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In force From 11 April 2022

Issued By
Engineer in Chief
Rural Engineering Service
Bhopal (M.P.)
"schedule of Rates" for construction works undertaken by Madhya Pradesh
Rural Engineering Service (MP RES) are Published by'the MP RES form time to time'
The RES since its inception has revised Schedule of Rates for Roads, Bridges, Earthen-
Dam, Building, etc.
The last Schedule of Rates was published on January 4'h 2019 Since then the
prices of labour and material have registered substantial increase. The Ministry of Rural
Development Government of India has also revised the "specification for Rural Roads"
(First Revision) in January 2014. Accordingly this Schedule of Rates has been
prepared, keeping in view the latest specifications thereby incorporating new items and #
omitting obsolete/un-useful items.
While some new items like Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CSEB), Fly
Ash Bricks, Bitumen. work VG10, VG30 have been added. Nomenclature and
description of some items has been modified as per the requirements'
Standard Tables given in the specifications have been annexed with the SOR, so
as to facilitate easy reference to the specification during execution. List of the IRC
Publications available for Sale is also Annexed with the SOR'
I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to Mr. H.S. Jhaniya, Chief
Engineer, Mr. Satish Tiwari, Executive Engineer, Mr. Bhavesh Agarwal, Executive
Engineer and Mr. Palak Jain, Assistant Engineer, who have contributed considerably
towards bringing out this Schedule of Rates into effect.

must also praise the invaluable assistance provided by Mr. Ravi Chachane,
Assistant Engineer, and Mrs. Shweta Asati , Sub Engineer for timely completion of the

Although due care has been taken to frame the Schedule of Rates, however,
suggestions, if any towards further improvement of this document shall be highly

The new Schedule of Rates shall be applicable for all works executed by the
Rural Engineering Service and shall applicable from 1 1.04.2022.
Place: Bhopal

Date: April 1fh,2022

(8.s. l)
Engineer in Chief
Rural Engineering Service
Madhya Pradesh
00 GENERAL 1-7
02 MORTARS 10-11
09 IRONWORK 38-43
11 ROOFING 50-53
20 ROADWORK 84-90
ANNEXURE – 1 TO 13 152-178
APPENDIX – A TO G 179-202


0.1.01 In the absence of any stipulations to the contrary, unit rate for various items of works
are for completing works to the requirements of the specifications including full
compensation for all operations & inclusive of all labour, materials, royalties, lease rent,
wastages, temporary work, plant, equipment, over head charges and profit, unless specified

0.1.02 The mode of measurements shall be as per provisions content in the relevant chapters
and items of the specifications, unless specified otherwise.

0.1.03 The rates include the element of higher and running charges of all types of plants,
machinery and equipment, required to complete the work, unless specified otherwise. The
rates provided in this schedule of rates include, cost, lead, lift of all materials required for
execution of works inclusive of all charges like duties, octroi, tax, royalty, insurance etc. as
may be applicable, all labour, all lead and lift (unless otherwise specifically provided for)
including performance all workmanship, provision for erection and removal of centering
forms scaffolding, benching, ladders, templates, tools and plants and all other applications etc.
required for the proper execution of work unless otherwise specified. Provisions for covering
etc. necessary to protect the work / structure from inclement weather etc. and damage arising
from falling materials or other cause such as rain, fire etc. shall be contractors responsibility.
Rates are also inclusive of curing wherever required including arrangement of water and its
lead or lift whatsoever.

0.1.04 The labour only provided in the schedule of rates includes the cost of all labour
including necessary machine, tools, scaffolding, handling of materials at site of works, all
workmanship and including the cost of scaffolding, curing, any sundry material like nails,
spikes, water etc. and as detailed above, but does not include the cost of main material, which
means materials shall be made available at or near the site of work. The rate includes
provision of handling, storing under cover as required.

0.1.05 The rates also include the element of testing of samples of various materials brought
by the contractor for use on the work, as well as other necessary tests for items of work as
stipulated in the specifications. Frequency of such tests to be carried out must not be less than
the prescribed frequencies. Copies of registers, containing records of tests shall have to be
presented along with running account bills. Register (original) shall have to be submitted
along with the final bill. Tests shall have to be conducted by the contractor's Engineer under
the supervision of the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representatives. The contractor
shall have to establish a field laboratory at the site of work, if the amount of contract exceeds
Rs. 25.00 lacs. In other cases where amount of contract is between 5 to 25 lakhs, testing of
construction materials should be got done from any of the tests laboratories of the various
Govt. Departments, Government/Semi Govt. under takings and Technical Institutes,
Engineering College, Polytechnic, I.T.I. etc.

(a) The work should not be accepted in any case, if the contractor fails to observe the
instructions of the department, regarding testing of materials.
(b) Before making any payment, it will bet the responsibility of the officers making payment

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to assure that all tests as per prescribed frequencies, have been carried out, and found as per
(c) If tests are not conducted to the prescribed frequency, the Engineer in Charge should
reject that part of the work.

0.1.06 All material shall conform to the relevant Indian Standard Specification prevailing on
the date of issue of notice inviting tender. All materials before use in work shall require
approval of the Engineer in Charge, who will get them tested sampled as per relevant IS Code
1S:5454:1978 at contractor's cost and samples so approved be kept in the office of the
concerned sub divisional officer till finalization of the work.

0.1.07 It will not be obligatory on the part of Engineer in charge to provide any assistance in
obtaining of lease/permits for extraction of minor minerals. The contractor will not be entitle
to any excuse, whatsoever, on account of any delays in obtaining minor minerals to be used
on the work.

0.1.08 Not withstanding any thing to the contrary, aggregates to be used for all cement
concrete items shall be crushed in the mechanical crushers. All concrete shall have to be
mixed in power driven mixtures having hoppers and capacity of mixing concrete mix of
atleast one bag of cement.

0.1.09 Nothing extra shall be payable on account of use of Narmada sand or sand brought
from any other quarry / river. Sand should conform to the requirements of IS: 1542 and IS:
2166 for using it in construction work.

0.1.10 When cement is used for mortar/volumetric mix etc. batch of one bag cement or its
multiples shall be mixed and the measurement of box for metal, sand to be of 35 litres or
multiples of it (convenient box size 40x35x25 cm). For design mix concrete batching shall be
done by weight.

0.1.11 Rates in this S.O.R. would also apply for works (Administrative approval upto Rs.
2.00 Lakhs) on piece work/work order system. Rates payable for any item of work proposed
to be done under this system may either be at par or below the rates in this S.O.R.

0.1.12 Rubble available from excavation of hard rock shall be property of the contractor
subject to recovery of Rs. 150 per cum of the quantity of the rock excavated.

0.1.13 The contractor shall have to provide a ruled duplicate register at site named "Site
order book". It shall be in the custody of departmental supervisory staff. The
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative may record his instructions in this book,
which shall be noted by the contractor or his authorized representative for compliance.

0.1.14 Teak wood shall not be used in any building work unless specific sanction of the State
Government is obtained.

(a) Provision of teak wood shall not be made in any of the estimate without prior sanction of
the State Government.

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0.1.15 Where contract provides for cement to be arranged by the contractor himself, only ISI
mark cement of relevant IS specifications shall be allowed to be used in the work subject to
the following tests. The arrangement for necessary equipment and testing shall have to be
made by the contractor himself at site, to be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. All expanses
shall be borne by the contractor. Any lot of cement brought to site by the contractor, would
be permitted to be used in the work only after the satisfactory results of the tests, under the
supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representatives. The record of the
tests result shall be maintained in the register referred in subsequent para.
a. Test for initial & final setting time as per IS: 3536-1996 1 Test for 10 tonnes or part
thereof upto 10 tonnes.
b. Test for determination of compressive strength of cement as per IS: 3536-1996 1 Test for
50 tonnes or part thereof upto 10 tonnes.

0.1.16 A duplicate register as per format here under shall be maintained at site of work.
Extract certified copies of the entries for each month shall be submitted to the
Engineer-in-Charge by the contactor. The original register shall also be submitted to the
Engineer-in-Charge on completion of the work by the contractor.
S.No. Date of No. Name Signature Signature Result of Result of Remark
receipt of and of of authorised test for of tests
of cement bags address contractor representative initial for
of firms, or his of Engineer- and final compressive
from authorised in-Charge setting strenght
representative time of cement

0.1.17 When the strength of concrete required is upto M-20, then OPC confirming to IS
269-1989 or PPC confirming to IS : 1498-1976 may be used.

0.1.18 When the strength of concrete required is more than M-20 but upto M-30, then OPC
confirming to IS : 8112 - 1989 shall be used.

0.1.19 Nominal mix would be adopted for cement concrete M-7.5, M-10, M-15 and M-20.
Design mix shall have to be adopted for concrete of higher strengths.

0.1.20 As regard to steel reinforcement;

a) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars shall conform to IS : 432 (Part-I).
b) Hot rolled deformed bars shall conform to IS : 1139.
c) Cold Twisted bars shall conform to IS : 1786.
d) Hard drawn steel wire fabric shall conform to IS : 1566 and
e) Rolled steel made from structural steel shall conform to IS : 226.

0.1.21 All reinforcement shall be free from loose mill scales, loose rust and coats of paints,

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oil, mud or other coating which may destroy or reduce bond.

0.1.22 The contractor shall have to produce Test Certificate in the proforma prescribed
approved by BIS from the manufacturer for every batch of steel brought to site of work.

0.1.23 Only such steel as is obtained from main producers of steel e.g. SAIL, IISCO,
TISCO or such steel rolling mills as are having licence from the B.I.S to manufacture such
steel for reinforcements, shall to be allowed to be used in the work.

0.1.24 The rates for various items in this SOR are subject to stipulations in these "General

0.1.25 Items not included in this SOR shall neither be provided in any estimate nor executed
without express prior permission of the Chief Engineer even though shown in the drawings
prepared by the Chief Architect or any Consulting Architect. If any new or modified item is
proposed to be provided in any estimate or intended to be executed in any work, proposals
with full justification thereof along with financial implication must be submitted to the Chief
Engineer for obtaining prior approval.

0.1.26 In case of any contradiction in the provisions of the specifications and the SOR, the
provisions of the latter would take precedence.

0.1.27 The rates as given in this schedule for all items are final, binding and conclusive. In
case of doubt and printing mistakes if any, the decision of the Chief Engineer will be final and

0.1.28 In the interpretation of description of items or rates of the schedule of rates and
specification, the decision of the Chief Engineer shall be final and binding.

a) Specifications would refer to the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) specifications
as applicable as on date.
b) Engineer-in-charge would refer to the Executive Engineer of the Rural Engineering
Services Division for the time being. It would also refer to the "Engineer" mentioned in the
aforesaid specifications.
c) B.I.S. would refer to Bureau of Indian Standards.

The following terms and expressions in this schedule shall have the meaning or implication
hereby assigned to them unless otherwise specified elsewhere.
0.2.01. Contractor - The 'contractor' shall mean the individual or firm or company whether
incorporated or not undertaking the works and shall include the legal personal
representatives of such individual of the persons composing such firm or company, or the
successors of such individual or firm or company and the permitted assignees of such
individual or firm or company.
0.2.02. Engineer-in-charge - The 'Engineer-in-charge' means the Executive Engineer who
shall supervise and be in-charge of the work and who shall sign the contract on behalf of the

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0.2.03. Site- The 'Site' shall mean the land/or other places on. in. into or through which the
work is to be executed or any adjacent land, path or street through which the work to be
executed or any adjacent land, path or street which may be allotted or used for purpose of
carrying out the work.
0.2.04 Store - The 'store' shall mean the place of issue of materials included in the appropriate
schedule for issue by the R.E.S. In all other cases ' store' shall mean any R.E.S. store in the
0.2.05. IS- The standards, specification and code of Practices issued by the Bureau of Indian
0.2.06 Best- The word 'Best' when used shall mean that in the opinion of the Engineer- in-
charge, there is no superior material/ article and workmanship obtainable in the market and
trade respectively. As for as possible the standard required shall be specified in preference to
the word 'Best' .
0.2.07. Department- ' Department' shall mean Rural Engineering Services under the control of
Rural Development Department of Government of Madhya Pradesh.
0.2.08 MOST - MOST shall mean ministry of surface transport (Road wing) Govt. of India.
Publication "Specification of Road and Bridge Works" (Fifth Revision) 2004.
0.2.09. S.R.R.- S.R.R.shall mean publication of I.R.C. (Ministry of Rural Development)
named as "Specification for Rural Roads" 2004
0.2.10. S.P.20 - S.P.20 means the publication of I.R.C. named as "Special Publication 20 -
Rural Road Manual 2002". Also IRC publication means any relevent Indian road Congress
publications for the subject.


0.3.01. Buildings :
(a) Floor 1 is the lowest floor above the ground level in the building unless otherwise
specified in a particular case. The floors above floor 1 shall be numbered in sequence as floor
2, floor 3 and so on. The number shall increase upwards.
(b) Floor Level - For Floor 1, top level of finished floor shall be the floor level and for all
other floors above floor 1, top level of the structural slabs shall be the floor level .
(c) Plinth Level - Floor 1 level or 1.2 m above the ground level whichever is lower shall be
the plinth level.
For structures like retaining walls, wing walls, chimneys, over head reservoirs/tanks and other
elevated structures, where elevations/ heights above a defined datum level have not been
specified and identification of floor cannot be done as in case of buildings, levels, at 1.2 m
above the ground level shall be the floor 1 level as well as plinth level. Level at height of 3.5
m above floor 1 level will be reckoned as floor 2 level and level at a height of 3.5 m above the
floor level will be floor 3 level and so on . Where the total height above the floor 1 level is not
a whole number multiple of 3.5 meters, top most floor level shall the next in sequence to the
floor level below even if the difference in height between the two upper most floor levels is
less than 3.5 meters.
The work in foundation and plinth shall include -
(a) For buildings - All works upto 1.2 meters above ground level or upto floor 1 level
whichever is lower.
(b) For abutments, piers and well staining - All works upto 1.2 m above the bed level.

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(c) For retaining walls, wing walls, compound walls, chimneys, over head reservoirs/ tanks
and other elevated structures All works upto 1.2 meters above the ground level.
(d) For reservoirs/tanks (other than overhead reservoirs/tanks) - All works upto 1.2 meters
above the ground level.
(e) For basements - All works upto 1.2 meters above ground level or upto floor 1 level
whichever is lower.
0.6.01. In booking dimensions, the order shall be consistent and the sequence of length, the
width and height or depth or thickness.
0.6.02. Rounding off - Rounding off where required shall be done in accordance with IS:
2-1960. The number of significant places rounded in the round off value should be as
0.7.01. The Panchayat and Implementing Agency shall employ only such methods of
construction, tools and plant as are appropriate for the type of work or as approved by
Engineer- in- charge in writing.
0.7.02. The Panchayat and Implementing Agency shall take all precautions and measures to
ensure safety of work and workman and shall be fully responsible for the same . Safety
pertaining to construction works such as excavation, centring and shuttering, trenching,
blasting, demolition, electric connections, scaffolds, ladders, working platforms, gangway,
mixing of bituminous materials, electric and gas welding, use of hoisting and construction
machinery shall be governed by CPWD Safety code, relevant safety codes and the directions
of Engineer-in-charge.
The following abbreviations, wherever they appear in the schedule of rates, shall have the
meaning of implications hereby assigned to them.
AC Asbestos Cement ASTM American Society for testing materials
BC Black cotton BM Bench Mark
BWG British Wire Gauge Bt Black Trap
C Degree centigrade
temperature CC Cement Concrete
CG Centre of gravity CGS Corrugated Galvanised sheet
CI Cast iron CL Centre line
cm Centimetre CM Cement mortar
CR Coursed rubble cucm Cubic centimetre
cum Cubic metre cumec (s) Cubic metre per second (s)
Dia Diameter DRR Diesel road roller
D\S Downstream etc. Etcetra
e.g. For example ERW Electric resistance welded
E\ W Earth work GI Galvanised iron
KVA Kilo volt ampere LM Lime mortar
LWL Low water level m Metre
MDD Maximum dry density mm Millimetre
MS Mild steel MTS Medium tensile steel
N/ Sqmm Newton per sq mm NMR Nominal muster roll
OMC Optimum moisture content PCC Plain cement concrete
POL Petrol oil and lubricant pt Part

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PVC Polyvinyl chloride r radius

Re Rupee Rs Rupees
RCC Reinforced cement concrete q quintal
RR Random rubble RS Rolled steel joist
SDO Sub-Divisional Officer Sqm square metre
GL Ground level HP Horse power
I.e. That is IRC Indian road congress

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1.1 Rates cover all costs of tools and plants required for clearance of jungle and falling of
trees including uprooting, stacking the cut and felled-material within a lead of 50m.
1.2 Girth of trees shall be generally measured at one meter above the ground level unless
otherwise specified.
1.3 Site and jungle clearance will ordinarily by done departmentally unless otherwise
ordered in writing by the Executive Engineer.
1.4 In case of jungle clearance, felling and uprooting of trees, it is not possible to measure
work after clearance and uprooting unless initial records of jungle and trees to be felled are
maintained. Therefore the area to be cleared and uprooted should be marked at site in
advance and recorded by the Sectional Officer and checked by the S.D.O. before the work
is commenced. Final measurements should by entered by the Sectional Officer and checked
by the S.D.O.
1.5 Shrub jungle includes trees up to 20cm. girth.
1.6 No useful wood is expected to be available from shrub jungle clearance.
1.7 The wood obtained by the Department shall be auctioned after one notice or it shall be
handed over to the Forest or Revenue Department as may be decided by S.E. (If it is not
required by the deptt.)
1.8 Where the jungle belongs to the Forest Department, it should generally be got cleared
and disposed off by the Forest Department unless otherwise ordered by the Executive
Engineer in writing for special reasons.
1.9 For survey and investigation, the item 0101 is not payable.
1.10 For items and 1706 to 1708 of chapter "Survey and Investigation" the jungle
clearance is not payable.
1.11 For item 1705 of chapter "Survey and Investigation" generally no separate payment
for jungle clearance is required, however, when the alignments are passing through jungle
and clearance is considered necessary by the Executive Engineer, the payment for jungle
clearance can be made, depending upon the type of jungle involved. Payments for Jungle
Clearance can be made for widths not exceeding 1.5m. for alignments and 1 m. for cross
sections as per items 0107 to 0109 on specific prior written sanction of the Executive
Engineer, which will include the type of jungle clearance to be done in different length and
widths as considered necessary.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0101 Site clearance, cutting grass, raking into heaps and removing off the sqm. 4.3
0102 Jungle clearance including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush sqm. 10.8
wood, saplings and tree not exceeding 30cm girth and removing not
exceeding 50meters outside the periphery of the area cleared.
0103 Deduct from items 0102 for uprooting not done. sqm. 6.5

0104 Cutting down trees (exceeding 30cm girth, grubbing uproot, filling pits
and levelling off ground, lopping branches, trimming, removing not
exceeding 50meter & staking serviceable material and cleaning site.
(a) Girth exceeding 30 cm and not exceeding 100 cm Each 1865.4
(b) Girth exceeding 100 cm and not exceeding 150 cm Each 3227.8
(c) Girth exceeding 150 cm and not exceeding 200 cm Each 3726.8


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0104 Cutting down trees (exceeding 30cm girth, grubbing uproot, filling pits
and levelling off ground, lopping branches, trimming, removing not
exceeding 50meter & staking serviceable material and cleaning site.
(d) Girth exceeding 200 cm and not exceeding 250 cm Each 4351.3
(e) Girth exceeding 250 cm and not exceeding 300 cm Each 4967.5

0105 Deduction from items 0104 (a) to 0104 (e) for uprooting not done. Each. 50% of
respective item
0106 Uprooting of roots of trees including removing and stacking (Girth to be Each. 50% of
measured at 1.00 m above G.L.) respective item
0107 Ordinary shrub jungle (areas below 25% covered by shrubs) clearance sqm. 1.5
involving removal of grass. Shrubs, bushes and twigs, excluding
uprooting (for survey works)
0108 Medium shrub jungle (25% to 50% area covered by shrubs) clearance sqm. 3.1
involving removal of grass. Shrubs, bushes and twigs, excluding
uprooting out (for survey works)
0109 Thick shrub jungle (area above 50% covered by shrubs) clearance sqm. 4.6
involving removal of grass. Shrubs, bushes and twigs, excluding
uprooting out (for survey works)


2.1 Rates includes all leads and lifts.
2.2 Sand shall confirm to IS 2166-1965 for masonry mortar and IS 1542-1960 for plaster.
2.3 Cement shall confirm to any one of the following specification. IS 1489-1976 Portland
pazzolana cement. IS 455-1976 Portland slag cement. IS 269-1976 ordinary or low heat
Portland cement.
2.4 Building lime shall confirm to IS 712-1973
2.5 Surkhi shall be made from well burnt or slightly under burnt brick bats or from suitable
clay burnt at required temperature, surkhi shall confirm to IS 1344-1968.
2.6 the strength of various proportions of lime mortar/cement mortar shall be in
accordance with IS1625-1965 and IS 2250-1965.
2.7 Hydrated lime can be used in place of lime putty.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0201 Mud Mortar cum 560.4

0202 Lime Mortar 1:2 ( 1 lime putty, 2sand ) cum 2746.9

0203 Lime Mortar 1:3 ( 1 lime putty, 3sand ) cum 2641.8

0204 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1:1:1 ( 1 lime putty, 1 surkhi, 1sand ) cum 2350.6

0205 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1:1:2 ( 1 lime putty, 1 surkhi, 2sand ) cum 2345.0

0206 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1:2 ( 1 lime putty, 2 surkhi,) cum 1954.3

0207 Labour only for lime mortar & lime surkhi mortar cum 665.5

0208 Cement Mortar 1:2 ( 1 cement, 2 sand ) cum 5862.4

0209 Cement Mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement, 3 sand ) cum 4868.4

0210 Cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement, 4 sand ) cum 4011.5

0211 Cement Mortar 1:5 ( 1 cement, 5 sand ) cum 3550.0

0212 Cement Mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement, 6 sand ) cum 3154.5

0213 Cement Mortar 1:8 ( 1 cement, 8 sand ) cum 2627.2

0214 Labour only for Cement Mortar cum 376.9

0215 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:3 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 3 sand ) cum 4959.3

0216 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:4 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 4 sand ) cum 4949.2

0217 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:5 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 5 sand ) cum 4379.7

0218 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:6 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 6 sand ) cum 3916.2

0219 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:8 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 8 sand ) cum 3431.0

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Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0220 Cement Lime Mortar 1:2:9 ( 1 cement, 2 lime putty, 9 sand ) cum 3506.2

0221 Cement Lime Mortar 1:3:12 ( 1 cement, 3 lime putty, 12 sand ) cum 3301.2

0222 Labour only for cement lime mortar cum 789.3

0223 White cement mortar 1:2 ( 1 White cement, 2 Marbel dust) cum 11634.4

RES - NIC MPSU 02 - MORTARS Page 2 of 2 11

Measurement of earth work will generally be taken by pit measurement, only when such
measurement are not practicable cross sectional measurement may be taken, however
incase of earthen bunds constructed to retain water, only cross sectional measurements will
be taken.

3.1.1 The length, breadth and depth (or height) shall be measured correct to the nearest cm.
If the measurements are taken with level and staff, the levels shall be recorded correct to 5
mm. The area shall be calculated in Sqm. correct to two places of decimal and cubical
contents in cum correct to two places of decimal.
3.2.Classification of Strata -
(a) Loose or soft soil - Generally any soil which yields to the ordinary application of pick
and shovel, or to spade, rake or other digging implement, such as vegetable or organic soil
turf, gravel, sand, silt, loam, clay, peat, etc.
(b) Hard or dense soil- includes all materials which can be removed with shovel or spade
after loosening with pick axe, such as clay, soil mixed with lime kanker, black cotton soil
for earthen bund, soft moorum etc.
(c) Hard moorum and moorum mixed with boulders. - Generally any material which
requires the close application of picks, jumpers or scarifies to loosen, such as hard and
compact moorum and soft shale. Moorum or soil mixed with small boulders not exceeding
25 % in quantity and each less than 0.014 cum (300 mm dia or 1/70 cum) but more than
0.004 cum in size. " Boulder is a rock fragment usually rounded by weathering,
disintegration or exfoliation or abrasion by water, found lying loose on the surface or
embedded in material of dissimilar origin "
(d) Disintegrated or soft rock - Disintegrated or soft rock include such strata's which
require the close application of crow bars, picks, grafting tools and scarifies in suitable
combination for its excavation such as soft laterite, soft conglomerate hard shale, soft copra
hard and compacted moorum mixed with small boulders exceeding 25 % in quantity but
each not exceeding 0.014 cum in size and soft rock comparies of the following -
(i) Boulders (dia more than 300 mm but not greater than 0.50 cum in volume) hard laterite,
hard copra and hard conglomerate or other rock which may be quarried or split with crows
bars, with casual blasting, if required, for loosening of strata.
(ii) Any rock which in dry state may be hard, requiring blasting, but when wet becomes soft
and manageable by means other than blasting.
(e) Hard rock (requiring blasting) - Any rock or boulder (more than 0.5 cum in volume)
which requires use of mechanical plant or blasting for excavation or splitting.
(f) Hard rock (Blasting prohibited) - Hard rock requiring blasting as described under (e) but
where blasting is prohibited for any reason and excavation has to be carried out by
chiselling, wedging or any other agreed method.
3.3 Authority for classification :- The classification shall be decided by the Executive
Engineer and his decision shall be final.
3.4 Dressing - (a) Dressing is normally required at one place i.e. at the place of excavation
or at the place of filling hence the rates provided in the schedule include dressing only once,
either at the place of cut or at the place of fill. In case of canal excavation, where earth is
reused at or near the same place and for the same work, in such case only one dressing
which is already included in the basic rates is admissible, even though the dressing is
actually needed at both the places i.e. at the place of cut and at the place of fill, while

additional rate for trimming in cutting only will be payable.
(b) In case, dressing is not done either in cut or in fill or both rate for dressing will be
(c) No separate payment for dressing or trimming of spoil bank (s) and borrow area (s)
shall, be made.
3.5 Trimming -
(a) This comprises of removing grass and grass roots, touching the uneven surface (either
horizontal or slopping), by scraping off high patches and filling in low patches with the
scraped soil. The maximum depth of cutting or not exceeding 15 cm.
(b) This item of work shall however, not be payable for road work maintenance of approach
roads, service roads, etc. as well as where payment for dressing in earth work/ excavation
has already been made.
3.6 Wet excavation.- Extra rate for excavation will be payable only for excavation below
sub-soil water level Trial pits shall be dug in the area where excavation is required to be
done. The steady water level in the trial pits which is left undisturbed for 48 hours before
the pumping operations are started, shall be considered as sub-soil water level in the area.
3.7 Rates for items 0301 to 0309 include 50m. free lead and 1.5 m. free lift.
3.8 Lifts.
(a) Lift for all modes of handling has to be measured in an upward direction, i.e. when the
materials are moved against the force of gravity.
(b) Lift will be calculated on the height of the centre of gravity of the lifted material above
the average of ground levels at the Centre as well as upstream and down stream toe at
section of the dam/embankment. For working out extra lift payable, the initial 1.5 m free lift
shall be deducted.
(c) In the case of earthwork for canals in partial or full cutting, lift will be calculated on the
completed section of the work done from the centre of gravity of the cutting portion to the
centre of gravity of embankment minus 1.5 m free lift.
(d) In the case of canal excavation where spoil bank is formed in number of sections, more
than one, the quantity in each spoil bank has to be fitted into the canal excavation. The lifts
payable will be for the centre of gravity of excavated portion to the centre of gravity of the
corresponding spoil bank minus 1.5m free lift.
(e) No negative (downward) lift shall be payable for earth work /excavation.
(f) The estimate for Earthen dam embankment be sanctioned on the basis of approved
designs considering utilisation of useful available materials from excavation of approach
spill channel (s). The estimate for approach/spill channel (s) be sanctioned only for the
balance excavation which cannot be utilised. The payment shall also be made accordingly.
For the entire excavated materials of approach /spill channel (s) lift is payable from the
centre of gravity of the excavated portions to the centre of gravity of the banks and
deductions of 1.5 m free lift shall be made to work out the extra lift payable. However, for
the useful materials transported to the dam/ embankment lift would be payable, as per (c)
3.9. Lead
(a) Extra lead for earthwork by head load beyond initial 50m free lead will be payable for
every additional 50m or part there of up to a total distance of 200m.
(b) The lead for earthwork shall be measured from the centre of borrow area (s) to the
centre line of the dam/ embankment and shall be measured as crow flies, the crow fly
distance being measured from the geometrical centre of borrow area (s) to the centre of the
dam/embankment. While calculating the lead for payment an additional five percent over
the distance calculated above shall be added to cover circuitous path.
(c) The extra lead charges for earthwork when total distance exceeds 200m (head load

lead) will be payable as per chapter "TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIALS".
3.10.Bailing out water.-
(a) Rates do not include any allowance for bailing out of water.
(b) For excavation done departmentally the bailing out of water not requiring pumping,
shall be done as a separate items, as per actual expenses. The decision of the Executive
Engineer, as to whether or not pumping is necessary for bailing out water in any particular
case, shall be deemed as final.
3.11. Rates of items 0301 to 0309 include the following : -
(a) Separation of serviceable and unserviceable material and depositing them separately in
regular heaps or stacks as directed. Where stacking of material is done under specific orders
of the Executive Engineer with a view to utilise the entire materials on other items of
works, separate rate for stacking shall be payable.
(b) Forming (or leaving) 'dead men' to ' tell-tales' in borrow pits and their removal after
(c) Removing slips or falls in excavations.
(d) Forming (or leaving) steps in sides of deep excavation and their removal after
(e) Precautionary measures to be adopted in blasting as per IS 4081-1967 "Safety code of
blasting" (as amended from time to time) and storing explosives as per "Explosive Rules
1940" corrected uptodate.
3.12. Antiquities.- Any ancient carvings, relics of antiquity, coins or other curiosities which
may be discovered or excavated are the property of the Government and are to be delivered
to the Engineer-in-Charge.
3.13. Any vegetation, earth, moorum, sand, gravel, debris, brickwork, concrete, masonry
etc. obtained form excavation shall form the property of the Government.
3.14.Removal of earth deposits from the bed of new channels- Removal of the earth/soil
deposited, including due to slips etc. in the bed of channel could be paid as per item no
0301, only when the estimate for its removal has been prepared on the basis of cross
sections, longitudinal section plotted on graph measurement book (s), duly compared with
the Completed/ executed/designed sectioned and later sectioned by the Competent
Authority. Such work could than be executed through contract " Agency on form A or
form B "

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0301 Earth work in bulk excavation (exceeding 30cm in depth, 1.5m in width
as well as 10sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated soil lead upto
50m and lift upto 1.5m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed.
(a) Loose or soft soil cum 132.8
(b) Dense or hard soil cum 171.8
(c) Hard moorum cum 227.8

0302 Earth work in bulk excavation (exceeding 30cm in depth, 1.5m in width
as well as 10sqm on plan) including disposal or stacking of excavated
soil lead upto 50m lift upto 1.5m
(a) Disintegrated or soft rock (not requiring blasting) cum 533.6
(b) Hard rock requiring blasting cum 644.6
(c) Hard rock requiring chiselling (where blasting is prohibited) cum 1127.1

0303 Deleted ---- ----

RES - NIC MPSU 03 - EXCAVATION Page 3 of 5 14

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0304 Earth work in rough excavation, filling excavated earth into depressions
on banking as directed, top surface to be levelled and neatly dressed.
(a) Loose or soft soil cum 147.5
(b) Dense or hard soil cum 189.7
(c) Hard moorum cum 213.2

0305 Deleted ---- ----

0306 Deleted ---- ----

0307 Earth work in excavation in trenches for foundations and for pipes,
cables etc. not exceeding 1.5m in width and for shafts, cesspits and the
like not exceeding 10sqm on plan including dressing of sides and
ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5m including getting out the excavated
soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of
(a) Loose or soft soil cum 143.1
(b) Dense or hard soil cum 186.8
(c) Hard moorum cum 244.9

0308 Excavation in trenches for foundations and for pipes, cables, etc. not
exceeding 1.5m in width and for shafts, cesspits and the like not
exceeding 10 sqm on plan including dressing of sides and ramming of
bottoms, lift upto 1.5m including getting out and stacking the excavated
soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of
(a) Disintegrated or soft rock (not requiring blasting) cum 591.3
(b) Hard rock requiring blasting cum 802.2
(c) Hard rock requiring chiselling (i.e. hard rock requiring blasting cum 1162.5
but where blasting is prohibited)
0309 Extra rates for quantities of work executed. In or under water or in foul cum 20% of
condition (extra rate for the main item concerned is allowed on account respective item
of slow progress of works)
0310 Excavating post holes (or similar holes) upto 0.5cum including getting
out the excavated soil, than returning the soil as required in layers not
exceeding 20cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer
by ramming, watering etc., disposing of surplus excavated soil as
directed within a lead of 50m and making good the surface.
(a) Loose or soft soil nos. 134.1
(b) Dense or hard soil nos. 173.5
(c) Disintegrated or soft rock (not requiring blasting) nos. 349.3

0311 Boring holes 3.5m deep in ordinary soil (for cast in situ piles) and
getting out the soil (under ramming if any shall be paid for separately)
and disposal of the surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of
50m for-Diameter of piles.
(a) 200 mm nos. 785.0
(b) 250 mm nos. 939.5
(c) 300 mm nos. 1098.2

0312 Extra for under-ramming inside the bore holes for under reamed piles.

RES - NIC MPSU 03 - EXCAVATION Page 4 of 5 15

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) 200mm nos. 298.3

(b) 250mm nos. 373.8
(c) 300mm nos. 445.4

0313 Add to or deduct from the rate for bore holes of 3.5metre depths, if the
bore-holes are made deeper or shallower than 3.5metres.
(a) 200mm RM 250.5
(b) 250mm RM 334.1
(c) 300mm RM 373.8

0314 Deleted ---- ----

0315 Deleted. ---- ----

0316 Surface dressing of ground, including removing vegetation, and/ or

unequalities not exceeding 15cm deep and disposal of rubbish lead upto
50m And lift upto1.5m
(a) Loose or soft soil sqm. 10.5
(b) Dense or hard soil sqm. 14.7

0317 Dag-beling

(a) Single spade stroke minimum 75mm deep RM 0.6

(b) ....

0318 Extra for every additional Lead beyond 50metres or part thereof upto 200 cum 57.9
m for every 50 m lead
0319 Pumping out water caused by springs tidal or river seepage, broken water kl. 89.7
mains or drains or well point pumping and the like.
0320 Deduct from item no.0301, 0303, 0304, 0307 & 0308 If dressing either cum 10 % extra of
not done or not done as per specification respective item
0321 Dry silt clearance in drainage and culvert etc. cum 94.8

0322 Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part there of

(a) Loose/soft soil and dense/hard soil cum 15.6

(b) Disintegrated/ soft or hard rock cum 27.3

0323 Construction of embankment/sub grade by fly ash including clearing & cum 94.8
grabbing existing surface, (as per clause 305 and its sub clauses where
required and as per IRC SP-58-2001) i/c all lifts, cost of spreading,
watering, compaction and maintenance of surface during construction to
ensure shedding and preventing ponding of water, providing camber,
shaping and dressing, finishing etc. complete. (lead for fly ash will be
paid extra excluding loading)

RES - NIC MPSU 03 - EXCAVATION Page 5 of 5 16

4.1 Rates include :-
(a) All leads and lifts of matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of materials in which water includes.
(c) The cost of mixing motor, curing and scaffolding etc

4.2 Rates do not include centring, shuttering or form work unless otherwise specified.

4.3 Rates are also applicable for filling under floors.

4.4 Form work of RCC will be provided by the contractor and shall be removed by him. No
lead and lift of form work will be payable.

4.5 For RCC work the rates includes all finishing on all exposed surface, projections etc. as
per design. The resulting surface should be smooth and plain. Bottom faces of RCC slabs,
lintels and chajjas etc. shall be finished with suitable thickness of 1:3 cement mortar to make
surface smooth and even, where ever required. Ceiling plaster shall not be paid separately in
any case.

4.6 The rate includes for centring for providing fan hooks etc. For drip course where ever
required the seperate rates will be paid.

4.7 For plum concrete the plum used shall be of 150 mm maximum size rubble.

4.8 For fine and coarse aggregates IS 383 - 1970 may be referred, for plain and reinforced
concrete IS 456 - 2000 may be referred.

4.9 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
4.10 The proportion of various size of coarse aggregates in concrete is detailed below.
(This quantities are for 1 cum of concrete)
Concrete Max size of Metal or single Size and qty Total
Mix. Graded metal in cum.
40 mm 20 mm 10 mm
C.C. 1:2:4 20 mm - 0.67 cum 0.22 cum. 0.89cum

C.C. 1:3:6 40 mm 0.65 cum 0.24 cum - 0.89cum

C.C. 1:3:6 20 mm - 0.70 cum 0.24 cum 0.94cum

C.C. 1:4:8 40 mm 0.65 cum 0.24 cum - 0.89cum

C.C. 1:5:10 40 mm 0.65 cum 0.24 cum - 0.89cum
C.C. 1:6:12 40 mm 0.65 cum 0.24 cum - 0.89cum
Lime concrete 40 mm 0.69 cum 0.50 cum - 0.94cum
with lime mortar
any ratio.

4.11 Items of R.C.C. includes formworks, centering, shuttering, proping, finishing and
curing etc.

4.12 Rates of centering and shuttering should be paid only for the item in which rates
excluding cost of formwork is mentioned.
4.13 Execution of R.C.C. work shall not be permitted without mixer and vibrator.
Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0401 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, cum 94.8
sides of foundation etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth
consolidating each deposited layers by ramming and watering lead upto
50m and lift upto 1.5m
0402 Filling foundation, around masonry work, plinth, sides of foundation etc. cum 300.8
with moorum I/c ramming layers not exceeding 20cm in depth
consolidating each deposited layers by ramming and watering lead upto
50m and lift upto 1.5m.
0403 Labour only for item no.0402 cum 94.8

0404 Filling in plinth with sand under floors including watering, ramming, cum 1167.4
consolidating and dressing complete.
0405 Labour only for item no. 0404 cum 78.8

0406 Deleted …. ....

0407 Deleted …. ....

0408 Providing and laying in foundation, plinth and under floors lime
concrete with 40mm nominal size graded stone aggregates (metal) and
40% lime mortar. i/c ramming in layers and curing complete excluding
cost of form work.
(a) Lime mortar 1:2 (1lime putty, 2sand) cum 2769.4
(b) Lime mortar 1:3 (1lime putty, 3sand) cum 2721.3
(c) Lime mortar 1:1:1 (1lime putty, 1surkhi, 1sand) cum 2588.0
(d) Lime mortar 1:2 (1lime putty, 2surkhi) cum 2406.6

0409 Labour only for item no. 0408 (for any proportion of lime mortar used) cum 1188.5

0410 Deduct from item No. 0408 if shingles (pebbles) are used in place of cum 118.2
40mm nominal metal.
0411 Providing and laying on terrace upto floor two level lime concrete with cum 2136.4
graded brick aggregate 25mm nominal size and 50% mortar comprising
of 1 lime putty and 2 surkhi and curing etc. complete.
0412 Labour only for item no. 0411. cum 1092.3

0413 Providing and laying in foundation, plinth and under floors cement
concrete with 40mm nominal size graded stone aggregates (metal) i/c
ramming in layers and curing complete excluding cost of form work
(a) C.C. 1:2:4 (1cement, 2sand, 4metal) cum 4457.6
(b) C.C. 1:3:6 (1cement, 3sand, 6metal) cum 3692.0
(c) C.C. 1:4:8 (1cement, 4sand, 8metal) cum 3301.2
(d) C.C. 1:5:10 (1 cement, 5sand, 10metal) cum 3008.2


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0413 Providing and laying in foundation, plinth and under floors cement
concrete with 40mm nominal size graded stone aggregates (metal) i/c
ramming in layers and curing complete excluding cost of form work
(e) C.C. 1:6:12 (1 cement, 6sand, 12metal) cum 2861.8
(f) C.C 1:2.5:5 ( 1cement, 2.5 sand, 5metal) cum 4097.3

0414 Labour only for item no. 0413 (for any proportion of cement concrete) cum 940.6

0415 Add to item No. 0413 for concrete work in super structure upto floor two cum 15 % of item
level for wall independent pillars and like. no. 0414 for
each floor
0416 Add to item No. 0413 and 0415 if in place of 40mm metal.

(a) If 20 mm graded metal is used cum 172.6

(b) If 12 mm graded metal is used cum 89.3

0417 Extra rate for providing and fixing in position upto floor two level, units cum 2822.5
of precast C.C. work of any mix fixing in cement mortar 1:2 and
finishing with cement plaster 6mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 including
scaffolding .
0418 Extra rate for laying cement concrete in or under water or liquid mud cum 135.2
including cost of pumping and bailing out and removing slush etc.
0419 Extra rate for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement Bag 72.2
concrete work in the proportions recommended by the manufacturers.
0420 Providing and laying damp proof course 50mm thick with C.C.1:2:4 with sqm. 322.7
20mm size graded stone aggregate. including curing.
0421 Applying one coat of hot bitumen (80/100) or equivalent using 1.7kg. Per sqm. 100.5
sqm On damp proof courses after cleaning the surface with brushes and
finally with a piece of cloth tightly soaked in kerosene oil.
0422 Plum cement concrete 1:2:4 with 75% graded metal of 40mm size and cum 3091.2
25% plums of 150mm size.
0423 Plum cement concrete 1:3:6 with 75% graded metal of 40mm size and cum 2806.8
25% plums of 150mm size.
0424 Plum cement concrete 1:4:8 with 75% graded metal of 40mm size and cum 2561.7
25% plums of 150mm size.
0425 Providing and placing in position RCC for roof, beams, columns column
footing lintels chhajjas, balcony, stairs etc, excluding cost of
reinforcement but including centring, shuttering, proping, finishing &
curing etc.complete.
(a) CC 1:1:2 (1 cement, 1 sand, 2 graded stone aggregate 20mm cum 7568.4
nominal size)
(b) CC 1:1.5:3 (1 cement, 1.5 sand, 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm cum 6494.0
nominal size)
(c) CC 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 sand, 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm cum 5977.4
nominal size)
0426 Labour only for item 0425. cum 1311.3

0427 Add extra for labour only for additional floor or 6.m height and part cum 15 % of item
thereof PCC or RCC work in item no.0426 no. 0426 for
each floor
0428 Deleted …. ....


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0429 Deleted …. ....

0430 Deleted …. ....

0431 Labour only for item no. 0430 sqm. 125.2

0432 Deleted …. ....

0433 Deleted …. ....

0434 Providing and laying five courses damp proofing treatment sumps, sqm. 667.2
reservoirs, roof etc. consisting of 1st. 3rd and 5th courses of blown type
petroleum bitumen of I. S. grade 85/25 applied @1.6kg/sqm and 2nd and
4th courses of self finished bitumen felt type 3 grade 2 (Hessian Base)
with priming coat of bituminous solution applied hot at the rate of
minimum of 0.25litre per sqm including preparation of surface by
grouting cracks, providing cement concrete fellets rounding of cerlers
etc. wherever required and cleaning and drying of surface before priming
cost is applied, complete as per direction of the engineers-in-charge.
0435 Providing and filling in position blown bitumen in expansion joints RM 12.1
(10cm deep and 1cm Wide)
0436 Deduct from item no 0413 if 63mm graded metal used in place of 40mm cum -148.8
0437 False work for Arches up to 6meter span. sqm. 1179.7

0438 Labour only for item no. 0437 sqm. 660.6

0439 Brick bat filling in trenches or soak pits. cum 389.5

0440 Labour only for item no.0439 cum 160.7

0441 Centering and shuttering including strutting , propping etc. and removal sqm. 198.7
of form work for P.C.C. work in foundation, footing, bases for column
0442 Filling foundation or under floor with 40mm gauge graded metal and cum 1778.9
moorum including ramming in layers and watering.
0443 Labour only for item no.0442 1136.7

0444 False work for lintels slabs, columns, walls, sills, chhajjas sqm. 263.0
balconies,beams, stair cases or ornamental moulded work, curved surface
etc. cast in situ including all lead and lift.
0445 Labour only for item no. 0444. sqm. 156.9

0446 False work for R.C.C. and P.C.C. work in plinth and foundation. sqm. 198.7

0447 Deduct for concrete unvibrated in item no. 0425. sqm. 125.2

0448 Deduct for mixing of cement concrete/ lime concrete without mechanical cum 114.4
mixure in item no. 0408, 0409, 0411 to 0414, 0420, 0422 to 0426.
0449 RCC work in M-20 concrete grade (with 20 mm nominal size graded cum 6076.8
stone aggregate ) in filler slab, using Manglore tile or terra cotta pots as
fillers above plinth level and upto floor two level including cost of
centering, shuttering, finishing etc Complete but excluding cost of


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0450 Rat trap bond brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular cum 4978.7
bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level upto
floor V level in all shapes and sizes in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6


5.1 Rates include :-
(a) All leads and lifts of matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of materials in which water includes.
(c) The cost of mixing motor, curing and scaffolding etc.
5.2 Plum Stones (Pin Headers) - Pin headers or plum stones shall be provided in hearting
at 1.8m interval (both across and along) the shall run through the height of at least two
courses. Their position shall be staggered in successive courses.
5.3 Joints - The maximum thickness of joints shall be 20mm for hammer dressed coursed
rubble masonry and random rubble uncoursed masonry.
5.4 Masonry for massive structures and Masonry dams - Having maximum height 15m and
above (height means structural height above lowest foundation level an is applicable to
entire length of dams) and other massive structure -
(a) Face masonry - Face stones shall be hammer dressed on face and one line chisel dressed
(finishing given to the stone face with no portion of it projecting more than 10 mm from
the straight edge laid along the face of the stone) on bed, top and sides for 75 mm from the
face batter. The bushing on the faces of the stones shall not project more then 4 cm.
(b) Coursed Rubble Masonry - Stone shall be hammer dressed on face, side and bed 75 mm
with the course normal to the face batter, the bushing on the faces of the stones shall not
project more the 4 cm.
(c) Random Rubble Masonry - the hearting is of random rubble work.
5.5 The bushing on the face shall not project by more then 10 mm on face to be plastered.
5.6 Rates for masonry in foundation and plinth, in case of building works and other works,
which can be done without scaffolding, are applicable to all works upto plinth level.
5.7 For compound wall the masonry from foundation bed upto 1.5 m above surrounding
ground level (average) shall be treated as masonry in foundation and plinth and extra
height then shall be treated as masonry in super structure.
5.8 Concrete headers and corners shall be used if proper stone headers and corners are not
available. Concrete headers shall be precast at site in 1:3:6 C.C. with 20 mm metal and
shall be cured. No extra payment should be made.
5.9 The stone will be laid in horizontal course in not less then 15 cm height
5.10 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
5.11 Following Indian standard may be referred to,
IS No.. Title
1597(part-1)-1967 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry rubble stone
1394 - 1979 Specification for stone lintels.
Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0501 Labour only for dressing stones hammer or rough dressed for C. R. cum 601.1
masonry work second sort.
0502 Random/ uncoursed rubble masonry in plinth and foundation, stones laid cum 1375.7
dry, well bounded, faced with selected stones and built with through
stones evenly placed at the rate of two per sqm
0503 Labour only for item no.0502 cum 718.7

0504 Random / uncoursed rubble masonry in plinth and foundation with mud cum 1790.5
mortar including levelling at plinth level.

RES - NIC MPSU 05 - STONE MASONRY Page 1 of 3 22

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0505 Labour only for item no 0504 cum 1102.1

0506 Random / uncoursed rubble masonry in plinth and foundation including

levelling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1cement, 6coarse sand, 12
aggregate 20mm nominal size) at plinth level.
(a) In Lime mortar 1:2 (1lime putty, 2sand) cum 2911.2
(b) In Lime mortar 1:3 (1lime putty, 3sand) cum 2871.6
(c) In Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) cum 3519.9
(d) In Cement mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) cum 3345.7
(e) In Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) cum 3196.3
(f) In Cement mortar 1:8 (1cement, 8sand) cum 2997.2

0507 Labour only for random/ uncoursed rubble masonry in any. Mortar for cum 1210.5
item no.0506 excluding labour for preparation of mortar.
0508 Coursed rubble masonry second sort in plinth and foundation.

(a) In Lime mortar 1:2 (1lime putty, 2sand) cum 3255.6

(b) In Lime mortar 1:3 (1lime putty, 3sand) cum 3219.6
(c) In Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) cum 4103.2
(d) In Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) cum 3809.0
(e) In Cement mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) cum 3650.6
(f) In Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) cum 3514.8
(g) In Cement mortar 1:8 (1cement, 8sand) cum 3333.8

0509 Labour only for C.R. masonry in mortar of any ratio as in item no.0508 cum 1751.0

0510 Stone shelves fixed in walls in cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) I/c
finishing complete.
(a) 30 mm thick sqm. 347.5
(b) 40 mm thick sqm. 360.0
(c) 50 mm thick sqm. 407.9

0511 Labour only for item no.0510 sqm. 172.0

0512 Providing and fixing in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) flag stone
slab over drains.
(a) 30 mm thick sqm. 313.2
(b) 40 mm thick sqm. 325.8
(c) 50 mm thick sqm. 373.6

0513 Labour only for item no.0512 sqm. 126.7

0514 Providing and fixing chhajja (sun shed) of stone 40mm thick and upto sqm. 536.1
80cm wide beyond the wall in cement mortar 1:4 I/c pointing in cement
mortar 1:2.
0515 Labour only for item no. 0514 sqm. 312.0

0516 Extra rate for C.R./ R.R./ U.C.R. stone masonry in super structure above cum 371.1
plinth level upto floor two level.

RES - NIC MPSU 05 - STONE MASONRY Page 2 of 3 23

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0517 Extra rate for laying stone work in or under water and or liquid mud cum 135.2
including cost of pumping or bailing out water and removing slush etc,
complete etc.(For every 0.3 meter depth)
0518 Providing and fixing fine dressed cut stone lintels of any size including cum 10309.2
setting in C.M. 1:2.
0519 Labour only for item no.0518 cum 5033.9

0520 Extra over item for additional lift for C.R. stone masonry work in super cum 1% rate of
structure above floor two level. stone masonary.

