards Craster
Grid ref: SX 440 726 fishing village, with views of
East Midlands The Vale of Belvoir. This Dunstanburgh Castle beyond. We will
moderate 7.5-mile circular walk in the stop for lunch by the tiny harbour in
Vale of Belvoir takes in part of the the fishing village of Craster, famous
Grantham Canal, with level walking for its smoke house (selling kippers and
along the towpath and other footpaths. smoked salmon), or head to the car
Please meet at 10:45 for a prompt 11:00 park for a hot roll from Pipers’ Pitch.
start by the canal basin in Main Street, After lunch, we will return the way we
Hickling, LE14 3AH. This is opposite came. Anyone eager for a longer walk
the Plough public house and adjacent to can continue to Boulmer, about 1.5
the Old Wharf Tea Rooms. There is miles further along, where the Fishing
on-street parking in Main Street and Boat Inn should be open until 17:00.
adjacent to the basin. This gets busy at This is a fairly flat walk on good paths.
the weekend, so it may be necessary to Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at
park further down the road and walk to Howdimont Sands, Longhoughton,
the basin. Please avoid residents’ Alnwick, NE66 3AL, where parking is
driveways, as Main Street is narrow in available. We will meet at the gate you
places. Please bring a packed lunch and came through to get into the dunes. The
plenty to drink. The Old Wharf Tea post code is for Lowstead Farm. When
Rooms do good sandwiches, drinks and you reach the farm, you will probably
breakfasts, but it does get busy at the need to open the gate to drive through.
weekends, so allow plenty of time. The There is a donation box to pay for the
event contact is Steven Pallett on 07815 parking in the wall on the right. Follow
040 806. Grid ref: SK 690 294 the lane through the farm to the far end
where you will find another gate,
which may be closed. Once through
this second gate, you may park

anywhere on the dunes. Please leave all mile from the town. If you intend to
gates as you found them and keep dogs travel by train, please allow yourself
on a lead as sheep often graze close to extra time to get to the meeting point.
this area. Please note that here are no Please bring a packed lunch and plenty
facilities at the starting point. Craster to drink. We will have a few breaks
has a pub which does food, café and the along the way. If time allows, we may
smoke house does some sandwiches. be able to make a stop at the cafe at the
However, all of these options may be visitors' centre for additional
crowded on a sunny Sunday so we refreshments. At the end of the walk,
recommend that you bring a packed there will be a well-earned pub stop
lunch, which you can eat on the back in Wadhurst. The event contact is
benches by the harbour, as well as Colin Turner on 07719 691 929; please
plenty to drink. The event contact is call, not text. Queries before the day
Sue on 07939 239 801. Mobile reception may be made on the same number, via
in this area is not strong, so a text is WhatsApp, or the GOC website. Grid
more likely to get through than a call. ref: TQ 641319
Grid ref: NU 261 156 Western Midlands East of the Clee
West Kent Bewl Water circular walk Hills. This is an easy 7-mile circular
from Wadhurst. A popular walk walk over beautiful, rolling Shropshire
following the path around Bewl Water, countryside to the east of Brown
one of the largest areas of inland water Clee. Starting with a steady ascent in
in the south-east of England. The path Burwarton Park, we shall enjoy good
follows a route along quiet lanes, distant views towards the Malvern
through wooded areas, and open Hills. We shall stop for an early lunch in
stretches alongside the reservoir. a churchyard. The church itself dates
Although the walk length is around 14 from the twelfth century, is Grade II*
miles, it is a relatively level/easy listed and is worth a look inside. As the
walk. West Kent last completed this walk continues, we cross and re-cross
walk in 2017, in a clockwise direction. the route of the disused railway which
This time we will walk it anti-clockwise. linked Bridgnorth with Cleobury
Please meet for a prompt 10:30 start at Mortimer and Leominster. We also
St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Wadhurst, pass by the remains of an ancient
TN5 6DN. Please note the earlier than ironworks (evidence that the landscape
usual start time! There is plenty of was a good deal less rural at one time)
parking in Wadhurst village in nearby before making our way back to the cars.
streets/carpark. Please park We will be walking mostly on tracks
considerately if you are parking in and quiet country lanes, plus some field
residential streets. There is a train footpaths with, inevitably, a few shaky
station in Wadhurst, but it is about a Shropshire stiles. The overall ascent is

211 metres. Please meet for a prompt join the Limehouse Cut for a walk of
11:00 start at the Village Hall car park, about an hour to Three Mills Island.
Cleobury North, which is on the B4364 We will then cross over the canal for the
between the villages of Neenton and short walk to Bromley by Bow
Burwarton. The postcode is WV16 6RP underground station to begin our
but this covers a large area. Signs to the journeys home. You will not need
village shop and Post Office are a useful walking boots, but please wear shoes
indicator but please do not park in the that are comfortable to walk in. This is a
shop's car park. There is free all-day mainly level walk on surfaced paths.
parking at the Village Hall. There is Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at
pedestrian access to the shop which is the entrance to London Bridge mainline
open on Sundays (for newspapers, soft railway station (not the underground
drinks and snacks). Regrettably, this station!) on Tooley Street, London SE1
walk is not served by public transport. 2QN. This is the entrance almost
Please bring a packed lunch and plenty directly opposite Hays Galleria, by the
to drink. Sunscreen would also be a pedestrian crossing. Please note that
good idea. The event contact is John W London Bridge is served by
07855 035 385. On the day, Michael Southeastern, Southern and Thameslink
Flood, on 07734 581 369, will be our rail services, as well as Northern and
back-marker. Grid ref: SO 623 868 Jubilee line Underground lines. Please
bring either a packed lunch or some
Wed 05 July
snacks, and plenty to drink. The event
London London Bridge to Three Mills contact is Peter Blackburn on 07804 329
Island and Bromley-by-Bow This is a 532. Grid ref: TQ 330 802
flat, easy 5.5-mile walk. Starting from
London Bridge Station, we will head Fri 07 July - Sun 09 July
first to Tower Bridge, which we will use Camping and Caravanning, Women A
to cross to the north bank. From there, Winchcomble Weekend. Following a
we will follow the Thames Path very successful weekend in 2022, this
eastbound through Wapping and GOC National Outdoor Weekend will
Shadwell, until we reach Ropemakers' once again be held at Hayles Fruit
Gardens, where we will stop for a lunch Farm, Winchcombe, Cheltenham GL54
break. There will also be the option of a 5PB, and is open to all GOC members.
drink in the Grapes Public House on This wonderful central location will
Narrow Street, which is almost help us to achieve our primary aim of
opposite the gardens. After lunch, we enjoying the Great Outdoors together.
will walk through to the northern side Walking, wandering round the farm,
of Ropemakers' Gardens, where we will cycling, fruit picking, trips on the steam
train at Hayles Abbey Halt, (halfway
between Broadway and Winchcombe),
plus Hailes Abbey ruins, Sudeley a few coal tax posts, a nice jaunt uphill
Castle, visiting beautiful Cotswold for lunch, with views from south-west
villages, plus of course eating, drinking to north-west, a small area of Epping
and sitting round the fire pits under the Forest, public art, and bazillions of
stars. There is a farm shop and electricity pylons. Clear weather
restaurant open all day for breakfasts permitting, we may also be able to see
and lunches, coffee, cakes etc. For those the widest aspect of the London Basin,
who enjoy eating together, Friday from Canary Wharf to the Wembley
evening is Fish and Chips at the Arch, from Essex to the basin's southern
campsite from 17:00 to 20:00. For the ridge. On our recent walk-out, we saw a
Saturday evening, we will book a table great range of wildlife, including great
at the Pheasant Inn, which is five crested grebes, mute swans, greylag
minutes’ walk away. Members will also geese, Canada geese, Egyptian geese,
be welcome to stay at a B&B but join in mallards, tufted ducks, pochards, red
the walks, other activities and meals. kites, moorhens, coots, black-headed
For 2022, the campsite prices were: £26 gulls, wood pigeons, feral pigeons,
per night for two people, including carrion crows, jackdaws, jays, cattle,
electric hook-up, on either deer, grey squirrels, bumble bees,
hardstanding or grass. This broke down solitary bees, honey bees, dragonflies,
into £9.50 per person, plus £7 for damsel flies, demoisells, butterflies
electric hook-up if required. The charge (orange tip, peacock, blue, white), and
for dogs was £1.00 per night. Please see hoverflies. We also heard a cuckoo, a
the Hayles Fruit Farm website for the green woodpecker, a pheasant and a
latest information. The event contact is chiff-chaff. We will be walking on
Jamie on 07854 425859 or at pavements (mainly in Lee Valley Park
[email protected], who will be and Waltham Abbey), over fields, along
happy to answer any queries. Grid ref: tracks and woodland paths (mainly in
SP 053 299 Essex) and some stretches along public
roads. The route includes a number of
Sat 08 July
stiles and similar obstacles. The walk is
Essex, Hertfordshire, London Legacies mainly flat while we are in Lee Valley
and Essex, 2014. This moderate Park, but is much more hilly in Essex,
9.74-mile circular walk is a repeat of the with three significant climbs and
one done previously on 17 May 2014, corresponding descents. Please bring a
with some minor variations. This is a packed lunch, lots to drink and
flagship route from east Hertfordshire, something to sit on. Nearly all the route
barging into Essex, taking in the ageing is exposed to sunlight, with much of the
legacies of the 2012 London Olympic Lee Valley sheltered from wind. There
Games, water meadows, open is limited tree cover at lunch and for a
countryside, a slice of Waltham Abbey,
short distance thereafter. For lunch, we For those using public transport, the
will have to sit on the ground, at the nearest station is Cheshunt, which is
route's highest point, facing north. served by frequent trains on London
Toilet stops are very limited in the first Overground and Greater Anglia from
and last thirds of the walk (the Lee London Liverpool Street. It is around
Valley). There are no toilets at the ten minutes’ walk to our starting point.
starting point. At the end of the walk, By the time we arrive at Waltham
there will be an optional pub stop. Abbey at around 16:20, only a
Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start at convenience store will be open. The
River Lee Country Park car park (also event contact is Martin 07947 035 000.
named Cheshunt Country Walk car Grid ref: TL 368 023
park). The charge is £5.50 for over 4 Northampton and District The walk
hours via Parking Eye, using location scheduled for this date has been
code 806341. Please see https:// postponed as the leader will be in hospital. We wish him a full and speedy
our-open-spaces . The nearest Post recovery!
Code EN8 9AJ. Please note! If you
intend to arrive by car and park at the Transpennine Garswood Loop, Near St
starting point, you will need to drive Helens. This is an easy-to-moderate
over a level crossing. Please add at least 7.5-mile circular walk, and includes
20 minutes to your expected journey Sankey Valley Country Park, Car Mill
time to allow for this! However, there Dam, plus lanes and paths around
are some alternative parking locations. Garswood and Chadwick Green, with
Cheshunt Station car park, EN8 9AQ, is fine views across to the Clwydian Hills.
five minutes’ walk from our starting Please meet for a prompt 10:30 start at
point and charges £5.00 for all day via Sankey Valley Heritage Visitor Centre,
NCP. Please see: https:// Blackbrook Road, WA11 0AB, which is on the A58. Free parking is available in
parks/cheshunt-station-g-anglia/ You the car park situated to the side/rear of
can access this car park without the Ship Inn public house, which can
crossing the level crossing. You can accommodate approximately 30
then use the railway footbridge to get to vehicles. The Visitor Centre can also be
the starting point. In addition, there is reached by travelling on the number 20,
on-street parking on Delamare Road 320 or 620 buses from St. Helens town
(part of an industrial estate), which is centre. Please note that walking boots
about 15 minutes’ walk from our or other good footwear are essential, as
starting point. According to Google is waterproof clothing. Please bring a
Maps, there are no parking restrictions packed lunch and plenty to drink. The
in this area, but we have not been able event contact is Martin R on 07538 336
to verify this! 406. Grid ref: SJ 535 966
West Wales, Women Henllan, and the neighbouring Glencoe
Ceredigion. This is a moderate 6.5-mile mountains. Members intending to take
walk starting at the car park of the part in this event should read GOC's
National Woollen Museum. We will be document Safety on the Hills. The
walking down country lanes, woodland terrain includes 1100m of ascent and
trails and a disused railway. This steep ground, with some boggy
includes a long, curved, dark tunnel so sections and boulder fields. Please meet
some members may feel a torch would for a prompt 10:00 start at the Glencoe
be useful. Our lunch break will be at Mountain Ski Centre car park, PH49
the picturesque hamlet of 4HZ, where there is a large car park. As
Abermachnog. We will pass the Teifi we're well out of the ski season, there
Valley miniature railway, and return should be plenty of spaces available.
through Henllan and a wooded We will follow an out and back route
Teifiside walk. At the end of the walk, it described on the Walkhighlands
will be possible to visit the Museum, website: https://
which is free, and the Tea Room, where
we plan to stop for refreshments. Please creise.shtml . Citylink coach services
meet for a Prompt 10:30 start at The between Glasgow and Fort William /
National Woollen Museum, Drefach Skye stop at the end of White Corries
Felindre, SA44 5UP. The car park here Road. The 09:10 service 914 from Fort
is free. It opens at 10:00 and closes at William arrives there at 10:01 and the
17:00. There are toilet facilities at the 06:40 service 916 from Glasgow arrives
start and the end of walk. Please bring a at 08:54. Please bring a packed lunch
packed lunch and plenty to drink. The and plenty to drink. The café at the ski
event contact is Crispin on 07929 726 centre opens from 08:00 – 20:00.
116. Grid ref: SN 362 392 Members can finish the day there with
post-walk refreshments, or even start
Sun 09 July
the day there with breakfast! The event
Adventure Out, Scotland Creise and contact is Douglas on 07717 576 248.
Meall a' Bhùiridh. This 7-mile mountain Grid ref: NN 266 525
walk will be a fairly straightforward
climb of two 1100m plus Munros in the Dorset Isle of Portland circular walk.
Black Mount Range. We'll ascend Meall This moderate 8-mile walk around the
a' Bhùiridh (1108m) via the White Isle of Portland takes in Church
Corries ski slopes before a fine ridge Ope Cove and Portland Bill, with its
traverse takes us westwards to reach lighthouses and the sculpture park. The
the summit of Creise (1100m). We will walk includes some small climbs. Please
retrace our steps for the return. If meet for a prompt 10:00 start in the car
conditions are fine, we should enjoy park just east of the Olympic Rings and
some fine views across Rannoch Moor the Portland Heights Hotel, DT5 1LQ.

