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Theoretical and Applied Genetics


Genomic prediction of agronomic traits in wheat using different

models and cross‑validation designs
Teketel A. Haile1 · Sean Walkowiak2 · Amidou N’Diaye1 · John M. Clarke1 · Pierre J. Hucl1 · Richard D. Cuthbert3 ·
Ron E. Knox3 · Curtis J. Pozniak1 

Received: 7 December 2019 / Accepted: 8 October 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Key message  Genomic predictions across environments and within populations resulted in moderate to high accura-
cies but across-population genomic prediction should not be considered in wheat for small population size.
Abstract  Genomic selection (GS) is a marker-based selection suggested to improve the genetic gain of quantitative traits
in plant breeding programs. We evaluated the effects of training population (TP) composition, cross-validation design, and
genetic relationship between the training and breeding populations on the accuracy of GS in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum
L.). Two populations of 231 and 304 spring hexaploid wheat lines that were phenotyped for six agronomic traits and geno-
typed with the wheat 90 K array were used to assess the accuracy of seven GS models (RR-BLUP, G-BLUP, BayesB, BL,
RKHS, GS + de novo GWAS, and reaction norm) using different cross-validation designs. BayesB outperformed the other
models for within-population genomic predictions in the presence of few quantitative trait loci (QTL) with large effects.
However, including fixed-effect marker covariates gave better performance for an across-population prediction when the
same QTL underlie traits in both populations. The accuracy of prediction was highly variable based on the cross-validation
design, which suggests the importance to use a design that resembles the variation within a breeding program. Moderate
to high accuracies were obtained when predictions were made within populations. In contrast, across-population genomic
prediction accuracies were very low, suggesting that the evaluated models are not suitable for prediction across independ-
ent populations. On the other hand, across-environment prediction and forward prediction designs using the reaction norm
model resulted in moderate to high accuracies, suggesting that GS can be applied in wheat to predict the performance of
newly developed lines and lines in incomplete field trials.


Wheat is an important cereal crop that accounts for more

than 20% of the total calories consumed by humans globally
Communicated by Hiroyoshi Iwata. and is a staple food for about 35% of the world’s population
(Breiman and Graur 1995). Canada is the sixth largest wheat
John M. Clarke: Deceased 01 February 2020.
producing country in the world with a total production of
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this 31.7 million tonnes in 2018 (FAO 2020). In Canada, most
article (https​://​2-020-03703​-z) contains of the wheat is produced in the prairie provinces of Alberta,
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and a small proportion is
* Curtis J. Pozniak grown in British Columbia and eastern Canada (McCallum
[email protected] and DePauw 2008). Canada is the second largest exporter of
wheat after the Russian Federation; 22.8 million tonnes of
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, the wheat grain produced in Canada in 2018 was exported
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
(FAO 2020). Canadian wheat is recognized globally for its
Canadian Grain Commission, Grain Research Laboratory, high end-use quality.
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Wheat breeding involves the creation of new genetic
Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre, Agriculture variation through controlled hybridization of two or more
and Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current, SK, Canada

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

parents followed by selfing and advancing generations by individuals in the validation set. This technique is useful
selecting offspring with desirable agronomic, disease resist- to compare the predictive performance of different statisti-
ance, and end-use quality traits. These advanced wheat cal models and model parameters with respect to particular
lines then undergo repeated field testing, and if they meet traits, but genomic predictions based on independent popula-
accepted standards are released as new cultivars. This pro- tions need to be evaluated for practical application of GS in
cess normally takes 10 to 15 years and is resource intensive. crop breeding programs. An attractive application of GS for
Traditionally, selection of desirable plants within segregat- wheat breeding is the use of data that are routinely generated
ing early generation populations is generally based on visual in a breeding program to train a model that can be used to
assessments of agronomic traits and laboratory tests of end- estimate GEBVs of a BP that comprise progeny of multiple
use quality traits, which are laborious and expensive. For crosses. However, such an application can be constrained by
quantitative traits, selection based on the phenotype alone low-moderate levels of genetic relatedness between the TP
is subject to confounding effects from the environment, so and BP. Genomic prediction models utilize genetic relation-
entries are evaluated over multiple locations and years. This ships among individuals as well as information from link-
makes phenotypic selection time-consuming and expensive. age disequilibrium (LD) between markers and QTL (Habier
Moreover, the short growing season of the Canadian prairies et al. 2007). Genetic relationships are influenced by gen-
(a frost-free period of 90–120 days) presents a challenge for erations of descent or population stratification (Asoro et al.
large scale field evaluation and selection of breeding mate- 2011). The degree of genetic relationship between the train-
rial. The application of molecular markers greatly improves ing and breeding populations has been reported as an impor-
the precision and speed of the breeding cycle through tant factor that affects the accuracy of GS prediction (Clark
marker-assisted selection (MAS) (Collard and Mackill 2008; et al. 2012; Habier et al. 2007, 2010; Hayes et al. 2009; Rie-
Randhawa et al. 2013). Marker-assisted selection has been delsheimer et al. 2013). However, there are still unanswered
successful to identify and select QTL with moderate to large questions related to the diversity of the TP to produce reli-
effects; however, MAS has limited application to improve able predictions across populations, whether including few
complex traits controlled by many QTL with small effects highly related lines in a TP of diverse germplasm could lead
(Heffner et al. 2009). to acceptable prediction performance in breeding lines, and
Advances in low cost, high-throughput genotyping the performance of GS when some unrelated material is
technologies have resulted in the availability of abundant incorporated in a breeding program. Therefore, the objective
molecular markers in wheat spanning the whole genome of this study was to evaluate the effects of TP composition,
(Cavanagh et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2014a; Winfield et al. cross-validation design, and genetic relationship between the
2016). In the context of genomic selection, these dense training and validation populations on GS accuracy using
genome-wide markers could be used to predict genomic Canadian spring hexaploid wheat germplasm.
estimated breeding values (GEBVs) of individuals with-
out phenotypic records (Meuwissen et al. 2001). Genomic
selection involves estimating the effects of markers based Materials and methods
on the genotypic and phenotypic data of a TP and predict-
ing GEBVs of individuals in a breeding population (BP) by Plant material and phenotypic data
combining their marker genotypes with the marker effects
estimated from the TP (Meuwissen 2009). Selection deci- Training population (TP)
sions will then be based on GEBVs estimated by whole-
genome prediction models. A TP of 231 spring hexaploid wheat genotypes was used
Several approaches and statistical models have been to estimate the effects of markers using seven GS models
developed to implement GS (Bernardo 2014; Burgueño (Online Resource 1). Phenotypic data for these lines were
et al. 2012; de los Campos et al. 2009a, 2010; Gianola et al. obtained from two different experiments. The first experi-
2006; Gianola and van Kaam 2008; Habier et al. 2011; Jia ment was composed of 100 commercial wheat varieties,
and Jannink 2012; Meuwissen et al. 2001; Park and Casella hereafter called diversity panel one (DP1). This population
2008; VanRaden 2008; Yang and Tempelman 2012). Most was composed of both contemporary and historic Canadian
studies on GS evaluated the predictive performance of mod- wheat varieties. These varieties were evaluated at Kernen
els through a cross-validation approach by systematically Crop Research Farm, Saskatoon, SK, (lat 52° 08′, long 106°
partitioning the same population into training and validation 32′) from 2011 to 2014 and at Swift Current, SK (lat 50°
sets. Genomic estimated breeding values are predicted for 16′, long 107° 44′) from 2012 to 2014. The field experi-
individuals in the validation set, and the prediction accu- ments were laid out in 200 plots, each plot having an area
racy of the model is usually determined by assessing the of 4.25 m2 with five seeded rows at Kernen, and an area of
correlation between GEBVs and actual phenotypes of the 3.65 m2 with four seeded rows at Swift Current. A seeding

