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Only persons who can enter into legally binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 can use
the Website and/or transact on the Website. Any minor who wishes to use or access the Website is
required to conduct such transaction through their legal guardian or parents. If you represent a
company, partnership firm or sole proprietorship, you shall be eligible to access and use the Website
to conduct the transactions on its behalf only if you have been duly authorized by way of necessary
corporate action, as may be prescribed statutorily and/or under the charter documents of such entity

The Company reserves the right to amend or revise the T&C at any time by uploading a revised or
amended T&C on the Website with or without prior notice. The amended T&C will be effective
immediately after it is uploaded on this Website. Your access or use of the Website following any
such changes constitutes your acceptance to follow and You shall be bound by these T&C, as
amended. The version of the T&C that will apply to your order will be those uploaded on the
Website at the time you use or access or place your order. For this reason, we encourage you to
review these T&C each time you access and place your order. This T&C does not alter in any way
the terms or conditions of any other written agreement you may have with the Company for other
products or services. If you do not agree to this T&C (including any referenced policies or
guidelines), please immediately terminate your use of the Website. If you would like to print this
T&C, please press CTRL + P.

You may only access the Website for lawful purposes. You are solely responsible for the knowledge
of and adherence to any and all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to your use of the Website.

We reserve the right to block any user and permanently disable user account if we believe in our sole
discretion that action of such user has resulted in breach of fair usage policy or T&c.

Terms of Offer: The Website offers for sale certain products (“Products”). The Products shall
include trial products and the products offered free of cost. By placing an order for the Products
through the Website, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this T&C. The Products
described on the Website, and any samples thereof we may provide to you, are for personal use only.
You may not sell or resell any of the Products, or samples thereof, you receive from us unless agreed
otherwise. We reserve the right, with or without notice, to cancel or reduce the quantity of any
Products to be provided to you that we believe, in our sole discretion, may result in the violation of
our T&C.

The Company may change, suspend, or discontinue the availability of any of the Products at any
time, without any notice or liability. You acknowledge that the price payable in connection with the
Product or any service, may be subject to change, without notice or liability.

While describing our Products on our Website, we endeavor to be as accurate as possible. To the
extent implied by applicable law, we do not warrant that the Product descriptions, colors, information
or other content available on the Website are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. The
Website may contain typographical errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or updated. Such
errors, inaccuracies or omissions may also relate to pricing and availability of the Product or services.
Please note that the Product pictures are indicative and may not match the actual Product.

Customer Solicitation: By accessing the Website or placing an order or sending any information, you
are communicating with the Company electronically and you agree to receive communications
(including transactional, promotional and/or commercial messages) from the Company periodically
and as and when required. We may communicate with you by e-mail, SMS, phone call or by posting
notices on the Website or by any other mode of communication.

At any point of time, you have the right to withdraw your consent by following the below stated opt-
out procedure.

Opt Out Procedure: We provide 3 easy ways to opt out of from future Customer Solicitations.

a. You may use the opt out link found in any email solicitation that you may receive.
b. You may also choose to opt out, via sending your email by addressing to: …………………..
c. You may send a written removal request to ADDRESS………………..

Proprietary Rights: All the brand names owned and licensed to the Company are exclusive property
of the Company, its affiliates, partners or licensors, and is protected by laws of India, including laws
governing all applicable forms of intellectual property. The Company has the proprietary rights and
trade secrets in the Products. You shall not copy, reproduce, modify, duplicate, re-publish, re-sell or
re-distribute any Product manufactured and/or distributed by the Company in whole or in part or in
any other form whatsoever. The Company also has rights to all trademarks and trade dress and
specific layouts of this webpage, including without limitation calls to action, text placement, images,
technology, content, software and other materials, which appear on the Website, including its looks
and feel. No trademark is granted in connection with the Products or the materials contained on the
Website. The access to the Website does not authorize anyone to use any trademarks in any manner.
The trademarks displayed on the Website whether registered or unregistered, are the intellectual
property of the Company.
Tax: If you purchase any Products, you will be responsible for paying any applicable taxes in relation
to such purchase.


Your Account: You may create and hold one user account (“Account”) only. You will be responsible
for maintaining confidentiality of your account, password, and restricting access to your computer,
and you hereby accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your Account. You
acknowledge that the information you provide, in any manner whatsoever, are not confidential or
proprietary and does not infringe any rights of a third party in whatsoever nature. Each Account is
non-transferrable and may not be sold, traded, combined, or otherwise shared with any other person.

If you are accessing, browsing and using the Website on someone else’s behalf; you represent that
you have the authority to bind that person to all the T&C herein. In the event that the person refuses
to be bound as the principal to the T&C, you agree to accept liability for any harm caused by any
wrongful use of the Website resulting from such access or use of the Website in whatsoever nature.

