Consolidated SC AWP 2021-2022 Final

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Republic of Kenya

Consolidated Sub-County Level Annual Work Plan

COUNTY: TaitaTaveta
YEAR: 2021/2022
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................................................................3
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................................................................3
Section 1: Overview of the Health Sector Situation in the Sub-County....................................................................................................4
1.1. Sub-County Population and Demographics..................................................................................................................................5
1.1.1. Population Breakdown and Description................................................................................................................................5
1.1.2. Health Sector Catchment Population for the County............................................................................................................5
1.2. Health Sector Investment Status in the Sub-County....................................................................................................................6
1.2.1. Distribution of Tracer Health Infrastructure Elements..........................................................................................................6
1.2.2. Distribution of Health Workforce..........................................................................................................................................7
1.2.3. Health Commodities, Supplies and Products........................................................................................................................8
1.2.4. Health Management Information Systems/ Monitoring and Evaluation..............................................................................9
1.2.5. Previous Financial Year Government Health Expenditure....................................................................................................9
1.2.6. Health Sector Management, Coordination, Leadership and Governance..........................................................................10
Section 2: Situation Analysis and Priority Setting...................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Major Health Conditions/Issues Observed in the County..........................................................................................................12
2.2 Problem Analysis and Priority Interventions..............................................................................................................................15
Section 3: Annual Program Based Work Plan.........................................................................................................................................16
3.1 Annual Performance Targets......................................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Annual Program Based - Service Delivery Workplan..................................................................................................................20
Program 1: Curative and Rehabilitative Health Services...................................................................................................................20
Program 2: Preventive and Promotive Health Services.....................................................................................................................22
Program 3: General Administration, Planning, Management Support and Coordination................................................................27
Section 4: Program-Based Budget Distribution......................................................................................................................................30
4.1 Budget Summary by Program and Sub-Program........................................................................................................................31
4.2 Budget Summary by Program Area and Source of Funds...........................................................................................................32

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

This Sub County AWP is built on the directions of the Kenya Health Policy Framework 2011-2030.Its strategies are based on Programs, where
each of them challenges are highlighted and interventions to address the challenges are identified. The three Program Areas Include:
1. Curative and Rehabilitative Services
2. Preventive and Promotive services
3. General Administration, Planning, Management support and Coordination
Each program has its Sub program which in them activities have been highlighted with the Budget attached and the source of fund indicated as


The development of this Sub County Annual Work Plan (AWP), facility and Community AWPs is as a result of enormous contributions from both
individuals working in the rural health facilities and the Sub County Health Management Team.

The plan includes inputs from program officers at the sub-county office, facility staff and community teams. We indeed acknowledge all your efforts and
sacrifice may God Bless you all.
Much appreciations as well goes to the County Management Team for the support in mobilizing for funds in making the planning at all levels successful.


Section 1:

Overview of the Health Sector Situation in the Sub-County

1.1. Sub-County Population and Demographics
Background Information
Voi Sub County is one of the four sub counties in Taita/Taveta County. It borders Kwale County to the south and Makueni County to
the north. It has a population of 118,562 people. It has six (6) wards, six (6) locations and sixteen (16) sub locations. It also has
twenty-two (22) level II/III health facilities and one (1) referral hospital. It has a two (2) FBOs and twenty-five (25) private facilities.
It has twenty-six (26) community units with three hundred and seventy-nine (379) CHVs. The health facilities provide preventive,
promotive, curative and rehabilitative services.

1.1.1. Population Breakdown and Description

Description Population segment estimates Sub County projected

1 Total population in the county 118,562
2 Number of households 23,713
3 Male 52.9% 62,719
4 Female 47.1% 55,843
5 Children under one year (12 months) 2.6% 3,083
6 Children under five years (60 months) 11.8% 13,990
7 Under fifteen-year population 33.3% 39,481
8 Women of child bearing age (15 – 49 years) 26.1% 30,945
9 Estimated number of pregnant women 2.7% 3,201
10 Estimated number of deliveries 2.6% 3,083
11 Estimated live births 2.6% 3,083
12 Number of adolescents (15-24) 19.2% 22,764
13 Adults (25-59) 24.1% 28,573
14 Elderly (60+) 7.1% 8,418
15 6-11 Months (50% of <1 years) 1,541
16 12-59 Months (80% of <5 years) 11,192
17 6 – 59 Months (90% of <5 years) 12,591
18 PAC(0.75% of Pregnant women) 24
*Use county-level population segment estimates.

1.1.2. Health Sector Catchment Population for the County

Facility Catchment Areas Population at beginning Number of new outpatients Outpatient utilization
of FY (past 12 months) per person
(A) (B) (C) (D = C/B X 100)
1 Bughuta Health Centre 8054 4284 53.2

2 Bungule Community Dispensary - 1331
3 David Kayanda Dispensary 1617 1447 89.5
4 Ghazi Dispensary 1747 994 56.9
5 Kajire Dispensary 2265 648 28.6
6 Kasigau Rdch 3817 2514 65.9
7 Kirumbi Dispensary 1128 895 79.3
8 Makwasinyi Dispensary 1456 2050 140.8
9 Manyani Dispensary 648 1068 164.8
10 Marungu Health Centre 5369 1009 18.8
11 Maungu Model Health Centre 6825 2715 39.8
12 Mbulia Dispensary 1521 836 55.0
13 Miasenyi Dispensary 3075 1214 39.5
14 Mleghwa Dispensary 470 536 114.0
15 Moi County Referral Hospital (Voi) 26587 26912 101.2
16 Mwangea Dispensary 1407 1783 126.7
17 Ndome Dispensary (Taita) 1391 978 70.3
18 Ndovu Health Centre 22673 6672 29.4
19 River Jordan Medical Centre 2070 3953 191.0
20 Rumangao Dispensary 470 387 82.3
21 Sagala Health Centre 2102 1211 57.6
22 St Joseph's Shelter of Hope 6857 5129 74.8
23 Tausa Health Centre 3299 1652 50.1
24 Wongonyi Dispensary 1003 680 67.8
25 Zongwani Dispensary (Bamako) 1127 763 67.7

Sub County totals 115611 77099 66.7%

1.2. Health Sector Investment Status in the Sub-County

1.2.1. Distribution of Tracer Health Infrastructure Elements

Level of care Infrastructure Amount available by provider type Distribution in government facilities
Government Private non-profit Private Total Requirements Gap/Surplus
(NGO, FBO) for profit available

