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Agron. Sustain. Dev.

30 (2010) 57–66 Available online at:

c INRA, EDP Sciences, 2010
DOI: 10.1051/agro/2009003 for Sustainable Development

Review article

Nitrogen rhizodeposition of legumes. A review

Joëlle Fustec1 *, Fabien Lesuffleur2 , Stéphanie Mahieu1 , Jean-Bernard Cliquet2

1 UP-SP LEVA, Laboratoire d’Écophysiologie Végétale et Agroécologie, École Supérieure d’Agriculture, 55 rue Rabelais, 49007 Angers Cedex 01, France
2 UMR INRA-UCBN 950 EVA, Écophysiologie Végétale, Agronomie et nutritions N, C, S, Université de Caen, 14032 Caen Cedex, France

(Accepted 22 January 2009)

Abstract – Because nitrogen is one of the major elements limiting growth of plants in agrosystems, large amounts of N fertilisers have been
used in the second half of the twentieth century. Chemical fertilisers have contributed to increasing crop yields and food supply, but they
have induced environmental damage such as nitrate pollution and wasting fossil fuel. The use of legumes grown in rotations or intercropping
is now regarded as an alternative and sustainable way of introducing N into lower input agrosystems. Here we review agricultural practices,
measurement methods and biological pathways involved in N cycling. We show that plant roots interact intimately with soil microflora to
convert the most abundant but relatively inert form of N, atmospheric N2 , into biological substrates available for growth of other plants, through
two consecutive processes; namely, N2 fixation and N rhizodeposition. In intercropping, companion plants benefit from biological fixation by
legumes and subsequent transfer of N from legumes to non-legumes. This transfer from legumes to the release of N compounds by legume
roots, a process named rhizodeposition, then the uptake by the companion crop. The two main rhizodeposition pathways are (i) decomposition
and decay of nodules and root cells, and (ii) exudation of soluble N compounds by plant roots. The contribution of root N and rhizodeposited N
to the soil-N pool is difficult to measure, particularly in the field. Firstly, root N is often underestimated because root recovery is problematic.
Second, assessment of N rhizodeposition is challenging. Several 15 N labelling methods have been performed for different legume species.
Rhizodeposition of N, as a percentage of total plant N, varied from 4 to 71%. The high variability of the results illustrates the need for more
studies of the environmental and genetic factors influencing the amount of N rhizodeposits released by legumes under field conditions.

N rhizodeposition / legumes / N2 fixation / 15 N / isotopic methods / root exudates / ecological fertilisation

1. INTRODUCTION These problems explain why biological alternatives using

diazotrophic prokariots have become of increasing interest in
Even though N is among the most abundant elements on agricultural practices in the last few years, particularly for low-
earth, it is also the major element limiting growth of plants input systems. Biological N fixation can act as a sustainable
in many agricultural systems because of its unavailability for source of N and can complement or replace fertiliser inputs
plants (Hartwig, 1998; Vance, 2001). N fertilisers have been (Garg and Geetanjali, 2007). The two main agricultural prac-
considered for many years as a reasonable insurance against tices to benefit from biological N fixation, crop rotation and
yield loss and have been used extensively (Vance, 2001) but intercropping legumes (Fabaceae), and non-fixing plants, were
contribute substantially to environmental pollution (Deutsch practised in ancient times, even if the basis for the benefit de-
et al., 2006; Umar and Iqbal, 2007). It is now established that rived was not understood (Burris, 1974). Most of the fixed
excessive use of these fertilisers affects the balance of the ni- N in legumes is harvested and fed to animals, but evidence
trogen cycle in soils, causes eutrophication because of nitrate from a number of experiments using different methodologies
leaching and has contributed to global warming because of indicates that legumes can deposit significant amounts of N
gaseous loss as N2 O. The non-stop use of N fertilisers would in the soil during growth (Jensen, 1996a, b; McNeill et al.,
also accelerate the depletion of stocks of non-renewable en- 1998; Khan et al., 2002a; Mahieu et al., 2007; Wichern et al.,
ergy resources required for fertiliser production. Furthermore, 2007a, b). Fixed N can also be transferred to intercropped non-
there are vast areas in the developing world where N fertilisers legumes in the case of mixed cropping systems, or to following
are neither available nor affordable due to weak infrastructure, crops in the case of crop rotation.
poor transportation and high cost. In addition to the use of legumes in agriculture, other tech-
nologies to take advantage of N2 -fixing micro-organisms in-
* Corresponding author: [email protected] clude the utilisation of the symbiosis between the fern Azolla
58 J. Fustec et al.