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

rate of 300 and 275 seeds per ­m2 was used at Kernen and containing 50 plots (46 entries and four check cultivars),
Swift Current, respectively. The second experiment was for a total of 350 plots in each environment (site-year). The
composed of 200 spring hexaploid wheat varieties and three parental lines and ‘AC Barrie’ were grown as repli-
advanced breeding lines, hereafter called diversity panel cated check cultivars. The field experiments were arranged
two (DP2), selected from breeding programs across west- in an augmented randomized complete block design, where
ern Canada. Each of these lines was evaluated in 2014 at the four check cultivars were randomly assigned to plots
the Seed Farm of the Crop Development Centre (CDC) in within each block and unreplicated entries were randomly
Saskatoon, SK (lat 52° 08′ long 106° 36′) on a 0.74 m2 plot arranged in the remaining plots (Federer 1961). Two of the
area, with two seeded rows and again in 2015 at Kernen three parental lines, CDC Plentiful and CDC Utmost, were
and Rosthern, SK (lat 52° 41′ long 106° 19′) on a 4.25 m2 also included in the TP to improve the genetic relation-
plot area, with five seeded rows. The seeding rate of plots ship between the TP and BP (Online Resource 1). Pasteur,
was 300 seeds per m ­ 2. The two experiments were connected which is distantly related to the Canadian wheat lines, was
through 27 common lines. Both experiments were arranged not included in the TP. The 304 lines are subsets of the 322
in alpha-lattice experimental designs with two replications lines that were genotyped and used as BP.
in each site-year. The field experiments were seeded in early Agronomic traits, including days to heading, plant height,
to mid-May and harvested in mid to late September in each days to maturity, grain yield, test weight, and kernel weight,
year. The 231 lines are subsets of the 273 lines from DP1 were measured in the TP and BP. Days to heading was
and DP2 that were genotyped and used as training set. recorded for each plot as the number of days from seeding to
when 50% of the spikes emerged out of the flag leaf sheath.
Breeding population (BP) Plant height was measured for each plot when the plants
approached physiological maturity by taking the length of
The BP was composed of 304 recombinant inbred lines that the main stem from the soil surface to the tip of the spike,
were developed from a three-way cross (CDC Plentiful// while excluding the awns. Days to maturity was recorded as
Pasteur/CDC Utmost) made at the CDC, University of Sas- the number of days from seeding to when 50% of the spikes
katchewan. Pasteur is a short-statured, later maturing but in a plot turned to a straw color. Plots were harvested using
high yielding general-purpose wheat cultivar from Wiersum a small plot combine at physiological maturity. Grain yield
Plant Breeding in the Netherlands. CDC Utmost and CDC was measured by taking the mass of grain harvested from
Plentiful are standard height, early to medium maturing and each plot after the grains were air dried to constant moisture.
high yielding cultivars from the CDC, University of Sas- Test weight was measured as the weight of dockage-free
katchewan. The first cross was made between Pasteur and grain in grams required to fill a level 0.5 L container. Grain
CDC Utmost during early fall of 2011 and the second cross yield and test weight were reported in kg ha−1 and kg hL−1,
was made to CDC Plentiful during the winter of 2011/2012. respectively. Kernel weight in grams was determined from a
The ­F1 generation was grown in a controlled environment subsample of 200 kernels that were free from foreign mate-
facility during summer 2012. Seed from the F ­ 1 was bulked rial and broken kernels.
and the ­F2 generation was grown in a greenhouse at the
University of Saskatchewan. The ­F3 generation was grown
through single seed descent. The F ­ 3 spikes were threshed DNA extraction and genotyping
individually and each were planted (­ F4 generation) on sin-
gle hill plots at the Seed Farm of the CDC during spring Genomic DNA was extracted from fresh leaves of one-week-
2013. A single spike was harvested and threshed individu- old seedlings using a modified CTAB approach (CIMMYT
ally from each ­F4 plant and the ­F5 generation was grown 2005). For the BP, DNA was extracted from a single seed-
under field conditions in a winter nursery during the winter ling per line in the ­F7 generation. All lines in the TP and BP
of 2013/2014. The population was then advanced to the ­F6, were genotyped using the wheat 90 K SNP array (Wang et al.
­F7, and ­F8 generations for field trials and phenotyping. Five 2014a). Genotype calling was performed using the Genom-
independent field trials were conducted across two research eStudio Polyploid Clustering Module v1.0 (Illumina, San
sites for the ­F4:F6, ­F4:F7, and ­F4:F8 generations. In the ­F4:F6 Diego, CA). For the TP, 17,887 polymorphic SNPs with
generation, 322 entries were randomly selected, and each call frequency greater than 90% and minor allele frequency
was grown at Kernen on a 2.48 m2 plot with four seeded higher than 10% were obtained (Maccaferri et al. 2015). For
rows during the spring/summer of 2014. The F ­ 4:F7 and F
­ 4:F8 the BP, 16,115 polymorphic SNPs with call frequency greater
generations were grown both at Kernen and Rosthern in than 90% and minor allele frequency higher than 20% were
4.25 m2 plots with five seeded rows during the spring/sum- obtained. A total of 9,187 SNPs were in common within the
mer of 2015 and 2016. Seeding rates were 300 seeds per ­m2. two populations. Missing marker genotypes were imputed with
The field experiments were arranged in seven blocks, each

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

the population mean for that marker using the function ‘A.mat’ interaction effect between the i-th genotype and the l-th envi-
in R package rrBLUP, v4.4 (Endelman 2011). ronment, 𝜀ij and 𝜀ijl denote experimental errors. Genotypes
(i.e. entries plus check cultivars) were considered a fixed
Statistical analysis of phenotypic data effect and block was considered as a random effect for the
separate analysis of data in each environment. For the com-
The phenotypic data were analyzed using analysis of variance bined analysis of data across environments, genotypes were
with SAS Mixed models, v9.4 (SAS Institute 2015). For the considered as a fixed effect and environment, block nested
TP, the DP1 and DP2 data sets were analyzed separately and in environment and genotype-by-environment interactions
combined across data sets and environments. For each data were considered as random effects. To control for block-to-
set, analyses were conducted in each environment (site-year) block heterogeneity, trait values of entries were adjusted
separately as well as combined across all environments. The relative to the four check cultivars repeated in each block
linear mixed model used for analysis of variance in individual using the LSMEANS procedure in SAS (Wolfinger et al.
and combined environments, respectively, was in the form 1997). The phenotypic data analyses included the 322
entries in the F ­ 6, ­F7, and F­ 8 generations, and the four check
yijk = 𝜇 + Gi + Rj + Bjk + 𝜀ijk (1) cultivars but only 304 entries that had marker data were
and included in the BP. Broad-sense heritability ­(H2) on a plot
basis was estimated for all traits in the TP using the equation
yijkl = 𝜇 + Gi + Rjl + Bjkl + El + (GE)il + 𝜀ijkl (2) 2
𝜎g2 ∕(𝜎g2 + 𝜎ge ∕e + 𝜎𝜀2 ∕re ), where 𝜎g2 is the genetic variance,
𝜎ge is the genotype-by-environment interactions variance, 𝜎𝜀2
where yijk and yijkl denote the observed trait for i-th geno-
is the residual variance, e is the number of environments,
type in the k-th incomplete block within the j-th replicate of
and r is the number of replications per environment. Vari-
the l-th environment, 𝜇 is the overall mean, Gi is the effect
ance components were estimated in SAS using restricted
of i-th genotype, Rjl the effect of the j-th replicate in the
maximum likelihood method described in Holland et al.
l-th environment, Bjkl is the effect of the k-th block in the
(2003), with the effect of genotype, environment, genotype-
j-th replicate of the l-th environment, El is effect of the l-
by-environment interactions, and replication considered as
th environment, (GE)il is the interaction effect between the
random effect. In the BP, a two-step analysis of the pheno-
i-th genotype and the l-th environment, 𝜀ijk and 𝜀ijkl denote
typic data was followed to estimate heritability (Poland et al.
experimental errors. Genotypes were considered as a fixed
2012). First, adjusted entry means were derived for each
effect and replication, and block nested in replication was
environment using Eq. (3), and these were used in the sec-
considered random for the separate analysis of data in each
ond stage to estimate H ­ 2 on a plot basis using the equation:
environment. For the combined analysis of data across data 2 2 2 where 2 and 𝜎 2 are the estimated genetic and
𝜎g ∕(𝜎g + 𝜎𝜀 ) 𝜎g
sets and environments, replication nested in environment, 𝜀
residual variance components, respectively. The variance
block nested in replication and environment, environment
components were calculated using the ‘lmer’ function in the
(site-years), and genotype-by-environment interaction were
R package lme4, v1.1–7 (Bates et al. 2015).
considered as random effects. The Kenward–Roger degrees
of freedom approximation method was used to compute the
degrees of freedom for means and to control the Type I error Genome‑wide association mapping in the training
(Kenward and Roger 1997; Littell et al. 2006). population
Phenotypic data for the BP were analyzed separately in each
environment and then combined across environments. The lin- Prior to the assessment of GS, genome-wide association
ear mixed model used for analysis of variance in individual mapping was performed in the TP to understand the genetic
and combined environments, respectively, was in the form architecture of traits and to fit significant markers as fixed
effects in GS. Marker-trait association analyses were per-
yij = 𝜇 + Gi + Bj + 𝜀ij (3)
formed based on LS-means across environments using a
and mixed linear model that combined both population structure
information and pairwise relatedness (kinship) as covariates
yijl = 𝜇 + Gi + Bjl + El + (GE)il + 𝜀ijl (4) using the software TASSEL, v3.0 (Bradbury et al. 2007).
Population structure information was accounted for using
where yij and yijl denote the observed trait for i-th genotype
five marker-based principal components (Price et al. 2006).
in the j-th block of the l-th environment, 𝜇 is the overall
Principal components and the kinship-matrix were com-
mean, Gi is the effect of i-th genotype (entry and check cul-
puted from the marker data using TASSEL. Mixed linear
tivar), Bjl is the effect of the j-th block in the l-th environ-
model analyses were performed using the default settings
ment, El is effect of the l-th environment, (GE)il is the
of TASSEL (optimum compression level and PD3 variance

