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Marketing Management
Lecturer: Dr. Do Khac Xuan Diem
Class: BA211C

Dong Nguyen Que Anh – 2154010018
Tran Nguyen Hong An – 2154010066
Nguyen Le Duy Bao – 2154010076
Nguyen Hoang Minh Giang – 2154013008
Quach Gia Han – 2154010235

Ho Chi Minh, 2023


CONTRIBUTIONS....................................................................................................................... 4
Executive summary ....................................................................................................................... 5
A. Introduction of company....................................................................................................... 5
B. Developing new product ........................................................................................................ 7
1. Microenvironment analysis ............................................................................................... 7
a. Company analysis........................................................................................................... 7
b. Customer analysis .......................................................................................................... 7
c. Competitor analysis...................................................................................................... 10
2. Macroenvironment analysis ............................................................................................ 13
a. Demographic environments: ....................................................................................... 13
b. Economic environment: ............................................................................................... 13
c. Natural environment: .................................................................................................. 14
d. Technology environment: ............................................................................................ 14
e. Political environment: .................................................................................................. 14
f. Cultural environment: ................................................................................................. 15
3. SWOT analysis ................................................................................................................. 15
a. Strengths: ...................................................................................................................... 15
b. Weaknesses: .................................................................................................................. 15
c. Opportunities:............................................................................................................... 16
d. Threats: ......................................................................................................................... 16
C. Financial and marketing objectives ................................................................................... 16
1. Financial Objective: ......................................................................................................... 16
2. Marketing Objective:....................................................................................................... 16
D. Marketing strategy (for new product) ............................................................................... 17
1. Target customers .............................................................................................................. 17
a. Segmentation................................................................................................................. 17
b. Targeting ....................................................................................................................... 18
2. Differentiation .................................................................................................................. 18
E. Marketing tactics ................................................................................................................. 19
1. Product .............................................................................................................................. 19

2. Price ................................................................................................................................... 21
3. Place .................................................................................................................................. 21
4. Promotion ......................................................................................................................... 22
F. Financial projections ........................................................................................................... 23
Company's resources .............................................................................................................. 23
1. Sales forecast .................................................................................................................... 23
2. Expense forecast: ............................................................................................................. 24
3. Breakeven analysis: ......................................................................................................... 25
G. Implementation controls ..................................................................................................... 25
Referencing .................................................................................................................................. 26



Financial and marketing objectives
1 Dong Nguyen Que Implementation controls 100%
Anh SWOT (supporting)
2 Tran Nguyen Hong Micro environment
An Marketing strategy 100%
Marketing tactics
3 Nguyen Le Macro environment
Duy Bao SWOT 100%
4 Nguyen Hoang Marketing strategy (supporting)
Minh Giang Marketing tactics (supporting) 100%
5 Quach Introduction
Gia Han Financial projections 100%
Synthesizing content and writing

Executive summary

We are gleeful to present you with our marketing plan. We have prepared a report on the
new product of our new startup company. The main objective of this report is to describe both
the process of launching and developing and promoting new products in the field of marketing.

The new smartwatch for families by our company offers a unique opportunity to stay
connected and organized. The smartwatch comes with features such as GPS tracking and
messaging, allowing parents to be aware of their loved ones' location and to communicate with
them when needed. Additionally, it offers health tracking features such as heart rate monitoring
and fitness tracking. This technology will provide families with a safe and efficient way to stay
connected and promote healthy living. The smartwatch is competitively priced and will be
marketed towards families with the old and pregnant women . Our marketing plan will focus on
showcasing the convenience and benefits of the smartwatch, while leveraging social media and
community events to build brand awareness. With the unique and innovative features of this
smartwatch, we are confident that it will be a game changer in the wearables industry.

Our company's target customers include families in Vietnam which have vulnerable
groups such as the elderly, pregnant women, etc - who need more attention and care than ever
before. We choose big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang as the place to place our
main stores.

We segment based on Geographic, Demographic, Behavioral and Psychographic


A. Introduction of company
Life is always changing and people always learn to adapt to that. People are starting to have
more health concerns for themselves and their families, and they use technology as a tool and
method to find ways to take care of themselves and those they love. best. Grasping that trend,
TECHVERSE was born as a solution to solve those problems, becoming an effective assistant to
be with people.