azollae and the N2 -fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae angustifolius L.), velvet bean (Mucunia pruriens Bak.), Cro-
as a green manure in rice wetlands, and the use of free-living talaria spectabilis Roth., or Sesbania rostrata Brem. are in-
N2 -fixing bacteria such as Azopirillum inoculated into the rhi- cluded in rotations and used as green manure. They contribute
zosphere of grasses. to nutrient cycling, soil organic matter conservation, and to
the nutrient supply for succeeding crops. However, numer-
ous legumes included in rotations are grain legumes. They
2. BIOLOGICAL N2 FIXATION OF LEGUMES are grown worldwide and Crépon (2006) reported production
of 241 × 106 t of dry matter in the 2003/2004 season. Soy-
2.1. Processes bean (Glycine max L.) is mainly produced in North and South
America and in Asia. Pea (Pisum sativum L.), fababean (Vicia
Nitrogen fixation is carried out by a small number of di- faba ssp minor L.) and dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are
azotrophic prokaryotic microorganisms, belonging to a wide mainly produced for feed in the northern hemisphere, since
range of eubacteria and archaebacteria. Diazotrophs are usu- in the southern hemisphere, the most common grain legumes
ally divided into free-living and symbiotic forms, though some are mainly grown for food and are dry bean, chickpea (Ci-
cyanobacteria are able to fix N either independently or in cer arietinum L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). Lentil
symbiotic association. Symbiotic diazotrophs include a num- (Lens esculenta L.), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) and peanut
ber of genera of the Rhizobiaceae, which form the well- (Arachis hypogea L.) are also commonly used for human food.
documented symbiosis with legumes (Gordon et al., 2001; Nitrogen harvest indices of grain legumes such as soybean,
Garg and Geetanjali, 2007), where nitrogen fixation takes pea, fababean or lupin are often high; for instance, N accumu-
place in specialised organs, the nodules. Most of these nodules lated in the seeds may represent more than 85% of plant N for
are formed on legume roots but some rhizobia such as Azorhi- soybean (Toomsan et al., 1995), and more than 75% for pea
zobium caulinodans are able to form stem nodules. Symbi- plants (Mahieu et al., 2007).
otic N2 fixation in legumes is the result of a structurally and Since roots and rhizodeposits are so rich in N, including a
physiologically highly organised, host-specific mutualistic in- grain legume in rotations may lead to a positive N-preceding
teraction between rhizobia and legumes. Biological N fixa- effect on the following crop, despite N losses due to harvest.
tion is catalysed by an anaerobic enzyme, nitrogenase, which Hence, compared with a cereal grown in the same conditions,
carries a complex metallocluster on its active site. The most greater levels of inorganic N are recorded after harvesting
abundant nitrogenase contains iron and molybdenum at this grain legumes, especially in deeper soil layers (Crozat and
site but others contain iron and vanadium, or iron only when Fustec, 2006). However, soil inorganic N measurements do not
molybdenum is not available (Curatti et al., 2006). Because take into account changes in the organic N pool.
of the economic and ecological benefits of N2 fixation, the (ii) Legumes grown simultaneously and in the same field
genes associated with this process, designated nif, have been as non-fixing species (intercropping) lead to a more efficient
extensively studied and are now well characterised (Gordon use of soil resources in time and space (Loreau and Hector,
et al., 2001). Because nitrogenase is inhibited upon exposure 2001; Hauggaard-Nielsen and Jensen, 2005; Corre-Hellou
to oxygen, nitrogen-fixing organisms have certain adaptations. et al., 2006). The niche separation effect often results in a
In the case of the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis, the two main higher yield in an intercrop than in a sole crop for the non-
adaptations are the formation of the oxygen diffusion barrier fixing species. In mixtures with non-fixing plants, N2 fixa-
into the nodule and the synthesis of the oxygen carrier protein tion by legumes is higher than in a monoculture regardless
in the symbiosome, leghaemoglobin (Gordon et al., 2001). A of management or location (Carlsson and Huss-Danell, 2003;
number of other non-legume plants, mainly woody species, Corre-Hellou et al., 2006). Experiments undertaken using mix-
also produce N2 -fixing nodules, in symbiosis with the actino- tures of annual crops (for instance, pea-barley intercropping)
mycete, Frankia (Uselman et al., 1999). have shown that this effect is higher in low-input systems than
in others, and leads to more stable yields in problematic envi-
ronments (Jensen, 2006; Corre-Hellou et al., 2007).
2.2. Benefits and use of legumes in agrosystems Both the niche complementarity effect (Loreau and Hector,
2001) and soil N-pool increase can benefit perennial cover
Because of their ability to fix N2 , legumes are considered to such as legume-based grasslands (Soussana and Machado,
be involved in ecological facilitation processes in all ecosys- 2000; Høgh-Jensen, 2006; Rasmunssen et al., 2007). Forage
tems (Loreau and Hector, 2001; Rochon et al., 2004; Padilla legumes are widespread and have the potential to give high
and Pugnaire, 2006). A wide range of legumes are grown yields over a range of climatic conditions; the four major for-
around the world, for production of protein-rich seeds or for age legumes alfafa (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium
harvest of the whole shoot. In agrosystems, legumes contribute pratense L.), subterraneum clover (T. subterraneum L.) and
nitrogen benefits in two main ways: white clover (T. repens L.) together cover grassland of hot
(i) Legumes are N-rich plants which can be used in crop ro- and dry regions of the earth (Frame et al., 1998). While white
tations to increase the soil-N pool (Chalk, 1998). For this pur- clover is the most widespread clover used in agriculture, birds-
pose, several legume species such as clovers (Trifolium sp.), foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) is also abundantly sown in
alfafa and vetches (Vicia sativa L. and other Vicia genera), temperate and northern areas, as is, to a lesser extent, alsike
fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), lupin (Lupinus clover (T. hybridum L.).
Nitrogen rhizodeposition of legumes. A review 59


