DS2008 Manual

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Operation & Installation Manual

Document: NLT-DS2008-SSEN
Edition: V120619

Do not open the equipment Do not power the equipment
when the transducer is in air.
Only qualified personnel The transducer may become
should work inside the equipment. damaged.

Immediately turn off the power at ▲ CAUTION

the switchboard if water leaks into
the equipment. Please install the transducer
correctly. Do not bend, twist,
Continued use of the equipment can
stress or heavily press the
cause fire or electrical shock. Contact
transducer cable.
Ninglu for service.
Do not disassemble or modify the
equipment. Airproof the connection box if
linking two cables together.
Fire, electrical shock or serious injury Earthing from the connection box
can result. is forbidden.

Immediately turn off the power at ▲ CAUTION

the switchboard if the equipment
is emitting smoke or fire. The power supply is D.C. 18.0V~
31.2V or A.C.110/220V 50/60Hz,
Continued use of the equipment can
please connect standard adapter
cause fire or electrical shock. Contact
from our company.
Ninglu for service.

Make sure no rain or water splash ▲ CAUTION

leaks into the equipment.
If the clock of the equipment
Fire or electrical shock can result if doesn’t keep good time, please
water leaks in the equipment. replace the battery inside. The type
of the battery is CR2032 3V.

CONTENTS........................................................................ 2 
FOREWORD ...................................................................... 1 
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................ 3 
THEORY DESCRIPTION ....................................................... 7 
System Overview ........................................................ 7 
Wave Propagation ....................................................... 7 
Bottom Echo ................................................................ 8 
Principle of Operation ............................................... 10 
SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................. 11 
Performance.............................................................. 11 
Data input/output Interface ..................................... 12 
About NMEA0183 outputs ......................................... 12 
Connecting PC RS232 ................................................ 13 
Work Conditions ........................................................ 13 
OPERATION .................................................................... 14 
Notes .......................................................................... 14 
Screen Description .................................................... 15 
Operation Panel ........................................................ 16 
Function Description ................................................. 17 
Power Switch ......................................................... 17 
Brightness ............................................................. 17 
Picture Speed ........................................................ 17 
Basic Range ........................................................... 17 
TVG ...................................................................... 18 
GAIN .................................................................... 18 
Knob .................................................................... 18 
Menu .................................................................... 18 
How to get the steady data ....................................... 19 
Echo Colors ...................................................... 20 
Draft ............................................................... 21 
Buzzer............................................................. 21 
Alarm Depth..................................................... 21 
Auto Range ...................................................... 22 
Data Store ....................................................... 24 
Data Replay ..................................................... 24 
Beginning Hours ............................................... 24 
Beginning Minutes............................................. 25 
Compression Ratio ............................................ 25 
Year ................................................................ 26 
Month ............................................................. 26 
Day ................................................................ 27 
Hour ............................................................... 27 
Minute............................................................. 27 
Display Model ................................................... 28 
Range Max ....................................................... 28 
Print Switch ..................................................... 29 
Print Interval .................................................... 29 
Language......................................................... 29 
INSTALLATION ................................................................ 31 
Transducer Installation ............................................. 31 
Transducer, Tank and Welding .................................. 32 
Transducer and tank installation ............................... 32 
Figure of transducer and tank .................................. 33 
Welding steps of transducer tank .............................. 34 
Welding of transducer tank ...................................... 35 
Unit mounting ........................................................... 36 
Table .................................................................... 36 
Hang .................................................................... 37 
Flush .................................................................... 37 
Power adapter mounting ........................................... 38 
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ......................................... 39 
IR261 Introduction ............................................................ 40 
Introduction .............................................................. 40 
IR261 panel picture .................................................. 40 
IR261 connection ...................................................... 40 
IR261 operation manual ........................................... 41 
IR261 installation ..................................................... 42 
Flush installation .................................................... 42 

Please read and follow the safety information and operating and
maintenance instructions set forth in this manual carefully before
attempting to operate the equipment and conduct any maintenance. Your
navigation echo sounder will perform to the utmost of its ability only if it is
operated and maintained in accordance with the correct procedures.

The NINGLU DS2008 LCD navigation echo sounder is used for domestic
and international navigation and inland waterway navigation.