TECHVERSE which was established in March 2023 is a startup company that is dedicated to
providing innovative and cutting-edge technology solutions to families. Our mission is to make it
easier for families to stay connected and keep track of each other. We are a company specializing
in technology products for home life such as watches, bracelets, headphones and so on. Our first
product is a health monitoring watch named E-poch I with the desire to become a companion for
every family. Therefore, we have got a fair price for the range of products so that all the family
can afford them. We have followed the targeting costing pricing approach. We believe the value
we bring is commensurate with the price set.

The TECHVERSE smartwatch is a revolutionary product that combines the latest technology
with a sleek and stylish design. It is equipped with a variety of features, including GPS tracking,
activity tracking, and messaging capabilities. The watch is also designed to be durable and water-
resistant, making it perfect for outdoor activities. Our smartwatch is designed to be a reliable and
user-friendly device that allows families to stay in touch with each other, no matter where they

The product we refer to here is the E-poch I. The watch assumes the role of recognizing the
abnormal changes of the user's body such as heart rate, body temperature, impact... and sends
alerts to their loved ones' mobile devices. In addition, the product also recommends a schedule of
activities, meals and an overview of the user's health status through the application connected to
the watch.

We are confident that our smartwatch will be a hit with families who want to stay connected
with each other. We plan to use a combination of traditional and digital marketing strategies to
reach our target audience and create awareness of our product. Our goal is to make the
TECHVERSE smartwatch the go-to device for families who want to stay connected.

This marketing plan will outline our strategies for introducing the E-poch I to the market. We
will discuss our target market, our pricing strategy, our promotional strategies, and our
distribution channels. We will also discuss our plans for measuring the success of our marketing

We are confident that our product will be a success and that our marketing plan will help us
reach our goals.

B. Developing new product
1. Microenvironment analysis
a. Company analysis
In order to develop new products well, evaluation of factors in the microenvironment is
necessary for TECHVERSE. The first is about the strength in the quality management process
(consist of ideas and design stages, sample preparation, trial production and mass production).
Before and at the end of each of the above stages, TECHVERSE is closely involved from
selecting options to checking defects and verifying quality assurance. In addition, fully equipped
with state-of-the-art analysis and verification equipment, so product defects are thoroughly
detected, which are fully corrected by partners before mass production. Next, TECHVERSE's
startup team are highly professional people who share the same passion for ideas and
commitment to long-term companionship.
At the same time, there are also some weaknesses that TECHVERSE needs to face. The
number of competitors in the electronics industry is large, in terms of brand, TECHVERSE
needs accurate marketing strategies, and time to build trust and brand image for customers,
especially those who love to consume Vietnamese products and support Vietnamese startups,
aiming at raising brand awareness and brand engagement. Compared to other technology
companies, in order to develop products in the long run, a company also needs a strong
ecosystem through capital solicitation.
b. Customer analysis
In the analysis of customers, a startup company does not have data about its own
customer files. Therefore, it will delve into the purpose of using the product, “evaluation of
alternatives” stage when the customers make the purchase, from which there is a new finding in
the customer's needs to develop a new product.
According to a scientific study conducted in Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam), the factors
that consumers would consider when intending to use smart watches are aesthetics, durability,
useful information; ultimately simple configuration and interface for use. (Factors Effect on
Customers' Intent to Use Smart Watches in Ho Chi Minh City, A report
on the main motivations to purchase wearable tech in Vietnam in 2019 also showed that 46

percent of customers are concerned about their health and want to monitor and improve it such as
sleep quality, measuring heart rate, number of steps taken a day, etc. (Statista, 2019)

Image 1

Some of the common goals and motivations of customer's needs can be mentioned. The
first thing is fitness and health, to track their fitness goals, monitor their health, and stay
motivated to exercise regularly. The second thing is productivity and time management, smart
watches can help users stay organized and productive by providing notifications, reminders, and
calendar updates. Consumers can quickly check their schedule, respond to messages, and
manage their to-do list on their wrist. For some consumers, smart watches are a fashion
accessory that can complement their personal style and make a statement. Smart watches come
in a range of styles and colors, allowing users to choose a watch that matches their unique taste
and aesthetic.

