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European Journal of Pediatrics (2021) 180:2897–2905


Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in respiratory

samples in children with neurodisability—to treat or not to treat?
Elizabeth Gregson 1 & Lowri Thomas 1 & Heather E Elphick 1

Received: 28 October 2020 / Revised: 5 March 2021 / Accepted: 10 March 2021 / Published online: 6 April 2021
# The Author(s) 2021

The objective was to investigate the prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) in patients with complex neurodisability and
current treatment practice in our centre in order to inform future guidelines. A retrospective case note review was undertaken at a
tertiary children’s hospital. One hundred sixty-two patients (mean age 11.7 years) with a primary diagnosis of neuromuscular
disease (NMD) or severe cerebral palsy (CP) and a respiratory sample sent for analysis during the study period were studied.
Associations between PA in respiratory samples and diagnosis, long-term ventilation, presence of a gastrostomy or a tracheos-
tomy, antibiotic choice, clinical deterioration and adverse events were analysed. Twenty-five (15%) had one or more PA isolate
in respiratory samples. There was a significant association between PA in respiratory samples and tracheostomy (p<0.05). In 52%
samples, multiple pathogens co-existed. There was no significant association between choice of antibiotic and clinical outcome
but when antibiotics were changed to specific PA antibiotics during the course of the illness, all resulted in clinical improvement.
Twenty-six episodes involving 8 patients with recurrent admissions involved PA organisms that were resistant to one or more
Conclusions: A larger prospective study may establish clearer criteria for guideline development. Techniques such as point-of-care
testing to identify virulent strains of PA may improve patient outcomes and prevent the development of antibiotic resistance in the future.

What is Known:
•Children with complex neurodisability are at increased risk of respiratory morbidity and of infection with gram-negative organisms such as
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
•There are currently no guidelines to inform treatment choices in this group of vulnerable children.
What is New:
•15% children in this study population had Pseudomonas aeruginosa in respiratory samples during a 12-month period, the majority of whom did not
require critical care treatment. Thirteen of these children had a tracheostomy in situ and 12 did not.
•In those that deteriorated clinically or developed antibiotic resistant organisms, earlier detection and targeted treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
may have prevented deterioration.

Keywords Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Child . Neurodisability .

Antibiotic resistance . Point-of-care testing
Communicated by Peter de Winter

* Heather E Elphick Introduction

[email protected]
Elizabeth Gregson Children with complex neurodisability such as neuromuscular
[email protected]
disorders (NMD) and cerebral palsy (CP) are at increased risk
Lowri Thomas of respiratory morbidity due to factors such as gastro-
[email protected] oesophageal reflux, kyphoscoliosis, muscle weakness, secre-
1 tions and poor cough [1, 2]. 25% patients with cerebral palsy
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Sheffield Children’s NHS
Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK of severity 4–5 on the GMFCS (Gross Motor Function
Classification System) have chronic respiratory problems [3]
2898 Eur J Pediatr (2021) 180:2897–2905

