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A Guide to Resident-Fellow Opportunities

Message from the APA CEO and Medical Director

Dear Resident-Fellow Member,

Welcome to the American Psychiatric Association (APA). APA is the world’s largest
professional association of psychiatrists and it is our mission to support our members and the
patients they serve.

You are entering a career in medicine at one of the most exciting times in the history
of both medicine and psychiatry. With our nation’s focus on access to health care as well as
ensuring support for mental health and substance abuse services, there is a great demand for
highly trained and dedicated psychiatrists. In addition, we continue to achieve major scientific
breakthroughs in the understanding of the brain that will revolutionize the treatments for
individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders.

APA is here to be a resource and partner as you move into the field of psychiatry.
Whether it is through important fellowships, prestigious awards or participation in APA
governance, APA offers you ample opportunity to expand the scope of your experience and
make difference in the lives of your patients. In addition, APA will keep you abreast of the
latest research, prepare you to lead in a quickly changing health care environment, advocate
for the interests of our patients and the profession on Capital Hill, and offer opportunities to
connect with and learn from well-respected colleagues in the areas of research, academics,
and clinical practice.

This guide will get you started by providing you with a high level overview of the APA.
It is my hope that you join APA and experience the peer support, intellectual stimulation,
camaraderie and, above all, the sense of family that you get by belogning to this noble


Saul Levin, M.D., M.P.A.

CEO and Medical Director
American Psychiatric Association
Become involved in organized medicine. By
becoming involved you can help shape the future
of psychiatry while developing your professional
acumen, network, and leadership skills.
Find more information and leadership
opportunities at

Resident-Fellow Member Trustee (RFMT)

Each year, an RFMT-Elect is elected nationally by the membership to serve on the APA Board of Trustees
for one year, and continues to serve an additional year as the full RFMT. The Board is the governing body
of the APA, and its primary function is to formulate and implement the policies of the APA. Applications
are due October 1 for a term to begin the following May.

Assembly Committee of Area Resident-Fellow Members (ACORF)

ACORF provides APA Assembly representation for resident and fellow members of the APA. Committee
members are elected by their Area Council (seven in all), and serve two sequential one-year terms, the
first as Area RFM Deputy Representative, and the second as Area RFM Representative. Application
deadlines vary by District Branch.

APA Representative to the AMA Resident & Fellow Section

The American Medical Association (AMA) Resident and Fellow Section (RFS) was created by the AMA to
represent and advocate for residents and fellows and to train young physician leaders. The APA has two
resident-fellow positions in the AMA-RFS, a delegate and an alternate delegate who are part of a greater
APA delegation at AMA meetings.

Resident Representative to the Residency Review Committee

The ACGME has 28 Review Committees for each of the specialties. The APA is a member organization of
the RRC in Psychiatry and sends two nominations to the RRC for its resident member position.

AJP: Residents’ Journal Editorial Board Positions

The Residents’ Journal, published online monthly with The American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP), serves as
a forum for psychiatry residents and fellows to share ideas and experiences in training, clinical practice,
and research. Five editorial positions are available, and applications are due April 15.

What does APA leadership mean to you?

My name is Stella Cai, M.D., I am currently in my first year of service as RFMT-

elect. The experience has been phenomenal. Not only do you have the
opportunity to interact with the top leaders in our field, you are the voice for
the resident and fellow members and APA as an organization and have an impact
on the future of psychiatry and our patients.

The APA and American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) offer a variety of fellowships to
advance your training in leadership, government affairs, public and community psychiatry, and more.
These fellowships are funded by the APA, the APAF, and various outside organizations through federal
and private grants.

Applications for all fellowships are due January 30. Find application instructions and deadlines at

Leadership & Minority Research &

Public Affairs Fellowships Sub-Specialty

• American Psychiatric • APA/SAMHSA • Psychiatric Research

Leadership Fellowship Fellowship
• Diversity Leadership • Resident Psychiatric
• Jeanne Spurlock, Fellowship Research Scholars
M.D. Congressional
Fellowship • APA/SAMHSA • Child & Adolescent
Substance Abuse Psychiatry Fellowship
• Public Psychiatry Fellowship

Be recognized for your achievements and add to your CV with APA awards. Enhance your Annual Meeting
experience by indulging your competitive side with the Jeopardy-style MindGames competition or
presenting your original research at the Poster Competition. Find more information on all of these
programs at

Resident Recognition Award: Presented annually to a psychiatric resident from


each department or institution who exemplifies APA values. Application deadline: March 31.

Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators: Provides guidance, mentorship, and

encouragement to young investigators in the early phases of their training. Held during the APA
Annual Meeting. Application deadline: December 15.

Resident Poster Competition: The APA recognizes the best resident and medical
student posters at a special Resident Poster session during the APA Annual
Meeting. Application deadline: September 30. Submit posters in one of five categories:
1. Community Service

2. Clinical Case Studies

3. Curriculum Development and Education
4. Psychosocial and Biomedical
5. Patient Care and Epidemiology

MindGames Residency Team Competition: Intended to be a fun, educational

activity challenging residents on patient care and medical knowledge. Preliminary round takes
place in February with the top three scoring programs completing in the final round during the
APA Annual Meeting. Teams must register by January 30.

The APA hosts several meetings and conferences each year to help you stay up to date with the latest
clinical advances while interacting with colleagues from around the world.

Resident Leadership Track

The Resident Leadership Track is a collection of events which occur during the APA
Annual Meeting designed to enhance residents and fellows personal and
leadership development. The objective of the track is to:
• Train participants as they deal with administrators and faculty
• Allow residents and fellows to network with colleagues and leaders in psychiatry
• Delve deeper into career tracks through hands-on and interactive
breakout sessions
• Provide career training to help residents and fellows gain confidence as they take
on senior roles and prepare to transition into practice

APA Annual Meeting

Attended by professionals from more than 50 countries, the APA Annual
Meeting is the premier psychiatric meeting in the world. Find more
information at
Here are 5 reasons RFMs and ECPs should attend:
• Earn your annual state licensure CME credit at one meeting.
•Discover cutting-edge science and new therapies.
• Learn from renowned thought leaders in the areas of health policy
and ethics.
• Reconnect with your peers and expand your professional network.
• Explore the exhibit hall for innovative treatment options and new technologies.

IPS: The Mental Health Services Conference

Held each October, the mission of IPS is to train
and support psychiatrists and other mental health professionals to
provide quality care and leadership. Find more information at

Between meetings and events, the APA offers a variety of ways to interact with and stay connected to your
colleagues online. The APA will also frequently post RFM leadership and research opportunities through
these channels.

Chief Resident- Fellow Listserv LinkedIN

Listserv for APA Chief Residents and Fellows to: APA members may build their professional identity
engage with colleagues - share common experiences and network by joining the members-only
discover new resources - find leadership opportunities LinkedIN group American Psychiatric Association.

Join the listserv by sending an email to

[email protected]

Follow APA and affiliates to stay current with emerging
news and developments in psychiatry.
- APA CEO/Medical Director:
- AJP Residents Journal:
Facebook - APA Foundation:
APA and APAF Facebook pages serve as a social utility to - APA:
connect psychiatrists on important mental health issues

Members help guide the profession of psychiatry through the APA’s governance structure. The Assembly
Committees & Task Forces include the Assembly Committee of Residents and Fellows – a great place for
residents and fellows to get involved in APA leadership and governance!

Check out the following section of this guide for detailed descriptions of each governance component
listed below. To find more information on the APA’s governance structure, including how to get
involved, visit

Board of Trustees
(20 Voting Members)
Executive Committee

Standing Reference Assembly Ad Hoc
Committee &
Committees Committees
(also a Standing Executive Committee

Finance & Councils

Budget (13) Assembly
Area Councils
Committees &
Task Forces

Task Forces District
Work Groups Branches
(U.S. & Canada)
Elections (74)




The following chart describes in more detail the functions of each of the APA’s governance components
listed on the preceding chart.

