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CSU Session 200419



Forte IRI
INTAKE 11 & 12 (Retake)



Topics Covered, Textbook and Reference Materials

1. Please refer to the Subject Outline found in the Study Materials provided you on the
commencement date of your module. Additional reference material may be provided by your


2. You will be assessed on the basis of 3 assignments. Details regarding these assignments are
shown below.

Description Weight Word Limit/Duration Due Date/Exam Date

Assignment 1 20% 2,000 27 April, 2005

Assignment 2 30% 3,000 23 May, 2005

Assignment 3 50% 4,000 23 May, 2005

3. All items must be answered. Failure to submit all items will result in a fail grade. Failure to
submit any one of these items may result in a fail grade.

4. Significant departures, e.g. by 10%, from prescribed word limits will be penalized.

5. Full citation of references and a select bibliography or list of references should

accompany each assignment. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade (see section on
plagiarism below).

6. To obtain a passing grade, you must:

a. Obtain at least 50 marks out of 100 weighted marks for the subject, and
b. Obtain at least 50% of the maximum marks allocated to assignment 3/examination.

Plagiarism and Failure to Cite References

7. Charles Sturt University takes a serious view of plagiarism, cheating and collusion in any
form. All assignments will be subject to plagiarism checks, including the use of electronic or
internet-based detectors.

Please refer to ‘Section 6 – Rules and Regulations’ of the CSU Postgraduate Handbook.

CSU Session 200419

Penalties for plagiarism are listed in the Academic Regulations under the Student Academic
Misconduct Rule. Depending on the severity of the offence, penalties include: a caution or
reprimand, zero marks in the assignment or examination where the academic misconduct has
occurred, a failing grade in the subject, suspension in enrolment, or expulsion from the MBA

Submission of Assignments

8. All assignments must be submitted to Forte IRI in person, or by registered mail or courier,
and must reach Forte IRI by the due date shown above.

9. Forte IRI will not accept faxed assignments or assignments sent as email attachments.

10. Each assignment submitted must be bound and accompanied by the prescribed Cover Sheet
and the identification information (student name, local center, intake number, etc.) in the
Evaluation Form (s).

11. The student declaration on each assignment cover sheet must be signed.

12. All correspondence regarding assignments should be directed to:

Mr Mike Yuen
Programme Administrator
Forte-IRI Pte Ltd
125, Pending Road
#09-22 Singapore 670125
[email protected]
Tel: 65 6732 2988
Fax: 65 6732 1779

Late Submission of Assignments

13. Assignments submitted late without prior permission from Forte IRI will be penalized.

14. The penalty for unapproved late submission is 10% of the total marks awarded each
day it is submitted late. For example, an assignment awarded 50 marks will be penalized 5
marks for being submitted a day late, 10 marks for being 2 days late, etc.

15. Extension of submission dates will be allowed only under exceptional circumstances. Only
serious illness and emergencies are considered. Supporting documents must be provided.
Work and family related pressures are normally insufficient grounds for granting an
extension of due date.

16. A request for extension must be made to Forte IRI and Forte IRI’s approval obtained, in
writing, before the original submission due date. No extension can be granted after the due

17. An extension will normally be granted for up to 7 days only. You can seek extension for no
more than 3 modules.

CSU Session 200419
18. Deferment of a module must be made in writing to Forte IRI within 14 days from the
commencement of the module. This must be before the date for submission of the first
assessment item including the examination where applicable.



Intake 11 & 12, Forte IRI (Retake)


Assignment No. 1

Due date: 27 April, 2005

Value: 20%
Word limit: 2000 words maximum
Facilitator: Ms. Diane Ooi


Critically compare and contrast two management frames in terms of their usefulness and
shortcomings in regards to the following:

1. goal setting and achievement;

2. motivation;
3. leading; and
4. communication

in an organisation of your choice or the organisation that you belong to. Use examples from the
chosen organisation, discuss if the two frames can work together effectively?


