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From Days of Power by Rav P. S. BERG


Facts about the ARI:

1. The Ari was born in Jerusalem and as a child moved with his mother
to Egypt to live with his uncle. He lived in Egypt for 13 years.
2. The Ari, died on Hei B’AV (fifth day of Av) in 1574.
3. The Ari died at age 38.
4. The Ari was raised in a wealthy home, but his behavior did not reflect
his wealth. The Ari elevated beyond body consciousness by
performing his spiritual work until he merited the completion of his
life’s purpose.
5. The years that the Ari spent in Egypt were dedicated to the process
of purifying his life, converting his desire to receive, and completing
his life process, which was sharing the secrets of Kabbalah.
6. The Ari spent most of his time alone along the shores of the Nile, he
attained levels of Spiritual enlightenment and understanding that led

him to Tsefat to teach Rav Chaim Vital the secrets of Kabbalah and
by doing so passing this wisdom on to future generations.
7. The Ari Made the light more accessible to us. He had surrounding
light a unique soul, he was not limited to time or space or incarnation.
8. The Ari was an incarnation of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai’s soul. That
is how he was able to continue his work.
9. Every time we cite a tzadik, we merit that his soul attaches to ours.
By means of reading his writings, we all connect with The Ari and
merit his help and guidance.
The Ari could look at ones soul and read his Tikun.
By connecting to the stories of the Ari we can get:

-The gift of direction if we connect to his soul and get his assistance
to understand ones purpose in this world ….
- The only way we can get answers. What is the purpose of my life?
We can merit true direction only if our desire above all desires….is
that we are here to accomplish what we came to do. We won't
achieve it if we don't appreciate the soul of the Ari we must awaken
this appreciation for our soul to make the connection with the Ari

- He had the ability to make the light available as it is now to all of us

tonight we will learn how to truly have access to this wisdom by
connecting our soul to the souls of the Righteous.

The kabbalah Center Siddur (prayer Book) is the way to connect to

the Ari and bring him close to us. There is a meditation in the prayer
book given to us by the Ari that helps us connect to The Ari’s ability to
rise above the Limitations of Time:

(Hashem melech, hashem malach, Hashem yimloch le’olam va’ed)

(He ruled, He rules, and He will rule forever)

In the book Days of Power Rav Berg writes about the special
relationship The Ari had with his only student Rav Chaim Vital. The
description and process in which the Ari guided him to his destiny is
so beautiful we go back in time as well and connect in a stronger way
when reading it. This is what Rav Berg wrote from the Kitvei H’Ari
(The Ari’s Writings) from Rav Chaim Vital words:
 Rav Chaim wrote that on Rosh Chodesh Adar about how Rav
Isaac Luria (The Ari) changed him, the process in which he
had to change and reach an even higher elevated level for the
Ari to pass to him the secrets of the Kabbalah.
Rav Chaim Vital said:
 The Ari revealed to him that in order to connect with the seed of
our souls, we must perform spiritual work and it all depends on
our actions.
 When faced with choosing between our own personal benefit
and that of others, how much we are willing to sacrifice for
someone else we rise above our limitations and overcome our
body consciousness.
 This was the condition (consciousness of sharing) that the Ari
reached, but the Ari saw the process that Rav Chaim Vitals’
previous incarnations and had to go through a process of
 The Ari reveals that Rav Chaim Vital‘s previous incarnations, he
was an intellectual only for the sake of his soul.
 The Ari explains that a spiritual person is someone who has
come in his tikkun process to the level of Ruach and has
completely disconnected from the level of Nefesh and the
desire to receive for the self alone.
 The Ari took Rav Chain on a trip touring the grave site of the
righteous and united Rav Chaim Vital soul to another righteous
soul (Rav Yanai) who passed away 1,500 years earlier…. This
righteous soul told Rav Chaim that he has an aspect of slander,
and his soul is hindered by it. So Rav Chaim had to correct his
character in the area of Evil speech and increase his degree of

 The Ari told Rav Chaim Vital that his soul is of the same root of
Moses, like all the righteous souls.
 Only Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, The Ari, and Rav Chaim Vital
were able to understand Moses and able to connect to his
mighty soul. That is why The Ari dictated his wisdom to Rav
Chaim Vital alone. Only he was able to go to the depths of his
mind and pass on things exactly as he heard them.
 Rav Chaim Vital also tells us about the time he travelled with
The Ari to the “Idra Rabba” and how Rav Chaim chose to sit in
the southern gap not knowing exactly why! Then The Ari could
identify the energetic imprint that was left there, he later
revealed to him that it was Rav Abba’s seat. It showed Rav
Chaim Vital that his soul was reaching higher levels of
consciousness and he connected to Rav Abba’s soul.
 Rav Chaim Vital walk to the Idra Rabba gave him the
understanding for his own life’s purpose.
 Rav Chaim Vital had the merit to be the student of The Ari.
 Rav Chaim Vita said: “without even knowing it” only by
connecting to the source of spiritual energy: the Light of the
creator and the souls of the Righteous has brought us the
wisdom of Kabbalah to the world.
 The tool for a successful connection is our soul, all we need is
physical action that connect us with our soul’s source and raise
our consciousness. Our souls never forgets and Reading the
Zohar (or scanning) we can connect to the information
concealed in the depth of our soul.
 That’s how we can connect with our soul, reveal and know what
our personal mission is, and access information that has
existed in the depth of our vast soul for hundreds and
thousands of years.

May we all be Worthy to have the merit to connect to The Ari. May the Ari
assist us in our growth + transformation.

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