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Petrolium Engineering Department

Process Industries A


Experiment: Determination of Concentrations of Acids and

Bases via Titration

Name: Emil Rahimov

Group №: 20.2 PE

Date of Experiment: 03.11.2021

Date of Submission: 09.11.2021

Instructor: Hajar Nabiyeva

Table of Contents
Experimental Details...............................................................................................6
Strong Base + Strong Acid....................................................................................9
Strong Base + Weak Acid...................................................................................10
Strong Acid + Weak Base...................................................................................11
Weak Acid + Weak Base.....................................................................................12
The main purpose of this experiment is to determine the unknown concentrations of
acids and bases provided through a laboratory method called titration which is mainly
based on neutralization. However, so as to calculate the molarity of the solutions, at
least the concentration of one of the bases or acids solution should be known.
Furthermore, in this experiment 4 reactions are conducted succesively: 1) Strong Base
+ Strong Acid ( NaOH + HCl ), 2) Strong Base + Weak Acid ( NaOH +CH 3 COOH ), 3)
Strong Acid + Weak Base ( HCl+ NH 3), 4) Weak Acid + Weak Base (CH 3 COOH + NH 3 ).
In every reaction the solution whose concentration is unknown is added to known one
with burette in small portions. Moreover, having conducted the first reaction (
NaOH + HCl ), it is calculated that the concentration of NaOH is 0.0971 M, the second
reaction ( NaOH +CH 3 COOH ), stochiometric molarity of CH 3 COOH is 0.197 M, the
third reaction ( HCl+ NH 3), molarity of NH 3 is 0.182 M and the fourth reaction (
CH 3 COOH + NH 3 ), the concentration of CH 3 COOH is found to be 0.119 M.

There are 4 types of titration: 1. Acid-Base Titrations 2. Redox Titrations 3. Precipitation
Titrations 4. Complexometric Titrations. In this experiment Acid-Base titration is used
which is basically utilized in most of the laboratories and industries in order to determine
the molarity and pH value of solutions and substances. Moreover, in food, cosmetic,
medicine industries, biofuel manufacturing, disposal of wastewater and in scrutinizing
acidic rain titration is frequently used so as to keep acidity and the alkalinity under
control. For instance, acetic acid in tomato sauce, citric acid in juices, concentration of
base in beverages (food ind.), the excess of certain acids or bases that used in
shampoos and creams can cause skin injuries or allergies due to the fact that they can
penetrate several layers of skin (cosmetic ind.), purity test of drug supplement
(pharmaceutical ind.), since green diesel is made of lipids reacting with alcohol, its
ingredients can be defined with titration (biofuel mfg.) and as a matter of fact the
wastewater disposed of from chemical plants and factories with higher or lower level of
pH value can be fatal to biological life; therefore, wastewater is neutrilized beforehand in
order to prevent undesirable consequences.

With regard to experiment conducted, several behaviours was noticed. Firstly, while
adding titrant, the pH value of the analyte started to change slowly to begin with (except
for weak acid-weak base which went up moderately at the beginning), then rapidly,
when pH value was near 7, then again changed slowly.

Another noticeable behaviour worthy being mentioned is that the equivalence point for
reaction 1 and 4 was pH value 7 (the latter one can vary), where as for reaction 2 and 3
it was pH value above 7 and below 7, respectively.

Theory +¿¿
As a matter of fact, when acids are soluted in water, H ions will be produced and the
more electronegative the central atom in the acid molecule is, the more Hydrogen atom
will likely to be separated from the molecule by water molecules, namely it is related to
attraction forces of water molecules ecxelling intermolecular force of the acid molecule.
+ ¿¿
In distillated water the amounts and the concentrations of H 3 O and O H−¿¿ will be the
same. However, when acid or base is added to the water molarity of these ions will
change. So as to illustrate the acidity and alkilinity of the solution pH and pOH are used
respectively and the ions here are shown in a logarithmic scale:

pH =−log ¿ ¿ or pH =−log ¿ ¿


pOH =−log ¿ ¿

Here p means power. For all solutions pH + pOH =14 (1) and for pure water:
pH =7 , pOH =7

Moreover, if acid is added the pH value will be less than 7, and if base is added the pH
value will be more than 7 (in both cases pOH will be determined from equation (1)).

As it is mentioned in previous section, titration is finding the unknown concentration of

acid or base by dropping small amounts of known one until it reaches equivalence point.
Equivalence point is the point when the quantities of acid and base is chemically equal
to each other. There is also end point which refers to a point when the indicator
changes its colour. The reason for the difference in equivalence points of 4 reactions is

that strong acids and strong bases dissociate in water completely producing H +¿+ A ¿
−¿¿ −¿¿
+ ¿+ A ¿
H3 O ) and B+¿+O H ¿
, correspondingly, and by adding them they 100% compensate
each other; therefore, pH become 7. However, when it comes to weak acids and weak
bases, they partially dissociate in water and that means, for example, C H 3 COOH
+ ¿¿
−¿+ H ¿
solution will consist of both C H 3 COOH and C H 3 CO O ions, not completely
+ ¿¿

C H 3 CO O−¿+ H ¿
similarly in strong bases and acids. That is the main reason why,
despite the fact that pH level reached 7, stochiometric quantities of weak acid and
strong base or vice versa are not the same.