RES - NIC MPSU 05 - STONE MASONRY Page 3 of 3 24

6.1 The rates include -
(a) All leads and lifts of all matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of mixing all types of motor.
(c) The cost of all materials including water.
(d) The cost of curing and scaffolding etc.
6.2 Work in Foundation and plinth :- For purpose of measurements of masonry work in
foundations and plinths it shall be determined as follows-
(a) For Building- Masonry work below plinth level or 1.2m above average ground level,
which ever is lower.
(b)For abutments, piers and retaining walls of culverts, bridges, walls of reservoirs, septic
tanks, basement and other similar works upto 1.5 m above top of foundation concrete.
6.3 Classification of Brick Masonry :-
(a) The common burnt clay brick shall be classified on the basis of minimum average
compressive strength.
(b) Various types of bricks when tested in accordance with IS 3495(part 1)-1976 shall have
minimum average compressive strength as follows -
(i) Class 50 chimney kiln burnt brick/Grog or Ghoul bricks………….50kg/sq cm.
(ii) Class 35 chimney kiln burnt bricks.……………………………...35kg/sq cm.
(iii) Class 25 open bhatta or pajawa burnt brick………………...…..25kg/sq cm.
(iiii) Kumhar brick Class 20 burnt in pajawa………………………...20kg/sq cm.
6.4 Normally modular bricks shall be used for building however the traditional bricks can be
used with the permission of E.E. (where the modular bricks are not readily available)
6.5 Measurements :-
(i) The brick walls upto 3 bricks in thickness shall be measured in multiples of half brick,
which shall be deemed to be inclusive of mortar viz.
Brick wall In case of In case of
modular bricks traditional
bricks bricks
(a) 1\ 2 Brick wall 10 cm 11 cm
(b) 1 Brick wall 20 cm 23 cm
(c) 1.5 Brick wall 30 cm 34 cm
(d) 2 Brick wall 40 cm 46 cm
and so on irrespective of excess of executed width.
(ii) For walling which is more then three bricks in thickness actual thickness of wall shall be
(iii) The full area of honey comb brick masonry shall be measured without deductions for
(iv) No deduction or additions shall be made on account of the following-
(a) Ends of dissimilar materials (Joists, beam lintels, posts, girders, rafters, purlins, trusses,
corbels, steps and like) upto 0.1 Sqm in section.
(b) Wall plates, bed plates and bearing of slabs, chhajjas and the like where thickness does
not exceed 10 cm and bearing does not extend over the full thickness of wall.
(c) C.C. blocks for hold fasts and holding down bolts.
(d) Iron fixtures, such as wall ties, pipes upto 300 mm dia. and hold fasts for doors and

6.6 Before use, all brick shall be soaked in clean water in tank or pit for at least two hours.
Brick shall be laid with frog upwards and set with both bed and vertical joints filled with
mortar and imbedded in by tapping with handle of the trowel. The thickness of joints will in
no case exceed 10mm, hold fasts shall be fixed in C.C. 1:3:6 to be paid separately no
broken, crushed, or under burnt bricks shall be used. The joints in faces are to be plastered
or pointed shall be raked out while mortar is green i.e. not later then 24 hours.
6.7 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
6.8 The following Indian Standard may be referred to -
IS Code Title
1077-1976 Specification for common burnt clay building bricks (third revision)
2212-1962 Code of practice for brick work .
3102-1971 Classification of burnt clay solid bricks (First revision)
1905-1957 Code of practice for structural safety of building, masonry, walls (First
revision) 3495-1976 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks (second
5454-1978 Methods of sampling of clay building bricks (first revision)

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0601 Sun dried brick masonry in plinth and foundation in clay mortar. cum 1495.7

0602 Labour only for item no.0601 cum 893.7

0603 Class 25 open bhatta or pajawa burnt brick masonry in plinth and cum 4008.0
foundation in clay mortar.
0604 Labour only for item no.0603 cum 893.7

0605 Class 25 open bhatta or pajawa burnt brick masonry in plinth and
(a) Lime Mortar 1: 2(1lime, 2sand) cum 4653.6
(b) Lime mortar 1:3 (1lime putty, 3sand) cum 4628.3
(c) Lime surkhi mortar 1:1:1 (1lime, 1surkhi, 1sand) cum 4558.3
(d) Lime surkhi mortar 1:1:2 (1lime, 1surkhi, 2sand) cum 4557.0
(e) Cement lime mortar 1:1:6 (1cement, 1lime, 6sand) cum 4934.3
(f) Cement lime mortar 1:2:9 (1cement, 2lime, 9sand) cum 4835.8
(g) Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) cum 5246.8
(h) Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) cum 5040.9
(i) Cement mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) cum 4930.0
(j) Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) cum 4835.0
(k) Cement mortar 1:8 (1cement, 8sand) cum 4708.2

0606 Add for masonry in supper structure above plinth level up to floor two cum 310.2
0607 Add extra for brick masonry in square or rectangular pillars. cum 325.5

0608 Add extra for brick masonry in circular pillars. cum 1541.9

0609 Add extra for brick masonry circular in plan, I/c wells to a mean radius cum 506.6
not exceeding 6m (Such as well stening and other similar type of works)

RES - NIC MPSU 06 - BRICK MASONRY Page 2 of 4 26

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0610 Add for class 35 T.M. chimney kiln burnt brick in item no.0603 and cum -416.5
0611 Deduct for kumbhar brick class 20 burnt pajawa in item no. 0603 and cum 595.1
0612 Labour only for brick masonry in plinth and foundation I/c making cum 1049.2
mortar for item no.0605
0613 Labour only for brick masonry I/c scaffolding and making mortar in cum 1373.8
super structure for item no.0605
0614 Half brick masonry in class 25 open bhatta or pajawa burnt brick in super
structure including placing of 6mm iron bar at every 3rd layer of brick.
(a) In cement mortar 1:3 sqm. 682.9
(b) In cement mortar 1:4 sqm. 658.3

0615 Deduct for kumbhar brick class 20 burnt pajawa for item no. 0614 sqm. 62.9

0616 Add to item no.0614 for class 35 T.M. chimney burnt/ ghola bricks. sqm. -44.1

0617 Labour only for item no.0614 sqm. 164.8

0618 Honey comb brick masonry with class 25 open bhatta or pajawa burnt
brick 10cm Thick.
(a) In cement mortar 1:3 sqm. 389.4
(b) In cement mortar 1:4 sqm. 364.9

0619 Deduct for kumbhar brick class 20 burnt pajawa for item no. 0618 sqm. 41.2

0620 Add to item no.0618 for class 35 T.M. chimney burnt/ ghola bricks. sqm. -28.8

0621 Labour only for item no. 0618. sqm. 99.1

0622 Class 25 open bhatta or pajawa burnt brick masonry in plain arches in cum 5669.4
superstructure span not exceeding 6 metres in cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement, 3 coarse and) excluding centring (height of prons not exceeding
3.5 metres) and shuttering complete.
0623 Labour only for arch masonry upto 6m span excluding centring but cum 1615.6
including labour for making mortar and curing.
0624 Add to item no.0605 and 0609 for well staining

(a) For every 3meter up to 15 meter depth. cum 348.9

(b) For every 3meter beyond 15meter up to 24 meter depth. cum 512.9
(c) For every 3meter beyond 24 meter depth. cum 697.9

0625 Deleted ---- ----

0626 Delated . 0.0

0627 Brick work using non modular well burnt open bhatta and laid in rat trap cum 4643.9
bond crushing strength of bricks not less than 35 kg/cm2 in super
structure above plinth level and upto floor two level i/c curing, finishing
etc. Complete with cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand)

RES - NIC MPSU 06 - BRICK MASONRY Page 3 of 4 27

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0628 Compressed stabilised earth blocks (CSEB) or stabilised earth blocks

(SEB) of size 240mmx115mmx90mm manufactured from a uniform
mixture of suitable soil sand mixture (fairly dry inorganic sub soil, non
expansive clay, etc.) and stabilizers such as portland pozzolana cement
(3 to 5% of cement as per design) or combination of lime and pozzolana
cement.The average compressive strength of block should be of
minimum 50kg/cm2 after curing for 28 days in super structure above
plinth level up to floor two level. Specification of compressed stabilized
earth blocks (CSEB) or stabilized earth blocks (SEB) shall be
conforming to IS: 1725:2013
(a) Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement,4sand) cum 3933.3
(b) Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement,6sand) cum 3668.5

0629 Brick work with fly ash bricks having 50kg/cm2 average compressive
strength conforming to IS:12894-2002 in super structure above plinth
level up to floor II level in:
(a) Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement,4sand) cum 5758.6
(b) Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement,6sand) cum 5513.4

0630 Brick work using non modular fly ash bricks having 5kg/cm2 average
compressive strength laid in rat trap bond conforming to IS: 12894-2002
and, in super structure above plinth level up to floor II level in i/c curing,
finishing etc. complete with cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 sand)
(a) Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement,6sand) cum 4441.4

RES - NIC MPSU 06 - BRICK MASONRY Page 4 of 4 28

7.1 Rates include cost of all materials for all items except items of labour only. No seperate
payment for leads and lifts shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
7.2. Rates are for completed works fixed in position and with exposed faces finished with
bead or quick as ordered. The rates include cost of all spikes, screw, glue etc. required for
putting the work together and fixing the same.
7.3. Shutters shall be paid for the net measurement of clear opening between the frame
pieces, measurement being taken at the unrebated part of the frame. The rates are exclusive
of chowkhats.
7.4. For finished size 1.5mm tolerance will be allowed for each plain finished surface of
wood work.
7.5. Schedule of fitting to doors and windows is appended to this schedule. All fittings will
be provided accordingly.
7.6. The hold fasts, L-drops and tower bolts etc. shall be paid separately and its cost is not
include in the rates of wood work.
7.7. For shutters, the thickness of planks and braces will be as follows -
S. NO. Type of shutters Thickness
Plank Braces
1. Battened 20 mm 20 mm 25 mm
2. Battened 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm
3. Battened 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm
4. Battened 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm
5. Battened 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm

Thickness of panels

6. Panelled 25 mm 20 mm
7. Panelled 30 mm 25 mm
8. Panelled 35 mm 30 mm
9. Panelled 40 mm 30 mm

7.8. The guard bars for windows and ventilators shall be threaded at both the end and fixed
with nuts and suitable washers of MS plate of size 5cm x 5cm x 6mm thick.
7.9. The thickness of glass-pans should be 3mm or 7.5kg/Sqm unless otherwise stated for
wooden windows and ventilators.
7.10. In case of flush shutters 1.60mm tolerance will be allowed for finished sizes.
7.11. All joinery work should have bamboo nails and use of Fevicol etc. to have effective
joints necessary.
7.12. No chowkhat or shutter shall be painted before due inspection and approval by
7.13. Unless otherwise stated the gauge etc. of AC/ GI/ XPM Fly proof mesh shall be as
Plain AC sheet 5 mm thick
Plain GI sheet 22 gauge
XPM No. 19 3mm gauge x 20mm

Fly proof mesh 22 gauge wire with 144 mesh/ sq. Inch.
7.14. Diameter of ballies should be measured at centre of ballies.
7.15. All portions of timbers like battens purlins, wall plates, door chowkhats etc. built into
or abutting the masonry or concrete should be given thick coat of hot Tar creosote or other
approved wood preservative.
7.16. All fixtures and fastenings shall be new sound and strong. They shall be sectional and
of the best quality. The size shape design and finish shall as per the sample approved by the
Executive Engineer. Number and size shall be as per standard specifications.
7.17. The following Indian Standards may be referred to -
204 Tower bolts
204 (Pt.i)1978 Ferrous metals (fourth revision)
204 (Pt.ii)1978 Non ferrous metals (fourth revision) (with amendment No.1)
205-1978 Non ferrous metal butt hinges (third revision)
206-1973 Tee and strap hinges (second revision)
207-1964 Gate and shutter hooks and eyes (revised) (reaffirmed 1977)
208-1979 Door handles (third revision)
281-1973 Mild steel sliding door bolts for use with padlock (second revision)
287-1973 Recommendation for maximum permissible moisture content for Timber
used for different purposes (second revision) (with amendment No.1)
303-1975 Plywood for general purposes (second revision) (with amendments no. 1
to 3)
362-1975 Parliament hinges (third revision)
363-1976 Hasps and staples (third revision)
364-1970 Fanlight catch (second revision)
401-1967 Code of practice for preservation of timber (second revision) ( with
amendment No.1)
419-1967 Putty, for use of windows frames (first revision)(with amendment
No.1)(reaffirmed 976)
451-1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws (second revision)
452-1973 Door springs, rat-tail type (second revision)
453-1973 Double acting spring, hinges (second revision)
723-1972 Steel counter sunk head wire nails (second revision) (with amendments
No.1 to 3)
729-1979 Drawer locks, cupboard locks and box locks (third revision)
848-1974 Synthetic revise adhesive for plywood (phenolic and amino plastic) (first
1003 Timber panelled and glazed shutters.
1003(Pt.i)1977 Door shutter (second revision)
1003(Pt.ii)1966 Windows and ventilators shutters (first revision) (with amendments 1 to3)
1019-1974 Rim latches (second revision) (with amendment No.1)
1141-1973 Code of practice for seasoning of timber (first revision)
1328-1970 Veneered decorative plywood (first revision)
1341-1976 Steel butt hinges (third revision)
1378-1979 Oxidised copper finishes (second revision)
1658-1977 Fibre hard boards (second revision)
1659-1979 Block boards (second revision)
1868-1968 Anodic coatings on aluminium (first revision) (with amendment No.1)
2191Wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type)
2191(Pt.i)1980 Plywood face panels (third revision)

2191(Pt.ii)1980 Particle board and hardboard face panels (second revision)
2202 Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type)
2202(Pt.i)1980 Plywood face panels (third revision)
2202(Pt.ii)1980 Particle board and hardboard face panels (second revision)
2209-1976 Mortise locks (Vertical type) (third revision) (with amendment No.1)
2380 Pt( i to xxi)1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other
lignocellulosic materials (first revision) (with amendment No.1)
2681-1979 Non-ferrous metal sliding door bolts (Aldrops for the use
withpadlocks)(second revision)
2835-1975 Flat transparent sheet glass (second revision) (with amendment No.1)
3087-1965 Wood particle boards (medium density) for general purposes (with
3548-1966 Code of practice for glazing buildings
3564-1975 Door closers (hydraulically regulated) (second revision) (with amendment
3618-1966 Phosphate treatment of iron and steel for protection against corrosion.
3813-1967 ' C' hooks for use with swivels.
3818-1971 Continuous (Piano) hinges (first revision) (with amendment No.1)
(reaffirmed 1978)
3847-1966 Mortise right latches (with amendments 1&2) (reaffirmed 1978)
4020-1967 Methods of tests for wooden flush doors. Type tests (with amendments
No.1 & 2)
4021-1976 Timber door, windows and ventilator frames (first revision).
4043-1969 Recommendations for symbolic designation of direction of closing and
faces of doors, windows and shutters.
4827-1968 Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium on copper and copper
alloys (with amendments No.1&2)
4913-1968 Code of practice for selection installation and maintenance of timber
doors and windows.
4962-1968 Wooden side sliding doors.
4992-1975 Door handles for mortise locks (Vertical type) (first revision)
5187-1972 Flush bolts (first revision) (with amendment No.1) (reaffirmed 1978)
5437-1969 Wired and figured glass (reaffirmed 1976)
5930-1970 Mortise latch (vertical type) (with amendment No.1) (reaffirmed 1978)
6318-1971 Plastic windows stays and fasteners.
6607-1972 Rebated mortise locks (vertical type) (with amendment No.1)
7196-1974 Hold fasts (with amendment No1)
7197-1974 Double action floor & springs (without oil check) for heavy doors.
8760-1978 Mortise sliding door locks with lever mechanism (with amendment No.1)
9460-1980 Flush drop handle for drawers.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0701 Providing wood work in frames of doors, widows, clerestory widows and
other similar works brought framed and fixed in position.
(a) Bija wood cum 35654.5
(b) Sal wood cum 33543.6
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) cum 22989.1


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0702 Labour only for items no.0701. cum 1880.1

0703 For architrave moulding, railings for stairs, cornices and moulded cum 50% extra of
beading etc. For any shape pattern or dealings add to item no.0702. respective item
0704 Providing wood work in trusses, purlins, rafters, posts, post plates, wall
plates and the like brought framed, hoisted and fixed in position.
(a) Bija wood cum 82905.5
(b) Sal wood cum 80810.4
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) cum 70335.3

0705 Labour only for item no.0704 cum 49385.0

0706 Providing wood work in frames of false ceiling, partitions, portions etc.
sawn and put-up in position.
(a) Bija wood cum 39948.7
(b) Sal wood cum 37784.6
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) cum 26964.2

0707 Labour only for item no.0706 cum 5323.3

0708 Extra for additional labour for curved works, such as in frames of curved cum 10 % extra of
fan lights. respective item
0709 Providing and fixing 30mm thick double leaf panelled, glazed or
panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory window
including black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.(half
glazed and half panelled)
(a) Second class Indian teak wood sqm. 3087.7
(b) Bija wood sqm. 2001.4
(c) Sal wood sqm. 1944.6
(d) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1660.4

0710 Providing and fixing 25mm thick double leaf panelled, glazed or
panelled and glazed shutter for cupboards etc. including black enamelled
M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.(half glazed and half panelled)
(a) Second class Indian teak wood sqm. 2794.2
(b) Bija wood sqm. 1828.7
(c) Sal wood sqm. 1780.1
(d) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1536.9

0711 Deduct from item no. 0709 for fully panelled.

(a) Second class Indian teak wood sqm. 451.8

(b) Bija wood sqm. 436.4
(c) Sal wood sqm. 435.3
(d) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 430.1

0712 Deduct from item no. 0710 for fully panelled shutters.

(a) Second class Indian teak wood sqm. 355.3


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0712 Deduct from item no. 0710 for fully panelled shutters.

(b) Bija wood sqm. 386.0

(c) Sal wood sqm. 388.1
(d) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 398.6

0713 Add to item no. 0709 & 0710 if 5mm thick glass is used. sqm. 104.9

0714 Providing and fixing 25mm thick single leaf battened and framed door
shutter including bright finished or/and black enamelled M.S. butt
hinges with necessary screws.
(a) Bija wood sqm. 1329.8
(b) Sal wood sqm. 1285.5
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1064.2

0715 Providing and fixing 30mm thick single leaf battened and framed door
shutter including bright finished or/and black enamelled M.S. butt
hinges with necessary screws.
(a) Bija wood sqm. 1471.4
(b) Sal wood sqm. 1418.3
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1152.8

0716 Providing and fixing 35mm thick single leaf battened and framed door
shutter including bright finished or/and black enamelled M.S. butt
hinges with necessary screws.
(a) Bija wood sqm. 1613.0
(b) Sal wood sqm. 1551.0
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1241.3

0717 Providing and fixing 20mm thick single leaf battened door and window
shutters with necessary ledges and braces (25mm) including bright
finished or/and black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(a) Bija wood sqm. 1757.2
(b) Sal wood sqm. 1687.0
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1335.9

0718 Providing and fixing 25mm thick single leaf battened door and window
shutters with necessary ledges and braces (30mm) including bright
finished or/and black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(a) Bija wood sqm. 2025.9
(b) Sal wood sqm. 1938.9
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1503.8

0719 Providing and fixing 30mm thick single leaf battened door and window
shutters with necessary ledges and braces (35mm) including bright
finished or/and black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(a) Bija wood sqm. 2292.8
(b) Sal wood sqm. 2189.1
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 1670.6


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0720 Providing and fixing flush door shutters, solid core construction,
decorative type with skins of decorative veneered particle boards and
block board core, with frame of first class hard wood with particle board
veneered particle board face panels including black enamelled M.S. butt
hinges with necessary screws.
(a) 40 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 2105.9
(b) 30 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1898.1
(c) 25 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1659.8

0721 Providing and fixing flush door shutters, solid core construction,
Non-decorative type (paintable) with skins of particle boards unveneered
and block board core, with frame of first class hard wood with particle
board veneered particle board face panels including black enamelled
M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(a) 40 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1634.8
(b) 30 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1179.3
(c) 25 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1099.8

0722 Providing and fixing flush door shutters, solid core construction,
Non-decorative type (paintable) with skins of particle boards veneered
with commercial veneers and block board core, with frame of first class
hard wood with particle board veneered particle board face panels
including black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(a) 40 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1383.7
(b) 30 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1328.2
(c) 25 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1258.7

0723 Providing and fixing flush door shutters, hollow core construction,
decorative type with skins of decorative veneered particle boards with
frame of first class hard wood, with particle board or veneered particle
board face panels including black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with
necessary screws.
(a) 40 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1661.5
(b) 30 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1550.4
(c) 25 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1425.3

0724 Providing and fixing flush door shutters, hollow core construction,
Non-decorative type (paintable) with skins of particle boards, unveneered
with frame of first class hard wood, with particle board or veneered
particle board face panels including black enamelled M.S. butt hinges
with necessary screws.
(a) 40 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1361.5
(b) 30 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1269.3
(c) 25 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1164.2

0725 Providing and fixing flush door shutters, hollow core construction,
Non-decorative type (paintable) with skins of particle boards veneered
with commercial veneers, with frame of first class hard wood, with
particle board or veneered particle board face panels including black
enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(a) 40 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1383.7


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0725 Providing and fixing flush door shutters, hollow core construction,
Non-decorative type (paintable) with skins of particle boards veneered
with commercial veneers, with frame of first class hard wood, with
particle board or veneered particle board face panels including black
enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(b) 30 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 1017.1
(c) 25 mm thick (double leaf) sqm. 925.4

0726 Extra for using bright finished M.S. piano hinges instead of anodised
aluminium butt hinges in flush door shutters.
(a) Nickel plated M.S piano hinges sqm. 209.8
(b) Brass plated M.S piano hinges sqm. 115.8

0727 Deduct Iron butt hinges with necessary screws are supplied by the sqm. 42.4
department free of cost for flush door shutter.
0728 Add extra for double leaf shutter cum 10 % extra of
respective item
0729 Providing and fixing 30mm thick wire gauze shutters using galvanised
wire gauze of I.S. gauze designation 85G with wire of dia. 0.56mm for
doors, windows and clerestory window including bright finished or/ and
black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws.
(a) Bija wood sqm. 1072.0
(b) Sal wood sqm. 1030.0
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 820.2

0730 Providing and fixing plain trellis work of 40X12mm Laths placed 40mm
apart (frames to be paid separately) including fixing 50X12mm beading
complete with
(a) Bija wood sqm. 1035.7
(b) Sal wood sqm. 1001.1
(c) Other structural wood (seasond & chemicaly treated wood) sqm. 827.9

0731 Labour only for item no.0730 sqm. 481.5

0732 Providing and fixing plain trellis work of half rounded (split) bamboos sqm. 1871.4
40mm dia. placed at 40mm apart (frames to be paid separately) including
fixing 40mm dia. beading of half round bamboos.
0733 Labour only for item no.0732 sqm. 311.0

0734 Providing and fixing expanded metal 20x60mm strands 3.25mm wide sqm. 536.3
and 1.6mm thick for windows etc. including 60X20mm beading of sal
0735 Providing and fixing fly proof galvanised M.S. wire gauze of I.S. gauze sqm. 373.1
designation 85G with wire of dia. 0.56mm to windows and clerestory
window including 60X20mm beading of sal wood.
0736 Providing and fixing hard brown steel wire fabric 75x25mm mesh of sqm. 584.0
weight not less then 7.75kg. per sqm to window frames etc. including
60X20mm beading of sal wood.
0737 Providing and fixing Sal ballies in posts purlins, rafters, post plats etc.
including cost of iron nails and spikes required and applying wood
preservative on all unexposed surface.
(a) 80 mm diameter RM 41.7


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0737 Providing and fixing Sal ballies in posts purlins, rafters, post plats etc.
including cost of iron nails and spikes required and applying wood
preservative on all unexposed surface.
(b) 100 mm diameter RM 62.6
(c) 125 mm diameter RM 73.4
(d) 150 mm diameter RM 85.4

0738 Labour only for item no.0737

(a) 80 mm diameter RM 14.0

(b) 100 mm diameter RM 21.0
(c) 125mm diameter RM 28.0
(d) 150 mm diameter RM 35.0


8.1 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
8.2 Rates for ceiling are also applicable to soffits, sun shades and eave boards.
8.3 The rates include
(a) Cutting the material to required size, shape and pattern.
(b) Fixing with GI or brass screws, nails or panel pins etc. as ordered
(c) Painting to battens.
8.4 All work shall be measured net without allowance for wastage.
8.5 The wooden battens fixed in the ceiling for beads shall be of finished size 45mm X
12mm and shall be planned, moulded, beaded and spaced as directed by Engineer-in charge.
The beading should be fixed to the frame with 5cm screw and spacing not exceeding 30cm
or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, over lap of beading shall be mitred at junction.
8.6 For cloth ceiling the battens shall from square or long panels not more than 1.5m in
length of any side. For ceiling of plain AC sheets, or hard board sheet, the spacing of
battens shall not exceed 60cm. The battens shall be so arranged as to provide panels of
uniform size and shape as for as possible.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0801 Providing and fixing plain Asbestos cement sheet ceiling with butt sqm. 315.8
jointing and wood screws (frame work and cover fillets to be measured
and paid separately) B class 5mm Thick A.C. sheet.
0802 Labour only for item No. 0801. sqm. 72.1

0803 Providing and fixing hessian cloth ceiling with nails (frame work and sqm. 84.7
cover fillets to be measured and paid separately)
0804 Labour only for item no. 0803. sqm. 47.6

0805 Providing and fixing fiber hard board sheet, lining with but jointing and
nails (frame work and cover fillets to be measured and paid separately) .
(a) Deleted ....
(b) Normal hard boards 5 mm thick sqm. 118.7
(c) Normal hard boards 6 mm thick sqm. 127.1

0806 Labour only for item no. 0805 sqm. 45.1

0807 Providing and fixing 12mm thick decorated type veneered particle board sqm. 321.7
lining with but jointing and nails (frame work and cover fillets to be
measured and paid separately) .
0808 Labour only for item no. 0807 sqm. 43.8

0809 Providing 10mm thick plaster of Paris (Gypsum anthydrous) ceiling up sqm. 929.5
to a height of 5 metres above floor level over Bija wood strips 25 X 6mm
with 10mm gap in between and rein forced with rabbit wire mesh fixed
to wooden frame(frame work and cover fillets to be measured and paid
separately) .
0810 Labour only for item no. 0809 sqm. 393.7


9.1 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
9.2 The rates include -
(a) All forging, drilling, topping, punching etc. and every description of workmanship
necessary to fabricate, finish, erect and fix in position all steel and iron work in a good
(b) All bolt and nuts including holding down and anchor plates, rivets, packing pieces,
gusset plates, cleats, wedges etc. (weight for these articles being taken in the main articles)
(c) Spikes, nails and screw required (Weight not to be included in the main articles)
(d) Notching, finishing etc.
(e) All necessary templates, patterns, moulds etc.
9.3 The measurements should be of the finished fabricated section no wastage to be
accounted for.
9.4 (a) Mild steel reinforcement shall confirm to IS : 226-1975, IS : 432 (part I)-1982, IS :
1139-1966 as applicable, and shall be of tested quality, For steel, the contractor must
produce a test certificate of the manufactures. In case of doubt independent tests shall be
carried out according to IS : 1608-1972, IS : 1599-1974 and IS : 226-1975 and the cost of
such tests shall be born by the contractor.
(b) Cold bend test shall be performed in presence of the Sub-Divisional Officer-In-charge
for all size of steel reinforcement used and a certificate recorded in measurement book by
the Sub-Divisional Officer at site.
9.5 Binding wire of 18 SWG, should be used for RCC work.
9.6 The standard hooks, overlaps and spacer bars shall be measured. The rate includes all
handling of bars, straightening, removal of harmful scales, coal tar, bitumen or lime etc.
from the surface properly.
9.7 Cross bars and spacer bars must be secured tightly with 18 SWG wire.
9.8 The guard bars windows and ventilators shall be threaded at both the ends and fixed
with suitable nuts and washers of MS plate of size 5cm x 5cm x 6mm thick.
9.9 The glass panes for fixing to windows shall not weight less than 7.5kg per Sqm.
9.10 The glass pans to steel work shall be fixed with glazing clips and putty confirming to
9.11 For the building works based on percentage rate or item rate contracts :-
(a) The steel used in reinforcement and other structural steel shall be measured as the actual
quantity of steel placed in the finished structure. The hooks, overlaps and spacer bars, both
end riveted shall be measured.
(b) When steel is supplied by the department, it shall be paid for the labour charges for steel
on the quantity measured vide note (a) above.
(c) Mild steel round bars or deformed bars (left over after use in work) more than 3 metre
in length will be accepted in return. If the quantity issued after the deduction is more than
quantity measured plus 3% it will be a charged at issue rate plus 10 % or the market rate
whichever is more for the difference. If the actual wastage is below 3 % of the steel used
recovery for wastage as per actual shall be made. (d) If the steel is arranged by the
contractor full rate shall be payable for the steel actually placed in finished structure.
9.12. Angle iron for fencing includes 15cm cutting, bending, shaping and fix in position.
9.13. The following Indian Standards may be referred to -
IS Code title
226-1975 Structural steel (standard quality) (fifth revision) (with amendment

278-1978 Galvanised steel barbed wire for fencing (third revision)
280-1978 Mild steel barbed wire for fencing (third revision)
412-1975 Expanded metal steel sheets for general purpose (with amendment no.1)
432-1966 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars (second revision)(with amendment
800-1962 Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction
(revised) (with amendment no.1 & 2)
806-1967 Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general building deconstruction
(first revision) (with amendment no.1)
816-1969 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild
steel (first revision)construction in mild steel (first revision)construction in mild steel (first
revision)(with amendment no.1 & 2)
818-1968 Code of practice for safety and health requirements in electric and gas
welding and cutting operations (first revision)
822-1970 Code of practice for inspection of welds.
823-1964 Code of practice for manual metal arc welding of mild steel (with
amendment no.1)
1038-1975 steel doors, windows and ventilators (second revision)
1081-1961 Code of practice for fixing and glazing (steel and aluminium)doors,
windows, and ventilators (with amendment no.1)
1161-1979 Steel tubes for structural purposes (third revision)
1361-1978 Steel windows for industrial buildings (third revision)
1521-1972 Method of tensile testing of mild steel wire (first revision)
1566-1967 Hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement (first revision) (with
amendment no.1)
1599-1974 Methods of bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube
(first revision) (with amendment no.1)(reaffirmed 1980)
1608-1972 Method of tensile testing of steel tubes (first revision)
1786-1979 Cold worked steel high strength deformed bars for concrete .
1894-1972 Method of tensile testing of steel tubes (first revision)
1948-1968 Aluminium doors, windows and ventilators (with amendments no.1)
1949-1961 Aluminium windows for industrial buildings (with amendments no.1)
1977-1975 Structural steel (fusion welding quality)(second revision)(with amendment
no.1 to 3)
2062-1980 Structural steel (fusion welding quality) (second revision)
2140-1978 Standard Galvanised steel wire for fencing (first revision)
2502-1963 Code of practice for bending and fixing or bar for concrete reinforcement.
2721-1979 Galvanised steel chain link fence fabric (first revision)
4351-1976 Steel door frames (first revision) (with amendment no.1)
4948-1974 Welded steel wire fabric for general use (first revision) (with amendment
4996-1968 Reinforcement concrete fence posts.
5049-1969 Gauge for wire diameters (with amendment no.1)(reaffirmed 1977)
5067-1969 Fencing pliers (reaffirmed 1978)
6227-1971 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding in tubular structures.
6248-1979 Metal rolling shutters and rolling grills.
7152-1974 Strong room doors (with amendment no.1)
8629-1977 Code of practice for protection of iron and steel structures from
atmospheric corrosion.
9077-1979 Code of practice for corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in R.B.and

R.C.C. construction.
9.14 Use of untested steel is not permitted.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0901 Steel work in single section including in cutting, hoisting fixing in kg. 92.4
position in R.S. joists, channels, angles, tee.
0902 Steel work welded in built up sections, framed work, including cutting kg. 110.7
hoisting fixing in position in gratings, frames, guard bars, ladders,
railing, brackets and similar works & trusses and trussed purlins up to
25m span and 15 m over all height
0903 Steel work in built up tubular trusses including cutting, hoisting, fixing kg. 89.9
in position, welded and bolted including special shaped washers etc.
complete of Mild steel tubes, electric resistant or induction butt welded
0904 Providing and placing in position tested steel for R.C.C. work including
cutting, bending, binding etc. as per drawings and placing in position
complete up to floor two level including cost of binding wire and all
wastage etc. complete.
(a) Mild steel and Medium tensile steel bars kg. 86.6
(b) Cold twisted / Hot rolled deformed / Thermo mechanicaly treated kg. 92.6
steel bars
0905 Deleted ---- ----

0906 Labour only for item no.0904 kg. 9.0

0907 Providing hard drown steel for R.C.C. work upto floor two level. kg. 51.9

0908 Labour only for item no.0907 kg. 1.5

0909 Providing and fixing in position collapsible steel shutters with vertical sqm. 6453.7
channels 20mm x 10mm x 2mm braced with flat iron diagonals 20mm x
5mm size with top and bottom rails of T-iron 40mm x40mm x6mm with
38mm dia steel pulleys complete with bolts and nuts, locking
arrangements, stoppers, handles.
0910 Labour only for item no.0909 for fixing only sqm. 186.3

0911 Providing and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of 80mm
wide M.S. Leith interlocked together through their entire length and
jointed together at the ends by end locks mounted on specially designed
pipe shaft, with brackets plates guide channels and locking with push
pull operation complete including the cost of hood over and spring.
(a) 80 x 1.25mm M.S. laths with 1.25mm thick top cover sqm. 1736.0
(b) 80 x 1.20mm M.S. laths with 1.20mm thick top cover sqm. 1529.0
(c) 80 x 0.90mm M.S. laths with 0.90mm thick top cover sqm. 1461.6

0912 Labour only for item no.0911 for fixing only sqm. 192.6

0913 Providing and fixing 27.5cm long wire spring grade No.2 approved nos. 267.8
make for rolling shutters.
0914 Providing and fixing hood cover for rolling shutters.

(a) 1.25mm thick RM 262.1

(b) 1.20mm thick RM 240.3
(c) 0.90mm thick RM 196.8

RES - NIC MPSU 09 - IRON WORK Page 3 of 6 40

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0915 Providing and fixing ball bearings of approved make for rolling shutters RM 246.0
exceeding 8.00 sqm area.
0916 Fixing standard steel doors, windows and ventilators in walls with 16 x sqm. 192.6
3.15mm to 10cm long embedded in cement concrete block 15 x 10cm
x10cm size, of 1:3:6 (1cement, 3coarse sand, 6stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) or with wooden plugs and screws or rawl plugs & screws
or with fixing clips or worth bolts and nuts as required, (only steel doors/
windows/ ventilators shall be supplied for fixing free of cost at site of
work or cost of supply of one or more of these material (s) shall be paid
under separate items (s)
0917 Providing and fixing steel glazed doors, windows and ventilator of
standard Rolled steel sections without horizontal glazing bars, joints
mitred and welded with 16X3.15mm lugs 10cm long, embedded in
cement concrete block 1:3:6 cement concrete with 20mm graded metal of
nominal size or with wooden plugs and screws or rawl plugs and screws
or with fixing clips or with bolts and nuts including providing and fixing
of projecting hinges, handles, peg-stys, bolting devise, locking
arrangements, spring catch etc. as required complete and Providing and
fixing of 5mm thick glass panes with steel glazing clips special metal
sash putty of approved make I/c applying a priming coat of steel primer
red oxide zinc chromite etc. complete.
(a) Steel doors, windows side hung & ventilator top/ central hung. sqm. 2458.0
(b) Steel doors, windows & ventilator fixed sqm. 2163.4

0918 Providing and fixing pressed steel door frames manufactured from
commercial mild steel sheet of 1.25mm thickness including hinges jamb,
lock jamb, bead and if required angle threshold of mild steel angle of
section 50 X 25mm, or base ties of 1.25mm pressed mild steel welded or
rigidly fixed together by mechanical means, adjustable lugs with split
end tail to each jamb including steel butt hinges 2.5mm thick with
mortar guards, lock strike- plate and shock absorbers as specified as
directed by Engineer-in -charge.
(a) Profile A (single rabate 80mm X 50mm size) RM 270.8
(b) Profile B (single rabate 100mm X 50mm size) RM 299.7
(c) Profile C (double rabate 115mm X 50mm size) RM 308.9

0919 Providing and fixing in position door shutters made up of cold rolled
framed profiles of pressed steel made from commercial M.S. sheet I/c
buzzers(shock absorbers) lock, 30cm Long strike plate and necessary
tower bolts, aldrop 300x16mm Etc. complete, painted with red oxide
primer paint manufactured by standard make.
(a) Single panel shutter type-A (Made of 1.00mm C.R. sheet) sqm. 1533.4
(b) Single panel shutter type-B (Made of 0.8mm C.R. sheet) sqm. 1300.2
(c) Double panel shutter type-A (Made of 1.00mm C.R. sheet) sqm. 1650.0
(d) Double panel shutter type-B (Made of 0.8mm C.R. sheet) sqm. 1540.0

0920 Providing and fixing M.S. round or square bars at required spacing in kg. 98.5
wooden frames of windows and clear-story windows including standard
threads at the ends of M.S. round window bars I/c cost of standard
hexagonal nuts and washers at both ends.
0921 Providing and fixing M.S. round or square bars with M.S. flats at kg. 93.3
required spacing in wooden frames of windows and clerestory windows.

RES - NIC MPSU 09 - IRON WORK Page 4 of 6 41

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0922 Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern to wooden frames of kg. 137.5
windows etc. with M.S. flats at required spacing and frame around,
round or square bars with round headed bolts and nuts or by screws.
0923 Providing and fixing M.S. round holding down or anchor bolts with nuts kg. 79.8
and washer plates complete.
0924 Providing and fixing M.S. fan clamp type I of 16mm dia. M.S. bar bent Each 155.2
to shape with hooked ends in RCC slabs during laying including
painting the exposed portion of loops all as per standard design
0925 Providing and fixing turn buckets and straining bolts for barbed wire Each 147.1
0926 Providing and fixing fencing consisting 5 horizontal and 2 diagonals RM 567.5
rows of G.I Barbed Wire(minimum weight 9.38 Kg/100mt. As per IS
278:1962 Type 1), M.S. angle iron post 50x50x6mm (confirming to I.S.
225) 1.50 metre height above ground level and 0.30 m below ground
level, c/c spacing of each post shall not exceed 2.25 m with diagonal
strut to hold the fencing in line & level. Angle of size 50x50x6mm,
length 1.00 m at every fourth post fixed with nuts, bolts I/c applying a
priming coat of steel primer & painting with black paint to posts & struts
etc. complete including securing and screwing with G.I. tying wire, G.I.
Staples, G.I. U-Nails or steel pins etc. complete with cost of excavation
& filling cement concrete M-15 grade for fixing posts & struts to the pit
of size 0.30x0.30x0.30 M for each post and struts etc. complete.
0927 Deduct in item No. 0926 if

(a) Angle iron 40x40x5mm size posts used RM 137.1

(b) Wooden ballies of size 125mm dia used RM 370.9

0928 Labour only for streching of barbed wire RM 2.6

0929 Labour only for fixing of R.C.C. posts, Angle iron posts or wooden Each 100.8
ballies of any size I/c excavation of pit 30x30x30cm And cost of concrete
1:3:6 with 40mm metal excluding cost of posts.
0930 Providing and fixing barbed wire fencing with 5 rows of horizontal RM 278.1
barbed wire and 2 digonal rows tightened to RCC post as per
IS:4996-1984, 2M long, 1.4 m above and 0.6 m belowe ground level, c/c
spacing of each post shall not exceed 3M with diagonal strut at every
30M to hold the fencing in line and level. Top and bottom section of
RCC post shall be 100mm X 100mm and 150mm X 150mm respectively,
with iron pins casted in post. The weight of two ply GI barbed wire shall
not be less than 9.38 kg per 100 m lenght of wire. The RCC post shall
be casted in M-20 cement concrete as per IS:456-2000, with
reinforcement as per IS:432-1982, 10mm dia 4 nos longitudinal bars and
6mm dia stirrups @ 150mm c/c, complete with cost of excavation &
filling cement concrete M-15 grade for fixing posts & struts to the pit of
size 0.30x0.30x0.60 M for each post and struts etc. complete.

RES - NIC MPSU 09 - IRON WORK Page 5 of 6 42

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

0931 Providing and fixing barbed wire fencing with 5 rows of horizontal RM 239.6
barbed wire and 2 digonal rows tightened to RCC post as per
IS:4996-1984, 1.85M long, 1.25 m above and 0.6 m belowe ground level,
c/c spacing of each post shall not exceed 3M with diagonal strut at every
30M to hold the fencing in line and level. Top and bottom section of
RCC post shall be 85mm X 85mm and 125mm X 125mm respectively,
with iron pins casted in post. The weight of two ply GI barbed wire shall
not be less than 9.38 kg per 100 m lenght of wire. The RCC post shall
be casted in M-20 cement concrete as per IS:456-2000, with
reinforcement as per IS:432-1982, 6mm dia 4 nos longitudinal bars and
3.15mm dia stirrups @ 100mm c/c, complete with cost of excavation &
filling cement concrete M-15 grade for fixing posts & struts to the pit of
size 0.30x0.30x0.60 M for each post and struts etc. complete.
0932 Providing & fixing of stop dam Kari shutters each of 40 to 60 cm height kg. 109.0
and width as per size of opening of stop dam, according to specific
requirement of engineer in charge (for height & width of shutter). Kari
shutters shall be fabricated with 3mm thick MS sheet on frame of MS
angle 35x35x5mm size with two diagonal stiffeners of MS angle
35x35x5mm. For shutter having width more than 1.00m, one extra
horizontal stiffener of MS angle size 35x35x5mm shall be provided at
center, including priming coat on shutter complete. The rate of shutter
includes filling the space between Kari shutter by B.C. soil with watering
and ramming.
0933 Deduct form item no. 0904 if untested steel used. kg. 10 % less of
item number

RES - NIC MPSU 09 - IRON WORK Page 6 of 6 43

10.1 The rates include -
(a) All leads and lifts of matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of materials in which water includes.
(c) The cost of mixing motor, curing and scaffolding etc
10.2 Rates are inclusive of raking of joints, preparation of surfaces, erection and removal of
scaffolding, finishing, curing and cleaning.
10.3 Measurements : -
(a) Dimensions shall be measured correct to the nearest cm. The area shall be calculated in
Sqm correct to two places of decimal.
(b) Measurement of wall plastering shall be taken between walls or partitions (dimensions
before plastering being taken) for length and form top of the floor or skirting to ceiling for
height. Depth of cornices or cover, if any, shall be deducted.
(c) Deductions - For jams, soffits sills etc. for openings not exceeding 0.5Sqm. each in area,
for ends of joists, beams, posts, girders, steps etc. not exceeding 0.5Sqm. in area and for
openings exceeding 3sqm. each, deduction and additions shall be made in the following
manner -
(i) No deduction shall be made for ends of joists, beams, posts, etc. and openings not
exceeding 0.5 Sqm. each and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, sofftis sills etc.
of these opening nor for finish (finish to plaster) around ends of joists, beams, posts etc.
(ii) Deductions for openings exceeding 0.5Sqm but not exceeding 3Sqm each shall be made
as follows and no additions shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits sills etc of these
(iii) When both faces of wall plastered/ pointed with same type of plaster/ pointing,
deduction shall be made for one face only.
(iv) When two faces of wall are plastered/ pointed with different types plaster/ pointing or if
one face is plastered and the other pointed deduction shall be made from the plaster or
pointing on the side on which the width of reveal is less then that on the other side, but no
deductions shall be made from plaster or pointing on the other side. Where widths are
equal, deductions of 50% of area of opening on each face shall be made from areas of
plastering and / or pointing as the case may be.
(v) When only one face is plastered and the other face is not plastered, full deduction shall
be made from plaster if width of reveal on plastered side is less then that on unplastered
side, but if width of reveal on both sides are equal or width of reveal on plastered side is
more, no deduction shall be made nor any addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits,
sills etc.
(vi) When width of door frame is equal to thickness of wall or is projecting beyond
thickness of walls, full deduction for opening shall be made from each plastered face of the
10.4 Plastering and pointing in C.M.1:3 shall be done with prior written permission of the
Superintending Engineer.
10.5 Thickness of plaster shall be exclusive of the thickness of key that is grooves or open
joints in brick or stone work or space between laths. The minimum thickness over any
portion of the surface shall not be less then specified thickness by more then 3mm.
10.6 Only 10 or 15mm thick plaster will be allowed for all thickness of brick walls except
on one side of 20 cm or one brick wall except on where 20mm thick plaster, if actually done
will be paid. Plaster more then 15mm thick on brick work except on one side of 20cm thick
brick wall shall be done with prior written permission of the superintending Engineer.

10.7 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
10.8 The following Indian Standards may be referred to -
IS No. Title
1661-1972 Code of practice for application of Cement and Cement - Lime plaster
2212-1962 Code of practice for brick work (with amendment no.1)
2394-1965 Code of practice for application of lime plaster finish.
2402-1963 Code of practice for external rendered finishes.
2750-1964 Steel scaffoldings (with amendment no.1 to 3)

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1001 Mud plaster

(a) 15 mm thick mud plaster in two coats. sqm. 62.0

(b) 20 mm thick mud plaster in two coats. sqm. 56.7

1002 Labour only for item no.1001(a)and(b) sqm. 41.9

1003 15mm thick lime plaster in

(a) Lime surkhi mortar 1:1:1 (1lime, 1surkhi, 1sand) sqm. 152.4
(b) Lime surkhi mortar1:1:2 (1 lime, 1surkhi, 2 sand) sqm. 152.3
(c) Lime surkhi mortar 1:2 (1lilme, 2surkhi) sqm. 144.9
(d) Lime mortar 1:2 (1 lime, 2 sand) sqm. 159.9

1004 Labour only for 15mm thick lime surkhi and lime plaster of any ratio. sqm. 106.6

1005 10mm thick cement plaster on fair side of wall in

(a) Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) sqm. 157.8

(b) Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) sqm. 146.6
(c) Cement mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) sqm. 140.6
(d) Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) sqm. 135.4

1006 Labour only for 10mm thick cement plaster of any ratio. sqm. 86.6

1007 15mm thick cement plaster on rough side of wall in

(a) Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) sqm. 209.4

(b) Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) sqm. 192.5
(c) Cement mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) sqm. 183.4
(d) Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) sqm. 175.6

1008 Labour only for 15mm thick cement plaster of any ratio. sqm. 109.2

1009 Deleted ....

1010 Deleted ....

1011 6mm cement plaster to Ceiling.

(a) In Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) sqm. 167.0


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1011 6mm cement plaster to Ceiling.

