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Degree 6 Nos. 22–25
Know thyself, and thou shalt
know the universe and the gods.

©2011, Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient & Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis. 063
Published by the Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc. 1111
Sixth Degree No. 22


In the book entitled L’équilibre de l’énergie humaine (The Balance of

Human Energy), Simone Brousse emphasizes how it is possible to cure oneself
by utilizing one’s own energy potential. She adds, most convincingly, that
willpower can liberate energies capable of neutralizing serious illnesses.
Last but not least, in this struggle for achieving a balance in our
health, we come to the psyche. Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by
the Patient is the title of a very remarkable book that describes how the
author, Norman Cousins, when suffering from the supposedly incurable
disease of ankylotic spondylitis, decided to get better and what methods
he used to succeed. This is all the more fascinating to read because the
way he accomplished it was basically not at all extraordinary.
The chief editor (Norman Cousins) of the Saturday Review in
the United States was hospitalized. Knowing the harsh diagnosis and
prognosis just delivered, the doctors gave him not more than one chance
in five hundred of being cured. Cousins refused to resign himself to
fate. He was determined to understand his condition, and he decided,
with the help of his personal physician, to take it in hand. Leaving
the hospital, he settled himself in a hotel, watched comedy films,
discovered the curative virtues of laughter, received friends, followed a
treatment of high-dosage vitamin C administered by his doctor with his
consent. And this determination to develop “the self-willed capacity for
natural healing” that everybody has within, this joy of living, produced
the desired effect: he was cured.
And do you know what happened then? Instead of trying to discredit
this cure—suggesting that if the patient pulled through despite the
opinion of the medical faculty, it was “because there was a diagnostic
error at the start,” which often happens in other countries under such
circumstances—Norman Cousins was asked to lecture future doctors at
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of California at Los Angeles
concerning what his experience taught him.

(continued on page 11)

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 22

Dear Fratres and Sorores,

Having devoted the previous monographs to the study of various methods
used for centuries by Rosicrucians in treating others, we are now going to
consider the principles of self-healing and review in more detail what you have
been taught on this subject in the Neophyte Section. However, before examining
these principles, we feel it important to discuss a few basic points.
First of all, it must be noted that the words illness, sickness, and disease
are general terms that encompass an infinity of pathological states ranging from
a simple indisposition to cancer. This means that there are countless illnesses
from which human beings may suffer and which, for the most part, have been
diagnosed and named by medical science. However, as we have explained
throughout this degree, the many illnesses classified by medicine are merely the
various effects of a single fundamental cause—namely, an energy imbalance in
one of our organs or in one of our psychic functions.
This imbalance is manifested as a type of organic or functional disturbance,
which inevitably leads to the notion of its relative seriousness. This is why we say
that some illnesses are serious while others are not, even though they originally
had the same fundamental cause. Generally speaking, we may consider that the
relative difference between illnesses is determined by the degree and nature of
the psychic disorder causing it; by the type of organ or function that it affects;
and by the number of days, months, or even years that have elapsed since the
beginning of its appearance in the body.
In connection with the preceding remarks, we must emphasize that most
serious illnesses, unlike those that are insignificant, are the result of an energy
imbalance that has developed internally for a lengthy period before manifesting
itself externally in some way. That is why, in such cases, it may be more
difficult to restore balance and obtain a cure. It is also for this reason that we
must emphasize the necessity of preventing illness and of living constantly
in harmony with the Cosmic, whether on the physical, mental, emotional, or
spiritual plane. Thus, it is not simply a truism that asserts that the best cure is not
to become ill. This point will also be the subject of the next two monographs,
for we shall examine some important ideas concerning ways to
maintain good health.

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 22

SELF-HEALING: Now that these important points have been made, let us
consider the subject of self-healing. This practice, in fact, rests on the same
principles as those that should be used in healing others. In other words,
it is based primarily on the negative or positive stimulation of the body,
depending upon the nature of the disorder. But before giving you fuller details
about methods used to cure yourself of various ailments, we again take this
opportunity to remind you that self-healing must not serve as a substitute
for mainstream medicine. As in the case of treatments that we give to others
who are in need, the art of self-healing should be considered a supplementary
practice. This means that if you suffer from a disorder that cannot be described
as being visibly ordinary, you should go to a physician for a more thorough
examination. In some cases, you may even consult several so as to compare
their diagnoses. When you know exactly what you are suffering from, you
are then free to choose the medical treatment that seems most appropriate in
helping nature neutralize your disorder. Along with the prescribed treatment,
we strongly advise that you also consider Rosicrucian self-healing.
In all illness, you should first stop the external causes that have served as
catalysts to the internal disturbance whose effects are causing you discomfort.
It is not always possible to recognize such causes. However, if you know
that they are linked to the violation of some natural law, such as bad diet,
insufficient or excessive exercise, lack of rest, a mental attitude that is too often
negative, or any other reason of which you are aware, you should immediately
act to remove the cause. For example, it is easy to understand that if a person
suffers from a pulmonary infection and smokes excessively, that person will
have little chance of a cure if he or she continues this habit. Likewise, if
someone suffers from stomach ulcers and makes no effort to improve his or
her diet and eat better food, it will be very difficult for nature to restore that
person to health.
Thus, when we know the medical diagnosis of our disorder, the first thing
to do consists of discovering whether, in our physical, mental, emotional, or
spiritual behavior, we are responsible for any errors that can be corrected. In
most cases, a simple analysis enables us to become conscious of them. In other
cases, they are indicated by intuition. When neither reasoning
nor intuition enables us to discern the possible errors we have
committed, we should resort directly to the mystical principles
of self-healing.
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 22

SPECIFIC TREATMENTS: If you suffer from a headache, the complete

procedure indicated in monograph No. 15 remains valid, except that you should
apply the index and middle fingers of your right hand on your right temple and
the index and middle fingers of your left hand on your left temple.
In case of a superficial wound or a minor bruise, you can, depending upon
its position, use the treatment described in monograph No. 18. This, we recall,
consists of taking deep neutral breaths while applying the joined index and
middle fingers of the left hand on one side of the affected area and the joined
index and middle fingers of the right hand on the other side.
If you suffer from one of the disorders described in monographs Nos. 15,
16, 17, and 18, all the treatments applicable to other people may also be used
in self-healing. Therefore, we suggest that you consult the diagrams in these
monographs and review the explanations concerning the methods for carrying
out negative and positive treatments. As we have stated on several occasions,
nature has arranged things quite well in that the ganglia normally used in
Rosicrucian healing are also accessible for self-healing. The first cervical
ganglion; the third cervical ganglion (or first thoracic ganglion); the tenth and
eleventh thoracic ganglia; and the second, third, fourth, and fifth lumbar ganglia
are all situated where they can be touched without difficulty with your own
fingers. Thus, as can be seen, self-healing by the stimulation of the sympathetic
ganglia poses no problem.
If you are predominantly left-handed, you can simply adapt all of the self-
treatments to suit your needs while always making certain that the polarities
have their proper contacts. In other words, in the case of stimulations applied
to the sympathetic ganglia, apply the fingers of your left hand to your right
sympathetic chain for a positive treatment, and the fingers of your right hand to
your left sympathetic chain for a negative treatment. In the case of a headache,
put the index and middle fingers of your left hand on your right temple and the
index and middle fingers of your right hand on your left temple. This position
requires you to cross your arms in front of your face. At the end of this self-
treatment, remember to place your left hand on your forehead.
Whether you are right- or left-handed, all the breathing methods
specified remain the same in self-treatments. In other words, a
negative treatment should always be accompanied by deep negative
breathing and a positive treatment by deep positive breathing.
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 22