Furthermore, due to the fact that pH value is shown by a factor of 10 near the
equivalence point it changes rapidly.

With respect to stochiometry, the unknown molarity of acid or base can be found with

C 1 V 1=C 2 V 2 (2)


C 1 – concentration of known acid or base in a beaker

V 1−¿ volume of known acid or base in a beaker

C 2−¿concentration of unknown base or acid in a burette

V 2−¿ volume of unknown base or acid in a burette

Equation (2) is derived from:

n1 =n2 (3)


C= (4)


n1 −¿ moles of the titrant

n2 −¿ moles of the titrand

n−¿ mole

V −¿ volume

C−¿ molarity
As the acids and bases in this experiment produce 1 ion per mole equation (3) proves to
be true.

Furthermore, in order to find approximate equivalence point equation of interpolation will

be needed:

y 1∗( x 2−x 3 ) + y 2∗( x 3−x 1)

y 3= (5)
x 2−x 1

Experimental Details

To begin with, Electrodes were

magnetic flea was put cleansed via water so 20 ml analyte was
into beaker and the as to face less errors sucked by pipette and
beaker was put onto caused by sticked poured into the beaker
magnetic stirrer ions

At first 2-5 ml titrant

Depending on the
was added, when pH
reaction, certain
Excess amount of level was near the
volume of titrant was
titrant was put into the equivalence point,
added succesively, In
burette to be dropped dropped volume was
each addition, pH
in small portions decreased (0.5-2 ml)
value was evaluated
so as to measure the
and notes were taken
volume accurately

After completion of
each reaction all of
the apparatus utilized
were washed under
water and waste was
disposed of carefully
So as to take measurement several tools are used:

Magnetic Flea


pH meter
All tools in one picture. Red button magnetic
stirrer (right) is to activate magnetic field to rotate
Green button on pH meter (left) is to calculate pH
Strong Base + Strong Acid
Reaction: HCl+ NaOH → NaCl+ H 2 O

(ml) value Reaction #1
0 1.19 14
5 1.2
11 1.36
15 1.56 10
17 1.85 8
pH value

17.5 1.94
18 2.08
18.5 2.24 4
19.5 2.5 2
20 2.99
20.5 5.92 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
21 9.84 NaOH (ml)
22 11.31
24 11.74
26 11.98 Graph 1
Table 1

Table 1 and Graph 1 illustrate the pH values according to the addition of NaOH

As the acid and the base are both strong equivalence point is 7

Using equation (5) the volume for pH level 7 is found to be approximately 20.6 ml.

Using equation (2) the stochiometric molarity of NaOH is 0.097 M.

Theoretical molarity of NaOH is 0.1 M

Absolute error: |0.1−0.097|=0.003 M

Relative error: ∗100 %=3 %
Strong Base + Weak Acid
Reaction: NaOH +C H 3 COOH → C H 3 COONa + H 2 O
) pH value Reaction #2
0 2.74
5 3.72
10 4.08 10
15 4.34
20 4.55

pH values
25 4.76 6
28 4.89
31 5.04
34 5.24 2
36 5.43
38 5.7 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
40 6.39 NaOH (ml)
42 10.59
44 11.17
46 11.38 Graph 1

Table 2

Table 2 and Graph 2 illustrate the pH values according to the addition of NaOH

As the base is strong and acid is weak equivalence point is above 7.

Using equation (5) the volume for pH level above 7 is found to be approximately
40.5 ml.

Using equation (2) the stochiometric molarity of C H 3 COOH is 0.197 M.

Theoretical molarity of C H 3 COOH is 0.2 M

Absolute error: |0.2−0.197|=0.003 M

Relative error: ∗100 %=1.5 %
Strong Acid + Weak Base
Reaction: HCl+ N H 3 → N H 4 Cl or HCl+ N H 4 OH → N H 4 Cl + H 2 O
(ml) pH value Reaction #3
0 1.21 10
2 1.24 9
4 1.32 8
6 1.52 7
7 1.68 pH values 6
8 1.98 5
9 2.54 4
12 8.59
15 8.92
18 9.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Table 3 NH3 (ml)

Graph 3

Table 3 and Graph 3 illustrate the pH values according to the addition of N H 3

As the base is weak and acid is strong equivalence point is below 7.

Using equation (5) the volume for pH level below 7 is found to be approximately
11 ml.

Using equation (2) the stochiometric molarity of N H 3 is 0.182 M.

