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Where is quinoa from?
It is from the shores of Titicaca
What colour is quinoa?
It can be red, white or black.
What are its health benefits?
It is rich in amino acids, protein
and minerals.
When is quinoa in season?
It is in season from April to July.

LucumaWhere is lucuma from?
It is a fruit originating from peru
Where are granadillas from?
They are from the Peruvian Andes.
What colour are granadillas?
They’re orange. Where is maca from?
What colour is lucuma?
outside it is green and inside it has a What are their health benefits? It is froom a herbaceous plant
sweet yellow flesh They are a good source of vitamin harvested in the Andes region of
What are its health benefits? Peru
C, vitamin B3 and antioxidants.
It is rich in fiber, iron and carotene, What colour is maca?
When are granadillas in season?
three key substances for the proper
They are in season all year round. They’re yellow
functioning of the body. However,
few people know that lucuma is high What are their health benefits?
in niacin. It is an excellent energy restorative
When is lucuma in season? because of its importance in iron and
Spring weather conditions make it the
vitamins B and C. It is intended to
perfect time to plant anything, including
lucuma trees. combat states of weakness, lack of
During spring, the soil will be easier to energy, and as a support in cases of
break and dig, the rain will help water
anemia and fatigue
the plants, and the sun will come out just
enough to give your tree the necessary
light it needs.

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