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Bec A
Borvices Monsgomend

The pube admint,Stoalin nlttdo in lndia establashod

Centiakd Copfng and ypng dapardmunt Calldko opgingtcu
quatty ad Contist distibutton al tedhing malerial. Tho ole
’At the begtonsng G Re ya 985, tke cSD Us
Complaints fmaally ard pegPam prddiipant abut Pcol
to sperate ho-pref ne los bas.fiks

Rat rey mak manage tie Coats

’ he poincipnt 4Re instte had been teliny Ro CSD alr
coas Poot even though
Re dupasment
depotmant empoyed a latige numbes o people n
Alen Ris, fho csD has been) losing monegy and
raded charac! ts
he (ase Rtetes tfat t
osoun Ce pesses,a tao natitte had qSo lacullhy moptes and
adninstoatre ol coik B0 oplics in each yaey ard &o Shost
ard Sertoss
- The dopartrant had addminstative
adtsed to pobvide laching matorials
Sehedty dawn
disecks ard finay Supry o
nalaial as a psonity (oncoun
’ changes Oe done in Re last miuta in 8chadule,and atoriads
which aused Conugion and ovetime

ard to inoaase houo Machinas to suuce oeine Payronts,

but Re equsts we denied

The csp ae he Pabe Admingtatten inHkede in India is

OES pongible fos povtrg ttoching maledakk for all povpand
accoding to ehadale duaun by psogporme disectos.. e
SD oeates on a no-paert no loss beis and hay been
SD aro has ben Sacaiving
Comaaink obout Re poax poot qaiy tckg vatoial,
HeQuested mose man Poey ad nan Maching8 to edug
ovestime Payrants but ia 094uAts coesa denied. Ths
ase olsues aMound Re preblam catpied in ia cD
ard he eong to it
* Psoblems that wese
Poos gualy he matoals poidad
ofe>ating at los.
’ last muta chonge in
_chdules and Maloio Causing
onluion Caug
clicou Rguestk MesÑ moe man poves and nw
machines bing chried.
* Analyis he Case :
Accesclng o he tnkmaBien poyidd in the Case , csp uas
estabighnd to suduce
oduce (osts
(osks , 8landadize usly , and ontol
dittibution a aching mabials. toueve , at ho beginigg
Qcadamic yeagy in Rs5, ke sllay csived lompaintt
about Pood
idont ied . The prtncpal op tR intttule also erpeAsed Coruey
about ha guali of Motial psoduced by he CsD
oporating at a losS and he us haA been guayting molo
men poey and neso Machinas
to educe overtime peymurts, but ho
Keguests were dented.

Could be he astMte charges n the Jckudulo and nlorols.

his lead to (onluiion and ovesitine cok
’ The anotkea nezson Po poor quatty wed kee due to a kack oe
Gomuiation o plnting betaearn te faculty and he ceD.
’ Also lack o toairing () dgense o Stale Cob be a Teeson
Rat allecke te
Tkks Could be Keducad poper toataing is
s potuided ta t a Sta?

sp s operaling a loss because inapiáenies ntÙ

operahiens the dap atent that ned to be aodresse.

Opeatens agua tmprmemort Buch ad suciyg machine boeakan

and absootion.
Stseng is:
latest Ond oduancod eguipmert ard technolqgy
Hgng kalkd ard expoteriad employos
Eosty aceistble
Conveniend and pspulo locaten
Divese arge a copng and ptntirg evicas
Good bsand Valuo. and septatten.
loyal and establighed ctierts.
weaknoss :
Jncuased Cozte due to tRa eguiprert ,mairtainonce ad
Gmiked Capacty to hardla laogo oluna Ghdory.
lack dillecontakion Yom Camgettvas in he tems o
ond leué CeS ayPoud. poiing
’No psbrmotion elfoote te atact nao olients
Depening only
no. clents

* Rostwitles:
fncxaaked domand foo pouraliged ard Custorizd pirting sow.
Exfmdtng te cltont lase Roragh tangetd ranketing afots.
clend Suh digital
guplic dasign.
Grooth e!af dumond fos eco- Priordy and Sustairable pritig
eo technologtes and innovafion s.

and enpond businass

* Thgeats :
+ Jucduafong n economîc Conaltion which affect ho bucyet
and domand foó Senuico.
Compel Ho% fsem establag ked and enrging pay n tRe
Rsticiers and
’ Ratt enviocenmortal sogudators on the patting
Psessoe to eduee pices on clietg.
The nasd ehstat ptntng is seduced , irafose adoptirg
digtal andl online ommunicafion.
Beutong posbems:
Avoid tyR oe last maaute changs in the maêrial, and
A poopey Plonning Poocás must ie followed.
talaish bettey Cammuni tation betoeen 4Ro aculty ard tRa
toevida tairing and 8upension.

- Ensesing tray ersrt f matoráals ad xeducing ast

Minuto changes
’ his en bobe dore by imprring communi(otton.
poney and gade to Re latest ecnoly.
* elecag best elution -
Accosding te the ease Re beat &olten at Could
be oopted for tho poolm toedd be Ra Qombinafon
af all
Jmpoeving Gomnunicoton gkills to enguoe paeger oelivey
’Cleay deadines oo Bubmi ssten e malorialy an be Jet.
eternal opetaos Can seducQ
he budoh on he dapatrnent.
* mplamorkation foltion
he lrces csp &hod oonk closely coith Ra
Hombes ard fRa pincpal to et clas daadins os matoial
Submissien Poeude tomindas ard aho ingtVe nuniatgn .
Mose nanpsoe and Machines can te
ogired hy tke
The sok Con be otscanned ord Carolly evaluated os thais
and elehveroe c e Cost.

’ Soluton3 Must be oeguary monitoot3ed allo irs

-A pepen Qeadba ck mst be takon
MOrnbens and tRe fom ho
’Tho issues ust be odd yas ed nd
* Concusion
The tssue Pooo qalty nd inoaling Casts Can be
OrerConad by implementing ke acwate slutons te R
pseblirng . This nchedas &ncoaing Manpouer
Nachine ard outcoming uosk o outstds . Ris üould
engwa electie Contrsd on he Cost ard guality

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