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Technical Note
Compact and Noncompact Requirements
This Technical Note describes how the program checks the AISC-LRFD 360-05
specification requirements for compact and noncompact beams. The basic
compact and noncompact requirements checked are in AISC-LRFD 360-05
Chapter B, Table 4.1. The program checks the width-to-thickness ratios of the
beam compression flange, beam web, and, if it exists and is in compression,
the cover plate. When a singly symmetric beam is designed for noncomposite
behavior, it is also checked for lateral torsional buckling requirements.

The program classifies beam sections as either plastic, compact, noncompact
or slender. It checks the plastic, compact and noncompact section require-
ments at each design location along the beam for each design load combina-
tion separately. A beam section may be classified differently for different de-
sign load combinations. For example, a beam may be classified as compact
for design load combination A and as noncompact for design load combination
B. Two reasons that a beam may be classified differently for different design
load cases are as follows:

 The compact section requirements for beam webs depend on the axial
load in the beam. Different design load combinations may produce differ-
ent axial loads in the beam. This is only an issue when beam axial loads
are specified to be considered in the composite beam analysis and design.

 The compression flange may be different for different design load combi-
nations. If the sizes of the top and bottom flanges are not the same, clas-
sification of the section may depend on which flange is determined to be
the compression flange.

At each design location, for each design load combination, the program first
checks a beam section for the compact section requirements for the compres-
sion flange, web, cover plate (if applicable) and lateral torsional buckling (if
applicable) described herein. If the beam section meets all of those require-
ments, it is classified as compact for that design load combination. If the

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Compact and Noncompact Requirements Composite Beam Design AISC-LRFD 360-05

beam section does not meet all of the compact section requirements, it is
checked for the noncompact requirements for the flanges, web, cover plate (if
applicable) and lateral torsional buckling (if applicable) described herein. If
the beam section meets all of those requirements, it is classified as noncom-
pact for that design load combination. If the beam section does not meet all
of the noncompact section requirements, it is classified as slender for that de-
sign load combination, and the program does not consider it for composite
beam design.

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Flanges

This section describes the limiting width-to-thickness ratios considered by the
program for beam compression flanges. The width-to-thickness ratio for
flanges is denoted b/t, and is equal to bf/2tf for I-shaped sections and bf/tf for
channel sections.

Compact Section Limits for Flanges

For compact sections, the width-to-thickness ratio for the compression flange
is limited to that indicated by Equation 1.

b E
 0.38 , for compact sections Eqn. 1
t Fyf

where Fyf is the specified yield stress of the flange considered. Equation 1 ap-
plies to both rolled sections selected from the program's database and to
user-defined sections.

Noncompact Section Limits for Flanges

I-Shaped Rolled Beams and Channels

For noncompact I-shaped rolled beams and channels, the width-to-thickness

ratio for the compression flange is limited to that indicated by Equation 2.

b E
 1.0 , for noncompact sections Eqn. 2
t Fy

where Fy is the specified yield stress of the beam or channel.

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Composite Beam Design AISC-LRFD 360-05 Compact and Noncompact Requirements

User-Defined and Hybrid Beams

For noncompact user-defined and hybrid beams, the width-to-thickness ratio
for the compression flange is limited to that indicated by Equation 3.

b K E
 0.95 c , for noncompact sections Eqn. 3
t FL

where Fyf is the yield stress of the compression flange and,

kc  but not less than 0.35  kc  0.76 Eqn. 4

FL=0.7Fy for minor-axis bending, major axis bending of slender-web built-up

I-shaped members with Sxt/Sxc ≥ 0.7; FL = Fy Sxt/Sxc ≥ 0.5Fy for major axis
bending of compact and noncompact web built-up I-shaped members with
Sxt/Sxc < 0.7.

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Webs

This section describes the limiting width-to-thickness ratios considered by the
program for beam webs.

Compact Section Limits for Webs

When checking a beam web for compact section requirements, the width-to-
thickness ratio used is h/tw. The equation used for checking the compact sec-
tion limits in the web depends on the ratio of the elastic neutral axis to the
plastic neutral axis and the ratio of M p /M y :

 The program uses b = 0.9 for both elastic and plastic stress distribution
resulting from flexure.