The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your level of understanding of the
material covered and your capacity to critically reflect on alternative ways of viewing how best to
manage in organisational contents. Given this, the criteria used for marking assignments will be
the extent to which you have, within the word limit:
 answered the question set, kept to the topic and covered only relevant issues;
 expressed other people’s ideas in your own words and gone beyond what they have said on
the topic by adding your own ideas, opinions and experiences;
 demonstrated that you understand the concepts, issues and debates covered by the question;
 taken a critical orientation to the topic, theories and readings;
 shown in the content of your essay that you have read the relevant academic literature;

CSU Session 200419
 provided a clear, comprehensive and coherent critical analysis of the statement;
 provided a clear and coherent consideration of alternative views to that expressed by the
statement using the academic literature to support your arguments;

 provided an overarching, well structured, clear and consistent line of reasoning across the
assignment including an effective introduction and conclusion;
 provided a discussion that is well expressed, without spelling and grammatical errors, and
is correctly referenced and cited.

Pass/fail requirements

In order to pass this assignment you must go beyond mere description by providing a clearly
expressed and coherently structured analysis and critique of the statement.

CSU Session 200419


Intake 11 & 12, Forte-IRI (Retake)


Assignment No. 2

Due date: 23 May, 2005

Value: 30%
Word limit: 3000 words maximum


It is often believed that rational decision making is objective and technical in nature. That is, as
long as the necessary steps or procedures are carried out there will not be too many problems in
arriving at the ‘correct decision’. Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not? Use
examples from your organisation?

In answering this question you are expected to define the relevant terms and definitions.

The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your level of understanding of the
ethical dimension to managing organisations and your capacity to take a considered and reasoned
position on the claim raised by the statement.

Given this, the criteria used for marking assignments will be the extent to which you have, within
the word limit:
 answered the question set, kept to the topic and covered only relevant issues;
 expressed other people’s ideas in your own words and gone beyond what they have said on
the topic by adding your own ideas, opinions and experiences;
 demonstrated that you understand the concepts, issues and debates covered by the question;
 taken a critical orientation to the topic, theories and readings;
 shown in the content of your essay that you have read the relevant academic literature;
 provided a clear, comprehensive and coherent critical analysis of the statement;
 provided a clear and coherent consideration of alternative views to that expressed by the
statement using the academic literature to support your arguments;
 provided a clear and coherent articulation of your own position with respect to the
statement and a reasoned argument supporting your view;
 provided an overarching, well structured, clear and consistent line of reasoning across the
assignment including an effective introduction and conclusion;
 provided a discussion that is well expressed, without spelling and grammatical errors, and
is correctly referenced and cited.

CSU Session 200419

Pass/fail requirements

In order to pass this assignment you must go beyond mere description by providing a clearly
expressed and coherently structured analysis and critique of the statement and a clear and
reasoned articulation and defense of your position.

CSU Session 200419


Intake 11 & 12, Forte-IRI (Retake)


Assignment No. 3

Due date: 23 May, 2005

Value: 50%
Word limit: 4000 words maximum


Diversity programs in organisations contribute to performance improvement and competitive

advantage. Discuss critically, with reference to the academic literature, on how to capitalise on
the benefits and minimise the potential costs of diversity within an organisation.


The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of the context,
objectives, benefits and costs of diversity programs in organisations. It is important that you take
a considered and reasoned position, and not simply agree or disagree. You must examine both
sides of the proposition and support your arguments with relevant academic literature.

Given this, the criteria used for marking assignments will be the extent to which you have, within
the word limit:

 answered the question set, kept to the topic and covered only relevant issues;
 expressed other people’s ideas in your own words and gone beyond what they have said on
the topic by adding your own ideas, opinions and experiences;
 demonstrated that you understand the concepts, issues and debates covered by the question;
 taken a critical orientation to the topic, theories and readings;
 shown in the content of your essay that you have read the relevant academic literature;
 provided a clear, comprehensive and coherent critical analysis of the statement;
 provided a clear and coherent consideration of alternative views to that expressed by the
statement using the academic literature to support your arguments;
 provided a clear and coherent articulation of your own position with respect to the
statement and a reasoned argument supporting your view;
 provided an overarching, well structured, clear and consistent line of reasoning across the
assignment including an effective introduction and conclusion.
CSU Session 200419

Pass/fail requirements

In order to pass this assignment you must go beyond mere description by providing a clearly
expressed and coherently structured analysis and critique, and a clear and reasoned articulation
and defense of your position.

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