including cough and wheeze, obstructive sleep apnoea, cough Methods

on drinking and respiratory signs on examination [4].
Pneumonia, often due to aspiration, is a common cause of Study population
hospital admission, intensive care admission and death in
these patients [5–8]. The more severely affected children are The study population was all patients in the local region of our
admitted 7 times more often, with 9.5 times as many admitted NHS Trust who:
days as the normal population [9] Data suggest that pneumo-
nia is responsible for 39% deaths in children with CP [10]. 1. Had a diagnosis of NMD or CP GMFCS 4 or 5
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a gram-negative bacil- 2. Did not have a primary diagnosis of cystic fibrosis or
lus and is well known to cause infections and lead to col- chronic lung disease
onisation of the airways. In Cystic Fibrosis, PA has been 3. Had a microbiology culture on a respiratory sample dur-
shown to bind to the respiratory epithelium [11–14]. It has ing the study period
been postulated from this evidence that PA also binds to
the respiratory epithelium eroded by chronic subclinical A comprehensive list of children with neuromuscular dis-
oral aspiration and/or reflux causing chronic PA lower air- ease and cerebral palsy GMFCS 4 or 5 under the care of our
way infection in patients with neurodisability [15]. There is NHS Trust was obtained from three databases kept up to date
a higher incidence of PA in children with CP in paediatric by the physiotherapy team working with children with
intensive care units (PICU) [10]; children with CP who are neurodisability. A further database of children using overnight
infected with PA are significantly more likely to have se- long-term ventilation (LTV) was obtained from the nursing
vere illness, be admitted to PICU and are also more likely team working with this patient group.
to have prolonged or recurrent hospital admissions [15]. A A list of patients that had a positive growth of PA on spu-
review of children in PICU in Liverpool, UK reported that tum or airway secretions between 01/01/17 and 31/12/17 was
89% children with CP carried PA or Klebsiella, compared obtained from the microbiology lab records and amalgamated
with 55% without CP and 47% carried antibiotic resistant with the patient databases to find patients that fulfilled the
bacteria [10]. Treatment of PA in PICU is often problem- study criteria.
atic and the emergence of resistant organisms can occur as
early as 8 days following admission [16]. Data collection
Treatment for acute PA infection requires either a spe-
cific oral antibiotic, such as ciprofloxacin, which can ex- The study was undertaken during the period 01/01/17–31/12/
acerbate seizures or alter feeding regimes, or intravenous 17 at a UK tertiary children’s hospital. All patients listed in the
antibiotic treatment, which requires cannulation and database who had also had a microbiology sample positive for
hospitalisation. Both options lead to potential additional PA during the study period were reviewed to elicit treatment
morbidity for the patient, including antimicrobial resis- decisions and clinical outcomes.
tance [17]. Decision to treat with intravenous antibiotic Data collection was as follows:
treatment at an early stage in the illness may later prove
unnecessary if the infection was in fact virus-driven. & Demographic information—age, gender, primary diagno-
Conversely, delayed treatment for PA infection can result sis, presence of tracheostomy, gastrostomy, use of LTV;
in severe clinical deterioration and escalation of treatment & PA infection—source of isolation; evidence of pre-
requirements. There are no universally agreed guidelines existing infection/colonisation such as long-term antibi-
on when to treat PA, treatment choices are often empirical otics; other pathogens isolated during the illness being
[18] or extrapolated from other conditions with a more investigated;
established evidence base, for example cystic fibrosis & Treatments used, including type of antibiotic, timing rela-
[19]. There is a wide range of practice in terms of treating tive to isolation of PA and antibiotic changes;
PA, with some clinicians treating only if symptomatic, & Clinical information relating to a clinical deterioration or
some not treating at all and others treating regardless of improvement, change in clinical condition after antibiotic
symptoms [20]. changes;
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence & Adverse events as a result of treatment—side effects to
of PA in patients with complex neurodisability and current antibiotics, organism resistance.
treatment practice in our centre in order to inform future
guidelines. Associations between clinical factors and treat- Some patients had several samples taken within the 12-
ment choices were analysed to establish whether these in- month study period. A “PA positive clinical episode” was
fluenced clinical outcomes during an acute respiratory therefore defined as one or more positive isolates of PA within
exacerbation. 1 week, as a surrogate measure of a single acute clinical
Eur J Pediatr (2021) 180:2897–2905 2899

antibiotics that are used specifically to treat PA such as cipro-

floxacin or tazocin or non-specific antibiotics such as amoxi-
cillin or azithromycin that may be used for a lower respiratory
tract infection but not specifically to cover PA. This definition
was chosen to apply standardisation within the cohort of pa-
tients analysed, given the retrospective design of the study.