Composed of officers and trustees, elected by the membership, the Board of

Trustees governs the Association. The power to make policy is vested in the Board,
and the Board’s primary function is to formulate and implement the policies of the
Association. The Board exercises all powers of the Association that are not otherwise
Voting Members of the Board of Trustees:
• President (Chairperson)
• President-elect
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Three immediate Past Presidents
• Speaker of the Assembly
• Speaker-elect of the Assembly
• One Trustee elected by the membership of each geographical area defined
by the Assembly
• One Trustee-at-large
• One Minority Under-Represented Trustee (elected by the minority caucuses)
• One Early Career Psychiatrist Trustee
• One Resident-Fellow Member Trustee (elected by RFMs)
Non-voting members of the Board of Trustees:
• Past presidents elected prior to 2000
• Resident-Fellow Member Trustee-elect
Guests of the Board of Trustees:
• Representative from American Psychiatric Leadership Fellowship
• Representative from APA/SAMHSA or Diversity Leadership Fellowship
• Representative from APA Public Psychiatry Fellowship

The eight standing committees conduct the business affairs of the APA and include:
1. Finance and Budget
2. Bylaws
3. Elections
4. Ethics
5. Joint Reference
6. Membership
7. Nominating
8. Tellers
With the exception of the Joint Reference Committee, the President designates the
committees’ chairpersons and fills the vacancies in the membership of the

The Joint Reference Committee (JRC) is a standing committee that acts as a liaison
between the Board, Assembly, and the APA’s components. It ensures that matters
receive thorough review and consideration by referring items to the appropriate
components within the APA. It then reviews recommendations and transmits
proposals to the Assembly and Board for action.
Voting Members of the JRC
• President-Elect (Chairperson)
• Speaker-Elect (Vice Chairperson)
• Immediate Past President
• One additional member of the Board of Trustees (appointed by President)
• Two additional members of the Assembly
• APA CEO & Medical Director
Non-Voting Members of the JRC
• Chairpersons of Councils
Observers (non-voting) of the JRC
• Representative from American Psychiatric Leadership Fellows
• Representative from APA/SAMHSA or Diversity Leadership Fellows
• Representative from APA Public Psychiatry Fellows

Established by the Board and dedicated to specific topics of interest to the

Association. Each Council is composed of up to twelve voting members, including the
chairperson. One member of the Council must be an ECP and one member of the
Council is selected from the Assembly.
Appointments and tenures are staggered to ensure continuity on the Council.
Councils are authorized to create and eliminate informal work groups and are
authorized to act, subject to approval of the Board, within their area of interest to
implement the objectives of the Association.

Committees are established within a Council to perform ongoing functions (as

opposed to time- and task-limited functions). A Council reassesses the need for a
committee every three years. They are composed of up to six voting members.
Subcommittees are established at the request of a committee, typically in
extraordinary circumstances, upon determining the need for the performance of a
continuing function (distinct from a project-oriented and time-limited task) that falls
within its purview. They are customarily composed of six members or fewer.
Task Forces are established to carry out a specific, time-limited task and are
discharged upon submission of a final report. They are composed of up to four
members, including the chairperson.
Caucuses are groups of self-selected special interest psychiatrists for whom there is
no other vehicle or subspecialty organization already relating to the Association. A
minimum of ten APA members is required to form a caucus.
Work Groups are established within a Council and are usually comprised of Council
members to address specific projects of short duration.

There are 13 Councils reporting to the Joint Reference Committee with multiple committees, subcommittees,
task forces, caucuses, and work groups reporting to them.

Committee on Advocacy & Litigation Funding (CALF)

Caucus of State Hospital Psychiatrists Council on
Council on Caucus of VA Psychiatrists Children,
Advocacy &
Government Agnes Purcell McGavin Award Selection Committee & their
Relations Blanche F. Ittleson Research Award Committee Families
Caucus of Psychiatrists Treating Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
Caucus on College Mental Health

