A Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen Supp

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A Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen Suppression for Prostate


Article  in  Journal of Nonlinear Science · December 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s00332-008-9031-0 · Source: DBLP


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4 authors, including:

Gouhei Tanaka Takumi Takeuchi

The University of Tokyo Kanto Rosai Hospital


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Mathematical modeling on intermittent androgen suppression of prostate cancer View project

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J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614
DOI 10.1007/s00332-008-9031-0

A Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen

Suppression for Prostate Cancer

Aiko Miyamura Ideta · Gouhei Tanaka ·

Takumi Takeuchi · Kazuyuki Aihara

Received: 15 May 2006 / Accepted: 4 September 2007 / Published online: 19 October 2008
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract For several decades, androgen suppression has been the principal modal-
ity for treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Although the androgen deprivation is
initially effective, most patients experience a relapse within several years due to the
proliferation of so-called androgen-independent tumor cells. Bruchovsky et al. sug-
gested in animal models that intermittent androgen suppression (IAS) can prolong
the time to relapse when compared with continuous androgen suppression (CAS).
Therefore, IAS has been expected to enhance clinical efficacy in conjunction with
reduction in adverse effects and improvement in quality of life of patients during
off-treatment periods. This paper presents a mathematical model that describes the
growth of a prostate tumor under IAS therapy based on monitoring of the serum
prostate-specific antigen (PSA). By treating the cancer tumor as a mixed assembly of
androgen-dependent and androgen-independent cells, we investigate the difference
between CAS and IAS with respect to factors affecting an androgen-independent
relapse. Numerical and bifurcation analyses show how the tumor growth and the re-
lapse time are influenced by the net growth rate of the androgen-independent cells,
a protocol of the IAS therapy, and the mutation rate from androgen-dependent cells
to androgen-independent ones.

A.M. Ideta · K. Aihara ()

ERATO Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, JST, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]

G. Tanaka · K. Aihara
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan

T. Takeuchi
Department of Urology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan
594 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

Keywords Prostate cancer · Intermittent androgen suppression · Mathematical

modeling · Hybrid systems · Hysteresis · Bifurcations

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 34C55 · 37G15 · 65L07 · 92C50 ·


AD: androgen-dependent;
ADT: androgen deprivation therapy;
AI: androgen-independent;
CAS: continuous androgen suppression;
IAS: intermittent androgen suppression;
LHRH: luteinizing hormone releasing hormone;
MAB: maximal androgen blockade;
PSA: prostate-specific antigen.

1 Introduction

The prostate gland produces and secretes seminal fluid. Nevertheless, the essential
functions of the prostate are still controversial. If cancer cells are detected in the
prostate gland, the patient is diagnosed as the adenocarcinoma of the prostate. The
screening of prostate cancer is currently conducted by using the serum prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) test together with other methods like imaging and digital rec-
tal examination. The PSA is a good biomarker for early detection of prostate cancer
as well as estimation of its progress. One of the major treatments for advanced or
metastatic prostate cancer is hormonal therapy; this is often combined with surgical,
chemical, and radiation modalities depending on the stage of the cancer. At present,
the cause of prostate cancer is not fully understood and its effective prevention has
not been established; however, genes, lifestyle-related factors (Nelson et al. 2003),
and aging are regarded as influential factors.
For a long time, it has been known that prostate cancer growth is stimulated by
androgens, or male sexual hormones that are secreted by organs such as the testi-
cles and the adrenal glands. Androgens circulate in the blood and diffuse into the
tissue where they stimulate the prostate tumor to grow. Huggins and Hodges (1941)
demonstrated the benefits of the ablation of testicular functions by orchiectomy, or
surgical removal of the testes. Ever since, androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) has
been the important treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Androgen deprivation can
also be achieved by chemical castration, which is by administration of pharmaco-
logical agents such as luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) analogs that
inhibit the production of androgens from its primary source or the testes. The in-
fluence of the remaining androgens that are produced by other sources such as the
adrenal glands can be eliminated by additional treatment with androgen-receptor an-
tagonists (antiandrogens). The combination of antiandrogens with surgical/medical
castration is known as maximal androgen blockade (MAB). Both ADT and MAB
can facilitate apoptosis, or programmed death of androgen-dependent (AD) can-
cer cells, and quickly induce temporal regression of tumors (Bladou et al. 1996;
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 595

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of tumor growth under CAS therapy for prostate cancer. Although the AD
cells are drastically reduced immediately after the initiation of CAS, a PSA relapse often occurs within
several years due to the growth of AI cells

Feldman and Feldman 2001; Scher et al. 2004; Dehm and Tindall 2005). However,
most patients undergo a relapse with an increase of the serum PSA level within
several years after the initiation of hormonal therapy (Feldman and Feldman 2001;
McLeod 2003; Scher et al. 2004; Dehm and Tindall 2005; Edwards and Bartlett
2005). The so-called androgen-independent (AI) cells are considered to be responsi-
ble for this recurrent tumor growth. These cells are not sensitive to androgen suppres-
sion but rather apt to increase even in an androgen-depleted environment (Feldman
and Feldman 2001; McLeod 2003; Scher et al. 2004; Dehm and Tindall 2005; Ed-
wards and Bartlett 2005; Bruchovsky et al. 1990, 1996; Akakura et al. 1993). Once
the tumor acquires androgen independence or hormone refractoriness, in which the
androgen suppression no longer has a regressive effect on the tumor, the androgen
deprivation would be unable to inhibit the cancer growth; an eventual tumor relapse
is therefore inevitable. Figure 1 schematically illustrates a typical tumor growth re-
sulting in an AI relapse under continuous androgen suppression (CAS) therapy of
ADT and MAB. In hormonal therapy, it is an important issue to prevent a relapse or
delay the time to relapse as long as possible. At the same time, it is clinically signif-
icant to reduce economic costs and alleviate adverse effects of prolonged androgen
A possible strategy to delay the progression from the AD state to the AI state
is intermittent androgen suppression (IAS), which is a form of androgen ablative
therapy delivered intermittently with off-treatment periods (Bruchovsky et al. 1990,
1996, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007; Akakura et al. 1993; Bhandari et al. 2005). Un-
der successful IAS therapy, the cycles of growth and regression of a prostate tu-
596 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of the cycles of tumor growth and regression under IAS therapy. The intro-
duction of off-treatment periods aims to prevent the tumor from becoming an androgen-refractory state
in which androgen deprivation cannot evoke the apoptotic ability of the malignant cells and induce the
regression of the tumor anymore