Data analysis

The anonymised data collection was stored in an Excel spread-

Fig. 1 Flowchart of the positive samples identified in the microbiology
sheet. Chi-square analysis was used to test whether diagnostic
lab records during the 12-month study period and clinical variables were statistically independent of one anoth-
er (Excel). Analyses for type of antibiotic and clinical outcomes
were repeated for patients without a tracheostomy. Statistical
illness. Samples that were positive more than 1 week apart significance was considered to be at the level of p <0.05.
were assumed to be a separate illness and/or a colonisation.
“Clinical deterioration” was defined as a persistent increase
(for more than 12 h) of oxygen requirements, ventilatory sup- Results
port, any inotropic support/fluid resuscitation. If the PA was
not treated and a clinical deterioration occurred within a week Two hundred twenty-six patients were identified from the clini-
of this decision being made, this was counted as a deteriora- cal databases and 158 positive samples for PA were identified in
tion due to no treatment being given. The term “treatment” is the microbiology lab records (Fig. 1). Patients with cystic fibrosis
used specifically to only mean antibiotic treatment. Additional were excluded prior to searching the database; however, a further
treatment for example supportive measures or respiratory sup- 24 patients were excluded as the primary underlying diagnosis
port was not looked at specifically but only to establish if there was not a neurodisability. Therefore, 134 positive samples ful-
was clinical deterioration. Treatment categories were filled the study criteria, with isolates grown from tracheostomy

Fig. 2 Neuromuscular diagnoses

in patients infected with PA in
respiratory samples (n=19)
2900 Eur J Pediatr (2021) 180:2897–2905

Table 1 Analysis of patients in

whom a respiratory sample was Patient groups PA positive PA negative p value (chi-square)
analysed during the study period
(n=162). NMD, neuromuscular Total patients (n=162) 25/162 (15%) 137/162 (85%)
disease; CP, cerebral palsy; Mean age (years) 13.7 11.5
GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Gender (male:female) 18:7 81:56
Classification System; PA,
pseudomonas aeruginosa; NIV, Subgroups by disease group:
non-invasive ventilation Total NMD (n=128) 19/128 (15%) 109/128 (85%)
NMD with tracheostomy (n=25) 10/25 (40%) 15/25 (60%)
NMD without tracheostomy (n=103) 9/103 (9%) 94/103 (91%)
NMD with NIV (n=18) 1/18 (6%) 17/18 (94%)
NMD without NIV (n=110) 18/110 (16%) 92/110 (84%)
NMD with gastrostomy (n=43) 2/43 (5%) 41 (95%)
NMD without gastrostomy (n=85) 17/85 (20%) 68/85 (80%)
Total CP GMFCS 4–5 (n=34) 6/34 (18%) 28/34 (82%) p= 0.69
CP GMFCS 4–5 with tracheostomy (n=8) 3/8 (38%) 5/8 (62%)
CP GMFCS 4–5 no tracheostomy (n=26) 3/26 (12%) 23/26 (88%)
CP with NIV (n=9) 2/9 (22%) 7/9 (78%)
CP without NIV (n=25) 4/25 (16%) 21/25 (84%)
CP with gastrostomy (n=23) 4/23 (17%) 19/23 (83%)
CP without gastrostomy (n=11) 2/11 (18%) 9/11 (82%)
Subgroups by chronic therapy:
NIV (n=27) 3 (11%) 24 (89%) p= 0.5
Tracheostomy (n=33) 13 (39%) 20 (61%) p< 0.05
Gastrostomy (n=66) 6 (0.09%) 60 (90.944%) p= 0.06
Chi-square is testing the number of subjects with NMD/number of subjects with CP with PA vs. number of
subjects with NMD/number of subjects with CP who did not have PA
Chi-square is testing the number of subjects with tracheostomy/number of subjects without tracheostomy with
PA vs. number of subjects with tracheostomy/number of subjects without tracheostomy who did not have PA
Chi-square is testing the number of subjects using NIV/number of subjects not using NIV with PA vs. number of
subjects using NIV/number of subjects not using NIV who did not have PA
Chi-square is testing the number of subjects with gastrostomy/number of subjects without gastrostomy with PA
vs. number of subjects with gastrostomy/number of subjects without gastrostomy who did not have PA

