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DISCLAIMER: This soft copy version of the CPC Functionality Tool is to be used by SDO San Pablo City Child

Protection Committees only.


District: FULE ALMEDA Date Accomplished: June 27, 2023
Name of CPC Chairperson: GAYZLE G. CONTRERAS

Work Areas and Indicators 1 2 3 4 5 Score
Not in place/Absent Planning Stage In early stage of development Partially functional Fully functional
1. Organization and Coordination 2.5
-None or has not convened the -Has scheduled meetings with -Has organized and convened the CPC; -CPC has a clear organizational chart -CPC has a strategic goal or VMG
CPC possible CPC members; and plan (3 years; and an annual
-CPC members are identified and their -СРС members have reviewed its plan with tasking based on a CP
-Has a list of -Has scheduled orientations for names posted in school functions; analyzed the CP situation situation analysis)
СРС identified in school
members CPC members -Turnover of reports and other CPC -90-100% of planned meetings of
documents to the new CPC was done -CPC Holds monthly meetings to the CPC are conducted;
discuss appropriate interventions
-New CPC members oriented on the and/or responses to school problems -80%-100% of annual objectives
functions and work of on bullying and child abuse cases and plans accomplished
СРС and other related concerns
-CPC has explicit mechanisms for
-Members have identified and divided -CPC has written orientation ensuring protection of Children
the tasks among themselves material/ guidebook for CPC with disabilities
a).Establishment or members; each member has а copy
Reorganization of the Child -CPC has integrated the 3
Protection Committee (CPC) responsibilit ies of CPC from DO 55
2013 (anti-bullying) and DO 18,
2015 restorative justice panel (RJP
re CICL)) and other child protection
policies of DepEd

-Has plans for strengthening the

child protection system in school
-No coordination mechanism on -Has mapped out available -Has informal or initial -Has MOA or formal coordination -Has implemented collaborative
child protection resources in their community for coordination arrangements for referral mechanism with the local health work
possible linkages or networking for system with office, WCPD, LSWD, private practice
cases needing referrals etc WCPD, LSWD, LHO, other agencies or counselling (Psychiatrist, -Coordination mechanism for
non-government organizations Psychologist) for the referral services. planning, implementation,
-Has identified specific areas of monitoring and assessments have
work for coordination or -Actively coordinates with the District / -Actively coordinates with the been formalized and functioning of
collaboration with other agencies Division office District/Division Office this mechanism is reviewed and
or service providers disseminated

b). Coordination mechanims

2. Policies and guidelines 3
-No school-based child protection -Has identified the policy and -Has drafted the school-based child -School has a written school based -School has a handbook/ manual
policy drafted program gaps and challenges that protection policy (based on DO 40) child protection and anti-bullying on its school-based child protection
need to be addressed policy with a code of conduct and anti-bullying policy with a code
-Includes code of conduct for learners, of conduct and a plan to ensure
-Has initiated meetings to review school administrators, Non-teaching -School has a conflict resolution child protection and safety, which
and craft the school-based child personnel, mechanism is reviewed every 3 years
protection policy and code of Teachers, Visitors, and Off-campus
conduct activities -There are written procedures to -School has a clear policy on the
guide in conducting disciplinary use of positive and nonviolent
-Code of conduct may have specific proceedings in cases of offenses discipline for children
provisions to address potential risks to committed by pupils, students or
students learners -School has specific guidelines that 3
ensure child protection for children
-Conflict resolution may be in practice with disabilities

-Integrates other Child protection

policy related orders in the school-
based policy.

a). Child Protection policy

and operational guidelines
3. Capacities and resources 1.5
a). Orientation and capacity -CPC has no annual capacity -CPC has identified capacity needs -At least one CPC member participated -CPC has received training based on - Capacity building plan is fully
building activities for the building activities for its of its members in training for CPC Initiated plans for their capacity needs which may implemented and participated in by
members of the CPC members capacity building needs which include: all СРС members
-Initiated plans for capacity includes: Child's Rights; DepEd child
building needs which includes: Child's Rights; protection training modules; -Trainor's training conducted for
Child's Rights; DepEd child First responder training; Training on CPC members
protection training module/s; First 4Rs of VAC (Recognizing›
responder training; Training on Recording, Reporting & Referring СРС members capable of rolling out
4Rs of VAC VAC cases); Positive Discipline; the training modules among
(Recognizing, Recording, Reporting Monitoring teachers, administrators and
& Referring VAC cases); Positive & Evaluation of policy and plan. non-teaching personnel
Discipline; Monitoring & 1
Evaluation of policy and plan

-Initiated plans and request for

technical assistance or capacity
building activities from DepEd,
LGU, or CSOs
b). Budget allocation for CPC -There is no budget allocation for -Has identified budgetary -There is minimal allocation from the -Budgets allocated and utilized -CPC has secured budget allocation
operation and its financial the CPC from the school or requirements school for: for its
sustainability department for its MOOE Guidance counsellors are hired and Strategic and annual plans in
operations -Has initiated plans or requests for trained for CPC work or implementing the child protection
budget from -LGU and/or LSB allocates some In lieu of guidance counsellors, policy based on its
LGU amount for the planned activities of the Teacher-guidance (graduates of Investment programming
CPC psychology)
-CPC plan and budget included in
-Establis hment of Room or the School improvement plan and
Infrastructure for the CPC and a the Annual work and financial plan
private interview counselling room
-The School, PTA, LGU and LSB are
-Partial allocation for: Capability coordinating to ensure budget 2
building activities, Information allocation for the strategic and
Dissemination, Operations for service annual investment program of the
delivery CPC

-School is able to generate funds

from external sources.

