Digital Marketing - CCE 1 - MCQ

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CCE 1.

MCQ for 25 Marks

1. All electronically mediated 2. ________ is an organization that

information exchanges are known as uses technology as a competitive
______ advantage in its internal and external
A. Digital Business
A. Digital Economy
B. E-Business
B. Digital Enterprise
C. E-Commerce
C. E-commerce
D. Digital Marketing
D. None of the above

3. _______ is NOT an example of 4. Adoption of digital business by

Digital Business. established SMEs is generally
A. OYO Rooms
A. Less than that in larger businesses
B. Reliance SMART
B. More than that in larger
C. Ola businesses.

D. D Mart Ready C. Equal to larger businesses.

D. None

5. Digital business is similar to the 6. _________describes the manner in

term __________ which was first which business is done to generate
coined by IBM corporation. revenue and create value.

A. E-business A. Digital Business

B. E-Commerce B. Business Model

C. Internet Business C. Ecommerce

D. Both A and B D. CRM

7. Digital business is __________ in 8. Companies charge others for

its scope than e-commerce. allowing them to place a banner on
their sites. This Digital Business
A. Broader Model is known as ______
B. Narrower A. Transaction Fees

C. Restricted B. Licensing Fees

D. Border C. Affiliate Fees

D. Advertising Fees

9. OLX and Quikr is an example of 10. Companies charge others for

_________digital business model. allowing them to place a banner on
their sites. This Digital Business
A. P2P Model is known as ______

B. B2B A. Transaction Fees

C. C2C B. Licensing Fees

D. Both A & B C. Affiliate Fees

D. Advertising Fees

11. IoT stands for 12. Online Community is also

A. Information Of Things
A. Internet community
B. Input Output Things
B. Web community
C. Internet of Technology
C. Social Community
D. Internet of Things
D. Both A & B

13. When members of virtual 14. _______digital business model

community interacts with each other involves trade and transaction
over an internet, then it is called dealings between business
___________. establishments.

A. Web Community A. B2C

B. Online Community B. C2B

C. Internet Community C. B2B

D. All of the above D. P2P

15. ________is the new business 16. Digital business is the creation of
model aim to gain competitive new business designs by blurring the
advantage by using Information digital and _____ worlds.
A. Online
A. Digital Economy
B. Physical
B. Digital Enterprise
C. Virtual
C. Internet of Things
D. Internet
D. E-commerce

17. In eCRM system, CRM stands 18. The transformation of key

for_______ business processes through the use of
digital or Internet technologies is
A. Customer Resource Management known as ____________

B. Customer Retention Management A. E-business

C. Customer Relationship B. E-Commerce

C. Digital Business
D. Customer Relationship Mapping
D. Both A and C

19. A _________ community is one 20. _______ is a new digital

where the interaction takes place ecosystem, which can be described
over a computer network, mainly through five Cs: creativity,
the Internet. connectivity, collaboration,
convergence, & community.
A. Online
B. Virtual
B. Web 2.0
C. Internet
C. IoT
D. All of the above D. Webex

21. _________ has specific objectives 22. _________includes digital

to increase profits when increasing wireline or wireless communication
its benefits to society. networks, computers, software, and
other related information
A. Digital Business technologies.

B. Social Network A. Internet Economy

C. Social Enterprise B. Digital Economy

D. Virtual Community C. Social Economy

D. Both A & B

23.______ is nothing but using 24. Digital business infrastructure

digital technology for business includes_____.
A. Hardware & Software
A. Social Business
B. Human Capital
B. Digital Business
C. Telecom & Networks
C. E-Commerce
D. All of the above
D. Web 2.0

25. Web 2.0 is also known as ______ 26. In e-commerce, “E” stands for
A. The Widely Write only web
A. Electrical
B. The Widely Read Only Web
B Electrocom
C. The Widely Read Write Web
C. Electronic
D. Worldwide Non Read Web
D. Enterprise

27. Synonym for virtual community 28. _____ is an use of combination of

is ______. various online tools and techniques to
conduct business.
A. Online Community
A. Enterprise 2.0
B. Internet community
B. E-business
C. Web community
C. Virtual community
D. All of the above
D. None of the above

29. Exchange or transfer of goods & 30. An ______, also known as web
services using online technologies is community, whose members interact
known as ______ with each other primarily via the
A. Digital Business
A. Online community
B. E-Business
B. Virtual Network
C. E-Commerce
C. Social Community
D. Both A& B
D. Enterprise 2.0

31. When an organization uses 32. _____ are markets connected

technology as a competitive through modern communications
advantage in its internal and networks and powered by high-speed
external operations is known as computers.
A. Hypermarkets
A. Social Business
B. Electronic Network
B. E-commerce
C. Electronic markets
C. Digital Marketing
D. Digital Enterprises
D. Digital Enterprise

33.______ a system of 34. The manner in which business is

interconnected electronic done to generate profit and create
components or circuits. value is known as _____.

A. Hypermarkets A. Business model

B. Electronic Network B. Digital Enterprise

C. Electronic markets C. EC mechanism

D. Digital Enterprises D. Digital Business

35. In digital business models, B2B 36. In EC business models, B2C

stands for ______. stands for ______

A. Better for business A. Business to Competitor

B. Business to business B. Business to carrier

C. Bill to business C. Buyer to customer

D. Barrier to business D. Business to customer

37. In Digital business models, full 38. Business originating from

form of P2P is ______ consumers and selling to businesses is
known as_____
A. Person to person
A. B2C
B. Product to product
B. C2C
C. Peer to peer
C. C2B
D. Price to Person
D. B2B

39. Posting web ads on websites & 40. In ______ business model,
apps is an important part of _______ publisher earns a commission for
model. marketing another products or
A. Affiliate
A. Affiliate
B. Influencer
B. Influencer
C. Aggregator
C. Aggregator
D. Advertising
D. Advertising
41. ______ is an online space that 42. Digital economy is the ______
facilitates bi-directional commerce. activity that results from billions of
everyday online connections.
A. Marketspace
A. Political
B. Marketplace
B. Legal
C. Hypermarket
C. Economic
D. Both A & B
D. Digital

43.____ is NOT a merit of digital 44. Online buying or purchasing

economy. process in an E-Market starts with
A. Promotes Use of the Interne
A. Postshopping activities
B. Rise in E-Commerce
B. Preshopping activities
C. Heavy Investment
C. Abondonment
D. Transparency
D. Shopping Cart

45. Digital business strategy brings 46. Digital Business Strategy Includes
into sharp focus the importance of ______ of Products and Services and
______. the Information Around Them.

A. Singular Revenue Models A. Localization

B. Multisided revenue models B. Digitization

C. Software Revenue Models C. Internationalization

D. Conventional Revenue Models D. Digital marketing

47. Amazon’s Web Services on the 48. ____ services provides a strategic
cloud expand the strategy of a dynamic capability for firms to scale
typical online retailer by up or down its infrastructure.
encompassing ______ services as a
key digital resource. A. Cloud Computing

A. Mobile Phone B. Shared hosting

B. Online selling C. CDN

C. Cloud computing D. VPN

D. Digital payment

49. _____ is the best example of 50. ______ is an example of smart

changing supply chains. homes & appliances.

A. Google A. Nest Mini

B. IBM B. Alexa

C. Amazon C. Chromecast

D. Microsoft D. All of the above

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