secretions, endotracheal tube secretions, nasopharyngeal aspirate muscular atrophy type 2 (n=2), unclassified (n=2), congenital
or secretions, cough swab or sputum. myasthenia (n=1), congenital myotonic dystrophy (n=2),
Of the 181 patients with neuromuscular disease, respiratory Charcot-Marie Tooth (n=1) and congenital myopathy (n=1).
samples were sent for bacterial analysis from 128 patients A total of 113 patients with cerebral palsy were identified.
(71%). Nineteen of these patients had positive samples for Of these, 45 had a GMFCS score of 4–5 and of these, respi-
PA (15%), of whom 11 (58%) were positive on more than ratory samples were sent for bacterial analysis during the
one isolate within the 12-month period. Underlying conditions study period from 34 (76%). Six patients had positive samples
in the 19 patients with positive samples are shown in Fig. 2 for PA (18%), of whom two had more than one positive iso-
and were muscular dystrophies: limb girdle muscular dystro- late within the 12-month period.
phy (n=1), merosin-deficient muscular dystrophy (n=3), Table 1 shows the analysis of patients in whom a re-
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (n=2), Becker muscular dys- spiratory sample was taken during the study period
trophy (n=1); Spinal muscular atrophy type 1 (n=3), Spinal (n=162).

Table 2 Clinical outcomes based

on decision to treat (n=60). There Outcome No antibiotics Non-specific antibiotics PS specific antibiotics
was no significant association
between type of antibiotic and Did not deteriorate 25 (89%) 10 (59%) 11 (73%)
clinical outcome. p=0.06 (chi- Deteriorated 3 (11%) 7 (41%) 4 (27%)
square) Total 28 17 15
Eur J Pediatr (2021) 180:2897–2905 2901

Table 3 Clinical outcomes based

on decision to treat (n=20) in only Outcome No antibiotics Non-specific antibiotics PS specific antibiotics
those patients without a
tracheostomy. There was no Did not deteriorate 2 (40%) 7 (64%) 1 (25%)
significant association between Deteriorated 3 (60%) 4 (36%) 3 (75%)
type of antibiotic and clinical Total 5 11 4
outcome. p= 0.36 (chi-square)

The age range for the full cohort was 2 months to 17 years presence of PA alone or multiple respiratory pathogens.
(mean 11.7 years) with 99 males and 63 females. Twenty- There was a significant association between the presence of
seven were using non-invasive ventilation (NIV) via a PA in previous samples and clinical deterioration with deteri-
facemask, 10 were ventilated via tracheostomy, 23 had a tra- oration being more likely to occur in those that had previously
cheostomy with no ventilation and 66 had a gastrostomy tube grown PA. There was no significant association between clin-
for feeding. Of the 25 patients that had a PA isolate, 19 (76%) ical deterioration and the use of colomycin nebulisers, al-
had NMD and 6 (24% had CP. Thirteen (52%) had a trache- though most (12/13) patient taking colomycin did not
ostomy (of whom 10 were receiving overnight ventilation), 3 deteriorate.
(12%) were using NIV and 6 (24%) had a gastrostomy. In the 15 episodes in which there was a clinical deteriora-
There was no significant association between diagnosis of tion, there was no association between antibiotic choice and
NMD or CP and PA analysis, There was no significant asso- presence of single or multiple pathogens, previous PA growth
ciation between use of NIV or gastrostomy and PA analysis or use of colomycin nebulisers.
but there was a significant association between presence of a No adverse clinical effects were documented as a direct
tracheostomy and PA positive samples (p<0.05). result of the antibiotics. Of the 62 PA positive clinical epi-
After exclusion of duplicate samples (from the same sodes, 26 episodes were associated with PA organisms that
patient during the same clinical episode), 62 PA positive were documented as being resistant to one of more antibiotics.
clinical episodes were included from the 25 individual These episodes were from 8 individual patients, all of whom
patients. Table 2 shows the clinical outcomes of the epi- had recurrent admissions. Table 8 shows the bacteriological
sodes treated with antibiotics specific to PA, those treated and clinical outcomes of these patients.
empirically with non-specific antibiotics and those that
received no antibiotics for the 60 episodes for which an
outcome could be identified. There was no significant
association between type of antibiotic and clinical out- Discussion
come (p=0.06).
There were 20 clinical episodes in 13 individual patients This study has shown that of 226 patients with MND or severe
who did not have a tracheostomy. Table 3 shows their clinical CP under the care of a tertiary Children’s Trust, 162 had a
outcomes. The children that had a PA isolate without a trache- respiratory sample sent during a 12-month period and 25
ostomy represented 9/19 of those with NMD (16 clinical ep- (15%) of these had one or more PA isolates. There was a
isodes) and 3/6 of those with CP (4 clinical episodes). significant association with presence of a tracheostomy
Table 4 illustrates the ten episodes in which antibiotics (p<0.05). In 52% samples multiple pathogens co-existed.
were started or changed after clinical deterioration to one that Whilst in 10 clinical episodes, there was an improvement after
was specific and sensitive for the PA isolated during the ad- commencing PA specific antibiotics; of the 60 PA positive
mission after receipt of microbiology results. Thereafter all clinical episodes, there was no significant association between
patients improved. choice of antibiotic and clinical outcome.
In 52% samples, multiple pathogens co-existed (Fig. 3).
Tables 5, 6 and 7 show the results of the association be- Table 4 Clinical outcomes in PA positive clinical episodes in which
tween isolated PA infections and multiple pathogens, new PA patients deteriorated and had antibiotics changed to PA specific
infection and prior colonisation and the use of prophylactic antibiotics based on change in treatment after microbiology result (n=10)
nebulised colomycin. Outcome Initial treatment: Initial treatment:
Of the 62 episodes, 28 samples grew PA alone and 34 grew No antibiotics Non-specific antibiotics
multiple pathogens. In 58 episodes, PA had been grown on
previous respiratory samples and of those, nebulised Improved after change 2 8
colomycin was being used in 13 episodes. There was no sig- Deteriorated further 0 0
nificant association between clinical deterioration and the Total 2 8
2902 Eur J Pediatr (2021) 180:2897–2905