THE GENERAL TREATMENT: If you suffer from disorders other than

those indicated in monographs Nos. 15, 16, 17 and 18, you should use a general
treatment based on the two methods explained in monograph No. 21. The first
of these two methods consists, as you will recall, of deciding whether or not you
have a fever. If there is a fever, you should apply a negative treatment to the third
cervical ganglion (or first thoracic ganglion) of the right sympathetic chain.
Because of its importance, this ganglion allows treatment of about 70 percent of
the disorders from which we may suffer and, because of its connection with the
bloodstream, it also helps to neutralize countless other disorders.
If there is no fever, you need a positive treatment to the opposite ganglion.
If it is impossible for you to decide whether you have a fever or not, you should
resort to the second method. In this case, apply a negative treatment to the third
cervical ganglion (or first thoracic ganglion) of the right sympathetic chain and
then wait for half an hour. If, after this lapse of time, you feel no better, it is
because you lack positive energy, not negative energy. You should therefore
apply a positive treatment to the opposite ganglion—in other words, to the third
cervical ganglion (or first thoracic ganglion) of the left sympathetic chain.
In the last monograph, we indicated a method allowing healing of a subject
by means other than by stimulating the sympathetic ganglia. This method, you
will recall, consists of taking the subject’s right hand in your right hand and
the subject’s left hand in your left hand, while taking a series of deep neutral
breaths. If you do not feel comfortable about self-healing based on a stimulation
of the sympathetic ganglia, you will find that this dual treatment can be used on
yourself in case of illness and, as you will find, is quite simple to put to use.
THE DUAL TREATMENT: This dual treatment consists of sitting with the
back as straight as possible, the feet together and flat on the ground. The hands
should be placed on the solar plexus with the fingers interlaced as shown in
the diagram found in the Practical Application of this lesson. The solar plexus,
also called the coeliac ganglion, is located in the abdominal area between the
navel and the lower point of the sternum. While in this position, take a series
of deep neutral breaths for five to ten minutes. If, for some reason, you do not
feel up to doing this exercise while seated, lie down on a bed and
proceed as we have just indicated. In other words, put your feet
together, place your hands on your solar plexus, and take several
deep neutral breaths. If you begin to feel drowsy, allow yourself

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 22

to fall asleep unless you have some immediate obligations. Such rest is one of
the best restoratives.
For all the reasons cited in the previous monograph, this dual treatment
gives you a stimulation that is both negative and positive. The solar plexus, as
was already stated, is associated with the solar center, an important psychic
center of the body. Keep in mind that all the psychic centers are interdependent
and form one whole. Thus, stimulating one of them will affect all of the others
by radiating through the autonomic nervous system and, in effect, the whole
body. Thus, the application of this form of self-stimulation to the solar plexus,
which is both negative and positive, benefits your entire psychic body, and
consequently your entire physical body, through the energy rebalancing that it
produces. Although this method has proven itself to be most effective in many
cases, nevertheless always try to give preference to those treatments that are
applied directly to the sympathetic ganglia.
THE COUNCIL OF SOLACE: Along with self-treatment in the case of
serious illness, you may benefit from the assistance afforded by the Council
of Solace of the Grand Lodge. Whenever you experience some disorder, you
should give yourself either a general treatment or a dual treatment and also put
yourself in harmony with the mystical work carried out regularly in the Grand
Temple at Rosicrucian Park in San Jose, which helps all those who have serious
health problems. Therefore, we suggest once again that you refer to the booklet
entitled Liber 888—Council of Solace and follow the specified procedures so as
to benefit from the curative forces set into motion by this council.
As you can readily understand, all treatments carried out as part of self-
healing should be integrated into the general methodology that has been
outlined in monograph No. 19. In other words, whenever you are about to apply
a stimulation of negative or positive energy on yourself, you should, whenever
possible, wash your hands, drink a glass of water, and do the appropriate
preparatory exercise. Moreover, just before conducting the self-treatment, you
should mentally recite the opening invocation to our healing work. Likewise,
the treatment should be closed using the invocation you have been given for this
purpose. As for repeating any treatment, act in accordance with
any intuitive need you feel, but remember to allow a pause of at
least half an hour between treatments. If possible, always drink a
glass of magnetized water before self-healing.

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 22

The next two monographs will be devoted to the prevention of illness by

examining some essential points you must always take into account so as to
maintain good health.
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally,

Practical Application
“Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.”—Unto Thee I Grant

This diagram shows the proper placement of your hands upon the solar
plexus when giving yourself a dual treatment. By interlacing the fingers
in this way, you bring about a fusion between the negative and positive
energies of your psychic body. This fusion—whose energy intensity
is amplified by deep neutral breathing—radiates toward the solar
plexus and from there spreads throughout your physical body, thus
regenerating it.

Summary of This Monograph
After carefully reading this monograph, read the following summary. It contains
the major principles on which you are to reflect and meditate in the coming days.
If any of the points are difficult to understand, refer to the explanations given in this
monograph. Moreover, we advise you to read this summary again immediately before
your next sanctum period.

Generally speaking, we may consider that the relative difference between

illnesses is determined by the degree and nature of the psychic disorder
causing it; by the type of organ or function that it affects; and by the number
of days, months, or even years that have elapsed since the beginning of its
appearance in the body.
The practice of self-healing is based on three fundamental methods: the
direct stimulation of the sympathetic ganglion concerned; the general
treatment applied to the third cervical ganglion (or first thoracic ganglion);
and the dual treatment based on a dual stimulation of the solar plexus and
of the corresponding psychic center.
In self-healing carried out by stimulation of the sympathetic ganglia,
priority must be given to the first cervical ganglion; to the third cervical
ganglion (or first thoracic ganglion); to the tenth and eleventh thoracic
ganglia; and to the second, third, fourth, and fifth lumbar ganglia.
Along with self-treatment in the case of serious illness, you may benefit
from the assistance afforded by the Council of Solace of the Grand Lodge.
All treatment carried out as part of self-healing should be integrated into
the general methodology that has been outlined in monograph No. 19.