If you know or have reasons to believe that the security of your Account has been breached, you
should contact us immediately at the ‘Contact Information’ provided below. If we have found a
breach or suspected breach of the security of your Account, we may require you to change your
password, temporarily or permanently block or suspend your account without any liability to the

We reserve the right to refuse service and/or terminate accounts without prior notice if the T&C are
violated or if we decide, in our sole discretion, that it would be in the Company’s best interests to do
so. You are solely responsible for all contents that you upload, post, email or otherwise transmit via
the Website. The information provided to us shall be maintained by us in accordance with our
Privacy Policy.

Content; Intellectual Property; Third Party Links: In addition to making the Products available, the
Website also offers information and marketing materials. The Website also offers information, both
directly and through indirect links to third-party websites about nutritional and dietary supplements.
The Company does not always create such information and the content published on the Website;
instead, the information and content are often gathered from other sources. The Company does not
endorse any such information or content and the Company expressly disclaims any and all liability in
connection with the same. The Company is not responsible or liable for the information or the
content or any damage or loss that may result from your access to or reliance on such information or
content. To the extent that the Company does create the content on this Website, such content is
protected by intellectual property laws of India. Any unauthorized use of the material may violate
copyright, trademark, and/or other laws. You acknowledge that your use of the content on this
Website is for personal and non-commercial use.

We respect the intellectual property of others. In case you feel that your work has been copied in a
way that constitutes copyright infringement, you can write to us at EMAIL………….

Any links to third-party websites are provided solely as a convenience to you. The Company does not
endorse, affiliate, sponsor or recommend any such third-party websites. The Company is not
responsible or liable for the content of or any damage or loss that may result from your access to or
reliance on these third-party websites. You should always read the terms and conditions and privacy
policy of a third-party website before using it. If you access or use such third-party websites, you do
so at your own risk.

Use of Website: The Company is not responsible for any damages resulting from use of the Website
by anyone. You will not use the Website for any illegal purposes. You will (a) abide by all applicable
local, state, national, and international laws and regulations in your use of the Website (including
laws regarding intellectual property), (b) not interfere with or disrupt the use and enjoyment of the
Website by other users, (c) not resell material on the Website, (d) not engage, directly or indirectly,
in transmission of “spam”, chain letters, junk mail or any other type of unsolicited communication,
and (e) not defame, harass, abuse, or disrupt other users of the Website, (f) not to do or attempt to do
any action which is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous defamatory, obscene, pornographic,
paedophilic, libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable,
disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, trolling, propaganda or
otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever.

License: By using this Website, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to
use the content and materials on the Website in connection with your personal, non-commercial use
of the Website. You may not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, or create derivative works of such
content or information without express written authorization from the Company or the applicable
third party (if third party content is at issue).

Posting: By posting, storing, or transmitting any content on the Website, you hereby grant the
Company a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, assignable, right and license to use,
copy, display, perform, create derivative works from, distribute, have distributed, transmit and assign
such content in any form, in all media now known or hereinafter created, anywhere in the world,
subject to the Company’s privacy policy. The Company does not have the ability to control the
nature of the user-generated content offered through the Website. You are solely responsible for your
interactions with other users of the Website and any content you post. The Company is not liable for
any damage or harm resulting from any posts by or interactions between the users. The Company
reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor interactions between and among users of the
Website and to remove any content the Company deems objectionable. Under no circumstances will
the Company be liable in any way for any user generated content, including without limitation, for
any errors or omissions in such content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred by you as a
result of the use of any such user generated content transmitted, uploaded, posted, e-mailed or
otherwise made available via the Website. You hereby waive all rights to any claims against the
Company for any alleged or actual infringements of any proprietary rights, rights of privacy and
publicity, moral rights, and rights of attribution in connection with such user generated content.

Site Security: You are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Website,
including, without limitation,

a. accessing data not intended for you or logging onto a server or an account which you are not
authorized to access;
b. attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security
or authentication measures without proper authorization;
c. attempting to interfere with service to any other user, host or network, including, without
limitation, via means of submitting a virus to the Site, overloading, "flooding," "spamming,"
"mail bombing" or "crashing";
d. sending unsolicited email, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services; or
e. forging any header or any part of the header information in any email or newsgroup posting.
Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability
f. threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, public order or causes
incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any

Payment Method: The Payments for the Products available on the Website may be made in the
following ways:

a. Payments can be made by Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking, Wallets, UPI, QR, PayPal
and reward points.
b. Cash on Delivery.