1 Level V- Number of facilities
National/regional Bed capacity
referral facilities Specialized units: ICU,
Renal, Cancer Treatment
Centre etc.
Number of operating
Number of specialized
providing MRI, CT-scan
histopathology, micro-
biology, biochemistry
2 Level IV - County Number of facilities 1 1 2 1 1 0
referral facilities Bed capacity
Number of operating 1 1 2 1 1 0
Total of basic radiology 1 1 2 1 1 0
service centers providing
x-rays and ultrasounds
Number with secondary 1 1 1 3 7 6
laboratory services:
hematology and
transfusion, microbiology
and biochemistry
Functional ambulances 1 1 0 1 3 2
linked to a facility
3 Level III - Primary Number of Facilities 7 0 0 7 0 0
care facilities Bed capacity 62 0 0 62
Functional maternity units 1
Functioning basic 7 1 1 9 9 0
laboratory services: rapid
tests, microscopy
Ambulances linked to the 0 0 0 0 6 6

4 Level II – Primary Number of facilities 15 2

care facilities Number of operational 12 0 2 12 15 3
delivery rooms
Number of ambulances 0 1 0
linked to facilities
Total functional 26 0 0
community units

5 Level I – Number of functional 26 26 26 0

Community units units
Number of motorbikes 0 0 26 26
linked to community units

1.2.2. Distribution of Health Workforce

Staff cadres Distribution by provider type Distribution by level of care Amount in government facilities
Govern Private non- Private Hospitals Primary Community Total Amount Gap/
ment profit for profit care available Required Surplus
1 Consultants 0 0
2 Medical officers 0 0
3 Dentists 0 0
4 Dental technologists 0 0
5 Public health officers 22 22
6 Pharmacists 1 1
7 Pharmacy technologists 8 8
8 Laboratory technologists 16 12 28 56 28
9 Orthopedic technologists 0 0
10 Nutritionists 5 5
11 Radiographers 0 0
12 Physiotherapists 0 0
13 Occupational therapists 0 0
14 Plaster technicians 0 0
15 Health records & 3 3
information officers
16 Medical engineering 0 0
17 Medical engineering 0 0
18 Mortuary attendants 0 0
19 Drivers 0 0
20 Accountants 0 0
21 Administrators 1 1
22 Clinical officers 2 2
23 Clinical officers (general) 29 29
Staff cadres Distribution by provider type Distribution by level of care Amount in government facilities
Govern Private non- Private Hospitals Primary Community Total Amount Gap/
ment profit for profit care available Required Surplus
24 Nursing staff (KRCHNs) 49 49
25 Nursing staff (KECHN) 11 11
26 Laboratory technicians 1 1 1 0 0
27 Community oral health 0 0
28 Secretarial staff/clerks 0 0
29 Attendants/nurse aids 0 0
30 Cooks 0 0
31 Cleaners 32 32
32 Security 21 21
33 Community health 15 15
extension workers (For ex:
PHTs, social workers, etc.)
34 Community health 379 379
35 Casual workers/staff 2 2
36 Other (specify)HTS 2 2

1.2.3. Health Commodities, Supplies and Products

Commodities Allocation (Ksh) last financial year Allocation (Ksh) in government
facilities last financial year
Government Private non- Private for profit Actual Gap/surplus
profit requirements
Pharmaceuticals supplies 20373300 40746600 20373300
Non-pharmaceutical supplies 10186700 20373400 10186700
Medical equipment and technologies
Environmental/public health supplies
Other medical supplies (for ex: oxygen)
Patient food
Fuel and lubricants
Other fuels: cooking gas, charcoal, firewood
Total 30560000 61120000 30560000

1.2.4. Health Management Information Systems/ Monitoring and Evaluation

Reporting CU Level II Level III Level IV/V Sub-county County totals

1 Community units with updated household 26 13 13

2 Community units providing monthly reports 26 13 13
to facility
3 Facilities providing monthly reports 23 8 4
4 Quarterly performance reports prepared and
discussed by (level) management committee

1.2.5. Previous Financial Year Government Health Expenditure

Item GoK/County GoK User fees Other gov’t Local Total

government (conditional sources donors/Partners
(equitable grants) (for ex:
allocation) CDF/WDF)
Program 1: Curative and Amount allocated
rehabilitative services Amount received
Actual requirements
Program 2: Preventive and Amount allocated
promotive services Amount received
Actual requirements
Program 3: General Amount allocated
administration, Amount received
coordination, planning Expenditure
budgeting and M&E Actual requirements
Total for County Amount allocated
Department of Health Amount received
(CDoH) Expenditure
Actual requirements

1.2.6. Health Sector Management, Coordination, Leadership and Governance
Intervention Sub-County level Level IV/V Level III Level II Level I

Emergency contingency plans (including referral

plans) available
Health service charter is available and is displayed 1 7 9

Outreaches carried out 48 84

Drugs and therapeutic committee meetings held in
past twelve months
Mortality meetings held in past twelve months 1 3
Management committee meetings held in past 12
twelve months
Quarterly stakeholder meetings held in past twelve 1
Annual work plan available for past year 1 1 7 15 10
Facility boards/committee meetings held in past
twelve months

Section 2:

Situation Analysis and Priority Setting

2.1 Major Health Conditions/Issues Observed in the County

This section identifies the health problems that account for the commonest morbidities and mortalities in the county and proposes
prioritization for focusing in the next FY.