The equipment is designed, produced and documented by NINGLU

Technology Co., Ltd., complying with standards for CCS certificate.
Also NINGLU has acquired the ISO9001 certificate.

The equipment has dual operation interface: Chinese & English.

The equipment is set in accordance with Beijing Time.

The main features of the DS2008 are as follow:

1. High-contrast 10-inch color TFT LCD display featuring a wide viewing
angle and adjustable brightness (640x480 pixels).

2. Modular design supplies strong performance for DS2008.

3. High sensitive gain control is helpful to detect the echo distinctly.

4. NMEA0183 outputs connect well to the equipments, such as repeater

and VDR, etc.

5. NMEA0183 outputs not only connect well to the printer DPU-414 from
the NINGLU, but can be delivered to PC RS232 to print with SW from the
6. Support GPS data from outside which includes direction, course, speed
and time.

7. Dual D.C. power supply or A.C. power supply with adapter.

8. Protection: over voltage, over current, counter-polarity.

9. Excellent design: modern LCD display and electrostatic spraying shell

and power filter inputs.

10. User-friendly operation interface, such as soft keys.


The whole navigation echo sounder system consists of DS2008 unit and
transducer and power and external equipments.

Main Unit DS2008:

Display screen: 10-inch color LCD sounder unit (640x480 pixels)

Operation panel: for control power and brightness and other operation

Back board: for connecting inputs & outputs and transducer and A.C.
or D.C. and for grounding.

Installation frame: for installing the DS2008 unit

Transducer: high sensitive transducer (200kHz, 600W)

Tank: for installing and protecting transducer

Power: Dual D.C. 18.0V~31.2V;

A.C. 110/200V(50/60Hz) with adapter from the NINGLU

Peripheral Equipment:

GPS: input position sign into the equipment

IR261 from the NINGLU: offer depth data (see p39)

VDR (vessel data recorder): record data from the DS2008

External acousto-optic alarm: output from the DS2008 and offer relay
switch signal for external alarm equipment

DPU-414 print: offer direct print

PC & print: the outputs from the DS2008 are delivered to PC RS232 to
print with SW from the NINGLU.

The bill of packing:

1. One piece of DS2008, including frame and adumbral cover and

installation screw

2. One piece of transducer tank. The length of the transducer cable is 15m
and you could buy longer cable from the NINGLU if you need.

3. Power: one piece of A.C. adapter and one piece of D.C. cable and pin

4. One piece of pin for transducer inputs &outputs (3p)

5. One piece of pin for NMEA outputs (4p)

6. One piece of pin for NMEA inputs and alarm outputs (5p)

7. One piece of wire (7p+DB9) which connects print

8. One set of Operation manual and certified statement and CCS certificate

System Diagram

Backboard Diagram


System Overview

NINGLU DS2008 is a navigation sounder with a large, high resolution

graphic LCD. The echo sounder graphics is continuously shown on the
LCD along with complete navigational details. It is possible to connect an
external, standard PC with printer, and the sounder contain a 20 hour
history memory. Depth, time and all available navigation data are stored
continuously so that the last 20 hours of information is always available.

The DS2008 is suitable for marine sailing which conforms to the latest
marine international standards.

Wave Propagation

Figure 1:Wave Propagation

The velocity of sound wave propagation in the sea varies slightly with
temperature, salinity and pressure. The velocity varies between 1450 and

1520 m/s in shallow sea water, while a velocity around 1480 m/s can be
expected at 1000 m depth. In shallow fresh water the velocity is varies
between 1430 and 1510 m/s.

The DS2008 transmits high energy sound wave pulses into the sea. A flat
bottom reflects the transmitted wave as if it were a mirror. The propagating
energy is spread over a larger and larger area as it travels down to the
bottom and up again. The energy is spread over a four times larger area
every time the travel distance doubles. A large school of fish reflects sound
waves similarly. The situation is slightly different when observing the
echoes from individual fish.

At the bottom there are many small targets. All targets within the beam
angle will be reflected. The area which is covered by the beam will increase
with the wave spreading. Bottom of the same type (same backscatter) will
be displayed with the same colour independent of the depth.

Propagation losses due to absorption are much higher in sea water than in
fresh water. Absorption also increases with frequency. At 50 kHz the
absorption is 0.8 dB/km in fresh water and 16 dB/km in sea water.

