Decision Support Systems in Waste Management - A Review of Selected Tools

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Decision support systems in waste management - a review of selected tools

Conference Paper · September 2015


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2 authors:

Karolina Jąderko-Skubis Barbara Białecka

Główny Instytut Górnictwa Główny Instytut Górnictwa


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The necessity of decision making in the field of uncertainty forms an integral part of
its traders, managers or analysts. Seemingly, this is an intuitive process that applies to every
human being, however, in a professional resource management it requires appropriate
procedures and preparation. Tracing the definition of W.T. Bielecki [5] decision making is
preceded by the identification of the problem, collection of the relevant information,
compilation of expert knowledge and finally the elaboration of solutions which will allow to
make the best choices as far as evaluation and selection are concerned. Business practice has
caused computerization of these activities, creating foundations of decision support systems
for all sectors of enterprises' activity.
Waste Management due to its multifaceted nature, also went through a number of
support systems which will allow to implement effective decision-making processes of a
varying complexity effectively. A wide range of information and data, including the logistic,
technological, environmental, social and legal issues makes it possible to process using multi-
criteria analysis and specialist support systems.


Decision support systems have been known for decades, and more specifically from
the time when the information technology development has enabled automation of the
selected decision-making areas[5]. In connection with these issues, DSS (Decision Support)
were defined as information solutions that support business and organizational decision-
making activities, enabling setting an optimal solution.
A wide range of applications and benefits of DDS resulted in the rapid development of
all kinds of tools which denominator is defined by S. Alter requirements, that also constitutes
the essence of support systems. These include [3]:
a)The DDS are designed for support the decision-making process,
b)The DDS should support, not automate the decision-making process,
c)The DDS should be flexible enough to smoothly adapt to the constantly changing
requirements by decision makers.
During the design process of decision support tools it is necessary to prepare specified
conditions including an analysis of its application. Systems should be mostly adequate, which
means compatible with operational needs which contained data and if–then rules. DSS also
requires availability, which is associated with the correct process of communication and
unambiguous interpretation of the results.
An unequivocal purpose of DDS application has a graphical representation of its
structure (Figure 1), which in the most transparent way introduces the main elements of its
architecture, and verifies which information systems are a decision support system.

Database Model base


User interface

Figure 1 Decision support system structure

Source: [3, p.19]

According to the graphic representation of DDS, a composition of separate elements

affects the advisability of the system. The basic division of the structure covering the core of
the system, highlights the DDS focus on data and DDS focused on decision support models.
Depending on the demands, the classification can be extended to DDS focused on
communication, documents or knowledge - as a purposely dominant part of the system
Each system consists of a database (DB), which collects, provides and stores relevant
data. Therefore, DB is a selected information unit that has been extracted from a
comprehensive set of data and are a main power source of DDS [3]. Analyses, forecasts,
current transactions - these are the actions faced by all users of information systems. A well-
ordered and thematically selected data source allows you to quickly and efficiently process an
extensive database that is stored on storage media and allows to satisfy the information needs
at any time.
The user interface of DDS is considered to be a web page or text, image or software part
responsible for interaction with the user. Due to the diversity of DDS, the issue of the
designed interfaces is widely considered with the functional and operational requirements.
Creating an interface in accordance with the C.M. Olszak [5] recommendations, in addition to
an accurate analysis of the tasks and systems objectives should be taken into account during
the implementation of lexical and semantic level. The results of these analyzes are a
description of the communication language with the decision-maker, a choice of interface
standard, and the environment of its implementation [3]. Due to a high level of details in
interface design and the impact of its effects on the system functionality, it is suggested to
prototype which allows to evaluate preliminary designs.
In order to reduce costs and eliminate the risk of the decision-making process errors,
various methods for simulating potential solutions are used. All processes and phenomena
occurring in reality can be described using the interrelationships between components, that
create a special collection and aim to achieve a particular purpose. This reflection of reality by
a set is called a model, on the basis of which DDS examine and predict options of analyzed
Modeling is a separate and complex chapter in the issues of DDS. The versatility of
the system application determines the need of models elaboration with an adequate level of
detail. In a study of phenomena and processes advanced mathematical models are often
applied which clearly identify the most important factors. The logical decomposition and
selection of the most important parameters allow for adequate processing of data and execute
analyzes that can be the basis of optimization methods.
In literature the application of conceptual models can also be found, as well as object-
oriented models, models of multi-criteria analysis or specialist models including i.a.
integrated waste management systems. The extensive use of DDS and the possibility of
setting up models, have formed a new trend in the application of artificial intelligence in the
process of decision-making. Their use is most common in resolving the complex decision-
making processes which require pattern recognition and classification, learning or effective
risk management.
Economic development encourages the development of specialized information
systems, including decision support systems. Their application can be found in many
industries and sectors, where companies implement their processes under conditions of
uncertainty and risk. Due to market demands, DDS is characterized by complex and hybrid
structure, which includes the use of i.a. spatial information systems.
Simulations and interpretations carried out on a visual representation of solutions
allow to understand the effects better and take a final decision. The use of this type of hybrid
systems, in particular, is known in environmental management and waste management. DDS
is based on complex models of waste management systems and it is often used by public and
private entities that process the collected data for analysis, forecasting and simulation.