(b) In Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) sqm. 159.9

1012 Labour only for item no.1011 sqm. 119.6

1013 Rough cast plaster using ordinary cement with a mixture of sand and sqm. 344.2
gravel or crushed stone graded from 2.36mm to 12.5mm nominal size
dashed over and including the fresh plaster in two layers. Under layer
12mm plaster 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) and top layer 10mm cement plaster
(1cement, 3sand)mixed with 10% fine grounded Hydrated lime by
volume of cement.
1014 Labour only for item no.1013 sqm. 219.6

1015 Extra rate for finishing with a floating cot of neat cement slurry over sqm. 49.7
cement plaster of any thickness.
1016 Extra rate for providing and mixing water proofing cement material in kg. 72.2
cement mortar for cement plaster in proportions recommended by
1017 Extra over items for plastering of circular walls not exceeding 6m in sqm. 16.8
1018 Extra over plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor two level sqm. 30.2
instead of plastering on wall.
1019 15mm thick water proofing mud plaster in tar coal, backing coat with sqm. 139.4
12mm thick mud mortar consisting of 70kg of chopped straw and 60kg
of bitumen coat with 3mm thick gobri leaping mixed with 100kg of
bitumen cut back per cum of soil on brick/stone masonry walls for
interior plastering upto floor two level I/c arisen, interval rounded angle
not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even to smooth.
1020 Pointing on brick work with lime mortar 1:2 (1lime putty, 2sand)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 145.2

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 149.8

1021 Pointing on brick work with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 157.0

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 158.3
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 234.6

1022 Pointing on brick work with cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 150.7

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 155.3
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 230.1

1023 Labour only for item no.1020 to 1022

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 125.3

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 129.5
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 198.5

1024 Pointing on flat brick flooring with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand)


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 118.2

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 123.2

1025 Pointing on flat brick flooring with cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 116.2

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 121.3

1026 Labour only for item no.1024 and 1025

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 107.7

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 112.7

1027 Pointing on brick on edge flooring with cement mortar 1:2 (1cement,
(a) Flush pointing sqm. 144.5
(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 148.7

1028 Pointing on brick on edge flooring with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement,
(a) Flush pointing sqm. 141.1
(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 145.3

1029 Pointing on brick on edge flooring with cement mortar 1:4 (1cement,
(a) Flush pointing sqm. 138.2
(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 142.4

1030 Labour only for item no.1027, 1028 and 1029

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 125.3

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 129.5

1031 Pointing on CR masonry with lime surkhi mortar 1:2 (1 lime putty, 2
(a) Flush pointing sqm. 137.0
(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 140.8
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 201.9

1032 Pointing on CR masonry with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3 sand)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 145.6

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 149.3
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 216.1

1033 Pointing on CR masonry with cement mortar 1:4(1cement, 4sand)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 143.4

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 147.1
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 212.4

1034 Labour only for item no.1031, 1032 and 1033


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 120.3

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 123.7
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 185.1

1035 Pointing on random rubble masonry or uncoursed stone masonry with

lime surkhi mortar 1:2 (1lime putty, 2surhki)
(a) Flush pointing sqm. 159.6
(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 163.0
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 247.8

1036 Pointing on random rubble masonry or uncoursed stone masonry with

cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand)
(a) Flush pointing sqm. 166.1
(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 171.6
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 262.0

1037 Pointing on random rubble masonry or uncoursed stone masonry with

cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand)
(a) Flush pointing sqm. 163.9
(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 169.4
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 258.2

1038 Labour only for item no.1035, 1036 and 1037

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 141.3

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 146.4
(c) Raised and cut pointing sqm. 230.5

1039 Pointing on stone slab ceiling with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement, 2 sand)

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 56.1

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 58.2

1040 Labour only for item no 1039

(a) Flush pointing sqm. 37.2

(b) Ruled pointing sqm. 38.9

1041 Pointing on flag stone flooring in

(a) In Cement mortar 1:2 (1cement, 2sand) sqm. 125.6

(b) In Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) sqm. 123.0

1042 Labour only for item no.1041 sqm. 90.2

1043 Extra over items pointing on walls for height more then 10m ground sqm. 13.3
level for every additional height of 5m or part there off.
1044 Providing throating or plaster drip and moulding to R.C.C. chhajja. RM 32.2

1045 15mm thick plain cement mortar bands upto 300mm in width with
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement, 4sand)
(a) Flush band sqm. 32.0


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1045 15mm thick plain cement mortar bands upto 300mm in width with
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement, 4sand)
(b) Sunk band sqm. 34.5
(c) Raised band sqm. 38.7

1046 15mm thick plain cement mortar bands above 300mm in width with
cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand)
(a) Flush band sqm. 252.5
(b) Sunk band sqm. 277.8
(c) Raised band sqm. 319.8

1047 20mm thick plain cement mortar band upto 300mm in width with
cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand)
(a) Flush band RM 37.1
(b) Sunk band RM 39.6
(c) Raised band RM 43.8

1048 20mm thick plain cement mortar band above 300mm in width with
cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand)
(a) Flush band sqm. 300.8
(b) Sunk band sqm. 326.1
(c) Raised band sqm. 368.1

1049 Deleted ---- ----

1050 20mm thick cement plaster in two coat on rough side of wall in

(a) Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) sqm. 328.1

(b) Cemnt Mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) sqm. 305.6
(c) Cement Mortar 1:5 (1 cement, 5sand) sqm. 287.9
(d) Cement Mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) sqm. 276.9

1051 Labour only for 20mm thick cement plaster of any ratio. sqm. 197.4


11.1 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
11.2 Rates for AC or GI sheet roofing are inclusive of all necessary overlaps and wastage in
cutting and of all standard screws, nuts, washers, bolts and patent J-hooks, bolts or other
fasteners required as per specification for proper fixing of the roof.
11.3. The following Indian Standards may be referred to -
I.S. NO. Title
73-1961 Paving bitumen (revised) (with amendment No.1)
277-1977 Galvanised steel sheets (plain and corrugated) (third revision)
459-1970 Unreinforced corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets
(second revision) (with amendment no.1)
654-1972 Clay roofing tiles, Manglore pattern (second revision) (with amendment
no.1 to3) (reaffirmed 1979)
702-1961 Industrial bitumen (revised)
730-1978 Hook bolts for corrugated sheet roofing (second revision)
1322-1970 Bitumen felts for water proofing and damp-proofing (second revision)
1464-1973 Clay ridge an ceiling tiles(first revision) (with amendment no.1) (reaffirmed
1580-1969 Bituminous compound for water proofing and caulking purposes (first
revision) (with amendment no.1 and 2)
2115-1980 Code of practice for flat roof finish and mud phuska (second revision)
2527-1963 Code of practice for fixing rain-water gutters and down pipes for roof
2645-1975 Integral cement water proofing compounds (first revision)
2690 Burnt clay flat terracing tiles.
2690(Pt.i)-1975 Machine made (first revision)
2690(Pt.ii)-1975 Hand made (first revision)
2858-1964 Code of practice for roofing with Manglore tiles.
3007 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets.
3007(Pt.i)-1964 Corrugated sheets.
3007(Pt.ii)-1965 Semi-corrugated sheets.
1346-1976 Code of practice for water proofing of roofs with bitumen felts (second
3036-1980 Code of practice for laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish
(first revision)
3037-1965 Bitumen mastic for use in waterproofing of roofs.
3067-1966 Code of practice for general design, details and preparatory work for damp
proofing and water proofing of buildings.
3384-1965 Bitumen primer for use in water proofing and damp-proofing (with
amendment no.1)
3978-1967 Code of practice for manufacture of burnt clay Manglore pattern roofing
tiles (reaffirmed 1979)
4365-1967 Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for water proofing of
8869-1978 Washers for corrugated sheet roofing

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

RES - NIC MPSU 11 - ROOFING Page 1 of 4 50

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1101 Providing corrugated C.I. sheet of class III roofing fixed with galvanised
iron J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm diameter with bitumen and G.I.
limpet washers or with complete excluding the cost of purlins, rafters
and trusses.
(a) 0.63 mm thick sheet. sqm. 646.7
(b) 0.80 mm thick sheet. sqm. 776.8

1102 Labour only for item no. 1101 sqm. 58.1

1103 Providing ridges or hips 600mm over all in plain G.I. sheet class III
fixed with galvanised iron J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm diameter G.I.
limpet bitumen washers complete.
(a) 0.63 mm thick sheet. RM 502.1
(b) 0.80 mm thick sheet. RM 572.7

1104 Providing valleys 900mm over all in plain1.6mm thick G.I. sheet class RM 1080.3
III fixed with galvanised iron J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm diameter
G.I. limpet bitumen washers complete.
1105 Labour only for item no.1103 and 1104 RM 202.1

1106 Providing 6mm thick corrugated asbestos cement sheets roofing fixed sqm. 506.0
with galvanised iron J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm dia. G.I. plain and
bitumen washer complete excluding the cost of purlines rafters and
1107 Labour only for item no.1106 sqm. 71.6

1108 Providing and fixing ridges hips in asbestos cement sheet roofing with
G.I. J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm dia. G.I. plain and bitumen washer
complete .
(a) Close fitting adjustable ridge RM 392.8
(b) Unserrated adjustable hips. RM 325.3

1109 Labour only for item no.1108 RM 47.6

1110 Tiled roofing with Mangalore tiles, including sal, bija, haldu or saj sqm. 354.5
battens of size 50mm X 25mm but excluding ridge and hip tiles.
1111 Labour only for item no.1110 sqm. 179.5

1112 Tiled roofing with Mangalore tiles, excluding hipes, ridges and battens sqm. 247.8

1113 Labour only for item no.1112 sqm. 86.2

1114 Providing and fixing Manglore hipes and ridge tiles RM 202.1

1115 Labour only for item no.1114 RM 35.6

1116 Providing and laying single Allahabad tiles without battens but including sqm. 412.3
hip and ridge tiles.
1117 Labour only for item no.1116 sqm. 135.3

1118 Providing and fixing Allahabad hipes and ridge tiles RM 101.4

1119 Labour only for item no.1118 RM 35.6

RES - NIC MPSU 11 - ROOFING Page 2 of 4 51

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1120 Providing stone slab roofing and laying in cement mortar 1:4 (1cement,
4sand) over R.S. joists or R.C.C. battens (R.S. joists and R.C.C. battens
to be paid separately) including pointing the exposed joints with the
same mortar complete.
(a) Red stone slab 40 mm thick. sqm. 362.0
(b) Red stone slab 50 mm thick. sqm. 422.5

1121 Labour only for item no.1120

(a) Red stone slab 40 mm thick. sqm. 189.5

(b) Red stone slab 50 mm thick. sqm. 237.3

1122 Lime concrete terracing on roofing's average thickness 100mm laid to sqm. 563.9
fall with 25mm nominal size brick ballast and 50% lime mortar 1:2
(1lime putty, 2surkhi)(rammed and beaten with split bamboos and
wooden the thappies till the surface is hardened) and well finished with
gur and belwater treatment including rounding of junctions with
parapets, curing etc. complete.
1123 Labour only for item no.1122 sqm. 408.3

1124 Painting top of roofs with bitumen of approved quality 170kg/ 100sqm sqm. 707.8
impregnated with a coat of course sand at 0.60cum per 100sqm including
cleaning the slab surface with brushes and finally with a piece of cloth
lightly soaked in kerosene oil complete.
1125 Labour only for item no.1124 sqm. 22.8

1126 Grading roof for water proofing treatment.

(a) Lime concrete with 20 mm nominal size brick aggregate and 50% cum 5126.8
lime mortar 1:2 (1 lime putty, 2 surkhi)
(b) Cement mortar 1:3 cum 8705.9

1127 Labour only for item no.1126

(a) Lime concrete with 20 mm nominal size brick aggregate and 50% cum 4082.6
lime mortar 1:2 (1 lime putty, 2 surkhi)
(b) Cement mortar 1:3 cum 3451.9

1128 Providing and laying single country tiles (without battens) complete. sqm. 171.9

1129 Labour only for item no.1128 sqm. 80.3

1130 Providing and laying single country tiles on split bamboo battens. sqm. 1262.3

1131 Labour only for item no.1130 sqm. 122.4

1132 Add for double country tilling in item no. 1128 & 1130 sqm. 171.9

1133 Add for labour double country tilling in item no. 1129 & 1131 sqm. 80.3

1134 Providing and laying single wheel tiling without battens sqm. 138.3

1135 Labour only for item no.1134 sqm. 102.3

1136 Centering and shuttering for arch roof including all lead and lift. (for low sqm. 97.9
cost House)

RES - NIC MPSU 11 - ROOFING Page 3 of 4 52

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1137 Providing and fixing of full round country tiles (Guna tiles) in position sqm. 611.6
including lock rail gap cover with cement mortar 1:3 with water proofing
compound and plaster with chicken mess curing etc. complete. (for low
cost House)
1138 Providing and fixing of broken ceremic tiles with neat cement, curing sqm. 357.9
etc. (for low cost House)
1139 Providing and fixing cut stone slab (chisel dressed) for roofs including cum 10103.6
flush pointing of the bottom in C.M. 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) and filling the
joints in C.M. 1:4 (1cement, 4sand) including fixing in chased grooves
in walls, curing etc. complete.
1140 Labour only for item 1139 cum 4746.7

1141 Providing & fixing of precoated galvanised iron profile sheets (size,shape sqm. 529.1
& pitch of corrugation as approved by engineer in charge) 0.5mm +/- 5%
total coated thickness(TCT) thick zinc coating 120 gsm as per IS:277 in
240mpa steel grade,5-7 microns appoxy primer on both side of the sheet
and polyester top coat 15-18 microns.Sheet should have protective guard
film of 25 microns min. to avoid scratches while transportation and
should be supplied in single length up to 12 mtr or as desired by
engineer-in-charge.The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling / self
tapping screws of size 5.5x55mm with EPDM seal or with polymer
coated J or L hooks,bolts and nuts 8mm dia. with bitumen and G.I.
limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead
complete upto any pitch in horizontal/vertical or curved surfaces
excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and i/c cutting to size
and shape wherever required.
1142 Providing & fixing of precoated galvanised steel sheet roofing RM 533.0
accessories 0.5mm +/- 5% total coated thickness(TCT) zinc coating 120
gsm as per IS:277 in 240mpa steel grade,5-7 microns appoxy primer on
both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns. using self
drilling / self tapping screws of size 5.5x55mm with EPDM seal or with
polymer coated J or L hooks,bolts and nuts 8mm dia. and or G.I. seam
bolts and nuts,G.I. plain and bitumen washers complete.
Ridges plain (500 - 600mm)
1143 Providing & fixing of precoated galvanised steel sheet roofing RM 737.2
accessories 0.5mm +/- 5% total coated thickness(TCT) zinc coating 120
gsm as per IS:277 in 240mpa steel grade,5-7 microns appoxy primer on
both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns. using self
drilling / self tapping screws of size 5.5x55mm with EPDM seal or with
polymer coated J or L hooks,bolts and nuts 8mm dia. and or G.I. seam
bolts and nuts,G.I. plain and bitumen washers complete.
Gutter ( 600mm over all girth).

RES - NIC MPSU 11 - ROOFING Page 4 of 4 53

12.1 The rates include -
(a) Leads and lifts of all matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of materials in which water includes.
(c) The cost of mixing motor, curing and scaffolding etc.
12.2. No deduction for voids shall be made from the gross measurements of pitching.
12.3. For cement concrete floors laying shall be done on the alternate bay system in panels
no dimension of which is to exceeds 1.8m and not more than 3 Sqm. atleast 48 hrs shall
lapse before commencing the concreting of alternatee bays, care shall be taken to ensure
that the edges of previously laid bays are not broken by careless tamping.
12.4. Mosaic/ Terrazo Tiles - Where the average size of chips are 6mm and below this shall
be termed as 'Mosaic tiles' and where the average size of chips is more than 6 mm these
shall be termed as 'Terrazo tiles '
12.5. The shade of cement slurry required for floating and striking joints shall be of the
same shade as those of tiles (Mosaic/ Terrazo/ Glazed vitreous)
12.6. Measurements - Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm and it area as
laid shall be calculated in sqm correct to two places of decimal. Length and breadth shall be
measured before laying skirting dado or wall plaster. No deduction shall be made nor extra
paid for any opening in the floor, for area upto 0.10sqm.
12.7 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
12.8 The following Indian Standards may be referred to -
IS No. Title
1237-1980 Cement concrete flooring tiles (first revision)
1443-1972 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles (first
2114-1962 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazo floor finish (with amendment No.1)
2571-1970 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring (first revision)

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1201 Rammed moorum flooring cum 300.8

1202 Labour only for item no.1201 cum 94.8

1203 25mm thick mud flooring smoothing and cow dung leeping sqm. 70.9

1204 Hammer dressed 15cm thick stone paving laid in camber with 20mm sqm. 707.0
lime mortar (1:2) bedding and cement pointing in cement mortar 1:3 for
1205 Labour only for item no.1204 sqm. 456.2

1206 Hammer dressed 20cm thick stone paving laid in camber with 20mm sqm. 811.2
lime mortar (1:2) bedding and cement pointing in cement mortar 1:3 for
1207 Labour only for item no.1206 sqm. 521.4

1208 Hammer dressed 26cm thick stone paving laid in camber with 20mm sqm. 1008.5
lime mortar (1:2) bedding and cement pointing in cement mortar 1:3 for
1209 Labour only for item no.1208 sqm. 651.7


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1210 Rough chisel dressed sand stone flooring over 20mm average thick base
of cement mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) with joints finished flush (Area of
each stone should not be less than 0.20 Sqm.)
(a) With 25 mm thick stone sqm. 468.0
(b) With 40 mm thick stone sqm. 491.9

1211 Labour only for item no.1210 sqm. 232.1

1212 Fine dressed stone slab flooring over 20mm average thick base of cement
mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5sand) with joints finished flush.(Area of each
stone should not be less than 0.20 Sqm.)
(a) With 25 mm thick stone sqm. 1152.3
(b) With 40 mm thick stone sqm. 1176.3

1213 Labour only for item no.1212 sqm. 916.5

1214 Fine dressed rubbed stone flooring over 20mm average thick base of
cement mortar (1:5) i/c pointing C.M. (1:2) with admixture of pigment
to mach the shade of stone. (Area of each stone should not be less than
0.20 Sqm.)
(a) With 25 mm thick stone sqm. 1536.5
(b) With 40 mm thick stone sqm. 1560.4

1215 Labour only for item no.1214 sqm. 1281.9

1216 Extra for nosing in steps and treads of rough dressed sand stone slab. RM 42.7

1217 Extra for nosing in steps in treads with fine dressed and rubbed sand RM 291.3
stone slab.
1218 40mm cement concrete flooring with 25mm under layer of cement sqm. 405.6
concrete 1:3:6 (1cement, 3sand, 6stone aggregate of size 12.5mm and
below) and 15mm wearing (1cement, 2 to 3 stone aggregate of size
4.75mm and below) laid in interval with base course and finished with a
floating coat of neat cement.
1219 Labour only for item no.1218 sqm. 248.5

1220 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1cement, 2sand, 4graded stone

aggregate, 20mm nominal size) laid in one layer and finished with
floating coat of neat cement.
(a) 40 mm thick. sqm. 307.6
(b) Deleted ....

1221 Labour only for item no.1220

(a) 40 mm thick sqm. 146.1

(b) Deleted ....

1222 Cement concrete pavement (25mm to 50mm thick) with 1:2:4 (1cement, cum 5172.3
2sand, 4graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) i/c finished with
floating coat of neat cement.
1223 Labour only for item no.1222 cum 1134.6

1224 Extra for making cheques of approved pattern on cement concrete floors, sqm. 32.3
steps, landing, pavement etc.


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1225 15mm cement plaster skirting upto 30cm height with cement mortar 1:3 sqm. 293.3
(1 cement, 3 sand) with a floating coat of neat cement i/c rounding of
junction with floor.
1226 40mm thick marble chip flooring rubbed and polished to granolithic
finish, under layer 32mm thick c.c. 1:2:4 with 10mm metal and top 8mm
thick with white black or white and black marble chip of nominal size
laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 in proportion of 4:7 (4cement
marble powder mix, 7 marble chips by vol.)
(a) Dark shade pigment with ordinary cement (in top layer only). sqm. 888.5
(b) Light shade pigment with white cement (in top layer only). sqm. 890.5

1227 Labour only for item no.1226 sqm. 658.8

1228 Extra rate for providing and fixing Aluminium strips 40mm wide 1.5mm RM 91.4
thick painted with protective coat of bitumen in joints of floors
1229 Extra for providing and fixing glass strips in joints of floors

(a) 40 mm wide 4 mm thick. RM 56.3

(b) 40 mm wide 6 mm thick. RM 61.3

1230 Extra rate for terrazzo flooring laid as floor borders, margins and similar sqm. 24.1
band exceeding 7.5cm but not exceeding 30cm in width.
1231 Extra rate for laying terrazzo flooring on staircase treads not exceeding sqm. 35.8
30cm in width. i/c cost of forming nose etc.
1232 Precast cement concrete tiles 20mm thick with aggregate of size upto
6mm laid in floors, treads of steps and landing on 20mm thick bed of
cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6sand) jointed with neat cement slurry with
pigment to match the shade of the tiles complete with precast tiles.
(a) Light shades using white cement. sqm. 536.6
(b) Medium shades using approximately 50% white cement and 50% sqm. 503.5
ordinary cement.
(c) Dark shades using ordinary cement. sqm. 478.3

1233 Labour only for item no.1232 sqm. 181.7

1234 Extra if precast cement concrete tiles are laid in treads of steps not sqm. 35.5
exceeding 30cm in width.
1235 Precast cement concrete tiles 20mm thick with aggregate of size upto
6mm in skirting and rises of steps not exceeding 30cm in height on
12mm thick cement plasters 1:3 (1cement, 3sand) jointed with neat
cement slurry complete with tiles.
(a) Light shades using white cement. sqm. 655.0
(b) Medium shades using approximately 50% white cement and 50% sqm. 850.5
ordinary cement.
(c) Dark shades using ordinary cement. sqm. 572.6

1236 Labour only for item no.1235 sqm. 273.4

1237 Precast terrazzo tiles 20mm thick with white, black or white and black
marble chips of size upto 6mm laid in floors, treads of steps and landing
on a bed of 25mm average thickness and of lime mortar 1:1:1 (1lime
putty, 1surkhi, 1sand) jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match the shade of the tiles i/c rubbing and polishing
complete with precast titles.


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) Light shade using white cement. sqm. 847.2

(b) Medium shades using approximately 50% white cement and 50% sqm. 830.4
ordinary cement.
(c) Dark shades using ordinary cement. sqm. 794.0

1238 Labour only for item no.1237 sqm. 442.8

1239 Extra if terrazzo tiles are laid in treads of steps not exceeding 30cm in sqm. 43.3
1240 Precast terrazzo tiles 20mm thick marble chip of size upto 6mm skirting
and risers of steps not exceeding 30cm in height on 10mm thick cement
plaster 1:3 jointed with neat cement slurry i/c rubbing and polishing
complete with precast titles.
(a) Light shade using white cement. sqm. 1014.3
(b) Medium shades using approximately 50% white cement and 50% sqm. 993.6
ordinary cement.
(c) Dark shades using ordinary cement. sqm. 905.2

1241 Labour only for item no.1240 sqm. 578.6

1242 Chequered precast cement concrete tiles 22mm thick with aggregate of
size upto 6mm in floors, treads of steps and landing on 20mm thick bed
of cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6 sand) jointed with neat cement slurry
with pigment to match the shade of the tiles.
(a) Light shades using white cement. sqm. 697.7
(b) Medium shades using approximately 50% white cement and 50% sqm. 669.6
ordinary cement.
(c) Dark shades using ordinary cement. sqm. 636.9

1243 Labour only for item no. 1242 sqm. 181.7

1244 Extra rate rubbing and polishing C.C.. tiles in flooring skirting or dado. sqm. 200.8

1245 White glazed tiles 6mm thick in flooring, treads of steps and landings sqm. 1309.5
laid on a bed of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 finished with flush
pointing in white cement.
1246 Labour only for item no.1245 sqm. 631.2

1247 Marble stone slab flooring over 20mm average thick base of C.M. 1:6
with grey cement including rubbing polishing etc. complete. (Area of
each stone should not be less than 0.20 Sqm.)
(a) Marble slab 25 mm thick. sqm. 2485.5
(b) Marble slab 30 mm thick. sqm. 2715.4

1248 Labour only for item no.1247 sqm. 1611.9

1249 25mm thick marble tiles in risers and treads of steps, skirting dado walls sqm. 2634.7
and pillar laid on 10mm thick base of C.M. 1:3 and jointed with grey
cement slurry including rubbing polishing etc. complete.
1250 Labour only for item no.1249 sqm. 1812.6

1251 Extra if pigment is used in the cement slurry to match the shade of the sqm. 4.1
marbel slabs.


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1252 Add extra if white cement slurry is used instead of grey cement slurry in sqm. 7.8
joints of marbel stone flooring or tiles for all thickness
1253 Extra for nosing in marbel stone for treads. RM 248.5

1254 Kota stone slab flooring over 20mm thick base of C.M. 1:6 laid over and
jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade
of slab including grinding, rubbing & polishing etc. complete. (Area of
each stone should not be less than 0.20 Sqm.)
(a) 25 mm thick. sqm. 1425.1
(b) 30 mm thick . sqm. 1604.2
(c) 40 mm thick. sqm. 1715.3

1255 Labour only for item no.1254

(a) 25 mm thick. sqm. 1018.9

(b) 30 mm thick. sqm. 1153.6
(c) 40 mm thick. sqm. 1175.6

1256 Kota stone slab/Cuddapah stone slab 25mm thick in risers and treads of sqm. 1544.1
steps, skirting dado and pillar laid in 12mm thick C.M. 1:3 and jointed
with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of slab
including rubbing polishing etc. complete.
1257 Labour only for item no.1256 sqm. 1153.2

1258 Linoleum covering to floors plain or curved laid with approved adhesive sqm. 426.1
on upper floor i/c stretching cutting and fitting complete 3.2mm thick
1259 Labour only for item no.1258 sqm. 42.1

1260 15mm cement concrete topping 1:2 to 3 (1cement, 2-3stone aggregate sqm. 187.7
4.75mm and below by volume) laid over and finished monolithic with
structural slab.
1261 Labour only for item no.1260 sqm. 103.0

1262 20mm cement concrete toping (1 cement, 2-3 stone aggregate 4.75mm sqm. 229.3
and below by volume) laid over and finished monolithic with base
1263 Labour only for item no. 1262 sqm. 118.6

1264 25mm cement concrete toping 1:2:4 (1cement, 2sand, 4graded stone sqm. 227.0
aggregate 12.5mm nominal size) finished with floating coat of neat
cement (base concrete to be paid separately)
1265 Labour only for item no.1264 sqm. 123.4

1266 Second class dry brick flooring i/c filling joints with fine sand. sqm. 448.0

1267 Labour only for item no.1266 sqm. 117.6

1268 Second class brick flooring laid dry grouted with C.M. 1:6 i/c finishing sqm. 501.3
the joints flush.
1269 Labour only for item no.1268 sqm. 119.8


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1270 22cm thick grouted stone pitching (without quarry spalls) with individual sqm. 878.0
stones of 22cm depth in minimum size 0.014cum grouting in cement
mortar 1:6
1271 Labour only for item no.1270 sqm. 372.9

1272 22cm thick dry stone pitching (without quarry spalls) with individual sqm. 384.2
stone of 22cm depth and minimum size 0.014
1273 Labour only for item no.1272 sqm. 231.2

1274 22cm thick dry stone picked up boulder pitching i/c picking of boulder sqm. 371.7
with individual size of 22cm depth.
1275 Add extra item no. 1274 for quarried boulder pitching. sqm. 226.5

1276 Labour only for item no.1274 sqm. 123.6

1277 Providing stone chips under stone pitching sqm. 457.4

1278 Labour only for item no.1277 sqm. 83.5

1279 Hammer dressed 15cm thick stone paving laid in camber in sqm. 482.8
moorum bedding and filled with moorum mortar.
1280 Labour only for item no.1279 sqm. 391.0

1281 40 to 50mm thick flag stone flooring laid over 20mm thick cement sqm. 521.0
mortar (1:6) bedding I/n cement pointing in cement mortar 1:3
1282 Labour only for item no.1281 sqm. 232.1


13.1 Rates include :-
(a) All leads and lifts of matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) Removing nails and making good holes cracks, patches etc. not exceeding 0.1sqm each
materials similar in composition to the surface to be prepared
(c) Removing cakes and scales of wash but not distemper
(d) Cost of scaffoldings and ladders (in case of completed items)
(e) Cost of cans, brushes, and other appliances required for the execution of work
(f) Thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and other
foreign matter; and
(g) Protection of all places and things needing protection, cleaning by approved method,
removing all stains, splashing and droppings of every kind, from floors, glazing, furniture's
13.2 Before starting the distemper/ oil bound distemper/ painting etc. the contractor must
get the brand and quality approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, bring the full quantity of
approved brand and quality required for the work and remove the empty containers only
after the work is measured and checked.
13.3 (a) For oil bound distempering prior written permission of the Executive engineer is
(b) For plastic emulsion water proofing cement paint (snocem or durocem) prior
written permission of the superintending Engineer is required.
13.4 Paints, oil, varnishes etc. of approved brand and manufacture shall be used. Ready
mixed paints as received from the manufacture without any admixture shall be used. If for
any reason, thinning is necessary in case of ready mixed paint, the brand of thinner of
recommended by the manufacture or as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be used.
13.5 Approved paints, oils or varnishes shall be brought to the site of work in their original
container in sealed condition, the material shall be brought in at a time in adequate
quantities to suffice for the whole work or At least a fortnight's work.
13.6 Measurements-
I. Dimension shall be measured correct to the nearest cm. The area shall be calculated in
sqm correct to two places of decimal.
II. For jambs, soffits, sills, etc. for openings not exceeding 0.5sqm each in area for ends of
joists, beams, posts, girders, steps etc. not exceeding 0.5sqm in area, and for openings
Exceeding 0.5sqm and not exceeding 3sqm in area deduction and no addition shall be made
in the following manner-
(a) No deduction shall be made for ends of joists, beams, etc. and openings not exceeding
0.5sqm each and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills of these openings
for the finish around ends of joists, beams, posts etc.
(b)Deduction for opening exceeding 0.5sqm each shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits,
sills etc. of these openings -
(i) when both faces of wall are provided with the same finish, deduction shall be made for
one face only.
(ii) When each face of wall is provided with a different finish, deduction shall be made for
the side on which width of reveals is less than that other side but no deduction shall be
made on the other side ; where widths of reveals on both faces of wall are equal, deduction
of 50percent of area of opening of each face shall be made from area of finish.
(iii) When only one face is treated, and other face is not treated, full deduction shall be
made if width of reveal on the treated side is less than that on the untreated side, but if

width of reveals is equal or more then that on the side, untreated neither deduction for the
opening nor addition for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills etc. shall be made.
(iv) When width of door frame is equal to thickness of wall or is projecting beyond the
thickness of wall, full deduction for opening shall be made from each face of wall.
III. In case of opening of areas above 3sqm each deduction shall be made for opening, but
jambs, soffits and reveals shall be measured.
IV. No deduction shall be made for attachments, such as casings, conduit pipes, electric
wiring and the like.
V. Corrugated surfaces shall be measured flat as fixed and not girthed. Quantities so
measured shall be increased by the following percentage and the result shall be included in
general areas-
(a) Corrugated steel sheets 14 %
(b) Corrugated asbestos cement sheets 20 %
(c) Semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheet 10 %
VI. Cornices and other wall features when not picked out in a different finish/ colour, shall
be girthed and included area.
13.7 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
13.8 The following Indian standard may be referred to -
IS No. Title
55-1970 Ultramarine blue for paints (First revision) (reaffirmed 1977)
261-1966 Copper sulphate (first revision) (with amendment no.1) ( reaffirmed
427-1965 Distemper, dry, colour as required (revised)
428-1969 Distemper, oil emulsion, colour as required (first revision) ( with
amendment no.1)
712-1973 Building lime (second revision)
5410-1969 Cement paint, colour as required (with amendment no.1) plastic emulsion
5411-5411 Plastic emulsion paint.
5411(pt i)- 1969 Part i-for interior use.
5411(pt ii)-196 Part ii - For exterior use.
6278-197 Code of practice for white washing and colour washing
75-1973 Linseed Oil, raw and refined (second revision) (with amendment no.1)
77-1976 Linseed oil, boiled, for paints (second revision)
102-1962 Ready mixed paint, brushing red lead, settling priming (revised) (with
amendment no.1) (reaffirmed 1977)
104-1979 Ready mixed paint, brushing, zinc, chrome ,priming (second revision)
109-1968 Ready mixed paint, brushing, priming, plaster, to Indian Standard colour
no.361 light stone and no. 631 light grey (first revision) (with amendment no.1) (reaffirmed
133-1979 Enamel, interior (a) under coating, (b) finishing (second revision)
137-1995 Ready mixed paint, brushing matt or egg - shell, flat, finishing interior to
Indian standard colour as required (revised) (with amendment no.1) (reaffirmed 1976)
158-1981 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black lead-free, acid, alkali
and heat and heat resisting (third revision)
218-1961 Creosote and anthracene oil for use as wood preservatives (revised)
290-1981 Coal tar black paint (revised) (reaffirmed 1976)
337-1975 Varnish, mixing, interior (first revision)
340-1978 Varnish, mixing (first revision)

341-1973 Black Japan, types A, B and C (first revision) (reaffirmed 19 79)
345-1952 Wood filler, transparent, liquid (with amendment no.1and 2)
(reaffirmed 1976)
348-1968 French polish (first revision) (with amendment no.1and 2) (reaffirmed
430-1972 Paint remover, solvent type, non-flammable (second revision)
487-1976 Brush, paint and varnish (I) oval, ferrule bound and (II) round, ferrule
bound (second revision)
524-1968 Varnish, finishing, exterior, syntgetic (first revision) (with amendment
no.1) (reaffirmed 1976)
525-1968 Varnish, finishing, exterior, an general purpose (first revision) (with
amendment no.1) (reaffirmed 1976)
533-1973 Gum spirit of turpentine (oil of turpentine) (first revision) (with
amendment no.1and 2) (reaffirmed 1978 )
1103-1971 Brushes artist's (second revision) (with amendment no.1)
1104-1968 Brushes, lettering (lettering) (reaffirmed 1976)
1303-1963 Glossary of terms relating to paints (revised)
1477 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings
1477-(pt.i)-1971 Pre-treatment (first revision) (reaffirmed 1979 )
1477(pt.ii)-1971 Painting (first revision) (reaffirmed 1979 )
2338 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood based materials.
2338 (Pt.i)-1967 Operations of workmanship.
2338 ( Pt.ii )-1967 Schedules.
2339-1963 Aluminium paint for general purposes, in dual container (with
amendment no.1) (reaffirmed 1976)
2395 Code of practice for painting concrete, masonry and plaster surfaces.
2395( Pt.i)-1966 Operations of workmanship.
2395(Pt.ii)-1966 Schedules.
2524 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals
2524(Pt.i)-1968 Pre-treatment.
2524(Pt.ii)-1968 Painting.
2074-1979 Ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide zinc oxide, zinc chrome,
priming (first revision)
2932-1974 Enamel, synthetic, exterior (a) under coating (b) finishing (first revision)
(with amendment no.1)
2933-1975 Enamel, exterior (a) under coating (b) finishing (first revision)
3140-1965 Code of practice for painting asbestos cement building products.
3536-1966 Ready mixed paint, brushing wood primer, pink (with amendment no.1)
(reaffirmed 1976)
3585-1966 Ready mixed paint, aluminium, brushing, priming water resistant for
wood work (with amendment no.1) (reaffirmed 1976)
5411 Plastic emulsion paint.
5411(Pt.i)-1974 For interior use (first revision) (with amendment no.1)
5660-1970 Ready mixed paint, brushing aluminium, red oxide primer (reaffirmed
6005-1970 Code of prectice for phosphating of iron and steel (reaffirmed 1979)
SP 1650-1973 Standard colours for building decorative finishes (with supplement)

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1301 Removing old paint or polish from wood and wood based surfaces with sqm. 39.3
caustic soda solution and making the surface even.
1302 Removing old paint from steel and other metal surfaces and making the sqm. 74.5
surface even with hand seraping.
1303 Removing white wash or colour wash by steel wire brushing and/or sqm. 7.5
scraping; sand papering and preparing the wall surface smooth including
necessary repairs to scratches complete.
1304 Removing dry or oil bound distemper by washing and scraping and sand sqm. 16.9
papering the wall surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches
1305 Washing and cleaning of decorated wall surfaces with soap, soda and sqm. 3.2
1306 Extra over item 1305 for cleaning the old plastered ceiling and/or sqm. 3.5
sloping roofs with soap, soda and water.
1307 White washing whith lime on undecorated wall surfaces (3coats) to give sqm. 17.3
an even shade including thoroughly broomed the surface to remove all
dirt, dust, mortar drops and other foreign matter.
1308 White washing whith lime on undecorated wall surfaces (two coats) to sqm. 11.8
give an even shade including thoroughly broomed the surface to remove
all dirt, dust, mortar drops and other foreign matter.
1309 White washing with lime on decorated wall surfaces (one coat) to give an sqm. 5.5
even shade including thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt,
dust, mortar drops and loose scales of lime wash and other foreign
1310 Labour only for

(a) For item no. 1307 sqm. 12.4

(b) For item no. 1308 sqm. 8.5
(c) For item no. 1309 sqm. 3.8

1311 Colour washing 2 coats over and including a primary coat of white sqm. 20.8
washing on undecorated wall surface.
1312 Colour washing 1 coats on decorated wall surface. sqm. 6.8

1313 Labour only for.

(a) For item no. 1311 sqm. 17.2

(b) For item no. 1312 sqm. 5.6

1314 Cement washing (Portland cement) 3 coats.

(a) Gray cement sqm. 28.7

(b) White cement sqm. 32.1

1315 Cement washing (Portland cement) 2 coats.

(a) Gray cement sqm. 19.1

(b) White cement sqm. 21.4

1316 Cement washing (Portland cement) 1 coats.

(a) Gray cement sqm. 9.6


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1316 Cement washing (Portland cement) 1 coats.

(b) White cement sqm. 10.7

1317 Labour only for

(a) For item no.1314 (a)(b) sqm. 26.4

(b) For item no.1315 (a)(b) sqm. 17.6
(c) For item no.1316 (a)(b) sqm. 8.8

1318 Snowcem or durocem painting of any shade

(a) 2 coats on new work sqm. 23.9

(b) 1 coats on old work sqm. 12.0

1319 Labour only for

(a) For item no.1318 (a) sqm. 16.9

(b) For item no.1318 (b) sqm. 8.4

1320 Distempering with dry distemper of approved brand and manufacture sqm. 60.5
(two coats) and of required shade on undecorated wall surfaces to give an
even shade, over and including priming coat of whiting after thoroughly
brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter
including preparing the surface even and sand papered smooth.
1321 Dry distemper of best quality of any shade 1 coat and old surface for sqm. 16.1
repairs etc.
1322 Labour only

(a) For item no.1320 sqm. 56.1

(b) For item no.1321 sqm. 14.0

1323 Oil bound distemper of approved quality of any shade two coats on new sqm. 89.1
works including priming coat.
1324 Oil bound distemper of best approved quality of any shade one coat on sqm. 34.9
old surface.
1325 Labour only for item no.1323 sqm. 70.8

1326 Labour only for item no.1324 sqm. 28.0

1327 Wood oiling to new work with double boiled linseed oil two coats. sqm. 34.6

1328 Wood oiling to old work with double boiled linseed oil one coat. sqm. 24.6

1329 Labour only for

(a) For item no.1327 sqm. 20.7

(b) For item no.1328 sqm. 16.2

1330 Varnishing two costs (excluding priming coat) on new wood and wood sqm. 102.0
based surfaces, under coating, with flatting varnish and finishing coat
with varnish to give an even surface including cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and sand papering so as to produce a smooth dry and matt


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1331 Varnishing one coat (excluding priming coat) on previoulsy varnished sqm. 45.8
wood and wood based surfaces to give an even surface including cleaning
the surface of all dirt, dust and sand papering so as to produce smooth,
dry and matt surface.
1332 Labour only for

(a) For item no.1330 sqm. 81.2

(b) For item no.1331 sqm. 32.5

1333 Prime coat to wood, iron work or walls. sqm. 38.4

1334 Labour only for item no.1333 sqm. 27.1

1335 Painting with enamel paint, brushing, interior to give an even shade I/n
cleaning the surface of all dirt dust and other foreign matter on steel and
other metal surfaces.
(a) 3 coats sqm. 121.1
(b) 2 coats sqm. 86.5
(c) 1 coats sqm. 44.0

1336 Labour only for item no.1335

(a) 3 coats sqm. 75.7

(b) 2 coats sqm. 48.7
(c) 1 coats sqm. 27.1

1337 Painting two coat's (excluding priming coat) on new steel and other
metal surfaces with Aluminium paint, brushing to give an even shade
including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter.
(a) 2 coats sqm. 68.8
(b) 1 coats sqm. 41.1

1338 Labour only for item no.1337

(a) 2 coats sqm. 48.7

(b) 1 coats sqm. 32.5

1339 Spray painting 2 coats excluding priming coat on new steel and other sqm. 100.8
metal surface with enamel paint.
1340 Spray painting 1 coats excluding priming coat on new steel and other sqm. 64.1
metal surface with enamel paint.
1341 Labour only for

(a) For item no.1339 sqm. 64.7

(b) For item no.1340 sqm. 42.5

1342 Painting 1 coats excluding priming coat on previously painted steel and sqm. 55.1
other metal surface with enamel paint.
1343 Labour only for item no.1354 sqm. 32.5

1344 Coal tarring 2 coats on new wood and wood based surface . sqm. 37.7


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1345 Coal tarring 1 coats on new wood and wood based surface. sqm. 20.7

1346 Labour only for

(a) For item no.1344 sqm. 17.3

(b) For item no.1345 sqm. 12.0

1347 Polishing with French polish two coats on new wood and wood based sqm. 169.4
surfaces to give an even surface including cleaning the surface of all dirt,
dust and sand papered smooth and including a coat of wood filler.
1348 Polishing with French polish one coat on new wood and wood based sqm. 86.0
surfaces to give an even surface including cleaning the surface of all dirt,
dust and sand papered smooth and including a coat of wood filler.
1349 Labour only for

(a) For item no.1347 sqm. 153.8

(b) For item no.1348 sqm. 76.9

1350 Floor polishing on Masonry or Concrete floors with wax polish of sqm. 38.5
approved brand and manufacture.
1351 Deleted ---- ----


14.1 The rates include -
(a) All leads and lifts of matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of materials in which water includes.
(c) The cost of mixing motor, curing and scaffolding etc.
14.2 These rates are applicable to all types of buildings for all heights.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1401 Providing and fixing small pieces (not exceeding 150cucm) for making
good where hinges etc have been removed from frames or joinery, etc.
(a) Sal wood. Each 59.5
(b) Bija wood Each 62.6

1402 Renewing Bars, stiles on rails, straight for joinery upto 50mm thick
including meters, haunchings, mortises, etc. and removing old defective
(a) Sal wood. RM 235.7
(b) Bija wood RM 246.0

1403 Rewedging cramping joinery of any description with new wedges in glue
or white lead and repining including rehanging or refixing of shutters,
hinges or pivots excluding removing or dismantling.
(a) Not exceeding 1sqm per leaf of soft wood Each 320.1
(b) Not exceeding 1 sqm. per leaf for hard wood Each 482.2
(c) Exceeding 1 sqm.but not exceeding 2 sqm.per leaf for soft wood Each 482.2
(d) Exceeding 1 sqm.but not exceeding 2 sqm.per leaf for hard wood Each 640.3

1404 Making repairs to joinery at angles with & including 300mm x 25mm x nos. 74.4
3mm length of M.S. flat forged to shape and let into wood work, counter
sunk, drilled and screwed.
1405 Renewing wooden battens in roofing including making good the holes in
walls including removal of rubbish to the demping ground with in a lead
of 50metres.
(a) Bija wood battens cum 37025.9
(b) Sal wood battens cum 34925.0

1406 Providing and fixing M.S. fan clamps of 16mm dia mild steel in existing Each 248.1
RCC slab including cutting chase and making good.
1407 Removal of old broken glass panes (any thickness or size quality or sqm. 126.0
description) from wood frames, glazed with putty or fixed with beads.
1408 Supplying and fixing new wooden beads(fillets) wherever necessary.

(a) Second class teak wood. RM 28.5

(b) Sal wood wood. RM 24.8

1409 Renewal of old putty of glass panes. RM 25.7

1410 Refixing old glass panes bedded in putty and fixed with glazing pins. sqm. 334.2

1411 Refixing old glass panes with old wooden beads (excluding cost of beads sqm. 273.2


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1412 Renewing tiles in patches in areas exceeding 10 tiles and not exceeding 5
sqm including removing old tiles, preparing surfaces and laying or
setting new or old tiles complete.
(a) Glazed tiles sqm. 695.2
(b) Cement tiles or Terrazzo tiles sqm. 541.5

1413 Cutting out cracks of roof terrace to V-Section, cleaning out wetting, RM 53.0
grouting with cement and sand slurry 1:3 (1 cement, 3 sand)
1414 Cutting out cracked of roof terrace to V-Section, cleaning out and filling RM 80.9
solidly with a hot mixture of bitumen and clean dry sand slurry 1:1 (1 by
1415 Dubbing out on old irregular walls average 10mm thick with.

(a) Cement mortar 1:3 (1Cement, 3Sand) sqm. 154.0

(b) Cement mortar 1:4 (1Cement, 4Sand) sqm. 134.4
(c) Cement mortar 1:6 (1Cement, 6Sand) sqm. 114.8

1416 Repairs to plaster in patches of 2.50 sqm and under and 10 to 15mm
thick including cutting the patch in proper shape and replastering the
surfaces of the walls including disposal of rubbish to the Camping
ground within a lead of 50 metres with.
(a) Lime mortar 1:2 (1Lime, 2Sand) sqm. 200.7
(b) Cement mortar 1:3 (1Cement, 3Sand) sqm. 249.3
(c) Cement mortar 1:4 (1Cement, 4Sand) sqm. 232.4
(d) Cement mortar 1:6 (1Cement, 6Sand) sqm. 215.5

1417 Turning tiles for repairs(single country, Allahabad or Manglore tiles) sqm. 18.8
excluding cost of tiles.
1418 Turning tiles for repairs(double country or Allahabad tiles) excluding sqm. 28.1
cost of tiles.
1419 Removing of old wornout hessian based felt treatment from roof and sqm. 20.1
parapet walls.
1420 Cleaning and brushing the surface. sqm. 6.0

1421 Preparing the base surface filling the cracks and pot holes whenever sqm. 27.7
necessary with cement mortar(1:3)
1422 Removing old plaster or edges, cleaning of joints and floor for new work sqm. 26.1
and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50m lead
1423 Cleaning of old joints, in required depth for new pointing or plastering sqm. 22.1
and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50m lead


15.1 The rates include -
(a) Removal of dismantled materials to a distance of 50 metres or upto the nearest R.E.S.
stores whichever is less as directed by Executive Engineer.
(b) Carefully removing, taking up or down the articles of the Structure without damage.
(c) Picking, cleaning, sorting out and stacking etc. of the un-serviceable and serviceable
material separately.
(d) Taking down walls with plaster, but the measurements will be exclusive of plaster
thickness, Mode of measurement will be as for masonry work.
(e) Removal of nails, spikes and screws from timber.
15.2. The rates for dismantling of roofs or upper storey, floors do not include dismantling
of roof supports such as beams and trusses.
15.3. The rates are applicable to all types of structures, Building and all floors and all
heights etc.
15.4. During dismantling every precaution shall be taken to prevent damage to any part of
the structure and also to adjoining structure which are to be left intact. Any such damage
which is due to carelessness will be made good by the contractor at his own expenses.
15.5 All quantities shall be measured before dismantling and recorded in measurement book
duly accepted by the contractor.
15.6. All the dismantled materials will form government property unless ordered otherwise,
in which case no payment shall be due to the contractor for removal.
15.7. In dismantling, the articles shall be carefully removed by hand where necessary and
lowered to the ground and not thrown. Iron and asbestos cement sheets, wood, planks etc.
shall be removed by taking out nails, screws and bolts with proper tools and not torn off by

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1501 Demolishing below G.L. upto 1 metre depth and disposal of

unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead.
(a) Lime concrete. cum 490.0
(b) Unreinforced cement concrete upto 15 cm thickness. cum 980.0
(c) Unreinforced cement concrete more then 15 cm thickness. cum 1960.1

1502 Demolition R.C.C. work below G.L. upto 1 metre depth including cum 1735.2
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead.
1503 Extra over item 1502 for cutting steel bars in R.C.C. (Least sectional sqm. 420.5
area of R.C.C. work to be measured)
1504 Demolition above G.L. upto floor two level including disposal of
unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead.
(a) Lime concrete. cum 504.7
(b) Unreinforced cement concrete upto 15 cm thickness. cum 994.8
(c) Unreinforced cement concrete more then 15 cm thickness. cum 1974.8

1505 Demolishing RCC work above G.L. upto floor two level including cum 1752.5
disposal of unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead.
1506 Extra over item 1505 for cutting steel bars in R.C.C. work (Least sqm. 420.5
sectional area of R.C.C. work to be measured)


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1507 Demolition of brick work below G.L. upto 1 metre depth including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead.
(a) In mud mortar . cum 449.9
(b) In lime mortar . cum 550.3
(c) In cement mortar . cum 1289.3

1508 Demolition of brick work above G.L. upto floor two level including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead.
(a) In mud mortar . cum 463.4
(b) In lime mortar . cum 566.8
(c) In cement mortar . cum 1308.7

1509 Extra over items1507& 1508 for removing mortar from and cleaning
bricks including removal of rubbish within 100 metres lead.
(a) Brick work in mud mortar. cum 848.8
(b) Brick work in lime mortar. cum 970.7
(c) Brick work in cement mortar. cum 1207.4

1510 Demolition of stone masonry below G.L. upto 1 metre depth including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead.
(a) Rubble masonry in lime mortar . cum 550.3
(b) Rubble masonry in cement mortar. cum 1289.3

1511 Demolition of stone masonry above G.L. upto floor two level including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead.
(a) Rubble masonry in lime mortar . cum 566.8
(b) Rubble masonry in cement mortar . cum 1308.7
(c) Dressed stone in cement mortar . cum 1563.4

1512 Demolition of terrace upto floor two level including stacking of

serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 100
metres lead.
(a) Brick tile covering. sqm. 49.8
(b) Mud phuska. cum 449.9

1513 Dismantling tiled floors laid in mortar upto floor two level including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead. (wooden\ concrete joists to be measured and paid
for separately)
(a) For thickness of tiles upto 25 mm . sqm. 37.3
(b) For thickness of tiles above 25 mm sqm. 52.4
(c) Stone slab floor sqm. 118.5

1514 Dismantling sheet roofing including ridges, hips, valleys, gutters etc.
stacking the serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead.
(a) G.I. sheet roofing sqm. 72.2


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1514 Dismantling sheet roofing including ridges, hips, valleys, gutters etc.
stacking the serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 100 metres lead.
(b) A.C. sheet roofing sqm. 82.3

1515 Dismantling Tiled roofing with battens boarding etc. including stacking
of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within
100 metres lead.
(a) Single Mangalore Rani Ganj, Allahabad or similar tiling. sqm. 101.6
(b) Double Allahabad tiling or Mangalore roofing tiles with ceiling sqm. 152.2
tiles or slate roofing.
(c) Country tiles (Single layer) sqm. 101.6
(d) Country tiles (Double layer) sqm. 152.2

1516 Demolition of thatch roofing including mats, bamboo jaffari, capping to sqm. 48.9
ridges, hips, etc. including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal
of unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead.
1517 Dismantling cement asbestos celotex/ hard board in ceiling or partition sqm. 36.8
walls including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable materials within 100metres lead.(frame work such as
joists, beams to be measured and paid for separately)
1518 Dismantling ballies in posts, purlins or rafters including stacking the RM 8.8
materials within 100 metres lead.
1519 Dismantling doors, windows and clear storey windows, ventilators etc.
(wood or steel) shutters including choukhats, architraves, hold fasts and
other attachments etc. complete and stacking them within 100 metre
(a) Not exceeding 3 sqm. in area Each 146.2
(b) Exceeding 3 sqm. in area Each 196.3

1520 Taking out doors, windows and clear storey windows, shutters (steel or
wood) including stacking within 100 metre lead.
(a) Not exceeding 3 sqm. in area Each 74.6
(b) Exceeding 3 sqm. in area Each 99.4

1521 Dismantling barbed wire or flexible wire rope in fencing including sqm. 11.2
making rolls and stacking within 100 metres lead (frame work to be
measured and paid for separately)
1522 Dismantling and stacking within 100 metres lead fencing posts or struts
(wood, steel or R.C.C.) including all earth work and dismantling of
concrete etc. in the base and making good the disturbed ground.
(a) Wooden posts of any size RM 315.5
(b) Steel sections of any size RM 319.9
(c) R.C.C. posts of any size RM 409.1

1523 Dismantling ballies or wooden posts at the points of projection above the Each 19.5
concrete or ground including taking out iron steps, bolts nuts etc. if any,
and stacking the same within 100 metres lead.


16.1 The rates include -
(a) All leads and lifts of matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of materials in which water includes.
(c) The cost of mixing motor, curing and scaffolding etc
16.2 Rates, where not specified otherwise, are based on fact that cement mortar 1:6, 1:5
and 1:3 is being used for masonry, plaster and pointing respectively, without any extra cost.
16.3 R.C.C. items includes false work, cost of reinforcement and finishing also.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1601 Providing plinth protection, 50mm thick in cement concrete 1:3:6 sqm. 192.1
(1cement, 3coars sand, 6graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
including finishing the surface of concrete smooth.
1602 Providing plinth protection, with bricks of class 35 in cement mortar 1:6 sqm. 488.1
(1cement, 6fine sand) including pointing top surface of bricks with
cement mortar 1:2 (1cement, 2sand)
1603 Brick edging (brick laid on edge) to plinth protection with bricks of class RM 47.4
35 including grouting with cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4fine sand)
1604 Providing and fixing aluminium step 'L' shape to stairs.