Theoretical molarity of N H 3 is 0.25 M

Absolute error: |0.25−0.182|=0.068 M

Relative error: ∗100 %=27.2 %
Weak Acid + Weak Base
Reaction: C H 3 COOH + N H 3 →C H 3 COON H 4 or

C H 3 COOH + N H 4 OH → C H 3 COON H 4 + H 2 O

) pH value
Reaction #4
0 2.84 10
3 4.14 9
6 4.65
8 4.86 6
pH values

10 5.16 5
12 5.59 4
14 8.07 3
16 8.5 2
17 8.7 1
18 8.78 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
20 8.92 NH3 (ml)
22 9.01
25 9.13
28 9.21 Graph 4

Table 4

Table 4 and Graph 4 illustrate the pH values according to the addition of N H 3

As the base is weak and acid is weak equivalence point is 7 (it can vary).

Using equation (5) the volume for pH level 7 is found to be approximately 13.1 ml.

Using equation (2) the stochiometric molarity ofC H 3 COOH is 0.119 M.

Theoretical molarity of C H 3 COOH is 0.2 M

Absolute error: |0.2−0.119|=0.081 M

Relative error: ∗100 %=40.5 %
To begin, with respect to Reaction 1, it is obvious that first 5 ml, secondly 6 ml, and
thirdly 4 ml NaOH was added. The reason for this particular circumstance is that while
trying to add 5 ml for the first 3 drops of NaOH successively, at the second drop by
mistake 6 ml was added and so as to complete it to 15 ml, at third addition 4 ml of
NaOH was added. Later, 2 ml then 3 0.5 ml was combined with analyte accordingly.
Because as it is mentioned in Theory section, pH value of the analyte alters by a factor
of 10 or in other words in a logarithmic scale. So, the more NaOH is added, the more
drastic change will be recorded. In order to measure the pH value accurately when it is
approaching near 7, load of volume dropped should be decreased. Then again, when
pH level surpassed 7 or a little bit more, NaOH supply can be increased, because of the
pH=−log ¿ ¿ . With regard to the Graph 1, the steepest line in the curve is pertinent to
equivalence point – pH level is 7. From the data obtained it is clear that volume that
corresponds to pH value 7 is not given; therefore, curve around the equivalence point
will be assumed as a linear and by applying interpolation equation (5) added volume will
be determined not exactly, but nearly, for the pH value 7. The purpose of the data
gained for further points in Graph 1 is to visualize the curve more comprehensively.

Furthermore, for the second reaction, the stochiometric concentration for NaOH was
taken from the result of Reaction 1. Looking at the Table 2, it is obvious that the total
volume of NaOH is twice as it is used in Reaction 1. Generally, in four reactions same
procedure happened: adding more amount at the beginning, around equivalence point
less, and after, again, more volume was added. Moreover, the main difference between
Reaction 1 and Reaction 2 is that the equivalence point for the latter one is not 7. In
other words, despite the fact that pH value of the solution became 7, it does not
necessarily mean that number of moles of NaOH is equal to number of moles of
C H 3 COOH and again, as it is mentioned in Theory section, NaOH is a strong base,
which means it completely dissociates in water and produces same number of moles of
O H−¿¿ (n NaOH =n ¿¿), however, C H 3 COOH is a weak acid and does not dissociate
completely producing less number of moles of H +¿¿ (nC H 3 COOH > n¿¿ ). As a result, at pH=7

in solution n¿ ¿¿ and not n NaOH =n C H 3 COOH . The same things also apply to Reaction 3 and
Reaction 4. However, in the former one equivalence point is less than 7 because of
strong acid. In the latter one as the both acid and base are weak equivalence point can
vary (but it is on the steepest gradient on curve). Apart from this in Graph 4 unique
feature can be seen at the beginning: pH value increases moderately, then slowly, then
tremendously then again, slowly. That is because, having started the reaction, solution
becomes ‘buffer’. Buffer is an aqueous solution that resist sudden pH change.

When it comes to errors and improvements, foremost mistake was to cleaning end of
the burette poorly; to be more specific, while activating the pH meter, several droplets
dropped from burette which should be wiped via paper caused moderate change in pH
level. Furthermore, electrodes should be dried or cleaned after each measurement as
sticked ions on it altered the result. Thirdly, added volume should be adjusted carefully,
specifically when the pH level is around equivalence point; it is similar to butterfly effect.

The main aim of this experiment was to determine stochiometric molarity of titrand by
adding titrant with known concentration. Overall, 4 reactions were conducted and in
every reaction certain load of titrant was added till the point when it reached
equivalence which depends on the strength of the acids and bases reacted and
corresponds to the point where number of moles of titrant is equal to number of moles
of titrand; at first more, later less volume of titrant was added due to drastic change in
pH level. Moreover, while despite there were errors concentrations of analytes were
found successfully and were close to theoretical values. Titration method generally used
in various industries and play a great role in controlling acidity and alkalinity of products
and solutions.
 Chemistry, Allan Blackman, Chapter 11

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