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

component estimation). To determine if each model ade- (Meuwissen et al. 2001). BayesB uses a finite mixture of
quately controlled population structure and pairwise related- priors with a point of mass at zero and a scaled-t distribution
ness, quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plots were generated for all (Meuwissen et al. 2001). The BL uses double-exponential
traits based on the observed P values for all SNPs and the (conditional Laplace) prior density and combines variable
expected distribution of P values under the null hypothesis selection and shrinkage of estimates (de los Campos et al.
of no marker-trait association. Marker probabilities were 2009b; Park and Casella 2008). GS + de novo GWAS fits sig-
declared significant relative to a false discovery rate (FDR) nificant markers identified from fold-specific genome-wide
of 0.2 to control for multiple testing. The FDR was calcu- association studies as fixed effects in GS (Bernardo 2014;
lated for all SNPs based on the ‘BH’ method using the ‘p. Spindel et al. 2016). GS + de novo GWAS is identical to RR-
adjust’ function in R (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995). BLUP if no marker is fitted as fixed effects (Spindel et al.
2016). In the TP, genome-wide association mapping was
QTL analysis in the breeding population conducted in each fold of a five-fold cross-validation using
the phenotypic and genotypic data of lines in the training set
QTL analysis was performed using a reduced subset of as described above. The P values were corrected for multi-
1219 evenly spaced SNPs (mean genetic distance of 2.9 cM ple testing and markers on each chromosome were binned
between adjacent SNPs) selected from the total markers into 2-cM distance based on the average LD decay in this
based on genetic distances using the software MapThin, population. Then, the marker with the lowest P value was
v1.11 (Howey and Cordell 2012). The chromosomal posi- extracted from each bin. This step was performed to avoid
tions of the SNPs were determined based on the hexaploid fitting markers tagging the same QTL as fixed effects. Simi-
wheat consensus genetic linkage map (Wang et al. 2014a). larly, QTL analysis was performed in each fold of a five-fold
Analyses of the additive effects at individual QTL (ICIM- cross-validation in the BP using methods described above.
ADD) were performed with the inclusive composite inter- Up to three most significant markers (FDR = 0.2) identified
val mapping (ICIM) procedure using QTL IciMapping v4.1 from genome-wide association mapping in the TP and mark-
(Meng et al. 2015). ICIM was performed on the LS-means ers nearest to the QTL peaks in the BP were fitted as fixed
of each trait for individual environment and averaged (com- effects in GS + de novo GWAS (Online Resource 2). When
bined) across all environments. A critical logarithm of odds no marker passed the FDR threshold, a marker with the low-
(LOD) threshold was estimated for each trait based on 1000 est P value was fitted as fixed effect. The RKHS regression
permutations at a significance level of 0.05. Mapping param- is a semi-parametric approach which captures both the addi-
eters of 1 cM walking distance and deletion of missing phe- tive and non-additive genetic effects among loci by creating
notypes were applied. a kernel matrix that includes interactions among markers
(Gianola et al. 2006; Gianola and van Kaam 2008). We
Genomic prediction models used the Gaussian kernel implemented in Pérez and de los
Campos (2014), evaluated as the average squared-Euclidean
We evaluated ridge regression best linear unbiased predic- distance between genotypes:
tion (RR-BLUP), genomic best linear unbiased prediction � ∑p � �2 �
(G-BLUP), BayesB, Bayesian Lasso (BL), Bayesian repro- xik − xjk
K(xi ,xj ) = exp −h ×
ducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) regression, GS + de p
novo GWAS, and a reaction norm model for genomic pre-
diction of six agronomic traits in wheat. These models where xi and xj are the pairs of vectors of genotypes, p refers
were chosen because they have different assumptions that to the total number of markers, and h is a bandwidth param-
are appropriate for a range of trait genetic architectures. In eter that controls how fast the (co)variance function drops
RR-BLUP, all markers are included in the model and their as the distance between pairs of vector genotypes increases
effects are shrunken toward zero uniformly, assuming that (de los Campos et al. 2009a; Pérez and de los Campos 2014).
every marker has equal contribution to the genetic variance Kernel methods also allow the use of multiple kernels by
(Meuwissen et al. 2001; Whittaker et al. 2000). G-BLUP is evaluating the Gaussian kernel over a range of h values,
equivalent to RR-BLUP, but marker information is included which was termed kernel averaging (de los Campos et al.
in the model using genomic relationships between individu- 2010). We followed recommendations by Pérez and de los
als computed from SNPs (VanRaden 2008). The genomic Campos (2014) and used kernel averaging by estimating h as
relationship matrix, which estimates the realized proportion h = 1/M × {1/5, 1, 5}, where M is 1/p of the median squared
of the genome that is shared by two individuals, was com- Euclidean distance between all lines calculated using off-
puted according to VanRaden (2008) and used to estimate diagonals only. The reaction norm model is equivalent to
GEBVs. BayesB is a variable selection model that assigns the standard G-BLUP model with the addition of a random
non-uniform variances to markers with different effect sizes environmental effect (Jarquín et al. 2014). In this model,

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

phenotypes (yijk ) were described as the sum of an overall the cross-validation results were analyzed using a one-way
mean (μ) plus a random deviation due to the environment analysis of variance with the PROC MIXED procedure in
( Ei ) , which is a combination of site-years, plus marker SAS (SAS Institute 2015), using fold as a blocking factor.
covariates of the form: gj = k=1 xjk bk , where gj represents The LSMEANS procedure was used to determine differ-
an approximation of the true genetic value of the j-th line, xjk ences between models.
is the genotype of the j-th line at the k-th marker, and bk is The second prediction scenario involved across-popula-
the effect of the k-th marker, plus a residual term (𝜀ijk ) . The tion genomic predictions where GEBVs for the BP were
regression equation is indicated using the following formula: predicted based on marker effects estimated from the TP
(Online Resource 3). The effect of genetic relationship
yijk = 𝜇 + Ei + gj + 𝜀ijk (6) between the TP and the BP on model prediction performance
was evaluated by excluding the two parents from the TP,
( )
with Ei ∼ N 0, 𝜎E2  , g ∼ N 0, G𝜎g2 and 𝜀ijk ∼ N 0, 𝜎𝜀2  ,
( ) ( )
including the two parents in the TP, and including the two
where G is marker-derived genomic relationship matrix. parents along with 50 or 100 randomly selected lines from
All statistical models were fitted in R (R Core Team the BP in the TP. Moreover, genomic prediction accuracy
2016). The G-BLUP, BayesB, BL, RKHS, and reaction norm was investigated by clustering the BP into two groups based
model were fitted using the Bayesian generalized linear on their genomic relationships to the parents. A kinship
regression (BGLR) package, v1.0.4 (Pérez and de los Cam- matrix was calculated using the EMMA algorithm within
pos 2014). RR-BLUP and GS + de novo GWAS were fitted GAPIT (Lipka et al. 2012), to show the clusters among the
using the ‘mixed.solve’ and ‘kinship.BLUP’ functions in the BP and familial relatedness based on the marker genotypes.
rrBLUP package, v4.4, respectively (Endelman 2011). The The first group was composed of 121 lines that were clus-
default settings of BGLR (five degrees of freedom and the tered with Pasteur or neither of the parents while the sec-
scale parameter based on sample variance of the phenotypes) ond group was composed of 183 lines that were clustered
were used (Pérez and de los Campos 2014). Inferences for all with CDC Utmost and CDC Plentiful. The second group
Bayesian models were based on 50,000 iterations obtained was considered as closely related to the TP because CDC
after discarding 5000 samples as burn-in. Utmost and CDC Plentiful were included in the TP, while
the first group was considered as distantly related to the TP
Cross‑validation schemes because Pasteur was not included in the TP. Genomic pre-
dictions were made for each group separately using the TP
We tested different cross-validation schemes that simulate that included the parents. A total of 9187 polymorphic SNPs
prediction scenarios that breeders may face when imple- that were common between the TP and BP were used to
menting GS. Genomic predictions were made for three dif- make across-population genomic predictions using G-BLUP,
ferent scenarios: within-population, across-population, and BayesB, and GS + de novo GWAS models.
across-environment. In all three scenarios, predictions were The third scenario was an across-environment prediction
made for days to heading, plant height, days to maturity, using three designs (Online Resource 4). The first design
grain yield, test weight, and kernel weight. The first predic- (CV1) involved predicting the performance of lines that
tion scenario involved within-population genomic predic- have never been tested in any of the environments (newly
tions using a five-fold cross-validation design. In each popu- developed lines), while the second design (CV2) involved
lation, the lines were randomly divided into five mutually predicting the performance of lines that were evaluated in
exclusive groups of approximately equal sizes. In each fold, some environments but not in others (i.e. in an incomplete
the four groups were used as training set and the remaining field trials) (Burgueño et al. 2012). The third design involved
one was used for validation. This was repeated five times forward prediction of future phenotypes across years. For
until each group was used as a validation set. Assignment of this analysis, we performed different across-year predic-
genotypes to groups was repeated ten times resulting in 50 tions. The BP data from 2014 (­ F4:F6 generation) were used
different cross-validation runs for each model. The overall as TP to predict the phenotypes of the BP in 2015 ­(F4:F7
means of the TP and BP across environments were used to generation) and 2016 ­(F4:F8 generation), the BP data from
make predictions. Within-population genomic predictions 2015 were used as TP to predict phenotypes of BP in 2016,
were made using RR-BLUP, G-BLUP, BayesB, BL, RKHS, and the BP data from 2014 and 2015 combined were used
and GS + de novo GWAS models. For a reliable comparison as TP to predict phenotypes of the BP in 2016. The DP2
of these models, the same cross-validation folds were used and BP were evaluated in similar environments in 2014 and
in each model-trait combination. The total number of 17,887 2015 and were combined and used as a TP to make similar
and 16,115 polymorphic SNPs was used to make predictions across-year predictions in the BP. The DP2 and BP data
in the TP and BP, respectively. To test significant differ- from 2014 were used to predict the phenotypes of the BP
ences in prediction accuracies among the evaluated models, in 2015 and 2016, the DP2 and BP from 2015 were used to