Top ten most common health conditions/Issue/Challenges

Under five years Over five years

Category Condition/Issue Occurrence Condition/Issue Prevalence/Occurrence
(in order of priority relevance (quantitative or qualitative (in order of priority rate (quantitative or
to the county) rating) relevance to the qualitative rating)
Linked to URTI 9312 URTI 16950
communicable Diseases of the Skin 2610 Diseases of the skin 7576
conditions Diarrheal diseases 1255 UTI 4689
Eye Infection 453 Diarrheal diseases 1951
Pneumonia 364 Eye Infection 1829
Gastroenteritis 124 Pneumonia 754
Confirmed Malaria 120 Confirmed Malaria 405
Intestinal warms 100 Warm Infestation 168
Chicken pox 39 Amoebiasis 144
Mumps 19 Chicken Pox 79

Linked to the Ear Infection 442 Hypertension 6322

increasing burden of Tonsillitis 399 Arthritis/joint pain 4704
non- communicable Asthma 123 Diabetes 2092
conditions Malnutrition 94 Dental Disorders 1624
Dental Diseases 66 Asthma 1486
Diabetes 47 Ear Infection 1160
Anemia 42 Mental Disorder 870
Jiggers Infestation 8 Anemia 597
Mental Disorders 6 Epilepsy 337
Epilepsy 4 Malnutrition 151

Linked to Violence & Other Injuries 333 Other Injuries 3405

Injuries Burns 193 Road accident 760
Road Accidents 48 Dog bites 436

Top ten most common health conditions/Issue/Challenges

Under five years Over five years

Category Condition/Issue Occurrence Condition/Issue Prevalence/Occurrence
(in order of priority relevance (quantitative or qualitative (in order of priority rate (quantitative or
to the county) rating) relevance to the qualitative rating)
Poisoning 17 Burns 290
Other bites 14 Violence Related 219
Dog bites 10 Other Bites 212
Snake bites 7 Poisoning 80
Sexual Violence 5 Sexual violence 53
Snake Bites 34

Linked to essential Neonatal deaths Post-Partum 51

medical services Hemorrhage
Early neonatal death Obstructed labour 23
Fresh Still Birth APH(Ante partum 17
Macerated Still Birth Eclampsia 5
Others (specify) Ruptured Uterus 2
Maternal deaths 2
Delivery 1
complication due to

Linked to common Obesity

health risk factors Smoking
Underweight children
Underweight mothers
Poor breastfeeding practices
Lack of contraception
Alcohol and drug use
Unsafe sex
Others (specify)

Linked to Unsafe water

Top ten most common health conditions/Issue/Challenges

Under five years Over five years

Category Condition/Issue Occurrence Condition/Issue Prevalence/Occurrence
(in order of priority relevance (quantitative or qualitative (in order of priority rate (quantitative or
to the county) rating) relevance to the qualitative rating)
collaboration with Unemployment
health-related Insecurity
sectors Low female education
Poor housing designs
Large population growth
Others (specify)

* These are conditions/issues/challenges affecting a significant proportion of the relevant population in the county. The ones in (italics) are examples.

2.2 Problem Analysis and Priority Interventions

Area of health Key issues/Challenges*: Priority interventions to address identified challenges

as related to access (demand side) to care and/or (maximum of five per challenge – from list in annex 1)
quality (supply side) of service delivery
Eliminate communicable Knowledge gap in the community on the communicable -Community sensitization using CHVs and CHEWs
conditions diseases
Scarcity of water leading to contracting water borne -Inter-sectoral collaboration for provision of piped water to the
diseases community
Lack of chemicals for controlling mosquito breeding -Sourcing of chemicals from MOH Headquarters
Inadequate laboratory reagents for detection of -Request for purchase of reagents from County Government
communicable diseases
Knowledge gap in the new staff on Communicable -Conduct OTJs,CMEs and Mentorships on Communicable conditions
diseases -Trainings /Seminar on communicable conditions
Halt and reverse increasing Inadequate drugs supply County Sourcing for drugs from KEMSA
burden of non-communicable Poor accessibility of the services Decentralize special clinic services to the Rural facilities
conditions Inadequate equipment to detect non-communicable Conduct specialized Outreaches
Knowledge gap on adherence to treatment by Conduct community Health Education on Adherence to Non-
community members communicable conditions

Reduce the burden of Poor roads in rural areas Proper construction of roads needed in the rural areas
violence & injuries Careless driving Need for education to the drivers on careful driving
Stress/depression among people in the society Seeking for psycho-social support

Provide essential medical Poor access of services in some facilities Conduct Outreaches
services Human wildlife conflict KWS to ensure proper control of wildlife from reaching the human
Inadequate equipment or RH and other Services

Minimize exposure to health Late starting of ANC Clinics to the pregnant mothers Health Education on Importance to have early Antenatal Clinics
risk factors

Strengthen collaboration with

health-related sectors

*Challenges are those problems within control of the county to manage. They form the basis for the planned activities and should therefore have achievable

Section 3:

Annual Program Based Work Plan

3.1 Annual Performance Targets

Baseline Eligible population Target

A Eliminate communicable conditions
(year X-1 performance) (year X + 1)

HIV+ pregnant mothers receiving preventive 75

ARV’s to reduce risk of mother to child 359(11.2% of Pregnant mothers)
(10% Increase)
1 transmission (PMTCT)
Number of pregnant women receiving TT2 427 470
2 plus immunization (10% Increase)
3201 3201
3 Number of pregnant women receiving IPT2
Children under one year of age fully 2009
3083 3083
4 immunized 
Children under one year of age distributed 1340
with long lasting insecticide treated nets 3083 3083
5 (LLITNs) in endemic and epidemic districts
Number of pregnant women distributed with 3201 3201
6 LLITNs in endemic and epidemic districts
Number of people receiving MDA for 12814(60%)
21314 21314
7 schistosomiasis

8 Number of TB patients completing treatment

9 Number of TB Patients tested for HIV
10 Number of newly diagnosed TB cases
3070 4506 4055
11 Number of eligible HIV clients on ARVs (Prevalence-3.8%) (90% of the eligible pop)
Number of children under the age of five 1255 1130
12 treated for diarrhea (10% reduction)
39481 39481
13 Number of school age children de-wormed 

Eligible population Target
Halt and reverse increase in non- Baseline
(year X + 1)
B communicable conditions (year X-1 performance)
Number of adult OPD clients with BMI of 562
14 more than 25
Number of women of reproductive age 2040 2448
15 (WRA) screened for cervical cancer (20% Increase)
Number of new outpatients with mental 876 789
16 health conditions (10% Decrease)
Number of new outpatients found with 6322 5690
17 high blood pressure (10% Decrease)
Eligible population Target
Reduce the burden of violence and Baseline
(year X + 1)
C injuries (year X-1 performance)
Number of new outpatient cases 67 61
18 attributed to gender-based violence (10% Decrease)
Number of new outpatient cases 1008 908
19 attributed to road traffic accidents (10% decrease)
Number of new outpatient cases 3965 3569
20 attributed to other injuries (10% decrease)
Number of patients with injury related
21 conditions dying in the facility
Eligible population Target
(year X + 1)
D Provide essential health care (year X-1 performance)
Number of pregnant women attending at 1509
3201 2240
22 least four ANC visits
Number of WRA receiving family planning 30945 20248
23 commodity
Number of pregnant women getting iron 7340 Both New and Re-visit Antenatal 8808
24 supplements mothers (20% Increase)
Number of deliveries conducted by skilled 2822
3083 3083
25 attendants in health facilities
Number of children under five dying in
26 health facility
38 34
27 Number of fresh still births in the facility (10% decrease)
2 1
28 Number of facility maternal deaths

