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Colours: Blue for Voice, Black for normal words, Pink for animation, Green for background (AR)

drawing=no animation

Chapter 1
Scene 1: Hazel moves into her new house.
A bedroom filled with boxes

Inside a room filled with boxes, a girl named Hazel moved around the boxes as she began to clear the
mess, one by one. Opening a box, there was a pile of books. Deciding to move them on a shelf, she
emptied a shelf on top of her table. The books were heavy and caused her to slip the books on her hold.
(Sound of books fell).

Hazel annoyingly crouched down to pick the books. A book was flipped open, revealing a picture of a
guy and his name.

Hazel: Noah? I feel like I have heard that name before. Is he one of the old owners of the house? Is this
his diary?

Curiosity filled her. She began to flip the diary.

Scene 2: Noah and Hazel became friends

Kindergartens. Playground area.

Noah was sitting alone, watching other kids playing. A girl named Hazel noticed him and decided to join

Hazel: My name is Hazel. Are you new here? Let’s be friends!

Noah: Um, sure. My name is Noah. Nice to meet you, Hazel.

They became close friends. Whenever Hazel is, there will always be Noah. After 4 months of friends,
Hazel invited Noah to her house for dinner.

Hazel: Come to my house for dinner, Noah!

Noah: Yeah, I will!

Noah visited Hazel’s house. What waited for him was a pile of delicious food. The aroma was so enticing
that he couldn’t help but drool. They continued to chat. Noah watched, his brow furrowed and he couldn’t
help but be envious of the scene in front of him.

Scene 3
Noah eating together with his family. The surrounding environment was tense and everyone was eating
quietly. Noah’s father talks about moving again.
Noah’s father: We are moving again.
Noah’s mother: Again?! I am getting tired of us moving
Sound of arguing. Noah stopped eating.
Noah: I don’t want to move
Father: We are moving whether you like it or not. Noah starts packing, we are leaving in two days.

Noah left and his door closed, his food wasn't even finished. His heart is bitter from his parent’s lack of
consideration for him. At this moment, he missed Hazel’s warm and loving family. He deeply envies
Hazel for having such a gentle, warming family compared to him who always leaves him alone and busy
with work

Scene 4
Noah watched as his family finished loading the car. The car was packed till brim. They didn’t have
much, not even enough to fill a moving lorry because of how frequently they moved. To be honest, he felt
tired from all this moving. Actually rather than feeling tired, he resented it as he knew the moment he
moved, all the bonds he made were going to fade including Hazel. His newest friend. Suddenly, he felt a
tear slide to his cheek. He quickly wiped it. Not wishing to cry in front of his father as his father told him,
those that cry are weak. He doesn’t want to be weak. He wishes to be strong. Suddenly, someone tapped
his shoulder, snapping him out from his thoughts. It was his mother. His mother smiled and grabbed his
hand, guiding him to the car. Together, they left. Noah who sat on the back stared at his house that lasted
only for four months slowly faded to the background. Out of his sight.

Chapter 2
Background: Noah’s new house. (Specifically: Noah’s room) Noah writing his diary.

Dear diary,

My name is Noah Richard. The only son of one the richest families in the country. My family have always
been businessmen even before my father. Many people envy me. Saying that I am lucky to be born with a
golden spoon but would you all believe me if I said, I would prefer to be born with just a normal spoon
rather than a gold spoon.
(Noah holding a pen, pondering)

My father, Mr. Richard has always been an ambitious man who wishes to be successful in his life. He
believes being successful means reaching the oh so called highest pinnacle of life which is money and
fame. I believe not. I have seen the true treasure of this world which is happiness, friendship and love. My
father believed my thoughts were foolish, maybe it’s true? Is it foolish of me to think that money and
fame is not the greatest pinnacle of life? Either way, what father said will always be right and I love him
for trying to help me be successful in life.

Oh dear, it seems I need to go. Father is calling me.. I will continue this later on.

Dear diary,

Continuing my introduction, I am going to talk about my beloved mother. Mrs, Richard.

My mother is a person who has a lot of contradictions. I never truly understand her. Despite that, I love
her for who she is. I remember her playing with me in the playground, eating ice cream together. It was
very lovely.It’s just that we barely do that anymore. It saddens me but my mother is my father’s secretary.
Not only that she’s a bit of a workaholic. I truly value every single time my mother tries to spend time
with me so I will make sure I dont fail them by working hard like my grades. Recently I didn’t get a good
grade, so I was punished by my father and scolded by my mother. I didn’t mind the scolding but I can’t
bear to see my parents' disappointed face. So I decided to work twice as hard.

