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Survey items

A measurement instrument for the employee


© 2021 Qualtrics®
What’s in this guide
Items to measure the employee experience

How we created our model

The methodology

The EXM model items, with benchmarking & rationale


© 2021 Qualtrics®
Items to measure the employee experience

The following pages outline the survey items that have been developed and tested by
Qualtrics to measure the employee experience. Items are listed by theme, along with
guidance as to whether a global benchmark exists for that item.

For information on how the model was developed, the right cadence to ask questions
as well as all academic references, please refer to the Program Design Guide.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
How we created our model
In the model, we have created statistically validated measures of the employee
experience, and identified the top drivers organisations need to monitor to ensure their
employee experience remains positive, engaging and results in employees wanting to
stay with the company.

We took a four-part approach in developing this model:

1. We did a thorough review of the latest academic literature on workplace trends,

encompassing topics such as inclusion, psychological safety and well-being.
We used this research to define a long list of items.
2. We also reviewed our existing question library of 450 items, and used the
millions of data points gained from customer usage to identify the most
valuable items in this library.
3. Our team of experts systematically reviewed items from steps 1 and 2,
updating and crafting new items where needed.
4. Two validation studies were run. We conducted an analysis of customer data to
test existing constructs and ascertain the most powerful existing items. We
also conducted a global panel validation across 20 countries, which both tested
our newer items and enabled a cross-sectional analysis of selected older items.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
The methodology
Qualtrics has created a statistically validated measurement to help companies
measure more with less. Our methodology will enable companies to measure 5 critical
KPIs for the employee experience, and tie those into the 25 drivers they can act on to
improve the employee experience.

As with all of our solutions, the question set has two aspects; KPIs and their drivers:

EX KPIs are the measurements that a company should track to ensure they are
providing a great employee experience. Qualtrics has identified three core KPis
to measure, Engagement, Experience vs Expectations and Intent to Stay, as well
as two Optional KPIs; Inclusion and Well-being.

Drivers of EX are the critical topics that will influence the KPIs. They
incorporate the aspects of work that are important to employees today.
Understanding each driver provides critical signals to a company where they
should start when it comes to improving their employee experience.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
Summary table of items in our EXM Model:


Authority & Empowerment 1 -- --
Collaboration 1 1 3
Communication 1 1 2
Managing Change 1 1 2
Performance & Accountability 1 1 2
Psychological Safety 1 1 2
Recognition 1 -- --
Resources 1 1 --
Respect 1 1 1
Role Fit 1 -- --
Safety 1 1 --
Survey Follow Up 1 -- --
Trust in Leadership 1 -- --
Trust in Manager 1 1 2
Work-Life Balance 1 1 2


CSR 1 -- 2
Customer Focus 1 1 2
Ethics 1 1 3
Growth & Development 1 1 1
Innovation 1 1 2
Living the Values 1 1 1
Pay & Benefits 1 1 1
Strategic Alignment 1 1 2
Training 1 -- --
Work Process 1 1 3

© 2021 Qualtrics®
Summary of benchmark coverage for the EXM Model:

Authority & Empowerment yes -- --
Collaboration yes yes 0/3
Communication yes yes 2/2
Managing Change yes yes 2/2
Performance & Accountability yes yes 1/2
Psychological Safety yes no* 0/2
Recognition yes -- --
Resources yes no --
Respect yes no 1/1
Role Fit yes -- --
Safety yes yes --
Survey Follow Up yes -- --
Trust in Leadership yes -- --
Trust in Manager yes yes 2/2
Work-Life Balance yes yes 2/2

CSR no -- 1/2
Customer Focus yes yes 2/2
Ethics yes yes 2/3
Growth & Development yes no* 1/1
Innovation yes no* 2/2
Living the Values yes yes 1/1
Pay & Benefits yes yes 1/1
Strategic Alignment yes yes 2/2
Training yes -- --
Work Process yes yes 1/3

*There may be some customers for whom benchmark coverage is the most important aspect of their listening
program. Asterisks mark items where there is a potential benchmarkable “swapout” item from IBM that can be
used in place of the model item. While not our first recommendation, this is an option for customers where a
benchmark is imperative.