29 Number of surgical cold cases operated 125 100% of cases to be operated
Number of persons with ill health referred 5452
30 to community units 
Number of newborns with low birth 196
31 weight (LBW – less than 2,500 grams)
Number of children under five years of 1777
age attending child welfare clinics for 3083 3083
32 growth monitoring (new cases)
Number of households provided with
23713 23713
33 health promotion messages
9273 115492
(The whole population except
34 Number of clients tested for HIV those already positive on care)
Eligible population Target
Strengthen collaboration with health Baseline
(year X + 1)
E related sectors (year X-1 performance)
Number of children under five years of 1446
age attending child welfare clinics who
(10% decrease)
35 are under weight
Number of children under five years of 463
age attending child welfare clinics who
(10% decrease)
36 are stunted
Number of households with functional
23713 23713
37 toilets
Number of households with hand washing 11018
23713 23713
38 facilities
Eligible population Target
(year X + 1)
F Access (year X-1 performance)
39 Number of new outpatients (male) 34839 62719 38323
40 Number of new outpatients (female) 44198 55843 48618
Number of inpatients (admissions) under 608
41 five years of age
Number of inpatient (admissions) over 4384
42 five years of age

3.2 Annual Program Based - Service Delivery Workplan

3.2.1. Program Based Implementation Plan

This section of the plan outlines the programs and sub-programs as well as a summary of all the priority activities planned for the
year. It details the activities and expected outputs, implementation timelines and the estimated budget for each of the activities
within a sub-program and program.

Program 1: Curative and Rehabilitative Health Services

Program Outcome: Effective and efficient curative and rehabilitative health care services to the county citizens
Program Objective: To provide effective and efficient curative and rehabilitative at hall health service delivery units

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds

Sub-program 1: Primary health facility services
Primary care Offer regular General outpatient services on √ √ √ √ 0
treatment curative and rehabilitative at the rural
services facilities
Procurement of Medical Equipment √ √ √ √ (Budget captured on
medical supplies
Conduct Health Education on curative services √ √ √ √ (Budget captured on

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
offered in the facilities Community and
services Table)

Primary care Procurement of laboratory reagents √ √ √ √ 8,642,000 CGTT/PARTNERS

diagnostic Offer routine and special laboratory services √ √ √ √
services to the community in facilities with labs

Primary facility in-

patient services

Sub-Program 1: Total
Sub-Program 2: Hospital level services



Theatre services

In-patient services

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds

Laboratory Procurement of lab equipment (Small √ √ √ √ 3,000,000 CGTT

services equipment)
Offer routine and special laboratory services √ √ √ √
to the community in facilities with labs

Radiology services

Referral services

Mortuary services

Sub-Program 2: Total
Program total:

Program 2: Preventive and Promotive Health Services
Program outcome: Effective and efficient preventive and promotive health interventions within the sub-county
Program objective: To provide effective and efficient preventive and promotive health interventions across the sub-county

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds

Sub-program 1: Reproductive maternal neonatal child health (RMNCH) services
Increase cancer screening services at the 157,50 157,5 157,50 157,5 630,000.00 THS
facilities and outreaches 0 00 0 00
Staffing OJT 10 health workers on cancer screening 4,500. 4,500. 4,500. 4,500 18,000.00 THS
00 00 00 .00
Conduct quarterly meetings with 105 TBAs in 52,500 52,50 52,500 52,50 THS
all the 21 facilities .00 0.00 .00 0.00
Training of staff on GBV 1,182, THS
000.0 1,182,000.00
Conduct community awareness on importance 0 0 0 0 0
of early initiation of ANC visits through CHVs
Conduct health talks at the facility and 0 0 0 0 0
community levels
Conduct male involvement in RH sensitization 0 0 0 0 0
meetings at facility level
Health education at the community and 0 0 0 0 0
facility levels on importance of Iron Folate

Other expenses Psychosocial support in the community and 0 0 0 0

follow up for home visits for HIV+ pregnant 0
Increase awareness to the community through 0 0 0 0 0
CHS interventions, media and public forums
Strengthen health education to the 0 0 0 0 0
community through CHS on importance of
Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
delivery by SBA, Linda mama
Health educate the community on available 0 0 0 0 0
neonatal health services through CHS and
Roll out Kangaroo mother care to all facilities 0 0 0 0 0

Health education to the community through 0 0 0 0 0

CHS and at the facility level on importance of
exclusive breastfeeding
Update health workers on neonatal care 0 0 0 0 0
Create space for youth friendly services 0 0 0 0 0
Initiate youth friendly services in the facilities 0 0 0 0 0
Activate and sensitize health clubs in schools 0 0 0 0 0
Create awareness on rights of women and 0 0 0 0
children in the community and facility levels
OJT health workers on long term methods 0 0 0 0 0
Provision of FP methods at the facility level 0 0 0 0 0
Sensitize the community on long term 0 0 0 0 0
methods through CHVs
Sensitize CHVs on FP

Commodities and Provision of mother friendly delivery services √ √ √ √ 684,645.00 THS

supplies (offer hot water for bathing, porridge, tea,
customer care services)
Give ‘mama packs’ to mothers who deliver at √ √ √ √ THS
the facility
Ensure consistent supply of Iron Folate 0 0 0 0 0
Purchase of autoclaves √ √ √ √ 600,000.00 THS
Give stipend to CHVs and TBAs who escort √ √ √ √ THS
mothers to deliver at the facility
Commemorate world prematurity day to raise 0 0 0 366,0 366,000.00 THS
awareness 00.00
Commemorate world menstrual health day 0 0 0 366,0 THS
and give continuous health education in 00.00 366,000.00
Conduct record search on GBV at MCRH, rural √ √ √ √ THS
facilities, Children’s department, “Sauti ya 191,000.00
wanawake”, Chiefs
Establish GBV desks at Ndovu, Sagalla and √ √ √ √ 390,000.00 THS
Bughuta H/Cs
Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Integrated outreaches for the marginalized √ √ √ √ 297,000.00 THS
Commemoration of world contraceptive day 0 0 0 366,0 THS
Construction of maternal shelters at Bughuta,
Kajire and Ndovu for the marginalized
Sensitize CHVs on FP

