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Learning Area ARTS 7 Grade Level 7

Quarter 4th Date

I. LESSON TITLE Philippine Theatrical Forms

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING 1. Analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance of their
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) selected festival or theatrical form;A7PR-IVh-2
2. Choreographs the movements and gestures reflecting the mood
of the selected Philippine festival/theatrical form; A7PR-IVh-2
3. Shows skills in making a papier-mâché jar;A7PR-IVe-f-3
4. Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the Philippine
festival/theatrical form;A7PR-IVe-f-4
5. 5. Performs in a group showcase of the selected Philippine
festival/theatrical formA7PR-IVg-5
I. Introduction (Time Frame: __DAY 1__)

Philippine theater comes in a variety of forms, and these includes religious and non-religious acts of production usually
shown or performed during festivals covering a wide spectrum of resources and origins. Most of which are influenced by the
Spanish and other Asian countries. Since the time of Dr. Jose Rizal, national hero, in the year 1898, Shadow Puppetry had
already been formed in the Philippines when he staged the play entitled “Carillo”. Rizal used a carton and a stick and he
positioned this at the back of a large white cloth using a candle to illuminate the back of the puppets to create the shadows.

Shadow Puppetry or Shadow Play is an ancient Art form that uses flat, expressed figures to
produce cut-out figures which are held together by sticks and sometimes threads to create to
create movement which are shown behind a thin layer of cloth or screen and alight source to
create the shadows. Shadow play is popular among various cultures and countries and has a long
history of tradition, but the known origin was from a Chinese Legend that traces Shadow Theater
or puppetry when a court magician comforted a gloomy emperor by “Conjuring up” his departed

A drama that is performs through dance movements, frequently with dialogue or

sometimes, even singing, dance drama is popular for retelling of famous, national literatures.
Actors act out scenes through a complex gesture language, which imitates actions in real life and
required rhythmic body movements as an expressive public performance. These movements are
often accompanied by other elements, such as dialogue, pamtomime, chants, and costumes.
Though the main focus of the dance drama would be the movements and gestures of the actors,
creating the right setup , props and costumes go a long way, and hust like any theater or drama
performance, visual arts through costumes and settings play a big role in creating the right “feel”
or “ambiance” to deliver the message of the story of the dance drama.

The earliest known form of organized theater is the Comedia or Moro-Moro, created by the
Spanish priests. It is usually performed during festivals or fiestas, and is performed in villages
throughout the Philippines. Each performance for each village differ from one another on how it is
treated through retelling, but all are full of romance, melodrama, and the highlight which is the
battle between the Christians and Muslim. All Moro-Moro plays follow a pattern of a love affair
between a Muslim-Filipino prince and a Christian princess. Moros were portrayed as perpetual
villains who always lost to Christians in the end. It depicts battles, in a rather comedic way,
between Christians and Moros as Muslims in the Philippines prefer to be called.

In the Philippines, the Sarswela or Zarzuela is a play with song and dances usually written in
prose, depicting the peculiarity or romantic love among idealized Filipino characters that are
often accompanied by topics of contemporary social, political, economic or cultural issues for
relevance and added interest. Originating from the Spanish form of musical-theater, the dramatic
action carried through the alternating combination of song and speech, and incorporates vocal
ensembles, various types of folk music and dance. Zarzuelas are usually nationalistic in theme and
plot and are showcased by actors and actresses wearing traditional costumes, our Filipinianas,
Barong Tagalogs and other local wear in the conventional era. Philippines sarswela depicts storied
told in integrated local folklore, projected by the actor characteristics in costumes, and traditional
Filipino inspired props. Some of these props are made out of materials made from local resources
such as capiz and rattan.

During the season of Lent, one of the most famous events that are shown is the theater play of Senakulo, usually
depicting stories and events from the Old and New Testaments related to the life, sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. It takes
at least eight days to be performed, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, in different places: on the
street, on the stage, in a chapel or church. Traditionally, it is acted out on a proscenium-type stage,
with painted cloths or paper backdrops, called telon. Locals act as soldiers, with menacing painted
masksand armors, and act out scenes even outdoors. Making the costumes and props take a lot of
thought and effort, to be able to represent the characters well, and that also includes creating the
stage, when performed indoors, and what backdrops to use for which scenario. All in all, the creation
of costumes, props and setting come together to support the creation of the whole production.
D. Development (Time Frame: _DAY 2__)

ACTIVITY 1: Fill Me!

