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Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 1 of 18 PAGEID #: 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO WESTERN DIVISION JULIE O'NEILL Case No. 1:23-ev-00410 clo Jacobs, Kleinman, Seibel & MeNally LPA 30 Garfield Place, Suite 905, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Judge Loftus oe (COMPLAINT WITH JURY. SCRIPPS MEDIA, INC. DBA WCPO-TV clo Corporation Service Company 50 West Broad Street, Suite 1330 Columbus, Ohio 43215 ‘And ‘THE EW, SCRIPPS COMPANY clo Corporation Service Company ‘5 West Broad Street, Suite 1330 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Defendants INTRODUCTION ‘This lawsuit epitomizes the continued struggles experienced on an everyday basis by a large part ofthe working class community who have reached ther mid-S0"s. Older workers and in particular, older female employees, are increasingly viewed by modem day employers as over ‘he hill and unsuitable to compete in today’s fast paced business environment, But these employers are wrong. By relying upon thei agist stereotypes, employers debase the very qualities held by thie most valued employees upon which these employers rely on an everyday basis to compete in an evolving work environment Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 2 of 18 PAGEID #: 2 In this ease, WCPO decided to ignore the longstanding loyalty, dedication, and sar performance of Julie O'Neill ule") which she had exhibited for over 27 years and unceremoniously terminated her in September of 2022. WCPO did so to satsy its il-perecived notion that a younger face on its daily newscast would generate greater ratings. But the law prohibits WCPO's adverse job reatment of ule because of her age. Consequently, ules filing this suit to vindicate he egal sights that were so egregiously violated in he Fal of 2022. 1. THEPARTIES 1, Iuleisa former employee of Scripps Media, ne. dba WCPO-TV, and/or The E.W. Scripps Company (*WCPO"). Her employment was terminated on Septomber 23,2022. She was informed on September 13, 2022, tht her employment contract would not be renewed alter December 3, 2022. 2. Defendant Scripps Media, inc. dba WCPO-TV is a orsign corporation doing business in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Obio, 3. Defendant The E:W. Seripps Company is an Ohio corporation dong busines in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. The co-Defendants are collectively refered to as a ‘Both companies are employers as that term is referred to under the Equal Pay Act (“EPA”), Tile \Vl, The Age Discrimination Employment Act (“ADEA”), and Ohio lav, Tl. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 4. This Court has jurisdiction under the EPA, 29 USC. §206(4 et sq, 42 USC §2000e et seq. Tite VI, 29 U.S.C. $626 et seg, the ADEA. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction aver the Ohio non-edeal law claims ‘contained inthis complaint pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1367 on the grounds thet these claims are so (Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 3 of 18 PAGEIO #:3 rete tothe federal elaims ver which this Cout has original jurisdiction, that they form the same case or controversy {6 Venues propor inthe Souther Distret of Ohio, Wester Division, pursuant to 28 ‘USC. $1391 et seq as substantial part ofthe events giving rset the claims occurred in this udisial district andthe Defendans reside in this judicial district. I, STATEMENT OF FACTS 7. ule was hired by WCPO in July of 1995 from WSVN-TV in Miami, Florida, During Julie's 27 year employment tenure sith WCPO, she performed her job duties in a competent and capable manner. She received glowing performance reviews and was continually complimented on her work ethic andjob performance. She was promoted tobe the moming anchor {in 1998 for WCPO until 2002 when she was replaced by former employee, Kathrine Nero. Julie ‘tured to anchor the moming sow after Nero was terminated in 2018, She remained in that ole ntl she was issued a final written warning on September 13, 2022, and notification that further association with WCPO would be terminated 8. Theprocess to dscriminatoriy end Julie's employment from WCPO began in erly January 2022, when WCPO hired Barry Fulmer Fulmer), & male employee, as its News Director. 