Sub-Program 1: Total          

Sub-Program 2: Immunization services

Staffing Conduct DQAs √ √ √ √ 221,000.00 THS
Conduct monthly review meetings √ √ √ √ 1,406,400.00 THS
Conduct integrated support supervision √ √ √ √ 915,000.00 THS
Commodities and Conduct EPI training √ 0 √ √ 1,224,500.00 THS
supplies Ordering of vaccines √ √ √ √ 8,358,794.20 THS
Collection of vaccines from regional centre √ √ √ √ 18,500.00 THS
Conduct vaccines distribution √ √ √ √ 582,240.00 THS
Conduct fridge maintenance √ √ √ √ 193,000.00 THS
Other expenses Ordering of IEC materials on Immunization √ √ √ √ 360,000.00 CGTT/Partner
and vaccines
Conduct outreaches √ √ √ √ 1,482,000.00 THS

Sub-Program 2: Total 14,761,434.20

Sub-Program 3: Nutrition services
Staffing Refresher and capacity building on X X X X CGTT
IMAM to Health care workers 402000/-
CMEs on HIV/ TB nutrition management X X 97000/- CGTT
Training of CHVs on MIYCN X 235000/- CGTT
Commodities and
Procure 10 portable height meters X 500000/- CGTT

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Procure 20 weighing scales @20000

Other expenses Malezi Bora( VAS, H/Education , Growth X X 877000/- CGTT

Community dialogue sessions (World X 105500/- CGTT
Breastfeeding Week)
Support supervision and OJTs X X X X 160000/- CGTT

Sub-Program 3: Total        
Sub-Program 4: Disease surveillance and control
Staffing Quarterly trainings for health workers on IDSR √ √ √ √ 147,000 TTCG
and Open Data Kit ( ODK)
Monthly 15 days routine ODK Integrated √ √ √ √ 360,000 TTCG
Support Supervision.
Conduct Bi annual training of HCWs on √ √ √ √ 875,000 TTCG
Disaster preparedness and management
Sensitize health care workers on COVID 19 √ √ √ √ 150,000 TTCG
surveillance and priority diseases at the facility
and field.
Contact tracing on COVID 19 and priority √ √ √ √ 80,000 TTCG
Data collection and reporting by surveillance √ √ √ √ 40,000 TTCG
Rapid Response Teams
Conduct facilities quarterly RRT Surveillance √ √ √ √ 600,000 TTCG
Formation of coordination teams engaging key √ √ 96,000 TTCG
stakeholders on disaster preparedness and

Commodities and Purchase 45 specimen carriers √ √ 112,500 TTCG

supplies Procure and distribute commodities/IEC √ √ √ √ 82,500 TTCG
materials and equipment for disaster
Sample collection and shipping to KEMRI √ √ √ √ 20,000 TTCG
Other expenses Active case search and follow up of cases √ √ √ √ 40,000 TTCG
Airtime for Weekly IDSR follow up √ √ √ √ 10,000 TTCG
Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Conduct quarterly public awareness √ √ √ √ 160,000 TTCG
campaigns on disaster preparedness and
management per ward
Timely reporting on disaster mitigation √ √ √ √ 72,000 TTCG

Sub-Program 4: Total        
Sub-Program 5: HIV control interventions
Staffing Increase HTC uptake through integration of 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 612,25 0 612,250.00 THS
Training on PMTCT 0.00
Support supervision for HTS counselors √ √ √ √ 260,000.00 CGTT/Partner
Proper documentation and strengthen referral 0 0 0 0 0
Commodities and Do enhanced adherence counseling and home √ √ √ √ 720,000.00 CGTT/Partner
sullies visits
Capacity building to health workers on 1 0 0 0 114,300.00 CGTT/Partner
enhanced adherence counseling 14,300
Mentorship on PrEP and other HIV indicators √ √ √ √ 135,000.00 CGTT
Other expenses Conduct DQA on HIV indicators √ √ √ √ 221,000.00 CGTT

Support supervision 0 0 0 0 0

Monthly review meetings 0 0 0 0 0

Implement physical escorting of patients and 0 0 0 0 0
strengthen inter facility referral
Identify reasons behind defaulting for the 0 0 0 0 0
patients who have defaulted
Transportation of Viral Load samples √ √ √ √ 1,584,000.00 CGTT
Formation of CAGs and support supervision √ √ √ √ 210,000.00
Train 34 HCWs on Key Population and 0 0 0 612,2 612,250 CGTT/Partners
legal issues 50
Commemoration of World AIDS Day 0 366,0 0 0 366,000
Unsuppressed clients support group meetings √ √ √ √ 1,440,000.00 CGTT
HEI graduation 0 0 433,00 0 433,000.00 THS

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Support 30 youth Peer educators √ √ √ √ 120,000 CGTT/Partners
improve adherence to ART among
Facilitate and support MDT √ √ √ √ 180,000 CGTT/Partners

in selected HVF

Sub-Program 5: Total 7,007,800.00

Sub-Program 6: TB control interventions

Staffing Engage 23 CHVs as cough monitors in all     1,932,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
public facilities on a monthly stipend of 7000
Engage 4 CHVs as ACF linkage assistants in 4     336,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
high volume facilities on a monthly stipend of
Conduct a 3 day sensitization of 30 HCW on  240,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
integrated TB and Leprosy curriculum
Commodities and One day sensitization of 30 HCW on TB  60,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
supplies commodity tools(DADR/FCDRR)
Reporting and monthly ordering for TB     0
Air time for SC Pharmacist 500 monthly to     6,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
make follow up on commodity reports
Other expenses Repair and maintenance of Motor cycle     50,000 TTCG/PARTNERS