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

predict the phenotypes of the BP in 2016, and the DP2 and (0.48 and 0.75) in the TP and BP, respectively. Moderate to
BP from 2014 and 2015 combined were used to predict the high estimates of heritability were obtained for grain yield
phenotypes of the BP in 2016. The 2014 DP2 data are LS- (0.55), plant height (0.55), days to maturity (0.64), and test
Means of two replications from one location, 2014 BP data weight (0.71) in the BP, but estimates were low to moderate
are adjusted means from one location, while the DP2 and for grain yield (0.28), days to maturity (0.32), plant height
BP data in 2015 and 2016 are LS-Means from two locations (0.33), and test weight (0.40) in the TP.
(Saskatoon and Rosthern). Similar across-year genomic
predictions were also made for each location separately. Marker‑trait associations in the training population
Phenotypic prediction accuracy (­ rP) was the correlation of
observed phenotypes of the BP in the environments used Marker-trait associations were assessed for important agro-
for model training and validation. We used 16,115 SNPs for nomic traits in the TP. For all traits, the Q–Q plots were close
predictions involving BP only and 9187 SNPs for predic- to the diagonal line except for deviations toward the upper-
tions involving combined BP and DP2 data sets in the TP. right end of the diagonal indicating that models including
Across-environment genomic predictions were made using population structure or kinship adequately controlled false
the reaction norm model that incorporated the main effects positives (Online Resource 7). Twelve SNPs were signifi-
of markers and environments as implemented in Jarquín cantly associated with plant height (Table 1). Nine of these
et al. (2014). Model prediction accuracy was assessed based SNPs were located on chromosome 4B (39.9–72.5 cM), two
on the Pearson correlation between the predicted values and SNPs on chromosome 2A (109.5–110.1 cM), and one SNP
observed phenotypes of individuals in the validation set. In on chromosome 5B (115.7 cM). These SNPs explained 6
CV1 and CV2 designs, correlations between observed and to 15% of the phenotypic variance. The SNPs associated
predicted values were performed within the same environ- with plant height on 4B spanned a large genomic window
ment. For the forward prediction, accuracy was computed which may suggest the presence of multiple QTL, but a sin-
as the correlation between the predicted values using the gle gene cannot be ruled out. Three SNPs (55.5–57.5 cM)
earlier year as training set with the observed phenotypes in explained the highest proportion of the phenotypic variance
subsequent years. (Table 1). The two SNPs that were associated with days to
heading were located on chromosomes 2D (19.3 cM) and
5B (110.56 cM) (Table 1). Each of these SNPs explained
Results 8% of the phenotypic variance. No SNP passed the FDR
threshold for grain yield, days to maturity, test weight, and
Distributions of trait phenotypes kernel weight.

Phenotypic distributions of all traits in the TP and BP across QTL identified in the breeding population
years followed an approximately normal distribution (Online
Resource 5 and 6). Broad-sense heritability was the high- The number of markers used for QTL analysis varied from
est for kernel weight (0.50 and 0.78) and days to heading 23 on 4D to 96 on 5B, with an average of 58 markers per

Table 1  Markers significantly Trait Marker Chr Position (cM) P value R2 (%)

associated with plant height and
days to heading in the training Plant height BS00022896_51 2A 109.5 4.05E−04 6
BS00012320_51 2A 110.1 1.46E−05 9
RAC875_c12959_869 4B 39.9 7.42E−04 7
Tdurum_contig64772_417 4B 50.8 1.02E−04 7
BobWhite_rep_c49034_132 4B 55.5 2.13E−05 10
Tdurum_contig33737_157 4B 56 2.70E−07 12
IAAV971 4B 57.5 2.11E−08 15
Excalibur_c56787_95 4B 58.1 3.84E−04 6
Kukri_c11415_1074 4B 68.5 2.87E−04 6
Kukri_c17224_278 4B 71.3 1.03E−04 8
wsnp_Ra_c22026_31453420 4B 72.5 6.25E−05 7
BS00022673_51 5B 115.7 2.62E−04 6
Days to heading wsnp_CAP12_c812_428290 2D 19 3.81E−05 8
BS00065128_51 5B 110.6 3.36E−05 8

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

chromosome. The total map length across the 21 chromo- Three QTL were identified for test weight on 2B (QTwt.
somes spanned 3,526 cM. The range of genetic distance usw-2B), 4B (QTwt.usw-4B), and 7B (QTwt.usw-7B)
between adjacent SNPs varied from 0.04 to 52.3 cM with (Table 2). Each of these QTL explained 3.3 to 7.9% of the
a mean of 2.9 cM (Online Resource 8). A total of 16 QTL phenotypic variance. Twt.usw-2B was detected in two envi-
were detected for six agronomic traits in the BP (Table 2). ronments and accounted for 4.2 and 5.7% of the phenotypic
Four QTL were identified for days to heading, three QTL variance (Online Resource 9). QTwt.usw-4B was detected in
each for test weight, days to maturity, and kernel weight, four out of the five environments and explained 4.2 to 10.4%
two QTL for plant height, and one QTL for grain yield of the phenotypic variance, while QTwt.usw-7B was detected
(Table 2). Most of these QTL had only minor effects, with in three environments and accounted for 4 to 6.5% of the
days to heading and maturity having the only stable large phenotypic variance in each environment (Online Resource
effect QTL. Chromosome 2D (18.4–23.4 cM) harbored the 9). The three QTL for kernel weight were mapped on chro-
strongest QTL for days to heading (QHd.usw-2D), matu- mosome 2A (QTkw.usw-2A), 4A (QTkw.usw-4A), and 6A
rity (QMat.usw-2D), and plant height (QHt.usw-2D), which (QTkw.usw-6A) (Table 2). Each QTL explained 5.9 to 7.8%
explained 19.2, 14.7, and 11.2% of the phenotypic variances, of the phenotypic variance. QTkw.usw-2A was detected at
respectively (Table 2). QHd.usw-2D and QMat.usw-2D were the same confidence interval in two of the individual envi-
detected in each of the five environments and accounted for ronments and explained 6.4 and 9.1% of the phenotypic
9.5 to 22.8 and 4.5 to 13.6% of the phenotypic variance, variance in each environment (Online Resource 9). QTkw.
respectively (Online Resource 9). QHt.usw-2D was detected usw-4A was detected in three environments and accounted
in all environments, except Rosthern 2016, and explained 4.9 for 4.3 to 9.3% of the phenotypic variance. QTkw.usw-6A
to 11.2% of the phenotypic variance in each environment was detected in all environments except Kernen 2015 and
(Online Resource 9). Chromosome 7D (96.5–100.5 cM) also explained from 8.5 to 11.4% of the phenotypic variance.
harbored QTL for days to heading (QHd.usw-7D) and matu- The QTL for grain yield (QYld.usw-2A) was co-localized
rity (QMat.usw-7D.1) that explained 11.8 and 10.7% of the with QTkw.usw-2A on the distal end of 2AS. QYld.usw-2A
phenotypic variance, respectively. QHd.usw-7D and QMat. explained 10.4% of the phenotypic variance in the combined
usw-7D.1 were also detected in four and three individual data set and 18 and 5.3% of the phenotypic variance in two
environments and explained 8.8 to 15.5 and 6.2 to 11.7% of environments (Table 2; Online Resource 9).
the phenotypic variance, respectively (Online Resource 9).
Two QTL were detected for days to maturity on chromosome Within‑population genomic prediction accuracies
7D separated by 36 cM between the QTL peaks. Two stable
QTL were identified each for days to heading and maturity Prediction accuracies varied among the evaluated traits both
on chromosomes 2D and 7D that together explained 31 and in the TP and BP. The average prediction accuracies, based
25.4% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. on 50 cross-validation runs in the TP, ranged from 0.56 to

