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Planning Smart Dispatch Configuration Guide

3.3 Port Planning

Port Description

Smart Dispatch Server and Smart Dispatch Gateway

1433 Indicates the database port.

Both the Smart Dispatch Client and Smart Dispatch Gateway access the Smart

61400 Dispatch Server via this port.

For details, see "8.1 Basic Settings" and "9.1 Basic Settings".

Indicates the VOIP start port of the Smart Dispatch Server for audio communication.
Up to 400 ports are reserved for audio communication. For example, if the start port
number is 17000, the port range will be 17000–17399.

For details, see "8.1 Basic Settings".

Indicates the VOIP start port of the Smart Dispatch Gateway for audio
communication. The system will reserve sufficient ports for audio communication.
When the Smart Dispatch Gateway is connected to dispatch mobile radios, the
number of the reserved ports is twice that of the dispatch mobile radios. For example,

19000 if the Smart Dispatch Gateway connects three dispatch mobile radios and the start
port number is 19000, the reserved port numbers will be 19000̢19005. However. If
the Smart Dispatch Gateway connects to the repeater, the number of the reserved
ports is fourfold that of the repeaters.

For details, see "9.1 Basic Settings".

Indicates the local port of the Smart Dispatch Server for telephone access.
For details, see "8.4 SIP Settings".

Indicates the port number for the short message service used by the mobile station,

5016 radio, and gateway when the PD41X uses the Guard Tour Patrol feature.

For details, see "9.7 Guard Tour Patrol Settings".

Dispatch Mobile Station

Indicates the Radio Registration Service (RRS) port number.

Do keep this value when programming the dispatch mobile radio.

Smart Dispatch Configuration Guide Planning

Port Description

Indicates the number of the Global Position System (GPS) port for GPS data

3003 exchanging between radios in the IP Multi-site Connect network.

Do keep this value when programming the dispatch mobile radio.

Indicates the message port in the IP Multi-site network for the radios to send and

3004 receive short messages.

Do keep this value when programming the dispatch mobile radio.

Indicates the call control port in the IP Multi-site network. If the portable radio and the
dispatch mobile radio need to realize the same function, their port numbers must be
consistent. Otherwise, they must be different.

Do keep this value when programming the dispatch mobile radio.

Indicates the port number used by the short message service of the Guard Tour

5016 Patrol feature.

Do keep this value when programming the dispatch mobile radio.


30001 Slot 1 RRS (Radio Registration Service) Port

30002 Slot 2 RRS Port

30003 Slot 1 LP (Location Protocol) Port

30004 Slot 2 LP Port

30005 Slot 1 TP (Telemetry Protocol) Port

30006 Slot 2 TP Port

30007 Slot 1 TM (Text Message) Port

30008 Slot 2 TM Port

30009 Slot 1 RCP (Radio Control Protocol) Port

30010 Slot 2 RCP Port

30012 Slot 1 RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) Port

30014 Slot 2 RTP Port

Planning Smart Dispatch Configuration Guide

Port Description

30015 Analog Channel RCP Port

30016 Analog Channel RTP Port


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