Taking the A354 onto Portland, proceed will be on view, but the stags and
uphill to the Heights roundabout and hand-painted cow should be present on
turn left to find the New Ground car this varied 10-mile walk. Visiting
park 500m on the left. We will stop for Moreton in Marsh, and the pretty
refreshments at the Lobster Pot Café at villages of Blockley, Dorn, Aston
Portland Bill (01305 820 242) or bring a Magna and Draycott, we should get
packed lunch which you will be able to some great views of the rolling
eat nearby. Our leaders and event countryside and maybe spot some
contacts are Victor and Peter, on 07826 locations used to film Father Brown.
152 694, who cordially invite everyone The walk crosses open farmland and
to their home nearby for tea after the includes a few hills to work up an
walk. Grid ref: SY 689 730 appetite for lunch. We are likely to
Lincolnshire, Women Caythorpe, encounter a mix of farm animals along
Lincolnshire. This is a moderate 7-mile the way, including a large deer herd, so
walk to the south of Lincoln and north dogs must be on a lead when required.
of Grantham. Please meet at 11:15 for a In the afternoon, we will pause at
prompt 11:30 start outside St. Vincent's Batsford Arboretum where the café
Church, Caythorpe, NG32 3DN, which serves tea, coffee, cakes and ice creams.
is just off the A607 road between Toilets will also be available. The final
Lincoln and Grantham. Would anyone stretch back to the start point is flat and
seeking a shorter walk please contact easy. Please bring a packed lunch and
leader Robert George on 07843 288 321 plenty to drink. Please dress
well in advance! The only parking appropriately for the weather. The walk
available is on local roads. Please park includes some hills and a small amount
considerately. Stagecoach Service of road walking. Please meet for a
number 1 from Lincoln to Grantham prompt 11:00 start from the Town Hall
passes through Caythorpe. Please on High Street, which is the A429 as it
check the Stagecoach website for times passes through the centre of Moreton in
and availability. Please bring a packed Marsh. (The postcode for Tesco which is
lunch and plenty to drink. We hope that behind the Town Hall is GL56 0BY.)
further refreshments will be available at There are toilets in the square and the
the end of the walk. The event contacts said Tesco should be open for any
are Robert George on 07843 288 321 and last-minute provisions. Please park
Paul George on 07793 583 748. Grid ref: either on the surrounding roads, in The
SK 939 486 Square or on local car parks. Please
allow time to park and walk to the start
South Midlands Moreton-in-Marsh, point. Moreton is a popular tourist
Gloucestershire, together with nearby destination so it might be busy. Public
villages, hills and a TV location! We transport is limited on Sundays. There
can't promise that the original Fiat 500's is a train station in Moreton and local
buses serve the town, but please check Mae'r daith yn dechrau am 1pm. Os
timetables before setting out. Please ydych chi eisiau mynychu am y te yn
bring a packed lunch and plenty to unig, cofiwch gyrraedd am 2.30 yp.
drink. Please bring cash or a card if you Bydd casgliad ar gyfer elusen yn cael ei
want tea/coffee/ice cream from the café gymryd ar y diwrnod, heb unrhyw
at the afternoon tea stop. The event rwymedigaeth. Os oes gennych chi
contact is Paul A on 07891 584 461. Grid gadair ardd i ddod, efallai y byddai'n
ref: SP 204 325 ddefnyddiol. Os ydych am ddod â
South Wales Afternoon Tea. Barrie and chacen, bisgedi, ac ati, mae croeso i chi,
Jeff invite GOC members for afternoon ond yn sicr nid oes unrhyw
tea at their house, with an optional rwymedigaeth ar unrhyw un i ddod ag
circular 2.5-mile walk around this part unrhyw beth. Bras amcan pellter:
of Dinas Powys beforehand. As places 3milltir. Grid ref: ST 154 718. Postcode:
are limited, this event is strictly for CF64 4HJ. Meeting Time: 13:00
GOC members only and you must Tue 11 July
book in advance. The walk starts at Dorset, Solent Easy Stroll: Throop Mill
13:00. If you just want to attend for tea, and Stour Valley Way. A very easy
please arrive for 14:30. A collection for 2.5-mile flat circular walk via
a charity will be taken on the day, with Merritown with the likelihood of
no obligation. If you have a garden spotting water-bird life. We will be
chair to bring, that might be helpful. If walking by the river on Stour Valley
you want to bring a cake, biscuits, etc, Way and on a very quiet country lane.
you are welcome to do so, but there is Please meet for a prompt 10:30 start in
certainly no obligation on anyone to Throop Mill free car park, BH8 0DN.
bring anything. We will meet at the This is best reached via Broadway Lane
house in Park Road, Dinas Powys, from the roundabout on the A3060
CF64 4HJ. Look out for the rainbow Castle Lane. If the car park is full,
flag in the driveway. Plenty of parking please try roadside parking in
is available in this cul-de-sac. Our hosts Broadway Lane. There will be no
will be providing a traditional refreshments available along the route
afternoon tea. The event contact is Ben but after the walk we can have lunch at
on 07951 001 676 the Broadway Pub (01202 512 708) The
Te Prynhawn Mae Barrie a Jeff yn event contact is Ron Roskell on 07570
gwahodd aelodau’r GOC am de 217 400. Grid ref: SZ 111 958
prynhawn yn eu tŷ. Taith gylchol Online Online Welcome Social. Are
ddewisol o ddwy i dair milltir o you interested to meet or socialise
amgylch y rhan hon o Ddinas Powys online with other GOC members from
ymlaen llaw. Aelodau yn unig ac mae the comfort of your home - and help to
angen archebu lle. Lleoedd cyfyngedig. welcome newcomers to GOC and
encourage them to join us? Join us for the calendar invite. == Gay Outdoor
our new Online Welcome Social in Club is inviting you to a scheduled
Zoom, on the 2nd Tuesday of every Zoom meeting. To join the Zoom
month from 19:00 to 20:00. This is an Meeting, copy and paste this link into
opportunity for new and experienced your browser: https://
GOC members to connect with each
other, and with newcomers to GOC pwd=UWZvTk1yQXZEdEs5OEhLSEZ
who book from our new GOC Meetup KQnpKUT09 Or go to
group. For these newcomers it is an join and enter: Meeting ID: 895 9387
opportunity to meet GOC and some of 8113 Passcode: 324840
our members, and to consider joining as Somerset Langport, Somerset This is an
a member themselves. We start each easy, 4-mile stroll around Langport
online social with a quick round of taking in the local delights, including
introductions. If you have something in views of the Levels, the Hanging
particular that you would like to share Chapel and the charming River Parrett.
or ask, this is your chance to let others We will be walking on maintained
know what that is. Then we spend most pathways with one climb. We'll stop for
of our time mingling and chatting a breather half-way around, and finish
informally - in small breakout groups if in a local eatery for refreshment. Please
there are many of us. We close each meet for a prompt 11:00 start in the
session by gathering all together again public car park off Bow Street in the
to hear something of what we all shared town centre. You'll find the car-park
or enjoyed during the session. Our down Parrett Close, TA10 9PG. This is
Zoom meeting room is accessible on a off the A378 Bow Street, the main
computer, tablet or smartphone via an thoroughfare through the town. After
app, or with more limited functionality you’ve parked, gather by Pendra's Fish
via your browser or you can even dial- & Chips at the entrance to the car park.
in by telephone - see our member-only There is no charge for parking, but be
page How to use Zoom. To join the sure to go into the Long Stay area to
GOC Online group and receive updates avoid time limits in the Short Stay area.
of news and events, please go to My Public service bus number 54, running
preferences and include Online in your between Taunton and Yeovil, passes
selection of groups. If you are not through Langport. Check the timetable
already a member of GOC, please Join to ensure you can make our 11:00 start.
us! To receive an automated reminder Please bring something to drink and
of our online socials, 24 hours in possibly some snacks. At the end of the
advance with the link to follow the next walk, we'll visit a local café where you
day, please email [email protected] may have lunch if you wish. Grid ref:
and ask to have your address added to ST 419 266

Wed 12 July There are a couple of banks to walk up,
Devon Teign Valley Circular. This but nothing strenuous. The rest of the
6-mile ramble includes sections of the walk is downhill or fairly flat. There is
waymarked Templer Way trail. Our also a short-cut option if required.
route begins beside Stover Lake which Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start in
is always teeming with wildfowl, then the lower car park of the Queen's Head
passes through woodland and along Inn, Sugarbrook Lane, Bromsgrove, B60
quiet roads towards the river Teign. A 3AU, where free parking is available.
pleasant stretch of riverside walking Alternatively, you may join the walk at
then leads to the village of Teigngrace. Bromsgrove Rail Station at 11:30. Trains
We will return across fields to pick up from Birmingham New Street arrive at
the towpath of the abandoned Stover 11:10 and 11:24. We plan to eat at the
canal which was used to transport clay pub after the walk, but please bring
and granite. We will see interesting something to drink along the route in
relics of the granite tramway at case it's a warm day. The event contact
Ventiford Basin, where the stone from is Chris T on 07837 149 375. Grid ref: SO
Dartmoor quarries was loaded onto 962 679
canal barges. Please bring a packed Sat 15 July
lunch and plenty to drink for a picnic
Bedford and District The walk
on the riverbank. At the end of the
scheduled for this date has been
walk, we will be able to have
postponed as the leader will be in
refreshments at a local tearoom. This
hospital. We wish him a full and speedy
walk is fairly level throughout, but it
may be muddy in places. Please meet
for a prompt 11:00 start at Stover London, Sussex This 15-mile walk in
Country Park visitor centre pay and the South Downs is more energetic than
display car park. Leave the A38 dual is usual for the GOC London group, so
carriageway and take the A382 it’s a bit of a challenge if you are up for
signposted towards Newton Abbot. it! But it’s a rewarding one in beautiful
Proceed only 300 yards and turn left South Downs countryside, and offers
into this woodland car park. Toilet plenty of opportunities for breaks or for
facilities are located in the visitor shortening the walk. It will be a full day
centre. The event contact is Mike on out from the capital. The walk involves
07786 871 141. Grid ref: SX 832 749 a total of 550 metres (1,600 feet) of
ascent over three distinct downland
Western Midlands Stoke Pound and
ridges, each one offering magnificent
the Queen's Head Inn. This is a 5-mile
views. One of the pleasures of the walk
country walk in north-east
is that the entire route is in view for
Worcestershire with the option of a pub
much of the time, so you can look back
meal or tea and cakes afterwards.
at the terrain you have already covered At the end of the walk, we will have a
or ahead to the delights to come. celebratory drink in one of the many
Navigation is easy, the walking is over nice pubs in the pleasant Downland
wide and distinct paths, and while town of Lewes. There are also many
there are three substantial climbs, most opportunities to eat there should you
of the walk is flat, gently undulating or not want to have a late dinner at home.
downhill. As well as plenty of grand The event contact is Paul Conway on
downland walking, the route includes a 07958 416 593. Grid ref: TQ 416 098
start and finish in historic Lewes,
Sun 16 July – Thu 20 July
quaint corners of which you see both at
the start and end of the walk. There will Adventure Out, Cycling,
be an optional detour to Mount Caburn Scotland Kirkpatrick C2C, South of
(Iron Age fort) with its dramatic Scotland's Coast to Coast. This is a ride
viewpoint of the whole circuit, and the across southern Scotland, from the west
pleasant small village of Glynde. You coast to the east coast. It will become
also pass the remote station of an officially designated route later in
Southease, with its YHA cafe nearby. the summer, so this is a chance for a
The walk passes three train stations, sneak preview. The ride will cover
one between each of the three hills, so about 250 miles in four days, over
cutting the walk short is quite easy for countryside that is undulating rather
anyone who wishes to do so. We will be than wickedly steep, with no more than
walking on well-drained chalk soils on 1200 m climbing each day. There are
wide, distinct paths, so the underfoot also some flatter options. Each stage
conditions are generally very good. starts and ends in a reasonably-sized
Please meet for a prompt 10:30 start at town, and it is possible to do only part
Lewes station. The walk will start of the route. For this reason, you can
following the arrival of the 09:24 train book each stage separately. For
from London Victoria, (calling at maximum flexibility, you will also need
Clapham Junction at 09:31) which to book your own accommodation. For
arrives in Lewes at 10:26. If train this trip, we are joining forces with Out
travellers wish to join other GOC Velo. People who are members of both,
walkers and have additional time to please book via one or the other, not
chat, we aim to sit in the second both, so you don’t claim two spaces!
carriage from the front. For those who The route is generally on less-busy
do not want to complete the whole roads, although there are a few
walk, we will pass Southease Stations unavoidable sections of trunk road in
after about four miles, and Glynde order to cross major bridges. The
Station after about eight miles. Please overall plan is as follows. Day 0: arrive
bring a packed lunch and lots to drink! Stranraer. Day 1: Stranraer to