Directions: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
__________ 1. Usually nationalistic in theme and plot and are showcased by actors and actresses wearing traditional
__________ 2. It is popular among various cultures and countries and has a long history of tradition, but the known
was from a Chinese Legend.
__________ 3. It is usually performed during festivals or fiestas, and is performed in villages throughout the Philippines.
__________ 4. Locals act as soldiers, with menacing painted masks and armors, and act out scenes even outdoors.
__________ 5. In this play, actors act out scenes through a complexgesture language, which imitates actions in real life
and required rhythmic body movements as an expressivepublic performance.

ACTIVITY 2: Complete Me!

Directions: Fill in the table with the correct answer to complete the sentence. Choose your answer inside the box.

Dance Threads
Religious Song
Dialogue Non-Religious
Lent Christians
Muslim Sticks

Philippine theater comes in a variety of forms, and these include 1.___________________ and2.____________________
acts of production usually shown or performed during festivals covering a wide spectrum of resources and origin. Shadow
puppetry or shadow play is an ancient art form that uses flat, expressed figures which are held together by 3._____________
and sometimes 4.______________________. A drama that is performs through dance movements frequently with
5._____________________ or sometimes even singing, dance drama is popular for retelling of famous, national literatures. The
highlight of Comedia or Moro-Moro is the battle between the 6._______________ and 7._________________.
In the Philippines, the sarswela or zarzuela is a play with 8.___________________ and 9.________________ usually written
in prose depicts the peculiarity of romantic love among Filipino. During the season of 10.______________, one of the
famousevents is the theater play of Senakulo.
E. Engagement (Time Frame: _DAY 2-3_)


Directions: Out of recyclable and available materials in your home, create an improvised musical instrument that you can use
for your next activity. Your creation will be graded base from the given criteria.


4 3 2 1


Directions: In this activity you must find a partner (it may be your siblings, parents or whoever you are with at home) and
watch the video link at that will help you in performing this task. Create a
short scenario about the battle between Christians and Muslim in Moro-Moro /Comedia and use your improvise musical
instrument as accompaniment for your performance. Take a video of yourself as you do the activity. Be guided with the
given criteria.
4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Characterization Presented the Presented the Presented the Presented the
character with character with character with character without
compassion in all compassion in many compassion in compassion.
parts of the parts. of the some parts of
performance. performance. the
Achievement of Purpose is clearly Purpose is clearly Purpose is Purpose is vaguely
Purpose and effectively established in most established in established in the
established in the parts of the some part of performance.
performance. performance. the

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: __DAY 4__)

Directions: Using newspaper or any papers available, create a Paper Mâché Bowl. Be guided with the criteria.
Materials: Newspaper/ any paper available, any bowl for molding, water, glue, and scissors
1. Cut the newspaper/ any paper available into squares.

2. Get the bowl, 1 glass of water, and 1 glass of mixed water and glue.

3. Dip one piece of newspaper/ any paper available at a time into the glass with water. Stick the cut newspaper under
the bowl and smooth it down with your fingers. Completely cover the bowl with a layer of the saturated cut
newspaper/any paper available. They should all be over-lapping and running in different directions.

4. Apply a second layer of cut newspaper/ any paper available. Repeat procedure no. 3 but now dip one piece of
newspaper at a time into the glass with mixed water and glue.Apply more layers for stiffness.

5. Stiffen it and trim the edges. Let it dry for few hours.

6. Carefully remove the papier mâché from the molded bowl. Decorate it (Optional)


(5PTS.) (4PTS.) EFFORT (2PTS.)
Planning The artwork is The artwork is The artwork shows The artwork shows
planned carefully; planned carefully; little evidence of no understanding of
understanding of all understanding of understanding the the concepts and
concepts and most concepts and concepts and instructions.
instruction is clearly instructions is instructions.
demonstrated. demonstrated.
Craftsmanship The artwork shows The artwork shows The artwork shows The artwork shows
outstanding good craftsmanship. limited poor craftsmanship.
craftsmanship. craftsmanship.
Creativity The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork
demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates very
outstanding level of satisfactory level of basic level of little creativity.
creativity. creativity. creativity.
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: __DAY 4__)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly:
1. If you were given the opportunity to watch a theatrical play, what theatrical play you would want to watch? Why?

2. As a student, how can you help in preserving theatrical forms?


VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: _________)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
VII. REFERENCES Music and Arts 7
Learners Material
Google and Youtube
workers-in-the-u-s/ , , ,
2BWmPrxlcwA/VEnIjUjoYwI/AAAAAAAADLg/_H63V2b1k3I/s1600/IMG_20141024_112343.jpg ,
Content NImfa P. Manalo/ Aprilito C. De
Prepared by: Angelica B. Mayuga
Evaluator: Guzman/Jimmy J. Morillo

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