(a) Aluminium L shape of size 38 mm X 12 mm X 3 mm (thick) RM 226.5

(b) Aluminium L shape of size 57 mm X 16 mm X 3 mm (thick) RM 268.6

1605 Labour only for item no.1604 RM 488.7

1606 Providing and fixing 25mm bore galvanised M.S. tube (medium grade) RM 549.5
outlet in cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3fine sand) including cutting and
making good the wall.
1607 Providing and fixing 40mm nominal bore galvanised M.S. tube (medium
grade) outlet in cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3fine sand)
(a) Using emulsion with Aldrin, Heptachlor or Chlordane cum 906.1
(b) Using emulsion with Dieldrin cum 905.9

1608 Anti-termite treatment including breaking the termite mounds, making

holes with crow bars and pouring chemical emulsion at the rate of
4Litres per cubic metre of mound.
(a) Using emulsion with Aldrin, Heptachlor or Chlordane sqm. 877.3
(b) Using emulsion with Dieldrin sqm. 877.3

1609 Treating the bottom and sides of excavation at the rate of 5 litres per sqm
of surface area for antitermite treatment.
(a) Using emulsion with Aldrin, Heptac sqm. 1323.2
(b) Using emulsion with Dieldrin sqm. 2455.3

1610 Treating the back fill in contact with foundation at the rate of 15 litres
per sqm of vertical surface. (area of the sub-structure)in contact with
back fill to be measured) for anti-termite treatment.
(a) Using emulsion with Aldrin, Heptachlor or Chlordane sqm. 877.3
(b) Using emulsion with Dieldrin sqm. 877.3

1611 Treating the top surface of filled earth at the rate of 5 litres per sqm of
surface area for antitermite treatment.

RES - NIC MPSU 16 - MISCELLANEOUS - I Page 1 of 2 72

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) Using emulsion with Aldrin, Heptachlor or Chlordane sqm. 2690.3

(b) Using emulsion with Dieldrin sqm. 2690.3

1612 Treating the soil along external perimetre of building at the rate of 1 5 sqm. 792.0
litres per sqm of the perimetre wall for antitermite treatment.
1613 Broken glass coping as specified on top of walls in cement mortar 1:3 sqm. 101.2

1614 Labour only for item no.1613 RM 88.3

1615 Construction of Black Board surface on wall in C.M. 1:3 (Projecting 6 sqm. 261.0
mmm. out of plastered surface of walls including painting with black
board paint and finishing to the true shape and size with 40 mm wide
alround boarder of cement mortar 1:3

RES - NIC MPSU 16 - MISCELLANEOUS - I Page 2 of 2 73

17.1 Survey shall be carried out departmentally. The progress of departmental labour
employed on NMR shall be checked with the rates given in this chapter.
17.2 Length of the survey will be measured along the lines on which particular type of
survey is to be done. For example, for chain and compass survey, it would be the length
along which the chaining and compassing is to be done. For levelling, it would be the total
length of the lines along which levels are to be taken.
17.3 (a) The rates are based on the following average daily progress that can be normally
achieved under average conditions by one survey party
Items Other work Canals/Roads
Chain and compass survey 2 km 3.0 km
Levelling ( above 15 m interval ) 2 km
(b) The labour strength of one survey party for chain and compass survey considered in (a)
above is 12 mazdoors (3 for ranging, 1 for preparing pegs, 1pagman, 2chainman,
1compassman, 2axeman for removing obstacles, 1waterman and 1watchman for watch and
ward of camp ). For levlleing (above 15m interval) the labour strength considered is 8
mazdoor ( 2chain and tapeman, 1staffman, 1instrumentman, 1waterman, 1umbrellaman, and
2axeman for removing obstacles )
(c) In very difficult terrain and special circumstances where the progress may be less,
special sanction for the rate should be obtained from the superintending Engineer and the
provision for the same in estimate.
17.4 The following Indian Standards may be referred to
IS No. Title.
273-1973 Picks and beaters (second revision)
1492-1970 Metric chains (first revision)
1759-1980 Powrahs (first revision)
1779-1961 4- Metre levelling staff, folding type (reaffirmed 1977)
1842-1961 Surveying chain pins (arrows) (reaffirmed 1977)
1955-1961 Prismatic compass, liquid (reaffirmed 1977)
1957-1961 Prismatic compass, non liquid (reaffirmed 1977)
2288-1963 Ranging rods (reaffirmed 1977)
2976-1964 Optical theodolite (reaffirmed 1977)
2988-1965 Vernier theodolite (reaffirmed 1977)
4080-1967 Vertical staff gauges
4590-1967 Engineer's level

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1701 Boring holes with auger in all types of soil upto 5m depth below G.L.
including collection samples.
(a) 200 mm dia RM 501.9
(b) 250mm dia RM 656.4
(c) 300 mm dia RM 772.2

1702 Chain and compass survey.


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) Headworks/Other Works km. 2316.6

(b) Canals/Roads km. 1544.4

1703 Chain and Theodolite survey.

(a) Headworks/Other Works km. 2316.6

(b) Canals/Roads km. 1544.4

1704 Theodolite work involving fixing of stones at every tenth chain, tangent, km. 4633.2
apex and vertex points final alignment.
1705 Fly levelling for fixing temporary bench marks.

(a) Upto 15 m interval km. 2316.6

(b) Above 15 m interval km. 1158.3

1706 Levelling - Headwork.

(a) Below 5 m interval km. 3861.0

(b) 5 to 10 m interval km. 3088.8
(c) More then 10 but seat upto 15 m interval km. 2316.6
(d) Above 15 m interval km. 1235.5

1707 Double levelling for transfer of bench marks.

(a) Upto15 m interval km. 9266.4

(b) Above 15 m interval km. 4633.2

1708 Construction of temporary approach road of 2.5m average width for

survey vehicle, involving cutting of field boundaries, providing ramps at
depressions and touching the uneven surface and jungle clearance.
(a) In non-hilly terrain km. 19305.0
(b) Hilly terrain km. 38610.0

1709 Catchment area survey.

(a) Chain and compass survey along ridge line km. 2316.6
(b) Levelling along ridge line and cross sections km. 4633.2


18.1. The rates are for collection of materials at Quarry.
18.2. The payment for collection will be made for delivery of materials at specified sites.
18.3. The rates include-
(a) All lead and lift involved for collection purpose at quarry.
(b) Screening to remove dust etc. if quarried at the site of collection.
(c) Removal of unsuitable material or weathered stuff.
18.4. The rates do not include -
(a) Royalty charges.
(b) Stacking or boxing.
18.5. For collection of materials on N.M.R. the rates do not include -
(a) opening of quarry and removal of over burden.
(b) making approach road in quarry area.
If the cost of items (a) & (b) above added together to likely to exceed or exceed by
more than 5% of the cost of collection of the specific material, prior written premission of
S.E. will be required.
18.6.Measurements -
(a) Metal and kankar will be stacked in boxes of 1.5 mt. X 1.5mt. X 0.5mt size and will be
measured as 1 cum, Moorum and sand will also be measured with same box size and will
be measured 0.90 cum. Boulders will be stacked in regular stacks measuring 2.5m X 5m X
0.50m to be measured as 5 cum.
(b) The following deduction will be made from stack measurements.
(1) Metal, Kankar, gravel, shingle, stone chips and quarry spalls……………...11 %
(2) Moorum, sand, boulders, masonry stone, pitching stone and rubble……….20 %
(3) Puddle earth……………………………………………….……..……...25 %
(c) For other works if (b) and (c) cannot be followed the materials may be stacked in
stacks with length and breadth in multiple of 1 meter.
18.7. (a) Boulders mean stones of any type which have been weathered and rounded off due
to action of sun, wind and rain and which occur in natural condition, either on the surface
of earth or buried below the surface.
(b) Quarried stones mean stones of suitable sizes which have been broken from much bigger
boulders, stones or rock extracted from quarries. The criteria for this more than 50 % of the
surface of each stone should be broken surface.
18.8. Blasting- Blasting rate is payable for item 0204 & 0205 for collection from quarries of
massive hard rock or compact lime stone, hard sand stones or similar formations for the
extraction of which blasting is actually done.
18.9 MOST 2004 refferd to, in this chapter meanse "Specifications for road and bridge
works (third revision)" publised by Indian Road Congress on behalf of Ministry of Surface
Transport (Road Wing) New Delhi 2004.
18.10 Size of metal should confirm to the grading as per table below :-
Single or Sized Coarse aggregate of nominal size
Nominal Size of Passing Through Retained on square
aggregate in mm mesh size in mm mesh size in mm
100 110 80.0

080 090 60.0
060 075 40.0
040 050 25.0
025 040 20.0
020 025 12.0
012 020 06.0
010 012 06.0
006 010 03.5

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1801 Collection of puddle earth including stacking at quarry cum 238.6

1802 Collection of approved soil having CBR not less than 5, including cum 238.6
stacking at quarry.
1803 Collection of approved soil having CBR not less then 12, including cum 278.4
stacking at quarry.
1804 Collection of hard metal other then black trap basalt and granite for road
works (without blasting) including stacking as per MOST 1995, clause
(a) Grading - 1 (Size ranging from 90 mm to 45 mm) cum 636.3
(b) Grading - 2 (Size ranging from 63 mm to 45 mm) cum 775.5
(c) Grading - 3 (Size ranging from 53 mm to 22.4 mm) cum 874.9

1805 Collection of hard metal other then black trap basalt and granite for
building work (without blasting) .
(a) 40 mm nominal size cum 874.9

1806 Deduct from item 1804 and 1805 above for metal breaking with Govt. cum 278.4
boulders and excavated rock.
1807 Collection of boulders at source (maximum size 0.014cum) without cum 218.7
quarrying i.e. picked up boulders.
1808 Collection of quarried stone or rubble.

(a) Maximum size 0.014 cum cum 318.1

(b) Size 0.014 cum to 0.06 cum 397.7

1809 Collection of stone chips. quarry spalls or rubble (maximum size

0.004cum) Black trap, basalt or granite.
(a) Other then black trap Basalt or granite cum 298.3
(b) Black trap Basalt or granite cum 334.1

1810 Collection of size stone for coursed rubble masonry rectangular in shape
(maximum size 0.014cum to 0.06cum) including 20%headers.
(a) Other then black trap Basalt or granite cum 776.3
(b) Black trap Basalt or granite cum 853.9

1811 Collection of rubble masonry (size 0.014cum to 0.06cum) other then cum 1014.9
black trap, basalt or granite.


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1812 Collection of face stones for dam masonry hammer dressed on face, with
one line chisel dressed 75mm depth from face on bed, top and sides and
hammer dressed below 75mm depth of the stone up to rear face beyond
this depth of 75mm the stones may taper, but minimum length specified
having at least half the area of the face, comprising of hammer dressed
size for coursed rubble masonry rectangular in shape (maximum size
0.014cum to 0.06cum) including 20%headers. Other then black trap,
basalt or granite.
(a) Stretcher- size 55 x 35 x 30 cm Each 237.3
(b) Header- size 60 to 45 x 30 x 30 cm Each 247.2
(c) Bond stone-size 70 to 60 x 30 x 30 cm Each 278.1

1813 Collection of pitching stones size 20 to 25cm and not less then 0.021cum
(without dressing)
(a) Other then black trap Basalt or granite cum 458.2
(b) Black trap Basalt or granite cum 504.0

1814 Collection of pitching stones size 28 to 32cm and not less then 0.024cum
(without dressing)
(a) Other then black trap Basalt or granite cum 378.6
(b) Black trap Basalt or granite cum 416.5

1815 Extra rate for blasting for item 1804 and 1805

(a) Other then black trap Basalt or granite cum 79.8

(b) Black trap, basalt or granite. cum 199.4

1816 Extra rate for black trap basalt, granite. for items 1804, 1805, 1808, 1811 cum 10% of
& 1812 respective item
1817 Stacking and boxing.

(a) Moorum or sand cum 39.8

(b) Metal, single or gravel cum 67.6

1818 Stacking without boxing.

(a) Puddle earth, moorum, sand or kankar cum 27.8

(b) Metal, single, stone chips or quarry spalls cum 35.8
(c) Masonry stones, pitching stones or boulders cum 71.6

1819 Screening-

(a) Metal, shingle or gravel cum 99.4

(b) Sand cum 71.6

1820 Washing sand, metal, shingle or gravel (Payable on prior written cum 198.8
permission of S.E.)
1821 Collection of boulders or rubble from excavated materials. cum 127.3

1822 Collection of through/ bond stones. cum 1466.7

1823 Collection of sand including screening, washing, stacking and all leads cum 298.3
and lifts up to the loading point.


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)


19.1 The rate include loading and unloading but exclude stacking unless specifically
mentioned in the item. The stacking charges will be payable as per items and of chapter
"Collection of Materials " and item 1909 and 1910 of this chapter.
19.2. For fractions of lead, next higher lead shall be payable.
19.3. Rate for transportation beyond 200m apply for all modes of transportation by road ie.
cart, truck or any other means.
19.4. For finished items, payments for materials will be made as per quantities shown in
appendix - I.
19.5. For finished items the payment will be made for delivery of materials at specified sites.
19.6. Measurements :-
(a) The following deductions will be made from stack measurement -
(i) Metal Kankar, gravel, shingle, stone chips and quarry spalls………………...11 %
(ii) Moorum, sand boulders, masonry stones, pitching stones and rubble………..20 %
(iii) Puddle earth………………………………………………………….25 %
(b) Metal moorum and sand for use on road work will be boxed for measurements in boxes
measuring 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 0.50 m.
(c) Boulders for use on road work will be stacked in regular stacks measuring 2.5m x 5m x
0.50m .
(d) For other works if (b) and (c) cannot be followed the materials may be stacked in stacks
with length and breadth in multiples of 1 meter.
19.7. Rates for carting hume pipes are inclusive of transportation of collars also. The
transportation rate for pipe alone is only 92 % of the full rate and 8 % is the rate of
transportation of collars.
19.8 .Deleted
19.9 Rates of this chapter are not applicable for contract work.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1901 Transportation charges of water for every additional 200m or part

thereof, beyond initial lead of 200m up to 2 Km. Lead for -
(a) Consolidation of Moorum /earth work (rate for 1Cum. of Moorum cum 3.9
/earth work)
(b) Puddle work (rate for 1Cum. of earth work) cum 5.4
(c) Construction of masonry or concrete(rate for 1Cum. of masonry or cum 21.2
(d) Metal consolidation of W.B.M. Road(rate for 1Cum. of Metal) cum 8.5

1902 Transportation of metal -

(a) 0.5 Km. Lead cum 132.1

(b) 1.0 Km. Lead cum 143.8
(c) 1.5 Km. Lead cum 155.4
(d) 2.0 Km. Lead cum 166.6
(e) 2.5 Km. Lead cum 178.0
(f) 3.0 Km. Lead cum 189.1
(g) 3.5 Km. Lead cum 200.1
(h) 4.0 Km. Lead cum 210.9


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1902 Transportation of metal -

(i) 4.5 Km. Lead cum 221.5

(j) 5.0 Km. Lead cum 232.0

1903 Add if Lead is more than 5.00Km

(a) For every 0.5 Kms. Lead beyond 5 Kms. and part there of upto 10 cum 8.4
(b) For every 0.5 Kms. Lead beyond 10 Kms. and part there of upto 30 cum 6.3
(c) For every 0.5 Kms. Lead beyond 30 Kms. and part there of upto 50 cum 5.8
(d) For every 0.5 Kms. Lead beyond 50 Kms. and part there of upto cum 5.2
100 Kms.
(e) For every 0.5 Kms. Lead beyond 100 Kms. cum 4.2

1904 Transportation rates for different construction materials.

01. Masonry stone. cum 140% of metal

02. Bricks, kanker, stone chips shingle & excavated materials in cum Same as per
disintegrated rock & soft rock. metal
03. Boulders, Laterite, rubble pitching stones and excavated hard rock. cum 115% of metal
04. Moorum, sand, earth, surkhi, fly ash, cement and mortars. cum 90% of metal
05. Lime (fat), Hydraulic or any other. cum 70% of metal
06. Flag stone 20 to 40 mm thick sqm. 4% of metal
07. Flag stone 40 to 50 mm thick sqm. 6% of metal
08. Stone slabs or stone lintels of thickness above 50 mm. sqm. 140% of metal
09. Col, fuel wood, iron work, steel G.I sheets paints, oils, pipes and MT 90% of metal
machinery etc transportation
10. 120 to 150 mm dia ballies. RM 1.5% of metal
11. 100 to 119 mm dia ballies. RM 0.8% of metal
12. 75 to 99 mm dia ballies. RM 0.3% of metal


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

13. Swan timber. cum 67% of metal

14. Mangalore, Burn & Co. cement sand pattern tiles, including ridges sqm. 4% of metal
hipes mosaic and terrazzo tiles. transportation
15. Single Allahabad or country wheel including ridges and hips sqm. 6% of metal
16. Double Allahabad or Double wheel including ridges and hips. sqm. 12% of metal
17. Tar, Maxphalt, Asphalt and Bitumen. etc. MT 104.5% of
18. A.C. big six or trafford sheets sqm. 1.2% of metal
19. A.C. ridges and hips for item 1818 RM 0.8% of metal
20. Bamboos 100 No. RM 4% of metal
21. Hume pipes (NP-2) 80 mm to 150 mm dia. RM 3% of metal
22. Hume pipes (NP-2) 250 mm to 300 mm dia. RM 7% of metal
23. Hume pipes (NP-2) 350 mm to 450 mm dia. RM 14% of metal
24. Hume pipes (NP-2) 500 mm to 600 mm dia. RM 19% of metal
25. Hume pipes (NP-2) 700 mm to 750 mm dia. RM 33% of metal
26. Hume pipes (NP-2) 800 mm to 900 mm dia. RM 46% of metal
27. Hume pipes (NP-2) 1000 mm to 1200 mm dia. RM 93% of metal
28. Hume pipes (NP-2) Above 1200 mm dia. RM 140% of metal
29. Hume pipes (NP-3) 350 mm to 450 mm dia. RM 20% of metal
30. Hume pipes (NP-3) 500 mm to 600 mm dia. RM 30% of metal


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

1904 Transportation rates for different construction materials.

31. Hume pipes (NP-3) 700 mm to 750 mm dia. RM 50% of metal

32. Hume pipes (NP-3) 800 mm to 900 mm dia. RM 70% of metal
33. Hume pipes (NP-3) 1000 mm to 1200 mm dia. RM 140% of metal
1905 Loading & stacking of cement from the

(a) Railway godown in to truck, dumper MT 151.1

(b) Deptt. godown or site to truck, dumper etc. MT 134.3

1906 Unloading & stacking of cement from the

(a) Railway wagon & stacking on Railway platform MT 151.1

(b) Truck, trolly or dumper etc. & stacking in store MT 117.5

1907 Loading of steel from the

(a) Railway godown or store yard in to truck, dumper MT 158.0

(b) Deptt. godown or site to truck, dumper etc. MT 114.1

1908 Unloading of steel from the

(a) Railway wagon & stacking on Railway platform MT 149.2

(b) Truck, trolly or dumper etc. & stacking in store MT 131.6

1909 Stacking of cement bags Bag 3.2

1910 Stacking of steel bars in store MT 61.4

1911 Loading of metal in truck, dumper etc. cum 77.2

1912 Unloading of metal in truck, dumper etc. cum 38.6

1913 Loading of materials other then metal, cement and steel in truck, Rate of item
dumper, trolly etc. 1911 multiplied
by % given in
item 1904
1914 Unloading of materials other then metal, cement and steel in truck, Rate of item
dumper, trolly etc. 1912 multiplied
by % given in
item 1904
1915 Extra rate for loading in truck, dumper etc for NP2 pipes (dia above 50% of the
400mm)NP3 pipes and heavy pieces of other materials (each piece of amount arrived
more then 300kg) in item 1913
1916 Extra rate for unloading from truck, dumper, etc. for NP2 pipes (dia 50% of the
above 400mm)NP3 pipes and heavy pieces of other materilas(each piece amount arrived
of more then 300kg) in item 1914


20.1 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
20.2 MOST 2004 refferd to, in this chapter meanse "Specifications for road and bridge
works (fifth revision)" publised by Indian Road Congress on behalf of Ministry of Surface
Transport (Road Wing) New Delhi 2004.
20.3 Open season means the period between 1st November to 15th June.
20.4 Gradation of aggregates for premix carpet
i. Coarse aggreates - 13.2 mm size; passing 22.4 mm sieve and retained on 11.2 mm sieve.
ii. Coarse aggregates - 11.2 mm size; passing 13.2 mm sieve and retained on 5.6 mm sieve.
20.5 Gradation of aggregates for liquid/ Premix seal-coat
coarse aggregates of 6.7 mm size; passing 9.5 mm sieve and retained on 2.36 mm sieve.
20.6 The following Indian Road Congress publications may be referred to -
IRC NO Title
14-1977 Recommended practice for 2cm thick bitumen and tar carpets (third revision).
17-1977 Standard specifications and code of practice for water bound macadam (second
IS No. Title
73-1961 Specifications for Paving bitumen (Revised) (with amendment No.1)
215-1961 Specifications for Road tar (Revised)
217-1961 Specifications for cut back bitumen (Revised)
454-1961 Specifications for cut back bitumen-Digboi type (Revised)
3117-1965 Specifications for bitumen, emulsion for Roads (anionic type)
20.7 :- ISI marked reinforced cement concrete hume pipes must be used in construction of
roads. In cases were ISI marked hume pipes are not available, Project Manager/ Executive
Engineer may allow use of hume pipes conforming to IS specifications duly tested by DGS
& D. The testing certificate of DGS & D will be kept on record before making payment of
item of such hume pipes. In such case the rates of relevant item shall be paid 5% less than
the rates prescribed in chapter 20.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2001 Preparation of sub grade by excavating earth work to the 15cm average
depth, dressing to camber including making good the undulations etc.
and disposal of surplus earth with lead upto 50metres and upto 1.5metre.
(a) Loose or soft soil sqm. 21.2
(b) Dence or hard soil sqm. 27.1

2002 Deleted …. ....

2003 Deleted ---- ----

2004 Labour only for boulder soling hand packed excluding consolidation. cum 280.8

2005 Labour only for spreading, hand packing, and levelling to gradient and cum 192.8
required camber as per MOST 2004 clause 404.3.3 of metal, grade-1 As
per MOST 2004 clause 400.2.5 including dressing.
2006 Labour only for spreading, hand packing, and levelling to gradient and cum 147.3
required camber as per MOST 2004 clause 404.3.3 of metal grading-2 &
3 as per MOST 2004 clause 400.2.5 including dressing.

RES - NIC MPSU 20 - ROAD WORK Page 1 of 7 84

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2007 Labour only for moorum, screening or binding material as per MOST cum 62.4
2004 clause 400.2.6 spreading on boulder or WBM coat as per MOST
2004 clause 404.2.7
2008 Rolling & Compaction of granular sub-base of well graded material, cum 81.1
spreading in uniform layers with tractor mounted grader on prepared
surface, mixing by mix in place, sprinkling of water till OMC, and
compacting with smooth wheel rollers of 80 to 100 kN static weight to
achieve the desired density, complete as per Technical Specification
Clause 401 of Specification for Rural Roads.i/c all leads of water etc.
2009 Deleted ---- ----

2010 Rolling and consolidating water bound mecadam coat with any size of
metal of any thickness upto 100mm thickness(including rolling
screening or binding materials) including watering & filling in
depressions which occur during the process with power roller exceeding
8 tonne as per MOST 2004 clause 404.3.4 to 404.3.8
(a) Including hire and running expenses of roller sqm. 9.2
(b) Excluding hire and running expenses of roller sqm. 1.7

2011 Picking old surface for consolidation. sqm. 12.0

2012 Metal patch repair of WBM surface including picking of old surface and cum 1733.0
spreading metal and screening material, consolidation or compaction by
hand ramming etc. complete
2013 Providing laying and compacting of 40mm thick metal renual coat in wet cum 1213.7
season including picking old road surface, spreading of clean and
crushed aggregate grading - 3, screenings and korebandi and rolling with
power roller exceeding 8 tonne as per MOST 2004 clause 404.
2014 Providing laying and compacting of W.B.M. sub base/ base course
including preparation and compaction of sub base and spreading of clean
and crushed aggregate to proper grade and camber including application
of screenings for interlocking, sprinkling of water and rolling with power
roller as per clause 404 (excluding inverted choke and scarifying of
existing bitumenous surfaces) for-
(a) Grading No. 1 Material, (90 to 45mm size) with moorum as cum 1376.5
(b) Grading No. 2 Material, (63 to 45mm size) with moorum as cum 1335.9
(c) Grading No. 3 Material, (53 to 22.4mm size) with moorum as cum 1479.4
2015 Preparing surface by brushing with wire brushes for remaining caked
mud etc. sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the cleaned surface
with gunny bags to remove all loose dirt etc.
(a) Water Bound Mecadam surface sqm. 39.0
(b) Black top surfaces sqm. 23.4

2016 Heating binder upto required temperature including fuel for heating MT 4785.2

2017 Heating binder upto required temperature excluding fuel for heating MT 3274.7

2018 Labour only for applying evenly a priming/ tack coat with the bituminous sqm. 9.4
primer(bitumen 80/100) @ 10kg./10 sqm on WBM surface.

RES - NIC MPSU 20 - ROAD WORK Page 2 of 7 85

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2019 Labour only for screening and spreading aggregates for black top roads cum 484.7

2020 Rolling & compacting of B.T. surface for Surface dressing coat or pre
mix carpet or seal coat with power roller exceeding 8 tonne.
(a) Including hire and running expenses of roller sqm. 5.7
(b) Excluding hire and running expenses of roller sqm. 1.5

2021 Providing and applying evenly a priming coat with the bituminous sqm. 47.4
emulsion @ 9kg./10 sqm
2022 Providing tack coat as per MOST clause 503 over existing primed
surface with bituminous emulsion.
(a) Normal B.T. surface @ 2.50 kg./10 Sqm. area. sqm. 15.6
(b) Granular surface (Primed)/ Cement concrete surface @ 3.00 kg./10 sqm. 20.1
Sqm. area.
(c) Granular surface (Not Primed) @ 10 kg./10 Sqm. area. sqm. 52.8

2023 Providing single coat surface dressing with paving bitumen using 18kg. sqm. 126.5
of bitumen VG - 30 per 10 sqm with 0.15cum of stone chipping 13.2mm
nominal size per 10 sqm of road surface for second coat and rolling
complete with power roller exceeding 8 tonne.
2024 Surface dressing two coats with paving bitumen using 18kg. of bitumen sqm. 202.6
VG - 30 per 10sqm with 0.15cum of stone chipping 13.2mm nominal
size per 10sqm for 1st coat and 11kg. of bitumen VG - 10 (80/100
penetration) per 10sqm with 0.10cum of stone chipping 11.2mm nominal
size per 10sqm of road surface for second coat and rolling complete with
power roller exceeding 8 tonne.
2025 2cm consolidated thick single coat premix carpet surfacing with 0.27cum sqm. 125.3
of stone chippings (13.2mm Size 0.18cum and 11.2mm size 0.09cum)
mixed with 14.6kg. of binder [bitumen VG - 30 per 10sqm of road
surface and rolling complete with power roller exceeding 8 tonne.
2026 2.5cm consolidated thick single coat premix carpet surfacing with sqm. 153.2
0.30cum of stone chippings 11.2mm Size 0.18cum mixed with 19.2kg
bitumen VG - 30 per 10sqm of road surface and rolling complete with
power roller exceeding 8 tonne.
2027 Liquid seal coat(I.R.C. type A) with 0.09cum of stone chippings 6.7mm sqm. 77.1
size and down graded 9.8kg. of bitumen VG - 30 per 10 sqm of road
2028 Pre-mixed seal coat (type B) with 0.06cum of stone chippings, passing sqm. 57.4
2.36mm size and retained on 180 micron IS sieve and 6.8kg. of bitumen
VG - 30 per 10 sqm of road surface.
2029 Providing and filling in foundation trenches and at the back of
abutments, wing walls etc. and below pipe bed in layers not exceeding
15cm thick including watering and compacting including all lead and
(a) Good local sand free from earth. cum 1808.5
(b) Selected granular material in filling. cum 1788.7

2030 Precast Cement Concrete M15 kerb including fixing at site. RM 242.6

2031 Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in sqm. 69.7
all shades on new plastered concrete surface.
2032 Deleted ----- -----

RES - NIC MPSU 20 - ROAD WORK Page 3 of 7 86

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2033 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.2 for culverts
including pointing ends, and fixing collar with cement martar 1:2
(a) 300 mm dia RM 685.8
(b) 450mm dia RM 1136.5
(c) 600mm dia RM 1340.7
(d) delete ------ -----

2034 Laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.2 for culverts including
pointing ends, and fixing collar with cement martar 1:2 complete.
(a) 300mm dia RM 63.7
(b) 450mm dia RM 95.1
(c) 600mm dia RM 126.6
(d) delete ---- ----

2035 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.3 for culverts
including pointing ends, and fixing collar with cement martar 1:2
(a) 900 mm dia. RM 4266.8
(b) 1000 mm dia. RM 5185.9
(c) 1200 mm dia. RM 6027.6
(d) 600 mm dia. RM 2607.0

2036 Laying reinforced cement concrete pipes N.P.3 for culverts including
pointing ends, and fixing collar with cement martar 1:2 complete.
(a) 900 mm dia. RM 356.6
(b) 1000 mm dia. RM 380.9
(c) 1200 mm dia. RM 421.1
(d) 600 mm dia. RM 290.8

2037 Deleted ---- -----

2038 Cement Concrete Pavement

Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed at expansion and
contraction joint only, plain cement concrete pavement, thickness as per
design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement or any other type
as per clause 1501-2-2 M30 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates
conforming to IS:383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding
25 mm, dowel bars 25 mm dia and 500 mm long @ 25 cm c/c or as per
design, mixed in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and
appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved
fixed side formwork (steel channel), laying and fixing of 125 micron
thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including levelling the
formwork as per drawing), spreading the concrete with shovels, rakes,
compacted using needle, screed, and plate vibrators and finished in
continuous operation including provision of contraction and expansion,
construction joints, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant, dowel
bars, near approaches to bridge/culvert and construction joints,
admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 14-days,using
curing compound (where specified) and water finishing to lines and
grade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1501.

RES - NIC MPSU 20 - ROAD WORK Page 4 of 7 87

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) M 30 Cement Concrete for rigid pavement cum 4974.8

(b) Providing and fixing of 500mm long 25 mm dia bars in expansion cum 93.6
joints complete.
(c) Providing and laying of polythelen sheet of 125micron thick cum 4.3
(d) Providing laying making filling and sealing of expansion and cum 16.6
contraction joints complete.
2039 Construction of granular sub-base (GSB) by naturally occurred material
or river born material or by crushed metal or mixture of two or more, to
bring the material in appropriate grading mentioned in table 400.1, (I, II
or III) of specifications for rural roads(MORD), having minimum
soacked CBR value of 20, Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index should not
be more then 25 and 6 respectively, mixing by mix in place method by
rotavator, spreading in 4% camber and required gradient with tractor
mounted grader or labourers on prepared surface, watering at OMC and
compacting with 80 to 100 kN static weight rollers to achieve desired
density minimum 100% of the MDD as per IS:2720 (Part-7). Complete
work as per specifications for rural roads (MORD) clause 401, i/c all
leads and lifts of materials etc. complete.
(a) For minimun soacked CBR Value of 20 cum 1156.7
(b) For minimum soacked CBR value of 30 cum 1184.3

2040 Loosening, Levelling and Compacting original ground, supporting cum 14.2
embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment,
scarified to a depth of 150 mm, spreading in 4% camber and required
gradient with tractor mounted grader or labourers, watering at OMC and
compacted by 80 to 100 kN static weight rollers to achieve desired
density minimum 97% as given in tables 300.1 and 300.2 for
embankment construction as per specifications for rural roads (MORD)
clause 301.4.1 (This work shall be executed with prior written
permission of SE)
2041 Compaction of embankment with approved materials as per clause 301.4 cum 22.7
& 301.5 of specifications for rural roads(MORD), already spreaded at
site, obtained from roadway cutting, excavated from drains, foundation of
other structures or from borrow pit, making 4% camber and required
Grade by tractor mounted grader or labourers, watering at OMC and
compacted by 80 to 100 kN static weight rollers to achieve desired
density minimum 97% as per table 300.1 and 300.2 of (MORD) - i/c
required leads and lifts of materials etc. complete.
2042 Compaction of soil for construction of subgrade & earthen shoulders with cum 25.6
approved material, already spreaded at site, obtained from roadway
cutting, drains, foundation of other structures or barrow pits, i/c making
4% camber and required grade by tractor mounted grader or labourers,
watering at OMC and compacted by 80 to 100 kN static weight rollers to
achieve desired density minimum 100% of the MDD as per IS:2720
(Part-7). Complet compaction work as per specifications for rural roads
(MORD) clause 303, i/c required leads and lifts of materials etc.

RES - NIC MPSU 20 - ROAD WORK Page 5 of 7 88

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2043 Compaction of soil for construction of subgrade & earthen shoulders with cum 34.1
approved transported material collected and stacked at site, i/c spreading,
making 4% camber and required gradient by tractor mounted grader or
labourers, watering at OMC and compacted by 80 to 100 kN static
weight rollers to achieve desired density minimum 100% of the MDD as
per IS:2720 (Part-7). Complete compaction work as per specifications for
rural roads (MORD) clause 303, i/c required leads and lifts of materials
etc. complete.
2044 Construction of hard shoulder as per clause 407 of specifications for rural cum 826.9
roads (MORD), with soil having CBR value not less than 12, inclusive of
all leads and lifts, providing 4-5% camber by tractor mounted grader or
labourers, watering at OMC and compacted by 80 to 100 kN static
weight rollers to achieve desired density minimum 100% of the MDD as
per IS:2720 (Part-7), i/c all leads and lifts of materials etc. complete.
2045 Compaction of hard shoulder collected at site, i/c making 4-5% camber cum 52.0
by tractor mounted grader or labourers, watering at OMC and
compacting with 80 to 100 kN static weight rollers to achieve desired
density minimum 100% of the MDD as per IS:2720 (Part-7), as per
clause 407 of specifications for rural roads(MORD), i/c required leads
and lifts of materials etc. complete.
2046 Deleted …. ....

2047 Deleted …. ....

2048 Construction of Gravel Base Course as per clause 402 of "Ministry of

Rural Development, Specifications for Rural Roads-August, 2004" by an
appropriate combination of natural gravel, river borne material and
crushed metal in required proportions confirming to Grading
requirements specified in clause or clause (Table 2.3,
Material having Nominal Maximum Size 80 mm or 40 mm or 20 mm) of
IRC:SP:77-2008, having Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index less than 25
and 10 respectively, including all leads and lifts of material etc.
complete. The mixing shall be by Mix-in-Place method over prepared
surface, spreading in uniform layers with tractor mounted grader or
manually, watering at OMC and compaction by smooth
wheeled/vibratory roller of 80 to 100 kN static weight to achieve 100% of
MDD as per IS:2720 (Part-7).
(a) Above item having material strength not less than 80% CBR cum 1236.5
(b) Above item having material strength not less than 30%CBR cum 1208.9

2049 "Construction of Gravel Surface Course as per clause 402 of "Ministry of cum 943.0
Rural Development, Specifications for Rural Roads-August, 2004" by an
appropriate combination of natural gravel, river borne material and
crushed metal in required proportions confirming to Grading
requirements specified in clause or clause (Table 2.3,
Material having Nominal Maximum Size 20 mm or 10 mm) of
IRC:SP:77-2008, having Liquid Limit less than 40 and Plasticity Index
6-15 and strength of material not less than 20% CBR, including all leads
and lifts of material etc. complete. The mixing shall be by Mix-in-Place
method over prepared surface, spreading in uniform layers with tractor
mounted grader or manually, watering at OMC and compaction by
smooth wheeled/vibratory roller of 80 to 100 kN static weight to achieve
100% of MDD as per IS:2720 (Part-7)".

RES - NIC MPSU 20 - ROAD WORK Page 6 of 7 89

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2050 Excavation, Carting i/c Removal of Soil with Disposal upto 1000 m cum 43.8

Excavation of embankment, sub-grade and drain consisting of

excavation, removal and satisfactory disposal of all excavated materials
including hauling to sides of embankment and subgrade construction as
also the disposal of materials in specified manner and the trimming and
finishing of the road to the specified dimensions i/c all lifts, lead upto
1000 meters including dewatering, shaping and excavation in marsh and
complete disposal of all muck as per clause 302. for all types of soil i/c
moorum gravel etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge
2051 Construction of Embankment, subgrade & earthen shoulders with cum 174.7
Material Obtained from Borrow Pits. Construction of
embankment, subgrade & earthen shoulders with approved material
(Select soil having CBR 7) obtained from borrow pits i/c all leads and
lift and removal of top soil if any, including cost of land as a source of
material, transporting to site, spreading, graded by motor grader to
required slope and compacting using vibratory rollers of 80 to 100 kN
static weight to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 including all
leads, etc. as per Technical Specification Clauses 301.4, 301.5, and 303.
Note : If Select Soil (CBR 7) is available within a lead of 250 meters ,
rate of Item 2052 will be payable.
2052 Construction of embankment, subgrade & earthen shoulders with cum 197.8
approved material obtained from borrow pits i/c all leads and lift and
removal of top soil if any, including cost of land as a source of material,
transporting to site, spreading, graded by motor grader to required slope
and compacting using vibratory rollers of 80 to 100 kN static weight to
meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 including all leads, as per
Technical Specification Clauses 301.4, 301.5, and 303.
2053 Deduct from item 2051 or 2052 if static roller is used in place of cum 6.1
vibratory rollers.
2054 Deduct from item 2051 or 2052 if motor grader is not used. cum 6.9

2055 Deduct from item 2051 or 2052 if Tractor Mount Grader, more than 65 cum 4.2
HP (6 wheel - 4 wheel drive) is used in place of motor grader.
2056 Rectangular concrete block pavement sqm. 985.9
Manufacturing and laying of 150 mm thick cement concrete blocks of
cement concrete (C.C.) M30 grade and spreading 25 mm thick sand
under neath and filling joints with sand on existing base as per Technical
specification clause 1503.
a 30 cm wide and 10 cm thick RM 6.3
b 30 cm wide and 8 cm thick RM 5.0

2057 Interlocking concrete block pavement

(a) Providing and laying of interlocking concrete block pavements sqm. 493.0
having thickness 80 mm as per drawing and Technical
specification Clause 1504
(b) Providing and laying of interlocking concrete block pavements sqm. 430.9
having thickness 60 mm as per drawing and Technical
specification Clause 1504

RES - NIC MPSU 20 - ROAD WORK Page 7 of 7 90

21.1 All leads and lifts of all matrerials unless otherwise specified.
21.2 The materials used shall conform to the relevant I.S.S.
21.3 The rates for pipeline, include laying of pipeline below ground or fixed to the walls,
steel tubings with steel socket joints, together with all tube fittings (such as bends, elbows,
tees, reducers, plugs, unions, sleeve pieces, etc.) and fixing complete with
holder-bat-clamps or wall-hooks (when pipe is fixed in chases), wooden plugs, making
holes in the walls for crossing the pipe and repairing the same with cement mortar 1:3 to the
original condition, excavation of trenches of required depth and width in all type of soils,
refilling the trenches, with surface properly dressed and rammed.
21.4 The rates for laying and fixing include all labour and materials, tools and plants other
than tubes and fittings.
Measurements :
(i) All work shall be measured net as fixed to the nearest 0.01 m unless otherwise stated.
(ii) The pipe line shall be measured net as fixed, including the length of all fittings
(measured along the centre line) and no allowance shall be made for wastage etc.
21.5 The following Indian Standards may be referred to :
I.S. No. Title
554-1975 Dimensions for pipe threads where pressure joints are required on the
threads (second revision) (with amendment No.1)
778-1980 Copper alloy gate, globe and check valves for water supply purposes
(third revision)
781-1977 Cast copper alloy screw-down bid taps and stop valves for water services
(second revision) (with amendment no.1)
782-1978 Caulking lead (third revision)
1068-196 Electroplated coating of nickle and chromium on iron and steel (first
revision) (with amendment No.1&2)
1172-197 Code of basis requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation
(second revision)
1239 Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings.
1239-(Pt.I.)1979 Part I-Mild steel tubes (fourth revision) (with amendment No.1)
1239 (Pt.ii.)1969 Part II-Mild steel tubulars and other wrought steel pipe fittings (second
1711-1970 Self-closing taps (first revision) (with amendment 1 & 2) (reaffirmed
1795-1974 Pillar taps for water supply purposes (first revision) (with amendment 1 to
2065-1972 Code of practice for water supply in buildings (first revision)
2629-1966 Recommended practice for hot dip galvanising of iron and steel.
2692-1978 Ferrules for water services (first revision)
4346-1978 Washers for water taps for cold water services (reaffirmed 1979)
4736-1968 Hot-dip zinc coating on steel tubes.
9763-1981 Plastic bib taps and stop valves (rising spindle for cold water services)

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2101 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and floor galvanised mild steel tubes
(medium grade) of the following nominal bore, tube fittings and clamps
including walling making good the wall, ceiling and floor


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

(a) 15 mm dia. RM 163.8

(b) 20 mm Diameter. RM 187.0
(c) 25 mm dia. RM 235.8
(d) 32 mm dia. RM 294.1
(e) 40 mm dia. RM 335.4
(f) 50 mm dia. RM 434.7

2102 Labour only for item no.2101

(a) 15 mm dia. RM 58.7

(b) 20 mm dia. RM 62.5
(c) 25 mm dia. RM 66.4
(d) 32 mm dia. RM 79.3
(e) 40 mm dia. RM 100.4
(f) 50 mm dia. RM 121.9

2103 Fixing G.I pipe line, with all materials except pipe, fitting and clamps
but including making good the walls and floors etc. complete (for item
(a) 15 mm dia. RM 61.6
(b) 20 mm dia. RM 65.7
(c) 25 mm dia. RM 69.7
(d) 32 mm dia. RM 83.3
(e) 40 mm dia. RM 105.4
(f) 50 mm dia. RM 128.0

2104 Providing and laying in trenches galvanised mild steel tubes (medium
grade) of the following nominal bore, tube fittings (earth work in
trenches to be measured and paid for separately)
(a) 15 mm dia. RM 101.8
(b) 20 mm dia. RM 118.8
(c) 25 mm dia. RM 164.5
(d) 32 mm dia. RM 204.1
(e) 40 mm dia. RM 226.7
(f) 50 mm dia. RM 294.7
(g) 65 mm dia. RM 415.6
(h) 80 mm dia. RM 506.3
(i) 100 mm dia. RM 636.6

2105 Labour only for item no.2104

(a) 15 mm to 20 mm dia. RM 10.1

(b) 25 mm to 32 mm dia. RM 15.6
(c) 40 mm to 50 mm dia. RM 20.6


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2105 Labour only for item no.2104

(d) 65 mm to 100 mm dia. RM 37.9

2106 Laying G.I pipe line, with all materials except pipe, fitting and clamps
but including excavation of trenches and refilling etc. complete (for item
(a) 15 mm to 20 mm dia. RM 11.1
(b) 25 mm to 32 mm dia. RM 17.1
(c) 40 mm to 50 mm dia. RM 22.7
(d) 65 mm to 100 mm dia. RM 41.7

2107 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor 6.00kgf/sqcm working
pressure polyethylene pipes of the following outside diameter low density
complete with special flange compression type fitting wall clips etc.
including making good the wall ceiling and floor.
(a) 20 mm dia. RM 66.7
(b) 25 mm dia. RM 69.3
(c) 32 mm dia. RM 77.0
(d) 40 mm dia. RM 93.3
(e) 50 mm dia. RM 104.8

2108 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor 6.00kgf/sqcm working
pressure polyethylene pipes of the following outside diameter high
density complete with special flange compression type fitting wall clips
etc. including making good the wall ceiling and floor.
(a) 32 mm dia. RM 88.5
(b) 40 mm dia. RM 103.5
(c) 50 mm dia. RM 116.3

2109 Labour only for item no. 2107 & 2108

(a) 20 mm to 32 mm dia. RM 46.2

(b) 40 mm to 50 mm dia. RM 49.6

2110 Providing and laying in trenches 6.0kgf/sqcm working pressure

polyethylene pipes of the following outside diameter low density
complete with special flange compression type fitting (earth work in
trenches is to be measured and paid for separately)
(a) 20 mm dia. RM 26.3
(b) 25 mm dia. RM 28.6
(c) 32 mm dia. RM 35.6
(d) 40 mm dia. RM 49.8
(e) 50 mm dia. RM 60.3

2111 Providing and laying in trenches 6.0kgf/sqcm working pressure

polyethylene pipes of the following outside diameter high density
complete with special flange compression type fitting (earth work in
trenches is to be measured and paid for separately)
(a) 32 mm dia. RM 46.1


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2111 Providing and laying in trenches 6.0kgf/sqcm working pressure

polyethylene pipes of the following outside diameter high density
complete with special flange compression type fitting (earth work in
trenches is to be measured and paid for separately)
(b) 40 mm dia. RM 59.1
(c) 50 mm dia. RM 70.8

2112 Labour only for item no.2110 & 2111

(a) 20 mm to 32 mm dia. RM 7.6

(b) 40 mm to 50 mm dia. RM 10.1

2113 Making connection of galvanised mild steel distribution branch with

galvanised mild steel main by providing and fixing tee including cutting
the pipes complete.
(a) 25 mm to 40 mm nominal bore. Each 352.1
(b) 50 mm to 80 mm nominal bore. Each 468.2

2114 Labour only for item no.2113

(a) 25 mm to 40 mm nominal bore. Each 288.9

(b) 50 mm to 80 mm nominal bore. Each 394.0

2115 Fixing water meter and stop cock in galvanised mild steel tube of the Each 297.6
following nominal bore including necessary fittings such as mild steel
galvanised jamnut, socket etc cutting and threading the tube and making
long screws complete (water meter, jam nut and stop cock to be
measured and paid for separately)
2116 Providing and fixing 600mm X 450mm bevelled edge mirror of superior nos. 802.1
glass mounted on 6mm thick A.C. sheet or plywood sheet and fixed to
wooden plugs with C.P. brass screws and washers.
2117 Labour only for item no.2116 nos. 269.5

2118 Providing and fixing 600mm X 120mm glass shelf with C.P. brass nos. 538.3
brackets and guard rail complete, fixed to wooden plugs with C.P. brass
2119 Labour only for item no.2118 nos. 204.1

2120 Providing and fixing C.P. brass towel rail complete with C.P. brass
brackets fixed to wooden plugs with C.P. brass screws.
(a) 750 x 20mm. size. Each 589.0
(b) 600 x 20mm. size. Each 514.6

2121 Labour only for item no.2120 nos. 138.8

2122 Providing and fixing liquid soap Glass container with C.P. brass lid and nos. 364.0
brackets fixed to wooden plugs with C.P. brass screws.
2123 Labour only for item no.2122 nos. 98.0

2124 Providing and fixing Chromium Plated brass dish with C.P. brass nos. 364.0
brackets fixed to wooden plugs with C.P. brass screws.
2125 Labour only for item no.2124 nos. 98.0


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2126 Providing and fixing ferule of the following nominal bore including
(a) 15mm nominal bore. Each 134.6
(b) 20mm nominal bore. Each 178.5
(c) 25mm nominal bore. Each 206.0

2127 Labour only for item no.2126

(a) 15mm nominal bore. Each40% of item no.

(b) 20mm nominal bore. Each30% of item no.
(c) 25mm nominal bore. Each20% of item no.
2126(c )
2128 Providing and Fixing Brass Screw Down Bib Taps polished bright of the
following nominal bore.
(a) 15mm dia. Each 173.5
(b) 20mm dia. Each 227.3
(c) 25mm dia. Each 267.3

2129 Providing and Fixing capstan head with porcelain disc marked hot or
cold, bib taps of the following nominal bore.
(a) 15mm dia. Each 208.6
(b) 20mm dia. Each 244.0
(c) 25mm dia. Each 289.5

2130 Providing and Fixing 15mm dia Chromium plated Bib Taps of the Each 289.9
following nominal bore.
2131 Providing and fixing 15mm dia pillar taps, capstan head screw down, Each 412.4
high pressure lettered 'Hot' or 'Cold' with long screws, shanks and bank
nuts of the following nominal bore.
2132 Labour only for item no.2128, 2129, 2130 & 2131

(a) 15mm dia. Each 6% of item no.

2128(a) 2129(a)
2130(a) 2131(a)
(b) 20mm dia. Each 4% of item no.
(c) 25mm dia. Each 2% of item no.
2128(c) 2129(c)
2130(c) 2131(c)
2133 Providing and Fixing Brass Screw Down stop Tap of the following
nominal bore.
(a) 15 mm nominal size Each 196.5
(b) 20 mm nominal size Each 238.0
(c) 25 mm nominal size Each 356.0
(d) 32 mm nominal size Each 495.8


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2133 Providing and Fixing Brass Screw Down stop Tap of the following
nominal bore.
(e) 40 mm nominal size Each 827.5
(f) 50 mm nominal size Each 1102.6

2134 Labour only for item no.2133

(a) 15mm dia. Each 6% of item no.

(b) 20mm dia. Each 4% of item no.
(c) 25mm dia. Each 2% of item no.
(d) 32mm to 50mm dia. Each 1% of item no.
2134(d) to (f)
2135 Providing and Fixing Brass full-way valve of the following nominal bore
with wheel..
(a) 15mm nominal bore Each 289.9
(b) 20mm nominal bore Each 389.3
(c) 25mm nominal bore Each 541.5
(d) 32mm nominal bore Each 921.7
(e) 40mm nominal bore Each 922.0
(f) 50mm nominal bore Each 1101.9
(g) 65mm nominal bore Each 1670.3
(h) 80mm nominal bore Each 2337.9

2136 Labour only for item no.2135

(a) 15mm nominal bore. Each 6% of item no.

(b) 20mm nominal bore. Each 5% of item no.
(c) 25mm nominal bore. Each 4% of item no.
(d) 32mm to 40mm nominal bore. Each 3% of item no.
(e) 50mm to 80mm nominal bore. Each 2% of item no.
2137 Providing and fixing gun metal check or non-return valve, class-I, of the
following nominal bore.
(a) 25 mm nominal bore Each 487.7
(b) 32mm nominal bore Each 613.4
(c) 40mm nominal bore Each 767.8
(d) 50mm nominal bore Each 933.5
(e) 65 mm nominal bore Each 1113.5
(f) 80 mm nominal bore Each 1544.1

2138 Labour only for item no.2137

(a) 25mm nominal bore. Each 9% of item no.



Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2138 Labour only for item no.2137

(b) 32mm nominal bore. Each 7% of item no.

(c) 40mm nominal bore. Each 5% of item no.
(d) 50mm nominal bore. Each 3% of item no.
(e) 65mm nominal bore. Each 2% of item no.
(f) 80mm nominal bore. Each 1% of item no.
2139 Providing and fixing C.P. brass shower rose with 15mm or 20mm inlet.