Bottom Echo

A hard flat bottom reflects the transmitted signal as if it were a mirror. The
transmitted pulse hits the illuminated bottom area at nearly the same
instant, and the echo from different parts of this area arrives back at the

The received echo signal is basically an attenuated copy of the short

transmit pulse. The echo signal from a sloped bottom is characterized by
having a longer duration and a slower rise and fall time. The transmitted
pulse first hits the slope at point A, and as time elapses the reflection point

travels along the slope towards point B. Many locations do not have a solid
hard bottom. Frequently, the bottom is composed of layers of mud, clay
and sand which can absorb much of energy sound wave pulses.

The bottom detection algorithm is implemented solely in software. The

algorithm is designed with emphasis on reliability in the sense that
erroneous depth detections are never output. The DS2008 algorithm is
designed to handle a number of difficult situations.

The bottom detection algorithm locks to the first good bottom return. The
depth at point A rather than the depth along the transducer axis will be
output for a sloped bottom. The detected depth value is always smaller
than the depth along the transducer axis implying that a safety margin is
automatically included.

Figure 2: Bottom Echo

Principle of Operation

Figure 3: Principle of Operation

The DS2008 sends ultrasonic pulses which can be transmitted and

received by the transducer from the surface and records the time until the
echo returns from the bottom. By making full use of the properties of
ultrasonic waves which travel at about 1500 m/sec and plus the depth of
sea gauge, the correct marine depth can be measured.

Data from the surface to the bottom is sectionally detected from the narrow
side as is shown in the above figure 3. Being based on the principle that
water is an excellent medium for the transmission of sound waves and will
bounce off a reflecting layer traveling at about 1500 m/sec, the reflection is
detected by the transducer, amplified and transformed into a picture of a
slice of the ocean which can be displayed on a LCD screen.

Transducer plays a role of receiving sensor and transmitting sensor and its
receiving time is related to the depth range. The shallower the range is, the
less the returned time is. By making use of transmitting and receiving time
to picks up the reflected echoes the display of fish school or other floating
objects and the sea bottom can be seen on the screen.


Dimension: 264(H)x270(W)x93mm(D)
Weight: 3.7kg
Voltage: DC18.0V~31.2V or AC 110/200V 50/60Hz with adapter
from the NINGLU.
Power consumption: 30W
Output power: 500W RMS
Transmit frequency: 200 kHz
Ping rate: max 10 pings per second
Protection: over voltage, over current, counter-polarity.
Graphical display: 10-inch color TFT LCD,640X480 pixels
Echo colors: 7 colors
Time scale: 30s
Resolution: shallow water range≥5.00mm per meter and deep water
range≥0.5mm per meter in the scale of the screen
Accuracy: ±1.0% of the range
Minimum detectable depth: 0.3m
Range scope: smaller range scope0~500m and larger range
16 adjustable ranges: 5m,10m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, 60m, 80m, 100m,
150m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m, 600m, 800m.
Picture advance speed:

Speed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PIC 4/1 2/1 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/8 STOP

User Setting: Gain, Range, Alarm, Draft, Brightness, Color, Auto, data
store and replay, data replay ratio, print switch and print interval.
Alarm: Shallow water, Power drop, sound & light of exterior facilities
Alarm Mode: buzzing, letters glittering on screen
Data storing and replaying: continuous latest data storing with a
capacity of 20 hours and supporting quickly replaying.

Data input/output Interface

Standard GPS format information is permitted to input and standard
NMEA0183 format echo data outputs as DPT into repeater or VDR.

About NMEA0183 outputs

The echo data outputs adopt NMEA0183 format complying with
IEC61162-1(Second edition 2007-1)
Data transmission: serial asynchronous mode, Baud rate 4800, 8 digits,
no parity bit, 1 stop bit.

Connecting PC RS232
Output /Connecting RS232 DB9 holder/Pin 2/Pin 5

Work Conditions
Temperature: -10~40℃,complying with IEC60945 standards
Relative Humidity:10~90%
Main unit waterproofing:IP23,complying with IEC60529 standards
Transducer waterproofing: IP66


Please check the following items when you turn on this apparatus:

1. Condition Checking

Keep away from magnetic field, direct sunlight, strong shaking, high
temperature and rain. The magnetic gyro should keep away from the unit.

