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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Cloud Computing
Assignment- Week 4
Number of questions: 10 Total mark: 10 X 1 = 10

SQL Azure is a cloud-based relational database service that is based on:

(a) Oracle
(b) SQL Server
(c) MySQL
(d) None

Correct Answer: b

Solution: SQL Azure is Microsoft's cloud database service based on SQL Server database
technology and built on Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud computing platform


Azure App Service plan defines
(a) Region
(b) Instance size
(c) Scale count
(d) None
Correct Answer: a,b,c

Solution: An App Service plan defines a set of compute resources for a web app to run.
Each App Service plan defines:

I. Region (West US, East US, etc.)

II. Number of VM instances
III. Size of VM instances (Small, Medium, Large)
IV. Pricing tier (Free, Shared, Basic, Standard, Premium, PremiumV2, Isolated,
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Microsoft Azure provides

(a) SaaS
(b) PaaS
(c) IaaS
(d) None

Correct Answer: a, b, c

Solution: Microsoft Azure, formerly known as Windows Azure, is Microsoft's public cloud
computing platform. It provides a range of cloud services, including those for compute,
analytics, platform, storage and networking


OpenStack component - Glance monitors and meters the OpenStack cloud for billing,

a) True
b) False

Correct Answer: b
Glance image services include discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine
images. Ceilometer provides telemetry services, which allow the cloud to provide billing
services to individual users of the cloud.


OpenStack: Different components of Nova (e.g. scheduler, Compute, api etc.) communicates
(a) Message Queues
(b) Neutron
(c) Conductor
(d) Swift
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Correct Answer: a

Solution: Nova is comprised of multiple server processes, each performing different

functions. The user-facing interface is a REST API, while internally Nova components
communicate via an RPC message passing mechanism


OpenStack __________ is a system for managing networks and IP addresses.
(a) Nova
(b) Keystone
(c) Neutron
(d) None of these

Correct Answer: c

Solution: Neutron provides the networking capability for OpenStack. It helps to ensure
that each of the components of an OpenStack deployment can communicate with one
another quickly and efficiently.


OpenStack: Which IP use is preferred for transferring data to a VM from
(i) Another VM in the same cloud (ii) Your organization's network-

(a) i. Floating IP ii. Private IP

(b) i. Private IP ii. Floating IP
(c) Floating IP in both cases
(d) Private IP in both cases

Correct Answer: b

Solution: Compute assigns a private IP address to each VM instance. Compute makes a

distinction between fixed IPs and floating IP. Fixed IPs are IP addresses that are assigned to
an instance on creation and stay the same until the instance is explicitly terminated.
Floating IPs are addresses that can be dynamically associated with an instance. A floating
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

IP address can be disassociated and associated with another instance at any time. A user
can reserve a floating IP for their project.


GCP: Which one is/are correct statement(s)?

a) You can reuse the project ID only after you delete the previous project in GCP
b) A CNAME alias is a DNS record that lets you use a URL from your own domain to
access resources, such as a bucket and objects, in Cloud Storage using your custom
domain URL
c) “Multi-Regional” Storage class is used for the bucket to stream videoes and host
hot web content accessed frequently around the world
d) “Nearline” Storage class is used for the bucket to store data accessed frequently in
one part of the world

Correct Answer: c, b

Solution: We can not use the same project ID as it is the unique identifier.
Nearline Storage is appropriate for data backup, disaster recovery, and archival storage
while Regional Storage enables to store data at lower cost and data being stored in a
specific regional location, instead of having redundancy distributed over a large geographic


Cloud DataStore in GCP is a NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, high
performance, and ease of application development

a) True
b) False
Correct Answer: a

Solution: Google Cloud Datastore is a highly scalable, fully managed NoSQL database
service offered by Google on the Google Cloud Platform. Cloud Datastore is built upon
Google's Bigtable and Megastore technology.

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

GCP: Choose the correct option(s)

a) To run your web-application, you need to configure only the Google Storage
b) “gcloud app deploy app.yaml” the command can be used to deploy your app to
c) After launching your application to app-engine anyone can view the app at
d) “gcloud app browse” – can be used to start the local development server for the

Correct Answer: b,c

Solution: a) is wrong because you can’t run your web-app only configuring storage
bucket, you need a PaaS configuration. Option d) is incorrect as that command is used to
view web-app.




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