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School of Business Management

2022 Semester 2


ICA 2 Assignment Guide

Date of Issue: Week 8, Monday, (via NYP LMS)

Date of Submission: Week 15, Wednesday, 9:00 am (via NYP LMS)
Date of Presentation: Week 16 (During lesson time)
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 1

1. Assignment Outline

This group assignment constitutes 50% of the overall assessment for the module,
BM4085 Manage and Visualize Business Data. Each group is to use their assigned data
to fulfill the assignment objective by applying Spreadsheet concepts and skills learnt in
this module.

1.1 Assignment Group and Case Assignment

1.1.1 Each assignment group will comprise of 3 to 4 randomly assigned


1.1.2 Each group will be assigned one of the following business data
according to its Group Number.

1 01.empire_retail 4 04.strong_gym
2 02.napo_cruises 5 05.oleary_seafood
3 03.peak_driving 6 06.south_resort

1.1.3 The business data is provided in 2 worksheets in the format of a Microsoft

Excel file. (Refer to Annex A for the context of these business data)

1.1.4 The worksheets in the Microsoft Excel file are: Sheet1, Sheet2, and Info.
Sheet1 and Sheet2 contain the business data that you will be using to
complete this assignment. Worksheet Info contains information about the
business data in Sheet1 and Sheet2.

2. Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this assignment, learners will be able to:

 Solve practical business by analyzing data and generating reports using

spreadsheet application.

 Perform online collaboration work securely and effectively by selecting and using
digital technologies.
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 2

3. Assignment Objective

3.1 Produce an Excel report that fulfils the following:

3.1.1 Analyzes the assigned data for information with business value by
creating an Interactive Dashboard

3.1.2 Projects changes in outcomes in significant business scenarios by

creating a Business Scenario Summary and using Excel’s What-If

3.1.3 Worksheets are well-formatted to look professional, enhance readability

and to highlight important values

3.2 Present the information in your Excel report using an accompanying

deck of PowerPoint slides to fulfil the following:

3.2.1 Describe the business information produced in your Excel report

3.2.2 Explain the significance / value of the information to the business

(where applicable)

3.3 Understand cloud technologies and collaborative work

3.3.1 Explain how cloud technologies could be used in collaborative work in

this assignment.

4. Requirements

The scope and requirements of the assignment are as follow:

4.1 Excel Report File

4.1.1 Create your Excel report using the assigned business data. Save your
Excel report with the following naming convention:

o “ICA2_modulegroup_caseX”, where “modulegroup” is your

Module Group and X is your group / case number.

o For example, “ICA2_AA_case1.xlsx”

Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 3

4.1.2 Apart from what is stipulated in the requirements below, do not alter the
data or add new data to the Excel file containing your assigned business

4.2 Create new data columns that produce useful info about the Business

4.2.1 Create new data columns appended to the table in Sheet1 that would
produce useful information about the business.

4.2.2 The new data columns must contain only formulas and reference other
data columns in Sheet1 or both Sheet1 and Sheet2.

4.2.3 At least one of the new data columns created should reference data from
both Sheet1 and Sheet2 in a meaningful way.

4.2.4 You may append up to 4 new data columns to the table in Sheet1 to
produce useful information about the business.

4.2.5 In your presentation, describe the business information that is produced

in the new data columns.

4.2.6 Marks are also awarded for the following:

o The Excel formulas are error free (function, cell referencing, etc.)
and consistently applied to the whole table column

o The new data columns correctly and accurately produce the

intended business information (as indicated in your presentation

o The new columns are labeled appropriately to improve readability

and understanding
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 4

4.2.7 Format Sheet1 to make it look professional and to improve the

readability of the data. This includes:

o Adding a title and subtitle to the table. The title should display the
business’ name and logo. The subtitle describes the information
in Sheet1 (in a single-line statement).

o Format your new data columns to distinguish them from the

original columns

o Highlight significant values of one column dynamically using rule-

based formatting

4.2.8 In your presentation, describe this rule-based formatting and its

significance to the business.

4.3 Create a Dashboard

4.3.1 Create a dashboard in a new worksheet using PivotTables and


4.3.2 The dashboard must consist of 3 PivotCharts.

4.3.3 Analyze the data in Sheet1 (including the new data columns) using the
PivotCharts to produce useful information about the business.

