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Pictorial Presentation...

House of People
(Lok Sabha)
l Maximum
Members - 550
l Minimum Age - 25 Years
l Tenure - 5 Years

Prime Minister
Drishti 2 ( 2nd
in 7 Part Series )

Council of State
(Rajya Sabha)
l Maximum
Members - 250
l Minimum Age - 30 Years
l Tenure - 6 Years

Vidhan Sabha Vidhan Parisad

(Legislative Assembly) (Legislative Council)

l Members - 60 - 500 l Members -

l Minimum Age - 25 Years Members can't be more than
l Tenure - 5 Years 1/3rd of Vidhan Sabha
l Minimum Age - 30 Years
Chief Minister l Tenure - 6 Years

Indian Polity
188A/128, Allenganj, Churchlane, Prayagraj (Allahabad)-211002 50/-

© Publisher
Edition - First
Edition Year - 2022
Index Preface
Writer - SSGC l The Constitutional Development There are two main objectives
M.R.P.: 50/- of India, Constituent Assembly of Pictorial Presentation of
& the Making of the various subjects of General
Printed at - Constitution, Sources of the
Studies . The First One - to gain
Core Publishing Solution Constitution of India 3-9
confidence in studying the entire
l Preamble 10-11 subjects in a short time. The Other
Contact :
l Schedules and Their Subjects, One - these facts could be imprinted
Sam-Samayik Governance System, National in the brain of the readers.
Emblems, Indian Consequently the aspirants could
Ghatna Chakra Constitution, Linguistic remember the facts within no time in
188A/128, Allenganj, Churchlane, Provinces (State
Reorganization) the examination hall. Our aim is that
Prayagraj (Allahabad) - 211002
Commission / Committee, an aspirant could be able to solve at
Ph.: 0532-2465524, 2465525 Citizenship 11-18 least two questions more from each
Mob.: 9335140296 topic because of imbibing this very
l Fundamental Rights ,
e-mail : [email protected] Directive Principles of effective pictorial representation.
Website : State Policy and A good book is one that makes
e-shop Website : Fundamental Duties the reader feel and imbibe. While
presenting this subject matter, it has
Copyright 2020, by Sam-Samayik l President, Attorney been kept in mind that only the
Ghatna Chakra Private Limited. No General, Advocate important and relevant facts could
General, C.A.G. and get a place in this presentation along
Part of this publication may be Vice-President 25-34
with no factual error at all.
reproduced or distributed in any
l The Union Council of Moreover only the Purvavalokan
form or by any means, electronic, Ministers, Order of related facts have been incorporated
mechanical, photocopying, recording Precedence 34-36
here. While presenting this book
or otherwise or stored in database or l The Parliament 37-46 before the readers, we have worked
retrieval system without the prior l The Supreme Court, hard to assay all key facts with
written permission of publisher. High Courts and government data and websites.
Subordinate Courts Undoubtedly, we are in a position to
The program listings (if any) may
46-50 say that there is 99.9 percent
be entered stored and executed in a accuracy or above. This book is well
l State Executive, State
computer system, but they may Legislature and Council designed, handy, and appropriate
not be reproduced for publication. of Ministers, Legislative for revision at the eleventh hours
Assembly 51-54 of the examination, appropriate
l The Centre-State design elements, a sense of
Relation, Emergency originality.
Writer Provisions 55-56 Despite all efforts to make this
& Associates l The Constitution & book very efficacious, if any doubt
Lokpal 57-58 arises regarding facts, you all
Devashish l Local Self Government in readers are always welcomed on our
Upadhyay India ,Recognition of platform namely the WHATSAPP
National & State Parties , platform. You may WHATSAPP on
Amit Gupta Right to Information Act- mobile number 8081655444. Your
Vicky Raj 2005, Miscellaneous, doubts will be resolved within 72
Important Amendment in
Indian Constitution 59-64 hours compulsorily.

Drishti POLITY
The Constitutional Development of India

Acts Under Company Rule Act of 1786

Governor General had the power to override

the decision of his council in special cases
and to give effect to his decisions.
Regulating Act, 1773
Ø Passed by British Parliament
Ø Aims Charter Act, 1813
¯ Ø It ended the Company's monopoly
To abolish over trade
l Except for tea & trade with China
} Prevalent in
Company Ø Right to control over Indian territories
& Revenue for the next 20 years
to the company
Ø Provisions Ø First time made provision to invest
l Madras Presidency Rs 1 Lakh rupees per year on
Bombay Presidency
Governor of Bengal
} Under
the education of Indians

® Governor General of Bengal

(British Regions) Charter Act, 1833
l First Supreme Court was established
Ø The Company's commercial
in the year -1774 privileges were closed down.

Ø Provision for the Company to

do only administrative work
Pitts India Act, 1784
Major Provisions
Ø The Governor General of Bengal
Ø Increase in Government
now became the Governor
control in the affairs of the
General of India
company, establishment of
control Board
Ø Policy of Non-Interference Ø To enact laws
in the business of the l A law member included in the
Company. Governor-General's council
ØT h e C o m m e r c i a l & (Macaulay-The first legal member)
Political functions of the (The legislative powers were
taken away from the
company were separated
Bombay & Madras
from each other Presidencies)

Pictorial Presentation 3 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Charter Act, 1853

Ø Salaries of the members of Board of Indian Councils Act

Control & its other officers would be 1861
l Fixed
¯ Ø Power of Viceroy to promulgate
by government l Ordinances in emergency
l Finance was l The maximum period for the
Ordinance was in force
(6th Months)
given by Company
l Empowed the Viceroy's
Ø Number of Directors
council to make laws
l Reduced from 24 to 18
(Lord Canning ® Departmental System)
(6 members nominated by the Crown) Ø Expansion of the
Viceroy's executive council

Ø Provinces of Bombay & Madras

(Restored power)
l To legislative powers
l To overrule the council
Government of India Act if necessary

¯ ¯ ¯
The control Secretary New name of ® The members of the legislative
Indian Councils

on Indian of State Governor council were empowered to

administration for India General of express their views on the budget.
Act 1892¯

l Taken away l Board of India

® Right to ask questions in matters
from Directors ¯ of Public Interest by giving 6
The Company l Board of Viceroy days prior notice to the members
l Given to Control ¯ of the legislature.
the British (All vested Direct
Crown rights of both representative ® The introduction of the electoral
were given to system at limited scale.
of the
the secretary British Crown
of state in India Indian Councils Act, 1909
for India
Ø Commonly known as
Morley-Minto Reforms, 1909

Ø System of Communal Representation

Ø The members of the Central Legislature

Acts under the rule of the were not given the right to vote on
British Crown the budget.

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 4 Pictorial Presentation

Government of India Act, 1935

Famous Statements about
Indian Councils Act, 1909 Provisions

Ø Expansion - of communal & class

Ø Gandhiji ® This act destroyed us.
Ø Ramsay MacDonald ® This reform was an Ø Importance - Formed the base of
incomplete & short time compromise the present constitutional
structure of India
between democracy & bureaucracy.
Ø Bicameral - Central Legislature
Ø Separation of Powers - In centre
& provinces
Ø Establishment - Federal Court -
Government of India Act, 1919 in 1937
Statement of Jawaharlal Nehru
Ø Other Name l A car with brakes but no engine
Montagu - Chelmsford l The Right to Slavery
Reforms l Charter of Slavery
l Incorporated as the Directive
Ø It introduced dyarchy
Principles of State Policy
in the provinces
® In Indian Constitution
Ø First Time ® In 1950
The term ‘responsible
government’ was used Note :
The government of India Act, 1935 was
rejected in the Lucknow Session (1936)
Ø Provincial Subjects
of the Congress
} Divided Indian Independence Act, 1947

Ø Basis of the act

l Montagu - Chelmsford Report

Government of India Act, 1935

Establishment of two independent
Provisions dominions, India & Pakistan dividing
Ø Constitution - Federal Public Service undivided British India.
Commission End of British Sovereignty over
Ø Establishment of All India Federation Indian princely states with effect
Ø Dyarchy from 15th August 1947.
l Ended in the provinces
l Implemented at the Centre level Right to make constitution to the
constituent assembly of both the
Ø Autonomy- to the provinces dominions.
Ø Responsible Governance (self-
government) Freedom for both dominions to
l To provinces secede from the British Common
l Instead of dyarchy rule
The post of secretary of state for
India was abolished.

Pictorial Presentation 5 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Important Facts
Ø The first Governor General of Bengal was Ø The Reserve Bank of India was established
-Warren Hastings -By the Government of India Act, 1935
Ø The one who first got the powers of the chief Ø The first demand for a constituent assembly
commander was made by
-Lord Cornwallis -The Swaraj Party (In 1934)
Ø The one who was first Governor General of Ø The first person who gave the idea of
India was constitution of constituent assembly in India
-Lord William Bentinck was -M.N. Roy (in 1934)
Ø Involvement of Indian representatives in law Ø The Indian National Congress demanded a
making (to legistate) was introduced by constituent assembly first -In 1934
-Indian Councils Act, 1861 Ø The Constituent Assembly of India was
Ø Burma was separated from India elected by
-In 1937 -Indirect election
Ø For the first time, the term, responsible
government was used in
-Government of India Act, 1919

Constituent Assembly & the Making of the Constitution

Constituted The Constitution of India was

by prepared by the Constituent
Cabinet Mission Assembly which was
Plan (1946) constituted by the Cabinet
Mission Plan, 1946

Final Meeting
24 January, 1950 Total

adopted on
First Meeting
26 November,
9 December 1946


GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 6 Pictorial Presentation


Drafting Committee

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

­ Committee on
Union Power Rules of
Committee Procedure
Chairman : Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Jawaharlal Nehru

Constitution ­ Committee

Sardar Patel
¯ ¯ ¯
Provincial Constitution Committee on Committee on Minorities and
Committee Fundamental Rights Tribal and Excluded areas

Results of Assembly Election Drafting Committee

Total Seats - 296 (British India)
¯ Ø Formation - 29 August 1947
Ø Total Members-7 (including Chairman)
¯ ¯ ¯ Ø Chairman - Dr. B.R. Ambedakar
Congress Muslim League Others Ø Members - N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar,
208 73 15 Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar, K.M.
Munshi, Muhammad Saadullah,
B.L.Mitra, D.P. Khaitan
Ø Replaced Later
l Madhava Rau replaced B.L. Mitra
l T.T. Krishnamachari replaced D.P.
Exam Vision
Ø The one who presided the first meeting
of the constituent assembly
-By Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha Exam Vision
Ø Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the Objective
Resolution Ø The members of the constituent
-on 13 December, 1946 assembly were elected
-In the ratio of one representative per
Ø Elections to the constituent assembly
million persons
were held -in July-August 1946
Ø Members of the Cabinet Mission were
Ø The Interim Government of India was -Pethick Lawrence, Stafford Cripps,
formed -on 2 September, 1946 A.V. Alexander
Ø Indian Constitution came into force Ø "Constitutent assembly was Congress &
Congress was India" said by
-on 26 January, 1950
-Granville Austin
Ø The total members in the constitutent Ø The drafting committee was formed on
assembly were - 29 August, 1947
-299 (389 before the partition of India) Ø Chairman of the ad-hoc flag committee
was -Dr Rajendra Prasad

Pictorial Presentation 7 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY

First/Last Governor/Governor General/Viceroy of India

Warren Hastings
Robert Clive
Governor of Bengal
Governor of Bengal
Governor General
of Bengal

Lord William
Bentinck Lord Canning
(1828-1835) (1856-1858)
Governor General of Bengal Governor General
(1833-1835) (1858-1862)
First Governor General First Viceroy
of India (by the Charter of India
Act of 1833)

Lord Mountbatten C. Rajagopalachari

(February 1947 - (June, 1948-
June, 1948) January, 1950)
Last viceroy, first First & last Indian
governor general of Governor General of
independent India independent India

Important Facts of Constituent Assembly Interim Government (26 October, 1946)

Minister Ministry
First Meeting On 9 December, 1946
1. J.L. Nehru External Affairs and
Temporary President Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha
Common Wealth Relations
Permanent President Dr. Rajendra Prasad 2. Vallabhbhai Patel Home, Information &
Constitutional Advisor Sir B. N. Rao Broadcasting
Time taken in the 2 years, 11 months & 18 days 3. C. Rajagopalachari Education
making of the Constitution 4. Liaquat Ali Finance
5. Jogendra Nath Mandal Law
Debate on Draft 114 days
6. Abdul Rab Nishtar Post & Air
Total Expenditure 63,96,729 Rupees
7. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Food and Agriculture
Total Meetings Three Times 8. Dr. C.H. Bhabha Works, Mines & Power
Constitution adopted On 26 November, 1949 9. Baldev Singh Defence
Constitution came into force On 26 January, 1950 10. I.I. Chundrigar Commerce

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 8 Pictorial Presentation


Sources of the Constitution of India

A major portion of Indian Constitution is borrowed from the Government of
India Act 1935 & Constitutions of many other countries of the world.