The minimal safe distance of the gyro from other equipments as follow:

2. Check unit installation(See the chapter of unit installation)

Gyro type Standard gyro Steering gyro

Safe distance 0.88m 0.54m

Check transducer installation (See the chapter of transducer installation).

3. Check power supply

The unit adopts dual DC power supply (DC18.0V~31.2V), and you can also
choose AC power supply (AC 110/200V 50/60Hz) with adapter from the

4. Check connection

This includes power connection, transducer connection, grounding and

exterior facilities connection.

Screen Description

⑴ Date ⑵ Depth*+Draft ⑶ GPS data ⑷ GAIN

⑸ TVG ⑹ Picture Speed ⑺ Time Scale ⑻ Draft
⑼ Ultrasonic Pulse ⑽ Echo Colors ⑾ First Echo Data
⑿ Fish school or other objects ⒀ Basic Range ⒁ Second Echo Data

1. Depth* means the distance between transducer and marine bottom. The
draft can be set according to the actual draft depth.
2. There are 4 screen functions and A, B, C, D, E represents the menu in
every screen respectively.

Operation Panel

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

⑴ Power Switch ⑵ Menu ⑶ Brightness ⑷ Picture Speed

⑸ Basic Range ⑹ TVG ⑺ GAIN ⑻ Knob
1. The menu on screen is operated by the function keys marked with A, B,
C, D, E. Three screen menus are as follows:

Screen 1
Echo Colors Draft Buzzer Alarm Depth Auto Range
Screen 2
Data Store Data Beginning Beginning Compression
Replay Hours Minutes Ratio
Screen 3
Year Month Day Hours Minutes
Screen 4
Display Range Print Print Language
Model Max Switch Interval

2. Precision adjustment can be controlled by the knob.

Function Description

Power Switch

After the power is on, when any of the two power supplies is
off, the buzzer is on. Press any key will silence the buzzer.

The brightness key is used to adjust the LCD brightness (LCD backlight).
【Operation】Press the brightness key repeatedly, then the screen
backlight will alter with the key pressed.

Picture Speed
The picture speed key is used to adjust the picture advance speed. The
text PIC:X/Y is displayed on screen indicates that the picture speed has
been moving X times to the left when the Y times sounder has been going
【Scope setting】PIC:4/1, PIC: 2/1, PIC: 1/1, PIC: 1/2, PIC: 1/4, PIC: 1/8,
STOP (from quickly to slowly). Default: PIC: 1/1
【Operation】Press the picture speed key repeatedly to set the value.

Basic Range
The manual setting of basic range is enabled when the auto range
function is disabled.
The available basic range are 5m, 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, 60m, 80m,
100m, 150m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m, 600m, 800m.
【Scope setting】0~800m. Default: 0~20m
【Operation】Press the key repeatedly and the value available are 20m,
60m, 100m, 300m, 500m. Then the knob can be used to get a precise

The TVG (Time Varied Gain) key can be used to set the gain on shallow
area. Lower TVG will decreases the shallow echo noise.
The text TVG: X is displayed on screen.
The value of X is between 1 and 20 in 1 steps. The sensitivity is at the low
point with the value 1 and is at the peak point with the value 20.
【Scope setting】TVG: 0 ~ TVG: 20. Default: TVG: 10
【Operation】Press the TVG key, and then adjust the knob from max
value to min one to get clear echoes.

The gain key can be used to set the gain values.
The text GAIN: X is displayed on screen.
The value of X is between 1 and 20 in 1 steps. The sensitivity is at the low
point with the value 1 and is at the peak point with the value 20.
【Scope setting】GAIN: 0 ~ GAIN: 20. Default: GAIN: 10
【Operation】Press the GAIN key, and then adjust the knob from min
value to max one to get clear echoes.

The knob can be used to get a precise value.

The menu key switches four screen menus in sequence,then the menu
on screen is operated by the function keys marked with A, B, C, D, E..
【Operation】Press the menu key repeatedly.

How to get the steady data
The key of getting the steady data lies in the correct adjustment of GAIN
and TVG.
【GAIN】: Be used to adjust the sensitivity of echoes.
Press the key of GAIN from min value to max one and you can get the
appropriate sensitivity at one time point which comes before the time point
of showing littery wave on screen.

