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THE razor


„ Military „ Outlaw „ Urban
your training
„ Monastic „ Privileged „ Wilderness
Demeanor T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
„ Childish „ Overbearing
„ Fierce „ Proper
„ Imperious „ Strange Statuses
„ Empowered „ Doomed


Fighting Style:
„ Favored „ Impaired
„ Inspired „ Trapped
„ Prepared „ Stunned

Stats Add +1 to one stat Balance Conditions

At character creation, shift your balance once if you like
„ Afraid
CREATIVITY [0] -2 to intimidate and call someone out

„ Angry

FOCUS [+2] -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation

„ Guilty
HARMONY [-1] -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout

„ Insecure
PASSION [0] -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance

„ Troubled
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training

See the back of this sheet for more on

clearing conditions

Making Amends Moves choose two

„ Air-cutting Edge
You were once the weapon of powerful Disconnected Take +1 Focus (to a max of +3).
figures—your masters. In your time as your Your Balance begins play at +2 Control; you
masters’ weapon, you hurt people, even those can still shift it by one step when you make „ Mind of Steel
who looked to you for friendship, leader- your character. When you advance & attack or evade & observe with
ship, protection, or support. You must make fewer conditions marked than your highest principle,
amends. Choose four mistakes you’re trying to Your Connection principle starts play
locked—you cannot shift your balance higher you can roll with Focus instead of the normal stat.
make up for (on the back of the sheet).
than +0 Connection. If you would shift your
Once per session, when you have tried your balance to a locked value, you lose your bal- „ I’m a People Person
best to prove that you are a different, better ance, but your center cannot shift higher than When you watch someone interact with another person,
person now through your actions, roll, taking +1 the highest unlocked Connection value. When roll with Focus. On a 7-9, ask 1. On a 10+, ask 2. Take +1
for each “yes” to the following questions: you unlock Connection +3, treat your balance ongoing to act on the answers.
• Did you make amends directly to a person track as normal. • Are you lying right now?
you harmed? • What are you most afraid of?
When you shift your center to +1, +2, and
• Are you at your center? • How are you vulnerable to me?
+3 Connection for the first time, choose a
• Did someone honestly thank you for your • How can I get you to mark the condition ______?
companion to whom you have connected.
efforts or forgive you for your mistakes? They give you one move from their playbook On a miss, you can’t get a good read on them; mark a
(ignoring advancement limits). condition in frustration.
On a hit, you feel the spark of hope—you’re
making progress. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a 10+,
choose 2 (you can choose the same option
Honed „ Come and Get It
When you sublimate your feelings to be effec- When you trick someone by provoking them through
twice), or unlock the next Connection balance
tive, clear conditions equal to one plus your their conditions, roll with their conditions marked
track space (see Disconnected).
Control and cross off one unmarked condi- instead of Creativity.
• Clear a condition tion—you can no longer mark that condition
• Mark growth for any reason. When you shift your center to- „ Winning is Everything
• Shift your Balance toward Connection ward Connection, you may restore all crossed When you choose to use dirty tactics—targeting an
On a miss, something’s off—you don’t feel off conditions. innocent your foe is trying to protect, throwing sand
you’ve changed. Choose someone here to ask in their face, etc.—at the start of a combat exchange,
You may live up to your Control principle by
what more you can do—they will tell you, and instead of using one of the standard approaches say what
shifting balance toward Control instead of
the GM will shift your balance twice based on you do and take a 10+ instead of rolling the stance move;
marking fatigue.
what they say. you become Favored for this exchange and may choose
your techniques from any approach. At the end of the
exchange, your opponent may call out your disgraceful
behavior and lack of integrity to shift your balance twice.

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)
Your Character Fighting Techniques
Lure L P M
Defend and Maneuver
You put a foe off-balance by luring them in. Name a foe you lure; if they don’t
Home Town: attempt to either inflict fatigue, conditions, balance shifts, or negative statuses
on you by the end of this exchange, they must mark 2-fatigue. If they do attempt
History to harm you this exchange, you become Favored for the next exchange.
• Why were you chosen to be honed, perfected, and used by your masters?
• Who was the former master you were closest to?
• Who helped give you the will you needed to break with your Name: L P M
masters and be something more?  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• What totem of your masters can you not bring yourself to throw away?
• Why are you committed to this group or purpose?

My Mistakes choose four

„ I tried to subjugate or dominate a group or place
„ I betrayed a person or group who trusted me in a vital moment
„ I destroyed someone trying to save me from myself or my masters Name: L P M
„ I delivered an innocent into the clutches of my masters  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
„ I badly injured someone in an accident or moment of weakness
„ I trained someone younger than me using the same awful methods

______________ seems to be able to connect to other people openly, freely,
and easily. I wish they would show me how. Name: L P M
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

I see _______________ as lacking control. Maybe I can help hone them, at

least a little bit.

Moment of Balance

You were taught to control yourself, and that to give of yourself, to con-
Name: L P M
nect, is to lose control. But now, you see that connection isn’t weakness; it
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
is a choice, a true way of controlling yourself. You seize that now, choosing
to embrace connection to others and spring yourself to impossible heights.
Tell the GM how you save those you care about from an outrageously
dangerous threat or problem.

Clearing Conditions
• Afraid: run from danger or difficulty.
• Angry: break something important or lash out at a friend. Name: L P M
• Guilty: make a personal sacrifice to absolve your guilt.
 defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe
• Insecure: take foolhardy action without talking to your companions.
• Troubled: seek guidance from a mentor or powerful figure.

GROWTH    
Growth Question
At the end of each session, answer this question with the other growth questions:
• Did you try to make amends for past mistakes, or prove you’re Name: L P M
a different person now?  defend & maneuver  advance & attack  evade & observe

Growth Advancements
• Take a new move from your playbook  
• Take a new move from another playbook  
• Raise a stat by +1 (maximum of +2 in any given stat)
• Shift your center one step  
• Unlock your Moment of Balance  

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #36085676)

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