Overall, the life goals of consumers using smartwatches may be diverse, but they often
focus on improving health and wellness, increasing productivity, and enhancing convenience and
efficiency in everyday life.
There are 5 factors that consumers may consider during the evaluation of alternatives stage
when purchasing technology products:

● Price: Consumers may compare the prices of different technology products to determine
which one fits within their budget.

● Features and Specifications: This could include factors such as battery life, processing
speed, camera quality, and storage capacity.

● Brand Reputation: Brands that are known for quality and reliability may be more
appealing to consumers.

● Reviews and Ratings: Consumers may look at online reviews and ratings to get an idea of
how other users have experienced the product. Positive reviews and high ratings may
influence their decision.

● Design and Aesthetics: When selecting products, customers are increasingly demanding
aesthetically such as color, shape, and style.
Most existing smartwatch products in the market already provide the features needed for
customers' needs. However, health monitoring is focusing on individuals without sharing other
people's health information through devices. Examples include pregnant women, elderly people,
people with chronic diseases, cases where relatives have the desire to monitor and alert health
remotely, there is still no product to respond to. Each year, there are about 200,000 strokes in
which the proportion of stroke sufferers taken to emergency hospitals in the first six hours is still
low, with only 33% being studied in Vietnam. (Ministry of Health Portal, 2022) Based on the
above data, it can be found that health monitoring is useful, especially the early recognition of
health indicators of relatives, so that emergency contact can be made in case of relatives being

c. Competitor analysis
According to the IDC report, in the second quarter of 2022, Huawei is leading with a
market share of more than 18% in the smartwatch market in Vietnam. The remaining companies
in the top 6 include Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Amazfit, Garmin.

Leading by 36.5 percent is Chinese manufacturers Huawei and Xiaomi

Image 2

Competing Target customers Product Marketing mix

brands positioning

Huawei Individuals and businesses Value based Product: smartphones, laptops,

looking for high-quality, and benefit tablets, watches, headphones
innovative, and cost-effective positioning and speakers, accessories.
technology products and strategies. Huawei also provides services
solutions. such as mobile services, cloud
computing services, Wi-Fi
services and more.

Place: operate in more than
170 countries and regions
(Huawei, 2021)
Price: both competitive and
premium pricing.
Promotion: promote on
television, social media,
newspapers, billboards etc.
Sponsor global events, also hire
celebrities as brand

Xiaomi Younger and more price- Value based Product: a wide range of
sensitive individuals who are and benefit consumer electronics products
looking for high-quality and positioning such as smartphones, TV,
affordable technology strategies. smart devices, etc.
products and services. Place: China, Singapore, India
and many other countries
mainly in emerging markets of
south east Asia
Price: sell at low price and
offers high quality products
Promotion: build Xiaomi
online community, promote
through micro blogging sites
and social networking sites.
They also organize fan festivals
and local meetups regularly
like the concept.

Samsung In the consumer segment, Multi-segment Product: five categories are
Samsung targets individuals positioning mobile devices, home
who are interested in high- Imitative appliances, TV, computer &
quality technology products positioning IT, and memory/storage.
that offer innovative features Anticipatory Place: sell directly to the
and designs. positioning retailers and service dealers.
In the business segment, Samsung products are available
Samsung targets small and through ecommerce platforms,
medium-sized businesses, as their own website.
well as large enterprises, with Price: based on competition.
products and services that Samsung uses competitive
can help them improve pricing and skimming price
productivity, efficiency, and policy.
collaboration. Promotion: Samsung has a
strong presence online.
Offering heavy discounts
during national festivals, and
sponsoring for events.

Table 1
Overall, the three companies that are currently leading the market are focusing on
cutting-edge technology products and low average product prices, for Samsung that has a high-
end product line. TECHVERSE will be difficult to compete with the above companies in terms
of product ecosystem and technology. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on differentiating
products, bringing new value to customers and focusing on the group of customers who need to
monitor their relatives' health.