9. Im January 2022, it was expected that based upon Julie's prior excelent performance and longevity with WCPO, she would be the primary reporter and be given the assignment to cover onsite the Cincinati Bengals March tothe Playoffs and ultimately the Super Bow. nearly 2022, the Bengals were scheduled to participate inthe NFL playoff, Tha schedule included Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 4 of 18 PAGEID #: 4 2222 Pot gun CninatBengl vs. Temes Tits in sl TN 13022 Payot une Cnc Bnei Kass Cy Chi nana iy 2/1920 Soper Bowl LVI Casini Bengal LA Rann Los Angeles, CA 10. Se equenedht Fler ag era te pia evapenn 6 cover hse fame n pen, having followed the Benger ovr 27 ears and que Je Burow's clei cce a All American ot SU as ow LSU 11, WFO magene! and Fulmer ded J's rus and instead apoined Iae'scosnshor feral hs of te onsite tsinments, In any 2022, J's co-anchor was 4 bsailyyouge ale who wa sing pid meta Ji for smi ues she was Peon. Her co-anchor td been inthe Cis mat fr a ite ovr oe yen. The ‘comparison between the 1wo includes the following Male Co-Anchor Started broadcast news career in 2008 (14 yes.) Julie O'Neill started broadeast news career in 1991 (31 yrs) Male Co-Anchor started at WCPO October 2020 (2 yrs.) Julig O'Neill started at WCPO July 1995 (27 yrs.) Male Co-Anchor's 2020 Salary is approximately $11,000 greater than Julie's Mate Co- Anchor's 2021 Salary is approximately $5,000 greater than Julie's Male Co-Anchor's 2022 Salary is approximately $7,000 greater than Julie's 12. After she Bengals defeated the Titans on January 22, 2022, Juli again requested to WCPO management and Fulmer that she be given the assignment cover the Bengals playotT ame at Kansas City the following week. That equest was denied andthe younger male co-anchor ‘wo was being aid more money was chosen to cover the game. The Bengals defeated Kansas City and wer schedule to play in the Super Bow! to weeks late. 13, Once agin, Julie requested that she be given the on-site assignment to provide the ‘Bengals Super Bowl coverage in Los Angeles. (Case; 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 5 of 18 PAGEID +: 5 Fal 2022 14, The week before the Super Bow, on ar about Monday, Fbruaty 7, 2022 Jule was informed by Fulmer that her substantially younger male co-anchor who was being paid mor, ‘would ead the Super Bow coverage for WCPO. 15, Julie responded that Fulmer’ decision “made no sense” given her instttional ‘nowledge ofthe Bengals and its fanbase, and her wellknown enthusiasm for co-LSU Bengal ‘Tiger alum Joe Bartow. Fulmer informed her that the decision had been made to “keep the sme ‘eam in place” that had ben responsible forthe onsite Bengals coverage a the previous payot? ‘games, Julie knew this statement was untrue as both the main anchors of Tanya O'Rourke and (Craig McKee for WCPO were being sent to Los Angeles along withthe weekend anchor Evan Millward, MeKee and Millward had not covered the previous playoff games. 16, Julie further opposed Fulmers decision by aking “am I the wrong age, gendet, or colo. In response, Fulmer owned athe, rolled his eyes, and walked away without so much as ering a single word of desi 17. Shorty thereafter, multiple co-workers asked Julie why she had not been assigned the on-site Super Bowl coverage. ‘The only explanation she could provide was that it must have bon because ofher ag, gender, or color. These co-workers expressed shock and concem tat she ‘was being displaced atthe station and that WCPO was ready to dump her as an on-air personality and ultimately as an employee. 18. Fulmer became aware of Julie's co-employees voicing ther concer about WCPO’s teatment of her. He confronted Julie sbout her conversations with her co-workers including claims that various federally protected statutory tris were the motivation for Jlie’s non-ssignment, Jule responded that multiple co-workers had approsched her and expressed their Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 6 of 18 PAGEIO #: 6 shock ad dismay that she had been excluded from the SuperBowl assignment. Her discussions with co-workers were the result oftheir ings, 19, Nevertheless, Julie continued her one excellence as a tsa player by working ‘many extra hours to provide strong Super Bow content for the station regarding the Bengals Super ‘Bow participation. She als assisted her onsite co-anchor with news sources and background information for his ive coverage in Los Angeles. Julie worked extra days and long hours with much postive energy and enthusiasm to push the station's Super Bow coverage. February 2022 20, In February 2022, Julie alerted hee attomey wnion representative, Tim Willams (Willams) about her concoms regarding WCPO's and Fulmer’s Super Bow decision to not assign her the on-site coverage. Williams suggested that he contact Jeff Brogan (“Brogan”), WCPO General Manager, relating to the ise, Julie agreed and Wi ans called het after his conversation with Brogan, stating that Brogan told him, “Julie and Tanya are the faces of the station, I can't have both of them gone at the same time.” Williams then followed up with Julie bby sending her this message ‘To summarize my talk with Jef, the frst point he made was the decision on the Super Bowl coverage was a management decision. Tt was something they felt ‘would be bes forthe station, He believes the big story is here locally, and it helps to have a familiar face Inanding that end of the coverage. With your tenue inthe market, you were best suited for that role. They believe they have made the coverage assignment with an eye to provide the best coverage and highlight each member to that person's benefit It's probably a good idea to go talk to him, Be careful out there. Case: 