From Canada
Ø Federal System with a strong centre
From The United States of America Ø Appointment of governors by the centre
Ø The Preamble Ø Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
Ø Judicial Review Ø Residuary powers to be vested in the centre
Ø Independence of Judiciary
Ø Fundamental Rights, Office of
Ø Procedure of Impeachment
of President From Ireland
Ø Directive Principles
From Britain Ø Method of election of President
Ø Nomination of some members in
Ø Parliamentary the Rajya Sabha
form of
Ø Rule of Law
Ø Cabinet System From South Africa
Ø Single Citizenship
Ø Procedures Constitutional Amendment
Ø Bicameral Legislature
Ø Election of the Members of
Ø Law-making procedures
Rajya Sabha
Ø Parliamentary Privileges
Ø Prerogative Writs

From Japan
Ø Procedure established by Law
From Russia (USSR)
Ø Fundamental Duties
Ø Ideals of Justice in Preamble Exam Vision
(Social, Economic & Political)
Ø It is supreme in the Indian Political
System, that is -Constitution
Ø The provision related to Emergency was
From Australia borrowed from
Weimar Constitution of Germany
Ø Joint Sitting of both the Houses of Ø A provision that has been made for the
governor to reserve the bill for the
the Parliament, Language of Preamble,
consideration of the president
Freedom of Trade- Commerce -From the Constitution of Canada
and Intercourse, Concurrent list Ø The world's first written constitution is
of - USA

Pictorial Presentation 9 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Objective Resolution
¯ ¯ ¯
Presented on Present By Adopted on
¯ ¯ ¯
13 December, 1946 Jawaharlal Nehru 22 January, 1947

Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic

Main Elements
­ ¬ Social
Status ¬ Objectives
¬ Equality ¬ of ® Justice ® ¬ Economic
Opportunity ¬ Preamble
¯ ¬ Political

Of thought Of expression Of faith Of belief Of worship

Socialist Decision of Supreme Court on Preamble

Part of Constitution
s ¯ ¯
Word n the Accepted Not accepted
de id e
inclu ble by th al ¯ ¯
a m i o n
Pre nstitut 6 Berubari
d c o
42n ndment 1 9 7 ­ ¯ ¯
e In S.R. Keshavanand Case
a m
Secular Bommai Vs Bharti Vs
­ Union of Kerala State
India case
Integrity (concept (Accepted)

Exam Vision Ø Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has called the heart & soul
Ø It is a heart & soul of constitution, that is to the article of Indian constitution, that is
-Preamble -Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article-32)
Ø The preamble as political Horoscope of Indian Ø Constitution that has been called a pious
constitution was called -By K.M. Munshi paper -By Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 10 Pictorial Presentation


‘‘We, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly

resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN,
and to secure to all its citizens :
JUSTICE, Social, economic & political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression; belief, faith &
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to
promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual
and the unity integrity of the nation;
day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT

Schedules and Their Subjects

Schedules Subjects
1- First Schedule - States & Union Territories
2- Second Schedule - The provisions relating to allowances; privilege
emoluments of president of India & others.
3- Third Schedule - It contains the forms of Oath or Affirmation.
4- Fourth Schedule - Allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and the
union territories.
5- Fifth Schedule - It contains provisions relating to the administration &
control of scheduled areas & scheduled tribes
6- Sixth Schedule - It contains provisions relating to the administration of
tribal areas in the state of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura &
7- Seventh Schedule - This schedule deals with the union, state & concurrent
legislative lists.
8- Eights Schedule - Languages recognized by the constitution
9- Ninth Schedule - Validation of certain acts & Regulations
10- Tenth Schedule - Disqualification on the basis of defection
11- Eleventh Schedule - Provisions related to Panchayats
12- Twelfth Schedule - Provisions related to Municipalities

Pictorial Presentation 11 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Governance System
¯ ¯
Oldest form Modern Form
¯ ¯
Monarchy Democracy
¯ ¯
Ruler Ruler
¯ ¯
King Prime Minister/President
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Hereditary Post Source of Power Post based Source of
King himself on Merit power-public

Example Example
¯ ¯
Saudi Arabia, UAE, U.S.A., Britain, India
Oman, Qatar Bhutan etc. Canada, France etc.

Main forms of Democratic System of Government

¯ ¯
Presidential Parliamentary
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Head Head of Head Head of
of State Government of State Government

¯ ¯
President/King Prime Minister
The de-facto Head of State
¯ ¯
Nominal Head The de-facto
¯ of State Head of State
The Best Example

¯ The Best Example

U.S.A. ¯
Britain, India

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 12 Pictorial Presentation


Exam Vision
Ø Another name for the parliamentry system of
Sovereignty government is
-The Cabinet form of Government
Ø Another name for the presidential form of
government is
-The Presidential Government System
t Po
en pu Ø The country which is considered the originator
m Important lat of parliamentary form of government is
ov ion
G Elements -Britain
of State Ø The only source of power in India is
-The People
Ø India is a Republic, that means
-Head of State is Elected
Definite Ø Indian federalism is called 'cooperative
territory federalism' by
-Granville Austin
Ø India is called a 'Quasi-Federal'
-By K.C. Wheare

National Symbols

National Flag : Tricolour

Ø Designed by
l Pingali Venkayya
The State Emblem :
Ø Length :Width
Lion Capital of Ashoka
Ø Adopted
l On 22 July, 1947 Ø Inscribed Word
Ø Colour of Strips l Satyameva Jayate
l Saffron (Mentioned in Mundaka Upanishad)
(Symbol of strength & courage) Ø Adopted
l White l On 26 January, 1956
(Symbol of peace & truth) Ø Number of Lions
l Green l Four

(Symbol of Fertility, growth Ø Emblem Inscribed

Ø Wheel l Right - Bull

l Colour - Blue l Mid - Ashoka Wheel
l Left - Horse
l Spokes - 24
l Symbol - Of Justice & Progress
l Ashoka pillar taken
from Sarnath

Pictorial Presentation 13 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


National Anthem National Days/Festivals

'Jana Gana Mana....' (From Geetanjali)

Ø Author - Rabindranath Tagore Republic Day- 26 January

ØAdopted - On 24 January, 1950
th Independence Day- 15 August
ØFirst Sung - On 27 December, 1911
At Calcutta Session of Congress Gandhi Jayanti- 2 October
ØPlaying Time - 52 Seconds

National River : The Ganga

National Song
(Delcared in 2008)
Vande Mataram (From Anand Math)
ØAuthor - Bankimchandra Chatterjee
ØAdopted - On 24 January 1950
ØFirst Sung - 1896

Zonal Council Headquarter

Eastern Zonal Council Kolkata
Western Zonal Council Mumbai
National Calendar
Central Zonal Council Prayagraj (Allahabad)
ØBased - On Saka Era Northern Zonal Council New Delhi
(With the Gregorian calendar) Southern Zonal Council Chennai
ØAdoped - On 22nd March 1957
ØFirst Month - Chaitra States & the Union Territories
ØLast Month - Falgun
Major Princely States, Merge in India
Princely States Merged Date Of Merger Medium
National Animal : Jammu - Kashmir
® By Merger Letter
Tiger (On 26 October, 1947)
National Tree : National Bird :
Banyan Peacock Hyderabad By police action
(On 17 September, 1948) (Operation Polo)
National Other National Merger of Junagarh
Currency : National Flower :
Rupee Emblems Lotus Control of the
9 November, 1947 ® Government of India
National at the request of the
National Fruit : Nawab's Council
Heritage Animal :
Mango Elephant ®
National 20 February, 1948 Referendum
Aquatic Animal :
20 January, 1949 ® Merged in Saurashtra

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 14 Pictorial Presentation

Indian Constitution

Parts Subjects Articles Parts Subject Articles

l Part 1 : Union & Its Territory 1-4 l Part 12 : 264 - 300A
l Part 2 : Citizenship 5 - 11 Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits
l Part 3 : Fundamental Rights 12 - 35 Chapter I - Finance 264 - 291
l Part 4 : Directive Principles of
Chapter II - Borrowing 292 - 293
State Policy 36 - 51
l Part 4 A : Fundamental Duties 51A Chapter III - Property, Contracts, 294 - 300
Rights, Liabilities, Obligations
l Part 5 : The Union 52 - 151 & Suits
Chapter I - The Executive 52 - 78
Chapter IV - Right to Property 300A
Chapter II - Parliament 79 - 122
Chapter III - Legislative Powers l Part 13 : Trade, Commerce & 301 - 307

of the President 123 Intercourse within the territory of India

Chapter IV-The Union Judiciary 124 - 147 l Part 14 : 308 - 323
Chapter V - Comptroller & Auditor- Services Under the Union & the States
General of India 148 - 151 Chapter I - Services 308 - 314
l Part 6 : The States 152 - 237
Chapter II - Public Service 315 - 323
Chapter I - General 152 - 237 Commissions
Chapter II - The Executive 153 - 167
l Part 14A : Tribunals 323A - 323 B
Chapter III-The State Legislature 168 - 212
Chapter IV - Legislative Power l Part 15 : Elections 324 - 329

of the Governor 213 l Part 16 : 330 - 342 A

Special provisions relating to certain
Chapter V - High Courts for States
214 - 231
l Part 17 : Official Language 343 - 351
Chapter VI - Subordinate Courts 233 - 237
l Part 7 : 238 (Repealed) Chapter I-Language of the Union 343 - 344
The states in part B of the first schedule Chapter II - Regional Languages 345 - 347
l Part 8 : The Union Territories 239 - 241
Chapter III - Language of the 348 - 349
l Part 9 : The Panchayats 243 - 243O
Supreme Court, High Courts etc.
l Part 9A : The Municipalities
243 P - 243 ZG Chapter IV - Special Directives 350 - 351
l Part 9B : 243(ZH) - 243(ZT) l Part 18 : Emergency Provisions 352 - 360
The Co-operative Societies l Part 19 : Miscellaneous 361 - 367
l Part 10 : 244 - 244A
l Part 20 : Amendment of the 368
The Scheduled & Tribal Areas constitution
l Part 11 : 245 - 263
l Part 21 : Temporary, Transistional 369-392
Relations between the Union & the States & Special Provisions
Chapter I - Legislative Relations 245 - 255
l Part 22 : Shrot title, 393 - 395
Chapter II - Administrative Relations Commencement, Authoritative
256 - 263 text in Hindi & Repeals

Pictorial Presentation 15 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Linguistic Provinces 1 2
(State Reorganization) formation
Formation Date -
1 October, 1953
Commission/Committee The demise of Potti
-sriramulu after 56 days
long hunger strike
Linguistic of Andhra
Provinces Commission Pradesh
l Constituted - In June, 1948
l Chairman - S.K. Dhar
l Report Submitted 3 4
On December, 1948 Speciality Division
Recommendation First state of India Telangana separated
States were formed on the formed on linguistic basis on 2 June, 2014
basis of administrative
convenience, not
on linguistic basis Dates of Formation of Different States

Ø Andhra Pradesh Ø Sikkim

1 October, 1953 16 May, 1975

J.V.P. Committee
Ø Gujarat Ø Mizoram
l Constituted - In December, 1948 1 May, 1960 20 February, 1987
l Members - Jawaharlal Nehru,
Vallabha Bhai Patel, Pattabhi Sitaramaiya
l Report Submitted - In April 1949 Ø Nagaland Ø Arunachal Pradesh
l Recommendation - Rejected the 1 December, 1963 20 February, 1987
demand of reorganization of
states on linguistic basis Ø Haryana Ø Goa
1 November, 1966 30 May, 1987

State Reorganization Commission Ø Himachal Pradesh Ø Chhattisgarh

25 January, 1971 1 November, 2000
Ø Constituted l In Year 1953
Ø Chairman l Fazal Ali
l Members Ø Meghalaya Ø Uttarakhand
¯ 21 January, 1972 9 November, 2000
K.M. Panikkar &
H.N. Kunzru
Ø Manipur Ø Jharkhand
l Report Submitted 21 January, 1972 15 November, 2000
In the year of 1955
Ø Tripura Ø Telangana
l Recommendation
21 January, 1972 2 June, 2014
Recommendation for
State Reorganization
on linguistic basis