Fig. 3 Additional pathogens grown in addition to PA

The finding that tracheostomy samples are associated with only mildly unwell when samples were taken, it is likely
PA isolates is consistent with other studies that show a pre- that the clinician would have a watch and wait approach,
dominance of Gram-negative organisms in this patient popu- to avoid unnecessary morbidity associated with PA treat-
lation [21–25]. Biofilms are formed when the bacteria adhere ment. Whilst information on additional cultures such as
strongly to the surfaces of the tubes, providing protection to urine was not collected, a large number of co-existing
the bacteria against antibiotic treatment. The relationship be- pathogens were identified and there was no significant
tween presence of PA in the airway and respiratory health or association between clinical deterioration and multiple re-
the need for antibiotic treatment is not fully understood. Data spiratory pathogens. It is difficult to draw conclusions
from Russel et al. suggest that the early colonisation with from this, however, as the microbiological cause of those
P. aeruginosa after tracheostomy is associated with higher that did deteriorate remains unclear. It is possible that for
morbidity [26]; however, McCaleb et al. [27] suggest a poor many, the relatively mild nature of their illness was pre-
correlation, reflected by current practice in which many pa- dominantly the natural history of a viral infection, indi-
tients are only treated with antibiotics when they are symp- cating that the PA was not the pathogen driving the ill-
tomatic and there is clear clinical evidence of bacterial ness, and merely reflected colonisation. There was a sig-
infection. nificant association between the presence of PA in previ-
The majority of patients did not have a significant clin- ous samples and clinical deterioration with deterioration
ical deterioration regardless of treatment choice and the being more likely to occur in those that had previously
largest group had no treatment. This may reflect the pos- grown PA. This perhaps indicates that deterioration in this
sibility that some of these samples could have been taken chronically ill patient group was more likely associated
for surveillance purposes, although this is not routine with the pre-existing poor condition of the child.
practice in our centre [28]. Alternatively, if patients were

Table 5 Association between deterioration and presence of PA alone or Table 6 Association between deterioration and presence of PA in
multiple respiratory pathogens (p=0.64) previous respiratory samples (p=0.0002)

PA alone Multiple pathogens Total Previous PA New PA Total

Clinical deterioration 6 9 15 Clinical deterioration 11 4 15

No clinical deterioration 22 25 47 Clinical deterioration 47 0 47
Total 28 34 62 Total 58 4 62
Eur J Pediatr (2021) 180:2897–2905 2903