1:23-ov-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 7 of 18 PAGEID #: 7 March 30,2022 21. Approximately six wooks later, Julie was given her March 30, 2022, quarterly personnel evaluation, For the first ime, Fulmer and WCPO provided false ctitcisms of her performance riticisms that had not been previously raised about he during her 27 year ture at WCPO. The evaluation of ui tated in prt: Julie continues to use her expertise and knowledge of the market to help guide her fellow team members with story itches as well a gathering stories herself for our newscast, Jule has worked extra hours on assignments inorder to make sure she’s able to gather elements. This helps provide much needed news content for GMS (Good Morning Tristate) and is much appreciated. Thote at items we would like to work on and fx: Behavior with the teamfon-it: We understand you were upset about not going to the playoffs and the Super Bowl but you shared that on air and ‘during commercial breaks. Multiple team members expressed their concem and that it made them uncomfortable Laughing too much on air: GM had to talk with you about this, Being silly and losing focus can affect the newscast. ~ We need to work to improve tosses to weather. One recent tss followed 3 story about beer and it became an awkward beer diseussion with Jenn (Meteorologist Jennifer Ketchmark). I've witnessed you speaking with Jenn in the break on how she wants you to toss to her. This is a great ‘example of communication I would like to continue = Need to make sure you are in place in the studio before and during the newscast. Production recently sent an email about issues regarding this, = Weare continuing to work on accurate and clean scripts with producers but Wwe need you to work on eliminating. verbal crutches including “uh” repeatedly. = We also want to work on the chemistry between you and Adrian on air as ‘well as your energy when reading serps, 22, Julie believed the statements in her performance review were false and were a predicate to “set her up" fora later termination. Specifically, it washer understanding that multiple team members had not expressed their concem about Julie's comments, nor were they uncomfortable, Further, she never made any derogatory statements nor showed any displeasure ‘on-air about not getting the on-site Super Bowl assignment, Her postive demeanor on ar did not Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 8 of 18 PAGEID #: 8 amount to being silly, but remained professional atalltmes, Criticisms abou the “accurate and clean serps were the result of misspellings, poor grammar, and haf scatences authored by the individuals writing the soipts, not fom Julie's on-air performance. Finally, there was no lack of chemistry between her and he co-anchor une 28° and 294, 2022 23. During une 28 and 29,2022 ule and he co-anchor atended a two-day training seminar offered by a research and training company called “Magid”, The taining included the Invest esearch on viewer preferences. This esearch indicated that viewers appreciated newscasts in which the anchors added warmth and personal moments o their presentations, WCPO's desire to add personal experiences tothe nowscasts by the co-anchors was confined by Palmer as he understood that, based upon the Magi esearch it was important to WCPO's viewers. August 12,2022 24, On August 12, 2022 Julie attended @ meeting with Fulmer, HR Director Katie awe, and union repatorney Willams. At his meeting, Fulmer claimed that he had not observed any improvement ffom Julie's ona performance from the previous Spring. He cationed Julie that she was not ogo of script rom a story that was not developing or changing. He also told Julie tha his expectations were clear that she needed! to eliminate her stumbles while ons that they do ot remain an ss n er performance 25, Julie responded that any “stumbles she was making on-air were the result of the serpls she was reading that continued to be fll of grammar problems, mitspelings, confusing wording and inaccuracies, 26. Fulmer also alleged that Suc was seen “sleeping inthe breakroom.” Julie denied that she was steeping, but indicated that there were times she closed her eyes for 15 ~ 30 minutes Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 9 of 18 PAGEID #:9 during break so that she could perform well to anchor the one-hour noon newscast, which requied «8 10-hour work day. She reminded him that it was common practice for members ofthe WCPO team to take a short nap during their breaks on longer workdays ater getting up a2:00 a.m, Other members of the WCPO broadcast would regularly keep a pillow and blanket in their trunk to facilitate this rest period during their alloted breaks. To Julie's knowledge no other news tea rember was chastised for closing ther eyes, 27. Pulmer also complained that her weather tosses to meteorologist Jennifer Ketchmark ("Ketchmark”) were inappropriate. Fulmer stated thatthe issue of stumbles and Weather tosses would be revisited in approximately one month with himself and HR Ditestor Rawe. 28. Alter the