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 16 Pictorial Presentation



Related Facts
Ø There is a provision regarding the Right
Mention : From to Citizenship of some persons migrating
In Part II of the to India from Pakistan
Article 5 to 11
Constitution -Under Article 6
Ø There is a provision regarding the Right
There are two types to Citizenship of some persons migrating
Provision of of people in India from India to Pakistan -In Article 7
Single Citizenship Ø There is a provision regarding the
Friends Citizenship of certain persons of Indian
Foreigner origin residing outside India
Enemy -In Article 8
Ø When a person voluntarily becomes a
citizen of a foreign state, his Indian
Important Facts citizenship automatically ceases under

Ø The regulation of the right to citizenship by the -Article 9

parliament by law is provided under
- Article 11 Article -32
Ø Indian Citizenship Act 1955 was passed Article -28 Article -14
-By Parliament Article -27 Article -20
Ø The rights under article 15, 16, 19, 29, & 30 are Fundamental
available Rights Enjoyed
-Only to the citizens Article -26 by foreigners Article -21
Ø Dual citizenship (separate citizenship for as well as
states) system has been adopted citizens
Article -25 Article -21 (A)
-In America & Switzerland
Article -24 Article -22
Article -23

Fundamental Rights (total - 6)- A Glimpse

Fundamental Rights Article

Right to Equality 14 to 18

Right to Freedom 19 to 22

Right Against Exploitation 23 to 24

Right to freedom of Religion 25 to 28

Cultural & Educational Rights 29 to 30

Right to Constitutional Remedies 32

Pictorial Presentation 17 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Exam Vision
Important Facts
Ø Parliament can create new states Ø To make laws related to citizenship in
India is by -Parliament
-By Simple Majority Ø Citizenship is mentioned in the Indian
Constitution under
Ø There is a right to merge any state
under the Indian Union, that is - Article 5 to 11 of Part II
Ø The Indian Constitution provides for
-Parliament citizenship
Ø The number of seats reserved for Union -Single Citizenship
Territories in the Lok Sabha is -20 Ø Citizenship is granted in the USA
-Dual Citizenship
Ø The number of States and Union
Ø According to the Indian Citizenship
Territories formed on 1 November, 1956 Act 1955, to obtain Indian Citizenship
on the recommendation of the States by registration, a person of Indian
Reorganization Commission was origin has to reside in India
-14 States & 6 Union Territories -Since 5 Years

Acquisition, Determination &

Termination of Indian Citizenship Came into force
from 10 January 2020

By Birth The
By Citizenship
By Amendment
Descent Act 2019
of territory
¯ ¯
Ways of Act will provide ® To Hindus
Acquiring the citizenship to ® To Sikhs
¯ ® To Buddhists
The minorities ® To Jains
By By of Afghanistan, ® To Parsis
Naturalisation Registration Pakistan,
® To Christians

Fundamental Rights
Termination On
of Renunciation Ø Right to Education was made a fundamental
Citizenship of Citizenship right under Article 21(A)
-by 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002
Ø Freedom of the press is implict
-In Article 19(i)(A)
Losing Ø Maneka Gandhi's case(1978) deals
of -With the extension of Fundamental Rights
Indian guaranteed under Article 21
Citizenship Ø Wearing Kirpan by the Sikhs is considered a
part of religious freedom
-Under Article 25
Deprivation of Citizenship Ø Protector of Fundamental Rights are
-Supreme Court & High Courts

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 18 Pictorial Presentation

Article - 5
Citizenship at the commencement
of the constitution

Article - 6
Article - 11
Rights of citizenship of certain
Parliament to regulate the right
persons who have migrated to
of citizenship by law
India from Pakistan
related to the
Article - 9
Article - 7
Indian citizenship automatically
Rights of citizenship of certain
ceases on taking the citizenship
migrants to Pakistan
of a foreign state

Article - 8
Citizenship of certain persons of
Indian origin residing outside India

Fundamental Rights

® Adopted ® from USA

Fundamental Rights
® Provision in constitution ® In part 3 (Article 12-35)

Article 14-18
Right to Equality

Article 32 ¬ Right to Constitutional ¬ Number of ® Right to Freedom ® Article 19-22

Rights in
Article 29, 30 ¬ Cultural & Educational ¬ Constitution ® Right against ® Article 23-24
Rights Exploitation
Right to freedom of Religion
Article 25-28

Pictorial Presentation 19 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Article - 21

Govind Vs State of M.P.

Article - 21 Important Cases
Kharak Singh Vs State of U.P. No person shall be
deprived of his life or ¯
¯ personal liberty except l A.K. Gopalan Vs State
according to procedure of Madras : 1950
Article - 19(1)(d) established by law l Maneka Gandhi Vs
(Right to free movement Union of India : 1978
throughout territory of ß
India) got the right of privacy
when it was merged with Prohibition is possible
Article 21 (Right to Life) on the basis of fair &
justified case of life &
personal liberty

Other Major Rights Major Rights

l Right against
l Right to speedy trial
l Right against putting
Solitary stick fetters in feet l Right to choose life partner under
Confinement article 19 & 21
l The Right to live a life of dignity
l Right against l Right to Good includes the right to die in a
delay in execution Roads dignified manner [decision of the
of a death sentence petition of the common cause
l Right against l Right to Reputation (NGO)]
violence in custody
l Right against sexual harassment
of women at work place
l Right to Protection of Life
l l
Related to Article 45 of Part IV Right to Right to
Privacy Health

l l
l Provision for early childhood care and Right of Medical
education by the state for children women to live Assistance
upto the age of 6 years with dignity to the
injured by
ß a doctor
l 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002 l
Clean Environment- Right to live in
¯ pollution free water, air and protection
Article-21 (A) ® l The state shall against harmful industries
provide free and compulsory
education to children of the
l l
age group of 6 to 14 years
Right to Right not to
¯ travel abroad go out of state
Article 51 A (K) ® Fundamental Duties

It shall be the duty of every citizen

of India to provide the opportunities of education
to the child whether their parents or guardians l l
between the age of 6 to 14 years Right to Right to free
Shelter legal aid

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 20 Pictorial Presentation


Equality before Law & Equal Protection of laws


Abolition of Titles ¬ Article 18 ¬ ® Article 15 ® Prohibition of Dicrimination

Right to on grounds of Religion, Race,
Eqality Caste, Sex or Place of Birth

Abolition of Untouchability ¬ Article 17 ¬ ® Article 16 ® Equality of Opportunity in

matters of Public Employment

Article- 19
Total six types of
Freedoms including
Freedom of Expression

Article- 22 Article- 20
Protection against Right to Freedom Protection in
arrest and detention respect of conviction
(in certain cases) for Offences.

of life &
personal liberty

Article - 19(1) (A)

Right to freedom of speech and expression

Article - 19(1) (G)

Article- 19(1) (B)
Right to practice any profession,
Right to assemble peacefully &
or to carry on any occupation,
without arms
trade or business Freedom as
provided in
Article 19 of
the Constitution
Article- 19(1) (E) Article- 19(1) (C)
Right to reside & settle in any Right to form associations
part of the territory of India or unions

Article- 19(1) (D)

Right to move freely throughout the territory of India

Article- 23 Article- 24
Right Against
Prohibition of Prohibition of
Traffic in Human Employment of Children
Beings & (under the age of 14) in
Forced Labour Factories etc.

Pictorial Presentation 21 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY

Right to Property Habeas

¯ ¯ ¯
Prior Status Present Status Related
Quo-warranto Mandamus
¯ ¯ Constitutional Writs
Fundamental Legal right, Amendment issued by
Rights under mentioned in ¯ Supreme
Article 19(1) (F) Article 300 Legal right Court/
& Article 31 of (A) of the by 44th High Courts
the Constitution Constitution Constitutional
Amendment Act, Prohibition Certiorari

Freedom of Conscience and Free Profession, Freedom to manage

Practice & Propagation of Religion religious Affairs
­ ­
Article -25 Article - 26

Right to

Article- 28 Article- 27
¯ ¯
Freedom as to attendance at religious Freedom as to payment of
instruction or religious worship in taxes for promotion
certain educational institutions of any particular religion

On the declaration of National Emergency

Cultural & Educational Rights
Ø Article- 29 Suspension of Fundamental Rights
¯ ¯
Protection of interests of minorities, ¯ ¯ ¯
Article-358 Article-359 44th
Ø Article- 30 ¯ ¯ Constitutional
Article - 19 Other Amendment
¯ Automatically Fundamental ¯
Right of minorities to suspended Rights Suspension
establish & administer suspended of
educational institutions by the Articles
President 20 & 21

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 22 Pictorial Presentation


Important Facts
Ø The Supreme Court propounded the principle Ø No accused can be compelled to be a witness
of the basic structure of the constitution in against himself, is provisioned in the
- Kesavananda Bharti Vs Kerala State -Article 20(3) of the Constitution
(1973) case Ø Under the term 'Hindu' used in Article 25 of the
Ø Right to Education Act 2009 came into force on Indian constitution includes
-Buddhists, Jains & Sikhs
-1st April, 2010
Ø Bonded Labour (Abolition) Act passed by the
Ø The supreme court has held the right to Indian Parliament in -1976
information enshrined
-In Article 19(1) (A) of the constitution
Ø Under the direct imprisonment act, a person
can be imprisoned without trial for
- 3 months

Directive Principles of State Policy

Fundamental Rights &

Directive Principles of State Policy

Directive Principles of

Fundamental Rights
Differences between

l Mentioned in part 3 of the Constitution l Mentioned in part 4 of the Constitution

State policy

l Inspired by the constitution of America l Inspired by the constitution of Ireland

l Tendency ® Negative Enforceable l Tendency ® Positive (Not enforceable)
l Objective ® Establishment of political
l Objective ® Establishment of social &
l Legislation is not required for economic democracy
implementation l Legislation required for implementation

Exam Vision
Important Facts
Ø The concept of welfare state is
included in the Indian constitution Ø There is an equal pay for equal work for
-in Preamble & Directive Principle both men & women is mentioned
of State Policy
-In Article 39(d)
Ø The equal remuneration act was
passed in the parliament Ø The number of Fundamental Duties
-in 1976 added by the 42nd Constitutional
Ø There is a provision for equal means Amendment Act, 1976 was -10
of livelihood for all citizens; man & Ø 11th Fundamental Duty were added to the
women -in the Article 39(a) constitution by
Ø The ownership and control of the
material resource of the community -The 86th Constitutional Amendment
are so distributed as best to subserve Act, 2002
the common good is mentioned Ø The total number of members in the
-in Article 39 (b) Swaran Singh Committee, including the
Ø The operation of the economic system chairman was -12
does not result in the concentration of Ø The name of the committee constituted to
wealth and means of production to the make effective the Fundamental Duties
common detriment is mentioned
-in Article 39 (c) -J.S. Verma Committee (in 1999)

Pictorial Presentation 23 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Fundamental Duties- 51 (A)

It shall be the duty of every citizen of India

To abide by the Constitution & respect

its ideals & institutions, the National To cherish & follow the noble
Flag & National Anthem ideals which inspired our
1 national struggle for freedom

To uphold and protect

the sovereignty, unity To defend the country and
& integrity of India render national service
3 when called upon to do so

To promote harmony & the

spirit of common brotherhood
amongst all the people of India
To value & preserve the rich
transcending religious, linguistic, &
heritage of our composite culture
regional or sectional, diversities;
to renounce practices derogatory 6
to the dignity of women

To develop the scientific

temper, humanism & the
To protect & improve the natural
sprit of inquiry & reform
environment including forests, lakes; 8
rivers & wild life, and to have
compassion for living creatures

To strive towards excellence in all

spheres of individual & collective
activity so that the nation constantly
To safeguard public rises to higher levels of endeavour
property & to abjure violence & achievement
9 10


To provide opportunities for education to his

child or, ward between
the age of six and fourteen years

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 24 Pictorial Presentation

Total Numbers Inspired President

¯ ¯
11 By the constitution
of former Soviet First
Union (now Russia) citize
Mentioned in o e
f t h
the Constitution Recommended coun
¯ ¯
Part- 4(A) Fundamental President
By Swaran
Under the Duties
Article- 51 (A) Committee Pro
con in th ion
s e
Added By Ar tituti
ti o
¯ 52 cle : n
42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976

