Senate and Sabers

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Senate and Sabers Rolling the dice

When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. Roll

+1d if you’re prepared and +1d if you’re an expert. (The GM tells you

how many dice to roll, based on your character and the situation.)

You are on Jabiim for one reason or another. The Republic is being thoroughly routed and you’re running low on supplies. You

need to get off planet quick, luckily the Republic is evacuating just about anyone who will leave the planet. Now it’s just you and
Roll your dice and compare each die result to your number.
the 3-4 others on a Corvette to Naboo. Well, you all and the unconscious being in the bacta tank. If you’re using Sabers (strength, speed, toughness), you

want to roll under your number.

Players: create characters Players: The Force

The Force is an energy field that connects all living things in the
If you’re using Senate (charisma, preparation, intellect),

Choose a style for your character or roll D6: galaxy. The power of the Force could be harnessed by beings
you want to roll over your number.
Droids and Clones cannot be Force Sensitive. who were sensitive to it. It exists as a duality. Its two sides, the

1. Alien      .        2. Headstrong   3. Intellectual Ashla and Bogan, the Light and Dark. If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The GM

4. Dangerous  5. Droid                  6. Clone says how things get worse somehow.

Force Sensitives will align themselves with the Light, Dark or the
If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM

Choose your role or roll D6: inflicts a complication, harm, or cost.

tenuous balance between the two.
Padawans are always Force Sensitive. Droids
Players: Characteristic
and Clones cannot be Padawans. If two dice succeed, you do it well. Good job!

1. Medic                       2. Padawan   3. Soldier If three dice succeed, you get a critical success!  The

Pick, create or roll a Characteristic for yourself: GM tells you some extra effect you get.

4. Bounty Hunter   5. Ace Pilot    6. Assassin
If you roll your number exactly, you have SENATE

If you are not a Clone, Droid or Padawan, Decide

1. Addicted to Spice 4. Famous Doctor SABERS, you succeed. Roll the Table:
your Force Sensitivity or Roll 1d6: 2. Not a Real Medic 5. Disgraced Politician 1. Something Breaks     4. You are Exhausted!
3. Runs a Covert Criminal 6. Last Patient Died because of Negligence 2. AMBUSH!   5. A Bit of Your Character is Revealed
Evens, You are Force Sensitive;
Clinic       3. A perfect success 6. Everyone rolls, the average is your
Odds, You are not Force Sensitive;

Padawan result
Choose your number, from 2 to 5. A high number
1. Killed Your Master 4. A Few Days Away From Your Jedi Trials
means you’re better at SABERS (strength;
2. On Your First Mission 5. Renounced a Life of Ease to be Trained Helping: If you want to help someone else, who’s rolling, say

“aggressive negotiations”; passion; speed). 3. Craves Power     6. Ran Away From the Jedi Order how you try to help and make a roll. If you succeed, give

A low number means you’re better at SENATE

them +1d.

(mental effort, intuition; diplomacy; self-control;
1. Ties to Organized Crime 4. Defector Force Rolls
2. Hiding a Grave Injury 5. Addicted to Stims If you are using the force, roll 1d, on a 2, 4, or 6 the force is

Give your character a cool Star Wars name like

3. More Cybernetic than 6. Famous Ex-GravBall Player
Bozden Darkhallow or something. with you, and you succeed. Any other numbers and you fail.

Man      This is called a Force Roll. (Catchy ain’t it?) You can’t help on

You have: 1 DC-15A Blaster Rifle (with stun capabilities), 1d

Bounty Hunter a Force Roll. However, if more than one force user succeeds

x 10 Credits, and a comlink. 1. Hired by Jabba 4. Someone Murdered Your Family at the same check it increases the magnitude of the effect.
Unless you are a Padawan, then you have a lightsaber. (And
2. Friends in High Places 5. Ex-Jedi
also a comlink.) 3. Does Not Speak Basic      6. Hates Bounty Hunting If your character is a Dark Side User, or is otherwise drawing

on the Dark Side of the Force, you succeed on a 2, 3, 4, or 5 ,

Player Goal: To get involved in the war to reunite the

Ace Pilot but when you fail, you fail with a complication, cost or harm.

galaxy. With Blasters, Laser Swords and Space Magic!

  1. Pathological Liar 4. On the Wrong Side of the Law Such is the way of the dark side.
Character goal: Choose one, create your own or roll D6: 2. A Sabacc Card-Shark 5. Amazing Pilot, but No One Knows
1. Do Bad@$$ Stunts     2. Avenge A Loved One 3. Disqualified Core Worlds 6. Ex-Judicial Pilot from the Seswenna If you are using the force to help a person who is rolling,

3. Protect my Friends   4. Destroy the Sith Pod Racer      Sector make a Force Roll. If you succeed, give them +1d, this die can

5. Achieve Balance        6. Prove Them Wrong Assassin be rerolled once.

1. Hunted by Jabba 4. Force Resistant
2. Always Sick 5. Separatist Sympathizer
3. Assasssinated a Senator     6. Never Actually Killed Anyone
GM: Create an

Roll or choose on the tables below.

GM: Run the Game A threat...

1. General Grievous
Play to find out how they defeat the
2. Asajj Ventress
threat. Introduce the threat by showing
3. Criminal Syndicate
evidence of its recent badness. Before a
4. Militant Droid Rights Activists
threat does something to the
5. Confederacy of Independent
characters, show signs that it’s about to
happen, then ask them what they do.
6. DeathWatch
“The Commando Droid reaches for his
wants to...
blaster. What do you do?” “General
1. Destroy / Corrupt
Cham Syndulla promises retaliation
2. Protect / Empower
against any “Republic Aid.” What do
3. Steal / Capture
you do?” 4. Build / Synthesize
5. Trick / Deceive / Sabotage
Call for a roll when the situation is
6. Blockade / Invade
uncertain. Don’t pre-plan outcomes—
let the chips fall where they may. Use
1. Planetary Defense Force
failures to push the action forward. The
2. Advanced Starship Prototype
situation always changes after a roll, for
3. Hyperspace Lane
good or ill. Ask questions and build on
4. Chancellor
the answers. “Have any of you flown a
5. Ryloth
stolen shuttle before? Where? What
6. Ancient Force Artifact
happened?” which will...
1. Destroy the Galaxy
2. Start a War / Anger a Syndicate
3. Arm Some Very Dangerous People
4. Destroy the Jedi
5. Enslave the Planet
6. Balance the Force

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