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Let's Learn

English with
Teacher Emily <333
Hello and
welcome back
to school!
In my class, we
do our best and
support one
another as we
learn together.
Can you talk about your daily routine?

Do you want to change your daily routine in

the future? If yes, what do you want to
change? Why?
What You'll Learn

Adverbs Reading & Speaking

Position of adverbs The secret of a long life
Expressions of frequency
Today's teenagers Position of adverbs
may not live as long
as their parents Doctors are worried that today's teenagers have a very unhealthy
lifestyle, and may not live as long as their parents' generation.
Research shows:
• 30% of teenagers never have breakfast.
• They eat fast food at least two or three times a week and 75%
hardly ever eat fruit or green vegetables.
• They don't usually sleep 8 hours a day. (30% sleep only 4-7 hours.)
They are often tired in the morning.
• They spend about 31 hours online every week
. A lot of teenagers never play sports or exercise.
Position of adverbs
Today's teenagers Look expressions. at the position of the underlined words and expressions. Circle the correct rule.
1 Adverbs of frequency (e.g., usually) go...
may not live as long before / after a main verb.
as their parents before / after the verb be.
2 Expressions of frequency (e.g., every week) go...
at the beginning / at the end of a phrase or sentence.

Doctors are worried that today's teenagers have a very unhealthy

lifestyle, and may not live as long as their parents' generation.
Research shows:
• 30% of teenagers never have breakfast.
• They eat fast food at least two or three times a week and 75%
hardly ever eat fruit or green vegetables.
• They don't usually sleep 8 hours a day. (30% sleep only 4-7 hours.)
They are often tired in the morning.
• They spend about 31 hours online every week
. A lot of teenagers never play sports or exercise.
Adverbs and expressions
of frequency

1 I always have toast for breakfast.

Do you usually go to work by bus?
She doesn't often go to the movies.
They're sometimes late.
She hardly ever watches TV.
He is never stressed.

2 I have English classes twice a week.

She doesn't work every day.
Adverbs of frequency
1 We use adverbs of frequency to say how often you do
• Adverbs of frequency go before all main verbs (except be).
after be.
• Use a [+] verb with never and hardly ever. He never smokes.
NOT He doeesn't never smoke.

• In negative sentences, the adverb of frequency goes between

don't / doesn't and the verb.

2 Expressions of frequency usually go at the end of a sentence

or verb phrase.
Make true sentences about you with the
verb phrases below and an adverb or
expression of frequency. Compare with a

be late for work / school

go to the hair salon
be tired in the morning
do housework
watch the news on TV
check your email
go to the movies
chat online
Reading and
The secret of a long life
Do you know any secret of a long life?
Reading & Speaking

Work in pairs. Check ( ) five things that
you think help people to live to be a hundred.
Then read the article to check.

They have a big family.

They aren't in a hurry.
They sleep eight hours.
They have pets.
They hardly ever eat meat.
They hardly ever take medicine.
They often go to the doctor.
They work outside.
They often see friends.
The secret of a long
In three areas of the world,
a very high number of people
live to be 100. Scientists want
1 Ecuador to know why. What do the
three places have in

Vilcabamba, a small. village in the Andes, is often called "the Valley of Long Life."
What's its secret? Firstly, Vilcabamba is not very hot or very cold — the
temperature is usually between 64 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 27 degrees
Celsius), and the air is very clean. Secondly, people work hard in the fields and
exercise a lot. Thirdly, their diet is very healthy. They eat a lot of fruit and
vegetables, and they hardly ever eat meat or fish. The water they drink, from
the river in Vilcabamba, is very rich in minerals. They also have a good social life.
In Vilcabamba people say, "The left leg and the right leg help you to be healthy,
because they take you to your friends' homes."
The secret of a long
In three areas of the world,
a very high number of people
live to be 100. Scientists want
2 Italy to know why. What do the
three places have in

Tn Ogliastra, a mountain region of Sardinia, Ione out of every 200people

lives to be 100, and they are usually very healthy, too. Most of the people in
the villages work outside in their fields and with their animals. They have a
healthy diet, with a lot of vegetables and not much meat or fish. They
hardly ever take any medicine. "Life is hard," says Fortunato, who is a
shepherd, "but I am never stressed I never read the newspaper —because
I can't read very well."
The secret of a long
In three areas of the world,
a very high number of people
live to be 100. Scientists want
3 Japan to know why. What do the
three places have in

Pin Okinawa in Japan do not have big meals. They usually just r have
vegetables and fish, and often eat soy. Okinawans are very active, and
they often work until they are 80 or more. But they also relax every day
— they see friends and they meditate. Ushi, from Okinawa, is 107. In the
evening, she often dances with her daughter. "I want to have a
boyfriend," she says. When journalists ask people from Okinawa "What is
your secret?" they answer, "We are happy, we are always positive, and
we are never in a hurry."
The secret of a long life
Read the article again. In which places are
these things important?
1 a special kind of water
2 a special kind of food
3 the weather
4 being positive
Do you think people in your
country have a healthy
lifelstyle? Why
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