Committee on Reimbursement for Psychiatric Care

Committee on RBRVS, Codes and Reimbursements Council on
Council on Medical
Healthcare APA Public Psychiatry Fellowship Selection Committee Education &
Systems & APA/SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Selection and Advisory Committee Lifelong
Financing Subcommittee on Joint Sponsorship of Continuing Medical Education (CME) Learning
Scientific Program Committee
Scientific Program Committee of the Institute on Psychiatric Services
Vestermark Award Committee
Caucus of Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
Caucus of Resident-Fellow Members
Council on
Minority Council on
Caucus of Rural Psychiatrists
Mental Caucus on Spirituality, Religion & Psychiatry Psychiatry
Health Caucus on Global Mental Health and Psychiatry and Law
& Health
Committee on Judicial Action
Isaac Ray/Human Rights Award Committee
Manfred S. Guttmacher Award Committee
Caucus of Correctional Psychiatrists

Caucus on Global Mental Health and Psychiatry Council

Council on on
Research International
Committee on Research Awards Psychiatry
Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster
Task Force to Revise the Practice of Electroconvulsive Therapy
Caucus of Psychiatrists Treating Persons with Eating Disorders
Caucus on Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Steering Committee on Practice Guidelines

Committee on Mental Health Information Technology
Council on Caucus on Psychotherapy Council on
Quality Care
Council on Council on
Council on
Addiction Psychosomatic
Psychiatry Medicine

The Assembly is the national body that
meets twice a year and represents the
individual members in the affairs of the
Association. It is composed of
representatives from the Association’s
district branches. It brings to the
attention of the Board of Trustees and
other components the concerns of
District Branch members. In turn, the
Board and its components often refer
issues to the Assembly and the District
Branches for consideration and study.
Residents are encouraged to get involved
in the Assembly through the Assembly
Committee of Area Resident-Fellow
Member Representatives (ACORF).
The seven Area Councils are regional links Seven Areas of the APA (By State or Territory):
between the Assembly and the district
branches. Each Area Council consists of Area 1: New England/Eastern Canada
representatives from each of the District Area 2: New York
Branches within the area, an Area Area 3: Middle Atlantic
Representative and Deputy Representative Area 4: North Central
elected by the Council itself, an Area Early Area 5: South, Puerto Rico
Career Psychiatrist Representative and Area 6: California
Deputy Representative, an Area Resident- Area 7: West/Western Canada
Fellow Member Representative and Deputy
Representative, and Allied Organization Liaisons within the area. The Area Councils promote
relationships between organized psychiatry and state governments, coordinate a range of branch
activities, hold scientific meetings, and other programs in continuing medical education, and provide a
forum for discussion of national and regional issues.

Assembly Minority/
Non-Voting Members of
Voting Members of the Assembly Underrepresented
the Assembly

- Speaker - District Branch Deputy - American Indian,

- Speaker-Elect Representatives Native Alaskan &
- Recorder - Seven M/UR Deputy Native Hawaiian
- Two voting past Speakers Representatives Psychiatrists
- District Branch Representatives - Seven Early Career - Asian American
- Seven Area Representatives Psychiatrist Area Deputy Psychiatrists
- Seven Area Deputy Representatives Representatives - Black Psychiatrists
- Seven Resident-Fellow Member - Seven Resident-Fellow - Hispanic Psychiatrists
Area Representatives Member Area Deputy - International Medical
- Seven M/UR Representatives Representatives Graduate Psychiatrists
- Seven Early Career Psychiatrist Area - Parliamentarian - Lesbian, Gay &
Representatives Bisexual Psychiatrists
- Allied Organization Liaisons - Women Psychiatrists

District Branches are constituent parts of the Association that work locally to promote the art and science
of psychiatry and maintain high professional standards. Most correspond to state or metropolitan areas.
Each District branch establishes dues for its members, elects its own officers, elects representatives to the
Assembly, and arranges its own programs.