4.3.4 Name this worksheet “DASHBOARD”.

4.3.5 Make the dashboard interactive using 2 slicers.

4.3.6 The slicers should facilitate users of your Excel report to gain new
insights from the dashboard.

4.3.7 Each slicer must interact with all the PivotCharts in the dashboard.
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 5

4.3.8 In your presentation, describe the following:

o The business information produced by each PivotChart

o New insights when the slicers are used

o Significant findings in the information produced by the dashboard

(if any)

4.3.9 Marks are also awarded for the following:

o The PivotTables and PivotCharts are error free (e.g.: connected to

data source)

o The PivotCharts and slicers show the intended information and

findings (as indicated in the presentation slides)

4.3.10 Format and arrange the elements of the dashboard to

o Enhance the readability and understanding of the business

information in the dashboard

o Make the dashboard look professional

4.4 Create an Excel Business Scenario Summary

4.4.1 Create a Summary Table at the bottom of Sheet 1 or Sheet 2 using

data from either Sheet 1 or Sheet 2. This Summary Table must
summarize data using a suitable function and produce useful information
about the business.

4.4.2 Also create a What-If Analysis which includes the cell/s of the Summary
Table. The What-If Analysis must include 3 business scenarios to
simulate the changes in your business variables in 3 potential real-life
situations. The first business scenario must be the original values.
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 6

4.4.3 Generate a What-If Analysis Scenario Summary Worksheet that

compares the changing cell values and the summarized data values
of the 3 business scenarios.

4.4.4 Add only appropriate labels and formatting to the generated Scenario
Summary Worksheet to enhance the readability and understanding of
this Scenario Summary.

4.4.5 In your presentation, describe the following:

o The business information that is produced by the summarized data

of your spreadsheet summary

o The 3 business scenarios and how they are simulated by the

changing cells and their values in each scenario

o The changes to the summarized data in your summary in each

scenario and the significance of these changes

4.4.6 Marks are also awarded based on the following:

o The What-if Analysis correctly produces the intended business

scenarios (as indicated in your presentation slides)

o Suitable cell(s) in the worksheet is/are selected as changing

cell(s) in the What-If Analysis

o No new data can be added into the worksheets to create the

model or business scenarios

o The 3 scenarios are appropriately named

Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 7

4.4.7 Marks are also awarded for the following:

o Suitable summarized data cell(s) in your spreadsheet scenario

summary is/are selected as result cell(s) in What-If Analysis
Scenario Summary

o The What-If Analysis Scenario Summary worksheet is formatted to

show comparisons of the 3 business scenarios clearly and

4.5 Presentation Slides File

Refer to section 6. Presentation for details of this presentation.

4.5.1 Create a Microsoft PowerPoint file to support your presentation. Cover

the items listed in the above requirements minimally.

4.5.2 Format the slides to engage the audience, enhance effective

presentation, and facilitate understanding.

4.5.3 Name the PowerPoint presentation file with the same name as instructed
in requirement 4.1.

4.5.4 Create a Cover Slide as the first slide, which must include the following

o Case No.

o Case / Business Name

o Module Group

o Module Tutor

o Group Members and Admin Number

4.6 Individual submission of Journal

4.6.1 Answer 2 questions about cloud technologies and their effects on

collaborative work in this assignment.
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 8

4.6.2 The answers are to be submitted separately in an NYP LMS assignment

submission. Each answer submission is limited to 200 words.

4.6.3 The 2 questions are as follows:

Question 1: Cloud computing has been one of the trends of the

4th industrial revolution. What are the two main differences from
traditional computing? Discuss what the main benefits for
modern businesses are.

Question 2: List a collaboration tool you have used for your

Excel assignment creation. How did it help you in your
assignment? Discuss one difficulty that you encountered in your
assignment and how did you manage to overcome it?

5. Submissions

The following files are to be submitted via NYP LMS by the Group Member listed
first in the module group attendance list. (E.g.: If your group consists of members with
attendance list register number 1, 2, 7 and 8, then the member with register number: 1
will make the submission.)

5.1 Files to Be Submitted

5.1.1 Microsoft Excel workbook file

o File is named as instructed in section “4. Requirements”

o All worksheets are presented and named as instructed in section

“4. Requirements”

5.1.2 Microsoft PowerPoint file

o File is named as instructed in section “4 Requirements”

Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 9

o First slide is a Cover Slide as instructed in section “4.


5.1.3 Complete the questions in NYP LMS about cloud technologies and their
effects on collaborative work in this assignment.

5.2 Late submission and penalties

5.2.1 A penalty of 5% on the total base marks to be deducted for each working
day of late submission. Any submission after 5 working days will be
awarded zero mark (0m).

5.2.2 Note: Late submission is not meant for correcting errors in your
submitted assignment after the due date. As such, any subsequent
submissions after the due date will not be accepted for marking. E.g.:

o You have submitted 2 versions of your work before the due date but
subsequently submitted the 3rd version after the due date. Only your
2nd submission will be accepted for marking.

o You have not submitted any work before the due date. You
subsequently submitted 2 versions after the due date. Only your 1st
submission will be accepted for marking.

5.2.3 The submission link on Blackboard will be closed after the due date. A
late submission link will be available on Blackboard for 5 working days
after the due date. All late submissions must be submitted via this late
submission link.