A positioning map

Image 3

2. Macroenvironment analysis
a. Demographic environments:
The population ecology of this product is family, especially those who have the need to
manage and organize work, responsibilities, and household expenses effectively.
Target customers can be families in the city or countryside, with young children, the elderly,
working people, and students.
Families who need to arrange, and divide responsibilities among the family, want to save time,
and minimize conflicts in the family may be interested in and use this product.
In addition, this product can be aimed at families who are living in a digital environment, often
using advanced technologies to manage work and daily life.
b. Economic environment:
The economy is growing strongly, especially in the field of information and communication
technology. In the current economic environment, an online application product to manage and
organize family activities can be very suitable and potential.

With the rise of digital technology and the internet, families are becoming dependent on software
and applications to manage daily activities. These applications help users save time, optimize
family activities and reduce the effort and pressure in the family management process.
In addition, the startup market in Vietnam is developing very quickly, with support from the
government and investment institutions. New products can attract the interest of investors and
users, especially in the field of family management.
c. Natural environment:
Environmental protection is an important and widely concerned issue in today's society. This
new product needs to ensure that its business is not harmful to the environment.
The product includes a household spending management feature, which can encourage users
to be more careful with their consumption and reduce the consumption of resources such as
electricity and water.
Similarly, if the app includes a health tracking feature, it could encourage users to change their
habits and reduce their reliance on environmentally harmful products like single-use plastics.
d. Technology environment:
Information and communication technology is developing at a rapid pace, which provides
new products with many opportunities to grow and improve service quality.
The prevalence of the internet and mobile devices has made it easier for families to connect
and share information in real-time.
The product helps to manage the online family, technology plays an important role in making
a product easy to use and convenient for users. Features like family schedules, expense
management, and family health tracking all require online connectivity and cloud computing to
store and sync data.
e. Political environment:
Laws related to family management and privacy protection may affect the business of the
A startup product in the 4.0 era like a family activity management application can face many
factors in the political environment.
First of all, it is necessary to consider the legal regulations related to the collection and use of
users' personal information in the application. Data security policies must be complied with and
fully established to ensure the safety of information for users.

In addition, online payment regulations should also be followed to ensure that users can use
the application's services safely and securely.
Law: Business-related laws, including employment law, consumer protection law, and
intellectual property law, can affect companies' business.
Product success can also depend on government policies and regulations on startups and
technology. Financial support and other government policies can support product and startup
development. However, if there are strict or restrictive regulations on startups and technology
development, the product may have difficulty in developing and succeeding in the market.
f. Cultural environment:
In a culturally diverse and rich environment like Vietnam, this new product will need to
match the cultural values, customs, and habits of family life in Vietnam.
The management and organization of family activities play an important role in family
culture in Vietnam.
However, implementation and management may vary from family to family and from region
to region.
Therefore, this new product needs to learn carefully about the needs and habits of users in
Vietnam and provide features that match those needs.
In addition, the product also needs to ensure the safety and security of users' information,
especially in the context that personal data is being cared for and protected in Vietnam.

3. SWOT analysis
a. Strengths:
A family activity management app that offers many useful features like schedules, to-do lists,
expense management, and family health. The simple, easy-to-use interface makes it easier for
users to manage their home life more efficiently. This product meets the needs of families who
live in a digital environment and are looking for a solution to manage household chores.

b. Weaknesses:
New apps can have a hard time attracting users and building trust. It is necessary to have an
effective marketing strategy to introduce the product to the target customers. In addition,
updating and maintaining the application is also a matter of concern to ensure the stability and
effectiveness of the product.

c. Opportunities:
The family activity management application has the potential to develop and expand to other
markets, not only in Vietnam but also around the world. This will help increase sales and profits
for the product. In addition, the product can develop new features to increase value for users,
such as integrating educational games for children or providing a course on financial
management for adults.

d. Threats:
There are many competing products in the home activity management field, so the
application needs to find its differences and advantages to compete in the market. In addition,
some customers may not trust or worry about the quality of the product, so one should create
good customer trust in this regard.

Competition from similar apps: The market for home management apps is becoming
increasingly diversified and competitive.

Difficulty in product development: Developing a home management application can require

a lot of time and resources. It is advisable to have a clear development plan and a qualified
application development team, the product can be easily developed and upgraded in the future.

C. Financial and marketing objectives

1. Financial Objective:

● Increase margins by 0.5 percent per quarter through efficiency and economies of scale.