(a) 100 mm dia. Each 115.3

(b) 150 mm dia. Each 171.2

2140 Labour only for item no.2139

(a) 100 mm dia. Each. 12 % of item

no. 2139(a)
(b) 150 mm dia. Each. 10 % of item
no. 2139(b)
2141 Providing and fixing in position best Indian make G.I. Elbows in G.I.
Pipe including cutting and threading the pipe and making long screws
etc. complete (New work)
(a) 15 mm dia. Each 31.2
(b) 20 mm dia. Each 34.6
(c) 25 mm dia. Each 39.2
(d) 32 mm dia. Each 59.7
(e) 40 mm dia. Each 74.5
(f) 50 mm dia. Each 91.7

2142 Labour only for item 2141

(a) Up to 25 mm dia. Each 14.0

(b) Up to 50 mm dia. Each 23.0

2143 Providing and fixing in position best Indian make G.I. Tees (equal) in
G.I. Pipe including cutting and threading the pipe and making long
screws etc. complete (New work)
(a) 15 mm dia. Each 40.3
(b) 20 mm dia. Each 48.3
(c) 25 mm dia. Each 57.4
(d) 32 mm dia. Each 92.8
(e) 40 mm dia. Each 103.1
(f) 50 mm dia. Each 135.1

2144 Labour only for item 2143

(a) Up to 25 mm dia. Each 18.5


Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2144 Labour only for item 2143

(b) Up to 50 mm dia. Each 27.5

2145 Providing and fixing in position best Indian make G.I. Bend in G.I. Pipe
including cutting and threading the pipe and making long screws etc.
complete (New work)
(a) 15 mm dia Each 34.3
(b) 20 mm dia. Each 44.6
(c) 25 mm dia. Each 56.1
(d) 32 mm dia. Each 82.3
(e) 40 mm dia. Each 110.9
(f) 50 mm dia. Each 122.3

2146 Labour only for item 2145

(a) Up to 25 mm dia. Each 16.0

(b) Up to 50 mm dia. Each 25.0

2147 Providing and fixing in position best Indian make G.I. Union in G.I.
Pipe including cutting and threading the pipe and making long screws
etc. complete (New work)
(a) 15 mm dia. Each 67.6
(b) 20 mm dia. Each 81.3
(c) 25 mm dia. Each 97.3
(d) 32 mm dia. Each 122.4
(e) 40 mm dia. Each 144.1
(f) 50 mm dia. Each 187.6

2148 Labour only for item no.2147

(a) Up to 25 mm dia. Each 27.5

(b) Up to 50 mm dia. Each 36.6

2149 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water ltr. 7.1
storage tank ISI : 12701 marked with cover and suitable locking
arrangment and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow
pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank.
2150 Labour only for item 2149 ltr. 7% of item no.


22.1 The rates include -
(a) All leads and lifts of matrerials unless otherwise specified.
(b) The cost of materials in which water includes.
(c) The cost of mixing motor, curing and scaffolding etc
22.2 The materials used shall conform to relevant ISS.
22.3 The rates include, wherever necessary, conveyance and delivery, handling, loading,
un-loading, storing, fabrication, hoisting, all necessary labour for finishing to required
shape and size, fitting and fixing in position, cutting and waste and other incidental
22.4 In case of septic tanks, items pertaining excavation, concrete and masonry shall be
paid as per relevant chapters.
22.5 The materials shall confirm to relevant ISS.
(i) All work shall be measured net as fixed to the nearest 0.01 m unless otherwise specified
(ii) The pipe line shall be measured net as fixed inclusive of all joints (measured along the
centre line) and no allowance shall be made for wastage etc.
(iii) Length of fittings shall not be included with measured length of the pipe line.
22.6 The following Indian Standards may be referred to :-
I.S.No. Title
651-1980 Salt- glazed stone ware pipes and fittings (fourth revision)
1626 Asbestos cement building pipes, pipe fitting ,gutters, and gutter
fitting and roofing fittings
1626(pt.I)1980 Pipes and pipe fittings (first revision)
1626(pt.II)1980 Gutters and gutter fitting (first revision)
1726 Cast iron manhole covers and frames.
1726(pt.I)1974 General requirements (second revision)
1726(pt.II)1974 Specific requirements for H.D. circular type (second revision)
1726(pt.IV)1974 Specific requirements for L.D. circular type (second revision) ( with
amendment No.1)
1726(pt.V)1974 Specific requirements for L.D. rectangular type (second revision)
1726(pt.VI/sce.1)1974 Specific requirements for L.D. rectangular type Sec.1 single seal
(second revision)
1726(pt.VI/sce.2)1974 Specific requirements for L.D. rectangular type Sec.2 Double seal
(second revision)
1726(pt.VII/sce.1)1974 Specific requirements for L.D. square type Sec.1 single seal (first
2470 Code of practice for design and construction of septic tanks
2470(pt.I)1968 Small installations (first revision)
2470(pt.I)1968 Large installations(first revision)
2527-1963 Code of practice for fixing rain-water gutters and down pipes for
roof drainage
4127-1967 Code of practice for laying of glazed stoneware pipes
5329-1969 Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings
(with amendment no.1)
5455-1969 Cast iron steps for manholes
5961-1970 Cast iron gratings for purpose

9872-1981 Precast concrete septic tanks
771(pt.II)1979 Glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances, Pt.II Specific requirements of
Kitchen and laboratory sinks (second-revision)
772-1973 General requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary appliances
(second revision) (with amendment no. 1)
774-1971 Flushing cisterns for water-closets and urinals (valve less syphonic
type) (third revision) (with amendment no. 1 to 5)
775-1970 Cast iron brackets and supports for wash basins and sinks (second
2064-1973 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of
sanitary appliances (first revision)
2326-1970 Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals (first revision)
2548-1980 Plastic water closet seats and covers (third revision)
2556 Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china)
2556(pt.I)1974 General requirements (second revision) (with amendment no.1)
2556(pt.II)1981 Specific requirements of wash down water-closets (third revision)
2556(pt.III)1981 Specific requirements of squatting pans (third revision)
2556(pt.IV)1972 Specific requirements of wash basins (second revision)
2556(pt.V)1979 Specific requirements of laboratory sinks (second revision)
2556(pt.VI/Sec.1)1979 Specific requirements of urinals Section 1. Bowl type (third
2556(pt.VI/Sec.2)1974 Specific requirements of urinals Section 2. Half stall urinals
(second revision)
2556(pt.VI/Sec.3)1974 Specific requirements of urinals Section 3. Squatting plates
2556(pt.VI/Sec.4)1974 Specific requirements of urinals Section 4. Partition slabs (second
revision) (with amendment no.1)
2556(pt.VI/Sec.5)1974 Specific requirements of urinals Section 5. Waste fittings (second
2556(pt.VI/Sec.6)1974 Specific requirements of urinals Section 6. Water spreaders for half
stall urinals (second revision)
2556(pt.VII)1973 Specific requirements of half round channel (second revision)
2556(pt.VIII)1973 Specific requirements of syphonic wash-down water closets
(second revision) (with amendment No.1)
2556(pt.IX)1979 Specific requirements of bidets (third revison)
2556(pt.X)1979 Specific requirements of foot rests (second revison)
2556(pt.XII)1973 Specific requirements of floor traps
2556(pt.XIII)1973 Specific requirements of for integrated squatting pans (with
amendment no.1)
2556(pt.XV)1974 Specific requirements of universal water closets (with amendment
no1 and 2)
2963-1979 Copper alloy waste-fittings for wash basins and sinks (First revision)
3311-1979 Waste plug and its accessories for sinks and wash basins (First
5961-1970 Cast iron gratings for drainage purpose (Reaffirmed 1979)
7231-1974 Plastic flushing cisterns (valveless syphonic type) for water closets
and urinals
8718-1978 Vitreous enamelled steel kitchen sinks.
8727-1978 Vitreous enamelled steel wah basins.
9440-1979 Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china) methods of sampling

9758-1981 Flush valves and fittings for water closets and urinals.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2201 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.G. pan)
size 580mm (earth work bed concrete, foot rests and trap to be measured
and paid for separately)
(a) Vitreous China Long pattern- white colour Each 958.1
(b) Vitreous China Orissa pattern - white colour Each 1117.0
(c) Vitreous China Orissa pattern- standard colour Each 1170.3
(d) Glazed earthenware Long pattern Each 1117.0
(e) Glazed earthenware Orissa pattern Each 979.2

2202 Providing and fixing wash down water closet squatting pan (European
type W.C. pan) with integral 'P' or 'S' trap including jointing the trap
with soil pipe in cement mortar 1:1 (1cement, 1fine sand) - (seat and
cover to be measured and paid for separately)
(a) Vitreous China -Pattern 1 in white colour Each 1461.4
(b) Vitreous China -Pattern 1 in standard colour. Each 1541.4
(c) Vitreous China -Pattern 2 in white colour. Each 1435.9
(d) Vitreous China -Pattern 2 in standard colour. Each 1732.5
(e) Glazed Earthenware-Pattern 1 Each 1329.2
(f) Glazed Earthenware-Pattern 2 Each 1382.5
(g) Glazed Earthenware-Pattern 3 Each 1435.9

2203 Labour only for item no.2201 & 2202 Each 437.7

2204 Providing and fixing 100mm size 'P' or 'S' trap for water closet squatting
pan including jointing the trap with pan and soil pipe in cement mortar
1:1 (1cement, 1fine sand)
(a) Vitreous china Each 415.1
(b) Glazed earthenware. Each 394.2
(c) Sand Cast Iron. Each 451.4

2205 Labour only for item no.2204 Each 216.7

2206 Providing and fixing in cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3 coarse sand) a Pair 204.1
pair of white vitreous China 250mm X 130mm X 30mm foot rest for
long pattern squatting pan water closet.
2207 Labour only for item no.2206 Pair 29.1

2208 Fixing 12.5 litres low and high level flushing cistern with a pair of C.I.
Or M.S. brackets complete with fittings each as lead valve loss syphon.
15mm nominal size brass ball valve with polythene float, C.P. brass
handle, unions and couplings for connection with inlet, outlet and over
flow pipes, 40mm dia porcelain enamelled flush bend including cutting
holes in walls and making good the same and connecting the flush bend
with cistern and closet (overflow pipe to be measured and paid for
(a) Vitreous China white colour low level Each 1702.5
(b) Vitreous China white colour high level Each 2291.3

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2209 Providing and fixing in position with clamps, etc. 32mm nominal RM 180.1
internal diameter galvanised steel tube flush pipe for high level flushing
cistern including connecting the flush pipe with cistern and closet and
making good the walls and floors.
2210 Labour only for item no.2209 RM 77.9

2211 Providing and fixing bowl pattern urinal including connecting the urinal
with waste pipe by means of white lead mixed with chopped hemp (waste
pipe to measured and paid for separately)
(a) Vitreous China flat back type of size 430 mm x 260 x mm x 350 Each 823.3
mm white colour
(b) Vitreous China flat back type of size 430 mm x 260 x mm x 350 Each 823.3
mm in Standard colours except misty-lilac.
(c) Vitreous China angle back type of size 340 mm x 430 mm x 265 Each 779.3
mm in white colour
(d) Vitreous China angle back type of size 340 mm x 430 mm x 265 Each 779.8
mm in standard colour except Misty-Lilac
(e) Glazed Earthenware flat back type of size 430 mm x 260 x mm x Each 717.7
350 mm
(f) Glazed Earthenware angle back type of size 340 mm x 430 mm x Each 616.2
265 mm
2212 Labour only for item no.2211 Each 342.7

2213 Providing and fixing squatting plate pattern urinal of size 600mm X
350mm with integral longitudinal flush pipe.
(a) Vitreous china Each 1645.8
(b) Glazed Earthenware. Each 1583.6

2214 Labour only for item no.2213 Each 875.5

2215 Providing and fixing automatic flushing cistern with a pair of C.I. Or
M.S. brackets, complete with fittings including C.I. Syphonic apparatus
mosquito proof lid, C.P. brass unions and couplings for connection with
inlet, outlet and over flow pipes including cutting holes and making good
the same overflow pipe to be measured and paid for separately
(a) Glazed Earthenware of the following nominal size 5 litres Each 1741.2
(b) Glazed Earthenware of the following nominal size10 litters Each 2130.1
(c) Glazed Earthenware of the following nominal size 15 litters Each 2352.3
(d) Cast Iron of the following nominal size 5 litre Each 1539.0
(e) Cast Iron of the following nominal size10litre Each 1996.8
(f) Cast Iron of the following nominal size 15 litre Each 2257.8

2216 Labour only for item no.2215 Each 624.4

2217 Providing and fixing C.P. brass flush pipe/spreaders for urinal of the
following nominal box with fittings such as unions, clamps etc (all in
D.P. brass) including cutting holes and making good the same.
(a) 15 mm RM 164.5
(b) 20 mm RM 196.6
(c) 25 mm RM 217.5

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2217 Providing and fixing C.P. brass flush pipe/spreaders for urinal of the
following nominal box with fittings such as unions, clamps etc (all in
D.P. brass) including cutting holes and making good the same.
(d) 32 mm RM 253.9

2218 Labour only for item no.2217

(a) 15 mm RM 58.7
(b) 20 mm RM 62.5
(c) 25 mm RM 66.4
(d) 32 mm RM 79.3

2219 Providing and fixing wash basin with single hole for pillar tap with C.I.
or M.S. brackets painted white including cutting holes and making good
the same but excluding fitting.
(a) Vitreous China flat back wash basin 630 mm x 450 mm size in Each 2190.2
white colour
(b) Vitreous China flat back wash basin 630 mm x 450 mm size in Each 2295.8
standard colour except Misty-Lilac
(c) Vitreous China Flat back wash basin 550 mm x400 mm size in Each 1739.2
white colour
(d) Vitreous China Flat back wash basin 550 mm x 400 mm size in Each 1765.8
standard colour except Misty-Lilac
(e) Vitreous China Angle back wash basin 600 mm x 480 mm white Each 1765.8
(f) Vitreous China Angle back wash basin 400 mm x 400 mm white Each 1394.8
(g) Glazed earthenware flat back wash basin 630 mm x 450 mm size Each 1978.0
white colour
(h) Glazed earthenware flat back wash basin 550 mm x 400 mm size Each 1448.1
white colour
(i) Glazed earthenware Angle back wash basin 600 x 480 mm size Each 1660.3
white colour
(j) Glazed earthenware Angle back wash basin 400 x 400 mm size Each 1341.4
white colour
2220 Labour only for item no.2219 Each 581.7

2221 Providing and fixing kitchen sink with C.I. or M.S. brackets painted
white including cutting holes and making good the same but excluding
(a) White glazed fire clay sink 600 mm x 450 mm x 150 mm Each 2046.0
(b) White glazed fire clay sink 600 mm x 450 mm x 250 mm Each 2142.7
(c) White glazed fire clay sink 750 mm x 450 mm x250 mm Each 2337.1
(d) Terrazzo finish sink 600 mm x 450 mm x 150 mm Each 1900.5
(e) Terrazzo finish sink 600 mm x 450 mm x 250 mm Each 2093.8
(f) Terrazzo finish sink 750 mm x 450 mm x 250 mm Each 2142.7
(g) Vitreous China sink 600 mm x 450 mm x 150 mm Each 1948.3
(h) Vitreous China sink 600 mm x 450 mm x 250 mm Each 2142.7
(i) Vitreous China sink 750 mm x 450 mm x 250 mm Each 2240.4

2222 Labour only for item no.2221 Each 485.4

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2223 Providing and fixing laboratory sink with C.I. or M.S. brackets painted
white including cutting holes in walls and making good the same but
excluding fitting.
(a) Vitreous China 450 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm size Each 1366.1
(b) Vitreous China 600 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm size Each 1753.8
(c) Glazed Earthenware 450 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm size Each 1560.5
(d) Glazed Earthenware 600 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm size Each 1753.8

2224 Labour only for item no.2223 Each 485.4

2225 Providing and fixing C.P. brass waste for wash basin or sink .

(a) 32 mm dia Each 180.2

(b) 40 mm dia Each 192.8

2226 Providing and fixing M.I. fisher union for wash basin or sink .

(a) 32 mm dia Each 80.5

(b) 40 mm dia Each 91.6

2227 Providing and fixing C.P. brass or M.I. Trap for wash basin and sink.

(a) 32 mm dia Each 94.9

(b) 40 mm dia Each 101.2

2228 Providing and fixing plastic seat and cover for wash down water closet
with C.P. brass hinges and rubber buffers.
(a) White plastic seat and cover Each 426.5
(b) Black plastic seat and cover Each 372.5

2229 Labour only for item no.2228 Each. 10 % of item

no. 2228
2230 Providing and fixing C.P. brass waste of following nominal bore and
plug for flazed ware sinks, basins etc. with long screwed shanks and fly
nuts and fixed to steel pipe including vulcanite plug, brass chain and
(a) 32 mm dia Each 226.6
(b) 40 mm dia Each 289.5
(c) 50 mm dia Each 322.2

2231 Labour only for item no.2230 Each. 10 % of item

no. 2230
2232 Providing and fixing on Wall face Asbestos Cement building pipe of the
following nominal size including jointing with sun yarn soaked in
bitumen and cement mortar 1:2 (1cement, 2sand) complete .
(a) 50 mm dia. RM 139.4
(b) 80 mm dia. RM 159.7
(c) 100 mm dia. RM 198.2

2233 Labour only for item no.2232

(a) 50 mm dia. RM 78.1

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2233 Labour only for item no.2232

(b) 80 mm dia. RM 94.5

(c) 100 mm dia. RM 119.3

2234 Providing and fixing asbestos cement fitting. Plain Bend of the following
nominal size including jointing with spun yarn soaked in bitumen and
cement mortar 1:2 complete.
(a) Plain bend.50 mm dia Each 121.7
(b) Plain bend.80 mm dia. Each 127.4
(c) Plain bend.100 mm dia. Each 133.1

2235 Labour only for item no.2234 Each 78.2

2236 Providing and fixing in position A.C. cowls of the following nominal
size including jointing with spun yarn soaked in bitumen and cement
mortar 1:2 complete.
(a) Cone cap cowl 50 mm dia. Each 121.7
(b) Cone cap cowl 80 mm dia. Each 130.8
(c) Cone cap cowl 100 mm dia. Each 149.2
(d) Slotted vend cowl 50 mm dia. Each 137.7
(e) Slotted vend cowl 80 mm dia. Each 143.4
(f) Slotted vend cowl 100 mm dia. Each 143.4

2237 Labour only for item no.2236 Each 78.2

23.1 The rates include all leads and lifts for all matrerials for all items unless otherwise
23.2 The item of stripping shall be payable for depths upto 15cm only. If greater depths
have tobe removed. Total depths are to be paid as per rates of general excavation of
23.3 In case of canal embankment the stripping of sea should normally be limied to 8cm for
canal discharge upto 3 cumec for embankment height above 1.5m and only furrowing and
ploughing be done for embankments of height less than 1.5m, and 15cm for canal discharge
more than 3cumec for embankment height above 0.6m and only furrowing and ploughing
be don for embankments of height less than 0.6m.
23.4. Stripping the seat of embankment should not be payable in the area covered by
benching the seat of embankment.
23.5. The rates for excavation of puddle trench includes the cost of cutting and subsequent
removal, if ordered, in steps required in deep trenches for the inspecting officers and the
working labourers to godown and come up. However it does not include filling up of these
steps eiher by puddle or by earth
23.6. The rates for puddle trench excavation, provided in this chapter, or not payble for
cut-offtrench excavation.
23.7. Regarding bailing out water frompuddle trench during excavation note of Chapter
23.8. For items of filter locally available shingle or gravel be used as a first preference.If it is
not available locally. Matal from excavaion of hard moorum with boulder or rock-cut be
used as a second alternative,provided it is certified by the Executive Engineer while
obtaining sanction to the estimate, that shingle or gravel is not available from nearby nalls
or rivers.
23.9. For use of metal for filter the extra rate for blasting shall not be payable.
23.10 The items against which multiplying numbers suffixed by "R" have been given in the
rates column, the payable rates on NMR shall be arrived at as per note of Chapter-" Survey
and Investigation"
23.11 In hand packed stone pitching of 45 cm thick in two layers, header stone of size 45 X
30 X 30 cm extending through both layers and spaced at about 1.5 m apart shall be used.
23.12 Measurement
(a) Dimensions shall be measured to nearest 0.01m. The eares shall be worked out to
the nearest 0.01 sq m. The cubical contents shall be worked out to nearest 0.01cum.
(b) No deduction for voids shall be made from the gross measurements of seepage
drain filling, boulder toe, pitching filter Bnanket etc.
23.13 No seperate payment for lead and lift shall be permissible unless otherwise specified.
23.14 The following Sandards and I.R.C. Specifications may be referred to :-
I.S. No./IRC No. Title
I.S. 8237-1976 Code of practics for protection of slope of reservoir embankments.
I.S. 9759-1981 Guide lines for dewatering during construction.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2301 Deleted …. ….

2302 Deleted …. ….

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2303 Deleted …. ….

2304 Deleted

(a) Deleted ….. …..

(b) Deleted ….. …..
(c) Deleted ….. …..
(d) Deleted ….. …..

2305 Deleted …. ....

2306 Deleted …. ....

2307 Deleted …. ....

2308 FOR EARTHEN DAM - Providing fitter blanket, horizontally, including

laying, Spreading, packing etc. in layers of required thickness but
excluding excavation of foundation.
(a) Metal 80 mm nominal size cum 1032.2
(b) Metal 60 mm nominal size cum 1190.8
(c) Metal 40 mm nominal size cum 964.2
(d) Metal 20 mm nominal size cum 1292.8
(e) Metal 10 mm nominal size cum 1134.1

2309 Labour only for item 2308 cum 397.7

2310 FOR EARTHEN DAM - Construction of rock toe in earthen

embankments including laying and hand packing, dressing, wedging and
finishing over surface with.
(a) Boulders cum 1088.2
(b) Quarried other then black trap, basalt or granite cum 1325.0
(c) Black trap, basalt or granite cum 1455.3

2311 Labour only for item 2310 cum 627.1

2324 FOR EARTHEN DAM - Cutting upstream/ downstream slopes of cum Same as
embankment to proper slopes including dressing, laying the excavated earthwork rates
earth on the top of embankment.
2325 FOR EARTHEN DAM - Puddle filling of good clay including lead upto cum 694.1
50m including mixing watering and kneeding by tamping ramming and
laying etc.
2326 FOR EARTHEN DAM - Puddle filling of good clay (excluding cost of cum 433.8
puddle earth and water) including mixing kneeding by tamping,
ramming and laying etc.
2327 FOR EARTHEN DAM - Deduct from item 2325 in case water supplied cum 113.3

24.1 Rates include all lifts (after addition of item 2403 or item 2404 as the case may be) and
removal of excavated materials to a distance of 50 m beyond the well, unless otherwise
24.2 Rates of rock cutting are subject to 40 % deduction for voids, if paid on stack
24.3 Classification of strata shall be as per Note 3.2 of Chapter 03 “Excavation &
24.4 For deepening of existing wells, the depth will be considered from platform level.

Code Description Unit Rate (Rs.)

2401 Earth work for well excavation including disposal of excavated soil lead
upto 50m and lift upto 1.5m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly
(a) Loose or soft soil cum 179.9
(b) Dense or hard soil cum 238.2
(c) Hard Moorum cum 309.7

2402 Earth work for well excavation including disposal or stacking of

excavated soil lead upto 50m lift upto 1.5m
(a) Disintegrated or soft rock (not requiring blasting) cum 647.0
(b) Hard rock requiring blasting. cum 875.4
(c) Hard rock requiring chiselling (where blasting is prohibited) cum 1277.8

2403 Add in item No. 2401 for lift. (In well excavation)

(a) For every 0.50 m after 1.5 m initial depth upto 6.0 m cum 18.9
(b) For every 0.50 m after 6.0 m initial depth upto 10.5 m cum 24.9
(c) For every 0.50 m after 10.5 m initial depth upto 15.0 m cum 31.3
(d) For every 0.50 m after 1.50 m initial depth upto 18.0 m cum 37.8

2404 Add in item No. 2402 for lift. (In well excavation)

(a) For every 0.50 m after 1.5 m initial depth upto 6.0 m cum 28.1
(b) For every 0.50 m after 6.0 m initial depth upto 10.5 m cum 34.1
(c) For every 0.50 m after 10.5 m initial depth upto 18.0 m cum 43.8

2405 Extra rates for quantities of work executed. In or under water or in foul cum 20% of
condition (extra rate for the main item concerned is allowed on account respective item
of slow progress of works)

RES - NIC MPSU 24 - WELL EXCAVATION Page 1 of 1 108

Code Description Unit RATE

Plain Cement Concrete

2501 Providing and fixing at or near ground level precast cement concrete in kerbs, cum 4702.00
edgings etc. as per approved pattern and setting in position with cement mortar 1:3 (1
Cement : 3 sand) including the cost of required centering, shuttering and finishing
smooth with 6mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) on exposed surfaces
(With 20mm nominal size graded stone aggregate)
2502 Providing and laying in position ready mixed concrete (RMC) of M-25 grade for
reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix
and manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and transported to site of work in
transit mixer for all leads, having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix
design of specified grade for reinforced cement concrete work, including pumping of
R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of laying, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering,
finishing and reinforcement, including cost of admixtures in recommended
proportions as per IS : 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, improve
workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of the Engineer -
in - charge. Note: Minimum cement content is @ 330 kg/cum. (No extra payment for
using extra cement as per requirement of mix design.)

(a) All works upto plinth level. cum 6326.00

(b) All works above plinth level and upto floor V level.. cum 6981.00
Extra for each additional floor for all works above floor five level cum 72.00
Brick Work
2503 Providing and laying minimum 100mm thick autoclaved aerated fly ash cement cum
concrete (AAC) masonry blocks in super structure above plinth level up to floor two
level in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand ) The rate includes providing and
placing in position 2 Nos. 8 mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work.

Wood Work And PVC Work

2504 Providing and fixing aluminium die cast body tubular type universal hydraulic door each 780.00
closer (having brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564, embossed on the body, door weight
upto 35 kg and door width upto 700 mm) with necessary accessories and screws etc.
2505 Providing and fixing IS : 12817 marked stainless steel butt hinges with stainless steel
screws etc. complete :
(a) 125x64x1.90 mm each 67.00
(b) 100X58x1.90 mm each 59.00
(c) 75x47x1.80 mm each 39.00
(d) 50x37x1.50 mm each 25.00
2506 Providing and fixing curtain rods of 1.25 mm thick chromium plated brass plate, with
two chromium plated brass brackets fixed with C.P. brass screws and wooden plugs,
etc., wherever necessary complete :
(a) 12 mm dia. meter 289.00
(b) 20 mm dia. meter 377.00
(c) 25 mm dia. meter 382.00
2507 Providing and fixing nickel plated M.S. pipe curtain rods with nickel plated brackets :

(a) 20 mm dia (heavy type) meter 127.00

(b) 25 mm dia (heavy type) meter 141.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2508 Providing and fixing fly proof galvanized M.S. wire gauge to windows and clerestory
windows using wire gaugue with average width of aperture 1.4 mm in both directions
with wire of dia. 0.63 mm all complete.
(a) With 2nd class teak wood beading 62X19 mm. sqm 1000.00

(b) With 12 mm mild steel U beading. sqm 681.00

2509 Deduct for fixing 75x25 mm hard drawn steel wire fabric of weight not less than 7.75 sqm 166.00
Kg. per sqm in panelled and glazed door and window shutter instead of glass sheet 4
mm thick.
2510 Providing and fixing IS : 1341 marked M.S. heavy weight butt hinges with necessary
screws etc. complete :
(a) 125x90x4.00 mm each 53.00
(b) 100x75x3.50 mm each 35.00
(c) 75x60x3.10 mm each 21.00
(d) 50x40x2.50 mm each 13.00
2511 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. pressed butt hinges with necessary
screws etc. complete.
(a) 125x65x2.12 mm each 32.00
(b) 100x58x1.90 mm each 23.00
(c) 75x47x1.70 mm each 17.00
(d) 50x37x1.50 mm each 10.00
2512 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidized M.S. pressed Parliamentary hinges with
necessary screws etc. complete
(a) 150x125x27x2.80 mm each 58.00
(b) 125x125x27x2.80 mm each 55.00
(c) 100x125x27x2.80 mm each 46.00
(d) 75x100x20x2.24 mm each 39.00
2513 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidized M.S. single acting spring hinges with
necessary screws etc. complete :
(a) 150 mm each 169.00
(b) 125 mm each 163.00
(c) 100 mm each 131.00
2514 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidized M.S. sliding door bolts with nuts and screws
etc. complete :
(a) 300x16 mm each 170.00
(b) 250x16 mm each 157.00
2515 Providing and fixing ISI marked stainless steel tower bolt black finish, (Barrel type)
with necessary screws etc. complete :
(a) 250x10 mm each 68.00
(b) 200x10 mm each 60.00
(c) 150x10 mm each 42.00
(d) 100x10 mm each 35.00
2516 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. door latches conforming to IS:5930
with screws etc. complete :
(a) 300x20x6 mm each 72.00
(b) 250x20x6 mm each 67.00
2517 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. handles conforming to IS:4992 with
necessary screws etc. complete :
(a) 125 mm each 27.00
(b) 100 mm each 25.00
(c) 75 mm each 24.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2518 Providing and fixing oxidised M.S. Safety chain with necessary fixtures for doors. each 93.00
(Weighing not less than 450 gms.)
2519 Providing and fixing IS : 12817 marked stainless steel butt hinges with stainless steel
screws etc. complete :
(a) 125x64x1.90 mm each 67.00
(b) 100X58X1.90 mm each 59.00
(c) 75x47x1.80 mm each 39.00
(d) 50x37x1.50 mm each 25.00
2520 Providing and fixing IS : 12817 marked stainless steel butt hinges (heavy weight) with
stainless steel screws etc. complete :
(a) 125x64x1.90 mm each 76.00
(b) 100x60x2.50 mm each 60.00
(c) 75x50x2.50 mm each 46.00
2521 Providing and fixing bright finished brass butt hinges with necessary screws etc.
complete :
(a) 125x85x5.5 mm (heavy type) each 456.00
(b) 125x70x4 mm (ordinary type) each 148.00
(c) 100x85x5.5 mm (heavy type) each 387.00
(d) 100x70x4 mm (ordinary type) each 117.00
(e) 75x65x4 mm (heavy type) each 145.00
(f) 75x40x2.5 mm (ordinary type) each 74.00
(g) 50x40x2.5 mm (ordinary type) each 32.00
2522 Providing and fixing bright finished brass tower bolts (barrel type) with necessary
screws etc. complete :
400x10 mm each 400
(a) 250x10 mm each 329.00
(b) 200x10 mm each 261.00
(c) 150x10 mm each 221
(d) 100x10 mm each 142.00
2523 Providing and fixing bright finished brass door latch with necessary screws etc.
(a) 300x16x5 mm each 237.00
(b) 250x16x5 mm each 225.00
2524 Providing and fixing bright finished brass handles with necessary screws etc.
(a) 125 mm each 205.00
(b) 100 mm each 181.00
(c) 75 mm each 141.00
2525 Providing and fixing aluminium die cast body tubular type universal hydraulic door each 780.00
closer (having brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564, embossed on the body, door weight
upto 35 kg and door width upto 700 mm) with necessary accessories and screws etc.
2526 Providing and fixing aluminium extruded section body tubular type universal hydraulic each 1186.00
door closer (having brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564, embossed on the body, door
weight upto 36 kg to 80 kg and door width from 701 mm to 1000 mm) with double
speed adjustment with necessary accessories and screws etc. complete.

2527 Providing and fixing chromium plated brass handles with necessary screws etc.
(a) 125 mm each 241.00
(b) 100 mm each 206.00
(c) 75 mm each 182.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2528 Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISI marked anodised (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS: 1868) transparent or dyed to required
colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete:
(a) 300x16 mm each 241.00
(b) 250x16 mm each 195.00
2529 Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not
less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or
shade with necessary screws etc. complete:
400X10mm each 123
(a) 300x10 mm each 114.00
(b) 250x10 mm each 102.00
(c) 200x10 mm each 82.00
(d) 150x10 mm each 69.00
(e) 100x10 mm each 55.00
2530 Providing and fixing aluminium handles ISI marked anodised (anodic coating not less
than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade
with necessary screws etc. complete:
(a) 125 mm each 75.00
(b) 100 mm each 55.00
(c) 75 mm each 46.00
2531 Providing and fixing aluminium hanging floor door stopper ISI marked anodised
(anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS: 1868) transparent or dyed to
required colour and shade with necessary screws etc. complete.

(a) Single rubber stopper each 35.00

(b) Twin rubber stopper each 86.00
2532 Providing and fixing fly proof stainless steel grade 304 wire gauge, to windows and
clerestory windows using wire gauge with average width of aperture 1.4 mm in both
directions with wire of dia. 0.50 mm all complete.

(a) With 2nd class teak wood beading 62x19 mm. sqm 1689.00
(b) With 12 mm mild steel U beading. sqm 1370.00
2533 Providing and fixing bright finished 100mm mortice lock with 6 levers without pair of each 480.00
handles for aluminium door with necessary screws etc complete (Best make of
approved quality) as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
2534 Providing and fixing magnetic catcher in cupboard / ward robe shutters including
fixing with necessary screws etc. complete (Best make of approved quality).

(a) Triple strip vertical type. each 28.00

(b) Double strip (horizontal type). each 23.00
2535 Providing and fixing powder coated telescopic drawer channels with necessary
screws etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
(a) 300mm long each 209.00
(b) 450mm long each 256.00
(c) 500mm long each 302.00
2536 Providing and fixing sliding arrangement in racks/ cupboards/cabinets shutter by P/F each 14.00
stainless steel rollers to run inside C or E aluminium channel section (The payment of
C or E channel shall be made separately)

Code Description Unit RATE

2537 Providing and fixing partition upto ceiling height consisting of G.I. frame and required
board including providing and fixing of frame work made of special section power
pressed/ roll form G.I. sheet with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm(both side inclusive),
consisting of floor and ceiling channel 50mm wide having equal flanges of 32 mm
and 0.50 mm thick, fixed to the floor and ceiling at the spacing of 610 mm centre to
centre with dash fastener of 12.5 mm dia meter 50 mm length or suitable anchor
fastener or metal screws with nylon plugs and the studs 48 mm wide having one
flange of 34 mm and other flange 36 mm and 0.50 mm thick fixed vertically within
flanges of floor and ceiling channel and placed at a spacing of 610mm centre to
centre by 6 mm dia bolts and nuts, including fixing of studs along both ends of
partition fixed flush to wall with suitable anchor fastener or metal screws with nylon
plugs at spacing of 450 mm centre to centre, and fixing of boards to both side of
frame work by 25 mm long dry wall screws on studs, floor and ceiling channels at the
spacing of 300 mm centre to centre. The boards are to be fixed to the frame work
with joints staggered to avoid through cracks, Galvanized M.S. fixing channel of 99
mm width (0.9 mm thick having two flanges of 9.5 mm each with zinc coating of 120
gm both side inside) to be provided at the horizontal joints of two boards, fixed to the
studs using metal to metal flat head screws, including jointing and finishing to a flush
finish with recommended jointing compound, jointing tape, angle beads at corner (25
mm x 25 mm x 0.5 mm), joint finisher and two coats of primer suitable for board as
per manufacture's specification and direction of engineer in charge all complete.

(a) 75mm overall thickness partition with 12.5 mm thick double skin fire rated glass sqm 1212.00
reinforced gypsum (GRG) plaster board conforming to IS: 2095: part 3 1996 Board
with BIS certification marks.
(b) 75mm overall thickness partition with 12.5 mm thick double skin tapered edged plain sqm 905.00
Gypsum plaster board conforming to IS:2095: part I 1996 Board with BIS certification
(c) 66mm overall thickness Partition with 8mm thick double skin Calcium Silicate Board sqm 1491.00
made with Calcareous and Siliceous materials reinforced with cellulose fiber
manufactured through autoclaving process with Compressive Strength 225 kg/,
Bending Strength 100 kg./
(d) 66mm overall thickness partition using 8mm thick double skin non- asbestos sqm 1212.00
multipurpose cement board reinforced with cellulose fibre manufactured through
autoclaving process (High pressure steam cured) as per IS: 14862 with suitable fibre
cement screw.
(e) 68mm overall thickness partition using 9mm thick Heavy Duty Fibre Cement Board sqm 1450.00
double skin non asbestos, reinforced with cellulose fibre,manufactured through
autoclaving proces(High presssure steam cured)Type A, Category 4 conforming to IS
14862:2000. (for wet areas)
2538 Providing and fixing panelling or paneling and glazing in panelled or panelled and sqm 1087.00
glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows (area of opening for panel
inserts excluding portion inside grooves or rebated to be measured). Panelling for
panelled and glazed shutters 25mm to 40mm thick: Pre-laminated with decorative
lamination on both side exterior Grade - I MDF Board 12 mm thick confirming to

Code Description Unit RATE

2539 Providing and fixing factory made UPVC door frame made of UPVC extruded
sections having an overall dimension as below (tolerance ±1mm), with wall thickness
2.0 mm (± 0.2mm), corners of the door frame to be Jointed with galvanized brackets
and stainless steel screws, joints mitred and Plastic welded. The hinge side vertical
of the frame reinforced by galvanized M.S. tube of size 19 X 19mm and 1mm (± 0.1
mm) wall thickness and 3 nos. stainless steel hinges fixed to the frame complete as
per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge:

(a) Extruded section profile size 48x40 mm. meter 203.00

(b) Extruded section profile size 42x50 mm. meter 208.00
2540 (a) Providing and fixing Panelled UPVC door shutter to existing door frames. 24 mm sqm 1750.00
thick factory made UPVC door shutters made of styles and rails of a UPVC hollow
section of size 59x24 mm and wall thickness 2 mm (± 0.2 mm) with inbuilt edging on
both sides. The styles and rails mitred and joint at the corners by means of M.S.
galvanised/plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0 mm and
stainless steel screws. The styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting galvanised
M.S. tube of size 20x20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The lock rail made
up of a UPVC hollow 'H' section, section of size 100x24 mm and 2 mm (± 0.2 mm)
wall thickness, fixed to the shutter styles by means of plastic/galvanised M.S. 'U'
cleats. The shutter frame filled with a UPVC multi-chambered single panel of size not
less than 620 mm, having over all thickness of 20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall
thickness. The panels filled vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting
horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S. rod and fastened with nuts and washers, complete
as per manufacturer's specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (For W.C.
and bathroom door shutter).

(b) Providing and fixing UPVC panelled door shutter UPVC 30 mm thick factory made sqm 2026.00
PVC or UPVC door shutter made of styles and rails of a UPVC hollow section of size
60x30 mm and wall thickness 2 mm (± 0.2 mm), with inbuilt decorative moulding
edging on one side. The styles and rails mitred and joint at the corners by means of
M.S. galvanised/plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0 mm
and stainless steel screws. The styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting
galvanised M.S. tube of size 25x20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The
lock rail made up of 'H' section, a UPVC hollow section of size 100x30 mm and 2 mm
(± 0.2 mm) wall thickness fixed to the shutter styles by means of plastic/ galvanised
M.S. 'U' cleats. The shutter frame filled with a UPVC multi-chambered single panel of
size not less than 620 mm, having over all thickness of 20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm)
wall thickness. The panels filled vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting
horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S. rod and fastened with nuts and washers, complete
as per manufacturer's specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

(c) Providing and fixing 25mm thick PVC flush door shutters made out of a one piece sqm 1968.00
Multi chamber extruded PVC section of the size of 762mmx25mm or less as per
requirement with an average wall thickness of 1mm (± 0.3mm). PVC foam end cap of
size 23x10mm are provided on both vertical edges to ensure the overall thickness of
25mm. An M.S. tube having dimensions 19mm x 19mm and 1.0 mm (± 0.1mm) is
inserted along the hinge side of the door. Core of the door shutter should be filled
with High Density Polyurethane foam. The Top and Bottom edges of the shutter are
covered with an end-cap of the size 25mmx11mm. Door shutter shall be reinforced
with special polymeric reinforcements as per required specification and direction of
Engineer-in-charge to take up necessary hardware and fixtures. Stickers indicating
the locations of hardware will be pasted at appropriate places.

Code Description Unit RATE

2541 Providing and fixing factory made P.V.C. door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall meter 371.00
thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet, mitred at
corners and joined with 2 Nos. of 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. square
tube, the vertical door frame profiles to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. square tube
of 19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame.
The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100mm size, complete
as per manufacturer's specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

2542 Providing and fixing factory made panel PVC door shutter consisting of frame made
out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19mm x 19mm for styles and
15x15mm for top and bottom rails. M.S. frame shall have a coat of steel primers of
approved make and manufacture . M.S. frame covered with 5mm thick heat moulded
PVC 'C' channel of size 30mm thickness, 70mm width out of which 50mm shall be
flat and 20mm shall be tapered in 45degree angle on both side forming styles; and
5mm thick, 95mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall be flat and 20mm shall
be tapered in 45 degree on the inner side to form top and bottom rail and 115mm
wide PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered on both
sides to form lock rail. Top, bottom and lock rails shall be provided both side of the
panel. 10mm (5mmx2) thick, 20mm wide cross PVC sheet be provided as gap insert
for top rail and bottom rail. paneling of 5mm thick both side PVC sheet to be fitted in
the M.S. frame welded/ sealed to the styles and rails with 7mm (5mm+2mm) thick x
15mm wide PVC sheet beading on inner side, and joined together with solvent
cement adhesive. An additional 5mm thick PVC strip of 20mm width is to be stuck on
the interior side of the 'C' Channel using PVC solvent adhesive etc. complete as per
direction of Engineerin- charge. Manufacturer’s specification and drawing.

(a) 30 mm thick plain PVC door shutters. sqm 2026.00

(b) 30 mm thick pre laminated PVC door shutters. sqm 2490.00
2543 Providing and fixing factory made 30 mm thick door shutter made of solid PVC foam
profile. The styles and rails shall be of size 75 mmx30 mm having wall thickness 5
mm. The styles, top and bottom rails shall have one side wall thickness of 15 mm
integrally extruded on the hinge side of the profile for better screw holding power. The
styles and rails shall be reinforced with M.S. tubes of size 33 mmx17 mmx 1 mm,
painted with primer, all four corners of reinforcement to be welded or sealed. Solid
PVC extruded bidding (push fit type) will be set inside the styles and the rails with a
cavity, to receive single piece extruded 5 mm PVC sheet as panel. The styles and
rails will be mitred cut and joint with the help of PVC solvent cement and self driven
self tapping screws. Single piece extruded solid PVC lock rail of size 100 mm x 30
mm with wall thickness 5 mm and 15 mm integrally extruded in the middle of the lock
rail and fixed with styles with the help of PVC solvent cement and self driven self
tapping screws of size 100 mmx8 mm complete as per manufacturer's specifications
and direction of Engineer-in-charge:

(a) Non decorative finish. sqm 2026.00

(b) Decorative finish (both side wood grained finish). sqm 2432.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2544 Providing and fixing factory made single extruded WPC(Wood Polymer Composite)
solid door/window/ceosetory windows and other frames/chowkhat comprising of
virgin polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural
fibers (wood powder/ rice .husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum
toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) fabricated with miter joints after applying PVC
solvent cement and screwed with full body threaded star headed S.S. screws having
minimum density of 750 kg/m3 and screw withdrawal strength of 2200 N (Face) &
900 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength 58 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 900
N/ mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being
termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant and fixed in position with
M.S. hold fast/lugs/S.S.dash fasteners of required dia and length complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (M.S. hold fast/lugs or S.S. dash fasteners shall be
paid separately)

(a) Single rebate (75 mm X 50 mm) meter 459.00

(b) WPC door frame-single rebate (120mm x 40mm) meter 720.00
(c) Single or double rebate (125 mm X 65 mm) meter 923.00
2545 Providing and fixing PVC rigid foam sheet 1mm thick on existing door shutters sqm 313.00
(bathroom and W.C. doors) using synthetic rubber based adhesive.

2546 Providing and fixing factory made 100% solid PVC door shutter made from
coextruded three layer rigid PVC foam sheet (Single Extruded) with density not less
than 600kg/cum outer layers 1mm thick to be rigid UPVC with density not be less
than 1400kg/cum manufactured by an ISO:9001-2000 certificed company.

(a) 24 to 25 mm thick plain solid PVC flush door shutter sqm 2250.00
(b) 28 to 30 mm thick plain solid PVC flush door shutter sqm 3229.00
Steel Work
2547 Providing and fixing carbon steel galvanised (minimum coating 5 micron) dash
fastener of 10 mm dia double threaded 6.8 grade (yield strength 480 N/mm2),
counter sunk head, comprising of 10 mm dia polyamide PA 6 grade sleeve, including
drilling of hole in frame, concrete/ masonry, etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-
(a) 10x60 mm each 57.00
(b) 10x80 mm each 63.00
(c) 10x120 mm each 78.00
(d) 10x140 mm each 84.00
(e) 10x160 mm each 110.00
2548 Providing and fixing stainless steel (Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, kg 423.00
channels, plates etc. including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making
curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts
and bolts complete i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories and stainless
steel dash fasteners, stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor
or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in-
charge. (For payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be
considered excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.)

Code Description Unit RATE

2549 Providing and fixing glass panes/ steel sheet/ fibre sheet with putty and glazing clips
in steel doors, windows, clerestory windows all complete.
(a) With 4.0 mm thick glass panes sqm 792.00
(b) With 5.50 mm thick glass panes sqm 873.00
(c) With 1mm thick mild steel sheet i/c 10x10x1.6mm box beading. sqm 916.00
(d) With 2mm thick fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) sheet i/c 10x10x1.6mm box beading. sqm 611.00

(e) With 1mm thick Galvanised steel sheet i/c 10x10x1.6mm box beading. sqm 936.00

(f) With 4mm thick cement fibre board conforming to IS 14862:2000 of category type A sqm 750.00
grade i/c 10x10x1.6mm box beading.
(g) With 6mm thick cement fibre board conforming to IS 14862:2000 of category type A sqm 800.00
grade i/c 10x10x1.6mm box beading.
(h) With 8mm thick cement fibre board conforming to IS 14862:2000 of category type A sqm 872.00
grade i/c 10x10x1.6mm box beading.
2550 Providing and fixing G.I. or PVC coated G.I.wire chain link fabric fencing of required
width and mesh size including strengthening with 2mm dia wire or nuts, bolts and
washers as required complete with posts of specified material and of standard design
placed and embedded in cement concrete blocks 45x45x60cm of mix 1:5:10
(1cement :5 sand :10 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) every 15th post,
last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end post on
one side only and struts embedded in cement concrete blocks 70x45x50cm of the
same mix, as per the direction of Engineer- in-charge. (Cost of post, painting
earthwork & c.c. to be paid separately)
(a) Made of G.I. wire. kg 133.00
(b) Made of G.I. wire, PVC coated to achieve outer dia. not less than 5mm in required kg 138.00

2551 Providing and fixing G.I. chain link fabric fencing of required width in mesh size sqm 574.00
25x25 mm made of G.I. wire of dia. 3mm including strengthening with 2mm dia. wire
or nuts, bolts and washers as required complete, with posts of specified material and
of standard design placed and embedded in cement concrete blocks 45x45x60cm of
mix 1:5:10 (1cement :5 sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) every
15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and
end post on one side only and struts embedded in cement concrete blocks
70x45x50cm of the same mix, as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (cost of
post painting earth work & C.C. to be paid separately)

2552 Marble stone flooring with 18 mm thick marble stone (sample of marble shall be
approved by Engineer-in-charge) laid over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sandand grey cement slurry, joints treated with white cement
mixed with pigment to match colour of stone including rubbing and polishing
complete with : (area of slabs over 0.5 sqm)
(a) Makrana white second quality sqm 3051.00
(b) Raj Nagar plain sqm 1381.00
(c) Agaria White/Morgarh sqm 1882.00
(d) katani marble sqm 1555.00
(e) Black Zebra. sqm 1315.00
(f) Udaipur/Baroda green marble sqm 1649.00
(g) Pink plain marble. sqm 1448.00
(h) Jaisalmer yellow sqm 1582.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2553 Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles 300x300 mm or more (having sqm 670.00
thickness 6 to 7mm) of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in any
colours and shade laid on 20 mm thick Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 sand)
including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc., complete.

2554 Providing and fixing Ceramic glazed wall tiles 300x450 mm or more (having thickness sqm 776.00
6 to 7 mm) of 1st quality conforming to IS: 15622 of approved make in all Colours&
shades, except burgundy, bottle green, black laid on 12mm thick bed of Cement
Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 sand)preprad same day when mortar is still green jointed
with grey cement slurry @3.3 kg per sqm including pointing the joints with white
cement and matching pigments etc., complete.
2555 Providing and laying rectified Glazed Ceramic floor tiles 300x300 mm or more (having sqm 644.00
thickness 9 to 10mm) of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in all
colours white, ivory, grey, fume red brown laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
Cement : 4 sand) including grouting the joints with white cement and matching
pigments etc., complete.
2556 Deduct for not using 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) bedding in sqm 359.00
laying of floor tiles.

2557 Fixing glazed/ Ceramic/Rectified/ Vitrified floor tiles with cement based high polymer sqm 350.00
modified quick-set tile adhesive (Water based) conforming to IS: 15477, in average
3mm thickness.

2558 Providing and laying digital print random design(PGVT)/(GVT) vitrified tiles in
different sizes with water absorption less than 0.05% and conforming to IS:15622 of
approved make in all colours& shades, 1st quality/ premium quality including grouting
the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc. complete

For floor glossy/ rustic /stain/matt finished laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
(b) Size of tile 600X 600 x 9-10mm sqm 1140.00
(c) Size of tile 800 X 800 10-12mm sqm 1261.00
(d) Size 600X1200 mm thickness 11-12mm sqm 1235.00
(e) Size 800X1200 mm thickness 11-12mm 1450.00
For wall stain / rustic finished laid on 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3
(1cement:3sand) prepared same day when mortar is still green i.e. within 6 hours,

(f) Size 300X600 mm thickness 9-10 mm sqm 968.00

For wall polished / Glossy finished laid on 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3
(1cement:3sand) prepared same day when mortar is still green i.e. within 6 hours.

