Brain Health - 4 July 2023

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Understanding neurosurgery
WHEN faced with the possibility of brain their loved ones. and mistakenly attributed to other
surgery, the first emotion we would likely comorbidities, causing brain tumours to
experience is instinctual unease. This is a Who is at risk? remain undiagnosed for many years.
natural reaction as our personalities, Interventional pain specialist,
thoughts and other aspects that define us Brain tumours can affect anyone neurosurgery and spine surgery expert at
are inextricably linked to brain function. regardless of age or lifestyle and its effects Sunway Medical Centre, Sunway City, Dr
The thought of having our identities can range from being relatively benign to Toh Charng Jeng emphasises the subtle
being permanently altered can be potentially life-threatening depending on nature of brain tumours and the potential
unsettling. its size, location and development. The difficulties in identifying them.
Fortunately, it is a big misconception cause for primary tumour growths that “It is common for older patients, for
that neurosurgical intervention causes originate from the brain is still unknown. example, to miss signs of brain tumours.
sudden personality shifts. The reality is It is generally advisable that individuals They generally have their attention
that these drastic changes are more often undergo an MRI scan if they experience slowed down and maybe talk less than
associated with brain tumours. If left clinical symptoms as described in this before. Some may think this is just a part
untreated, it carries more severe risks article, although this can vary depending of dementia.”
and consequences compared to the on the patient’s condition and situation. “Patients must always consult a
relatively low risk of surgery. Patients with cancer are also more likely neurologist before jumping to conclusions.
Moreover, the field of neurosurgery to develop secondary brain tumours You shouldn’t assume psychiatric illness
in Malaysia has made significant (caused by the spread of cancer cells from Dr Toh Charng Jeng. until you rule out red-flag conditions like
advancements in both surgical technique other body organs). An oncologist will tumours, especially if their symptoms do
and medical technology, further reducing recommend these patients undergo serial progressively worse over time. A sudden not present themselves as typical
risk associated with neurosurgical MRI screenings once every three to six change in headache intensity and pattern dementia signs, for example, as it would
procedures, while enabling more precise months. could also be indicative of a brain tumour need to be investigated further.”
and effective treatment. but not all headaches are indicative of a Given the difficulty of noticing personal
It is important for Malaysians to Common symptoms tumour. behavioural changes in oneself, we must
develop better understanding of brain Other symptoms of brain tumours rely on our loved ones to notice unusual
tumours and available treatments to help One of the tell-tale signs of a brain include an unsteady gait, blurred vision or persistent changes in our attitudes and
them make more informed decisions and tumour is persistent and severe and vomiting. Unfortunately, these
protect the health of both themselves and headaches, especially if the headaches get symptoms can sometimes be overlooked > TURN TO PAGE 2
2 Brain Health THE STAR, TUESDAY 4 JULY 2023

Keeping the mind active

ACCORDING to the World Health enjoy healthy cognitive abilities and have a
Organization (WHO), approximately 70% lower risk of developing dementia.
of the global burden of neurological and
neurodevelopmental conditions affects
Exercise helps to lower blood pressure
reducing cardiovascular risks of getting a
“The brain is a unique
low- and middle-income countries. stroke. Some studies have found that organ with three
Neurological conditions are the leading
cause of disability and the second leading
regular exercise increases the level of a
protein that promotes the growth and important functions
cause of death in the world with nine
million deaths annually. Stroke, migraine,
maintenance of brain cells. Having an
active lifestyle such as taking the stairs, that affect our lives
dementia, meningitis and epilepsy are the
top five contributors to neurological
engaging in sports or hobbies or having
purposeful exercise such as brisk walking
which are, sensory
disabilities globally. With an increasing
ageing population, Alzheimer’s and
or aerobic training can have a positive
impact on brain health.
interpretation and
Parkinson’s disease are also becoming Quality sleep is important for brain movement control;
more significant.
According to medical director and
healing and the restoration of mental
function. Sleep makes our thinking cognitive, mental and
consultant neurosurgeon Prof Dr
Badrisyah Idris at MSU Medical Centre,
processes sharp and focused with better
decision-making. Seven to eight hours of emotional integrity;
“The brain is a unique organ with three
important functions that affect our lives
sleep gives the brain adequate time to clear
abnormal proteins that accelerate Prof Dr Badrisyah Idris.
and behaviour and
which are, sensory interpretation and
movement control; cognitive, mental and
dementia. Several lifestyle measures can
be adopted to ensure no alteration in sleep that can negatively impact brain health.
social execution.”
emotional integrity; and behaviour and patterns such as increasing time in the Cognitive stimulation by learning new Prof Dr Badrisyah Idris
social execution.” sunlight, consistent sleep routines and skills or knowledge helps the brain to
Brain health is becoming an important being aware of the effects of medications. become constantly healthy with the
concept in healthy living which The brain is only 2% of the body weight formation of new circuits between brain
encompasses the ability of the brain to yet it consumes 20% of energy cells. Challenging the brain increases its effects on mood and emotion. These
rewire in life in response to changes in requirements. Without the right energy cognitive reserve by creating an adequate conditions lead to slow thinking, memory
experience and environment. A healthy and nutrients, the brain will start losing its backup system. With more reserves, the and concentration difficulties. Social
brain is capable of slowing down cognitive function. Food rich with antioxidants brain can become more resistant to connectivity helps to get rid of depression
decline and combating any injury or (compounds that have a protective effect changes that are associated with and anxiety. Socialising helps the brain
diseases of the brain. There are several on the brain), fibre, unsaturated fats neurodegenerative diseases. Education expand its cognitive reserve. Engaging in
things that we can make a habit to (including omega-3 fatty acids), B vitamins and learning enhance the cognitive conversation trains the brain to increase
maintain our brain health. and an adequate amount of complex reserve which makes the brain less attention and concentration, and helps
Regular physical activity can benefit the carbohydrates is important to maintain a susceptible to the effects of age and brain- social judgement. Therefore, it is
brain by optimising the brain’s blood flow healthy brain. A diet rich in processed related changes. important to stay connected with friends
and reducing the loss of brain cells during foods, salt and refined sugars can increase Depression and anxiety can be and families to maintain healthy brain
ageing. Those who exercise regularly can inflammation and free radicals in our body detrimental to brain health with their functions.