● Maintain a substantial research and development budget to drive future product


● After 6 months, increase market shares by 5 percent compared to total market.

2. Marketing Objective:

● Create sales channels on social network platforms for customers to know and reach 100k
followers within 3 months.

● Reach potential customers such as: households with elderly people, children, pregnant
women thanks to the sessions Product introduction monthly.

● Create a lot of interesting and interesting content. Posting on TECHVERSE-owned

platforms to be able to attract multiple groups of opponents to the new statue.

● Increase brand awareness thanks to Reviews from customers who have experienced.

● Focus on major customers including the agents that TECHVERSE distributes to promote
TECHVERSE products.

● There are more upsale programs for customers to pay attention to the TECHVERSE

D. Marketing strategy (for new product)

1. Target customers
a. Segmentation
TECHVERSE classifies its market based on geographic, demographic, behavioral and
psychographic segmentation. Then implement a product differentiation method to meet
different customer groups. The following is the segmentation classification table.

Type of Segmentation Target customer segment

segmentation criteria

Geographic Region Vietnam

Density Urban and suburban

Demographic Age 18 - 55

Gender Males & Females

Income Middle class income

Occupation Students, employees, professionals

Behavioral Degree of loyalty Split loyals

Benefits sought Healthcare benefits, Cost benefits

Personality Independent, mindful and adaptable

User status Potential and regular smart watch users

Psychographic Social class The upper middle class and middle class in
urban and suburban areas.

Lifestyle According to Cross Cultural Consumer

Characterization developed by Young &
Rubican, TECHVERSE’s targets Explorers,
Succeeders and Mainstreamers individuals.

Table 2
b. Targeting
Techverse's targeting segmentation approach includes behavioral and psychographic
segmentation. It targets dedicated aspiring and middle customers who are eager to seek the prestige
and the long-term cost-effectiveness of smartwatches. Because Techverse's strategic goal is to
capture the mass market, major target markets should be sectors with characteristics that are
comparable to those of mass market. And customers who prefer smartwatches in an economical
way, easy-to-use interface and meeting the health index monitoring capabilities of themselves and
their families for 24/7. The primary target market segment of Techverse is households with
relatives who need health-care and secondary is outdoor and fitness enthusiasts.

2. Differentiation
Besides the basic health features that the whole present smart watches all have, such as:
measuring heart rate, monitoring sleep, calculating calories consumed… TECHVERSE offers a
new product containing outstanding features that are different from those of other smart watches.
They are:
● Detect impact

● Identify abnormalities of the body

● Integrated tracking app on the phone

● Make a small sound and notify your loved one's phone when there is an abnormality.

● Each watch will have its own barcode that will be easy to exchange information between
users (providing barcodes to connect with each other).

● If an impact occurs (even strongly or lightly) or the body cools down. abnormally, the
watch will sound. At the same time, on the app of the user and even his relatives will play
the sound.
With the careful research of new features on the new smart watch. TECHVERSE believes
that these prominence and breakthroughs will help improve the quality of the users’ life and their
loved ones around them.

E. Marketing tactics
1. Product
TECHVERSE Smartwatch belongs to shopping products.

a. Features

The health measurement and tracking features are integrated in TECHVERSE products such
as SpO2 index, sleeping score, heart rate measurement, stress level by heart rate data, menstrual
cycle monitoring, foot count, calorie counting when exercising.
Especially the fall detection feature, customers can adjust the sensitivity to detect falls not only
when exercising but also when standing still. It can send SOS notifications to three previously
selected contacts. In addition, the 5.0MP camera is integrated to make it easy to communicate
with relatives through a smartwatch in hand.
The most prominent feature of the product is the platform that shares health indicators measured
on smartwatches. Each product has a parameter for user to log into the TECHVERSE
application. Relatives can download applications for account registration. If they do not directly
use smart watches, only enter the product's code to follow and receive SOS notifications through

the application. When the owner of the code's smartwatch accepts, then sharing of health
parameters feature is enabled to others. With this feature, TECHVERSE encourages the whole
family to use the product so that they can check each other's health if necessary.

