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A generalization is usually less broad in scope and has less supporting evidence than a
scientific law.
8. (a) science
(b) non-science
(c) science
(d) non-science
(e) science
(f) science
(g) non-science


Section 1.2 Questions

(Page 13)
1. (a) Heterogeneous mixtures do not have constant composition throughout, so measurement
of a property such as density or melting point gives differing results for different samples
of the mixture. The same procedure for testing a property gives the same result for any
sample of a homogeneous mixture.
(b) Solutions can be differentiated from pure substances by physical techniques that separate
them into components, such as filtration (precipitation) or distillation (boiling), because
pure substances cannot be separated by physical means.
(c) Compounds can be chemically separated into two or more simpler substances (often by
heat or by electricity) whereas elements cannot.
2. Analysis
According to the evidence gathered in this experiment, water and table salt are classified as
compounds. The evidence clearly indicates that both water and molten table salt decomposed
when electricity was passed through each of them.
[Note that this Evaluation is in reversed order due to the design being evaluated.]
The prediction is judged to be adequate because it is based on well-accepted scientific
knowledge. The theoretical definition of elements and compounds upon which the prediction
is based is thus well-accepted scientific knowledge.
The Design is judged to be verified because the evidence gathered by this Design
agreed with the Prediction. The evidence gathered is consistent with water being composed of
hydrogen and oxygen and table salt being composed of sodium and chlorine. The Design
could be extended to include diagnostic tests on each of the products. (This would increase
the certainty of the results). However, I am quite certain of the results. The only source of
uncertainty is the purity of the samples used. Although a limited number of substances was
tested, I feel quite confident in this judgment and in using this Design to classify substances
as elements or compounds.
3. Sample answers:
(a) oxygen (element), sodium chloride (compound)
(b) tap water, air (solutions)
(c) sand and water, milk
4. Samples of different substances are heated and an electric current is passed through each one.
If a sample decomposes by heat and electricity, then it is known to be a compound.
5. Dalton classified compounds such as lime, soda, and potash as elements because they could
not be decomposed by heating. Scientific knowledge is uncertain and subject to change as

Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson Review Unit Solutions Manual 5

research continues; e.g., new experimental designs, materials, procedures, and skills are


Web Activity: Groups of Elements
(Page 15)
[A written report is not required.]
Section 1.3 Questions
(Pages 16–17)
1. IUPAC stands for International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
2. SATP is an acronym for standard ambient temperature and pressure. “Standard” refers to a
chosen and agreed-upon value (control) used by the community of scholars for presentation
of information. “Ambient” refers to the surroundings. The ambient temperature and pressure
of your classroom (surroundings) is the current temperature and pressure there. The standard
ambient temperature is 25 ºC. The standard ambient pressure is 100 kPa. When a value is
stated in a scientific journal, it is most often standardized to 25 ºC and 100 kPa.
3. (a) iron (metal)
(b) sulfur (nonmetal)
(c) silicon (semi-metal)
(d) gallium (metal)
4. Physical properties of the alkali metals include: soft, ductile, malleable, silver-coloured
solids, and excellent conductors of heat and electricity. Chemical properties of the alkali
metals include: reacting violently with water to form basic solutions, reacting spontaneously
with air (oxygen), and reacting with halogens to form compounds similar to sodium chloride.
5. The reactivity of the alkali metals increases as one moves down the group, whereas the
reactivity of the halogens decreases as one moves down the group.
6. According to the position of phosphorus in the periodic table, the most likely formula for a
compound of phosphorus and hydrogen is PH3(g).
7. Prediction
According to the empirical definitions of metals and nonmetals, metals are predicted to be
shiny (lustrous), malleable, and good conductors of electricity. Nonmetals are predicted to be
not shiny (dull), not malleable, and nonconductors of electricity.
According to the evidence gathered, all of the metals tested are shiny, malleable solids with
good electrical conductivity. The nonmetals tested are not shiny, not malleable, and
nonconductors of electricity. The metals studied are all solids, whereas the nonmetals
included solids, liquids, and gases.
All of the properties predicted for metals and nonmetals are verified. The design of the
experiment is inadequate because only eight of the 103 known elements were examined.
Consequently, overall confidence is low due to the limited evidence obtained. An
improvement in the design is to examine more elements.
8. Sn tin
Cu copper
Pb lead
Hg mercury