4. Service delivery 2.5

a). Prevention programs -There is no information -Has conducted meetings to flesh -СРС conducts orientation of learners -СРС conducts orientation sessions -CPC able to roll out and implement
- information dissemination dissemination program or some out the details and schedules of on the school's child protection and on the school's child protection policy the capability building program on
on programs information on Child protection orientation on CPP and awareness anti-bullying policy once during the for learners, teachers, non-teaching child protection for learners,
- organize activities for the or CP policy posted on the raising activities school-year staff teachers, administrators, non-
bulletin board in school teaching staff
protection of children from
-СРС organizes activity /ies on child -СРС conducts training among
abuse, exploitation, violence, protection during children's month teachers and non-teaching staff on -CPC has IEC materials (Handbook,
discrimination and bullying celebration First Responder system and referral Guidebook) on the child protection
or peer abuse system for VAC incidents within the policy and learners, teachers,
school parents, non-teaching staff
-СРС monitors and evaluates the
impact of the
trainings and awareness raising

b). Existence of quick -No quick response system -Meetings are conducted to develop -In practice, witnesses call on the -There is a written quick response -Quick response system is
response system for child the quick response system school principal or guidance counsellor system which is implemented.
protection for immediate response to an ongoing substantially implemented Teachers, administrat ors and non-
case teaching staff, are able to act as
-All learners are oriented on the first 3
-All school personnel are oriented on quick response system responders.
the quick response system
c) Referral system, case -There is no referral system -The CPC is drafting a school- -Informal referral in practice -CPC has developed and is -100% of incidents/c ases of
management and monitoring established based referral and monitorin g implementing a school-based referral bullying and child abuse were
of cases system to address child abuse and -Meetings with other agencies or and monitoring system to address managed according to quick
-No case conference conducted bullying cases. service providers are conducted to child abuse and bullying cases response and referral system
discuss the referral system and case
management -System is substantially Implemented -100% of bullying and VAC cases
are documented
-At least 50% of incidents/c ases of
bullying and child abuse were -100% of
managed according to quick response cases/comp laints can be tracked
and referral system and immediate feed backing on
status of case provided to
-At least 50% of bullying and VAC concerned parties
cases are documented
-Documents are well kept and 3
-At least 50% of cases/ comp laints 0% violation of confidential ity
can be tracked and immediate feed
backing on status of case provided to -Assistance provided to parents or
concerned parties guardians, whenever necessary in
securing expert guidance
counseling from the appropriate
offices or institutions

d). Proactive identification -There is no system for -The CPC is drafting a system for -Teachers, administrators, guidance -Teachers, administrators, guidance -90%-100% of unreported cases of
and reporting of VAC cases identifying students identifying students who may be counselors and non-teaching staff are counselors and non-teaching staff are child abuse among learners are
(early detection) who may be suffering from suffering from significant harm trained able to recognize and identify signs of being identified and addressed or
significant harm based on based on physical, emotional, or abuse referred to appropriate offices
physical, emotional, Or behavioral signs
behavioral signs -Identified cases are referred for -All identified cases are provided 2
appropriate action with
appropriate intervention

5. Accountability & Performance 2

a). Availability and -There is no Data or Statistical -CPC finalizes intake sheets, other -CPC fills up intake sheets, and other -Substantial documentat ion and -CPC is able to document
accessibility of statistical reports on VAC cases handled monitoring and reporting forms on monitoring and reporting forms on implementation of statistical VAC cases and responses, and
report on cases handled by the CPC VAC VAC reporting on VAC cases handled; presents a situational analysis of
/School always updated VAC in school based on statistical
-CPC sets schedules for the -Submits consolidated reports on report on VAC cases handled by the
submission and consolidation of bullying and child abuse cases to the -Regularly submits updated CPC. Situation on VAC is discussed
reports division office consolidate d reports on bullying and among teachers, guidance,
child abuse cases to the division administrators and non-teaching
-Data may be incomplete; Partial office staff and parents of learners
implementati on of statistical reporting
on VAC cases -Situational analysis with statistical
report is
regularly submitted and discussed 2
with the division office

-Situational analysis is also made

available and accessible to the

b). Child participation in CPC -There is no student participation -Orientation on child participation -Plans on how children can -СРС provides regular venue for -Learners actively participate in the
planning, implementation in CPC activities is conducted for all CPC members meaningfully participate in the learners and student bodies in the planning, including investment
and evaluation - Solicits planning, implementati on, and CPC planning, implementa tion and programmi ng, implementa
feedback from learners -There are initial plans on how evaluation of evaluation tion,
children can meaningfully CPC activities are finalized monitoring and evaluation of the
participate in the planning, -СРС conducts survey among CPC plan
implementati on, and evaluation of -CPC provides information to all learners on child protection in school
СРС activities learners about how they can -CPC collects feedback from
participate in the planning, -Learners start using the CPC booklet learners through the child-friendly
implementati on, and evaluation of CPC booklet
СРС activities
-CPC gives due weight to the
-CPC creates safe spaces for child learners' feedback
participation 2

-СРС encourages feedback from

learners on the CPC activities

-CPC orients all learners about the

child-friendly СРС functionality booklet

c). CPC Monitoring and -CPC does not monitor and -CPC is drafting the monitoring -All CPC members are oriented on the -CPC is using the tools -100% of learners affected by
evaluation evaluate the implementa tion of and evaluation design and tools it tools and their tasks relative to bullying and VAC are reporting and
the child protection and/ or anti- will use monitoring and evaluation -СРС conducts assessment exercises availing of the programs and
bullying policies services of the CPC
70%-100% of objective of Child
protection strategic plan met


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