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Choose the right answer 12

i. the first word revealed was

A. Iqra

B. al-hamdulillah

C. Alif Lam Mim

ii. Muhammad worked in his early life as

A. a shepherd
B. a merchant
C. a cultivator

iii. Muhammad was first married to

A. Aishah
B. Khadijah
C. Hafsah

iv. Rasulullah migrated to Madinah accompanied by

A. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq

B. Ali bin Abi talib
C. Umar bin al-Khattab

v. Rasulullah stayed three days at the start of his migration in the cave

A. Jabal an- Nur

B. Jabal ath-Thawr

C. Jabal ar-Rahmah

vi. during his journey Rasulullah encountered

A. Suraqah bin Malik

B. Jubair bin al-Awwam
C. Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib

vii. the first masjid built in Islam was

A. Masjid Quba
B. Masjid al-Qiblatain
C. Masjid al-Ijabah

viii. in Madinah prophet Muhammad was opposed by

A. the Jews
B. the Christians
C. the Hindus

ix. the treaty of hudaybiyyah was drawn up in the

A. 2nd year of Hijrah

B. 6th year of Hijrah

C. 10th year of Hijrah

X. prophet Muhammad performed hajj in the

A. 10th year of Hijrah

B. 12th year of Hijrah

C. 5th year of Hijrah

Xi. the farewell sermon was delivered by prophet Muhammad at

A. Arafat
B. Muzdalifah
C. Hudaybiyyah

xii.. Two tribes in Madinah became allied. They were

A. Aws and Khazraj

B. Quraish and Thaqif
C. Bani Hanifah and Bani Arafah

Q2. MARK RIGHT ( ✔️) OR WRONG ( X ) . 20

i. Life is mere sport and enjoyment. ( )

ii. No deficiency is found in Allah's creation. ( )

iii. Allah alone deserves our worship. ( )

iv. The word " Rabb " is limited to creation alone. ( )

v. The path of Islam is easy. ( )

vi. Allah promised to the preserve the Qur’an. ( )

vii. Rasulullah was not sent to punish people. ( )

viii. True justice will be done on the Day of Judgment. ( )

ix. Mankind will not return to the Creator for a final reckoning.

x. Our deeds and actions are not recorded. ( )

xi. The oppressed will be compensated on the Day of Judgment. ( )

xii. The wrongdoer has no escape on the Day of Judgment. ( )

xiii. An oppressor can end up in the Hellfire. ( )

xiv. Islam discourages extremism. ( )

xv. The middle course is the best way. ( )

xvi. Exaggeration is liked in Islam. ( )

xvii. Prophet Muhammad used to prefer the easiest way. ( )

xviii. Rasulullah used to pray during the last part of the night. ( )

xix. Allah never forgives the sin of shirk. ( )

xx. Shirk is an injustice. ( )

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