Chapter 3

(Pencil writing sound)

Dear diary,

I recently moved to a new neighbourhood. The neighbourhood is quiet. I enjoy the silence. My mother
has enrolled me in a new school tomorrow. (show Noah going to a new school) I hope everything went
From Noah

(Pencil writing sound)

Dear Diary,

Does my school seem alright? To be honest, I’m not too sure. I kinda hate their vibes. I hate how they all
look at me as if I am a treasure chest. Do they think I am blind to see what they want? To be honest, I
don’t think I can have a true friend like Hazel here. I miss Hazel. Her warm smile, I missed everything
about her. I think I am obsessing over her a little?
From Noah

Dear diary,

It’s been a while since I have updated but here I am. I am going to tell you a story. Recently there is a boy
that has just moved in, enrolled in a new school. You know like the new cliche student that people always
thought he will always be the main character but he is not like that. He definitely wasn’t the main
character cause if he was, will he get beaten like a wuss? He is also being forced to give money to the
bully. He is quite weak. He doesn’t have the courage to fight back because he doesn’t wish to burden his
parents that have been suffering problems from business. Should he tell them? No, he decided he
shouldn’t. Afterall, a real man can solve his problem by himself. Do you think that’s a good choice, dear

From Noah, a storyteller.

Dear diary,

I am sure you’re not a fool but yes, the boy in the story is me. Laughable isn’t it? The bullies, Caesar and
Luke have been beating me for quite a while that I even have difficulty hiding the bruises. I tried to ask
for help with my butler but they shrugged away. My parents are on a business trip. I.., dear diary. I don’t
think I can handle it anymore. Hazel, what should I do? If it were you, how would you solve this?

From Noah

Dear diary,

My parents found out or rather my mother. She was seriously pissed. She even sued the parents but Luke
and Caesar’s family have a strong hold when it comes to business that even my father doesn’t have the
courage to touch them. They fought again. My family. I can hear them shouting. I hate it. I hate it. Hazel,
I miss your warm family. Hazel, do you think it's my fault my parents are fighting? Is it my fault? Why
am I such a useless son? Maybe father is right, I should have been more brave to fight back. No need to
hold back. Boys fight with their fists afterall.

From Noah

Dear diary,

My family decided to homeschool me instead, maybe it’s the best. I no longer want to see my mother cry
and my father’s rage. I am just tired. The cut is still aching and I think I may get addicted to it. Is this a
good sign, dear diary?

From Noah

Dear diary,

Recently I feel like there is someone following me or watching me.. But every time I look at the camera
there is no one. Maybe I am being paranoid? But I could have sworn I heard something in my room. I told
the butler or the caretaker. They were confused but insisted that I am talking nonsense.

From Noah

Chapter 4: Lily

Dear diary,

I am now 14 years old ever since I was last homeschooled when I was merely 12. Things have been noisy
in my life, I could hear voices talking in my room so I couldn't sleep. I could only sleep if I obey their
wishes, which is easy to do. Actually it was quite addictive. It is fun to do it. Today, I will tell you a
secret. I have a friend. Her name is Lily and she lives in the attic. I met her when I was 13 years old. Let
me tell you how I met her,
I was cleaning the attic when I accidently knocked over the boxes. Thousands of dust began to fall and I
heard a slight female’s cough. Feeling puzzled, I looked up to see a girl with brown hair looking at me
with a victimised face. I was about to scream when she silenced my own mouth. Pushing down, she
pleaded with me.

Dont. Nobody can know I am here. If you dont scream, I will release you.

I nodded and the moment she put down, I tried to run but she held me down. Together we stumbled down
before she was on top of me. Her eyes glazed with annoyance.

Don't scream.

I nodded, obediently this time. Together, we gathered our breaths and I glanced at her. Tone with caution,
I asked her.

Why are you here?

She didn't say, rather she just stared at the sole window at the attic. I didn't say anything, I just observed
her thinking that she might be like me, hidden away from everyone else.

Dear Diary,

Continuing the story, I began to bond with her, perhaps thinking we are similar. I brought her food but she
never touched it. I was always filled with worry that she never once ate but she insisted she had food
stashed away somewhere. I believed her.

Time passed on and the attic has become my favourite place. I enjoyed my time there ever since Lily was
with me. We had fun playing poker before I decided to take a picture to keep as a memory till this very

And I resolutely decided to defend the attic. Since the attic is now my sanctuary. Like a dragon defending
its cave.

From Noah, a dragon that found its treasure.

Dear diary,

I noticed something peculiar about my friend after our two years of friendship. She never grew up. She
may have insisted because she is a late bloomer but she can't fool me. Still I wonder who she is? A ghost
or an angel of death accompanies me before my last breath. The attic has become my secret and I will
make sure nobody enters there. Not even my caretaker or my parents.

