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Hello Hi !
How are you ? Hey !
Good morning What's up ?
Good evening Howdy?
What are you doing? What's new?
How is it going? What's going on?
How are you going? How are things?
How do you do How is everything?
How's life?
Long time no see !
It's good to see you !
Greeting and Introduction
Hello Pretty well
I'm fine thank you Not bad
Good morning Well nothing special
Good afternoon It's pretty good,thanks
Good evening Nothing much
How do you do Great
I'm doing well. Thank you I've been fine

 Conversation introduction :
A : Hello, how are you?
B : Hello, I am good. How about you?
A : I am good thank you.
B : Anytime. Btw what is your name brother?
A : My name is ..., and what is your name?
B : My name is ………...
A : Nice to meet you.
B : Nice to meet you too.
 Self introduction :
Hello fellas, my name is ……………..
I am from …..…. (class)
I am from …. ….. (city),
I was born on …….…….…….. (date/month/year) in ………….……… (place),
I am ……...... (age) years old right now
My hobbies are ………………………………………………………………….
That's all from me thank youu...
 Introduce someone else :
Hello fellas, my friend’s name is ……………………...,
He/she is from ………………….. (class),
He/she is from ………………... (city),
He/she was born on ……………………… (date/month/year) in ………….
He/she is .......... years old right now, his/her hobbies are …………………….,
That's all from me thank youu...
 Others of self introduction :

 Formal
I would like to introduce myself to you , my name is …………….….
You can call me ……….…
May I introduce myself. My name is ………...
Would you mind if I introduce myself. My name is ….
 Informal
Hello ! my name is … I’m from ….
Hi ! my name is …. Nice to meet you !

 Others of introduce someone else :

Excuse me , let me introduce my friend to you. Her / his name is ……..
Excuse me , I want to (wanna) introduce my friend to you. Her / his name
is ……..
Hobby :
 What is/ are your hobby / hobbies ?...
Response : My hobby is / hobbies are …
 What is / are your favorite / favorites ?....
Response : My favorite is / favorites are …
 What do you like ?
Response: I like watching movie .

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