6 Review Unit Solutions Manual Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson

Fe iron
S sulfur
Ag silver
Sb antimony
Co cobalt
Al aluminium
Zn zinc
Fe iron
9. Table 4: Elements and Mineral Resources
Mineral resource or use Element Atomic Element Group Period SATP
name number symbol number number state
(a) high-quality ores at radium 88 Ra 2 7 s
Great Bear Lake, NT
(b) potash deposits in potassium 19 K 1 4 s
(c) extracted from Alberta sulfur 16 S 16 3 s
sour natural gas
(d) radiation source for cobalt 27 Co 9 4 s
cancer treatment
(e) fuel in CANDU nuclear uranium 92 U 8 7 s
(f) mined in the Northwest carbon 6 C 14 2 s

10. Element 104 is radioactive and very shortlived, as are all elements above number 92. Because
of this, they are difficult to isolate and identify and there is often disagreement, between
various research laboratories, regarding the discovery and naming of these elements. The
largest research centres are in Berkley, California, Darmstadt in Germany, and Dubna in
Russia. A Joint Working Party (JWP) of IUPAC decides whether sufficient results have yet
been presented to assign credit for the discovery of heavy elements. Until discoveries are
confirmed, elements are given provisional names by expressing their atomic numbers in
Latin, for example "unununium" (one-one-one for 111). To avoid confusion, discoverers are
asked to use an atomic number until IUPAC approves a proposed name. If a particular name
is used unofficially for a given element and a different name is chosen, the first name cannot
be used again to name a different element.


Web Activity: Simulation—The Rutherford Scattering Experiment
(Page 20)
Rutherford’s gold foil test was a defining experiment in atomic theory because it led to the
discovery of the nucleus of the atom. Rutherford and his graduate students obtained a radioactive
material that emitted positively charged entities (alpha particles). They encased the material with
lead, leaving only a small opening for the alpha particles to escape. Across from the opening, they
placed a piece of gold foil. According to atomic theory at the time, Rutherford predicted that the
positive (alpha) particles would travel through the foil. Their results showed that while most of
the particles passed through the foil, a few bounced off the foil and reflected back. Upon analysis
of this evidence, Rutherford realized that Dalton’s model of the atom had to be modified. He
theorized that all atoms are mostly empty space, allowing the alpha particles to travel through.
There must be a small, dense, positively charged volume of each atom that caused the particles to

Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson Review Unit Solutions Manual 7

Fe iron
S sulfur
Ag silver
Sb antimony
Co cobalt
Al aluminium
Zn zinc
Fe iron
9. Table 4: Elements and Mineral Resources
Mineral resource or use Element Atomic Element Group Period SATP
name number symbol number number state
(a) high-quality ores at radium 88 Ra 2 7 s
Great Bear Lake, NT
(b) potash deposits in potassium 19 K 1 4 s
(c) extracted from Alberta sulfur 16 S 16 3 s
sour natural gas
(d) radiation source for cobalt 27 Co 9 4 s
cancer treatment
(e) fuel in CANDU nuclear uranium 92 U 8 7 s
(f) mined in the Northwest carbon 6 C 14 2 s

10. Element 104 is radioactive and very shortlived, as are all elements above number 92. Because
of this, they are difficult to isolate and identify and there is often disagreement, between
various research laboratories, regarding the discovery and naming of these elements. The
largest research centres are in Berkley, California, Darmstadt in Germany, and Dubna in
Russia. A Joint Working Party (JWP) of IUPAC decides whether sufficient results have yet
been presented to assign credit for the discovery of heavy elements. Until discoveries are
confirmed, elements are given provisional names by expressing their atomic numbers in
Latin, for example "unununium" (one-one-one for 111). To avoid confusion, discoverers are
asked to use an atomic number until IUPAC approves a proposed name. If a particular name
is used unofficially for a given element and a different name is chosen, the first name cannot
be used again to name a different element.