3.1. Estimation of below-ground N

When legumes are used as green manure, biological fixa-

tion of N can be transferred to the soil through decomposi-
tion of above- and below-ground legume residues after har-
vest (Fujita et al., 1992). This is the reason why legumes are
used in organic agriculture and are undersown with cereals
for subsequent incorporation into the soil as green manure.
Additionally, in intercropping systems, legume roots also re-
lease a significant proportion of N into the rhizosphere (rhi-
zodeposited N). However, studies dealing with N balance in
rotational farming systems including legume crops have long
omitted to consider the below-ground contribution of legumes Figure 1. Some techniques used to assess below-ground contribution
to the soil-N pool (Unkovich and Pate, 2000). The below- of legumes to the soil-N pool in the field. (1) – In the 15 N dilution
ground N pool can be defined as the sum of visible fibrous technique, 15 N is provided directly to the soil, but the differences in
macro-root N and the part of soil N derived from rhizodeposi- 15
N natural abundance between air and soil can also be used. (2) –
tion (Høgh-Jensen and Schjoerring, 2001). Estimation of soil N2 enrichment technique: nodulated roots are exposed to 15 N2 . (3)
N derived from rhizodeposition is greatly influenced by the and (4) – In the leaf-feeding techniques and in the cotton-wick tech-
method of measurement. Sampling of the roots and soil has nique, 15 N is provided as urea, nitrate or ammonium contained in a
major consequences on the results. Two kinds of methods are vial., to the above-ground parts. With the cotton-wick technique, 15 N-
available for measuring below-ground N, with or without the labelling solution is provided to the plant by means of a cotton-wick
use of a 15 N isotope: passing through a hole in the plant stem. (See Fig. 2 for split-root
(i) The most simple and commonly used approach for as- technique).
sessing below-ground N involves physical removal of the roots
from the soil. Using this method, values of below-ground N
as a percentage of total plant N are often very low compared
with those obtained in the greenhouse. This is probably be-
cause sampling the entire root biomass is challenging, as many
roots are fine and fragile and difficult to recover by wet sieving
(Bergersen et al., 1989; Chapman and Myers, 1987; Toomsan
et al., 1995; Russell and Fillery, 1996b; Dalal et al., 1997;
Rochester et al., 1998; Unkovich and Pate, 2000). Greenhouse
experiments undertaken in pots with limited volume allow a
higher recovery of the root compartment (Mahieu et al., 2007).
In addition, physical recovery of roots does not take rhizode-
posited N into account, though this is also a necessary value
for assessing below-ground N (Khan et al., 2002a, b).
Crawford et al. (1997) used a sequential coring and sum-
mation technique proposed by Hansson and Steen (1984) de-
signed to assess total root production from repeated and si-
multaneous measurements of living roots, dead roots and old
organic material. This method seems more accurate than as-
sessments based solely on physical recovery of intact roots,
but total root biomass remains underestimated.
(ii) Direct labelling of legumes with a tracer such as 15
N provides a means to assess the two components of below-
ground N and particularly rhizodeposited N in the soil. 15 N is
applied to a part of the plant and transferred to all organs by
the sap stream, so rhizodeposits are 15 N-enriched (Figs. 1 and
2). The percentage of NdfR (N derived from rhizodeposition)
Figure 2. Split-root method applied to a pea plant. Experimental de-
is usually calculated using equation (1), proposed by Janzen
sign used by Mahieu et al. (2007). (1) Hydroponic labelling com-
and Bruinsma (1989):
partment filled with clay marbles and nutrient solution containing
NO3 −15 NH4 . (2) Compartment filled with soil in which net N rhi-
%NdfR = [(atom% 15 Nexcess soil)/ zodeposition was measured. (3) Rubber tubes protecting the upper
(atom% 15 Nexcess root)] × 100 (1) part of the roots from desiccation. (4) Putty.
60 J. Fustec et al.