By the way, Lily found out what I have been doing to myself and insisted I should stop. But how can I
stop if it brings me release?
Besides, the voices inside my room will quieten down if I do it and it is fun like I told you before.

Tonight, the voices ask me to find my mother's pill. I wonder what other orders they are telling me to do?

From Noah,

Dear diary,

They found out. My mind went blank. All I know is that I refused to hear what they were trying to say.
First, they dared to enter the attic and said Lily isn't real. I know Lily isn't real, but she is still there. Just a
ghost! They looked at me with strange eyes and I know they are whispering about me.

It was so noisy, maybe I should kill them. Afterall, I dont care about them nor what they think, but Lily
does. Maybe, I should comfort Lily first. After that, I will slowly plan how to kill those useless caretakers.
Yes, they are useless, after all they dont even take care of me properly so…

Ah, I could hear Lily crying again. What words should I say to her?

Maybe saying that she is real in my eyes will work?

Dear diary,

Father found out and he is angry at me. He showed me proof that Lily isn't real nor is she a ghost. She is
just my imagination. There was proof that plates with food in the attic had been left to rot and there was
no Lilly inside the picture I have always taken. That’s a lie! Lily is my ghost friend and she is real! Before
I knew it, I punched my father.

My mother dropped her glass, surprised that I could even do such a thing. Filled with ferocity, father hit
me back. We fought around the house before I knew I couldn't win, I ran to the attic. Lilly looked at me
with worry but I comfort insisted that it was nothing, just a family scuffle.

After a while, the house quietened down and I left the attic to my room. Mother was waiting for me. She
tried to repeat the same thing but I refused to listen. I kicked her out of my room and here we are,

Do you think I made the right choice just now?

Dear diary,

My father sent me to a psychiatrist and it is not normal. That's for sure, afterall, which doctor touched
them in a weird way. I am not comfortable with her. When I tell others, they won't believe me thinking it
is for my best but why do I feel like it's the worst?
Dear diary,

It's been a while since I last updated and things are not fine. The doctor touched me.. My parents think I
am weird and the new caretaker does not care about me. Such useless people! There was only Lily and
perhaps, if I never moved, there would be Hazel. The warm light that I have properly experienced in my
life. I am sorry, Hazel, Lily. Despite you trying to encourage me, I don't think I can take it anymore.

Dear diary,
I just finished writing together with my will. I hope when people find this, they will just burn this useless
diary. Afterall, this diary is full of nonsense.

Chapter 5

Hazel flipped the pages. Her eyes filled with tears as she choked back a sob. She barely even remembers
Noah but this stranger remembered her and wrote about her in the last sentences. Holding back her
tremble, there were a couple of letters falling from the book. Written on it we're names, and one of them is
for her.


It was horrible handwritten but she didn't mind it. Carefully collecting the letters, there were a lot of
names such as for Mrs. Richard or my beloved mum and so on. There was even one for Lily, the friend
that has never existed but was only Noah's closest friend. I decided to keep it and post it later since such
letters should be given to the senders and not to be kept by a busybody like her. Maybe she will also send
the diary as well. As for Lily, perhaps she burns it or reads it? She will think about it later.

Show a picture of Hazel tearing the letter,

Tearing the letter, she read it carefully. The yellow paper shows its age for a while now.

Dear Hazel,
I am not sure if you would read this letter or if you even remember me, but I remember you ever since
kindergarten. My name is Noah, one of your childhood friends that have left this world because of an
unfortunate incident and I am your secret admirer.

Have you been well? I hope you do, with your smiles and positivism in life. I love your smiles since it
brings me hopes to life but sadly, perhaps a memory isn't enough hope for me to keep on in this world.
Don't blame yourself about this stranger, this stranger is just releasing his emotion to you.

I miss your warm family and let me tell you this, I have a strong memory so I still remember how we
were teased on becoming husband and wife by your parents. That was a funny time that maybe would
have come true if I never once moved.
I also remember how you defended me from the bullies years ago. At that time, you were the first to ever
do that for me. Thank you.

I am sorry for giving up in this world but I hope you would never do so because life is still bright for you
and if you are in the dark, remember how your family supported you and even me. Smile, Hazel. I hope
your life will be full of blessing and fortune.

From a boy that could have love you more rather than admire you if he has time,
A stranger and a memory,

Tears began to drop and she hugged the letter. Hazel wept softly before taking a few deep breaths. She
began to stand up and called her mother.

Mother, where is the post station? I have quite a few things I need to send to the old owners. Do you have
their address?

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