Chat Facility: The chat facility has been provided to help you with any and all Website related
queries. Any use of this service shall be subject to the following conditions:

a. The Company may suspend the chat service at any time without notice.
b. The Company or its executives are not responsible for any delay caused in attending to or
replying to the queries via chat.
c. Communication through chat may be stored by the Company for future reference, and the
user of such service will not have the right to access such information at any future date.
d. While 'chatting', you may not communicate any objectionable information i.e. unlawful,
threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene information.
e. The chat room shall not be used to sell any products, to give suggestion on business
opportunity or any other form of solicitation.

You may proceed further and chat with our online customer care executive only if you agree to the
above terms and conditions.

Pricing and Availability: The Prices and availability of the Products, offers and services provided or
offered on the Website are subject to change without prior notice and at the sole discretion of the
Company. The prices displayed at the Website are inclusive of goods and sales tax (“GST”), but do
not include a delivery charge. For all orders under INR 399 (Indian Rupees Three Hundred and
Ninety-Nine only), delivery charge of INR 40 (Indian Rupees Forty only) shall be levied. All orders
above INR 399 (Indian Rupees Three Hundred and Ninety-Nine only) shall be delivered without any
delivery charges. The Prices and offers in offline store and online on websites and portals other than
the Website may vary from the prices displayed on the Website.

Delivery: For order containing multiple Products, delivery may be made in multiple shipments.
Delivery usually takes 5-7 business days from the date of order placement. Upon placement of the
order, the estimated shipping and delivery timelines shall be available on order details page. The
estimated delivery times are indicative, hence there may be some unforeseeable delays, which are
beyond our control. In the event, the Company is unable to deliver the Product within the estimated
delivery date due to any reason, you will be notified by an e-mail the reason for such delay. You will
have the right either to cancel the ordered Product or wait for the Product to be delivered. Please note
that your order will be cancelled due to: (i) unavailability of the Product ordered; or (ii) at your
instructions, in the event of failure to deliver the Product on the expected time of delivery by our
delivery partners. You agree that the Company shall not be liable to pay for any damage or loss either
direct or indirect owing to such cancellation of the order or delay in delivery.

Tracking Facility: Upon dispatch of the Product, you will receive an email with the details of the
tracking number and the courier company. Orders may also be tracked, by clicking the ‘Your orders’
option on you My Accounts page. The order status can be tracked after 24 hours from the time of


Your use of the Website and/or Products are at your sole risk. The Website and the Products are
offered on an “as is” and “as available” basis. The Company expressly disclaims all warranties of any
kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement with respect to the Products or Website content,
or any reliance upon or use of the Website content or Products.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company makes no warranty:

a. that the information provided on this Website is accurate, reliable, complete, or timely;
b. that the links to third-party websites are to information that is accurate, reliable, complete, or
c. no advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from this Website will
create any warranty not expressly stated herein;
d. as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Products or that defects in the
Products will be corrected; and
e. regarding any Products purchased or obtained through the Website.

The inclusion of any Products or offers on the Website at a particular time does not imply or warrant
that the Products or offers will be available at any time.

The Company shall have the right, at any time, to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the
Website, including, but not limited to, content, hours of availability and equipment needed for access
or use. Further, the Website may discontinue disseminating any portion of information or category of
information. The Company does not accept any responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or
damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with any ability/inability to access or to use the


The Company takes no liability or exclusive remedy, in law, in equity, or otherwise, with respect to
the Website content and Products and/or for any breach of this T&C. The Company will not be liable
for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or loss in connection with this
T&C or the Products in any manner, including liabilities resulting from (a) the use or the inability to
use the Website content or Products or allied services; (b) the cost of procuring substitute the
Products or content; (c) any Products purchased or obtained or transactions entered into through the
Website; or (d) any lost profits you allege, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such
damages and in no event shall our maximum aggregate liability exceed.

You agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither the Company nor our
affiliates, partners, or licensors will be responsible or liable (whether in contract, tort (including
negligence) or otherwise) under any circumstances for any (a) interruption of business; (b) access
delays or access interruptions to the Website; (c) data non-delivery, loss, theft, mis-delivery,
corruption, destruction or other modification; (d) loss or damages of any sort incurred as a result of
dealings with or the presence of third party website links on the Website; (e) viruses, system failures
or malfunctions which may occur in connection with your use of the Website, including during
hyperlink; (f) any inaccuracies or omissions in content; or (g) events beyond the reasonable control
of the Company. We make no representations or warranties that defects or errors will be corrected.

This disclaimer constitutes an essential part of this T&C.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential
damages so some of the above limitations may not apply to you.