The use of decision support systems in waste management have been intensified along
with the need for analysis of additional issues, including costs, spatial planning, legal
requirements, environmental protection and technologies used.
The first attempt to use web-based tools within Waste Management Systems Data
Management was included in basic data management. Recording and reporting - are the basic
activities related to the management of waste flowing from the manufacturers to waste
processing entities. Standard data sheets have enabled to implement these basic requirements,
but they have significantly limited more complex actions. Along with the need of process
simulation, forecasting and reporting the results of alternative solutions - a need to develop
web-based tools using spreadsheets, mathematical optimization and simulation models,
including Geographic Information Systems has emerged [4].
The increasing interest in spatial data analysis is resulted in widening of the decision
support systems properties by GIS (ang. Geographic Information System) with the result of
developing technology SDSS (ang. Spartial Decision Support System). The dynamic
development of GIS-based software currently supports local governments in the spatial
planning management, water, sewage and waste management, enabling to build spatial
information infrastructure at different administrative levels [4]. In this perspective, GIS is a
valuable component of DDS during the flows planning and determining the location of waste
recovery facilities and waste disposal. Multi-criteria analyses related to this issue were
enriched through geographical analysis, allowing to specify the best solution for complex
decision-making processes.
Table 1 shows some examples of decision support systems in waste management
designed to meet specific targets like determining the location of landfills and assessment of
technology collection or waste treatment and its disposal. You may have noticed all kinds of
widely used methods to support decision-making in waste management. In addition to using
approaches like LCA, AHP or spreadsheets, an increasing interest in the application of spatial
information - GIS is observed, which enables the presentation of the position of important
objects related to waste management.
Literature describes many of the systems used for locating landfills. Their detailed
analysis based on a multi-criteria decision-making process, also using geographic information
systems, enables to select the best solution. In the current situation, according to new
regulations and requirements of the EU, storage is an ultimate form of recycling, which
should be kept to a minimum, and building new landfills should be eliminated from waste
management plans. Law enforcement and rational waste management require the elaboration
of integrated tools that could meet the growing expectations.
The current state of waste management in Poland, is interested in the possibility of
energy recovery from waste that could support the enforcement of EU requirements, including
reducing waste deposited in landfills, and thus affecting their increasing level of recovery.
The realization of these assumptions requires detailed logistics and technology analysis in the
context of local waste management systems, where it would be possible to use waste energy.
One of DDS examples implemented for this purpose is W2E Software [15] , which supports
the best choice in selecting energy recovery technology from sewage sludge. Other systems
briefly treat these issues as one of the waste processing capabilities, without detailed analysis
of the possibility of waste incineration.
A specialized use of DDS to separate the waste management processes is increasingly
appreciated by the users from the public level of administration as well as private
entrepreneurs and investors. In the context of the waste streams management, these kinds of
tools undoubtedly etched into the framework of the waste management system as an integral
part of planning, monitoring, simulation and evaluation.

