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IT Skill LAB-2

1. Explain MS Excel in brief.

2. What do you mean by cells in an Excel sheet?
3. Explain what is a spread sheet?
4. What are macros?
5. How do you create dropdown lists in Excel?
6. Explain Pivot tables along with their features?
7. How do you create Pivot Tables?
8. What are the various categories of functions available in Excel?
9. Explain SUM and SUMIF functions.
10.How do you calculate the percentage in Excel? Explain with Example.
11.What is VLOOKUP in Excel?How does the VLOOKUP function work?
12.Explain the approximate match with an example.
13.What is Data Validation? Illustrate with an example.
14.Explain Charts in Excel.
15. What do you mean by Trace Precedent, Dependent Cell?
16. The following are the Marks obtained by Students in three subjects.
Draw a Bar diagram with appropriate Design, Formatting options and
Chart headings:

ROLL NO Name S1 S2 S3
101 A 50 60 70
102 B 60 40 80
103 C 70 60 50
104 D 60 50 60
105 E 50 90 40

17. The following are the details of Expenditure. Draw a Pie diagram with
appropriate Formatting options, including Percentages and Chart
Expenditure Rs.
Food 10000
Rent 5000
Clothing 1000
Fees 4000
18.Calculate Total, Average and Result of the following:

Roll No. Name Total Average Result
S1 S2 S3
1 A 80 90 100
2 B 60 70 20
3 C 90 80 10

a) For Pass, every subject should be 40 or above marks

b) For Fail, any one subject be Less than 40

19. Prepare a Payroll with the following:

101 A 1000
102 B 2000
103 C 3000
104 D 2000
105 E 5000

a) DA is 50% of Basic
b) HRA is Basic + DA
c) HRA is 15% of Basic
d) Gross pay=Basic+DA+HRA
e) PF is 12% of Basic+DA
f)Net Pay= Gross-PF

20.Create a Student Information Table with 5 records with your own data:


Sort the table on Roll No and then by Name

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