Too low Appropriate Appropriate Too high

but littery

【TVG】:Be used to compensate for propagation attenuation of the

ultrasonic waves, reducing surface noise to provide a smooth display.
According to the surrounding water environment, you can adjust TVG from
max value to min one to compensate for propagation attenuation of the
ultrasonic waves. You should adjust TVG appropriately otherwise you don’t
get clear echoes.

TVG=20Max but noisy Decrease TVG Min and no echoes

Screen 1: Echo Colors, Draft, Buzzer, Alarm Depth, Auto Range

Echo Colors

The screen display contains multiple colors depending on the reflectivity

from underwater objects of the sounding pulses. Red is strongest,
followed by orange, yellow, green, light green, cyan blue and light blue.
The echo colors function is used to hide weakest echo colors so as to
observe the main echo distinctly.

【Scope setting】LEVEL3~LEVEL7. Default: LEVEL 7

【Operation】Press the echo colors key repeatedly to hide the light blue,
cyan blue, light green, green in sequence. The text X Level represents the
color number used now.


The draft key can be used to set the draft depth. The draft is the distance
from water line to the bottom of the ship. Because the transducer is below
the bottom of the ship, you must add the draft to get final correct depth.

【Scope setting】0.0~15.0. Default: DRFT: 0.0m

【Operation】Press the draft key, and then adjust the knob.


Turn on/off the alarm buzzer.

When any of the two power supplies is off, the buzzer is on.
Press any key will silence the buzzer.
If the buzzer is on, the shallow depth alarm sounds when the seabed is
shallower than the preset depth. If the buzzer is off, it will not alarm.

【Scope setting】ON or OFF. Default: OFF

【Operation】Pressing the buzzer key will turn on or off the function.

Alarm Depth

The shallow depth alarm sounds and the depth on screen twinkles when
the seabed is shallower than the preset depth. If you turn off the Buzzer
function, the shallow depth alarm will not sounds, but the depth on screen

【Scope setting】0.3m~25m. Default: 0.8m

【Operation】Press the alarm depth key, and then adjust the knob in 0.1

Auto Range

Turn on/off the auto range function.

The text AUTO is displayed on screen when you turn on the auto range
function. The automatic function automatically selects the proper range
scale according to actual depth, and disables the manual range selecting
function meanwhile. If you turn off the auto range function, the text AUTO
will be disappeared on screen, and open the manual range selecting
function meanwhile.

【Scope setting】ON or OFF. Default: AUTO:OFF

【Operation】Pressing the auto range key will turn on or off the function.

Screen 2:Data Store, Data Replay, Beginning Hours, Beginning
Minutes, Compression Ratio


1. Only the data store key will work normally when the data is storing. The
other keys will function after the storing is cancelled or finished.

2. Only the data replay key will work normally when the data is replaying.
The other keys will function after the replaying is cancelled or finished.

3. The compression ratio represents how the data is compressed. The

time scale divides into 10 units, and each represents how much the data
is stored, this will alter with the compression ratio. As an example,
30M/DIV means that each unit of time scale represents 30 minutes data.
So a full screen represents 300 minutes data.

4. The data replay function will replay the history data based on the time
setting, the history data of nearest X hours and Y minutes will be replayed.
The X is the preset beginning hours, the Y is the preset beginning

Data Store

The nearest twenty hours echo data will be stored so as to replay later if

【Scope setting】ON or OFF. Default: RECORD ON

【Operation】Pressing the data store key will turn on or off the function.

Data Replay

The stored data will be replayed in terms of the preset beginning hours
and minutes if the function status is PLAY ON.

【Scope setting】ON or OFF. Default: PLAY OFF

【Operation】Pressing the data replay key will turn on or off the function.

Beginning Hours

The function can be used to set the beginning hours.

【Scope setting】00~24 hours. Default: 20

【Operation】Press the beginning hours key, and then adjust the knob.

Beginning Minutes

The function can be used to set the beginning minutes.

【Scope setting】00~59 minutes. Default: 00

【Operation】Press the beginning minutes key, and then adjust the knob.

Compression Ratio

The function can be used to set the compression ratio, the history data
can be quickly displayed.

