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Course Code and Name : ____________________________________________

Group :_____________________________________________
Student Name (Matric No)

Matric No. Name PNo.

Task : PROJECT 1

No. Traits Poor Fair Good Excellent Score
(0-3) (4-6) (7-9) (10-12)
1. Coherence The flow of writing as a The flow of writing is The flow of writing is The flow of writing is  
whole lacks coherent but paragraphs coherent with well- coherent with well-
coherence/unclear. are not well-structured. constructed paragraphs. constructed paragraphs
and subheadings.

2. Information One or more topics were All topics are addressed All topics are addressed All topics are addressed  
not addressed. and most questions are and most questions are and all questions are
Information has little or answered with about 1 answered with at least answered.
nothing to do with the sentence each. about 2 sentences each. Information clearly
main topic. Information clearly relates Information clearly relates to the main topic. ______ x 2
to the main topic. No related to the main topic. It includes several
details and / or examples It provides 1 - 2 supporting details and /
are given. supporting details and / or examples.
or examples.
3. Analyses Provides insufficient Provides somewhat Demonstrates thoughtful Demonstrates  
evaluation and critical adequate evaluation and evaluation and critical sophisticated evaluation
analysis of the topic in critical analysis of the analysis of the topic in and critical analysis of
terms of research and topic in terms of research terms of research and the topic in terms of ______ x 2
comparison to similar and comparison to similar comparison to similar research and comparison
work done by others. work done by others. work done by others. to similar work done by

4. Grammar & Many grammatical, Some grammatical, A few grammatical, No grammatical, spelling  
Spelling spelling or punctuation spelling or punctuation spelling or punctuation or punctuation errors.
errors. errors. errors.

5. Appearance Unacceptable Appearance is acceptable Appearance is generally Excellent formatting and

appearance. Does not use but a lot could be good; only some appearance. Use
appropriate table, figure, improved. elements need to be appropriate table, figure,
font, font size, line improved font, font size, line
spacing and border areas. spacing and border areas.
Unclear style.
6. Sources & Some sources are not All sources (information All sources (information All sources (information
References accurately documented. and graphics) are and graphics) are and graphics) are
References are not cited accurately documented accurately documented, accurately documented
in text, and no or few but many are not in the but a few are not in the in the desired format.
references are provided desired format. desired format. Complete references in
in the reference list. Few references are cited Most references are cited text and reference list.
Style and format are in text and in the in text and appropriately All references use
incorrect. reference list. provided in reference correct style and format.
Most references use list.
incorrect style and format. Most references use
correct style and format.

Total Score: /96

Lecturer’s Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

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