mor can be expected to remain under appropriate control of administration, as

shown in Fig. 2. In order to avoid the emergence of AI cells due to androgen
depletion, the IAS therapy introduces off-treatment terms that serve to maintain
the androgen-deprivation sensitivity of the cancer cells and restore their apoptotic
potential which can be induced by androgen deprivation. While the clinical effi-
cacy of the IAS therapy was suggested in animal models (Bruchovsky et al. 1990;
Akakura et al. 1993), a series of phase II studies on IAS demonstrated its potential and
provided the clinical data beneficial for the intermittent administration (Bruchovsky
et al. 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007; Bhandari et al. 2005). Most studies have confirmed
improvement in the quality of life during the off-treatment periods and alleviation
of adverse reactions such as hot flushes, sexual dysfunction, and osteoporosis. The
clinical examples of the IAS therapy, including the phase II and ongoing phase III tri-
als, are summarized in the review article (Bhandari et al. 2005). However, it remains
unknown how to optimally plan the IAS therapy, i.e., when to discontinue and rein-
stitute the administration for androgen suppression, while monitoring the time course
of the serum PSA level. Thus, the potential to practically use IAS, in comparison
with CAS, must be further validated. This is the main problem to be considered in
this paper.
The effect of CAS on the treatment of prostate cancer has been studied with a
mathematical model based on experimental observations in order to understand bio-
logical characteristics of prostate tumors (Jackson 2004a, 2004b). The previous study
intended to examine the progression to androgen independence and the resulting AI
relapse during CAS by describing a tumor as an assembly of AD and AI cells. It was
assumed that an AI relapse of a tumor could possibly result from the post-therapy
decrease in the apoptotic rate of the AI cells. In this model, prostate tumor growth is
described with the proliferation and apoptotic death rates of tumor cells. The model
well reproduced the three phases of the prostate cancer progression, including the
exponential growth prior to treatment, androgen-deprivation sensitivity immediately
after the initiation of CAS therapy, and the eventual AI relapse of the tumor. More-
over, it was predicted that the CAS therapy is successful only for a small range of
biological parameters.
In this paper, we propose a mathematical model that describes the prostate tumor
growth under IAS therapy in order to compare with that under CAS therapy. Our
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 597

model is based on the formulation of the growth of a tumor consisting of AD and AI

cells whose proliferation and apoptosis rates are dependent on the androgen concen-
tration as in the former model (Jackson 2004a, 2004b). The main feature of our model
lies in introduction of the IAS treatment and consideration of the mutational effect
which is thought as one of the pathways leading to an AI relapse. The incorporation
of the intermittent administration into the model leads to description of the model
as a hybrid dynamical system (Johnson 1994; Guckenheimer and Johnson 1995;
van der Schaft and Schumacher 2000; Savkin and Evans 2001) that switches dy-
namics between the on-treatment and the off-treatment periods because the androgen
dynamics is completely different depending on presence or absence of the admin-
istration and the population dynamics of AD and AI cells is supposed to be influ-
enced by the androgen concentration. The switching of the administration based on
observation of the serum PSA level can be viewed as feedback control of the ob-
servable output of the system. As a result, the IAS therapy model generates richer
dynamical behavior including periodic oscillations representing successful IAS ther-
apy and even chaotic ones due to hysteresis, than the former model (Jackson 2004a,
2004b) for the CAS therapy does. The aim of IAS is to delay or preferably pre-
vent an AI relapse by continuing the on-off cycles of administration. We show in
the following that the net growth rate of the AI cells and the mutation rate largely
affect the time to relapse and the parameter range for relapse prevention when
the net growth rate of the AD cells is fixed at the physiologically plausible value.
Further, bifurcation analysis of the hybrid dynamical system reveals the parameter
conditions for occurrence and prevention of a relapse, which are characterized by
divergent and nondivergent solutions, respectively. The results show that the IAS
therapy enables to prevent a relapse with an appropriate protocol of the IAS treat-
ment under biologically relevant assumptions. Based on the numerical results, the
validity of the IAS therapy is further discussed. Throughout this paper, the fourth
order Runge–Kutta method is used for the numerical integration of differential equa-

2 Formulation of Prostate Tumor Growth

2.1 Mathematical Descriptions

We first consider dynamics of the prostate tumor growth and the androgen concen-
tration with and without administration for androgen suppression, as illustrated in
Fig. 3. The administered dose is almost constant during on-treatment periods in the
IAS therapy if the widely used androgen ablation therapy with the combination of
LHRH analogs and antiandrogens, which is known as total androgen ablation or
MAB (Feldman and Feldman 2001), is considered. Therefore, we assume that the
administration is alternatively either present (u = 1) or absent (u = 0). If the ad-
ministration is initiated in an androgen-rich condition, the androgen level drastically
decays to almost zero. On the other hand, if the administration is suspended in an
androgen-poor condition, the androgen level is recovered and assumed to be main-
tained at a nearly normal state. Considering these two responses, we describe the
598 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

