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Name of the document : Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

Name of the Project : 2 ASDU Power Train project for RNAIPL

Risk Assessment Team : Elango, Anand, Mahindra kumar

Initial risk Residual
level risk level
Leal ( High, ( High,
requirem Probab Sever Medium / Probabili Sever Medium Remarks
Sl no Activity Hazard Risk Control measures
ents (Y / ility ity Low) ty ity / Low) if any
N) (Probabilit (Probabi
yx lity x
severity) severity)
1 preparedn 1. Probability of non- 1. ill
ess for compliance with safe work healt 1. Conducted induction
work procedure and practices. h, training & Toolbox talks,
2. Non compliance with 2.Inju Before staring of work.
the following standards ry, 2. Ensured all required
a) Building and other 3.Fall PPE’s like, Helmet
construction work act. risk/F Reflective vest, safety
B) Factories act 1948. atal. shoes and hand gloves are
C.TNPCB. 4.Da worn by the workmen's at
D.IS Standards. mag site.
y 3 5 High 1 2 Low
E. Hazardous waste e to 3. Obtain work Permit
management rule. comp before commencement of
F. Motor vehicle Act and any work.
rule. G.NBC reput 4. Proper area clearance to
3.HSE Management and ation be executed and
system procedure. barricading to be done with
appropriate signage’s/
warning boards.
5. Preparation of JSA to be
done and induct all the  
6. All the workmen's to be
aware of hazards involved
in their activity
7.Compliance with the
following standards
A. Building and other
construction work act.
B.Factories act 1948.
Initial al risk
risk level level
Leal ( High, ( High,
require Proba Seve Medium / Probabil Seve Medium Remark
Sl no Activity Hazard Risk Control measures
ments bility rity Low) ity rity / Low) s if any
(Y / N) (Probabil (Probab
ity x ility x
severity) severity
        9.Ensure all the workmen’s
aware about the hazards in
the work.
10. Ensure proper vehicle
routes .
11. Access & egress.
12.Ensure Vehicle/
        equipment well maintained
and proper regular vehicle
inspections to be done.
13.Ensure no defect
materials available at work
14.Labour license.        
15.Workmen compensation
16.Pollution control board
17.Contractor all risk
18.Labour Welfare facilities.

