B1+ Unit 1 Test

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Name: Date: 06-05-2022

Unit 1 Test

1. Choose the correct option to complete the rules.
1. Use the present simple / continuous to talk about habits, routines
or things that are generally true.
2. Use the present simple / continuous to talk about things happening
now or around now.
3. We often use adverbs and expressions of frequency (eg
sometimes, rarely, every day) with the present simple / continuous.
4. State verbs (eg believe, understand, like) are rarely used with the
present simple / continuous.
5. Use the present simple passive when the person or thing that does
the action is unknown, or when the action is less / more important
than the person or thing that does the action.

2. Correct the mistakes in bold.

1. I’m not sure what are you meaning.
2. They is needing to be known the rules, but enjoy the freedom to
take risks.
3. So are you thinking that life is being a bit like playing sport
4. It is seeming to me that in both you are required the confidence
to have a go.
5. You aren’t succeed all the time, but you prepared for the next

3. Choose the correct option to complete the text.

In September 2013, Jonathan Trappe (1) attempted / was attempted
to fly across the Atlantic solo, sitting in a small lifeboat hanging under
370 balloons. He (2) was / had already crossed the English Channel
from England to France a few years earlier, in 2010, and he had
previously (3) broken / broke the world record for the longest helium-
filled ballon flight. The trip from America to Europe didn’t (4) begin /
begun well, and after only 12 hours he (5) was forced / forced to end
the trip because of technical problems. The winds (6) were / had
blowing him up and down, and he couldn’t achieve the steady height
of around 25,000 feet he (7) needed / was needing. Eventually he (8)
had landed / landed safely in the sea only 350 miles from where he
(9) was taking / had taken off. Europe (10) was / was being still over
two thousand miles away.

4. Complete the facts with the past simple, past continuous,

past simple passive or past perfect of the verbs in the box.
achieve have live organise skydive win work

1. The first To The Extreme event ____________ in Mexico in 2010.

2. Fearless Fred ____________ the idea for the event while he
____________ over New Zealand.
3. At the first event, Fred ____________ all the competitions and
____________ his goal of becoming Extreme Sportsperson of the
4. Before becoming interested in extreme sports, Fred ____________
as a firefighter. In a recent interview he said that he ____________
with danger all his life.

5. Match the tenses (1-4) to their uses (a-d).

1. Past perfect simple (had + past participle) __
2. Past simple (verb + -ed) __
3. Past simple passive (was/were + past participle) __
4. Past continuous (was/ere + verb + -ing) __

a. For actions in progress in the past.

b. For completed actions in the past.
c. When the action is more important than the person/thing that did
the action.
d. To show that an action happened before another action or time in
the past.

1. Match the words to make the names of the adventure
1. Sky a. boarding
2. Free b. surfing
3. Ice c. gliding
4. Snow d. climbing
5. Skate e. diving
6. Body f. surfing
7. Hang g. boarding
8. Wind h. running

2. Complete the email with the words in the box.

climb equipment extreme protective speeds surfing

Hi Jamal,
I’m sending you a link to an amazing video of this (1) ___________
sport called volcano (2) ___________. I suppose it’s like
snowboarding – the only (3) ___________ you need is a board and
some (4) ___________ clothing because you can really reach some
very high (5) ___________. The problem is that it can be a long (6)
___________ up to the top. Check it out!
See you,

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. You can’t get to the top if you don’t take __.
a. attempts
b. risks
c. tasks
2. Nothing beats achieving your __.
a. fears
b. obstacles
c. dreams
3. We have to __ our problems and not run away from them.
a. face
b. achieve
c. reach
4. I don’t think I __ my potential as a free diver.
a. encountered
b. fulfilled
c. overcame
5. Why didn’t you __ the offer of a free skydiving course?
a. risk
b. reach
c. take up
6. Just imagine a teenager __ to circumnavigate the world alone!
a. attempting
b. taking
c. reaching
7. Of course you’ll __ difficulties on this trip.
a. achieve
b. encounter
c. fulfil
8. Jordan was on top of the world when he __ the summit.
a. overcame
b. took up
c. reached

4. Match the sentence halves.

1. Always check your equipment
2. This is all about
3. He did exceptionally well even though he failed this time, so
4. I took a chance
5. She faced her fear of heights and went
6. Do you think I’m going to
7. If you don’t attempt difficult tasks,
8. What obstacles

a. and it worked out well.

b. overcoming difficulties.
c. risk my life by jumping off a cliff?
d. rock climbing.
e. so you won’t encounter problems with your ropes on the way
f. did you have to overcome?
g. I’m sure he will achieve his goals in the end.
h. you can’t get to the top.