Time of holding election to fill

vacancy in the office of President

Article 62

Procedure for the

Oath or affirmation
Article 60 Article 61 impeachment of
by the President
the President

Qualifications for Conditions of

election as President Article 58 Article 59 President office

Term of office of President Eligibility for re-election

(Five years from the Article 56 Article 57 of a person to the
date on which he office of President
enters his office)

The President shall

Manner of election
be elected by the Article 54 Article 55 of President
electoral college

There shall be a The executive power of

President of India Article 52 Article 53 the Union shall be vested
in the President

Articles related to President

Pictorial Presentation 25 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Elected members of both Proportional

houses of parliament Representation

Election Single
Electoral Method of
of transferable vote
College Election

Elected members of the Legislative

Assemblies of the States & the Union Secret ballot
Territories, Delhi, Puducherry &
Jammu & Kashmir (proposed)

Not holding office of profit

in state/central/local government Be a citizen of India

for the
office of

Must be qualified to be elected Must have completed

a member of the Lok Sabha 35 years of age

At least 50 electors (Member

Number of proposers & of Parliament/Member of
seconders of the candidate Legislative Assembly)

in the election
of the Security deposit Rs. 15,000

Forfeiture of On receiving less than 1/6

security deoposit the total votes cast

On his On removal by
Resignation impeachment process
Vacancy in the office
of the President
When the election is On his
declared invalid by death
the supreme court

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 26 Pictorial Presentation

In the Article 61
Constitutional Provisions

Passed Reason
¯ ¯
By both the Houses of Parliament Violation of the Constitution
separately by a majority of not by the President
less than two-thirds of the Impeachment
total members of the body Motion on
Presented Notice
¯ ¯
In any House of At least 14 days prior notice
Parliament to the introduction of
the proposal

Signature on notice
At least one-fourth of the
members of the house concerned

Powers of the President

Executive Powers Legislative Powers

Ø The executive power of the Union shall be Ø Summoning, Prorogation &
vested in the President [Article 53(1)] dissolution of Parliament Article (85)
Ø All Executive action of the government of Ø Special address by the President in
India shall be expressed to be taken in the
Parliament (Article 87)
name of the President [Article 77(1)]
Ø All appointments made by the President Ø Joint sitting of both the Houses of
(except the appointment of Judges) Parliament (Article 108)
Ø Declaring & Administering Ø Assent to Bills (Article 111)
Scheduled Areas. Ø Promulgates Ordinances (Article 123)

Judicial Powers
Emergency Powers
Ø Appointment of Judges of Supreme Ø National Emergency
Court & High Courts (Article 352)
Ø Pardoning Power (Article 72) Ø President's Rule
(Article 356 & 365)
Ø Power to consult Supreme Court (Article
Ø Financial Emergency
(Article 360)

Pictorial Presentation 27 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Financial Powers Other Powers

Ø Money Bill introduced in Ø International Treaties &

Parliament only with the prior Agreements are concluded in the
recommendation of the President
(Article 110) name of the President.
Ø The President causes Union Ø Supreme Commander of the
Budget to be laid before the Indian Army
Parliament (Article 112)
Ø Expenditure from Contingency Ø India's Representative in
fund only with the prior permission International Forums & Affairs
of the President (Article 267)
Ø Finance Commission(Article 280) Ø Sending & receiving Ambassadors
& High Commissioners

Presidents of India

Name Tenure of Sequence Individual

Office by Tenure Order

Ø Dr. Rajendra Prasad 26 January, 1950 - 13 May, 1962 1-3 1

Ø Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 13 May, 1962 - 13 May, 1967 4 2

Ø Dr. Zakir Husain 13 May, 1967 - 3 May, 1969 5 3

Ø V.V. Giri (Officiating) 3 May, 1969 - 20 July, 1969 –– ––

Ø Justice Mahammad Hidayatullah (Officiating) 20 July, 1969 - 24 August, 1969 –– ––

Ø V.V. Giri 24 August, 1969 - 24 August, 1974 6 4

Ø Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed 24 August, 1974 - 11 February, 1977 7 5

Ø B.D. Jatti (Officiating) 11 February, 1977 - 25 July, 1977 –– ––

Ø Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 25 July, 1977 - 25 July, 1982 8 6

Ø Giani Jail Singh 25 July, 1982 - 25 July, 1987 9 7

Ø R. Venkataraman 25 July, 1987 - 25 July, 1992 10 8

Ø Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma 25 July, 1992 - 25 July, 1997 11 9

Ø K.R. Narayanan 25 July, 1997 - 25 July, 2002 12 10

Ø Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 25 July, 2002 - 25 July, 2007 13 11

Ø Pratibha Devi Singh Patil 25 July, 2007 - 25 July, 2012 14 12

Ø Pranab Mukherjee 25 July, 2012 - 25 July, 2017 15 13

Ø Ram Nath Kovind 25 July, 2017 - Till Now 16 14

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 28 Pictorial Presentation


Completely free from punishment


Respite Commute
¯ ¯
A temporary suspension of Reducing by changing the
punishment nature of Punishment
(especially the death Penality) Pardoning
Powers of
the President

Reprieve Remit
¯ ¯
Reduction of Punishment Reducing the period
in special circumstances of Punishment

Reserve opinion on the Bill

Absolute Veto

Pocket Veto Veto Suspensive Veto

¯ Powers of ¯
Not taking any decision the President Sending the Bill back to Parliament
on the Bill for reconsideration with objections

Important Facts Exam Vision

Ø The Commander-in-Chief of the three armies
of India is –The President Ø Till now, the only Chief Justice of the
country to hold the office of the
Ø There is a Constitutional Right to declare a President– J u s t i c e M o h a m m a d
geographical area as a scheduled area Hidayatullah (20 July, 1969 to 24
–By the President August, 1969)
Ø Money Bill is introduced in Lok
Ø The President of India can submit his
Sabha –by the prior
resignation to –The Vice-President
recommendation of the President
Ø The elected members of the Delhi & Ø The President has the right to receive
Puducherry Legislative Assemblies were information from the Prime Minister
included in the President's electoral college by –Under the Article 78 of Indian
–The 70th Constitutional Amendment Act, Constitution
1992 Ø The only President of the country is to
be elected unopposed
Ø Where there is a vacancy of the office of the –Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
President, it should be filled –within 6 months Ø Impeachment proceedings are
from the date of vacancy –A quasi judicial process
Ø The one who will take over the office vacant Ø The executive chairman of India
due to the death, resignation or removal of the –The President of India
President –Vice-President (in the absence of
Vice-President, the Chief Justice of India)

Pictorial Presentation 29 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY

Attorney General, Advocate General & C.A.G.

® Supreme Law Officer of the Government of India

® Appointment - By The President

® Qualification - Qualification to be appointed as the Judge of the Supreme Court

Attorney ® Speciality - Right to be present & to speak in the proceedings of

General both the Houses of Parliament (Not the Right to Vote)

® Tenure - During the pleasure of the President

® Salary - Not fixed in the Constitution (determined by the President)

® Related Article - 76

Exam Vision
Finance Appoi-
Ø The first law officer/advisor to the
Commi- ntment Chairman Tenure
government of India is
–Attorney General ssion Year
Ø The Attorney General holds his office First 1951 K.C. Neogy 1952 - 57
–During the Pleasure of the President
Second 1956 K. Santhanam 1957 - 62
Ø Not being a member of either House of
Parliament, he can take part in the proceedings Third 1960 A.K. Chanda 1962 - 66

of the House, but cannot vote, he is Fourth 1964 Dr. P.V. 1966 - 69
–Attorney General Rajamannar
Ø The one who is the first legal advisor to the
Fifth 1968 Mahaveer Tyagi 1969 - 74
state government –Advocate General
Ø The Comptroller & Auditor General is Sixth 1972 K. Brahmananda
appointed under –Article 148 Reddy 1974 - 79
Ø The Comptroller & Auditor General of Seventh 1977 J.M. Shelat 1979 - 84
India can be removed from the post office –By
Eighth 1982 Y.V. Chavan 1984 - 89
the manner on which a Judge of the
Ninth 1987 N.K.P. Salve 1989 - 95
Supreme Court is removed (By a Special
Majority of both the Houses of Parliament Tenth 1992 K.C. Pant 1995 - 2000
Ø The Audit Report of the Comptroller & Eleventh 1998 A.M. Khusro 2000 - 2005
Auditor General of India is examined
Twelfth 2002 Dr. C. Rangarajan 2005 - 2010
–By the Public Accounts Committee
Ø The CAG was separated from accounting Thirteenth 2007 Dr. Vijay L. 2010 - 2015
of the Central Government Kelkar
–In the year of 1976 Fourteenth 2013 Y.V. Reddy 2015 - 2020
Fifteenth 2017 N.K. Singh 2021 - 2026

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 30 Pictorial Presentation


First Legal Advisor to

the State Government

Related Appointed
Article – 165 By the Governor of the
State concerned


During the pleasure Qualification
of Governor Qualification to be appointed
as Judge of High Court

Determined by

Constitutional Provision
Article – 148-151

Submits Report
To the President (Reports Appointed
Accounts of Center),
To the Governor (Accounts
By President
of State)

& Auditor
¯ ¯ (CAG)
For Central For State Salary
Government Government Pay equal to that of a
Supreme Court Judge
¯ ¯
Only Accounting &
Auditing Auditing Both

6 years or 65 years
(whichever is earlier)

Pictorial Presentation 31 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY



The Government of India

¯ ¯ ¯
Legislature Executive Judiciary
¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha President Vice-President Prime Minister Supreme High District
(250 Seats) (550 Seats) with the Council Court Court Court
of Ministers

Panchayati Raj Committees States with Legislative Council

1. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee 1957 Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
2. Ashok Mehta Committee 1977
3. G.V.K. Rao Committee 1985
4. L.M. Singhvi Committee 1986
5. P.K. Thungan Committee 1988


By both the elected &

Be a Citizen of India nominated members of
Qualification Election both the Houses of Parliament
According to the system of
Must have completed proportional representation by
35 years of age means of the single
Vice- transferable vote
Qualified for election as a
member of the Rajya Sabha By Secret Ballot

Salary Term of
4 Lakh Rupees per month Office 5 years from the date on
(as the Chairman of Rajya Sabha) which he enters upon his office

Vacancy in Office of Vice-President

¯ ¯ ¯
By the Death By Voluntarily Resigning By Resolution passed with
of Vice-President (By addressing the Majority of all
resignation letter) members of the Rajya
Sabha (and agreed to by the
Lok Sabha)

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 32 Pictorial Presentation

M. Venkaiah Naidu
(From 2017 incumbent)

Mohammad Hamid Ansari
Bhairon Singh Shekhawat
11 12 {(2007-2012) (2012-2017)}

K.R. Narayanan Krishan Kant

(1992-1997) (1997-2002)
9 10

R. Venkataraman Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

(1984-1987) (1987-1992)
7 8

B.D. Jatti M. Hidayatullah (Justice)

(1974-1979) (1979-1984)
5 6

V.V. Giri Gopal Swarup Pathak

(1967-1969) (1969-1974)
3 4

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Dr. Zakir Hussain
{(1952-1957) (1957-1962)} 1 2

Vice-Presidents of India
Their tenures

Pictorial Presentation 33 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Important Facts
Ø The one who administers the oath to the Vice- Ø There shall be a Vice-President of India,
President–The President or a person mentioned
appointed by the President to perform this –Under the Article 63 of the Constitution
function Ø The ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is
Ø The office of Vice-President in India has been –The Vice-President of India
created -On the lines of the Vice-President of Ø He who is empowered to discharge the functions
America of the President during his vacancy
Ø In the official order, the office of Vice-President –Vice-President
–After the President

The Union Council of Ministers

Prime Minister

Deputy Ministers Cabinet Ministers

Ministers of State Ministers of State
(Independent Charge)

Collective Responsibility Appointment

¯ ¯
To Lok Sabha By the President
The Union
Council of
Act Ministers Headed / Meeting Chaired
¯ ¯
To aid and Advise By the Prime Minister
the President
Not more than 15 percent of the total
strength of the Lok Sabha

Number of ® Till 15 August, 1947 ® 18

Ministries at
® At Present ® 52
the Centre

Important Facts
Ø The one who administers oath to the Prime Ø A Minister can remain a minister without
Minister & other Ministers –The President becoming a member of Parliament for the
Ø The one who presides over the meeting of the period of –6 Months
Union Cabinet Ø The word Cabinet was used in the Constitution
–Prime Minister –Only in Clause (3) of Article 352

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 34 Pictorial Presentation

Ø Article 74 (1) ® To aid & advise the President

A Council of Ministers with
Acts Related to Union Council of Ministers

Prime Minister as its head

Ø Article 74 (2) ® Advice tendered by the Ministers to the President
shall not be inquired by any court
Ø Article 75 (1) ® The Prime Minister of India shall be appointed by the President and other
Minister shall be appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime
Ø Article 75 (1)A ® Structure of the Council of Minister ® The total number of Ministers,
including the Prime Minister, shall not exceed fifteen percent of the total
members in the lower house of Parliament.
Ø Article 75 (2) ® The Ministers shall hold office during the pleasure of the President.