Fig. 3 Block diagram representing the tumor growth with and without hormonal therapy. The androgen
dynamics depending on the presence or absence of administration influences the prostate tumor dynamics.
The monitored biomarker is the serum PSA concentration that reflects the prostate tumor growth

androgen dynamics, denoted by 1 in Fig. 3, as follows:

= −γ a(t) − a0 − γ a0 u(t), (1)
where a(t) (nmol/l) represents the serum androgen concentration, and u(t) = 1 for
on-treatment periods and u(t) = 0 for off-treatment ones. The steady-state value of
the normal androgen concentration is denoted by a0 (nmol/l), which takes a value of
8 ≤ a0 ≤ 35 for usual adult males. The speed of the recovery and decay of the andro-
gen concentration is governed by the exponent γ . Thus, (1) describes two different
dynamics of the androgen level depending on the binary variable u(t).
The tumor growth is described with changes in the populations of AD and AI cells.
The proliferation and apoptosis rates of AD and AI cells are assumed to be depen-
dent on the androgen concentration a(t). Based on this setting, the tumor dynamics,
denoted by 2 in Fig. 3, is simply described as follows:

dx1 (t)       
= α1 p1 a(t) − β1 q1 a(t) − m a(t) x1 (t), (2)
dx2 (t)       
= m a(t) x1 (t) + α2 p2 a(t) − β2 q2 a(t) x2 (t), (3)
where x1 (t) and x2 (t) represent the populations of AD and AI cells, respectively.
The coefficient of x1 (t) in the right-hand side of (2) indicates the net growth rate of
the AD cells, which is determined by the proliferation rate α1 p1 , the apoptosis rate
β1 q1 , and the mutation rate m by which AD cells mutate into AI cells. Similarly,
in (3), α2 p2 and β2 q2 represent the proliferation and the apoptosis rates of the AI
cells, respectively. The coefficients α1 , β1 , α2 , and β2 are the parameters that depend
on the metastatic sites. The published data (Berges et al. 1995) on the daily percent-
ages of cell proliferation and apoptosis are adopted to estimate the parameter values,
as shown in Table 1. The values of α1 and β1 refer to the experimental data for hor-
monally untreated patients, while those of α2 and β2 refer to the data for hormonally
failing patients. Since the corresponding parameter values under hormonal therapy
are not available, we assume that the androgen-dependent functions can be described
as follows (see also Jackson 2004a, 2004b):
p1 (a) = k1 + (1 − k1 ) , (4)
a + k2
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 599

Table 1 Parameter values

obtained from the experimental Parameter Bone metastasis Lymph node metastasis
data (Berges et al. 1995)
α1 (days−1 ) 0.0204 0.0290
α2 (days−1 ) 0.0242 0.0277
β1 (days−1 ) 0.0076 0.0085
β2 (days−1 ) 0.0168 0.0222

q1 (a) = k3 + (1 − k3 ) , (5)
a + k4

⎪ (i) 1,
⎨  β2  a
p2 (a) = (ii) 1− 1− α2 a0 , (6)

⎩ (iii) 1− a
a0 ,

q2 (a) = 1, (7)

m(a) = m1 1 − . (8)

The biologically feasible values of the related parameters in these functions are dis-
cussed in Sect. 2.2.
We assume that the temporal variation of the serum PSA concentration y(t) can
be monitored as a biomarker for the prostate tumor growth (Swanson et al. 2001).
Since a large amount of PSA is secreted by cancer cells, the PSA concentration is
assumed to be represented by a linear function with the subpopulations of cancer
cells as follows:

y(t) = c1 x1 (t) + c2 x2 (t). (9)

The PSA concentration is the only observable output of the system as illustrated in
Fig. 3 and used as a basis for the intermittent administration in the IAS therapy model.

2.2 Proliferation, Apoptosis, and Mutation Rates

The total tumor growth, determined by (2)–(3), is largely influenced by the func-
tions (4)–(8). Figures 4 and 5 show how the proliferation, apoptosis, and mutation
rates of the tumor cells in the model are dependent on the androgen concentration in
the case of bone metastasis where a0 = 30. We discuss the androgen dependence of
the proliferation and apoptosis rates and estimation of the related parameters in the
Figure 4(a) shows the proliferation and apoptosis rates of the AD cells. Since the
AD cells do not multiply without androgens, we set k1 = p1 (0) = 0 in (4). The pro-
liferation rate of the AD cells approximates α1 under an androgen-rich environment
because p1 (a) approaches 1 with increasing a. We set k2 = 2 in (4) to generate a
plausible α1 p1 (a) curve. On the other hand, the apoptosis rate of the AD cells ranges
from β1 in an androgen-rich state to β1 q1 (0) = β1 k3 in an androgen-poor one. The
value of β1 k3 can be estimated by fitting an exponential function to the decreasing
600 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

Fig. 4 (a) Androgen dependence of the proliferation and apoptosis rates of AD cells. (b) Androgen de-
pendence of the net growth rates of the AD and AI cells