The atom% 15 N excess values were obtained by correcting the (i) In the 15 N dilution technique, the label is provided di-
N enrichments with background values. rectly to the soil and N fixation is estimated by the input of 14 N
from the atmosphere (Fig. 1). This method is reliable for mea-
%NdfR = [(atom% 15 Nsoil enriched – soil background)/ surement of N2 fixation by legumes and transfer to companion
plants (Giller et al., 1991; Moyer-Henry et al., 2006; Paynel
(atom% 15 Nroot enriched – root background)] × 100 (2) et al., 2008) but is strongly influenced by small differences in
the spatial and temporal distribution of soil 15 N when used for
The 15 N abundance of plants grown in unlabelled soil, or of measurement of N rhizodeposition (Hétier et al., 1986; Khan
unlabelled legume or non-legume control plants, has often et al., 2007). Poth et al. (1986) used a soil with very low nitro-
been used as background (Jensen, 1996a; Russel and Fillery, gen content and labelled this soil with 15 NH4 for six years to
1996a, b; Khan et al., 2002a, b; Mayer et al., 2003; Mahieu increase the accuracy of the measurement of rhizodeposition
et al., 2007; Gylfadóttir et al., 2007). Schmidtke (2005a) has by pigeonpea plants in a greenhouse study.
demonstrated that the lower the 15 N abundance of the roots, (ii) The 15 N2 enrichment technique, by which nodulated
the more important the choice of adequate soil and root back- roots are exposed to 15 N2 , is the more direct way to measure
ground values (Eq. (2)). The best estimation of N derived from the input of fixed N2 into the rhizosphere (Fig. 1; Warembourg
rhizodeposition is obtained when the 15 N abundance of soil et al., 1982; McNeill et al., 1994; Russelle et al., 1994). How-
unlabelled N is used for soil background and the 15 N abun- ever, this technique requires specific equipment and cannot be
dance of unlabelled roots for root background. Non-fixing applied easily in the field. Furthermore, free-living N2 -fixing
plants can also be used for soil and root background values. As bacteria can use 15 N and complicate interpretation of results.
N re-absorptions are not taken into account, equations (1, 2) (iii) The leaf-feeding technique involves feeding 15 N as a
correspond to the assessment of net N rhizodeposition. The gas (NH3 ), or as a solution (urea, ammonium or nitrate; Fig. 1).
amount of total N (mg) derived from rhizodeposition is cal- Janzen and Bruinsma (1989) exposed shoots of wheat plants
culated by multiplying the N amount in this pool with the % (Triticum aestivum L.) to 15 NH3 for a relatively short dura-
NdfR value. tion (6 h) periodically during the growing season. For this
Root/soil sampling methods may also influence the results, purpose, plants were temporarily placed in a sealed plexiglass
since they have direct consequences on 15 N enrichment val- enclosure, and the medium was sealed from the atmosphere.
ues of roots and soil. In some studies, roots are separated This method resulted in a uniform labelling of the above- and
from the soil by dry gentle sieving (2 mm) before being care- below-ground parts (though 15 N enrichment in the roots was
fully brushed to give a clean root fraction (McNeill et al., lower than in the shoots), but has not been used with legumes.
1997, 1998; McNeill and Fillery, 2008). After root/soil siev- Only limited quantities of 15 N can be absorbed by the plant
ing, Yasmin et al. (2006) separated the roots from the remain- material because of short exposure time. Longer periods of ex-
ing adhering soil (called ’rhizosphere soil’) by –40 ◦ C freeze- posure would require sophisticated and expensive equipment
drying for 2 d. In other studies (Sawatsky and Soper, 1991; unsuitable for field measurements (Bazot et al., 2008).
Mayer et al., 2003; Schmidtke, 2005a, b; Mahieu et al., 2007; Urea is a good 15 N carrier because it is non-polar, highly
Wichern et al., 2008), after root collection by gentle dry siev- mobile and has a higher N content than nitrate and ammo-
ing, visible micro-roots were hand-collected with tweezers. nium. Leaf-feeding (or leaf-flap) methods involve immersing
Then all roots were shaken in a closed dish with deionised a part of the foliage in a 15 N-labelled solution contained in
water, and the rinse solution was pooled with the soil sam- a sealed vial for several hours. These have been found to be
ple. Most experiments are undertaken in a sandy substrate to more accurate than spray applications of 15 N-labelled urea,
make soil/root sorting easier. In the field or under rain shel- because of the loss of 15 NH3 occurring after 15 N-urea hy-
ters, plants are often planted in columns pushed down into the drolysis and runoff from the labelled leaves to the soil in
soil (or mesotrons; Russell and Fillery, 1996b; McNeill et al., the case of spray applications (Russell and Fillery, 1996a;
1997; Gylfadóttir et al., 2007; Tab. I), or in microplots delim- Hertenberger and Wanek, 2004). After a spray application of
ited with plastic or iron sheets (Rochester et al., 1998; Mahieu 15
N-urea, Zebarth et al. (1991) recovered less than 70% of the
et al., 2007). 15
N applied in the case of alfalfa and 30% in the case of red
The use of equation (1) assumes a uniform distribution of clover. Using the leaf-feeding technique, Ledgard et al. (1985)
N label throughout the root system and similar enrichments labelled pasture legumes by immersing a trifoliolate leaf into
of both N deposited and of roots, but differences in 15 N enrich- a glass vial sealed in a plastic bag and filled with 15 mL of a
ment between fine roots, coarse roots and nodules are often 10% 15 N KNO3 solution (300 mM) for 72 h and measuring N
observed (Khan et al., 2002a, b; Russell and Fillery, 1996a; transfers between neighbouring pasture plants. McNeill et al.
McNeill and Fillery, 2008). (1997, 1998) adapted the leaf-feeding technique (Oghoghorie
and Pate, 1972; Pate, 1973), to assess below-ground N of sub-
terraneum clover and serradella (Ornithopus compressus L.).
3.2. N labelling methods They conducted similar experiments in the field and in the
greenhouse (McNeill et al., 1997, 1998). After cutting (1997)
Isotopic methods should ideally allow a uniform labelling or not (1998) the 1–2 mm tip, a young expanded leaf was in-
of the whole plant. The 15 N label used to assess below-ground serted into a 2-mL non-porous vial filled with 1 mL of a 0.25–
N can be provided to the legume in different ways. 0.4% (w/v) solution of 15 N-labelled urea (99.6 atom% 15 N).
Nitrogen rhizodeposition of legumes. A review 61