Concurrence (continued)
Of course, you will tell me that not everyone can live in a hotel and
watch funny films. But one can read amusing books, choose entertaining
programs on television, listen to singers (I knew a convincing case
of this), and, most of all, apply one’s mind to taking everything in
stride. Of course—and I stress it once again—all of this is to be done
without ever neglecting the advice of the doctor in whom you have
placed your confidence. For in the doctor-patient relationship, genuine
confidence, based on a profound instinct, reasoned experience, and
open information, is a major factor of healing, like all positive thinking.
But as in everything, we should know our rights, for we are responsible
for the choices we make and what we impose on our body. Says Dr.
Donald Glasser, “Our body will take care of us, provided we expose it
to a minimum of risks.” Here is a doctor speaking. As he suggests, let
us know how to be responsible for giving our body every opportunity to
heal itself, and let us insist therefore that all means so far discovered be
made available to us.
—SIMONE BROUSSE (twentieth century)

Sixth Degree No. 23


Since this monograph is devoted to the physical and mental prevention of

illness, we will now present an excerpt from “Self-Healing,” an essay by H.
Spencer Lewis, Imperator of our Order from 1915 to 1939. This excerpt deals
particularly with the negative consequences of evil thoughts on the well-being
of the human body. It clearly explains that the first rule to observe in self-
healing consists of doing everything possible so that our mental state is as pure
as possible. Upon applying this rule, we should appeal to the curative forces
of the Cosmic and to the natural energies of the body so that harmony can be
reestablished within, thus neutralizing the psychic cause of the illness from
which we suffer.
The first point to be considered in connection with self-healing is
to recognize the absolute law; every mental or physical manifestation
of illness or disease is only a culminating outer manifestation of
something that has occurred previously within. It matters little whether
the condition is that of swollen tonsils or severe pain in the back, or the
suspected development of a growth of some kind in some part of the
body, or a so-called cold or rheumatic condition. The fact remains that
these terms and symptoms are, after all, only an outer sign of something
that is wrong within . . . .
The primary cause for all abnormal or subnormal mental and
physical conditions in the human body is lack of attunement with the
creative, constructive harmonious forces of nature. Here, at the Grand
Lodge we have a very brief term for this condition which we call out of
harmony. Perfect health we call a condition of harmonium. This lack
of attunement with harmony is the primary physical cause, yet there
is another cause even more remote than this. It is the mental cause or
psychic cause. This cause will be found in the mind of the patient or,
in other words, in the mental attitude or psychic attitude of the patient
during a time previous to the inharmonious condition . . . .
The first thing to do, then, in considering the relief of any mental
or physical condition is to analyze your mental self over a period of

(continued on page 21)

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 23

Dear Fratres and Sorores,

After having studied the basic principles of Rosicrucian healing, both in
treating others and oneself, it is important that we now examine the subject of
preventing illness, for the best way to maintain good health is obviously not
to become ill in the first place. As was mentioned in the last monograph, such
an assertion, contrary to what one may already think, is not an obvious truth.
It simply means that it is better to prevent illnesses than to be forced to cure
illnesses when suffering from them.
PHYSICAL PREVENTION: In the early monographs of this degree we
stressed the necessity of proper nutrition. It is obvious that we cannot hope to
maintain good health if we eat improperly—in other words, if we take food
into our bodies that is unbalanced or poor in quality. As we have mentioned on
various occasions, the food and drink we consume daily are closely linked to
one of the two polarities of Vital Life Force—in this case, its negative polarity.
That is why we should give these nutrients our full attention and make certain
that they respond to our body’s real needs. If we neglect the importance of
nutrition, we cannot confer the physical vitality that the cells of our body need
so as to work at their best. Our entire body will inevitably feel the effects for,
on the purely physiological plane, its general functioning is the reflection of its
cellular activity.
When studying the cell, we explained that practically every form of cancer
is the result of a chaotic situation in one or several of our organs. Medical
experts tend to affirm increasingly that poor eating habits rank among the most
common factors in leading to cancer. This assumes that nourishment which is
inadequate or absorbed under unfavorable conditions creates an imbalance in
our body that may in many cases favor the appearance of metastasis—in other
words, the spread of cancerous cells. This should not be surprising, since food
and drink bring to the body an energy indispensable to all of its functions. It
is quite obvious that if this energy potential is too weak, cell metabolism is
accomplished at the expense of efforts or tensions that eventually manifest as
some type of serious illness.
Consequently, you should clearly understand that the choice
of good food is one of the most important elements in the
prevention of disease. It is true that the world we live in makes
it more difficult to adhere to the basic rules of nutrition. The
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 23

frenetic pace of most people’s lives often encourages them to neglect quality
in their meals, both in the type of food eaten and the way in which it is eaten.
This is why we reiterate that your meals need to be carefully planned, for the
Cosmic has made food a vital need that we should take pleasure in satisfying. It
is humans who have sometimes transformed food, either through ignorance or
negligence, into a cause of illness and suffering.
What we have just said concerning food likewise applies to the air we
breathe. You have learned that it is linked directly to the positive polarity of
Vital Life Force. This means that our physical well-being also depends on the
quality of the energy potential we introduce into our body by breathing. Thus
it is easy to understand that if we constantly breathe polluted air, we create the
potential for many diseases. It must be kept in mind, however, that the benefits
of an exceptionally pure environment will not necessarily ensure that breathing
brings us the maximum of vital energy carried by the air. We must also breathe
correctly, so as to promote all the metabolic processes that are linked directly or
indirectly to the function of breathing.
Many specialists have claimed that the capacity of the rib cage in humans
has a strong tendency to diminish from one generation to the next. If this is
truly the case, it is because modern living conditions place fewer demands on
respiratory functions and most individuals lack the wisdom to compensate for
this by paying enough attention to how they breathe. Moreover—and this is
quite important—you must always remember that the vitality contained in the
air is not simply limited to oxygen, for it also includes a cosmic essence that
is in fact the divine origin of life. As we have stressed on various occasions in
the early monographs of this degree, it is this essence that makes a person a
living and conscious being after penetrating every cell. The day will come when
medical science will officially recognize this principle that Rosicrucians have
maintained for centuries. In any event, proper breathing habits have extremely
positive consequences on both your physical and psychic well-being.
Apart from the necessity of eating and breathing correctly, there is
another important physical need that must be taken into consideration for the
maintenance of good health. This concerns the benefits obtained
from regular physical activity. By physical activity, we are not
necessarily referring to some form of sports, even though most
people give it this interpretation. Rather, our view of the matter is

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 23

that the body needs a minimum amount of exercise so that its overall metabolism
works properly. Furthermore, some purely muscular functions must have regular
demands placed upon them so that they do not lose their dynamism when called
upon in an emergency. Some doctors now claim that since people no longer do
enough walking, this could result in a progressive atrophy of the lower limbs
of humans in the course of generations. It is normal for human morphology to
be subject to change, because the body adapts to its environment. There can
be no doubt that the muscular strength of humans will gradually diminish, for
technology is increasingly relieving us of burdensome tasks. However, we must
not make the mistake of falling into the trap of a life of ease, and thus deprive
ourselves of beneficial physical activities.
In speaking of health matters, let us use the example of constipation, which
is typically suffered by people who do not exercise. It is well known that
movements of the body—even those as simple as walking—are an excellent
remedy for this problem as they stimulate the intestinal phase of digestion. We
could cite many other examples to demonstrate that regular physical activity is
most beneficial in countless bodily functions.
It is clear that a person’s way of life determines the degree to which he or
she must exercise regularly. A person in a job that makes sufficient demands on
his or her body has no particular reason to engage in any additional physical
activity. On the other hand, those whose work deprives them of all exercise must
make every effort to compensate for this lack when they have leisure time. They
should then combine the useful with the agreeable by engaging in some activity
that not only stimulates the body but also provides a pleasant pastime. Some
will choose walking, others gardening, and yet others some type of sport. What
is important is to remember that the body is a complex mechanism that should
be regularly maintained.
Before studying the mental prevention of illness, we now wish to suggest
the following five simple exercises that should be done as often as possible. All
of them concern the well-being of the physical body in that they are related to
the beneficial effects that earthly magnetism produces on the body.
First of all, we suggest that you regularly perform the two exercises that
were described in monograph No. 19. The first exercise, you will
recall, consists of standing in front of an open window or out in
the open, with the feet touching each other and the hands above

