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Set a journey path connecting the point of

departure to the destination, and record it on
the Journey Log (counting the hex containing
the destination but not the departure).


The Guide of the Company makes a Marching
Test rolling TRAVEL , to determine where journey
events take place along the journey path.
♦ If the TRAVEL roll succeeds, an event takes
place 3 hexes away, plus 1 for each Suc-
cess icon.
♦ If the TRAVEL roll fails, an event occurs 2
hexes away in Summer and Spring, and 1
hex away in Winter or Autumn.
Follow the Event Resolution rules (page 112)
to determine the precise nature of the event.
Once an event has been resolved, the Guide
makes a new Marching Test to determine where
another event will take place.
♦ The journey ends when a Marching Test
result matches or exceeds the number of
hexes left between the Company’s current
position and their point of arrival — the
Company has reached its destination.


A journey lasts a number of days equal to the
number of hexes in the journey path, plus 1 day
for each hard terrain hex (hills, woods, marshes,
etc.). If the entire Company is travelling on
horseback, halve the resulting total (rounding
fractions up).
♦ On a forced march, count 1 day for each 2
hexes in the journey path instead of 1, but
each Player-hero accumulates 1 additional
point of Fatigue each day.


Fatigue is recorded on the journey log sheet,
and cannot be shaken off while the journey lasts.
♦ At the end of the journey, Player-­heroes
with a mount reduce their total Fatigue by
their mount’s Vigour rating (see page 50).
All Player-heroes can further reduce their accu-
mulated Fatigue with a roll of TRAVEL .
♦ A success reduces the total Fatigue by 1,
plus 1 point for each Success icon ( ).
Any remaining Fatigue is removed at the rate of
1 point of Fatigue for each Prolonged Rest taken
in a sheltered and safe refuge.

Border Lands

Wild Lands

Dark Lands

Impassable Terrain

Perilous Area

sam hiew (Order #40037526)

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