meeting, Williams stated to Julie that he has never seen someone brought before Human Resources for these type of minor criticisms. Julie's co-workers exprested their shock at Fulmer’s criticisms and commented that any’ alleged stumbles by Julie were not noticeable, or any more common than that of other news anchors. One co-worker advised Julie to cover herself by reading the scripts as writen even if they are inaccurte and did not make sense ‘September 2,2022 29. Priocto September 2, 2022, Ketchmark had documented her day-to-day experience with Covid forall of he social media followers to se. The disclosure of her Covid experience was made primarily during two lengthy Instagram live interactions, One of the public Instagram posts lasted over ten minutes. Ketchmark had communicated to her LIVE followers that in regard toher Covid experience, “Ihave nothing t hide. As you guys know. I never hide anything when itcomes to my if” At least one of her Instagram Live interactions was posted to her Facebook [age. At the time, Ketchmark had approximately $0,000 followers on her Facebook page Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 10 of 18 PAGEID 4: 10 30. Ketchmark returned to WCPO on the moming of September 2, 2022. At the top of the 5:00 am. newscast, Julie mentioned the word COVID as she and her younger male co-anchor welcomed Ketchmark back from her time off. The exchange between the three was warm and relatable, 31. During the first commercial break of the 5:00 am, newscast, Ketchmark complained to the assistant news director, Andy Delancey (“Delancey”), about Julie and her male co-anchor following the reference to her Covid condition. After the conversation with Ketchmark, Delancey communicated to both Julie and her co-anchor: “I'm sure Jennnifer talked to you already but It’s not talk about her Covi diagnosis on-air. [totally understand that she has talked about it on social media and that's why you would think tht its fair game. But let's just er on the side ‘of not talking about medical stuff with someone unless we've talked with them first” 32. le esponded: “Totally understand and thank you Andy. I have never brought up anyone Inaving Covid on the air but she was so very public about itt seemed she was ‘wanting to share her journey and I've had several people ask me how she is doing because of what they have seen on social medi 80 it fel ight in the ‘moment. Te will not happen again)" 33. Andy replied “Totally —her Facebook post today got more than a thousand likes. Have a ‘reat weekend” Ketchmark’s Facebook page stated, “I'm back! Moving slow but back!" 34. In.communieations with Julie's co-anchor, Delancey admitted that more people eared about Ketchmark’s Covi through her social media than were probably watching the 5:00 asm, moming newscast 10 (Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 11 of 18 PAGEID #: 11 ‘September 8, 2022 35. On September 1022, Julie and her co-anchor were summoned to Fulme’s office. Fulmer asked both of them to describe what occurred in the studio during that moming’s newscast ‘between Ketchmark and another employee. Fulmer tod both of them in he meeting that “it seems there's no love lost between [Ketchmark] and anyone at the stato * He acknowledged that “{Ketchmark] uses social media to get attention” Julie's co-anchor commented that Ketchmark had posted her Covid issues numerous times including talking abou it LIVE on Instagram twice. Fulmer responded tothe co-enchor comment by rong his eyes ashe sad,“ listened to every second oft" September 12,2022 36, While off on paid time off ("PTO"), Brogan seat a text t Julie on Monday, September 12, 2022, informing her tat she will not be anchoring the WCPO moming show the following day. Instead, she needs to report to his office at 10-00 am. to “discuss the station's concems tht you (Julie) had been mestng with Katie and Barry about." September 13,2022 37. On September 13, 2022, Jule attended a meeting with Brogan, Rawe, and Willams. At the mestng, Brogan presented Jlie & copy of a Final Waring letter and read ito her aloud. A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit A and incomporated by reference. At the conclusion of Brogan’ oral rectal, Brogan told ule that she was beng emoved from the moming show effective immediatly and that her contract which was scheduled to expire atthe end ofthe year would note renewed. He offered Julie two choices. Fist, she could work asa reporter unt the end of her contact on December 31,2022. Altematively, she could “eave now and be pad her salary through the end of her contract.” ‘The reasons articulated in Exhibit A forthe discipline " Case: 1:23-0v-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 12 of 18 PAGEID #: 12 imposed on Juli are false and were a pretext to mask the discriminatory employment actions taken 38, On September 16,2022, Julie was provided a leer of separation and was officially terminated on September 23, 2022, COUNT oN: (Violation of the Equal Pay Act) 39. Julie reallges the allegations contained