【Scope setting】15S/DIV, 60S/DIV,10M/DIV, 30M/DIV, 1H/DIV, 2H/DIV.

Default: 15S/DIV
【Operation】Press the compression ratio key, and then adjust the knob.

Screen 3:Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute


The function can be used to set the year value.

【Scope setting】00~99 (which means the year between 2000 and 2099).
Default: Beijing Time
【Operation】Press the year key, and then adjust the knob. You should
press the year key again to save the value. Press any other key except
year key to give up the change.


The function can be used to set the month value.

【Scope setting】01~12. Default: Beijing Time

【Operation】Press the month key, and then adjust the knob. You should
press the month key again to save the value. Press any other key except
month key to give up the change.


The function can be used to set the day value.

【Scope setting】01~31. Default: Beijing Time

【Operation】Press the day key, and then adjust the knob. You should
press the day key again to save the value. Press any other key except day
key to give up the change.


The function can be used to set the hour value. The adjustable value is
between 0 and 23. The default value is the current hour.

【Scope setting】00~23. Default: Beijing Time

【Operation】Press the hour key, and then adjust the knob. You should
press the hour key again to save the value. Press any other key except
hour key to give up the change.


The function can be used to set the minute value.

【Scope setting】00~59. Default: Beijing Time

【Operation】Press the minute key, and then adjust the knob. You should
press the minute key again to save the value. Press any other key except
minute key to give up the change.

Screen 4:Display Model, Range Max, Print Switch, Print Interval,

Display Model

The function can be used to set the day or night display model.

【Scope setting】DAY or NIGHT. Default: DAY

【Operation】Pressing the display key will set the mode of the day or

Range Max

The function can be used to set the scope of the max range. The small
range is 0~500m, the large range is 0~800m.

【Scope setting】500m or 800m. Default: 500m

【Operation】Pressing the range key will choose 500m or 800m.

Print Switch

Turn on/off the print function.

【Scope setting】ON or OFF. Default: OFF

【Operation】Pressing the print key will turn on or off the function.

Print Interval

This function can be used to set the interval for printing each group of

【Scope setting】5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 60s. Default: 30s

【Operation】Pressing the print interval key repeatedly to set the 5 interval


This function is used to set the display language on screen.

【Scope setting】ENGLISH or CHINESE. Default: CHINESE

【Operation】Pressing the language key will choose English or Chinese


1. DPU-414 Print settings is as following:

Dip SW-1
1 (OFF):Input=Serial
2 (ON ):Printing Speed=High
3 (ON ):Auto Loading=ON
4 (ON ):Auto LF=ON
5 (ON ):Setting Command=Enable
6 (OFF):Printing
7 (ON ):Density

8 (ON ):=100%
Dip SW-2
1 (OFF):Printing Columns=80
2 (ON ):User Font Back-up=ON
3 (ON ):Character Select=Normal
4 (ON ):Zero=Normal
5 (ON ):International
6 (ON ):Character
7 (ON ):Set
8 (OFF):=U.S.A.
Dip SW-3
1 (ON ):Data Length=8 bits
2 (ON ):Parity Setting=No
3 (ON ):Parity Condition=Odd
4 (ON ):Busy Control=H/W Busy
5 (OFF):Baud
6 (ON ):Rate
7 (ON ):Select
8 (ON ):=9600 bps.

2. Print Format:


① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

(1) Date (2) Time (3) North Latitude (South Latitude)

(4) East Longitude (West Longitude) (5) Marine Bottom Depth (6) Draft



Transducer Installation
The transducer inclines within 5 degree

Upright with the transducer surface

Upright with horizontal

Important to adjust the distance to

achieve best effects.

Protect the active element of the transducer and do not paint the surface.
Transmission in the air must be avoided! This may cause mechanical
damage of the element.
Optimal system operation is achieved by fitting the transducer as deep as
possible on the hull. The transmitting surface of the transducer must be
installed horizontal. On vessels with a deep keel, if the transducer must be
fitted higher than the keel, it should be fitted towards the side, as far from
the keel as possible to avoid false keel echo.
Do not mount transducers close to the propeller or aft of other hull
installations (outlets, vents or other protruding details).
It is of course necessary to select a part of the hull that is submerged
under all load and speed conditions, and to avoid positions where air is
trapped in heavy weather.
If a flat, horizontal section is not available for transducer fitting, the
shipyard must construct a suitable bed.