● Psychological Safety - replace standard model item “My manager values my perspective, even if it is
different from their own” with benchmarkable item “Diverse perspectives are valued in my team”
● Growth & Development - replace standard model item “I have meaningful discussions with my manager
about my career development“ with benchmarkable item ”My manager helps me in my career devt”.
● Innovation - replace standard model item “My manager rewards risk-taking to drive innovation” with
benchmarkable item “This company rewards risk-taking to drive innovation”.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
The EXM model items, with benchmarking & rationale


Survey item1 Why this is important available


I would recommend this

Advocacy, or likelihood to recommend the organization as a place to work, is
company to people I know
as a great place to work
part of most measures of engagement and has long been shown to be an ✓
important part of engagement.

Feeling that your work gives you a sense of accomplishment is key to having
My work gives me a feeling a sense of purpose at work - increasingly understood as important to
of personal accomplishment employees. Accomplishment explores the person’s connection to their job ✓
(Personal Accomplishment) and their work, as opposed to their individual motivation and their
connection to the company.

This company motivates me

to contribute more than is The willingness to give discretionary effort, or go above and beyond is
normally required to another core piece of most engagement constructs and in many ways can ✓
complete my work be considered the essence of engagement.

The Experience vs Expectations item captures how well you are living up to
your employees’ expectations about their experience at your company. It
Overall, to what extent does incorporates subjectivity and elements of the psychological contract into the
your experience working at measurement of employee experience.It also gives organizations a
this company meet your connector of employee experiences across the employee journey.

Scale: Far below my expectation | Below my expectations | Meeting my expectations |
Exceeding my expectations | Greatly exceeding my expectations


Intent to Stay is another well-established measure of overall organizational

commitment. It behaves distinctly from engagement, that is, employees
may be engaged, but they may still intend to leave the company, and vice
I intend to keep working at versa. We therefore measure intent to stay using a specific,
this company for... behavior-focused question rather than a general sentiment-focused ✓

Scale: 6 months or less | Over 6 months, up to 1 year | Over 1 year, up to 3 years | Over 3 years,
up to 5 years | Over 5 years

Unless otherwise specified, response scales are
Strongly agree | Agree | Neither agree nor disagree | Disagree | Strongly disagree

© 2021 Qualtrics®
To feel included, employees should feel as if they can be authentic and this
I can be myself at work is increasingly expected to be part of the employee experience. Employees
(Authenticity) want to bring their true selves to work, and expect to see managers/leaders ✓
role-modelling by doing the same.
Without feeling as if they belong, employees cannot feel included. All
I feel as if I belong at this
employees, regardless of whether there is someone else on their team from
a similar background or not, should feel a positive connection with their

workplace and colleagues.
At this company, everyone
can succeed to their full
potential, no matter who
they are (e.g., all ages, Creating a company that allows everyone to reach their potential with no
cultural backgrounds, hindrances is what every organisation is striving for in their DEI work.

genders, races, religions,
I feel energized at work Employees who have high levels of well-being feel energised at work. This
(Energized) can also be a good indicator of potential burnout.

I feel positive about myself A good baseline level of self-esteem or self-confidence is important to
at work overall employee well-being. When we feel positive about ourselves we tend ✗
(Self-positivity) to feel better about life in general.

I have trusting relationships Social relationships are a big predictor for overall well-being. Employees
at work should feel they have social connections and meaningful relationships in the ✗
(Trusting Relationships) workplace to draw on, to help them get through more challenging times.

© 2021 Qualtrics®

Survey item2 Why this is important available


I have the authority I need to Autonomy is one of the most pervasive and well-proven drivers of positive
do my job employee attitudes, and it starts with ensuring that employees have the ✓
(Top Signal) minimum autonomy they need to do their job.
The people I work with
Most roles involve some kind of working with others to be effective, and
cooperate to get the job
work that is collaborative has also been shown to lead to higher levels of ✓
(Top signal)
There is effective Collaboration within teams is generally more accessible for organisations,
collaboration between teams but many companies struggle to create effective collaboration between
at this company teams. This also becomes increasingly important as work units become

(Double-click) more about cross-functional teamwork.
We do a good job of
Central to fostering collaboration is remembering to reinforce collaborative
celebrating successful
collaboration across teams
behaviors with employees, which starts by actively calling out and ✗
recognising when team members successfully collaborate.
(Deeper Dive)
My manager role models
effective collaboration with As with many aspects of the employee experience, employees look to their
other teams manager to role model collaborative behaviors with other teams.

(Deeper Dive)
My team is effective at Collaboration within the team has many aspects, but often starts with the
making decisions ability to effectively discuss, assess and come to decisions on important ✗
(Deeper Dive) work topics.

