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The Following Rules and regulations shall apply to all employees of the Company while in the Company’s premises at all times
including break times and overtime.
Each employee must act n accordance with the company’s policies,orders,rules,regulations,guidelines etc. Applicable from time to
The company expects each employee to maintain proper decorum.Employees are expected to conduct themselves on the job in a
manner that contributes to operating effectiveness,producvtivity,safety and harmonious work environment.

Attendance and Punctuality

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1.Absent without prior notice to superior. 3DS 6DS D
2.Coming Late/Tardiness ,half day or undertime in a month. DVW WW 2DS 4D 6D
3.Changing of schedule without prior notice
to superior. DVW WW 2DS 4D 6D
4.Leaving work assignment without permission from superior 6D D

Decorum and Cooperation 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1.Fighting or instigating a fight within the company
premises whether or not on company time. D
2.Habitual conduct of personal business on the job and
wasting time. 6D D
3.Failure to inform or report any violation/incident,loss or
damages within 24hours from incident which transpired
inside the store. D
4.Sleeping during working hours. 6D D
5.Late store opening and/or key
Management-misplaced/lost/left store keys. 4D 6D D
6.Caught in possession of unauthorized items. D
7.Giving of personal number to clients for personal gain
against company. D
8.Using of company property,time,materials and equipment
for unauthorized work. 6D D

Honesty and Integrity

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1.Submission of fraudulent
documents,misrepresentation,omission and falsification of
any kind.(Biometric,official receipt,reports anmd other
pertinent documents. D
2.Rendering services to clients outside clinic is prohibited. D
3.Attempted,frustrated and consummated theft or robbery
of company property. D
4.Malversation of companies funds. D
5.Disclosing/leaking out confidential or classified
information,technique method and documentation to an
unauthorized employee or person. D
Note: The company reserves the right to make deductions
from wages or salaries in respect of lateness or absence. WW-WRITTEN WARNING
5-10minutes late-50.00 DVW-DOCUMENTED VERBAL WARNING
11-30 minutes late-150.00 D-DISMISSAL
Beyond 30minutrs-Half day pay

I _________________________________________________acknowledge that I have read,agree and understand the policy and guidelines in
Deoglow Aesthetic Clinic.

Prepared by: Honey Mae Nadayag -Operation Manager

Reviewed by:Ryan Danguilit -COO

Approved by: Christine Deo Seseh Danguilit – CEO

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