5.3 Plagiarism

5.3.1 Plagiarism is serious matter. Plagiarism is the act of taking and using the
whole or any part of ideas, words or works of other people and passing it
off as one’s own work, without acknowledgement of the original source.
The act of plagiarism is an offence under NYP Academic Integrity Policy:
academic-integrity.html. Any act of plagiarism may be construed as
academic dishonesty. A candidate who, after due disciplinary process, is
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 10

found to have committed an act that contravenes academic integrity in

any assessment of a module would be liable for disciplinary action under
NYP Academic Integrity Policy.

5.3.2 It is also important not to share your or your group’s work with other
learner(s) or group(s). ALL parties involved in any act of plagiarism
(including learner(s) or group(s) who have shared their work with
others) would be liable for disciplinary action under NYP Academic
Integrity Policy.

5.3.3 If any learner had asked you to share your work with him/her, it is
important to turn down his/her request and report the incident immediately
to your module tutor to safeguard your integrity.

5.4 Free Rider Problem

5.4.1 All learners are expected to contribute actively to their group project. Any
non-contribution/ free rider must be brought to the attention of the module
tutor as soon as possible so that early intervention measures can be
implemented. Free-riders who are only highlighted at the end-of-project
peer evaluation exercise may not be penalised if they are not highlighted
during the interim reporting of non-contributor/ free rider. The e-survey to
report any free rider(s) during project development will be provided in

5.4.2 Adjustment of Free rider’s Project Score.

o There are 2 components to peer evaluation:

a) Peer evaluation score makes up 10% of the overall score.

b) If the average peer evaluation score awarded by other team

members is less than 5 points out of 10 and highlighted during
the interim reporting of non-contributor/ free rider, a learner
will be identified as a free rider and consequently, the average
peer evaluation score will determine the penalty to the free-
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 11

rider’s group component score. Please also provide reasons/

justifications/ examples on team members highlighted as free
riders in the peer evaluation form.

o Each learner will rate the contribution of other team members using
a 10-point scale through a confidential digital peer evaluation form
administered by their module tutor. The award of peer evaluation
scores for other team members should be based on the quality of
each team member’s collaboration practices (self-awareness &
management, leadership, interpersonal & collaboration, as well as
communication & inclusivity skills). You should also take into
account each team member’s attendance and punctuality during
project meetings.

o Your module tutor will only deduct a free rider’s group component
score if his/her average peer evaluation scores awarded by team
members is less than 5 points out of 10. (i.e. team members had
rated that the free rider had contributed, on average, less than 50%
to the group project.) As such, you should award less than 5 points
(less than 50%) for a free rider’s peer evaluation score with
substantiative reasons/ justifications/ examples so that he/she can
clearly be identified as a free rider.

o As an illustration, if a learner had obtained an average score of 4.5

points out of 10 (less than 5 points) for his/her peer evaluation,
he/she would be identified as a free rider who had only contributed
45% to the group project. This free-rider learner would only be
awarded 45% of the group component score. On the other hand,
another learner who had obtained an average score of 5 points and
above for his/her peer evaluation would not be rated as a free rider.
This learner would be awarded 100% of the group component score
(no deduction to group component score).
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 12

6. Presentation

6.1 Style

6.1.1 The presentation style is a role-play:

o Your assignment group is tasked by your supervisor to find

business information and findings (if any) in the company’s
(assigned) business data.

o Your tutor takes the role of your company’s supervisor in this role-

6.1.2 Your assignment group is required to present the business information

(and findings) produced in your Excel report to your supervisor.

6.1.3 The presentation should focus on presenting the findings. However, you
must be prepared to explain, if asked by your supervisor:

o The significance of your business information / findings

o How you produce the business information (e.g.: what formula /

function is used)

6.1.4 The maximum duration of the presentation is 20 minutes, followed by

Q&A if required.

6.2 Attire

6.2.1 Smart casual (No slippers, shorts, singlets).

6.3 Participation

6.3.1 All group members must participate in the presentation.

6.4 Presentation marks

6.4.1 Presentation marks are awarded according to the Presentation Guideline

shown in Annex B.
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 13

7. Assessment

The group component of this assessment carries a total of 120 marks and
constitutes 60% of the assessment score. The presentation, peer evaluation and
individual journal component of this assessment carries a total of 60 marks and
constitutes 40% of the assessment score.