There is open and honest

Feeling that there is open communication is an important precursor to
communication at this
building trustful relationships in an organization. This item measures the ✓
baseline of good communication internally.
(Top signal)

Senior leadership responds Two-way communication is important to employees. They want an

to feedback from employees environment where senior leaders listen to and acknowledge their feedback, ✓
(Double-click) and observe how leadership role models these behaviors.
I receive the information I As well as having a culture of healthy, open feedback, at a practical level
need to do my job effectively employees will need access to the correct level of information to enable ✓
(Deeper Dive) them to do their job effectively.
My manager is an effective The manager holds an important relationship for employees, and being a
listener recipient of their feedback and thoughts is one of their roles. Showing that

Unless otherwise specified, response scales are
Strongly agree | Agree | Neither agree nor disagree | Disagree | Strongly disagree

© 2021 Qualtrics®
(Deeper Dive) they can effectively listen to employees is important to building a healthy
culture of communication.
I am proud of this company’s
Many employees want to work for companies that promote social causes &
efforts to have a positive
impact on the world
use their power and money to give back. This has elevated in its importance ✗
in recent times and is particularly important to younger employees.
(Top signal)
This company is taking
action to be socially There are different ways that companies can elevate their corporate
responsible (e.g., supporting responsibility efforts. One of those is supporting community causes or a
community events, charitable cause, and focusing efforts in fundraising to donate to those

charitable causes etc.) causes.
(Deeper Dive)
This company fosters
Employees also observe the footprint that their organization leaves in terms
environmentally friendly
of their environmentally friendly practices. Many organizations have adopted
practices (e.g. recycling,
paperless culture, saving
carbon neutral targets, and those that haven’t generally have adopted ✗
practices that reduce their footprint and encourage employees to reduce
their personal footprints at work as well.
(Deeper Dive)
I would recommend this
Every company provides a product or service, and having a sense of pride in
company's products and/or
services to people I know
that product or service is critical to employees’ sense of satisfaction, pride ✓
and subsequent commitment to the organization
(Top signal)
This company's processes Employees, particularly those on the front-line, are well-placed to tell you
enable me to effectively whether they have what they need to serve customers. Not only can
meet my customers' needs improving this area improve customer service, it will also reduce frustration

(Double-click) and improve engagement of the front-line.
I am encouraged to develop The best ideas for improving your customer experience are likely to come
new and better ways of from those that know the customers best. Employees that are encouraged
serving customers to improve how things are done are not only likely to be more engaged, but

(Deeper Dive) also likely to increase the customer experience.
I am empowered to make Autonomy is a well-proven driver of positive employee attitudes. In this
decisions to best serve my context, it also examines whether employees have the autonomy they need
customers to practically do their job, or whether they are hampered by ineffective

(Deeper Dive) processes.
This company shows a
Integrity is often a core part of organizational purpose, and employees
commitment to ethical
prefer to work for a company that stands for the right things in terms of how
business decisions and
they do business. This item provides an overall read of whether the

company is committed to conducting business in an ethical way.
(Top signal)
I can report unethical A core part of creating a strong ethics culture is providing a safe
practices without fear of environment for employees to speak up when they observe unethical
reprisal behavior, without feeling as if it will be held against them. This can also be

(Double-click) an essential risk item in compliance-focussed industries such as finance.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
At this company, everyone is Sometimes, within organisations it can feel like there’s one rule for one type
held to the same ethical of person and another rule for another. This item measures perceptions that
standards standards of conduct are consistently applied through the organisation, no

(Deeper Dive) matter a person's role, level, tenure or background.
As with many aspects of working life, employees look to their managers to
My manager demonstrates
role model the correct behaviors on behalf of the company. It is likely that
ethical behavior
the manager’s behavior will influence how the employee feels about overall

(Deeper Dive)
company culture.
I know how to report At a practical level, an important part of creating a healthy ethics and
suspected unethical compliance culture is ensuring that all employees understand the process
business practices that they should follow when they observe a suspected unethical business

(Deeper Dive) practice.
Overall, I feel that my career Growth is a fundamental human need, and many employees look to their
goals can be met at this work and their careers to meet their growth needs. If an employee does not
company feel that their career goals can be met at their organization, it is likely they

(Top signal) could be easily tempted away by a new job offer.
Part of the manager’s role in their relationship with direct reports is to
I have meaningful
understand the broader career goals of the people on their team, and help
discussions with my
ensure that they are providing opportunity for people on their team to do
manager about my career
work or projects that bring them closer to that goal. This starts with open

discussions that are less focused on the work at hand, and more focused on
the individual.
I have good opportunities to As well as progressing a more structured career goal, an employee will likely
learn and develop at this be assessing their overall opportunities to learn and grow at the company.
company This item taps into something broader than just career growth, and into