Table I. N rhizodeposited by various legume species as a percentage of the plant N. Values obtained using different labelling methods. (* in-
jected into labelling compartment soil at the beginning of the experiment, ** continuous labelling in hydroponic compartment, *** injected
every two days in vermiculite of labelling compartment, (fr) including fine roots).
Reference Species Culture Method 15
N Rhizodeposited N /
conditions recovery plant-N
Zebarth et al. Trifolium pratensis Field Leaf spray – –
(1991) Medicago sativa
Sawatsky and Pisum sativum Growth Split-root – 8–12%
Soper (1991) chamber (15 NH4 )2 S04 *
Jensen Pisum sativum Growth Split-root – 7%
(1996a, b) chamber KN03 −15 N **
Russel and Fillery Lupinus angustifolius Field Cotton-wick 81–102% 18.5%
(1996b) (mesotrons) (15 N-urea)
under rain shelter
McNeill et al. Trifolium subterraneum Field Leaf feeding 85% 10% (fr)
(1997) (mesotrons) (15 N-urea)
Ornithopus compressus 76% 20% (fr)
McNeill et al. Trifolium subterraneum Greenhouse Leaf feeding 42% 40% (fr)
(1998) (pots) (15 N-urea)
Ornithopus compressus 64% 57% (fr)
Rochester et al. Vicia faba ssp minor, Field Petiole feeding – –
(1998) Glycine max, (15 N-urea)
Lens culinaris,
Lupinus angustifolius,
Vigna radiata,
V. angularis,
V. unguiculata,
Cajanus cajan,
Arachis hypogaea,
Lablab purpureus,
Pisum sativum
Khan et al. Vicia faba Greenhouse Shoot feeding 90% 23.5%
(2002a, b) Cicer arietinum, (pots) (15 N-urea) 76% 43.9%
Vigna radiata, 100% 16.5%
Cajanus cajan 102% 35.5%
Chalk et al. Sesbania rostrata Greenhouse Leaf feeding 35% –
(2002) (pots) (15 N-urea)
Stem injection 45% –
(15 N-urea)
Adventitious 101% –
root feeding
(15 N-urea)
Mayer et al. Vicia faba Cover hall Cotton-wick 84.8% 13%
(2003) Pisum sativum (pots) (15 N-urea) 83.2% 12%
Lupinus albus 84.5% 16%
Schmidtke Pisum sativum Greenhouse Split-root – 10.5%
(2005a, b) Lathyrus sativus KN03 −15 N *** 9.2%
Yasmin et al. Cicer arietinum Greenhouse Leaf feeding –
(2006) (pots)
Petiole feeding –
Cotton-wick –
Mahieu et al. Pisum sativum Greenhouse Cotton-wick 65–85% 9.7–11.7%
(2007) (pots) (15 N-urea)
Field 70% 34.2%
Pisum sativum Greenhouse Split-root – 14.3–17.3%
(pots) 15
NO3 −15 NH4 **
Field – 27.5%
Gylfadóttir et al. Mixture Field Leaf feeding –
(2007) Trifolium repens (mesotrons) (15 N-urea) 47%
Poa pratensis 10%
(of total N for both
Wichern et al. Pisum sativum Field Cotton-wick 59–77% 32–36%
(2007a) (mesotrons) (15 N-urea)
McNeill and Lupinus angustifolius Field Cotton-wick 69–76% 35–65% (fr)
Fillery (2008) (mesotrons) (15 N-urea)
62 J. Fustec et al.