Ø Article 75 (3) ® The Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the Lok
Ø Article 75 (4) ® The President shall administer the oath to the Ministers.

Ø Article 78 ® Duties of Prime Minister as respects the furnishing of information to the


Exam Vision Important Facts

Ø The Council of Ministers is collectively
responsible - To the Lok Sabha
Ø The Prime Minister submits his Ø There shall be a minimum number of Members
resignation - To the President of the Lok Sabha to move a no-confidence
motion against the Council of Ministers -50
Ø The Cabinet-Level Council of Ø The First Law Minister of Independent India
Ministers including the Prime was - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Minister is called Ø The first Finance Minister of Independent
-The Cabinet India was - R.K. Shanmukham Chetty
Ø All executive actions of the Ø No-confidence motion can be introduced
Government of India are considered -Only in Lok Sabha
to be done Ø An official document related to India is
- In the name of the President - White Paper
Ø Article 75(1)(A) was added to the Indian
Ø The Chairman of the Council of - By 91st Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003
Scientific & Industrial Ø The President was made obliged to follow the
Research (CSIR) is - Prime Minister advice of the Cabinet - By 42nd Constitutional
Ø The ex-officio Chairman of the Civil Amendment Act
Services Board is - Cabinet Secretary Ø The President was given the power to send the
advice of the Cabinet once for reconsideration
-By 44th Constitutional Amendment Act,

Pictorial Presentation 35 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Order of Precedence

Order of Precedence

(1) President (9 A)
¯ l Chairperson, Union Public Service
(2) Vice-President
l Comptroller & Auditor General of India
l Chief Election Commissioner
(3) Prime Minister
(4) Governors of States (within their
l Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha
Respective States)
l Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha
l Members of NITI AAYOG
(5) Former Presidents
l Deputy Chief Ministers of States
l Ministers of State of the Union
l Chief Justice of India
l Speaker of Lok Sabha
l Attorney General of India
l Cabinet Secretary
l Lieutenant Governors (within their Respective
l Cabinet Ministers of the Union Union Territories)
l Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and Lok ¯
l Deputy Chairman of NITI AAYOG
l Chiefs of Staff holding the Rank of General or
l Former Prime Minister Equivalent Rank
l Chief Ministers of States (within their
respective States)
(7 A) Note
Holders of Bharat Ratna decoration
¯ Ø The order of precedence is
(8) related to the rank order of
l Ambassadors Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary various office bearers of the
& High Commissioners of Common Wealth Central and State Governments. It
Countries accredited to India is used on the occasion of
l Governors of States (outside their respective political function.
Ø The notification regarding the
l Chief Ministers of states (outside their order of precedence was issued
respective States) on 26 July, 1979.
Ø The Cabinet Secretary is the
(9) highest government official of
Judges of the Supreme Court the Government of India.

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 36 Pictorial Presentation


The Parliament

The Parliament
¯ ¯ ¯
Constitutional Provisions Organs Functions
¯ ¯
Part 5 Law making
(Article 79-122)
¯ ¯ ¯
The President Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha
¯ ¯
Upper House Lower House
¯ ¯
Article 80 Article 81

On 13 May, 1952
Summons / ­
Ganesh Vasudev
ThePresident ¬ Prorogues First Session First Speaker ®
& dissolve
Lok Sabha
Minimum age
Lok Sabha Speaker ¬ Adjourner limit to become First Woman Speaker ® Meira Kumar
a member
25 Years

Lok Sabha Seats

¯ ¯
Maximum Provision Present Status
¯ ¯
550 543
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
From States From Union Territories From States From Union
¯ ¯ ¯ Territories
530 20 524 ¯

Ø Note : The 104th Constitutional Amendment Act ceased the Reservation of Seats for Anglo-Indians
in the Lok Sabha & State Legislative Assemblies. It came into force on 25th of January 2020.
Ø At present, two Anglo-Indian members have been nominated in the 17 Lok Sabha, whose term will be till 2024.

Pictorial Presentation 37 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Number of Lok Sabha Seats : Related States

*map not to scale


5 7
10 2

25 80 14 1
26 14 1
29 42



28 25

39 1

Chandigarh - 1

Lakshadweep - 1

Puducherry - 1

Dadra & Nagar Haveli and - 2

Daman & Diu

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 38 Pictorial Presentation


Lok Sabha Speakers

No. Speaker Tenure

1. Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar – From 15 May, 1952 to 27 February, 1956

2. M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar – From 08 March, 1956 to 16 April, 1962

3. Hukam Singh – From 17 April, 1962 to 16 March, 1967

4. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy – From 17 March, 1967 to 19 July, 1969

5. Dr. G.S. Dhillon – From 08 August, 1969 to 17 March, 1971

– From 22 March, 1971 to 1 December, 1975

6. Bali Ram Bhagat – From 15 January, 1976 to 25 March, 1977

7. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy – From 26 March, 1977 to 13 July, 1977

8. K.S. Hegde – From 21 July, 1977 to 21 January, 1980

9. Balram Jakhar – From 22 January, 1980 to 18 December, 1989

10. Rabi Ray – From 19 December, 1989 to 9 July, 1991

11. Shivraj V. Patil – From 10 July, 1991 to 22 May, 1996

12. P.A. Sangma – From 23 May, 1996 to 23 March, 1998

13. G.M.C. Balayogi – From 24 March, 1998 to 19 October, 1999

– From 22 October, 1999 to 3 March, 2002

14. Manohar Gajanan Joshi – From 10 May, 2002 to 2 June, 2004

15. Somnath Chatterjee – From 04 June, 2004 to 31 May, 2009

16. Ms. Meira Kumar – From 04 June, 2009 to 4 June, 2014

17. Sumitra Mahajan – From 06 June, 2014 to 17 June, 2019

18. Om Birla – From 19 June, 2019 Incumbent

Pictorial Presentation 39 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Exam Vision
Ø The Legislative Organ of the Central Ø The speaker of the Lok Sabha
Government is - The Parliament submits his resignation to
Ø The state-wise allocation of seats in -Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
the Lok Sabha is based on the Ø The speaker of the Lok Sabha can be
-1971 Census removed - By Resolution passed by
Ø The term of Lok Sabha is 5 years the majority of all the Members of
-From the date appointed for the the Lok Sabha
First Session Ø At present, the speaker of the Lok
Ø The term of Parliament can be Sabha is - Om Birla
extended in case of emergency- Upto Ø The Lok Sabha can be dissolved
1 year at a time before the completion of its term - by
Ø There shall not be a gap between the the President on the advice of the
last sitting of first session of the Lok Council of Ministers
Sabha & the First sitting of the next Ø At present the maximum limit of
session - More than six months election expenditure for the Lok
Ø The Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha Sabha Constituencies is fixed
has a quoram of - 1/10 of the total - 95 Lakhs for bigger states & 70
members Lakhs for smaller states (As per
Ø The speaker of Lok Sabha uses his revision till 6 Jan 2022).
casting vote only -In case of tie Ø The first speaker of the Lok Sabha,
Ø After the general election, the one against whom a no-confidence
who administers the oath to the motion was brought in the Lok Sabha
newly elected members is - Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar
- Protem Speaker Ø Lok Sabha Secretariat functions
Ø Protem Speaker is appointed by- directly - Under the Speaker of the
The President in the case of Lok Lok Sabha
Sabha & The Governor in the case
of Legislative Assembly

The Vice-President
Permanent House ¬ Nature Ex-Officio Chairman Minimum age to become a Member
­ ¯
30 Years
Rajya Sabha

Election Total Seats Member’s Tenure
Representation Method ¬ ¯ ¯ ¯
by Indirect Method 250 6 Years
By single transferable vote ¬
¯ ¯ ® Literature
From States & Union Territories Nominated by the President ® Science
¯ ¯
® Art
238 12 ® Fields ®
® Social Service

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 40 Pictorial Presentation

Rajya Sabha Members : Related States

*map not to scale

7 1
3 7
5 1

10 31
11 6
11 16



9 18

Puducherry - 1

Pictorial Presentation 41 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Bills

(Types of Bills)
(Ordinary Bill) (Money Bill)

(Financial Bill) (Special Bill)

anc ¯
ial B
ill - I) ¯
(Constitutional Amendment Bill)
ial B
ill - ¯ ¯
II) (Federal) (Non - Federal)
States Consent Required

Lok Sabha Speaker and Deputy Speaker

Ø According to Article 93, Lok Sabha choose a Ø The Speaker can submit his resignation to the
Speaker and Deputy Speaker from amongst its Deputy-Speaker and the Deputy Speaker to the
members. Speaker.
Ø The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Ø They can be removed from office by a
Sabha take oath as Members of the Lok Sabha resolution passed by a majority of all then
and not as Speaker and Deputy Speaker members of the Lok Sabha, although it is
necessary to give notice of 14 days in advance.

Exam Vision
1. Lok Sabha is a temporary House, which can be 6. Under Article 108, a provision has been made
dissolved by the President at any time on the for a joint sitting of both the Houses.
advice of the Prime Minister .
7. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over the
2. The term of Lok Sabha is generally of 5 years. Joint Session of both the Houses.
3. At the time of emergency, the Parliament may 8. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha decides whether
by law extend the term of the Lok Sabha which a Bill is Money Bill or not.
cannot exceed one year at a time. 9. The term of the Lok Sabha lasted from April
4. The Council of Ministers is collectively 17, 1952 to April 4, 1957 while the first session
responsible to the Lok Sabha. of the Lok Sabha began on May 13, 1952.

5. The quorum in the Lok Sabha is 1/10 (55

members) of total members.

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 42 Pictorial Presentation


Parliamentary Committees Types of Parliamentary Committees

¯ ¯ ¯
Constituent Nominator Report Recipient
Permanent Committees
¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯
Speaker/Chairman ¯ ¯ ¯
Nature Constitution Tenure
¯ ¯ ¯
Nature Permanent Every Year One year
On 15 June, 2005
Legal Right
Passed by Parliament

Ad-hoc Committees
Right to
Information ¯ ¯ ¯
Act, 2005 Nature Constitution Tenure
¯ ¯ ¯
Related Case Temporary For Specific Till the purpose/
Effected from
¯ ¯ purpose task is
Namit Sharma 12 October, accomplished
Vs 2005
Union of India

Financial Committees of Parliament

¯ ¯
Objective Committee
¯ ¯
Single Committee Joint Committee
Control over ¯
Public Expenditure ¯
Estimate Committee ¯ ¯
¯ Public Account CommitteeCommittee on Public
¯ Undertaking
Number of Members
Number of Members
¯ Number of Members
30 ¯ ¯
¯ 22 22
From Lok Sabha only ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
From Lok Sabha From Rajya Sabha From From
¯ ¯ Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
15 7 ¯ ¯
15 7

Pictorial Presentation 43 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY

Financial Committees
Committees related to Departmental
the day to day Business Standing
of the House Committees
Types of Standing
House keeping
Committees or Enquiry Committees
Service Committees
Committees to Scrutinise and Control

In Article 108 ¬ Related Provision Called

By the President
Joint Sitting

Called so far Headed
Ordinary Bill ¬ ¯ ¯
Related Bills Three Times By the Speaker of Lok Sabha
Finance Bill ¬
¯ ¯ ¯
In the Dowry In the Bank Service In POTA
Prohibition Commission in 2002
Bill in 1961 (Repeal)
Bill in 1978

Article 109 In Lok Sabha Important Facts

and 110 ­ Ø The Chairman of the Public Accounts
­ Committee is appointed by
Re-introduced -The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Related Provision Ø Normally the Chairman of the Public Accounts
Committee is appointed from -A Member of
the opposition from the Lok Sabha
Money Bill Ø The Public Accounts Committee submits its
report to - The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Ø The Government of India passed the Forest
Rajya Sabha Certified Conservation Act - In 1980
Ø The number of persons who can be nominated
can hold ¯ by the President to the Rajya Sabha
¯ By Speaker - 12 Persons
Up to Maximum of Lok Sabha Ø The first actress who was nominated to the
Rajya Sabha - Nargis Dutt
14 days Ø One-third of the Rajya Sabha Members retire
- At the end of every two years