Table 2  QTL detected using Trait QTL name Chr Interval (cM) Position (cM) LOD R2 (%) Adda
inclusive composite interval
mapping in the breeding Days to heading QHd.usw-2D 2D 19.4–22.4 19.9 32.9 19.2 1.1
QHd.usw-4A 4A 105.1–107.1 106.6 9.2 4.0  − 0.6
QHd.usw-4B 4B 88.5–90.5 90 4.2 1.8  − 0.3
QHd.usw-7D 7D 96.5–97.5 97 23.1 11.8 1.0
Days to maturity QMat.usw-2D 2D 18.4–21.4 18.9 17.6 14.7 0.9
QMat.usw-7D.1 7D 96.5–100.5 98 14.7 10.7 0.9
QMat.usw-7D.2 7D 133.5–134.5 134 4.6 3.4  − 0.4
Test weight QTwt.usw-2B 2B 119.1–122.1 120.6 4.8 3.3 0.3
QTwt.usw-4B 4B 55.5–59.5 59 13.3 7.9 0.4
QTwt.usw-7B 7B 69.5–71.5 70 8.5 5.1  − 0.4
Kernel weight QTkw.usw-2A 2A 0–2.5 1 6.8 7.3  − 0.7
QTkw.usw-4A 4A 99.1–102.1 100.6 7.8 5.9  − 0.8
QTkw.usw-6A 6A 81.4–83.4 81.9 3.8 7.8 0.8
Plant height QHt.usw-2D 2D 18.4–23.4 19.9 11.5 11.2 2.0
QHt.usw-6D 6D 80.5–83.5 82 6.6 6.1 1.7
Grain yield QYld.usw-2A 2A 0–0.5 0 9.5 10.4 168.7
 Additive effect of the QTL

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

0.78 across different model-trait combinations (Table 3). In of having related individuals in the TP, we included 50
the BP, prediction accuracies based on 50 cross-validation or 100 randomly selected lines from the BP in the TP.
runs ranged from 0.44 to 0.76 for all model-trait combina- Prediction accuracies increased when 50 lines from the
tions (Table 3). There were significant differences (P < 0.05) BP were included in the TP (Table 4). The largest increase
among the evaluated models for all traits except grain yield was observed for plant height, where accuracy increased
in both populations and test weight in the TP (Table 3). from approximately 0 to 0.3 for all models. Increasing
BayesB and GS + de novo GWAS showed significantly the number of BP lines in the TP to 100 further increased
higher accuracy than the other models for plant height in the prediction accuracies for all traits except for plant height
TP. We applied the RKHS model to determine if accounting in G-BLUP (Table  4). GS + de novo GWAS gave sub-
for non-additive genetic effects improves genomic prediction stantially higher accuracy for days to heading for which a
accuracy. The accuracy of RKHS was 5 to 13% higher than marker tagging the same QTL in the TP and BP was fitted
the models that are based on the additive effects (RR-BLUP, as a fixed effect (Online Resource 2). Similarly, GS + de
G-BLUP, BayesB, BL, and GS + de novo GWAS) for days to novo GWAS was the best performing model for all traits
heading and maturity, but no improvement in accuracy was when the number of BP lines in the TP increased from 50
observed for the other traits. In the BP, GS + de novo GWAS to 100.
showed higher accuracy than RR-BLUP, G-BLUP, BL, and To further investigate the effect of genetic relatedness
RKHS for days to heading and maturity, but BayesB was the on genomic prediction accuracy, the BP was divided into
best performing model (Table 3). On the other hand, GS + de two groups based on the genomic relationship of the lines
novo GWAS had lower accuracy than the other models for to the parents (Fig. 1). The first group (green and gold) was
kernel weight in the TP and BP. composed of 121 lines that were distantly related to the TP,
while the second group (red and blue) was composed of 183
Across‑population genomic prediction accuracies lines that were closely related to the TP (Fig. 1).
Genomic predictions were made for the two groups sepa-
Across-population genomic predictions were made for rately using the marker effects estimated from the TP that
the BP using the marker effects estimated from the TP. included two of the parents. Accuracy was slightly higher
When none of the parents of the BP were included in when predictions were made for lines closely related to the
the TP, accuracy was very low (ranged from  − 0.16 to TP for all traits, except grain yield (Table 5). Overall, the
0.33) (Table 4). We included two of the parents of the BP prediction accuracy was very low even though the parents
(CDC Utmost and CDC Plentiful) in the TP to improve of the BP were included in the TP to enhance genomic rela-
the genetic relationship between the TP and BP, but it tionships. This indicates that including few closely related
did not improve prediction accuracies for all traits and parents in the TP of diverse lines may not ensure accurate
models (Table 4). To further investigate the importance prediction of GEBVs for progenies.

Table 3  Mean and standard deviations (from 50 cross-validation runs) of within population prediction accuracies in the training and breeding
Model Days to heading Plant height Days to maturity Grain yield Test weight Kernel weight

Training population
RR-BLUP 0.62 (0.01)b 0.57 (0.01)b 0.59 (0.01)bc 0.56 (0.01)a 0.64 (0.01)a 0.78 (0.01)a
G-BLUP 0.63 (0.01)b 0.57 (0.01)b 0.59 (0.01)b 0.57 (0.01)a 0.65 (0.01)a 0.78 (0.01)a
BayesB 0.63 (0.01)b 0.62 (0.01)a 0.59 (0.01)bc 0.57 (0.01)a 0.64 (0.01)a 0.78 (0.01)a
BL 0.63 (0.01)b 0.57 (0.01)b 0.59 (0.01)b 0.56 (0.01)a 0.65 (0.01)a 0.78 (0.01)a
RKHS 0.66 (0.01)a 0.58 (0.01)b 0.63 (0.01)a 0.57 (0.01)a 0.66 (0.01)a 0.77 (0.01)ab
GS + de novo GWAS 0.62 (0.01)b 0.63 (0.01)a 0.56 (0.01)c 0.59 (0.01)a 0.63 (0.01)a 0.75 (0.01)b
Breeding population
RR-BLUP 0.55 (0.01)c 0.44 (0.01)b 0.53 (0.01)c 0.46 (0.01)a 0.58 (0.01)b 0.66 (0.01)a
G-BLUP 0.54 (0.01)c 0.45 (0.01)b 0.53 (0.01)c 0.46 (0.01)a 0.59 (0.01)b 0.66 (0.01)a
BayesB 0.76 (0.01)a 0.48 (0.01)a 0.73 (0.01)a 0.46 (0.01)a 0.63 (0.01)a 0.66 (0.01)a
BL 0.55 (0.01)c 0.44 (0.01)b 0.53 (0.01)c 0.46 (0.01)a 0.59 (0.01)b 0.66 (0.01)a
RKHS 0.49 (0.01)d 0.46 (0.01)ab 0.49 (0.01)d 0.49 (0.01)a 0.58 (0.01)b 0.68 (0.01)a
GS + de novo GWAS 0.68 (0.01)b 0.48 (0.01)a 0.60 (0.01)b 0.47 (0.01)a 0.58 (0.01)b 0.62 (0.01)b