(Deeper Dive) more holistic learning for employees.
I am encouraged to come up Most organizations want to innovate and continuously improve at what they
with better ways of doing do. This often starts with creating a culture of innovation where all
things employees are encouraged to make improvements around them in their

(Top signal) roles.
My manager rewards
Managers can encourage employees to push the boundaries and innovate
risk-taking in order to drive
further on their teams, and actively show that taking risks, and risking ✗
making a mistake or failing is acceptable.
I feel free to try new things There can be no innovation without failure, mistakes & learning. Although
on my job, even though my many organizations wish to reap the rewards of innovation, many find it
efforts may not succeed difficult to truly create a culture of innovation which involves letting

(Deeper Dive) employees be unsuccessful in some of their efforts.

At this company, I can Many companies, particularly older ones, find it difficult to break away from
challenge the traditional the way things have always been done. This can become a real risk to future
ways of doing things innovation and competitiveness as more nimble competition disrupts the

(Deeper Dive) marketplace.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
I believe in the company Most companies have a set of company values that they hope set the tone
values for culture and behaviour. Having values that employees buy into is the first ✓
(Top signal) important step to creating a values-driven organization.
As with many aspects of the employee experience, employees will look to
My manager's behavior is
their manager to role model behavior, and will judge their perception of the
consistent with the company
company based on this behavior. In this case, it is important that the ✓
manager actively demonstrates the company values if the team is going to
do the same.
I understand the company Living the values is not possible if employees do not understand what those
values values are. This item is a good one to understand as a hygiene factor, and ✓
(Deeper Dive) whether there are any quick communication wins for the company.
I feel supported in my Change is a constant, and successfully handling change is not to minimize it
efforts to adapt to or avoid it, but accept it as inevitable and support employees to adapt as
organizational changes best they can. Although employees need to ultimately take the step to adapt,

(Top signal) how the org supports them has a large influence on their efforts here.
This company does a good
One of the first questions that an employee will want to know when they
job of helping me
hear about a new company change is how it will affect their work.
understand how changes will
Addressing this question quickly removes a significant first hurdle and so

affect my work
helps employees come on board with the change more quickly.
This company does a good
An important factor in employees coming on board with and accepting
job of communicating the
change is whether they understand the reason for the change. If an
reasons behind important
employee is brought into the reason for the change, they are more likely to

tolerate disruption and be willing to adapt to that change.
(Deeper Dive)
Another important way organizations help employees adapt to change is to
At this company, we are told
give them time to prepare. This is especially important if the change is likely
about upcoming changes in
time to prepare for them
to impact the way work is done, or customer deliverables. Not only will it ✓
practically make adapting easier, it will also help the employees feel more
(Deeper Dive)
valued and part of the change process.
Although pay is not likely to lead to actively engaging employees, that is,
I am paid fairly for the work I
paying more is unlikely to lead to above-and-beyond behaviors, it is a
hygiene factor in the employment relationship. Employees who feel their pay

(Top signal)
is unfair are unlikely to be prepared to stay with the company long-term.
Feeling as if pay is fair is extremely important to employees feeling valued,
My pay is clearly linked to
and a primary way that employers can demonstrate that is being explicit
my performance
about how the amount an employee is paid is linked to the amount of value

that they bring.

The employee benefits I Benefits are also a part of the reward package, and employees who can
have meet my needs offer out-sized benefits may find this of value in overall retention. At a basic ✓
(Deeper Dive) level, providing adequate benefits is good total reward practice.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
Of course, in return for their reward package and a healthy, positive
employee experience, an employee is expected to bring value to the
I have a clear understanding
organization in the form of job performance. The fundamental starting point
of what is expected of me
for good performance is clarity - ensuring that employees are clear from

(Top signal)
their managers on what is expected in their role, and what they are
accountable for.
Once the baseline of clarity has been established, it is likely that all
I receive feedback that helps
employees will need (and hopefully) want to receive a steer from colleagues
me improve my performance
and their manager that helps them improve. Not only does this help improve

performance, it also helps the employee grow and develop.
A significant part of the role of the manager is to keep performance
I have regular conversations
conversations alive with the employee, and ensure that positive behavior is
with my manager about my
continually reinforced, and negative behavior addressed. This is increasingly ✗
favored as a performance practice beyond “saving” performance
(Deeper Dive)
conversation for the regular review.
Evaluating performance fairly is also a key internal people process for a
My job performance is
company. If employees do not feel their performance is fairly evaluated, they
evaluated fairly
are likely to become disengaged. This also provides a signal for managers