The system was sealed with inert plastic putty to avoid 15 N (2003) the amount of urea applied to pea plants at each pulse
loss. To avoid leaf damage, the concentration of the urea solu- was calculated from dilution curves, to keep an average 15 N
tion must not be too high. In the field, mean total recovery of content of 2.5 atom% 15 N excess of the plant N during the
the fed 15 N in the entire plant-soil system at the late vegetative growing demand. All experiments undertaken on pea showed
stage was 85% for subterranean clover and 76% for serradella, that 15 N recovery was around 90% (84–94%) in the green-
but was more than 92% in both species after feeding at matu- house and 50–76% in the field (Tab. I; Mayer et al., 2003;
rity (Tab. I). In the greenhouse, mean recovery of the fed 15 N Mahieu et al., 2007; Wichern et al., 2007a). Furthermore, the
was 42% in subterranean clover and 64% for serradella. In longer the experiment, the lower 15 N recovery in the plant-soil
leaf-feeding methods, 15 N enrichment of above-ground parts system (Russell and Fillery, 1996a; Mayer et al., 2003; Mahieu
is often higher than that of below-ground parts (McNeill et al., et al., 2007). In cotton-wick, as in leaf-flap and petiole feed-
1997, 1998; Yasmin et al., 2006). 15 N leaf-feeding techniques ing, above-ground parts are markedly more 15 N-enriched than
used both by Ledgard et al. (1985) and by McNeill et al. (1998) roots. Root enrichment ranged between 1.1 and 1.4 atom% 15 N
were also used to measure N compounds deposited in the soil excess in Russell and Fillery (1996a), Mayer et al. (2003) and
by mixtures of common grassland species in the field and N Wichern et al. (2007a) but reached up to 3.6 atom% 15 N excess
transfer from legumes to the neighbouring non-fixing plant in Mahieu et al. (2007). However, cotton-wick cannot be used
(Bardgett et al., 1999; Høgh-Jensen and Schjoerring, 2001; with thin-stemmed species such as chickpea (Yasmin et al.,
Ayres et al., 2007; Rasmussen et al., 2007). 2006). Few attempts have been made to inject 15 N-urea di-
The 15 N solution can be fed directly to a leaf petiole. rectly into the stem with a syringe. Chalk et al. (2002) did not
Rochester et al. (1998) attached vials containing 15 N-urea to obtain reliable results with S. rostrata, probably because of its
petioles of eleven different species of grain legume. Khan et al. hollow stem.
(2002b) compared the use of leaf-feeding and petiole-feeding (vi) The split-root technique was proposed by Sawatsky and
methods in the field with four different species. They con- Soper (1991) to quantify the amount of N lost from the root
cluded that 15 N-leaf-flap feeding was best for fababean, mung- system of pea plants. Before the beginning of the experiments,
bean and pigeonpea, but petiole feeding was best for chick- seedlings of pea were raised in moist sand or vermiculite, and
pea. The best compromise to enable comparison of results be- the radicle was cut 1 cm below the seed after seedling emer-
tween species was to apply short pulses of labelled urea to the gence to enhance the development of adventitious roots. Then
lower third or fourth stem-node using 0.2 mL of 0.5% urea the root system was split between two different soil compart-
(98 atom% 15 N) at each pulse. Leaf and petiole feeding led ments. One of them, filled with soil (Sawatsky and Soper,
to higher 15 N enrichment of above- than below-ground parts 1991), with clay marbles (Jensen, 1996a, b; Mahieu et al.,
in all tested species except in piegeonpea, where shoot en- 2007) or vermiculite (Schmidtke, 2005a, b) was labelled with a
richment was about 30% lower than root enrichment (Ledgard mineral 15 N-enriched source, and the other part of the root sys-
et al., 1985; Russell and Fillery, 1996a, b; McNeill et al., 1997, tem growing in the unlabelled soil compartment could be mon-
1998; Khan et al., 2002a; Chalk et al., 2002). In leaf and peti- itored (Fig. 2). Sawatsky and Soper (1991) used a solution of
ole feeding, although the urea was highly enriched in 15 N, the (15 NH4 )2 SO4 containing 66.7% 15 N: root 15 N enrichment was
N enrichment of the roots was only between 0.11 and 0.90 9.92 atom% 15 N excess. Jensen (1996a), Schmidtke (2005a)
atom% 15 N excess (McNeill et al., 1997; Høgh-Jensen and and Mahieu et al. (2007) used a 5% or 10% 15 N-enriched
Schjoerring, 2001; Khan et al., 2002a, b). KNO3 -N, and 10% 15 N-enriched NO3 -NH4 , respectively; root
(v) The cotton-wick technique was proposed by Russell enrichments comprised between 0.2 and 3.5% atom% 15 N ex-
and Fillery (1996a). 15 N-labelling solution is provided to the cess.
plant by means of a cotton-wick passing through a hole in the This technique can also be used to assess N transfer be-
plant stem (Fig. 1). These authors have shown that the trans- tween a legume and a non-fixing species (Jensen, 1996b). It
fer of solutions into young lupin plants is more effective us- allows continuous labelling during plant growth and N up-
ing the cotton-wick method than the leaf-feeding method. N take follows a natural pathway. A disadvantage of the split-
uptake by the cotton-wick technique is mainly driven by the root method is that it substantially disturbs the root system
transpiration stream, avoiding active mechanisms occurring and plant development, particularly for species with a taproot
with root or leaf immersion. Results reported by Russell and (McNeill et al., 1997; Khan et al., 2002a). In addition, roots
Fillery (1996b) and McNeill and Fillery (2008) confirm that of the labelling compartment tend to keep more than 50% of
this method seems accurate for assessing below-ground N of the applied 15 N (Schmidtke, 2005b; Mahieu et al., 2007), lead-
field-grown lupin and provides a more homogeneous 15 N dis- ing to lower enrichment in N of the other plant parts. Further-
tribution in the plants compared with leaf-feeding techniques more, estimation of N derived from rhizodeposition accounts
(Mayer et al., 2003). It has also been confirmed for fababean, for only a part of the root system. This technique is difficult to
chickpea, mungpea (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilcz), pigeonpea, adapt to field conditions (Mahieu et al., 2007).
pea and white lupin (Russell and Fillery, 1996b; Mayer et al.,
2003; Mahieu et al., 2007). Fortnightly pulses of high 15 N-urea
(99 atom% 15 N), were found to be more efficient than a weekly 3.3. Amounts of N rhizodeposited by legumes
application (Russell and Fillery, 1996a) and provide similar
results to pulses applied at given growing stages (6-leaf stage, Among all reviewed studies, N derived from rhizodeposi-
flowering and pod-filling; Mahieu et al., 2007). In Mayer et al. tion as a percentage of the mature plant N varied from 7% to
Nitrogen rhizodeposition of legumes. A review 63