Kirkcudbright; 74 miles, or a shorter village, which also played an important
56-mile route. Day 2: Kirkcudbright to part in the preparations for D-Day. If
Lockerbie; 46 miles. Lockerbie is rail- you plan to travel to Stranraer by train
connected to Edinburgh, Glasgow and from Glasgow Central, you will need to
England and is a possible leave or join book a space for your bike. This could
point. Day 3: Lockerbie to Hawick; be an issue as bike spaces on trains are
53 miles, or a shorter 45-mile option. limited. Breakfast will probably be
Day 4: Hawick to Eyemouth; 72 miles, provided by your accommodation. We
or to Berwick-upon-Tweed; 48 miles, or will stop somewhere for lunch each
take two days over this leg. Day 5: day, perhaps buying a sandwich along
Travel home. You need to book the way. We aim to find somewhere to
separately for each day you intend to eat together each evening. The event
participate. If a day in the middle fills contact is John Heathcote on 07857 897
up so that you can’t book end-to-end, 989. Grid ref: NX 062 607
please let me know as soon as possible.
Sun 16 July
Day 0 is scheduled for Saturday 15 July
when participants should arrive Adventure Out, Cycling, Scotland
Stranraer for the start. Stranraer is a Kirkpatrick C2C, South of Scotland's
former ferry port on the shore of Loch Coast to Coast. This is Day 1 when we
Ryan, one of the gateways to Ireland, will cycle from Stranraer to
but the ferry now goes from a short Kirkcudbright. This is potentially quite
distance up the coast. If you have time, a big day, so there are two options, both
you may wish to cycle to Portpatrick on intended to minimise time on the A75,
the west coast to dip your wheel in the which isn’t a great road for cyclists.
sea; it’s about 10 km each way, with 200 Either we can head through Wigtown
m of ascent. Alternatively, you can do (famous for its book festival and rather
your dipping with rather less effort at a lot of bookshops) which is 74 miles
Stranraer beach, but it doesn’t face with 1040 m of ascent. Alternatively, we
west. If you were to arrive at Stranraer can cycle through the forest, which is
a day or two early, there is lots to 56 miles with 830 m of ascent. Both
explore in the area. Possibilities include routes go through Newton Stewart for
the Mull of Galloway (the southernmost lunch and follow the same route to
tip of Scotland), and the Logan Botanic Kirkcudbright for the night’s stop.
Garden, an outpost of the Edinburgh Kirkcudbright is an arty town on the
Botanic Garden that takes advantage of estuary of one of the many Rivers Dee.
the mild climate. A little further afield, Once you have booked your
the Isle of Whithorn is steeped in the accommodation, please let me know
cult of Ninian, one of Scotland’s early where you are staying. The event
saints. Garlieston is an early planned contact is John Heathcote on 07857 897
989. Grid ref: NX 062 607.
Mid-Wales, South Wales, Mynydd Llangors. Gallai'r llwybr fod
Women Mynydd Llangorse and yn fwdlyd mewn rhannau ar ôl glaw
Cwmdu circular walk. This moderate diweddar. Croeso i gŵn, ond rhaid
8-mile walk around Mynydd Llangorse iddynt fod ar dennyn. Mae Tafarn y
and Cwmdu, takes in beautiful views of Farmers Arms yn agos i’r rhai sydd
the Black Mountains and Llangorse efallai’n hoffi cael diod ar ôl y daith
Lake (weather permitting). The route gerdded. Bras amcan pellter: 8milltir.
travels along varied terrain including Tir/Her: Taith gerdded gymedrol, ond
hillsides, woodland, open moorland, un ddringfa serth ac un disgyniad serth
fields, and country lanes. There is one - cerdded mynyddoedd Man cyfarfod:
steep climb and one steep descent, up Neuadd Gymunedol Cwmdu, Cwmdu,
and down Mynydd Llangorse. The NP8 1RW. Tâl parcio. Mae'r neuadd ar
route could be muddy in sections if gornel y troad cyntaf i'r chwith ar ôl
there has been recent rain. Dogs are tafarn y Farmers Arms oddi ar yr A479
welcome, but must be on leads. For os yn teithio i'r gogledd i gyfeiriad
those who might like a drink after the Talgarth. Parcio: Parcio £2, trwy'r dydd.
walk, The Farmers Arms Pub is close to Teithio: Lifftiau ar gais Bwyd: Dewch â
our start and finish point. Please meet byrbrydau, cinio a hylifau addas, yn
for a prompt 10:30 start at Cwmdu enwedig os yw'r tywydd yn boeth.
Community Hall, Cwmdu, NP8 1RW. If Cyswllt ar y dydd: Ben - 07951 001 676.
you are travelling north towards Grid ref: SO 179 237. Meeting Time:
Talgarth, the hall is on the corner of the 10:30
first left turning after the Farmers Arms North East A moderate 9-mile Dales
pub, off the A479. Parking here costs walk, exploring hidden valleys and
£2.00 for all day. Please bring some hamlets with moorland views. The
snacks, a packed lunch, and plenty to walk includes woodland, open
drink. The event contact is Ben on 07951 meadows and moorland, uses
001 676. Grid ref: SO 179 237 packhorse bridges and visits remote
Taith gylchol Mynydd Llangors a hamlets. We will return via the last
Chwmdu Taith gylchol bron i 8 milltir o working Lead Mine in Swaledale,
amgylch Mynydd Llan-gors a and finish with exceptional views of the
Chwmdu, yn cynnwys golygfeydd valley and the surrounding grouse
hyfryd o'r Mynyddoedd Du a Llyn moors before descending to our starting
Syfaddan (os bydd y tywydd yn point. Please note that there are some
caniatáu). Mae'r llwybr yn teithio ar uneven sections where care is needed!
hyd tir amrywiol gan gynnwys Please meet for a prompt 10:00 start at
llethrau, coetir, rhostir agored, caeau a Marske, a small village which is
lonydd gwledig. Mae un ddringfa serth signposted at Downholme Bridge on
ac un disgyniad serth, i fyny ac i lawr the B6270, the road from Richmond to

Reeth. Parking is available at Marske Sussex Stanmer Park, Ditchling Beacon,
Bridge, with an honesty box. If this car Jack and Jill Windmills. This 8.5-mile
park is full, please park with walk explores the high, largely open
consideration in the village. Please downland above Brighton, from where
bring a packed lunch and plenty to there are great views! There is the
drink. After the walk, the nearest place option of a shorter return route, which
for refreshments will be Richmond. The will reduce the distance to about six
event contact is Peter Gargett on 07792 miles. Participants may be able to
036 117. Grid ref: NZ 103 004 shorten the walk by using the 79 bus
Solent, Women Solent - River Hamble service to return from Ditchling Beacon
below Bursledon A perfect, almost flat to Upper Lodges. We will be walking
6.5-mile walk from Bursledon, through mostly on good tracks, but with
a mixture of woods, tracks, field paths multiple ascents and descents. Please
and public roads, to pretty Hamble-le- meet for a prompt 10:00 start at
Rice, where walkers will have the Stanmer Park's Upper Lodges car park,
options of a picnic stop or visiting a BN1 9QB, which is off the Ditchling
café or pub. We will then cross the wide Road, just north of the A27. Parking
Hamble Estuary to Warsash by the here is chargeable using the
friendly pink ferry, which costs £2.50, PayByPhone app with location code
(cash only) before returning virtually 805804 and costs £5.00. Bus service 79
the whole way along the side of the (weekends only) serves Upper Lodges
Hamble on the raised gravel track with car park from central Brighton. The first
great views over the Hamble and the available service (leaving Old Steine at
mud flats, with their wildlife and a 09:45) arrives at Upper Lodges at 10:09.
multitude of yachts. After the walk, we If you are coming by bus, please contact
will retire to the Jolly Sailor riverside the walk leader in advance to make
pub made famous by its regular sure we wait for you! Please bring a
appearance in the popular TV series packed lunch and plenty to drink. This
Howards Way. We will be walking is an open route with great views but
mainly on good tracks with just a few little shade, so please bring a hat and
gentle slopes. Please meet for a prompt sunscreen. Tea and coffee will be
10:00 start in Bursledon Railway Station provided at the end of the walk. If
car park, SO31 8AA, where free parking anyone wishes to bring cake or other
is available. Please bring plenty to goodies to share, that would be most
drink. We will have our lunch stop in welcome. The event contact is Keith
Hamble where there are several pubs Daniel on 07850 482 448 Grid ref: TQ
and tea rooms, or bring a packed lunch. 324 098
The event contact is Ian Martin on
07803 056 989. Grid ref: SU 489 096

