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Olympiad-Classroom Assessment Practice Sheet

O-CAPS-01: Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO)

(For VIII, IX, X Studying Students)
Topics Covered:
Mathematics: Sets, Number Theory, Polynomials

2 2

 (x + 1)2 x2 − x + 1
) ( )
  (x − 1)2 x2 + x + 1 
2 2

1. It is given that     = 1 were x  1 and 10 > b > c > 4, b

   
( ) ( ) b−c
2 2
 x3 + 1   x3 − 1 
and c both are integers. Find the number of possible order pairs of (b, c).

2. Let p and q be distinct naturals such that 1981 + p = q2 and 1981 + q = p2. Find the value of (1990 +

4012 t 4012 + 37
3. If 55 + 12 21  2006 3 3 − 2 7 = t then find the value of .

4. Find the last digit of the sum (20022005 + 20032006 + 20072007).

5. Let a, b, c, be positive integers less than 10 such that (100a + 10b + c) 2 = (a + b + c)5, what is the
value of (a × b – c)?

6. If a, b and c are real number such that a2 + b2 + 2c2 = 4a – 2c + 2bc – 5, then find the value of (6a
– 4b – 2c).

2 2 2
7. Find total number of real solutions to the equation 5z + 12z = 13z .

8. Sx = ( x + x + x +  − x − x − x −  ), find the value of

15 Sx + Sy ).

9. For any positive integer a, b such that a > b, the difference of the squares of 2a + 1 and 2b + 1 is
always divisible by k, where k is an integer and 4 < k < 10. Find the value of 24  k 2 .

10. If Ts = 1 + 9 + 92 + 93 + 94 …… + 9100, and unit digit of Ts is n, then find n + 9.

    
5 + 6 + 7 6 + 7 − 5 5 + 7 − 6 5 + 6 − 7
11. Evaluate the product of 
 1
 1
 3
 2

 24  23  24  23 

12. If n(AB) = 10, n(BC) = 20 and n(AC) = 30, then find the greatest possible value of n(ABC).

If n(Ax) = x – 1 and A 1  A2  A 3  A 4   A99 then find n  A x  .

x=1 

14. For {1, 2, 3,….n} and each of its non-empty subsets and alternating sum is defined as follows :
Arrange the number of the set/subset in decreasing order and then, beginning with the largest,
alternately add and subtract successive numbers for example, the alternating sum for {1, 2, 4, 6, 9}
is 9 – 6 + 4 – 2 + 1 = 6 and for {5} it is simply 5. Find the sum of all such alternating sum for n = 4.

15. If (15y15 – 11y + 1) p(y) = 2005 y2005, then find the unit digit of sum of coefficients of p(y).

16. Find the number of distinct real numbers which satisfy the equation (x2 + 4x – 2)2 = (5x2 – 1)2.

17. Let a1 = 97 and for n > 1, let an = . Calculate the value of a1a2a3a4a5a6.
an − 1

18. Let an = 6n + 8n. Find the remainder upon dividing a83 by 49.

19. The integer n is the smallest positive multiple of 15 such that each digit of n is either 4 or 0.
Compute .

20. The product of four distinct positive integer a, b, c and d is 40320. The numbers also satisfy ab + a
+ b = 322 and bc = + b + c = 398. Find the value of d.

21. Find the sum of all positive rational numbers n such that n2 + 84n + 1941 is an integer.

22. If 12p + 1 is the cube of a positive integer, where p is a positive odd integer, then find 3
12p + 1 .

23. If N is the least positive integer that is both 24% less than one integer and 12% greater than another
integer. Find N– 3 .

24. If f(x) is a monic polynomial of degree four such that f(–1) = –1, f(2) = –4, f(–3) = –9 and f(4) = –16,
then find f(1).

25. If a, b, c, d, e are distinct integers such that (8 – a)(8 – b)(8 – c)(8 – d)(8 – e) = 12, then find a + b +
c + d + e.

26. If the sum of the zeroes, product of the zeroes and the sum of the coefficients of the polynomial
f(x) = ax2 + bx + c are equal and the sum of coefficients is 2, then find a.

27. Find the largest single-digit number by which the expression n3 – n is divisible for all possible
integral values of n.

28. If f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is divided by x, x – 2 and x + 3, the remainders comes out to be 7, 9 and 49
respectively, then find (3a + 5b + 2c)2.

29. If a and b are positive integers such that a and b are not multiples of 3. Find the remainder when a 2
+ b2 is divided by 3.
30. If the numbers of solutions in positive integers of 2x + 3y = 763 is N, then find N−2 .


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