Initial Residu
risk level al risk
require Proba Seve Probabil Seve Remark
Sl no Activity Hazard Risk ( High, Control measures level
ments bility rity ity rity s if any
Medium / ( High,
(Y / N)
Low) Medium
/ Low)
(Probabil (Probab
ity x ility x
severity) severity
2 unloading 1. Physical injury Injury Y 3 3 Medium 1. Conducted induction 2 1 Low
of steel 2.Falling hazard. training & Toolbox talks,
structure 3.Sliding hazard Before staring of work.
from the 4.Posibility of adjustant 2. Ensured all required
trailer. facility getting damage. PPE’s like, Helmet
5.Posibility of Material Reflective vest, safety
getting damage. shoes and hand gloves, are
6.Hydralic failure worn by the workmen's at
7.Defective lifting site.
accessories 3.Obtain work Permit
8.Posibilities of vehicle before commencement of
accident. work.
9.Slip hazard. 4.Proper area clearance to
be executed and
barricading to be done with
appropriate signage’s/
warning boards.
5.Preparation of JSA to be
done and induct all the
workmen's ,.
6.All the workmen's to be
aware of hazards involved
in their activity
7.Ensure special training
given for all the workmens.
8.Ensure that the work
method statement
prepared and implemented.
9.Ensure valid third party
certificates available for all
lifting equipments and load
test certificate for lifting
tools and tackles
10.Ensure speciallised
lifting/Rigging training given
for crane operators and
11.Ensure crane
operator,signal man and
Riggers holding valid
competent card.
12.Ensure guy rope tied on
the steel structure for
preventing oscillation.
13.Ensure proper signaling
while performing rigging
14.Ensure only authorized
entry on work location.
15. Ensure continuous
supervision throughout the
16. Ensure all the
workmen’s aware about the
hazards in the work.
17.Ensure proper vehicle
Leal Proba Seve Initial Probabil Seve Residu Remark
Sl no Activity Hazard Risk Control measures
require bility rity risk level ity rity al risk s if any
( High, ( High,
Medium / Medium
ments Low) / Low)
(Y / N) (Probabil (Probab
ity x ility x
severity) severity
3 Shifting 1. Physical injury Injury Y 3 3 Medium 1. Conducted induction 2 1 Low
and 2.Falling hazard. training & Toolbox talks,
unloading 3. Sliding hazard Before staring of work.
of steel 4.Posibility of adjutant 2. Ensured all required
structure facility getting damage. PPE’s like, Helmet,
to work 5. Posibility of Material Reflective vest, safety
location getting damaged. shoes and hand gloves are
6. Hydralic failure worn by the workmen's at
7.Defective lifting site.
accessories 3.Obtain work Permit
8.Posibilities of vehicle before commencement of
accident. work.
4. Proper area clearance to
be executed and
barricading to be done with
appropriate signage’s/
warning boards.
5. Preparation of JSA to be
done and induct all the
6. All the workmen have to
be aware of hazards
involved in their activity
7.Ensure that the work
method statement prepared
and implemented.
8. Ensure valid third party
certificates available for all
lifting equipments and lifting
tools and tackles .
9.Ensure specialised
lifting/Rigging training given
for crane operators and  
10.Ensure crane operator,
signal man and Riggers
holding valid competent
11.Ensure guy rope tied on
the steel structure for
preventing oscillation.
12. Ensure proper
signalling while performing
rigging operation.
13.Ensure only authorized
entry on work location.
14.Ensure continuous
supervision through out the
Initial al risk
risk level level
Leal ( High, ( High,
require Proba Seve Medium / Probabil Seve Medium Remark
Sl no Activity Hazard Risk Control measures
ments bility rity Low) ity rity / Low) s if any
(Y / N) (Probabil (Probab
ity x ility x
severity) severity
4. Erection of steel structures
4.1 Erection of 1. Physical injury 1.Injury/fatal Y 3 5 High 1. Conducted induction 2 2 Low
column 2.Falling hazard. 2.Mental training & Toolbox talks,
3.Sliding hazard agorny Before staring of work.
4.Posibility of 3.Company 2. Ensured all required
adjustant facility reputation PPE’s like, Helmet
getting damage. Reflective vest, safety
5. Material getting shoes and hand gloves
damage. are worn by the
6.Hydralic failure workmen's at site.
7.Defective lifting 3.Obtain work Permit
accessories before commencement
8.Posibilities of vehicle of work.
accident. 4.Proper area clearance
9.Slip hazard. to be executed and
10.Collapse of steel barrication to be done
structure column. with appropriate
signages/ warning
5.Preparation of JSA to
be done and induct all
the workmen's ,.
6.All the workmen's to
be aware of hazards
involved in their activity
7.Ensure special
training given for all the
8.Ensure that the work
method statement
prepared and
9.Ensure valid third
party certificates
available for all lifting
equipments and lifting
tools and tackles .
10.Ensure speciallised
lifting/Rigging training
given for crane
operators and Riggers.
11.Ensure crane
operator,signal man and
Riggers holding valid
competent card.
12.Ensure guy rope tied
on the steel structure for
preventing oscillation.
13.Ensure proper
signaling while
performing rigging
14.Ensure only
authorized entry on
work location.
15.Ensure continuous
supervision through out
the work.
16.Ensure all the
workmens aware about
the hazards in the work.
17Ensure proper
vehicle routes .
18.Ensure proper
Access & Egress.
19.Ensure Vehicle/
equipment well
maintained and proper
regular vehicle
inspections to be done.
20.Lifting plan will be
implemented effectively.
21.Ensure 100% fall
22.Ladder inspection
will be done.
23.Ensure no defect
materials available at
work location.
24.Ensure all the
workmen working at
height should
undergone height
phobia test.
25.Ensure that all the
l risk
Initial risk
Leal level
level ( High,
requi Prob ( High,
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit Medium
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y / Low)
(Probability x
/ N) (Probabi
lity x
                26 Ensure poper rigging      
27.Wind speed should
be measured by
28.If the wind speed is
higher than 40Km/hr the
work should be