Transducer, Tank and Welding

Transducer and tank installation

Figure of transducer and tank



Tank Cover

Welding steps of transducer tank

1. Screw off six screws of cover board with socket cap wrench.

2. Take out the washer and O-ring inside tank to keep them from warping.

3. Chisel a hole whose size is the same with the tank at the bottom of the
ship to keep tank horizontal with the bottom of the ship.

4. Weld two thick iron bars in the center of the hole temporarily to put tank
into the hole.

5. Weld the tank according to procedure as shown use low-hydrogen

electrodes, E.G. OK 4800. In order to avoid contraction strain, hammer
each welding seam before applying next. Allow the tank to cool down
during welding. Grind flush all welding within 5M in front of and 3M to the
side of the transducer. Finally, paint the transducer tank inside and outside
with a non-corrosive coating.

WARNING: Do not hammer the last welding seam!

Notes:If the thickness of the hull is from 20m to 30m, you can use the
method of welding in picture A; If the thickness of the hull is more than 30m,
you can use the method of welding in picture B or picture C.

6. Remove the two thick iron bars after welding the tank. Then go through
the tank, the washer and O-ring with the cable of transducer in turn and
screw on the nut of cover board. Finally screw on transducer cover with
socket cap wrench.

7. After finishing all welding, it is necessary to make experiment on oil paint

and water-tight seal and air-tight seal to keep the bottom of the ship tight.

8. If you have questions during the welding, please contact the

Welding of transducer tank

Unit mounting
You have three methods to mount the main unit. Table, ceiling and flash
mounting is shown as follows.
You should reassemble the rear cabinet upside-down when you make
ceiling mounting.
You should cut a chamfer angle square window on you working panel
when you make flash mounting.




Power adapter mounting


IR261 Introduction

IR261 can be chosen to use with DS2006 to display depth data exactly.
Also it has some accessional functions, such as depth unit display, shallow
water alarm, data losing alarm and display brightness adjustment.
Meanwhile, it can also be used other sounder with NMEA outputs.

IR261 panel picture

Depth unit display
Data display


IR261 connection
The holder cable wire of the unit has been connected before finishing
manufacture. You need just connect outside cable wire.

No. Color Function No. Color Function

1 Red Power supply+(DC10-40V) 5 Orange NMEA0183 B output+

2 Black Power supply-(DC10-40V) 6 Green Brightness+

3 Blue NMEA0183 input+ 7 Yellow Brightness-

4 White NMEA0183 output/input- 8 Gray Brightness remote joint

IR261 operation manual
Default value
No. Function Operation Display

If data display is off after power on, all display

1 lamps will be on in 3s. Then check the unit or the
cable connection between the unit and IR261.
Display XXX.X M after the unit turns on and the
unit of display data is “M”. If there is no data into
2 Data display
the equipment, there is no number display on
screen but “M”.

Press the key of“S”, you can switch the unit

3 Unit switch
between “ft” and “M” and “F”.

Press the key of “↑”or“↓”,you can adjust data
4 brightness
display brightness.
Press the key of “↑” and“↓”at a time, then
the unit is in the dormancy and all display lamps
5 Dormancy is off. Under this circumstance, press any key to
recover normal work state and the setting before
the dormancy still works.
Press the key of “S” and then LED and display
lamps would be switched between “ft” and “M”
and “F” and “AL”. When the equipment is in the
state of “AL”, LED displays“ALXX M”to show the
state of alarm setting. Then you can set tens digit
Alarm through pressing the key of“↑” and you can set
setting units digit through pressing the key of“↓”. After
finishing setting, press the key of“S”to choose
unit. Choose“AL00M”to set alarm depth to turn off
alarm setting.
When the depth value is smaller than the setting
value, the number is displayed flickeringly.

IR261 installation
The methods of IR261 installation are as follow:

Flush installation
The unit can be fixed on the fixing bracket with two knobs after installing
fixing bracket seen in the installation picture.

Embedded installation
First, screw off four screws of the front frame with socket cap wrench;
Second, fix the unit with four screw(ST4.2×25) on the installation
position; Finally, install the front frame over again.


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