(Deeper Dive)
and leaders where evaluation processes can use improvement.
I can share my opinions
Feeling able to voice your opinion without danger of being excluded or that
openly without fear of
your opinion will be held against you in some way is an important indicator ✓
of levels of psychological safety on the team.
(Top signal)
Effective managers welcome diverse perspectives, as a solution that takes
My manager values my
the best from all perspectives is stronger than that which comes from a
perspective, even if it is
different from their own
single viewpoint. Having employees feel their perspective is valued, even ✗
though a decision may not always align with that perspective, is essential to
fostering a healthy team.
Senior leadership values Senior leaders are an important role model for how safe employees feel to
diverse perspectives, even if speak up with a new opinion or perspective. Employees will observe how
they are different from their senior leaders respond to challenges or to new opinions, and based on that ✗
own response, take their cue as to how safe they personally feel to share their
(Deeper Dive) opinions.
In my team, it feels safe to
This item is an important aspect of psychological safety as shown by Amy
take social risks (e.g.,
Edmondson in her work at Harvard. Social risks are where an employee
asking questions, making
mistakes, highlighting
might show vulnerability (like showing they don’t know something by asking ✗
questions or making mistakes) or challenging opinions by highlighting a
(Deeper Dive)
I receive meaningful
Recognition is a core part of the employees’ contract with an organization
recognition when I do a good
and feeling unseen or unrecognized will likely lead to a reciprocal lack of ✓
commitment from employees.
(Top signal)

© 2021 Qualtrics®
I have access to the
resources (e.g., materials, Part of the employer part of the employment agreement is ensuring that
equipment, technology, etc.) they enable employees to be productive, by providing the resources they
I need to do my job need to be successful. This item provides a broad measure for the various

effectively resources an employee might need in their role.
(Top signal)
The nature of physical workspaces is changing, with more employees
My physical workspace
working remotely as well as in the office. Ensuring employees can be
allows me to be productive
productive in all workspaces is valuable for organizations to monitor. This

may involve providing quiet space, meeting rooms, or equipment.
I am treated with respect at Respect is the baseline and foundation of a healthy culture, and most
work organisations have expectations around respectful treatment in their ✓
(Top signal) employee handbook or code of conduct.
When we disagree, my Most working cultures promote a level of respect in the day-to-day work.
colleagues treat each other Where the real culture comes to the forefront, however, is during times of
respectfully disagreement or conflict. Cultures and organizations that are truly respectful

(Double-click) will always treat each other with respect, even in times of disagreement.
My manager treats me with Managers are not only expected to role model respectful behavior on their
respect team, they also have a duty of care to their direct reports to ensure that they ✓
(Deeper Dive) treat them with respect at all times.
My job makes good use of The relationship between an employee and their job is a key part of their
my skills and abilities overall experience. An employee can love the culture or their office, but if ✓
(Top signal) they don’t find their role fits their skills, they are unlikely to stay long-term.
Providing a safe environment for employees to work in is a fundamental
I feel safe while I am at work responsibility of employers, and likely to become more important to the
(Top signal) post-pandemic workplace. Unlike other top signals, this is a “100% item” -

meaning that organizations should strive to close even the smallest gaps.

My manager's actions show Managers play a role in ensuring their teams are safe while at work. This
a commitment to safety means correcting safety risks immediately & communicating the latest ✓
(Double-click) safety protocols as needed. Managers set a tone for the team on this topic.


I believe this company has Setting and executing on a solid company strategy is how an organization
an outstanding future sets itself up for future success. Employees will want to be bought into that ✓
(Top signal) future in order to see themselves working for the company longer-term.

I can see a clear link

Understanding how their role fits into the company strategy is an important
between my work and this
part of employees feeling like their work is meaningful. With purpose
company's strategic
becoming increasingly important to employees, providing this connection to

all roles is a must-have.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
This company is making The competitive landscape is ever-changing for most organizations, and if
changes necessary to an employee is going to be persuaded to bet their career or their working
compete effectively effort on a company longer-term, they will want to feel as if the company is

(Deeper Dive) making the changes it needs to remain competitive.