b. Quality

In terms of product quality, to give customers satisfaction and meet customers' needs, the
issues that users often care about when using smartwatch will be met by TECHVERSE. These
four characteristics are: User-friendly, longer battery life, good camera, durable and waterproof

c. Packaging

TECHVERSE considering the packaging of smartwatch products should be emphasized, as

this is one of the factors helping customers identify the brand. Especially in the era of social
media, the more impressive packaging products are, the more people interact with products,
which means that they will even be more interested in launching new products. TECHVERSE
comes in a protective packaging and premium box with consistent quality.

d. Design

Design of TECHVERSE products is emphasized because this factor will often bring
competitive advantages to the company, accordingly, TECHVERSE's smartwatches will follow a
simple but luxurious style, suitable for both men and women. During the period of product
growth, the company will consider customizing the strap at the customer's discretion to target
customers with high creative needs or prefer personalization of products.

e. Warranty

The warranty policy is focused on ensuring that the product used by the customer always
delivers accurate results. The product warranty period is 3 years and TECHVERSE encourages
customers to visit the warranty center to check the product once a year. Technical staff and
customer care ensure that professionals, especially, gather customer experience to promptly

f. Services

Making products more affordable and increasing competition between companies to cut
service fees.

The following is a product description through The Three Levels Theory in Marketing. For
customers with great health concerns, high demand for family health monitoring, and effective
time management, TECHVERSE's smartwatch is a product solution to problems or needs that
they are facing. The core benefits of smartwatches that customers actually own are 24/7 safety,
connectivity, and efficiency in their life. The actual product level is a set of product features
designed to meet that core need, mentioned in the feature section above.
TECHVERSE's application is used as a useful platform on electronic devices, including notes,
appointment reminders, and information on useful foods for consumers. Other features will
continue to be upgraded in the near future. And only if the user owned a TECHVERSE smartwatch,
"monitoring your health" and "monitoring the health of your loved ones" would be allowed. In the
product manual catalog, TECHVERSE will add the QR code to access the application and all
detailed steps taken so that customers can effectively use all the features of TECHVERSE
smartwatch. In addition, the company also gives customers a discount coupon for a future
purchase. Those are the augmented products TECHVERSE would like customers to receive.
2. Price
The company follows a cost-based pricing strategy. The reason Techverse chose this strategy
for the product is to ensure profit generation, as long as the markup figure is sufficient and unit
sales meet expectations. The price of TECHVERSE's product is 4,500,000 VND. TECHVERSE
will offer an attractive price for customers who buy combo for the whole family.

3. Place
In the strategy of selecting distribution channels, TECHVERSE adopts an exclusive
distribution in the early stage. The advantage of this distribution is that it allows the company to
focus on building the brand image. To reach more audiences more effectively, the company will
use stores in big cities in Vietnam such as Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City. TECHVERSE's
warranty centers are also in the same location. The prospects can come and have a demo of the

product in these stores and then make an informed decision. And the company ships products
throughout the provinces of Vietnam.

4. Promotion
Slogan: “Stand by your loved ones”
TECHVERSE considers itself as a product which cares about customer’s relations and
values. This will be reflected from our ad campaigns. In every ad of TECHVERSE, there will be
a family rejoicing together. TECHVERSE chooses an advertising message related to family
values and this slogan so that TECHVERSE conveys the message of family bonding. At the
same time, TECHVERSE hopes that the message will spread love among the members.

With this advertising theme, TECHVERSE positions itself as a separate product for
customers who want to care about their loved ones, especially family. This will help
TECHVERSE's new product occupy the tastes of customers who are in such demand.
TECHVERSE will be able to have a certain brand position in the market thanks to hitting the
customer's psychology about family values.
As a company, TECHVERSE uses 3 main ways of promotion to advertise our new product.

● Digital channels: Advertising efforts mixed with digital platforms are referred to as
online promotions. Because Vietnamese people spend a lot of time on social media,
reaching clients using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and others. This
is probably the most successful technique. The company thinks that it’s a must-have for
such a new brand.

● Broadcast media: Advertisements can be television news, audio production, television

and radio programs, etc. Because our products are aimed at families that have old
generations, those are our grandparents. Advertising through traditional means is more
accessible to them. Therefore, for instance, if we choose TV to advertise at noon, most
families will watch the program together. Then, we can build the first brand image in
their minds.