(g) Size 300X600 mm thickness 9-10 mm sqm 1048.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2559 Providing and laying factory made coloured chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver sqm 702.00
blocks of required strength, thickness and size/shape, made by table vibratory
method using PU mould, laid in required colour and pattern over 50mm thick
compacted bed of stone dust, compacting and proper embedding/laying of inter
locking paver blocks into the bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using
plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required
size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand including locking edges with M
15 cement concrete in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc.
complete as per manufacturer's specifications and direction of Engineerin- Charge.
60mm thick C.C. paver block of M-35 grade with approved colour, design and

2560 Providing and laying factory made machine pressed precast cement concrete sqm 586.00
interlocking paver block of any shape and size conforming to IS:15658- 2006 and ISI
marked of 60 mm thickness, M-30 grade with grey cement and pigment all as
specified. Made by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction, laid in
required colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of stone
dust, filling the joints with sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-
2561 Providing and laying gang saw cut 12mm thick, mirror polished pre moulded
(wherever required) and pre polished machine cut granite stone of required size and
shape of approved shade, colour and texture in flooring laid over 20mm thick base of
cemnt mortar 1:4(1cement:4sand) including grouting the joints with white cement
mixed with matching pigments, epoxy touch ups etc. complete as per direction of
Area of tiles not less 0.18 sqm

(a) Fine grained granite dark Black/dark Red/ White with self design/ pattern/crystals of sqm 1775.00
other colors of glitter
(b) Coarse grained granite light Black/light Red/ off White with crystals of other colors sqm 1610.00
and various patterns
(a) Gray/Pink/Brown with various patterns 1404.00
Roofing And Ceiling
2562 Providing & fixing UV stabilised fiberglass reinforced plastic sheet roofing up to any
pitch, including fixing with polymer coated 'J' or 'L' hooks, bolts & nuts 8mm dia. G.I
plain/bitumen washers complete but excluding the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses etc.
The sheets shall be manufactured out of 2400 TEX panel rovigs incorporating
minimum 0.3% ultra-violet stabiliser in resin system under approximately 2400 psi
and hot cured. They shall be of uniform pigmentation and thickness without air
pockets and shall conform to IS 10192 and IS 12866.The sheets shall be opaque or
translucent, clear or pigmented, textured or smooth as specified.

(a) 2mm thick corrugated (2.5" or 4.2" or 6") or step-down (2"or 3"or 6") as specified. sqm 1031.00

(b) 2mm thick flat. sqm 955.00

2563 Providing and fixing on wall face Rigid Unplasticised rigid PVC (upvc) Single
socketed rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A including jointing with seal
ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion
(i) 75 mm diameter (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 136.00
(ii) 110 mm diameter (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 238.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2564 Providing and fixing on wall face Unplasticised - UPVC moulded fittings/ accessories
for Unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A
including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for
thermal expansion.
(a) Coupler
(i) 75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 67.00
(ii) 110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 102.00
(b) Single push fit Coupler :
(i) 75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 121.00
(ii) 110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 94.00
(c) Single tee with door
(i) 75x75x75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 106.00
(ii) 110x110x110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 176.00
(d) Single tee without door
(i) 75x75x75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 106.00
(ii) 110x110x110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 163.00
(e) Bend 87.5°
(i) 75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 78.00
(ii) 110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 112.00
(f) Shoe (Plain)
(i) 75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 69.00
(ii) 110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 99.00
2565 Providing and fixing Unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to
Unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of bombay nail of required length
including making good the wall etc. complete.
(a) 75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) each 97.00
(b) 110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) each 114.00
2566 Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth of rain water pipe cast iron grating 15 cm each 43.00
diameter and weighing not less than 440 grams.

Code Description Unit RATE

2567 Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame
work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with
zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of
angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at
1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm
dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers
of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end
of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the
spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick
bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm,
at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I.
intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long
G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm
high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to
wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall
screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and
perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c,
including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the
board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes, finishing with jointing
compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of
primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer's specification and also including
the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame
of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification and
direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with

10mm thick plaster of Paris (gypsum anhydrous) sheet 10mm thick pop board.
(a) Flat surfaces sqm
(b) Curved surfaces sqm
(c) Sunk or raised mouldings sqm 175.00

(d) Extra for providing in the plaster of Paris (Gypsum anhydrous) ceiling above 5 metre sqm per 59.00
height from floor level. mtr
12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum board

(e) Plain board conforming to IS: 2095-Part I : 2011 (Board with BIS certification marks). sqm 750.00

(f) Fire resistant Glass Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) board conforming to IS: 2095- (Part sqm 866.00
3) : 1996 (Board with BIS certification marks)
(g) Gypsum moisture resistant board. sqm 920.00

(h) Fully Perforated Gypsum Plaster Board having approx. 15 % perforated area with sqm 1277.00
perforation size and pattern as approved by the Engineer-in-charge and as per
manufacturer's specification, with all 4 side tapered and backed by acoustical tissue
with NRC value not less than 0.60.
(i) 8 mm thick Calcium Silicate Board made with Calcareous and Siliceous materials sqm 1150.00
reinforced with cellulose fiber manufactured through autoclaving process.

2568 Providing and fixing insulating board ceiling 12 mm thick of approved quality with
necessary nails etc. complete (frame work to be paid separately):

Code Description Unit RATE

12mm thick insulating board

(a) Natural colour insulating board sqm 550..00
(b) White face insulating board sqm 614.00
(c) Flame retardant face insulating board sqm 700.00
2569 Flat pressed 3 layer medium density particle board or graded particle board (Grade I) sqm 633.00
IS: 3087 12 mm thick marked in ceiling with necessary nails etc. complete

2570 6 mm thick plain Multipurpose Cement board ( High Pressure steam cured ) as per IS sqm 428.00
: 14862, with suitable screws for fibre cement board in ceiling etc. complete

2571 6mm thick High Pressure Steam Cured non asbestos, reinforced with cellulose sqm 530.00
fibres,Moistur& fire Resistance heavy duty fibre cement board, Type A,Category 4
conforming to IS 14862:2000.(for wet areas)
2572 4 mm thick High Pressure Steam Cured non asbestos, pre-painted, self-embossed, sqm 403.00
designer cement boardType B, Category 3 conforming to IS 14862:2000 . of
approved texture,design patterns

2573 Extra for Circular cutting and wastages in ceiling with: board only (frame work) meter 150
Natural colour insulating 12 mm thick board paid separately.

(b) Extra for providing and fixing ceiling to curved surfaces in narrow widths sqm 100.00

2574 Providing and fixing false ceiling with 12 mm thick plain/ semi perforated or with sqm 667.00
design ceiling tiles of BWP type phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin bonded pressed
particle board conforming to IS:3087, finished with a coat of aluminium primer on
both sides and edges including two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved
quality on exposed face, fixed to a grid made out of anodised aluminium (with 15
micron anodic coating) T-sections 35 x15x1.5 mm size main runners and cross
runners 23.5x19x1.5 mm fixed to main runners placed 600 mm centre to centre both
ways so as to form a grid of 600 mm square. The frame work shall be suspended
from ceiling by level adjusting hangers of 6 mm dia M.S rod fixed to roof slab by
means of ceiling cleats and dash fastener. The suspenders shall be placed 600 x
1200 mm centre to centre including fixing to the frame with C.P brass screws and
applying a priming coat of zinc chromate yellow primer (aluminium frame work shall
be paid separately).

2575 Extra for providing 3 mm thick translucent white acrylic plastic sheets of approved sqm 387.00
quality in false ceiling instead of 12 mm thick plain or design particle board ceiling

Code Description Unit RATE

2576 Mineral fiber acoustic tiles

Providing and fixing mineral fibre false ceiling tiles at all heights of size 595X595mm
of approved texture, design and pattern. The tiles should have Humidity Resistance
(RH) of 99%, Light Reflectance > 85%, Thermal Conductivity k = 0.052 - 0.057 w/m
K, Fire Performance as per (BS 476 pt - 6 &7)in true horizontal level suspended on
interlocking T-Grid of hot dipped all round galvanized iron section of 0.33 mm thick
(galvanized @120 gsm) comprising of main T runners of 15x32 mm of length 3000
mm, cross T of size 15x32mm of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediate cross
T of size 15x32 mm of length 600 mm to form grid module of size 600x600 mm
suspended from ceiling using galvanized mild steel item (galvanised@80gsm) 50 mm
long 8mm outer diameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm diameter fully threaded hanger
rod up to 1000 mm length and L-shape level adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm, spaced at
1200 mm centre to centre along main ‘T’. The system should rest on periphery walls
/partitions with the help of GI perimeter wall angle of size24x24X3000 mm made of
0.40 mm thick sheet, to be fixed to the wall with help of plastic rawl plug at 450 mm
centre to centre & 40 mm long dry wall S.S. screws. The exposed bottom portion of
all T-sections used in false ceiling support system shall be pre-painted with polyester
baked paint, for all heights. The work shall be carried out as per specifications,
drawings and as per directions of the engineer-incharge.
(a) 16 mm thick beveled edge sqm 1456.00
With 16 mm thick beveled tegular mineral fibre false ceiling tile (NRC 0.55 to 0.6

(b) 20 mm thick beveled edge sqm 1655.00

With 20 mm thick beveled tegular mineral fibre false ceiling tile (NRC 0.7)
(c) 16 mm thick Antimicrobial sqm 1534.00
With 16 mm thick beveled tegular mineral fibre Antimicrobial false ceiling tile
confirming to ISO 5 (class 100 ) specifications

2577 Providing and applying plaster of paris punning of 10 mm average thickness over sqm 130.00
plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.
2578 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of sqm 74.00
approved brand over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and
smooth i/c all cost of material, labour and scaffold etc in all position complete.
Note : Putty shall be applied only on the internal walls, for application on the exterior
walls prior permission of APD/Chief Engineer will be required.

2579 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC (Volatile sqm 75.00
Organic Compound) content less than 50 grams/ltr of approved manufacturer, of
required shade and colour complete, as per manufacturer's specification. Two or
more coat on new work.
2580 Wall painting by any mechanical or manual means with plastic emulsion paint of sqm 64.00
approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade: Two or more coats on new
2581 Finishing walls by any mechanical or manual means with water proofing cement paint sqm 48.00
of required shade: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm).

2582 Finishing walls by any mechanical or manual means with Acrylic Smooth exterior sqm 138
paint (Economy Exterior) of required shade including all scaffolding. New work (Two
or more coat applied @1.67ltr/10sqm over and including one coat undiluted exterior

Code Description Unit RATE

2583 Finishing walls by any mechanical or manual means with Premium Acrylic Smooth sqm 130
exterior paint (Premium exterior) of required shade including all scaffolding. New
work (Two or more coat applied @1.67ltr/10sqm over and including one coat
undiluted exterior waterproofing coating @ 2.39 litre/10 sqm with crack bridging
ability of upto 0.5mm on horizontal surfaces with an elongation of 150% and water
proofing of upto 3 bars on vertical surface)

2584 Finishing walls by any mechanical or manual means with Deluxe Multi surface paint
system for interiors and exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers specifications :

(a) Painting wood work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint of required shade. Two or more sqm 69.00
coat applied @0.90 ltr/10 sqm over an under coat of primer applied @0.75 ltr/ 10 sqm
of approved brand or manufacture
(b) Painting Steel work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint to give an even shade. Two or sqm 71.00
more coat applied @0.90 ltr/10 sqm over an under coat of primer applied @ 0.80 ltr/
10 sqm of approved brand or manufacture.
(c) Two or more coats applied on walls @ 1.25 ltr/10 sqm. Over and including one coat sqm 81.00
of Special primer applied @ 0.75 ltr / 10 sqm.
2585 lndian eritric an pai ing such as libal An Pilhora or varli/Gond or Bhil Painting on any sqm 1988.00
wall sdace (itrterior or e$erioO hy usinerxrured/smdh exlerior/inrdior pai of
apptuved bBnd or MaNfsturer inculding prep$arion ol surfacB dd m$ of all nateidl
labour a0d sffolding etc. ComDlcle as perdn@iion of EnEncc-ii Chese

Repairs to Building Work

2586 Renewing glass panes, with putty and nails wherever necessary including racking out
the old putty:
(a) Float glass panes of thickness 4 mm sqm 679.00
(b) Float glass panes of thickness 5.5 mm sqm 759.00
Sanitary Installation
2587 Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan) with 100mm
sand cast Iron P or S trap, UPVC P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing
cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever)
conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete including cutting and
making good the walls and floors wherever required :
(a) White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440mm with integral type each 2995.00
foot rests.
(b) Stainless Steel AISI-304(18/8) Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 585x480 mm with each 7031.00
flush pipe and integrated type foot rests.
2588 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type
W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including
flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever), conforming to IS : 7231,
with all fittings and fixtures complete including cutting and making good the walls and
(a) floors pan
W.C. wherever required
with ISI marked: white solid plastic seat and lid each 3036.00

(b) W.C. pan with ISI marked black solid plastic seat and lid each 3013.00

(c) Providing and fixing AISI-304 (18/8) European type WC instead of white vitreous 4536.00
china pedestal type water closet.

Code Description Unit RATE

2589 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type)
with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white vitreous china flushing cistern and C.P. flush
bend with fittings and C.I.brackets, 40mm flush bend, overflow arrangement with
specials of standard make and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design
complete including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
walls and floors wherever required :
(a) W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid. each 4613.00

(b) W.C. pan with ISI marked black solid plastic seat and lid. each 4590.00

2590 Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped front
urinal basin of 430x260x350mm and 340x410x265 mm sizes respectively with
automatic flushing cistern with standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with
brass unions and G.I clamps complete, including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required :

(a) One urinal basin with 5 litre white P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. each 2754.00
(b) Range of two urinal basins with 5 litre white P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern.. each 4458.00

(c) Range of three urinal basins with 10 litre white P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. each 6312.00

(d) Range of four urinal basins with 10 litre white P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. each 8384.00

2591 Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back half stall urinal of size
580x380x350mm with white PVC automatic flushing cistern, with fittings, standard
size C.P. brass flush pipe, spreaders with unions and clamps (all in C.P. brass) with
waste fitting as per IS : 2556, C.I. trap with outlet grating and other couplings in C.P.
brass including painting of fittings and cutting and making good the walls and floors
wherever required.
(a) Single half stall urinal with 5 litre P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. each 5567.00
(b) Range of two half stall urinals with 5 litre P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. each 8660.00

(c) Range of three half stall urinals with 10 litre P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. each 12764.00

(d) Range of four half stall urinals with 10 litre P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. each 15547.00

2592 Providing and fixing kitchen sink with C.I. brackets, C.P. brass chain with rubber plug, each 2492.00
40 mm C.P. brass waste complete, including painting the fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls wherever required : White glazed fire clay kitchen
sink of size 600x450x250 mm.
2593 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per IS 13983
with C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm including painting of fittings and
brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required :
(a) Kitchen sink with drain board
(i) 510x1040 mm bowl depth 250mm. each 8074.00
(ii) 510x1040 mm bowl depth 225mm. each 7609.00
(iii) 510x1040 mm bowl depth 200mm. each 7493.00
(iv) 510x1040 mm bowl depth 178mm. each 5286.00
(b) Kitchen sink with drain board
(i) 610x510 mm bowl depth 200 mm. each 4583.00
(ii) 610x460 mm bowl depth 200 mm. each 4351.00
(iii) 470x420 mm bowl depth 178 mm. each 3422.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2594 Providing and fixing white vitreous china laboratory sink with C.I. brackets, C.P. brass
chain with rubber plug 40mm C.P brass waste and 40mm C.P. brass trap with
necessary C.P. brass unions complete including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the wall wherever required :
(a) Size 450x300x150mm each 2341.00
(b) Size 600x450x200mm each 3328.00
2595 Providing and fixing P.V.C. low level flushing cistern with manually controlled device
(handle lever) conforming to IS: 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete. 10 litre
(a) White each 945.00
(b) Coloured each 1037.00
Water Supply
2596 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene (PE-AL-PE) Composite
Pressure Pipes conforming to IS - 15450 U.V. stabilised with carbon black having
thermal stability for hot and cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to
80° C including all special fittings of composite material (engineering plastic blend
and brass inserts wherever required) e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers and
connectors etc. with clamps at 1.00 metre spacing. This includes testing of joints
complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Internal work - Exposed on wall
(a) 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 1.75mm) meter 193.00
(b) 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2mm) meter 242.00
(c) 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2.45mm) meter 307.00
(d) 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2.8mm) meter 398.00
(e) 3240 (40 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 3.4mm) meter 618.00
(f) 4050 (50 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 4mm) meter 679.00
Concealed work including cutting chases and making good the wall etc.
(a) 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 1.75mm) 299.00
(b) 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2mm) 360.00
(c) 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2.45mm) 441.00
(d) 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2.8mm) 553.00
2597 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene (PE-AL-PE) Composite
Pressure Pipes conforming to IS - 15450 U.V. stabilized with carbon black having
thermal stability for hot and cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to
80° C including all special fittings of composite material (engineering plastic blend
and brass inserts wherever required) e.g. elbows ,tees ,reducers, couplers and
connectors etc. with trenching, refilling and testing of joints complete as per direction
of the engineer in charge. External work

(a) 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 1.75mm) meter 190.00
(b) 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2mm) meter 235.00
(c) 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2.45mm) meter 295.00
(d) 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 2.8mm) meter 378.00
(e) 3240 (40 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 3.4mm) meter 588.00
(f) 4050 (50 mm OD) pipe (minimum wall thickness 4mm) meter 649.00

Code Description Unit RATE

2598 Providing and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes SDR
7.4 U V stabilized and anti - microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot
and cold water supply including all PP - R plain and brass threaded polypropylene
random fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes testing
of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Internal work - Exposed on

(a) PN - 16 Pipe, 16 mm OD meter 102.00

(b) PN - 16 Pipe, 20 mm OD meter 137.00
(c) PN - 16 Pipe, 25 mm OD meter 186.00
(d) PN - 16 Pipe, 32 mm OD meter 285.00
(e) PN - 16 Pipe, 40 mm OD meter 437.00
(f) PN - 16 Pipe, 50 mm OD meter 596.00
2599 Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes class SP-1 with stiff mixture of
cement mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 sand) including testing of joints
etc. complete : Excavation to be paid seperataly
(a) 100 mm diameter meter 195.00
(b) 150 mm diameter meter 260.00
(c) 200 mm diameter meter 337.00
(d) 230 mm diameter meter 461.00
(e) 250 mm diameter meter 507.00
(f) 300 mm diameter meter 680.00
25-100 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 sand : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size) all-round S.W. pipes including bed concrete as per
standard design:
(a) 100 mm diameter S.W. Pipe RM 475.00
(b) 150mm diameter S.W. Pipe RM 580.00
(c) 200 mm diameter S.W. Pipe RM 677.00
(d) 230 mm diameter S.W. Pipe RM 728.00
(e) 250 mm diameter S.W. Pipe RM 782.00
(f) 300 mm diameter S.W. Pipe RM 877.00
25-101 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 sand : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size) upto haunches of S.W. pipes including bed concrete
as per standard design :
(a) 100 mm diameter S.W. Pipe meter 226.00
(b) 150mm diameter S.W. Pipe meter 366.00
(c) 200 mm diameter S.W. Pipe meter 430.00
(d) 230 mm diameter S.W. Pipe meter 465.00
(e) 250 mm diameter S.W. Pipe meter 500.00
(f) 300 mm diameter S.W. Pipe meter 577.00
25-102 Providing and laying below ground unplasticised PVC pipe to with stand working
pressure of 4 kg/cm2 soild waste pipes confirming to IS:13592 and IS:4985 including
jointing with seal ring confirming to IS :5282 leaving 10mm gap for thermal expansion
all necessary fittings etc. complete. Excavation to be paid seperataly.

(a) 110 mm diameter OD (min. wall thickness 3.2mm) RM 234.00

(b) 160 mm diameter OD (min. wall thickness 4.0mm) RM 477.00
(c) 200 mm diameter OD (min. wall thickness 4.9mm) RM 751.00
(d) 250 mm diameter OD (min. wall thickness 6.2mm) RM 972.00
(e) 300 mm diameter OD (min. wall thickness 7.7mm) RM 1232.00

Code Description Unit RATE

25-103 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 sand: 6 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) all-round PVC. pipes including bed concrete as per
standard design:
(a) 110 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 576.00
(b) 160 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 704.00
(c) 200 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 821.00
(d) 250 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 949.00
(e) 300 mm diameter PVC pipe RM 1078.00
25-104 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) up to haunches of PVC. pipes including bed concrete
as per standard design :
(a) 110 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 274.00
(b) 160 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 444.00
(c) 200 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 521.00
(d) 250 mm diameter PVC. pipe RM 607.00
(e) 300 mm diameter PVC pipe RM 700.00
25-105 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 sand )
R.C.C. top slab with Cement Concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) inside plastering 12mm thick with
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and
making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete
as per standard design
Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (medium duty)
500 mm internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 116 kg
(weight of cover 58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg) :
(a) With well burnt bricks each 18086.00
(b) With Sewer bricks conforming to IS : 4885 each 17402.00
25-106 Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap class SP1 complete with C.I.
grating brick masonry chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300 x300 mm
size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.50 kg and frame to be not less
than 2.70 kg as per standard design :
(a) 100x100 mm size P type
(i) With well burnt bricks each 1764.00
(ii) With Sewer bricks conforming to IS : 4885 each 1668.00
(b) 150 x 100 mm size P type.
(i) With well burnt bricks each 1803.00
(ii) With Sewer bricks conforming to IS : 4885 each 1707.00
(c) 180x150 mm size P type
(i) With well burnt bricks each 1913.00
(ii) With Sewer bricks conforming to IS : 4885 each 1818.00

Code Description Unit RATE

25-107 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.22m internal dia at bottom and 0.56m
dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 sand) inside cement plaster 12mm thick
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement foundation concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size) and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement all complete as per standard design : 1.68 m deep with
SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD-20 grade designation) 560mm internal
diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than
182kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) including centering shuttering all complete. (Foot rests and 12
mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately)

(a) With well burnt bricks each 15915.00

(b) With Sewer bricks conforming IS : 4885 each 15067.00
25-108 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.22m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 1.68 m to
2.29 m :

(a) With well burnt bricks metre 6809.00

(b) With Sewer bricks conforming IS : 4885 metre 6014.00
25-109 Providing and fixing in position precast R.C.C. manhole cover and frame of required
shape and approved quality
(a) Light duty D- 2.5
Rectangular shape 600x450mm internal dimensions each 1229.00
(ii) Square shape 450mm internal dimensions each 1045.00
(iii) Circular shape 450mm internal diameter each 987.00
(b) Medium duty - 10
(i) Square shape 450mm internal dimension each 1183.00
(ii) Circular shape 500mm internal diameter each 1098.00
(c) Heavy duty D - 20
(i) Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter each 1711.00
(d) Extra Heavy Duty - 35
(i) Circular shape 560 mm internal dia. each 1885.00
25-110 Supplying and fixing C.I. cover 300x300 mm without frame for gully trap (standard each 274.00
pattern) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.5kg.
Aluminium Work
25-111 Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions
with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other
sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash
fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at
junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket
etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed
mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for
glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per
architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling
and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) :

(a) For fixed portion

(i) Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to kg 299.00
IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC15)

Code Description Unit RATE

(ii) Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) kg 322.00
(iii) Polyester powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of polyester powder coating kg 332.00
50 micron)
(b) For shutters of doors, windows and ventilators including providing and fixing
hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required
including the cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be
paid for separately).
(i) Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to kg 322.00
IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC15)
(ii) Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) kg 345.00
(iii) Polyester powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of polyester powder coating kg 356.00
50 micron)
(c) Deduct for not providing EDPM rubber/neoprene gasket all around. kg 80.00

25-112 Providing and fixing 12mm thick Pre-laminated particle board flat pressed three layer
or graded wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l Type ll, in panelling
fixed in aluminium doors, windows shutters and partition frames with C.P. brass /
stainless steel screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and directions of
(a) Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on one side and balancing sqm 802.00
lamination on other side.
(b) Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on both sides. sqm 907.00
25-113 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and
partitions etc. with EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the
architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge. (Cost of aluminium
snap beading shall be paid in basic item) :
(a) With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 10 kg/sqm) sqm 774.00
(b) With float glass panes of 5.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 12.50 kg/sqm ) sqm 948.00

(c) With float glass panes of 8 mm thickness (weight not less than 20 kg/sqm ). sqm 1182.00
25-114 Add extra for providing and fixing froasted glass instead of float glass
(a) With glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 10 kg/sqm) sqm 259.00
(b) With glass panes of 5.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 12.50 kg/sqm) sqm 262.00
(c) With glass panes of 8 mm thickness (weight not less than 20 kg/sqm). sqm 262.00
25-115 Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and
manufacture conforming to IS : 6315, having brand logo embossed on the body /plate
with double spring mechanism and door weight upto 125 kg., for doors, including cost
of cutting floors , embedding in floors as required and making good the same
matching to the existing floor finishing and cover plates with brass pivot and single
piece M.S. sheet outer box with slide plate etc. complete as per the direction of
Engineer-in-charge :
(a) With stainless steel cover plate - minimum 1.25 mm thickness each 1890.00
(b) With brass cover plate - minimum 1.25 mm thickness. each 2072.00

Code Description Unit RATE

25-116 Providing and fixing powder coated aluminium work (minimum thickness of powder kg 521.00
coating 50 micron) consisting of tee/ angle sections, of approved make conforming to
IS : 733 in frames of false ceiling including aluminium angle cleats with necessary
C.P. brass/ stainless steel sunk screws, aluminium perimeter angles fixed to wall with
stainless steel rawl plugs @ 450 mm centre to centre and fixing the frame work to
G.I. level adjusting hangers 6 mm dia. with necessary cadmium plated machine
screws all complete as per approved architectural drawings and direction of the
Engineer-in-charge (level adjusting hangers, ceiling cleats and expansion hold
fasteners to be paid for separately).

25-117 Providing and fixing 6 mm dia. G.I. level adjusting hangers (upto 1200mm length), each 57.00
fixed to roof slabs by means of ceiling cleats made out of G.I. flat 40x3mm size 60
mm long and stainless steel expandable dash fastener of 12.5 mm dia and 50 mm
long, complete as per direction of Engineer -in-charge.
25-118 Providing and fixing machine moulded aluminium covering of approved pattern and
design, made out of machine cut aluminium sheet and machine holed for receiving
dash fastener, over expansion joints on vertical surfaces/ceiling floors, the fixing on
plate in one row on one side of joint only shall be done with stainless steel dash
fasteners of 8 mm dia and 75 mm long bolt including providing aluminium washers 2
mm thick and 15 mm dia, at a staggered pitch of 200mm centre to centre including
drilling holes in the receiving surface and providing expandable plastic sleeves in
holes etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge :
(a) Anodised aluminium sheet 2.5mm thick (anodised transparent or dyed to required kg 439.00
shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15)

(b) Powder coated aluminium sheet 2.5mm thick (minimum thickness of powder coating kg 461.00
50 micron)
25-119 Filling the gap in between aluminium frame and adjacent RCC/ Brick/ Stone work by meter 53.00
providing weather silicon sealant over backer rod of approved quality as per
architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge complete. Upto 5 mm
depth and 5 mm width
25-120 Extra for applying additional anodic coating AC 25 instead of AC 15 to aluminium kg 12.00
extruded sections. For fixed portion & for shutters of doors, windows and ventilators.

25-121 Providing and fixing double glazed hermetically sealed glazing in aluminium windows, sqm 3103.00
ventilators and partition etc. with 6 mm thick clear float glass both side having 12 mm
air gap including providing EPDM gasket, perforated aluminium spacers, desiccants,
sealant (Both primary and secondary sealant ) etc. as per specifications, drawings
and direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete.

25-122 Providing and fixing aluminium tubular handle bar 32 mm outer dia, 3.0 mm thick and
length as required with SS screws etc .complete as per direction of Engineer-in-
(a) Anodized (AC 15 ) aluminium tubular handle bar each 423.00
(b) Powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium tubular handle bar. each 458.00
(c) Polyester powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium tubular handle each 474.00
25-123 Providing and fixing Brass 100 mm mortice latch and lock with 6 levers without pair of each 400.00
handles (best make of approved quality) for aluminium doors including necessary
cutting and making good etc. complete.

Code Description Unit RATE

25-124 Providing and fixing anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required kg 322.00
shade according to IS: 1868. Minimum anodic coating of grade AC15) sub frame
work for windows and ventilators with extruded built up standard tubular sections of
approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixed with dash fastener of
required dia and size (Dash fastener to be paid for separately).

25-125 Providing and fixing aluminium casement windows fastener of required length for
aluminium windows with necessary screws etc. complete.
(a) Anodized (AC15) aluminium each 54.00
(b) Powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium. each 57.00
(c) Polyester powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium. each 56.00
25-126 Providing and fixing aluminium round shape handle of outer dia 100mm with SS
screws etc. Complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge
(a) Anodized (AC15 ) aluminium each 62.00
(b) Powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium. each 65.00
(c) Polyester powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium . each 69.00
25-127 Providing and fixing anodised aluminium grill (anodised transparent or dyed to kg 460.00
required shade according to IS: 1868 with minimum anodic coating of grade AC15) of
approved design/pattern, with approved standard section and fixed to the existing
window frame with C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws @ 200mm centre to centre,
including cutting the grill to proper opening size for fixing and operation of handles
and fixing approved anodised aluminium standard section around the opening, all
complete as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Only weight of
grill to be measured for payment).
25-128 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened glass door shutter of approved sqm 4958.00
brand and manufacture, including providing and fixing top & bottom pivot & double
action hydraulic floor spring type fixing arrangement and making necessary holes etc.
for fixing required door fittings, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge
(Door handle, lock and stopper be paid separately).
25-129 Providing and fixing 50 micron thick reflective one way type heat /light control film to sqm 448.00
window/door glazing with complete accessories as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge of approved brand and make.
25-130 Providing and fixing 50 micron thick Frosted heat /light control film to window/door sqm 518.00
glazing with complete accessories as per direction of Engineer-in-charge of approved
brand and make.
25-131 Providing and fixing 25 micron thick Non reflective heat /light control film to sqm 352.00
window/door glazing with complete accessories as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge of approved brand and make.

Code Description Unit RATE

Water Proofing Work

25-132 Providing and laying water proofing treatment in sunken portion of WCs, bathroom sqm 207.00
etc., by applying cement slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound
consisting of applying :
a) First layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement
compound @ 0.253 kg/sqm. This layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours.
b) Second layer of slurry of cement @ 0.242 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing
cement compound @ 0.126 kg/sqm. This layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours
followed with water curing for 48 hours. The rate includes preparation of surface,
treatment and sealing of all joints, corners, junctions of pipes and masonry with
polymer mixed slurry.

25-133 Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs of slabs by applying cement sqm 338.00
slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of applying :
a) After surface preparation, first layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg/sqm mixed
with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253 kg/sqm.
b) Laying second layer of Fibre glass cloth when the first layer is still green. Overlaps
of joints of fibre cloth should not be less than 10 cm.
c) Third layer of 1.5 mm thickness consisting of slurry of cement @ 1.289 kg/sqm
mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.670 kg/sqm and sand @ 1.289
kg/sqm. This will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed by water curing for 48
hours. The entire treatment will be taken upto 30cm on parapet wall and tucked into
groove in parapet all around.

25-134 Supplying and stacking of good earth specific useful for plantation at site including cum 511.00
royalty if any and carriage (earth measured in stacks will be reduced by 20% for
25-135 SSupplying and stacking sludge at site including royalty and carriage (sludge cum 643.00
measured in stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment).
25-136 Spreading of sludge, dump manure and / or good earth in required thickness as per cum 16.00
direction of Engineer-in-charge (Cost of sludge, dump manure and / or good earth to
be paid separately).
25-137 Mixing earth and sludge or manure in the required proportion specified or directed by cum 11.00
the Engineer-in-charge.

25-138 Grassing with Selection No.1 grass including watering and maintenance of the lawn
for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn, free from weeds and fit for
mowing including supplying good earth, if needed (the grass and good earth shall be
paid for separately):
(a) In rows 15 cm apart in both directions. 100 sqm 1163.00
(b) In rows 7.5 cm apart in both directions. 100 sqm 2404.00
(c) In rows 5 cm apart in both directions. 100 sqm 3601.00
(d) With grass Turf 100 sqm 2856.00
25-139 Uprooting rank vegetation and weeds by digging the area to a depth of 60cm 100 sqm 1861.00
removing all weeds and other growth with roots by forking repeatedly, breaking clods,
rough dressing, flooding with water, uprooting fresh growths after 10 to 15 days and
then fine dressing for planting new grass, including disposal of all rubbish with all
leads and lifts.

Code Description Unit RATE

25-140 Preparation of beds for hedging and shrubbery by excavating further 30cm deep of cum 67.00
already prepared trench, refilling the excavated earth after breaking clods and mixing
with sludge or manure in the ratio of 8:1 (8 parts of stacked volume of earth after
reduction by 20% : one part of stacked volume of sludge or manure after reduction by
8%), flooding with water, filling with earth if necessary, watering and finally fine
dressing, levelling etc. including stacking and disposal of materials declared
unserviceable and surplus earth by spreading and levelling as directed, within a lead
of 50m lift upto 1.5 m complete (cost of sludge, manure or extra earth to be paid for
25-141 Providing and fixing M. S. tree guard 50 cm square in plan, height 1.40 metre above each 2245.00
ground level and 0.50 metre below ground level. The vertical members shall consist
of four nos. of angle iron of size 25x25x5 mm 1.9 long, one at Each corner and 8 nos.
flat iron of size 25x5 mm 1.4 long. The vertical members shall be welded to 4 nos.
25x6 mm M. S. flats placed horizontally around the vertical member of the cage. One
name plate of 1 mm thick M.S. sheet of size 250x100 mm shall be welded to the tree
guard near the middle height and lettered PWD/ any other approved name. The tree
guard shall be fixed to the ground by making suitable holes and by embedding four
corners leg in the ground, including refilling the earth, compaction etc. complete. The
tree guard shall be painted with two coats of paint of approved brand and
manufacture over a coat of primer, complete in all respect.

25-142 Providing and fixing 25 mm dia. 3 m long cold twisted deformed steel dowel bars with each 1171.00
one end driven into 38 mm diameter 1.50 m deep hole drilled in bed rock and other
end provided with L- bend for embedding in concrete / masonry of over flow / non-
over flow blocks and other appurtenant works including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, drilling and cleaning hole, filling hole with specified cement mortar,
driving anchor rod etc. Complete.
25-143 Drilling 35 to 40 mm diameter grout holesin concrete / rock by percussion drilling meter 327.00
using jack
25-144 Providing and fixing fine chisel dressed canal bed grade stone (Type design 5)
embedding 45 cm depth of stone with 15 cm concrete all around & in bottom in
cement concrete M-7.5 (Nominal Mix), grade including excavation (all type of soil)
orientation of stone along centre line and top of concrete is flushed with design bed
level, curing etc. Complete. Using graded aggregate of maximum size 40 mm.
(a) Size 60 x15 x15 cm each 386.00
(b) Size 55x15x15 cm 314.00 each 354.00
(c) Size 50x15x15 cm each 286.00 each 322.00
25-145 Construction of Embankment with Material Obtained from Roadway Cutting
(a) Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cum 76.00
cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures or from borrow
area graded by motor grader and compacted by using vibratory rollers of 80 to 100
kN static weight to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical
Specification Clauses 301.4 & 301.5 including, watering rolling etc complete.

(b) Deduct if static roller is used in place of vibratory rollers. cum 6.00
(c) Deduct if motor grader is not used. cum 7.00
(d) Deduct if Tractor Mount Grader, more than 65 HP (6 wheel - 4 wheel drive) is used in cum 4.00
place of motor grader

Code Description Unit RATE

25-146 Excavation, Carting i/c Removal of Soil with Disposal upto 1000 m cum 44.00
Excavation of embankment, sub-grade and drain consisting of excavation, removal
and satisfactory disposal of all excavated materials including hauling to sides of
embankment and subgrade construction as also the disposal of materials in specified
manner and the trimming and finishing of the road to the specified dimensions i/c all
lifts, lead upto 1000 meters including dewatering, shaping and excavation in marsh
and complete disposal of all muck as per clause 302. for all types of soil i/c moorum
gravel etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge

25-147 Construction of BGSY information board in cement concrete:- each 9698.00

Construction of BGSY information board in cement concrete M-15 with skin
reinforcement of 8 mm dia bars @ 300 mm C/C spacing in both ways, including
excavation, base concrete (M10), priming, painting with two coats synthetic enamel
paint on new concrete surface including painting-figuring Logo and Slogan including
writing of all information about the road as per prescribed drawing.

25-148 Setting out work (Reference pillars, referencing bench mark and temporary km 10892.00
bench mark):-
Construction of Reference Bench Mark 50x50x70 cm. made of 1:3:6 cement concrete
i/c excavation of 50x50x50 cm pit, working benchmark 30x30x45 cm at every 500 m
interval made of 1:3:6 cement concrete i/c excavation of 30x30x30 cm pit and
providing and fixing of Reference pillars made of cast in situ or pre cast RCC
pole,1.50m long having dimensions as100x100mm at top and 150x150mm at bottom
with 4 no. 8mm dia. bars in longitudinal direction and 6mm dia. stirrups at 300mm c/c
spacing - made in cement concrete M-15, or finished stone posts 1500 x200x75 mm
size embedded in 30x30x45 cm cement concrete 1:3:6 i/c excavation and casting
etc. complete, @ 100 m interval or as required on both sides of the formation width
preferably at 5.50 m distance from centre line.

25-149 Surveying, levelling, recording of levels & bearing, plotting and computation of km 5920
quantity of earth work:-
Taking and recording of pre commencement levels and chaining as per prescribed
spacing i.e. 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, 3.00, 4.50, 5.50, 6.50 m in both side across the road and
at centre line, @ 20 m interval, taking & recording bearing by magnetic compass
surveying of centre line, computation of levels and marking of Road Top Level(RTL)
in Lsection & computation of volume for different components of road accordingly, as
per design and drawing, Setting out of Cross Drainage structures with required
reference pillars, Marking and recording of levels on reference pillars by Green,
Yellow and Red synthetic emulsion paint for embankment, sub-grade, and RTL
respectively etc complete as directed by engineer- in-charge.
25-150 Printing New Letters and Figures of any Shade
Printing new letter and figures of any shade with synthetic enamel paint black or any
other approved colour to give an even shade as per drawings and Technical
Specification Clause 1701
(a) Hindi (Matras commas and the like not to be measured and paid for.Half letters shall per cm 1.00
be counted as half only) height
(b) English and Roman per cm 1.00
Cautionary, mandatory, informatory, direction and place indentification signs

Code Description Unit RATE

(a) Retro-Reflective Traffic signs more than 0.90 sqm size board sqm 5668.00
Providing and erecting cautionary, mandatory, informatory, direction and place
identification of semi reflective sign boards as per IRC-67 made of 2 mm thick M.S.
Sheet duly stove enameled paint white colour in front and grey colour on back with
reflective border of 70 mm width and required message, letters, figures with reflective
tape of engineering grade as per MORD specifications of required shade and colour.
Supported and welded on two nos. 47 mm x 47 mm of 12 SWG square tube of 3050
mm height duly strengthened by 25 mm x 5 mm MS flat iron on edges on back firmly
fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundations with M-15 grade
cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level as per
approved drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701
(b) Retro-Reflective Traffic signs up to 0.90 sqm size board
25-151 Providing and erecting cautionary, mandatory, informatory, direction and place
identification of semi reflective sign boards as per IRC-67 made of 2 mm thick M.S.
Sheet duly stove enameled paint white colour in front and grey colour on back with
reflective border of 70 mm width and required message, letters, figures with reflective
tape of engineering grade as per MORD specifications of required shade and colour.
Supported and welded on 47 mm x 47 mm of 12 SWG square tube of 3050 mm
height duly strengthened by 25 mm x 5 mm MS flat iron on edges on back firmly fixed
to the ground by means of properly designed foundations with M-15 grade cement
concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level as per approved
drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701
(i) 900 mm equilateral & triangle each 3448.00
(ii) 600 mm Circular each 3284.00
(iii) 800 mm x 600 mm rectangular each 3767.00
(iv) 600 mm x 450 mm rectangular each 3252.00
(v) 600 mm equilateral & triangle each 2972.00
25-152 Painting Two Coats on New Concrete Surfaces sqm 113.00
Painting two coats including primer coat after filling the surface with synthetic enamel
paint in all shades on new, plastered / concrete surfaces as per drawing and
Technical Specification Clause 1701
Kilometre Stone
Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade kilometre stone/local stone of standard
design as per IRC:8 fixing in position including painting and printing, etc as per
drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1703
(a) With Reinforced cement concrete
(i) 5th Kilometre Stone (precast) each 3447.00
25-153 (ii) Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) each 2031.00
(iii) 200 m stone (precast) each 558.00
(b) With Local Stone
(i) 5th Kilometre Stone each 2004.00
(ii) Ordinary Kilometer Stone each 1029.00
(iii) 200 m stone each 335.00
25-154 Tubular Steel Railing on Medium Weight Steel Channel (ISMC series) 100mmx50mm RM 2160.00
Providing, fixing and erecting 50 mm dia steel pipe railing in 3 rows duly painted on
medium weight steel channels (ISMC series) 100 mm x 50 mm, 1.2 m high above
ground, 2 m centre-to-centre, complete as per approved drawings Clause 1706

Code Description Unit RATE

25-155 Tubular Steel Railing on Precast RCC posts, 1.2 m high above Ground Level RM 1892.00
Providing, fencing and erecting 50 mm dia painted steel pipe railing in 3 rows on
precast M-20 grade RCC vertical posts 175 mm x 175 mm x 1.8 m high (1.2 m above
Gl) with 3 holes 50 mm dia for pipe, fixed 2 m centre-to- centre complete as per
approved drawings Clause 1706
25-156 BGSY Sign Board each 13360.00
Providing and fixing of typical BGSY informatory sign board with Logo painting as per
approved drawing. Three MS Plates of 1.6 mm thick, top and middle plate duly
welded with MS flat iron 25mm x 5m size on back on edges. The lower plate will be
welded with MS angle iron frame of 25mm x 25mm x 5mm. The angle iron frame of
the lower most plate and flat iron frame of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos. 75mm
x 75 mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-15
grade blocks of 450mm x 450mm x 600mm, 600mm below ground level. All M.S. will
be stove enameled on both sides. Lettering and printing arrows, border etc. will be
painted with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade
and colour. All sections of framed posts and steel tube will be painted with primer and
two coats of epoxy paint.
25-157 Guard stones each
Providing and fixing guard stones on curves or at any other place as directed by
engineer incharge made of 220 X220X1000 mm hammer dressed stones / RCC M-15
and fixed 400mm into the ground in morum and broken agreegates block of size
500X500X500mm and painted with white and black bands in 2 coat with redimix
enamel paint including excavation of pit etc. complete.

25-158 Providing and fixing circular type tree guard’s made of 10mm of size square bars of nos.
1500mm hight, 6 No. vertical out of which 3 fixed with hold fast for fastening in
concrete and 3 No circular rings to make tree gard of 1000 mm dia and 1500 mm
high including welded mesh with 18 gauge with 25 x 25 mm i/c fixing in ground with
CC (M-10) including excavation of pits welding, coating of red oxide primer and
painting with enamel paint etc. complete.
25-159 Tree Plantation with including cost of tree and labours & as directed by Engineer nos.
25-160 BGSY Logo Board each 4173.00
Providing and fixing Logo Board of BGSY size 600×600mm diamond shape with 1
plate of size 900×250 mm made of 16 gauge sheet over frame of angle iron 25×25×3
mm, supported and welded on 47×47mm square tube of 12 SWG sheet tubes of
2.90m long high post duly strengthened by 25mm×5mm MS flat iron on edges on
back, firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed
foundation with cement concrete M-15 grade of 450mm×450mm×600mm, 600mm
below ground level, all sections of frames, posts and steel painted with ready mixed
synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and colour, as per
approved drawing.

25-161 Providing PCC M20 Architectural Coping on the top of wing wall, return wall etc. RM 297.00
complete as per drawing and technical specification Clause 615 (400mm wide and
150 mm thickness)
25-162 Painting on Steel Surfaces sqm 100.00
Providing and applying two coats of ready mix paint including primer coat of
approved brand on steel surface after through cleaning of surface to give an even
shade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701

Code Description Unit RATE

25-163 Painting on Concrete/Steel Surfaces with Epoxy sqm 123.00

Painting two coats including prime coat with epoxy paint of approved brand on
concrete/steel surfaces after through cleaning of surface to give an even shade as
per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1701
25-164 Anchor bar for RCC slabs of submersible bridges
Providng and fixing 20mm dia MS anchor bar duly welded at bottom with MS plate of
size 500mm x 75mm x 10mm including all material labour charges etc. as per plate
no. 7.22 SP-20 or otherwise as directed by Engineer incharge.
(a) Fixed end anchor bar each 494.00
(b) Free end anchor bar each 984.00
25-165 Providng and fixing in position bituminious paper bearing for slabs as per approved sqm 46.00
drawing and confirming to IS:1398
25-167 Providng and fixing in position anchor bar / dowel bar in 1.5 mtr. deep 65 mm dia drill per bar 857.00
hole with 25mm dia MS bar, 1.5 mtr. in hole and 1.5 mtr above hole including
placing, fixing of bar, grouting of hole with 1:3 cement mortar including cost of all
T&P, cost of air and water, drilling of hole curing etc. complete.
25-168 Construction of R.C.C. railing of M 25 grade in cast-in-situ with 20 mm nominal size meter
aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical railing post not to exceed 1 in
500, centre-to-centre spacing between vertical posts not to exceed 2000 mm as per
drawing and technical specifications Clauses 800, 900 and 1208.3

25-169 Providing and fixing in position pipe railing consisting of IS Rolled steel joist posts meter
designation ISMB 100 (100x75) at 2.5 m interval and three rows of 50 mm dia GI
pipes (Type-A) including fixing in position on bridge deck complete as per drawing
and technical specifications Clause 1208.2
25-170 Drainage spouts complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1209 nos.

25-171 Providing weep holes in brick masonry/stone masonry, plain/reinforced concrete RM 158.00
abutment, wing wall, return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe extending through the full
width of the structures with slope of 1(V):20(H) towards drawing face complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 614, 709, 1204.3.7
Filler Joint
(a) Providing and fixing 2 mm thick corrugated copper plate in expansion joint as per RM
drawing and technical specifications Clause 1207.2.2
(b) Providing and fixing 25 mm thick compressible fibre board in expansion joint sqm
complete as per drawing and technical specifications
(c) Providing and fixing 20 mm thick compressible fibre board in expansion joint sqm
complete as per drawing and technical specifications
(d) Providing and fixing in position 25 mm thick premoulded joint filler in expansion joint RM
for fixed ends of simply supported spans, covered with sealant complete as per
(e) drawing and
Providing andtechnical
fixing inspecifications.
position 25 mm thick premoulded joint filler in expansion joint
for fixed ends of simply supported spans, covered with sealant complete as per
drawing and technical specifications.
(i) For joint size 12mmx70mm RM
(ii) For joint size 5mmx70mm RM
25-173 Providing and laying boulder apron for bed protection with stone boulders of minimum cum
size and weight as per Table 1300.1, no fragment weighing less than 25 kg laid dry
complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1301
25-174 Providing and laying pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media as per drawing
and technical specifications Clause 1302
(a) Stone/Boulder cum

Code Description Unit RATE

25-175 Providing and laying filter material underneath pitching in slopes complete as per cum
drawing and technical specifications Clause 1302
25-176 Providing and laying of boulder apron laid in wire crates with 4 mm dia GI wire cum
conforming to IS:280 and IS:4826 in 100 mm x 100 mm mesh (woven diagonally)
including 10 per cent extra for laps and joints laid with stone boulders weighing not
less than 25 kg each as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1301 i/c
25-177 Providing and laying of dry rubble flooring complete as per drawings and technical cum
specifications Clause 1303.3
25-178 Construction of boulder/stone masonary wall as per drawing and specifications in cum
mudmorter or dry including white washing 3 coats to one side of the wall for guard
walls, temporary diversion etc. including all materials, labour complete.

25-179 Providing and laying filter media with granular crushed aggregates as per cum 1053.00
specification to a thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the
soil and bigger size towards the wall and providing over the entire surface behind
abutment, wing wall, return wall to the full height, compacted to firm condition
complete as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1204.3.8

25-180 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level elastomeric bearing cum 0.52
conforming to IRC:83 (Part-II) Section IX complete, including all accessories as per
drawings and technical specification Clause 1207.1
25-181 Providing pressure relief pipes 100 mm dia in bottom slab of box cell on a filter media nos. 498.00
base of 500 mm x 500 mm as per drawing and technical specification Clause
25-182 Granular Sub-base with Well Graded Material (CBR 20 or more) (Table 400.1)
Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material having CBR >=
20, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix
in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory rollers of 80 to
100 kN static weight to achieve the desired density, complete as per Technical
Specification Clause 401 for gradings mentioned in table 400.1

(a) Crushed stone materials cum 999.00

25-183 (a) Water Bound Macadam Sub-base/base with stone screening
WBM Grading 2 cum 1665.00
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to
water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with smooth wheel roller 80-100 kN in stages to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming, stone screening/binding materials to fill-up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density
grading 2 as per Technical Specification Clause 405.

(b) WBM Grading 3 cum 1722.00

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to
water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with smooth wheel roller 80-100 kN in stages to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming, stone screening/binding material to fill-up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density
Grading 3 as per Technical Specification Clause 405.

Code Description Unit RATE

25-184 Prime Coat with bitumen emulsion sqm 51.00

Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion (SS-1) on prepared
surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at
the rate of 0.85 kg/sqm using mechanical means as per Technical Specification
Clause 502
25-185 Tack Coat
(a) Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion sqm 11.00
distributor at the rate of 0.225 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous surface
cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503.

(b) Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion sqm 13.00
distributor at the rate of 0.275 kg per sqm on the prepared dry and hungry bituminous
surface cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503.

(c) Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion sqm 13.00
distributor at the rate of 0.275 kg per sqm on the prepared granular surfaces treated
with primer & cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause
(d) Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion sqm 15.00
pressure distributor at the rate of 0.325 kg per sqm on the prepared non-bituminous
surfaces (cement concrete pavement) cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical
Specification Clause 503.
25-186 Bituminous Macadam cum 5345.00
Providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using crushed
aggregates of grading as per Table 500.4 premixed with bituminous binder,
transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the
required grade, level and alignment and rolled to achieve the desired compaction as
per Technical Specification Clause 504.
25-187 Built-Up Spray Grout
Providing, laying and rolling of built-up spray grout layer over prepared base
consisting of a two layer composite construction of crushed coarse aggregates using
motor grader for aggregates. Key stone chips spreader may be used with application
of bituminous binder after each layer, and with key aggregates placed on top of the
second layer to serve as a base, conforming to the line, grades and cross-section
specified, the compacted layer thickness being 75 mm as per Technical Specification
Clause 505.
(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 274.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 276.00
25-188 Modified Penetration Macadam
Construction of penetration macadam over prepared base by providing a layer of
compacted crushed coarse aggregate using chips spreader with alternate
applications of bituminous binder and key aggregates and rolling with a three wheel
80-100 kN static roller to achieve the desired degree of compaction as per Technical
Specification Clause 506.
(a) 50 mm thick
(i) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 126.00
(b) 75 mm thick
(i) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 157.00
(ii) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 159.00

Code Description Unit RATE

25-189 Surface Dressing using Bituminous (Penetrations grade / modified bitumen)

Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course consisting of a layer of
bituminous binder laid on the prepared surface, followed by a cover of crushed stone
aggregates of specified size and rolling with three wheel 80-100 kN static roller
including cleaning the road surface as per Technical Specification Clause 507.