in paragraphs I through 38 as if fly rewten herein 40. The EPA prohibits employers such as WCPO from paying an employee at rate Jess than that paid to an ermployee ofthe opposite sex for performing equal work In onder to establish a prima face case of wage discrimination under the EPA, Julie must show that WCPO paid different wages to an employee ofthe opposite sex for “qual work on obs the performance of which requires equal ski, effort, and responsibility and which are performed under similar ‘working conditions." Proof of discriminatory intent i not required 41, Once a plant establishes a prima facie case, WCPO must prove that the wage Aitferetial is justified under one of four affirmative defenses. These affirmative defenses are (1) seniority system; (2) a mest system; (3) a system which measures earnings by quantity of| Production; or (4) any ater facto rother than ex. 42, As described in paragraph 11 of the Complaint herein, WCPO violated the EPA by paying greater wages to her similarly situated male co-anchor fr @ positon that required equal Skil effort, responsibility and which was performed under similar working conditions 48, WCPO lacks anaffimmative defense to justify the diffrence in wages between Julie and her male co-anchor, 12 ‘Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 13 of 18 PAGEID #: 13 44. Asa direct and proximate result, WCPO has Violated the EPA entitling Jule to lost ‘wages, prejudgment interest, and liquidated damages for its willful violation ofthat statute. WCPO has history of paying females less than is similerly situated male employees for equal work Julie requests reasonable tome’ foes a a result of WCPO's willful violation of federal av: counr-rw (Violation ofthe ADEA) 45, Julie realloges the allegations contained! in paragraphs | through 44 as if fully rewsten herein 46. On or ahout December 20, 202, Julie filed a Charge of Discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (°EEOC") alleging a violation of the ADEA. A copy ofthe Charge is atached as Exhibit B. This filing constitutes dual filing ofa charge of Aiscrimination with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission (*OCRC”) 47. Sixty days have passed since the filing of the Charge and pursuant to 29 U.S.C 9626), ths Court has jurisdiction for Julie's claim under the ADEA. 48, Tule states that she is over the age of 40. 49. During the time ofher employment wth WCPO, she performed er jo duties in «capable and competent manner. 50. Onorabout September 13,2022, Julie was informed that she was being disciplined and that her employment contact would not be renewed on December 31,2022. The reasons offered for these employment actions by WCPO were & pretext for unlawful dxriination SL. lie was replaced by Kristen Skovira, substantially younger person, as the anchor for the WCPO moming show. 13 (Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 14 of 18 PAGEID #: 14 52, Additionally, Julie's male co-anchor, who is substantially younger, engaged in similar conduct which WCPO claims provided the bass to discipline heron September 13, 2022, and ultimately terminating her employment. He was not disciplined nor terminated fiom his employment, yet he was similarly situated as ue 53. The discipline imposed on Julie on September 13, 2022 the non-enewal of her employment contract, and her termination on Septembsr 23, 2022, were because of her age in Violation 0f 29 U.S.C. $626 ct se, 54. WCPO has a history of a pattem and practice of discrimination against older employees and especialy older female employees such as Juli 55. _Iulic demands all role to whi she's entitled under the ADEA including a back pay and front pay award, prejudgment interest, liquidated damages for is willful violation of the federal statute, and reasonable at wney's fees, COUNT THREE (Violation ofthe ADEA in Retaliation for Julie's Opposition to WCPO's Discrimination Against her based on Age) 56, Julie realleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 55 as if fully rewritten herein, 57. In January and February of 2022, Julie complained to WCPO management thatthe ‘Bengals playoff and Super Bow! assignments to her substan younger, male co-anchor were because of her age in violation ofthe ADEA. 58. Subsequent to her opposition to WCPO's unlawful conduct, its management, ‘including Fulmer, began a campaign of unwarranted criticism of Julie's performance in order to setup her termination at later date, 4 (Case; 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 15 of 18 PAGEID #: 15 59. WCPO's September 13, 2022 discipline, non-renewal of her employment contract and termination were in retaliation for her complaints of unlawful iserimination, 0, lie demands al relict to which she is enied under the ADEA including aback pay and front pay award, prejudgment interes, iguidated damages for its willl violation ofthe federal statute, and reasonable attorney's fees COUNT FOUR (Gex Discrimination by WCPO in Vi tion of Title Vit) 61. Julie wealleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 