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 23

the head with the palms of the hands touching each other. While remaining in
this position for about five minutes, you should take a series of deep negative
breaths. The second exercise consists of standing in front of an open window
or in the open air with the arms and legs extended to the sides, the feet flat on
the ground, and the hands held at head level with the palms pointing upwards.
You should then carry out a series of deep positive breaths. As we have already
said, these two exercises have the respective goals of increasing the intensity of
our negative and positive magnetism. Each one can be done on its own or the
two can be done in succession. If the latter is the case, Exercise No. 2 should
follow Exercise No. 1, either immediately or after a pause of about five minutes,
according to personal preference.
The third exercise you will want to do as often as possible consists of
going outdoors and forming a star with your body, with your back on the
ground. Both your legs and arms should be outstretched with the palms turned
upwards toward the sky. When you are in this position, take a series of deep
neutral breaths for five to ten minutes. At the end of this time, you are quite
free to continue this exercise using normal breathing. This exercise will put you
directly in contact with earthly magnetism while reinforcing the potential of
your negative and positive energy. If at all possible, do this exercise while lying
on the grass. Feel free to keep your eyes either open or closed.
The fourth exercise will help you benefit from earthly magnetism and
electromagnetic properties in the atmosphere. This consists of floating on your
back whenever you bathe or swim in a body of natural water, such as the sea or
a lake. You should assume the same position in the water as that indicated in the
last exercise. In this case, you should take deep positive breaths, for the retention
of air in the lungs helps your body to float. You may continue this exercise for
as long as you please.
The fifth exercise consists of walking barefooted in the morning dew
whenever you have the opportunity. While doing so, take deep neutral breaths.
A walk of five to ten minutes is enough to allow your body to profit from the
very specific magnetism of the dew. This has special alchemical and chemical
properties in that it results from a condensation that brings together Earth’s
negative electromagnetism and the atmosphere’s positive
Naturally, these five simple exercises should be done as
discreetly as possible so that you do not draw attention to yourself
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 23

or seem to act like a show-off. They are simply practices that can be done in a
natural way whenever the occasion presents itself.
MENTAL PREVENTION: The mental prevention of illness concerns the care
we must give to the nature of our thoughts. Since they are vibratory in nature, as
is the body, it is easily understood that our thoughts can have a permanent effect
on our body. If our thoughts are positive, they generate harmony in us, the first
condition in maintaining good health. On the other hand, if they are negative,
they give rise to an internal discord that often results in illness. By positive
thoughts we mean all thoughts that convey feelings based on love, friendship,
tolerance, forgiveness, generosity, altruism and, generally speaking, all the
virtues that one can and should display in daily life. By negative thoughts we
mean not only thoughts engendered by envy, jealousy, anger, hate, spite, etc., but
also those accompanied by persistent feelings of anguish, fear, or pessimism.
The influence that thoughts exercise on one’s health should be obvious to
you, for this fact is now recognized by medical authorities. However, this has
not always been the case. In fact, mainstream medicine denied this influence for
centuries, considering the origin of all disorders to lie in some purely functional
or organic anomaly. Yet it is interesting to note that “good morale” has been
accepted for a long time as a significant asset in bringing about the cure of some
serious illnesses. This being so, why was it not recognized earlier that “bad
morale” could result in relapses or difficulties encountered by some patients
in the cure of their ailments? The answer is simple: by accepting such a truth,
medical experts would be forced to recognize that negative thoughts need to be
counted among pathological causes, thus introducing a subjective and so-called
irrational element into a science that wished to be completely rational.
In the Neophyte Section, we explained that most illnesses are due to a
reduction of the vibratory frequency of our being, this reduction being itself
the consequence of an imbalance between the negative and positive polarities
of Vital Life Force. For obvious reasons, every negative thought produces
such an imbalance, for it goes against the harmony that should prevail in every
physical and psychic function and organ of our being. When this opposition is
only temporary, our health is not adversely affected. On the other
hand, when this state is maintained continually and voluntarily, it
results in creating a condition of discord that eventually gives rise
to various physiological disorders.
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 23

It is also important to understand that a person need not fear the negative
thoughts of others, for these have no effect except on persons who fear them and
on those who themselves harbor such thoughts. Therefore, you should place as
much importance on your mental health as on your physical health. People who
fail to recognize this truth carry within themselves the potential of incurring
various illnesses at some time in life.
We shall continue this study in the next monograph, for we shall see that our
health also depends on our emotional state and on our ability to live a spiritual
life. In the meantime, do not hesitate to review step by step the fundamental
ideas you have been taught since the beginning of this degree.
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally,

Practical Application
“Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.”—Unto Thee I Grant

Since this monograph is devoted to the importance we should give to the

nature of our thoughts, it seems appropriate to suggest that you analyze the
mental state you habitually maintain. In so doing, try to define objectively to
what degree your way of thinking is healthy. First of all, consider the greatest
human failings and determine for yourself whether you often entertain strong
ideas of jealousy, selfishness, spite, unkindness, anger, etc. As a mystic, it is
unlikely that you are dominated by such notions, but such a self-examination will
enable you to reflect on the origin and nature of such weaknesses. On another
occasion, determine whether you have a tendency towards worry, anxiety,
pessimism, etc. If this is the case, you should change this tendency entirely and
gradually replace it by an optimistic attitude, especially when circumstances are
unfavorable. Contrary to what one might think, such a transmutation is quite
possible if one shows the willingness to use of the art of autosuggestion as
was taught in the Second Temple Degree. The more positive your mental state
becomes, the more you will create conditions favorable to the maintenance of
good health.

Summary of This Monograph
After carefully reading this monograph, read the following summary. It contains
the major principles on which you are to reflect and meditate in the coming days.
If any of the points are difficult to understand, refer to the explanations given in this
monograph. Moreover, we advise you to read this summary again immediately before
your next sanctum period.

The best way to maintain good health is by not becoming ill in the first
place. This simply means that it is better to prevent illness than to have to
cure illness after suffering from it.
Physical prevention of illness concerns the care we should give to proper
nutrition and breathing.
The physical body needs a minimum amount of exercise so that its overall
metabolism works properly.
Mental prevention of illness concerns the care we must give to the nature
of our thoughts.
Every negative thought opposes the harmony that should prevail in all our
being. When this opposition is only temporary, our health is not adversely
affected. On the other hand, when this state is maintained continually and
voluntarily, it results in creating a condition of discord that gives rise to
various physiological disorders.
Negative thoughts are not limited to those that are engendered by envy,
jealousy, anger, hate, spite, etc., but also those accompanied by persistent
feelings of anguish, fear, or pessimism.

