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Competency Model



What is the Competency model? What is the difference between a job

description and a competency model?
A guideline developed by a Human Resource
department that sets out the specific skills, A job description and a competency model
knowledge, and behavioral requirements that sound almost alike because they both seem to
enable an employee to perform their job describe what an employee is required to do on
successfully. the job. What is the difference?

Competency models define what The difference is that a job description is

performance success should look like a general summary of the skills required
within the organization for each for a job, whereas a competency model
individual job. The model is applied to provides specific behaviors that an
recruitment practices, talent management, employee must do on the job in order to
training and performance assessment. be successful.

An example of a competency model What are the benefits of using a competency


In a competency survey by the Society for

Human Resource Management (SHRM), 93%
of 500 C-suite executives claimed that
competency models were important to their
organization’s performance success.

Here are some of the ways that implementing

the competency model benefits organizations:

 Sets a concrete direction for workforce

performance that aligns with
organizational goals and strategies.
 Allows employees to take ownership of strength and uniqueness of the organization.
the skills and behaviors required of them
in their roles.
 It empowers organizations to keep track
of what skills employees have so that
strategy and planning can work toward Functional competencies
what future skills may be needed.
 Provides a consistent and fair system of Functional competencies are job-specific skills and
measurement for performance evaluation. behaviors that are unique for each role.

Leadership competencies - Leadership

competencies are often used for supervisory and
management-related roles, although can be
applied to any job position that requires an
The types of competencies that make up employee to lead others. They include
the model leadership skills and behaviors like decision-
making abilities.
There is no standard list of competencies for
any given job. The type of competency that
feeds into a competency model depends on the
specific needs of the job. What is an example of a competency?

Competencies can be broken down into helpful The format of a competency model for any
categories to better understand the type of given job will be different depending on the
information that might be included, such as: specific organization and profession. There is no
standardization or required structure. Often,
organizations will have their own unique
Core competencies templated format for competency models.

Core competencies include the baseline skills So this is an example of a competency model
required by the organization for all employees; from Ohio nurse which is also based on QSEN
these are the basic things that employees must (Quality and Safety Education for
fulfill. This will vary from company to Nurses (QSEN)) and NOF.
company, as it depends on the values,
philosophy and goals of each organization, but
can include basic requirements like
communication skills or teamwork. Most jobs
require a basic element of being able to work
with other people to some degree.

The goals of the organization are reflected in

broad competencies that reflect the
using various communication
technologies, including email, instant
Relating competency model in nursing messaging, and teleconferencing.

Relating competency model in

nursing Ethics and privacy: Nurses must be
A competency model in nursing informatics aware of legal and ethical considerations
outlines the knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the use
required for nurses to effectively use of technology in healthcare and must be
technology and information systems to support able to protect patient privacy and
patient care, education, research, and confidentiality.
administrative activities. The following are
some of the key competencies in nursing Education and training: Nurses
informatics: must be able to provide education and
training to other healthcare
Information management: Nurses professionals on the use of technology
must be able to effectively and information systems.
manage and organize patient
information, including clinical data, These competencies are essential for nurses to be
electronic health records, and other successful in the increasingly digital healthcare
relevant information. landscape.

Technology skills: Nurses must be Reference:

proficient in using various technology
tools and systems, including computer
hardware and software, mobile devices,
and electronic medical records. model
Data analysis: Nurses must have the
ability to analyze data to identify trends
and patterns, which can inform patient care
decisions, quality improvement initiatives,
and research projects.

Clinical decision support: Nurses must

have knowledge of clinical decision support
systems and be able to use them to guide
patient care decisions.

Communication: Nurses must be able to

effectively communicate with patients,
healthcare team members, and other

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