60 as i fully rewten herein €2. On orabout December 20, 2022, Julie filed a Charge of Diserimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission “EEOC alleging a violation of Title VIL. A copy ofthe Charge is attached as Exhibit B. This filing also constitues a dual filing ofa charge of Aiscrimination wit the Ohio Civil Rights Commission *OCRC") (63, Julie received Right to Sue eter from the EEOC on or about June 28,2023. A. copy ofthat eters attached as Exhibit, Jule has fulfle he jurisdiction requirements to assert her claims unde Title VI in his Cour. 64, —_Iulie states that she is female 65. During the time of her employment with WCPO, she performed her jb duties in a capable and competent manner 66. Onorabout September 13,2022 ule was informed tha she was being disciplined and that her employment contact would not be renewed on December 31, 2022. She was terminated on September 16,2022 effective September 28,2022. The reasons offered fr these ‘employment actions by WCPO were a pretext for unlawful discrimination 18 (Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 16 of 18 PAGEID #: 16, (67, Julie was replaced by Kristen Skovir asthe anchor forthe moming show. (68. Julie's male co-anchor was engaged in similar conduct which WCPO claims provided the basso discipline heron September 13,2022. He was not disciplined, nor terminated, ‘nor has he been informed that his employment contract is subject to non-renewal. Yet he is similarly situate to Jae 69. The discipline imposed on Julie on September 13, 2022, the non-ronewal of her employment contact, and her termination on September 23, 2022, were because of er ex in violation of Title VIL 70, WCPO has history ofa pater and practice of discrimination against older female employees such as Jie, 71, lie demands all reief to which she i entitled under Title VI and 42 USC. §1988(b) including aback pay and front pay award, compensatory damages, punitive damages, prejudgment interest, and reasonable attomey's Fes, 72, Julie further states that in the event the Court or jury finds that gender was a motivating factor for the disciplinary actions, non-tenewal of contract, or her termination, but that WCPO would have taken the same actions notwithstanding its unlawful motivation, she requests the Courtissuea declaratory judgment, injunctive elif, and award the payment of he reasonable attomey's fees pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §2000e-2m) and 42 U.S.C, §2000e-5(eN2BXH COUNT FIVE (Retaliation by WCPO in Violation of Title VIN) 73, Julie realleges the allegation contained in paragraphs 1 through 72 as if fully revriten herein, 16 ‘Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #: 1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 17 of 18 PAGEID #: 17 74 In January and February of 2022 Julie complained to WCPO management that the Bengals playof and Super Bow! assignments o her male co-anchor were because of her genet in violation of Tile VIL 75. Subsequent to her opposition to WCPO's unlafsl conduct, ts management, incuding Fulmer, began a campaign of unwarranted criticism of Julie's performance in order to setup her tamination ta later date 76. WCPO's September 13, 2022 discipline, non-enewa of her employment contact, and termination were in retaliation for her complaints of unlawful discrimination, 77. ue demands all relief to which she is ented under Tile VIL and 42 USC. {$1988() including aback pay and front pay award, projudament atrest, compenstory damages, punitive damages, and reasonable attorneys es. COUNT six (VCPO’s Violation of Ohio Law Prohibiting Age and Sex Discrimination) 78. lie eealleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 though 7 as if fully reveten herein, 79, Julie states thatthe facts identified in this complaint constitute a violation of age and sex discrimination under Obio Revised Code $4112.02), 80, Julie states that the filing of the Charge of Discrimination with the EEOC constitutes a dual ing with the OCRC. Julie has sent a request tothe OCRC fora separate right to sue to hich she is presently enti and wil fle that document with the Court once it is resvived. 81, Julie requests all rele to whic she sented to under Chapter 4112 proximately caused by WCPO's unlawful eonduet 7 Case: 1:23-cv-00410-MWM Doc #1 Filed: 06/29/23 Page: 18 of 18 PAGEID #: 18 COUNT EVI (A Claim for Retaliation Under State Lam) 82, Julie ralleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 81 as if fully rewritten herein 83. WCPO's termination of Julie was in retaliation for her opposition to its unlawful activity in discriminating against her because of her age and gender. 84. Julie's termination is a violation of Ohio Revised Code §4112.02(0. Julie is cntiled tall elit set forth in Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4112, Once Julie receives Right to Sue lete fom the OCRC, it wil be filed withthe Cour. WHEREFORE, Jule demands judgment against Defendants in an amount to be

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