57% (Tab. I). Using leaf feeding with 15 N-urea, the ratio of 4.2. Senescence of roots and nodules
rhizodeposited N: plant N differed markedly among species
(from 10% in subterraneum clover to 57% in serradella); Several studies have demonstrated that death of nodules
values obtained in subterraneum clover and serradella were and roots is a major source of biological fixation of N for
markedly higher in the field than in the greenhouse (McNeill the soil (Dubach and Russelle, 1994; Russelle et al., 1994).
et al., 1997, 1998). Its importance is undisputed but reliable quantitative data are
Several studies have investigated N rhizodeposition of sparse, as no methodology is available to clearly distinguish
mature pea crops using split-root or cotton-wick methods rhizodeposition due to death and decay of below-ground tis-
(Sawatsky and Soper, 1991; Jensen 1996a, b; Mayer et al., sues from rhizodeposition due to exudation of soluble com-
2003; Schmidtke 2005a, b; Mahieu et al., 2007; Wichern et al., pounds. By comparing the accumulation of biologically fixed
2007a). Harvesting at different stages indicates that N rhizode- 15
N2 in fine roots and nodules of alfalfa and birdsfoot tre-
position increases as plants mature, probably because of the foil and with soil surrounding the roots, Dubach and Russelle
increase in senescing roots and nodules (see Wichern et al., (1994) have estimated that decomposition of these tissues is
2008). However, Wichern et al. (2007b) measured high levels the main pathway for N rhizodeposition. Though little quan-
of rhizodeposition at early vegetative stages of growth (71% of titative data are available concerning fixed nitrogen in legume
the plant N at the 3–6 leaf stage). For a pea plant, the ratio of rhizospheres, quantification of underground N transfer from
rhizodeposited N: plant N was 4 to 71% and the ratio of the legumes to intercropped grasses is now well documented. Be-
below-ground N: plant N varied from 14 to 74%. At maturity, cause transfer increases with plant age, it is often proposed
in greenhouse conditions, rhizodeposited N and below-ground that N release from senescence of below-ground residues of
N often represented around 15% and 25% of plant N, respec- legumes coupled with grass uptake is the dominant factor in N
tively (Mahieu et al., 2007; see Wichern, 2008). In the field, exchange (Høgh-Jensen and Schjoerring, 1997; Moyer-Henry
below-ground N represented around 30% of plant N and rhi- et al., 2006). Release of N through degradation of above-
zodeposited N often accounted for 88–97% of below-ground ground tissues is highly dependent on numerous factors such
N. Mahieu et al. (2007) showed that the ratio of rhizode- as mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, root herbivory or defoliation
posited N: plant N obtained with split-root was 10% higher (Ta and Faris, 1988; Johansen and Jensen, 1996; Ayres et al.,
than that obtained with cotton-wick. Furthermore, the values 2007). Numerous studies have established that N transfer be-
were higher in the field than in the greenhouse experiments, tween plants can also occur between young plants, through
though the root-to-shoot ratios were markedly lower in the mycorrhizal networks interconnecting plants or through exu-
field than in the greenhouse. Consistently with other studies, dation of N compounds by legumes coupled with uptake by
roots represented less than 5% of the total plant weight in grasses (Paynel et al., 2001; Moyer-Henry et al., 2006).
the field (Voisin et al., 2002), since they represented at least
10–20% of the plant weight in the greenhouse pots. In their
greenhouse study, Mahieu et al. (2007) found a significant re- 4.3. Exudation of soluble compounds
lationship between the amount of N rhizodeposited by a pea
plant and the plant-N content that could contribute to explain The N released from roots and nodules as low-molecular-
this difference, since plant-N contents of field peas were higher weight substances, such as soluble root exudates, amino acids,
than those of greenhouse plants. hormones and enzymes, is also poorly quantified in soil con-
ditions. Most of the experiments on N exudation have been
carried out in the laboratory, in hydroponically grown plants
4. N RHIZODEPOSITION PATHWAYS or in sand cultures. Between 3% (Ta et al., 1986) and 4.5%
of the fixed N is released by alfalfa to the solution as soluble
4.1. General considerations compounds, while between 10 (Brophy and Heichel, 1989)
and 30% (Ofosu-Budu et al., 1990) of fixed N is released to
The term rhizodeposition was first used to describe carbon the nutrient solution. Robinia pseudoaccacia L., which is an
loss from roots (Lynch and Whipps, 1990) but also includes N N2 -fixing tree, has also been observed to release a significant,
loss, as most organic compounds lost by roots also contain N but minor, proportion of fixed N to the solution, as dissolved
(but see Wichern et al., 2008). Less N than C is rhizodeposited, organic nitrogen (Uselman et al., 1999).
but deposition of both elements cannot be distinguished (Bais The main N compound released is generally ammonium,
et al., 2006) as in both cases, the potential pathways for rhi- which is the main product of the nitrogenase enzyme, but sig-
zodeposition are (1) senescence, death and decay of roots and nificant proportions of ureides and amino acids are also re-
nodules; (2) exudation of soluble compounds; (3) sloughing- covered in root exudates of alfalfa, soybean and clover (Ta
off of root border cells, and (4) secretion of mucilage. Quanti- et al., 1986; Brophy and Heichel, 1989; Paynel and Cliquet,
tative data providing reliable estimation of these pathways are 2003). Among amino acids found in root exudates of various
sparse but a recent review concerning carbon rhizodeposition species including white clover and alfalfa, glycine and serine
showed that sloughing-off of border cells and secretion of mu- have often been recovered in high proportions (Svenningsson
cilage represent a very small proportion of carbon rhizodepo- et al., 1990; Paynel et al., 2001; Hertenberger and Wanek,
sition (N’guyen, 2003). This proportion must be even smaller 2004; Lesuffleur et al., 2007) despite also constituting a ma-
for N rhizodeposition, as little N is present in mucilages. jor amino acid in rhizospheric soils (Kielland, 1995; Jones
64 J. Fustec et al.