Area 1 Area 2
07 Connecticut Psychiatric Society 02 Bronx District Branch
32 Massachusetts Psychiatric Society 03 Brooklyn Psychiatric Society Inc.
37 Ontario District Branch 05 Genesee Valley Psychiatric Association
39 Quebec & Eastern Canada District Branch 24 Mid-Hudson Psychiatric Society
41 Rhode Island Psychiatric Society 25 Greater Long Island Psychiatric Society
62 Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians 27 New York County District Branch
66 Vermont Psychiatric Association 28 New York State Capital District Branch
68 New Hampshire Psychiatric Society 40 Queens County Psychiatric Society
Area 3 49 Psychiatric Society of Westchester County Inc.
08 Psychiatric Society of Delaware 51 Western New York Psychiatric Society
20 Maryland Psychiatric Society Inc. 55 West Hudson Psychiatric Society
26 New Jersey Psychiatric Association 56 Central New York District Branch
38 Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society 59 Northern New York District Branch
48 Washington Psychiatric Society Area 4
Area 5 09 Missouri Psychiatric Association
01 Arkansas Psychiatric Society 13 Illinois Psychiatric Society
10 Florida Psychiatric Society 14 Indiana Psychiatric Society
11 Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association Inc. 16 Iowa Psychiatric Society
18 Kentucky Psychiatric Medical Association 17 Kansas Psychiatric Society
19 Louisiana Psychiatric Medical Association 21 Michigan Psychiatric Society
23 Mississippi Psychiatric Association Inc. 22 Minnesota Psychiatric Society
29 North Carolina Psychiatric Association 34 Nebraska Psychiatric Society
36 Oklahoma Psychiatric Physicians Association 35 Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association
42 South Carolina Psychiatric Association 52 Wisconsin Psychiatric Association
45 Tennessee Psychiatric Association 63 North Dakota Psychiatric Society
46 Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians 72 South Dakota Psychiatric Association
47 Psychiatric Society of Virginia Inc. Area 6
54 West Virginia Psychiatric Association 04 Central California Psychiatric Society
60 Alabama Psychiatric Physicians Association 30 Northern California Psychiatric Society
70 Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society 43 Southern California Psychiatric Society
77 Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists 64 San Diego Psychiatric Society
Area 7 76 Orange County Psychiatric Society
06 Colorado Psychiatric Society
12 Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association
15 Idaho Psychiatric Association
33 Washington State Psychiatric Association
53 Western Canada District Branch
57 Arizona Psychiatric Society
58 Oregon Psychiatric Association
61 Utah Psychiatric Association
67 Psychiatric Medical Association of New Mexico
71 Alaska Psychiatric Association
73 Montana Psychiatric Association
74 Nevada Psychiatric Association
75 Wyoming Association of Psychiatric Physicians

How an Idea Can Become Policy…


1A APA Assembly 1B APA Components

2A, 4B The Assembly reviews and 4A, 2B APA component considers the
discusses the proposal, reaches proposal, takes action or makes
consensus, and refers it to the Joint recommendations and submits a report
Reference Committee. to the Joint Reference Committee.

3A The Joint Reference Committee may direct the proposal to

an appropriate component, act upon it or send it to the Board
of Trustees for consideration.

3B If the proposal is a position statement, the JRC refers it to the

Assembly for consideration and possible approval. If approved, a
position statement is sent to the Board for final action

The Board of Trustees takes final

action on the proposal.

Identify a relevant idea or topic important to APA and the practice of psychiatry. The topic should be something
you feel passionately about. Discuss your idea with colleagues or senior members of the APA, including District
Branches, to obtain advice and recommendations and verify that this issue has not already been addressed in
the past. Use the APA Policy Finder to search for past policies. Limit your paper’s topic to one clear goal or issue.
Once you have a cogent, succinct paper, contact your RFM Assembly Representative. All action papers must be
authored or co-authored by an Assembly member. If you are not an Assembly member, you will need to identify
an Assembly member willing to serve as co-author.


Submit your action paper before the deadline and follow the designated format:
- Title
- Whereas (statements listing reason for action)
- Be it Resolved (stated action the APA should take and who should carry it out)
- Author(s)
- Estimated Cost, Estimated Savings, Estimated Revenue Generated
- Endorsed By
- Keywords, APA Strategic Goal(s)
Garner support prior to the upcoming Assembly by presenting the action paper to District Branches or Area
Councils for endorsement. At the Assembly, speak with Assembly members and advocate for your paper.