Within each population and trait, accuracies followed by the same letter were not significantly different at α = 0.05

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

Table 4  Prediction accuracy based on the Pearson correlations between GEBVs calculated with different supplements to the training population
and phenotypes of lines in the validation set
Training ­populationa Model Days to heading Plant height Days to maturity Grain yield Test weight Kernel weight

TP without parents G-BLUP 0.153 0.052 0.146 0.052 0.194 0.243

BayesB 0.216  − 0.090 0.266 0.079 0.182 0.276
GS + de novo GWAS 0.330  − 0.157 0.263 0.071 0.174 0.248
TP with two parents G-BLUP 0.156 0.072 0.162 0.069 0.208 0.209
BayesB 0.194  − 0.070 0.208 0.078 0.192 0.228
GS + de novo GWAS 0.327  − 0.171 0.261 0.079 0.174 0.220
TP with two parents G-BLUP 0.199 0.311 0.296 0.162 0.355 0.478
plus 50 lines from BayesB 0.242 0.308 0.340 0.181 0.359 0.501
the BP
GS + de novo GWAS 0.389 0.330 0.396 0.158 0.339 0.501
TP with two parents G-BLUP 0.287 0.309 0.351 0.324 0.467 0.590
plus 100 lines from BayesB 0.594 0.323 0.519 0.332 0.480 0.602
the BP
GS + de novo GWAS 0.620 0.363 0.590 0.374 0.501 0.609

Predictions were made for six traits using G-BLUP, BayesB, and GS + de novo GWAS models
 TP, training population; BP, breeding population

Across‑environment genomic prediction accuracies numbers from one suggests the presence of genotype-by-
environment interaction. The ratio of genomic to phenotypic
Across-environment prediction accuracies varied based on prediction accuracies across years (­ rGS/rP) ranged from 0.86
traits and environments. In CV1, which involved predicting (test weight) to 1.03 (days to maturity) with a mean ratio
the performance of lines that were not tested in any of the of 0.96, indicating that accuracies obtained from genomic
environments, prediction accuracy ranged from 0.28 to 0.56 and phenotypic predictions across years are highly compa-
for all traits (Table 6). The CV2 strategy mimics predic- rable. We also evaluated across-year prediction accuracies
tion in incomplete field trials where some lines were evalu- for each location separately (Online Resource 10). Overall,
ated in some environments but not in others. The accuracies across-year genomic and phenotypic prediction accuracies
obtained in CV2 were much higher (ranged from 0.40 to were higher when data from multiple locations or years were
0.89) than those observed in CV1 because in CV2 predic- combined as opposed to using data from a single location or
tion of performance for a line can benefit from records of the year. The ratio of genomic to phenotypic prediction accu-
same line collected in other environments (Table 6). racy ­(rGS/rP) at Kernen ranged from 0.86 (test weight) to
Moderate to high accuracies were obtained for all traits 1.10 (grain yield) with a mean ratio of 0.99, while the ratio
when forward predictions were made across years (Table 7). ranged from 0.90 (grain yield) to 1.03 (days to heading)
When the BP in 2014 ­(F4:F6 generation) was used to predict with a mean ratio of 0.96 at Rosthern (Online Resource 10).
phenotypes of the BP in 2015 (­ F4:F7 generation) and 2016
­(F4:F8 generation), accuracies for all traits ranged from 0.56
to 0.76 and 0.65 to 0.84, respectively (Table 7). When the Discussion
BP in 2015 was used to predict phenotypes of the BP in
2016, accuracies ranged from 0.62 to 0.85. Combining data Marker-trait associations were performed in the TP and BP
from 2014 and 2015 resulted in higher accuracy (ranged to understand the genetic architecture of traits and to fit sig-
from 0.68 to 0.90) for all traits except plant height. Predic- nificant markers as fixed effects in GS. In the TP, twelve
tion accuracies were slightly lower or similar for all traits SNPs on chromosome 4B, 2A, and 5B were significantly
when the DP2 and BP data sets were combined to make associated with plant height and explained 6 to 15% of the
across-year predictions for the BP (Table 7). phenotypic variance (Table 1). Nine of these SNPs were
Phenotypic prediction accuracies are correlations mapped to chromosome 4B. These results are consistent with
between the phenotypes of the BP from the respective envi- previous studies that reported major plant height QTL on 4B
ronments used to train and validate GS models. These accu- in wheat (Gao et al. 2015; Guo et al. 2017; N’Diaye et al.
racies ranged from 0.76 to 0.88 (days to heading), 0.66 to 2018). N’Diaye et al. (2018) also reported a haplotype locus
0.72 (plant height), 0.70 to 0.82 (days to maturity), 0.62 controlling plant height in wheat on chromosome 2A that
to 0.76 (grain yield), 0.73 to 0.81 (test weight), and 0.81 explained 15% of the phenotypic variance. Similarly, McCa-
to 0.91 (kernel weight) (Table 7). The deviation of these rtney et al. (2005) reported a prominent QTL for plant height

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

Color Key
and Histogram

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

CDC Plentiful

CDC Utmost

CDC Utmost

CDC Plentiful

Fig. 1  Heat map and dendrogram of a genomic relationship matrix estimated from 16 K SNPs among the 304 wheat lines and three parents.
Color codes show groups of lines based on their genomic relationships. Both rows and columns represent the lines

Table 5  Prediction accuracy based on the Pearson correlations between GEBVs and observed phenotypes
Model Days to heading Plant height Days to maturity Grain yield Test weight Kernel weight

Lines distantly related to the training population

G-BLUP 0.142  − 0.071 0.083 0.127 0.079 0.164
BayesB 0.197  − 0.124 0.136 0.141 0.056 0.188
GS + de novo GWAS 0.277  − 0.179 0.225 0.182 0.080 0.174
Lines closely related to the training population
G-BLUP 0.164 0.143 0.198  − 0.002 0.302 0.293
BayesB 0.223  − 0.026 0.289  − 0.003 0.260 0.327
GS + de novo GWAS 0.368  − 0.108 0.299  − 0.004 0.257 0.271

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

Table 6  Average and standard deviation of across-environment pre- reaction norm model for cross-validation CV1 (newly developed
diction accuracies (from five-fold design) based on correlations lines) and CV2 (prediction in incomplete field trials)
between observed and predicted phenotypes of six traits using the

Environmenta Days to heading Plant height Days to maturity Grain yield Test weight Kernel weight

Kernen 2014 0.46 (0.08) 0.45 (0.03) 0.52 (0.08) 0.42 (0.07) 0.43 (0.22) 0.56 (0.11)
Kernen 2015 0.46 (0.08) 0.37 (0.19) 0.47 (0.08) 0.32 (0.09) 0.40 (0.15) 0.49 (0.10)
Kernen 2016 0.50 (0.06) 0.46 (0.11) 0.53 (0.04) 0.45 (0.11) 0.54 (0.13) 0.55 (0.06)
Rosthern 2015 0.42 (0.07) 0.40 (0.05) 0.46 (0.10) 0.32 (0.08) 0.41 (0.21) 0.50 (0.10)
Rosthern 2016 0.49 (0.04) 0.28 (0.05) 0.48 (0.08) 0.41 (0.10) 0.46 (0.16) 0.52 (0.11)
Kernen 2014 0.79 (0.05) 0.77 (0.04) 0.75 (0.06) 0.68 (0.10) 0.43 (0.22) 0.89 (0.02)
Kernen 2015 0.84 (0.04) 0.62 (0.10) 0.79 (0.05) 0.59 (0.07) 0.40 (0.15) 0.82 (0.04)
Kernen 2016 0.89 (0.03) 0.68 (0.07) 0.76 (0.10) 0.64 (0.06) 0.54 (0.13) 0.84 (0.04)
Rosthern 2015 0.82 (0.04) 0.72 (0.10) 0.78 (0.03) 0.60 (0.07) 0.41 (0.21) 0.81 (0.08)
Rosthern 2016 0.83 (0.04) 0.49 (0.14) 0.73 (0.09) 0.70 (0.07) 0.46 (0.16) 0.87 (0.02)
 Site-years where the breeding population were grown

Table 7  Across-year genomic and phenotypic prediction accuracies based on combined data from two sites
Training ­seta Validation ­seta Days to heading Plant height Days to maturity Grain yield Test weight Kernel weight