Concurrence (continued)
weeks and months preceding the physical condition and discover what
thoughts, what attitudes, what conditions of mind you have been in or
held in yourself, or expressed in words. Eliminate immediately this
attitude by reversing your opinions, reversing your thoughts and holding
thoughts of love and kindness instead. In other words, the poison from
the mind that has been eating at the very heart of every cell in your body
must be eliminated before any treatment can be given to relieve the
ultimate and outer manifestations. Any other process is merely treating
the outer manifestations and easing them, as though giving them a drug
to nullify the senses without removing the actual cause.
Therefore, after having analyzed your inner self—with or without
discovering what thoughts you have actually held that were destructive—
purge yourself of any possible poison by immediately holding thoughts
of love, goodness, kindness, and spiritual oneness with all human beings
and with every living thing on the face of Earth . . . .
The fourth step is to sit down quietly, or lie down in a relaxed
condition as much as possible, and give nature every opportunity to use
all of the vital forces in the body for reconstruction, instead of expending
this energy in moving your body about, or in doing other unnecessary
work. Resting the body and relaxing it, with the eyes closed and with
just the thought of peace and nothing else in the mind, will give nature
every opportunity to carry out the work of the Cosmic in changing your
physical condition. Do not concentrate your thoughts upon the nature
of your illness, its location, its pathological or histological cause in a
physiological sense, or on the diagnosis that a physician, nurse, or friend
has given, for all of these mean nothing to nature and nothing to the
Cosmic, and should mean nothing to you, for the time being.
—H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883–1939)

Sixth Degree No. 24


The endocrine glands play a fundamental role in the maintenance of health.

As this monograph is devoted to the prevention of illness, we will provide you with
a passage that is excerpted from the work entitled Les glandes endocrines et notre
santé (The Endocrine Glands and Our Health), written by Frater Paul Dupont,
M.D., director of the Medical Section of R.C.U.I. This quotation is specifically
concerned with the physiological role of these glands; we will study their psychic
functions at the appropriate time in the future.
The endocrine glands are the guardians of our health, because
they oversee the organizing of our vital functions. They participate
in maintaining the body’s equilibrium and in fighting diseases. Our
thoughts and emotions likewise affect their secretions. Thus, it is
important to preserve a correct and positive mental attitude if we want
to avoid becoming ill . . . .
When we say that the proper use of our thoughts and emotions
may prevent disorders in the functioning of hormones, this implies
that the glands are integrated into a system dependent upon our
subconscious. The system affected by our thoughts and emotions is
the sympathetic system, which we will talk about at length. Thus,
through this nervous system, a hormonal imbalance may suddenly
appear after a scare or conflict, or it may gradually appear following
negative mental attitudes . . . .
Thus, this is the time to set things straight and not blame events
in our lives. We must, on the contrary, look within ourselves for the
cause of the troubles that afflict us, rather than trying to resolve them
much later through the use of drugs or sedatives. When the cause of
such an imbalance is known, it must be fought mentally, emotionally,
or psychically—whether it concerns an improper desire, overly
materialistic behavior, or bad habits. In other words, we must, by a
healthy awakened consciousness and by good resolutions, strive to hold
positive thoughts . . . .

(continued on page 29)

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 24

Dear Fratres and Sorores,

Having devoted the last monograph to the physical and mental prevention
of disease, let us today consider the influence that our emotions exert on our
health as well as the necessity of living spiritually, so that we may benefit on all
levels from the regenerative influence of cosmic laws.
EMOTIONAL PREVENTION: Whether we are conscious of it or not, most
of our thoughts give rise to emotions, for our psychological nature is part of the
whole human makeup. Each emotion exerts a specific action on the autonomic
nervous system which, as you will recall, directs and controls all the involuntary
functions of our being. This means that there is a constant interaction between
our mental state and our general emotional state, with this interplay acting
independent of our will upon our psychic body and more specifically upon the
different centers charged with maintaining harmony in all its activities.
For example, you have surely noticed that when your mental and emotional
state is negative for some reason, you often have the sensation of pressure in
the area of the solar plexus. This sensation arises from a reaction of the psychic
center in this part of the body—namely, the solar center. Or, to use another
example, you have surely experienced agreeable feelings around the heart that
arise because of especially positive thoughts and emotions. These feelings come
about because this organ corresponds to a psychic center that also reacts to
certain stimuli.
We have used these two examples of the solar center and heart center to
illustrate the influence that the emotions exercise on us because the impressions
we experience are particularly distinct when these two centers are affected.
However, it must be kept in mind that every psychic center in our body reacts
to our emotional states, even though we may not fully perceive such reactions.
Moreover, there is such an affinity between these psychic centers that any
stimulus produced on one acts indirectly on the others. Altogether they form
a fully coordinated system, much like those of the circulatory, lymphatic, and
nervous systems. This distinctive feature will be quite useful when we discuss
how you can develop their activities with the aim of developing your psychic
sensitivity—in other words, your extrasensory perception. Thus,
it is not only possible to use exercises for the specific awakening
of each psychic center, but it is also possible to stimulate all of
them as a whole precisely because of the subtle bond uniting
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 24

them. While considering the subject of Rosicrucian healing, we must be

especially aware that the body’s psychic centers are responsible for the particular
secretion produced by the corresponding gland, organ, or plexus. To take a few
specific examples, the thyroid gland secretes thyroxine, the suprarenal glands
secrete adrenaline, the liver secretes bile, the pancreas secretes insulin, etc.
Although all of these secretions are the result of some psychological process,
they are activated by an impulse from the psychic centers concerned—which in
those just mentioned are the thyroid, suprarenal, hepatic, and pancreatic centers.
When our emotional state is positive, such hormones or substances are
secreted at rates consistent with the needs of the physical body and contribute
to its proper functioning. On the other hand, when we are under the influence
of negative emotions, they pour into the blood in excessive quantities and give
rise to a form of local poisoning that temporarily disturbs some of our organic
functions. They also produce a temporary increase or reduction in the flow of
psychic energy circulating in the autonomic nervous system, thus negatively
affecting our general well-being. Consequently, we must do our utmost to keep
ourselves in an emotional state that is as pure as possible, so that we can vibrate
in perfect resonance with cosmic harmony.
SPIRITUAL PREVENTION: Among those fundamental causes that give rise
to many illnesses, it is important to mention the lack of spirituality. Far too many
people lead lives based solely on material pleasures even though they might not
always realize this. By so doing, they completely neglect the most important
dimension of their being, namely their soul, and deprive themselves of that
regenerative influx they could receive by acknowledging their own spirituality.
We feel that if such people devoted as much attention to their spiritual
selves as they do to their physical selves, they would be cured of most of the
illnesses now afflicting them, for they would raise their vibratory frequencies
and remain in harmony with the Cosmic. We realize that such an assertion is
unacceptable to many scientists, but time will prove that physical, mental, and
spiritual harmonium is the most effective of cures. In fact, we are convinced that
medicine will make its greatest strides when humanity becomes conscious of its
divine nature and origin.
What should you do on the spiritual plane to keep yourself
healthy? This may be summed up in a single sentence:
you should carry out as often as possible the mystical exercises