As a whole, this assessment constitutes 50% of the overall grade for this

The breakdown of marks is as follows:

 Group Component (120 marks, 60%)

1. Excel Report File – 1m

2. Calculated new data columns with Information about the Business – 36m

3. Create a Dashboard – 40m

4. Create a Business Scenario Summary – 33m

5. Presentation Slides File – 10m

 Individual Component (60 marks, 40%)

o Presentation (30 marks, 20%)

o Peer Evaluation (10 marks, 10%)

o Individual Journal (20 marks, 10%)

 Late Submission Penalty (Negative Marking)

o 5% on the total base marks per working day of late submission.

o 0m after 5 working days

 Free Rider Penalty (Negative Marking)

o 50% to 100% penalty of group component marks

-- End of Assessment Guide --

Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 14


Background of Business Category

1 01.empire_retail 4 04.strong_gym
2 02.napo_cruises 5 05.oleary_seafood
3 03.peak_driving 6 06.south_resort

CASE 1: Empire Retail

The company Empire retail wants to understand the retail revenue better by
analyzing the revenue collected from its item category sales and parking facilitates
income for the year of Jun to Sep 2022. The company also wishes to understand its
customer profile and spending habits.

CASE 2: Napo Cruises

Napo is a cruise operator that runs cruise trips throughout Asia. Five cruise agents
are selling her cruise trips, and the operator wants to know their traveller profiles to serve
them better. The company also wants to know which journey is the most revenue-
generating and profitable.

CASE 3: Peak driving

Peak driving plans to set up a fourth driving school and is trying to find out more
from the students who have just passed their driving test. It seeks to understand the
preference of the students and the general profile they can target in their marketing.

CASE 4: Strong Gym

Strong Gym owns runs exercises classes in 3 branches around Singapore. The
company is trying to understand which class is the most profitable as they are paying
their instructors based on commission. The company also seeks to understand which
exercise courses have a higher potential to have more classes enrolled.
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 15

CASE 5: Oleary Seafood

Oleary seafood owns three subsidies that sells seafood using online platform, they
3 subsidies sells their product at slightly different prices due to different operational
costs. Oleary plans to streamline its product sales, it seeks to find out which product
attributes affects its customers’ feedback and improve its business.

CASE 6: South Resort

South resort operates a resort hotel in the southern islands, its hotel is also near
a theme park where the visitors get discounts to the theme park based on the room
package. The company seeks to understand which hotel room generates the most
revenue and is the most popular by demand as it plans to renovate to re-configure its
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 16


Presentation Guideline

Component Marks 0 to 2 3 to 4 5 to 6
Communicating 6 marks - Exhibits doubt and inaccuracies in - Identifies purpose in delivery at times - Clear identification of purpose and
Purpose content knowledge - Exhibits understanding of content delivery of relevance.
(content knowledge, - Presents merely topic intro and and confidence more than half the - Establishes credibility by projecting
purpose) thank the audience time confidence in content knowledge.
- Confuses the audience with the

Simplify / Synthesise 6 marks - Little attempt to interpret research - Simplifies complex ideas to increase - Consistent in simplifying complex
(Explanation, material understanding with some ideas into digestible parts
selection, and use of - Weak in simplifying and inconsistency - Presents relevant and relatable
examples) summarising ideas - Presents some effective examples examples
- Lacks / irrelevant / ineffective - Some slips in logical - Shows understanding through
examples progression of ideas summarised delivery
- Ideas are poorly organised - Logical progression of ideas

Engaging 6 marks - Presenter tends to move away - Exhibits some awareness of space - Exhibits awareness of space
(Spatial awareness, from the audience - Body Language projects confidence - Body Language projects confidence
Body Language, - Body Language clearly shows in communicating with the audience and eases all the time
Verbal cues, disinterest / nervousness / lacks most of the time - Gestures match verbal instruction
audience confidence - Gestures match verbal instruction and are useful in signalling attention to
awareness) - Gestures largely missing / robotic though not always useful key details
delivery - Exhibits awareness of techniques in - Exhibits an ability to use verbal
- Verbal expression is monotonous / verbal expression expression to draw audience attention
impedes understanding at times - Manages audience expectations with - Involve the audience to establish
- Shows disinterest in connecting some success rapport
with the audience
Assignment Guide / BM4085 / Page 17

Component Marks 0 to 2 3 to 4 5 to 6
Fluency 6 marks - Formal language is used for most
(use of Standard - Colloquial terms / slang used - Exhibits ease in use of formal
parts of the presentation
English liberally. language
- Fillers appear in speech but generally
/ technical terms, - Slips in grammar - Absence of fillers
do not impede understanding
Links, Diction) - Fillers are distracting - Careful selection of Diction to
- Acceptable diction
- Diction leaves much to be desired enhance content delivery

Team dynamics 6 marks - Duration is vastly shorter than

- Duration is slightly shorter than other
- Duration is the same as other
(Transitions, Timing, other presenters
Roles) presenters -Provides significant assistance to
- Provides some assistance to other
- Provides no assistance to other other presenters while they are
presenters while they are presenting
presenters while they are presenting presenting
- Displays poor awareness of position /
- Displays poor behaviour and - Displays good awareness of
action while other member/s is/are
actions position/action to complement
while other presenters are talking presenter/s
Total 30

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