Fig. 5 Androgen dependence of the proliferation and apoptosis rates of AI cells. Three proliferation rate
functions (i)–(iii) with a constant apoptosis rate in (a) and three apoptosis rate functions (i)–(iii) with a
constant proliferation rate in (b) correspond to the same net growth rates (i)–(iii) of the AI cells in Fig. 4(b)

serum PSA concentration during the hormonal therapy. We obtained the approximate
value β1 k3 = 0.06 from real PSA data (Bruchovsky et al. 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007),
and set k3 = 8 and k4 = 0.5 in (5) so that the evolution of AD cells change from
a decrease to an increase at about a = 5. Due to the relatively small mutation rate,
the difference between the proliferation and the apoptosis rates approximates the net
growth rate of the AD cells, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The curve of the net growth rate
indicates that the population of the AD cells decreases by a greater rate for a lower
androgen level.
The proliferation and apoptosis rates of the AI cells are also dependent on the
androgen concentration (Kokontis et al. 1994) because their growth and apoptosis
are still dependent on the androgen receptor (Dehm and Tindall 2005; Feldman and
Feldman 2001; Scher et al. 2004; Edwards and Bartlett 2005), although details of
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 601

their androgen dependence remain unclear. Therefore, we first assume three possi-
bilities on the net growth rate of the AI cells as shown in Fig. 4(b). For simplicity,
we assume that the net growth rates are linear functions of a, even though in gen-
eral they can be nonlinear functions (Kokontis et al. 1994). The three examples of
the typical cases are shown in Fig. 4(b), which are characterized respectively by
whether the net growth rate is positive, zero, or negative in an androgen-rich con-
dition. The last assumption is adopted in the previous study (Jackson 2004a, 2004b)
because the AI cells are usually below detectable levels before the initiation of the
androgen suppression therapy. There exists biological evidence to support this as-
sumption. Namely, it was shown experimentally with some kinds of AI cells (cell
sublines of LNCaP 104-R1 and 104-R2 cells) that the proliferation of the AI cells
is repressed by androgen and the net growth rates are negative in conditions with
physiological concentrations of androgen (Kokontis et al. 1998, 2005; Chuu et al.
2005). Moreover, some experimental and clinical data of the PSA variations under
the actual IAS therapy (Akakura et al. 1993; Bruchovsky et al. 2000, 2001) show
that the levels of the PSA nadirs during the successive on-treatment periods are not
necessarily increasing for several on-off cycles of the treatment. Since a population
of the AI cells should increase in an androgen-poor condition as a cause of an AI
relapse, these data also imply that the net growth rate of the AI cells may not be pos-
itive during the off-treatment periods; otherwise, the number of the AI cells should
expand rapidly due to their always positive values of the net growth rate both during
the on-treatment and during the off-treatment, resulting in a successive increase of
the PSA nadir levels. Therefore, the latter two assumptions are also worth consider-
The three assumptions on the net growth rate of the AI cells correspond to the
three proliferation rate functions with a constant apoptosis rate, respectively, as shown
in Fig. 5(a). The three assumptions, which may result from properties of the AI
cells (Kokontis et al. 1994, 1998, 2005; Chuu et al. 2005) as well as implicit com-
petition with the AD cells (Shimada and Aihara 2007), can be described as fol-
(i) The proliferation rate of the AI cells remains constant, i.e., α2 p2 (a0 ) = α2 .
(ii) When the androgen level is normal, the population of the AI cells does not
change, i.e., α2 p2 (a0 ) = β2 < α2 .
(iii) When the androgen level is normal, the population of the AI cells decreases, i.e.,
α2 p2 (a0 ) = 0.
The androgen-dependent functions defined in (6) correspond to the above three cases.
Case (i) may be plausible. Cases (ii)–(iii) in (6) are also considered because andro-
genic repression of the AI cell proliferation is due in part to down-regulation of a
proto-oncogene c-myc, and accumulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p27Kip1 , which
in turn inhibits cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) and causes cell cycle G1 arrest
(Kokontis et al. 1998, 2005; Chuu et al. 2005). Figure 5(b) shows the equivalent
counterpart of Fig. 5(a) in the sense that both yield the same net growth rates of AI
cells in Fig. 4(b). Proliferation and apoptosis rates similar to Case (iii) in Fig. 5(b)
were assumed in the previous study (Jackson 2004b). It should be noted that the
functions of the proliferation and apoptosis rates (i), (ii), and (iii) in Fig. 5(a) and
602 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

those (i), (ii), and (iii) in Fig. 5(b) produce exactly the same dynamics because their
differences representing the net growth rate of the AI cells are the same with func-
tions (i), (ii), and (iii) in Fig. 4(b), respectively. Furthermore, any intermediate ver-
sion of the proliferation and apoptosis rate functions of AI cells between Fig. 5(a)
and (b), both of which are not constant, also generates the same dynamics if the dif-
ference or the net growth rate is the same. The signs of the net growth rates of the
AD and AI cells are assumed not to be concurrently negative at any constant value
of the androgen concentration in order to preclude trivial unrealistic cases in which
the androgen level can be easily regulated so that the tumor undergoes regression
The maximum mutation rate m1 significantly influences the time of a PSA relapse.
As shown in Fig. 6, the development of the serum PSA concentration after the ini-
tiation of the medical castration sensitively depends on the value of m1 . The relapse
time is not strictly defined, but an example of the practically used criterion for the
PSA relapse, which should be distinguished from a clinical and symptomatic relapse,
is a continuous increase in the serum PSA concentration more than 4 (ng/ml) with
the serum testosterone less than 0.5 (nmol/l) in the three-time measurements with the
inter-measurement interval of 4 weeks (Bruchovsky et al. 2000). The latency period
until a relapse is usually around several years under CAS therapy. Based on these
facts, Fig. 6 suggests a feasible range of the values of m1 . It should be noted that the
mutation rate may actually depend on properties like the metastatic site and the grade
of malignancy of the cancer cells.