● Sponsorship & event marketing: TECHVERSE may also locate through their events,
reality programs and television shows, as well as serve as a diamond sponsor. These
efforts assist us in promoting our new products more effectively. Moreover, events are an

opportunity for our company to directly interact with prospective customers. Because
nowadays, there are a lot of reality shows appearing that attract a lot of viewers for
entertainment. If TECHVERSE can be a sponsor for them, as a result, this lets us connect
with your audience in a meaningful way

F. Financial projections
Company's resources

● Budget: VND

● Product line: E-poch I

● Units: 200

● Sales price per unit: 4.500.000 VND

● COGS per unit: 2.000.000 VND

● Margin per unit: 2.500.000 VND

1. Sales forecast
Sales forecast for the next 12 months (April 2023 to April 2024):

● April 2023: 30 units x 4,500,000 VND = 135,000,000 VND

● June 2023: 30 units x 4,500,000 VND = 135,000,000 VND

● July 2023: 80 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● August 2023: 80 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● September 2023: 80 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● October 2023: 80 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● November 2023: 80 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● December 2023: 80 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● January 2024: 120 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● February 2024: 120 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● March 2024: 120 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

● April 2024: 120 units x 4,500,000 VND = 360,000,000 VND

It's important to note that this sales forecast is based on the assumption that the company can
produce and sell the expected number of units each month. Market conditions, supply chain
disruptions, or other factors could impact sales and revenue.

2. Expense forecast:
April 2023 to June 2023:

❖ COGS: 120,000,000 VND ((30 units x 2,000,000 VND) x 2 months)

❖ Marketing and Advertising: 20,000,000 VND

❖ Salaries and Benefits: 50,000,000 VND

❖ Rent and Utilities: 20,000,000 VND

❖ Total expenses: 210,000,000 VND

July 2023 to December 2023:

❖ COGS: 800,000,000 VND ((80 units x 2,000,000 VND) x 5 months)

❖ Marketing and Advertising: 100,000,000 VND (20,000,000 VND x 5 months)

❖ Salaries and Benefits: 250,000,000 VND (50,000,000 VND x 5 months)

❖ Rent and Utilities: 100,000,000 VND (20,000,000 VND x 5 months)

❖ Total expenses: 1,250,000,000 VND

April 2024:

❖ COGS: 240,000,000 VND (120 units x 2,000,000 VND)

❖ Marketing and Advertising: 30,000,000 VND

❖ Salaries and Benefits: 60,000,000 VND

❖ Rent and Utilities: 25,000,000 VND

❖ Total expenses: 355,000,000 VND

3. Breakeven analysis:
Fixed Costs:

❖ Research and Development expenses: 200,000,000 VND

❖ Marketing and Sales expenses: 300,000,000 VND

❖ Total Fixed Costs = 500,000,000 VND

Variable Costs:

❖ COGS per unit: 2,000,000 VND

❖ Sales Price per unit: 4,500,000 VND

❖ Margin per unit: 2,500,000 VND

Contribution Margin per unit = Sales Price per unit - COGS per unit = 4,500,000 - 2,000,000
= 2,500,000 VND

Breakeven Point (units) = Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin per unit

Breakeven Point (units) = 500,000,000 / 2,500,000 = 200 units

⇨ Therefore, the company needs to sell a minimum of 200 units to cover its fixed and
variable costs, and break even. Any units sold beyond the breakeven point will generate a
profit for the company.

G. Implementation controls



Marketing plan 1/2/2024 1/3/20204 0 VNĐ HAN Marketing


Digital Channel 15/3/2024 17/3/2024 7.500.000VNĐ Outside firm Marketing


Broadcast 1/4/2024 3.000.000VNĐ Outside firm Marketing


Sponsorship & 20/4/2024 20/4/2024 40.000.000VNĐ HAN Marketing

event marketing

Development of 1/2/2024 31/12/2024 0VNĐ HAN Marketing

retail channel

TOTAL 50.500.000VNĐ

Table 3

Advertising Theme - Meaning & Definition. (2015). Retrieved May 7, 2015, from

What is Event Sponsorship and why it matters to your marketing. (2020). Retrieved
February 5, 2020, from


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