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Daraga Community College

Daraga, ALBAY



Ronalyn O. Naag
Major in Filipino

Mr. Edilbert Naño


Table of Contents
I. Prayer/ Credo/ Personal Education Philosophy

II. Resume

III. A Brief description of the site of Practice Teaching

IV. Examples of Lesson Plan ( detailed, semi-detailed, brief)

V. Evidence of Community Outreach

VI. Observation and Evaluation Form

VII. Best lesson plan using creative strategy with the complete set of materials

VIII. Sample of learners work and feedback

IX. Title and brief synopsis of professional reading and references

X. Professional Development plan or career plan

XI. Journal/Certificates of Recognition/Commendation

Personal Education Philosophy

"A teacher should never stop in learning and can hold on to trials in saving one`s dream not

saving his own dream. This profession needs someone who has heart rich in patience and love

for learners."

The world is too dark, full of doubts and full of competitions, only people with wits can survive

on top. The fittest you are, the more flexible you can be to cope in the competition of life. An

educator is too young to realize the professional world. A master`s degree is not your

guarantee to surpass all your comrades. Nor a doctor`s degree can unhide all the hidden

knowledge in this world. You must not stop to learn and seeks for the true meaning of wisdom,

“Stand firm and hone your own mind in every second in touching one`s life”.

How can a teacher shed his own light to naive mind of youths? Or the teacher is at youth to

conquer the avenue of teaching career. The details of every page of books, the sleepless nights

and many lashes burnt of an individual cannot prove anything in each seasons of war. Only the

struggle and hindrances which can sharpen you each day may prove anything in this profession.

Only those who struggle to be on top through papers and pen can only survive with true honor.

Not those who called themselves professionals yet fulfilling their dreams through pockets and

facade. The test in this world can assess through their skills and experiences, through their

competence and abilities in the field not the bagged number of person`s interest to uplift their

name and countless gold. Credential is not about the degree alone, it is about the application

and hardship of each individual to be professional in the field.

Indeed, being a teacher is difficult profession of all profession. The nonstop learning and daily

preparation is the testimony of every bank story of a teacher. The regular bracket of salary is

also insufficient to some for providing their family needs. The number of days in preparing

materials deducted the time and money for their family. The countless works, records and

learners’ behavioral condition always needs ton of patience everyday. So, I cannot remove the

fact that some be apt to deem in changing the system, to gain more power and to earn more in

this profession. Never do they know that there are no short cuts nor easy way out to be on top

in this profession can be bought. Only those people who have no pride will do such thing to

uplift their name.

My philosophy of education is just the fruit of the witnessed torment of school teachers in daily

basis. The dark stories of some teachers are the backbone of the unhidden corruption. There

are some who are fulfilling their own pleasure through these dark secrets, you might say that

these are just a speculations and these are just my own imagination. A wise man said in every

political group corruption may happen.

A teacher should never stop in learning and can hold on to trials in saving one`s dream not

saving his own dream. This profession needs someone who has heart rich in patience and love

for learners. Not the love to be rich and well of in own applause. The teacher shall not be too

wise for his own good which she/ he can hear alone. In this profession your students are always

behind you, when you step forward your students will move forward, not step forward and two

steps back for them.

Purok 1 Muladbucad Pequeño Guinobatan Albay


[email protected]


I am a fresh college graduate currently looking for a full-time teaching position. I would like to

utilize my skills and experience as well as my passion for teaching to train and educate young

minds. Moreover, I would like to work with other professionals to improve my skills as an

educator with will allow me to further contribute in the field of education.






SEMINAR (DComC, 2022)



• Ready to be trained for any job and willing to meet new challenges.