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 44 Pictorial Presentation


Article 79 - Constitution of
Parliament - There shall be a
Parliament for the Union which shall
Provisions related to Article 79 to 122 ¬ consist of the Parliament and two
Part 5, Chapter 2 of the Constitution Houses to be known respectively as
½ the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
¯ ¯
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
¯ Maximum number of Members - 550 Maximum number of members - 250

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Constitution Article 93 Allotment of l Generally, the senior Tenure
l Consists of l Choose Lok Seats most member of the l For a period
maximum of 530 Sabha Speaker l Statewise newly elected Lok of 5 years
representative and Deputy allotment of Sabha - Protem from the
from the states Speaker seats based on Speaker date of
and a maximum ¯ the 1971 census ¯ Functions appointment
of 20 l According to l To administer the oath for its first
representative From amongst the 84th meeting.
of office to newly
members from the members of Constitutional The
elected members after l
Lok Sabha
the union Amendment general election. President
Article 94
territories. Act, 2001, this l Article 100 (3) has the
l The Speaker
allotment will power to
tenders his ¯
resignation to remain in place dissolve
till 2026. Quorum of Lok Sabha prematurely
Deputy Speaker 1/10 of the total
and the Deputy l The seats are l Emergency
allotted on the number of members extension
speaker tenders l First session of Lok
his resignation basis of upto 1 year
population of Sabha was held On13 at a time
to the speaker. May 1952.
l The speaker is the States. l Minimum
l Ganesh Vasudev
removed by a Mavalankar was the age of 25
resolution first Speaker of Lok years to
passed by Sabha. become its
majority. l Meira Kumar was the member.
l The Lok Sabha first woman Speaker.
Secretarial l The highest number of
functions under representatives from
the speaker of

¯ Article 80 ¯ ¯ Other Facts

l Constitution of Rajya Sabha l Permanent House, cannot be l Creation of All India Services
consisting of maximum 238 dissolved exclusive Power of Rajya
elected (Indirectly) members of l 1/3 members retire every two Sabha.
the States and the Union years.
Territories and 12 members l Provision for the allocation of
l Term of Members - 6 years seats for the Rajya Sabha in the
nominated by the President. l Minimum age for membership states and Union Territories in
¯ Election is 30 years.
the 4th Schedule of the
According to the System of l The Vice-President is the ex- Constitution.
Proportional representation by officio Chairman of the Rajya
means of the Single transferable Sabha. l Article 252
vote l The Deputy Chairman submits Passing a resolution by the
l 12 members nominated by the his resignation letter to the Legislature of two or more
President having special Chairman. states, requesting the Parliament
knowledge or practical l The Deputy Chairman can be to make laws on the subjects of
experience in Literature, removed by resolution passed the State List.
Science, art and Social Service. by majority.

Pictorial Presentation 45 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Exam Vision
Ø The members of Rajya Sabha have a tenure of Ø Money Bill can be introduced in
-6 years -Only Lok Sabha
Ø The one who decides whether a Bill is a Money Ø The article under which the privileges and
Bill or not - Lok Sabha Speaker immunities of the members of the Parliament is
Ø He who presides over the joint sitting of both determined by - Article 105
the Houses of the Parliament Ø Membership of a Member of Parliament/
- Lok Sabha Speaker Assembly is deemed to be terminated unless
Ø Rajya Sabha was constituted on -3 April, 1952 he/she determined has been absent without
informing the House
Ø First meeting of the Rajya Sabha was held on
- For 60 consecutive days
-13 May, 1952
Ø To withdraw money from the Consolidated
Ø The one who can legislate laws on Residuary Fund of India has to be passed as
Subjects -Parliament - Appropriation Bill

The Supreme Court

Article 124 - Article 147 Total Number of Judges

­ ¯
Constitutional Provisions ¯ ¯
In the beginning At present
¯ (currently)
The 8 ¯
Supreme (including Chief 32
Court Justice) (including Chief

Constitution date Opening date

¯ ¯
26 January, 1950 28 January, 1950

Important Facts
Ø The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, ¯
1954 came into force on -1 June 1955 By the President
Ø Protection of women from Domestic Violence (On the Administers
Act, 2005 came into force on recommendation an Oath by
- 26 October, 2006 of the ¯
Ø The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Collegium) The President
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 came into
form on
- 30 January, 1990
Court Judges
Qualification for the Office of Supreme Court Judge

Ø Be a Citizen of India.
Retirement Age Resignation
Ø Should have been a Judge of a High Court for at
least 5 years or ¯ ¯
65 Years Addressed to the
should have been an advocate in the High President
Court/different Courts together for 10 years.
Ø Distinguished Jurist in the opinion of the

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 46 Pictorial Presentation


The Power of the President to Consult

Supreme Court

Article 143
Law declared by Supreme
Court to be binding on all Enforcement of decrees and
Article 141 Article 142 orders of Supreme Court of
Courts within the territory
of India. unless as to discovery, etc.

Appellate Jurisdiction Article 132 Review by the

Article 137
of Supreme Court to 136 Supreme Court

Supreme Court to be a Original Jurisdiction of the

Article 129 Article 131
Court of Record Supreme Court

Attendance of retired
Article 128 judges at sittings of
the Supreme Court

Appointment of acting Appointment of ad-hoc

Article 126 Article 127
Chief Justice Judges

Establishment &
Constitution Article 124 Article 125 Salaries, etc. of Judges
of Supreme Court

Important Articles related to Supreme Court

® On the basis ® Of misconduct or incapacity

Removal of Judges of
® Related Articles ® 124(4) or 124(5)
Supreme Court/High Courts
® Procedure ® By each House of Parliament by a
majority of its total number
by a majority of not less than two-thirds
of the members present & voting

Pictorial Presentation 47 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Importatn Facts

Ø The Supreme Court propounded the principle Ø The power of the Supreme Court of India to
of the basic structure of the constitution in adjudicate disputes between the Center and
-Keshvananda Bharti Case (1973) the States is vested under
Ø The guardian of the Indian Constitution is -Original Jurisdictions
-The Supreme Court Ø The largest ever Bench (13 Judges) at
Supreme Court has been constituted in
Ø The final authority to interpret the
Constitution is - The Supreme Court -Keshavananda Bharti Case (1973)
Ø The basis for Judicial Review in Indian Ø The Article under which a curative petition
Constitution is - Rule of Law can be filed in the Supreme Court -Article 142
Ø The power to increase the number of Judges Ø The one who has the right to obtain opinion on
in the Supreme Court is vested the matter of law from The Supreme Court is
- in Parliament -The President
Ø The Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Ø The Supreme Court adopted the Collegium
Court are fixed system for the appointment of Judges in the
year - 1993
- By the Parliament Article 125(1)
Ø The one who is known as the mother of Public
Ø Judges of the Supreme Court can practice after
Interest Litigation - Puspa Kapila Hingorani
retirement -Not in any Court
Ø The language of the proceedings of the
Ø Appoints the acting Chief Justice of Supreme
Supreme Court and High Courts is -English
Court of India - The President
Ø The Collegium of the Supreme Court consists
of the Chief Justice and other senior Judges -4

Full Name Country of Origin

¯ ¯
(Public Interest Litigation) USA


Father in India Beginning in India

¯ ¯
P.N. Bhagwati In 1979

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
List Subject Original Article Description
371 Special Provision with respect to the States of
( at Present) List Maharashtra and Gujarat.
371 A Special Provision with respect to the State of
Union List 100 97 Nagaland.
371 B Special Provision with respect to the State of
State List 61 66 Assam.
371 C Special Provision with respect to the State of
Concurrent List 52 47 Manipur.

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 48 Pictorial Presentation


High Courts
*map not to scale

Jammu &
Kashmir Himachal Pradesh

Punjab & Delhi
Haryana Sikkim


Gujarat Manipur
Madhya Pradesh


Andhra Pradesh



Pictorial Presentation 49 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY

High Court and Subordinate Courts

High Court
High Court
® Top position in the Judicial
administration of the States under the

Indian Constitution Characteristics

® Provision
Ø Court of Records

l Of Part 6
l Under Chapter 5 Ø Appointment of Judges
l From Article 214 to 231 l By the President
® A High Court for each state Ø Holds office
(with exception)
l Till the age of 62 years
Ø Resignation letter
l By writing a letter under his hand
Subordinate Courts
addressed to the President
® In Indian Constitution Ø Removal

® Part 6 l Similar to the process of Removal of


® Chapter 6 a Judge of Supreme Court

® From Article 233 to 237

Consolidated Fund of India

Salaries and
Consolidated Funds and Public Accounts of allowances
India and of the States of Speaker and Salary, allowances &
Deputy Speaker of other expenses
Lok Sabha and Chairman of the
Article 266 and Deputy Chairman President
­ of Rajya Sabha
­ ­ ­
Consolidated expenditure
charged on
Fund of Consolidated
India Fund
­ ­
Rules of Procedure for Expenditure
¯ Salaries, allowances
Salaries, allowances & Pensions of
Money can be withdrawn from & Pensions etc.
the Consolidated Fund of India only after Judges of Supreme
of the Comptroller Court & Pension
the passing of an appropriation Bill by & Auditor of Judges of
the Parliament General of India High Courts

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 50 Pictorial Presentation


State Executive Governor

® System of Government in Appointed by Governor

Indian States
Ø Nominated 1/6 of the total Members of the State
Introduction® ¯
Just like Central Level Legislative Council
® State Executive Ø The Governor appointed a member from the
l In Indian Constitution Anglo-Indian community to the State Legislative
l Under Part 6 Assembly (currently ceased)
l In Chapter 2 Ø Appointment of Advocate General
l Mention under Article 153 to 167 Bill Passed by the State Legislature
Ø Assent given
Governor Ø Withhold assent
Ø Bill Reserved for the consideration
® Provision
of the President
l The executive power of the State Ø Return for Reconsideration (Not Money Bill)
vested in the Governor ¯
l One governor for each state Assented on resent by the State Legislature
® Appointment Ø Ordinance Promulgation
l By The President of India Judicial Power
® Holds office ¯
l During the pleasure of the President
Ø Grant Pardons, Reprieves, Respites &
® Resignation
Remissions of Punishment
l By self signed letter addressed to the
Ø Suspend, Remit and Commute the Sentence
® Qualification

l Citizen of India
To return a Bill Ordering the

l Completed 35 years of age

passed by the Government to
® Special
l All executive functions of the state prove its majority
Government are formally carried out Reconsideration in the Assembly
in the name of the Governor
® Emoluments, Allowances & Other
l Charged on the Consolidated Fund
of the state Discretionary
® Function
Powers of the
l Appointment of Chief Minister,
Appointment of other Ministers
(on the advise of the Chief Minister)
® Organ
l An integral part of the state
To assent, any To dismiss the
bill withhold Chief Minister
® Power or reserve for
l To summon or Prorogue & dissolve who came in to
the consideration
the session of the State Legislative of the President Minority

Pictorial Presentation 51 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


State Legislature & Council of Ministers Legislative Council

® The Parliament
State Legislature l Creation or Provision by law

If the Legislative Assembly of that

Introduction State passes the resolution
Ø Under Part 6 (by special majority)
® Article 171
Ø In Chapter 3
l Composition of the Legislative
Ø Mentioned in Article 168-212 Councils

® Permanent House
® Term of Members
Ø Legislative Council

l 6 years
Ø Legislative Assembly ® On the expiration of every second year
Ø The Governor ¯

One-third of the members (as close

Legislative Assembly as possible) retired
Ø Member's Number ® Membership
l Maximum - 500 l One-third of the total number of
members of the Legislative Assembly
l Minimum - 60 l Not less than 40 in any case
(Exception - Sikkim, Goa) ® Election of Members
l 5/6 of the members
l Indirectly
The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly l According to the system of
Proportional representation by means
of the single transferable vote
Rights & Functions l Remaining 1/6 members nominated
by the Governor
Ø Similar to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
The State Council of Ministers
Casting Vote ® Article 163
¯ l A Council of Ministers, headed by
Ø Exercise a casting vote in the Chief Minister, to aid & advise
the case of an equality of votes the Governor
® Article 164 (1)

Establishes the contact l The Chief Minister shall be

¯ appointed by the Governor & other
Ø Between the House & the Governor Ministers shall be appointed by the