Food for thought

MAINTAINING a healthy mind is just as prevent memory loss.
important as maintaining a healthy body.
As the central organ of the body, the brain Eggs
requires plenty of energy and nutrients to
keep the body properly functioning. Here Eggs has been associated with improved
are some foods that help improve brain cognitive performance in adults, as
health: published in a 2019 study in The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This is
Fatty fish because eggs, specifically the yolk, are rich
in choline which helps the brain regulate

Breakthoughs in brain surgery Fatty fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids,

a type of unsaturated fat that can
improve brain health through building
memory and mood. Furthermore, eggs are
also rich in vitamin B which can help with
slowing down mental decline and
> FROM PAGE 1 of surgery. brain and nerve cells, which are regulating sugar levels in the brain.
There is also the gamma knife (GK), a important for memories and learning. It
recommend medical consultations. very powerful, precise and least also helps lower the risk of heart disease Blueberries
collateral radiosurgery machine used and arthritis. Fish that are rich in omega-
Advancement in technology today and developed by neurosurgeon 3 fatty acids include salmon, cod, sardines Blueberries are high in nutrients and
Lars Leksell in 1967 specifically for and mackerel. low in calories. In addition, blueberries
Thanks to many advancements in the cranial pathology. Advancements in contain the highest amount of
field of neurosurgery over the decades, cancer treatment have improved survival Vegetables antioxidants which help protect against
surgical procedures on brains have rates in cancer patients with increased free radicals and inflammation.
become exceedingly safe. The integration incidences of brain metastasis; but with Leafy vegetables are good for Antioxidants also prevent oxidative stress
of image guidance, imaging dyes and the GK, cancer tumours can be controlled maintaining a healthy body weight. They which can contribute to
microscope enhancements are great or reduced dramatically, translating to also help with boosting cognitive neurodegenerative diseases.
examples of assistive technology and play more improved survivals for patients functions. Vegetables such as kale, While we always stress over
a key role in enabling surgeons to with stage four brain metastasis. It is also spinach and broccoli are rich in nutrients maintaining the health of our bodies, it is
perform surgeries with improved useful when surgical risk is too high for a like vitamin K, lutein, folate and beta also important to not neglect the health of
precision and consistency. small tumour situated deep in the brain. carotene. Vitamin K and beta carotene in our brains. A healthy mind leads to a
Dr Toh adds, “The advancement of Given the individualistic nature of the particular have been linked to help healthy well-being.
technology is to assist neurosurgeons in human brain as well as tumour
treatment. Thanks to assistive machinery, development, neurosurgical
a surgeon’s work has become more interventions are typically tailor-made
consistent. For example, technology has for each patient. Patients can rest easy as
enabled neurosurgeons to take advantage doctors guide them through all available
of intraoperative neurophysiology treatment options and recommended
monitoring, which allows surgeons to procedures, empowering them to make a
monitor nerves while performing decision that is most suited for their
surgery. This helps with avoiding injury condition.
to the nerve as the machine can warn us Overall, the notion that brain surgery
earlier.” is dangerous is largely misconstrued as
Other techniques and technology rapid improvement in neurosurgical
include the ultrasonic aspirator that techniques and technology alongside the
breaks brain tumours into smaller pieces dedication of neurosurgeons, surgery risk
to be extracted even with small has been drastically reduced, enabling
craniotomy opening (keyhole former brain tumour patients to continue
neurosurgery) and the awake craniotomy living long and fulfilling lives.
that keeps the patient awake during
surgery to give real-time essential n For more information, call 03-7491
feedback which further reduce the risk 9191 or WhatsApp 012-635 0113.

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