You will release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company, and any of its contractors,
agents, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates and assigns from all liabilities, claims,
damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses, of third parties
relating to or arising out of: (a) this T&C or the breach of your warranties, representations and
obligations under this T&C; (b) the Website content or your use of the Website content; (c) the
Products or your use of the Products (including trial products); (d) any intellectual property or other
proprietary right of any person or entity; (e) your violation of any provision of this T&C; or (f) any
information or data you supplied to the Company. When the Company is threatened with suit or sued
by a third party, the Company may seek written assurances from you concerning your promise to
indemnify the Company; your failure to provide such assurances may be considered by the Company
to be a material breach of this T&C. The Company will have the right to participate in any defense
by you of a third-party claim related to your use of any of the Website content or Products, with
counsel of the Company choice at its expense. The Company will reasonably cooperate in any
defense by you of a third-party claim at your request and expense. You will have sole responsibility
to defend the Company against any claim, but you must receive the Company prior written consent
regarding any related settlement. The terms of this provision will survive any termination or
cancellation of this T&C or your use of the Website or the Products.


The Company believes strongly in protecting user privacy and providing You with notice of the
Company’s use of data. Please refer to the Company privacy policy, incorporated by reference
herein, that is uploaded on the Website.


Force Majeure: The Company will not be deemed in default hereunder or held responsible for any
cessation, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder due to earthquake,
storm, natural disaster, act of God, war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strike, lockout, or boycott,
any acts of nature labor disputes, floods, lightning, severe weather, shortages of materials, rationing,
pandemic or epidemic, inducement of any virus, Trojan or other disruptive mechanisms, any event of
hacking or illegal usage of the Website, utility or communication failures, revolution, civil
commotion, acts of public enemies, blockade, embargo or any law, order, proclamation, regulation,
ordinance, demand or requirement having legal effect of any government or any judicial authority or
representative of any such government, or any other act whatsoever, whether similar or dissimilar to
those referred to in this clause beyond our reasonable control. Further if Force Majeure event takes
place that affects the performance of our obligations under these T&C our obligations under these
T&C shall be suspended for the duration of Force Majeure event.

Cessation of Operation: The Company may at any time, in its sole discretion and without advance
notice to You, cease operation of the Website and distribution of the Products.

Entire Agreement: This T&C comprises the entire agreement between you and the Company and
supersedes any prior agreements pertaining to the subject matter contained herein.

Effect of Waiver: The failure of the Company to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this
T&C will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of this T&C is found by
a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should
endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in such provision, and the other
provisions of this T&C remain in full force and effect.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This T&C shall be construed in accordance with the applicable
laws of India and will be governed by the laws of the state of Delhi without regard to its conflict of
law principles to the contrary. Neither you nor the Company will commence or prosecute any suit,
proceeding or claim to enforce the provisions of this T&C, to recover damages for breach of or
default of this T&C, or otherwise arising under or by reason of this T&C, other than in courts located
in State of Delhi. By using this Website or ordering Products, you consent to the jurisdiction and
venue of such courts in connection with any action, suit, proceeding or claim arising under or by
reason of this T&C.
Waiver of Class Action Rights: By accepting the T&C, you hereby irrevocably waive any right you
may have to join claims with those of other in the form of a class action or similar procedural device,
any claims arising out of, relating to, or connection with this T&C must be asserted individually.

Termination: The Company reserves the right to terminate your access to the Website if it reasonably
believes, in its sole discretion, that you have breached any of the terms of this T&C. Following
termination, you will not be permitted to use the Website and the Company may, in its sole discretion
and without advance notice to you, cancel any outstanding orders for Products. If your access to the
Website is terminated, the Company reserves the right to exercise whatever means it deems
necessary to prevent the unauthorized access of the Website. This T&C will survive indefinitely,
unless and until the Company chooses, in its sole discretion and without advance notice to You, to
terminate it.

Domestic Use: The Company makes no representation that the Website or Products are appropriate
or available for use in locations outside India. The users who access the Website from outside India
do so at their own risk and initiative and must bear all responsibility for compliance with any
applicable local laws.

Assignment. You may not assign your rights and obligations under this T&C to anyone. The
Company may assign its rights and obligations under this T&C in its sole discretion and without
advance notice to you.

By using this Website or ordering Products from this Website, you agree to be bound by this T&C.

Survival. If any provision or provisions of these T&C shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or
unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall remain in
full force and effect.

Contact Us: Please contact us for any questions or comments (including all inquiries unrelated to
copyright infringement) regarding the Products or the Website.

Customer Service Desk:

Email: ……………….

Phone Number: +………………..

Contact Days: Monday-Friday (From 9:00 Am to 6:00pm)

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