29 Ensure boom lift

operator competency

30.Ensure that all the

bolts are enough
31.Ensure that worker
are not working more
than the limited working

l risk
Initial risk
Leal level
level ( High,
requi Prob ( High,
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit Medium
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y / Low)
(Probability x
/ N) (Probabi
lity x
4.2 Erection of 1. Physical injury 1.Injury/fatal Y 3 5 High 1. Conducted induction 2 2 Low
jack beams 2.Falling hazard. 2.Mental training & Toolbox talks,
3. Sliding hazard agony Before staring of work.
4.Posibility of adjutant 3.Company 2. Ensured all required
facility getting reputation PPE’s like, Helmet
damage. Reflective vest, safety
5. Posibility of Material shoes and hand gloves
getting damage. are worn by the
6. Hydralic failure workmen's at site.
7.Defective lifting 3.Obtain work Permit
accessories before commencement
8.Posibilities of vehicle of work.
accident. 4.Proper area clearance
9. Slip hazard. to be executed and
10.Collapse of barrication to be done
structural’s with appropriate
signages/ warning
5.Preparation of JSA to
be done and induct all
the workmen's ,.
6.All the workmen's to
be aware of hazards
involved in their activity
7.Ensure special
training given for all the
preventing oscillation.
13.Ensure proper
signaling while
performing rigging
14.Ensure only
authorized entry on
work location.
15.Ensure continuous
supervision through out
the work.
16.Ensure all the
workmens aware about
the hazards in the work.
17Ensure proper
vehicle routes.
18. Ensure proper
Access & Egress.
19.Ensure Vehicle/
equipment well
maintained and proper
l risk
Initial risk
Leal level
level ( High,
requi Prob ( High,
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit Medium
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y / Low)
(Probability x
/ N) (Probabi
lity x
                26 Ensure popper      
27.Wind speed should
be measured by
28. If the wind speed is
higher than 40Km/hr the
work should be

29 Ensure boom lift

operator competency
30.Ensure that all the
bolts are enough
31.Ensure that worker
are not working more
than the limited working

l risk
Initial risk
Leal level
level ( High,
requi Prob ( High,
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit Medium
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y / Low)
(Probability x
/ N) (Probabi
lity x
4.3 Erection of 1. Physical injury 1.Injury Y 3 5 High 1. Conducted induction 2 2 Low
portals 2.Falling hazard. /fatal training & Toolbox talks,
3.Sliding hazard 2.Mental Before staring of work.
4.Posibility of adjutant agony 2. Ensured all required
facility getting 3.Company PPE’s like, Helmet
damage. reputation Reflective vest, safety
5. Posibility of shoes and hand gloves
Material getting are worn by the
damage. workmen's at site.
6.Hydralic failure 3. Obtain work Permit
7.Defective lifting before commencement
accessories of work.
8.Posibilities of vehicle 4. Proper area  
accident. clearance to be
9.Slip hazard. executed and
10.Collapse of barricading to be done
structurals with appropriate
signage’s/ warning
5. Preparation of JSA to
be done and induct all
the workmen's ,.
6.All the workmen's to
be aware of hazards
involved in their activity
7.Ensure special
training given for all the
8. Ensure that the work
method statement
prepared and
9. Ensure valid third
party certificates
available for all lifting
equipments and lifting
tools and tackles .
10. Ensure specialised
lifting/Rigging training
given for crane
operators and Riggers.
11. Ensure crane
operator, signal man
and Riggers holding
valid competent card.
12.Ensure guy rope tied
on the steel structure for
preventing oscillation.
13.Ensure proper
signaling while
performing rigging
14.Ensure only
authorized entry on
work location.
15.Ensure continuous
supervision through out
the work.
16.Ensure all the
workmens aware about
the hazards in the work.
17Ensure proper
vehicle routes .
18.Ensure proper
Access & Egress.
19.Ensure Vehicle/
equipment well
maintained and proper
regular vehicle
inspections to be done.
20.Lifting plan will be
Initial risk
Leal l risk
level ( High,
requi Prob level
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit ( High,
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y Medium
(Probability x
/ N) / Low)
lity x
        26 Ensure poper rigging
27.Wind speed should
be measured by
28.If the wind speed is
higher than 40Km/hr the
work should be