Western Midlands South of Hereford. Mon 17 July
To the south of Hereford, the River Adventure Out, Cycling, Scotland This
Wye has formed great meandering is Day Two of the Kirkpatrick C2C,
loops. This easy 9-mile walk follows the South of Scotland's Coast to Coast cycle
course of one of these meanders ride. On this day, we will cycle from
through an Area of Outstanding Kirkcudbright to Lockerbie, which is
Natural Beauty (AONB). We will walk 46 miles with 730m of ascent. We will
on a combination of quiet lanes, field advise participants of the meeting time
paths and cross two Victorian and location. This will be an easier day
suspension bridges built for horses and after the excesses of the day before! A
people. This walk is the full version of signposted cycle route takes us to
the one I led in December last year. Dumfries, via Castle Douglas.
That walk had to be substantially Depending on how we are progressing,
changed as a result of flooding. The it may make sense to buy some lunch in
first part of the walk is mainly on a Castle Douglas, to eat before we get to
quiet lane through a private estate Dumfries. The route into and out of
bordering the river bank. We then Dumfries is on a cycle track along a
follow some field paths with several former rail line. We eventually have to
gentle inclines, before following some leave this to head, via Lochmaben, to
quiet lanes back to the car park. Please Lockerbie for the night, the site of the
meet for a prompt 11:00 start at UK’s worst terrorist incident.
Backney Bridge Picnic Site car park, Lockerbie is rail-connected to
HR9 6QZ, where parking is free. This is Edinburgh, Glasgow and England and
a smallish car park and so we ought to is a possible leaving or joining point.
double park as far as possible. If The event contact is John Heathcote
necessary, we can also park a few cars 07857 897 989. Grid ref: NX 685 511
in the area immediately outside the car
park entrance. There is no public Tue 18 July
transport in this area. Please bring a Adventure Out, Cycling, Scotland This
packed lunch and plenty to drink, as is Day Three of the Kirkpatrick C2C,
there will be no opportunities to South of Scotland's Coast to Coast cycle
purchase either during the walk. Tea ride. On this day, we will cycle from
and cakes will be available at the end of Lockerbie to Hawick, which is 53 miles
the walk. The event contact is Graham with 1200m of ascent, with a shorter
on 07969 995 717. Grid ref: SO 583 271 45-mile option, with 840m of ascent.
The longer route heads via Langholm,
over the end of the Cheviot hills and
through Wauchope Forest. The easier
alternative will take us via Eskdalemuir

which has a couple of notable features, Hawick to Berwick-upon-Tweed, down
a Tibetan Buddhist monastery and the Teviot Dale. This is 48 miles with only
UK’s geomagnetic observatory. It also 620 m of ascent, but Berwick-upon-
holds records for very dull and very Tweed has been in England for a long
wet weather! You have been warned! time, so it’s not quite Scotland coast-to-
We will spend the night in Hawick, coast if you do this. Burnmouth is the
famous for its wool industry and nearest point at which you could
peppermint sweets (Hawick Balls!). We plausibly dip your wheel in Scottish
will advise participants of the start time sea, but then you might just as well
and location. Once you have booked carry on to Eyemouth. We will advise
accommodation in Lockerbie, please let participants of the starting time and
me know where you are staying. The location. Once you have booked
event contact is John Heathcote on accommodation in Hawick, please let
07857 897 989. Grid ref: NY 137 817 me know where you are staying. The
event contact is John Heathcote on
Wed 19 July
07857 897 989. Grid ref: NT 504 152
Adventure Out, Cycling, Scotland This
is Day Four of the Kirkpatrick C2C, Berkshire and Mid Thames,
South of Scotland's Coast to Coast cycle Oxford Oxford Botanic Garden. A visit
ride. On this day, we will cycle from to the Oxford Botanic Garden, the
Hawick to Eyemouth. Once again, there oldest in the UK, dating from 1621. Be
are two options. The official route, amazed by the colours on display in the
which is 72 miles with 1160m of ascent, walled garden, some of the largest
heads across the grain of the country to water lilies in the glasshouse,
Galashiels. Shortly after Galashiels, we carnivorous plants in the Cloud Forest
join the signposted cycle route which and experience a tropical rainforest.
takes us towards Berwick-upon-Tweed You don’t need to be a horticultural
and then north to Eyemouth for our expert to enjoy these gardens! This will
journey’s end and the ceremonial wheel be a level walk on gravel paths. Please
-dipping. The route crosses the Tweed meet at the entrance to the gardens at
and thus ventures briefly into 10:30. The gardens are located on The
England. Purists can avoid this if High, opposite Magdalen College and
desired. Eyemouth is a pleasant town immediately before Magdalen Bridge.
but it is not on the railway The postcode is OX1 4AZ. Admission
network. The nearest railway station is costs £6.30 for adults and £5.00 for
Berwick-upon-Tweed, about 10 miles seniors. Annual passes cost £25.00 and
south. The alternative, bearing in mind £20.50 respectively. The nearest car
that the final destination might be park is in St. Clement’s, or use The
Berwick-upon-Tweed for East Coast Westgate. Charges apply.
mainline trains, is to cycle direct from
If travelling from outside Oxford, we Dorset Jurassic Coast: Chapmans Pool.
would advise you to use the Park and This is a moderate 6-mile stroll along
Ride service. Trains from Didcot and the Jurassic Coast to Chapmans Pool,
Reading arrive at Oxford station. There with a beach picnic and a possible swim
is a frequent bus service travelling stop. There is one steep 130-step
along The High from the City centre. descent (which can be avoided on
The nearest bus stop to the gardens is request) and two climbs. Please meet
Queens Lane. There is a coffee shack in for a prompt 10:00 start at the
the gardens if you want refreshment. Hounstout Car Park in West Street,
After the visit to the gardens, we will Kingston, where free parking is
have a picnic in Christ Church Meadow available. The nearest postcode is BH20
(weather permitting!) so bring a packed 5LL. Kingston is on the B3069 road
lunch and something to drink. The between Corfe Castle and Langton
event contact is Paul on 07974 846 835. Matravers. At the Scotts Arms pub, turn
Grid ref: SP 521 061 into West Street to find the car park on
the left, just past the church. There will
Thu 20 July
be a refreshment and possible swim
Adventure Out, Cycling, Scotland This stop on the beach, so please bring a
is the fifth and final day of the packed lunch and something to drink.
Kirkpatrick C2C, South of Scotland's After the walk, our leader Laurence B
Coast to Coast cycle ride. As we are cordially invites everyone back for tea
likely to arrive in Eyemouth too late on at nearby Vue Plaisant House. He may
the Wednesday evening for those with be contacted on 07833 902 134. Grid ref:
far to travel to get home, we expect SY 953 794
many participants will spend the night
in Eyemouth. Onward travel on LNER Sat 22 July
is possible from Berwick-upon-Tweed Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk The
or Edinburgh, with Scotrail trains from Pingo Trail near Thetford Forest. This is
Dunbar or North Berwick. a provisional announcement about a
Alternatively, after a night in walk that includes the Pingo Trail. Full
Eyemouth, you could cycle the 54 miles details will be posted later. The details
to Edinburgh, with 670 m of ascent. The currently shown on the website are
event contact is John Heathcote on provisional only and may be changed.
07857 897 989. In the meantime, if you have any
queries, please contact Norfolk Group
Co-ordinator David Willis. The walk
will be led by Dave Lewis.

Sun 23 July Stockham, turn immediately left up the
Devon, Somerset Exmoor National drive to Stockham Park, where there is
Park. Dulverton Exmoor is just 693 ample parking. It’s a private residence
square kilometres and one of the UK’s so toilets and refreshments will be
smallest National Parks, but what it available. Please note that there is no
lacks in size it more than makes up for bus service on a Sunday to the
in beauty and variety. Once a royal Dulverton area. The nearest train
forest, it was sold off in 1818 with many station is Tiverton Parkway which is 50
areas declared sites of special scientific minutes by taxi to Chillybridge. There
interest due to their flora and fauna. It’s will be a lunch stop in Dulverton. There
a perfect place for stargazing too. In are shops and pubs to buy sandwiches
2011 it was designated Europe’s first and lunch items but it might be
international Dark Sky Reserve by the advisable to bring a packed lunch.
International Dark-Sky Association. Please also bring plenty to drink. The
Our moderate 5.5-mile walk will take event contacts are Keith on 07909 740
us through Dulverton, the Southern 996, and Mario on 07816 033 898. Grid
gateway to Exmoor, popular with ref: SS 923 305
walkers and tourists alike. The walk Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire,
will consist of public footpaths across Northampton & District Buckingham
fields and walkways. There are two to Hillesden Circular. This is a fairly
quite steep inclines which will each easy 8.5-mile circular walk through the
take about 20 minutes to ascend, arable farm land south of Buckingham.
However, we will make frequent stops This area is sparsely populated but has
to enable participants to get their breath some small hamlets and a couple of
We will gather for a prompt 11:00 start larger villages. It also contains a large
at Stockham Park, Chillybridge Rocks, 15th century church, with some
TA22 9JH, which is the home of our surviving medieval stained glass,
walk leaders. It is one and a half miles sympathetically restored in the 1870s
outside of Dulverton town. by Sir George Gilbert Scott. This is a
Chillybridge is accessed via the A396 fairly flat walk with a few stiles, some
road which runs between Tiverton and of which are not well-maintained.
Minehead. Chillybridge is just before Please meet for a prompt 11:00 start in
Bridgetown if you are coming from the car park behind the Premier Inn,
Tiverton, or just after if you are coming Needlepin Way, Buckingham MK18
from Minehead. A marker will be a 7RA. Please park at the far end of the
yellow cottage called Chillybridge car park, which is free. On Sundays,
Cottage immediately adjacent to the there is no convenient public transport
road. Cross the grade II listed bridge to this location. Please bring a packed
and bear left. Just past Lower lunch and plenty to drink. After the

walk, we may visit a café or a pub. If a prompt 10:30 start in Market Place,
anyone wants breakfast or a drink Longnor, near Buxton, SK17 0NT which
before we start the walk, there is a is in the centre of the village. Parking
Costa Coffee on site, open from 08:00. here is free, but it can be busy at
The event contact is David Ledsham on weekends. There is a pub, village stores
07722 442 829 Grid ref: SP 704 327. and cafes in the village. The event
Surrey Ranmore Common. This is a contact is David on 07740 844 192. Grid
beautiful 8.5-mile walk around ref: SK 088 649 . Please note that GOC
Ranmore Common and along the North Transpennine needs new events and
Downs Way. It’s a moderate walk over organisers! If you would like to arrange
varied terrain with moderate inclines a GOC walk but need some support or
throughout. Please meet for a prompt assistance in doing so, please contact
10:30 start at Denbies Hillside carpark, me as soon as you can!
which is free for NT members and costs Thu 27 July
£6.00 pay-and-display for
Online Online Members Social. Are
non-members. The nearest postcode is
you interested to meet or socialise with
RH5 6SR Please bring a packed lunch,
other GOC members online, from the
plenty to drink and something to sit on.
comfort of your home? Perhaps you
The event contact is Mark Woollard on
don't find it easy to join many of our
07856 748 736. Grid ref: TQ 141 503
outdoor events for one reason or
Transpennine Longnor to Pilsbury another, or you're interested to connect
Castle. Starting in Longnor, this with members beyond those that you
9.5-mile walk with 1500 feet of ascent is usually meet in person? Join us for our
in the heart of The Peak District and new Online Member Social on Zoom,
includes some ancient history in the on the fourth Thursday of every month
Dove valley, two hilltop trig points, and from 19:00 – 20:00. Whatever your
some outstanding views. Highlights interest, and whatever your level of
include the remains of an 11th century technical experience or expertise, you
Norman castle in a quiet section of the are welcome! This is a continuation of
Dove Valley, and at least one of the our longstanding Online Social in
hilltop trig points, (the other being on Zoom. From June 2023 it will be on the
private land, so access TBC). Please fourth Thursday of every month
make sure that you wear good boots, instead of fortnightly, to complement a
and bring waterproof/windproof new Online Welcome Social which
clothing, a packed lunch and plenty to takes place each month on the second
drink. Please see the website for a link Tuesday. Please join either or both! We
to show the route we'll be taking. The start each online social with a quick
walking is straightforward, but there round of introductions. If you have
are several steep climbs. Please meet for
something in particular that you would into your browser: https://
like to share or ask, this is your chance
to let others know what that is. Then we pwd=Qk41bjFhTUtDd1NXVFNPUmFy
spend most of our time mingling and R2NKUT09 Or go to
chatting informally - in small breakout join and enter: Meeting ID: 828 9813
groups if there are many of us. We close 0104 Passcode: 377718
each session by gathering all together
Sat 29 July
again to hear something of what we all
shared or enjoyed during the session. Please note that events which are
Please consider offering to share a brief taking place as part of our Annual
report afterwards on the GOC website, Outdoor Gathering are not shown
to share something of your experience here, but are shown on pages 10 – 24.
and to encourage others to attend in Adventure Out, Cycling, Scotland The
future. Please take a screenshot of Sma’ Glen and Strathtay 125k. This is a
those present, with their permission of challenging 77-mile cycle ride through
course, and upload it afterwards with a some of Perthshire’s finest glens and
few lines of text at Submit a new event passes. Our circular route will take us
report. See recent reports on the Online from the fair city of Perth, in the heart
group page as examples. Our Zoom of Scotland, up Glen Almond
meeting room is accessible on a (affectionately known as the Sma’
computer, tablet or smartphone via an Glen), over into Glen Quaich. A big and
app, or with more limited functionality steep climb to 537 m and an even bigger
via your browser or you can even dial- descent will take us to the attractive
in by telephone - see our member-only village of Kenmore at the north-east
page How to use Zoom. To join the end of Loch Tay. From there the terrain
GOC Online group and receive updates is much gentler as we follow the River
of news and events, please go to My Tay downstream through Grandtully
preferences and include Online in your and Dunkeld to complete our circuit. A
selection of groups. If you are not map of the proposed route can be
already a member of GOC, please Join found on the website. The route
us! Meeting: To receive an automated includes 1349 m of climbing, of which
email reminder of our online socials, 24 one short section is very steep (shown
hours in advance with the link to follow by a double arrow on the map). Please
the next day, please email meet for a prompt 10:00 start on Perth
[email protected] and ask to have your Railway Station forecourt, PH2 8HA. If
address added to the calendar invite. == you are coming by car, we would
Gay Outdoor Club is inviting you to a suggest parking at the South Inch car
scheduled Zoom meeting. To join the park, Edinburgh Road. (Grid ref: NO
Zoom Meeting, copy and paste this link 119 231) which charges £5.30 for all day,