Procurement of 24 ACF stamps @ 2,500  60,000 TTCG/PARTNERS

Voi SC TB and Leprosy coordinator stamp  1,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
Sub-Program 6: Total 2,691,000
Sub-Program 7: Malaria control interventions
Staffing Sensitize 30 HCW on malaria case  75,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
Sensitize 260 CHVs for 1 day in 26 CHUs on  260,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
SBCC on Malaria
Conduct health education on use of     1,300,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
LLINs ,malaria prevention and management at
community level through CHVs
Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Commodities and Monthly reporting on Malaria commodities     0 TTCG
Ordering and quantification of Malaria     0 TTCG/PARTNERS
medicines(AL, Quinine, Artesunate)
Procurement of reagents and MRDTs for     1,500,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
malaria testing
Other expenses Support 4 SC members to do monthly     368,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
supportive supervision
Conduct quarterly Malaria EQA to all     112,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
laboratories 2 SC Membesr
Conduct Malaria DQA     368,000 TTCG/PARTNERS

Sub-Program 7: Total 3,749,000

Sub-Program 8: Neglected tropical diseases control
Staffing 3 days training of 15 HCWs on Neglected √ 250,000 TTCG
tropical disease curriculum
2 Day training of health care workers (30)on √ 450,000 TTCG
snake bite management and treatment
2 Day training of √ 900,000 TTCG
persons,CHVs,Youth Reps,Headteachers(60

Commodities and Procurement of diagnostic and √ √ √ √ 1,000,000 TTCG

supplies pharmaceutical commodities

Other expenses

Sub-Program 8: Total
Sub-Program 9: Non-communicable disease control
Staffing Conduct NCDs medical camps √ √ √ √ 433,880 TTCG
Create awareness on NCDs through √ √ √ √ 68,200 TTCG
media, community and public forums
Intensify screening at the OPD and √ √ √ √ 0 TTCG
Commodities and Capacity build health √ √ √ √ 68,200 TTCG

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
supplies workers(Hypertension, DM and
Ensure regular supply of √ √ √ √ 0
pharmaceuticals through proper
forecasting and timely ordering

Other expenses

Sub-Program 9: Total
Sub-Program 10: Environmental Health, Water and Sanitation Interventions
Staffing Conduct stake holders’ meetings X X X X 150,000 TTCG
Carry out periodic food and water X X X X 100,000 TTCG
Carry out CLTS activities in 18 X X X X 350,000 TTCG
Carry out inspection of food premises, X X X X 200,000 TTCG
prisons, Learning and health
institutions to ascertain its suitability
and compliance of health standards
Carry out vector control activities and X X X X 200,000 TTCG
indoor residual spraying in institutions
Conduct Medical examination to food X X X X
Commodities and Stationeries (Pens, Manila papers, X X 100,000 TTCG
supplies photocopy papers, cartridges)
Repair of defective motorbikes (5) and X X X X 300,000 TTCG
one (1) motor Vehicle- Nissan Patrol
(Still at the Home Boys garage)

Other expenses Airtime X X X X 200,000 TTCG

Fuel and Lubricants x x x x 250,000 TTCG

Sub-Program 10: Total

Sub-Program 11: School health interventions
Staffing Activate and sensitize health clubs in √ √ √ √
Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Commemorate world menstrual √
health day and give continuous
health education in schools
To conduct school based deworming √ √
Commodities and Fuel & lubricants
supplies Stationary

Other expenses

Sub-Program 11: Total

Sub-Program 12: Community health – Level 1 interventions
Households and Community health barraza ,Action days & Dialogue
√ √
√ √
3,276,000/= TTCG
people reached with days
health promotion Distribution of IEC materials √ √ √ √
messages √ √ √ √
School health program
Household visits √ √ √ √
Health talks Church facility, community √ √ √ √
COVID 19 Community Campaign √ √ √ √
CHVs & CHEWs Training 379 CHVs & 21 CHEWs on basic first aid √ √ TTCG
trained on basic first 1,600,000/=
aid services
Coordinated Implementing field follow ups on referral, √ √ √ √ TTCG
referrals from documenting, filling and sharing of feedback
Community to to the CHU members, stakeholders and 780,000/=
linked facility reporting within CBHIS provided format
Youth sensitized on Mobilizing and sensitizing youths on youth friendly √ √ √ √ TTCG
uptake of youth services
friendly services at Formation of youth friendly centers 650,000/=
linked facility
Awareness Stakeholders/Community mobilization, sensitization √ √ √ TTCG
meetings done on and awareness meetings at community level
emergency and
√ 1,040,000/=
Clients followed up Contact & defaulter tracing through home visits
√ √
√ √
364,000/= TTCG
during rehabilitation
Fuel and Purchase of fuel and lubricants to √ √ √ √ TTCG
lubricants CHUs
supplied to
Chalkboards Purchase of CHUs chalkboards to √ √ 260,000/= TTCG
supplied to support CBHIS
Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Motorbikes Maintenance of running motorbikes √ √ √ √ TTCG
Motorbike Purchase of 1 motor bike for Sub TTCG
supplied to Sub County CHS coordination √ 600,000/=
Stipend given Supporting 379 CHVs with monthly √ √ √ √ TTCG
to CHUs on stipend of Ksh 1,000/= during monthly
monthly basis feedback meetings
to support 4,548,000/=
Promotion of safe motherhood and √ √ √ √ TTCG
deliveries by skilled birth attendant
Promotion of 4 times ANC visits to all
expectant mothers
Promotion and utilization of pit latrine
& handwashing facilities at community
level through CLTS
Promotion of safe water for human
Promotion on coverage and utilization
Implemented of LLITNs
tier activities at Promotion of family planning through
community community-based family planning
level approach
Promotion of livelihood at household
and community level
Promotion of nutrition through
community based-nutrition approach
Protecting, promoting and supporting
of EBF
Promotion of immunization (fully
Commemoration/observing of health

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
26 CHUs To facilitate supply of CHS reporting √ √ √ √ TTCG
Supplied with tools for CBHIS (MOH 515 & 514)
reporting tools
Documentation To conduct household register updates TTCG
& Update in all CHUs √ √ 130,000/=
CBHIS data
Quarterly Sharing of CHU progress report on √ √ √ √
HFMC & monthly, quarterly, biannual and yearly
Monthly through review of key indicators at
feedback linked facility during facility
meeting held at committee and staff meeting
linked facilities
Updated Documentation of all birth and death √ √ √ √
information on events as they occur in the community
vital events- and reporting using provided format
birth & deaths
Community mobilization, sensitization √ √ √ √ TTCG
Shared and awareness creation through health
progress report baraza targeting to address health
to the concerns
community Sharing CHU’s progress report to
relevant stakeholders
Storage Controlling and managing of supplies √ √ √ √ TTCG
provided for for CHU at linked facility through use
supply of of inventory
community- 0
based health
products at
Maintained Documenting and maintain of supplies √ √ √ √
inventory of all provided to the CHU within the
products and CBHIS format
provided to the
Distributed Timely distribution of supplies before √ √ √ √ 0