Table 7 Association between deterioration and prior use of nebulised study to look at outcomes in more detail as well as other
colomycin (p=0.19)
possible confounders including the severity of neurodisability
Colomycin No colomycin Total and co-morbid conditions. In the absence of clinical guide-
lines many of the results were reliant on individual clinician
Clinical deterioration 1 14 15 judgements in terms of IV versus oral antibiotics and whether
Clinical deterioration 12 35 47 broad-spectrum or PA specific antibiotics were commenced,
Total 13 49 62 creating a potential for bias. In the patients that did not have a
respiratory sample sent for analysis, it was assumed that this
was due to good respiratory health and absence of clinical
The largest group to deteriorate was that in whom non- indicators to raise concerns for infection. As none of these
specific antibiotics were initially given, but numbers were clinically well patients were actively sampled, the results of
small and therefore little conclusion can be drawn from this study may underestimate the true prevalence.
these figures. Due to the small sample size p values were In conclusion, in a 12-month retrospective study of
not adjusted for multiple comparisons. The improvement patients with NMD or CP, the majority of the 15% pa-
seen in the ten patients that had PA-specific antibiotics tients with respiratory PA isolates did not significantly
started following microbiology results may indicate that deteriorate clinically and outcomes in relation to antibiotic
the ability to isolate a specific pathogen earlier in the treatment choices were unclear due to small patient num-
illness may prevent further deterioration. It was not pos- bers. A large number of co-existing pathogens was iden-
sible to ascertain from this study whether the use of PA tified and it is possible that for many the relatively mild
specific antibiotics early in the illness prior to receipt of nature of their illness was predominantly the natural his-
microbiology results was detrimental, but no adverse ef- tory of a viral infection, indicating that the PA was not the
fects were documented as a direct result of the antibiotics. pathogen driving the illness. The ability to identify the
Antibiotic resistant PA organisms were isolated from presence of PA early in the illness may have resulted in
eight patients, with those developing resistance or remain- earlier clinical improvement in the patients that were ini-
ing multiresistant being more likely to require escalation tially treated with non-specific antibiotics. Antibiotic re-
to intensive care treatment. These findings cannot be at- sistance in patients with recurrent admissions could be
tributed to the antibiotic alone, as improvement with time reduced by introducing targeted antibiotic treatment, al-
and other treatment changes will have contributed to the though this study was not able to show this. A larger
outcome. prospective study may establish clearer criteria for guide-
The retrospective nature of our case note analysis was a line development and more sophisticated methods to di-
limitation of this study which precludes drawing conclusions rect treatment choices are needed. Techniques such as the
as to the timing of treatment aimed at PA and prior or new ability to identify virulent strains of PA using point-of-
colonisation (as surveillance cultures are not routine practice). care testing may improve patient outcomes and prevent
More definitive analysis would be enabled by a prospective the development of antibiotic resistance in the future.

Table 8 Bacteriological and clinical outcomes of patients with treatment of PA episode described. Bacteriological outcome: resistance
antibiotic resistant PA. HDU, high dependency unit; PICU, paediatric patterns of subsequent growths of PA after treatment
intensive care unit. Antibiotic resistance: resistance pattern during

Antibiotic Resistance Treatment Changes Bacteriological Outcome Clinical outcome

Patient 1 Ceftazidime Changed to tazocin Resistant to gentamicin Improvement

Patient 2 Fully sensitive Treated with cipro Resistant to gentamicin Escalated to HDU
Patient 3 Multiresistant Treated with series of antibiotics, Remained multiresistant Multiple PICU
including: tazocin, tobramycin, admissions
Patient 4 Meropenem Tazocin Multiresistant Escalated to PICU
Patient 5 Fully sensitive Cephalexin Resistant to cipro Stayed at home
Patient 6 Multiresistant Meropenem, tazocin Multiresistant Escalated to PICU
Patient 7 Fully sensitive Treated with series of antibiotics, Multiresistant Escalated to PICU
including: tazocin, ciprofloxacin,
Patient 8 Fully sensitive None Multiresistant Stayed at home
2904 Eur J Pediatr (2021) 180:2897–2905

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