and is around 500m from the station. After the walk, we will retreat to the
There are trains to Perth from Inverness Ilchester Arms in Symondsbury (01398
(07:55), Glasgow Queen Street (08:41), 422 600) for refreshments and possibly a
Edinburgh (08:37), Aberdeen (07:52) and meal. The event contact is Gareth on
Dundee (09:15) all arriving at or just 07443 626 484. Grid ref: SY 445 935.
before 10.00. If you are coming by train,
Tue 01 August
we strongly advise that you make an
advance reservation of a space for your Dorset, Solent Avon Causeway Hotel
bike in both directions! And to avoid a and St Catherine's Hill. This is an easy
rushed finish to the ride, we suggest 3-mile frying-pan shaped walk through
that you aim for a return train that heathland and woodland. It is a largely
leaves Perth after 19:00. We will aim to flat walk, partly on a disused railway
stop for lunch either in Kenmore or to line, with one modest climb. Please meet
make a small detour into Aberfeldy, but for a prompt 10:30 start in the free car
as it’s quite a long run you should also park at Avon Causeway Hotel, BH23
carry some high energy snacks and 6AS. This is best accessed via
plenty of fluids to sustain you during Blackwater Junction on the A338 Spur
the ride. If we make good progress and Road. Head initially towards the airport.
finish early, there may be time to grab Then turn right at the first roundabout,
some food in Perth before heading and fork right again for the Avon
home. The event contact is Douglas on Causeway. Recross the Spur Road via
07717 576 248 Grid ref: NO 113 231 the bridge and find the hotel
immediately on your left. There will be
Sun 30 July no refreshments available along the
Dorset Golden Cap. This is a scenic route, but after the walk we will have
8-mile circular walk taking in some of the option of lunch at the Avon
the glorious South West Coast Path Causeway Hotel (01202 482 714). The
around Golden Cap. It is a moderate event contact is Ron Roskell on 07570
walk with some climbs. Please meet for 217 400. Grid ref: SZ 136 976
a prompt 10:00 start outside the church
Sat 05 August
in Symondsbury, DT6 6HB. Please park
considerately near the church. If you are Berkshire and Mid Thames,
travelling westwards, Symondsbury is Oxford Pangbourne, Whitchurch and
signposted to the right off the A35, just the Thames. This 6.5-mile circular walk
west of Bridport. There will be no starts in Pangbourne, proceeds across
refreshments available along the route, the River Thames to Whitchurch and
so please bring a packed lunch and thence down to the Thames path before
plenty to drink. walking through Hartslock Woods.
After heading uphill past Great Chalk
Wood we will descend to Whitchurch

and Pangbourne. If the weather is fine, lots of rocky steps and can be a bit of a
there should be some good photo scramble. You will need a reasonable
opportunities. This will be mostly level head for heights, good balance and a
walking but with one fairly long ascent. sure footing. We hope to be rewarded
Please meet for a prompt 17:00 start at by fantastic views of Cumbria, the Irish
Pangbourne River Meadow car park. Sea and the Dales. We will then head
The nearest postcode is RG8 7DP. back down on the direct route to
Pangbourne is on the GWR mainline Horton, which eventually takes us back
from Paddington to the West Country. onto the same path we started on.
Trains to Didcot from Paddington stop Please bring walking boots, waterproof
at Pangbourne. If using long distance jacket and trousers, warm clothing,
services to the West Country you will trekking pole(s) if normally used, a
need to change at Reading. There are packed lunch and plenty to drink (at
also bus services from Reading to least 1.5 litres)! Please meet for a
Pangbourne see prompt 10:45 start in Station Road,
services/143-reading-pangbourne- Horton-in Ribblesdale where free
upper-basildon-2 . After the walk, we parking is available. The nearest
will eat at the Cross Keys pub at postcode is BD24 0HQ.
Pangbourne where we have eaten Horton-in-Ribblesdale is on the B6479
before. See http:// north of Settle. Driving through Settle, If you want please be careful of the speed limits as
to eat, please let Simon Scaddan know the police have a mobile camera van
by Tuesday 25 July on 07854 743 829 or that hides behind a railway bridge to
send a message via the GOC website. catch you if you are travelling at over
The event contact is Simon Scaddan, as 30mph. From the south, go through
above. Grid ref: SU 635 767 Horton village, past the National Park
North East, carpark. Go over the humpback bridge,
Transpennine Ingleborough and the turn left and go over the next
Yorkshire Dales. Starting from humpback bridge onto Station Road.
Horton-in-Ribblesdale, this moderately Free parking is available about 50
challenging 11-mile trek will take us metres further on. We are holding this
across the railway line and along the walk on a Saturday as it has better train
path to Ingleborough. After about two schedules than Sunday. You will need
miles we turn left. After heading to check times from your departure
towards Clapham for a further two point. You will need to get to
miles, we veer to the right to reach Horton-in-Ribblesdale not later than
Gaping Gill, where we will stop for 11:00. We will set off from our meeting
lunch. Afterwards, we will head for the point at 10:45. The path for the walk
summit of Ingleborough. This involves

goes through the south end of the train on undulating open downland, with
station and crosses the rail-lines. only one short, steep incline and several
We will gather up any walkers who gentler hills. Please meet for a prompt
arrive by 11:00. As this is a long and 10:00 start at the NT Car Park,
strenuous walk, we can’t wait for late Beckington Road, Avebury, SN8 1QT.
arrivals! If you are coming by train, The car park is free to EH members
please let me know via the messages, displaying an EH car park sticker, and
giving your expected time of arrival. If to NT to members showing an NT
your train arrives late, you may be able membership card to the office. For
to catch us up if you walk quickly. The those who are not members of either
event contact is Alex Barr on 07703 896 organisation, car parking costs £8.00 for
360. Grid ref: SD 807 726 over three hours. Alternatively, you
can park at the Red Lion Pub, Avebury,
Sun 06 August all day for £3.00. We will have a picnic
Berkshire and Mid Thames, Solent, stop along the way, so please bring a
Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and North packed lunch and plenty to drink. After
Somerset Avebury Circular. On this the walk, we plan to retire to the Red
11-mile figure-of-eight walk, we will Lion Pub. The event contacts are Ian
explore the renowned World Heritage Martin on 07803 056 989, and Bill
Neolithic Site of Avebury Henge which Pilcher on 07503 650 354. Grid ref: SU
includes the World’s largest Megalithic 099 696
Circle. We will start in Avebury and Cambridgeshire Orwell,
head west to visit the Adam and Eve Cambridgeshire A 6.5-mile circular
Stones before heading north to walk including part of the Wimpole
Windmill Hill (which predates Avebury Estate. We will be walking on good
Henge) and then return to Avebury to paths which may be muddy in places if
explore the Stone Circles. We will then there has been recent rain. Please meet
walk east to Overton Down before for a prompt 11:00 start outside Orwell
heading to the Sanctuary and onto and Church, Fisher's Lane, Orwell,
into the West Kennet Long Barrow. Cambridgeshire, SG8 5QX. Roadside
After passing Silbury Hill we will parking is available in the village.
return through the impressive avenue Please bring a packed lunch and plenty
of Standing Stones. Attendees wanting to drink. The event contact is Steve
a shorter walk may choose to leave the Shinkins on 07712 648 645. Grid ref: TL
walk after the first loop and spend 362 505
longer exploring Avebury itself and
possibly the Alexander Keiller Devon All Around Haytor and Hound
Museum. Please bring your EH and NT Tor. This challenging but spectacular
membership cards! We will be walking 6-mile walk on Dartmoor offers
unrivalled views in an area dominated
by these two tors. Please note that we stop for lunch. After lunch, we will stop
will not be climbing to the top of either briefly at Crockham Hill Church to look
of them! Our route features an old at Octavia Hill's grave, before climbing
granite tramway and the site of the Jacob's Ladder to Mariners Hill and
medieval village of Hundatona, where Froghole, with superb views over the
we will stop for lunch. Please bring a Weald. We then pass Chartwell, which
packed lunch and plenty to drink. An we will look down on from above. We
unusual feature of this walk is that for will then head to French Street, before
most of the time you can see our whole crossing Hosey Common to return to
route laid out before you. This walk is our starting point. At some point
graded as difficult because of the during this walk, we will hold a short,
arduous terrain, following paths and informal planning meeting for 2024.
tracks across the open moor with some Please bring some ideas for walks that
lengthy hills both up and down, with you would be prepared to lead next
occasional steep sections. At the end of year. This is a moderately easy walk
the walk, a pre-positioned car will with a few climbs but nothing too
operate a shuttle service, taking steep. Please meet for a prompt 11:00
members two miles back to the start, start at the Darent car park on the A25,
where refreshments will be available at just to the east of Westerham town
the excellent farm shop café. Please centre. The approximate postcode is
meet for a prompt 11:00 start at TN16 1TD. The Darent car park is free
National Park Visitor Centre car park at on Sundays but fills up quickly.
Haytor, on the B3387 road from Bovey Additional free road-side parking is
Tracey to Widecombe in the Moor. available either in Rysted Lane (TN16
Parking here costs £5 for all day. Free 1EP), off the Croydon Road (B2024) or
roadside parking is available 250 yards on the Croydon Road (TN16 1TU) itself,
up the road. The event contact is Mike to the west of Westways. Allow an extra
on 07786 871 141. Grid ref: SX 768 769 ten minutes to walk back through the
West Kent Westerham, Limpsfield town to the start at Darent car park.
Chart, Crockham Hill and Chartwell, There is no train station in Westerham,
including our 2024 Planning Meeting. but there is a bus servicing Westerham
This is a moderate 9.5-mile walk from the London direction that operates
through wonderful countryside. on Sundays. Please check the bus times
Initially, we will head south and then to ensure you arrive by our starting
south-west, following parts of the time. Please bring a packed lunch and
Greensand Way over Limpsfield plenty to drink. There is an opportunity
Common until we reach Limpsfield for a quick drink at lunchtime in
Chart. From there we will head south Crockham Hill, and also back in
towards Crockham Hill, where we will Westerham after the walk. The event

contact is Colin Turner on 07719 691 seals. Please note that there are a few
929. Please call on the day, or use more short and steep ascents and
WhatsApp/call or message via GOC descents, and in a couple of places the
website beforehand. Grid ref: TQ 449 path is quite close to the cliff edge.
540 Once back in Newport there are various
West Wales, Women Carn Ingli, options for refreshments. One that
Newport, Pembrokeshire. This 9.5-mile caught our eye (but was closed
walk includes some relatively steep mid-week when we did the recce) is the
ascents and descents. It is strenuous at Castle Inn which is not far from the car
the start, up onto Carn Ingli, but park and has outdoor seating at the rear
moderate after that. We start off by of the building. Please meet for a
walking up Long St., crossing the main prompt 11:00 start in the public car
road and then on up towards the castle. park on Long Street, Newport,
We then follow the lanes up towards Pembrokeshire, SA42 0TJ. The parking
Castle Hill which take us onto a charge here is £ 6.00 for 24 hrs (as 4 hrs
common situated below the outcrop of will be too short) You can pay with
Carn Ingli. If the weather permits, the cash, card or use the pay-by-phone app.
views down to Newport and out over At the crossroads in the centre of
Newport Bay are magnificent! Once at Newport, turn down the hill and turn
the top, the main climb of this walk will left into car park. Please bring a packed
be behind us. We will continue across lunch and plenty to drink.
Carningli Common with splendid Refreshments at the end of the walk in
views across towards the Preselis, Newport. The event contact is Richard
passing Mynydd Caregog before Williams on 07375 835 555. Grid ref: SN
eventually reaching a small car park 056 392
near Bedd Morris. We turn right onto a Western Midlands Henley in Arden
lane. Then after a short distance we and its environs. A moderate 11-mile
turn left onto Parc Mawr and start a wander around Henley in Arden,
long and gradual descent towards the through woodland, a nature reserve
coast. After passing a couple of farms and across open farmland. There are
and other dwellings, we finally reach no big hills to climb, but there are some
the main A487 which we cross, ups and downs as we cross the rolling
continuing downwards towards Fforest countryside on farm tracks, country
Farm. Here we join the Pembrokeshire footpaths, open fields and woodland
Coast Path which takes us back to paths. Hopefully there won't be too
Newport (Trefdraeth). The path runs much mud at this time of year but there
along the top of the cliffs, offering some are abundant springs and some boggy
more spectacular scenery and perhaps fields so good footwear is a must. We
even the chance to see dolphins or pass through some very smart stables,