Senior leadership gives

A basic starting point of building up a sense of purpose and excitement
employees a clear picture of
about the future for employees is to paint the picture for employees of the
the direction this company is
long-term goals of the organization. This is essential for employees to buy

into the strategy and get on board!
(Deeper Dive)


I believe that positive Many leaders overlook the power of their employee feedback as an
change will happen as a instrument to build engagement and trust from employees. Organizations
result of this survey that take action on employee feedback will not only create more effective

(Top signal) organizations, but build trust and two-way communication with their people.


Employees rightfully expect that the time is taken to train them on the
I have the training I need to
specific aspects of their roles that are essential to success. By not providing
do my job effectively
the necessary training, employers are both disengaging their employees as

(Top signal)
well as potentially missing opportunities for better in-role performance.


I have confidence in senior

It’s likely that many employees won’t have personal relationships with senior
leadership to make the right
decisions for this company
leadership, however it’s still important that they trust their leaders to make ✓
the right decisions for the company.
(Top signal)


Manager trust is an essential ingredient for employees to speak up, share

I trust my manager their ideas or concerns, and feel like a valued employee. For many
(Top signal) employees, the relationship with their manager is a major part of their

overall experience.

Trust can be earned in different ways. One way is to operate in a way that is
My manager keeps their
honest and shows integrity, but the other is to follow through on
commitments (i.e. they do
what they say they will do)
commitments when you say you will. This also helps employees feel that ✓
their manager is dependable, which will enable them to be more supported
to be successful.

Although employees are expected to perform in their role at organizations,

My manager cares about my
they are also humans at the end of the day with human needs. Managers
should be attentive to those needs and remember to put the person first

(Deeper Dive)
when needed.
Fair treatment is a fundamental expectation from people in the workplace,
My manager treats people
and one of the core expectations that employees will have of their manager.
Ultimately, without observing fair treatment, both of themselves and of

(Deeper Dive)
others, there will be little opportunity to build trust.

© 2021 Qualtrics®
Having effective processes in place is a critical step to organizations
The work processes at this
effectively enabling their employees to be successful. Even the most
company allow employees to
be as productive as possible
engaged employees cannot perform at their best if they do not have the ✓
correct processes. Having too little process can be just as detrimental to
(Top signal)
productivity as having too much, so getting the balance right is key.
My manager helps remove A fundamental part of any manager’s role is helping remove roadblocks (to
barriers to getting my work the best of their ability) that get in the way of their team’s success. Where
done they aren’t able to remove those blocks, managers should make their

(Double-click) managers aware of barriers to success.
This company continually Continuous improvement is a key part of organizations ensuring that their
improves the way work gets internal work processes remain as effective as possible for employees. It is
done unlikely that any process will remain effective indefinitely so most

(Deeper Dive) companies will need some form of continuous improvement.
Increasingly, a common challenge for teams at work is deciding what they
My manager helps my team
are not going to do. It can be hard for teams to prioritize what to focus on as
prioritize our work
they are so close to their work. The manager provides a useful more

(Deeper Dive)
detached eye on workload, enabling their team to deprioritize where needed.
We learn from our mistakes Not repeating the same mistakes is a key part of creating effective work
at this company processes. Learning from what doesn’t work helps organizations to ensure ✓
(Deeper Dive) they continuously adapt and evolve how things are done.
Work-life balance is such an essential part of creating a positive employee
I can manage my job
experience. If employees don’t feel they are able to sustain a work-life
responsibilities in a way that
balance, it’s unlikely they’ll consider a long-term future with the organization.
enables healthy work-life
Not only that, but there’s a real risk of burnout with employees, and a cycle

of high spike/low drop productivity which is much less sustainable than
(Top signal)
consistent productivity.
Although employees ultimately have a large role to play in setting healthy
This company supports my
boundaries between work and home, it is natural that they will take cues
efforts to balance my work
and personal life
from the pressure they feel to work long hours. This item measures whether ✓
the company is truly supportive of employees achieving a healthy work-life
Even though companies and managers may have positive intentions when it
My workload is manageable comes to work-life balance, ultimately whether they are prepared to truly
(Deeper Dive) facilitate this will be driven by the amount of work they expect their teams to

do. This item is a great deeper look into what drives poor work-life balance.
I have the flexibility I need in
Work-life balance is not just about the workload, it’s increasingly about
my work schedule to meet
allowing employees flexibility in how they meet both their work and personal
both work and personal
needs. Employees who can decide when and where they do their work are

more likely to feel a sense of autonomy, and so higher levels of engagement.
(Deeper Dive)

© 2021 Qualtrics®

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