Fig. 6 Effect of the mutation rate on the relapse time under the CAS therapy in the case of bone metas-
tasis. The temporal development of the serum PSA concentration y is computed by numerical simula-
tions of (1)–(5), (6)(iii), and (7)–(9) with the following parameter values and initial conditions: γ = 0.08,
a0 = 30, x1 (0) = 5, x2 (0) = 1, a(0) = 30, and (a) m1 = 0.0002, (b) m1 = 0.0001, (c) m1 = 0.00005, and
(d) m1 = 0.00001
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 603

3 Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen Suppression

A mathematical model of the IAS therapy is derived from the formulation in the pre-
vious section by introducing the intermittent administration, as shown in Fig. 7. As
indicated by the hysteresis feedback loop in the block diagram, the administration is
switched on and off with hysteresis, depending on the variation of the serum PSA con-
centration, which provides an indicator of the tumor growth. In other words, the ad-
ministration is suspended when the serum PSA concentration falls below r0 (ng/ml)
during on-treatment periods and it is reinstituted when the concentration exceeds
r1 (ng/ml) during off-treatment periods. How to plan the IAS therapy or how to ap-
propriately set the adjustable parameters, r1 and r0 , under the condition of r1 > r0 > 0
(Bhandari et al. 2005) is a significant issue for clinical practice. A purpose of our
modeling approach for IAS therapy is to obtain some suggestions on a protocol for
the intermittent administration.
The complete model of the IAS therapy for prostate cancer is given as follows:

= −γ a(t) − a0 − γ a0 u(t), (10)
dx1 (t)       
= α1 p1 a(t) − β1 q1 a(t) − m a(t) x1 (t), (11)
dx2 (t)       
= m a(t) x1 (t) + α2 p2 a(t) − β2 q2 a(t) x2 (t), (12)
y(t) = c1 x1 (t) + c2 x2 (t), (13)

0 → 1 when y(t) = r1 and dy(t)/dt > 0,
u(t) = (14)
1 → 0 when y(t) = r0 and dy(t)/dt < 0,

where the androgen-dependent functions p1 (·), q1 (·), p2 (·), q2 (·), and m(·) are given
by (4)–(8). The dynamics of the tumor growth given by (11)–(12) is driven by the
androgen dynamics in (10), which depends on the discrete variable u alternatively
representing the presence or the absence of administration. Since the total model

Fig. 7 Block diagram representing the IAS therapy. The administration is switched on and off with hys-
teresis in response to the temporal variation of the monitored serum PSA concentration
604 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

includes both continuous and discrete variables, it is called a hybrid dynamical system
(Johnson 1994; Guckenheimer and Johnson 1995; van der Schaft and Schumacher
2000; Savkin and Evans 2001). The model dynamics is examined using numerical
simulations and bifurcation analysis in the next two sections.

4 Numerical Simulations

The numerical simulations of the IAS therapy model (10)–(14) are first performed
in order to investigate the difference among the three cases (i)–(iii) of the net growth
rate of the AI cells in a prostate tumor. For each case, we consider the bone and lymph
node metastases with the corresponding parameter values that are listed in Table 1.
The exponent related to the increase and decrease of the androgen level, the steady-
state value of the androgen concentration, and the maximum mutation rate are fixed
at γ = 0.08, a0 = 30, and m1 = 0.00005, respectively. With regard to the adminis-
tration, we examine how the PSA level r0 , which discontinues the androgen depriva-
tion, influences the relapse time when r1 = 15. This value of r1 is determined from
the clinical study (Goldenberg et al. 1995) in which the androgen suppression is sus-
pended until the serum PSA level increases up to a mean value between 10 (ng/ml)
and 20 (ng/ml). The value of r0 is required to be positive and less than r1 for the IAS
therapy. The model can be viewed to describe the CAS therapy if r0 = 0. In addition,
it is assumed that the AD and AI cells equivalently secrete PSA, i.e., c1 = c2 = 1. In
our simulation study, divergent and nondivergent solutions are regarded to signify the
occurrence and the prevention of a relapse, respectively.
Figures 8(a)–(b) show the time evolutions of the serum PSA concentration y(t) in
case (i), where the solid and dashed lines correspond to CAS and IAS, respectively.

Fig. 8 (Color online) Time evolutions of the serum PSA concentration y(t) in case (i), which are com-
puted by the numerical simulations of (10)–(14) with the following parameter values and initial conditions:
γ = 0.08, a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, r1 = 15, x1 (0) = 15, x2 (0) = 0.1, a(0) = 30, and u(0) = 1. The solid
line corresponds to the CAS therapy with r0 = 0, while the dashed lines indicate the IAS therapy with
different values of r0 . (a) Bone metastasis. (b) Lymph node metastasis
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 605

In Fig. 8(a), IAS seems to be more ineffective than CAS in postponing a relapse.
However, a relapse occurs within approximately 3 years in all the trials with different
values of r0 . Therefore, the IAS therapy is worthwhile in the sense that the periods
of off-treatment introduced by this therapy can redress adverse effects of androgen
deprivation. When the IAS therapy is adopted, the PSA level oscillates until a relapse
takes place. Since r0 influences the PSA nadir, a low level of r0 enables to avoid
too frequently repeated switching between the on-treatment and the off-treatment
with short intervals. The qualitative property of the tumor growth in the lymph node
metastasis is similar to that in the bone metastasis, as shown in Fig. 8(b). During the
off-treatment periods, the tumor grows more rapidly in the lymph node metastasis
due to the larger growth rate of the AD cells. However, the relapse is more delayed
in the case of the lymph node metastasis because the net growth rate of the AI cells,
which is responsible for the relapse, is less than that in the bone metastasis. The result,
assuming that the net growth rate of the AI cells is constant, suggests that IAS may
not improve the clinical efficacy of CAS in the relapse time but it could be potentially
useful in practical application in terms of the reduction in side effects.
The development of the serum PSA concentration y(t) in case (ii) is depicted in
Figs. 9(a)–(b). Unlike the previous case, all the trials with the IAS therapy remarkably
extend the relapse time when compared with the CAS therapy. In particular, by setting
r0 to a marginal value, the IAS therapy can delay the relapse time by approximately
more than a year. This is because the PSA nadir strongly influences the relapse time as
the initial condition for the eventual exponential AI relapse. It is, however, impossible
to avoid an eventual relapse in this case. The result, assuming that the population of
the AI cells remains constant in an androgen-rich environment, suggests that IAS
substantially contributes to retarding the progression to a fatal AI state.