so you might spot the winner of a and the Gold Hill Museum. Please meet
future big race, and we will cross the for a prompt 11:00 start at The Two
Stratford upon Avon Canal twice. Brewers Pub, Shaftesbury, SP7 8HE.
There are some impressive properties From the Ivy Cross Roundabout, take
along the route and train spotters will the B3081 towards Sturminster Newton,
be delighted to know that we will also and at the bottom of St John's Hill, by St
cross the railway twice! In addition, James' Church, turn left along St James'
there is evidence of a disused railway Street to the Two Brewers Pub. There is
line. Please bring a packed lunch and parking for six cars in the pub car park,
plenty to drink, as there will be no and roadside parking nearby. Please
option to purchase refreshments once arrive by 10:45 so that you can make
we’re on the walk. Please dress for the your lunch choices before we start the
weather on the day. At the end of the walk. The pub is gay owned, and is
walk, there are plenty of places to get convenient for public transport to
tea/coffee/beer, or if you prefer, you can Shaftesbury. Unless we stop at the
sample one of the famous Henley ice museums, or for a coffee at the top of
creams. Please meet for a prompt 11:00 Gold Hill where there is a lovely café in
start on the public car park in Prince the cellars, our 4-mile walk should
Harrys Road, Henley in Arden, where finish by 13:00, and so there will be no
there is free parking. The post code for need to bring refreshments. Grid ref: ST
the adjoining doctors’ surgery is B95 861 226
5GD. Henley in Arden is served by both Online Online Welcome Social. Are you
buses and trains, but please check the interested to meet or socialise online
Sunday timetables near the date of the with other GOC members from the
walk. Please bring a packed lunch and comfort of your home - and help to
plenty to drink. The event contact is welcome newcomers to GOC and
Paul A. on 07891 584 461. Grid ref: SP encourage them to join us? Join us for
151 658 our new Online Welcome Social in
Tue 08 August Zoom, on the 2nd Tuesday of every
Dorset, Somerset Shaftesbury Heritage month from 19:00 to 20:00. This is an
Walk. Enjoy the heritage spots of opportunity for new and experienced
Shaftesbury on this easy 4-mile walk, GOC members to connect with each
half in town and half on country lanes. other, and with newcomers to GOC
It is a figure-of-eight, allowing us the who book from our new GOC Meetup
option to stop early at the pub. The group. For these newcomers it is an
walk will comprise the Iron Age hilltop opportunity to meet GOC and some of
town, the medieval town and the our members, and to consider joining as
Spring Line Villages. After lunch, you a member themselves. We start each
may like to visit the Abbey Museum online social with a quick round of

introductions. If you have something in evening performance of Shakespeare's
particular that you would like to share 'Romeo & Juliet' in the open air on
or ask, this is your chance to let others Brownsea Island. Sail over from Poole
know what that is. Then we spend most for a pre-performance picnic in the
of our time mingling and chatting grounds prior to a seat in the Open-Air
informally - in small breakout groups if Theatre. Please note that the
there are many of us. We close each performance is weather dependent
session by gathering all together again and may be cancelled at short notice!
to hear something of what we all shared Tickets will be valid for following day,
or enjoyed during the session. Our so please reserve both nights in your
Zoom meeting room is accessible on a diary. Tickets are £30 including boat
computer, tablet or smartphone via an transfer and admission to the island
app, or with more limited functionality Please book in by 15 June 2023,
via your browser or you can even dial- whereupon Gareth will attempt a
in by telephone - see our member-only group booking with possible
page How to use Zoom. To join the reductions. After this date you will
GOC Online group and receive updates have to book direct at www.brownsea-
of news and events, please go to My . The Open-Air Theatre
preferences and include Online in your has allocated seating, but please bring
selection of groups. If you are not appropriate clothing for an outdoor
already a member of GOC, please Join picnic and the performance. Please
us! To receive an automated email meet at 17:00 at the Brownsea Island
reminder of our online socials, 24 hours Ferry Terminal on Poole Quay, BH15
in advance with the link to follow the 1HJ. There is parking nearby at the
next day, please email Quay Visitors Multstorey Car Park,
[email protected] and ask to have your BH15 1AF. We will then take the 17:30
address added to the calendar invite. == private boat over to Brownsea. Return
Gay Outdoor Club is inviting you to a Boat travel across to Brownsea Island is
scheduled Zoom meeting. To join the included in ticket price. We will picnic
Zoom Meeting, copy and paste this link in the grounds prior to the performance
into your browser: https:// and during the interval. The event contact will be Gareth on 07443 626 484.
pwd=UWZvTk1yQXZEdEs5OEhLSEZ Our guide on the day will be Ian on
KQnpKUT09 Or go to 07803 056 989. Grid ref: SZ 010 902.
join and enter: Meeting ID: 895 9387 Western Midlands A Warwickshire
8113 Passcode: 324840 Wednesday Wander: Lapworth. This
Wed 09 August easy 5-mile walk through Warwickshire
Dorset, Solent Brownsea Open Air fields passes Packwood House and
Theatre (Romeo & Juliet) Enjoy an Lapworth Church, close to where we

will eat our packed lunches. We will Features include ancient woodlands, a
return along the Stratford Canal ruin covered in fauna, grand properties
towpath, beside the locks leading to the and delightful views. Around seventy
Kingswood canal junction. There are no per cent of the walk benefits from
hills, a few stiles, and we start by tree-coverage and shade. At the end of
crossing a railway footbridge. The the walk, we will have the opportunity
paths may be muddy in places. Please to visit a popular pub on the canal, only
meet prompt for a 11:45 start at five minutes’ walk from the train
Lapworth Railway Station car park, station. The pub is frequented by
Kingswood, Solihull, B94 6LP. By car people of all colours, including a
from Birmingham, drive south down number of sports teams. This walk is
the A3400 Stratford Road. At Hockley for people with country walking
Heath, turn left on to the B4439. After experience and a good level of fitness. It
2.5 miles, turn left up Station Road. The may include some steep paths and open
rendezvous, Lapworth Railway Station, country, and may be at a brisk pace.
is 600 yards on the left. There is a small Please wear walking boots or trail shoes
car park at the railway station, but there and appropriate clothing. Please meet
might be a charge. However, there's for a prompt 11:00 start outside the
free parking in Station Lane. For those main entrance (canal side) to
using public transport, there's a train Berkhamsted Train Station, Lower
from Birmingham Moor Street station Kings Road, Berkhamsted, HP4 2AJ.
at 11:15 arriving in Lapworth at 11:33. This is by the fish bar adjacent to the
There are return (direct) trains at 16:23 taxi rank and is closest to platform 1.
and 16:27. Please bring a packed lunch Parking is available at the station. A
and something to drink as there are no new payment machine has been
shops, pubs or cafés along our route. At installed which gives you the option to
the end of the walk, there will be pay by card/contactless on entry or on
tearoom and pub options. The event departure. We recommend you request
contact is Ross on 07493 748 808. Grid VAT receipt for your records. There are
ref: SP 188 715 plenty of spaces and CCTV. The car
park is operated by SABA. Please see
Sat 12 August
Bedford & District, Hertfordshire,
London, Milton Keynes and k/stations/berkhamsted https://
Buckinghamshire Berkhamsted where
Summertime Sizzler! Escape the crowds advance payment for car parking is
on this moderate 12-mile walk in a less permitted. North Western Railway
well-known area on the border of services travelling between London
Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Euston and Birmingham call at

Berkhhamstead. Please bring a packed crossing a concrete arch bridge, turn
lunch, snacks, fruit and plenty to drink. right at the lights, following the brown
We will picnic on a ridge with sign for Walton Hall and Gardens.
wonderful views. There are also two The car park is at the end of the road,
cafés along the route for coffee/tea/ice and is shown on Google Maps as
cream that also offer the usual facilities. Walton Hall Car Park. The parking
At beginning of the walk we will pass a charge is £4.00. Please note that parking
supermarket and a few eateries for on the approach road is not possible!
anyone who needs to buy provisions. The nearest railway stations are
The event contact is Khris. Grid ref: SP Warrington Central and Warrington
993 081 Bank Quay. They are both a little over
Transpennine Walton Hall Gardens, two miles away from our meeting
Daresbury & Moore. This easy 7-mile point. Please bring walking boots, bad
walk starts from Walton Hall Gardens. weather gear, a packed lunch and
We will begin by walking a short plenty to drink. The event contact is
distance along the canal towpath, Peter T. on 07903 925 949. Grid ref: SJ
before heading across the golf course to 600 852
Appleton Reservoir. We will then walk
Sun 13 August
across fields to Daresbury, home of the
All Saints’ Lewis Carroll Centre and the Dorset Maiden Castle circuit. This
birthplace of Charles Dodgson. From moderate 6-mile walk explores Maiden
there we may be able to see across Castle, one of the largest Iron Age
Warrington and the wind turbines hillforts in Europe, as well as the
north of Manchester. After crossing a surrounding downland which offers
very busy road, we will head down commanding views. The walk includes
Keckwith Hill to join the Bridgwater some gentle climbs. Please meet for a
Canal towpath back to Walton via prompt 10:00hrs at the Brewers Arms
Sci-Tech Daresbury and the village of pub, Martinstown, DT2 9LB, which can
Moore. We will be walking on canal be reached by turning left off the A35
towpaths, paths through fields or Dorchester bypass at the Poundbury
woods, and some country lanes. Please roundabout. There is free customer
meet for a prompt 10:30 start at Walton parking at the Brewers Arms, or you
Hall Gardens car park, Walton Lea can park nearby in the village. We will
Road, Walton, near Warrington, WA4 have a picnic along the way, so please
6SN. Please note the slightly earlier bring either snacks or a packed lunch
start time as the car park can get busy! and plenty to drink. At the end of the
From the M56 Junction 11, take the A56 walk, around 14:30, we plan to visit the
towards Warrington. Pass the sign for Brewers Arms (01305 889361) for a
Walton Hall Deliveries, and after drink and possibly a meal. The event