Web Activity: Simulation—The Rutherford Scattering Experiment
(Page 20)
Rutherford’s gold foil test was a defining experiment in atomic theory because it led to the
discovery of the nucleus of the atom. Rutherford and his graduate students obtained a radioactive
material that emitted positively charged entities (alpha particles). They encased the material with
lead, leaving only a small opening for the alpha particles to escape. Across from the opening, they
placed a piece of gold foil. According to atomic theory at the time, Rutherford predicted that the
positive (alpha) particles would travel through the foil. Their results showed that while most of
the particles passed through the foil, a few bounced off the foil and reflected back. Upon analysis
of this evidence, Rutherford realized that Dalton’s model of the atom had to be modified. He
theorized that all atoms are mostly empty space, allowing the alpha particles to travel through.
There must be a small, dense, positively charged volume of each atom that caused the particles to

Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson Review Unit Solutions Manual 7

be repelled. This experiment led to the discovery of the nucleus and the creation of the Rutherford
model of the atom.

(Page 22)
(a) (b) (c)
3 e–

3e 8 e–
2 e– 2 e– 2 e–
5 p+ 13 p+ 2 p+
B Al He
boron atom aluminium atom helium atom

Web Activity: Simulation—Emission and Absorption Spectra for Hydrogen

(Page 23)
[A written report is not required.]

Web Activity: Canadian AchieversHarriet Brooks

(Page 25)
Ontario-born Harriet Brooks was Rutherford’s first graduate student at McGill University,
Montreal. She was also the first woman at McGill to receive a Master’s degree in physics. Brooks
discovered radon as a radioactive by-product of radium, and her evidence led to the theory of
transmutation proposed by Rutherford and Soddy. She also gathered evidence that Rutherford
was the first to interpret theoretically, as a series of transformations. Brooks may have been the
only scientist to have worked in the laboratories of Ernest Rutherford, J. J. Thomson, and Marie
Curie. Rutherford described Brooks as a brilliant empirical scientist and often provided the
theoretical interpretations of Brooks’ work.

Section 1.4 Questions

(Page 26)
1. Empirical knowledge is observable, and theoretical knowledge is not.
2. A theory must describe, explain, predict, and be simple.
3. A theory is based on non-observable ideas. A law is based on observables.
4. According to the Bohr theory, atoms with full outer electron orbits are very unreactive. The
noble gas family has this unique property. (Of course, the evidence caused the theory; the
theory did not cause the evidence.)
5. According to the Bohr theory, the similarity in the physical and chemical properties of the
alkali metals is explained by these atoms having only one electron in their outer orbits.
6. The ultimate authority in scientific work is reproducible and valid evidence from
7. Electron Energy Levels and Valence Electrons
Atom Number of occupied energy levels Number of valence electrons
Be 2 2
Cl 3 7
Kr 4 8
I 5 7
Pb 6 4
As 4 5
Cs 6 1

8 Review Unit Solutions Manual Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson

8. If a scientific theory is found to be unacceptable as a result of falsified predictions, the three
options used by scientists are:
Ɣ restrict the theory,
Ɣ revise the theory, or
Ɣ replace the existing theory with a totally new concept.
9. A cation is a positively charged ion.
An anion is a negatively charged ion.
10. (a)
7 e– 8 e–

1e 8 e– 8 e–
2 e– 2 e– o 2 e– 2 e–
3 p+ 17 p+ 3 p+ 17 p+
Li Cl Li+ Cl–
lithium atom chlorine atom lithium ion chloride ion
1 e–
8 e– 8 e–
8 e– 7e–
8 e– 8 e–
2 e– 2 e– o 2 e– 2 e–
19 p+ 9 p+ 19 p+ 9 p+
K F K+ F–
potassium atom fluorine atom potassium ion fluoride ion

11. alkali metals 1+

alkaline-earth metals 2+
Group 13 3+
Group 15 3–
Group 16 2–
halogens 1–
12. (a)
2 e–
8 e– 6 e– 8 e– 8 e–
2 e– 2 e– o 2 e– 2 e–
12 p+ 8 p+ 12 p+ 8 p+
Mg O Mg2+ O2–
magnesium atom oxygen atom magnesium ion oxide ion
2 e–
8 e– 8 e–
8 e– 6e –
8 e– 8 e–
2 e– + 2 e– o 2 e– + 2 e–
20 p+ 8 p+ 20 p+ 8 p+
Ca O Ca2+ O2–
calcium atom oxygen atom calcium ion oxide ion
13. The experimental evidence for the filled outer energy levels in ions of the representative
elements is that ionic compounds containing these ions are very stable.
14. (a) S
(b) O2–
(c) Li+
(d) P3–
(e) Al
(f) Ga3+