Case – I: Nominal chipping size 13.2 mm

(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 73.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 74.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 77.00
Case – II: Nominal chipping size 9.5 mm
(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 64.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 64.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 67.00
25-190 Surface Dressing using Bitumen Emulsion
Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course consisting of a layer of
bitumen emulsion laid on the prepared surface, followed by a cover of crushed stone
chippings of specified size and rolling with 80-100 kN roller including cleaning the
road surface as per Technical Specification Clause 507.

(a) Case – I: Nominal aggregate size 13.2 mm sqm 98.00

(b) Case – II: Nominal chipping size 9.5 mm sqm 88.00
25-191 Pre-coating Chips
Pre-coating of chips with 1 per cent of paving bitumen by weight of chips in a suitable
mixer duly heated to 160 degree C as per Technical Specification Clause 507.2.5

(a) Bitumen (VG-10) cum 1048.00

(b) Bitumen (VG-30) cum 1062.00
25-192 (A) 20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous (penetration
grade/modified bitumen) Binder
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thickness
composed of 13.2 mm size @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm & 11.2 mm size @ 0.09 cum per
10 sqm aggregates using penetration grade/modified bitumen @ 14.6 kg/10sqm to
required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared
base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three wheel 80-100
kN static roller capacity, finished to required level and grades to be followed by seal
coat of either Type A , Type B or Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 508.

(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 106.00

(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 107.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 112.00
(B) Add extra for providing & mixining anti stripping compounds confirming to the sqm 2.00
specification given in tableA- 5.1 mixing at Hot Mix tank (Plant)in the doses as per
requirement assessed as in 4,1 of appendix-5 of specification for roads & bridge
works of MORTH mixing with procedure given in 4.2 of appendix -5
Note - Payment to be made after verification of mixing with specified quantity. EE
must satisfied with the material actually procurred & used in work before making
payment.This item can be only written permission of CE

Code Description Unit RATE

25-193 20 mm thick Open Graded Premix Carpet using Bitumen Emulsion as per sqm 114.00
Technical Specification Clause 508.2
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thickness
composed of 13.2 mm size @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm & 11.2 mm size @ 0.09 cum per
10 sqm aggregates using Bitumen Emulsion (MS) @ 21.5 kg/10sqm as per MORD
specifications clause 510 and IRC :SP: 100-2014 to required line, grade and level to
serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a
suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three wheel 80-100 kN static roller capacity,
finished to required level and grades to be followed by seal coat of either Type A ,
Type B or Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 508.

25-194 Mix Seal Surfacing

Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm
thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 0.9 mm (Type-A) or 13.2 mm to 0.9 mm (Type-B)
aggregates using penetration grade bitumen to required line, grade and level to serve
as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable
plant, laying and rolling with a three wheel 8-10 kN static roller and finishing to
required level and grades as per Technical Specification Clause 509

Type A
(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 123.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 125.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 132.00
Type B
(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 113.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 114.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 120.00
25-195 Seal Coat
Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the
specified levels, grade and cross fall using Type A, Type B and Type C as per
Technical Specification Clause 510

Case - I : Type A
(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 48.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 19.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 52.00
Case - II : Type B
(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 37.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 37.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 39.00
Case - III : Type C
(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 37.00
(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 37.00
(c) Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen sqm 39.00

Code Description Unit RATE

25-196 Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam (as per MORTH specification clause No.
507 complete)
to be included in DPR only after prior written permission of CE
Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with appropreate batch type
HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder @ 4.0 to 4.5 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix
to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher to the required grade, level and
alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the
desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all
(a) Grading I layer Thickness (80-100 mm) Bitumen (VG-30) cum 6390.00
(b) Grading II layer Thickness (50-75 mm) Bitumen (VG-30) cum 3402.00
25-197 Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete (as per MORTH specification clause No. 508
to be included in DPR only after prior written permission of CE
Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete with Appropreate batch type
HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder @ 4.5 to 5 per cent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site,
laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 508 complete in all respects

(a) Grading I layer Thickness (35-40 mm) Bitumen (VG-30) cum 6479.00
(b) Grading II layer Thickness (25-30 mm) Bitumen (VG-30) cum 6801.00
25-198 Seal coat with bitumen emulsion
Providing and laying seal coat with emulsion sealing the voids in a bituminous
emulsion surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using specified
quantirty of bitumen emulsion as per MORD specifications clause 510 and IRC :SP:
100-2014 including rolling with 80-100KN Static roller as per specification complete

(a) Case - I : Type A (12 to 14 Kg per 10 Sqm emulsion) sqm 63.00

(b) Case - II : Type B (10 to 12 Kg per 10 Sqm emulsion) sqm 54.00
(c) Case - III : Type C ( 9 to 11 Kg per 10 Sqm emulsion) sqm 50.00
25-199 20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous Binder mixing with
processed waste plastic (as per IRC:SP:98-2013) by replacement of 8%
Bitumen binder by weight
Providing, laying and rolling of 20mm thick open-graded premix carpet (Thickness not
less than 20 mm at any place) composed of 13.2 mm graded aggregate size @ 0.18
cum per 10 sqm & 11.2 mm graded aggregate size @ 0.09 cum per 10 sqm using
with bitumenous binder @13.43Kg per 10 sqm (i.e. 92% of standard Bitumen and 8%
waste processsed plastic by weight shall be used for coating aggregate after its
heating) as per IRC:SP:98-2013, laying to required line, grade and level to serve as
wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant,
laying and rolling with a three wheel 80-100 kN static roller capacity, finished to
required level and grades as per Technical Specification Clause 508 to be followed
by seal coat of either Type A , Type B or Type C as per Technical Specification.

(a) Bitumen (VG-10) sqm 106.00

(b) Bitumen (VG-30) sqm 107.00

Code Description Unit RATE

25-200 Bituminous Concrete

Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 40 to 60 TPH batch type hot mix plant
producing an average output of 50 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of
specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 per cent of mix and
filler, as per design mix, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with mechanical
paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects

(a) for Grading-I ( 13 mm nominal size ) VG-30 cum 6649.00

(b) for Grading-II (10 mm nominal size) VG-30 cum 6521.00
(c) for Grading-I ( 13 mm nominal size ) VG-40 cum 6717.00
(d) for Grading-II (10 mm nominal size) VG-40 cum 6590.00
25-201 20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous (penetration
grade/modified bitumen) Binder (in Cum)
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thickness
composed of 13.2 mm size @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm & 11.2 mm size @ 0.09 cum per
10 sqm aggregates using penetration grade/modified bitumen @ 14.6 kg/10sqm to
required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared
base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three wheel 80-100
kN static roller capacity, finished to required level and grades to be followed by seal
coat of either Type A , Type B or Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 508.

(a) Bitumen (VG-10) cum 5300.00

(b) Bitumen (VG-30) cum 5366.00
25-202 Bituminous Macadam (Zycotherm additive or any equivalant material added to cum 5452.00
bitumen binder @ 0.1%)
Providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using crushed
aggregates of grading as per Table 500.4 premixed with bituminous binder,
transported to site upto a lead of 1000 m laid over a previously prepared surface with
paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled to achieve the
desired compaction as per Technical Specification Clause 504. By adding
organosilane addisive such as Zycotherm additive or any equivalant material to
bitumen binder @ 0.1% of bitumen.
25-203 20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous (penetration cum 109.00
grade/modified bitumen) (Zycotherm additive or any equivalant material added
to bitumen binder @ 0.1%) Binder
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm thickness
composed of 13.2 mm size @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm & 11.2 mm size @ 0.09 cum per
10 sqm aggregates using penetration grade/modified bitumen @ 14.6 kg/10sqm to
required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared
base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three wheel 80-100
kN static roller capacity, finished to required level and grades to be followed by seal
coat of either Type A , Type B or Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 508.
By adding organosilane addisive such as Zycotherm additive or any equivalant
material to bitumen binder @ 0.1% of bitumen.

Code Description Unit RATE

25-204 Seal Coat (Zycotherm additive or any equivalant material added to bitumen cum 38.00
binder @ 0.1%)
Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the
specified levels, grade and cross fall using Type A, Type B and Type C as per
Technical Specification Clause 510. By adding organosilane addisive such as
Zycotherm additive or any equivalant material to bitumen binder @ 0.1% of bitumen.

25-205 Excavation in ordinary Rock cum 206.00

Excavation in ordinary rock including loading in a truck and carrying of excavated
material to embankment site with all lift and lead upto 1000 m as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3.5.
25-206 Excavation in Hard Rock
(a) Excavation in Hard Rock (requiring blasting) with disposal upto 1000 m cum 216.00
Excavation for roadway in hard rock (requiring blasting) by drilling, blasting and
breaking, trimming of bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of
lines, grades and cross-sections, loading and disposal of cut rock with all lift and
leads upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 302.3.5
(To be executed with prior permission of CE)

(b) Excavation in Hard Rock (blasting prohibited) cum 336.00

Excavation for roadway in hard rock (blasting prohibited) with rock breakers including
breaking rock, loading in tippers and disposal with all lift and lead upto 1000 metres,
trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades
and cross- sections as per Technical Specification Clause 302.3.5
(To be executed with prior permission of CE)

25-207 Wet Mix Macadam cum 1692.00

Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix
macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in
mechanical mixer (Pug Mill), carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in
uniform layers in sub-base/base course on a well prepared sub-base and compacting
with smooth wheel roller of 80 to 100kN weight to achieve the desired density
including lighting, barricating and maintenance of diversion, etc as per Tables 400.11
& 400.12 and Technical Specification Clause 406.

25-208 Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising sqm 601.00
Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including
reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive
of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level,
uniform and free from streaks and holes
This item for edge line only and to be executed with prior written permission of CE

Code Description Unit RATE

25-209 Providing and fixing 3 mm thick veenier over of approved make and shed over 19 mm sqm 2679.00
thick block board of commercial quality with the help of fevicol, nails etc. complete i/c
polishing of veeniered and exposed surface with the help of thinner, chandres, chapri
and lakh dona etc. upto required finish three and more coats and one lapping coat.

25-210 Providing and fixing 4 mm thick veener of approved make and shed over existing ply/ sqm 1042.00
block board with the help of fevicol, nails/ abro tap and removing and cleaning the
exposed surfacei/c polishing with thinner, chandres, chapri and lakh dana etc. to give
desired finish as perthe direction of Engineer in Charge. Three and more coats and
one lapping coat.
25-211 Providing and fixing 6 mm thick commercial ply over existing wooden frames with the sqm 651.00
help of fevicol, nails etc complete
25-212 Providing and fixing 1 mm thick mica over existing wooden frames/ply with the help of sqm 1230.00
fevicol, nails/ abro tape complete i/c removing of unwanted material and cleaning of
25-213 Providing and fixing 4 mm thick ply only over existing wooden frame i/c all lead.lift sqm 543.00
labour etc complete with the help of fevicol, frame, nails and abro tape etc. as
approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
25-214 Providing and fixing of G.I. Mosquito wire mesh @ 928gm/sqm gauge of wire 0.30 sqm 229.00
mm including labour charges for fixing including welding charges but excluding
charge of frame etc.
25-215 Providing and fixing 1.5 mm thick vinyl flooring and scurting with the help of adhesive sqm 543.00
etc. complete with all lead lift and labour i/c repairing and preparing surface suitable
for fixing of vinyl with adhesive. as approved by Engineer in Charge.

25-216 Providing and polishing with chapri, chandras, lakh dana and thinner three and more sqm 193.00
coats and one lapping coat. as approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
25-217 Providing and fixing 1 mm thick mica over 19 mm thick block board i/c providing and sqm 2134.00
fixing 22x6 mm Teak wood beading with the help of Fevicol, nails etc and polishing of
exposed surface with thinner, chandres chapri upto the required finish as per
direction given by the Engineer in charge. Three and more coats and one lapping
25-218 Providing and fixing vertical blends of approved quality, febric, colour and design. sqm 1287.00

25-219 Providing and fixing sun glass film over glased door, windows and ventilators sqm 328.00
including all labour etc. complete as approved by Engineer in Charge.

Code Description unit Rate (Rs.)
Dag-belling in all types of soil

(a) Single spade stroke (minimum75 mm deep)

2601 meter 5.00
Double spade "V" shaped stroke(100 mm deep)
meter 7.00
Excavation for trial pit or trial trench or other investigation work including
dressing etc. complete.
(a) In all kind of soil Soft/loose/hard /dense soils, moorum & moorum mixed 20% above
with boulders and mud item 2313
(b) In Soft/ disintegrated/ weathered rock 20% above
item 2314
(c) In hard rock 20% above
item 2315
Extra rate for excavation for trial pit or trial trench or other investigation work
dressing etc. complete. When depth is more than 1.5 times the specified top
(a) In all kind of soil Soft/loose/hard /dense soils, moorum & moorum mixed 10% of item
with boulders and mud 2304 (a)
(b) in Soft/ disintegrated/ weathered rock 10% of item
2304 (b)
(c) In hard rock 10% of item
2304 (c)
Extra rate for wet excavation for trial pit or trial trench or other investigation
work including dressing etc. complete. Below sub- soil water level.
(a) In all kind of soil Soft/loose/hard /dense soils, moorum & moorum mixed 8% of item
with boulders and mud 2304 (a)
(b) in Soft/ disintegrated/ weathered rock 8% of item
2304 (b)
(c) In hard rock 8% of item
2304 (c)
Boring holes with auger in all types of soil up to 5 m depth below ground
level including collecting samples etc. complete.
meter 332.00
For 200 mm dia.
meter 434.00
(b) For 250 mm dia.
meter 511.00
(c) For 300 mm dia.

Chain and compass survey

2606 Km 1124.00
For headworks
Km 749.00
(b) For canal works
Theodolite work involving fixing of stones at every tenth chain, tangent, apex
2607 Km 2701.00
or vertex points of final alignment etc. complete.
2608 Km 533.00
Fly levelling for fixing temporary bench marks

Code Description unit Rate (Rs.)

Levelling for head works

2609 Km 1226.00
Below15 m interval for basin survey and dam seat survey.
(b) Above 15 m interval for basin survey and dam seat survey.
Km 817.00
Double levelling for transfer of bench marks.
2610 km 2946.00
Providing and fixing of standard bench marks, as per type design 8 of Water
2611 each 1491.00
Resources Dept. including fixing of MS plate size 12x12x0.60 cm and 2 Nos.
White washing and figuring of bench marks as per type design 7 of Water
2612 each 202.00
Resources Department including cost of material complete.
Providing and fixing benchmark as per type design 6 of Water Resources
Department including embedding of 45 cm depth with 15 cm concrete all
(a) With chisel dressed cut stone of size 15x15x75cm
2613 each 674.00
(b) With M-15 nominal mix RCC including cost of steel
each 655.00
each 57.00
(a) Providing chainage cum boundary, stone (as per type design no 4 of WRD)
Fixing chainage cum boundary stone, as per type design no 4 of WRD in M-
(b) each 234.00
7.5 cement concrete with 40 mm graded aggregate including excavation (any
(c) Painting chainage cum boundary stone as per (type design no 4 of WRD) with
each 54
enamel paint and figuring and labelling with black paint including cost of paint
2615 Labour only for survey for all types of building/ houses/wells including taking
per day 921.00
detailed measurements thereof, measuring components like fencing etc., and
Total station survey

(a) Topographic and cadastral survey for head works of irrigation projects by
2616 ha 242.00
using Total station GPS, etc. with minimum 30 number of point reading
(b) Topographic and cadastral survey for command area including canal
ha 181.00
alignment works of irrigation projects by using Total station GPS, etc. with
Reconnaissance survey
2617 Sqkm 55.00
Labour only for general reconnaissance survey of the geographical area for
Geological Investigation
2618 Sqkm 219.00
Labour only for systematic geological investigation for ground water survey

Resistivity Survey
(a) Resistivity Survey for selection of site for Dug well/Tube well/ Dug cum
2619 per site 2320.00
borewell for one site three soundings including all required material,
(b) Labour only for resistivity survey work for selection of site for Dug
per site 1250.00
well/Tube well/Dug cum bore well for one site three soundings.
Construction of Brick Pedestal Sign board 1.2 m wide and 1.8 m. height
2620 each 5000.00
above ground level in brick masonry with CM 1 : 6, 20 mm thick plaster with
Excavation in all kind of soft/loose/hard/dense soils, moorum & moorum
2621 cum 38.00
mixed with boulders and mud including dressing, placing the excavated soil
Excavation in soft/disintegrated/weathered rock including wet excavation,
2622 cum 81.00
dressing, placing the excavated material neatly in specified dump area or
Excavation in hard rock of all toughness requiring blasting, minimising
2623 cum 252.00
damage to rock beyond excavation line and placing the excavated rock neatly

Code Description unit Rate (Rs.)
Excavation in hard rock of all toughness (requiring controlled blasting),
2624 cum 413.00
including control of vibration by use of delay detonators and control of fly-rock
Excavation in hard rock of all toughness (blasting prohibited), placing the
2625 cum 552.00
excavated rock neatly in specified dump area or disposing off the same as
Deduction for Govt. excavated rock if used for construction.
2626 cum 105.00

(a) Earthwork for embankment (hearting/ casing) using selected soil from
2627 cum 68.00
approved borrow areas in layers of 250 to 300 mm(before compaction)
(b) Earthwork for embankment (hearting/ casing) using selected soil from
cum 46.00
approved borrow areas in layers of 250 to 300 mm (before compaction)
Earthwork for cut off trench filling using selected impervious soil from
2628 cum 75.00
approved borrow areas in layers of 250 to 300 mm (before compaction)
Compaction of earthwork

(a) Compaction of earthwork at optimum moisture content to achieve

2629 cum 15.00
maximum dry density by mechanical sheep foot roller/vibratory
(b) Compaction of earthwork at optimum moisture content to achieve
cum 9.00
maximum dry density by light roller i.e non powered roiiers or sheep foot
Watering earthwork for compaction at optimum moisture content.
2630 cum 8.00
Collection of boulders or rubble from excavated materials including stacking
2631 cum 138.00
at suitable place.
Dressing of Earthwork in

(a) All type of soil

2632 cum 6.00
(b) All type of Rocks (other than hard rock)
cum 12.00
Providing and laying M-10 grade Mass Concrete design mix using 40 mm
2633 cum 3016.00
graded aggregates, clean, hard including cost of all materials, machinery,
Providing and laying M-15 grade Mass Concrete design mix using graded
aggregates, clean, hard, including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
(a) 150 mm
cum 3185.00
(b) 80 mm
cum 3511.00
(c) 40 mm
cum 3628.00
Providing and laying M-20 grade Mass Concrete design mix using graded
aggregate, clean, hard including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
(a) 150 mm
cum 3350.00
(b) 80 mm
cum 3651.00
(c) 40 mm
cum 3797.00

Code Description unit Rate (Rs.)
Providing and laying M-20 grade Plain Cement Concrete design mix using
graded aggregate, clean, hard including cost of all materials, machinery,
(a) 40 mm
2636 cum 4318.00
(b) 20 mm
cum 5170.00
Providing and constructing un-coursed rubble stone masonry using approved
stones in cement mortar including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
(a) Strength 14 N/sqmm).
2637 cum 3044.00
(b) Strength 10.5 N/sqmm).
cum 2786.00
Providing average 50 mm deep cement mortar flush pointing to face stone
masonry in Cement mortar including cost of all materials, labour, raking-out
(a) Cement Mortar 1:2
2638 Sqm 95.00
(b) Cement Mortar 1:3
Sqm 87.00
Providing and constructing longitudinal/cross drains trapezoidal in shape with
1 m bottom width and depth of 0.9 m having side slope of 1:1 with graded
(a) Sand
cum 1114.00
(b) Aggregate 40mm nominal size
cum 904.00
(c) Rubble
cum 477.00
Filling foundations around masonry works with soil obtained from spoil banks
2640 cum 62.00
including watering and ramming etc. complete.
22 cm thick dry stone pitching without quarry spall with individual stone of 22
2641 cum 1001.00
cm depth and minimum size 0.014 cum complete.
22 cm thick dry picked up boulder pitching with individual boulders of 22 cm
2642 cum 577.00
depth and at least the dimension of boulders in any direction should not be
Providing picked up boulder spalls under pitching complete.
2643 cum 504.00
Providing and constructing Dry rubble wall (toe wall) with stone of minimum
2644 cum 712.00
size 0.021 cum at the base of stone pitching or rip-rap excluding excavation
Providing and constructing hand packed riprap as per IS- 8237 over 300 mm
thick graded filter media backing consisting of sand, clean, hard, and 40mm
(a) 300 mm thick
sqm 588.00
Stripping the seat of embankment of all foreign materials, vegetation and
2646 Cum 54.00
other growth like grass roots etc. and removing the rubbish up to a suitable
Benching the seat of embankment to an average depth of 15 cm and cross
2647 Cum 59.00
slope of 1 in 12 including cleaning of all foreign material, vegetation and other
Preparing surface for turfing, including laying 15 cm of good soil on top in 7.5
2648 sqm 36.00
cm layers, surface watering and light ramming etc. Completes.
Turfing on prepared surface, including seed or sods.
2649 sqm 23.00

Code Description unit Rate (Rs.)
Dewatering and pumping the working area including all connecting operation
required etc. complete. for cleanliness of working area by
(a) Measured in terms of electric energy consumed
kwh 28.00
(b) 5hp to 10 hp diesel pump
hour 186.00
(c) 10 hp to 20 hp diesel pump
hour 293.00


Quantity of materials required for various building item of works.

S.No. Description of Items (Mortar) Materials Unit Quantity per unit

1 2 3 4 5
1 Cement Mortar (1.2) Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
Cement Cum. 14.40 Bags
2 Cement Mortar (1.3) Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
Cement Cum. 9.40 Bags
3 Cement Mortar (1.4) Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
Cement Cum. 7.20 Bags
4 Cement Mortar (1.5) Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
Cement Cum. 5.70 Bags
5 Cement Mortar (1.6) Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
Cement Cum. 4.70 Bags
6 Cement Mortar (1.8) Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
Cement Cum. 3.50 Bags
7 1 Cement : 1 Lime : 6 Sand Sand Cum. 1.0 Cum.
Hydrated lime Cum. 0.166 cum.
Cement Cum. 4.74 Bags
8 1 Cement : 2 Lime : 9 Sand Sand Cum. 1.0 Cum.
Hydrated lime Cum. 0.222 cum.
Cement Cum. 3.17 Bags
9 1 Cement : 3 Lime : 12 Sand Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
Hydrated lime Cum. 0.249 cum.
Cement Cum. 2.37 Bags
10 1 Cement : 1 Lime : Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
12 Surkhi : 18 Sand Hydrated lime Cum. 0.055 cum.
Surkhi Cum. 0.110 Cum.
Cement Cum. 1.57 Bags
11 1 Cement : 4 Lime : Sand Cum. 1.00 Cum.
6 Surkhi : 18 Sand Hydrated lime Cum. 0.220 cum.
Surkhi Cum. 0.330 Cum.
Cement Cum. 1.57 Bags

S.No. Description of Items (Mortar) Materials Unit Quantity per unit
1 2 3 4 5
12 Lime Mortar 1:2 Sand Cum. 1.00 cum.
Unslaked Lime Cum. 0.50 cum.
13 Lime Mortar with R.O.H. Sand Cum. 1.00 cum.
Lime Hydrated lime Cum. 0.33 cum.
14 Filling foundations: Rammed Metal Cum. 1.00 cum.
moorum and metal Moorum Cum. 0.33 cum.
15 Rammed moorum and Boulders Cum. 1.00 cum.
boulders Moorum Cum. 0.40 cum.
16 Lime Concrete Metal Cum. 1.00 cum.
Lime Mortar Cum. 0.50 cum.
17 Brick Bat lime Concrete Lime Mortar Cum. 0.50 cum.
Brick Bats Cum. 1.00 cum.
18 Cement Concrete 1:1:2 Metal Cum. 0.775 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.387 cum.
Cement Cum. 11.15 Bags.
19 Cement Concrete 1:1 1\2:3 Metal Cum. 0.856 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.428 cum.
Cement Cum. 8.20 Bags.
20 Cement Concrete 1:1:2 Metal Cum. 0.810 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.540 cum.
Cement Cum. 7.75 Bags.
21 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 Metal Cum. 0.880 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.450 cum.
Cement Cum. 6.35 Bags.
22 Cement Concrete 1:21/2 :5 Metal Cum. 0.905 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.452 cum.
Cement Cum. 5.20 Bags.
23 Cement Concrete 1:3:6 Metal Cum. 0.906 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.453 cum.
Cement Cum. 4.35 Bags.
24 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 Metal Cum. 0.960 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.480 cum.
Cement Cum. 3.45 Bags.

Annexure 1 to 13 453

S.No. Description of Items (Mortar) Materials Unit Quantity per unit
1 2 3 4 5
25 Cement Concrete 1:5:8 Metal Cum. 0.85 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.530 cum.
Cement Cum. 3.20 Bags.
26 Cement Concrete 1:6:10 Metal Cum. 0.900 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.540 cum.
Cement Cum. 2.60 Bags.
27 Cement Concrete 1:8:15 Metal Cum. 0.900 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.480 cum.
Cement Cum. 1.75 Bags.


28 Plum cement concrete 1:5:8 Plum Cum. 0.60 cum.
with 60% plum Metal Cum. 0.34 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.21 cum.
Cement Cum. 1.20 Bags.
29 Plum cement concrete 1:5:8 Plum Cum. 0.40 cum.
with 40% plum Metal Cum. 0.51 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.32 cum.
Cement Cum. 1.85 Bags.
30 Plum cement concrete 1:5:8 Plum Cum. 0.25 cum.
with 25% plum Metal Cum. 0.64 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.40 cum.
Cement Cum. 2.40 Bags.
31 Plum cement concrete 1:4:8 Plum Cum. 0.60 cum.
with 60% plum Metal Cum. 0.34 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.17 cum.
Cum. 1.20 Bags.
32 Plum cement concrete 1:4:8 Plum Cum. 0.40 cum.
with 40% plum Metal Cum. 0.51 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.26 cum.
Cement Cum. 1.85 Bags.

Annexure 1 to 13 454

33 Plum cement concrete 1:4:8 Plum Cum. 0.25 cum.
with 25% plum Metal Cum. 0.64 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.32 cum.
Cement Cum. 2.40 Bags.
34 Plum cement concrete 1:3:6 Plum Cum. 0.60 cum.
with 60% plum Metal Cum. 0.36 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.18 cum.
Cement Cum. 1.75 Bags.
35 Plum cement concrete 1:3:6 Plum Cum. 0.40 cum.
with 40% plum Metal Cum. 0.54 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.27 cum.
Cement Cum. 2.60 Bags.
36 Plum cement concrete 1:3:6 Plum Cum. 0.25 cum.
with 25% plum Metal Cum. 0.67 cum.
Sand Cum. 0.34 cum.
Cement Cum. 3.55 Bags.

37 Random rubble masonry Stones Cum. 1.00 cum.
Mortar Cum. 0.33 cum.
38 Coursed rubble masonry Stones Cum. 1.00 cum.
Mortar Cum. 0.33 cum.
39 Fine ashlars Stone masonry Stones Cum. 1.00 cum.
Mortar Cum. 0.12 cum.
40 Cut Stone masonry Stones Cum. 1.00 cum.
Mortar Cum. 0.16 cum.
41 Cut Stone work for lintels Stones Cum. 1.00 cum.
beams etc. Mortar Cum. 0.75 cum.
42 Brick Masonry Bricks Cum. 500 Nos.
Mortar Cum. 0.75 cum.
43 Honey comb brick masonry Bricks Cum. 360 Nos.
Mortar Cum. 0.05 cum.


44 6mm. thick plastering Mortar 100 sqm. 0.90 cum.
45 13mm. thick plastering Mortar 100 sqm. 1.50 cum.

Annexure 1 to 13 455

46 20mm. thick plastering Mortar 100 sqm. 2.40 cum.
47 Neat Finishing w.w. lime 100 sqm. 4.28 Bags
48 Neat cement plaster Cement 100 sqm. 4.28 Bags
49 Rough cast cement plaster
(a) Base Coat Mortar 100 sqm. 1.377 cum.
(b) Rough cast mixture Aggregate 100 sqm. 1.377 cum.
Sand 100 sqm. 0.688 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 13.11 Bages
50 Pebble dashing cement Mortar 100 sqm. 0.30 cum.
rendering Pebble 100 sqm. 1.50 cum.
51 Sand faced plastering base coat Mortar 100 sqm. 2.70 cum.
13 mm thick Finishing coat Pebble 100 sqm. 4.28 Bags.
8mm. thick Sand facing

52 Rubbing on brick work Mortar 100 sqm. 0.60 cum.

53 Grooved or flush pointing

(a) Brick work Mortar 100 sqm. 0.90 cum.
(b) Stone work Mortar 100 sqm. 0.45 cum.
54 Tuck pointing
(a) Brick work Mortar 100 sqm. 0.90 cum.
(b) Stone work Mortar 100 sqm. 0.45 cum.

55 Raised Pointing to stone work Mortar 100 sqm. 0.50 cum.

56 Flush Cum. raised pointing to Mortar 100 sqm. 0.40 cum.
stone work
57 Pointing to flag stone Mortar 100 sqm. 0.30 cum.
58 Drip course
(a) 4 cm.x10 cm Bricks 100 R.M. 0.40 cum.
Mortar 100 R.M. 0.37 Cum.
(b) 10cm. x10 cm. Bricks 100 R.M. 1.00 cum.
Mortar 100 R.M. 0.70 Cum.

59 25x20 mm. Projected Patta Mortar 100 R.M. 0.075 cum.

60 25x25 mm. groove Mortar 100 R.M. 0.12 cum.

61 Throating of chajja Mortar 100 R.M. 0.06 cum.

62 20 mm. thick Architectural Mortar 100 sqm. 3.00 cum.

molding or cut back Plaster

Annexure 1 to 13 456

63 Brick on edge paving with Bricks 100 sqm. 10.00 cum.
moorum or cement mortar Moorum 100 sqm. 5000 Nos.
bedding & Joint Mortar 100 sqm. 4.50 cum.
C.M. pointing for a above Mortar 100 sqm. 0.90 cum.
64 Flag stone Flooring with Flag Stone 100 sqm. 120 sqm.
moorum or mortar bedding Moorum or mortar 100 sqm. 2.00 cum.
C.M. pointing for a above Mortar 100 sqm. 0.30 cum.
65 Machine Polished Red Stone Red Stone Slabs 100 sqm. 120 sqm.
slabs Flooring Mortar for Bedding 100 sqm. 2.00 sqm.
Cement for Slurry 100 sqm. 8.50 cum.
66 15 C.M. thick masonry stone Masonry Stone 100 sqm. 15.00 cum.
paving Moorum Mortar for 100 sqm. 7.00 cum.
Bedding and joints
Mortar for Pointing 100 sqm. 0.45 cum.
67 20 C.M. thick masonry stone Masonry Stone 100 sqm. 20.00 cum.
paving Moorum Mortar for 100 sqm. 8.60 cum.
Bedding and joints
Mortar for Pointing 100 sqm. 0.45 cum.

68 25 to 30 C.M. thick grouted Rubble Stones Cum. 1.00 cum.

Pitching Mortar Cum. 0.20 Cum.
69 I.T. Flooring 75 mm thick with Metal 100 sqm. 6.80 cum.
C.C. 1:3:6 Sand 100 sqm. 3.40 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 36.86 Bags
70 I.T. Flooring 75 mm thick with Metal 100 sqm. 6.60 cum.
C.C. 1:2:4 Sand 100 sqm. 3.40 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 51.84 Bags
71 I.T. Flooring 40 mm thick with Metal 100 sqm. 3.60 cum.
C.C. 1:3:6 Sand 100 sqm. 1.80 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 21.59 Bags
72 I.T. Flooring 40 mm thick with Metal 100 sqm. 3.50 cum.
C.C. 1:2:4 Sand 100 sqm. 1.80 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 29.55 Bags
73 I.T. Flooring 40 mm thick with Metal 100 sqm. 3.24 cum.
C.C. 1:2:3 Sand 100 sqm. 2.16 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 35.12 Bags

Annexure 1 to 13 457

74 I.T. Flooring 25 mm thick with Metal 100 sqm. 2.20 cum.
C.C. 1:2:4 Sand 100 sqm. 1.12 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 20.09 Bags
75 I.T. Flooring 25 mm thick with Metal 100 sqm. 2.02 cum.
C.C. 1:2:3 Sand 100 sqm. 1.35 cum.
Cement 100 sqm. 25.88 Bags
76 6 mm. thick mosaic topping Mosaic Chips 10 sqm. 108 Kg.
with 40 mm thick under layer Marble Power 10 sqm. 0.368 Bags
C.C. 1:2:4 12.5mm Metal 10 sqm. 0.35 Cum.
Sand 10 sqm. 0.18 Cum.
Cement 10 sqm. 3.65 Bags
77 10 mm. thick mosaic topping Mosaic Chips 10 sqm. 180 Kg.
with 40 mm thick under layer Marble Power 10 sqm. 0.61 Bags
C.C. 1:2:4 12.5mm Metal 10 sqm. 0.35 Cum.
Sand 10 sqm. 0.18 Cum.
Cement 10 sqm. 4.38 Bags
78 6 mm. thick mosaic or terrazo Mosaic Chips 10 sqm. 108 Kg.
for dado/ skirting on 13 mm Marble Power 10 sqm. 0.368 Bags
thick Plaster 12.5mm Metal 10 sqm. 0.368 Cum.
Cement 10 sqm. 0.15 Cum.
Topping 10 sqm. 1.11 Bags
79 10 mm. thick mosaic or terrazo Mosaic Chips 10 sqm. 180 Kg.
for dado/ skirting on 13 mm Marble Power 10 sqm. 0.61 Bags
thick Plaster Mortar 10 sqm. 0.15 Cum.
Cement for Topping 10 sqm. 0.84 Bags
80 20 mm. thick precast coloured Precast Title 10 sqm. 170 Nos.
cement titles/mosaic/terra Mortar 10 sqm. 0.24 cum.
marble titles on 20 mm. thick Cement for slurry 10 sqm. 1.72 bags
bedding and cement slurry and joint
81 Laying Glazed ceramic tiles Ceramic Tile 1 sqm. 48 Nos.
152x152x6mm. on C.M. Mortar for Bedding 1 sqm. 0.015 cum.
bedding Cement for Slurry 1 sqm. 0.080 Bags
82 Laying Glazed ceramic tiles Ceramic Tile 1 sqm. 110 Nos.
108x1190x4mm. on C.M. Mortar for Bedding 1 sqm. 0.015 cum.
bedding Cement for Slurry 1 sqm. 0.080 Bags

Annexure 1 to 13 458

83 Kotah/Ginno/Red sand for Stones 1 sqm 11 sqm.
dado/Skirting over 13 mm Mortar . 0.15 cum.
thick plaster Cement for Slurry 10 1.72 Bags
and joint sqm. 10
84 Kotah/Ginnor/Cuddapah stone Stones sqm.
10 sqm. 11 sqm.
Flooring over 20 mm thick Mortar 10 sqm. 0.24 Cum.
mortar bedding Cement for Slurry 10 sqm. 1.72 Bags
and joint
85 Marble stone for flooring on Marble Stones 10 sqm. 11 sqm.
20 mm. thick mortar bedding Mortar 10 sqm. 0.24 Cum.
Cement for Slurry 10 sqm. 1.30 Bags
and joint
86 Marble stone for dado/skirting Marble Stones 10 sqm. 11 sqm.
on 13 mm. thick plaster. Mortar 10 sqm. 0.15 Cum.
Cement for Slurry 10 sqm. 1.30 Bags
and joint
87 Polished red stone slab for Stone slab 1 sqm 1.1 sqm.
shelves etc. Mortar 1 sqm. 0.025 bags.

88 Single wheel Tiling Tiles 10 sqm 1300 Nos.
Mortar 10 sqm 0.030 cum.
89 Double wheel Tiling Tiles 10 sqm 2600 Nos.
Mortar 10 sqm 0.060 cum.
90 Mangalore Pattern Tiling Tiles 10 sqm 172 Nos.
Mortar 10 sqm 0.096 cum.
Hip or Ridge
91 Mangalore Pattern hip or Tiles 10 sqm 92 Nos.
Ridge Tiling Mortar 10 sqm 0.121 cum.
92 Cut stone slab roofing Cut stone slab 1 cum. 1.00 cum.
Mortar for Joints 1 cum. 0.20 cum.
Mortar for pointing 1 cum. 0.04 cum.
93 Fixing 100 mm. thick precast Cement 10 sqm. 2.90 Bags
R.C.C. Jali Sand 10 sqm. 0.30 cum.
94 Fixing 40 mm. thick R.C.C. Cement 10 sqm. 1.62 Bags
Jali Sand 10 sqm. 0.15 cum.

Annexure 1 to 13 459


95 White washing 3 coats W.W. lime 10 sqm. 0.03 Qtl.

96 White washing 2 coats W.W. lime 10 sqm. 0.02 Qtl.
97 White washing 1 coats W.W. lime 10 sqm. 0.01 Qtl.
98 Colour washing Add. Ramraj
equal to 10%
W.W. lime
99 Chalk washing 3 coats Chalk whiting 10 sqm. 0.03 Qtl.

100 Chalk washing 2 coats Chalk whiting 10 sqm. 0.02 Qtl.

101 Chalk washing 1 coats Chalk whiting 10 sqm. 0.01 Qtl.

102 Cement washing 3 coats Cement 10 sqm. 3.21 kg.

103 Cement washing 2 coats Cement 10 sqm. 2.14 kg.
104 Cement washing 1 coats Cement 10 sqm. 1.07 kg.
105 Distempering washing 2 coat Dry. Distempering 10 sqm. 1.00 kg

106 Distempering washing 1 coat Dry. Distempering 10 sqm. 0.50 kg

107 Distemper Distemper Primer 10 sqm. 0.81 Lit

108 Oil Bound Distempering 2 coat Distemper 10 sqm. 1.50 kg.
109 Oil Bound Distempering 1 coat Distemper 10 sqm. 0.75 kg.
110 Water Proofing cement W.P. cement paint 10 sqm. 3.00 Kg.
paint 2 coats
111 Water Proofing cement W.P. cement paint 10 sqm. 1.80 Kg.
paint 1 coats
112 Plaster Emulsion paint 2 coat Plastic Emulsion 10 sqm. 1.21 Litr.
113 Plaster Emulsion paint 2 coat Plastic Emulsion 10 sqm. 0.73 Litr.
114 Priming coat over steel and other Ready mixed Red 10 sqm. 0.90 Lit.
metal surface with red oxide lead Paint
115 Priming coat with Zinc Chromite Zine Chromite Paint 10 sqm. 0.54 Lit.
over steel and other surface.
116 Priming coat with wood pink Primer 10 sqm. 0.90 Lit.
117 Priming coat with Aluminum Aluminum paint 10 sqm. 1.00 Lit.
brushing primer primer

Annexure 1 to 13 460

118 Ready mixed primer coat on Ready mixed 10 sqm. 0.84 Lit.
concrete/masonry/A.C./Plastered Primer
119 Priming coat with linseed oil on Linseed Oil 10 sqm. 1.16 Lit.
concrete/masonry etc.
120 Steel/concrete/masonry etc. Enamel paint 10 sqm. 1.25 Lit.
surface 2 coats.
121 Steel/concrete/masonry etc. 1 cost 10 sqm. 0.60 Lit.
surface 2 coats.
122 Synthetic enamel painting on old enamel paint 10 sqm. 1.00 Lit.
steel/concrete/masonry etc.
surface 2 coats.
123 Varnishing 2 cost on new wood Varnish 10 sqm. 1.45 Lit.
124 Do. 1 cost on old wood work. Varnish 10 sqm. 1.45 Lit.
125 Polishing with French polish on French polish 10 sqm. 1.60 Lit.
new wood work.
126 Do on old wood work. French polish 10 sqm. 0.95 Lit.

127 Linseed oiling on new wood work Linseed oil 10 sqm. 1.16 Lit.

128 Linseed oiling on old wood work Linseed oil 10 sqm. 0.7 Lit.

129 Coal tarring 2 coat. Coal tar 10 sqm. 2.80 Lit.

Kerosen oil 10 sqm. 0.50 Lit.
130 Coal tarring 1 coat. Coal tar 10 sqm. 1.20 Lit.
Kerosen oil 10 sqm. 0.20 Lit.
131 Fixing R. C . C . N.P. 2 pipes and
collars in cement mortar
a) Diameter up to 30 C.M. Mortar each collar 0.0054 cum.
b) Do above 35 and up to 40 cm Mortar each collar 0.0072 cum.

c) Do above 40 cm up to 40 cm Mortar each collar 0.0090 cum.

d) Do above 50 cm up to 60 cm Mortar each collar 0.0108 cum.
e) Do above 60 cm up to 70 cm Mortar each collar 0.0126 cum.
0 Do above 70 cm up to 80 cm Mortar each collar 0.0144 cum.
g) Do above 80 cm up to 95 cm Mortar each collar 0.0171 cum.

Annexure 1 to 13 461


Useful Conversion Factors

S.No. To Convert Into Multiply by

1 2 3 4 5
1 Meters Yards 1.09631 0.9144
2 Meters Feet 0.28083 0.3048
3 Meters Inches 39.37014 0.0254
4 Kilometers Miles 0.62137 1.609344
5 Milimeters Inches 0.03937 25.4
6 Square Kilometers (100 mects) Squaare Miles 0.386101 2.58999
7 Square Meters Square yard 1.19599 0.83613
8 Square Meters Square Feet 10.7639 0.092903
9 Square Meters Square inches 1550.00 0.00064516
10 Square Centimeters Square inches 0.155 9.4516
11 Hectare (10000 Sq. Meters) Acres 2.47105 0.404686
12 Cubic Meters Cubic Feet 35.3147 0.028317
13 Cubic Meters Gallons (Imp.) 219.969 0.0045609
14 Cubic Centimeters Cubic inches 0.061024 16.3871
15 Liters Gallons 0.219976 4.54596
16 Kilograms Pounds (Avoirdupois) 2.20162 0.4535924
17 (100 Kgs.) Quintal Maund 2.67923 0.373242
18 (100 Kgs.) Quintal Hundred weight 1.9684 0.50802
19 Tonnes (Metric ton) Tons (British) 0.9842 1.01605
20 Tonnes (Metric ton) Maunds 26.7923 0.0373242
21 Kilometers per Hour Miles per hour 0.62137 1.60934
22 Kilometers per Hour Feet per second 0.91134 1.09728
23 Gram per Cubic Cm. Pounds per Cu. Foot 62.428 0.0160185
24 Gram per Cubic Cm. Pounds per Cu. Inch 0.0361273 27.6799
25 Gram per Litre Pounds per Cu. Foot 0.062426 16.0189
26 Kilograms per Cum. Pounds per Cu. Foot 0.0624 16.018
27 Kilograms per Litre Pounds per Cu. Foot 62.426 0.0160189
28 Kilograms per Metre Pounds per Foot 0.67179 14.8816
29 Tonne per Sqm. Ton per Sq. inch 0.09143 10.937

Annexure 1 to 13 462

S.No. To Convert Into Multiply by
30 Kilograms pe Sq. Cm Pounds per Sq. inch 14.2233 0.07037
31 Kilograms pe Sq. Metre Pounds per Sq. Foot 0.20482 4.8825
32 Kilograms Metre Foot pounds 7.231 0.1382
33 Inch pounds Kilogram centimeters 1.152 0.867962
34 Ton foot Ton metre 0.3098 3.2278
35 Pounds per Cu. Ft. Kg. per cu. M. 16.0185 0.06243



Nominal Bore Outside Diameter Class Wall Thickness Weight

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/m)
15 21.3 H 3.2 1.44
20 26.9 H 3.2 1.87
25 33.7 M 3.2 2.41
H 4.0 2.93
32 42.4 L 2.60 2.54
M 3.2 3.10
H 4.00 3.79
40 48.3 L 2.90 3.23
M 3.2 3.56
H 4.0 4.37
50 60.3 L-1 2.9 4.08
M 3.6 5.03
H 4.5 6.19
65 76.1 L 3.2 5.71
M 3.6 6.42
H 4.50 7.93
80 88.9 L 3.2 6.72
M 4.00 8.36
H 4.8 9.9
90 101.6 L 3.6 8.7
M 4.0 9.63
H 4.8 11.50
100 114.3 L 3.6 9.75
M 4.5 12.2
H 5.4 14.5
110 127.0 L 4.5 13.6
M 4.8 14.50
H 5.4 16.2
125 139.7 L 4.50 15.00
M 4.8 15.90
H 5.4 17.90
135 152.4 L 4.50 16.40
M 4.8 17.50
H 5.40 19.60
150 165.1 L 4.50 17.80
M 4.8 18.90
H 5.40 21.30
150 168.3 L 4.50 18.20
M 4.8 19.40
H-1 5.40 21.70
H-2 6.3 25.20
175 193.7 L 4.8 22.40
M 5.40 25.10
H 5.9 27.30
200 219.1 L 4.8 25.40
M 5.60 29.50
H 5.90 31.00
225 244.5 H 5.90 34.70
250 273 H 5.90 38.90
300 323.90 H 6.30 49.30
350 355.60 H 8.00 68.60



Designation Wt kg/m
Situation of Use of Section
T2 1.036 Vertical and horizontal glazing bars for doors and
shashes : windows, ventilators glazing bars for door
side lights sub dividing bars for fixed length, sash
bars for doors, windows and ventilators wheel steel
aluminium or wooden beading is used for fixing
T3 1.14 Vertical glazing bar for FZ 7 frame
T6 0.839 Vertical and horizontal glazing bar for standard
windows and ventilators.

F2 1.46 Inner frames for open-in windows

F3 2.28 Outer frames for open in windows

F5 1.55 (a) Inner and middle frames in centre-hung ventilators
(b) F5 is some times used as inner frames for
open-out windows. Also used as inner frame
for bottom hung ventilators
(c) F8 is also used as outer frame for bottom
hung ventilators.
F4B 2.28 Central mullion (meeting bar for shutters) for
windows and ventilators using F7D as inner frames,
outer frames for open- in windows in rainy areas,
subdividing bars for openable windows and top-hung
F7D 1.419
Inner and outer frames for windows and top hung
ventilators, for inner frames for centre-hung ventilators
and outer frames for door sidelights.
FX 6 2.52 Inner frame for doors
Used as outer frame for industrial shashes. Also
FZ7 1.90 used for outer frame for wooden doors
FX 8 2.31 Outer frames for doors

FZ5 2.52 Inner frames for doors

K 11B 1.80 (a) Vertical coupling mullion for standard windows

(b) Can be used as horizontal coupling bar when
openable windows are to be coupled above fixed
ones or between two fixed windows.
(c) Can also be used as horizontal coupling mullion
where windows are not exposed to weather.
K 12 B 2.30 Horizontal coupling mullion, also known as
weather bar, Especially used when the coupled unit is
exposed to rain.

Annexure 1 to 13 465

Nominal Dimension of pipes Weight of pipe
bore Outside diameter Thickness Plain end Screwed end
Max. Min. socket
mm mm mm mm Kg/m Kg/m
6 10.6 9.8 2.0 0.404 0.407
8 14.0 13.2 2.3 0.641 0.645
10 17.5 16.7 2.3 0.839 0.845
15 21.8 21.0 2.6 1.21 1.22
20 27.3 26.5 2.6 1.56 1.57
25 34.2 33.3 3.2 2.41 2.43
32 42.9 42.0 3.2 3.10 3.13
40 48.8 47.9 3.2 3.56 3.60
50 60.8 59.7 3.6 5.03 5.10
65 76.6 75.3 3.6 6.42 6.54
80 89.5 88.0 4.0 8.36 8.53
100 115.0 113.1 4.5 12.2 12.50
125 140.8 138.5 4.8 15.90 16.40
150 166.5 163.9 4.8 18.90 19.50

Tolerance in Thickness and Weight

A) Thickness
1. Butt welded medium tubes + not limited
 10 per cent
2. Seamless tubes + not limited
 12.5 per cent
B) Weight
1. Single tube (light series) + 10 percent
8 per cent
2. Single tube (medium and heavy series) ± 10 per cent
3. For quantities per load of 10 tonnes, min (light series) ± 5 per cent
8 per cent
4. For quantities per load of 10 tonnes, min (medium and heavy series) ± 7.5 per cent

Annexure 1 to 13 466

Stoneware Pipes
Internal Diameter (mm) Mean Thickness of the Barrel and Socket
100 12
150 15
200 16
230 19
250 20
300 25
350 30
400 35
450 37


Weight, Perimeter and sectional Area of Metric Steel Bars.