Table 1 Examples of decision support systems in waste management

Country of to support
Name of the
Lp. origin/ decision- Application Source
Authors making
1 Municipal Canada, Knowledge Forecasting the quantity and quality of generated municipal waste, [5]
Solid Waste Winnipeg based, technology collection assessment, treatment and disposal of waste,
Management Spreadsheet, estimating the cost of planned solutions, forecasting volumes and
System Optimization time of investment associated with waste management.
Planning and
[DSS] simulation
2 Spatial Greece AHP Determining the location of a landfill on the Lesbos island. [5]
Decision GIS
3 Spatial Thailand AHP Determining the initial location of landfills in Thailand. [5]
Decision GIS
Support Fuzzy logic
4 DSS for No data GIS Design, evaluation and monitoring of landfills. [5]
Landfill Expert
Design, system
Evaluation Simulation
and model
5 SIGOP Poland, Knowledge SIGOP's database is used during the development of waste [5]
Katowice base, management programs for planning the industrial and service
waste management, plans for municipalities, counties, provinces
and also in ecological assessments of waste in particular to define
ways of dealing with waste. On the basis of collected information
in the database the standard reports are issued .
6 EcoSolver Switzerland LCA model Separation of plastic waste streams planning with regard to the [14]
IP-SSK Dynamic facilities of recycling, treatment and recovery of mechanical
model energy for selected regions.
7 W2E No data Mathematical Analysis and evaluation of the possibility of disposing of sewage [15]
Software model sludge in the process of energy recovery - choosing the best
Simulation solution .
8 ReFlows Greece Mathematical Simulation of physical and financial flows in various scenarios in [1]
model waste management system based on maximizing the recovery and
Simulation recycling of municipal solid waste.
9 Spatial Chang,2008 GIS Landfills location, taking into account factors: transport , [6]
Decision Fuzzy logic, ecological , environmental, economic , social and historical
Support multi-criteria indicators.
System decision-
[SDSS] making
Source: author’s own elaboration
Amendments to the Act on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities
imposed on local governments a duty of development and implementation of the waste
management system which will effectively realize flows of municipal waste streams from
inhabitants to the places of their processing. The new responsibilities of municipalities and
related cooperation reorganization of entities responsible for waste transport and utilization,
have provoked a range of decision problems that require detailed analysis. Application of
modern software in waste management is aimed at supporting system's processes, starting
with the register of residents and calculating charges and monitoring the waste flows to the
places of their processing.
Table 2 presents an attempt to fit the different levels of decision-making waste
management system to types of information systems executing separate tasks. The essence of
this division focuses on the use of structured data sets (databases), as a part of defined
system's needs.
The lowest level of decision-making related to current operations includes all
applications that use the data for everyday system operation. Their main purpose is to store
data and their basic processing at the operational level of waste management. Selected data
are the basis of support for the analytical and reporting systems in waste management, which
usage allows to execute complex actions. The results (both the and tactical level) are the basis
of decision support system's functions at a strategic level of waste management.
It should be noted that only an integrated system that already has registration-
transaction and analytical data in its structure, might include the waste management system
functioning at the regional level. Current solutions realize tasks associated with selected
elements of the systems, avoiding the complex connections and correlations.
Table 2 Position of different types of information systems at waste management decision-making levels

System types Decision levels Issues

 Options Planning for the waste
management systems of different groups ,
Integrated information system in waste management

Decision support systems Strategic  forecasting changes in processes ,

parameters , manufacturing waste streams .
 investment decisions
 Identification of the data structures
describing the elements of the system and
 data, process and environmental hazards
Analytical and reporting classification
systems  studying the correlation between the
different parts and processes ,
 component process analysis (e.g. migration
of pollutants from waste treatment facilities)
 process modeling, elementary objects
 management and control of processes ,
systems and subsystems including
Transactional and calculating the costs of waste management ,
registration systems recording the mass of generated waste
different groups, financial operations ,

Source: Author’s own elaboration based on [3,4]

Municipal waste management system, which is in pursuance of new rules is organized

and coordinated by municipalities, it requires detailed records of data processing and analysis.
According to these requirements and the need to elaborate tools to help residents' service as
part of the system, the market formed a dedicated software for municipalities, as well as waste
management sector companies. Examples of such solutions are shown in Table 3.
The offered applications are characterized by standards that apply information
systems in modules that let to waste recording, preparing of aggregated data or process
monitoring and reporting. Qualified tools for systems support require distinguishing the clear
specialization structure and functions of the operating system in decision-making processes. It
is important to separate the models which allow to ensure the solution of complex decision
problems in the context of i.a. forecasts or simulations. The management system " " and Ulysses ODPADY, provides additional functions associated with
the process modeling to the greatest degree as compared to other tools.
Table 3 Selected information applications supporting waste management

Analisis and process

financial settlements

monitoring module
declarations and
The module of

The module of

The module of
No. Software name Authors Recipient Modeling / Forecasting

- Creation of a "knowledge
base" of waste management
- Simulation model of the
Management system Profeko costs and logistics of waste
1 Municipalities YES YES YES YES [11]
„” Sp. z o.o. management in the
- Creation of budgetary
forecasts for the entire waste
management system

2 ecoSANIT Municipalities YES NO YES YES NO [10]

- forecasting local
3 Ulisses ODPADY ULISSES Municipalities YES YES YES YES [13]
government incomings from
waste management
4 Waste records 2015 YES YES YES YES NO [9]

Waste Management engaging in
5 Informatic Sytem complex municipal YES YES YES YES NO [12]
Systems Sp.
(SIGO) and industrial
z o.o.
waste management.