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(g) Rb+
(h) I–
15. Prediction
AlF3. The reasoning behind this prediction is that each aluminium atom loses three electrons
to three fluorine atoms. The aluminium atom forms an Al3+ ion and the fluorine atoms form
F– ions, all with the same number of electrons as the nearest noble gas, Ne.

3 e ª º ª º
« » « »
«7 e » 8 e «8 e »
« »  « »
2 e + 3 « 2 e » o 2 e + 3 «2 e »
«9 p + » 13 p + «9 p + »
13 p + « » « »
Al ¬« F ¼» Al3+ «¬ F »¼
aluminium fluorine aluminium fluoride
atom atom ion ion

The prediction is judged to be verified because the experimentally determined formula is the
same as the predicted formula. The authority used to make the prediction, the restricted
quantum mechanics theory of atoms and ions, is judged to be acceptable because the
prediction was verified.
16. [There are many examples students may use. Rutherford did much of his work at McGill
University. Gillespie, Le Roy, and Bader, all working in Canada, have each made significant
contributions to molecular theory. A typical answer about a Canadian scientist would be
something like the following.]
Gerhard Herzberg used advanced spectroscopy to study the geometry and internal
energy states of small molecules and free radicals. In the 1950s and 1960s, he was Director of
Pure Physics at Canada’s National Research Council in Ottawa, Ontario. Because of his
work, especially the discovery of the spectrum of the CH2 free radical, he was awarded the
1971 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.


Section 1.5 Questions

(Page 32)
1. Empirically, an element cannot be decomposed by heat and/or electricity, whereas a
compound can be decomposed. Theoretically, a compound is composed of more than one
kind of atom/ion, whereas an element is composed of only one kind of atom.
2. Empirically, a metal is shiny (lustrous), ductile (malleable and bendable), and a good
conductor of electricity, whereas a nonmetal has none of these characteristics. Theoretically,
a metal loses electrons to form positive ions (cations), whereas a nonmetal gains electrons to
form negative ions (anions).
3. (a) compound
(b) element
(c) compound
(d) element

10 Review Unit Solutions Manual Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson

(g) Rb+
(h) I–
15. Prediction
AlF3. The reasoning behind this prediction is that each aluminium atom loses three electrons
to three fluorine atoms. The aluminium atom forms an Al3+ ion and the fluorine atoms form
F– ions, all with the same number of electrons as the nearest noble gas, Ne.

3 e ª º ª º
« » « »
«7 e » 8 e «8 e »
« »  « »
2 e + 3 « 2 e » o 2 e + 3 «2 e »
«9 p + » 13 p + «9 p + »
13 p + « » « »
Al ¬« F ¼» Al3+ «¬ F »¼
aluminium fluorine aluminium fluoride
atom atom ion ion

The prediction is judged to be verified because the experimentally determined formula is the
same as the predicted formula. The authority used to make the prediction, the restricted
quantum mechanics theory of atoms and ions, is judged to be acceptable because the
prediction was verified.
16. [There are many examples students may use. Rutherford did much of his work at McGill
University. Gillespie, Le Roy, and Bader, all working in Canada, have each made significant
contributions to molecular theory. A typical answer about a Canadian scientist would be
something like the following.]
Gerhard Herzberg used advanced spectroscopy to study the geometry and internal
energy states of small molecules and free radicals. In the 1950s and 1960s, he was Director of
Pure Physics at Canada’s National Research Council in Ottawa, Ontario. Because of his
work, especially the discovery of the spectrum of the CH2 free radical, he was awarded the
1971 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.