Fig. 9 (Color online) Time evolutions of the serum PSA concentration y(t) in case (ii), which are com-
puted by the numerical simulations of (10)–(14) with the following parameter values and initial conditions:
γ = 0.08, a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, r1 = 15, x1 (0) = 15, x2 (0) = 0.1, a(0) = 30, and u(0) = 1. The solid
line indicates the CAS therapy with r0 = 0, while the dashed lines indicate the IAS therapy with different
values of r0 . (a) Bone metastasis. (b) Lymph node metastasis
606 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

Fig. 10 (Color online) Time evolutions of the serum PSA concentration y(t) in case (iii), which are com-
puted by the numerical simulations of (10)–(14) with the following parameter values and initial conditions:
γ = 0.08, a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, r1 = 15, x1 (0) = 15, x2 (0) = 0.1, a(0) = 30, and u(0) = 1. The solid
line indicates the CAS therapy with r0 = 0, while the dashed lines indicate the IAS therapy with different
values of r0 . (a) Bone metastasis. (b) Lymph node metastasis

Figures 10(a)–(b) show the temporal variations of the serum PSA concentration
y(t) in case (iii). The development of the PSA level under CAS is almost the same
as those in cases (i) and (ii), due to the common net growth rate of AI cells in an
androgen-deprived state. We can observe that CAS leads to a relapse within approx-
imately 3 years, while IAS leads to repetitive growth and regression of the tumor
without a relapse. As in the previous two cases, a smaller value of r0 is desirable for
reducing the frequency of the on-off cycles of administration. Figure 11 shows an
example of the cycles of the androgen concentration and the serum PSA concentra-
tion under successful IAS therapy. The androgen concentration switches its dynamics
at the instants of suspension and reinstitution of administration. On the other hand,
there is a time lag between the reinstitution of administration and a decrease in the
PSA level. This can be interpreted as an expression of the time latency required for
a tumor to react to androgen deprivation. The result, assuming that the population of
the AI cells decreases in an androgen-rich environment, suggests that IAS is much
more effective than CAS in dealing with an AI relapse.

5 Bifurcation Analysis

It has been shown in the previous section that the IAS therapy enables to avoid a
relapse only in case (iii). Whether a relapse occurs or not can be determined by the
asymptotic behavior of the solution in the IAS therapy model. If a relapse is averted
successfully, the solution typically converges to a stable limit cycle. The parameter
region in which a relapse takes place can be characterized by the divergence of the
solution. In this section, we further investigate how the net growth rate of the AI cells
and the PSA-based administration affect the resulting solutions under CAS and IAS.
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 607

Fig. 11 Cycles of the serum PSA concentration y(t) and the androgen concentration a(t) under successful
IAS therapy in case (iii). The time courses are computed by numerical simulations of (10)–(14) with the
following parameter values and initial conditions: γ = 0.08, a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, r1 = 15, r0 = 0.2,
x1 (0) = 15, x2 (0) = 0.01, a(0) = 30, and u(0) = 1

The proliferation rate of the AI cells given in (6) can be continuously parameterized
beyond cases (i), (ii), and (iii), using parameter d as follows:

p2 (a) = 1 − da/a0 , (15)

where d = 0 for case (i), d = 1 − β2 /α2 for case (ii), and d = 1 for case (iii). Hence,
the androgen dependence of the net growth rate of the AI cells, as shown in Fig. 4(b),
can be continuously adjusted by parameter d in the range of 0 ≤ d ≤ 1.
Figures 12(a)–(b) show the phase diagrams that demonstrate how the behavior
of the orbit after the transient period is affected by the PSA level r0 to discontinue
androgen deprivation and parameter d. The gray region indicates the parameter con-
dition with which the prostate tumor growth can be successfully prevented using the
intermittent administration. In the white region, a relapse eventually occurs with an
explosion in both the population of the AI cells and the PSA concentration. It is fea-
sible that a relapse cannot be avoided if the value of d is smaller than that in case (ii)
because the growth rate of the AI cells is positive regardless of the androgen level,
as shown in Fig. 4(b). In other words, an AI relapse is inevitable in this model un-
less the proliferation rate of AI cells takes a negative value for a certain range of the
androgen concentration. The solid curves indicating the period-doubling bifurcations
of a stable limit cycle are along the boundary between the two regions with qualita-
tively different solutions. They are obtained by tracing the bifurcation points using
a shooting method (Kousaka et al. 1999). In addition to a one-folded limit cycle,
multiple-folded limit cycles and even chaotic solutions can be found near the bound-
ary. These solutions are also considered to signify relapse prevention because they are
confined in a finite region in the phase space. Figure 13 shows examples of the orbital
motions and the corresponding PSA variations. Figure 13(a) corresponds to the CAS
608 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