contact will be Stephen C on 07973 561 Knaresborough. There is a possible pub
790. Grid ref: SY 644 889 stop near the end of the walk. Please
South Midlands Ilmington and meet for a prompt 10.30 start in the
Ebrington, South Warwickshire. This layby on the minor road near
moderate 8-mile walk sees us visit the Morrisons’ depot. From the A59, take
charming villages of Ilmington and the minor road north towards Flaxby,
Ebrington, following a scenic route around one mile west of A1 Junction 47.
criss-crossing the border of Park in the layby almost immediately
Warwickshire and Gloucestershire. on the right-hand side, just before
Weather permitting, we can look Morrisons Depot. Please bring walking
forward to panoramic views of the boots, waterproof jacket and trousers,
surrounding countryside. Dogs are warm clothing, trekking pole(s) if
welcome if kept under control at all normally used, a packed lunch and
times. The terrain is quite hilly, but we plenty to drink. The event contact is
will be walking along well-made paths Howard on 07934 620 763. Grid ref: SE
and country lanes. Please meet for a 393 573
prompt 11:00 start outside the Primary Wed 16 Aug
School, Back Street, Ilmington, Devon Newton Poppleford and the
Warwickshire, where on-street parking River Otter Circular. This 6-mile walk
is available. The nearest postcode is starts in the village of Newton
CV36 4LJ. Please park close together so Poppleford and takes us out through
that we can accommodate everyone. orchards and open countryside on
There is no public transport to the footpaths which can be muddy and
location on Sundays. Please bring a slippery when wet. We will get some
packed lunch and plenty to drink. The magnificent views of the Otter Valley
event contact is Ray on 07400 001 725. and see some wonderful local
Grid ref: SP 209 436 architecture including the Saxon tower
Tue 15 August of St Gregory's Church in Venn Ottery,
North East, Transpennine The which dates from about 1065. Later, we
Knaresborough Round. This 10-mile will descend a stony footpath leading to
walk, mainly on bridleways, features the river Otter. We will then follow the
only minimal ascent but includes some river back to our start point in Newton
sections on minor roads. It takes in the Poppleford. The walk includes some
eastern part of the Knaresborough moderate ascents and descents, but the
Round, through pleasant countryside second half of the walk is largely flat
and woodland around the villages of along the riverside. Please meet for a
Goldsborough and Coneythorpe. We prompt 11:00 start in the public car
will also cut through the outskirts of park in Newton Poppleford. The
nearest postcode is EX10 0SP.
If approaching from Exeter you should Thames, passing the Withymead
turn right after passing the Cannon Inn Nature Reserve, and turning before we
on your right-hand side. The car park reach Moulsford. This round trip will
can be found on the right, a short then retrace its steps, providing great
distance up the road. There is also free views of the riverside villages. We will
on-street parking in the side streets travel on either the Caversham Princess
beyond the car park. Please bring a or Caversham Lady. Booking is
packed lunch, plenty to drink and essential and you will need to buy
something to sit on. The event contact is your ticket directly from the boat
Roy Stephenson on 07747 815 070. Grid operators! See https://
ref: SY 085 896
goring-circular-cruise. Tickets are £21
Thu 17 August
per adult. Please meet at 13:00 for a
Berkshire and Mid Thames, London, prompt 13:15 departure on the
Oxford A unique round-trip river downstream side of Goring Lock.
cruise through Goring and Cleeve Parking in Goring can sometimes be
Locks. Spend the early afternoon difficult in mid-summer. See parking
gliding along the River Thames on a locations on https://
new cruise from Goring Lock, heading
upstream (towards Oxford) and wheel_orchard/rg8/
passing through Cleeve Lock. This trip goring_on_thames/?
sails through some hidden Thames arriving=202304170730&leaving=202304
beauty, giving a unique perspective on 170930. However, Goring Station is a
reaches of the river that are idyllic, 12-minute walk from Goring Lock, and
unspoilt and off the beaten track. This is a convenient way to reach our
cruise will last approximately two boarding point. Trains from Reading
hours, and recreates one of the more take just twelve minutes. Onboard the
traditional ways to spend an afternoon boat, there will be a fully stocked bar
on the river, harking back to Victorian with hot and cold drinks. After the trip,
and Edwardian times. Travelling there will also be an opportunity to
through stunning Thames countryside have refreshments in one of the cafes
that has changed little with the passage and bars in Goring or Streatley. The
of time, this is an opportunity to visit a event contact is Simon Scaddan on
stretch of the Thames less visited, away 07854 743 829. Grid ref: SU 596 808
from the rush of daily life. After leaving
picture-postcard Goring (opposite the Sun 20 August
equally perfect Streatley) we will cruise Cycling, Transpennine Blackpool
up-river to Cleeve lock, which is Cycle Ride. This is a flat, 40-mile
somewhat hidden. We will then steam pedal-cycle ride through the green
on, following the sweeping turns of the fields of the Fylde, returning from
Fleetwood via Blackpool. There may be History & Culture, South Wales
a toll bridge at a cost of about 10p and a Glamorgan Heritage Coast. This annual
ferry crossing of the river Wyre which 7-mile circular walk will take us along
last year cost £2.50 for a person with a the cliffs and beaches of this spectacular
bicycle. Please meet for a prompt 10:30 Jurassic coast, overlooking the Bristol
start on the south side of The Green in Channel. Starting from St Donat's, we
Wrea Green, which is a few miles south will head along the All-Wales Coastal
from junction 3 of the M55 to Blackpool. Path, past Atlantic College to Nash
The nearest postcode is PR4 2PD. Free Point and its lighthouse, initially
parking is available on the road on the climbing through a wood, and then
south side of The Green. The nearest along the cliffs to Monknash Beach. We
railway stations are at Kirkham or Moss will then descend to the beach and walk
Side, each about 1.25 miles away. Please along it back to Nash Point, before
bring a packed lunch and plenty to retracing our steps to St Donat's. Please
drink. You will need some money for bring a packed lunch, plenty to drink,
the ferry, and maybe for tea and cake at and a towel if you want to go
café stops. The event contact is John on swimming. We will visit the café near
07989 965 668. Grid ref: SD 397 315. the lighthouse on the way to the beach
Dorset, Solent The New Forest Burley and again on the way back. Please note
Oakley Inclosures. A 6-mile summer that the beach is made up of sand and
walk in the New Forest near Burley, patches of limestone pavement. In
crossing multiple inclosures and the places, the limestone is difficult to cross
Backley Plain. We will be walking on as it is of odd shapes and sizes,
easy forest paths which may be muddy fashioned by the tides, but it is passable
if there has been recent rain. Please with care. There are a few short climbs
meet for a prompt 11:00 start at Oakley along the way and just a few stiles.
Car Park, BH24 4HP, where parking is Please meet for a prompt 10:30 start at
free. Please note the later starting time! the layby on the main road to Llantwit
Coming from Burley, follow Chapel Major, 250 metres east of the entrance
Lane which eventually changes its to St. Donat's Castle grounds, where
name to Lyndhurst Road. The car park free parking is available. The nearest
is a well-signposted left turn. Please do postcode is CF61 1WF. The event
not confuse it with Woods Corner Car contact is Ben on 07951 001 676. Grid
Park! Please bring a packed lunch and ref: SS 940 682
plenty to drink. We will find a suitable Arfordir Treftadaeth Morgannwg Y
location for a lunch stop during the gylchdaith flynyddol ar hyd clogwyni a
walk. The event contact is Bernardo on thraethau’r arfordir Jwrasig
07513 068 564. Grid ref: SU 223 039 ysblennydd hwn sy’n edrych dros Fôr
Hafren. O tua 7 milltir, mae’r daith yn

arwain o Sain Dunwyd, ar hyd Llwybr of an earlier era. We will be walking
Arfordirol Cymru Gyfan heibio Coleg mainly on good footpaths, which may
yr Iwerydd i Drwyn y Fali a’i oleudy, be muddy in places if there has been
gan ddringo drwy goedwig i ddechrau, recent rain. A link to show the route is
ac yna ar hyd y clogwyni ar Lwybr available on the website. This is a
Arfordir Cymru Gyfan i Draeth Maelgi. moderate walk with around 2000ft of
Yna byddwn yn disgyn i'r traeth, yn ascent. Please meet for a prompt 10:30
cerdded ar hyd y traeth yn ôl i Nash start outside St Pauls Church, Flash,
Point, ac yna'n dilyn ein camau yn ôl i near Buxton, SK17 0SW. There is
Sain Dunwyd. Dewch â chinio a roadside parking nearby, and a small
hylifau, a thywel os ydych am fynd i car park near the Village Hall. Parking
nofio. Byddwn yn ymweld â'r caffi ger is also available at the church where the
y goleudy ar y ffordd i'r traeth ac ar y charge is £4.00. There is no public
ffordd yn ôl. Sylwch fod y traeth wedi'i transport to this location. Please bring a
wneud o dywod a chlytiau o packed lunch and plenty to drink. The
galchbalmentydd, Mae'r calchfaen yn nearest café, The Flash Bar on the A57 is
anodd ei groesi dan draed mewn around a mile away. The event contact
mannau, gan ei fod o siapiau a is David 07740 844 192. Grid ref: SK 026
meintiau od wedi'i siapio gan y llanw, 672 Please note that GOC
ond gellir ei basio gyda gofal. Mae Transpennine needs new events and
ambell ddringfa fer ar hyd y ffordd a organisers! If you are willing to
dim ond ychydig o gamfeydd. Bras arrange a GOC walk but need some
amcan pellter: 7milltir. support or assistance in doing so,
Grid ref: SS 940 682 Postcode: CF61 please contact me for further details!
1YY Meeting Time: 10:30 Western Midlands Market Drayton. A
Transpennine Flash and Axe Edge. walk in the Market Drayton area of
This 10-mile walk near Buxton initially Shropshire. Full details will be posted
ascends Axe Edge, which is on open on the website shortly. Meeting Time:
access land, but the walking is fairly 11:00
straightforward. Given good weather,
Thu 24 August
there are fantastic views from the trig
point. We then descend to the outskirts Dorset Mappowder and the
of Buxton to cross the busy A57 to Dorsetshire Gap. A moderate 7-mile
thread an interesting, wandering route, circuit across the downland of central
heading south through a variety of Dorset via the hub of ancient trackways
landscapes including ancient mining known as the Dorsetshire Gap. There is
and quarrying landscapes, an HSE one steep climb, and the trackways may
testing site, a forgotten packhorse be muddy after recent rain. Please meet
bridge and quiet farmland with echoes for a prompt 10:00 start by the church

in Hammond Street, Mappowder, DT10 something in particular that you would
2EH. This is best reached from the like to share or ask, this is your chance
B3143 at Piddletrenthide by following to let others know what that is. Then we
the minor road through Plush to spend most of our time mingling and
Mappowder. Free on-street parking is chatting informally - in small breakout
available near our starting point. There groups if there are many of us. We close
are no refreshments along the route so each session by gathering all together
please bring a packed lunch and plenty again to hear something of what we all
to drink. Our leader, Andrew R, shared or enjoyed during the session.
cordially invites everyone back for tea Please consider offering to share a brief
at nearby Piddletrenthide after the report afterwards on the GOC website,
walk. If the conditions are likely to be to share something of your experience
muddy, please bring a change of shoes and to encourage others to attend in
and clothes. You may contact Andrew future. Please take a screenshot of
on 07805 851 025. Grid ref: ST 734 061 those present, with their permission of
Online Online Members Social. Are course, and upload it afterwards with a
you interested to meet or socialise with few lines of text at Submit a new event
other GOC members online, from the report. See recent reports on the Online
comfort of your home? Perhaps you group page as examples. Our Zoom
don't find it easy to join many of our meeting room is accessible on a
outdoor events for one reason or computer, tablet or smartphone via an
another, or you're interested to connect app, or with more limited functionality
with members beyond those that you via your browser or you can even dial-
usually meet in person? Join us for our in by telephone - see our member-only
new Online Member Social on Zoom, page How to use Zoom. To join the
on the fourth Thursday of every month GOC Online group and receive updates
from 19:00 – 20:00. Whatever your of news and events, please go to My
interest, and whatever your level of preferences and include Online in your
technical experience or expertise, you selection of groups. If you are not
are welcome! This is a continuation of already a member of GOC, please Join
our longstanding Online Social in us! Meeting: To receive an automated
Zoom. From June 2023 it will be on the email reminder of our online socials, 24
fourth Thursday of every month hours in advance with the link to follow
instead of fortnightly, to complement a the next day, please email
new Online Welcome Social which [email protected] and ask to have your
takes place each month on the second address added to the calendar invite. ==
Tuesday. Please join either or both! We Gay Outdoor Club is inviting you to a
start each online social with a quick scheduled Zoom meeting. To join the
round of introductions. If you have Zoom Meeting, copy and paste this link