Section 1.5 Questions

(Page 32)
1. Empirically, an element cannot be decomposed by heat and/or electricity, whereas a
compound can be decomposed. Theoretically, a compound is composed of more than one
kind of atom/ion, whereas an element is composed of only one kind of atom.
2. Empirically, a metal is shiny (lustrous), ductile (malleable and bendable), and a good
conductor of electricity, whereas a nonmetal has none of these characteristics. Theoretically,
a metal loses electrons to form positive ions (cations), whereas a nonmetal gains electrons to
form negative ions (anions).
3. (a) compound
(b) element
(c) compound
(d) element

10 Review Unit Solutions Manual Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson

4. (a) metal
(b) nonmetal
(c) metal
(d) nonmetal
5. (a) molecular
(b) ionic
(c) molecular
(d) ionic
6. Theoretical knowledge in the form of theoretical definitions, theoretical hypotheses, or
theories may follow empirical definitions.
7. A positive ion is called a cation and a negative ion is called an anion.
8. (a) Cl–
(b) ClO3–
(c) N3–
(d) Fe3+
(e) NH4+
(f) OH–
9. (a) calcium oxide
(b) calcium chloride
(c) potassium chloride
(d) calcium hydride
10. (a) SrO(s), strontium oxide
(b) Ag2S(s), silver sulfide
11. (a) NiO(s), nickel(II) oxide
(b) PbS(s), lead(II) sulfide
(c) SnI4(s), tin(IV) iodide
(d) Fe2O3(s), iron(III) oxide
O 2– 2–
O— S — O and O — C— O
~ ~
13. Empirically, an ionic compound is a solid as a pure substance at SATP whose aqueous
solutions conduct electricity. Theoretically, an ionic compound is composed of positive and
negative ions in a ratio that yields a net charge of zero.
14. (a) Cl2(g) + NaOH(aq) o NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + NaClO(aq)
(b) NaClO(aq) o NaCl(aq) + NaClO3(aq)
(c) Na2OOCCOO(aq) + Ca(OH)2(s) o CaOOCCOO(s) + NaOH(aq)
15. (a) Mg(s) + O2(g) o MgO(s), magnesium oxide
(b) Ba(s) + S8(s) o BaS(s), barium sulfide
(c) Sc(s) + F2(g) o ScF3(s), scandium fluoride
(d) Fe(s) + O2(g) o Fe2O3(s), iron(III) oxide
(e) Hg(l) + Cl2(g) o HgCl2(s), mercury(II) chloride
(f) Pb(s) + Br2(l) o PbBr2(s), lead(II) bromide
(g) Co(s) + I2(s) o CoI2(s), cobalt(II) iodide
16. (a) aqueous ammonium chloride + aqueous sodium benzoate o aqueous ammonium
benzoate + aqueous sodium chloride
(b) aqueous aluminium nitrate + aqueous sodium silicate o solid aluminium silicate +
aqueous sodium nitrate

Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson Review Unit Solutions Manual 11

(c) solid sodium sulfide + liquid water o aqueous sodium hydrogen sulfide + aqueous
sodium hydroxide
(d) solid nickel(II) oxide + aqueous hydrogen fluoride o aqueous nickel(II) fluoride + liquid
17. (a) iron(II) sulfate–water(1/7)
(b) nickel(II) nitrate–water(1/6)
(c) aluminium sulfate–water(1/18)
(d) cadmium(II) sulfate–water(3/8)
18. Systems of nomenclature change over time for the same reason that scientific concepts
change—they change to fit new evidence gathered by scientists. New compounds and new
classes of compounds that do not fit the old nomenclature systems force the revision or
replacement of this older system.
19. Scientists throughout our planet need to be able to communicate in order to learn from each
other and to avoid duplicating each others’ efforts.


Section 1.6 Questions
(Pages 36–37)
1. (a) Cl2(g)
(b) P4(s)
(c) ethanol
(d) CH4(g)
(e) He(g)
(f) C(s)
(g) ammonia
2. (a) CO2(g)
(b) CO(g)
(c) NO2(g)
(d) SO2(g)
(e) N2(g)
(f) C8H18(g)
(g) NO(g)
(h) N2O(g)
(i) N2O4(g)
(j) H2O(g)
3. (a) Si(s) + F2(g) o SiF4(g)
(b) B(s) + H2(g) o B2H4(g)
(c) C12H22O11(aq) + H2O(l) o C2H5OH(aq) + CO2(g)
(d) CH4(g) + O2(g) o CH3OH(l)
(e) N2(g) + O2(g) o NO(g)
(f) NO(g) + O2(g) o NO2(g)
(g) C8H18(l) + O2(g) o CO2(g) + H2O(g)
(h) C8H18(l) + O2(g) o CO2(g) + CO(g) + C(s) + H2O(g)
4. (a) neutral ionic
(b) acid
(c) base
(d) neutral molecular