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 24

that have been suggested to you as part of your Rosicrucian membership. They
are all intended to develop your psychic sensitivity and make you receptive to
the cosmic harmony we have just mentioned. By zealously carrying them out,
you will establish a more intimate bond between the various aspects of your
being and the constructive forces of the universe. On the spiritual plane, such
a cosmic harmony manifests in an illumination of the consciousness and the
wisdom that follows from it; on the emotional plane, by a feeling of Peace
Profound and love for all Creation; on the intellectual plane, by the acquisition
of an inspired reasoning and a strong ability for resolving problems; and on the
physical plane, by good health and great reserves of energy. In fact, this is the
ideal state you should seek to attain.
Apart from the experiments and exercises contained in the monographs,
we advise you to raise yourself regularly to the level of the Celestial Sanctum,
to join in the work of the Council of Solace, and to practice daily meditation.
We can never overemphasize the impact that such periods may have on your
inner evolution and physical well-being. Moreover, you may use such periods
in service to humanity, whereby the knowledge you have acquired may be used
as a spiritual aid to those who suffer. This may consist of absent healing, which,
as practiced by Rosicrucians, primarily consists of contacting the Cosmic
and using it as the intermediary for directing positive thoughts to those who
need help. The best way to achieve this is to follow the method indicated in
the booklet Liber 777—The Celestial Sanctum. When using this method, the
Universal Intelligence will help to direct the energy required to reestablish
harmony in all those who, whether directly or indirectly, have asked for help
from the God of their Heart.
You will now want to practice regularly those techniques explained to
you in this monograph and the previous one concerning the physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual means of preventing illness. By applying the principles
that have been revealed to you as often as possible, your chances of avoiding
many illnesses will be greatly improved.
The next monograph will be the last of this degree. It shall be devoted to a
lecture on health, which is usually only read to members of the
Lodges, Chapters, Pronaoi, and Atrium Groups of our Order. We
thought that it would be beneficial to make an exception in this
instance and include it in this degree, as it is an overall synthesis

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 24

of the Rosicrucian philosophy on the subject of health. Let us mention in passing

that if you have not yet become a member of an AMORC Affiliated Body, this
lecture will give you an idea of those subjects discussed during Rosicrucian
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally,

Practical Application
“Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.”—Unto Thee I Grant

Let us stress once again the importance of the mystical exercises that have
been provided as part of your Rosicrucian membership. Such exercises are, in
fact, necessary for your own well-being. Many people feel that the secret of
good health lies in healthy living and the regular practice of some sport or other
kind of physical activity. Indeed, these two points should not be overlooked, but
they are only part of the normal care that should be given to the physical body.
Such care does not go far enough, in that each human is a duality. Therefore,
it is also necessary to attend to the needs of our spiritual nature by devoting
ourselves regularly to periods of meditation, prayer, and cosmic attunement, etc.
During the next several days, consider whether you give enough time to these
periods. If not, act accordingly and give them the attention they deserve.

Summary of This Monograph
After carefully reading this monograph, read the following summary. It contains
the major principles on which you are to reflect and meditate in the coming days.
If any of the points are difficult to understand, refer to the explanations given in this
monograph. Moreover, we advise you to read this summary again immediately before
your next sanctum period.

There is a constant interaction between our thoughts and emotions, for our
psychological nature is part of the whole human makeup.
All the psychic centers of our body react individually to our emotional
states. Moreover, there is such an affinity between them that any stimulus
produced on one acts indirectly on the others.
All the psychic centers are responsible for the particular secretion produced
by the corresponding gland, organ, or plexus. Negative emotions disturb
this secretion and temporarily produce a functional or organic anomaly.
The lack of spirituality is one of the fundamental causes of disease.
If people devoted as much attention to their spiritual selves as they do to
their physical selves, they would be cured of most of the illnesses now
afflicting them, for they would raise their own vibratory frequencies and
remain in harmony with the Cosmic.
On the spiritual plane, cosmic harmony manifests in an illumination of
the consciousness and the wisdom that follows from it; on the emotional
plane, by a feeling of Peace Profound and love for all Creation; on the
intellectual plane, by acquisition of an inspired reasoning and a strong
ability for resolving problems; and on the physical plane, by good health
and great reserves of energy.
Absent healing, as practiced by Rosicrucians, consists of contacting the
Cosmic and using it as the intermediary for directing positive thoughts to
those who need help. The best way to achieve this is to follow the method
indicated in the booklet Liber 777—The Celestial Sanctum.

Concurrence (continued)
Apart from certain infectious illnesses capable of influencing
our glands, it’s good to question ourselves the rest of the time about
the connection uniting the glands and our psyche. Everyone needs to
know how our glands function and the relationships between our mind,
dietary habits, and fairly acute disorders.
—PAUL DUPONT, M.D. (twenty-first century)

Sixth Degree No. 25


We began this degree with a Concurrence featuring the Hippocratic Oath.

We shall now complete it by quoting from The Life of Paracelsus, a work by
Anna M. Stoddart. The excerpt we have chosen is taken from a chapter entitled
“Teacher, Mystic, Christian,” a description that describes Paracelsus, an eminent
Rosicrucian of the sixteenth century. You will note that this concurrence is in
two parts. The first was written by the author of the work, while the second,
written by Paracelsus himself, concerns the subject of illness and specifies that
the best doctor for humanity will always be Nature.
God created humans for His world, and in the world He claimed
their faith and love both for Himself and for their fellows. If God were in
very deed accepted as King of His own world, there would be an end of
hypocrisy in the rays of righteousness. But the Kingdom of God contains
in closest relationship with our life of faith and love a multitude of
mysteries which the searching soul may discover one by one. They are
the mysteries of God’s providence which one who seeks shall find: the
mysteries of union with God, the secret tabernacle at whose gate to one
who knocks it shall be opened. And the people who seek and knock are
the prophets and the healers of His Kingdom, for to them are delivered
its keys, the keys which unlock the treasuries of Earth and heaven. And
these are the shepherds, the guides, the apostles of the world.
Medicine is founded upon nature, nature herself is medicine, and in
her only shall people seek it. And nature is the teacher of the physician,
for she is older than he and she is within humans just as she is outside of
them. So he is blessed who reads the books which God has written and
walks in the ways which God has made. Such people are true, perfect,
and faithful members of their calling, for they walk in the full daylight
of knowledge and not in the dark abyss of error. . . . For the mysteries of
God in nature are great: He works where He will, as He will and when
He will. Therefore must we seek, knock, and ask. And the question
arises, what sort of person is one who seeks, knocks, and asks? How
genuine must be such a seeker’s sincerity, faith, purity, chastity, truth,

(continued on page 38)

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 25

Dear Fratres and Sorores,

As was mentioned in the last monograph, today’s study will take the form
of a lecture that is normally only read in a Convocation at a Lodge, Chapter,
Pronaos, or Atrium Group. Whenever this lecture has been presented in an
affiliated body, it has provoked numerous interesting questions concerning the
subject of health. In fact, some of the members who comment on it are not yet
in the Sixth Temple Degree of their Rosicrucian studies and thus they have not
been provided with some of the answers that this degree can give. We hope that
you will be intrigued with this discourse, which summarizes the fundamental
points of Rosicrucian healing.
HEALTH: One of the aims of the Rosicrucian teachings is to contribute to the
maintenance of good health. Mainstream medicine maintains that most illnesses
are the result of external causes. Rosicrucians consider the origin of practically
all the ills from which we can suffer to be from within. To be more accurate,
we feel that the fundamental cause of many functional or organic diseases is an
imbalance between the negative and positive polarities of the Vital Life Force.
In most cases, this imbalance is psychic in origin and comes from a breakdown
of harmony between the individual and the Cosmic, usually resulting in the
violation of some natural law.
Of course, there are some illnesses for which we are not directly responsible
and whose causes we cannot control. Such is true, for example, with hereditary
diseases. Yet, even in these cases, they may admittedly be due to errors that
parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents made in the past with regard to
natural laws. Heredity may transmit the consequences of such errors to their
descendants, and this is why some children are born with a lesser degree of vital
potential or health.
Aside from hereditary diseases, there exist other illnesses whose causes
may be outside our immediate control. For example, many diseases that we
experience are related to the increasingly unnatural—in other words, polluted—
air that we breathe, water that we drink, and food that we eat. Various other
diseases are due to the assaults to which we are constantly
exposed because we live in a modern society. Among the most
harmful, we may mention the noise and stress caused by an
overly frenetic pace of life.
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 25