into your browser: https:// Do you want to keep in touch with other GOC members in Scotland? Join
pwd=Qk41bjFhTUtDd1NXVFNPUmFy our new chat group on Telegram, or
R2NKUT09 Or go to follow GOC Cycling on Facebook!
join and enter: Meeting ID: 828 9813 Norfolk Houghton and Harpley
0104 Passcode: 377718 circular. This is a moderate 8-mile walk
Sat 26 August around the villages of Houghton and
Adventure Out, Cycling, Scotland The Harpley, which you will find on OS
Wall of Talla. This 51-mile cycle ride in Landranger Map 132 or OS Explorer
the Scottish Borders is a joint ride with Map 250. Please meet for a prompt
Out Velo. Our circular route will take 11:00 start. To reach our meeting point,
us through Broughton and turn off the B1153 at the crossroads,
Tweedsmuir, before tackling a around 3/4 mile east of Anmer, where
particularly steep 1-in-5 climb at the the OS map names the B1153 as the
east end of the Talla Reservoir, known "Norman Road" and refers to "The
to cyclists as the Wall of Talla. We will Square" and "Anmer Minque". Go onto
then continue towards the Yarrow a narrow unnamed road heading
Valley past the Megget Reservoir and St south-east. The parking area, which is
Mary’s Loch, before turning north free, is where this unnamed narrow
towards Traquair and a gentle finish to lane meets the The Pedders Way. The
the ride along the south bank of the parking area is small, but to the east of
Tweed. Overall, there will be 882m of the parking area, you may park on the
climbing. Please meet for a prompt verge, under the trees. If you’re coming
10.00 start in Kingsmeadows Car Park by public transport, Lynx bus 33 leaves
in Peebles, where parking appears to be Kings Lynn at 10:05 and runs along the
free! The nearest postcode is EH45 9EN. B1153 towards Bircham. Just ask to
There are no cycle-friendly public alight at the junction with the unnamed
transport options, but you may be able road and walk down to the parking
to car-share with other members. Our area. We plan to stop for lunch at the
best option for a lunch stop will be the Rose and Crown in Harpley.
Gordon Arms in the Yarrow Valley at Alternatively, you can bring a packed
around the 36-mile mark. Much of the lunch. In either case, please bring
remainder of the ride is remote from plenty to drink. The event contact is
cafes, shops or pubs so please carry Michael Williams on 07900 794 587.
plenty of water and a few snacks to eat Grid ref: TF 757 285
along the way. At the end of the ride,
we may finish with a refreshment stop
in Peebles. The event contact is Douglas
on 07717 576 248. Grid ref: NT 251 401.
Sun 27 August car park at the Pharmacy Tithe Farm in
Bedford & District, Hertfordshire, Peel St, LU5 5EZ, a short distance from
London, Milton Keynes and our meeting point. There is no railway
Buckinghamshire Houghton Regis station nearby, but if you need a lift
Circular Walk. This 8-mile walk starts from Leighton Buzzard Station and can
and finishes in Houghton Regis, a get there before 10:15 please call me to
medium-sized town located in the arrange a lift. I have room for three
south of central Bedfordshire. It is passengers in my car. Please bring a
easily accessible from both the M1 and packed lunch and plenty to drink. Our
the A5, which goes through lunch stop is likely to be at All Saints
neighbouring Dunstable. After leaving Church. The event contact is Tom on
the town, we will explore the Chiltern 07742 577 509. Grid ref: TL 021 239
foothills around the upper reaches of East Kent Pluckley and the Greensand
Ouzel Brook, before crossing over Way. A moderate, 8-mile
towards Wingfield and a ridge with 'figure-of-eight' which starts and
panoramic views. We will then follow finishes in the centre of Pluckley, which
parts of the Chalgrave Heritage Trail will also be our lunch stop. The walk
towards the charming All Saints Parish uses both the Greensand Way, which
Church, just south of Toddington. After has spectacular views towards the
walking across meadows that still show Weald of Kent, and the Stour Valley
the signs of medieval ploughing, and Walk, which follows the course of the
past arable fields where houses stood River Stour. There are orchards, river
more than 500 years ago, we will make banks and expansive landscapes to
tracks back towards Houghton Regis. enjoy which at this time of year should
This is a generally easy walk, but be a delight. As it is a 'figure-of-eight',
includes some steep paths and open if you wish to join for just the morning
country, but nothing too strenuous. In leg or just the afternoon leg, that should
addition, the ground may be muddy in be fine. Please meet for a prompt 10:30
places, especially after recent rain. If start in the centre of the village by the
this is the case, please wear walking Black Horse Inn, TN27 0QS, which is
boots. Toilets are available near our adjacent to St Nicholas' Church. There
start and finish point at the local are a few parking spaces close to our
Morrisons and a Costa Café. Please meeting point in the heart of the village.
meet at 10:45 ready for a prompt 11:00 However, be prepared to park in a
start, outside Houghton Regis nearby road if these are taken. It is
Memorial Hall, Jesmond Dene, The usually not difficult to find somewhere!
Green, Houghton Regis, Dunstable LU5 The nearest station is Pluckley but this
5DX. There is plenty of unrestricted is some distance from the village. Please
on-street parking close by, plus a free allow 30 minutes to walk from there to

our starting point. Alternatively, if you Members from other groups are of
are coming by train, ask someone to course most welcome to join us on the
collect you from the station. Please day and, if interested, help on the stall.
bring a packed lunch and plenty to There will be a parade before the
drink. As explained above, we plan to festival, which kicks off at 12:00 noon,
have lunch back in the village of and is planned to have a full line-up
Pluckley where there is a shop and a across multiple stages. There will also
pub. The event contact is Neil Anthony be a funfair, a family area, plenty of
on 07587 122 798, on the day of the walk food and drink stalls and a marketplace
only please. Grid ref: TQ 925 453 where we will have our stall. Reading
Somerset Castle Cary Walk. We are became known within the homosexual
currently planning a hilly walk near world in the late 1890s when Oscar
Castle Cary. Details will be posted on Wilde was imprisoned in Reading Gaol,
the website shortly. Meeting Time: after having served time in Pentonville
11:00 and Wandsworth prisons, having been
found guilty of 'acts of gross indecency
Surrey Details of our August walk will with other male persons'. Decades later,
be posted on the website shortly. in a far more enlightened society, Pride
Meeting Time: 10:30 in Reading first took place in 2003,
Sat 02 September created by a group of local volunteers
to represent and support the
Berkshire and Mid Thames, London,
LGBTQIA+ community. Since then,
Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire,
attendance has risen steadily each year,
Oxford, Pride & Other Marketing
with up to 15,000 people attending the
Events, Solent, Surrey, Wiltshire,
event and 1,500 people participating in
Gloucestershire and North
the parade. The Reading Pride charity
Somerset Reading Pride. The Berkshire
works throughout the year to promote
and Mid Thames group have secured a
equality, and the Pride Parade and
pitch at this year's Reading Pride
Festival are completely free for
annual ‘Love Unites’ Festival and
everyone. Details of the event can be
Parade which will be held on Saturday
found at:
2 September. The costs of hiring the
event/reading-pride/ It would be nice to
pitch have been met from GOC’s
see as many of you as can make it on
marketing budget. We will be seeking
the day. It is usually a fun event with
volunteers, primarily from the
lots of music and stage acts. If you plan
Berkshire and Mid Thames Group to
to attend and are willing to help, please
run the stall and provide information
contact group coordinator Simon at
about GOC and what it does, and
[email protected] , or leave a
hopefully attract new members from
message on our group’s webpage.
across the LGBTQ community.

Pride & Other Marketing Events, house, Pegsdon Way, SG5 3JX, where
South Wales Pride in the Port, roadside parking is available nearby.
Newport, Gwent. After the success of Please bring a packed lunch, something
Newport City's first pride event last to drink and something to sit on. The
year, Pride in the Port plan a bigger event contact is Julian Smith on 07817
event this year with the first ever Pride 691 420. Grid ref: TL 119 303
Parade through Newport. We have Devon Princetown and around. This
booked a place for the GOC to take part walk was scheduled for last year but
in the parade, so please come and join was cancelled due to very poor
us! The parade will be around a weather. It is a two-part walk starting at
one-mile walk on flat, hard surfaces. 11:00. After a short walk across open
There are numerous car parks around moorland, we join the disused
the city centre. Newport is also Princetown Branch Line Railway. The
well-served by buses and trains walk will loop around King’s Tor and
throughout the day. There are also its quarry, with Foggintor Quarry in the
many cafés, coffee shops and eateries distance as we head towards
around the city centre, but it may be a Princetown for our lunch stop. After
good idea to bring something to drink. lunch, we will try and arrange for
Further details will be posted on the participants to catch a lift with a fellow
South Wales group page. The event group member to the start point. The
contact is Ben on 07951 001 676. Grid second part of the walk is the shorter
ref: ST 312 883. Meeting time: 11:00 walk back to the start point, leaving out
Balchder yn y Port, Casnewydd the loop around King’s Tor. So this
Grid ref: ST 312 883 Meeting Time: walk can be either five miles (loop-1
11:00 only) or nine miles with loop-2 added.
This is a moderate walk but it crosses
Sun 03 September
open moorland which is sometimes
Cambridgeshire Pegsdon, uneven under foot. As always with
Bedfordshire. We will be doing a walking on Dartmoor, be aware that the
9.6-mile circular walk starting from weather can change very quickly, so
Pegsdon. We will make our way to appropriate clothing and footwear are
Lilley and return to Pegsdon via the essential. Please meet for a prompt
Pegsdon Hills. Elevation ranges from 11:00 start at Sharpitor Car Park on the
235 feet to 604 feet, with 1008 feet of B3212 between Dousland and
ascent and descent. We will be walking Princetown. On the Dousland to
on good paths but they may well be wet Princetown Road you will go up hill
and muddy in places, so boots are and under a railway viaduct, then cross
essential. Please meet for a prompt a cattle grid as you hit the higher moor.
11:00 start outside The View public

You will then go downhill. When you There are two significant climbs, but
reach the bottom, Sharpitor Car Park is nothing too strenuous. Please meet for a
on your left. If approaching from prompt 11:00 start in the extended lay-
Princetown, the car park will be on by on the B2176, just north of Penshurst
your right. The car park has no village, opposite the long wall of
facilities. Lunch can be purchased to eatPenshurst Place, TN11 8DB. If the layby
in or takeaway at the Old Police Station is full, please park in the village itself.
Cafe/Fish and Chip Shop in There is a train station in Penshurst.
Princetown. Alternatively, bring a However, it is actually in
packed lunch to eat on one of the many Chiddingstone Causeway, quite a
benches or cover shelters on the green distance from the start of this walk. If
next to the main car park in you intend travel by train, please check
Princetown. In either case, bring for any engineering works affecting
something to drink! The event contact is your journey, and allow plenty of time
Mike Hookway on 07935 396 149. Grid to walk to the starting point. Please
ref: SX 560 708 bring a packed lunch and something to
West Kent Penshurst and drink. After the walk we will have
Chiddingstone Circular Walk. Starting plenty of village pubs to choose from!
at Penshurst, this moderate 9-mile walk The event contact is Mark Tomkins on
explores the lush Eden Valley, 07734 321 646 on the day of the walk, or
following an old track, field paths and via the GOC website beforehand. Grid
woodland trails to the timeless National ref: TQ 525 438
Trust village of Chiddingstone, where
the church, the historic Castle Inn and Full details
the Chiding Stone are all well worth a of all September’s events will be in
visit. The return route passes through the September 2023 issue of
the Penshurst Estate, crossing some fine Outdoors, which is due out on 25th
parkland with good views of the
mansion and the delightful See also
surrounding countryside.

Associated Clubs
These clubs offer outdoor, sporting or other active pursuits
that welcome GOC members. Some offer concessions on NOT SO TRAD: Southern Lesbian & Gay Climbers.
event fees for GOC members. Contact Phillipe Torres at [email protected] or
Roslyn McKendry at [email protected]
CycleOut: Gay cycling group based in London and
Out on Sunday: walks in the Lancs/Cheshire/Derbys
the SE. Recreational day cycling plus weekends and
area. Phil: [email protected] and at
holidays further afield in the UK and Europe. Tel.
01634 826 060.
The Freedom Club: camping & caravanning. Annual
Devon Pals: Lesbian group with monthly walks and
national meet.
occasional socials. Contact Nicky at
[email protected] Truegrip Badminton Glasgow. Meets Thursday
evenings at the National Badminton Academy. See
Gay Caravan and Camping Club:
our Facebook page or call Paul Tulloch 07708 514 676 /; e-mail:
[email protected].
[email protected]; Tel. 07977 317
872 (Ian Elesmore - Chairman) WWW (Women Walk Wales). Monthly meets.
Anglesey to Snowdonia. Rosie on 01248 601064 or
Glasgow Gay Rambling Group. Walks on the 2nd
email: [email protected].
Saturday of each month. Robert Watt on 0141 950
1081, 07594 036 962 or e-mail: [email protected]
GLUG: National Gay & Lesbian Underwater Group Advertising in Outdoors. We offer quarter, half
(scuba diving). Monthly London meets. and whole page colour spaces. A whole page; [email protected] ad is £60, a half-page is £40 and a quarter page
Goslings London Badminton Club: several weekly is £25, each is for one insertion. For the whole
badminton sessions and socials in London, details at page, you have the option of bleed. For a series, discounts of £2 per insertion are
Irons Golf Society: a society for gay and lesbian available for a run of three or more. As an
golfers. advertiser, you will get a free link to your
Lilidots: for women walkers in Scotland. Tel: Karen business on our website for the duration of
Radford on 01475 633 090. your ad. There is a one-off design charge of £40
(unless you send in artwork that requires no
Midlands Out Badminton: LGBT group open to all
further work). If you want to provide your
abilities. Meets Saturday mornings at Aston Universty,
own artwork, we can accept pdf or jpg files at
Birmingham. [email protected] or call
300dpi. Please contact [email protected] to
Andy on mobile 07813 330 003 or see
discuss your requirements.
Outdoors is published ten times a year. The next copy
Moseley Shoals: Birmingham swimming. Three
deadlines are 7th August 2023, 11th September 2023
sessions a week. Socials afterwards. Coaching
and 9th October 2023. An advertisement in Outdoors
available. New swimmers and visitors welcome. Mark
does not imply any endorsement of a product or
on 0121 441 3768 or see
service by the GOC or its trustees. The views and
Northern Wave: Manchester swimming. Two
opinions expressed in Outdoors do not necessarily
sessions per week. Also water polo. See
reflect those of the GOC, its editor or its trustees. or Trevor on 0161 872 1990 or
[email protected].


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