29 Ensure boom lift

operator competency

30.Tool kids must be

secured and hanged at
height level.
31.Ensure that all the
bolts are enough
32.Ensure that worker
        are not working more
than the limited working

l risk
Initial risk
Leal level
level ( High,
requi Prob ( High,
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit Medium
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y / Low)
(Probability x
/ N) (Probabi
lity x
4.4 Erection of 1. Physical injury 1.Injury/fatal Y 4 4 High 1. Conducted induction 2 2 Low
purlins and 2.Falling hazard. 2.Mental training & Toolbox talks,
roof bracing. 3.Sliding hazard agorny Before staring of work.
4.Posibility of 3.Company 2. Ensured all required
adjustant facility reputation PPE’s like, Helmet
getting damage. Reflective vest, safety
5.Posibility of Material shoes and hand gloves
getting damage. are worn by the
6.Hydralic failure workmen's at site.
7.Defective lifting 3. Obtain work Permit
accessories before commencement
8.Posibilities of vehicle of work.
accident. 4. Proper area
9.Slip hazard. clearance to be
10.Collapse of executed and
structurals barricading to be done
with appropriate
signage’s/ warning
5. Preparation of JSA to
be done and induct all
the workmen’s,.
6.All the workmen's to
be aware of hazards
involved in their activity
7.Ensure special
training given for all the
8. Ensure that the work
method statement
prepared and
9. Ensure valid third
party certificates
available for all lifting
equipments and lifting
tools and tackles.
10. Ensure specialised
lifting/Rigging training
given for crane
operators and Riggers.
11. Ensure crane
operator, signal man
and Riggers holding
valid competent card.
12. Ensure guy rope
tied on the steel
structure for preventing
13. Ensure proper
signalling while
performing rigging
14. Ensure only
authorized entry on
work location.
15. Ensure continuous
supervision throughout
the work.
16.Ensure all the
workmens aware about
the hazards in the work.
17Ensure proper
vehicle routes .
18.Ensure proper
Access & Egress.
19.Ensure Vehicle/
equipment well
maintained and proper
regular vehicle
inspections to be done.
20.Lifting plan will be
implemented effectively.
21.Ensure 100% fall
22.Ladder inspection
will be done.
Initial risk
Leal l risk
level ( High,
requi Prob level
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit ( High,
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y Medium
(Probability x
/ N) / Low)
lity x
        27 Ensure poper rigging
28.Wind speed should
be measured by
29.If the wind speed is
higher than 40Km/hr the
work should be
30. Ensure proper life
line provided.
31 Ensure boom lift
operator competency
32.More hand two
people can’t use life line
33 While wearing
helmet chin strap usage
to be ensured
34.Tool kids must be
        secured and hanged at
height level. 35. Ensure
that all the bolts are
enough tightened.
36.Ensure that worker
are not working more
than the limited working

l risk
Initial risk
Leal level
level ( High,
requi Prob ( High,
Sl Probab Seve Medium / Sev Remark
Activity Hazard Risk reme Control measures abilit Medium
no ility rity Low) erity s if any
nts (Y y / Low)
(Probability x
/ N) (Probabi
lity x
5 Post work
5.1 Removal of 1. Physical injury Injury N 2 2 Low 1. Conducted induction 1 1 Low
barrication 2.Trip/slip hazard. training & Toolbox talks,
3.Posibility of material Before staring of work.
getting damage. 2. Ensured all required
PPE’s like, Helmet Reflective
vest, safety shoes and hand
gloves are worn by the
workmen's at site.
3. Obtain work Permit before
commencement of work.
4. Proper area clearance to
be executed.
5. Preparation of JSA to be
done and induct all the
6. Ensure proper
5.2 Removal of 1. Physical injury Injury/ill N 2 2 Low 1. Conducted induction 1 1 Low
debris and 2.Trip/slip hazard health training & Toolbox talks,  
scrab 3.Health hazard. Before staring of work.
2. Ensured all required
PPE’s like, Helmet Reflective
vest, safety shoes and hand
gloves are worn by the
workmen's at site.
3.Obtain work Permit before
commencement of work.
4.Preparation of JSA to be
done and induct all the
5.Ensure the implementation
of waste management
system ,.
6.Ensure proper house

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