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
expiry date
supplied to
Field follow ups on utilization of
health products and supplies
Trained CHCs To trained CHCs & CHAs/PHOs on √ √ TTCG
& CHAs/PHOs proposals writing
on proposals
Stakeholders To hold 104 stakeholders meeting √ √ √ √ TTCG
meeting done across the sub county at CHU level 1,040,000/=
at CHU
26 quarterly To conduct 26 support supervision to √ √ √ √ TTCG
Support all CHUs in quarterly basis
done to CHUs
4 quarterly To conduct 4 quarterly data review √ √ √ √ TTCG
data review meeting
meetings held 200,000/=
at sub county
104 To conduct 104 community health √ √ √ √ TTCG
community action days across sub county on
health action quarterly basis 520,000/=
104 To conduct 104 community health √ √ √ √ TTCG
community dialogues across the sub county on
health quarterly basis 624,000/=
dialogues held

Sub-Program 12: Total

Program Totals:

Program 3: General Administration, Planning, Management Support and Coordination

Program Outcome: Effective and efficient preventive and promotive health interventions within the county
Program Objective: To provide effective and efficient preventive and promotive health interventions across the county

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds

Sub-Program 1: Health workers and human resource management
Recruitment and Committee allowance to develop √ 15,000.00 TTCG
deployment indent and budget for staff

Dissemination of staffing norms and √ 20,000.00 TTCG

standards document
Conduct orientation of new staff 653,750.00 TTCG
Training (CPD) Conduct training needs assessment √ √ 13,250.00 TTCG

Training fees for 20 officers √ √ 3,000,000.00 TTCG

(promotional courses)

Participation in annual scientific conference √ √ √ 344,000.00 TTCG

for 10 officers
Appraisal and Sensitization for 60 officers √ 180,000.00 TTCG
transport reimbursement for the 60 √ 120,000.00 TTCG

Facilitation for 3 officers √ 6,000.00 TTCG

Printing of the appraisal forms √ √ 45,000.00 TTCG
Coordination of the appraisal process √ √ 3,000.00 TTCG
Retirement and Developing of annual retirement conference √ 180,000.00 TTCG
succession Annual recognition for senior HCWs √ 100,000.00 TTCG
on verge of retirement
Awarding of certificates and T shirts for long √ 15,000.00 TTCG
Annual Team Budget for team building 3 days session for √ 1,170,000.00 TTCG
building for 60 officers.
health facility
Sub-Program 1: Total          
Sub-Program 2: Construction and maintenance of buildings

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Tausa Health Construction of OPD, Laboratory and √ 6,000,000.00 TTCG
Centre pharmacy

Renovation of staff house √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Face lifting of the facility √ 3,000,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,000,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG


Ndovu Construction of male and female √ 4,000,000.00 TTCG

Dispensary observation wards

Construction of twin staff house √ 3,500,000.00 TTCG

Construction of drainage and sluice at √ 150,000.00 TTCG

Maternity unit

Construction of waiting bay at OPD √ 700,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 2,000,000.00 TTCG

Mleghwa Connection of electricity from the main √ 75,000.00 TTCG

Dispensary grid

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Construction of placenta pit √ 250,000.00 TTCG

Construction of incinerator √ 500,000.00 TTCG

Bughuta Health Construction of OPD, laboratory and √ 8,000,000.00 TTCG

Centre MCH blocks

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Construction of incinerator √ 500,000.00 TTCG

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds

Provision of 2(10,000lts) tanks √ 200,000.00 TTCG

Kasigau Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Construction of incinerator √ 500,000.00 TTCG

Renovation of staff houses √ 3,000,000.00 TTCG

Zungulukani Construction of delivery room and √ 2,500,000.00 TTCG

Dispensary drainage works

Construction of placenta pit √ 250,000.00 TTCG

Installation of solar to twin staff √ 250,000.00 TTCG


Construction of fence and gate √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Provision of 2(10,000lts) tanks √ 200,000.00 TTCG

Maungu Model Construction of two twin staff house √ 4,500,000.00 TTCG

Health Centre
Repair of plumbing works in the ESP √ 750,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 2,000,000.00 TTCG

Marungu Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Renovation of staff houses √ 2,000,000.00 TTCG

Miasenyi Construction of laboratory √ 3,000,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence and signage √ 550,000.00 TTCG

Ghazi Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,200,000.00 TTCG

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Dispensary Refurbishment of the delivery room and √ 1,200,000.00 TTCG
plumbing works

Manyani GK Face lifting of the facility √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG


Mbulia Connection to electricity √ 52,200.00 TTCG


Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Ndome Construction of placenta pit √ 250,000.00 TTCG

Construction of drug store √ 500,000.00 TTCG

Face-lifting of the facility √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Wongonyi Renovation of staff house √ 750,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Kajire Face lifting of the facility √ 750,000.00 TTCG

Construction of twin staff house √ 6,000,000.00 TTCG

Provision of 2(10,000lts) water tank √ 200,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.0 TTCG

Rumangao Refurbishment of the OPD √ 2,200,000.00 TTCG

Dispensary Construction of 4 door VIP latrine √ 900,000.00 TTCG

Completion of staff house √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Construction of delivery room √ 1,400,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Provision of 2(10,000lts) water tanks √ 200,000.00 TTCG

Sagala Health Face lifting of the facility(roof overhaul) √ 2,500,000.00 TTCG

Construction of fence, gate and signage √ 1,500,000.00 TTCG

Kirumbi Connection to main power grid √ 75,000.00 TTCG

Construction of placenta pit √ 250,000.00 TTCG

Provision of 1(10,000lts) water tank √ 100,000.00 TTCG

Completion of maternity block √ 3,500,000.00 TTCG

Bamako Connection to main power grid √ 75,000.00 TTCG

( Zongwani
Disp) Completion of maternity block √ 3,500,000.00 TTCG

Construction of placenta pit √ 250,000.00 TTCG

Water connection to the staff houses √ 300,000.00 TTCG

SCHMT offices Construction of three office blocks with √ 2,500,000.00 TTCG

conference facilities.
Construction of sub County KEPI stores √ 650,000.00 TTCG
Provision of 20ft container for Health records √ 250,000.00 TTCG
stores and safety of data
Sub-Program 2: Total
Sub-Program 3: Procurement of medicine, medical and other supplies
TRAINING Training on Forecasting and quantification    
236000 TTCG
Quarterly sub-county commodity     200000 TTCG
management review meeting.