• Considerable interests in service and development work

• Hardworking and willing to study

• Friendly and easily approachable

• Flexible and possesses good interpersonal skills


Age: 23

Sex: Female

Weight: 60

Height: 5'4

Date of Birth: March 5, 2000

Place of Birth: Guinobatan, Albay

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Home Address: Muladbucad, Pequeño Guinobatan Albay

Citizenship: Filipino

Father's Name: Roque B. Naag

Mother's Name: Elena O. Naag

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan
Evidence of Community Outreach
Observation and Evaluation Form
Best Lesson Plan
Title and brief synopsis
Career Plan
Student Teaching Experience Reflection
Over the past four months, my educational philosophy has evolved and strengthened. My belief
that schools should nurture the whole child was reinforced just as my belief that teachers have
an unimaginable influence over their students was. I have witnessed the care that teachers and
administrators show towards each and every student at Campus Middle School. The
importance placed on each individual student was refreshing and sometimes overwhelming.
This is something that I respect and admire about the staff at Campus. They work tirelessly to
reach all learners, even if this means spending extra time brainstorming ways to do so,
differentiating for students, or spending extra time, outside of class, with students. My
classroom management style has most definitely evolved throughout this time. I adapted my
style to fit that of my cooperating teacher’s. It took me a bit to feel comfortable doing so, but as
a result, I feel much more aware of what is going on in the classroom than I did at the beginning
of the year. In the beginning of the year I was largely focused on building connections with my
students. Once I started teaching, my focus transitioned to that of making sure my instruction
and expectations were clear and direct. Once I became comfortable with my instruction, I
began to focus more on individual students that I knew were struggling, and my classroom
management as a whole. A personal goal I have for the near future is to really focus on my
classroom management for the remainder of my time as a student teacher. This is often
something that sets veteran teachers apart from first year teachers. While four months of
teaching and practicing classroom management is much different than the years of practice a
veteran teacher has, I want to continue to build confidence regarding my classroom
management style. I have learned that more often than not, an individual private conversation
with a student is all it takes to get a student back on the right track. Something I did not expect
from my student teaching experience is the benefit of the team structure of a middle school.
Knowing what teachers to check-in with about a student was very helpful. Some days we would
give each other a heads up about the behavior of a specific student or discuss what strategies
do and do not work with a specific student. This internal support system is just one reason that
I love the middle school environment. I immediately felt welcomed onto Team 7-4 and
continuously learned things from these co-workers. As a result, I often felt as if I did not just
have a cooperating teacher as a mentor, but rather a team of mentors. Their willingness to
provide advice and support me in any way possible was comforting and helped me to get the
most out of my student teaching experience as possible. I was fortunate enough to be able to
attend and contribute on numerous committee meetings regarding the transition to Common
Core Standards. The implementation of these new standards must be intentional and I plan to
be very mindful when doing so. No matter what grade level or class I am teaching, I want to be
able to confidently say that my educational instruction not only follows the new Common Core
Standards, but also exceeds them. I have always been passionate about providing students with
real world applications to demonstrate the relevance of what they are currently learning. For
this reason, I am very excited that a large focus of the Common Core Standards is on the
application of mathematics. Throughout my student teaching experience, I have learned of
some responsibilities that I did not necessarily think of before this experience. That being said, I
know that when I have a classroom of my own, I will have an additional set of responsibilities
that student teaching may not have fully prepared me for. The changing environment of this
job is something that excites me and I know that I will always be learning and growing as a
professional, instructor, mentor, facilitator and more. One particular thing that I did not have
full responsibility of as a student teacher is the placement of my students into their math class
for next year. This is a task that can be tricky, and until I am fully responsible for doing so, I will
not know exactly what is like. This being said, I feel that I was prepared as best as I could be in
order to complete this task in the future. I feel very blessed to have received a placement at
Campus Middle School for my student teaching experience. More specifically, I am fortunate to
have been paired with my cooperating teacher, worked with the other teachers on Team 7-4,
and therefore had the privilege to teach a wonderful group of 7th graders over the past four
months. As I wrap-up my student teaching, I am shocked at how fast this time went, thrilled to
be this much closer to being a “real” teacher, and grateful for every experience that prepared
me for a classroom of my own.

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