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ా మ - వార్డ
ు సచివాలయము
ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వ ం
YSR Kalyanamasthu /YSR Shaadi Tohfa 2022-23 WEA/WWDS Field Verification Form

Secretariat Details
Secretariat Name Volunteer Name
Secretariat Code Cluster ID
Application Details
Application ID Marriage Category

Marriage Marriage
Certificate ID Type
Basic Details
Bride Details Bridegroom Details
Name Name
Aadhaar No. Aadhaar No.
Date of Birth Date of Birth
Father’s Name Father’s Name
Caste Caste
Sub Caste Sub Caste
Gender Gender
General Eligibility Verification
Bride Details Bridegroom Details
As per System As per Field As per System As per Field
Monthly Family
Dry land holding of
Wet Land holding of
Any person in the
Family working in
Govt/PSU/Private etc.
with income more
than 12000/-
Urban property
Income tax payees Yes No Yes No
Scheme Specific Verifications
Bride Details Bridegroom Details
As per System As per Field As per System As per Field
10th Class
Differently Abled
BOCWWB member in
Not Applicable
Bride’s 1st Marriage
Bride is Widow Not Applicable
Proof Document (If Bride
Not Applicable
is Widow)
Marriage Details Verification
As per System As per Field As per System As per Field
Marriage Date
Place of
I have personally verified the Marriage Photo Yes No
I have personally verified the Wedding Card Yes No
Neighbour Verification Details
Has a neighbour confirmed the applicants’ marriage details Yes No
Neighbour Name Neighbour Aadhaar
Neighbour Remarks

Neighbour Signature
Field Verifier Details
WEA/WWDS Employee ID
Time and Date Recommendation


I solemnly swear that the above-mentioned particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and
belief, and it conceals nothing and that no part of it is false. In case if found in future that the
declaration given above is false, I am liable for prosecution.

Signature of the Applicant Signature of the WEA/WWDS

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