12 Review Unit Solutions Manual Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson

(c) solid sodium sulfide + liquid water o aqueous sodium hydrogen sulfide + aqueous
sodium hydroxide
(d) solid nickel(II) oxide + aqueous hydrogen fluoride o aqueous nickel(II) fluoride + liquid
17. (a) iron(II) sulfate–water(1/7)
(b) nickel(II) nitrate–water(1/6)
(c) aluminium sulfate–water(1/18)
(d) cadmium(II) sulfate–water(3/8)
18. Systems of nomenclature change over time for the same reason that scientific concepts
change—they change to fit new evidence gathered by scientists. New compounds and new
classes of compounds that do not fit the old nomenclature systems force the revision or
replacement of this older system.
19. Scientists throughout our planet need to be able to communicate in order to learn from each
other and to avoid duplicating each others’ efforts.


Section 1.6 Questions
(Pages 36–37)
1. (a) Cl2(g)
(b) P4(s)
(c) ethanol
(d) CH4(g)
(e) He(g)
(f) C(s)
(g) ammonia
2. (a) CO2(g)
(b) CO(g)
(c) NO2(g)
(d) SO2(g)
(e) N2(g)
(f) C8H18(g)
(g) NO(g)
(h) N2O(g)
(i) N2O4(g)
(j) H2O(g)
3. (a) Si(s) + F2(g) o SiF4(g)
(b) B(s) + H2(g) o B2H4(g)
(c) C12H22O11(aq) + H2O(l) o C2H5OH(aq) + CO2(g)
(d) CH4(g) + O2(g) o CH3OH(l)
(e) N2(g) + O2(g) o NO(g)
(f) NO(g) + O2(g) o NO2(g)
(g) C8H18(l) + O2(g) o CO2(g) + H2O(g)
(h) C8H18(l) + O2(g) o CO2(g) + CO(g) + C(s) + H2O(g)
4. (a) neutral ionic
(b) acid
(c) base
(d) neutral molecular

12 Review Unit Solutions Manual Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson

5. (a) HCl(aq)
(b) HCl(aq)
(c) CH3COOH(aq)
(d) CH3COOH(aq)
(e) H2SO4(aq)
(f) H2SO4(aq)
(g) HNO3(aq)
(h) HNO3(aq)
6. (a) aqueous hydrogen sulfite (sulfurous acid)
(b) aqueous hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid)
(c) aqueous hydrogen carbonate (carbonic acid)
(d) aqueous hydrogen sulfide (hydrosulfuric acid)
(e) aqueous hydrogen phosphate (phosphoric acid)
(f) aqueous hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid)
(g) aqueous hydrogen borate (boric acid)
(h) aqueous hydrogen benzoate (benzoic acid)
7. (a) S8(s) + O2(g) o SO2(g)
(b) SO2(g) + O2(g) o SO3(g)
(c) SO3(g) + H2O(l) o H2SO4(aq)
(d) H2SO4(aq) + NH3(g) o (NH4)2SO4(aq)
(e) H2SO4(aq) + Ca3(PO4)2(s) o H3PO4(aq) + CaSO4(s)
8. (a) H2SO4(aq) + CaCO3(s) o H2CO3(aq) + CaSO4(s)
(b) H2SO4(aq) + Al2(SiO3)3(s) o H2SiO3(aq) + Al2(SO4)3(aq)
9. (a) SO2(g) + CaO(s) + O2(g) o CaSO4(s)
(b) H2SO4(aq) + Ca(OH)2(s) o H2O(l) + CaSO4(s)
10. Analysis
On the basis of the evidence gathered, an ionic compound is as solid as a pure substance at
SATP that conducts electricity in the molten and aqueous states. A molecular compound is a
solid or liquid as a pure substance at SATP that does not conduct electricity in the molten or
aqueous states.
The prediction is judged to be falsified because of evidence gathered about the molten state.
The current empirical definitions for ionic and molecular compounds are unacceptable and
should be revised to include the test of electrical conductivity in the molten state. I am
reasonably confident in my results.

Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson Review Unit Solutions Manual 13

Chapter 1 SUMMARY

Make a Summary
(Page 38)

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2. 1. In previous chemistry courses, the periodic table may have also included the atomic
number, the element symbol, the element name, and the molar mass (sometimes called
the atomic weight or atomic mass). The periodic table in this text displays more
information than previous periodic tables may have used. For example, the periodic table
in this text includes values for electronegativity, common ion charge, secondary ion
charge, and melting and boiling points. All of the types of information provided on this
periodic table are used to learn the chemistry and answer questions in this textbook.
2. Typical answer: The constituents of an atom are:
Ɣ protons—heavy, positively charged particles that are found in a dense positive core
of the atom called the nucleus
Ɣ neutrons—neutral particles that have about the same mass as protons and are also
found in the nucleus. Atoms of the same element may have a different number of
Ɣ electrons—negatively charged particles with almost no mass that “circle” the
nucleus. Since the atom is electrically neutral, the number of electrons in an atom
must equal the number of protons.
Ɣ Atoms of various elements differ from each other in terms of the number of protons
and electrons that they contain.
3. Elements in vertical columns are called “chemical families” or “groups”. Elements within
a group tend to have similar physical and chemical properties. These similarities are
explained by the theory that these elements have the same number of electrons in their
outermost shell (i.e., the same number of valence electrons). Elements in horizontal rows
are in the same “period” of the periodic table. Elements across a period have gradually
changing physical and chemical properties. The chemical properties are primarily
explained by the increasing number of outermost (valence) electrons across a period.
4. Elements are generally reactive and they form compounds to become more stable. When
forming compounds, the individual atoms of elements gain, lose, or share electrons. For
example, the elements sodium and chlorine are highly reactive. Atoms of these elements
apparently react by transferring electrons from one atom to another to form stable sodium
and chloride ions. The compound formed is sodium chloride, also known as common
table salt. Other compounds that form by transferring electrons are, for example, calcium
fluoride, magnesium chloride, and aluminium fluoride.
5. The names of the elements (e.g., sodium and chlorine) are the full names provided on a
periodic table (without capitalizing the name). The chemical formulas for metal elements
are monatomic (e.g., Na). The chemical formulas for nonmetal elements vary—all
halogens are diatomic (e.g., Cl2), noble gases are monatomic (e.g., Ne), and the formulas
for other nonmetal elements must be memorized (i.e., P4, S8, N2, O2, and the rest are
monatomic). Table salt is sodium chloride (i.e., NaCl) and is an ionic compound.
Scientists name ionic compounds by naming the positive ion and then the negative ion.
Simple nonmetallic ions have a suffix of –ide (e.g., chloride). Polyatomic ion names can
be referenced, memorized, and created systematically (e.g., chlorate, chlorite, and
hypochlorite). Although chemists have systematic names for molecular compounds such
as sugar (e.g., sucrose), these names and formulas (e.g., C12H22O11) must be memorized at
our level. A fourth category of chemicals is acids (e.g., battery acid, H2SO4). Acids are
named systematically using two different systems (e.g., sulfuric acid and aqueous
hydrogen sulfate).

Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson Review Unit Solutions Manual 15

Chapter 1 REVIEW

Part 1
(Pages 39–40)
1. 2, 1, 1, 1
2. 1, 2, 2, 1
3. 1, 2, 1, 2
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. 9, 4, 5, 7
9. 3, 1, 2
10. A
11. A
12. D
13. 2, 5, 6, 7
14. 2, 5, 6, 7
15. 1, 3, 8
16. 4, 9
17. D
18. D
19. 660