PROCUREMENT Ordering of medicines and other supplies     TTCG


Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
Inspection of commodities ordered at     136000 TTCG
vendors warehouse/premises
DISTRIBUTION Delivery of commodities to health facilities     TTCG
across the sub-county 180000

Integrated support supervision     640000 AFYA UGAVI

Sub-Program 3: Total
Sub-Program 4: Procurement and maintenance of medical and other equipment
Provision of Procurement of assorted medical     44,000,000.00 TTCG
assorted medical equipment and furniture
equipment to 22
health facilities Inspection and acceptance exercise     220,000.00 TTCG

Provision of Procurement of laboratory equipment     5,500,000.00 TTCG

assorted and reagents
laboratory medical
Inspection and acceptance exercise     110,000.00 TTCG
equipment to 11
health facilities

Provision of Procurement of paedriatic services     4,033,775.00 TTCG

paedriatic equipment for proper pediatrics
services management.
equipment for     829,500.00 TTCG
management at Procure baby friendly equipment or Carry
Ndovu, out proper pediatrics management.
Maungu and
Bughuta health
SCHMT offices Procure assorted office furniture     5,000,000.00 TTCG

Inspection and acceptance exercise     60,000.00 TTCG

Distribution of the furniture to 11 220,000.00 TTCG

Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
health facilities.
Sub-Program 4: Total
Sub-Program 5: Management and coordination of health services
Lab networking (Transport of     750,000.00 TTCG
specimen from rural to the main
hospitals eg lunch & transport)
Hold weekly health organization     520,000.00 TTCG
meeting SCHMT
Hold monthly joint health     130,000.00 TTCG
organization meeting (HMTM &
Networking of ambulance and     939,750.00 TTCG
emergency services
Regular maintenance of 1 ambulances     168,000.00 TTCG

Decentralize of ambulance services to     1,440,000 TTCG

sub County and strategically
positioned health centres
Regular biannual inspection of health     110,000.00 TTCG
Formation of a Quality Assurance and     40,000.00 TTCG
standards team
Conducting of quarterly service     300,000.00 TTCG
auditing the 22 health facilities
Capacity building of 25 HCW's on QA     487,500.00 TTCG
for three days
Purchase of fuel for supervision and     578,588.60 TTCG
distribution of RMNCAH
commodities691.43 litres per quarter
@104.6 per litre
   

Quarterly sub county quality     300,000.00 TTCG

improvement team review meetings
Quarterly sub county QI technical     132,000.00 TTCG
working group meetings
Quarterly facility QI project review     66,000.00 TTCG
Key output Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total amount Source of funds
meetings 11 high volume facilities
Semiannual KQMH assessments     132,000.00 TTCG
eleven health facilities
Capacity building 25 HW on KQMH     625,000.00 TTCG
at sub county and facility level 4
classes each lasting 5 days
Support printing of standards,     1,250,000.00 TTCG
guidelines and SOPsfor 22 health

Sub-program 5: Total
Sub-program 6: Health sector planning, budgeting and monitoring and evaluation
M&E Carry out support supervision √ √ √ √ 402,600 TTCG
Conduct regular data review meetings √ √ √ √ 1,572,000 THS
Conduct Annual stakeholders forums √ 115,000 TTCG
Sensitization of sub county staff on √ THS
Annual Target setting √ 182,000 THS

HMIS Procurement of General Office √ √ 7,000 TTCG

Trainings on HMIS Tools √ 469,000 THS
Training of HIV Tools √ 469,000 TTCG/PARTNERS
Procurement of Antivirus software √ 6,000 TTCG
Distribution of HMIS Tools √ 37,750 THS
Purchase of a projector √ 100,000 THS
Purchase Of a Cabinet √ 20,000 THS
Sub-Program 6: Total
Program totals:

Section 4:

Program-Based Budget Distribution

4.1 Budget Summary by Program and Sub-Program

Program Sub-program Total budget

1 Curative and rehabilitative Primary facility services 8,642,000
health services Hospital services

2 Preventive and promotive Reproductive maternal neonatal child health (RMNCH) services 7,759,645
health services Immunization services 14,761,434
Nutrition services 2,376,500
Disease surveillance and control 2,845,000
HIV control interventions 7,007,800
TB control interventions 2,691,000
Malaria control interventions 3,749,000
Neglected tropical diseases control 2,600,000
Non-communicable disease control 570,280
Environmental health, water and sanitation interventions 1,850,000
School health interventions
Community health – Level I interventions 22,732,490
3 General administration, Health workers and human resource management 5,865,000
planning, management Construction and maintenance of buildings 101,427,200
support and coordination Procurement of medicine, medical and other supplies 62,512,000
Procurement and maintenance of medical and other equipment 59,73,275
Management and coordination of health services 7,968,838
Health sector planning, budgeting and monitoring and evaluation 3,591,350

4.2 Budget Summary by Program Area and Source of Funds
Curative and Preventive and General administration, Total
rehabilitative health promotive health planning, management
services services support and coordination
Public sources County government 225,383,183.80 225,383,183.80

Central government (conditional 25,798,079.20 25,798,079.20

User fees
Constituency development fund
Other (specify)
Development Africa Development Bank
partners Clinton Foundation
Danish Government (DANIDA)
UK Government (DfID)
European Commission
German Government (GIZ)
Italian Government
Japanese Government (JICA)
Netherlands Government
UN agency (UNAIDS)
UN agency (UNFPA)
UN agency (UNICEF)
UN agency (World Bank – WB)
UN agency (WHO)
US Government (USAID/APHIA)
4,751,775 4,751,775.00
Other (specify)PARTNERS
640,000 640,000.00

Community/ NGO/CSO (specify)

NGO Kenya Episcopal Conference (KEC)
Christian Health Association of
Kenya (CHAK)
Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims
Other (specify)
Total 256,573,038 256,573,038

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