Fig. 12 Phase diagrams showing the regions of a relapse (white) and relapse prevention (gray), which are
computed by the numerical simulations of (10)–(15) using the following parameter values: γ = 0.08,
a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, and r1 = 15. The solid curve denoted by PDm (m = 1, 2) indicates the pe-
riod-doubling bifurcation of an m-folded limit cycle. (a) Bone metastasis. (b) Lymph node metastasis

Fig. 13 Orbital motions (upper) and time series of the PSA concentration (lower), which are com-
puted by the numerical simulations of (10)–(15) using the following parameter values and initial con-
ditions: γ = 0.08, a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, d = 1, x1 (0) = 12, x2 (0) = 0.01, a(0) = 30, and u(0) = 0.
(a) (r0 , r1 ) = (0, 15). (b) (r0 , r1 ) = (0.2, 15). (c) (r0 , r1 ) = (5, 15)

therapy with r0 = 0, at which the AD cell population almost vanishes but the AI cell
population increases to infinity. If r0 is not too small, the orbit can intersect with the
dashed line corresponding to the criterion for the suspension of administration and
thereby exhibit periodic motions, as shown in Fig. 13(b). The intersection is main-
tained with the increase in r0 , as shown in Fig. 13(c), although there is an increase in
the frequency of the on-off cycles of administration.
Figures 14(a)–(b) show similar bifurcation diagrams where the horizontal axis rep-
resents the PSA level r1 to reinstitute administration. In these diagrams, r0 is fixed
at a sufficiently small value, assuming that the administration may be suspended if
androgen is almost completely deprived by medical castration. A relapse can be pre-
vented if the net growth rate of the AI cells takes negative values for some range of
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 609

Fig. 14 Phase diagrams showing the regions of a relapse (white) and relapse prevention (gray), which
are computed by the numerical simulations of (10)–(15) using the following parameter values: γ = 0.08,
a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, and r0 = 0.2. The solid curve denoted by PD1 indicates a set of period-doubling
bifurcations of a limit cycle. (a) Bone metastasis. (b) Lymph node metastasis

Fig. 15 Orbital motions (upper) and time series of the PSA concentration (lower), which are com-
puted by the numerical simulations of (10)–(15) using the following parameter values and initial con-
ditions: γ = 0.08, a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, d = 1, x1 (0) = 0.1, x2 (0) = 0.01, a(0) = 30, and u(0) = 0.
(a) (r0 , r1 ) = (0.2, 5). (b) (r0 , r1 ) = (0.2, 20). (c) (r0 , r1 ) = (0.2, 25)

the androgen concentration and r1 is not too large. The range of r1 to avoid a relapse
is more restricted in the case of bone metastasis than in lymph node metastasis be-
cause of the difference in the growth rates of the AD and AI cells. The qualitative
change in the solutions with an increase in r1 is shown in Fig. 15. Figures 15(a)–(b)
demonstrate that the maximum value of the PSA concentration is controlled by r1 if
the tumor growth exhibits a repetitive cycle. For a very large value of r1 , however,
the orbit fails to meet the criterion for the suspension of administration and escapes
to the infinity along the x2 axis, as shown in Fig. 15(c).
Next, the effect of the mutation rate on a relapse under the IAS therapy is exam-
ined in Figs. 16(a)–(b). The relapse can be prevented in the case with a relatively
610 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

Fig. 16 Phase diagrams showing the regions of a relapse (white) and relapse prevention (gray), which
are computed by the numerical simulations of (10)–(15) using the following parameter values: γ = 0.08,
a0 = 30, m1 = 0.00005, r0 = 0.2, and r1 = 15. The solid curve denoted by PD1 indicates a set of pe-
riod-doubling bifurcations of a limit cycle. (a) Bone metastasis. (b) Lymph node metastasis

small value of the maximum mutation rate in both the metastases. An increase in the
maximum mutation rate facilitates the population growth of the AI cells during an
on-off cycle of administration. Therefore, if the value of m1 is large enough, an orbit
under on-treatment cannot reach the plane y = r0 corresponding to the condition for
the suspension of administration.
The parameter conditions for relapse prevention, which have been revealed by the
bifurcation analysis, suggest that both r1 and r0 are jointly responsible for the efficacy
of the IAS therapy. A small positive value of r0 is desirable for holding down the PSA
nadir and delaying a relapse; however, the value should not be too small because IAS
will otherwise result in CAS without discontinuing the administration. The value of r1
should not be very large in order to reduce the risk of an AI relapse resulting from the
increase in the population of the AI cells during the on-treatment periods. In clinical
practice, the frequency of the on-off cycles of administration is dependent on patient
characteristics like the baseline and nadir levels of the serum PSA (Bruchovsky et al.
2006, 2007). For example, according to the data of the Canadian prospective phase II
trials of IAS (Bruchovsky et al. 2006), mean times of on-treatment and off-treatment
are 29.6–34.5 weeks and 25.6–63.7 weeks, respectively. Figure 15 suggests that the
frequency of administration in the IAS therapy model is realistic if r0 is set at a
small value. These results obtained by the mathematical modeling suggest that the
IAS therapy can be useful at least for delaying the relapse time even if a relapse
eventually occurs.