Part 2
(Pages 40–41)
20. (a) At SATP state, all metals are shiny (lustrous), bendable (ductile and malleable), and good
conductors of heat and electricity.
(b) At SATP state, nonmetals are not shiny (nonlustrous), not bendable (nonductile and not
malleable), and not good conductors of heat and electricity.
(c) At SATP, molecular compounds are found in all states of matter. When in aqueous or
liquid form, they do not conduct electricity.
(d) At SATP, ionic compounds are found only in solid form. When in aqueous or liquid
form, they conduct electricity to varying degrees.
21. (a) atomic number—the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom or ion of that
(b) mass number—the number of protons plus neutrons found in the nucleus of an atom or
ion of that element
(c) isotopes—atoms of an element that have a consistent number of protons in the nucleus,
but a varying number of neutrons; e.g., C-12 vs. C-14
(d) anion—a charged entity that has a greater number of electrons than protons
(e) cation—a charged entity that has fewer electrons than protons
22. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
2 e–
– –
4e 8e 8 e– 8 e–
8 e– 8 e– 8e –
8 e– 8 e–
2 e– 2 e– 2 e– 2 e– 2 e–
14 p+ 19 p+ 9 p+ 20 p+ 16 p+
Si K+ F– Ca S2–

16 Review Unit Solutions Manual Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson

23. (a) Green beans are cooked in salt water and not in salt water and the colour is observed.
Manipulated variable: salt or no salt. Responding variable: final colour of the green
beans. Controlled variables: number of green beans, quantity of salt, volume of water,
size of pot, and length of time.
(b) Single blind: The observer does not know which beans are cooked in salt water and
which are not cooked in salt water.
Double blind: Neither the observer nor the director of the experiment (i.e., nobody
present) knows which beans are cooked in salt water.
(See Appendix B for a definition of single- and double-blind studies.)
24. Table 1: Ionic and Molecular Compounds
Use IUPAC name Ionic or molecular? Formula
leavening agent sodium hydrogen carbonate I NaHCO3(s)
home heating fuel methane M CH4(g)
bleach sodium hypochlorite I NaClO(s)
masonry calcium oxide I CaO(s)
dry ice carbon dioxide M CO2(s)
gas-line antifreeze methanol M CH3OH(l)
in laundry detergent sodium carbonate I Na2CO3(s)
melts ice on sidewalks calcium chloride I CaCl2(s)
sweetener sucrose M C12H22O11(s)
fungicide copper(II) sulfate I CuSO4(s)
prevents tooth decay tin(II) fluoride I SnF2(s)
car batteries lead(IV) oxide I PbO2(s)
food seasoning sodium chloride I NaCl(s)
solvent for oils and fats carbon tetrachloride M CCl4(l)
produces nitric acid nitrogen dioxide M NO2(g)

25. Analysis
According to the evidence gathered in this experiment, the solutions labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4 are
KCl(aq), HCl(aq), C2H5OH(aq), and Ba(OH)2(aq), respectively. The reasoning is that the
evidence indicates an ionic compound, an acid, a molecular compound, and a base,
26. Scientific ways of knowing include empirical and theoretical. Other ways of knowing,
besides memorizing, include referencing and being given the answer.
27. Other scientific ways of knowing come from, for example, biology, physics, geology,
astronomy, meteorology, biochemistry, and environmental studies. Ways of knowing, other
than scientific, include aesthetic, economic, political, legal, ethical, and social.
28. Modern science uses a model of the electrons of an atom being in many places at the same time,
and forming connections with other atoms. Many Aboriginal cultures have a model that all things
are connected, and that events go in cycles. (There are similarities between these two views).
29. The Nelson Web site provides links to collections of images.
30. The periodicity displayed by the elements in the periodic table can be explained by creating
an atom that has shells of electrons in different energy levels. According to the periodic table,
there are two electrons in the first energy level and 8, 8, and 18 in the next levels
(corresponding to the number of elements in each period of the table). The periodicity of
properties within groups in the table can be explained by creating models of the atoms that
have the same number of valence (outermost) electrons for each element in a particular
group. The charge on the ions formed by the elements can be explained by having the atoms
gain or lose electrons to have the same number of electrons as the nearest noble gases. The
lack of reaction by these noble gases and their full electron shells can be used to explain the
lack of reaction by ions: The ions must have full shells of electrons. In summary, the periodic
table dictates what the atomic and ionic models must look like—for logical consistency.

Copyright © 2007 Thomson Nelson Review Unit Solutions Manual 17

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