Governor on the advice of the Chief

Qualification for Members ® Article 164(1)(A)
l The total number of Ministers of the
Council of Ministers (Including the
Qualification for Members Chief Minister) not more than 15%
¯ (but not less the 12) of the total
Ø Citizen of India number of members of the Legislative
Assembly of that state
Ø Minimum Age - 25 years
® Article 164 (2)
l The State Council of Ministers is
collectively responsible to the
Legislative Assembly

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 52 Pictorial Presentation

Number of Members of Legislative Assembly in the States/Union Territories

*map not to scale


70 32
90 60

200 403 126 60


60 60
182 81
230 294
60 40


224 175


Puducherry - 33

Pictorial Presentation 53 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Separation of Powers

Power to take decision on Law

Supreme Court
Law Enforcement
High Court
¯ The Judiciary
District Court

The Executive (Article 52-78)
Power to make Legislature ¯ ¯
or change laws President (Art. 52) Prime Minister
(Nominal Head) (De-Facto Chief,
¯ Leader of the
The Parliament (Article 79-122) Elected by Electoral College Majority Party
¯ ¯ in the Lok
Electoral College (Art. 54) Sabha)
¯ ¯
Rajya Sabha (Art. 80) ¯
Lok Sabha (Art. 81)
(Upper House) ¯ ¯ ¯
(Lower House)
¯ Elected Elected Elected Members
¯ Members Members of State/Union
Maximum 250 Members
Maximum 550 Members of Lok Sabha of Rajya Territories Legislative
¯ Sabha Assemblies
12 members nominated
by the President

Under part 6 of the Constitution

The State Executive
Article 153 to 167

The Governor, Article (153) The Chief Minister The Council of Minister Advocate General
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
As the Constitutional The de-facto head of Council of Ministers to aid The highest law
Head of the state & state, the leader of the officer of the State
and advise the Governor
representative of the Majority party in the
Central Government Assembly (Article. 163) (Article 165)

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Appointed by the Appointed by Appointment of Appointed
President by warrant Ministers by the by the
the Governor
under his hand and seal Governor in consultation
(Article 164) Governor
(Article 155) with the Chief Minister
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Term of office is generally Holds office during the With the Resignation Tenure is not fixed, holds
5 years but actually hold pleasure of the Governor of the Chief Minister, office during the pleasure
office during the pleasure of (Till majority in the the Council of Ministers of the Governor
the President Legislative Assembly) dissolved

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 54 Pictorial Presentation


The Centre - State Relation

¯ ¯ ¯
Legislative Relations Administrative Relations Financial Relations
Ø Article 245-255 in Part 11 Ø Article 256-263 in the Part 11 Ø Article 268-293 in the Part 12
of the Constitution of the Constitution of the Constitution
Ø Residuary Legislative Ø Control over the States in certain Ø Establishment of Contingency
Powers conferred on the Fund of India (Article-267)
cases by the Union Government
Federal Parliament
Ø Article-263 The President has the Ø Establishment of the
Ø Provision of three lists
power to establish an Inter-State Contingency Fund of States
for the division of
Legislative powers between Council to coordinate between Ø Provision of grants from the
the Centre & the State Union to some states
the Centre & the States
l Union List Ø Constitution of Finance
l State List Commission
l Concurrent List
(Mentioned in 7th Schedule)
Ø Article-249-Mention the
Legislative Powers of the
Parliament with respect to the
subject in the State List

Emergency Provisions President’s Rule

Introduction ® Provision in Part 18 of the Constitution Mentioned

Ø Under Article 356
Emergency Provisions
Basis of Proclamation
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯
Ø If the President, on receipt or report from
National President’s Financial
Governor of the State or otherwise, is satisfied that a
Emergency Rule Emergency
situation has arisen in which the Government of the
¯ ¯ ¯ State cannot be carried on in accordance with he
Article 352 Article 356 Article 360 provisions of this constitution, the President may by

Emergency Provision Special

Ø The President enjoys all the Powers of the
State Government
Basis of the Proclamation
Ø War or External aggression or armed Rebellion
l When the situation arises or Ø The exercise of the Legislative Powers of the
l When there is imminent danger there of State Legislature by the Parliament
l By the President on reciept of a written decision Ø Approval required by both the Houses of
Parliament within two months of issue
of the Union Cabinet
of Proclamation
Approval of the Proclamation Ø Approval by both the Houses
Ø By Both Houses - The term of President’s Rule is 6 months
Ø By Special Majority Ø Parliament’s approval every six months
Ø Within one month - Extension up to maximum period of 3 years
Pictorial Presentation 55 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY

Financial Emergency Planning Commission/Niti Aayog

Mentioned ØIn Article 360 of the Indian Constitution Planning Commission (Previously known)
Basis of the Proclamation Introduction
¯ Ø Non-Constitutional Body
Ø President's Satisfaction (Administrative Body)
l Threat to the Financial Position of India Ø Advisory Body
or any Territory thereof Ø Constitution
l By a resolution of the Union Cabinet
Parliament’s Approval on Proclamation
¯ Ø Constitution date - 15 March, 1950
Ø Within 2 months from the date of Ø Ex-officio Chairman
issue of Proclamation l Prime Minister of India
l By simple Majority Ø First Chairman
l Jawaharlal Nehru
Period of Emergency
Ø First Deputy Chairman
Ø In effect indefinitely l Gulzarilal Nanda
(Unless revoked by a subsequent Proclamation) Ø Major Task
l Formulation of Five Year Plans of India
Provision Ø Control of the Centre over all
the Affairs of the State
Special Ø Never Implemented in India
Niti Aayog
Finance Commission
Ø 1 January, 2015
l Replacement of Planning Commission
Ø Mentioned -
Under Article 280 of the Indian Constitution Ø Full Name -
l NITI - National Institution for Transforming India
Ø Provision -
Provision for Constitution of a Finance Commission Ø Ex-officio Chairman
by the President at the Interval of every 5 years l Prime Minister of India
that as per the requirement Ø Position of Deputy Chairman
l Similar to a Cabinet Minister in the
Ø Functions Government of India
l Distribution of net proceeds of taxes between
the Union & the States Ø Special
l Based on the Principle of Cooperative Federalism
l Grants-in-aid of the revenues of the States out of
the Consolidated Fund of India under Article 275.
Lokpal & Important Commission
l Measure for augmentation of the Consolidated Fund
of the State to supplement the resources of the Local
Bodies (Panchayats & Municipalities) in the
Ø An Institution created for the redressal
states on the basis of the recommendations of the
of Citizen’s grievances at the International
State Finance Commission
l Any other matter which the President may Ø Establishment
refer to the commission in the interest of l In 1809 AD (Sweden)
Sound finance l As an Independent Supervisory Agency

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 56 Pictorial Presentation


The Constitution & Lokpal

Other Related Facts

Named Lokpal in 1963
By L.M. Singhvi
Ø Ombudsman is a word of
- Swedish Language
Ø The literal meaning of Ombudsman
- 'Representative of the People'
Ø Ombudsman is known in India as
- Lokpal
Pinaki Chandra Ghose, There are 4 Judicial
members and 4 non- Ø Author of the book, 'Law,
the first Lokpal
Judicial members in the Liberty & Social Justice' is
Chairperson of India
8-members Panel - Justice P.B. Gajendragadkar

Indian Context
Important Facts ¯
Ø The Institution of Ombudsman was first Under Indian democratic system
created in -Sweden ¯
Ø The first Administrative Reforms Commission For Redressal of Public Grievances
was constituted in India in 1966. Its President ¯
was - Morarji Desai
Ø He who recommended the establishment of a Equivalent to Ombudsman
legal body called Lokpal at the Centre and ¯
Lokayuktas in the States - By Morarji Desai Lokpal & Lokayukta Act, 2013
Ø A person who is or has been the Chief Justice of (Assented by the President on 1 January, 2014)
India or a Judge of Supreme Court, is qualified ¯
-To be the Chairperson of the Lokpal
Ø The Chairperson and each member shall Provision for appointment of Lokpal at the Centre
continue to hold office - 5 years from the date Level & Lokayuktas at the State level
of joining or till the age of 70 years which-
ever is earlier Ombudsman Body
Ø The salary, allowances and other conditions of ¯
service of the Lokpal Chairperson will be same
Ø On Centre Level
as -The Chief Justice of India
Ø Statutory body with non-constitutional status
Ø Provision of a Chairperson & not
more than 8 members
An eminent Jurist to be Prime Ø Constitution of the Institution l In March 2019
nominated by the Minsiter Ø First Chairperson l Pinaki Chandra Ghose
Lok ¯

Committee for

Sabha Ø First State of India

the Chairperson
Speaker Ø The one who established the office of
and Members of
Lokayukta (1971)
Me Lokpal ers
mb mb
ers Me
Chief Justice of Odisha
Leader of
India or a Judge of the opposition in ¯
Supreme Court nominated Lok Sabha Ø First State (1970) to pass a Bill
by him relating to Lokayukta

Pictorial Presentation 57 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Vohra Committee
Parts, Subjects & Related
Related to Investigation of nexus among
Articles of the Constitution
Politicians & Criminals

Part Subject Related

Rajamannar Commission Article
Ø Recommend to phase out the Indian I The Union & its Territories 1 to 4
Administrative Services and the Indian II Citizenship 5 to 11
Police Services III Fundamental Rights 12 to 35
IV Directive Principles 36 to 51
National Human Rights Commission IV A Fundamental Duties 51 A
V The Union Government 52 to
Ø Non-Constitutional Body
Ø Formed
VI The States Government 152 to
l On 12 October 1993 237
Ø Appointment of chairperson & Members IX The Panchayats 243 to
l By the President 243 O
IX A The Municipalities 243 to
Ø Composition of the Committee 243 ZG
constituted for appointment XI Relations between the 245 to
Union & the States 263
l Prime Minister
XV Elections 324 to
l Central Home Minister
l Leader of opposition in XVI Special Provision in 330 to
Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha respect of Scheduled 342A
l Speaker of Lok Sabha Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
l Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Backward Class & Anglo
XVII Official Language 343 to
Ø Power
l Of advisory nature only
XVIII Emergency Provisions 360 to
XX Amendment of the 360
First Administrative Constitution 368
Reforms Commission
¯ ¯
Constitution Year 1967 Miscellaneous
¯ ¯
Ø The speaker of Lok Sabha exercises his casting
On 5th January 1966 K. Hanumanthaiya vote, only - in the situation of Tie
¯ ¯ Ø After General election who administers the
Chairman Chairman oath to the newly elected members
¯ -Protem Speaker
Morarji Desai Member Ø The one who appoints the Protem Speaker
¯ ¯ - The President in the case of Lok Sabha &
Suggestion for Devvrat Mukherjee the Governor in the case of Legislative
establishment Assembly
of Lokpal & Ø Lok Sabha speaker submits his resignation to
Lokayukta in India - Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 58 Pictorial Presentation


Local Self Government in India

Constitution Indirectly
District Council elected
Lord Ripon members
Panchayat Samiti
Father of Local Self
Government in India Gram Panchayat
Raj Urban Local
Local Self Government
Self Government
System Established

Architect of By directly elected Representatives

Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (1957) Parchayati
Suggestions Raj
Three Tier Panchayati Raj System Urban Local Self Government

Constitutional Status
District Level
By 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992
Block Level

Village Level Part 9 (A) 12th Schedule

added added
Important Facts
Ø Panchayati Raj System got Constitutional
status by Municipality
- 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992
Ø There is a provision of 1/3 reservation for
women in the Panchayats
-Under Article 243D(3)
Ø Panchayati Raj System came into force on
- April 24, 1993 Municipal Council
Ø The Article related to Panchayati Raj System Nagar Panchayat
is - From 243 to 243 (O)
Ø The Panchayati Raj System was inaugurated Important Facts
by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru on 2 October, 1959
- From Nagaur, Rajasthan th
Ø The 74 Constitutional Amendment Act came
into force on - 1 June, 1993
Other Related Committees Ø Article included in Part 9(A)of the
Constitution are - From Article 243 to 243 ZG
Ø Ashok Mehta Committee (1977) Ø India has Urban Local Self Government of
-8 types
Ø G.V.K. Rao Committee (1985)
Ø L.M. Singhvi Committee (1986)
Ø P.K. Thungan Committee (1988) Special Purpose
Panchayati Raj Types of
Port Urban Notified
Ø The establishment of two-tier Panchayati Raj Trust Local Self Area
was suggested -Ashok Mehta Committee Government Committee
Ø The weak Panchayati Raj Institution was Town
called 'Grass without roots' by Township Area Committee
-G.V.K. Rao Committee
Ø Generally, the tenure of Panchayats is of -5 Cantonment Board

Pictorial Presentation 59 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Recognition of National & State Level Parties

Recognition of National Parties Recognition of State Level Parties

l According to the Amendment of election symbols
l According to the election symbols (Reservation (Reservation & Allotment) order 1968, a party
& Allotment) order, 1968 (as Amended); a has to live up to at least one of the following
political party has to fulfil any one of the conditions to be acknowledge as a state Party-
following three conditions for obtaining the
status of a national
(I) That Political Party has secured minimum 6% of
valid votes & minimum 2 seats in the last general
(I) If a party wins at least 2% (any fraction more than election held in a particular state or minimum 3%
half shall be treated as 1) of the total Lok Sabha of total seats in the State Legislative Assembly
(more than 2.51% will be considered As 3%) or
seats from at least three different states in the last
minimum out of 3 seats which ever is higher.
general election to the Lok Sabha.