Diameter (mm) Weight per meter in kg Perimeter Cm Sectional Area of
steel bars in Sq. Cms.
5 0.154 1.571 0.196
6 0.222 1.887 0.282
7 0.302 2.2 0.385
8 0.395 2.514 0.503
10 0.617 3.143 0.786
12 0.888 3.771 1.131
14 1.208 4.4 1.54
16 1.578 5.028 2.011
18 1.998 5.657 2.546
20 2.466 6.286 3.143
22 2.984 6.914 3.803
24 3.551 7.543 4.526
25 3.853 7.857 4.911
26 4.163 8.171 5.311
28 4.834 8.8 6.16
30 5.549 9.428 7.071
32 6.31 10.057 8.046
34 7.13 10.686 9.083
36 7.99 11.314 10.183
40 9.87 12.571 12.571
45 12.5 14.143 15.911
50 15.41 15.714 19.643

Annexure 1 to 13 468

Weight of Flats per meter
Width in Thickness in MM.
mm. 5 5.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
12 0.471 0.518 0.565 0.659 0.753 0.848 0.942 1.036 1.130 1.319 1.507 1.695 1.884 2.072 2.355
16 0.628 0.691 0.753 0.879 1.005 1.130 1.256 1.381 1.507 1.759 2.009 2.261 2.512 2.763 3.140
20 0.785 0.863 0.942 1.099 1.256 1.413 1.570 1.727 1.884 2.198 2.512 2.826 3.140 3.454 3.925
25 0.981 1.079 1.177 1.374 1.570 1.766 1.962 2.158 2.355 2.747 3.140 3.532 3.924 4.317 4.906
32 1.256 1.381 1.507 1.758 2.009 2.360 2.512 2.763 3.014 3.516 4.019 4.521 5.023 5.526 6.279
40 1.570 1.727 1.884 2.198 2.512 2.826 3.140 3.453 3.768 4.395 5.023 5.651 6.279 6.907 7.849
50 1.962 2.158 2.355 2.747 3.140 3.532 3.924 4.317 4.709 5.494 6.279 7.064 7.849 8.634 9.811
63 2.472 2.720 2.967 3.461 3.956 4.450 4.945 5.439 5.934 6.923 7.912 8.901 9.890 10.879 12.362
80 3.139 3.454 3.768 4.395 5.023 5.651 6.279 6.907 7.535 8.791 10.470 11.303 12.585 13.814 15.398
100 3.924 4.317 4.709 5.494 6.279 7.064 7.849 8.634 9.419 10.989 12.558 14.128 15.698 17.268 19.622
125 4.905 5.396 5.887 6.868 7.849 8.830 9.811 10.792 11.773 13.736 15.698 17.660 19.622 21.585 24.520
160 6.275 6.907 7.536 8.791 10.047 11.303 12.558 13.814 15.07 17.582 20.093 22.605 25.117 27.628 31.396


Sections and weights of I.S. Rolled Steel Beams Dimension

Designation Weight Sectional Depth of Width of Thickness Thickness

per Metre Area a Section h Flange b Flange tf. of Web.
W Kg. Cm. 2 mm. mm. Mm. Tw mm.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I.S.J.B. 150 7.1 9.01 150 50 4.6 3.0
I.S.J.B. 175 8.1 10.28 175 50 4.8 3.2
I.S.J.B. 200 9.9 12.64 200 60 5.0 3.4
I.S.J.B. 225 12.8 16.28 225 80 5.0 3.7
I.S.L.B. 75 6.1 7.71 75 50 5.0 3.7
I.S.L.B. 100 8.0 10.21 100 50 6.4 4.0
I.S.L.B. 125 11.9 15.12 125 75 6.5 4.4
I.S.L.B. 150 14.2 18.08 150 80 6.8 4.8
I.S.L.B. 175 16.7 21.30 175 90 6.9 5.1
I.S.L.B. 200 19.8 25.27 200 100 7.3 5.4
I.S.L.B. 225 23.5 29.92 225 100 8.6 5.8
I.S.L.B. 250 27.9 35.53 250 125 8.2 6.1
I.S.L.B. 275 33.0 42.02 275 140 8.8 6.4
I.S.L.B. 300 37.7 48.08 300 150 9.4 6.7
I.S.L.B. 325 43.1 54.90 325 165 9.8 7.0
I.S.L.B. 350 49.5 63.01 350 165 11.4 7.4
I.S.L.B. 400 56.9 72.43 400 165 12.5 8.0
I.S.L.B. 450 65.3 83.14 450 170 13.4 8.6
I.S.L.B. 500 75.0 95.50 500 180 14.1 9.2
I.S.L.B. 550 86.3 109.97 550 190 15.0 9.9
I.S.L.B. 600 99.5 126.69 600 210 15.5 10.5
I.S.M.B. 100 11.5 14.60 100 75 7.2 4.0
I.S.M.B. 125 13.0 16.60 125 75 7.6 4.4
I.S.M.B. 150 14.9 19.00 150 80 7.6 4.8
I.S.M.B. 175 19.3 24.62 175 90 8.6 5.5
I.S.M.B. 200 25.4 32.33 200 100 10.8 5.7
I.S.M.B. 225 31.2 39.72 225 110 11.87 6.5

Annexure 1 to 13 470

Designation Weight Sectional Depth of Width of Thickness Thickness
per Metre Area a Section h Flange b Flange tf of Web.
W Kg. Cm. 2 mm. mm. Mm. Tw mm.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I.S.M.B. 250 37.3 47.55 250 125 12.5 6.9
I.S.M.B. 300 44.2 56.26 300 140 12.4 7.5
I.S.M.B. 350 52.4 66.71 350 140 14.2 8.1
I.S.M.B. 400 61.6 78.46 400 140 16.0 8.9
I.S.M.B. 450 72.4 92.27 450 150 17.4 9.4
I.S.M.B. 500 86.9 110.74 500 180 17.2 10.2
I.S.M.B. 550 103.7 132.11 550 190 19.3 11.2
I.S.M.B. 600 122.6 156.21 600 210 208 2.0
I.S.W.B. 150 17.0 21.67 150 100 7.0 5.4
I.S.W.B. 175 22.1 28.11 175 125 7.4 5.8
I.S.W.B. 200 28.8 36.71 200 140 9.0 6.1
I.S.W.B. 225 33.9 43.24 225 150 9.9 6.4
I.S.W.B. 250 40.9 52.05 250 200 9.0 6.7
I.S.W.B. 300 48.1 61.33 300 200 10.0 7.4
I.S.W.B. 350 56.9 72.50 350 200 11.4 8.0
I.S.W.B. 400 66.7 85.01 400 200 13.0 8.6
I.S.W.B. 450 79.4 101.15 450 200 15.4 9.2
I.S.W.B. 500 95.2 121.22 500 250 14.7 9.9
I.S.W.B. 550 112.5 143.34 550 250 17.6 10.5
I.S.W.B. 600 133.7 170.38 600 250 21.3 11.2
I.S.W.B. 600 145.1 184.86 600 250 23.6 11.8
I.S.H.B. 150 27.1 34.48 150 150 9.0 5.4
I.S.H.B. 150 30.6 38.98 150 150 9.0 8.4
I.S.H.B. 150 34.6 44.08 150 150 9.0 11.8
I.S.H.B. 200 37.3 47.54 200 200 9.0 6.1
I.S.H.B. 200 40.0 50.94 200 200 9.0 7.8
I.S.H.B. 225 43.1 54.94 225 225 9.1 6.5
I.S.H.B. 225 46.8 59.66 225 225 9.1 8.6
I.S.H.B. 250 51.0 64.96 250 250 9.7 6.9
I.S.H.B. 250 54.7 69.71 250 250 9.7 8.8
I.S.H.B. 300 58.8 74.85 300 250 10.6 7.6
I.S.H.B. 300 63.0 80.25 300 250 10.6 9.4

Annexure 1 to 13 471

Designation Weight Sectional Depth of Width of Thickness Thickness
per Metre Area a Section h Flange b Flange tf of Web.
W Kg. Cm. 2 mm. mm. Mm. Tw mm.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I.S.H.B. 350 67.4 85.91 350 250 10.6 8.3
I.S.H.B. 350 72.4 92.21 350 250 11.6 10.1
I.S.H.B. 400 77.4 98.66 400 250 12.7 9.1
I.S.H.B. 400 82.2 104.66 400 250 12.7 10.6
I.S.H.B. 450 87.2 111.14 450 250 13.7 9.8
I.S.H.B. 450 92.5 117.89 450 250 13.7 11.3

Sizes and weights of I.S. Rolled Steel channels
Designation Weight Sectional Depth of Width of Thickness Thickness
per Metre Area a Section h Flange b Flange tf of Web.
W Kg. Cm. 2 mm. mm. Mm. Tw mm.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I.S.J.C. 100 5.8 7.41 100 45 5.1 3.0
I.S.J.C. 125 7.9 10.07 125 50 6.6 3.0
I.S.J.C. 150 9.9 12.65 150 55 6.9 3.6
I.S.J.C. 175 11.2 14.24 175 60 6.9 3.6
I.S.J.C. 200 13.9 17.77 200 70 7.1 4.1
I.S.L.C. 75 5.7 7.26 75 40 6.0 3.7
I.S.L.C. 100 7.9 10.02 100 50 6.4 4.0
I.S.CL.C. 125 10.7 13.67 125 65 6.6 4.5
I.S.L.C. 150 14.4 18.36 150 75 7.8 4.8
I.S.L.C. 175 17.6 22.40 175 75 9.5 5.1
I.S.L.C. 200 20.6 26.22 200 75 10.8 5.5
I.S.L.C. 225 24.0 30.53 225 90 10.2 5.8
I.S.L.C. 250 28.0 35.65 250 100 10.7 6.1
I.S.L.C. 300 33.1 42.11 300 100 11.6 6.7
I.S.L.C. 350 38.8 49.47 350 100 12.5 7.4
I.S.L.C. 400 45.7 58.25 400 100 14.0 8.0
I.S.M.C. 75 6.8 8.67 75 40 7.3 4.1
I.S.M.C. 100 9.2 11.70 100 50 7.5 4.7
I.S.M.C. 125 12.7 16.19 125 65 8.1 5.0
I.S.M.C. 150 16.4 20.88 150 75 9.0 5.4
I.S.M.C. 175 19.1 24.38 175 75 10.2 5.7
I.S.M.C. 200 22.1 28.21 200 75 11.4 6.1
I.S.M.C. 225 25.9 33.01 225 80 12.4 6.4
I.S.M.C. 250 30.4 38.67 250 80 14.1 7.1
I.S.M.C. 300 35.8 45.64 300 90 13.6 7.6
I.S.M.C. 350 52.1 43.66 350 100 13.5 8.1
I.S.M.C. 400 49.4 62.93 400 100 15.3 8.6

Weights and Sizes of I.S. Rolled Steel Equal Angles
Designation Size AXB Thickness Sectional area Weight Per Metre
mm. mm Cm.2 Kg.
1 2 3 4 5
I.S.A. 2020 20x20 3.0 1.12 0.0
4.0 1.45 1.1
I.S.A. 2525 25x25 3.0 1.41 1.1
4.0 1.84 1.4
5.0 2.25 1.8
I.S.A. 3030 30x30 3.0 1.73 1.4
4.0 2.26 1.8
5.0 2.77 2.2
I.S.A. 3535 35x35 3.0 2.03 1.6
4.0 2.66 2.1
5.0 3.27 2.6
6.0 3.86 3.0
I.S.A. 4040 40x40 3.0 2.34 1.8
4.0 3.07 2.4
5.0 3.78 3.0
6.0 4.47 3.5
I.S.A. 4545 45x45 3.0 2.64 2.1
4.0 3.47 2.7
5.0 4.28 3.4
6.0 5.07 4.0
I.S.A. 5050 50x50 3.0 2.95 2.3
4.0 3.88 3.0
5.0 4.79 3.8
6.0 5.68 4.5
I.S.A. 5555 55x55 5.0 5.27 4.1
6.0 6.26 4.9
8.0 8.18 6.4
10.0 10.02 7.9
I.S.A. 6060 60x60 5.0 5.75 4.5
6.0 6.84 5.4
8.0 8.96 7.0
10.0 11.00 8.6
I.S.A. 6565 65x65 5.0 6.25 4.9
6.0 7.44 5.8
8.0 9.76 7.7
10.0 12.00 9.4
I.S.A. 7070 70x70 5.0 6.77 5.3
6.0 8.06 6.3
8.0 10.58 8.3
10.0 13.02 10.2
I.S.A. 7575 75x75 5.0 7.27 5.7
6.0 8.66 6.8
8.0 11.38 8.9
10.0 14.02 11.0

Annexure 1 to 13 474

I.S.A. 8080 80x80 6.0 9.29 7.3
8.0 12.21 9.6
10.0 15.05 11.8
12.0 17.81 14.0
I.S.A. 9090 90x90 6.0 10.47 8.2
8.0 13.79 10.8
10.0 17.03 13.4
12.0 20.19 15.8
I.S.A. 100100 100x100 6.0 11.67 9.2
8.0 15.39 12.1
10.0 19.03 14.9
12.0 22.59 17.7
I.S.A. 110110 110x110 8.0 17.02 13.4
10.0 21.06 16.5
12.0 25.02 19.6
15.0 30.81 24.2
I.S.A. 130130 130x130 8.0 20.22 15.9
10.0 25.06 19.7
12.0 29.82 23.4
15.0 36.81 28.9
I.S.A. 150150 150x150 10.0 29.03 22.8
12.0 34.59 27.2
15.0 42.78 33.6
18.0 50.79 39.9
I.S.A. 200200 200x200 12.0 46.61 36.4
15.0 57.80 45.0
18.0 68.81 54.6
25.0 93.80 73.6

Annexure 1 to 13 475

Sizes and Weights of I.S. Rolled Steel Unequal Angles
Designation Size AXB Thickness Sectional area Weight Per Metre
mm. mm Cm.2 Kg.
1 2 3 4 5
I.S.A. 3020 30x20 3.0 1.41 1.1
4.0 1.84 1.4
5.0 2.25 1.8
I.S.A. 4025 40x25 3.0 1.88 1.5
4.0 2.46 1.9
5.0 3.02 2.4
6.0 3.56 2.8
I.S.A. 4530 45x30 3.0 2.18 1.7
4.0 2.86 2.2
5.0 3.52 2.8
6.0 4.16 3.3
I.S.A. 5030 50x30 3.0 2.34 1.8
4.0 3.07 2.4
5.0 3.78 3.0
6.0 4.47 3.5
I.S.A. 6040 60x40 5.0 4.76 3.7
6.0 5.65 4.4
8.0 7.37 5.8
I.S.A. 6545 65x45 5.0 5.26 4.1
6.0 6.25 4.9
8.0 8.17 6.4
I.S.A. 7045 70x45 5.0 5.52 4.3
6.0 6.56 5.2
8.0 8.58 6.7
10.0 10.52 8.3
I.S.A. 7550 75x50 5.0 6.02 4.7
6.0 7.16 5.6
8.0 9.38 7.4
10.0 11.52 9.0
I.S.A. 8050 80x50 5.0 6.27 4.9
6.0 7.46 5.9
8.0 9.78 7.7
10.0 12.02 9.4
I.S.A. 9060 90x60 6.0 8.65 6.8
8.0 11.37 8.9
10.0 14.01 11.0
12.0 16.57 13.0
I.S.A. 10065 100x65 6.0 9.55 7.5
8.0 12.57 9.9
10.0 15.51 12.2
I.S.A. 10075 100x75 6.0 10.14 8.0
8.0 13.36 10.5
10.0 16.50 13.0
12.0 19.56 15.4

Annexure 1 to 13 476

I.S.A. 12575 125x75 6.0 11.66 9.2
8.0 15.38 12.1
10.0 19.02 14.9
I.S.A. 12595 125x95 6.0 12.86 10.1
8.0 16.98 13.3
10.0 21.02 16.5
12.0 24.98 19.6
I.S.A. 15075 150x75 8.0 17.42 13.7
10.0 21.56 16.9
12.0 25.62 20.10
I.S.A. 150115 150x115 8.0 20.58 16.2
10.0 25.52 20.0
12.0 30.38 23.8
15.0 37.52 29.5
I.S.A. 200100 200x100 10.0 29.03 22.8
12.0 34.59 27.2
15.0 42.78 33.6
I.S.A. 200150 200x150 10.0 34.00 26.7
12.0 40.56 31.8
15.0 50.25 39.4
18.0 59.76 46.9

weights and Sizes of Rolled Steel Tee Bars
Designation Weight Sectional Depth of Width of Thickness Thickness
per Metre Area a Section h Flange b Flange if. of Web.
W Kg. Cm. 2 mm. mm. Mm. Tw mm.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I.S.N.T. 20 0.9 1.13 20 20 3.0 3.0
I.S.N.T. 30 1.4 1.75 30 30 3.0 3.0
I.S.N.T. 40 3.5 4.48 40 40 6.0 6.0
I.S.N.T. 50 4.5 5.70 50 50 6.0 6.0
I.S.N.T. 60 5.4 6.90 60 60 6.0 6.0
I.S.N.T. 80 9.6 12.25 80 80 8.0 8.0
I.S.N.T. 100 15.0 19.10 100 100 10.0 10.0
I.S.N.T. 150 22.8 29.08 150 150 10.0 10.0
I.S.H.T. 75 15.3 19.49 75 150 9.0 8.4
I.S.H.T. 100 20.0 25.47 100 200 9.0 7.8
I.S.H.T. 125 27.4 34.85 125 250 9.7 8.8
I.S.H.T. 150 29.4 37.42 150 250 10.6 7.6
S.S.T. 1001 8.1 10.37 100 50 10.00 5.8
I.S.S.T. 150 15.7 19.96 150 75 11.6 8.0
I.S.S.T. 200 28.4 36.22 200 165 12.5 8.6
I.S.S.T. 250 37.5 47.75 250 180 14.1 9.2
I.S.L.T. 50 4.0 5.11 50 50 6.4 4.0
I.S.J.T. 75 7.01 9.04 75 80 6.8 4.7
I.S.L.T. 100 12.7 16.16 100 100 10.8 5.8
I.S.L.T. 75 3.5 4.50 75 50 4.6 3.0
I.S.J.T. 87.5 4.0 5.14 87.5 50 4.8 3.2
I.S.J.T. 100 5.0 6.32 100 60 5.0 3.4
I.S.J.T. 112.5 6.4 8.14 112.5 80 5.0 3.7


> The aggregate must also be checked for organic impurities such as decayed vegetation
humus, coal dust etc. What is called the colour test is reliable indicator of the presence of
harmful organic matter in aggregate, except in the area where there are deposits of lignite.

Test Procedure:

> Fill a 350 ml clear glass medicine bottle upto 70 ml mark with a 3% solution of caustic soda
or sodium hydroxide.
> The sand is next added gradually until the volume measured by the sandy layer is 125 ml.
The volume is then made upto 200 ml by addition of more of solution.
> The bottle is then stoppered and shaken vigorously and allowed to stand for 24 hours.
> At the end of this period, the colour of the liquid will indicate whether the sand contains a
dangerous amount of matter. A colourless liquid indicates a clean sand free from organic
matter. A straw coloured solution indicates some organic matter but not enough to be
seriously objectionable. Darker colour means that the sand contains injurious amounts and
should not be used unless it is washed, and a retest shows that it is satisfactory.
> Add 2.5 ml of two per cent solution of tannic acid in 10 per cent alcohol, to 97.5 ml of three
per cent sodium hydroxide solution. Place in a 350 ml bottle, fix the stopper, shake
vigorously and allow to stand for 24 hours before comparison with the solution above the

✓ Note: A three per cent solution of caustic soda is made by dissolving 3 g of sodium
hydroxide in 100 ml of water, preferably distilled. The solution should be kept in a
glass of bottle tightly closed with a rubber stopper. Handling sodium hydroxide with
moist hands may result in serious burns. Care should be taken not to spill the
solution for it is highly injurious to clothing, leather, and other materials.

Appendixes A to S



■ Apparatus: Perforated plate sieves of designation 10 mm, 4.75 mm and fine mesh sieve of
designation 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron and 150 micron should be used.
The balance or scale shall be such that it is readable and accurate to 0.1 per cent of the
weight of the test sample.
• Sample: The weight of sample available shall not be less than the weight given in the table
below. The sample of sieving shall be prepared from the larger sample either by quartering
or by means of a sample divider.
Maximum size present in Minimum weight of sample for
substantial proportions (mm) sieving (Kg)
10 0.5
4.75 0.2
2.36 0.1

Test Procedure:

■ The sample shall be brought to an air-dry condition before weighing and sieving. This may
be achieved either by drying at room temperature or by heating at a temperature of 100
degree to 110 degree centigrade.
411. The air dry sample shall be weighed and sieved successively on the appropriate sieves

starting with the largest. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sieves are clean before use.
Each sieve shall be shaken separately over a clean tray until not more than a trace passes,
but in any case for a period of not less than two minutes. The shaking shall be done with a
varied motion, backwards and forwards, left to right, circular clockwise and anti-clockwise,
and with frequent jarring, so that the material is kept moving over the sieve surface in
frequently changing directions.
■• Materials shall not be forced through the sieve by hand pressure, but on sieves coarser than
20 mm, placing of particles is permitted, Lumps of fine material, if present may be broken
by gentle pressure with fingers against the side of the sieve. Light brushing of under side of
the sieve with a soft brush may be used to clear the sieve openings. Light brushing with a
fine camel hair brush may be used on the 150 micron IS sieve to prevent segregation of
powder and blinding of apertures. Stiff or worn out brushes shall not be used for this
purpose and pressure shall not be applied to the surface of the sieve to force particles
through the mesh.
41. On completion of sieving the material retained on each sieve, together with any material
cleaned from the mesh, shall be weighed.

✓ Reporting of Results: The results shall be calculated and reported as:

(i) The cumulative percentage by weight of the total sample passing each of the sieves, to
the nearest whole number:
(ii) The percentage by weight of the total sample passing one sieve and retained on the next
smaller sieve, to the nearest 0.1 percent.

Appendixes A to S



4. A sample of sand to be tested shall be placed without drying in a 200 ml measuring

cylinder. The volume of the sample shall be such that it fills the cylinder upto 100 ml mark

■• Clean water shall be added upto 150 ml mark. Dissolve a little salt in the water in the
proportion one tea spoon to half a litre. The mixture shall be shaken vigorously, the last few
shakes being sidewise direction to level off the sand and the contents allowed to settle for
three hours.

4. The height of the silt visible as settled layer above the sand shall be expressed as a
percentage of the height of sand below. The sand containing more than the above allowable
percentage of silt, shall be washed so as to bring the silt contents within allowable limits.

✓ The sand shall not contain more than 8% of silt.

Appendixes A to S



 Two methods are suggested for determining the bulking of sand/fine aggregate. The
procedure may be suitably varied, if necessary. Both depend on the fact that the volume of
inundated sand/fine aggregate is the same if the sand/fine aggregate were dry.

Method -1:
4. Put sufficient quantity of sand loosely into a container until it is about two-third full. Level
off the top of the sand and push a steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle
to bottom, measure the height. Suppose this is 'X' cm.

 Empty the sand out of the container into another container where none of it is lost. Half fill
the first container with water. Put back about half the sand and rod it with a steel rod, about
6 mm in diameter, so that its volume is reduced to a minimum. Then add the remainder and
level the top surface of the inundated sand. Measure its depth at the middle with the steel
rule. Suppose this is 'Y' cm. The percentage of bulking of the sand due to moisture shall be
calculated from the formula:

 Percentage bulking = (X/Y -1) X 100

41110 In a 250 ml measuring cylinder, pour the damp sand, consolidate it by staking until it

reached the 200 ml mark. Then fill the cylinder with the water and stir the sand well (the
water shall be sufficient to submerge the sand completely). It will be seen that the sand
surface is now below its original level. Suppose the surface is at the mark of Yml, the
percentage of bulking of sand due to moisture shall be calculated from the formula.

 Percentage bulking= (200/Y — 1) x 100

Appendixes A to S



The apparatus, sample size and test procedure shall be same as specified in sub-head
`MORTARS'. In order that the sieves shall not be overloaded, care must be taken to ensure
that the maximum sieve loads shown in Table A-4.1 (below) are not exceeded at the
completion of sieving.

I.S. Sieve Designation Maximum weight for

45 cm dia sieve 30 cm dia sieve

Kg kg

45 mm 10 4.5

40 mm 8 3.5

31.5 mm or 22.1 mm 6 2.5

20 mm 4 2.0

16 mm or 12.5 mm 3 1.5

10 mm 2 1.0

5.6 mm 1.5 0.75

4.75 mm 1.0 0.50

3.35 mm - 0.30

Test Procedure:

> The sample weight taken will thus normally require several operations on each sieve. Each
sieve should be taken separately over a clean tray or receiver until no more than a trace
passes, but in any case for not less than two minutes.
> Materials should not be forced through the apertures but hand placing is permitted. A light
brush should be used with fine sieves.
> The cumulative weight passing each sieve should be calculated as percentage of the total
sample weight to the nearest whole number.

Appendixes A to S




Mould shall consist of a metal frustum of cone having the following internal dimensions:

Bottom diameter ....................................................................................... 20 cm

Top diameter............................................................................................... 10 cm
Height ............................................................................................. 30 cm

The mould shall be of a metal other than brass and aluminium of at least 1.6 mm (or 16 BG)
thickness. The top and bottom shall be open and at right angles to the axis of the cone. The
mould shall have a smooth internal surface. It shall be provided with suitable foot pieces
and handles to facilitate lifting it from the moulded concrete test specimen in a vertical
direction as required by the test. A mould provided with a suitable guide attachment may be
used. Tamping rod shall be of steel or other suitable material 16 mm in diameter 60 mm
long and rounded at one end.

> The internal surface of the mould shall be thoroughly cleaned and free form superfluous
moisture and any set concrete before commencing the test.
> The mould shall be placed on a smooth horizontal, rigid and non-absorbent surface viz.
levelled metal plate. The operator shall hold the mould firmly in place while it is being
filled with test specimen of concrete.
> The mould shall be filled in four layers, each approximately one quarter of height of mould.
Each layer shall be tamped with twenty five strikes of the rounded end of the tamping rod.
The strokes shall be distributed in a uniform manner over the cross section of the mould and
for the second and subsequent layers shall penetrate into the underlying layer. The bottom
layer shall be tamped through out its depth.
> After the top layer has been rodded, the concrete shall be struck off level with trowel or the
tamping rod, so that the mould is exactly filled. Any mortar which shall leak out between
the mould and the base plate shall be cleaned away.
> The mould shall be removed from the concrete immediately after filling by raising it slowly
and carefully in a vertical direction.
> The moulded concrete shall then be allowed to subside and the slump shall be measured
immediately by determining the difference between the height of the mould and that of the
highest point of specimen.
> The above operations shall be carried out at a place free from vibration or shock, and within
a period of two minutes after sampling.

The slump shall be recorded in terms of millimeters of subsidence of the specimen during
the test. Any slump specimen which collapses or shears off laterally give incorrect result. If
this occurs, the test shall be repeated with another sample.

✓ The slump test shall not be used for very dry mixes as the results obtained are not accurate.

Appendixes A to S



Si. No Characteristics Requirement of Fly Ash
For use as For use as
Pozzolana Pozzolana
I Fineness- Specific surface 320 200
in m2/kg by Blaine's
permeability method, min
II Lime reactivity — average 4.5 -
compressive strength in
N/mm2 Min
III Compressive strength at Not less than 80 -
28 days in N/ mm2 per cent of the
strength of
mortar cubes.
IV Soundness of autoclave 0.8 0.8
test expansion of
specimens, per cent, max
V Particles retained on 45 34 50
micron IS sieve (wet
sieving) in percent

Appendixes A to S




One sample (consisting of six cubes 15x15x15 cm shall be taken for every 20 cum or part
thereof concrete work ignoring any part less than Scum or as often as considered necessary by
the Engineerin- Charge. The test of concrete cubes shall be carried out in accordance with the
procedure as described below. A register of cubes shall be maintained at the site of work in
Appendix C. The casting of cubes, concrete used for cubes and all other incidental charge, such
are curing, carriage to the testing laboratory shall be borne by the contractors. The testing fee
for the cubes, if any, shall be borne by the department.

Test Procedure:

 The mould shall be of size 15 cmx15 cmx15 cm for the maximum nominal size of aggregate
not exceeding 40 mm. For concrete with aggregate size more than 40 mm size of mould shall
be specified by the Engineer-in-charge, keeping in view the fact that the length of size of mould
should be about four times the size of aggregate. The moulds for test specimens shall be made
of non-absorbent material and shall be substantially strong enough to hold their form during the
moulding of test specimens. They shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than
one percent. The moulds shall be so constructed that there is no leakage of water from the test
specimen during moulding. All the cube moulds for particular site should, prior to use, be
checked for accuracy in dimensions and geometric form and such test should at least be made
once a year. Each mould shall be provided with a base plate having a plane surface and made of
non-absorbent material. This plate shall be large enough in diameter to support the moulds
properly without leakage. Glass plates not less than 6.5mm thick or plain metal not less than
12mm thick shall be used for this purpose. A similar plate shall be provided for covering the
top surface of the test specimen when moulded.

• Note: Satisfactory moulds can be made from machine or steel castings, rolled metal plates or

Sample of Concrete
 Sample of concrete for test specimen shall be taken at the mixer or in the case of ready
mixed concrete from the transportation vehicle discharge or as directed by Engineer-in-
Charge. Such samples shall be obtained by repeatedly passing a scoop or pail through the
discharge stream of concrete.
 The sampling operation should be spread over evenly to the entire discharging operation.
The samples thus obtained shall be transported to the place of moulding of the specimen to
counteract segregation. The concrete shall be mixed with a shovel until it is uniform in
appearance. The location in the work of the batch of concrete this sampled shall be noted
for further reference. In case of paving concrete, samples shall be taken from the batch
immediately after deposition of the sub grade. At least five samples shall be taken from
different portion of the pile and these samples shall be thoroughly mixed before being used
to form the test specimen. The sampling shall be spread as evenly as possible throughout
the day. When wide changes occur during concreting, additional sample shall be taken if so
desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Appendixes A to S

Preparation of Test Specimens

 The interior surfaces of the mould and base plate shall be lightly oiled before the concrete is
placed in the mould. The samples of concrete obtained as described under the test specimen
shall be immediately moulded by one of the following methods as indicated below:-

 When the job concrete is compacted by manual methods, the test specimen shall be
moulded by placing the fresh concrete in the mould in three layers, each approximately one
third of the volume of the mould. In placing each scoopful of concrete the scoop shall be
moved around the top edge do the mould as the concrete there sided from it, in order to
ensure a uniform distribution of concrete within the mould. Each layer shall be rodded 35
times with 16 mm rod, 60 cm in length, bullet pointed at the lower end. The strokes shall be
distributed in uniform manner over the cross section of the mould and shall penetrate into
underlying layer. The bottom layer shall be rodded through its depth. After the top layer has
been rodded, the surface of the concrete shall be struck off with a trowel and covered with a
glass plate at least 6.5 mm thick or a machined plate. The whole process of moulding shall
be carried out in such a manner as to preclude the change of the water cement ratio of the
concrete, by loss of water either by leakage from the bottom or over flow from the top of
the mould. When the job concrete is placed by vibration and the consistency of the concrete
is such that the test specimens cannot be properly moulded by hand rolling as described
above, the specimens shall be vibrated to give a compaction corresponding to that of the job
concrete. The fresh concrete shall be placed in mould in two layers, each approximately half
the volume of the mould. In placing each scoopful of concrete the scoop shall be moved
around the top edge of the mould as the concrete there slides from it, in order to ensure a
symmetrical distribution of concrete within the mould. Either internal or external vibrators
may be used. The vibration of each layer shall not be continued longer than is necessary to
secure the required density. Internal vibrators shall only be used when the concrete is
required to be compacted in layers. In compacting the first layer, the vibrators shall not be
allowed to rest on the bottom of the mould. In placing the concrete for top extent that there
will be no mortar loss during vibrations. After vibrating the second layer enough concrete
shall be added to bring level above the top of the mould. The surface of the concrete shall
then the struck off with a trowel and covered with a glass or steel plate as specified above.
The whole process of moulding shall be carried out in such a manner as to preclude the
alteration of water-cement ratio of the concrete by loss of water, either by leakage for the
bottom or over flow from the top of the mould.

Curing and Storage of Test Specimen

> In order to ensure reasonably uniform temperature and moisture conditions during the first
24 hours for curing the specimen and to protect them from damage, moulds shall be covered
with wet straw or gunny sacking and placed a storage box so constructed and kept on the
work site that its air temperature when containing concrete specimens shall remain 22°C to
33°C. Other suitable means which provide such a temperature and moisture conditions may
be used.

✓ Note: It is suggested that the storage box be made of 25 mm dressed tongued and grooved

timber, well braced with battens to avoid warping. The box should be well painted inside
and outside and should be provided with a hinged cover and padlock. The test specimen
shall be removed from the moulds at the end of 24 hours and stored in a moist condition at a
temperature within 24°C to 30°C until the time of test. If storage in water is desired, a
saturated lime solution shall be used.

Appendixes A to S

Testing Procedure:
> The specimens shall be tested in accordance with procedure as described below:

> The tests shall be made at an age of concrete corresponding to that for which the strengths
are specified.

> Compression tests shall be made immediately upon removal of the concrete test specimen
from the curing room i.e. the test specimen shall be loaded in damp condition. The
dimensions of the test specimens shall be measured in mm accurate to 0.5 mm.

> The metal bearing plates of the testing machine shall be placed in contact with the ends of
the test specimens. Cushioning materials shall not be used. In the case of cubes, the test
specimen shall be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load is applied to sides of
the specimens as cast. An adjustable bearing block shall be used to transmit the load to the
test specimen. The size of the bearing block shall be the same or slightly larger than that of
test specimen. The upper or lower section of the bearing block shall be kept in motion as the
head of the testing machine is brought to a bearing on the test specimen.

> The load shall be applied axially without shock at the rate of approximately 140 kg. per
sqcm. per minute. The total load indicated by the testing machine at failure of test
specimen shall be recorded and the unit compressive strength is calculated in kg per sqcm.
using the area computed from the measured dimension of the test specimen. The type of
failure and Appearance of the concrete shall be noted.

Appendixes A to S

 In case the concrete fails when tested as per the method prescribed in Appendix A, one or
more of the following check tests may be carried out at the discretion of Engineer-in-
Charge to satisfy the strength of the concrete laid. All testing expenditure shall be borne by
the contractor, the number of additional tests to be carried out shall be determined by the
Engineer-in-Charge. He shall be the final authority for interpreting the results of additional
test and shall decide upon the acceptance or otherwise. His decision in this regard shall be
final and binding. For the purpose of payment, the Hammering test results only shall be the
criteria. Some of the tests are outlined below:-


 If a rebound hammer is regularly used by trained personnel in accordance with procedure
described in IS 13311 (part II) and a continuously maintained individual charts are kept
showing a large number of reading and the relation between the reading and strength of
concrete cubes made from the same batch of concrete, such charts may be used in
conjunction with hammer readings to obtain an approximate indication of the strength of
concrete in a structure for element. If calibration charts are available from manufactures, it
can be used. When making rebound hammer test each result should be the average of at
least 12 readings. Reading should not be taken within 20mm of the edge of concrete
members and it may be necessary to distinguish between readings taken on a trowled face
and those on a moulded face. When making the tests on a precast unit, special care should
be taken to bed them firmly against the impact of the hammer.

41. This method involves drilling and testing cores from the concrete for determination of

compressive strength. In suitable circumstances, the compressive strength of the concrete in

the structure may be assessed by drilling cores from the concrete and testing. The procedure
used shall comply with the requirements of IS 1199 and IS 516. The points from which
cores shall be taken shall be representative of the whole concrete and at least three cores
shall be obtained and tested. If the average of the strength of all cores cut from the structure
is less than the specified strength, the concrete represented by the cores shall be liable to
rejection and shall be rejected if a static load test (3-5) either cannot be carried out or is not
permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge.

41. If an ultrasonic apparatus is regularly used by trained personnel in accordance with IS

13311 (part I) and continuously maintained individual charts are kept showing a large
number of readings & the relation between the reading and strength of cubes made from the
same batch of concrete, such charts may be used to obtain approximate indications of the
strength of concrete in the structures. In cases of suspected lack of compaction or low cube
strength the results obtained from the ultrasonic test results on adjacent acceptable section
of the structures may be used for the purpose of assessing the strength of concrete in the
suspected portion.


 The load tests described in this clause are intended as check on the quality of the units and
should not be used as substitute for normal design procedure. Where members require
special testing. Such special testing procedures shall be in a accordance with the
specification. Test loads shall be applied and removed incrementally.

Appendixes A to S

Non Destructive Tests
■ The unit shall be supported at its designed point of support and loaded for five minutes with
a load equal to the sum of the characteristic dead load plus one and a quarter time the
characteristic imposed load. The deflection is then recorded. The maximum deflection after
application of the load shall be in accordance with the requirements defined by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The recovery is measured five minutes after the removal of the load
and the load then reimposed. The percentage recovery after the second loading shall be not
less than that after the first loading nor less than 90% of the deflection recorded during the
second loading. At no time during the tests, shall the unit show any sign of weakness or
faulty construction as defined by the Engineer-in-Charge in the light of reasonable
interpretation of relevant data.

Appendixes A to S



■• Five whole bricks shall be taken from the samples as specimens for this test. Length and
width of each specimen shall be measured correct to 1 mm.

■• The apparatus consists of compression testing machine, the compression plate of which
shall have a ball seating in the form of portion of a sphere the centre of which shall coincide
with the centre of the plate.


> Pre-conditioning: The specimen shall be immersed in the water for 24 hours at 25° to 29°C.
Any surplus moisture shall be allowed to drain at room temperature. The frog of the bricks
should be filled flush with mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand of grade 3 mm and down) and shall
be kept under damp jute bags for 24 hours, after that these shall be immersed in clean water
for three days. After removal from water, the bricks shall be wiped out of any traces of
> Actual Testing: Specimen shall be placed with flat faces horizontal and mortar filled face
upward between three 3 ply plywood sheets each of thickness 3 mm and carefully centred
between plates of the testing machine. Plaster of Paris can also be used in place of plywood
sheets to ensure a uniform surface. Load shall be applied carefully axially at uniform rate of
14 N/mm2 per minute till the failure of the specimen occurs.

Reporting the Test Results

■ The compressive strength of each specimen shall be calculated in N/mm2 as under :
Maximum load at failure (in N)
Compressive Strength =
Area of Specimen (in sq mm)
In case the compressive strength of any individual brick tested exceeds the upper limit of
the average compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of brick, the same
shall be limited to the upper limit of the class for the purpose of calculating the average
compressive strength. Compressive strength of all the individual bricks comprising the
sample shall be averaged and reported.

Criteria for Conformity

■ A lot shall be considered having satisfied the requirements of average compressive strength
if the average compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of brick tested is
not below the minimum average compressive strength specified for the corresponding class
of bricks by more than 20 per cent.

Appendixes A to S



No. of Specimen
■ Five whole bricks shall be taken from samples as specimen for this test.

■• A balance required for this test shall be sensitive to weigh 0.1 percent of the weight of the

> Pre-conditioning: The specimen shall be allowed to dry in a ventilated oven at a 110°C to
115°C till it attains a substantially constant weight. If the specimen is known to be relatively
dry, this would be accomplished in 48 hours, if the specimen is wet, several additional
hours may be required to attain a constant weight. It shall be allowed to cool at room
temperature. In a ventilated room, properly separated bricks will require four hours for
cooling, unless electric fan passes air over them continuously in which case two hours may
suffice. The cooled specimen shall be weigh (W1) a warm specimen shall not be used for
this purpose.
> Actual Testing: Specimen shall be completely dried before immersion in the water. It shall
be kept in clean water at a temperature of 27°C ± 2°C for 24 hours. Specimen shall be
wiped out of the traces of water with a damp cloth after removing from the water and then
shall be weighed within three minutes after removing from water (W2).

Reporting the Test Results

■• The water absorption of each specimen shall be calculated as follows and the average of
five tests shall be reported.
Water Absorption = W, —W1 100

Criteria for Conformity

■• A lot shall be considered having satisfied the requirements of water absorption if the
average water absorption is not more than 20% by weight.

Appendixes A to S



No. of Specimen
a. Five whole bricks shall be taken as specimen for this test.

4. Apparatus required for this test shall be a shallow flat bottom dish containing distilled

Procedure (actual testing)

> The brick shall be placed vertically in the dish with 2.5 cm immersed in the water. The
room shall be warm (18°C to 30°C) and well ventilated. The bricks should not be removed
until it absorbs whole water. When the whole water is absorbed and the brick appears to be
dry, place a similar quantity of water in that dish and allow it to evaporate as before. The
brick shall be examined after the second evaporation.

Reporting the Test Results

■ The rating to efflorescence in ascending order shall be reported as `NIL', 'SLIGHT',
`MODERATE', 'HEAVY' or 'SERIOUS' in accordance with the following :
(i) NIL: When there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence.
(ii) SLIGHT: When not more than 10 per cent of the area of the brick is covered with a
thin deposit of salts.
(iii) MODERATE: When there is heavier deposit and covering upto 50% of the area of
the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.
(iv) HEAVY: When there is a heavy deposit of salts covering 50% or more of the brick
surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.
(v) SERIOUS: When there is heavy deposit of salts, accompanied powdering and/or
flaking of the surface and tending to increase in the repeated wetting of the

Criteria for Conformity

41. A lot be considered having satisfied the requirements of efflorescence if for 4 out of the
specimen of 5 bricks, the rating of efflorescence is not beyond "Moderate"

Appendixes A to S



Si. No. Defects First Grade Second Grade

1 2 3 4
(i) Cross-grain Not steeper than 1 in 15 Not steeper than 1 in 10
(ii) Sound knots (i) Stiles and Rails (i) Stiles and Rails
and live knots (a) Short Exposed Face: Not (a) Short exposed Face — Not more
more than 15 mm size and not than 15 mm size and not more than
more than 1 knot/metre 3 knots per stile and 1 knot per rail
(b) Long Exposed Face- Not (b) Long Exposed Face- Not more
more than 15 mm size and not than 20 mm size and not more than 3
more than 1 knot/m. No knot shall knots per stile and 1 knot per rail
occur within 20 mm of the edges (ii) Panels — Not more than 20 mm
(ii) Panels — Not more than 20 mm size and not more the 4 knot/m2. No
size and not more than 2 knots/m2. knots shall occur on edge of any
No knot shall occur on edge of any component of a panel.
component of a panel.
(iii) Dead and loose (i) Stils and Rails — Not more than (i) Stiles and Rails — Not more than
knots 10 mm size — centrally located and 10 mm size, centrally located and
(plugged) not more than 1 knot not more than 3 knots per stile and 1
/m knot per rail.
(ii) Panels — Not more than 15 mm (ii) Panels — Not more than 15 mm
size and not more than 2 knots/m2. No size and not more than 4 knots/m2.
knot shall occur on edges of any No knot shall occur on edge of any
component of a panel. component of a panel.

(iv) Pitch pockets None Permissible except on

or exposed edges provided that they
Streaks are clean and filled up with suitable
putty or filler when pitch pockets or
streaks are located on the exposed
edges of the core, they shall be cut
out and filled with piece of wood
similar species with grain running
in the same direction. The piece shall
be well glued.
(v) Sapwood Total not exceeding 5 mm wide and Total not exceeding 10 mm wide
150 mm long per metre. (This and 300 mm long per metre.
restriction applies only to super (This restriction applies only to
group species). super group species).

Appendixes A to S

(vi) Pin holes Permitted provided they are not Permitted.
in Cluster

(vii) Worm holes None Permitted provided they are

not more than 10 mm in
diameter and not more than
one per metre and provided
such worm holes are plugged
with similar timber in such a
manner that the pluging
merges with the surrounding
area both as to colour and

✓ Note :
(i) Dead and loose knots are permitted only if they are suitably plugged.
(ii)Knot shall not occur where hinges or locks are to be fixed.

Appendixes A to S



Moisture content
5 to 15 per cent.

Shear Strength

Dry State Resistance to Moisture

Average 135 100

Individual 110 80

Appendixes A to S



Sl. No. Properties Flat pressed Three layer multi layer and graded
Grade- I Grade- II
(i) Density variation, percent ± 10 ± 10
(ii) Water absorption, percent
(a) 2 h soaking 10 40
(b) 24 h soaking 20 80
(iii) Linear expansion (swelling in 0.5 0.5
water). 2 h soaking-percent 0.5 0.5
(a) Length
(b) W id th
(iv) Thickness, swelling, percent 2 8 12
h soaking
(v) Swelling in thickness due to 6 9
surface absorption,
(vi) Modulus of rupture, N/mm2 15 11
(a) Average 13 10
(b) Minimum
(vii) Modulus of elasticity, N/mm2 2500 2000
(a) Average 2250 1800
(b) Minimum
(viii) Tensile strength perpendicular 0.45 0.3
to surface, N/mm2 0.45 0.3
(a) Upto 20 mm thickness
(b) Above 20 mm thickness
(ix) Tensile strength perpendicular 0.2 -
to surface, N/mm2 0.15 -
(a) After cyclic test
(b) Accelerated water
resistance test2)
(x) Screw withdrawal strength, N 1250 1250
(a)Face 850 700
( b ) E d g e (for thickness

1) Cyclic Test— Specimen are immersed in water at 27 ± 2°C for a period of 72 h, followed by
drying in air at 27 ± 2°C for 24 H and then heating in dry air at 70°C for 72 h. Three such cycles
are to be followed and then the specimens are tested for tensile strength perpendicular to surface.
2) Accelerated Water Resistance Test— Specimen are immersed in water at 27 ± 2°C and water is
brought to boiling and kept at boiling temperature for 2 h. Specimen are then cooled in water to 27
± 2°C and then tested for tensile strength perpendicular to surface.

Appendixes A to S




Door shutters shall be tested for resistance of their base to immersion in water as follows :
> The door shutter shall be immersed vertically to a height of 30 cm in water at room
temperature for 24 hours
> then allowed to dry for 24 hours at 27 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 65 ± 5 per cent.
> The cycle shall be repeated eight times.
> There shall be no delamination at the end of the test.


Apparatus :

The type of knife required to be used in the test is given in Fig. below. It may be made from
a 250 x 25 mm file. The cutting edge should be kept chiselsharp. The test shall be carried
out on a stout table to which a wooden batten is screwed against which the edge of test
piece is placed.


Procedure :

> The knife is inserted with its cutting edge parallel to the grain of the outer veneer and
worked into, or if possible along a glue line and the veneer is prised upwards.
> A hard and dense specie of plywood requires considerable force to effect entry and to prise
and veneer.
> In a soft timber the knife tends to follow an easy course through the wood and in this case it
is essential that the knife be firmly guided along the glue line.
> The bond should just pass the requirement, it is judged by the relative amount of wood fibre
left on the core veneer, and the area prised off.
> The grading is assessed chiefly on the appearance of the break.
> The force needed to effect separation is also an accompanying requirement. The bond is
`excellent', when it is difficult to find the glue line and impossible to keep the tool within it
for more than 6 mm without cutting adjacent wood.
> On prising upwards, the veneer usually breaks off over a width slightly greater than that of
the tool.

> The bond is 'poor' when knife meets little opposition in the glue line and the prise results in
the easy removal of almost all the veneers from one side of the test piece. The separated
veneers are usually almost free from adherent fibre.
> Reporting of test results : The results shall be reported as 'pass standard' excellent' or

Appendixes A to S

> Four square sections, 150 x 150 mm shall be cut from the corners of the door.
> These four cornersections as cut from the door shall be immersed in boiling water for 4
hours, then dried at 27 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 65 ± 5 per cent for 24 hours.
> At the end of the drying period, the samples shall be examined for delamination.
> In the case of the glue lines in the plywood, all the four exposed edges of the plywood on
both faces of a specimen shall be examined for delamination. A specimen shall be
considered to have passed the test if no delamination has occured in the glue lines in the
plywood and if no single delamination more than 50 mm in length and more than 3 mm in
depth has occured in the assembly glue lines between the plywood faces and the stile and
> Delamination at the corner shall be measured continuously around the corner. Delamination
at a knot, knot hole, a pitch pocket and worm hole or other permissible wood defects shall
not be considered in assessing the sample. A door shall be deemed to have passed this test if
three of the four specimens tested pass the test.

Appendixes A to S



Preparation of Sample

> 25 mm cylinder shall be prepared in ratio 1:2 mix (1 cement: 2 grades stone aggregate 6
nominal size by weight) one each with and without the admixture of concrete hardening
> The concrete hardening compound shall be used in the proportion by weight of cement as
recommended by the firm. The cylinder shall be placed inside a damp box for 24 hours and
then cured in water for 27 days.
> After that, they shall be subject to abrasion test on `Dorry Type Avery Abrasion Testing
Machine, using Emery powder No 80 as the abrasing medium.

Results of Tests

The following observations shall be made in both the cases.

(a) Composition of the Test specimen
(b) Mean thickness rubbed away
(c) Percentage loss in weight


 Percentage loss in weight in the case of cylinders with concrete hardening compound,
should not be more than 40% of the percentage loss in the case of cylinder without concrete
hardening compound.

Appendixes A to S




The tiles required of carrying out test described below shall be taken by 'random sampling'. Each
tile sample shall be marked to identify the consignement from which it was selected. Minimum
quantity of tiles for carrying out the test and frequency of test shall be as specified in the list of
Mandatory Test. The number of tiles selected for each mandatory test shall be as follows"
(a) For conformity to requirements on shape and dimensions, wearing layer, and general quality -
12 tiles
(b) For wet transverse strength test - 6 tiles
(c) For resistance to wear test - 6 tiles
(d) For water absorption test - 6 tiles

(1) The tests on the tiles shall not be carried out earlier than 28 days from the date of manufacture.
(2) The tiles selected for (a) may as well after verification of requirements, be used for (b).

Flatness of the Tiles Surface

The tiles when tested according to procedure laid down in IS 1237 edition 2.3, the amount of
concavity and convexity shall not exceed 1 mm.

When tested in accordance with the procedure laid down in IS 1237 edition 2.3, the longest gap
between the arm of the square and edge of the tile shall not exceed 2 per cent of the length of edge.

When tested as per IS 1237 edition 2.3, the gap between the thread and the plane of tile shall not
exceed 1 percent of the length of edge.

Water Absoption
When tested the average water absoption shall not exceed 10 per cent.

Wet Transverse Strength Test

Six full size tiles shall be tested for the determination of wet transverse strength. When tested
according to the procedure laid down in IS 1237 edition 2.3, the average wet transverse strength
shall not be less than 3 N/mm2 (30 kgf/cm2)

Resistance to Wear Test

When tested according to IS 1237 edition 2.3, average wear shall not exceed 3.5 mm and the wear
on any individual specimen shall not exceed 4 mm, for general purpose tiles. And 2 mm and 2.5
mm of average wear on any individual specimen, respectively for heavy duty floor tiles.

Appendixes A to S



1. Each valved section of the pipe shall be slowly filled with water and all air shall be expelled
from the pipe through hydrants and blow-offs. If these are not available at high places,
necessary tapping may be made at points of highest elevation before the test is made and
plugs inserted after the tests have been completed.

2. If the trench has been partially back-filled the specified pressure based on the elevation of
the lowest point of the line or section under test and corrected to the elevation of the test
gauge, shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to
the Engineer-in-Charge. The duration of the test shall not be less than 5 minutes.

3. Examination under Pressure: All exposed pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants and joints should
be carefully examined during the open-trench test. When the joints are made with lead,
all such joints showing visible leaks shall be recaulked until tight. When the joints are
made with cement and show seepage or slight leakage, such joints shall be cut out and
replaced as directed by the authority. Any cracked or defective pipes, fittings, valves or
hydrants discovered in consequence of this pressure test shall be removed and replaced by
sound material and the test shall be repeated until satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge.

4. If the trench has been back-filled to the top, the section shall be first subjected to water
pressure normal to the area and the exposed parts shall be carefully examined. If any
defects are found, they shall be repaired and the pressure test repeated until no defects are
found. The duration of the final pressure tests shall be at least one hour.

Procedure for Leakage Test

5. Leakage is defined as the quantity of water to be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any
valved section thereof, necessary to maintain the specified leakage test pressure after the
pipe has been filled with water and the air expelled.
No pipe installation shall be accepted until the leakage is less than the number of cm3/h
determined by the formula:

ql =
Where ql = the allowable leakage in cm3/h.
N = number of joints in the length of the pipe line.
D = diameter in mm, and
P= the average test pressure during the leakage testing kg/cm2.

Variation from Permissible Leakage: Should any test of pipe laid in position discloses
leakage greater than that specified the defective joints shall be repaired until the leakage is within
the specified allowance.

Appendixes A to S


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