Municipal waste Management
6 Municipalities YES YES YES YES NO [12]
monitoring system Systems Sp.
z o.o.
Source: Author’s own elaboration

The ones proposed as the market tools, in particular are based on the database processing
operation level, and above all, on waste quantity and morphology recording, and number of
entities of their processing. The generated reports and reports for basic operation of the system,
rarely planning and modeling new solutions. The exception is the management system called
" " , which supports waste management and prognostic simulation models of
logistics processes and economic analyzes. The results of these additional features undoubtedly
constitute a value-added analysis and make it possible to try to improve the system and achieve
better results with the waste recovery and recycling.

The review of literature and applications to support waste management system available
on the market, strengthen the conviction about the benefits of the decision support systems used
in practice. Unquestionable advantages associated with the implementation of the systems that
are reflected into efficiency of implemented actions include e.g. .:
 Multi-criterial - decisions can be examined from the point of view of any number of
 flexibility - the ability to input any number of decision variables, parameters, constraints,
goals. DDS flexible structure makes it be prepared to changing user needs;
 the possibility of a hybrid approach - combining the use of several methods to solve the
decision-making problem (np. SDSS);
 interdisciplinary approach - decision-making problems can be solved from the point of
view of a variety of criteria such as technological, logistic, economic, social;
 low cost of ownership - the ability to acquire knowledge and to identify the best solution
at the lowest cost;
 integration - the ability to quickly analyze and processing different (distributed) databases.
The presented examples of information systems included in this article enable to support
processes in various areas of waste management and realize its targets. The weakness of the
designed and implemented software solutions is the lack of a comprehensive approach. Each
additional module to support separate areas could improve the efficiency of the decision-making
processes at every level of waste management. Their extended properties can significantly
contribute to a comprehensive approach within the different groups of waste flows, identifying
the most ecologically and economically beneficial possibilities of their development. In addition,
the compatibility of information systems at the local and regional level lacks errors at the
registration stage. Therefore, a thorough analysis taking into account the needs of DDS
application is recommended, for example :
 analysis of the current state of waste management problems and modeling purposes;
 choice of methods and tools for solving defined decision-making problems;
 determination of evaluation criteria, variables and parameters along with their preferred
 verification of the ability to integrate existing resources of data and knowledge base with
the designed system.
Despite the widespread use of DSS there are still many areas of waste management to
implement such solutions. Unlimited possibilities that provide information technology enable the
development of models using multi-criteria decision-making methods of analysis and evaluation.
Waste management is one of those areas that the management and planning need to take into
account the many complex aspects of both quantitative and qualitative, that is why all the
applications are enabled to faster and more efficient work.
To conclude, designing the support systems for waste management requires a flexible
approach that takes into account the problems of generation, transportation and various kinds of
waste processing technology. As it is used for the structure of DDS models and databases, it
should form an integrated waste management system, taking into account the legal, social,
environmental and economic aspects.

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Streszczenie: W artykule przedstawiono przegląd rozwiązań informatycznych w gospodarce
odpadami ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem systemów wspomagania decyzji (SWD). Wskazano
zasadnicze komponenty architektury systemów oraz ich wpływ na realizacje zadań z zakresu
gospodarki odpadami. Analiza projektowanych i wdrażanych rozwiązań aplikacyjnych
umożliwiła przyporządkowanie poszczególnych typów systemów informatycznych do poziomów
decyzyjnych regionalnych i gminnych systemów gospodarki odpadami.
Słowa kluczowe: system wspomagania decyzji, system gospodarki odpadami
Abstract: The article presents a review of information solutions in waste management with
special regard to decision support systems (DSS). Basic components of system's architecture and
their influence on waste management assignments have been described. An analysis of designed
and implemented software solutions has enabled the ordering of various types of information
systems for decision-making levels of regional and municipal waste management systems.
Key words: decision support system, waste management system
mgr inż. Karolina JĄDERKO
Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania
Instytut Inżynierii Produkcji
ul. Roosevelta 26, 41-800 Zabrze
e-mail: [email protected]

prof. dr hab. inż. Barbara BIAŁECKA

Główny Instytut Górnictwa
Pl. Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice
e-mail: [email protected]

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