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Cairo Governorate 6 th Primary El

Shorouk Directorate of Education Time for English (6)

Helsinki Semi- International School Second Term
2022 – 2023 Final Revision (O.L)
Sample test (1)

A. Listening

I-Listen and circle:

1-a. She feels hot b. She feels cold.

2-a. Because I skipped lunch. b. Because I didn’t have breakfast. 6
3-a. Are you from San Francisco? b. Are you from Paris?
4-a. Did you see the animals? b. Did they catch the butterfly?

2- Listen and complete:

Sam: Did you visit London?
Dan: ……., I did. 6
Sam: ……did you go there?
Dan: I went in ………….
Sam: How ……… you go there?
Dan: I went by plane.
B. Reading
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1-Noha likes playing the violin, but she doesn’t ………..enough. 8

a-lift b- write c- practise d- clean
2- Mustafa was talking …… …… the phone.
a-in b- with c- on d- at
3- It’s a/an ………… sandcastle. It’s very big.
a-enormous b- small c- little d- short
4-When I was little, I …………. peel an orange.
a-could b- can c- will d- can’t
5- Did Ali’s brother fly a plane by…………………
a-myself b- themselves c- herself d- himself
6 –How…………. money do you have?
a- many b- long c- much d- often
7- I can’t …………. this box. It’s heavy.
a- climb b- lift c- run d- practise
8-Yesterday, I saw a play at the …………..
a- restaurant b- museum c- theater d- shop

4- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one:

1. pilot -teacher -park -officer (………….…………) 5
2. book – bag – pen – do (…………………….)
3. Spring – February –January–August (…………………….)
4. slow–quiet–sad-well (…………………….)
5. chop – climb – inside- make (…………………….)

5 - Read the passage and answer the questions:

Anne is my friend. She is from London. She comes to Egypt every year. She comes in winter
because the weather is fine. She stays in a big hotel in Cairo. She visits the Egyptian Museum in
Cairo. She also visits the temples at Luxor .She likes taking photographs of our monuments. She
always says that Egypt is a great country and a wonderful place for tourists to visit.
A – Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1– Ann is from …………………

a. Luxor b. Cairo c. London d. Alexandria
2 – The Egyptian Museum is in ………………..
a. London b. Cairo c. Alexandria d. Luxor

B – Answer he following questions:

3 – Why does Ann come to Egypt in winter?

4 – Where does Ann stay in Cairo?
C. Writing
6- Write an email of SEVEN (7) sentences:
Write an email to your friend Hany to tell him/ her about favorite animal . 7
Your name is Walid and your email address is [email protected] and your friend’s email is
[email protected]

7-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:
1- walking – to - school – Ahmed- is.
2- did- Paris-long – How- stay- you- in ?

8-Punctuate the following sentences:

1- You shouldn t skip breakfast
2- Who is ahmed taking care of 2

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