Action papers submitted to the Assembly are first reviewed by the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee may
decide to place a non-controversial action paper, not requiring further review, on the Consent Calendar for
approval without discussion or debate. Remaining action papers are referred to one of several Reference
Committees, or to one, or all, of the seven Area Councils for review and recommendation.
Reference Committees and Area Councils either endorse the paper, endorse the paper with changes, or decline
to endorse the paper. The Reference Committee or Area Council assigned to review the action paper may
suggest amendments or request that the author make changes. Even if the Reference Committee or Area
Council does not support the paper, the author still has the opportunity to move for consideration on the
Assembly floor.
If the Reference Committee or Area Council approves your paper (with or without changes) or they reject the
paper, but it is successfully moved on the floor of the Assembly, it is then discussed by the Assembly. After
discussion, the Assembly votes on whether to approve the paper or table it to another date.
Approval requires a majority vote of the members in attendance. If an action paper passes, it is referred to the
Joint Reference Committee (JRC), which determines next steps.
For information on submitting an action paper, including the action paper template, please visit Action Paper
Central on

View all of your benefits at


The Supplemental Education and Training (SET) program is an online experience designed to help
residents build knowledge around the six ACGME core competencies and Psychiatry Milestones and
learn about the business of medicine. Resident-Fellow Members (RFM) can access SET content through
the APA Learning Center using their member log in credentials. The “My Portfolio” section of the
Learning Center will help you track your learning progress. Courses are free to APA RFM and available at
a cost to resident non-members. Visit to download the syllabus and review
available courses.


An exclusive residency program experience, programs with more than 80% of their residents as APA
members receive the following special benefits:

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze

Level Level Level Level

Program has been in 100% of program’s 90-99% of program’s 80-89% of program’s

100% club for past 5 residents are APA residents are APA residents are APA
consecutive years members members members

Special gift for each Special gift for each

resident resident
SET for Success SET for Success
SET for Success SET for Success access for RFMs access for RFMs
access for both RFMs access for both RFMs
and the Training and the Training Recognition Recognition
Director Director certificate and on certificate and on
Recognition plaque Recognition
and on certificate and on

ACORF Assembly Committee of Residents and Fellows
APAA American Psychiatric Association Alliance
APAPAC American Psychiatric Association Political Action Committee
APAF American Psychiatric Association Foundation
APP American Psychiatric Publishing
AMA-RFS American Medical Association Resident Fellow Section
ASM Assembly
BOT Board of Trustees
ECP Early Career Psychiatrists
GM General Member
JRC Joint Reference Committee
MFP Minority Fellowship Program
M/UR Minority/Under-Represented
RFM Resident-Fellow Member
RFMT Resident-Fellow Member Trustee
RFMTE Resident-Fellow Member Trustee-Elect
PsychSIGN Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


AAMC/ CAS Association of American Medical Colleges/Council of Academic Societies
AACDP American Association for Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry
AADPRT American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training
AAP Association for Academic Psychiatry
ABPN American Board for Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc.
ACCME Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
ADMSEP Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry
CMSS Council of Medical Specialty Societies
GAP Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
LCME Liaison Committee for Medical Education
NCQA National Committee for Quality Assurance
RRC Residency Review Committee
WPA World Psychiatric Association


APM Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
AAAP American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
AACAP American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
AACP American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists
AACP American Association of Community Psychiatrists
AAPL American Academy of Psychiatry & Law
AAPDP American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry

AAEP American Association for Emergency Psychiatry
AAGP American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry
AAPPP American Association of Private Practice Psychiatrists
AAPA American Association of Psychiatric Administrators
AASP American Association of Social Psychiatry
AGPA American Group Psychotherapy Association
APA American Psychoanalytic Association
ASAP American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
ASHP American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry
ACT Association for Convulsive Therapy
ACAP Association of Chinese American Psychiatrists
AFP Association of Family Psychiatrists
AGLP Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists
AKAP Association of Korean American Psychiatrists
AWP Association for Women Psychiatrists
BPA Black Psychiatrists of America
HAPA Haitian American Psychiatric Association
IAPA Indo-American Psychiatric Association
PPA Philippine Psychiatrists in America
SSPC Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture


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