Generally speaking, we may assert that all illnesses are human and not
divine in origin, and that the vast majority of them arise because of natural laws
that we or our ancestors have violated in the past. This means that if we humans
were to always live in perfect harmony with nature, we would not need to fear
illness, for the Cosmic has given us natural means that enable us to neutralize
the pathological germs found in our environment. From a mystical viewpoint,
we may consider that the physical regeneration of humanity will begin when
all of us renew our intimate links with nature and learn once more how to live
in complete harmony with our environment. From then on we shall observe
physiological transmutations that, after several generations, will enable the
human race to progressively purify itself of all hereditary defects. Finally, once
this purification is completed, every child will inherit a healthy body free of
those germs that are now the cause of numerous illnesses.
The day will come when science will officially recognize that the greatest
danger to our health does not lie as much in the microbes and viruses occurring
in the environment as in the very equilibrium of our inner nature. It is true that
external factors we cannot always control can upset this balance, but more often
it is affected by our own mental and emotional state. It is easy to show that many
disorders are due to the injurious influence that negative thoughts and emotions
have on the equilibrium of our psychic body. When we say “negative thoughts
and emotions,” we are not speaking simply of thoughts of hate, anger, jealousy,
etc. Quite obviously, these are of the worst sort and cause a psychological
poisoning that eventually results in illness. By this expression we refer as well to
all of the anxieties, fears, and woes that negatively affect the whole of our being.
Admittedly, we cannot always avoid them, but we must do our best to do so.
In this connection it has been shown that many people have inherited a
marvelous constitution, but have allowed it to be ruined by consistently
remaining in a negative mental and emotional state. Yet, on the other hand,
think of those many terminally ill people, whose doctors have given up on
them, who have been cured by using the creative and regenerative power of
their own thoughts. Of course, we do not mean to imply that all illnesses arise
because a person has held bad thoughts. Some causes of illness, we repeat,
evade our immediate understanding and are not our direct responsibility.
However, we can assert that people who live constantly in a
perturbed mental state will eventually upset their own psychic
equilibrium. It is precisely at this point that they become more
subject to viral and bacterial illnesses.
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 25

Throughout the world there are many people who dedicate themselves to
alleviating the problems of others. While engaged in this task, they often work
in appalling conditions and are exposed to all kinds of microbes and viruses.
Nevertheless, they usually are not affected by the diseases of their patients. Why?
Because these workers live in such a state of harmony with the Cosmic that the
vibratory frequency of their whole being neutralizes any infectious germs with
which they come in contact. It would be easy to show that the opposite is true of
persons who spend their time entertaining negative thoughts and emotions. Even
when shielded from infectious germs, they will eventually suffer from various
ailments. The best weapon, therefore, against illness is to not allow ourselves
to become fertile ground for germs by lowering our vibratory nature. The only
way to accomplish this is by becoming conscious of this truth and learning to
live by a spiritual approach based on noble ideas.
While maintaining a negative mental and emotional state obviously results
in creating within ourselves conditions favorable to illness, it should be kept
in mind that constantly holding positive thoughts is not enough to remain free
from all illness. It is also necessary to follow a physical regimen that is perfectly
healthy and balanced. That is why the Order’s teachings speak of the necessity
of proper nourishment, sufficient rest, and the practice of deep breathing.
A person who only strives to think positively without taking care to nourish
the body with a well-balanced diet, without getting enough rest, and without
bothering to breathe properly, cannot remain in good health.
In matters of health, the golden rule is to combine harmoniously the
spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical conditions necessary for one’s general
well-being. As a consequence, we must never forget that we are both matter
and consciousness. Therefore, our well-being depends on an ability to respond
positively to the needs of the two aspects of our duality. Moreover, we know
that consciousness acts on matter and matter reacts on consciousness. This
means that one’s thoughts and emotions affect the body positively or negatively
according to whether they are good or bad, and that the body, according to
whether it feels healthy or unhealthy, determines whether a positive or negative
mental and emotional state exists in a person. It is for this reason that most
people, when they are ill, tend to experience “poor morale” and, in extreme
cases, to lash out at their circle of friends and relatives.
Naturally, the advantage of being in good health is to be free
from the consequences of suffering and of all the moral torments

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 25

that result. However, even more than this is at stake. People who enjoy good
health enjoy a greater freedom to study mysticism. When we constantly suffer
either physically or mentally, it is difficult to concentrate our attention on
philosophical reflection, for suffering constantly brings us back to the plane of
objective sensitivity. As Rosicrucians, we enjoy a great advantage in matters of
health. Anything that is useful to know on this subject is taught progressively
through the degrees of our Order, especially in the Sixth Temple Degree. The
monographs of this degree explain how to act on the physical plane so as to
maintain good health and how to act on the psychic body so as to reestablish
any missing vibratory equilibrium.
It has been proven that members of AMORC who study and put the
Rosicrucian teachings into practice experience improved health. As we have
said previously, some people come into the world with deficient health, but
with the application of Rosicrucian healing they are able to progress on the
path of relief and healing, even if it involves only a few steps. It can be said,
therefore, that a Rosicrucian who does everything possible medically to cure
a serious illness and who, despite suffering, persists in the study of mysticism,
will experience an improvement in his or her general state of health and will
evolve considerably on the inner plane. In return, the Cosmic gives its blessings
on the physical plane or on another, in this life or in another.
As you have surely noticed by now, we have not spoken of illnesses that are
seemingly caused by actions taken in past incarnations. We can only speculate
about such matters, for it is extremely difficult to know exactly to what degree
the negative karma of a soul is manifested in a lifetime by poor health or by some
challenge. Only people who experience a serious disorder may understand, after
a period of sustained mystical reflection, the cause-and-effect relationship that
possibly exists between the physical state of their present incarnation and their
actions in a past incarnation that have resulted in such tests and trials. We need
to emphasize that other people have no right to decide whether such maladies
result from a karmic debt. Such a judgment is not for us to make, as it only
indicates a considerable lack of wisdom on our part. A much better course is for
us to sympathize with those who suffer and to do whatever is in our power to
help them endure their difficulties.
To conclude this talk, we encourage you to carry out regularly
all the experiments and exercises suggested in the monographs,
whether they involve health matters or psychic development. As
Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 25