et al., 2005). The reverse is true for other amino acids such Bardgett R.D., Denton C.S., Cook R. (1999) Below ground herbivory pro-
as asparagine and glutamine, which are recovered in low pro- motes soil nutrient transfer and root growth in grassland, Ecol. Lett.
2, 357–360.
portions in exudates but in high proportions in root extracts,
showing that amino acid root exudation is a selective process. Bazot S., Blum H., Robin C. (2008) Nitrogen rhizodeposition assessed
Ammonium and amino acids are also recovered in root exu- by a 15 NH3 shoot pulse-labelling of Lolium perenne L. grown on
soil exposed to 9 years of CO2 enrichment, Environ. Exp. Bot. 63,
dates of non-fixing plants (Paynel and Cliquet, 2003), but use 410–415.
of 15 N-labelled amino acids has shown that efflux of glycine
and serine from roots of legumes is higher than from roots of Bergersen F.J., Brockwell J., Gault R.R., Morthorpe L., Peoples M.B.,
Turner G.L. (1989) Effects of available soil nitrogen and rates of
grasses (Lesuffleur et al., 2007). Like the other components of inoculation on nitrogen fixation by irrigated soybeans and evalua-
rhizodeposition, root exudation is altered by numerous biotic tion of δ15 N methods for measurements, Aust. J. Agr. Resour. Ec.
factors, such as mycorrhizal fungi and root herbivores (Murray 40, 763–780.
et al., 1996; Bais et al., 2006) and abiotic factors, such as de- Brophy L.S., Heichel G.H. (1989) Nitrogen release from roots of alfalfa
foliation and CO2 enrichment (Ayres et al., 2007; Bazot et al., and soybean grown in sand culture, Plant Soil 116, 77–84.
2008). Burris R.H. (1974) Biological nitrogen fixation, Plant Physiol. 54, 443–
Carlsson G., Huss-Danell K. (2003) Nitrogen fixation in perennial forage
5. CONCLUSION legumes in the field, Plant Soil 253, 353–372.
Chapman A.L., Myers R.J.K. (1987) Nitrogen contribution by grain
In conclusion, biological fixation of N can act as a legumes to rice grown in rotation on the Cununurra soils the Ord ir-
sustainable source of N and can complement or replace fer- rigation area, Western Australia, Aust. J. Agr. Resour. Ec. 48, 1139–
tiliser inputs. This review highlights that numerous agricul- 1150.
tural practices have been developed all around the world to Chalk P.M. (1998) Dynamics of biologically fixed N in legume-cereal
take advantage of the biological reduction of atmospheric N to rotations: a review, Aust. J. Agr. Resour. Ec. 49, 303–316.
ammonia realised by some prokariots. N fixation is performed Chalk P.P., Ladha J.K., Padre A. (2002) Efficacy of three 15 N labelling
by these prokariots alone or in symbiosis with plants. Legumes techniques for estimating below ground N in Sesbania rostrata,
form a symbiosis with Rhizobium but release a substantial part Biol. Fert. Soils 35, 387–398.
of the biologically fixed N into the rhizosphere. As a conse- Corre-Hellou G., Fustec J., Crozat Y. (2006) Interspecific competition for
quence, biological N fixation can act as a sustainable source of soil N and its interaction with N2 fixation, leaf expansion and crop
N and contribute to decreasing fertiliser inputs. However, the growth in pea-barley intercrops, Plant Soil 282, 195–208.
part of this N available for non-fixing crops remains difficult Corre-Hellou G., Brisson N., Launay M., Fustec J., Crozat Y. (2007)
to assess. N rhizodeposition is mainly due to senescence and Effect of root depth penetration on soil N sharing and dry matter
in pea-barley intercrops given different soil N supplies, Field Crop.
decay of roots and nodules, and exudation of N compounds by Res. 103, 76–85.
living roots. The main N compounds released by legume roots
are ammonium, amino acids and ureides, but a wide range of Crawford M.C., Grace P.R., Bellotti W.D., Oades J.M. (1997) Root pro-
duction of a barrel medic (Medicago truncatula) pasture, a barley
organic compounds released by plant roots remain to be deter- grass (Hordeum leporinum) pasture, and a fababean (Vicia faba)
mined. A significant effort has been made in the last decade to crop in Southern Australia, Aust. J. Agr. Resour. Ec. 48, 1139–
develop tracer methods suitable for quantifying N rhizodeposi- 1150.
tion in realistic conditions. Long-term studies using the split- Crépon K. (2006) Protein supply in Europe and the challenge to increase
root and the cotton-wick techniques have shown that N rhi- grain legumes production: a contribution to sustainable agricul-
zodeposition increases with plant age and plant N content, but ture, in: Grain legumes and the environment: how to assess benefits
and impacts. Proceedings of the AEP workshop, (Ed.) AEP, 18–19
more information is lacking concerning the effects of plant-N November 2004, Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 13–16.
partitioning and of root characteristics. Ecological functions of
Crozat Y., Fustec J. (2006) Assessing the role of grain legumes in
these rhizodeposits are still unknown, but they may constitute crop rotation: some agronomic concepts that can help!, in: Grain
a rapidly incorporating source of C and N for soil microor- legumes and the environment: how to assess benefits and impacts.
ganisms and neighbouring plants. Further investigations com- Proceedings of the AEP workshop, (Ed.) AEP, 18–19 November
bining assessments of C and N rhizodeposition are needed to 2004, Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 55–60.
obtain a better understanding of these fluxes in the rhizosphere Curatti L., Ludden P.W., Rubio L.M. (2006) NifB-dependent in vitro syn-
of legumes. thesis of the iron-molybdenum cofactor of nitrogenase, PNAS 103,
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