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import java.text.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class OxygenProduction {

private double floorArea;
private double plantArea;

public OxygenProduction(double floorArea, double plantArea) {

this.floorArea = floorArea;
this.plantArea = plantArea;

public int calculateTotalPlants() {

double totalPlants = (floorArea * 10000) / plantArea;
int roundedPlants = (int) Math.floor(totalPlants / 10) * 10;
return roundedPlants;

public double calculateTotalOxygen() {

int totalPlants = calculateTotalPlants();
double oxygenProduction = totalPlants * 0.9;
return oxygenProduction;

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

System.out.println("Enter the floor area of the room (m*m):");

double floorArea = scanner.nextDouble();

System.out.println("Enter the plant area of a single plant (in cm2):");

double plantArea = scanner.nextDouble();

OxygenProduction oxygenProduction = new OxygenProduction(floorArea,

int totalPlants = oxygenProduction.calculateTotalPlants();
double totalOxygen = oxygenProduction.calculateTotalOxygen();

System.out.println("Total plants placed on floor area " +

decimalFormat.format(floorArea) + "*" +
decimalFormat.format(floorArea) + " is " + totalPlants + " plants
produces " +
decimalFormat.format(totalOxygen) + " litres of oxygen in a day");

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