 Equation 5 defines the compact section limit for webs. For flexure in webs
of doubly symmetric I-shaped sections and channels:

h E
 3.76 Eqn. 5a
tw Fy

 For flexure in webs of singly-symmetric I-shaped sections:

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Compact and Noncompact Requirements Composite Beam Design AISC-LRFD 360-05

E Fy
h hp
  5.70 E Fy Eqn. 5b
 
tw 0.54 Mp My  0.09

In Equations 5a and 5b, the value of Fy used is the largest of the Fy values for
the beam flanges and the web.

Noncompact Section Limits for Webs

When checking a beam web for noncompact section requirements, the width-
to-thickness ratio used is h/tw. The noncompact section limits depend on
whether the flanges of the beam are of equal or unequal size.

 Equation 6 defines the noncompact section limit for webs:

h E
 5.70 Eqn. 6
tw Fy

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Cover Plates

The width-to-thickness checks made for the cover plate depend on the width
of the cover plate compared to the width of the beam bottom flange. Figure 1
illustrates the conditions considered.

In Case A of the figure, the width of the cover plate is less than or equal to
the width of the beam bottom flange. In that case, the width-to-thickness ra-
tio is taken as b1/tcp, and it is checked as a flange cover plate.

In Case B of Figure 1, the width of the cover plate is greater than the width of
the beam bottom flange. Two conditions are checked in that case. The first
condition is the same as that shown in Case A, where the width-to-thickness
ratio is taken as b1/tcp and is checked as a flange cover plate. The second
condition checked in Case B takes b2/tcp as the width-to-thickness ratio and
checks it as a plate projecting from a beam. This second condition is only
checked for the noncompact requirements; it is not checked for compact re-

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Composite Beam Design AISC-LRFD 360-05 Compact and Noncompact Requirements

Compact Section Limits for Cover Plates

For both cases A and B shown in Figure 1, the cover plate is checked for com-
pact section requirements as shown in Equation 7.

b1 E
 1.12 Eqn. 7
tcp Fy

where b1 is defined in Figure 1.

Cover plate

b1 b2 b1 b2
Cover plate

Case A Case B
Figure 1: Conditions Considered When Checking Width-to-Thickness Ratios of
Cover Plates

Noncompact Section Limits for Cover Plates

The checks made for noncompact section requirements depend on whether
the width of the cover plate is less than or equal to that of the bottom flange
of the beam, Case A in Figure 1, or greater than that of the bottom flange of
the beam, Case B in Figure 1.

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Compact and Noncompact Requirements Composite Beam Design AISC-LRFD 360-05

Cover Plate Width  Beam Bottom Flange Width

When the cover plate width is less than or equal to the width of the beam
bottom flange, Equation 8 applies for the noncompact check for the cover

b1 E
 1.40 Eqn. 8
tcp Fy

The term b1 in Equation 8 is defined in Figure 1.

Cover Plate Width > Beam Bottom Flange Width

When the cover plate width exceeds the width of the beam bottom flange,
both Equations 8 and 9 apply for the noncompact check for the cover plate.

b2 E
 1.12 Eqn. 9
tcp Fy

The term b2 in Equation 9 is defined in Figure 1.

Lateral Torsional Buckling

When a singly symmetric beam is designed for noncomposite behavior, it is
checked for lateral torsional buckling requirements. If the singly symmetric
beam is unshored, this check occurs for any construction design load case. It
also occurs for beams that have negative bending that are not specified to
consider the composite action provided by the slab rebar. Finally, the check
occurs for any singly symmetric beam specified to be noncomposite.

When reviewing for lateral torsional buckling requirements, the value of Lb/ryc
is checked. Lb is the laterally unbraced length of beam; that is, the length be-
tween points that are braced against lateral displacement of the compression
flange. The term ryc is radius of gyration of the compression flange about the

Compact Limits for Lateral Torsional Buckling

The compact section limit for lateral torsional buckling is given in Equations
10, 11, and 12.

 For double-symmetric compact I-shaped members and channels bent

about their major axis:

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Composite Beam Design AISC-LRFD 360-05 Compact and Noncompact Requirements

Lb E
 1.76 Eqn. 10
ryc Fy

 For double-symmetric I-shaped members with compact webs and non-

compact or slender flanges bent about their major axis:

Lb E
 1.76 Eqn. 11
ryc Fy

 For double-symmetric compact I-shaped members and channels bent

about their major axis:

Lb E
 1.1 t Eqn. 12
ryc Fy

In Equation 10, 11, and 12, the term Fyf is the yield stress of the compression

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