(ii) That Political Party has secured a minimum of
6% of valid votes polled in a particular state & at
(ii) In Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly; the party least 1 Lok Sabha seat in the state in the last Lok
Sabha general election; or at least 1 seat for every
secures 6% of the total valid votes in at least four
25 seats in the state (or any part of the number
states and it wins at least four seats in the Lok prescribed for the state) be received.
Sabha from any state or states.
(iii) The Political Party has secured minimum 8%
of valid votes in the last Lok Sabha or
(iii) A party has got recognition as a state party Legislative Assembly general election- this
condition was added in 2011.
in at least four or more states.
Bhartiya Janta
Party (BJP)
Important Facts
l l
Ø The Registration of Political Parties is done by Bahujan Samaj Indian National
the Election Commission on India. Party Congress
Ø There are provision regarding the registration l At Present
of political parties under the Representation of l
Communist total 8
the People Act, 1951. Nationalist
Party of India National
Congress Party
(Marxist) Political
Ø The recognition of a Political Party as a Parties
National Party & a State Level Party is
provided by the Election Commission of India l
Communist l
only. All India
Party of India
l Trinamool
Ø Political Parties got the first Constitutional Congress
recognition in 1985 by the 52nd Constitutional
People’s Party
Amendment Act.

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 60 Pictorial Presentation

Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005

(Right to Information Act) Important Facts

Ø Sweden is the first country of the world which
¯ granted the Right to Information to its citizens,
¯ ¯ ¯ under the 'Freedom of Press Act' in 1766.
Passed in Passed in President's Ø South Africa is the only country in the world
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Approval whose constitution specifically mentions the
(11 May, 2005) (12 May, 2005) (15 June, 2005) Right to Information.
Ø The one which started the Right to Information
Ø Act effective from 12 October 2005 in the movement in India-Mazdoor Kisan Shakti
whole country except Jammu & Kashmir. Sangathan (MKSS)
Ø It is also applicable to the Union Territories of Ø Right to Information was held to be included
Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh with effect from by the Supreme Court in S.P. Gupta vs. Union
31 October, 2019, after the abrogation of the of India (1982) case - In the Fundamental
special status of Jammu & Kashmir. Rights to Freedom of speech, expression
mentioned in Article 19(1)(A) of the
Important Facts Ø The first draft of the RTI Act was presented
-the Consumer Education & Research
Ø The applicant making a request for information Council (CERC) Ahmedabad in 1993.
under the RTI Act is:- Not required to give Ø In 1996, the Model Law on RTI was submitted
reasons for seeking information not to the Government of India
required or expected - By Press Council of India headed By
Ø The High Court which said that the RTI Justice P.B. Sawant
applicant should give reasons for seeking Ø Freedom of Information Act, 2002 was based
information - Madras High Court on - the report of the task force headed by
(September, 2014) H.D. Shourie
Ø Objective of Right to Information Act Ø Before the Implementation of the RTI Act at
- to provide access to information from public the National level in 2005, it was the first state
office in the country to implement such as act
Ø Right to Information Act is responsible - Tamil Nadu (In 1997)
-to inculcate the sense of responsibility in
the bureaucracy
Ø Right to Information is- A Legal Right (it has Important Provisions of RTI Act
been considered as a part of the
Fundamental Right to freedom of speech Ø Included in the Right to Information -
and expression by the Supreme Court Inspect works, documents, records, obtain
Ø The things that is mentioned in the Preamble of certified copies of documents or records,
the Right to Information Act, 2005 - sample material, obtain information by print
Transparency in Information, disclosure of outs, discs, cassettes or other electronic means.
information, informed citizenship & Ø Provision for appointment of Public
sovereignty of democratic ideals
Information Officer (PIO) under each
Important Provisions of RTI Act Ø Responsibility of PIO to provide information
within 30 days of receipt of request for
Ø Meaning of Right to Information - Access to information.
information controlled by a public official. Ø If the information sought related to the life &
Ø Included in the Purview of RTI - Office of the liberty of the person, it is necessary to provide
the information within 48 hours.
Chief Justice of India (from November, 2019),
Ø Section 8 of the RTI Act mentions exceptions
Central Government, State Governments, related to the integrity, security, strategic
Panchayati Raj Institutions, Local Bodies & interest of the nation, etc. for which
Directly or Indirectly Government aided information cannot be given.

Pictorial Presentation 61 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Polity - Miscellaneous

Important Articles Provision Related Persons Important Sentences

Article 117 Special provision as to Financial Bills G. Austin Indian Federalism
Article 32 Heart & Soul of Constitution
(By B.R. Ambedkar) Cooperative Federalism
Article 20 Protection in respect of K.C. Wheare India as Quasi-Federal State
conviction for offences Hridya Nath Kunzru The Emergency
Article 22 Protection against arrest &
detention in certain cases Rights of the President
Article 111 Assent of President to Bill is a betrayal to the Constitution
Article 160 Discharge of the functions
of the Governor by the President
Article 105 Privileges of Members of Parliament
Article 108 Joint sitting for ordinary Bill
Article 109 Special procedure in respect
of Money Bill Years Events
Article 110 Definition of Money Bill
30 January, 1990 S.C. & S.T
Article 122 Court not to inquire into
proceedings of Parliament (Atrocities Act, 1989)
Article 32 Remedies for Enforcement of Rights 1952 Community Development Programme
Article 169 Abolition or creation of 1953 National Extension Programme
Legislative Councils in States 1986
(Established) India’s First Law University
Article 350-A Education in the mother tongue
at the primary stage of education
Article 344 Official language Commission (Notified)
in 1955, B.G. Kher 1993 National Commission for
Article 43 Work living wage, a decent Backward Classes Act
standard of life, etc. for the workers 1986 The Child Labour
Article 338 Constitution of National (Prohibition & Regulation) Act
Commission for Schedule Castes 1992 National Commission for Minorities
Article 338 (A) Constitution of National
Commission for Schedule Tribes
Article 330 Reservation of Seats for
Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Panchayati Raj & Community Development
Article 332 Reservation of Seats for Part - IX
Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Schedule - XI
Came into force from 24 April, 1993
Panchayati Raj - Subject of State List
11th Schedule - 29 Subjects
Member of Parliament - Member of District
Commissions/Committes/Cases Related Fields Council
Iyengar Report Reorganization of Article 243
(A) Gram Sabha
the Federal Cabinet
(B) Constitution of Panchayats
Rajamannar Commission Recommendation (C) Structure of Panchayats
to phase out I.A.S. (D) Reservation of Seats
& I.P.S. Posts (Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes, Women )
M.N. Venkat Chellaiya Constitution Review (E) Terms of Panchayats - for 5 years from the first
Commission (F) Minimum age for qualification of Members- 21
Dinesh Goswami Committee Election Reforms years
Golaknath Case The Supreme Court for the (G) Powers, Authorities & responsibilities of
first limited the Constitutional Panchayats
(H) Tax collecting powers of Panchayats and their
Amendment Power of the Parliament funds
(I) Constitution of Finance Commission

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 62 Pictorial Presentation


Important Amendment in Indian Constitution

Ø First Amendment Act, 1951—9 Schedule Ø 61st Amendment Act, 1988—The minimum
was added to the Constitution. The matters age for citizens to vote was reduced from 21 to
mentioned in this Schedule were excluded 18 years.
from the Power of Judicial Review of the Ø 69th Amendment Act, 1991—The Union
Court. Territory of Delhi was accorded as the state of
Ø 7th Amendment Act, 1956—By this, the states National Capital Region. Apart from this, a 70
were reorganized on the basis of Language & members Assembly was arranged for Delhi.
the earlier three categories were abolished & Ø 73rd Amendment Act, 1992—Constitutional
divided into 14 states & 6 Union Territories. status was given to Panchayats by adding Part
Ø 10th Amendment Act, 1961—Dadra & Nagar 9 & 11th Schedule to the Constitution.
Haveli was incorporated to the Indian Union. Ø 74th Amendment Act, 1992—Part 9A & 12

Ø 11 Amendment Act, 1961—The election of Schedule were added in the Constitution.
the President or the Vice-President can't be l It gave Constitutional status to Urban Local
challenged on the basis of vacancy in the Bodies.
appropriate electoral college.
Ø 84th Amendment Act, 2001—Prohibition on
Ø 12th Amendment Act, 1962—Goa, Daman & readjustment of Lok Sabha & State Assembly
Diu incorporated into the Indian Union seats for 25 years (till 2026).
Ø 24th Amendment Act, 1971—Parliament can Ø 86th Amendment Act, 2002—Elementary
amend any part of the Constitution (including education was given the status of a
Fundamental Rights). Fundamental Rights.
Ø 31st Amendment Act, 1973—The number of l Article 21(A) provided that the states shall
Lok Sabha seats was increased from 525 to make arrangements for providing free
545. elementary education to children between the
Ø 42nd Amendment Act, 1976—By this, the age of 6 to 14 years.
worlds Socialist, 'Secular' & 'Integrity' were l The 11th fundamental duty related to this was
added in the Preamble. added under Article 51(A).
l Fundamental Duties of Citizens were added in l Changed the subject matter of Article 45, under
Part 4(A) which the state shall endeavor to provide for
l The President was compelled to heed the free and compulsory education to all children
advice of the Cabinet. til they complete the age of 6 years.
Ø 44th Amendment Act, 1978—The power to Ø 91st Amendment Act, 2003—By this, the size
send the Bill back for reconsideration was of the Council of Ministers was limited which
given to the President. can't exceed 15% of the total number of
l In the context of National Emergency, the word members of the Lok Sabha.
'Internal disturbance' was replaced by the word l In the State, Council of ministers also, the total
Armed Rebellion. number of members of the Legislative
l Right to Property was removed from the list of Assembly will not exceed 15% and shall not
Fundamental Rights & was made a Legal less than 12.
Right. Ø 97th Amendment Act, 2011—The right to form
l The Fundamental Rights guaranteed by a Co-operative Society became a Fundamental
Articles 20 & 21 can't be suspended during a Right under Article 19.
National Emergency. l A new Part 9(B) 'Co-operative Societies' has
Ø 52nd Amendment Act, 1985—Under this, been added.
there is a provision to disqualify the member of Ø 100th Amendment Act, 2015—It is related to
Parliament & State Legislature in case of the transfer of land between India &
defection. For this, the tenth Schedule is added. Bangladesh.
Ø 58th Amendment Act, 1987—The official text Ø 101st Amendment Act, 2016—It includes
of the Constitution was made available in provisions related to Goods & Services Tax
Hindi Language. (GST) .

Pictorial Presentation 63 GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY


Major Constitutional Amendments

Ø 102nd Amendment Act, 2018—National Ø 104th Amendment Act, 2019—Extends the

Commission for Backward Classes, was given deadline for the cessation for the reservation of
the Constitutional Status. seats for members from Scheduled Castes &
Ø 103rd Amendment Act, 2019—Provision of Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha & State
10% reservation for the poor of general Legislative Assemblies by the period of 10
category on economic basis. years.

National Political Parties and Their Election Symbols

National Political Parties Election Symbols

1. Indian National Congress (INC) Hand

2. Bhartiya Janta Party Lotus

3. Bahujan Samaj Party
(Except in Assam)

4. Communist Party of India Ears of Corn & Sickle

5. Communist Party of India (Marxist) Hammer, Sickle &

CPI(M) Star

6. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Clock

7. All India Trinamool Congress Flower & Grass


8. National People’s Party (NPP) Book

GS Drishti INDIAN POLITY 64 Pictorial Presentation

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