you have now learned, these two aspects are linked. Most of the experiments
and exercises may seem simple to carry out, and they are. The Cosmic has never
decreed that the means enabling us to regenerate ourselves physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually should involve complex therapies that are difficult
to put into practice. When we indicate the importance of drinking enough water,
eating correctly, and breathing properly, we are not dispensing advice that is
difficult to carry out. Nevertheless, these all form the basis of good health, and
no excuses can be made if we make no effort to put them into practice.
Regarding the subject of health, holding positive thoughts at all times is
undoubtedly the most difficult to achieve. As soon as you feel arising within you
any discordant thought that threatens to disturb your vibratory equilibrium, you
should immediately raise your consciousness to the highest planes of Cosmic
Consciousness. The best way to do this is to concentrate at once on a mental
image, word, or symbol that evokes positive thoughts and emotions within
you. By so doing, you will automatically reestablish your inner harmony and
neutralize any psychic imbalance. Make this your objective in your everyday
life and make a habit of it. You will find that every victory won over a discordant
thought or emotion will encourage you to persevere on the good path. With time,
you will feel growing within you an assurance that will change to a constant
feeling of Peace Profound. You will then realize how much positive thinking, as
a vibration emanating from the soul itself, has the power to master matter and to
preserve harmony in the body.
It is with this talk that the study of the Sixth Temple Degree of the Ancient
and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis draws to a close. It should be obvious that
simply reading the monographs of this degree will not enable you to fully
master the mystical art of Rosicrucian healing. This is why we recommend that
you review them as often as possible and make each one of them an effective
instrument in the service of health. As is our custom, we invite you to answer the
questions in the personal examination at the end of this lesson. Do not hesitate
to review the monographs concerned if any of them present problems.
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally,

Rosicrucian Order AMORC Initiate Section
Degree 6 Number 25

On this day on the R+C path

Dear Fratres and Sorores,
You have now reached the end of the Sixth Degree of our Order. I hope
you have found it of interest and that it has taught you a great deal, as much
in the way of theoretical knowledge as in that of practical application. As was
mentioned on several occasions in past lessons, the mystical principles you have
been taught as part of the Rosicrucian healing work are absolutely unique. They
are part of the sacred heritage that our Order has inherited from the ancient
Mystery Schools, and it is in all their traditional purity that they have been
passed on to you.
I would now like to speak of an important matter. The effectiveness of
Rosicrucian healing has been proven, and you yourself will have occasion to
benefit from it or to bring its benefits to others. However, under no circumstances
should you behave as though you were now invested with the mission of healing.
In fact, the highest authorities of our Order have always emphasized that the
aim of the Sixth Temple Degree is not and has never been to make a healer of
every Rosicrucian. The goal, rather, is to familiarize all members with mystical
principles that will enable them to prevent illnesses and to care for themselves
when the need arises. Therefore, Rosicrucian healing should be applied
primarily to yourself. Of course, when a close relative or friend suffers from a
problem that you can alleviate or help cure by use of a Rosicrucian treatment, it
is your duty to come to his or her assistance and to act in accordance with all the
moral rules discussed on various occasions in this degree.
As this Sixth Degree is particularly important in the realm of ethics, I now
ask that you study the oath included with this monograph. Consider the various
points of this oath one by one, and when you have resolved in your conscience
to respect them both in spirit and in letter, sign the document and then send it to
my attention.
May the Cosmic guide your steps toward the light that you seek, and may
this light, when you have found it, make you a guide for all those who are still
plunged in the darkness of ignorance.
With best wishes for Peace Profound,
Sincerely and fraternally,
Julie Scott
Grand Master
Summary of This Monograph
After carefully reading this monograph, read the following summary. It contains
the major principles on which you are to reflect and meditate in the coming days.
If any of the points are difficult to understand, refer to the explanations given in this
monograph. Moreover, we advise you to read this summary again immediately before
your next sanctum period.

The fundamental cause of many diseases is an imbalance between the

negative and positive polarities of the Vital Life Force. In most cases, this
imbalance is psychic in origin and comes from a breakdown of harmony
between the individual and the Cosmic.
Heredity may transmit the consequences of errors committed by our
ancestors that involved natural laws. This is why some children are born
with a lesser degree of vital potential or health.
If we were to always live in perfect harmony with nature, we would not
need to fear illness, for the Cosmic has given us natural means enabling us
to neutralize the pathological germs found in our environment.
Many illnesses are due to the injurious influence that negative thoughts
and emotions have on the equilibrium of our psychic body.
The golden rule in matters of health is to combine harmoniously the
spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical conditions necessary for one’s
general well-being.
The Rosicrucian who does everything possible medically to cure a serious
illness and who, despite suffering, persists in the study of mysticism, will
experience an improvement in his or her general state of health and will
evolve considerably on the inner plane. In return, the Cosmic gives its
blessings on the physical plane or on another, in this life or in another.
It is extremely difficult to know exactly to what degree the negative karma
of a soul is manifested in a lifetime by poor health or by some challenge.
Thus, other people have no right to judge whether another person’s
problems result from a karmic debt.

Concurrence (continued)
and mercifulness. . . . Let no doctor say this sickness is incurable. He
denies God our Creator; he denies nature with her abundance of hidden
powers; he depreciates the great arcana of nature and the mysteries of
creation. It is just in the worst sicknesses that God is praised, not in the
cure of trivial indispositions. There is no disease so great that God has
not provided its cure.
—ANNA M. STODDART (1840–1911)

Sixth Temple Degree Self-Examination
The following questions are presented only to allow you to determine your comprehension
of the important points contained in the monographs of the Sixth Temple Degree. It is not
necessary to send your answers to us, because only you will be able to determine whether
you gave the required attention to the teachings of this section. Write your answers
carefully in your study notebook and then check to see if they are essentially correct.

1) What is the exact goal of the Sixth Temple Degree and what do we mean
by “esoteric medicine”?
2) What is the basic role of the skeleton and what can you say about the
bones of which is it composed?
3) What is the physical and metaphysical aim of digestion?
4) What is the physical and metaphysical aim of respiration?
5) What is the physical and metaphysical aim of the circulatory system?
6) What is the role of the lymphatic system?
7) What are the principal organs engaged in the elimination of wastes
produced by the body’s metabolism, and what are their specific functions?
8) What can you say about the cell and cellular consciousness?
9) What is the role of the cerebrospinal nervous system?
10) What is the role of the autonomic nervous system?
11) What are the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system?
12) How many divisions are there for the sympathetic ganglia of the body?
Name each of them.
13) What is the polarity of the left sympathetic chain and of the right
sympathetic chain?
14) What sympathetic ganglia are preferably used in Rosicrucian
15) How is a negative treatment given?
16) How is a positive treatment given?
17) Name one of the diseases that can be treated with the help of Rosicrucian
healing and give the name of the sympathetic ganglion used.
18) Describe all the steps of the method used when giving a negative or
positive treatment to another person.
19) What are the basic treatments of self-healing?
20) Of what do physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual prevention of
illnesses consist?
Consecrated to truth
and dedicated to every Rosicrucian

Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc.

Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California, U.S.A.

This monograph is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale

or purchase may make the seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.

This monograph is officially published by the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, under the emblem appearing
on the front cover, which is legally protected and ipso facto protects all engraved, printed, electronic,
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the member as a privilege of membership. Thus, legal title, ownership, and right of ownership of this
monograph are and remain those of A.M.O.R.C., to which it must be returned on simple demand. All
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and passwords, are strictly confidential and are communicated to the member for his or her sole and
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