Genomic prediction accuracy (rGS)b

BP 2014 BP 2015 0.751 0.700 0.699 0.562 0.689 0.761
BP 2014 BP 2016 0.772 0.647 0.713 0.665 0.705 0.843
BP 2015 BP 2016 0.853 0.618 0.795 0.644 0.756 0.835
BP 2014 and 2015 BP 2016 0.870 0.683 0.800 0.715 0.807 0.899
BP + DP2 2014 BP 2015 0.687 0.684 0.661 0.553 ‒ 0.758
BP + DP2 2014 BP 2016 0.699 0.638 0.669 0.651 ‒ 0.839
BP + DP2 2015 BP 2016 0.807 0.583 0.759 0.632 0.735 0.819
BP + DP2 2014 and 2015 BP 2016 0.836 0.662 0.781 0.690 ‒ 0.893
Phenotypic prediction accuracy (rP)c
BP 2014 BP 2015 0.764 0.723 0.709 0.620 0.804 0.813
BP 2014 BP 2016 0.775 0.673 0.695 0.698 0.738 0.888
BP 2015 BP 2016 0.859 0.661 0.799 0.685 0.786 0.860
BP 2014 and 2015 BP 2016 0.881 0.717 0.818 0.767 0.807 0.912
BP 2014 BP 2015 0.983 0.968 0.986 0.906 0.857 0.936
BP 2014 BP 2016 0.996 0.961 1.026 0.953 0.955 0.949
BP 2015 BP 2016 0.993 0.935 0.995 0.940 0.962 0.971
BP 2014 and 2015 BP 2016 0.988 0.953 0.978 0.932 1.00 0.986

–, Data not available

 BP breeding population, DP2 diversity panel two
 Pearson correlations between observed and predicted phenotypes
 Pearson correlations between phenotypes of the breeding population across years
 rGS/rP is the ratio of genomic prediction accuracy to phenotypic prediction accuracy

on the long arm of chromosome 5B in spring bread wheat. for days to heading (QHd.usw-2D) and maturity (QMat.usw-
Two SNPs on chromosomes 2D and 5B were associated with 2D) were identified in the BP on chromosome 2D which
days to heading in the TP (Table 1). Each of these SNPs explained 19.2 and 14.7% of the phenotypic variance,
explained 8% of the phenotypic variance. Similarly, QTL respectively. Chromosome 7D also harbored QTL for days

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

to heading (QHd.usw-7D) and maturity (QMat.usw-7D.1) traits. Conversely, no improvement or a decrease in accuracy
that explained 11.8 and 10.7% of the phenotypic variance in was observed for the remaining traits.
the BP, respectively. Previous studies reported QTL for days The observed differences in the accuracy of GS models
to heading and maturity on the short arm of chromosome are related to how they account for the variances of marker
2D which harbors a major photoperiod response locus in effects. Infinitesimal models such as RR-BLUP assign uni-
wheat (Beales et al. 2007; Carter et al. 2011). Cuthbert et al. form variance to all markers, while Bayesian models allow
(2008) also reported QTL for days to heading and maturity non-uniform marker variances (Asoro et al. 2011; Habier
on chromosome 7D, less than 5 cM distance from the days et al. 2007; Meuwissen et al. 2001). Treating markers as
to heading (QHd.usw-7D) and maturity (QMat.usw-7D.1) random variables and shrinking their effects uniformly as
QTL identified in this study, suggesting that these QTL may performed in RR-BLUP do not explicitly model the effects
be the same. Similarly, McCartney et al. (2005) reported a of major QTL versus unknown small effects QTL (Bernardo
QTL for maturity that explained 25.7% of the phenotypic 2014). Bernardo (2014) suggested that when a few major
variance on the short arm of chromosome 7D based on a genes each accounting for more than 10% of the genetic vari-
Canadian spring wheat mapping population. Overall, stable ance are present for a quantitative trait, these major genes
QTL with relatively large effects were identified only for should be fitted as fixed effects instead of random effects
days to heading and maturity in the BP but relatively small in GS models. In this study, BayesB outperformed GS + de
genetic effects for most of the individual QTL identified for novo GWAS in the presence of QTL with relatively large
the other traits. effects. Most GS models have similar performance for poly-
genic traits, but variable selection models such as BayesB
Within‑population prediction did have advantages for traits controlled by fewer large
effects QTL (Clark et al. 2011; Daetwyler et al. 2013). Meu-
Moderate to high accuracies were obtained when predictions wissen et al. (2001) showed that BayesB was able to predict
were made based on five-fold cross-validation within each the position of large QTL that accounted for more than 10%
population. Average prediction accuracies ranged from 0.56 of the total genetic variance, but it failed to identify smaller
to 0.78 and 0.44 to 0.76 across different model-trait combi- QTL and treated their contribution in the same way as in
nations in the TP and BP, respectively (Table 3). There were BLUP. Studies that incorporated fixed-effect marker covari-
significant differences in prediction accuracy among the ates in infinitesimal models reported improved prediction
models (Table 3). In the TP, GS + de novo GWAS resulted accuracies relative to models that treat all QTL or markers
in 9 to 11% higher accuracy than RR-BLUP, G-BLUP, BL, equally (Arruda et al. 2016; Bernardo 2014; Rice and Lipka
and RKHS, but its accuracy was similar to BayesB for plant 2019; Spindel et al. 2016). However, none of these studies
height. Significant marker-trait associations were detected included BayesB, which is recommended for prediction of
only for days to heading and plant height, but no SNP passed traits controlled by few QTL with large effects. Spindel et al.
the FDR threshold for all other traits in the TP (Table 1). (2016) reported that adding fixed-effect marker covariates
Three highly significant markers were fitted as fixed effects identified from GWAS never decreased accuracy compared
in 80% of the cross-validation runs for plant height but for to RR-BLUP. But in this study, GS + de novo GWAS gave
the other traits only one marker was fitted as fixed effect in lower accuracy for kernel weight in the TP and BP (Table 3).
most cross-validation runs (Online Resource 2). In the BP, In the TP, no marker passed the FDR threshold for kernel
the accuracy of BayesB was significantly higher, 7 to 55% weight and only one marker with the lowest P-value was
higher than the other models, for days to heading, days to fitted as fixed effect in all cross-validation runs (Online
maturity, and test weight (Table 3). GS + de novo GWAS Resource 2). These markers may not necessarily be associ-
also showed 11 to 41% higher accuracy than RR-BLUP, ated with the QTL underlying kernel weight. Arruda et al.
G-BLUP, BL, and RKHS, but its accuracy was significantly (2016) reported reduced accuracy when randomly selected
lower compared to BayesB. There were stable QTL with markers were treated as fixed effects in RR-BLUP. Rice and
relatively large effects underlying days to heading and matu- Lipka (2019) also showed that incorporation of at least one
rity, but effects of the QTL identified for the other traits fixed-effect covariate in RR-BLUP can increase the bias of
were relatively small (Table 2; Online Resource 2). Spindel predicted GEBVs. Similarly, most of the QTL for kernel
et al. (2016) reported up to 30% gains in prediction accu- weight explained less than 10% of the variance in the BP.
racy using GS + de novo GWAS over the standard RR-BLUP Bernardo (2014) showed that having a single gene treated as
model for flowering time in rice, which had a large GWAS fixed effect in RR-BLUP was never disadvantageous, except
peak. Rice and Lipka (2019) also evaluated the performance when the variance explained by the major gene was less
of GS + de novo GWAS using 216 simulated traits with a than 10%. Overall, this study showed that variable selec-
range of genetic architectures in maize and sorghum and tion models such as BayesB have advantages over GS + de
reported improved accuracies relative to RR-BLUP for 60 novo GWAS when few QTL with large effect underlie traits,