1. Match the speakers to their favourite things.
a sewing machine a set of knives a cat a table a

1. Speaker A ___________________
2. Speaker B ___________________
3. Speaker C ___________________
4. Speaker D ___________________
5. Speaker E ___________________

2. Fill in the gaps while you listen.

My favourite thing has to be my new tablet. It's really light and quite
___________, so I take it with me everywhere. I'm always writing
___________ to friends and it's big enough to do college work on it
too. It takes really good ___________, and I play games and listen
to ___________ on it as well, of course. I often download
___________ onto it, and watch them in ___________. My mum
says I’m ___________, because I'm always on it. I even read things
on it at breakfast time. I’m not allowed to at ___________ time,
though. I have to be ___________ and talk to people then.
“Welcome back to real life," my mum says.


What does it mean to be

innovative in business?
In order for a business to survive in today's world, it is
important that we regularly review what we are doing and
how we are doing it. By considering new ideas and new ways
of doing things, and trying to innovate, we can improve on
our products/services, increase sales, reduce costs and make
our processes more effective and efficient. Innovation is key
to increasing profits.
There are several ways a company can be innovative with
their products and services. Today we will look at four of

1. Using the latest technology to

improve your product/service
When we think of innovation, we often think of new
technologies. While they might be impressive, we should not
use new technologies just because they are available. It is
important to consider how the technology can improve our
product/service and make a difference to our customer.
Companies that produce cars, toiletries, household
appliances, etc. often have a large R&D department to work
on making their products better.

2. Responding to customer demands by

changing what is on offer
By listening to customer feedback, we can get their opinions
on how we are doing and find out about what it is that they
want. We also need to be aware of changes in customer
demands and keep up with the times. When fast-food
restaurant McDonald's realised that the market wanted
healthier choices, they introduced fruit and salads, while
removing the 'super-size' option from their menus.

3. Offering a new product/service to

reach new customers
Your business might be doing well, but there is no growth or
development and there is a risk that your competitors might
take away some of your customers. Innovation sometimes
means developing a new product that targets a different
market. Although video games were often played by boys, in
2006, video games giant Nintendo introduced the game
console Nintendo Wii, successfully targeting girls and older
customers with games like Cooking Mama and Brain Training.

4. Changing the way you provide a

By looking at the changes to the customer's lifestyle and
needs, we sometimes realise that there might be better ways
to serve them. Customers who do not have a lot of time
might prefer to have their food or their shopping delivered to
their homes, or they might like to do their banking online
rather than in an actual bank.
Not all innovation will bring success to our businesses, but it
can give us the opportunity to grow and learn more about
what we do and what our customers might want.

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word.

customers recent innovate better development aware
demands convenient

We need to introduce __________ ideas and ways of doing things so

that we can improve and grow. One way of doing this is to look at the
most __________ technologies and see how they can make our
products or services __________. Some companies have a research
and __________ department that specialises in this. Another way is
to be __________ of changes in what our customers want and make
sure we offer products or services that meet their __________. A
third way of introducing innovation is to develop new products that
can help you target new __________. You can also change the way
your service is offered to make it more __________ for your
2. Are the sentences true or false?
1. We innovate because we want to increase the amount of money
our businesses make. __________
2. Being innovative is all about using the newest technologies in your
business. __________
3. Customers often don’t know what they want. __________
4. McDonald’s have not changed their menu since they started.
5. If you always target the same customers, you might lose them to
your competitors. __________
6. Nintendo understood that only boys will play computer games.

1. Write an essay of around 100 words talking about your
ideal plan for a holiday trip.

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