6 Discussion

A number of experimental and clinical studies on prostate cancer therapy have con-
firmed that CAS therapy as a normal treatment for advanced prostate cancer often
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 611

results in recurrent tumor growth despite its beneficial short-term effect. A math-
ematical model describing an AI relapse under ADT and MAB was presented by
Jackson (2004a, 2004b) in the form of partial differential equations. The model re-
produced well the recurrent tumor growth during the CAS therapy by describing the
tumor as a mixed group of AD and AI cells, and its analysis provided a condition for
an AI relapse. Based on formulation similar to the previous model, we have proposed
a mathematical model representing tumor growth under IAS therapy, whose actual
effect is currently being evaluated through the phase II and the ongoing phase III tri-
als (Bhandari et al. 2005; Bruchovsky et al. 2006, 2007). In addition to the cellular
proliferation and apoptosis driven by androgens, the proposed model has taken into
consideration the mutational effect especially in an androgen-deprived state. Intermit-
tent administration performed with the monitoring of the serum PSA concentration
has been modeled by a hysteretic feedback loop, resulting in a hybrid dynamical sys-
tem where a discrete variable alternatively representing the presence or the absence
of administration works as a control variable. The issue of how to optimally plan the
intermittent treatment for relapse prevention has been reduced to the problem of how
to appropriately choose the criteria for switching the control variable in the mathe-
matical model.
Although the AI cells are assumed to be responsible for the prostate cancer re-
lapse, how the androgen influences on AI cell growth is still not fully understood
in spite of many experimental studies (Feldman and Feldman 2001; McLeod 2003;
Scher et al. 2004; Dehm and Tindall 2005; Edwards and Bartlett 2005; Kokontis et
al. 1994, 1998). Thus, we have first simulated the IAS therapy model under three
possible hypotheses on the net growth rate of AI cells, and next analyzed the bifur-
cation structure by changing a parameter of the AI growth rate continuously as a
bifurcation parameter. Under the hypothesis that the population of AI cells decreases
in an androgen-rich condition, a relapse can be avoided depending on the manner
of intermittent administration and on patient’s characteristics. The important prob-
lem concerning the numerical results is how to appropriately determine the switching
PSA levels in order to suspend and reinstitute administration in a clinically feasible
range. It should be noted that a relapse is inevitable in our model regardless of the
protocol of intermittent administration if the net growth rate of AI cells is positive
for any androgen level like in case (i). However, if we introduce competition, e.g.,
for nutrition, between AD cells and AI ones into the model, it is possible to prevent a
relapse even in case (i) (Shimada and Aihara 2007). This kind of modification of the
model is an important future problem.
The bifurcation analysis has revealed parameter regions for relapse prevention
which is characterized by a nondivergent solution. A typical example of such a solu-
tion is a stable limit cycle in the state space. The observation of the orbital motions has
shown that a solution diverges with x2 → ∞ if an orbit in the on-treatment periods
fails to attain the criterion for the suspension of administration. In this criterion, there
is a trade-off between reducing the risk of a relapse and reducing the frequency of the
on-off cycles of administration. Moreover, the administration should be reinstituted
at an appropriate PSA level in order to prevent on-treatment periods from becoming
very long. Otherwise, the development of the AI cells during a long on-treatment
period would enhance the risk of a relapse. The numerical results have indicated the
612 J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614

importance of appropriately setting together the two adjustable parameters r0 and r1

of the intermittent administration.
The bifurcation analysis has focused on the qualitative difference in attractors,
i.e., the asymptotic states of the solution. It has enabled to separate the regimes of
prevention and occurrence of a relapse in the parameter space. However, in clinical
practice, even if a relapse cannot be avoided, it is essentially important to prolong
a relapse as long as possible. With respect to this point, a possible strategy is to
confine a long-term transient orbit in a bounded region by adopting more flexible
feedback control. Further, it is necessary to examine the effects of the parameters
whose values are fixed in the numerical simulations. In particular, the steady-state
value of the androgen concentration is likely to be closely related to tumor growth
and the frequency of on-off cycles of administration.
Our model of the IAS therapy for prostate cancer has provided an insight into the
optimal intermittent administration to prevent an AI relapse. The results have shown a
possibility that the IAS therapy with an appropriately designed protocol of treatment
can be better than the CAS therapy in terms of clinical efficacy such as reduction in
medical expenses, alleviation of side effects and improvement in the quality of life
during the off-treatment periods, and possible delay or prevention of a relapse under
the hypothesis on the net growth rates of the AI cells like case (iii). It should be noted
that the hypothesis needs further medical and biological verification, e.g., by using
radical prostatectomy specimens from patients and their primary cultures (Berges et
al. 1995) toward more realistic modeling, although there is biological evidence that
the net growth rates of AI cells are negative in conditions with physiological concen-
trations of androgen (Kokontis et al. 1998, 2005; Chuu et al. 2005) as explained in
Sect. 2.2.
The clinical data during the IAS therapy have shown a variety of patients’ response
patterns (Bruchovsky et al. 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007; Bhandari et al. 2005). Then it
seems necessary to consider individuality of each patient for modeling. As an exam-
ple of such individuality, we have changed the parameter d of the net growth rate of
AI cells as the bifurcation parameter. It is an important future problem to validate or
invalidate our model with real clinical data. A possible methodology for this evalu-
ation is to fit our model to real data and check its predictability (Sauer et al. 1991;
Ott et al. 1994; Weigend and Gershenfeld 1994; Abarbanel 1996; Kantz and Schreiber
1997) with respect to temporal evolution of the serum PSA time series data. The study
for this direction with data of the Canadian prospective phase II trial (Bruchovsky et
al. 2006, 2007) is now ongoing to be published elsewhere. Such modeling with clin-
ical data may realize tailor-made IAS therapy for each patient in future. This kind
of collaboration between theory and real data should be indispensable for develop-
ment of a useful model of prostate cancer and its clinical application (Byrne et al.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Prof. P. Holmes of Princeton University,
Prof. N. Bruchovsky of the Prostate Centre at Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia,
and Dr. T. Shimada of the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, for their valuable com-
J Nonlinear Sci (2008) 18: 593–614 613


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