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

but BayesB also gave accuracies comparable to the other population (Goddard and Hayes 2007). For days to heading
models in the absence of detectable large effect QTL. Thus, and maturity, GS + de novo GWAS gave higher accuracy
the additional step of identifying marker-trait associations is when markers tagging the same QTL in the TP and BP were
unnecessary in GS and genomic predictions can be stream- treated as having fixed effects (Table 4; Online Resource
lined using BayesB that has acceptable performance across 2). However, for the other traits where different QTL were
a range of trait genetic architectures. involved, the accuracy of GS + de novo GWAS was either
similar or lower compared to BayesB (Table 4). Overall, our
Across‑population prediction results indicate that across-population predictions have low
accuracy. These findings agree with what has been observed
We obtained moderate to high prediction accuracies when in other studies (Charmet et al. 2014; Crossa et al. 2014; Rie-
performing within-population predictions that partitioned delsheimer et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2014b; Windhausen et al.
individuals of the same population into training and valida- 2012). Windhausen et al. (2012) reported accuracies close
tion sets. However, this approach may have limited applica- to zero for prediction of testcross performance in F ­ 2-derived
tion in a breeding program because inferences are made on lines using marker effects estimated from a maize diversity
known populations that have already been phenotyped. It panel that included crosses of lines. Based on five biparental
would be more useful to plant breeders to use data that is doubled-haploid maize populations developed from crosses
routinely generated in a breeding program to make predic- involving four parents, Riedelsheimer et al. (2013) reported
tions for independent populations; therefore, we assessed mean accuracies of zero or negative values when predic-
the ability of GS models to make across-population genomic tion was made for individuals in biparental families using
predictions. Across-population prediction accuracies were a model trained based on data from unrelated biparental
very low (ranged from  − 0.16 to 0.33) compared to accura- families. However, using half-sib and full-sib families in the
cies based on five-fold cross-validation in each population training set improved prediction accuracy to 0.25 and 0.59,
(Tables 3 and 4). Using two doubled haploid wheat pop- respectively. Using two bi-parental hybrid rye populations
ulations, Thavamanikumar et al. (2015) also showed that that share one common parent, Wang et al. (2014b) also
prediction accuracies based on tenfold cross-validation in reported substantially low accuracy when one population
each population were generally higher than those obtained was used as TP to estimate GEBVs of another population,
when marker effects from one population were used to pre- but accuracy increased when both populations contributed to
dict traits in the other population. Daetwyler et al. (2014) training and validation sets. This indicates that the inability
reported a higher prediction accuracy when each line in for GS models to make accurate across-population predic-
the validation set had at least one close relationship to the tion is a common trend and will limit the potential applica-
training lines. In this study, there was no improvement in tion of GS in wheat breeding.
accuracy when parents of the BP were included in the TP.
However, including 50 or 100 lines from the BP in the TP Across‑environment prediction
resulted up to three-fold increase in the accuracy of predic-
tion for the BP. The low across-population prediction accu- Genomic selection can be applied in plant breeding to pre-
racy when none of the lines from the BP were included in dict the performance of lines in different environments. The
the TP could be because of the distant relationship between CV1 approach involves prediction of performance for lines
the TP and BP. When the populations are distantly related, that were not evaluated in any of the tested environments.
marker effect estimates can be inconsistent because of dif- In this case, prediction of performance is entirely based
ferences in alleles, allele frequencies, and linkage phases on the phenotypes of other lines and accuracy depends on
between the TP and BP (Bassi et al. 2016). When the data the genetic relationships between the lines used in the TP
from both populations are combined in the TP, markers that and BP. In CV2, prediction of performance for unobserved
are in LD with the QTL that are shared between populations lines in a target environment is based on the phenotypes
can be used to make more accurate predictions. of these lines and others from different environments plus
The accuracy of predicting GEBVs depends on both phenotypes of the other lines from the target environment.
genetic relationships among individuals as well as LD The two methods tested for cross-validation differed in their
between markers and QTL (Habier et  al. 2007). In the prediction accuracies. The accuracy of prediction in CV1
absence of close relationships between the training and ranged from 0.28 to 0.56, while the CV2 prediction accura-
test populations, prediction accuracy is driven by distant cies ranged from 0.40 to 0.89 for all traits (Table 6). CV2
relationships that will be captured when there is strong LD consistently gave higher prediction accuracy compared to
(Clark et al. 2012). Moreover, estimation of marker effects CV1 because prediction of performance for a line can ben-
across populations requires not only strong LD but the same efit from records of the same line from other environments.
linkage phase between the marker and the QTL in each This has been observed in several studies that used similar

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

cross-validation designs (Burgueño et al. 2012; Crossa et al. were made in winter wheat. Similarly, Zhong et al. (2009)
2015; Jarquín et al. 2014, 2017; Lopez-Cruz et al. 2015; reported comparable accuracies between genomic and phe-
Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2015). This suggests that including notypic selection methods. These results indicate that data
information of the same line from correlated environments from earlier years can be used to make accurate predictions
is important to improve prediction accuracy in the target in subsequent years and that GS can be applied to predict the
environment. The CV1 and CV2 designs can be used to performance of a breeding material in future years.
make prediction in early generation of a breeding material.
Different subsets of families could be tested in different sets
of environments by implementing incomplete designs and
predictions can be made using the CV2 approach, subse- Conclusions
quently increasing the number of lines evaluated. Similarly,
the performance of newly developed lines can be predicted This study compared different prediction scenarios using
for a target environment based on the records of other related seven statistical methods and three cross-validation schemes.
lines from that environment using the CV1 approach. These Prediction accuracy was highly variable based on the cross-
strategies would help to reduce resource requirements for validation design, which suggests the importance to use a
field testing of early generation breeding material and allow design that resembles the variation within a breeding pro-
evaluation of large number of crosses and lines from each gram. Across-population prediction accuracies were very
cross. low even when few closely related lines were included in the
Moderate to high accuracies (ranged from 0.56 to 0.90) TP. On the other hand, within-population and across-envi-
were obtained for all traits when forward predictions were ronment predictions resulted in moderate to high accuracies.
made across years (Table 7). Combining data from 2014 Combining data across locations or years in the TP resulted
and 2015 in the TP resulted in the highest accuracy for all in higher prediction accuracy indicating the importance of
traits except plant height. Our results agree with Wang et al. evaluating the training set in more than one environment
(2014b), who reported that limiting the number of loca- to achieve higher prediction accuracy. However, combining
tions or years in field testing for the TP reduced the accu- data from two unrelated populations to increase the TP size
racy of GS predictions. On the other hand, combining the did not improve accuracy. Comparison of different statisti-
DP2 and BP data sets to increase the TP size resulted in cal methods based on within-population prediction indicated
slightly lower or similar across-year prediction accuracies that BayesB is superior to RR-BLUP, G-BLUP, BL, RKHS,
for all traits in the BP (Table 6). This suggests that combin- and GS + de novo GWAS when there are QTL with relatively
ing different populations to increase the size of the TP may large effects. But including fixed-effect marker covariates in
not be advantageous. Combining different populations may RR-BLUP was advantageous for an across-population pre-
reduce LD since the phase of LD varies across populations diction when the same QTL underlie traits in both popula-
(Goddard 2012). Moreover, combining multiple related or tions. The reaction norm model that included a random envi-
unrelated populations into one TP may reduce prediction ronmental effect also gave accurate prediction of phenotypes
accuracy because of intense population structures in the across environments. Based on the findings from this study,
TP (Riedelsheimer et al. 2013). Lack of improvement in BayesB and the reaction norm model are being deployed in
accuracy when combining different populations in the TP our wheat breeding program to make GS predictions within
could be because only LD that is persistent across those populations and across locations and years.
populations is utilized in the model (Calus 2010). Charmet
et al. (2014) also reported that prediction accuracies did not Acknowledgements  This study was conducted as part of the Canadian
Triticum Applied Genomics (CTAG​2) project and funded by Genome
improve when unrelated populations from different breeding Canada (Grant number: 8310), Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture,
programs were merged to increase TP size. Overall, GS can Western Grains Research Foundation, Saskatchewan Wheat Develop-
make accurate predictions across-years and including more ment Commission, and Government of Saskatchewan. We would like to
sample years improves accuracies. acknowledge the technical assistance from the Durum Wheat Breeding
and Genetics field and molecular laboratory staff at the University of
Across-year genomic and phenotypic prediction accura- Saskatchewan.
cies are highly comparable. The ratio of genomic to phe-
notypic prediction accuracies across years ­(rGS/rP) ranged Author contributions statement  TAH designed the experiment, gener-
from 0.86 (test weight) to 1.03 (days to maturity) with a ated phenotypic and marker data, performed all analyses, and wrote the
mean ratio of 0.96, indicating that accuracies obtained from manuscript. SW, AN, and JMC edited the manuscript. PJH designed the
experiment, developed and maintained early generation of the breed-
genomic and phenotypic predictions across years are highly ing population, and edited the manuscript. RDC and REK collected
comparable. Heffner et al. (2011) also reported similar ratios phenotypic data, and edited the manuscript. CJP acquired funding,
ranging from 0.84 (days to heading) to 1.09 (grain yield) designed the experiment, supervised the project, collected phenotypic
with a mean ratio of 0.95 when across-year predictions data and edited the manuscript.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics

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